PRI Z 答題E DR 抽大 AW 獎 ! ! ISSUE 87 Spring / 2019
Mount Fuji! 盡享氣勢磅礡的 富士山 ! att. Anime Boo
Feel the Overwhelming Presence of
k inB
卡通動畫情景 애니메이션 현장
Cherry blossom viewing spots 強力推薦賞櫻景點 Izumo, Land of Mythology 神話王國 出雲 Tokyo: Okubo and Shin-Okubo 東京 : 大久保、新大久保 Okinawa’s Remote Islands: Ie Island 沖繩的離島 : 伊江島
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Make great memories with Beyond the magazine, we’re exploring and showing “deep attractiveness” of Japan! 跳出雜誌的框架,為您深度介紹日本的獨特魅力!
Japanese Cooking Class
Tokyo Wandering Tour 東京街道漫步之旅
Still much more! Enjoy a treasure house of information from att.JAPAN! 精彩內容不容錯過!豐富的日本資訊盡在 att.JAPAN
Our website is available in 5 languages!
Many photos and videos!
Useful information of ryokan and restaurants!
For more, see our website! 更多精彩內容請參閱網站!
還可查詢關於日本的旅館與餐廳情報! ISSUE 87 / Spring 2019
Yoko Hara
Editor-in-Chief Editors
Rumi Sugimoto Maryann Saito Hanae Yamauchi Akito Obayashi
Mihoko Osakabe Xiaofan Wang Yukiyo Nishizawa
Writers & Translators John Bowler Jun Hisano Yasuko Hasegawa Natsuko Kanagawa
Saeko Kanagawa Vivian Kuo Rachel Pang Hideo Ikegami
Art Director
Katsurako Sakata
Yutaka Fukui Hironari Moki
盡享氣勢磅礡的富士山 !
att. Kitchen: Eho-maki (sushi roll) 18 19 Kirishima Onsen 霧島溫泉 20 Kyoto in Spring 春之京都 22 att. Restaurant 24 Tourist Information 26 att. Ryokan 28 Railway & Central Tokyo Maps 30 att. Maps
Ayumi Takahashi
Mana Shinbo Daisy Grow
沖繩的離島 : 伊江島
迎來花期的最佳賞櫻勝地 ! 神話王國 出雲
東京 : 大久保、新大久保
Special thanks to Bank of Japan, Japan National Tourism Organization, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd., Narita International Airport Corporation, Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau, Koyo City Tourism Association, Tourism Shizuoka Japan, Ito City Tourist Association, Izunokuni City, Shizuoka City, Mishima City, Atami City, Hamamatsu and Lake Hamana Tourism Bureau, Izu City Tourism Association, Kawanehoncho Town Development Tourism Association, Ie Island Tourism Association, Hirosaki Tourism and Convention Bureau, Kitakami City, Kakunodate Tourist Association, Shibata-machi Tourism and Products Association, Yamagata Tourism Association, Kitakata Tourism and Product Association, Shinshu-Iiyama Tourism Bureau, Niigata Visitors & Convention Bureau, Izumo City, Izumo Tourism Association, Kirishima City, Uji City
Finex Co., Ltd.
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All information contained in this magazine is as of February 2019, and is subject to change without notice. att. JAPAN Spring 2019 / ISSUE 87 / For a single issue of our magazine, please send ¥200 (Postage Included)
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Illustration: Hiroshi Tarui
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Answer the questionnaire and win a pair of onsen ryokan tickets!
回答問卷抽選得大獎 ! 獎品 : 溫泉旅館雙人住宿券 1 名
優秀作品 Prize-winning Photo
Photo for cover: Winner of the 15th “Cover Contest”
Sunrise and Mt. Fuji (Shizuoka Pref.) 日出與富士山(靜岡縣) Taken by Kotaro Kato April 2018 加藤鉱太良 2018年4月拍攝
Comment: I went to Satta Pass in Shizuoka City to see the sunrise. Snow-capped Mt. Fuji from the morning glow was a magnificent sight to see.
Tourist Information
att. Ryokan
日本インバウンド・メディア・コンソーシアム 株式会社ファイネックスは
卡通動畫情景 애니메이션 현장
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★ att. Anime Boo
Masato Hara Ayumi Hosokawa Karei Shih
Director, Sales & Marketing Masaki Nomura Saki Ota Hitomi Nakura Mizuho Sato
04 Feel the Overwhelming Presence of Mount Fuji! 09 Okinawa’s Remote Islands: Ie Island 10 Great cherry blossom viewing sites over the next few weeks! 12 Izumo, Land of Mythology 14 Tokyo: Okubo and Shin-Okubo att. Restaurant
att. Kitchen
Nobuhiko Kuwahara
att. Hot Springs
att. Maps
70 years of experience with quality handcrafted and painted Japanese arts and crafts. TEL: 03-3400-2777
Open: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed on Tuesdays & the third Monday of the month 6-1-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001 (Adjacent to Kiddy Land)
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Feel the Overwhelming Presence of
Mount Fuji! 靜岡縣
Facing the Pacific Ocean and located at the near center of the main island of Honshu, Shizuoka Prefecture has great access from Tokyo and Osaka by shinkansen (bullet train) and the Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport. Shizuoka is best known for Mt. Fuji, which straddles Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures. There are many spots with a great view of Mt. Fuji in Shizuoka. We will introduce many attractive points about Shizuoka Prefecture in addition to Mt. Fuji. 靜岡縣位於日本本州中部,面向太平洋,不僅從東京或大阪都能夠輕 鬆地搭乘新幹線前往,這裡還有富士山靜岡機場。說到靜岡縣,不得 不提富士山。富士山橫跨了靜岡縣與山梨縣,因此縣內有許多能夠眺 望富士山的景點。此外,也將向您介紹富士山以外的靜岡縣魅力。
Great Viewing Spots for Mt. Fuji
Mt. Omuro 大室山
Mishima Skywalk 三島空中走廊
At its peak, there is a volcano crater of 300m in diameter, 1,000m in circumference, and 70m in depth. The “Ohachi-meguri Tour” that goes around the crater offers a 360-degree panoramic view including Mt. Fuji along with the Akaishi mountain range (aka Southern Alps), the Izu Islands, and even the Boso Peninsula. 在 山 頂 上 有 直 徑 300 公尺,圓周 1000 公尺, 深度 70 公尺的火山口 遺 跡。而 環 繞 山 頂 的 「火山口巡禮」 ,以富士 山為首,到南阿爾卑斯 山脈、伊豆七島、房總 半島等,能夠飽覽周圍 360 度的全景。
Walking on this longest pedestrian-only suspension bridge in Japan, with a total length of 400m and an elevation of 70m, you will feel like you are floating in the sky. Enjoy a 360-degree view with Mt. Fuji, Suruga Bay, and the Izu mountains in the distance from the bridge. 能夠感受到宛如在天空中漫步的感覺。為行人專用的日本第一長吊橋, 全長有 400 公尺,高 70 公尺,能夠在橋上享受富士山、駿河灣及伊豆半 島等 360 度壯闊的絕景。
Nihondaira Yume Terrace 日本平夢陽台 Opened in November 2018, this facility has an observatory deck with a circumference of about 200m, which offers a 360-degree panoramic view of Mt. Fuji, Suruga Bay, Miho no Matsubara, and Shizuoka City. The observato-
New Ope
ry corridor and garden are always available, so you can enjoy the night view of Nihondaira, which has been designated as one of the “Japan Nightscape Heritage sites.”
2018 年 11 月開幕。一周約 200 公尺的觀景台, 能夠看到富士山、駿河灣、三保松原和靜岡市 區等 360 度全景的景色。由於觀景走廊及庭園 是 24 小 時 開 放 的,因此能夠享 受到被列為 「日 本 夜 景 遺 產」的 日本平夜景。
n From “Miho no Matsubara Culture and Creativity Center,” which is scheduled to open on March 30, 2019, you can enjoy the spectacular view of Mr. Fuji and Miho no Matsubara. 在將於 2019 年 3 月 30 日開幕的三保松原文化創造中心, 能夠欣賞到富士山及三保松原的美景。
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
By shinkansen Around 1 hour – 2 hours from Tokyo Around 1.5 hours – 2.5 hours from Osaka 搭乘新幹線
從東京出發約 1 小時〜 2 小時
從大阪出發約 1 小時 30 分鐘〜 2 小時 30 分鐘
Tokyo Shizuoka
Izunokuni Panorama Park 伊豆之國展望公園 A ropeway that goes 1,791 meters each way and 411 meters in elevation that will take you to the top, where you can have a great view of Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay. Depending on the season, you can enjoy scenery with azaleas in spring, hydrangeas around June, lilies in summer, and colored leaves in autumn. 乘坐全長 1,791 公尺,高低差 411 公尺的纜車,能夠從山頂 眺望富士山、駿河灣等絕景。此外,春天有杜鵑花、6 月左 右有繡球花、夏天有百合花、秋天有楓葉等,依來訪季節的 不同,能夠欣賞到不同的風景。
Tea Picking Experience
Yamanaka Fort Ruins 山中城跡公園 From this park, you can enjoy an overwhelming panoramic view of Mt. Fuji, Suruga Bay, Tagata Plain, and the Amagi mountain range. There are fort ruins that tell us history from more than 400 years ago, along with unique shoji-bori moats, which look like “waffle”. 除了能夠眺望 富 士 山、駿 河 灣、田方平野、 天城連山等壯 闊的景色以外, 這還有著訴說 著 400 年 前 歷 史 的 城 跡,宛 如鬆餅般的 「障子堀」等特 色景點。
©kuraya narusawa
In Shizuoka, Japan’s biggest tea producer in quantity, offers tea picking experience in various places. There are places where you can pick tea dressing up as a tea-picker. The new green tea season is from April to about June.
日本茶葉產量最多的靜 World O-CHA (Tea) Festival 2019, 岡縣中,有許多可以 Spring in Tea Museum, Shizuoka 體驗採收茶葉的設 世界茶節 2019 施,當中還有提供 Scheduled to be held from May 10 to 12, 2019, this festi遊客裝扮採茶娘 val offers an opportunity to explore and experience various aspects of green tea at the center of Japanese tea, Shizuoka. 進行採茶體驗。4 月至 6 月左右,為 新茶的採收期。
2019 年 5 月 10 日~ 12 日舉辦。在日本綠茶的重鎮
「茶都靜岡」 ,體驗各種茶的魅力。
Spring Festival
May 10-12, 2019 春季祭禮
世界茶節2019 s Enjoy! 想玩樂! Let’
2019/5/10∼12 想買!
Let’ s Buy!
The Spring Festival is held on May,
At the World O-CHA (Tea) Market, you can taste
You can try various experiences such
made from tea.
the quality season of newly-picked tea. 市的季節。俯瞰大茶園的直升 as going on a helicopter flight and tea
picking at large tea gardens. Enjoy the 及香氣下盡情享樂吧! scenery and the flavor of the newly-picked tea!
and purchase newly-picked tea, and buy sweets 在世界O-CHA市場有販售新茶並提供試飲的 服務,也能買得到茶點心。
11/ 7-10 2019
秋季祭禮 Autumn Festival
Venues Tea Museum, Shizuoka (Shimada City) / other 會場 富士之國茶之都博物館 (島田市)、其他
Venues: Shizuoka Convention & Arts Center "GRANSHIP" (Shizuoka City)
Check the website to get more information! 詳情請見網站! att. JAPAN
Recommended Spots to Visit Kinomiya-jinja Shrine 來宮神社
Recommended Activities to Try
Look Down at Atami from a Balloon 在熱氣球上眺望熱海
Get on a balloon that goes up 10 to 25 meters from Sun Beach in Atami City, and you can enjoy the unfamiliar view of Atami from above. Don’t worry, you will go up with an instructor. The service is available from April to June (For details, please visit: https://www. event/666/)
On the premises surrounded by trees, there is a large camphor tree over 2,100 years old. It has been said from old times that walking around this camphor tree once makes you live one year longer, or that walking around the tree without telling anyone your wish will make it come true. The tree is illuminated at night, creating an even more mysterious atmosphere than during daytime. 被樹木包圍的神社裡,有樹齡超過 2,100 年 的大楠樹。自古以來傳說繞著大楠樹走一 圈,就能延長一年的壽命;繞行楠樹時在心 中許願即可實現願望。夜晚時大楠樹的點 燈活動,更營造出一股神祕的氛圍。
Nukumori no Mori 溫暖之森 Strolling on a narrow sloping road in a quiet residential area, you will come across a world just like that in a picture book. There is a restaurant, which serves delicious dishes with seasonal ingredients, as well as a gelato shop, Gelateria Piccolo Picchio. Every building and view is unique, luring you into a completely unexpected world. 當您漫步在寧靜的住宅區街道上,眼前的景色宛如繪本般 的世界。有能享用當季食材的餐廳、義式冰淇淋店 「Piccolo Picchio」 等,無論是建築或是景色都別具風味、引人入勝。
乘坐由熱海市的陽光海灘上 升至 10~ 25 公尺高的熱氣球, 從上空欣賞平常無法看到的 熱海市的美景。熱氣球指導員 也會陪同乘坐,因此請放心搭 乘。於 4 ~ 6 月期間舉辦。 (詳細內容請參照官方網站: https://www.atamine ws.
Takiya-ryo Fishing Experience TAKIYA 捕魚體驗
Sumata-kyo Valley’s Yume no Tsuribashi Suspension Bridge 寸又峽「夢之吊橋」 From this fantastic suspension bridge, with a length of 90m and an elevation of 8m, you can look down on an emerald-green lake. Enjoy the spectacular view, thrills, and a sense of floating in the air. It is said that if you make a wish at the middle of the bridge your wish will come true. 長 90 公尺,高 8 公尺的夢幻吊橋。從足尖向 下看翡翠綠的湖泊,其絕美的景色及刺激感, 讓您體驗到宛如飄在半空中的飄浮感。據說 在橋中央許下戀愛的願望,就能夠實現。
Relaxing at the Onsen Shuzenji Onsen The Izu Peninsula is known as one of the biggest onsen areas in Japan. Shuzenji Onsen is the oldest hot-spring spa in the Izu Peninsula and is designated as one of the “100 Best Onsen in Japan.” You can walk around the area in a rental yukata or kimono. 6
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
You can try a traditional fishing method, “Takiya-ryo,” unique to Lake Hamana. You can eat crabs and fish right after you have caught them on the boat. 在夜晚的濱名湖上,體驗濱名湖特有的傳統 「TAKIYA 捕魚法」 。能現場 品嘗自己捕獲的螃蟹及針魚等新鮮料理。
Recommended Gourmet Information: Delicious Dishes to Taste
Eel 鰻魚
Shizuoka Oden 靜岡黑輪
You cannot talk about Shizuoka local food without mentioning eel. Famous eels include those from Lake Hamana, with a farming history of over 100 years, and those from Mishima, which were made to swim in snowmelt from Mt. Fuji for several days to remove the undesired fishy and dirt smell.
“Aoba Yokocho,” about 10 minutes away on foot from Shizuoka Station, is packed with oden restaurants. Each restaurant has a red lantern at the entrance, which creates a retro atmosphere. A highly-recommended item is kuro hampen, made with surimi (minced fish paste) of whole sardines and Japanese horse mackerels including their bones, offering a unique texture and depth of taste. 從 靜 岡 站 步 行 10 分 鐘即可到達的 「青 葉 橫丁」 ,聚集了相當多 的黑輪店。店前高掛 著紅色燈籠,能夠享 受懷舊的氛圍。以沙 丁魚及竹筴魚的骨頭 與魚肉製成的 「黑 魚 板」 ,有獨特的口感及 味道,是一道非吃不 可的美食。
說到靜岡縣的美食一定 不能忘記鰻魚。有 100 年 以上養殖歷史的濱名湖 鰻魚以及在富士山雪融 水游泳數日、沒有魚腥味 及泥臭味的三島鰻魚都 相當有名。
Sakura Shrimp 櫻花蝦
Wasabi 山葵
Called the “Jewels of Suruga Bay,” sakura shrimp is globally known as a rare organism. In Shizuoka, they are caught only at Suruga Bay in spring and autumn. If you are lucky, you can see sakura shrimp drying in the sun with Mt. Fuji in the background, along the Fuji River.
Wasabi is one of the essential ingredients of Japanese cuisine. Shizuoka Prefecture tops in Japan in the growing area, production, and output of mizu-wasabi. 日本料理中不可或缺的 山葵。事實上,靜 岡縣水耕山葵 的種植面積 及產量、銷售 額都是日本 第一。
擁有 「駿 河 灣 寶 石」美 譽 的 櫻 花 蝦,是世上為數稀少的品種, 每逢春季及秋季時,只有在駿 河灣才能捕撈到。若運氣好的 話,能在富士川河堤邊看到曬 製中櫻花蝦乾及富士山美景。
There are more delicious food in Shizuoka, such as strawberries, oranges, and Unagi (eel) pie. 靜岡縣的美食除了山葵以外,還有草莓、橘子以及鰻魚派等。
Yamanashi Pref. 山梨縣
Miho no Matsubara Culture and Creativity Center 三保松原文化創造中心
Nihondaira Yume Terrace 日本平夢陽台
伊豆半島是相當出名 的溫泉勝地。修善寺溫 泉是伊豆半島最古老 的溫泉地,也被選為日 本百大溫泉。可以穿著 租借的浴衣、和服漫步 在伊豆街道上。
Nagano Pref.
Gifu Pref.
Kinomiya-jinja Shrine
Yamanaka Fort Ruins Mishima Skywalk 三島空中走廊
Kanagawa Pref.
Mt. Fuji 富士山
Tokyo → 東京
Mishima Sta.
Yume no Tsuribashi suspension bridge
Atami Sta. 熱海站
Numazu 沼津
Aichi Pref. 愛知縣
Shizuoka Sta.
Nukumori no Mori 溫暖之森
← Osaka
Lake Hamana
Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport
Hamamatsu Sta.
Izunokuni Panorama Park
n東 anse Tokaido Shi nk
線 新幹 海道
Shuzenji Onsen 修善寺溫泉
Makinohara 牧之原
Mt. Omuro Kawazu-cho 河津町
Shimoda 下田
att. JAPAN
Flower Sightseeing in Shizuoka Prefecture 靜岡縣賞花之旅
Shizuoka Prefecture is blessed with a warm climate, so there are plenty of flower sightseeing spots where you can enjoy seasonal flowers. Why don’t you enjoy a flower tour in Shizuoka Prefecture? 溫暖的靜岡縣,擁有許多賞花景點,一年四季都能欣賞到美麗的花卉。到靜岡縣來一場賞花之旅吧!
Cherry blossoms and tulips 櫻花和鬱金香
Wisteria 紫藤花
Azaleas 杜鵑花
Late Mar. to early Apr.
Mid to late Apr.
3 月下旬~ 4 月上旬
Hamamatsu Flower Park (Hamamatsu City) 濱松花卉公園 (濱松市)
Hydrangeas 繡球花
Toko-ji Temple (Makinohara City)
Late-May to late Jun.
Atami cherry blossoms
Ukishima Sunflowerland (Numazu City) 浮島向日葵園 (沼津市)
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Mid-Nov. to early Dec. 11 月中下旬~ 12 月上旬
Shuzenji Onsen Town (Izu City) 修善寺溫泉街 (伊豆市)
Kawazu cherry blossoms and field mustard flowers 河津櫻和油菜花
Plum blossoms
Early Feb. to late Mar.
1 月下旬~ 2 月上旬
糸川 (熱海市)
Autumn leaves 紅葉
7 月中下旬
Late Jan. to early Feb.
Itokawa (Atami City)
小室山公園 (伊東市)
Mid to late Jul.
5 月下旬~ 6 月下旬
城山公園 (下田市)
4 月下旬~ 5 月上旬
Komuroyama Park (Ito City)
東光寺 (牧之原市)
Sunflower 向日葵
Shiroyama Park (Shimoda City)
Late Apr. to early May
4 月中下旬
Feb. to Mar.
2 月上旬~ 3 月下旬
Kawazu river banks (Kawazu Town) 河津川沿岸 (河津町)
2 月~ 3 月
Choraku-ji Temple (Hamamatsu City) 長樂寺 (濱松市)
Okinawa, a prefecture located in the most southern part of Japan, has many fascinating remote islands. Among them, Ie Island has easy access. It offers a chance to enjoy stunning natural scenery to the full, such as the blue sea, beautiful flowers and starfilled sky, and a day trip from the main island of Okinawa is also possible.
輕鬆暢遊「花之島」 Motobu Port
式較為輕鬆又簡單。伊江島的蔚藍海洋、萬紫千紅的花卉、滿天星斗等,讓遊客 在這飽享大自然之美,即使從沖繩本島一日來回也能盡興而歸。
伊江島百合祭 There will be in full bloom in late April, over 100 kinds of lilies including a million flowers of the white trumpet lily variety. The expansive grounds present a beautiful sight, with the contrast of the blue sky and white lily flowers. (Period: April 20 to May 6, 2019) 以 100 萬朵純白麝香百合為首,共約 100 種以 上的百合花同時爭奇鬥豔。廣闊的場地中,藍 天與白百合形成強烈對比,構出一幅無與倫比 的美麗畫面。 (百合祭期間:2019 年 4 月 20 日~ 5 月 6 日)
Ie Island
Access / 交通方式
Naha City → 2 hr by Yanbaru Kyuko Bus → Motobu Port → 25 min by ferry (4 round trips per day) → Ie Island Naha 那霸 那霸市→搭乘 Yanbaru 急行巴士約 2 小時→本部港→ 搭乘渡輪約 25 分鐘(一天 4 趟往返)→伊江島
朱槿園 There is “Hibiscus Garden” where hibiscus flowers bloom throughout the year. The garden is currently under renovation and will be reopened on April 20, the day Ie Island Lily Festival will start. You can enjoy colorful hibiscus flowers of over 1,000 kinds and other Japanese tropical flowers and birds in the “Forest of Wild Birds.” 伊江島還有個一年到頭都有朱槿盛開的朱槿園。目前朱槿園雖在改 裝中,不過將於百合祭首日 4 月 20 日重新開幕。園內有超過 1000 種 五彩繽紛的朱槿,還有 「野鳥之森」 ,遊客在此可飽覽日本南國的鮮花 與鳥兒。
Enjoy the emerald green ocean to your heart’s content with an exhilarating ride on a Banana boat or tube, or sea kayaking, looking at coral reefs and feeling the relaxation of the waves.
There are many specialty goods of the island such as “IE SODA” made from spring water of the island, Iejima Wagyu beef, or “Ie Rum Santa Maria,” rum made from sugar canes of the island.
搭乘香蕉船及飛艇,在閃耀綠寶石光澤 的大海中體驗乘風破浪的快感吧。或是 搭乘海上皮划艇,一邊欣賞珊瑚礁,一 邊感受海浪的起起伏伏。盡情享受沖繩 的美麗海洋吧。
使用伊江島湧泉水製作的原創汽水 「IE SODA」 、伊江島和牛,以及以伊江島產的 甘蔗為原料所製成萊姆酒 「Ie Rum Santa Maria」 等,島上特產種類相當繁多。
In Ie Island, activities including Stellar Observation Tour or Night Snorkeling are planned for the approaching summer. For details, see the website!
伊江島現正規劃夏季的觀星團及夜間浮潛行程中。 如欲瞭解詳情,請點選官網查看! att. JAPAN
“JR EAST PASS (Tohoku area)”
「JR東日本鐵路周遊券(東北地區)」 Hirosaki Park A
Hirosaki 弘前
Kakunodate 角館
Allows unlimited rides on JR Bus Kanto and JR Bus Tohoku within the designated area (except for some highway buses and some route buses) 可乘坐免費區域內JR巴士關東、JR巴士東 北的巴士(高速巴士、部分公車路線除外) 霞城公園
Yamagata 山形
Nicchusen Kinen Bicycle/ F Pedestrian Path 喜多方
B Kitakami
Tenshochi Park
Kajo Park E
日中線紀念腳踏車行人步道 Kitakata
Kitakami 北上
D Funaoka Castle Ruins Park
Along the Kitakami River, the line of cherry trees stretches for about 2 km. Above the river, about 300 koinobori, Japan’s traditional carp-shaped streamers, are swaying in the breeze. At Michinoku Folklore Village, 12 different kinds of cherry blossoms come into bloom one after another. Peak Season mid-April to early May Access 20-min walk from Kitakami Station on the JR Tohoku Line
C Kakunodate / Akita Prefecture
About 400 weeping cherry trees, which are designated a Natural Monument, including old trees estimated to be over 300 years old, bloom in Kakunodate. In addition, a 2 km line of someiyoshino cherry trees stretches along the Hinokinaigawa-zutsumi. Peak Season mid-April to early May Access 20-min walk from Kakunodate Station on the Akita Shinkansen Line
觀賞時期 4月下旬~5月中旬
交通資訊 從JR奧羽本線弘前站搭巴士 15分鐘(需另付巴士車資)
成田機場 羽田機場
URL About “JR EAST PASS (Tohoku area)” Validity: Flexible for 5 days (any 5 days within 14 days of issuance) Prices: Outside Japan: Adults 19,000 yen, Children 9,500 yen / Within Japan: Adults 20,000 yen, Children 10,000 yen Sales locations: JR EAST Travel Service Center (Narita Airport Terminal 1 / 2·3, Haneda Airport International Terminal, Tōkyō, Ueno, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Hamamatsuchō, Sendai sta.) and other ticket counter
【有效期間】5天機動周遊券(自發行日起14天內任選5天) 【發售價格】日本國外購買:大人19,000日圓、兒童9,500日圓 / 日本國內購買:大人20,000日圓、兒童10,000日圓 【銷售點】JR東日本旅行服務中心(成田機場第1候機樓、成田機場第2・第3候機樓、羽田機場國際線大樓、東京、上野、新宿、澀谷、池袋、濱松町、仙台) 及其他售票處
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
北上展勝地 岩手縣
順著北上川沿岸,連綿約2公里的櫻花 樹林道。在河川上空,有約300條鯉魚 旗隨風飛舞。在陸奧民俗村,依時期 可欣賞到12種不同的櫻花。 觀賞時期 4月中旬~5月上旬
交通資訊 從JR東北本線北上站步行20分鐘
角館 秋田縣
角館擁有樹齡300年以上的古樹,約 400棵被指定為天然紀念物的枝垂櫻也 在此綻放。此外,在檜木內川堤上還有 綿延2公里長的染井吉野櫻花樹林道。 觀賞時期 4月中旬~5月上旬
交通資訊 從秋田新幹線角館站步行20
D Funaoka Castle Ruins Park / Miyagi Prefecture D
A great cherry blossom viewing spot with more than 1,300 cherry trees. Looking out from the slope car, which takes you directly to the top of the mountain, you will feel like you are going through a cherry blossom tunnel. The view of the cherry blossoms from the top is also gorgeous. Peak Season early April to mid-April Access 15-min walk from Funaoka Station on the JR Tohoku Line (slope car fee applies)
弘前公園 青森縣
此地有染井吉野櫻、枝垂櫻等約50 種、約2,600棵櫻花燦爛綻放。若天氣 晴朗,可以飽覽弘前城及櫻花、遠方 的岩木山交織而成的壯麗美景。
B Kitakami Tenshochi Park / Iwate Prefecture B
Morioka 盛岡
A Hirosaki Park / Aomori Prefecture
The park is home to about 2,600 cherry trees of about 50 kinds, including someiyoshino and weeping types. If it is clear, you can enjoy magnificent scenery combining Hirosaki Castle tower, beautiful cherry blossoms, and Mt. Iwaki in the distance. Peak Season late April to mid-May Access 15 min by bus from Hirosaki Station on the JR Ou Line (bus fare applies)
船岡城址公園 宮城縣
可以盡情享受1,300棵以上櫻花的賞櫻 勝地。搭乘直達山頂的單軌纜車並向 外眺望,彷彿置身櫻花隧道。從山頂 遠眺的櫻花也堪稱絕景。 觀賞時期 4月上旬~4月中旬
交通資訊 從JR東北本線船岡站步行15 分鐘(需另付單軌纜車車資)
JR-EAST Train Reservation You can reserve seats of JR East Shinkansen bullet trains and major limited express via “JR-EAST Train Reservation” website.
您可以透過網路輕鬆預約JR東日本的 新幹線以及主要的特急列車的座位。
春回大地! 迎來花期的最佳賞櫻勝地! 南北狹長的日本列島,開花時期因地區而異,因此能有較 長期間(約2個月左右)可以享受賞櫻之樂。不妨利用JR 東日本鐵路周遊券出門走走吧!
E Kajo Park / Yamagata Prefecture
霞城公園 山形縣
In the Ninomaru site of Yamagata Castle (aka Kajo Castle), 在山形城二之丸遺跡,有1,500棵櫻花在 1,500 cherry trees bloom. Inside the park, you can enjoy cherry 此燦爛盛開。您可以沿著護城河或在公園 blossoms everywhere along the moat. At night, the blossoms 內各處享受櫻花之美。不僅如此,夜晚將 are illuminated, creating a fantastical atmosphere. 會點燈,讓您欣賞如夢似幻的絕美櫻花。 Peak Season mid-April to late April 觀賞時期 4月中旬~下旬 Access 10-min walk from Yamagata 交通資訊 從山形新幹線山形站步行 Station on the Yamagata Shinkansen Line 10分鐘
F Nicchusen Kinen Bicycle/Pedestrian Path F
/ Fukushima Prefecture You will feel overwhelmed by about 1,000 weeping cherry trees blossoming along the path stretching over 3 km. At the halfway point of the path, an old steam locomotive is on display, offering a perfect site for taking a photo. Peak Season mid-April to late April Access 5-min walk from Kitakata Station on the JR Ban-etsu-West Line
In the Sakura Square along the Nishi-Otaki Dam, about 140 someiyoshino cherry trees bloom. They are late-blooming even for Nagano Prefecture and usually are in bloom until around early May. Peak Season late April to early May Access 5-min walk from Nishi-Ōtaki Station on the JR Iiyama Line
飯山西大瀧水庫 長野縣
在西大瀧水庫沿岸的櫻花廣場上, 有約140棵染井吉野櫻綻放。此處是 長野縣內花期最晚的賞櫻景點,往 年直到5月上旬都能享受櫻花美景。 觀賞時期 4月下旬~5月上旬 交通資訊 從JR飯山線西大瀧站步行 5分鐘
H Shinano River Yasuragi-tei Embankment / Niigata Prefecture H
Along the Shinano River for 1.5 km, about 1,000 cherry trees, including someiyoshino cherry trees and double cherry blossoms as well as tulips are blooming gorgeously. During the blooming season, lamps are lit, and you can enjoy the cherry blossoms in the evening. Peak Season early April to mid-May Access 5-min walk from Hakusan Station on the JR Echigo Line
「JR東日本鐵路周遊券 (長野、新潟地區)」
Shinano River Yasuragi-tei Embankment 信濃川安樂堤綠地
Nagaoka 長岡
Iiyama Nishi-Otaki Dam Nishi-Ōtaki
Nagano 長野 Ueda
Matsumoto 松本
Allows unlimited rides on JR Bus Kanto within the designated area (except for some highway buses and some route buses)
可乘坐免費區域內JR巴士關東的巴士(高速巴 士、部分公車路線除外)
信濃川安樂堤綠地 新潟縣
在信濃川長1.5公里的河畔,有染井 吉野櫻、八重櫻等1000棵櫻花及鬱 金香燦爛綻放。開花季節期間,能 在點亮的紙燈籠下欣賞夜櫻之美。 觀賞時期 4月上旬~5月中旬 交通資訊 從JR越後線白山站步行5分鐘
※GALA Yuzawa Station is open during winter and spring. ※GALA湯澤站僅限冬季和春季開放。
URL About “JR EAST PASS (Nagano, Niigata area)” Validity: Flexible for 5 days (any 5 days within 14 days of issuance) Prices: Outside Japan: Adults 17,000 yen, Children 8,500 yen / Within Japan: Adults 18,000 yen, Children 9,000 yen Sales locations: JR EAST Travel Service Center (Narita Airport Terminal 1 / 2·3, Haneda Airport International Terminal, Tōkyō, Ueno, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro, Hamamatsuchō sta.) and other ticket counter
福島縣 全長3公里的散步道路,約1,000棵 燦爛盛開的枝垂櫻十分震撼奪目。 散步道路途中設有SL火車的展覽, 是個絕佳的拍照景點。 觀賞時期 4月中旬~下旬 交通資訊 從JR磐越西線喜多方站步 行5分鐘
G Iiyama Nishi-Otaki Dam / Nagano Prefecture G
“JR EAST PASS (Nagano, Niigata area)”
【有效期間】5天機動周遊券(自發行日起14天內任選5天) 【發售價格】日本國外購買:大人17,000日圓、兒童8,500日圓 / 日本國內購買:大人18,000日圓、兒童9,000日圓 【銷售點】JR東日本旅行服務中心(成田機場第1候機樓、成田機場第2・第3候機樓、羽田機場國際線大樓、東京、上野、新宿、澀谷、池袋、濱松町) 及其他售票處
JR-EAST Train Reservation You can reserve seats of JR East Shinkansen bullet trains and major limited express via “JR-EAST Train Reservation” website.
您可以透過網路輕鬆預約JR東日本的 新幹線以及主要的特急列車的座位。
*The status of blooming may change due to weather. ※開花情況可能會依據天候而有所差異。 *The information herein is as of January, 2019. ※此頁面的資訊,為目前2019年1月的資訊。
Izumo, Land of Mythology 神話王國 出雲
Izumo in Shimane Prefecture is an area where people, nature, and gods have been living in harmony since ancient times. Visit places colored by myth and suffused with a mysterious atmosphere, and feel the calm passage of time. 島根縣的出雲地區,自古以來即為神明、 自然與人類共同生活的地區。 敬請遊覽這充滿著神話與神祕色彩的地區, 感受一下悠然的時光吧!
Shrine and Inasa no Hama Beach Izumo Taisha Grand 出雲大社與稻佐之濱
Izumo Hinomisaki Lighthouse Sagiura Beach
More Info
Izumo Tourism Association 出雲觀光協會
Hinomisaki Usagi District y Railwa Shrine Izumo Taisha Electric Inasa no Grand Shrine Ichibata Hama Beach Izumo Izumo Airport Lake Shinjiko The Izumo Taisha Mae Museum of Quilt Art
TEL: 0853-53-2112
Lake Jinzai
Tokyo Osaka
JR San-in Line
Access Tokyo (Haneda Airport) → 90 min by plane → Izumo Airport → 30 min by bus → Izumoshi Sta. *Hiroshima → 3 hr 5 min by highway bus → Izumoshi Sta. *Japan Rail Pass available for the bus operated by Chugoku JR Bus
Kaguraden Hall
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
JR Izumoshi
Yunokawa Onsen
Izumo City 交通方式
東京 (羽田機場)→搭乘飛機 90 分鐘→出雲機場 →搭乘巴士 30 分鐘→出雲市車站
※ 廣島→搭乘高速巴士 3 小時 5 分→出雲市車站
※ 可使用僅適用於由中國 JR 巴士所營運巴士的日本鐵路通票。
Izumo Taisha is famous as the abode of the god of marriage and happiness. If you visit the shrine, visiting in the early morning is highly recommended because it is less crowded and you can offer prayers and walk around in a quiet and unhurried manner. Kaguraden Hall has a huge sacred a straw rope, which is one of the largaw n e him est such ropes in Japan and worth seeing. Goen S Goen Shimenawa Taiken Kobo (workshop studio) at Shinmon-dori Street offers a workshop in which you can make a mini sacred rope using the same straw as that of the Kaguraden Hall of the Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine. Inasa no Hama Beach is depicted in various myths. “Shiokumi” is an ancient custom that has been passed down among the generations of dwellers along these shores. It features drawing sea water in a bamboo cylinder at the beach, visiting several shrines in the area in order, sprinkling the water with bamboo leaves for purification, and then bringing the bamboo and water home, also for purification. You can experience this custom if you make a reservation in a group. Izumo Taisha Kan-unro, a restaurant near Izumo Taisha,
offers a traditional dish called “Uzuni.” It is said that the origin of this dish was that the first chef of the restaurant had cooked it in the large kitchen of Izumo Taisha 130 years ago. 以良緣之神、幸福之神聞名的出雲大社。 建議您於參拜者不多的早晨時前往,能夠從容 地參拜。以擁有全日本屈指可數的巨大尺寸為 傲,神樂殿的大型注連繩相當具有可看性。位 於神門通上的良緣注連繩體驗工坊,是使用與 供奉給出雲大社神樂殿大注連繩相同稻草的 工作坊。可體驗製作小型注連繩。 出現在各種神話中的稻佐之濱。 「汲取海 水」 是這個海濱自古流傳的民間習俗。於稻佐 之濱以竹筒汲取海水後,依序前往各個神社參 拜,並以竹葉灑上海水來去除晦氣,最後再帶 回自家去除晦氣。團體如事先預約,也能夠體 驗此項民間習俗。 出雲大社鄰近的看雲樓。河豚高湯與河豚 肉所製作的 「河豚茶泡飯」 ,據說是 130 年前, 由看雲樓第一代主廚於出雲大社的大廚房中 烹調而開始流傳。
Usagi District and Hinomisaki 鵜鷺地區與日御碕
Usagi District
The Usagi District is a small port town facing the Sea of Japan. Once, with Udo and Sagi mines (copper, gypsum) it prospered as a port of call of the Kitamaebune and Osaka Shosen cargo vessels. Nowadays the town has a quiet mood, and you can enjoy strolling in a leisurely manner. Tsubakisha is a workshop where you can enjoy “camellias” in a variety of ways, such as expressing camellia oil and dyeing with dye from camellia petals. You can buy made-in-Japan camellia oil and chocolate. Enjoy a fine view of the port in a relaxed ambience. Shiwakuya is a restaurant/ café using an old Japanese-style house and has a nostalgic country atmosphere. It also sells miscellaneous goods. (Open on Sat, Sun, and holi days, closed during winter from Dec. to Feb.) Hinomisaki (Daisen-Oki National Park) Cape commands splendid views of odd-shaped
rocks and steep cliffs along the blue ocean side. Izumo Hinomisaki Lighthouse stands on the westernmost steep cliff of the Shimane Peninsula. It is 43.65 meters in height and the tallest stone lighthouse in Japan. The red buildings of Hinomisaki-jinja Shrine look nice against the backdrop of the blue of the Sea of Japan and the green of pine trees. 面向日本海的鵜鷺地區,是個小小的港口 城市。過去,它是北前船或大阪商船的中途港, 曾因鵜山頂的鷺礦山 (銅、石膏) 而繁榮興盛過。 遊客可在此享受自在漫步街道的樂趣。樁舍是
一個可體驗榨山茶花油或花瓣染色等各種山 茶花樂趣的工作坊。也可在此購買到純日本國 產的山茶花油或山茶花巧克力。更是一個可享 受眺望港口的樂趣並放鬆身心的空間。有著純 樸氛圍的塩飽屋,是間位於古老民宅內的餐廳 與咖啡店,也販賣日用雜貨。 (僅於週六、週日、 國定假日營業、冬季休業 12 月至翌年 2 月底) 在湛藍的大海中聳立著綿延不斷的珍奇 異石與懸崖峭壁,這是日御碕 (大山隱岐國立 公園) 。出雲日御碕燈塔則矗立在島根半島最 西端的斷崖上。高度 43.65 公尺,以日本最高 的石砌燈塔為傲。日御碕神社的紅色神殿,在 日本海的翠綠松林輝映下更顯出色。
Visiting the Izumo Museum of Quilt Art, which opened in 2006, using an Izumo-style residence built 200 years ago, and small hotel Yuyado Soan of Yunokawa Onsen is also recommended.
Izumo soba is buckwheat noodles served in layered round-shape bowls. Put condiments to your taste on the noodles, pour soba tsuyu soy sauce over the noodles, and eat.
The Izumo Museum of Quilt Art Yuyado Soan
不妨再前往於 2006 年開幕,改建 有 200 年的出雲形式房舍而成的拼布 藝術美術館、湯之川溫泉的 「湯宿、草 庵」 等處看看吧!
出雲蕎麥麵是盛 裝於層疊的圓形容器內 的割子蕎麥麵。於蕎麥麵 上加上喜好的佐料,並迅速 地淋上一圈醬汁後即可享用。 att. JAPAN
Let’ s Enjoy Multi-cultural Food
Experience in
Okubo Shin-Okubo! and
距山手線新宿站僅一站的 JR 新大久保站,到 JR 大久保站步行五分鐘距離的周邊區域,是 日本著名的韓國街,韓國料理餐廳及韓國流 行商品的店家林立。最近更加入中東及東南 亞等各國文化,成為充滿異國風情的國際街 區。來自世界各地的美食也不勝枚舉,您可以 在這裡品嘗到最道地的異國美食。一起在新 大久保、大久保的老舊巷弄中發掘新事物吧!
The area around JR Shin-Okubo, which is one station away from Shinjuku on the Yamanote Line, and JR Okubo Station, only a 5-minute walk from JR Shin-Okubo Station, is famous as a Koreatown filled with Korean restaurants as well as shops and stores selling Korean items. This area has recently been transforming into a multinational town with various cultures from Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries. You can find various kinds of food from all over the world and enjoy authentic dishes. Let’s explore the chaotic area of Shin-Okubo and Okubo!
Okubo Sta. 大久保站
JR Sobu Line (local train) JR總武線 (各停)
JR Chuo Line (rapid train) JR中央線 (快速)
1 3 2
Tokyo Sta. 東京站
Shinjuku Sta.
Islam Yokocho Street
保站 大久 線
Hatogu This Korean finger food looks like a hot dog but has a crispy outside and a cheese filling. When you bite into it, the melted cheese stretches out from inside. There is often a lineup of people who want to take a photo of that moment.
卻有著酥脆的外皮,內餡更包入滿滿的起司。 一口咬下,起司拉絲的迷人瞬間,光是想要 拍下這個畫面,就吸引了大批排隊的人潮。 att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Southeast Asia 東南亞
6 7
中央 JR
JR Shin-Okubo
n tio Sta ine L ubo Ok - S o b u
吸引大量的東京女高中生們而變得熱鬧非凡的新大久保。為了 尋找當紅韓國偶像團體的商品或韓國美食的人群絡繹不絕、門 庭若市。
Shin-Okubo attracts many high-school girls in Tokyo. The area is packed with people looking for items related to popular Korean idol groups as well as Korean food.
Line JR山手線
Shin-Okubo Sta.
Akihabara Sta.
JR Yamanote
JR Yamanote Line
Koreatown 韓國街
Islam Yokocho Street
Around Shin-Okubo Station, there is an area with many Muslim-friendly shops and stores selling halal food and spices as well as buildings with a prayer room. The aroma of spices from kebab and curry restaurants in this area makes you feel like you have wandered into a different country. 位於新大久保站附近,還有以穆斯林顧客為客群的區域,像是販售清真食品 及香料的店家、設置禮拜室的大樓等。烤肉串及咖哩的專賣店也非常多,街 道上迎面飄來的香料味,令人彷彿走進另一個國度之中。
伊斯蘭街 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Recommendation! 推薦美食!
GREEN NASCO With an eye-catching green sign, this store sells mostly halal foods, various spices, beans, and snacks. The store does not sell alcohol beverages.
Kebab It also sells freshly-cooked kebab at the front.
販售著清真食品的店家,綠色招牌十分醒 目。香料、豆類、零食等商品一應俱全。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Nasco Food Court This restaurant which also has halal menu is popular among local foreigners as well as visitors. 提供清真料理的餐廳,在居
住當地的外國人之間也相當 受歡迎。
Recommendation! 推薦美食!
Mutton biryani Biryani is seasoned rice made with rice cooked with meat, fish, vegetables, and spices.
肉、魚、蔬菜、米飯等材 料烹煮而成的什錦飯。
Recommendation! 推薦美食!
1 2 3 MOMO 4 This Nepali restaurant offers 5 authentic Nepali dishes. 6 可以品嘗道地的尼泊爾料理。 7
Momo Nepali steamed gyoza (dumplings), with thinner skin than Chinese gyoza, served with a sauce.
饃饃是尼泊爾的 「蒸餃」 ,比起中國 的水餃皮更為薄,配上沾醬食用。
Chinatown 中華街
If you walk from Shin-Okubo Station towards Okubo Station, you can find a small Chinatown, which is jammed with Chinese grocery stores and Chinese bookstores. You can surely find authentic Chinese restaurants there, too. 從新大久保往大久保站方向前進,有個小型中華街座落於此。販售中華食材及中華書 籍的店家林立。當然,這裡也有道地的中華料理店。
att. JAPAN
You can find restaurants offering authentic Thai dishes and Vietnamese dishes.
Southeast Asia
1 2 3 4 Vietnam Pho 5 Serving a variety of authentic Vietnamese 6 dishes for reasonable prices. 7
可以享用來自越南的道地美味。菜單不但品 項豐富,價格也相當經濟實惠。
Recommendation! 推薦美食!
Bun Bo Hue
This spicy soup with tender beef tendon is addictive.
1 2 3 4 5 Banh Mi Bami Oishi 6 Serving authentic Vietnamese sandwiches, 7 Bahn Mi, filled with coriander leaves, meat, and
vegetables. You can have them to go.
越南法式三明治 bami oishi
這裡能品嘗道地的越南法式三明治。 夾著滿滿的香菜、肉、蔬菜等食材, 還可提供外帶。
Recommendation! 推薦美食!
Banh Mi patty pork The combination of roasted pork and sour taste of a daikon radish is perfect!
1 2 3 4 5 6 Somoh Shin-Okubo 7 A popular restaurant in Shin-Okubo, serving authentic
Thai dishes. The atmosphere makes you feel like you are in a resort in Thailand.
Somoh 新大久保店
可以在新大久保品嘗道地泰國料理,廣受歡迎的店家。 店內也營造出宛如泰國度假村般的氣氛。
香氣四溢的豬肉及帶有酸味的白蘿 蔔堪稱絕配。
Recommendation! 推薦美食!
Khao soi
1 這是一種雞蛋麵配上濃厚 Egg-based noodles are served with a 2 soup with rich coconut flavor. 椰奶咖哩食用的料理。 curry 3 4 5 6 7 Shinokubo Asian Stall Village
(Shinokubo Asia Yatai-mura)
If you are interested in various kinds of ethnic food, you should go to Asian Stall Village. Various kinds of food are served, including Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Singaporean, and Indian dishes.
若想要享受各式各樣民族料理,推薦您前往 「新大久保亞洲美食村」 。
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Fleeting Art
Created by You 轉瞬即逝的藝術世界,此刻由您打造 In this art space, artworks can transcend boundaries to interact with visitors and with each other. The artworks change continuously; the art before your eyes only can be seen in this place and at this moment. 超越邊界,讓人與作品、 作品與作品之間產生共鳴的藝術空間。 瞬息萬變的作品,呈現在您眼前的畫面, 僅有此時此刻此處,獨一無二。
Universe of Water Particles on a Rock where People Gather An iconic large-scale artwork in this museum. Water cascades down along a large wall where flowers bloom. When people stand on the art or touch it, they become like rocks that change the flow of water, causing continuous change in the stream of water.
Eliminating any kind of “borders,” digital art can offer a completely new experience. The art won’t stay in one place, but rather moves from the present space to go somewhere else. Just by being in the same space, the audience can be a part of the artwork. In other words, there is no border between the art and the visitors. About 60 pieces of art are regularly updated, offering a new encounter with different pieces even for repeat visitors. Enjoy in Tokyo a world of digital art such as the world has never seen! 數位藝術跨越各種 「邊界」 ,為人們帶來嶄新的 體驗。此處的作品不似傳統藝術靜止不動,而 會走出空間四處移動,還可讓觀賞者透過自己 的各種動作,化為作品的一部份。換言之,此 處的藝術作品與觀賞者之間,並無任何邊界。 約 60 部的作品時時更新,因此無論幾次造訪, 都可與不同的作品來場浪漫邂逅。請來東京細 細品味在全球亦屬罕見的數位藝術空間吧!
Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke, Fire An unlimited number of lamps seem to spread forth in this space. When a person stands still among the lamps for a moment, the nearest lamp will emit a brightly colored light and produce sound that then resonates to the next nearest lamps, and to the next nearest lamps, and so on.
Black Waves - Continuous The 3D trajectory of water is simulated and then falattened into the perspective that teamLab has termed “Ultrasubjective Space.”
EN TEA HOUSE Flowers bloom in a teacup. As long as there is tea, the flowers continue blooming indefinitely.
MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless Hours: 10:00-19:00 on weekdays, 10:00-21:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Tickets may sell out online beforehand. Please check the information on the official website, including open hours and other precautions, in advance.
Closed on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless Odaiba Palette Town, 1-3-8, Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 03-6406-3949 (10:00-18:00) 5-min walk from Tokyo Teleport Station on the Rinkai Line or Aomi Station on the Yurikamome Line
時間 平日 10:00-19:00 週六、日及國定假日 10:00-21:00
當日門票可能會有售罄之情況。請務必事先於官方網站確認詳情, 包括開館時間及注意事項。
公休日 每月第 2 個及第 4 個週二 MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless 東京都江東區青海 1-3-8 台場 Palette Town 03-6406-3949(10:00-18:00) 臨海線 東京電訊站步行 5 分鐘、百合海鷗號 青海站步行 5 分鐘
Atsuyaki tam ago (Japanese om elet)
gredients pes of in Seven ty
Eho-maki ll) (sushi ro
att. Kitchen
Our Cooking Class is held once a month at Ito Ryokan in Ningyocho, Tokyo!
This time, we learned how to make Eho-maki (sushi roll) and Atsuyaki tamago (Japanese omelet). Atsuyaki tamago Atsuyaki tamago is a Japanese authentic dish and it seems to be easy when the teacher makes it but the participants had a struggle rolling the egg. They practiced a lot with the teacher and was finally able to make a delicious looking “art work.” Eho-maki The omelet was cut into pieces and ready to be used for the Eho-maki, which is made next. Eho-maki is a giant rolled sushi which, in Japan, has a custom to eat on February 3, the day of Setsubun (the day before the beginning of spring according to the old calendar). Eho means the good luck direction of the year and the Eho of 2019 is east-northeast. Usually we do not cut the Eho-maki into pieces and eat the whole thing facing the good luck direction while recalling our wishes, so that “we do not break off relations.” Seven types of ingredients are used associated with the Seven Deities of Good Fortune.
Face the good luck direction to eat
Scan here for more recipe with pictures
The participants added many ingredients onto the rice and made very thick rolled sushi. They faced the Eho while eating the whole roll without saying anything. They were smiling at each other with their mouths full. Lastly the class ended with laughter and happiness.
Professional Chef (Sano-san)'s Advice
For the Eho-maki, if you do not put in too much ingredients, you can roll them neatly. Rakuan, Ningyocho - Chef Sano He is the chef of a restaurant called "Rakuan," just 3 min. walk from Ito Ryokan. This place offers special Japanese sake and unique inventive Japanese cuisine.
Students’ Comment
Learning the Basics of Japanese Food March 19, 2019 (Tuesday) 11:00-13:00 Learning Traditional Japanese Cuisine April 16, 2019 (Tuesday) 11:00-13:00
m ari Sushi
For the Atsuyaki tamago, rolling the layers of the egg is the hardest part. Try to connect the rolled egg layer and the egg liquid layer by covering the whole pan as well.
Next Cooking Class:
Learning the Basics of Japanese Food May 21, 2019 (Tuesday) 11:00-13:00 For more information and applying, please visit this site:
Location: Ito Ryokan is located in Ningyocho, a shitamachi historic town that retains
It is difficult to learn the deep knowledge and techniques about Japanese cuisine in a short amount of time; however, Mr. Sano has explained to us how to make Atsuyaki tamago and dashi (Japanese soup stock) simply. From Taiwan
the atmosphere of the Edo period (1603–1867) and has been renewed in 2018. Guests are welcomed by the friendly staff with great hospitality that will make you feel at home. Since there are many
The class was a nice way to interact with the locals while learning some local Japanese cooking. Even if you may not be actively cooking, the chief kindly helps you out, so that was nice too.
guests from overseas, Ito Ryokan is holding various events such as origami (paper folding) class and shamisen (music instrument) class. From September, they are hosting a cooking class with the collaboration with att.JAPAN!
From America
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
② ③ ④
Hot Springs and Delicious Food from the Mountains
①Hot water gushes out at various spots in the city and you can casually enjoy a footbath or a day trip to hot springs. ②“Tsubo-batake” spreads over a field. Sakurajima is the symbol of Kagoshima Prefecture. ③With Kagoshima Airport being located in Kirishima, you might be able to enjoy a rare sight in which aircraft fly over tea plantations. ④With flowers or autumn leaves for every season, Mount Kirishima is also recommended for hiking and cycling. ①市區內到處都有溫泉,無論是泡腳還是當天來回的泡湯,都可輕鬆享受。 ②一整片壯觀的「甕田」 。 ③因為鹿兒島有機場的緣故,運氣好的話,還能看到飛機飛過茶園的特別畫面呢。 ④霧島山一年四季皆有鮮花及紅葉點綴,因也很推薦來場踏青或自行車之旅。
Located almost in the center of Kagoshima Prefecture, Kirishima City has for background magnificent Mount Kirishima, the main peak of which, Takachiho-no-mine, has since ancient times been regarded as the mythic stage of Tenson Korin (the descent to earth of the sun goddess’s grandson, Ninigi-noMikoto). The mountain has four hot springs villages at its foot. There are various hot springs that present you wonderful view of steam rising in the mountain ravines or the pleasant sound of a mountain stream, and, of course, they have various spring water types and efficacies. It is told that Saigo Takamori, the famous 19th century politic figure from Kagoshima, visited this onsen. The area has large hotels, elegant Japanese style inns and day visit spas, so touring these onsen facilities in the city is also fun. The gifts from the mountains are not only hot springs. With large temperature differences and a cool climate throughout the year, tea cultivation flourishes around the foot of Mount Kirishima. Having a good aroma and mild taste, Kirishima-cha (tea) has been awarded the first prize many times at tea competitions of Japanese tea. And, in the city, you will come across the peculiar sight of “tsubo-batake,” a site where many earthenware pots for kurozu (black vinegar) are placed all over the field. Made from high quality ground water from the mountain and with the region’s stable climate, kurozu are fermented and aged in the earthenware pots for more than one year with the traditional formula that has been handed down for more than 200 years. Kurozu is used not only for cooking, but also for jams and drinks. In addition, there are many delicious dishes such as its brand pork “Kagoshima Kurobuta,” brand Wagyu Japanese cattle “Kagoshima Kuro-ushi” and shochu (distilled spirits), the specialty of Kagoshima. Your mind and body will feel healthier from restful soaking in the onsen and eating fine food.
霧島山聳立,主峰高千穗峰是自古以來相傳為神 話中天孫降臨的舞台。山腳下溫泉地遍佈,有四
個著名的溫泉鄉。有可眼觀峽谷中蒸氣裊裊的溫 泉,也有可耳聞溪水潺潺的溫泉,且泉質與功效
Haneda Airport → 90 to 120 min by plane → Kagoshima Airport → 30 min by bus → Kirishima Onsen Sta.
也十分多樣。另外,據傳活躍於 19 世紀後半,出
* Access time is approximated and may change depending on traffic and other conditions.
身於鹿兒島的知名大人物——西鄉隆盛也時常 旅館、可當天來回的溫泉等,想不想來享受一趟 溫泉周遊之旅呢?
羽田機場→搭乘飛機 90 ∼120 分 鐘→鹿兒島機場→搭乘巴士 30 分 鐘→霧島溫泉站
※ 所需時間僅供參考。 可能因當下的交通狀況有所變動。
More Info 詳細資訊
因此茶葉的栽培在此地相當興盛。霧島茶香氣芬 拔得頭籌。另外,在這還能欣賞到由黑醋甕所排
列出的壯觀 「甕田」 的獨特景觀。霧島的黑醋誕生
於山地的優質地下水及穩定的氣候中,以及使用 傳承超過 200 年的傳統製法——用陶甕發酵並
等待熟成的方法製成,共需 1 年以上的時間。黑 醋除了可為料理調味外,亦可應用於果醬及飲料
Kirishima City Tourism Division 霧島市觀光課
TEL: 0995-45-5111 URL: charms_en
除此之外,霧島還有高級豬肉 「鹿兒島黑豬」 、
高級和牛 「鹿兒島黑牛」 、鹿兒島特產的燒酒等, 知名美食不勝枚舉。就讓此地的溫泉跟美食撫慰 您的身心吧。
Kirishima-cha (tea) has the highest quality of taste just as it is. And going well with Japanese dishes and sweets,
From Editor 編者語
the tea is also used to accompany various dishes. Recently, a highball using Kirishima-cha has become popular! 直接品嘗霧島茶,其不言而喻的極致美味。而霧島茶與日本料理及甜點也非常相配,因此被廣泛應用於許多料理中。 最近甚至有使用霧島茶的 「High ball」 (威士忌調酒) 問世呢!
att. JAPAN
att. Hot Springs
Tokyo Osaka Nagoya
Kirishima Onsen 霧島溫泉
Kyoto in Spring
An anime film with the setting of Uji City will also be released this spring!
以宇治市為舞台的 動畫電影也 將在春天上映
“Sound! Euphonium” × Kyoto
Byodoin Temple (Uji City) 平等院(宇治市) Japanese wisteria in Byodoin Temple are considered to be about 280 years old. Long, pale purple clusters hang from wide trellises and create an elegant atmosphere. Peak season: late April or mid-April to early May 平等院的藤花已有280年的歷史。淡紫色的枝條一片片垂落在支架下,風 姿優美宜人。盛開期:4月後半或是4月中旬〜5月上旬
Flowers can be enjoyed at various places such as shrines, temples, and gardens in every season. Away from the hustle and bustle of the crowded center of the city, enjoy the spring flowers.
Flowers of Spring 春天的花卉
京都四季分明,您可以在寺廟及庭園等地方欣賞到百花爭妍的美景。 稍微遠離都市的喧鬧,來郊外享受賞花的樂趣吧。
《吹响吧!上低音號》 ×京都 This is an anime television series about a high-school brass band club. The latest movie “Sound! Euphonium The Movie -Our Promise: A Brand New Day-” will start showing at theaters on April 19, 2019. The story takes place in Uji City, Kyoto. Along with various places appearing in the show, such as Uji Bridge and Uji-jinja Shrine, you should also visit one of the most famous temples in Japan, Byodoin Temple (World Heritage site). 《吹響吧!上低音號》 是描繪高中管樂社為題材的青春動畫,最新作品 《劇場版 吹響吧!上低音號~誓言的終章~》 (暫定) 也即將於 2019 年 4 月 19 日上映。故事的舞台在京都宇治市。雖然作品中只出現了宇治橋以 及宇治神社,但鄰近的世界遺產 「平等院」 ,也是不容錯過的景點。
Tamagawa Zutsumi (Ide Town) 玉川堤(井手町) About 500 cherry blossoms bloom. Lit up by lanterns in the evening, they create fine scenery during the Cherry Blossom Festival in early April. Weeping cherry blossoms and field mustard flowers are also beautiful at nearby Jizozen-in Temple. Peak season: early April
Uji Bridge 宇治橋
約有 500 棵櫻花綻放,在 4 月上 旬的櫻花祭期間,夜晚燈籠亮起, 更別具風情。附近還有以枝垂櫻與油菜 花的美景聞名的地藏禪院。盛開期:4 月上旬
Keihan Uji Station 京阪宇治車站
Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine / Hachijoga-ike Pond (Nagaokakyo City) 長岡天滿宮 八條池(長岡京市) Nagaoka Tenmangu enshrines Sugawara Michizane, a scholar and political figure of the 9th century. Deep red Kirishima azaleas on both sides of the approach are at their best in late April. Peak season: late April
祭祀菅原道真公的長岡 天滿宮。4 月下旬,參道 兩旁綻放的鈍葉杜鵑,深 紅色的花朵燦爛奪目。 盛開期:4 月下旬
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Agata-jinja Shrine 縣神社
Mount Daikichi Observatory 大吉山觀景台
Kamigamo Shrine
Kyoto City Map 京都市街地図
Daitoku-ji Temple
1 km (0.6 mi)
Kinkaku-ji Temple
Finaokayama Park
Shimogamo Shrine
Tozai Line
Kyoto International Manga Museum
京都国際マンガ ミュージアム
Karasuma Oike
Nijojo-mae 二条城前
Hearton Hotel Kyoto
Kyoto Royal Hotel & Spa
Choho-ji Temple (Rokakudo)
Keifuku Arashiyama Main Line
Kawaramachi Opa 1. Misono 河原町オーパ Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shinmachi Bettei みその 三井ガーデンホテル京都新町別邸 Daimaru Nishiki Market Dept. 錦市場 Laque Shijo Karasuma Omiya 四条
Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shijo
Hankyu Kyoto Line
Nishi-Hongan-ji Temple
JR Sagano (Sanin) Line JR嵯峨野 (山陰)線
Kyoto Railway Museum
Shichijo-dori 七条通
Kyoto Aquarium
Yodobashi Camera Kyoto
Kyoto Sta.
Sanjusangen-do Temple
JR Biwako Line JR琵琶湖線
JR Nara Line JR奈良線
Kyoto Sta. 京都駅
Fushimi Inari Taisha
Sagano Scenic Railway
Gio-ji Temple
Adashino Nenbutsu-ji Temple
Kinkaku-ji Temple
Seiryo-ji Temple
Ryoan-ji Temple
Ninna-ji Temple
Kitanohakubaicho Daikaku-ji Temple 北野白梅町 大覚寺 Hirosawa no Ike Pond Uji 広沢池 宇治 Saga-Arashiyama Keifuku Kitano Line Myoshinji Myoshin-ji Temple 嵯峨嵐山
Torokko Saga
Nison-in Temple
Keifuku-Arashiyama 京福嵐山 Togetsukyo Bridge 渡月橋 Arashiyama Monkey Hankyu-Arashiyama 阪急嵐山 Park Iwatayama Hozugawa River 保津川 嵐山モンキーパークいわたやま Arashiyama 嵐山
JR Sagano(Sanin) Line JR嵯峨野 (山陰) 線
1 km(0.6mi)
APA Hotel (Kyoto-Ekimae) Ginyuba 銀ゆば
APA Hotel (Kyotoeki-Horikawadori) Ginyuba 銀ゆば
Kyoto Sta. Nagaoka Tenmangu Shrine 京都駅 Uji Sta.
Jishu Shrine
Fushimi Inari Taisha
Kinkaku-ji Temple
Tenryu-ji Temple
Tokaido Shinkansen
Kiyomizu-dera Temple
東大路通 産寧坂
KyotoWide Area Map
ori Shirakawa-d
Kamigamo Shrine
Hyatt Regency Kyoto
Kintetsu Nara Line
To-ji Temple
Gion Corner
高台寺 Ishibei-koji
Kyoto Century Hotel
Kodai-ji Temple
Kyoto Tower (Kansai 京都タワー(関西ツーリスト インフォメーション)
Tokaido Shinkansen 東海道新幹線
Tourist Information Center Kyoto)
ヨドバシカメラ 京都
Hotel Granvia Kyoto 京都水族館 ホテルグランヴィア京都 リーガロイヤルホテル京都 BIC Camera Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto ビックカメラ JR Kyoto Line
Shosei-en Garden
Kyoto National Museum
Higashi-Hongan-ji Temple
Biwako Sosui
Kyoto Tokyu Hotel
Yasaka Shrine Maruyama Park
Kyoto Rich Hotel
The Westin Miyako Hotel Kyoto ウェスティン都ホテル京都
Kennin-ji Temple
Hotel Sunroute Kyoto
Karasuma Kyoto Hotel
Hotel Unizo Kyoto Shijo Karasuma
Minamiza Theatre Chion-in Temple
Hotel Nikko Princess Kyoto
Kyoto Marui
Fujii-Daimaru Dept. Takashimaya Dept. 京都藤井大丸
Nanzen-ji Temple
Eikan-do Temple
Kyoto City Tourist Association The National Museum Visitor Information Center of Modern Art, Kyoto
Okazaki Shrine
Honno-ji Temple Hotel Gimmond Kyoto 本能寺
Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Sanjo
Shrine Hosomi Museum Heian 平安神宮 細見美術館 The Ritz-Carlton Kyoto Okazaki Park ザ・リッツ・カールトン京都 岡崎公園 Nijo-dori 二条通 Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art Kyoto Hotel Okura
Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae
Kyoto Garden Hotel
Kumano Shrine
Kyoto Handicraft Center
Kyoto City Hall
ANA Crowne Plaza Kyoto Nijo Castle
Kurumayacho-dori 車屋町通
Tomi-no-koji 富小路 Fuyacho-dori 麩屋町通
Honen-in Temple
Konkai Komyo-ji Temple
The Palace Side Hotel
Sento Palace
Yoshida Shrine
Kamo River
Kyoto Imperial Park
Kyoto Univ.
Ginkaku-ji Temple
Keihan Main Line Kawabata-dori
Kyoto Imperial Palace
Kyoto Prefectural Office
Kyoto Brighton Hotel
Demachiyanagi Keihan-Demachiyanagi
Kiyamachi-dori Pontocho 先斗町
Karasuma-dori 烏丸通
Doshisha Univ.
Kitano Tenmangu Shrine
Old Mitsui Family Shimogamo Villa
Eizan Railways Eizan Line
Hirano Shrine
Karasuma Line
Lake Biwa
Byodoin Temple
Kyoto Pref. 京都府
Kyoto Sta. 京都駅
Tamagawa Zutsumi
Shin-Osaka Sta. 新大阪駅
Osaka Sta.
Osaka 大阪
Nara Sta. 奈良駅
att. JAPAN
If you want to know details of restaurants in these pages,
Access each restaurant’s site.
進入詳細介紹 餐廳的頁面
Scan QR code of each restaurant with your phone.
Easily go there using the English map!
請 參考地圖前往
用手機掃描 各店鋪的 QR 碼
e app, QR cod . e v a h r free ! don’t 下載喔 If you download fo 以免費 可 n , a 體 you c 掃描軟 有安裝
att. Restaurant
QR 碼
Scan QR code on the right side for more information on restaurants in English! 請掃描右邊 QR 碼獲得更多中文餐廳資訊 ! Those of you who have seen these movies will have recollection of scenes through our interior design and performances, and those of you who haven't can also enjoy our delicious food and delightful service!
Tel: 03-3408-2748
American-style Restaurant Original recipe with Prize-winning signature BBQ sauce
We are great for families or group parties! LaQua 1F1-1-1 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 3 mins walk from Tokyo Metro Korakuen Sta. Exit 2 11:00-23:00 (L.O. 22:00) Tel: 03-3868-7041
5-4-20 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 3 mins walk from Roppongi Station Lunch: Mon-Fri 11:30-15:00 Sat, Sun & Holi 12:00-14:30 Dinner: Mon-Fri 17:00-23:30 Sat 14:30-23:30, Sun & Holi 14:30-23:00 P34-MAP4-2
the legendary burger
att. JAPAN Spring/2019 HRC_att広告2.indd 1
#THISISHARDROCK ©2015 Hard Rock International (USA), Inc. All rights reserved.
TOKYO-ROPPONGI: P34-MAP4-1, TOKYO-UYENO-EKI: P33-MAP9-1, YOKOHAMA: P32-MAP16-1, OSAKA: P30-MAP28-2 2019/02/14 18:47
Misono Shinjuku Branch Eating a steak while overlooking central Tokyo at the Sky Lounge on the 51st floor is exceptional. Spend a luxurious time at this great location. Shinjuku Branch: 51F Shinjuku Sumitomo Bldg., 2-6-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo TEL: 03-3344-6351 10-min. walk from JR Shinjuku Sta. / 5-min. walk from Tochomae Sta. on Toei Oedo Line Menus are available in English, Chinese, Korean. English and Chinese speaking staff available
att. Restaurant
Halal course menu is only available in Kobe Main Store! Please scan this QR code for reservation.
Kobe Main Store, Osaka Branch, Kyoto Branch, Ginza Branch Halal course reservation
Neighboring Ginza Branch is a good location, just 2-min. walk from Subway Ginza Station
Kobe Main Store: P31-MAP23-1, Osaka Branch: P30-MAP27-1, Kyoto Branch: P21-1, Ginza Branch: P33-MAP11-1, Shinjuku Branch: P34-MAP1-2
Hinai Jidori Specialty Shop 比內地雞專門店
While enjoying a nice view of Ginza and Tokyo Tower, spend a luxurious time with torimabushi (chicken on rice) in the daytime and yakitori in the evening. 眺望銀座的街道與東京鐵塔的景色,在午餐時刻享受著
比內地雞丼飯,夜間品嘗雞串燒,度過一段奢侈的時光。 午餐
GINZA12 11F, Ginza, 4-12-1 Chuo-ku, Tokyo Open Hours Mon.-Fri. 11:30-14:00 / 17:00-23:30 Sat., Sun., and Holidays 11:30-14:00 / 17:00-23:00
地址:東京都中央區銀座 4-12-1 GINZA12 11F 營業時間:星期一~星期五 11:30-14:00 / 17:00-23:30 星期六、日,國定假日 11:30-14:00 / 17:00-23:00
TEL: 03-6264-3288
Enjoy with four different eating methods: dipping sauce, condiments, egg, or chicken soup. 請以醬汁、調味料、蛋黃、雞湯四種不同的吃法品嘗。
att. JAPAN
TOURIST INFORMATION 包含 JR,有許多公司提供長距離巴士的運行,一般來 說比藉由飛機和鐵路的旅行較具經濟性,但是所花的 時間比較長,也較容易受交通阻塞的影響。 主要的都市、城鎮可利用公車線路,最近雖然英語的 表示和廣播也逐漸增加,但是為了確實地到達目的 地,建議您事先拜託駕駛員,請駕駛員到達目的地時 通知一下。
Transportation / 交通
Rail 鐵路 Japan is covered in a rail network that reaches to almost every corner of the archipelago. Most are owned and run by the Japan Railway (JR) system and the world famous “Shinkansen” bullet train is of course one of the fastest and most enjoyable forms of land transport anywhere – the distance between Tokyo and Osaka being covered in just 2 hours 30 minutes on the fastest line.
Taxi 計程車
Japan Rail Pass
Japan Rail Pass allows you to use the whole JR system (including the Shinkansen) but is only sold outside Japan. 29,110 yen gets you a full 7 day ticket (adults) (As of Mar. 2019). JAPAN RAIL PASS(日本鐵路通票)是可利用包含新 幹線的日本全國的 JR,只有在日本國外才有販賣,一 名成人 7 天為 29,110 日圓(2019 年 3 月現在) 。 Green / 綠色車廂
Ordinary / 普通車廂
Duration / 有效期 Adult / 成人 Child / 兒童 Adult / 成人 Child / 兒童
不要靠得太近被車門撞到(其他的車門用手打開與關 閉) 。車費根據計程車公司而有所不同,車資的體制告 如果預定在日本逗留一些時間的話,推薦使用 IC 卡。 示在車內,也可拿到收據。在都市裡很多計程車可以 (購入時要付 500 日圓的保證金,將卡歸還時,保證金 用信用卡支付。可使用信用卡支付的計程車在窗上貼 會退還給您。)在剪票機旁的讀取機上感應一下,車資 有標示。 會從卡上自動被扣除。在東京地區 Suica 和 PASMO 兩種除了 JR 線、地下鐵、其他大部分的私鐵之外,也 Getting Around in Tokyo / 東京的交通 可搭乘巴士。在註冊店鋪和部分自動販售機上也可以 In big cities, such as Tokyo and Osaka, the un- 作為電子錢包使用。
38,880 YEN 19,440 YEN 29,110 YEN 14,550 YEN
14-day / 14 天 62,950 YEN 31,470 YEN 46,390 YEN 23,190 YEN 21-day / 21 天 81,870 YEN 40,930 YEN 59,350 YEN 29,670 YEN
For more info, check the Japan Rail Pass website: 詳情請看 JAPAN RAIL PASS 的網站
der and over ground train system is well organized and highly efficient accessing any and all 如果用東京旅遊車票的話,可在一天內無限制乘坐 JR 及地下鐵、都營巴士,一張票1,590日圓。 parts of the cities. To avoid wasting time lining (東京23區內) up for tickets and working out how to use the 東京地鐵通票 可以利用東京地鐵及都營地鐵各條線 machines in different stations, it is highly rec- 路。成人 24 小時券 800 日圓,48 小時券 1,200 日圓, ommended to purchase pre-paid cards. 72 小時券 1,500 日圓。
Long-distance buses in Japan are run by numerous companies including JR. Buses are generally more economic than traveling by plane or train but do take longer and can be affected by traffic jams at busy times of the day or night. Local buses run all over Japan as well as in the major cities and sometimes English instructions or stop announcements are used but this is not the case everywhere. We recommend you ask drivers to remind you of where you must disembark prior to setting off.
在東京、大阪等大都市的交通系統被充分的整備,如 果使用電車或是地下鐵的話可到達任何地方。如果 不想浪費為了購買車票而排隊的時間,建議您利用 預付卡。
Access Network
JR Line JR Narita Express Narita Sky Access Line
Narita Airport
Keisei Main Line Toei Asakusa Line Keikyu Line
Airport Terminal 2
Tourist Information
Bus 巴士
Tokyo Monorail Limousine Bus
Shibuya Nishi-magome
TCAT Tokyo City Air Terminal Higashi-ginza
Shimbashi Hamamatsucho
Haneda Airport International Terminal YCAT Yokohama City Air Terminal
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Domestic Flight Network
Haneda Airport
Haneda Airport Terminal 1
Haneda Airport
Haneda Airport Terminal 2
Narita Airport
7-day / 7 天
If planning to stay in Japan for a longer period IC cards are recommended. (500 yen deposit returned when returning the card) Simply touch the card on a rectangular pad beside the ticket gate and the fare used is automatically deducted from the value of the card. In Tokyo, the cards are known as Suica or PASMO are accepted on JR lines, subways and most other railways and buses. The card can also be used as electronic money for shopping at registered shops and some vending machines.
Japanese taxis can be found at the exit to every train station in the country or alternatively hailed on the streets. The red sign visible through the windshield of the car: “空車” (kusha) means it is vacant and available for hire but when the sign reads “賃走” (chinso), it is Tokyo One-Day Free Ticket (Tokyo Furii Kippu) unavailable. The back door on the left side will (東京フリーきっぷ)is available for use on JR open and close automatically so be careful lines (inside Tokyo’s 23 cities), subways, and not to stand too close! (All the other doors are the Toei Bus service for one whole day – endoperated manually) Rates vary depending on ing at midnight – at a charge of 1,590 yen. the taxi company. The rate system is shown Tokyo Subway Ticket is available for use inside the taxi and receipts can be issued. on Tokyo Metro and Toei Metro subway lines. In urban areas, you can usually pay by credit Prices for adults are 800 yen (24 hours), 1,200 card. If credit cards are accepted, a taxi has a yen (48 hours), and 1,500 yen (72 hours). sticker showing it on the window. JR TOKYO Wide Pass is valid for three days and good for unlimited rides using reserved 除了可搭乘等候在車站前的計程車外,在路上也可叫 seats on ordinary cars on Shinkansen and ex到計程車。計程車能不能搭乘,可藉由車窗前部分的 press trains in the Kanto area. The service is 表示來判斷。顯示「空車」的時候,表示無人乘坐,可 now extended to Echigo-Yuzawa Station and 搭乘。出現「賃走」時表示已經有別的乘客搭乘了。車 GALA Yuzawa Station. Prices are 10,000 yen 子左後方的車門會自動打開與關閉,所以要注意一下 (Adults), and 5,000 yen (Children).
日本的鐵路網相當發達,從日本國內到各處幾乎利用 鐵路可到達,主要有 JR(Japan Railway Co., Ltd., 日 本旅客鐵路)運行著,在這當中藉由世界上也很有名 的「新幹線」移動,一定會是日本旅行中印象最深刻的 活動之一。東京到大阪間最快為 2 小時 30 分鐘。
Type / 類型
Transportation Cards / Useful Tickets 交通卡 / 划算的票券
JR 東京廣域周遊券(JR TOKYO Wide Pass)除了能 在 3 天內不限次數搭乘關東地區的新幹線、特快列 車的指定座席之外,還把適用範圍擴大到越後湯澤 站、GALA 湯澤站。價格為成人 10,000 日圓,兒童 5,000 日圓。
TOURIST INFORMATION Transportation Cards/Useful Tickets 交通卡 / 划算的票券
In the Kansai (Osaka) area ICOCA or PiTaPa is available IC cards similar to Suica / PASMO.
Kansai Area Pass is valid for unlimited travel using ordinary non-reserved seats of JR-WEST local and rapid trains in the defined “Free Area.” Prices for adults are 2,300 yen (1-day), 4,500 yen (2-days), 5,500 yen (3-days), and 6,500 yen (4-days) when purchasing in Japan. When purchasing in other countries, prices are 2,200 yen (1-day), 4,300 yen (2-days), 5,300 yen (3-days), and 6,300 yen (4-days). KINTETSU RAIL PASS offers unlimited rides on all Kintetsu Railway lines for five days. Fares to Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Ise-Shima, and Nagoya are for a bargain. Price: 3,600 yen for adults when purchased outside Japan / 3,800 yen for adults purchased in Japan. 在關西(大阪)地區有 ICOCA 和 PiTaPa 兩種 IC 卡扮演 著跟 Suica / PASMO 同樣的角色。 使用關西地區鐵路周遊券,可利用在自由區域內的 JR 普通列車(含快速列車)的普通車自由席隨意上下 車。在日本購買時,成人價格為 1 日用 2,300 日圓, 2 日用 4,500 日圓,3 日用 5,500 日圓,4 日用 6,500 日圓。在日本國外購買時,成人價格為 1 日用 2,200 日圓,2 日用 4,300 日圓,3 日用 5,300 日圓,4 日用 6,300 日圓。
Money Exchange 兌換 Exchanging non-Japanese currency for yen can be carried out at international airports, and most major banks. At the airports, exchanging Japanese yen into foreign currency is also possible. At “World Currency Shop,” even after banks close their doors, it is possible to exchange later in the day. 在機場或是主要都市的銀行可兌換日幣,在機場也可 將日圓再兌換回外幣,在「World Currency Shop」即使 超過銀行的營業時間也辦理兌換業務。
有些銀行的提款機,可以用國外發行的信用卡或提款 卡提領日幣。
Tourist Information
Day-trip Tours
Free Wi-Fi
Arrangement for accommodation and transportation
Postal Service
Entertainment and exhibition tickets are available.
Tokyo Subway Ticket Sales!
Website URL: Open Daily 8:00am-8:00pm/CAFE 7:00am-11:00pm (Except Jan. 1st and the last Sunday of June) with-guidance/swc/ NTT Communications World Pre-paid Card Brastel International Calling Service 博朗思特永恒智慧國際電話
Free Wi-Fi Service / 免費Wi-Fi服務 Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi By registering with this app, you can enjoy free Wi-Fi at major airport, stations, tourist spots, convenience stores, etc. (Over 170,000 locations throughout Japan as of Dec. 2017.)
Japan Post Bank en_ias_index.html SEVEN BANK AEON BANK
Japanese coin & paper currency in circulation
NTT East FREE WI-FI Japan By presenting your passport at designated locations, you can receive a card with an ID and password required for Wi-Fi Internet access. (More than 45,000 locations throughout the eastern Japan area.)
FREESPOT Registration with your email address is required only the first time when you request access. (About 1,000 locations in Tokyo.) Japan Connected-free Wi-Fi 只需下載這個 app,即可在主要的機場、車站、旅遊 景點、便利商店等享受免費的 Wi-Fi 服務。(2017 年 12 月時,日本全國有超過 17 萬個熱點。) NTT 東日本免費 Wi-Fi
Money / 貨幣
旅行支票可在很多家銀行換錢。而且,大都市的飯店 或旅館、商店,也可使用信用卡。雖然信用卡在城市 裡可廣泛使用,但是在有些郊區的商店無法使用。
KDDI Super World Card
You can withdraw Japanese yen from ATMs of some banks with credit cards or cash cards which were issued outside Japan.
KINTETSU RAIL PASS 是能夠在 5 天內自由乘坐近 鐵全線的周遊券。前往大阪、奈良、京都、伊勢志摩以 及名古屋相當合算。在日本國外購買時,成人價格為 3,600 日圓;在日本購買時為 3,800 日圓。
You can cash traveler’s checks at many banks. Traveler’s checks can also be used at hotels, ryokan Japanese style hotels, and shops in big cities. Credit cards can be widely used in urban areas, but sometimes are not accepted at shops in rural areas.
在日本國內的各個地方設置有公共電話,可使用國 內、國際電話的服務。使用 10 日圓、100 日圓的硬幣, 或者是電話卡(在便利商店等販賣,有 500 日圓、或 是 1,000 日圓) 。若要撥打國際電話,也可以使用電 話卡降低通話費。
Telephone Service / 電話 Public telephones can be found almost everywhere in Japan and most can be used to make domestic and international calls. Only 10 or 100 yen coins can be used but all telephones take pre-paid telephone cards – purchase in convenience stores for 500 or 1,000 yen. If you use a calling card when you make an international call, it can reduce your calling rate.
Sports Car 車 Rental 租 跑
需要在上網卡派發地點出示護照,即可獲取寫有帳號 和密碼的上網卡。(在東日本地區有 4.5 萬個以上的 熱點。)
只需在第一次使用時登錄電子郵箱地址,登錄一次半 年有效。(在東京都內約有 1,000 個熱點。)
Tourist Information
Getting Around in Osaka / 關西的交通
Visit Our Website and Win a Prize! 前往 att.JAPAN 官網,
限量好禮等著您 ! Scan the QR code or access from the URL and type the keyword to win the prize!
掃描 QR Code 或輸入下列網址, 輸入關鍵字後便有機會獲得限量好禮。
Keyword 關鍵字 (vol.87)
Visit Our Facebook at
att. JAPAN
Enjoy a peaceful time at a venerable ryokan with a 100-year history
Ryokan and hotels across Japan
At Ikaho Onsen, a nostalgic hot springs town famous for its stone steps through the center of the town, strolling in a leisurely manner is recommended. Feeling the traditional atmosphere and enjoying delicious food, large open-air baths, and fine views from the bath, relax your body and soul at our onsen.
Where will you stay? Onsen (hot springs), traditional gardens, tatami rooms, and Japanese traditional meals at ryokan (Japanese-style hotels)? Or spacious rooms with high-quality bedding surrounded by picturesque landscapes at first-class resort hotels?
Kyoto Nagoya
Icon Legend
Hokkaido Tohoku Kita-Kanto Minami-Kanto Koshinetsu Hokuriku Tokai Kinki Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu Okinawa
Washlets (bidet-style toilets) Eating in guest rooms allowed Complimentary shuttle service Karaoke Picturesque scenery Rooms for single person
Prices are a rough guide based on one adult staying at a twin room and include consumption tax. Prices may vary depending on room types, the number of persons in a room, cuisine, and other variables. We recommend confirming prices when you book any accommodation. Where the price system is different from this guideline, this is noted in the explanation of the accommodation.
2. 3.
After booking by phone, we recommend confirming your reservation by email or fax.
Cancellation fees may be charged if you cancel a reservation. Please confirm the accommodation’s cancellation fees and regulations in advance. Also, if you cancel, make sure to inform the accommodation of your cancellation.
If you suffer from allergies or have food preferences, please inform the staff when you are booking your accommodation.
yokan websit R . t t e a
w ne en launched. e h has be
att. Ryokan
Credit cards accepted Internet/Wi-Fi available Onsen (hot springs) Open-air bath Private bath Guest room with bath and toilet
Now available in Traditional Chinese, English and Japanese. Plenty of areas to choose from.
▼▼ Access to ▶▶ 26
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Kanazawa Fukuoka
• Shibukawa Sta. → 30 min by bus → Ikaho Onsen → 2 min on foot • Kan-etsu Expressway Shibukawa-Ikaho I.C. → 20 min by car Check in 15:00– / Check out –10:00 14,040– 52 Ikaho, Ikahomachi, Shibukawa City, Gunma +81-279-72-3322 +81-279-72-2218
A hot spring hotel with natural waterfalls
In an open-air bath with its feeling of spaciousness, you can enjoy Hakone’s nature and its various expressions in accordance with the seasons and time. The hotel garden has a natural waterfall and a shrine, which are very unusual for a hotel space. The garden is also a wonderful place to stroll around after bathing.
Hakone-Yumoto Sta. → 12 min on foot, 5 min by taxi, or 5 min by a shared bus on a circular route (course A) Check in 15:00– / Check out –10:00 14,190– 682 Yumoto, Hakonemachi, Ashigarashimo County, Kanagawa +81-460-83-8511 +81-460-83-8512
International registered tourist inn
More than 2,000 visitors from around the world stay with us each year. Located in the heart of Kyoto, we are at the center of the city’s major sightseeing points. Relax in our leisurely guest rooms. Western style rooms with toilet and bath are also available. All the guest rooms are nonsmoking. Free Wi-Fi in every room. Kyoto Sta. → 15 min by subway to the nearest station (Kyoto-shiyakushomae on Tozai Line) No.10 Exit → walk 2 blocks to the north on Gokomachi St. Check in 16:00– / Check out –10:30 12,000– (per person / 1 night stay without meals / tax included) Nijosagaru, Gokomachi-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto +81-75-222-1166 +81-75-231-3558
Kamedake Onsen Tamamine Sanso 亀嵩温泉 玉峰山荘
Peaceful Onsen in Oku-izumo
Tamamine Sanso is one of the largest onsen ryokan in Oku-izumo Bihada Onsen-kyo village. Known as a medicinal bath from ancient times, Kamedake Onsen is also famous for “Bijin no yu” (hot springs of beauty), which will make your skin smooth after soaking. It has open-air baths offering fine scenery of nature and sand baths full of tenkoseki ore power.
JR Kamedake Sta. → 10 min by car Check in 16:00– / Check out –10:00 13,500– 3609-1 Kamedake, Oku-izumocho, Nita County, Shimane +81-854-57-0800 +81-854-57-0825
Enjoy a relaxing holiday at the seashore, with the blue sea and sky The dynamic scenery of the Pacific Ocean and fresh seafood will get your feeling excited. Enjoy soaking in a bath while gazing at the nice ocean view that changes hour by hour. The shining sea by the light of the sunrise is a stirring sight. • JR Mito Sta. → 20 min by train on the Oarai Kashima Line → Oarai Sta. → 5 min by car *Courtesy service available (Contact/Reservation necessary) • JR Mito Sta. → 60 min by bus (bound for Aqua World Oarai or for Nakaminato Station via Aqua World Oarai, at North Exit No. 3) → Oarai Hotel Mae stop • Mito Oarai I.C. on the Kita-Kanto Expressway) → 10 min by car Check in 15:00– / Check out –10:00 12,000– 6881 Isohama-cho, Oarai-machi, Higashi-Ibaraki-Gun, Ibaraki +81-29-267-2151 +81-29-266-2621
旅館 元奈古
A Kyoto ryokan with an elegant atmosphere Motonago is a wooden ryokan nestled alongside “Nene no Michi,” a nostalgic path with a tranquil feeling. The cozy ryokan with 11 guest rooms offers family-like, heartwarming services to guests.
• Kyoto Sta. → Kyoto Municipal Bus → Gion Stop → 5 min on foot • Kyoto Sta. → 20 min by taxi Check in 16:00– / Check out –10:00 19,980– 511 Washio-cho, Nene no Michi, Kodaiji, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto +81-75-561-2087 +81-75-561-2655
A Japanese-style hotel located at the headwaters area of north Kanto, having several giant open-air baths The hotel has buildings and open-air baths alongside a mountain stream. You will enjoy beautiful views of natural scenery in every season. Our four open-air baths, with 100% natural and never re-circulated water, provide a rich supply of water. One of the baths is exclusively for women; three are for mixed bathing. In 2013, Reuters selected and reported this hot spring as one of Top 10 hot springs around the world. JR Jomokogen Sta. on JR Joetsu Shinkansen Line or JR Minakami Sta. on JR Joetsu Line → Free courtesy bus (exclusively for guests, prior reservation required) Departure time of the bus: at 13:00 and 15:00 from Jomokogen Station, at 15:00 from Minakami Station (subject to change to 15:15 due to traffic conditions) Check in 14:00– / Check out –10:00 14,650– 1899 Fujiwara, Minakami-machi, Tone County, Gunma +81-278-752611 +81-278-75-2038
Hotel New Wakasa ホテルニューわかさ
A sophisticated hotel with relaxing atmosphere
Just five minutes on foot to Nara Park famous for deer and Todai-ji Temple famous for the Great Buddha of Nara. You will be able to enjoy seasonal atmosphere within the hotel and in your room and at the large communal bath, all of which are furnished with arrangements unique to Nara. In particular, we take great care in the preparation of traditional Japanese dishes, and offer delicious and sophisticated kaiseki teaceremony dishes on a monthly basis.
A place of smiles and Nara hospitality
Located near Senbon Park at the foot of Mt. Yoshino National Park, just two-minute walk from the ropeway’s Sanjo Station at the top of the mountain, this ryokan is in the perfect location for exploring the tourist attractions of the Mt. Yoshino area. Rest and heal yourself in the surrounding forests, enjoy abundant nature and create some precious travel memories. • Kintetsu Yoshino Sta. → 15 min on foot • Kintetsu Yoshino Sta. → Yoshino Ropeway → Yoshino Sanjo Sta. → 2 min on foot Check in 15:00– / Check out –10:00 17,280– 3056 Yoshinoyama, Yoshino-cho, Yoshino County, Nara +81-746-32-3177 +81-746-32-0734
Enjoy Onsen commanding a nice view of the Seto Inland Sea and delicious cuisine We have guest rooms with breathtakingly nice ocean views of the sky, sea and Seto Ohashi Bridge. You can also enjoy soaking in fine baths, such as “Open-air Bath in the Air” (a rooftop open-air natural onsen) and “Honey Pearl Bath” (exclusively for hotel guests). Eating delectable fresh foods from the sea and mountains is also enjoyable! Wi-Fi is available in all the building. JR Kojima Sta. → 10 min by car Check in 16:00– / Check out –10:00 15,120– 303-17, Shimotsui Fukiage, Kurashiki City, Okayama +81-86-479-9500 +81-86-479-9549
The Kusatsu Onsen’s landmark, Yubatake 草津溫泉的象徵 湯畑
Kusatsu Onsen is home to Japan’s most productive hot spring. 自然湧泉量為全日本第一的草津溫泉 32,300L of waters per minute!
每分鐘有多達 32,300 公升以上的溫泉湧出!
Experience Yumomi! 也可以體驗「湯揉」喔!
A separate fee may be required, so please contact each accommodation for more information.
att. JAPAN
Ryokan & hotels
旅館 歌藤
宝川温泉 汪泉閣
Kintetsu Nara Sta. → 10 min walk (5 min by taxi) Check in 16:00– / Check out –10:00 8,900– 1 Kita-hannda Higashi, Nara City, Nara +81-742-23-5858 +81-742-23-5888
Ryokan Kato
Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku
I Ichigaya Ichinoe Iidabashi Ikebukuro Inaricho Iriya Itabashi-honcho Itabashi-kuyakushomae Iwamotocho
H Hakusan Hamacho Hanzomon Hasune Hatchobori Heiwadai Hibiya Higashi-ginza Higashi-ikebukuro Higashi-koenji Higashi-nakano Higashi-nihombashi Higashi-ojima Higashi-shinjuku Hikarigaoka Hikawadai Hiro-o Honancho Hongo-sanchome Honjo-azumabashi Hon-komagome
G Gaiemmae Ginza Ginza-itchome Gokokuji Gotanda Gyotoku
F Funabori
E Ebisu Edogawabashi
D Daimon
C Chikatetsu-akatsuka Chikatetsu-narimasu
B Bakuro-yokoyama Baraki-nakayama
A Akabanebashi Akabane-iwabuchi Akasaka Akasaka-mitsuke Akebonobashi Akihabara Aoyama-itchome Asakusa Asakusabashi Awajicho Ayase Azabu-juban
N Nagatacho Nakai Naka-meguro Nakano Nakanobu Nakano-fujimicho Nakano-sakaue Nakano-shimbashi Naka-okachimachi Nerima Nerima-kasugacho Nezu Nihombashi Nijubashimae Ningyocho Nishidai Nishi-funabashi Nishigahara Nishi-kasai Nishi-magome Nishi-nippori Nishi-ojima
M Machiya Magome Meguro Meiji- jingumae Minami-asagaya Minami-gyotoku Minami-senju Minami-sunamachi Minowa Mita Mitsukoshimae Mizue Monzen-nakacho Morishita Motohasunuma Motoyawata Myoden Myogadani
K Kachidoki Kagurazaka Kamiyacho Kanamecho Kanda Kasai Kasuga Kasumigaseki Kayabacho Kiba Kikukawa Kinshicho Kita-ayase Kita-sando Kita-senju Kiyosumi-shirakawa Kodemmacho Kojimachi Kokkai-gijidomae Kokuritsu-kyogijo Komagome Korakuen Kotake-mukaihara Kudanshita Kuramae Kyobashi
J Jimbocho
Tokyo Subway Map
O Ochanomizu Ochiai Ochiai-minami-nagasaki Ogawamachi Ogikubo Oji Oji-kamiya Ojima Omote-sando Onarimon
Nishi-shinjuku Nishi-shinjuku-gochome Nishi-sugamo Nishi-takashimadaira Nishi-waseda Nogizaka S Sakuradamon Sendagi Sengakuji Sengoku Senkawa Shibakoen Shibuya Shimbashi Shimo
R Roppongi Roppongi-itchome Ryogoku
Oshiage Otemachi
Shimura-sakaue Shimura-sanchome Shin-egota Shin-itabashi Shinjuku Shinjuku-gyoemmae Shinjuku-nishiguchi Shinjuku-sanchome Shin-kiba Shin-koenji Shin-nakano Shin-ochanomizu Shin-okachimachi Shin-otsuka Shinozaki Shin-takashimadaira Shintomicho Shiodome
T Takadanobaba Takanawadai Takaracho Takashimadaira Takebashi Tameike-sanno Tatsumi Tawaramachi Tochomae
Shirokanedai Shirokane-takanawa Suehirocho Sugamo Suidobashi Suitengumae Sumiyoshi
U Uchisaiwaicho Ueno Ueno-hirokoji Ueno-okachimachi Urayasu Ushigome-kagurazaka
Todaimae Togoshi Tokyo Toranomon Toshimaen Toyocho Toyosu Tsukiji Tsukijishijo Tsukishima
Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd. Approved (Approval Number 25-A005)
Z Zoshigaya
Y Yotsuya Yotsuya-sanchome Yoyogi Yoyogi-koen Yoyogi-uehara Yurakucho Yushima
W Wakamatsu-kawada Wakoshi Waseda
Musashi-Sakai 武蔵境
Kichijoji 吉祥寺
Nishi-Ogikubo 西荻窪
Kamishakujii 上石神井
Ogikubo 荻窪
Asagaya 阿佐ヶ谷
Saginomiya 鷺ノ宮
Toshimaen 豊島園
Koenji 高円寺
Nerima 練馬
Nakano 中野
Kamiitabashi 上板橋
Ikebukuro 池袋
Takadanobaba 高田馬場
Itabashi 板橋
Saikyo Line
Shin-Okubo 新大久保
Suidobashi Okachimachi 御徒町 水道橋
Ueno Park
Ueno P33-MAP9
Nippori 日暮里
Tabata 田端 Nishi-Nippori 西日暮里
Komagome 駒込
Chuo Line
Yamanote Line
Sugamo 巣鴨
Kami-Nakazato 上中里
i ise Ke
e Lin
Minowabashi 三ノ輪橋
Ushida 牛田 Keisei Sekiya 京成関屋 to
Sumidagawa River
Minami-Senju 南千住
to Abiko
Nakayama 中山
Kamoi 鴨居
to Odawara
Yokohama Line
to Chuo-rinkan
Nagatsuta 長津田
Tokaichiba 十日市場
Higashi-Kanagawa 東神奈川
Yokohama 横浜 Yokohama Station P32-MAP15
Kozukue 小机
Shin-Yokohama 新横浜
Kikuna 菊名
Shin-Koyasu 新子安
Oguchi 大口
Kokudo 国道
Musashi-Shiraishi 武蔵白石 Anzen 安善
Ogimachi 扇町
Lin e
Haneda Airport International Terminal 羽田空港国際線ビル Kojimashinden 羽田空港国際線ターミナル 小島新田
aishi Lin
Showa 昭和
Hama-Kawasaki 浜川崎
Kawasakishimmachi 川崎新町
Keikyu D
Keikyu-Kawasaki 京急川崎
Hatchonawate 八丁畷
To k
Tsurumiono 鶴見小野
Tsurumi 鶴見
Higashi-Nakano 東中野 Okubo 大久保
To yo ko
to Narita Airport
Central Tokyo
Maihama 舞浜
Kasai-Rinkai Park 葛西臨海公園
to Soga
to Chiba Shin-Koiwa 新小岩
Arakawa River
Hirai 平井
Tobu Kameido Line
Oshiage (SKYTREE) 押上(スカイツリー前)
Hikifune 曳船 Asakusa TOKYO SKYTREE 浅草 東京スカイツリー
Haneda Airport Terminal 1 羽田空港第1ビル
Uguisudani 鶯谷 Asakusa P33-MAP6 Ueno 上野
Mikawashima 三河島
Tokyo Sakura Tram (Toden Arakaw a Line)
to Nippori-toneri Liner Toneri Kumanomae 熊野前
Oku 尾久
Takasaki Line / Utsunomiya Line
to Omiya
Otsuka 大塚
Oji 王子
Ikebukuro P32-MAP13 Waseda 早稲田
to Kawagoe
Shimoitabashi 下板橋
Mejiro 目白
Toj o e
Asakusabashi Akihabara 浅草橋 P33 -MAP8 Ichigaya Ochanomizu Iidabashi Akihabara 市ヶ谷 御茶ノ水 飯田橋 秋葉原 Ryogoku Kinshicho Kameido Yotsuya Kanda Shinjuku Bakurocho 両国 錦糸町 亀戸 四ッ谷 Marunouchi/ 神田 Shinanomachi 新宿 馬喰町 Ryogoku Imperial Meidaimae Shimo-takaido 信濃町 Shin-Nihombashi Sendagaya P33-MAP7 e Palace to Chitose-karasuyama Keio Line 明大前 下高井戸 新日本橋 u Lin 千駄ヶ谷 Fuchu P33-MAP10 Sob 千歳烏山 Shinjuku Etchujima Yurakucho P34-MAP1 Yoyogi Tokyo Hatchobori 越中島 有楽町 Chofu 代々木 東京 八丁堀 Roppongi Keiyo Line 調布 Harajuku Shimo-kitazawa Shimbashi Akasaka Ginza Shiomi 原宿 下北沢 新橋 P34-MAP4 P33-MAP11 Harajuku 潮見 Hamamatsucho Toyosu e Inaginaganuma P34-MAP2 Kei yu Lin Kyodo 浜松町 豊洲 o In 稲城長沼 Odak Shibuya oka Shibuya 経堂 shir Yanokuchi 渋谷 Seijogakuenmae Yurikamome Line a Li P34-MAP3 Tamachi n 矢野口 成城学園前 e 田町 Kokusai-tenjijo Ebisu Rinkai Line Inagi Nakanoshima Shin-Kiba Sangen-jaya 国際展示場 Ebisu Daikanyama Ariake Naka-meguro 稲城 Inadazutsumi 中野島 新木場 Tokyu 三軒茶屋 P34-MAP5 有明 恵比寿 Odaiba-Kaihinkoen 中目黒 Setagaya Line 稲田堤 お台場海浜公園 e to n i L Meguro hi Hashimoto Noborito Daiba Shinagawa tos 目黒 en Gakugei-daigaku 登戸 n Shukugawara 台場 品川 Kokusai-tenjijo-seimon (Tokyo Big Sight) De u 学芸大学 宿河原 Gotanda 国際展示場正門(東京ビッグサイト) ky Futako-tamagawa Musashi-koyama To Tennozu-Isle 五反田 Aomi 二子玉川 武蔵小山 天王洲アイル 青海 Osaki to Jiyugaoka Tsudayama Tokyu Meguro Line Karakida Kuji 大崎 自由が丘 Tokyo Teleport Ookayama 津田山 Odaiba Tamagawa 久地 東京テレポート Shin-Yurigaoka Hatanodai Odakyu 大岡山 Tokyu P32-MAP12 River Oimachi 新百合ヶ丘 旗の台 Tama Line Oimachi Line Musashi-Mizonokuchi 大井町 Musashi-Shinjo Den-en-chofu Nishi-Oi 武蔵溝の口 to e 武蔵新城 田園調布 yu Lin Tokyo Monorail Machida 西大井 Tok gami Tamagawa en e ns ka k in I Tokyo Port Sh Omori 多摩川 Tokaido Odakyu 大森 Musashi-Nakahara Tama-plaza 東京港 ne Li ka Odawara Line Yokosu Saginuma 武蔵中原 たまプラーザ Musashi-Kosugi 鷺沼 Mukaigawara 向河原 Ikegami Kodomonokuni 武蔵小杉 池上 こどもの国 Kamata Hirama 平間 Azamino Hiyoshi 蒲田 あざみ野 日吉 Tokyu Kashimada Tokyu ShinTamagawa Line 鹿島田 Kodomonokuni Kawasaki Keikyu-Kamata Haneda Airport Line Aobadai Yako 矢向 Tsunashima 新川崎 京急蒲田 羽田空港 Haneda Airport Terminal 2 青葉台 Kawasaki Shitte 綱島 Tenkubashi Kei 羽田空港第2ビル 川崎 kyu 尻手 天空橋 K
MusashiKoganei 武蔵小金井
Mitaka 三鷹
Seibu Shinjuku Line
Tanashi 田無
to Higashi-Koganei Tachikawa 東小金井
Hanakoganei 花小金井
to Hon-Kawagoe
Seibu Ikebukuro Line
Shakujiikoen 石神井公園
Tob u
Ke Toh ihin o Lin ku e
to Narimasu
e an
Lin Job
Ts u Exp kuba res s
ki Lin Tobu
O Ke ise i
Hibarigaoka ひばりヶ丘
Tok a
ine sh iag eL
to Seibu-Chichibu
b am
24. Nara 奈良
A. Osaka Subway Map Midosuji Line
Yotsubashi Line
Sennichimae Line
Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line
JR Line
Tanimachi Line
Chuo Line
Sakaisuji Line
Nanko Port Town Line
Private Railways
Imazatosuji Line
Osaka Airport
Kita Senri
Dainichi Shin-Osaka Moriguchi Zuiko 4-chome Taishibashi-Imaichi SekimeNishinakajima-Minamigata Sembayashi-Omiya Nakazakicho Miyakojima Takadono Shimizu Nakatsu Kadomaminami Shinmorifuruichi Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Noe-Uchindai Sekime-Seiiku Tsurumi-ryokuchi Umeda Ogimachi Nishi-Umeda Gamo 4-chome Imafuku-Tsurumi Higashi-Umeda Kyobashi Yokozutsumi Nodahanshin MinamiShigino Higobashi Yodoya- Kitahama Morimachi Temmabashi bashi Tamagawa Osaka Business Park Sakaisuji Hommachi Tanimachi 4-chome Morinomiya Fukaebashi Nagata Awaza Hommachi Kujo Midoribashi Takaida Nishiohashi Nagahoribashi Mitsuyamachi Tanimachi 6-chome Bentencho Shinsaibashi Tamatsukuri Nishinagahori Yotsubashi Nippombashi Tanimachi 9-chome Tsuruhashi Imazato Shin-Fukae Asashiobashi Namba Osaka Dome-mae Shoji Chiyozaki Sakuragawa Osakako Shitennoji-maeYuhigaoka Ebisucho Daikokucho Tennoji Cosmosquare Taisho Kita-Tatsumi Hanazonocho
Dobutsuen-mae Abeno
Kishinosato Tengachaya
Kintetsu Nara Line
Kintetsu Nara Sta.
Todai-ji Temple
Nara Prefectual Office
Isui-en Garden
Kofuku-ji Temple
Nara National Museum Nara Park
Sarusawa-no-ike Pond
Kasuga-taisha Shrine Wakamiya Shrine
Nara Sta. Naramachi Gango-ji Temple
Minami-Tatsumi Hirano
Komagawa-Nakano Abiko
Kyobate Sta.
Kire-Uriwari Deto
Kita Hanada
Nankoguchi Suminoekoen
Kitakagaya Hirabayashi
Hotel New Wakasa
Port Town-nishi Ferry Terminal
Mt. Wakakusa
Higashi Mikuni
Trade Center-mae Nakafuto Port Town-higashi
JR Kansai Line
JR Sakurai Line
Kansai Airport
Nakatsu Sta.
Nakatsu Sta.
JR Kyoto Line
Ramada Hotel Osaka Hearton Hotel Kita-Umeda
Tanimachi Line
Mainichi T.V. Hotel Hankyu Loft International NU chayamachi Hotel New Hankyu Hankyu Grand Umeda Front Osaka Sta. Osaka
Fukuoka Museum of Art
Tenjinbashisuji 6-chome Sta.
Suzaki Park
Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
Kyushu Asahi Broadcasting Nakazakicho Sta.
Shin-Umeda City Umeda Sky Bldg. The Westin Osaka Yodobashi Camera Osaka Station City Osaka Sta.
JR Circle Line
Kids Plaza Osaka
Temma Sta.
IP Hotel Fukuoka Nishitetsu Inn Fukuoka
oro i-D uta Kok
Gion Sta.
Hakata Excel Hotel Tokyu Hakata Nakasu Wahington Hotel Plaza Hakata Ward Office Tenjin Sta. 天神駅 Best Acros Fukuoka Canal City Theater Tenjin Core Vivre Denki Tenjin Toyoko Inn Nishitetsu Central Park Hakata Nishi Nakasu Grand Hotel Nishitetsu IMS Fukuoka Canal City Fukuoka City Office Grand Hyatt Iwataya Fukuoka Washington Hotel Daimaru Dept. Fukuoka Hotel Annex Sta. El Gala Canal City Il Palazzo Iwataya Dept. Kego MitsukoshiTenjin Minami Sta. Solaria Plaza Park Dept. BIC Camera Tenjin Loft Kego Shrine Hotel Naka River Hokke Club Fukuoka Sumiyoshi Shrine Nishitetsu BiVi Tenjin-Omura Line Canadian Consulate Fukuoka Watanabe-dori sta. Kyushu Hotel New Otani Hakata ri Electric Takakura Hotel Fukuoka hi-do Power Sun Selco Sumiyos i dor
28. Osaka / Minami 大阪 / ミナミ
Kushida Shrine
Hakozaki Line
Nanakuma Line
Yakuin Sta. NishitetsuStore
Keihan Line
Osaka International Convention Center
Kuko Line
Reisen Park Nakasu Kawabata Sta.
abe tan Wa
Ogimachi Ogimachi Sta. Park Hankyu Dept. Osaka Tokyu Rei Hotel Umeda i dor chima Ogi Sta. Sakaisuji Daimaru Dept. 大阪駅 Line Hanshin Dept. Hotel Higashi-Umeda Sta. E-MA Granvia Hilton Hotel Osaka Osaka HERBIS Nishi-Umeda Sta. Temmangu PLAZA Kita-Shinchi Sta. Ohatsu Tenjin Shrine Minami- Sta. morimachi The Ritz Carlton Yotsubashi 1. Misono JR Tozai Line Line Hotel Sta. Osaka みその Hanshin American Cousulate General ANA Crowne Fukushima Midosuji Plaza Osaka Line Keihan Sta. Osaka Suntory Hanshin Nakanoshima Temmangu Line Line Oebashi Shrine Festival Osaka Sta. Tower Dojima River City Hall Watanabebashi Sta. Naniwabashi Sta. Tosabori River Yodoyabashi Nakanoshima Park Nakanoshima Sta. Sta. Kitahama Higobashi Sta. Sta. Rihga Royal Hotel
Daiei Shoppers Fukuoka Mina Tenjin
Da iha kudo ri
Hotel Okura Fukuoka
Ark Hotel Hakata Royal
Gofukumachi Sta. Me ijido ri
Hankyu Line
ゲストハウス 中今
25. Fukuoka 福岡 Sho wa -do ri
27. Osaka / Kita 大阪 / キタ
26. Complete Map of Kansai Area 関西全図 Mt. Hiei
↑2. Hard Rock Cafe Osaka
Shinsaibashi Nagahori TsurumiLouis Shopping Center ryokuchi Line Shinsaibashi Vuitton Sta. Tokyu Hands Nagahoribashi Hotel Nikko Sta. Osaka OSAKA TOURIST
Nishiohashi Sta.
att. Maps
Shinsaibashi OPA Big Step Apple Store
Osaka International Airport Confort Hotel Osaka Shinsaibashi
1. Dining Bar Sun-Q LABO
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Namba Parks
Lake Biwa
Hankyu Kyoto Line
Daimaru Dept. Chuo Indoor Swimming Pool
Nankai Line
Keihan Main Line
Hankyu Takarazuka Line
Arima Onsen
Osaka Fujiya Hotel
CROSS HOTEL Ebisubashi Signboard of Glico Sennichi-mae Line TONBORI BASE River Place Cafe & Info Osaka National Bunraku Shochikuza Hozen-ji Temple Theatre Hanshin Line Namba Sta. OCAT Nipponbashi BIC Camera Sta. JR Namba Sta. Namba Namba JR 難波駅 Sta. Oriental Hotel Namba Marui Namba Takashimaya Grand Kagetsu Sennichimae Midosuji Dept. Doguyasuji Line Swissôtel Shotengai Nankai, (kitchenware street) JR Line Yotsubashi Osaka NAMBA Line Sakaisuji Nankai Namba Sta. Sky, O Line Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium
Tokaido Shinkansen
Horie Park
Hanshin Expressway
Yotsubashi Sta.
Mt. Rokko
Hankyu Kobe Line
Sannomiya Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution Kintetsu Line
JR Nara Line
Sanyo Shinkansen
Osaka/Umeda Osaka Castle
JR Katamachi Line Kintetsu Kyoto Line Kintetsu Nara Line
JR Sakurai Line
Nara Kintetsu Ikoma Line
Kobe Airport Oji
JR Kansai Line JR Sakurai Line Kintetsu Kashihara Line
Osaka Bay
Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line
Nankai Main Line
Kansai International Airport Rinku Town
Nankai Koya Line
Kintetsu Nagano Line
JR Wakayama Line
Kintetsu Osaka Line Kintetsu Yoshino Line
21. Sapporo 札幌
18. Nagoya Station 名古屋駅 Namboku Line
Hokkaido Univ.
JR Hakodate Line
Sapporo Sta. Yodobashi Camera Daimaru Dept.
JR Tower BIC Camera
Century Royal Hotel
Hotel Montrey Sapporo
Tokyu Dept.
Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo
TV Tower
Tozai Line
Hokkaido Electric Power
Marui Imai Mitsukoshi Dept. Dept. PARCO
Marunouchi Sta. Sakura-dori Bank of Matsuzakaya Japan Sakura-dori Line Dept. Dainogoya Bldg. Takashimaya Hotel Kokusai Center Sta. Dept. Castle Plaza Nagoya BIC Camera Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel Sta. Higashiyama Line 名古屋駅 MIDLAMD Meitetsu SQUARE Meitetsu Nishiki-dori Dept. New Grand Fushimi Sta. Kintetsu Pass’e Hotel Meitetsu Grand Hotel Nagoya Kanko Hotel Hirokoji-dori YAMADA DENKI Taiko-dori Richmond Hotel Hilton NagoyaMisonoza Nagoya Nayabashi
Sapporo Tobu Hotel
Tanuki koji
Shin Nagoya Musical Theatre
Toho Line
Susukino Susukino Sta. LAFILER Sapporo Tokyu Inn
Shirakawa Park
Hotel Ronshan Sapporo Hosui Susukino Sta.
22. Sendai 仙台
19. Nagoya/Sakae 名古屋 / 栄
Nagoya Plaza Inn
Kotodai-koen Sta.
-dori Jozenji
International Hotel Nagoya Nagoya Sakae Hirokoji-dori Tokyu Inn
Fushimi Sta.
Aoba Castle
Tsurumai Line
Osu Kannon
1. Misono
Yu hua Garden
M-INT KOBE Apa Hotel Kobe-Sannomiya
oad Tor R
ji -su awa Koik
Sannomiya Sta.三宮駅 Sogo Kobe Marui Kobe Kokusai San Plaza Kaikan Center Plaza SannomiyaHanadokeimae Sta.
Sunroute Sopra Kobe Boeki Center Sta.
Kaigan Line
Hanshin Expressway No.3 Kobe-line
Meriken Hotel Ookura Kobe Park Kobe Maritime Museum
Isemach i-dori
Hiroshima Castle
Port Liner
Hiroshima High Court
Toyoko Inn Shukkeien Garden
Hiroshima Prefectual Art Museum
Hiroshima Green Arena Hiroshima Museum of Art
ad er Ro Flow
Kobe City Hall Motomachi Sta.Kyukyoryuchi-Daimarumae Sta. 元町駅 Daimaru Dept. Nankin-machi Higashi (China Town) Yuenchi Kobe City Park Museum
Chuo Park
Rihga Royal Hotel Hiroshima SOGO A-Bomb Dome
Via Inn Hiroshima
Kencho-mae Sta.
JAL City Hiroshima
Hiroshima Prefectural Office
Hiroshima Sta. 広島駅
Memorial Cathedral Tokyu for World Peace Hands Hiroshima Grand Hacchobori Sta. Intelligent Hotel Fukuya Hon-dori Sta. Aioi-dori BIC Camera Mitsukoshi Yamada Denki LABI Hiroshima Railway
Peace Memorial Park Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Ana Crown Plaza Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall Oriental for the A-Bomb Victims Mitsui Garden Hotel Hiroshima Hotel Hiroshima Comfort Hotel Hiroshima Rijo-do ri
Tokyu Hands
Gion S hindo
Futabayama Ryokuchi
Johoku Sta.
Chuo Ward Office
Ikuta Jinja Shrine
JR Sanyo Shinkansen JR Sanyo Line
JR Kobe Line Hanshin Line
Minato-motomachi Sta.
Kamimaezu Sta.
Astram Line
Hankyu Kobe Line Seishin-Yamate Line
Kenchomae Sta.
Meijo Line
20. Hiroshima 広島
23. Kobe / Sannomiya 神戸 / 三宮
the b kobe
Otsu-dor i
Itsutsu-bashi Sta.
Zuiho-ji Temple
Mitsui Urban Hotel Nagoya
Wakamiya-d ori Wakamiya-d Nagoya Ex pressway ori
Mae zu-d ori
Osu Kannon Sta. Tohoku Univ.
JR Tohoku Shinkansen
Gofukum achi-dor i
Tozai Line
Sendai Sta.
Sendai Sta.
ori Bansui-d
Omachi Nishi-koen Sta.
Aobadori Sta. Aoba-dori Ichibancho Sta.
Higashiyama Line
Nagoya Chunichi Tokyu Hotel Bldg. Nagoya LACHIC MELSA Washington Mitsukura-dori Hotel Plaza Princess Garden Hotel Kawara-dori NADYA Matsuzakaya Hotel Centmain Shirakawa-dori PARK Dept. Nagoya Shirakawa Nagoya City Park Science Museum Yaba-cho Sta. Parco Nagoya City Art Museum Monzenmach i-dori
ori ncho-d Kokubu
Internatonal Center Sta.
Mitsukoshi Dept.
Hirose-dori Sta.
Daini Fuji Hotel
Nagoya TV Tower Tokai Television Broadcasting NHK Aichi Arts OASIS 21 Center Nishiki-dori Chubu Electric Power Sakae Sta. Naka Ward Office
Naka Ward Office Hiroshima City Hall
Heiwa -odori
Fuji Grand
att. Maps
Hirose River
Takaoka Sta.
Hisaya-odori Sta.
Bank of Japan
Sakura-dori Line
Nagoya Marunouchi Tokyu Inn dori Marunouchi Sta. Sakura-
Namboku Line
Hyogo Prefectual Government
Nagoya Marunouchi Tokyu Inn
Nagoya International Center
Tokyu Hands Hotel Sunroute New Sapporo Apa Hotel Sapporo St. Arche Chuo-Kuyakusho-mae ji Shopping
Hotel Associa Nagoya Terminal Royal Park Inn Nagoya
Nishi 4-chome Hotel Okura Sapporo
Municipal Streetcar
Odori Sta.
Nishi juitchome Sta. Nishi 8-chome
Sapporo Prince Hotel Chuo Ward Office Shiseikan Shogakko-mae Chuo Fire Station
New Otani Inn Sapporo Hotel Montrey Edelhof United Cinema Sapporo
Clock Tower City Office
Odori Park Tokyo Dome Hotel Sapporo
Sapporo Factory
Hotel Hokke Club Sapporo
Sapporo Grand Hotel Tonan Hospital Sapporo TV Chuo Police Station
Tsurumai Line
Nagoya Lucent Tower Hotel Sunroute Nagoya
ANA Hotel Sapporo
Sapporo Sta. Hokkaido Pref. Gov. Botanical Garden Office of Hokkaido Univ. Former Hokkaido Hokkaido Gov. Office Bldg. Pref. Police Headquarters
Aichi Prefectural Library
ori i-d iek Me
JR Tower Hotel Nikko Sapporo
Noritake Museum Noritake Garden Craft Center Sotobori-dori
Hiroshima Ciry Comics Library Hiroshima Ciry Museum of Contemporary Art Hijiyama Park
att. JAPAN
15. Yokohama Station 横浜駅
12. Odaiba お台場 JR Lines
Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line
Yodobashi Camera More’s Tokyu Hands Tourist Information Center
Yokohama Bay Sheraton Hotel &Towers
Takashimaya 横浜駅 Dept. Yokohama Sta. Lumine Sotetsu Joinus
Yokohama VIVRE Kokusai Hotel Daiei
Yokohama Bay Quarter Takashima Suisaisen Park
Sogo Dept.
Minatomirai Sports Park
Marui City Yokohama Plaza Hotel Marinos Town
Sotetsu Line JR Tokaido Line
JR Negishi Line
Shi n-Y oko ham a-d ori
Hiranumabashi Sta.
Shin-takashima Sta. Yokohama Anpanman Children’s Museum & Mall
Nissan Yokohama Bldg.
Super Autobacs
Keikyu Line
Takashimacho Sta.
Minato Mirai Line
-dori Suzukaze
YOKOHAMA i-MARK PLACE Yokohama Media Tower Leaf Minatomirai
M.M. Towers
16. Minato Mirai 21 みなとみらい 21
ri i-do usa Kok
Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu
i dor ai-o Mir ato Min 6 te 1 Rou
Tourist Information Center Yokohama
Ban kok uba shidor i
ka iji-za Mom
十代目 彌左エ門
Yokohama No. 2 Joint Government Office 桜木町駅 Yokohama Sakuragicho Sakuragicho Sta. Washington Hotel Bashamichi Sta.
Municipal Subway Blue Line
Bas ham ichi
Kanagawa Pref. Museum of Cultural History
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (Akarenga Soko)
Ben ten -do ri
Zoshigaya Cemetery
Yokohama Municipal Subway Green Line
Port of Yokohama
Kodomonokuni Line
Center Kita
Center Minami
Min ato -od ori Nih onodo ri
Nish imo n-d ori
Osa mb ash i-do ri
Rd. on-silk Minamim
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Tsurumi River
JR Yokohama Line
JR Nambu Line
Tokyu Toyoko Line
Osambashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal
Hon cho -do ri
Bas ham ichi Kan naiodo ri Kan nai sak ura -do ri
Zoshigaya Sta. Kishibojim mae Sta.
Kanagawa Pref. Government Yokohama Archives Office of History Yokohama Minato-odori Sta. Silk Center Port Opening Tourist Information Center SangyoBoeki Yam Memorial Hall ash Yamashita Park Center Kanagawa ita Kannai Sta. Yokohama Kenmin Hall KoenYokohama Doll do Municipal Subway KAAT Kanagawa Museum Hotel Moterey ri Arts Theatre OnoBlue Line Hotel New Grand Yokohama Naka Ward Royal Hall ech Kagacho Office Kannai Sta. o- d Yokohama Minato Yokohama Marine Tower ori Yokohama Park Police 関内駅 Rose Hotel Mirai Line Station Mielparque Yokohama Yokohama Yokohama City Hall Yokohama -odori Odori ai ag Studium uk Ch YWCA Park MotomachiChina Town Hotel Yokohama Chukagai Sta. Garden dori KanteibyoHotel Wing e International a Lin b i r a Kannai #3 K y KKR Porthill a w Yokohama ress Yokohama Chuo Hospital Exp ori wa d a i g Yokohama a ch Kan Yokohama Foreign oma Cultural Gymnasium t o M General Cemetery Ishikawacho Sta. Ferris Univ. 石川町駅 Yokohama International School
Toei Arakawa Line
Mejiro Sta.
14. Complete Map of Yokohama 横浜全図
ri Ichiba-do
att. Maps
Zou-no-hana Tettace
Higashi-ikebukuro Sta. Higashi-ikebukuro-yonchome Sta. Toden zoshigaya Sta.
Tokyu Denentoshi Line
Kaig andor i
Sunshine City
Seibu Ikebukuro Line
Hon cho -do ri
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse (Akaremga Soko)
Ban kok uba shidor i
Bashamichi Sta. Honcho-dori
Sunshine City Prince Hotel
Tokyu Hands
Kishimojin Temple
17. Kannai-Motomachi 関内、元町
Kanagawa Pref. Museum of Cultural History
← to Yokoze
Marunouchi Line
Minami Ikebukuro Park
Jiyugakuen Myonichikan
Kaig andor i
JR Negishi Line
Red Brick Park
Navios Yokohama
Ark Hotel Tokyo
BIC Camera Hotel PARCO LABI 1 Grand City Central Store
JICA Yokohama
Nippon Maru
JR Yamanote Line
Tobu Dept.
Ikebukuro Sta. Ikebukuro Tokyo Sta. Metropolitan 池袋駅 Theatre Metropolitan Plaza Seibu Dept. Hotel Metropolitan
Rikkyo Univ.
Yokohama World Porters Kishamichi Promnade
Ikebukuro Sta. Marui
Yurakucho Line
Yokohama Cosmo World
Royal Park Hotel Yokohama Landmark Tower
Shuto Expressway
Hotel The b Dai-ichi Inn Ikebukuro Toshima Ikebukuro City Office
Royal Hotel
Shinko Pier Passenger Terminal
Queen’s Square Yokohama
ri Yokohama -do ura Port Museum Sak 2. JYUDAIME YAZAEMON
Kanagawa Kenritsu Ongakudo
National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation Aomi (Miraikan) Frontier Museum of Bldg. Time Maritime Science Telecom Center Sta. 24 Telecom Center Bldg. Oedo Onsen Monogatari Hot Spring
Fukutoshin Line
Towers YOKOHAMA Port of Yokohama i-MARK PLACE Yokohama Keiyu Exhibition Hall Leaf Media Tower Hospital Pacifico Yokohama Minatomirai Yokohama National Convention Hall ori d Anpanman Minato Mirai Sta. of Yokohama Icho Children’s Inter Continental Museum Yokohama MARK IS MinatoYokohama Yokohama Grand Mirai Hall & Mall Museum of Art
i dor aki- Yokohama Key
Ariake Sta. The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR Panasonic Ariake Park Clean Tokyo Bay Center Center Odaiba-Kaihinkoen Park Bldg. Ariake East Promenade Odaiba-kaihinkoen Sta. Washington Ariake Hotel Decks Tokyo Beach Museum of Fronteir TFT Water Science Tokyo JOYPOLIS TFT EAST Bldg. Mediage WING WEST Daiba Frontier Kokusai- Tokyo Aqua City Big Sight WING Bldg. tenjijoCenter Hotel Nikko seimon Sta. Promenade Tokyo Tokyo (Tokyo Big Sight Sta.) Fuji TV Teleport Ferris Wheel Daiba Sta. Mizu no Yurikamome Line Sta. Hiroba Park DiverCity Grand Pacific Palette Town Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: Tokyo Plaza Le Daiba Aomi Sta. MORI Ariake teamLab Borderless West Nishi Futo Promenade Zepp Tokyo Park Shiokaze MEGA WEB Park Ferry Futo VenusFort(2-3F) Park VenusFort Family(1F) Fune-no-kagakukan Sta. Tokyo International (Tokyo International Exchange Center Cruise Terminal Sta.)
JR Saikyo Line Tobu Tojo Line
Rinko Park
-dori Suzukaze M.M.
Rinkai Line
Ariake Tennis no mori Park Kokusai-tenjijo Sta.
Ariake Sports Center
13. Ikebukuro 池袋
Shin-takashima Minato Mirai Line Sta.
1. Hard Rock Cafe Yokohama
Ariake Collosseum
Meiji-do ri
Hotel Camelot Japan Hotel Plumm
Rainbow Promenade
Daiba Park
Kanagawa Sta.
Tokyu Toyoko Line
way igh an H ang yo W Tok
Keikyu Line
Kawasaki Kikuna
Kekyu Line
Keikyu-Tsurumi JR Tsurumi Line
Tokaido Shinkansen Sotetsu Line
JR Tokaido, Yokosuka, Shonan-Shinjuku Line Sotetsu Izumino Line
Minarto Mirai Line
Sakuragicho Kannai
Motomachi -Chukagai
Keikyu Line
Kamiooka Shonandai
JR Negishi (Keihin-Tohoku) Line
Yokohama Municipal Subway Blue Line
Odakyu Enoshima Line Seaside Line
To Odawara/Hakone Fujisawa
JR Tokaido Line Enoden Line
JR Yokosuka Line
Kita-Kamakura Kanazawahakkei Kamakura Zushi Shin-Zushi Yokosuka
Tamagawa River
9. Ueno 上野
6. Asakusa 浅草
Benten-do Shrine
Ameyoko S hopping St.
Suehiro Engeijo Theater Ueno-hirokoji Sta.
Ginza Line
Marui City
Inaricho Sta.
Ginza Line
Sadou Hostel Tokyo Ueno
Hotel Sunroute Asakusa
Tawaramachi Sta.
Toei Oedo Line
Kanda Police Station
Kanda Sta. 神田駅
Ginza Line
Takebashi Sta. The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo Eastern Garden of the Imperial Garden
See Asakusa Map Ginza Line
Umamic hi-dori
Asahi Breweries Ltd.
Umaya Bridge
er Riv Asakusabashi Ryogoku Tourist Information Center
Asahi Breweries Ltd.
Toei Asakusa Line Sumida Industry and Tourism Honjo-azumabashi Sta. Information Center Sumida City Point
Toei Oedo Line
Asakusabashi Kuramae Bridge
Tobu Skytree Line (Tobu Isesaki Line)
Sumida Heritage Museum TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN® Sumida Park Keisei Kitajikken TOKYO Oshiage Sumida City Office SKYTREE River Line Sta. Oshiage Sta. Azumabashi (SKYTREE) Tourist Information Center
Shut oE Kiyosu xpressw mi-do ay ri
Kuramae Sta.
Kuramae Sta.
Azuma Bridge
Komagata Bridge
Oyokogawa Shinsui Park
Yokoamicho Park Kyu-Yasuda Garden Ryogoku Kokugikan Edo-Tokyo Museum The Sumida Hokusai Museum Ryogoku Sta.
Hanzomon Line
Kinshicho Sta.
JR Sobu Line Keiyo-doro
Ryogoku Sta.
Shiodome Siosite Dentsu
Caretta Shiodome
Shiodome Tokyo Shiodome Bldg. Sta. Conrad Hotel Shiodome Sumitomo Bldg. Hamarikyu Teien (Gardens) Tsukiji River Villa Fontane
Sh inoh ash i-d ori
Tsukijishijo Sta. Asahi Shimbun
Shuto Expressway
Fire Station
Chiyoda Line
Tsukuba Express
Akihabara UDX Bldg.
Fuji Soft Bldg.
Akihabara Cross Field
AKKY Dai Biru Bldg.
JR Sobu Line
JR Chuo Line
Yodobashi Camera Takarada Musen Radio Kaikan
Toei Oedo Line
Hibiya Line
Akihabara Sta.
Shohei-bashi Bridge
Ginza Line
Hibiya Line
Yurikamome Line
Shimbashi Shiodome Sta. City Center
Kanda-jinja Shrine (Kanda Myojin)
Mansei-bashi Bridge
att. Maps
Tsukiji Sta.
JR Lines
Suehirocho Sta.
ori i-d ise e H
Sh ow a-d ori
Kai gan -do ri
Media Tower Park Hotel
Tobu Asakusa Sta.
Asakusa Sta.
o aid oK Mit
Kototoi Bridge
Senso-ji Temple
Tsukuba Express
i da
Show a-do ri
Sot ob Son ori-d Nis Na y-do ori hi- mik ri go i-d Suz -bang ori Az ura aium n-d dor a-d o i ori Chu ri o- d ori
Hibi ya-d ori
Dai ichi -Ke ihin
Royal Park Shiodome Tower
Sumida River
-d Koj Ginza ara Higashi-ginza Sta. Kabukiza uns Six Mih Theatre ha
Ginza Nikko Hotel
ori i-d rum Ha
Asakusa Sta.
8. Akihabara 秋葉原
ori Ginza Grand Hotel Ginza Kokusai Courtyard by Marriott Hotel Tokyo Ginza Hotel Hakuhinkan Mitsui Garden Hotel Ginza Shimbashi Shimbashi Sta. Enbujo Theatre Shimbashi Sta.
Nippon Television
Asakusa Shrine
Tawaramachi Sta.
Hibiya Park Kotsu Kaikan The Peninsula Tokyo Yurakucho Sta. Shut 有楽町駅 Bldg. Tokyo Hibiya Sta. o Exp Ginza-itchome Sta. ressw Yurakucho Takarazuka Toho ay ITOCiA MARRONIER Theater Twin Tower GATE GINZA Yurakucho Mercure Hotel Tokyo Midtown Nissei Melsa 2 Ginza Tokyo Marion Hibiya Theatre Marunouchi Line Hibiya Hotel Monterey LUMINE YURAKUCHO Chanter Ginza Yurakucho Line 1. Misono HANKYU MEN’S Ma t s uya Matsuya Dept. みその TOKYO -do Imperial Hotel Toei Wako ri TOKYU PLAZA M Ginza Sta. Asakusa Line Chiyoda Line Mitsukoshi Dept. GINZA iyuk San-ai Shintomicho Sta. i-d JR Yamanote Line, 2. Ginza Kashiwa ori Ginza Core Keihin-Tohoku 銀座かしわ New Melsa Line
Azuma Bridge
Toei Asakusa Line
Asakusa Sta.
11. Ginza 銀座
Ginza Line
Asakusa Tourist Information Center
Ogawamachi Sta. Awajicho Sta.
Nihombashi Mitsui Tower Yomiuri Mitsukoshi Shimbun Japan Dept. Bank Otemachi Palace Hotel Otemachi Mitsukoshi-mae Bldg. Sta. Tozai Line Sta. Shin-Marubiru Marunouchi Imperial Palace COREDO Oazo Nihombashi Tokyo Nihombashi National Sta. Sta. Theatre Tokyo Sta. Nijubashimae Sta. Takashimaya 東京駅 Supreme Marubiru Dept. Daimaru KITTE Court (Marunouchi Bldg.) JNTO Tourist Dept. Imperial Palace Information Tokyo Four Seasons Diet Library Outer Garden Center Bldg. Hotel Sakuradamon Sta. Imperial Theatre Tokyo Marunouchi International Metropolitan Line Kyobashi Sta. Forum The Peninsula Tokyo National Police Board Takaracho Sta. BIC Camera Yurakucho Sta. Diet Bldg. Tokyo High Court Hibiya Park 有楽町駅 Tokyo Midtown Hibiya Hibiya Sta. Marion Kasumigaseki GinzaChiyoda Toei Asakusa Line Sta. itchome Sta. Line Hibiya Hall Ginza Sta. Matsuya Dept. Yurakucho Line Imperial Hibiya Line Hotel TOKYU PLAZA Mitsukoshi Dept. Toei Mita Line GINZA
Sumida Park
Waterbus Sta. (Asakusa Pier)
7. Ryogoku 両国
Su m
Chiyoda Indian City Office Embassy Nippon Budokan Hall Science Kitanomaru Park Museum
do ri
Komagata Bridge
Soto bori -do ri
Uchibori-do ri
Yasukuni Shrine
Yas uku ni-
Tobu Asakusa Sta.
Kaminari-mon Gate
Shin-okachimachi Sta.
10. Marunouchi / Imperial Palace 丸の内 / 皇居 Jimbocho Hanzomon Sta.
Asakusa Public Hall
Kaminarim on-dori
Toei Shinjuku Line Kudanshita
Rox 3
Rox 2
Edo -do ri
Rox Bldg. Tsukuba Express
Shitaya Shrine
Ueno-okachimachi Sta.
Sensoji Kindergarten Benten-do
Denpo-in Temple
Taito City Office Ueno Police Station
Matsuzakaya Dept. Takeya Okachimachi Sta. Naka-okachimachi Sta.
Yushima Sta.
Asakusa Entertainment Hall
Hibiya Line
atré Ueno Ueno Sta.
Keisei Ueno Sta.
Shitamachi Museum Chiyoda Line
ハードロックカフェ 上野駅東京
Shu to E xpr ess wa y
Ueno-no-mori (Ueno Royal) Museumu
Uyeno-eki Tokyo
Nakamise Shopping St.
Tokyo Bunka Kaikan 1. Hard Rock Cafe
WINS Asakusa Senso-ji Temple Marugoto Niten-mon Nippon Five-Storied Pagoda (Gojuno-to) Hozo-mon
Tengaku-in Temple Nichirin-ji Asakusa Sta. Temple
Orange-dor i
Ueno Sta.
Asakusa Shrine
Hanayas hiki-dori
Kaminarimon-N aka-dori
National Museum of Western Art
Senso-ji Hospital
Hanayashiki Amusement Park
Asakusa View Hotel
Kokusa i-dori
Keisei Line
Sakura Hostel No. 1
Ueno Zoo
JR Lines
Sho wador i S hut o Ex pre ssw ay
Tokyo National Museum Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum National Museum of Nature and Science
Akihabara Sta. 秋葉原駅
Akihabara Sta.
Manseibashi Police Office
Washington Hotel Kanda River
Izumi-bashi Bridge
Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market
Visit Our Website at
att. JAPAN
1. Shinjuku 新宿
att. MAPS
Marunouchi Line
LEGEND Shop School Restaurant Bank Hotel Post office Shrine Temple Information Hot spring Information Map
Sapporo 21
Kyoto P21 Kobe 23
Line name Station name JR railways: indicated with dashed lines Private railways: indicated with grey lines
Sendai 22 Tokyo 1–13
Hiroshima 20
Line name
Station name
Yokohama 14–17
Fukuoka 25
Subways: indicated with lines of each line color
Road name (-dori)
Nara 24 Osaka 27–28
Ordinary roads Highway name
Shinjuku Prince Hotel
Nishi-shinjuku Sta.
Ome-d ori
Island Tower
Hilton Tokyo
Joen-ji Temple
Tokyo Medical Univ. Hospital
Shinjuku City Office
Shinjukunishiguchi Sta.
Nomura Sompo Bldg. Japan Bldg.
Yasuk Shrine uni-d ori
Alta BIC Camera Kita-dori Kinokuniya L Tower Misono Mitsui Bookstore Daiichi 2.みその Shinjuku Isetan Seimei Bldg. Center Tokyo Odakyu Yodobashi Dept. Bldg. Bldg. Mode Gakuen Sumitomo Dept. Camera Bicqlo Hyatt Bldg. ShinjukuLumine Est i Regency Meiji Yasuda Chuo-dor sanchome Sta. Shinjuku Sta. Tokyo Tochomae Life Hall Otsuka Kogakuin Sta. Keio 新宿駅 Keio Plaza Univ. Funiture Dept. Hotel Store Flags Yodobashi Lumine 2 Camera aido No.1 shu-k o K Lumine 1 Toei Shinjuku Line Metropolitan i Fureai-dor Government NEWoMan Monolith Bldg. Office Shinjuku Expressway Keio New Line No.2 Bus Terminal NS Bldg. KDDI Bldg. Takashimaya Times Square ri do Fukutoshin iam in M Line Maynds Shinjuku Shinjuku Tower Keio Line Washington Gyoen Hotel Century Hotel Shinjuku Southern Tower JR Tokyo Park Kinokuniya Park Hotel Hyatt Sogo Hospital Bookstore Tokyo Bunka Gakuen Univ. ori Meiji-d
Okubo Hospital Seibu Shinjuku Sta.
Toei Oedo Line JR Chuo, Sobu Line JR Yamanote, Saikyo Line
Shops, restaurants or hotels introduced in att.JAPAN are indicated with red letters. Please refer to them when traveling in Japan!
Odakyu Line
4. Roppongi-Akasaka 六本木、赤坂 Akasaka Goyochi (Akasaka Imperial Grounds)
Akasaka Excel Hotel Tokyu Akasaka- Embassy of Mexico Namboku Line mitsuke Sta. Prudential Tower Marunouchi
Toyokawa Inari Temple a-dori Aoyam
Ginza Line
Embassy of Canada Akasaka Parl Bldg.
Toei Oedo Line
hi-dori Gaien Nis
shi-dori Gaien Higa
Embassy of Cambodia Marroad Inn Akasaka
Hie Shrine Kokkaigijidomae Sta. Sanno Official Residence Park Tower of Prime Minister Tameike-sanno Sta.
Akasaka Sta.
JR Yamanote Line, Saikyo Line
Meiji Jingu Shrine
Embassy of Turkey
Embassy of Estonia
Harajuku Tourist Information Center
Harajuku Sta.
Secom Togo Shrine
Takesh ita-dori
Fukutoshin Line
Myoen-ji Temple
原宿駅 GAP
Green Fantasia Ota Memorial Harajuku Ukiyo-e Museum KDDI Designing Studio Quest Tokyo Central Church La Foret Corp Tokyu Plaza Omotesando/Harajuku Olympia
Chiyoda Line
Meiji-jingumae Sta.
Embassy of U.S.A.
Suntory Museum of Art Hinokicho Park Nogizaka Sta. Ritz-Carton Tokyo ori gi-d National Tokyo Midtown pon Art Center, Rop Tokyo way ress Roppongi Sta. Exp
Ark Hills Suntory Hotel Okura Hall Roppongiitchome Sta. Embassy of Spain
Om otes and FUJI-TORII o Av 富士鳥居 e.
Q Plaza Harajuku Kyocera Bldg.
Garden Tower
Zenko-ji Temple
Tokyo Union Church
Ginza Line one omotesando oak omotesando Parashio Tower Minami Aoyama Omotesando Sta. Three Bldg.
to Shu
Aoy am a-d ori
Ao RMK Aoyama
Roi Bldg. 1.Hard Rock Cafe Tokyo
Hibiya Line
2. Tony Roma’s
Embassy of Russia
United Nations Univ.
Embassy of Fiji
att. Maps
Mizuho Bank
JR Saikyo Line
Sapporo Beer Mitsukoshi Dept. Ebisu Garden Place
Japan Defense Agency
att. JAPAN Spring/2019
Hanzomon Line
Spiral Hall
Tobu Hotel
Tower Records Tokyu Hands Marui City
United Nations Univ. ori
Park Tower
a-d am Aoy
Ko en -do ri
Tokyu Dept. Police Box Cen
Bunk ter-g amu ai ra-d ori
Tokyu Den-en Toshi Line Keio Inokashira Line
Omotesando Sta.
Fukutoshin Line
Ebisu Sta.
ori a-d hir kas Ino
i dor ijiMe
Ebisu Sta.
JR Yamanote Line
Tokyo Kyosai Hospital
Shibuya City Office
Hibiya Line
Tokyu Toyoko Line
Prime Square
Omotesando Hills
Om o FUJI-TORII tesand o Av Chiyoda Line 富士鳥居 e.
Me iji-d ori
ri do
Hac him an-d ori
ate Yam Kyu
NHK Broadcasting Center
Tokyu Store Nakameguro Sta.
Kiddy Land
Yoyogi National Gymnasium
DAIKANYAMA Daikanyama Embassy of Senegal T-SITE Address Embassy of Egypt Embassy of Hillside Daikanyama Sta. Denmark Terrace
Meguro City Office
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
Cat s St reet
Embassy of UAE
Meguro River
Chiyoda Line
Meiji-jingumae Sta.
JR Yamanote Line, Saikyo Line
Kokugakuin Univ.
Embassy of Guinea
Spiral Hall
3. Shibuya 渋谷
5. Ebisu-Daikanyama 恵比寿、代官山
Embassy of Malaysia
Hanzomon Line
Niigatakan N’ESPACE
Roppongi Sta. Mori Tower Mori Art Museum Grand Hyatt Roppongi Hills Tokyo TV Asahi Roppongi Hills Residence
Choan-ji Temple
Omotesando Hills
Kiddy Land
Hikawa Shrine
Me iji-d ori
Aoyama-itchome Sta.
Aoyama Cenetery
2. Harajuku 原宿
Hanzomon Line
Shibuya Mark City
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
A Bldg.
Seibu Dept.
B Bldg.
Tokyu Inn BIC Camera
Hachiko Statue
Shibuya Sta. Excel Tokyu 渋谷駅 Hotel Tokyu Plaza Moyai Statue
ori awa-d Tamag
Cerylean Tower
Ginza Line
u-zaka Miyamas
Shibuya Hikarie
Cross Tower Bldg. Shuto Expressway No.3
Shibuya Police Station SHIBUYA STREAM Tokyu Toyoko Line
¥ 2,000 OFF COUPON
Bring this ad to get a discount. One coupon per group. All members of the group can get a 2,000 yen discount! 憑此券即可享每人 2,000 日圓折扣。本券 1 張僅供 1 組客人使用。
Welcome to the Alternate Universe of Robots
Robot Restaurant!
Enormous robots are coming on stage one after another! Performed by robots and human dancers, Robot Reataurant’s gaudy shows combine Japanese traditional culture such as Japanese drums, matsuri (Japanese festival), ninja, and Japanese calligraphy with pop culture. Dynamic robots, passionate and intense dancers and a live band performing right in front of you will rivet your attention, stimulating your senses of sight and hearing. An amazing entertainment perfect for both couples and families! Robot Restaurant, located in Kabukicho in Shinjuku, one of the biggest entertainment districts in Japan, will make your night out ever memorable. Since the tickets sell out quickly, we recommend you to book as early as possible to secure seats. Location: 1 - 7 - 1, Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Call for Reservation: 03 - 3200 - 5500 (English is available) Phone hours: 10 : 00am - 10 : 00pm Business hours: Please contact the restaurant to confirm the schedule. URL: Reservations are highly recommended in advance as tickets sold on the day sell out very quickly.
巨大的機器人不斷地在眼前出現!機器人和真人共同演繹 的驚奇表演,融合太鼓、祭典、忍者、書法等日本傳統文化 和流行文化元素。超近距離觀看這魄力十足的機器人、充滿 熱情的舞蹈與現場樂隊完美結合的視聽覺盛宴,絕對會為 令你熱血沸騰。這個令人歎為觀止的餐廳,不論是情侶或是 一家大小都很適合前往!想要在日本具代表性的繁華街— 新宿歌舞伎町來場難以忘懷的體驗嗎? 由於表演相當受歡迎,建議盡早預約。
地址:東京都新宿區歌舞伎町 1-7-1 電話預約:03-3200-5500 (英文 OK) 電話預約時間:10:00 – 22:00 營業時間:請參見店家時間表 網址
※ 根據當天情況可能會無法馬上入場,建議您提前預約。