Note from the editor ”If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion.” - Noam Chomsky And we could. We could choose to ignore that our der issues, to sectarian strife, and the much debated religious freedom. Multiple layers of power dynamics come into play when creating a person’s individual and collective rights, and realistically they are often suited to the power that creates them. However, it is our responsibility as individuals to question them, to question injustice even when it does not concern us. This is what this issue of the AUC Times would like to invite you to do. Examine what you have always been told is normal or ‘natural’, question who you have been told you are, and question what has been taught to you as the inevitable truth. Just because the world exists as it does in it’s present form, does not mean it always has, or that it is in human nature for it to be so. And then remember that it is up to you to correct injustice.
Editor in Chief Nancy Salem Managing Editor Heba Bahnassy Politics Editor Sarrah Kassem
Layout Editor Hadeel Ahmed Photography Editor Nathalie Maher Faculty Advisor Mark Mikhael
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Business Manager Lora Saleh Financial Coordinator Ali Dafrawy
May13 4 10 16
Disclaimer: The AUC Times is a student publication, any opinions expressed in the publication are the writers own, and do not re-
© Paul Schutzer
Former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser just like femininity, is
not only between women and men, but
work, Masculinity and Nationalism: Gender
between men themselves who exist outside
and Sexuality in the Making of Nations, Joane Nagel argues that “The culture of
and person to person. Yet we continue
nationalism is constructed to emphasize
to use phrases like “be a man,” as if the universal man exists. When we talk about
such conceptions become embedded in
and resonate with masculine cultural
gender, we are usually referring to the
the world around us, even within the basis
themes. Terms like honor, patriotism,
female experience, only in relation to males
of the nation itself. It becomes interesting
cowardice, bravery and duty are hard
in comparison. The gender experience of
then to trace changing perceptions of
to distinguish as either nationalistic or
masculinity in Egypt during three politically
masculinist, since they seem so thoroughly
to be explored recently. Ideal and ‘un-ideal’
transformative periods: the colonial period,
tied both to the nation and to manliness.”
qualities envisioned for men then impact not
the presidency of Gamal Abdel Nasser and
Hence, a political authority at a certain time
only women, but also men themselves, thus
Anwar Sadat. Upon doing so, it becomes
highlights certain concepts to construct a certain man. It is in the same way that a
creating what sociologist Raewyn Connell
leader of a nation state, supposedly the
refers to as ‘hegemonic masculinity’. This is an exclusive hierarchy, which constructs
of changing political and economic policies
beacon of nationalist sentiment, should
ideals of masculinity and those embodying
of the nation, which has resulted in an
display the same masculine traits that are
them at the top of society, with less than
unequal power relationship among men.
sought in nationalistic discourse.
ideal qualities (such as femininity) lower
In the context of the nation, hegemonic
down in the hierarchy. Such a male system then results in oppression and inequality,
Such a phenomenon can then be observed in Egyptian history. Since the
by the political authority of the time. In her
colonial time (1882-1953), economic and
Politics political policies have affected perceptions
choice. Nasser implemented what came
of masculinity. While the roles of colonizer
to be called ‘Arab socialism’ based on the
and colonized were not homogenous, their
idea of an identity that is Arab and socialist
This constructed a new form of dominant
in nature. His plan for the nationalization
masculinity - the businessman. Changing
of the private sector was larger than any
forms of masculinity and the evolution
country in Eastern Europe. Accordingly, the
of these thus created an unequal power
once prominent image of the Effendiya man
relationship between conceptions of who
but also encouraged the conception of
was reconstructed into the strong military
the ideal man was considered to be in
the unmanly Egyptian. This resulted in an
man, who was now placed at the top of the
modern Egyptian history.
masculine hierarchy.
The colonial discourse then reinforced
into the background, so that the newly
The debate over the construction of
the anti-colonial nationalist movement,
Such a conception of the military
gender continues to exist in our current
arguably the hegemonic masculinity of
man changed once again under Sadat,
political scene, as questions arise over
the day. The infamous red Tarboush (fez)
what it means to be a man, or a woman
became symbolic of this movement, and
became a part of the masculine image. This
implemented open-door policy, I
within the discourse that has normalized
shifted after the 1952 military coup and
was built on capitalist economic policies.
Gamal Abdel Nasser’s presidency.
It was extremely unpopular amongst the
continue to investigate and understand
Nasser’s policies radically transformed
Effendiyya class, as they did not support
the dynamics of the unequal two way
Egypt economically, politically but also
the shift from the nation of production to
relationship between state and in this case,
socially. Nationalism was still critically
one of consumption. They believed this
masculinity. What is important to remember
important, but in this period it was not the
newly found consumerism and ‘reign of the
is that both conceptions of the state and
nationalism of struggle against an enemy,
market’ was a corruption of their view of an
masculinity are constructed, and therefore
but rather a struggle to create a common
authentic Egyptian life. Hence, prominent
identity. Pan-Arabism was the identity of
conceptions of the Effendiyya class faded
© W. Hanselman
Saad Zaghloul (1859–1927).
Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
While this caricature seems to incorporate North korea’s last ruler, kim Jong-il, it still seems applicable to current leader kim Jong-un
It becomes a common notion in our
With such a fragmented economy, the
culture in South Korea, North Koreans go to
‘modern’ world that political decisions of a
only source of power North Korea has, is its
extremes to obtain illegal DVDs of famous
country, on an international level, serve more
military power, taking the form of its current
South Korean soap operas. North Koreans
than one purpose. It appears, however, that
nuclear program. In fact, it is considered to
appear to obtain a sneak peek of what is
people tend to stick with the actual rhetoric,
have a more powerful program than Israel
advanced and ‘globalized.’ Thus, the North
so that what is said is understood face
and thus constitutes a more dangerous
Koreans begin to construct with time a
value. Consequently, one must attempt
threat, although it is not as advanced as
perception that a revolt would not only call
to develop a deeper understanding of the
the US or Russia. Part of the danger lies
for better living, it would call for an end of
current threats of North Korea engaging
in the secretive operations of how and
North Korean communism. Kim Jong-un
in a nuclear war with the United States
where the bombs are developed. What is
and his posse however do what they can
and declaring war on South Korea. While
known is that it conducted three tests, the
to maintain their grip over power. It seems
some analysts would claim that Kim
latest is dated weeks ago in which the US
though that the more governments try to
Jong-un, current leader of North Korea,
measured an earth quake of a magnitude of
affect their people, the more the effects are contradictory than desired. Yet, many seem
is demonstrating force, one could equally argue that North Korea is creating diversion
further concluded that North Korea owns an
to question the continuous North Korean
for its own political instability. Through the
abundance of chemical weapons, although
threat advanced by its leader, as a US
examination of the current North Korean
they are not as deadly as nuclear weapons
political analyst has summed up that “talk
since their effect is much dire. Once it
is one thing, actions are another.” Similarly
becomes clear how Kim Jong-un’s threats
declared owning a nuclear program in 2009,
others have gone as far as calling the threat
are directed as much to the US and South
it became a concern that the communist
“ludicrous.” Consequently, jokes are made
Korea, as to his own people. This was an opinion shared
of the world perceives the North Korean
as an independent communist state, it was
by Director General of the International
leader, and the absence of taking him
seen as unlikely to survive. The fact that it
Atomic Energy Agency during this period,
remained to this day is a surprise in itself.
Mohamed ElBaradei. Since the economic
Julius Caesar once said, “Beware of
This is because of the poor economic
state of North Korea is debauched, their
the leader who bangs the drums of war
standing of the country. According to the
current nuclear power becomes their only
in order to whip the citizenry into patriotic
CIA’s The World Factbook, the annual GDP
source of power. Thus, it becomes its only
fervor.” Indeed this appears to be correct,
per capita is about $1,800; this ranks it
tool to pressure countries in order to prove
especially when dealing with an erratic
as the 197th in The World Factbook. Due
to the international community, and more
self-indulgent leader like Kim Jong-un. Due
to the mismanagement of the currency,
importantly to their people, that their scare
to the low economic standing and living
tactic is bullet proof.
standards presented to North Koreans, the
After the establishment of North Korea
The wellbeing of the people themselves is
It becomes clear how a country living in
idea of rebellion is not a distant one. The
also very mismanaged. About half of the
utter despair is not farfetched by internal
North Korean regime however would do
population lives under the poverty line, not
revolt. What Kim Jong-un seems to be
what it can to keep this from happening,
to mention that one third of children die
unaware of is the increasing curiosity of his
and thus embarks on a rather unsuccessful
people. For a number of years now, people
effort to bring people in order by making a
says the World Food Program. Televisions
have been escaping to other countries,
desperate political move on an international
and electricity are a luxury in most areas,
phones are smuggled through China, and
scale. It appears, however, that the threats
with the healthcare system being a
Internet is accessed using untraceable
are taken lightly, causing the intentions of a
domains. Also, with the rise of American
government that claims to know its people, to take a different turn.
constructed as a Western identity then
Captain America was created amidst
globalization has taken its hold on creating
becomes institutionalized through popular
World War II and its aim was to tap into
culture and it therefore derives its ability to
the patriotic consciousness of the citizenry
function, it is important to look at how
create geopolitical identities.
identity and geopolitics inform certain
Let us look at this through the lens of
issue of the comic book, narratives of
narratives in popular culture. To further
Gramsci’s idea of hegemony, which states
America being a ‘peace-loving’ nation while
our understanding of such conditions,
that the ability to build consensus among
Europe was ‘war-mongering’ were being
let us explore the role of comic books in
society through informal avenues plays a
propagated inside the story. The character’s
creating national identity and geopolitical
skills are not those usually attributed to
realities. The notion of culture is important
political norms. So, with popular culture
superheroes in the form of superpowers,
when discussing identity because it is
being used to create a sense of identity,
instead they consist of leadership qualities,
the continuous reproduction of Captain
athletic abilities, and inherently defensive;
qualities of states-and other characteristics
America and the associations that come
a way of capturing the true nature of
such as independent, sovereign, equal,
with it, we see that they are simply tools
America in the global world order as being
and occupied by a nation. States are
being utilized to perpetuate consumerism.
exceptional above everything else. The
best understood as an ongoing process
Through the medium of a comic book and
idea of Captain America then creates a
an appealing character such as Captain
relationship with the reader who is looking
America, the creators are able to maintain
at a character that possesses nationalist
maintaining ideologies.
symbolic meaning to territory then furthers
sentiments and, in the aim of framing a
the emphasis on states, and it is through
the way readers not only view the world
hero, a link is fostered to the scale of the
popular culture that these messages are
but also how they interpret their own role
nation. It was the embodiment of Captain
disseminated. Consequently, they play a
as Americans within it. The impact of comic
America against the backdrop of the
role in framing a collective identity within
books on creating geopolitical attitudes is
“other” in society that also fostered an
geopolitical narratives. This will become
also a vital point to touch on because it is
identity between the comic book hero
evident through a close examination of the
exposed to a young audience during their
and its readers. However, it was not until
comic book character Captain America.
socialization process, a time when most
Captain America comic books were able to
The agency that the character Captain
children start to formulate political leanings
integrate American history into their work
America embodies as a superhero is
and opinions towards their surroundings.
that the national consciousness was really
derived from his ability to create issue-
moved and the idea of national identity was
linkages between American nationalism,
inherently present in Captain America to
created in relation to territorial inclinations.
internal order, and foreign policy in relation
make the character such a powerful force
The events of September 11th, 2001
to the individual. Captain America then
and one that many identify with. Perhaps
coincided with the creation of a new Captain
becomes representative of a hero that is
we can look to the parallels between the
America series, which paved the way for
not only from the nation, but also one that
story line presented within the comic book
territorial symbols such as the Pentagon
exists for the sake of it. The characteristics
and the historical experience of the United
and the World Trade Centre to be woven
and mannerisms of Captain America
into the storyboard. The ways in which the
Politics aftermath of the attacks is portrayed within
book and its role in creating a national
masses. It remains unsettling, however, that
consciousness that informs identity through
superheroes are not able to advocate for
role in shaping the perceptions of the
territorial symbols. It also paves the way for
counterhegemonic positions and instead
American public sphere. The narrative of
the popular culture industry to manufacture
are focused on protecting life and property.
9/11 was surrounded with ideas of America
consent for the political goals of a nation.
Mainstream comic book characters seem
being forced into a war overseas and the
Gramsci’s idea of hegemony could not
to only reinforce state practices instead
dichotomy of Us versus Them was only
be any more relevant than it is with the
of challenging rule of law, and Captain
entrenched further by encouraging military
incorporation of current events in comic
America’s role in legitimizing American
power and constructing identities through
books to create a submissive populace
exceptionalism is part of the hegemonic
the lens of freedom-loving/freedom-hating biases.
discourse used by popular culture to further and their cause(s) abroad. The dominant
perpetuate the baseless ideas of American
Captain America thus provides an
geopolitical narrative found in Captain
insightful basis to evaluate a comic
America therefore is a tool for controlling the
Š Turboman
Š Nathalie maher
One is left with a trilemma of state, prosperity and democracy
Emancipation been
is a word that has
and democracy are crucial, one could
League. Consequently, this hints to the
easily argue that the state should forgo.
idea that the African Union can more likely
again, especially in the so-called era of
Accordingly, academics, such as Richard
lead the region and Egypt into the ‘age of
‘globalization.’ It is to be understood in the
Falk, argue that in the Middle East the
globalization,’ if nurtured. The African Union
realm of international relations as a process
state system is slowly being eradicated
also gives us greater room for integration,
in which borders of the sovereign state
since a diminishing of territorial sovereignty
both politically and economically. While
becomes observable. Thus, states subvert
the African Union may be far behind the
to governing internal life of society, and non-
European Union since it gives, similar to the
Hence, in order to approach the issue of emancipation, it becomes crucial to apply
Arab League, importance to states rather
critical theory, as it permits us to bring up
in shaping the world order. This loss of
than citizens. Ultimately, unless radical
the issue of emancipation. It also allows
territorial focus is also reinforced by the
change takes place within the Arab League,
us to identify nurture- tendencies that exist
pressures being exerted on the economy
the African Union will continue to constitute
within the present structure of the world
of a state by the global market, and thus
the better choice for the emancipation of
that can point us towards emancipation.
the state loses power to a further extent.
Egypt. This seems rather upsetting since
Consequently, a disappearance of the state
the Arab League appears to be afraid to
theorist Andrew Linklater, who was able
results in a need for a global government,
move towards integration, when it actually
to bring the issue of emancipation into the
which can be achieved through regional
has multiple advantages over the African
Union such as the shared language of its
of the European Union as representative for
Thus, the question arises as to which
Arab members, a shared culture, and, of
emancipatory capabilities in the ‘modern
regional organization Egypt should turn
course, the entire notion of pan-Arabism
world.’ Within the European Union people
to: the African Union or the Arab League.
that developed under Nasser.
are slowly moving towards a situation in
While, it would be most ideal for Egypt to
which citizens and noncitizens share the
be an active member in both, it appears
same duties and obligations. Accordingly,
that it does not have the capabilities to
with emancipation in mind, it appears that in the case of Egypt the regional organization,
regional organizations. Hence, it becomes
the African Union, becomes more relevant in our present age.
system, but identifying the reasons that
Consequently, with the emergence of
lead to emancipation. In this respect, the
‘globalization,’ states are faced with a
two organizations can be compared, while
decision: the “political trilemma”, as Dani
considering the European Union as a bench
Rodrick put it in The Globalization Paradox,
mark since they seek greater integration,
in which a choice must be made between
but may have not completed this process
three options: state, democracy, and
yet. Firstly, it seems rather problematic that
prosperity. As a “trilemma,” citizens of nation
both the African Union and Arab League still
states cannot have all three, but are forced
view the members in each organization as
to pick between two of them, and forgo one
member states and thus give importance
of them. Prior to ‘the age of globalization,’
to state sovereignty. However, it appears
the state appeared to be important as
that the African Union would have the
it safeguarded the national economy.
advantage as an organization, as it has
Currently, however, the state is slowly
a standing army, which is a huge step
losing its power as national economies
towards greater integration. Similarly, the
“ ”
African Union also has somewhat effective Since, however, the concepts of prosperity
decision-making organs, unlike the Arab
“I’m ugly” is a thought that every female has confessed to herself at some
beauty”. Secondly, there is an obvious lack
way or that they need to be skinny. As the
of diversity within the advertisement itself,
quote goes ‘beauty is in the eye of the
which features women of different ethnicities
beholder’,” he reasserts.
idealized versions of what it means to be
for a period of 10 seconds or less, and who
beautiful has become a very prominent
consequently are left unremembered.
theme in most media outlets; this form of
Farida Salem, a sophomore, also shared her views on what beauty entails,
beauty is primarily always physical. It is said
Engineering sophomore, has his own take
skinny is beautiful. She feels strongly about
that beauty is only skin deep, but when will
on the issue. “Western media has created
the fact that “everyone has a different body”
this attitude become prevalent enough for
this image that all girls want to follow. Their
and that each body form should be equally
women to no longer be obsessed with what
success seems to be due to the emotional
viewed as beautiful in its unique way. When
their faces and bodies look like?
appeals that they generate within the
asked if she thinks that advertisements
I’m sure most of you have recently
female population by making them believe
like Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaigns have
come across that Dove advertisement
that they need make up to look a certain
called Real Beauty Sketches that attempts to make the point that women don’t necessarily see how beautiful they really are. In this ad, a forensic artist is asked to sketch a woman by the descriptions she gives of herself, without his having seen her previously. The Dove team then brings in another person, who has seen woman, to describe how the she looks to the artist. The ad concludes with the presentation of the two sketches by the artist, one of how the woman sees herself and the other of how others perceive her: the latter being the much more attractive sketch of the two. Outwardly, the ad sends a very positive, uplifting message, but if you really think about it, is it so? A blog post by the title Why Dove’s ‘Real Beauty Sketches’ Makes Me Uncomfortable… and Kind of Makes Me Angry states that the ad makes a valid point with the notion that each individual is his/her own harshest critic and that women are generally more beautiful than they perceive themselves to be. The post, however, explores many reasons why the ad is problematic. Firstly, it indiscreetly reinforces the importance of “physical
© mikhail Halugin
they all have slim waists, perfect hair, and
development stage, is forced to focus on
further reinforce gender stereotypes and
sultry looks. Similar to the aforementioned,
how to maintain and perfect our looks,
constructs of what it means to be beautiful.
another article called Things Walt Disney
partially because of these ads that are
This argument about gender stereotypes
Never Told Us argues that there are plenty
produced by companies like Dove and
and inequality does not only pertain to
of stereotypes and gender roles that are
portrayals in advertisements, but also to
represented by Disney’s princesses; the
opinion pertaining to how Dove commercials
those found in cartoons and fairy tales that
create a psychological attachment to
most children are subjected to at an early
Beauty and Snow White, are the pretty
their products in many female minds,
princesses that are victimized by “ugly”
which indicates that ideologies pertaining
Tanzina Vega expressed her
villains. These three princesses always end
to beauty have succeeded mostly as
princesses, from Belle to Sleeping Beauty
up with the handsome prince who manages
capitalistic endeavours. In other words, in
to Cinderella to The Little Mermaid, share
to rescue them from peril.
order to look “ideally” beautiful, you have
common factors that link them all together;
to consume. Vega emphasizes another very important point; some women do in or “ugly” self-image that the women in the Dove commercial initially described themselves to be. My question is, what about the rest of us who aren’t born looking like Barbie or Adriana Lima? Farida Emara, a sophomore, believes that “we should
“all women are beautiful but in different ways, no woman needs to wear make up all the time, even if it does enhance outer beauty.” The bottom line is that women, worldwide, just need to take a break. We all experience the same problems…believe it or not, even the conventionally “pretty” women have issues with the way they look and with their personalities. Nobody is indeed perfect and the idea that such
way that you are supposed to look. Accept yourself, embrace yourself, and move on. After all, there is so much more to life than what merely meets the eye.
© mikhail Halugin
© James (Jim) Gordon
© marc ryckaert
strolling the streets in this fashion. By 2:00
my wood, yet he bravely cuts in between
over what is known here as the ‘City of the
p.m we’ve collected an unwanted salon
the cars with the man’s instructions. We
Dead’. The sun steadily breaks through the
chair with a broken leg, a toilet seat, three
can hear a ‘mehragan’ play from one of the
darkness & the citadel emerges atop the
brass knockers, a plastic washing tub, and
minibuses and two cars behind, someone
hill. Beneath it I rest propped up against
a set of old pots. The man then stops to
is blasting something that keeps repeating
the Magra al-Oyoon wall between other
feed Zaki and buy himself a small lunch, as
“Egypt’s number one hit music station; Nile
The day begins with a soft sunrise
carts and a few scattered donkeys grazing on meager amounts of wilted barley. The
I ponder the items now loaded on my
By the time we arrive, Zaki is
a’thaan rings out melodiously and we all
back. How many a fancy dinner has that
worn out. The man dumps a new pile of
wait for our owners to come back from their
chair witnessed? Or has it always been a
withered barley in front of him and Zaki
morning prayer and load us up with cargo.
victim of the ever empty salon that was
begins to devour it as if it were his last
Rumor has it that this old structure was old
always ‘reserved for guests’ that are never
meal. He props my back up against the
Cairo’s main water transportation system,
actually invited over? Has it been in the
wall overlooking the citadel. My creaking
family for years or is it a recent purchase
wheels and aged wood are a testimony to
believe. Soon enough, the men approach
made in China? I try not to think of the toilet
the days – days just like this one - That are
and my owner brings Zaki, the donkey,
seat very much though, for it is a highly
spent roaming the streets of Cairo to prove
forth and bridles him up, disturbing his
unpleasant item to be burdened with. We
that ultimately “one man’s trash is another
morning snack. He then loads me up with
are, however, always thankful for whatever
man’s treasure.” The man unpacks his loot
some leftover goods from yesterday and
we can get.
and retreats back into the City of the Dead,
we set off. My wooden wheels creak with
I also take the time to look
leaving Zaki and I behind, overlooking
every turn and bump in the road and Zaki’s
around. A nasty man hollers at a few girls
the ancient citadel and musing about
hoofs clip-clop on the street damp with
trying to cross the street, a woman barters
morning dew.
over the price of 2 kilos of potatoes with the
We set out very early because it
poor vegetable stall owner who is becoming
takes us a very long time to arrive to our
increasingly exasperated at her, some high
destination, for my wood is old and heavy
school boys who have apparently decided to skip school today stand in a corner
used to be. The cost of barley has also gone
sharing a cigarette.
up, which means the man cannot afford to
A minibus with a broken exhaust pipe parks
buy as much food as he used to for the
in front of us by the sidewalk and lets out a
hardworking donkey. It seems that today
loud gas fart that leaves Zaki snorting and
we’re heading towards Heliopolis because
braying, so the man decides that we’ve had
the man chooses to steer us down Salah
enough rest and must continue. We collect some more treasures brought down to us
cars loaded up with way too many school
by the ever-popular reed basket and rope
children to be considered safe, minibuses
method. Amongst these new treasures are
loaded with early morning commuters,
old rusty chandeliers and a rusty kitchen
other more colorful wooden carts that sell
‘foul’ sandwiches, sleek shiny new cars,
Ultimately one
As the evening sets in and rush hour begins, it is time for us to head home.
We arrive at Heliopolis around Zaki does not balk at the proximity of the residential apartment buildings the man
cars around us, despite my own qualms on
shouts out “bikya” at the top of his lungs.
the matter. We are so close that I can feel
We spend the next few hours leisurely
the heat from other engines warming up
DECONSTRUCTING GENDER: GENDERLESS BABIES BY SArA AHmEd ABdEl AZiZ While gender equality is beginning to slowly hold positions in public discourse,
streets or taking his kids to “dagis” (day-
according to the gender that matches their
care centre).
sex chromosomes — XX or XY.
Egypt is a country in which women are still
The Swedes aimed, decades ago,
Another problem is that baby Pop
primarily expected to take on traditional
to overthrow traditional gender roles and
may suffer from a lack of ‘gender identity’,
roles of childbearing and staying at home,
constructs. Women now have the option
which refers to a person’s inner sense of
give or take a few leniencies that permit
of following a traditionally male career path
himself or herself as male or female.
some of them to occasionally thrive on
while men can splurge just as much time
From a young age, girls are given
their own in a male dominated society.
as women do mothering their children. The
Barbie dolls and boys toy trucks. As the child grows up, society shifts focus from
When they reach a certain age, women are expected to do three things: get married,
to view husbands as their sole providers or
the biological identity of a human to the
take care of their households and raise their
their protectors. In a way, Swedish state
characteristics of the ‘gender’ of its host.
policy of autonomy somehow manages to
The word ‘gender’ itself connotes a set of
abolish gender roles in favour of a more
rules and expectations that are socially and
unitary unisex role.
culturally imposed on both sexes.
In a country like Sweden, where women nationwide enjoy sexual freedom,
There exists a certain belief, though, that
and tremendous opportunities to thrive
“genderless” child takes this movement
human nature is utterly malleable and that
professionally, women don’t seem to
to a whole new level. A couple of Swedish
babies -from the moment they slip out of
be missing out on much. Granted, the
parents refused to reveal whether their
their mothers- are akin to soft clay on which
country isn’t a utopia; many women still
child, named Pop, is a boy or girl so as to
any given society can imprint the values
an immaculate maternity leave system
and dogmas it believes in.
work part-time in positions that are more poorly paid than those held by men. Others
be treated if male or female. Pop gets to
Imagine, for a split second, a
still maintain traditional household duties.
wear everything from dresses to trousers
nation of genderless babies. The idea
Some critics state that a consequence of
and although Pop is aware of physical
the casi-dominance of women is expressed
differences between the two sexes, Pop’s
feelings of an impending emasculation of
parents avoid using personal pronouns by
the eradication of gender, citizens will
men. However, the Swedish pro-female
referring to Pop - as Pop.
become perceived more as human beings
culture is reinforced by the government’s
Basing her decision on feminist
decision, taken in 1972, to ensure equal
philosophy, which states that gender is a
both become one.
opportunities between the two sexes.
social construct, Pop’s mother explained
The struggle for parity, in Sweden,
to an online news portal, The Local, that
children can build their own dispositions as
starts at a young age. In kindergarten,
she simply wanted Pop to grow up freely
individuals not hindered by predetermined
notions of what they should be and how
female and male toddlers play with all kinds of toys and in schools, cooking, sewing,
and less as stereotypes. Male or female:
they should live their lives.
and wood-shop classes are compulsory for
The idea, although revolutionary,
Albeit controversial, it is not an
both sexes. Furthermore, working parents
is highly debated amongst scholars and
unimpressive feat that on the whole,
are entitled 16 months paid leave per child
has been argued to be detrimental to
(at 80 percent pay), which they divide
baby Pop. Some believe that prenatal sex
‘end’- if not at least a lessening- of gender
equally between mother and father. Thus,
hormones play a considerable role on the
based stigma, nationwide, through the
it is not an uncommon sight, in Sweden, to
masculinisation or feminization of the brain.
deconstruction of gender.
see a father happily pushing a stroller in the
As such, children should be reared to live
Culture One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.
© rola Zyada
© Furibond
When you are standing at the cash
Fatma, a resident of Al-Abbasiya
register at the supermarket and you realize
in central Cairo, interestingly explains that
Cigarettes, soft drinks, mobile phone
that the same bundle of products you
her electricity bill jumped from 21 L.E
usage, cement, steel rebar and alcoholic
used to purchase, just a couple of weeks
to 32 L.E in just one month, while her
drinks. Accordingly, once these taxes are
ago, for 400 L.E rapidly crept up to 430
gas bill climbed to 30 L.E as opposed
imposed, you will probably pay an extra 2.5
L.E (assuming that you did not receive a
to an average of 10LE. She states, “My
LE for your favorite imported cigarettes. If
promotion on this particular day) you will
consumption level has not changed. I live
you are a beverage addict, you will notice
most probably involuntarily shove some
alone with my daughter who occasionally
a 25 percent rise in taxes on local and
purchases aside in order to give priority to
spends the night with me every now and
imported soft drinks, including Pepsi and
your other necessary expenses.
This frequent situation alludes to
Sami Mohammed, a 49-year-
The most common complaint
old civil worker, has been struggling with
from travel agencies that primarily rely on out-going trips for Egyptians, is that
of most goods and services continually rise rapidly while the purchasing power of
negotiations for these unfortunate price
the Egyptian upper-middle class is not
money also decreases. When this takes
escalations. “Recent price increases are
as invested in out-going summer trips
place, standards of living tend to fall. This
because of the IMF talks,” says the father of
anymore due to the current economic
is because each pound buys less than it
two “Once the deal is concluded, prices will
tension; in critical times, the need to save
used to, thus, one has to spend more in
escalate even higher. I can barely feed my
order to acquire the exact same goods and
sons as it is, all the prices have doubled.”
expenses becomes crucial.
But it seems that it is not just
consequences this time; the Egyptian
upper middle class is also beginning to feel
February 2013 from 2.8 percent to 8.7
hikes, the top of these being energy and
impertinence and presumption… in kings
percent, reaching its highest monthly rate
fuel prices. One cannot help but wonder
and ministers, to pretend to watch over the
since 2010, consequently causing prices to
what this phenomenon implies for low-
economy of private people, and to restrain
soar across all sectors in Egypt.
income households.
their expense... They are themselves
for Public Mobilization and Statistic’s report,
According to The Central Agency recent
low income families that will suffer the
eloquently concluding that “It is the highest
always, and without any exception, the
CAPMAS’ head major general Abu Bakr El-Guindy explained that the
Government announcements, the majority
greatest spendthrifts in the society. Let
biggest upswings were in food prices, which
of Egyptians will be excluded from fuel
them look well after their own expense, and
went up by 2.9 percent since January. The
subsidization, meaning that, under a type
they may safely trust private people with
increase of pharmaceutical prices has also
of rationing system, only the most deprived
affected the local health care sector, which
will be provided with smart cards that will
is something that will certainly burden low-
allow them access to limited amounts of
income households, as almost their entire
subsidized fuel.
income is spent on necessary goods;
This simply means that if you
historically these households have primarily
have a car with a 1600 CC ,or more, engine,
been the ones to suffer the consequences
you will pay approximately 5.90 LE by July,
of any economic recession that has taken
instead of 1.90 LE (its current price) for the
place in Egypt.
most commonly used 92 octane gas. So
In households
the across
surprised by their electricity and gas bills,
if you are typically extravagant, I strongly
does not ruin the
advise you against it. The
which have been rising without any prior
plans include also raising taxes on mass
Adam Smith
MARRIAGE: THE INSTITUTION BY ENGY SHAABAN Marriage is essentially a social union between spouses, a foundation for the
of it did not mean the marriage was void.
wondered why someone at City Hall should
The church, like the tribal priest of ancient
have to listen to their vows in order for them to be legitimate? The point of the ceremony
building of a network of interpersonal relationships. This network is the family, a natural and sacred form of union that has
regulations of marriage have changed quite
but if you don’t believe in God what is the
always been present in humanity. So, then,
a bit since then. Starting with the Marriage
point? Even believers question why their
why is it that we need the approval of the
Act in 1753, in order for a marriage to be
marriages are unrecognized if they only
government to build these relations? More
recognized, it had to commence with a
sanctify them religiously and not legally.
importantly, why have we come to accept
religious ceremony that was recognized by
Of course civil marriage allows the state
such a system?
the state.
to prevent practices such as clandestine
As far back as historical records
Marriage, with regards to the
go, marriage has occurred for various
legal faction, is called civil marriage. Civil
marriage requires that a record be kept
reasons; a practice that goes back to the
of every marriage transaction that occurs
way to escape them. In America, marriage
time of the societies of the West and the
in a state and sets some ground rules,
laws differ from state to state. If a couple is
ancient civilizations of the East. People also
concerning age, consent, and gender
too young to marry, it jumps states. When
marriages or statutory marriage. But if you really think about it,
to name a few, which must be followed. reasons. The institution of marriage used to
this day and age, we constantly see
and Wales, people would go to Scotland
be a religious one in which the ceremony
protests that contest the legal institution
to avoid its regulations. So what exactly is the point of the state controlling marriage?
had to be conducted in the presence of a tribal priest, at a sacred temple, or in the
different aspects of it, the core idea is the
And why is it that we have come to fully
church, depending on the time and place
same. The most common of these protests
accept the authority of the state when it comes to such matters? Perhaps as
being refereed too. In ancient Greece, sometimes all that was required was mutual
argument focuses on the point that the
citizens we are partially to blame, we are
agreement between the couple. So when
discriminatory nature of marriage violates
only human after all and as humans we
did marriage become a legal institution?
many constitutional amendments or other
Now there are rules and regulations and
similar values of human freedom. Basically,
or someone ‘credible’, must accept what
the legal institution of marriage allows the
we are doing, and must sanctify it. We
Historians say that marriage initially
state to keep tabs on its citizens and have
became legalized in Europe with the
a hand in determining whether or not the
university degree; the former tells us that
passing of “Lord Hardwicke’s Marriage Act”
marriage is legitimate, and how inheritance
we are “rightfully” married, while the latter,
in 1753. Previously, in the medieval period,
should be conducted, etc. Divorce is also
depending on where it’s from, tells us how
marriage was governed by the canon law
something else that the state controls.
smart or academically successful we are,
of the church, meaning that only the two
The system of annulment or divorce tells
or how much we deserve certain careers,
parties had to have consent and promise
a person whether or not they have a right
statuses, or respect. Both institutions grant
to take each other as husband and wife,
to get divorced and also dictates the rights
us recognizable honour. But did this honour
no witnesses or special ceremony was
they should walk away with.
not exist without their acknowledgement?
required. The couple was asked to obtain “a
Marriage began as a religiously
marriage licence” from the church, creating a binding contract to marry; the licence
another institute that grants the government
had no political backdrop and the absence
higher power. Atheists, especially, have
Now that is truly something worth thinking
Š rola Zyada
THE PHILOSOPHY OF FASHION QUESTIONS WITH DEANA SHAABAN BY HAmS FATHY Q&A DS: What motivates me to design is the idea that clothing should dignify a woman. That when she puts on a garment she should look majestic and beautiful; clothing should not demean a woman. Our clothing is an extension of who we are and not separate from us. I think that when a woman puts on a dress, the image of her should remain in people’s minds long after she has left the room. I am fascinated by the idea that in a square piece of fabric of what it can be transformed into and the only thing limiting it is my knowledge. HF: How much of ‘you’ and your experiences are put into your clothes? DS: I think every ounce of me, all of my experiences, my beliefs, my likes and dislikes, people I have encountered, heart ache that I have had and emotional ups My designs have differed throughout seasons not only based on themes, but also based on where I am at in my life. I think that happens with every designer. We are an accumulation of our experiences and emotions and that may intentionally or and in our art. I don’t think it can be any other way and I think it’s beautiful because we end up telling stories through our work. HF: What are your hopes for your label? DS: My hope for my label is to be a global brand. I want the world to recognize Deana Shaaban as an Egyptian brand and a successful global brand. I want my work and my brand to help revive Egypt as a main decider for the world’s fashion and bring back the beauty and importance that art once had in Egypt’s history. When back to Egypt in any way that I possibly could and if my work can contribute to the betterment of individual lives and eventually a country as a whole, then I think my work will have had some meaning. Currently we contribute a percentage of every item
sold to some sort of charity or individuals in need and with time and as we grow as a label, my hopes are that we are able to help on a much larger scale with bigger projects. HF: Some people view fashion as frivolous or just indulgent, what do you think? DS: I think, just like with anything, it can be. However, I think it is much more than that. I believe our clothing is an extension of who we are. I don’t think our clothing are just items that we place on our bodies. This is why I always encourage people to wear whatever it is they feel like wearing because it helps us discover who we are. If we dress how other people think we should dress, we end up loosing ourselves somewhere along the line and it causing a rift in our personalities. I think we should always be true to who we are and true We identify people from different cultures, ideologies, personality types based on the way they are dressed. So it only seems right that we should dress however we believe to be right for us, even if that means waltzing around in garbage bags. out who they are, and on that journey we often feel the need to experiment with
they are expected to “Play” the role of a feminine woman but at the same time accomplish what men must accomplish. And to be honest, I think women are more than capable of accomplishing just about anything, it’s all in about how sh manages her life and the men around her. HF: Do you believe you exist in the ‘fashion industry’? How do you see your job? DS: I’m not gonna lie to you, I’m not particularly a fan of the fashion industry. I’m not into fashion, I’m madly in love with every inch of the world around us can contribute to my designs. The possibilities are endless and I get heart palpitations just at the thought of what can be! I believe I am a part of the fashion industry however my focus is ultimately on design form, I think it’s exhilarating. I think the possibilities are endless and I think that’s where my job lies. HF: Can you walk us through your design process? DS: Before I begin designing any collection, there usually is a purpose to this seasons collection. I spend a good few months researching the idea for the collection and putting together mood
factor in who we are, I believe we should all be given that room for self-discovery. HF: How do you think fashion plays into women’s roles in society? DS: I think fashion plays a very large role on women’s lives. I think there are certain expectations of them that they must always look feminine but at the same time be expected to dress in a way that shows strength if she holds a job of power. And if she doesn’t have a job of power then she must dress in a way that can allow her to be “Worthy” of that power. Women, if too attractive won’t be taken as seriously but at the same time must be attractive enough to be noticed. It’s a
collection, I begin sketching and designing keeping in mind fabrics, colors, and all the elements that will compose this collection. Once that is done, patterns for the designs get made, fabric is then bought and then production can begin. Along the way, some designs might be altered because sometimes once the designs are materialized, I discover perhaps its not as great as I thought it would be so they get amended or thrown out all together. It’s a process, nothing is ever really set in stone and experimentation is always done. Some of my best designs took several tries before it came out in a way that I fell in love with.
Š Nathalie maher
images courtsey of the artist
The connection with one’s hometown, once established, resonates on many different levels across one’s life. And what manifestation should this profound connection take if it’s the life of an artist who devoted her life to serve her passion - art? The answer to this question lies within the walls of the Zamalek Art Gallery,
“In the Love of Alexandria,” the most recent
She describes this love saying, “I am very
exhibition of the infamous artist Rabab Nemr.
attached to Alexandria, particularly Bahari.
I have had the privilege of interviewing Nemr,
Bahari is so rich, with the simple lifestyles,
further gaining insight to her passion, art, will, and even interpretations of selected pieces. An experience so replenishing, I will attempt
as they come out of the sea, and their sale
to share with you to the best of my efforts. Nemr’s inspiration comes from her unmitigated love for her hometown.
captivated. Alexandria inspires me to an
Arts Another
centered about it.”
Another piece hosts a man and his wife, hugging in front of a large tree.
Nemr’s will is ever so present
interpret that piece, Nemr fondly replied,
as well. When asked about the challenges
Nemr adds, as our conversation moves to the direction of that piece, that this is
she encountered as a female artist, she
exhaustion of a laborious day? It’s in the
in Al-Shalalat, a garden in Alexandria that
unwaveringly replied, “We, females, are the
Qahwa, where they will play cards, and
is full of trees, where families gather. The
ones who challenge. We challenge, and
not so commonly dominos. In Bahari, you
painting exudes the romance of Egyptians,
traditional wooden tables. They will play
as well as their appreciation for nature,
produce, whether we are poets, artists, or anything else. I draw, I create art, I showcase it, and they
will never stop me
from doing so.” She
and h
goes on to talk about
use of the word
one of her pieces in
‘replenishing’ in the
her current exhibition;
text is by no means
“There is the Egyptian
coincidental. Slightly
above all people who
but mainly awed
are drawn in black and
by Nemr’s passion
that is so glaringly
are all one, regardless
present in “In the
of our gender, and
Love of Alexandria,”
I felt reinvigorated;
my perception of
we are all one, under
my own hometown
rehabilitated towards its original our
painting is so powerful,
that I kept staring at
it for a considerable
and bustling fumes
amount of time. The
that carry a life of
their own, in my
hometown Cairo, I
are nearly identical across all faces are
the roads
decided to see, once again, the beauties
immensely bewildering. All miens harboring
clothes, after earning their Rizk, before the
that this city so unabashedly beholds.
a mixture of pride, graveness, loss, and
groups dismantle and go to their separate
Beauties that bear mesmerizing intensities
hope at the same time, in black and white,
homes.” The painting’s message seems
to them, ones that should never be
a great contrast to the big and colored
so simple, yet it is so insightful to the daily
undermined. Reacquaint yourself with your hometown; there are several wonders that
top of the large painting. As I gape at the
that extend beyond the boundaries of
painting, I think that Nemr’s message has
the Mediterranean. How closely they
so dexterously come home. We, Egyptians,
live together, and how beautiful and
are patiently awaiting your appreciation.
mesmerizing their lives are.
For inconceivable reasons, whenever people think of the word ‘writer’, their mind of Victor Hugo, Stephen King, or F. Scott Fitzgerald.
In today’s world, where readers
are still not an overwhelming majority, very few have enough literary experience and patience to not only recognize but also cite prominent female writers. The lashings that female writers get nowadays stem from recent works that some popular culture writers have published such as Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James or - dare we mention it - Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Consequentially, the literary audience often perceives women as ‘emotional’ writers who are incapable of veering from clichéd themes such as smutty romance or socialite drama or even meaningless hippie-banter that ultimately
“ 26
doesn’t lead to much insight.
“commonality” but once the Oedipal stage
Critics roll their eyes when the
ends, the male must then identify with his
notion of gender inequality enters the realm
father or his masculine side, which leads
of literature, those who do not sympathize
to his mourning over the lost bond with his
denounce exaggerated complaints and
mother. The male child then tries to salvage
covetousness on the part of supposed
the bond that united him with his mother
‘elitist’ women who can’t write yet still do
by attempting to reconnect with women.
so and expect praise. However, the reason
allows male authors to reach implicit rediscrimination against female writers that has been so unjustly thrust upon them
the female voice.
as they lay overshadowed by ‘female–
“‘The Blank Page’ and Issues of Female In
Benjamin, who focuses on the psychology
interesting point regarding how male writers resort to using literature as a way to craft
explores the Oedipal stage that most
women the way they would like them to be
males go through and how that affects
in contrast to how they are in reality. Their
the male author as a whole. Son and
literary depictions can thus only be referred
“emotional attunement” and empathetic
interlaced with some truth where women
The problem lies in the fact that common ignorance about the female counterpart in the world of literature is extremely detrimental when it comes to intellectual stimulation
© Sherin Sabry are the “blank page” upon which the male
Where would pro-female efforts be today if
and female sexuality. For cathartic and
author writes.
it hadn’t been for Gloria Steinem or Simone
awareness reasons, the female writers
de Beauvoir?
base their writings on their reality and not
The problem lies in the fact that common ignorance about the female
Theorist Judith Kegan Gardiner
on some imagination of a male writer who
counterpart in the world of literature is
bases her theories of gender in literary
can merely ‘imagine’ what it’s like to be a
extremely detrimental when it comes to
criticism on differences in the life experiences
intellectual stimulation. The ‘female outlook
of both genders. Naturally, it is believed that
and feel’ in literature are both priceless
men and women live differently as society
and contribute widely to widening the
dictates on account of their sex; therefore
human’s scope of understanding about contemporary societies. Ever
writers who write on behalf of women; it is an undeniable fact that men are capable of
in the writing. Accordingly, Gardiner states classical
writing from the female viewpoint in a way that is realistic, respectful, and progressive.
women have written about reality from
disjunct fragments, while female characters
The idea is also not to endorse the same
their perspective in a way that cannot
in novels by women tend to dissolve and
number of female writers as men or the
merge into each other” before specifying
depiction of tantamount female heroines
counterparts. Even those who weren’t
that “female identity is a process” that
in novels. It is about recognition and
allowed to write or feared exposure resorted
affects the personality, which in turn,
valorization. It is about breaking an unjust
to using pen names such as George Sand.
cycle and making it clear to readers that it
Where would the world be today if Maya
Till this day, it is primarily female
is not a harmful act to approach a literary
Angelou had not written about child rape?
writers who can deliver their experiences
work- whether a poem, novel or essay- and
Where would Egyptian women have found
and emotions sincerely and vividly to
they should not be discouraged by the fact
the inspiration to protest in the streets if not
expose some of the most outrageous
that its authorship daringly belongs to a
for the character of Layla in the Open door?
topics, such as domestic violence, rape,
woman rather than a man.
accepting of all types of people; a Liberal Arts
expresses that “history plays an essential
education is a good way to start!
role in anything.” He added that “it is not
that all American University in Cairo (AUC)
A lack of respect for this educational system
something you do, it is something you
students go through in order to begin
sometimes also means that even professors
acquire.” According to Ezzat, if you are
their career paths. Like people in any
are not as appreciated as they should be. If
planning to continue your education, ARIC
high achievers around you. I understand that
Realizing what’s successful and what was
it’s important for many of us to be able to get
not when learning from the past to enhance
majors, but they do not seem to see the
our “dream jobs” and be well paid. However,
the future, ARIC students in Egypt have a
bigger picture: what is and what is the point
that should not be the most important factor
rich variety of places to explore such as
of a liberal arts university?
when deciding on a career because when we
museums, mosques, and mausoleums, to
are doing the things we love, we will inevitably
name a few; talk about taking full advantage
of where you live! The combining of history
Deciding on a major is an
other community, AUC students have
the choice of a major. It could be a
I decided to talk to a couple
decision based on one’s interests, skills, economic,
and many other majors is also common because history pervades all.
relations. Regardless, students at AUC
understanding of the importance of a liberal
must complete the Core Curriculum, which
arts education and courses from the students’
is the basis of the liberal arts education at
perspectives as opposed to that which is
Students should know a little something
the university. This program is essentially
offered to us by professionals.
about everything. A Liberal Arts education of
teaches you how to think critically and
analytically about a plethora of issues, a
is a major that opens up a lot of doors;
skill we truly need as young people in an
The series of courses, such as Philosophical
mathematics majors are on demand in the
increasingly globalized world. The system at
Thinking and Introduction to Anthropology,
job market. They have the ability to work in
AUC is designed to help you reach further
Arwa primarily, to prepare students to become
and further into what you want to achieve
are designed to encourage you to think
beyond basic education. This is a vitality
critically, argue with reason, and analyze your surroundings. There is no exaggeration
accountants in banks, and a plethora of
you cannot get in traditional or technical systems of education.
in saying that this system is liberating. The states that “your professional skills develop
It is always advantageous to look
to your wide range of skills and thorough
when you think creatively; it pushes you to
at any given story from all points of view.
understanding of your environment are
consider solutions from very unusual points
the least of the tremendous advantages
of view and teaches you how to deal with
many professions.” While there are strong
system requires us to be interested, hard
With the diffusion and mixture of
mathematics programs in the Middle East,
working, and last but not least, accepting of
different cultures and religions in the 21st
accepting math as a primary major is still
our uncontrollably versatile and globalized
unpopular in this part of the world.
environment. Believe it or not, if you love
and work hard enough on something, you
(ARIC), as I found out, is a very well equipped
will achieve great success because such an
acknowledging diverse cultures, countries,
major at AUC. Mohamed Ezzat, a junior
attitude is indispensable.
and worldviews. We need to become
majoring in Middle Eastern and Arab History,
perceived assumptions of postmodern thought.
I think everybody’s weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it. Johnny Depp
guy to be in art or music; I don’t think it
Inequality is a very broad topic in many
forms; ranging from race and ethnic groups
because men are shy to get involved in
makes him any less of a guy; however, the
to class status and gender. We witness
such things. They say it’s not manly enough,
problem is the job opportunities provided
this inequality daily, not only in our Egyptian
because here in Egypt bachelors of music
by our societies for such majors; they
and Arab society, but also all around the
or arts are not as respected as doctors
don’t make for lifetime occupations. I think
world. However, an issue that is not as
or engineers. So some men, especially in
society threatens the manly hood of those
frequently addressed is gender inequality
AUC, tend to suppress their talents and
who major because it’s the only way to
towards men.
major in something socially acceptable,
make them divert away from taking such a
Ask a guy what degree he is
like engineering, while some of the best
decision, which is as bad as it gets, being
pursuing, and more often than not, you will
musicians are engineers. After a while, they
called feminine or not manly enough is the
get the same expected answer. Personally,
would decide to try out an art or music
worst that could happen in our society. All
most of the guys I know are pursuing an
class, maybe even decide to double major,
societies prefer other majors because they
Engineering degree, the rest opting for
because it’s in their blood and they can’t
have more opportunities that keep the
Business or Economics ones. Why are men
suppress it anymore. I think it’s something
economy to keep going.”
not accepted in arts and music? The usual
everybody should be proud of – males and
What I found to be noteworthy
response is that these majors aren’t manly
females! It’s not something to be shy of and
was the fact that many males refused
enough or that our society doesn’t regard
by taking their talents seriously, people will
to provide an opinion beyond the usual
them in a positive light. The underlying issue
eventually respect them.”
shunning of the decision. What I found most impressive was the female reaction towards
that is not addressed though is that these Alia El Saady – English and Comparative
this topic; they found it important and
Let’s run through prominent male artists for
Literature Major:
immediately saw the point: men do suffer
a minute: Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Di Vinci,
“If you want my opinion I think it takes a
from inequality as well. Yes, men aren’t as
Jackson Pollack, Beethoven, Frank Sinatra,
lot of guts to do what you love. Society
suppressed as women, but the point of this
Elton John, Elvis Presley, The Beatles, to
programs us to be practical but it doesn’t
article is to show that they do also suffer
name a few. So when and why has society
say anything about being happy.”
of it, to a certain degree, but in a different sense. To some, majoring in arts or music
decided that men are now not accepted in arts and music? What happened along
Salma Rizk – IMC Major:
isn’t such a big deal. But put yourself in the
the way that made society claim that these
“I think students should be allowed to major
shoes of those who care about this and ask
in whatever they choose. If it’s what they’re
yourself, “Is it fair that a man doesn’t get
passionate about, nobody has the right to
to do what he is passionate about simply
This is not an article that explores
tell them otherwise. If you truly love your
because it would label him as effeminate?”
my own perspective, but one that gives
major/job, trust me, you are most likely to
At the end of the day, it’s the same concept;
people the to opportunity to speak out and
succeed! And so, if a guy wants to major in
women are told what is expected of them,
hear what others have to say.
music, or art, or theater, LEAVE HIM TO IT.
which why they should act, and how they
He’s probably brilliant.”
should dress, and men are told how to act
and speak, what to wear and study, and
Here are the voices: Nesma Mahgoub – Musical Performance
Yomna Omar – Psychology Major:
even, in some cases, what genre of music
Major & Theatre Minor:
“I know what you mean! A friend of mine
to listen to. Inequality, unfortunately, goes in
“We’ve always had this problem. In theatre
loves acting but ended up going into civil
auditions, many girls come but only very
both directions – blue and pink.
images via Wikimedia commons
Opinions Naming and shaming is the solution that
group or the effort put by young adults
paid enough attention or because no one is
crossed the mind of an AUCian after being
to protect a woman’s dignity and body. It
willing to admit that it is maybe, just maybe
sexually harassed by a middle class man
will not be about the predictions of what
not because of her clothing, or maybe, just
while driving her car. It was her last and only
such a Facebook group or group of young
maybe it is not because of her attitude and
effective option after Tahrir Bodyguards took
adults can change, perhaps the behavior
maybe, just maybe her behavior was not
of women when discriminated against, in
the reason and perhaps he is in fact just
can make a difference. Our AUCian is a
terms of encouraging them to take actions
another criminal that deserves nothing but
veiled young lady whose harasser- who is
or speak up? Perhaps making men and
punishment. It is about people who would
as old as her own father- kept winking at
women see the ugly truth and that the
blame the victim for naming and shaming,
her, blowing kisses in the air and waving
85% of women in Egypt being harassed
claiming that it is wrong and irreligious but
with a sarcastic smile on his face the
will not stop to blame the harasser. It is
moment she took her phone and decided
exception? Or maybe an attempt to make
about a deaf, blind and crippled society
to take a picture of him. Going back home
harassers aware of the crime they have
that suffocates women and enjoys it.
committed? Only in a society like ours,
Our society fails to see or grasp the idea
disgust she decides to post the pictures of
dear readers, a society in which women
that sexual harassment is no less of a crime
that man on Facebook, hoping that it would
are seen as sexual objects, that should be
than murder or theft. In all three crimes
be shared over and over again till someone
blamed for the unethical behavior of men,
something has been taken away with no
recognizes him and maybe, just maybe
the questions will unfortunately only revolve
right or permission. Whether it was the life
that will bring some embarrassment and
around how “ethical” or even “religious” it
of an innocent person, a sum of money that
shame into his life. Trying to target as many
is to name and shame harassers that have
has been stolen or a body of a woman that
people as possible she creates a Facebook
committed the crime of oppressing women
has been touched without her permission,
page, “some sort of a personal record” she
and taking advantage of their bodies. The
it doesn’t make a difference. A crime is a
says, that is supposed to have the pictures
actions of men will never be questioned,
crime and a criminal is a criminal. Naming
instead woman’s integrity and honesty will
and shaming a harasser is not unethical or
-on March 14th – that it already got more
always be a source of doubt; what if she is
irreligious, harassing women IS unethical
than 3000 likes, and later, after one month,
not saying the truth? What if she was the
and irreligious. Naming and shaming the
23000 likes. Naming and shaming is a
one who triggered him to sexually harass
harasser is the same idea as naming and
concept that has started earlier in Egypt,
her? Are we sure that she didn’t ask for it?
shaming a serial killer, one has taken the
It is again and always around that devilish
lives of innocent people and another has
and after hundreds of women went through
creature that should be blamed for all evil,
taken the dignity of innocent women whose
traumatic experiences that will hunt them
the woman.
only fault was the fact they they were born
till the day they die. Capturing harassers
It is not just about growing up in a
in a society like ours, a society that values
and using paint or spray to mark them as
society where the victim- of course only if
the dominance of a man even if he is a
criminals was the beginning, and posting
it is a woman- is constantly being blamed
harasser. Would they stop for a second to
harassers’ pictures online is nothing but a
for nothing but being the victim. It is about
consider if naming and shaming a serial
further step. How far this can go and what it
the fact that speaking up about sexual
killer was unethical or irreligious? The
will eventually achieve is a question that will
harassment is a taboo that brings shame
question here is not whether shaming and
remain unanswered for now.
to the victim, let alone actually talking
naming is wrong or right, it is neither about
Only in a society like ours, a society
about it and blaming a MAN. It is all and
the intentions of the harassers nor the
that refuses to blame the man and admit
only about women that end up hating who
faults of the women. The question here is
for once that it is not always the woman’s
they are, blaming themselves and trying
about how to support the victim and punish
fault as it is claimed by people, Nile-Sat
the criminal. The question here is how to
Sheikhs or Shura Council members, the
this is what they’ve been taught. It’s about
discussions will not revolve around the
a society in which women cannot prove
obvious success of such a Facebook
what has happened, either because no one
accepted would be “whatever it takes.”
© Olle Johansson “We see things not as they are,
commonly known as the 9/11events that
but as we are,” said Anais Nin, an American
occurred more than ten years ago, and we
One should communicate with
author with Spanish-Cuban roots. Nin
have heard of other, so called, “terroristic”
the “terroristic” attacks as products of a
incidents. Have you ever asked yourself,
social and political complex as whole, and
after seeing such massacres, the following
not as separate acts surprisingly committed
question, “do I see what I know or do I
know what I see?” Frankly speaking, what
against the global political and economic
within the context of her quote. The term and conceiving things according to what we know and perceive. In contrast to Nin,
ask how that order came around?
orders. In other words, “terrorism” should
the Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi, said
usually comes across your mind? That
be politicized and historicized; it should
“we must be the change we wish to see
these terrorists are Muslims or are people
move out from being just a consistently
in the world.” Gandhi here illustrates the
from developing, savage countries who
securitized crisis by those who own the
meaning of “ontology” - knowing what we
intend to destroy the civilization of the
mechanisms of the production of the
see so as to be able to change it.
“adequate” knowledge. In other words, in
We all saw what happened in
ontologically…that you should stand apart
Boston last month, we remember what is
from the prevailing order of the world and
order to understand why an occurrence
One should communicate with the “terroristic” attacks as products of a social and political complex as whole, and not as separate acts surprisingly committed by abnormal and deviant “terrorists” against the global political and economic orders.
out reasons for any “terroristic” attack, put
be reckoned with.” I presume we are not
what Antonio Gramsci, the Italian scholar
the historical context into consideration
SUPPOSED to know or to hear.
and activist, called the integral state. The
together with all the political, economic,
This is not to say that we should
integral state is a hegemonic dictatorship,
and social measurements. Ben Laden
victimize the “terrorists” or that they always
in which the entire complex of practical
and his Qaeda were allies with the United
and theoretical activities are controlled by
States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
intend to do. However, we should not
the ruling class, which, in its turn, does not
during the 1980s, combating together
treat the “terrorists” as absolutely criminal
only justify and maintain its dominance, but
the communists of the Soviet Union in
elements who are against the absolute
also “manages to win the active consent
Afghanistan. The United State’s gigantic
truth of the powerful and the dominant. It
of those over whom it rules.” Therefore,
fears of any nuclear act of terror by North
has always been, and will always be, about
this integral state is composed of not
Korea or Iran and its efforts to contain the
a permanent struggle of discourses. Sean
only a political society that is protected
possibility of the happening of such threat
McMahon, an associate professor at the
by the repressive means of coercion, but
also of social forces that include a vast
taking into consideration the two nuclear
the term discourse as “the rules and the
number of institutions, agencies, and
bombs directed against the Japanese cities
utterances, by which you should abide by in
organizations that ideologically organize the
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII.
order to be ‘true’.” Throughout the history
contemplations and the deliberations of the
Can we call this “terrorism?” I suppose
of humanity, people attempted to counter
people about the notion of “terrorism.”
we MUST not. Furthermore, the militant
and to deconstruct the dominant discourse
operations that are carried out from one
and to come up with new ones that are
“terrorism” should be understood as a
time to another by the internationally known
accompanied by new political, economic,
social fact that resulted from historical
“terroristic” groups of Hamas in Palestine
and social structures. This is exactly what
and sociological factors, and as a method
and by Hezbollah in Lebanon against the
I mean with my earlier reiteration that
of political violence that aims to achieve
Zionist state of Israel were preceded by
“terrorism” should move out from being just
revolutionary changes and not just as a
more severe acts of “terrorism” from the
a consistently securitized crisis by those
social brute. This perspective on “terrorism”
side of the ethno-nationalists Zionist militias
who own the mechanisms of the production
is very much related to the Critical Security
of the Irgun and the LEHI. These acts were
of the “adequate” knowledge. The word
Studies (CSS), which is different from
conducted not only against the Arabs but
“terrorist” is not an objective category; it
the Realist Security ones that are only
also against the British colonial forces that
is a label that is discursively constructed
interested in investigating the current
were settled in Palestine before the United
in speech and concrete policies by
order, and in which the changes would be
Nations declaration that has approved the
those who can represent someone or
accomplished in militant means merely by
establishment of a new state on the holy
something as existential threats, against
the state. The CSS, in contrast, is people-
lands. Did you ever hear about the actions
whom extraordinary measures should be
centered; it is very much concerned with
or even the names of the Irgun and the
emancipation; questioning how we get to
LEHI? Did you ever know that one Irgun
where we are through understanding the
leader said that “we must create a situation
“terrorism,” and which group exactly is
historic background of practices so as to
whereby killing an Arab is like killing a rat,
being addressed when a reference to
where Arabs are dirt, thereby showing
“terrorists” is made are questions that are
that we and not they are the power to
continuously produced and reproduced by
change the future.
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