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Explore Anime Places in Hokkaido 動漫的聖地巡禮 北海道篇 애니메이션 성지순례 홋카이도편

春 市 幌

o r o p Sap y Cirting

Sapporo is a large city with the population of 1.95 million, yet blessed with a rich natural environment. The city is also the hub of tourism in Hokkaido where urban life and nature coexist in harmony. Visitors are attracted to Sapporo’s various sightseeing spots, tourist activities, restaurants as well as shopping streets.

札幌是人口約 195 萬人的大都市,受惠於豐饒的自然環 境,都市與大自然的完美融合,是北海道的觀光據點。 旅遊景點及各式活動也相當豐富,更是能夠享受美食 與購物、魅力十足的城市。


Odori Park and Sapporo TV Tower 大通公園與電視塔

Odori Park, which divides the city center into north and south sections, is an oasis filled with flowers and greenery for local people and visitors, and is the venue for various events throughout the year. Spring in Sapporo starts around the end of April and colorful flowers such as cherry blossoms and lilacs are full in bloom. The Sapporo TV Tower, the city’s symbol, has an observatory where you can enjoy the panoramic view of Sapporo. 將札幌中心地帶分為南北兩側的 「大通公園」 ,是充滿花朵與綠意的市民及觀光 客遊憩場所,一年之中會在此舉辦各式各樣的活動。從 4 月底左右起的春季, 有櫻花及紫丁香等色彩繽紛的花朵爭相綻放。公園東邊的「札幌電視塔」 是這 座城市的象徵。能夠將札幌街景盡收眼底的瞭望台相當值得一去。 Odori Park Odori Nishi 1-chome to 12-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo City Subway Tozai Line Odori Sta. / Nishi juitchome Sta. Sapporo TV Tower Odori Nishi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo City Subway Tozai Line / Namboku Line Odori Sta., JR Sapporo Sta.



札幌市中央區大通西1丁目 札幌電視塔 地下鐵東西線、南北線「大通站」 、JR札幌站

地下鐵「大通站」 、 「西11丁目站」

Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park 國營瀧野鈴蘭丘陵公園

You will love the range of colors of the 800 plants including suzuran (lilies of the valley), which the park was named after. In the Country Garden, which represents Hokkaido’s idyllic pastoral landscape, you will admire the spectacular site of 250 thousand tulips in bloom in late May. The park also has waterfalls and streams. Stroll around to see the Hokkaido’s flowers inside while listening to the sound of streams and birds. 以其名稱由來的鈴蘭為首,可以觀賞到大約 800 種植物。在重現了北海道 田園風情與美景的鄉村花園內,於 5 月下旬約有 25 萬株鬱金香開花,景色 絕佳。園內也有瀑布和溪流,您可以一邊聽著水流聲及啁啾的鳥鳴聲,一 邊欣賞周圍的花草景色。 247 Takino, Minami-ku, Sapporo City By bus from Subway Namboku Line Makomanai Sta.



Best Eats


in spring

A large producer of milk, butter, wheat and fruits, Hokkaido is the best place for Western style confectionery. All these ingredients for sweets come to Sapporo, which just makes it a city of sweets. “Shime-parfait,” eating a parfait after meal or drinks in the evening, is the latest trend here.

作為牛奶、黃油、小麥及水果等原料產地的北海道,是最適合製作西點的地方。而 集合了以上素材的札幌,無疑是座甜點之城。專供用餐及飲酒之後食用的聖代── 「收尾聖代」 ,是當今的熱潮。


市 札幌

o r o p Sap y Cmitmer Su

Moerenuma Park 莫埃來沼公園

Once inside the park, you will feel like stepping into a sculpture world. There 一進入公園,便能體驗到像是一腳踏 are restaurants and souvenir shops in the “Glass Pyramid,” the park’s symbol. 入了雕刻世界般的感覺。公園的象徵 In summer, a small beach is installed to provide a recreation space for residents 「玻璃金字塔」內,除了有餐廳和商店 之外,在夏季也會開放小型沙灘。 in the community. 1-1 Moerenuma-koen, Higashi-ku, Sapporo City


By bus from Subway Toho Line Kanjo dori higashi Sta. / Shindo higashi Sta.

從地下鐵東豐線「環狀通東站」 、 「新道東站」搭乘巴士

Sapporo Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill


The rolling hills provide the view of sheep quietly grazing in the grass with the downtown Sapporo in the background. The splendid lavender field in bloom is a sight to see in summer. This site is also known for the statue of Dr. Clark, who is considered as the pioneering father of Hokkaido and left his parting words “Boys be ambitious!” 背對著札幌市街,可以看見羊兒悠閒地吃草的緩坡丘陵地。夏季盛開的 薰衣草也很值得一看。丘陵之上立著一座銅像,銅像為留下了 「Boys be ambitious!」 之名言的北海道開拓之父──克拉克博士。 1 Hitsujigaoka, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo City



Activities The outskirt of Sapporo has nature in abundance and provides a variety of activities in the mountains as well as in the rivers, such as horse trekking in the forest and plain, and fruits picking in orchards. Rafting in the Toyohira River and Jozankei Valley is also highly recommended. You can experience a strong torrent from April to June when the water level increases due to melting snow and a mellow rubber rafting in the clean water in summer.

札幌市郊外自然豐饒,山 河間的各式戶外活動也相 當充實,如騎馬旅行及採 摘水果等。有數種在綠意 盎然的森林及草原上的騎馬 體驗活動,並有能夠享用各式各 樣水果的果園。此外,也推薦在豐平川、定山溪的泛舟活動。可以感受 在 4 月~ 6 月期間,因融雪而水量大增的急流泛舟,以及夏季期間,在 清涼的河面上搭乘橡皮艇悠閒地順流而下的體驗。

By bus from Subway Toho Line Fukuzumi Sta.




Best Eats


in Summer

“Jingisukan” is Hokkaido’s trademark dish which consists of lamb and vegetables grilled in a convex iron skillet, served with sweet and savory sauce. There are many Jingisukan restaurants in the city. Susukino is the largest nightlife district in Sapporo with a great number of restaurants and izakaya (Japanese style pubs) where you can enjoy all kinds of foods such as Japanese, Chinese and Western styles.

Susukino 薄野

Subway Namboku Line Susukino Sta., Subway Toho Line Hosui Susukino Sta.

地下鐵南北線「薄野站」 、地下鐵東豐線「豐水薄野站」

用中央高四周低的鐵鍋,將羊肉與蔬菜一同燒烤,再淋上甜甜鹹鹹的醬汁食用的「成吉思汗烤肉」 , 是北海道的代表性在地美食,市內有許多專營成吉思汗烤肉的餐廳。此外,在北海道最大的鬧區「薄 野」有許多餐廳及居酒屋,可以享用到包括日式、中式、西式等各種各樣的料理。


市 札幌

o r o p Sap y Citutmn Au

Jozankei Onsen 定山溪溫泉

Jozankei Onsen is a popular hot spring spot that opened in 1866. One hour by car from the downtown Sapporo, it is located alongside the river and surrounded by the mountains. The area is famous for the autumn leaves watching, especially when the whole mountains are covered with red and yellow leaves in mid-October. The cliff and beautiful valley of the Toyohira River have a tremendous impact. The open-air baths offer you the amazing views of colored leaves in autumn and snow in winter. 從札幌市區出發,車程約 1 小時即可到達定山溪溫 泉。沿著群山環繞下的溪流,這裡的溫泉於 1866 年 開鑿,是個歷史悠久的人氣溫泉景點。周邊則是觀 賞紅葉的知名景區,10 月中旬左右整座山都染上了 美麗的紅黃色。陡峭的懸崖與豐平川的溪谷之美也 很值得一看。秋季賞紅葉、冬季賞雪景的露天浴池 更別有一番風味。

100 min by non-stop bus from New Chitose Airport 60 min by non-stop bus “Kappa Liner” from JR Sapporo Sta. 75 min by local bus Jozankei Line from JR Sapporo Sta.

從新千歲空港搭乘直達巴士約100分鐘 從札幌站搭乘定山溪溫泉直達車「河童Liner號」約60分鐘 從札幌站搭乘巴士「定山溪線」約75分鐘



Sapporo has all kinds of shops, from drugstores and electronic retail stores through department stores and boutiques carrying high brand items. Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade is the busiest shopping district in Sapporo with 200 shops. You can find local agricultural products, Japanese gadgets, fashion items, etc. In the area from 4-chome through 7-chome, there are numbers of eateries, perfect for your lunch or tea break. 從藥妝店、家電量販店,到百貨公司、名牌商品店,札幌是座可以享受各 種購物樂趣的城市。 「狸小路商店街」 有 200 間店舖林立,是札幌最熱鬧 的商店街。在這裡,您可以買到北海道的農產品、日本的雜貨品及時尚 用品等各式各樣的商品。4 ~ 7 丁目有多家飲食店,作為休息及午餐的地 點也相當合適。 Sapporo Streetcar Tanukikoji Sta.


Best Eats


in Autumn

Soup Curry 湯咖哩

Japanese people love curry-rice and ramen. In Hokkaido, these dishes have differently evolved. “Soup Curry” which was invented in Sapporo, has become one of the “soul foods” in Hokkaido. You dip rice in your spicy, thin, chunky curry soup. “Sapporo Ramen” is usually consists of thick, sticky noodles and soup which is mainly miso-flavored. However, some famous ramen restaurants offer ramen in their specialty salt or soy sauce-flavored soups. You will find your own favorite type of ramen.

雖然咖哩飯及拉麵都是日本人最愛的食物,但它們卻在北海道有了獨特的演化。誕生於札幌的「湯咖哩」已是 現今札幌的代表性美食。加入多種香料、順口而不濃稠的湯內,放入了大塊的蔬菜或肉等食材,將米飯浸泡其 中再加以食用。「札幌拉麵」以較粗且彈牙的麵條為主流,除了絕不可或缺的味噌口味,也有只堅持鹽味與醬油 味的知名店家,相信您一定能在這裡找到自己喜愛的拉麵。


Sapporo Ramen 札幌拉麵

市 札幌

o r o p Sap y Ciintter W



Hokkaido is the best place for winter sports because of its cold temperature and high volume of snow. You can enjoy the fine powder snow there. In 1972, Sapporo served as the first Japanese city to host the Olympic winter games. Many ski areas are located 20 to 60 minutes by car from the downtown Sapporo. They are all powdersnowed slopes. It is thus accessible that you can casually make a day trip for skiing. Some ski resorts have rental skis, sleds and snow shoes so that you can play in the snow.

Mt. Moiwa, Observatory

由於北海道氣溫極低、積雪量大,因此 非常適合進行冬季運動。您可以在此 盡情享受鬆軟的粉雪。其中,札幌更於 1972 年,成為日本首次舉辦冬季奧運 的都市。由札幌市中心車程 20 分鐘~ 1 小時的近距離,就有多處滑雪場,並 且毫無疑問地皆屬於粉雪。可以當日來 回,輕鬆地遊玩。除了有提供滑雪用品 租借服務外,也有可以出借雪橇及雪鞋 的地方,讓您在滑雪場上盡情玩雪!

藻岩山 山頂瞭望台

Mt. Moiwa is the mountain at 531 meters, situated on the south side of the downtown Sapporo. You can enjoy the panoramic views of Sapporo, Ishikari Plain and, in the distance, Ishikari Bay from the observatory at the top of the mountain. The night view is especially wonderful and recognized as one of the “Japan’s new top 3 cities for night views” along with Nagasaki and Kobe in October 2015.


Shiroi Koibito Park

Shiroi Koibito is the representative treat of Hokkaido. Shiroi Koibito Park is a theme park where you can take a factory tour, purchase and taste sweets that you can get only here. You will fully enjoy the world of the famous treat.

Exclusive to Shiroi Koibito Park Shiroi Koibito cookies in original tins 原創照片餅乾盒

可謂北海道點心的代表。在白色戀人公園,您可以參觀白色 位於札幌市區南邊,有座標高 531m 的藻岩山,從其山頂瞭望台放眼望 「白色戀人」 去,札幌市區、石狩平原,連更遠處的石狩灣等都盡收眼底。此處夜景 戀人的生產線,享用只有這裡才有點心,並可以購買旅遊的伴手禮,是 座可以盡情享受美味點心的主題公園。 尤其美麗,於 2015 年 10 月與長崎、神戶並列,成為日本新三大夜景。 1 Moiwayama, Minami-ku, Sapporo City By bus from Sapporo Streetcar Ropeway-iriguchi Sta.



2-2-11-36 Miyanosawa, Nishi-ku, Sapporo City Subway Tozai Line Miyanosawa Sta.


Nijo-ichiba 1-chome to 2-chome, Minami 3-jo Higashi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo City Subway Tozai Line Bus Center mae Sta. / Odori Sta. 二條市場 札幌市中央區南3條東1丁目~東2丁目 地下鐵東西線「巴士中心前站」 、 「大通站」

Kaisendon (bowl of rice topped with seafood) 海鮮蓋飯


For more information 詳情請参考

Best Eats


in Winter

You can find a variety of fresh produce in Sapporo, the largest city in Hokkaido. Nijoichiba, the market place in the city center, started business more than 100 years ago and carries plenty of fish and seafood. The local delicacies here including famous kaisendon (bowl of rice topped with seafood) attract millions of visitors.

在北海道第一大城的札幌,也匯集了許多新鮮的食材。位於市中心的「二條市場」 ,是已 經持續了超過 100 年的市場,有著豐富多樣的海產。尤其「海鮮蓋飯」更是知名美食,是 眾多遊客聚集的美食聖地。


Hokkaido Discover Many More Attractions All Over

Hokkaido is a treasury of various attractions. 北海道 Vast Take some side trips to other areas from Sapporo and fully enjoy Hokkaido! 魅力無限 廣大的北海道充滿著各式各樣的魅力。 從札幌開始向外探索,更進一步地盡情感受北海道的魅力吧!

Cities in Hokkaido are easily accessible from Sapporo by train, car and air. You will realize how vast the spread of land is during your trip. Each area offers you opportunities to learn the local culture, see grand scenery, and play in nature. Fresh new greenery in spring; abundance of flowers in summer; a variety of delicacies in autumn; land covered with pure white snow in winter. Hokkaido has an enormous charm in every season.

由札幌出發前往道內各個都市,可以簡單地利用鐵路、 高速公路及飛機進行移動,在移動過程中也能感受這片 遼闊的大地。在各個不同的區域,可以感受到這裡特有 的文化,並徜徉於大自然的懷抱中。綠芽萌發的春季、百 花爭妍的夏季、美食眾多的秋季、千里冰封的冬季。北海 道的四季充滿了各自獨特的魅力。

Best Eats Sushi 壽司


in Hakodate

In port town Hakodate, fresh, delicious seafood is always available. At Hakodate Morning Market, delicious sushi and kaisendon (bowl of rice topped with seafood) are available. At Ekini Market, you can fish squid yourself and the shop staff will prepare sashimi for you. The hamburger at Lucky Pierrot is a popular “soul food” among local people, and can be eaten only in Hakodate. “Shio Ramen” with lightly salted flavored soup is also known as a specialty of Hakodate, home to many ramen restaurants.

The hamburger at Lucky Pierrot


Squid Sashimi 烏賊刺身


Shio Ramen 鹽味拉麵

在海港城鎮函館,您可以品嚐到新鮮的魚貝類。若想吃壽司及海鮮蓋飯,就前往函館朝市。 在朝市的驛二市場內可以自己釣烏賊,並由商家當場做成刺身等料理。只有這裡才吃得到的 「幸運小丑」漢堡是函館的著名美食。另外,函館的鹽味拉麵也相當知名,市內有許多的拉麵店。


e t a d o k Ha ity C

Hakodate is located on the southernmost tip of Hokkaido. It developed as the entrance to Hokkaido from Honshu (Japan’s main island), and has also become the gateway to Hokkaido by train since the opening of Hokkaido Shinkansen in 2016.

函館位於北海道南端,是作為本州至北海道的玄關口而發展起來的城鎮,隨著 2016 年北海道新幹線的開通,成為北海道陸上的門戶。

Special Historic Site Fort Goryokaku (Goryokaku Park) 特別史蹟五棱郭遺址 (五稜郭公園)

Goryokaku, a star fort (shaped like a five-pointed star) that is a rare style in Japan, was built in the middle of the 19th century by using the French castle construction method. You can view the whole fort from the top of Goryokaku Tower. Cherry blossoms in the park are at their best from the end of April. 採用在日本難得一見的法國築城方式,建造而成的 星型城郭,於江戶時代末期建成。登上五陵郭塔,則 美景一覽無遺。4 月下旬園內的櫻花盛開美不勝收。 43-9 Goryokaku-cho, Hakodate City (Goryokaku Tower Corporation) Hakodate City Tram Goryokaku-koen-mae Stop 函館市五陵郭町43-9(五陵郭塔株式會社) 函館市電「五稜郭公園前站」

Yunokawa Onsen


Located five minutes by car from Hakodate Airport, Yunokawa Onsen is a hot spring area that is a fine base for sightseeing in Hakodate. In winter, Japanese monkeys soaking in a hot spring bath in a relaxed manner in Hakodate Tropical Botanical Garden is a must-see. 從函館機場至此車程僅 5 分鐘, 是地理位置上也便於進行函館觀光的溫泉街。在冬天,在函館市熱帶植 物園的猿山溫泉,可以看到正自在地泡著溫泉的獼猴。 3-1-15 Yunokawa-cho, Hakodate City (Hakodate Tropical Botanical Garden) 5 min by car from Hakodate Airport


函館山的山腳下有坡道數條,其中以八幡坂最為知名。長 270 公尺,筆 直地向函館灣延伸,景色壯觀,是函館不容錯過的景點。 Suehiro-cho, Hakodate City


The night view from Mt. Hakodate, which looks out over Hakodate Bay, is one of the most popular spots chosen by people both in Japan and from abroad via the Internet. While the night view is extremely famous, watching the changing colors of the sky and town around dusk is also romantic. You can reach the top of the mountain by Cable car or bus. 從凸出於函館灣的函館山俯瞰的街景,在日本國內外的旅客口碑網上, 都是名列前茅的美景。不僅夜景有名,從黃昏時分至夜晚,天空與街景 變化也十分浪漫。您可以搭乘纜車或巴士前往山頂。 19-7 Motomachi, Hakodate City (Mt. HAKODATE ROPEWAY Corporation) Hakodate City Tram Jujigai Stop / Hakodate bus Ropeway-mae Stop from JR Hakodate Sta.

函館市元町19-7(函館山纜車株式會社) 函館市電「十字街站」 、市內巴士「纜車前」巴士站

There are many slopes at the foot of Mt. Hakodate, and among them, the most famous slope is Hachiman-zaka. The top of the slope commands a splendid view of the 270-meter street that leads straight to Hakodate Bay. It is one of the most famous spots offering beautiful views.



Night View from Mt. Hakodate

Hachiman-zaka 八幡坂 Slope

Hakodate City Tram Suehiro-cho Stop



Bay Area The atmosphere of an old-time port city still remains strong in the Hakodate Bay Area with red brick warehouses alongshore. You can enjoy shopping or a tea break in this historical and stylish area. 紅磚建成的倉庫沿著海岸並 排而建,保留著過去濃厚的海 港城鎮氛圍的區域。是個能一 邊感受函館的歷史,一邊享受 購物及美食的時尚景點。 14-12 Suehiro-cho, Hakodate City (Kanemori Red Brick Warehouse) Hakodate City Tram Suehiro-cho Stop / Jujigai Stop 函館市末廣町14-12(金森紅磚倉庫) 函館市電「末廣町站」 、 「十字街站」

For more information 詳情請参考



a w a k i h a s A City

Located in the north-center of Hokkaido, Asahikawa is an important transport hub with an airport and JR lines. It is the largest city in northern Hokkaido and attracts more than 5.3 million tourists a year. 旭川位於北海道的中心,是機場及 JR 等的交通據點。每年有超過 530 萬 人的觀光客造訪此地,為北海道北部最大的都市。

The Snow Crystal Museum 雪之美術館


Asahiyama Zoo

In this museum, you can experience a mesmerizing feeling of Hokkaido in the wintertime. Go down a spiral of stairs that leads to the Corridor of Ice, and you will find the main floor. The magical Snow Crystal Room, constructed in the image of a snow crystal, is the climax of a visit! You can also enjoy tea or lunch in the museum’s cafe. 可以親身感受夢幻般的冬季北海道的美術館。由螺旋階梯前往地下,被

Asahiyama Zoo is the northernmost zoo in Japan. The zoo features a “behavioral 冰包圍起來的迴廊深處即是主樓層。以雪的結晶為其意象,如夢似幻的 enrichment exhibition” to show animals’ natural activities and capabilities: polar 「雪晶室」絕不容錯過!也可以在此享用午餐或喝下午茶。 bears swimming in water, penguins walking on snow, orangutans walking on a 1-1 Minamigaoka 3-chome, Ashahikawa City tightrope 17 meters above the ground, and others. You can just watch them for a By bus from 1-jo dori 6-chome or 7-chome (courtesy bus is available) whole day and not get bored of it. 旭川市南丘3丁目1-1 從1条通6丁目、7丁目搭車巴士(有免費接駁巴士) 日本最北端的動物園。在水中游泳的北極熊,在雪上走路的企鵝、在離 地 17m 的高度走鋼索的猩猩等,可以一覽動物們最原始的姿態及能力 的 「行動展示」 ,即使看一整天也不會膩。 Kuranuma, Higahsiasahikawa-cho, Asahikawa City


聖誕禮物公園 The park provides panoramic views of downtown Asahikawa and Mt. Daisetsu and the Tokachi-dake range of peaks in summer. In winter, it functions as a ski facility (rental skis available). You can go up to the observatory on top of the mountain on a summer evening and enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view including the night view of Asahikawa.

夏季可以眺望旭川市區及大雪山、 十勝岳連峰,冬季則能夠滑雪的設 施(可租借) 。夏季的夜晚可以登上 山頂的展望塔,飽覽旭川的夜景及 360 度的全景。 555-2 Tomioka, Kamui-cho, Asahikawa City


By bus from JR Asahikawa Sta.


Santa Present Park


Scenery in the General Area

Furano is famous for beautiful views of lavender and you can also enjoy seeing other colorful flower fields. Biei is also a place worth visiting, with “Shikisai no Oka” (Four Seasons Hill), which is pastel-color fields resembling a patchwork, and “Aoi Ike” (Blue Pond), a cobalt blue pond in which deadwood trees stand, creating a mysterious atmosphere. 在以薰衣草聞名的富良野,可以欣賞色彩繽 紛的花田。而美瑛則擁有像粉色系拼布一般 的美不勝收的「四季彩之丘」 ,以及鈷藍色的 水面上矗立著枯木的神秘「青池」 等,請務必 一同造訪。

For more information 詳情請参考

By car from JR Asahikawa Sta.


Best Eats


in Asahikawa

“Shinko-yaki,” large-size grilled chicken, is Asahikawa’s specialty food. There are eight ramen restaurants in Asahikawa Ramen Village.

大份烤雞「新子燒」是旭川的在地美食。在「旭川拉麵村」內,共有 8 間拉麵店集結於此。


Asahikawa Ramen 旭川拉麵

Shinko-yaki 新子燒


Kushiro is the political and economic center of the eastern region of Hokkaido. It is also a great place for outdoor activities including canoeing, as Kushiro’s wild nature dynamically changes its shapes and colors throughout the four seasons of the year.

o r i h Kus ty Ci

釧路是北海道東部的政治經濟中心都市。隨季節變化的壯麗大自然是其魅 力所在,獨木舟等戶外活動也很值得推薦。

Kushiro Shitsugen ( Wetland) 釧路濕原

Kushiro Shitsugen, the largest wetland in Japan, spreading over the north side of Kushiro City, is home to a variety of rare species of animals and plants. It is especially known as the wintering place for red-crowned cranes, which attract many photographers in winter. You can look out over the wetland from observatories located around the wetland. Traveling on “SL Fuyu no Shitsugen Train,” a train pulled by a steam locomotive which runs through the pure white snow fields, brings you close up to this splendid wetland. It is mostly sunny in winter, and you may encounter wild animals such as Yezo deer and red-crowned cranes living in their harsh natural environment. 釧路濕原位於釧路市北邊,是日本最大的濕原,有許多稀 有的動植物生長棲息於此。此外,也因作為丹頂鶴過冬的 場所而聞名於世,即使在寒冷冬季也有許多攝影家造訪。 濕原周邊有數座瞭望台,可以俯瞰整片濕原。想要近距離 感受這片壯觀濕原,可搭乘「SL 冬季濕原號」 ,這是由蒸汽 火車頭拉動的奔馳於純白色雪原上的列車。即使在冬季也 常有陽光明媚的好天氣,正是遇見在嚴酷自然環境中生活 的蝦夷鹿和丹頂鶴的好機會。 SL Fuyu no Shitsugen Train Departure: JR Kushiro Sta.

Nature Around the City


The area around Lake Akan, Mt. Oakan and Mt. Meakan, which are listed among the “100 Famous Mountains of Japan,” is a fascinating area with indigenous Ainu culture and abundant nature. Marimo (spherical moss), a National Natural Monument, live in Lake Akan. 坐擁入選日本百大名山的雄阿寒岳、雌阿寒岳的阿寒湖周邊,是可以感 受「阿伊努文化」 及豐饒自然環境的神秘區域。國家特別自然紀念物「阿 寒湖綠球藻」 生長於此。

SL冬季濕原號 搭乘車站:JR釧路站


Nusamai Bridge This bridge is a famous spot for watching the sunset. Four women statues – “Shiki no Zo” – placed on the parapets represent the four seasons. 幣舞橋的欄杆上立有表 現出春、夏、秋、冬的四 座女性雕像「四季之像」 , 是觀賞夕陽的知名景點。 Kushiro City (near the outlet of the Kushiro River) JR Kushiro Sta.



For more information 詳情請参考

Our new website is scheduled to be launched in April.


Katte don


Best Eats


in Kushiro

Kushiro is blessed with all kinds of delicacies. Fresh seafood is grilled in front of you at robata-yaki. “Zangi,” or deep-fried chicken, originated in Kushiro. At Washo-ichiba, a fresh produce market, “Katte don,” a bowl of rice on which you can choose toppings of anything from the market, is worth a try.

Washo-ichiba 13-25, Kurogane-cho, Kushiro City JR Kushiro Sta. 和商市場 釧路市黑金町13-25 JR釧路站

Zangi 日式帶骨炸雞塊

釧路的山珍海味相當豐富,知名美食包括就在眼前烘烤新鮮魚貝類 的「爐端燒」 ,以及發源於釧路的炸雞「日式帶骨炸雞塊」 。在匯集了 新鮮食材的「和商市場」內,可以挑戰穿梭於各個店家,並由店家將 您喜愛的食材放入大碗公內的「隨意海鮮蓋飯」 。



o r i h i Ob t y Ci

Obiriho City is located in the center of the Tokachi Plain, a vast plain known for its agricultural industry. Dry field farms, dairy farms and urban area coexist in harmony in nature.

帶廣位於十勝平原的中央地帶,佔地遼闊、農業發達,佈滿田野和牧場,是一座 融合自然環境的田園都市。

Obihiro Horse Racetrack Ban’ei Horse Racing


Draft horses (Ban-ba), large horses with a weight of about 1 ton, compete by pulling an iron sled with a weight on top that a jockey rides. Ban-ba were originally used in agriculture in the region and today they are a kind of living witness to the historical development of Hokkaido. This is a unique horse race seen only here in which visitors cheer the horses while walking alongside them. 輓曳馬是體重高達 1 噸的大型馬,拉著載有秤錘和騎師的鐵雪橇。原本是作為 農耕馬的輓曳馬,是北海道的開拓歷史留傳至今的珍貴見證。觀眾可以隨著馬 匹奔跑、一邊加油打氣,如此氣勢磅礴的賽馬比賽僅在此處喔! Minami 9-chome, Nishi 13-jo, Obihiro City




By bus from JR Obihiro Sta.


Tokachi is home to five gardens out of the eight gardens included in the “Hokkaido Garden Path,” a 250km route dotted with beautiful gardens, which has attracted interest even in foreign countries. “Manabe Garden” is Japan’s first conifer garden, and “Tokachi Millennium Forest” is a winner of the grand prix of the Society of Garden Designers in the UK. 日本國內外皆具人氣的「北海道庭園街道」 中,其中 5 處就位在十勝區域。日本 首座以針葉樹聞名的「真鍋庭園」 ,還有獲得英國 GARDEN DESIGNERS 協會大 獎的 「十勝千年之森」 等,許多充滿樂趣的庭園等您來發掘! Tokachi Millennium Forest Minami 10-sen, Haobi, Shimizu-cho, Kamikawa County By car from JR Obihiro Sta. Manabe Garden 6 Higashi 2-sen, Inada-cho, Obihiro City By car from JR Obihiro Sta.

十勝千年之森 真鍋庭園





Yachiyo Farm

Various activities are held around Lake Shikaribetsu, such as canoeing and walking in summer and snowmobiling in winter. “Air Trip,” the zip-lining in the forest just like birds flying through the air, is especially recommended! There are also many facilities that offer you a hot air balloon experience in the Tokachi Plain.

Yachiyo Farm is a huge ranch where 1,400 cows and horses are grazing. In the restaurant, you can enjoy dining while viewing the Hidaka mountain ranges.

夏天可以在然別湖划獨木舟、散步,冬天可以騎雪地摩托車等等。特別 推薦掛著鋼索如同化身為鳥兒般穿梭於森林之間的特別體驗!在十勝 平原,許多地方都有提供乘坐熱氣球的服務。 Lake Shikaribetsu Nature Center Shikaribetsu-kohan, Shikaoi-cho, Kato County By bus from JR Obihiro Sta. / Shintoku Sta.


熱氣球體驗:十勝自然中心 從JR帶廣站搭車前往


放牧了約 1,400 頭牛、 馬的大型牧場。在餐廳內享用餐點的同時,還能眺望日高山脈的英姿。 187-1 Nishi-4 sen, Yachiyo-cho, Obihiro City By car from JR Obihiro Sta.


Hot Air Balloon Experience at Tokachi Nature Center Kita 14-chome, Tokachigawa-onsen, Otofuke-cho, Kato County By car from JR Obihiro Sta. 然別湖自然中心






For more information


Best Eats

Marusei Butter Sandwich 葡萄乾奶油夾心餅乾

Sanporoku 三方六


in Obihiro

The most famous Obihiro specialty is “Butadon,” a dish prepared with thick slices of grilled pork with sweet and savory sauce on top of a bowl of rice. “Marusei Butter Sandwich” by Rokkatei and “Sanporoku” (baumkuchen) by Ryugetsu are the Tokachi area’s famous sweets that are also popular across the country and outside Japan.

Butadon (Pork bowl) 豚丼 (豬肉蓋飯)

10 att. HOKKAIDO

提到帶廣,最有名就是「豚丼(豬肉蓋飯) 」──厚切豬肉片沾上甜甜鹹鹹的醬汁,烤過後鋪 在白飯上的鄉土料理。此外,十勝的點心製造商六花亭所製作的「葡萄乾奶油夾心餅乾」 , 以及柳月的「三方六(年輪蛋糕) 」 ,在日本國內外都是十分受歡迎的商品。


Kitami City faces the Sea of Okhotsk where massive ice floes drift. It is also home to mountain onsen and flora and fauna of the northland.

i m a Kit y Cit

北見是面向流冰湧動的鄂霍次克海的城市。在這裡也可以享受群山環繞下 的溫泉及觀賞北國大地的動植物。

Kitami Mint Memorial Museum


Kitakitsune Farm (North Fox Farm)


About 70 Ezo red foxes, which are a popular wild animal of Hokkaido, roam free on this farm. You can watch close-up see their cute frolicsome activities. 放養了約 70 隻在北海道相當受歡迎的野生動物──北狐的牧場。可以 零距離欣賞北狐可愛的動作。 52-1 Hanaoka, Rubeshibe-cho, Kitami City


By car from JR Rubeshibe Sta.



Seeing Drift Ice

Drift ice comes from the distant Amur River in Russia and reaches the coast in Hokkaido after more than a 1,000-km journey. At “Okhotsk Sea Ice Museum,” you can learn about the drift ice and creatures in the Sea of Okhotsk throughout the year. During the season of the drift ice from late January to mid-March, you can see the real ice from the tourist train “Ryuhyo Monogatari-go” or the tourist icebreaker ship “Aurora.” 流冰從遙遠的俄羅斯阿穆爾河,跨越了超過 1,000km 的距離旅行至此。 「鄂霍次克流冰館」 全年無休,在這裡,您可以對流冰與鄂霍次克海的生 物有詳細的瞭解。在 1 月下旬~ 3 月中旬左右的流冰季節,可以搭乘觀 光列車 「流冰物語號」 及觀光破冰船 「極光號」 ,親身感受真正的流冰。 Okhotsk Sea Ice Museum

244-3 Tentozan, Abashiri City

By car from JR Abashiri Sta.

Tourist Train “Ryuhyo Monogatari-go” Departure: JR Shiretokoshari Sta. / JR Abashiri Sta. Tourist Icebreaker Ship “Aurora” Departure: Higashi 4-5-1, Minami 3-jo, Abashiri City (Michi-no-Eki roadside station “Ryuhyo Kaido Abashiri”) By car from JR Abashiri Sta.





網走流冰觀光破冰船極光號 乘船碼頭:網走市南3條東4丁目5-1(道之驛「流冰街道網走」) 從JR網走站搭車前往 Kitami Shio Yakisoba 北見鹽炒麵

Kitami’s mint industry at one time accounted for 70% of the world market. This museum is built to commemorate that time. Visitors can learn about the world of mint through displayed materials and the mint oil distillery tour. The museum shop offers cosmetics and sweets containing mint. 在過去,北見的薄荷占全世界薄荷生產量的 70%,此設施即是為了向 當今世人傳達當時的歷史遺痕。除了有資料展示,並能參觀薄荷蒸餾提 取精油的過程之外,在商店內還可以購買使用了薄荷的化妝品及甜點。 1-7-28, Minaminakamachi, Kitami City



JR Kitami Sta.


Onneyu Onsen

Onneyu Onsen is a quiet hot spring spot surrounded by nature. Aquarium “Kita no Daichi no Suizokukan” uses the hot spring water, and also there is an exhibit where fish can be seen swimming actively under the frozen surface of the river. 大自然環繞下的秘境溫泉。這裡有使用 了此地溫泉水的「北國大地水族館」 ,有 魚兒在冰凍的河面下游泳的姿態等特 色展示,極具魅力。 Kita no Daichi no Suizokukan 4-1 Matsuyama, Rubeshibe-cho, Kitami City By car from JR Rubeshibe Sta. 北國大地水族館 北見市留邊蘂町松山1-4 從JR留邊蘂町站搭車前往

For more information 詳情請参考

Best Eats


in Kitami

“Kitami Shio Yakisoba” is Kitami’s famous pan-fried noodles dish using local ingredients, loved for its light and salty taste. The city also boasts having the largest number of yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurants per capita in Hokkaido. There are many affordable and delicious restaurants in town.

Yakiniku 烤肉

北見的在地美食為使用了本地食材製作而成的「北見鹽炒麵」 。清爽的鹽味相當 受歡迎。此外,若以人口和烤肉店的比例計算,北見市可說是北海道內烤肉店 最多的城市。市內有許多便宜又美味的餐廳。

att. HOKKAIDO 11

s e c a l P e m i n A e E xplor 禮 巡 地 聖 的 動漫 지순례 성 션 이 메 니 애

in Hokkaido

北海道篇 홋카이


Situated in the northernmost part of the Japanese archipelago, Hokkaido is a large island with plenty of nature. It is home to “sacred places” of a great number of anime movies. “Silver Spoon” is a TV anime series about students of an agricultural high school in Hokkaido. The hero and his fellow students’ all with distinct personalities learn and grow through the agricultural trainings and after school activities. The original comic is a best-seller manga series which still running in “Shonen Sunday” magazine and has sold more than 15 million copies in total. A TV anime adaptation aired ©Hiromu Arakawa, Shogakukan EZONO Festa Executive Committee two seasons in 2013 and 2014. A live-action film based on the manga was also released in 2014. “Silver Spoon” depicts diverse natural landscapes and scenery in Obihiro City and Tokachi Plain such as Obihiro Agricultural High School, the alma-mater of the author Hiromu Arakawa and the model of Oezo Agricultural High School (aka Ezono) that the main protagonist Yuugo Hachiken enrolled at, Obihiro Horse Race Track, Obihiro-jinja Shrine, Tokachi River, Midorigaoka Park, and Tokachi Hakuyukai Riding Club. There are episodes taken place in Sapporo, Yugo’s hometown and the largest city in Hokkaido, featuring some real-life locations such as TV Tower, one of the Sapporo’s landmarks, Sapporo Station as well as Odori Park.

位於日本最北的北海道,是個擁有豐富自然的廣大島嶼, 同時也是許多動畫的聖地。

《銀之匙 Silver Spoon》 是一部以北海道農業高中為舞台的青春物語動畫。內 容講述的是個性十足的學生們透過酪農實習及社團活動等,逐漸成長的故事。 原作是在 《週刊少年 Sunday》 連載期間,累計冊數突破 1500 萬冊的暢銷漫畫。 2013 年製成電視動畫。2014 年動畫播出第 2 季,真人電影也隨之上映。作品 中,原作者荒川弘除了將自己的母校帶廣農業高中,做為主角八軒勇吾就讀 的大蝦夷農業高中(通稱「蝦夷農」 ) 的原型之外,也畫出了帶廣賽馬場、帶廣 神社、十勝川、綠丘公園、十勝柏友會騎馬俱樂部等,大自然雄偉豐富的帶 廣市以及十勝平野的各種景觀。主角的故鄉,北海道最大都市札幌市也在故 事中登場。除了札幌的地標札幌電視塔之外,還有札幌站與大通公園等許多 實際存在的場所在作品中出現。

Silver Spoon 銀 之匙 은수저

12 att. HOKKAIDO

일본 최북단에 위치하는 홋카이도는 풍부한 자연에 둘러싸인 광대한 섬으로 수 많은 애니매이션의 성지이기도 하다.

‘은수저’ 는 홋카이도의 농업고교를 무대로한 청춘 애니매이션. 개 성 풍부한 학생들이 낙농 실습과 동아리활동을 통해 성장해 가는 이야기. 원작은 “소년선데이” 에 연재중인 누계 1500만부를 돌파한 베스트셀러 만화. 2013년 TV애니매이션화, 2014년에는 제2기가 방송, 실사 영화로 제작되기도 했다. 이 작품은 주인공 하치켄 유고 가 다니는 오에조 농업고등학교 (통칭 에조노)의 모델이 된 원작자 아라카와 히로무의 모교, 오비히로 농업고교를 시작으로 오비히로 경마장, 오비히로 신사, 도카치가와 강, 미도리가오카 공원, 도카치 하쿠유카이 승마클럽 등, 웅대한 자연이 펼쳐진 오비히로시와 도카 치 평야의 다양한 경치를 그리고 있다. 또한 주인공의 고향인 홋카 이도 제일의 도시 삿뽀로시도 등장한다. 삿뽀로의 랜드마크인 삿뽀 로 테레비탑 전망대를 시작으로 삿뽀로역과 오도리 공원 등 실존하 는 장소가 많이 등장한다.

B a k u on !! 爆音少女 !!

©おりもとみまな (ヤングチャンピオン烈) ばくおん!!製作委員会

바쿠온 !!

去年播出的《爆音少女! !》 是一部講述熱愛機車的高中 女生們的青春物語動漫。當中可看到北海道各地名勝, 包括札幌市鐘樓、函館港、宗谷岬,以及位於佐呂別濕 地南邊,擁有 28 座巨大風車並排的名勝景點「Otonrui 風力發電廠」 等。織本任那的原作漫畫中也出現了網走 監獄博物館。

“Bakuon!!” is an anime television series aired in 2016, about high school girls who discover the appeal of motorcycles. Their adventures take place in famous places of Hokkaido including Sapporo Clock Tower, Hakodate Port, Cape Soya, and “Otonrui Wind Power Station” with its 28 immense wind turbines standing in a row in the south of Sarobetsu Plain. Abashiri Prison Museum appears in the original manga series of “Bakuon!!” by Mimana Orimoto.

작년에 방송된 오토바이를 사랑하는 여고생들의 청춘 애 니매이션 ‘바쿠온!! ’. 삿뽀로시의 시계탑, 하코다테 항, 소 야 곶, 사로베츠 벌판의 남쪽에 28대의 거대한 풍차가 늘 어선 절경 스포트인 “오톤루이 풍력발전소” 등, 홋카이도 각지의 명소가 등장한다. 오리모토미마나의 원작 만화에 는 아바시리 감옥박물관도 등장한다.

We的存W在e r우e리들T이he있r었e다


“We Were There” was one of Japan’s most popular manga for girls, which sold over 12 million copies. It was adapted into an anime series in 2006 and a live-action movie in 2012. The story is set in Kushiro in Hokkaido, the hometown of the author Yuki Obata, and features a number of famous sites in the city such as the Kushiro River, Nusamai Bridge, Shusse-zaka Slope and commercial facility Kushiro Fisherman’s Wharf MOO. 2006 年播出電視動畫,2012 年推出真人電影, 銷售突破 1200 萬冊的國民少女漫畫《我們的存 在》 ,其故事舞台是原作者小畑友紀的家鄉釧 路市。釧路川、幣舞橋、出世坂、商業設施「釧 路漁人碼頭 MOO」 等許多著名景點都出現於該 作品中。

©小畑友紀・小学館 「僕等がいた」 製作委員会

2006년에 애니메이션화, 2012년에는 실사영화로도 제작된, 1200만부 돌파의 국민 적 소녀만화 ‘우리들이 있었다’. 그 무대는 원작자 오바타 유키 출신지인 구시로시. 구시로카와 강, 누사마이바시 다리, 슛세사카 언덕, 상업시설 ‘‘구시로 피셔맨즈 와 프MOO’’등 많은 명소가 등장한다.

att. HOKKAIDO 13

Sapporo Snow Festival (Sapporo)

Early Feb. 2 月上旬

札幌雪祭 (札幌市)

Known as one of the world’s four most famous ice and snow festivals, Sapporo Snow Festival is a great fixture of Hokkaido in winter. The exhibited icy works of art are large snow sculptures measuring 20 meters in width and 15 meters in height, as well as more than 200 ice and snow sculptures representing comic characters and celebrities.

名列世界四大冰雪節之一,北海 道冬季具代表性的一大盛會。由

寬 20m、高 15m 的大雪像為首,

The festival features one of the world’s largest snow statues, “International Ice Sculpture Contest,” and many other events with the main theme “Snow, Ice and Light.” 「雪、冰、光」為 主 題 的 活動豐富多樣。

Onneyu Onsen Tsutsuji Matsuri (Azalea Festival) (Kitami) 溫根湯溫泉杜鵑祭 (北見市)



「冰 雕 世 界 大 會」等,以


(tbd) 5 月上旬

(旭川市) 旭川冬祭

Feb. 7-12


登場了大大小小超過 200 座的角

Early May.

Asahikawa Winter Festival (Asahikawa)

About 280,000 trees of “Ezo Murasaki Tsutsuji” (Rhododendron dauricum), designated as a Special Natural Monument of Hokkaido, are in full bloom on Tsustujiyama hill. A variety of events are held during the festival and you can enjoy eating at many food stalls. 杜鵑山上盛開著多達 28 萬株的北海

道自然紀念物「蝦夷紫杜鵑」 ,祭典期

Yosakoi Soran Festival (Sapporo) YOSAKOI 索朗祭 (札幌市)

Jun. 7-11 6/7-11

About 300 “Yosakoi Dance” teams participate in this massive dance competition. It takes place in Odori Park and many other venues in the city. The whole city is coming alive with excitement while everybody cheers for the energetic performances featuring bright and elaborate costumes and dynamic dances. 跳著「YOSAKOI 舞」 的約 300 個舞

間會舉辦「邊走邊吃攤販樂園」 等為數



EventCalendar 公園等市街上的會場舉辦,五顏

六色的服裝和動感的舞蹈炒熱了 整座城市。

Throughout the year, tons of attractive events such as festivals of snow and ice take place in Hokkaido. We will introduce

a part of those events.


Kushiro Fog Festival (Kushiro) 釧路霧節 (釧路市)

(tbd) 7/28-30 (預定)

Kushiro is known for its fog in summer. The laser light show that lights up the night sky is a must-see part of the festivities. Enjoy stage performances and local foods sold at stalls! 釧路被稱為霧都,為釧路的夜空添上繽紛色彩的霧

中雷射表演絕不容錯過。在表演會場及攤販也可以 品嚐到釧路的美食。

Early Sep. 9 月上旬

Hakodate Gourmet Circus (Hakodate) 函館美食展 (函館市)

以雪與冰的祭典為中心, 一年四季有許多充滿魅力的活動。 在此為大家介紹其中一部分。

The Flat Plain Festival (Obihiro) (帶廣市) 帶廣平原祭

Mid Aug. 8 月中旬

This is the largest summer festival in Tokachi. You can enjoy a portable shrine parade, drum performances, and also bon dance. 有神轎和太鼓表演,也可當天即興參

加盂蘭盆舞,還有許多有趣的活動, 是十勝地區規模最大的夏日祭典。

Sapporo White Illumination (Sapporo) (札幌市) 札幌白色燈樹節

Hakodate’s largest food event that gathers specialties of several regions around the country including Donan (Southern Hokkaido), Tohoku, and historic port cities including Yokohama, Kobe, Niigata, and Nagasaki, as well as Hakodate itself. Enjoy fresh seafood, various kinds of produce, and regional delicacies.

The entire downtown is covered with magical illuminations. You will be enchanted and delighted by the illuminated structures which embody the festival’s theme at Odori Park and the trees decorated with lights on Sapporo Ekimae-dori and Minami Ichijo-dori streets.



這是一場以函館為首,將北海道南 各地美食集結一堂的函館最大規模

美食活動。您可在此品嚐到各種新 鮮山珍海味、特產商品。

14 att. HOKKAIDO


通的行道樹上,都掛上了光 彩奪目的燈飾,將札幌的街


Mid Nov.mid Mar.

11月中旬~ 3 月中旬

Map and Access Hokkaido Univ.

Toho Line

Namboku Line

Around Sapporo

Sapporo Beer Garden

JR Sassho Line

(Gakuentoshi Line)

Sapporo Teine ★



Sasson EXPWY JR Hakodate Main Line

JR Sapporo Sta.

Odori Park

Sapporo Sta.

Sapporo Bankei Ski Area


Nishi Hatchome Nishi Yonchome Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade

Bus Center-mae Sta. Sapporo TV Tower


Jozankei ★ Onsen




Mikasa Ryokuchi Park Golf Course Mikasa Ski Ground

Jozankei Ohashi

hi has ei O ge) ank Brid Joz reat (G



(Footbath for Longevity and Health)

Hosui Susukino Sta.

Jozankei Onsen Higashi 2Chome

Iwato Kannondo

Tsukimibashi (Bridge)

Futami Park

Higashi honganji-mae


Fu’s Snow Area


Susukino Sta.

Sapporo Streetcar

Hokkaido EXPWY

Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park ★

Sapporo City




Mount Moiwa Ski Resort ★ Sapporo Hitsujigaoka Toyohira River Observation Hill

Clock Tower

Tozai Line



JR Hakodate Main Line

Odori Sta.


Hokkaido EXPWY

Okadama Airport

Mt. Moiwa, Observatory★ Former Hokkaido Government Office Building

Shiseikan Shogakko-mae

★ Sapporo Kokusai Skiing Resort

Sapporo Sta.

Botanic Garden of Hokkaido Univ.

Nishi Juitchome Sta.

★ Shiroi Koibito Park

Moerenuma Park ★

Futami Tsuribashi (Suspension Bridge)


(Footbath for Friendship)

Jozankei Tourist Association Jozankei Shrine Gankake-teyu

(Hand Wash Spring for Wish Making)

Yamahanakujo Nakajima Koen Sta.

City Map


Jozankei Kyodo


(Local History)

Jozan Gensen Park Jozankei Sports Park

Jozankei Onsen

Jozankei Shako Mae


Hoheikyo Dam


Access Network

The best way to get around in Hokkaido is using Hokkaido Rail Pass, which offers unlimited use of JR trains and JR buses. The price of a pass for adults starts at 16,500 yen for 3 days.

-HokkaidoCape Soya




推薦多加利用能自由搭乘JR鐵路、 JR 市區巴士的北海道鐵路周遊券。 成人票/ 3 天期間 16,500 日圓起。




透過 Hokkaido Expressway Pass,即可自由利 用北海道的高速公路! 2 天 3,600 日圓起跳,比一 般高速公路收費還要划算。 連結著各城市之間的高速巴士也相當充實。連結 札幌~函館、札幌~旭川、札幌~釧路、札幌~帶 廣、札幌~北見、旭川~帶廣、旭川~釧路、旭川~ 北見、釧路~北見等各城市間的巴士皆運行中。

Kitami Sta.

Sapporo Sta.

4 h 29 min

Memanbetsu Airport


Hokkaido Asahikawa Airport

1 h 24 min

Okadama Airport


Sapporo Sta.


Furano Obihiro Sta.



New Chitose Airport

Noboribetsu etsu Sapporo Sta.

50 min

45 min




Obihiro Airport

2 h 24 min



Kushiro Airport

45 min

45 min

Shin-HakodateHokuto Sta.



Sasson EXPWY

Hakodate Sta.


Asahikawa EXPWY

Asahikawa Sta.

3 h 27 min

Hokkaido Expressway Pass offers unlimited use of the expressways in Hokkaido at flat rates. The significant discount price starts at 3,600 yen for 2 days. There are many expressway buses that connect major cities in Hokkaido. The buses operate between Sapporo and Hakodate, Sapporo and Asahikawa, Sapporo and Kushiro, Sapporo and Obihiro, Sapporo and Kitami, Asahikawa and Obihiro, Asahikawa and Kushiro, Asahikawa and Kitami, and Kushiro and Kitami. Useful

1 h 32 min 3 h 58 min

Kushiro Sta.

40 min

Hakodate Airport


By Air

By Train

JR Shinkansen JR Lines EXPWY

att. HOKKAIDO 15

From Major Cities to Hokkaido Sapporo is easily accessible from major airports in Asia. 3 flights / day, 7 h from Hong Kong International Airport (Hong Kong) 6 flights / day, 3 h 10 min from Incheon International Airport (Seoul) 4 flights / day, 4 h 30 min from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (Taipei) 3 flights / week, 10 h from Changi Airport (Singapore) via Taipei 1 flight / day, 8 h 30min from Suvarnabhumi Airport (Bangkok) *Approximate flight times

nal natio ido Inter k ka to Ho s t h flig 往 外前 從海 海道 至北

There are a number of international flights to other cities in Hokkaido. Hakodate Airport: direct flights from Beijing / Taipei / Seoul Asahikawa Airport: direct flights from Shanghai / Taipei / Seoul


從香港國際機場 (香港)7 小時,3 個航班 / 天 從仁川國際機場 (首爾)3 小時 10 分鐘,6 個航班 / 天 從台灣桃園國際機場 (台北)4 小時 30 分鐘,4 個航班 / 天 從樟宜國際機場 (新加坡) 行經台北的航班約 10 小時,3 個航班 / 週 從蘇汪達蓬國際機場 (曼谷) 約 8 小時 30 分鐘,1 個航班 / 天 ※ 為粗略估計的所需時間


函館機場:有來自北京、台北、首爾的直達航班 旭川機場:有來自上海、台北、首爾的直達航班

Asahikawa Sapporo Hakodate Aomori

Beijing Sendai


Tokyo Nagoya Osaka

Hong Kong

4 h 2 min from Tokyo, 2 h 30 min from Sendai, 1 h 1 min from Aomori using Hokkaido Shinkansen, opened in March 2016 (the travel times are for the shortest cases)




You can travel on Shinkansen trains between Tokyo and Hakodate.

乘坐北海道新幹線 (2016 年 3 月新開設) 從東京約 4 小時 2 分鐘, 從仙台約 2 小時 30 分鐘, 從青森約 1 小時 1 分鐘 ※最快的所需時間

By Train

搭乘鐵路 電車

Sapporo is easily accessible from major cities in Japan. From Tokyo: 53 flights / day from Tokyo International Airport, 24 flights / day from Narita International Airport (1 h 30 min) From Osaka: 14 flights / day from Osaka International Airport, 12 flights / day from Kansai International Airport (1 h 45 min) From Nagoya: 19 flights / day from Chubu Centrair International Airport (1 h 35 min) *Approximate flight times

By Air


Hakodate: 8 flights / day from Tokyo, 2 flights / day from Osaka, 1 flight / day from Nagoya Asahikawa: 7 flights / day from Tokyo, 1 flight / day from Nagoya Kushiro: 6 flights / day from Tokyo Obihiro: 7 flights / day from Tokyo, 1 flight / day from Nagoya Kitami: 5 flights / day from Tokyo, 1 flight / day from Nagoya



從東京 (1 小時 30 分鐘) :羽田機場 53 個航班 / 天、成田國際機場 24 個航班 / 天 從大阪 (1 小時 45 分鐘) :伊丹機場 14 個航班 / 天、關西國際機場 12 個航班 / 天 從名古屋 (1 小時 35 分鐘) :中部國際機場 19 個航班 / 天 ※ 為粗略估計的所需時間

函館:東京 8 個航班 / 天、大阪 2 個航班 / 天、名古屋 1 個航班 / 天 旭川:東京 7 個航班 / 天、名古屋 1 個航班 / 天 釧路:東京 6 便個航班 / 天 帶廣:東京 7 個航班 / 天、名古屋 1 個航班 / 天 北見:東京 5 個航班 / 天、名古屋 1 個航班 / 天


Useful Tickets


Some airlines offer discounted domestic airfares! You can purchase these tickets even after entering Japan. JAL “Japan Explorer Pass”: 1 flight section 10,800 yen ANA “Experience JAPAN Fare”: 1 flight section 10,800 yen AIR DO “Welcome to HOKKAIDO Fare”: 1 flight section, starting at 8,800 yen For further information, please visit their websites.

於入境日本後,也可能以優惠價格購買國內線航班! JAL「Japan Explorer Pass」 :1 個區間 10,800 日圓 ANA「Experience JAPAN Fare」 :1 個區間 10,800 日圓 AIR DO「Welcome to HOKKAIDO Fare」 :1 個區間 8,800 日圓~ ※ 詳情請見各家公司的官方網站。

For more information 詳情請参考

Edited/Published by Finex Co., Ltd. E-mail: Itohpia Kanda Kyodo Bldg. 4F, 1-1 Kanda Kitanorimono-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 101-0036 In coordination with Sapporo City, Hakodate City, Asahikawa City, Kushiro City, Obihiro City, Kitami City Published in March 2017

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