ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS We acknowledge the support of the following Directors and Coordinators in the WUP, Cav. Silvano Bortolazzzi (President and Founder World Union of Poets), Dr Jernail S. Aanand (President, World Union Of Poets India), Ayoola Goodness (Prefect, World Union of Poets, Africa), Philibus k. Elisha ( Secretary World Union of Poets, Africa), Michael Ace ( Vice- President, World Union of Poets, Nigeria) Philo Malize King (President World Union of Poets, Anambra , Nigeria) Ugwu Leonard Elvis President World Union of Poets Enugu, Nigeria and Squire of the World Union of Poets) and Agron Shele (CEO, Atunis Galactica). Our sincere appreciation also goes to the poets who have contributed to the success of this anthology. Peace for the world!
INTRODUCTION Since a million years that humanity is at war with itself, thousands of states in the course of history entered into conflict between themselves, so many of them were made and unmade over the course of time. From the most remote times, the religious diversity, cultural and language centric politics on the planet have prevented the populations to achieve a true global peace, able to respect each difference, and there have been so many social and cultural movements to achieve this much sought-after goal. The Mission of the World Union of Poets is to bring peace and cultural harmony throughout the world using Poetry as a universal language. The poem that the ancient Greeks called the "Queen of all the arts" is in fact the only real planetary language, recognized as such by billions of people. Thanks to the Muse, on the wings of Poesy, The World Union of Poets is entering the boundaries of all states in a single common mission: cultural and pacifist. Nobel Laureates for peace, Hollywood actors, presidents of the Republic, and large primary actors in theater and important writers and poets from all corners of the globe are joining in our association (U.M.P.) Guided by the common hope of being able to finally usher in the change for the betterment of this much loved but suffering planet. In my figure of International General President and founding President of the UMP, I decided, among other world days, to dedicate the 21 June of each year to Peace in the world through
"the International Day of UMP for Peace on Earth" So that we can best fulfill my mission.
UGWU LEONARD ELVIS The Dancing Minds Way back afar, I hear the disco of a dancing hero, The bombshell of a victorious coward, Yet we flaunt our whiskers scaring the stubborn house fly, Hoping to dine shine and dance the steps of a dead peacock. But This blasting bash never can be forgotten, The gigantic union of minds romancing thought, The holy sin of spinning butts killing deep drowned sorrows, Yes! This dance of disco shall never bypass my fingers For it shall dance the melody of tingling harmony. The protruding lines of virgin smile, The drums of peace the gong of unity, Shall shiver our legs and vibrate our heart, We dance and make merry brisky hearts of our lines. Our mind dance to the trumpet, Sweet harmony of harps, The gong of victory, And the sweet sounds of serenity. We unite in peace, with a sweet rhythm of love. In sounds of echoes intriguing the dancing minds, This never access the witches lurking the basket of sorrows, Though drones blast our routs, Yet our minds jolly and dance to the melodious sounds of peace.
Mr. corruption I slaughtered corruption using my delirium foresight , Coming majestically with a frowning smile, I murdered his gracious courageous malice, He sang in lobby and danced deceptive to his debt. Who cares!! While I butchered his family with lilies of rose He lay decay on the abdomen of feasting termites, His ghost parade the living waters of ancient darkness, I will honour the family a gift of ghosts; wipe them off the earth surface. They portray arrogance and fearless of Messiah, They slander peace a home of pertinence, Don't worry I just murdered him, let his blood sink on my headProud I did no wrong, let Mr corruption rest in pieces. MY ANGER Oh human! Oh human! To what sketch would you be enslaved This evil that eats our flesh burns the wood and sends us to doom I speak today; can you see me in a blink? Subject we are to the eater of raw meat. At my arrival you jubilated Because the opportunity is yours to act You never seek for opinion I believe all man be drowned, for this deep river is a friend of no one Regret is mine to be a guest here For this untimely creature eats the earth without ethics You cursed son of the dust Who shall not partake in the glory of death?
ELISHA KICHIME PHILIBUS FUTILITY In man's futile quest And unquenchable zest To unravel this world's tempest From her tranquil rest. Man; in his futile quest And zest Has made manifest This world's bizarre unrest.. He has made for man A hallowed haven Wherefore yields nourish To flourish. Man;in his futile quest Has irked His wrath ! Whence;mother earth tremors in a wroth To man's bewildering wrath.. And nature bewails ! The trepidations of her spheres This feigning simulation order... Of man's futile foxship. The lands nourish no more The scorch fumes her cyclonic typhoons And the cloning clown of man's cunnings Making man manifest a menace. Trampling this tranquil rest From her foreborned fortress Of fruitful forebearing To this futile fumbles.
THE CALL The muezzin's all tore the air from the minaret Piercing sonorously through the still dawn In a crescendoing echo and tempo That pulsates loosely in an embracing unison With the early morning gong! gong! gong! Of the Christian clarion call for benediction. And awake from a remorseless sleep From side to side I shift restlessly As I began to ponder and wonder Trying to grapple at the meanings In these calls at all The same calls of obeisance for benediction To arouse His attention. I ponder and I wonder yet Here we are Different peoples Different faithfuls Different devotions And from all walks and ways As we ply our paths to His azimuth. But all in a mauling mayhem! Man in his mania Maims man for Mammon's Not for Him ! Not to pay obeisance for benediction Not to appease Him But to appease man; And in that folly We have fallen short of His ways.
REJUVENATION A hope so lost and gone Like a wilting lily dried and gone A hope so close and gone Like a seashore seaweed sowed And suddenly shall be seared By the sun's scorching singe and gone. When nothing is a blossom Than the boredom that blooms to bare Like a lurking fiend That haunts and taunts with her jest Knitting webs Of the foggy fondle I find to unfold. Then suddenly; Not all hope is lost and gone Like a little rising glimmer Of a light, lighted! Exuding the exuberances Of a sturdily sprouting spruce Of rejuvenation.
MICHAEL ACE We hold our peace There is a land, Bred under the rich sky of solitude. where heavenly bodies exist equivocally A nation flexing to rhythms of battle cry Where wailers shed the warm futile tears There we live but we hold our peace. For when colours detest the rainbow and the sun seems too barren to glitter We shall hold our peace and live in hope That the better days will never wither There is a home, Where the beds become fertile for thorns Parents eat the eggs, children feed on shells. There is a purse at the far end of father's room where states’ treasures are grown and reaped. We live in that home but we hold our peace. For the earth will someday drink father's blood and we shall only bury him in poor white linen Then wealth shall come for us in masses Trooping down amidst God's sons and daughters There is a story written in our mind, That of a barren land which later became fertile There is a tale of flus which stroke like thunder But time passed and it vanished as smokes. There is a hopeful hope that the hopeless will rise Above all hurdles and impediments of time We live in a world where grief and regrets inflict but the dead shall one day thirst for life at expense of rebirth because we hold our peace.
We are beautiful My mother is beautiful beyond charming smiles My sister's beauty soars than the eagles in the sky Black is pretty than sparkles of diamonds on earth The whites shine like painted arts. We are beautiful and that is our pride The joyful melody played by colours of the rainbow And the breeze that follows me everywhere i go Will we talk about the beauty stripes on peacocks? Or the flawless figure of the sky scaling white doves? There are no controversies, we are beautiful. I am beautiful in my muscles and well knitted skin, What about the strands of hairs all over my chin I am awesome in the sweet way my voice breaks Making me masculine, thus the ground shakes. I say with the mouth of all men, we are beautiful Talk about my twists or my ever gentle curves, What about the beauty of my so precious love I am the mother of nations, a descendant of Eve Can you see this jewelry on my silver sleeves? I say with the mouth of all women, we are beautiful.
MUNA CHINEDU Eyes in a Socket Remember we listen to rhymes said by silence Remember, our longing for us is like a plant's want of water in harmattan when we listen only to the rhythm of our thoughts pouring out like open pipe You smile, I smile you wink, I wink our heart is thrilled for your beat and mine are one Remember that even now we remain age-long alloy as we lie face up avoiding tears yet our eyes tearful, we remain the twin lobes of a bean glued together in its seed I know you are looking at me, reading my unspoken muse long sick, almost thin...thinner and ready to bomb this bridge I can't look back at you as you disappear for good but remember, and always do that w h e r e v e r you g o we remain an exploded oil bean pod still held by its stalk
Island You are curiosity that knows and wants to know all, you are worse than curiosity you want to own everything alone so others will creep and crawl at you feet begging Others owning a mite reddens your brown pupil when you laugh your compliment, the wrinkles on your forehead beam with spite People are to you, a stench from urine locked away in a spittoon for days Because all food can't be yours you pray all the food rot pretending you live on water You are island, the island that disregards its ocean and its sea you are ocean the ocean that forgets that it needs the shore to hug, kiss and caress when a tide rises Come, you the tree that makes forest come, you the sole pillar to mansions let's exile all humans to Venus save you let's wring life out of all humans save you and you will see how with the pace of a cheetah you will grab a suicide knot.
ELVINA NENYE THORNS IN OUR RIVER In our younger years We enjoyed visiting the river Its environs was our haven It gave us peace The essence of life In times of trouble Hand in hand we walked Chanting “the labours of our heroes past....” Down the river sides Where in one heart it met Clapping in unison The melody it created Enlivened our weary hearts That power of unity Drove us all home to satisfaction Years rolled by We no longer chant together We have learned to hunt A hunt for each other’s head Spilling our brothers blood Even when we journeyed back to the river Wearied by the long hard years We are greeted by thorns Thorns! In our own river Restore our haven I plead Let us rid her of the thorns So we can chant once more “.....shall never be in vain” Let the river clap like before Creating the melody we once enjoyed Let us love each other once more And reap the fruit of tranquillity In love
Let us unite And together create peace. AKUNNUEWU ABOYOMI EMMANUEL Healing This is healing Craved by everyone, But many are yet to find. Healing that makes one feels stupid Healing injected by the mighty hands of cupid. Healing, that captures every feelings. Healing that no word can explain Healing that cures every pain Healing that brought to me glee Healing! I am loneliness free This sickness that seemed will last long Is begone and left with me a sweet song. This is healing bestowed from God, This is healing my bone, my blood! That in the darkness I was far and was lost But Love came searching me with its gloss And to her home She has brought me. It is healing What a healing!
MBAGU VALENTINE And The Earth Cried Peace Once upon a time in the pages of history There existed a virgin earth void of violence; Her pride was in the nakedness of terrorism And she lived her virginity stained in peace. An epitome of peace she was to her citizens For she disdained fanaticism and terror; Peace and harmony was her thirst and hunger Until she was deceived with the aroma of power. The virgin earth that was once a virgin fertile zone Is now been deflowered by violence and terrorism: Her pride has been sold to wars and extremism, It hurts that she traded her virginity for a cheap violence. Let's all fight this battle against violence and terrorism it's a war for peace_ a war only peace can win; Killings, bombings and terrors we must crucify So that earth can smoke the nakedness of peace. It's time that the earth cried peace in place of war For she have long endured this agonizing pain of violence; Her milk hopes to flow in the absence of terrorism, Even as the ocean cries, so let Peace cry on Earth.
NNAEMEKA NWANGENE A WALK TO FREEDOM That you may hop to freedom Freedom that only peace can afford Haven tilled, worked and toiled How do you get to you? With crimsons high as the Berlin wall Only peace and death can stop you From drinking, thirsting and hungering For peace that is to come You must drink from its fountain The fountain only you can imagine Seeing believes Thomas acted Believing before seeing the saviors’ might Peace? You desire Peace? You decide Peace? As gentle as the doves Peace? It is indivisible.
AKINBODE OLUWATOBI ISRAEL LET PEACE The lips of guns were opened on our chest Chasing peace away from our hearts, She ran and ran more than she can, We were left with nothing but greedy stings. Why wet our flowers with hot blood Through your legions of religious 'Jeri cans'? Our petals glow bright red ; it's not red rose, The color of blood made them so. Why trade your conscience on leaking trays, Violence, bargaining away our gains While' naira notes' of bombings was our reward, Our mother's tears have filled a thousand pails. Let peace have a 'C of O' to our lovely homes, Let peace check our cheques; bouncing off cruelty, Let peace administer sleeping pills to our anger, Let peace... allow! Please, Let peace, Peace, not a cease, Real peace, not a tease. PS: C of O - Certificate of Occupancy. Naira notes - Nigerian official currency. Jeri Cans - Watering cans.
AWOLOWO TOBI SAMUEL PEACE LOVE AND UNITY I was on a journey to life's dangerous ends Where I met my three good friends The first doesn't hate, the seconds keeps calm, and the third hates discord As they together bring the best off life in one accord. I asked the first what he would do for me He said, though am hungry I would give my very last meal I would sleep in a hut to get you shelter And I wouldn't stop till the world gets better. The second said, the first makes me almost needless He as eaten deep into the world and made it harmless I make the atmosphere calm, and the air still As been at loggerheads to them is a big deal My friends have made me jobless exclaimed the third I get the people together without a word I take the toughest labor through division And I bring everyone together in every condition. I then understood the first needed the second and the second the third To make even life's irregulars and odds Only love, peace, and unity can make a way ; When the land is flooded and still create a place to stay.
There is a City There's a city that flows with milk and honey The lilies are calm and the grasses green Dirt and all like it remains in the bin Where the night doesn't fight the morning. A mother carrying her infant baby Perfectly clinching her baby to her back Holding on to him, getting him food even in severe lack As she with her all, get his needs ready. There's a tree that looks very healthy The root, branch, stem and leaves loves water As they together provide food and fruits against hunger Their hands are on deck, always and steady. The city never leaves her peace The mother always love her baby The tree is forever healthy As all these makes a perfect society with ease.
UCHE CHIDOZIE OKORIE Moving Train Vibrates the rail of life The engine steams carbon and metallic Passersby run in catholic For, loud horn cries of foreseen strife. The lame skips with locomotive legs And the helpless blind man begs Fruits' baskets scatter prematurely Huge hips and breasts dance eventfully. Runaway containers drench the road Many feet slip and bodies bounce like toad Many viewers welcome some uncivilized laughter Though, this can take a life to slaughter. Anger is a moving train It crushes anyone that passes without brain.
CALL ME I'm picking what remain of me travelling to void Where quietude will be my companion No rumble, creak, bang and atomic as a peaceful opinion, Where, I will not wander tactically looking for landmines to avoid. Call me, when I will never see the cloud put on gloomy surface, Because of the mechanical birds that hover upon it face, Splash sparkle drops of flaming shrapnel. From the humble machine that sits on the palm of the benevolent colonel. Call me, when the dust goes high for celebration not from trembling bare feet Who seek to hide thither of a virgin bush Where mother earth covers them from war freak fleet, Thence plays pitying songs from chirping thrush. Farewell from the civilized world of which I become radical, Call me back, when they take potion of love so magical.
AWOTIDE OLUWASEUN MICHAEL BULLETS I breathe in the aisles of war Laying breathless in solitude The makeshift of God's old hand to fear what eyes behold In poise my bones was bind to pry the eerie waves of life. Perching like the clouds above On the edge of my soul's song But the pastures of this warfare was fain to be my bed. Dying! Dying! Dying! But then I heard the soft silky ripples of dew I ponder howbeit tunes of death. The echoes the temple spate the sears cloaked red Like a distant whistle blower I pace the utmost hemisphere With what is known from days of yore. In the chubby holes of the blackest bone of sin for partial pain is what man shall only tell through jet-black chores sprouts endless life poverty make intercession for empty fold to tail. As grave yard ceased fear with gun rhythms.
IKEOBI SAMUEL CHUKWUBUOKEM THE VOW I pledge to Nigeria, my country, To forever live and relate in unity. Though I'm faced by treacherous adversity, I would continually uphold equality in diversity. I'll be faithful, loyal and honest, I'll abstain from any form of protest; Be it silent or violent, decent or incest, I'll stand strong for what I represent. I'll serve Nigeria with all my strength, Even if it will lead to my death, Patriotism will forever be glued to my chest, In this lifetime and even the next. I'll defend her honour and glory, Learning earnestly from the heroes of our rich history. I promise never to break free from the nation's cord, So help me God
OKEKE NNAMDI NATO THE RUGGED PATH As staggered forth Alone thy lonely port Faded eyelids fly apart As I march on the rugged path Trodden I seek for pardon Misery bagged my quest Ups, downs, swim thy crest at random Ahead ahead I must resort to my rest These rugged path must I take Love, hatred, curse and remorse I must test and stake Oh!!! Rough and tough I cough This road I drench and poke a bench The rugged road of freedom Cloaked I soaked with boredom Weakness called and chased bearing chaos Life I must retain in quantum Ahead, ahead must I forge Friends I know must forsake Foes thereafter shall want to partake This rugged path I must proceed.
James T. Abel Adesitimi I BESEECH THEE (TRIPLE TRIOLET) I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man: Drink a cup from this jar of peace. Ignore the terrorist beer from Satan: I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man. Make thy family a society’s watery can: Watering the infant plants to grow in peace. I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man: Drink a cup from this jar of peace! I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man: Drink a cup from this jar of peace. Make not violence thy daily concern! I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man. Don’t be a Priest… Levite, but a Samaritan: Using love to build world peace an edifice. I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man: Drink a cup from this jar of peace. I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man: Drink a cup from this jar of peace. Slow – down thy extremist van! I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man. Don’t use tenets to attack any man: It’ll make this warlike earth, a tranquil place. I beseech thee Mr. Belligerent Man: Drink a cup from this jar of peace!
LET'S LEARN Let's learn from the serenity of the clouds: Where sun, moon, and the stars smile in glee And there's none to frown a face of intolerance Let's learn from the union of tooth and tongue: Though they entangle in a bloody war over meals, They later embrace bliss in the court of the mouth Let's learn from the humbleness of the trees, That bow their heads for whirlwinds to pass: All to subscribe to the loveliness of the nature Let's learn from the mistakes of the snakes That refuse to travel with love in a company, But become preys to stones in their disunity Let's learn from a bunch of brooms: That's tied together only with a tiny rope, But can sweep away a lump of trillion trash LOVE THEM ALL Love this poor young boy: Give him pencils to draw his future bright, Not trays to hawk his ruins on the highways Love this little beautiful girl: Allow her mortar to be strong to collect yams, Stop chasing her around with grandpa's pestles! Love them well as they physically are; The same degree you show your kinsfolk, That you can't call them apes nor monsters
LILIAN OHANEDOZI LIFE IS ART Art is life It makes us laugh Art is beautiful and just like a garden Surrounds us like Eve by Eden Life is art It is tart It is the beauty of giving The pride of living Art is important Fueled by inspiration Works through our imagination And captures the viewers attention Life without art is dull Filled with pains and toil But life with art is enjoyment Filling our souls with wonder and contentment.
WE ARE ONE One people! One God One nation! The screeching sound of the sermon On televisions and radios thus blast Moved from the east to the north and west Folks of different languages I met Different cultures and way of life Connected only by a variety of English. Beside my shop was his We sold goods in the same market
Called each other neighbour Ate and exchanged goods together. The sound of battle is heard The people from the east threaten secession. Now a full-fledged war Nothing I could do For I was not at home But the battle met me where I was For he whispered to them That I was from the east. He told me to run While he took over my shop All I had I lost For being from the east. The flag was lowered The battle was over Defeat lingered heavy in our hearts Nothing was left to reclaim On the news and television again the sound screeched We are one! Of course we must be In other to stay alive For the ass hung above the head That dared say otherwise. For what Britain has joined together Let no tribe put asunder!
WHILE WE ARE HERE From cradle to the grave Life is a journey Transcending from this Changing and perpetual world of matter To the conceptual world of form. Aching bones reminds us from whence we came Grey hair remind us where we are headed What remains after we are gone? Only the deeds blossom in the sun After the precious gift of all Has been exhausted. How quickly the flames burn down How quickly our youth wash over! Who would of us remember? With whom did we sit? How many flowers would be kept on the cold monument? Nothing determines that But what we would do While we are here.
Ayoola Goodness Olanrewaju whispers (....into a poem is hope to find ease for the hearts bleeding from hurts-) and when men see a man cry peace in his heart he is yet nailed on names he never wishes to bear they say he lies and he is weaved into a metaphor thrown to the sun... forgive me when you see me cry i do not man my cry i do not shed these tears for a show on the markets of cheeks or keep in a jar to rain for coins of pity they are burning burdens i bury into lines... i do not lie when i say i cry... let me wail... (this poetry is meaning when picked in whispers) nothing saves us from tears....nothing when we are swallowed into a bundle of whispers and we hear ourselves grow into groans broken into a broken brokennesswhen we find a maimed woman and a dead megaphonea voice calling God weaved into a stillness in our blood in the ugliness of a beautiful morning... and while our hearts play logic with the autopsy of her deatheach shattered piece of her voices hovering for justice in peaceful wings we again find innocent menour mothers and children growing into northern ghosts filing helpless into the tenors of wails into the keenness of blades in the hands of deranged cows (it baffles how cows become beasts and we know not)
we again find bombs burning us into ashes on derricks plastered by avengers(it baffles how bombs become avengers and we know not) nothing saves us from tears... nothing....from these endless tears... and when men see a man cry peace in his heart he is yet nailed on names he never wishes to bear they say he lies and he is weaved into a metaphor thrown to the sun... i do not lie when i say i cry... let me wail... let us wail...for peace.
prayer for peace so before we pray again for peace let us crave first for a weeding for the thistles of wars grown on the soil of our bruised innocence... for the constant wars in the black and blue fathers paint on the cheeks of our mothers under the watch of our little eyes... for the wars watered by the tears of mothers in our hearts from their sniffing sobs u p o n our dreamless nights when the thunder of abuse rips our calm skies into a forceful pools of weeps...
for the wars beastly pencils of sticky lead draw on the thighs of our virgin papersand helplessness singeing in us the fire of vengeance... for the wars in the pinches that sour the juice of forgiveness in our infancy and build in us the walls of wickedness... for the wars we etch in the brawls of 'take your bicycle away' and 'give me the food i gave you a fortnight ago'... for the wars of poisoned doctrines forced down the throats of our childhood and the seeds of hate planted i n t o the survival of love in our hearts... so before we pray again for peace let us crave first for a weeding or we pray in vain and our wars eternal...
(FROM FRIENDS ACROSS THE OCEAN) DR J.S. ANAND TRANSCENDING THE BARBED WIRE birds who stray beyond the barbed wires and animals who live in comparative bliss simply because walls can’t hold their fantasies appear to be better trained in global ethics than men whose world starts and ends with barbed self called ‘themselves’ Ah! The poorly blessed obsessed and possessed digressed and dispossessed of this human race which is human to a fault; how we simply ignore the basic facts of life which underlie all creation! flowers are different in colours and composition not in their passion to adorn this earth; variety is no threat to anybody’s existence it is conceived as, in our ‘more’ human world; turned into a circus where a lion is no more blessed than a lamb, all living under the shadow of fear.
FROM THE TOWERS OF REVENGE Today I celebrate the freedom of my country Let me celebrate freedom to every single body of the earth; every particle of this earth holds the reason to be; and the power to become; let us not remain suspended being Being and Becoming; let not questions which bedeviled Hamlet haunt us any more: ‘to be or not to be’; it is our world, our earth, our sky, let us secure this land of Christ and Buddha against the satanic designs of politicians; Devil is at large it is now not my country nor your country, it is our country, our world under threat; Can’t we come together to fight injustice and slavery? Will only those with arms and muscles rule us? Are we still under the dispensation of the jungle rule? Is still might right? If it is so, What the hell we have been doing all these years? Where is our civilization? If still injustice rules and divisions stay
How can we? And Who can celebrate FREEDOM? Freedom is not an abstraction. Freedom means joy to all In this world of God, man rules, Man who is further overruled by lusts emanating from the Towers of Revenge.
Nana Arhin Tsiwah lost hopes the sun was held locked in the middle of his drunkard eyes he fell landing his head into a pumpkin of lost hopes if reality has not gone to announce to the parched winds the similarities it bears with truth why shouldn't the rooster be bothered with the sun's failure to rise as promised?
Rosella Lubrano
And PEACE BE ...
O man , found yourself in the fog of your time , when the winds of war tarnish your eyes . No longer are sacrificial where innocent victims weigh like rocks the consciences in crystallized hatred pyramids , no barbed wires that scarnificano hearts and bodies in the name of illusory powers , interest vain. Open your mind , They welcome in you
infinite puffs for a new path fragrant olive , l ' nascent dawn hatch ' s soul in fraternal horizons in Song of Peace .
Notes on Contributors Ugwu Leonard Elvis a poet from Nsukka in Enugu State, Nigeria who has many literary awards to himself. He is currently the coordinator of Creative Writers Association of Nigeria (CWAN) Enugu State Chapter, and the Squire And President World Union of Poets (WUP) Enugu State Nigeria (Chapter). Elisha Kichime Philibus was born in the early hours of a rainy 17th August, 1978 to Mr/Mrs Philibus Tobin of Tabulung, Kanke of Plateau state. he had his early primary education at the Command Staff School Zaria, thence he went to Government Secondary School MANGUN, Plateau State from where he proceeded to the great Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State; there he was conferred with the degree in Mass Communication (Bsc)...having had a short stint in Dramatic Art (cert) from The National Film Institute, NFI Jos Plateau state..... Micheal Ace is an African-born poet and writer who hails from Osun State, Nigeria. He began his writing career professionally in the year 2012 with essays and articles and he is currently the Vice President of World Union Of Poets-Nigeria Chapter. He believes in a self-muse which has always been the instigator behind his consistency. He is also the founder and CEO at ACEWORLD. Muna Chinedu is a Nigerian. He studies Literature and English at University of Nigeria Nsukka-UNN. He is twenty-two. He loves literature very much; he writes short witty stories, poems, essays, commentaries, and intend to knuckle down to writing novels some day. Elvina Nenye is a poet and lover of arts. She was awarded the best graduating student in English language and Literature- in- English language during her secondary school days. She is currently rounding off a degree programme in the department of Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Nigeria Nsukka.
Akunnuewu Abayomi Emmanuel was born in the year 1995. A budding poet, a singer, songwriter, and a student of Politics he lives in Ogun state, Nigeria. Mbagu Valentine is a Nigerian poet with the golden voice whose vision and dream is to dominate the world of mankind with poetry. He resides in Port Harcourt Nigeria equally a student of the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka where he's currently studying Business Administration And Management. Nnaemeka Nwangene was born in Nigeria in 1993. He is a recipient of awards for his literary ingenuity. His works are in articles, short stories and poetry. Akinbode Oluwatobi Israel, lives in Ogun State, Nigeria. He is a growing poet, singer and a teacher of God’s word. He is a graduate of Chemistry from the University of Ilorin. He loves to write in simplicity to influence this complex world of ours. Awolowo Tobi Samuel is a 300 level student of Mechanical Engineering, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, where he also resides. He is a lover of poetry. Uche Chidozie Okorie is a poet, rapper and studio manager. He Studied English in Caritas University Enugu Nigeria he is from Abia state and lives in Akwa Ibom. Awotide Oluwaseun Micheal was born in Ile Ife, Osun, Nigeria, lives in Kanga area. He is a poet, singer, song writer, blogger, dancer. He coordinator of AWESOMEworld Bleeding Pen. Ikeobi Samuel Chukwubuokem lives in Abeokuta, Ogun State. He is a 300L Electrical and Electronics Engineering student of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB). Also very passionate about poetry and have written several poems and articles, some of which have earned him recognitions.
Okeke Nnamdi Nato hails from Enugu State in Nigeria. He is a final year student of Caritas University Amorji-Nike Enugu. He is the president of the writing unit Caritas University. He has many poems to himself. James T. Abel Adesitimi is an Akure born, prolific poet whose works are aimed at bathing his country and the world at large, the watery words of transformation. He is currently a 300level student of Sociology at Adekunle Ajasin University (AAUA). Akunbga Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Lilian Ohanedozi lives in Port Harcourt, Nigeria she is a graduate of English from Caritas University Enugu, Nigeria. She graduated best in her department with a First Class Honours. Her interest in literature and creative writing has given birth to several unpublished works. She is an award winning short stories writer. She is passionate about literature which she believes is a strong vehicle for social change. Goodness Olanrewaju Ayoola hails from Osun State, Nigeria. His poems have appeared in poetry journals and anthologies. Some of his poems have garnered awards and translated into Asamese. He has an NCE in English and Yoruba Languages and a B. A (Ed) in English. He is currently an International Director of the World Union of Poets and the author of ‘Meditations’, a collection of poems. Dr. J.S. Anand is an Indian internationally acclaimed poet, author, scholar, philosopher and spiritualist, who has to his credit more than 35 books of English poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. He is doctorate in English Literature and has been a committed educationist and a moral philosopher. Dr. Anand’s book ‘Bliss: The Ultimate Magic’ which was translated into Persian and published in Iran has found comparison with Khalil Gibran’s ‘The Prophet’. His book ‘Beyond Life Beyond Death’ has also found comparison with T.S. Eliot’s ‘The Wasteland’. Dr. Anand was elevated as Ambassador to the Word Union of Poets and honoured with Cross of Peace and Cross of Literature.
Nana Arhin Tsiwah is an Afro-conscious soul, poet and folklorist edits for Lunaris Review-Nigeria and performs with the poetry movement, The Village Thinkers. He writes from his fatherland, Cape Coast, Ghana. Rosella Lubrano lives in Italy , where she has teached for many years.She loves Poetry and Literature , she likes to write poems , novels, articles, fairy-tales for children. She loves Neruda, Merini, the Romantic Poets, as Keats, Shelley, Byron, Marquezand Italian poets, as Leopardi, Foscolo, Ungaretti..and others... The Poetry can save the World---she believes...! She is Vice-President oh Congress of U. M. P. Co-Ordinator of Italy for U.M.P. Honorary President of Piemonte ( Italy )