April, 2013
No. 9
April, 2013
No. 9
Dear Friend, Rainy season has begun. It is starting to rain every day and will do so constantly until November. It is a blessing because everything is so dry and it has been very hot lately. Anyway, we are thrilled to have a little cool weather after 6 months of extreme heat. Angelique and I are well. God is good and we continue to experience His provision, protection and peace in our lives. Enclosed are a few "highlights" that have occured over the past weeks.
San Antonio We just finished a 3 day revival in the village of San Antonio. The village is 4 miles up in the mountains from Chinameca. Our Institute Director, Salvador, is the pastor. We averaged around 60 adults and 30 children each night. Seven were saved! Bro. Salvador is such a fine young pastor and is doing a great job at the Chinameca Institute, as well as his pastorate.
Bob preaching in San Antonio
Two folks receiving Christ at the revival on thursday night
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April, 2013
No. 9
Los Luna Los Luna is a settlement comprised of around 200 families that work at a large coffee plantation near St. de Maria, which is about 45 minutes from Chinameca. Around 14 months ago, Bro. Luis Sanchez started the church. They have experienced rapid growth. Today, the church has around 150 children and youth and 60 active adults. The adults currently meet under a large garage and the children are scattered out under a variety of "make shift" sheds and plastic covered rooms. Last week we began the paperwork to purchase 3 acres of land for the church! Lord willing, we will soon start the construction of a simple structure/pavillion to seat 200 adults and another one for 200-300 children.
Bob preaching in Los Luna
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April, 2013
No. 9
Children meeting outside during sunday school in Los Luna
Pastor Luis Sanchez, his wife Nelis and Roberto Luna in front of the new property in Los Luna
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April, 2013
No. 9
Prayer Breakfast Last week, Bob was asked to speak at a prayer breakfast. The ARENA (conservative party) Vice-Presidential candidate, along with various Senators, congressmen and pastors were present. The theme was the "Christian and Politics." It was a great opportunity to share our conservative values and, of course, the gospel, as well.
Bob presenting Vice Presidential candidate Dr. Rene Portillo, with a bible at the breakfast
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April, 2013
No. 9
Construction Team We recently hosted a construction team from Purvis, Mississippi. Men from both Grace Covenant and Good Hope Churches helped complete the last section of a new security wall at the Remar Orphanage. These guys worked during the end of the dry season. Remar is located close to the beach. They laid brick cheerfully during very, very hot days (104-106 degrees), loved on the children and shared the gospel at the school. After 5 days, the project was completed, the orphan children were blessed and 9 students were saved at the school.
The construction team from Purvis along with local volunteers at the construction site
Great Job Men! Thank you, Grace Covenant and Good Hope, for sending the men and providing the building materials!
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April, 2013
No. 9
Bible Institute/Pastor's School at Mejicanos The Institute in Mejicanos meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday. There are currently around 150 students preparing themselves for ministry and church planting. Our first graduation will be next May. We just wanted you to see some of these students and to ask you to pray for this Institute.
Some of the students at the Mejicanos Bible Seminary along with visiting teacher Dr.Bill Bowyer from Wake Cross, North Carolina
Mejicanos Church - Mejicanos Project The Lord continues to move in the Mejicanos Church. Around 60 were saved this past month! We also installed windows and doors and fans throughout the new audortorium. "Poco a poco" - little by little - everything is coming together with the construction aspect of this project.
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April, 2013
No. 9
A Special Thank You..... It was in May, 1985 (28 years ago) that we began this ministry. The years have gone by so quickly. A staff member recently sent me this picture, which was taken at Bro. Esau's ordination service 25 years ago. Good to see that we haven't changed.
Bob and Bro Esau at his ordination 25 years ago
Also... We took our radio staff on a zip line trip there are 11 lines that cover over 3 miles of travel, 3 of them are 500-700 meters/yards above the ground, it was a scary and fun day.
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April, 2013
No. 9
Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping us do what the Lord has called us to do. We love you, Bob & Angelique
P. S. 1. Matt & Courtney, our children in Texas, will have our first grandson in the next 2 weeks. He will be welcomed by sister Taylor. 2. Amy & Kyle, our children in New York, will have a baby boy in July. He will be welcomed by sister Eva. Four grandchildren under 2 years of age! Wow! God is so good!!!!
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