Kendrick ministries newsletter

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August, 2013

No. 11

August, 2013

No. 11

“Now unto Him, who is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all we ask or think... unto Him be glory� - Ephesians 3:20-21 Dear Friend, Today I just want to try and glorify Him and testify to His faithfulness. The Lord has definitely blessed us exceeding, abundantly, above all that we could ever ask or imagine.

1. He has blessed us through our family. We have 4 wonderful children, all involved in full-time ministry, serving in Texas and New York. We have 4 healthy, beautiful and wonderful grandchildren, ranging from 3 weeks old to 17 months old.

Kyle, Amy, Eva and Isaac

matthew,courtney taylor and cole... serving in plano,texas.

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August, 2013

No. 11

2. The Lord continues to bless our finances. I stand absolutely amazed and grateful at how the Lord continues to meet, not only our personal needs, but to go exceeding, abundantly, above those needs, to bless others. Let me explain: when the door opened to buy the "Mejicanos property," neither we ,nor the church were in the position to purchase it. Yet, we sensed the overwhelming leadership of the Lord to do so. A friend donated $200,000 to help with the earnest money and down payment. We financed the remaining $980,000 here.Our ministry gives $5,500 (which weren’t in our budget) each month towards the payment and the church gives $5,000. Two individuals give a combined total of $2,500 each month toward the note, but still we lack the remaining $3,000. Yet, we have made every payment, every month ,and on time. I can't explain this ourside of the absolute faithfulness and favor of the Lord.

a picture of pastor Luis Sanchez and leaders receiving money to purchase 4 acres pf land on which they will build a new church in Los Luna

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August, 2013

No. 11

The Los Luna project continues to thrive in the expansion of God's Kingdom in the east of this country

This is a photo of Bro. Ezequiel Solórzano, director of the Angelique School of Music, receiving a donation to put the roof on the second floor of the school

But hold on. The verse says “exceeding, abundantly, above”. We are not only meeting our budget, servicing this debt, but through miracle after miracle, have more new projects going on than ever!!! A family recently pledged additional support to buy land and construct several new churches and to help equip the new Bible Institute at Mejicanos! Incredible , definitely exceeding, abundately, above anything I had ask or thought! Wait a minute, Bob, slow down! Don't tell your supporters all of this. They will think that you are "rich, increased with goods and have need of nothing." Worse yet, they will quit giving! Sorry, but I just feel so blessed today, I just have to praise Him. Besides, He is faithful. He will be faithful. We choose to walk by faith and not by fear.

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August, 2013

Over the years, we have come to understand that while He uses people to bless us (of which we are grateful), He alone is our source and provider. He is the one who enables and prompts you to give in the first place. Besides, I know you. I know your heart. I know you will be as thrilled as we are to know that your gifts are being used and multiplied to bring more and more people to Jesus.

No. 11

Jordan and Brittany Driver, from Dozier, Alabama, singing at the Nueva Granada revival. They were a joy to have here, the youth mission team from Chinameca fell in love with them and the Lord really used them in the revival.

3. The Lord continues to produce fruit. Paul reminds us that "one may plant and another water, but only God can give the increase" (I Corinthians. 3:5). So, we understand that without the enabling work of the Holy Spirit, no real spiritual fruit will be produced nor remain. And, again He has been faithful. In fact, this may be one of the most fruitful times we have ever seen in the last 28 years! 1. We are seeing, on average, more people saved per month than ever! This is happening in church services, public schools, parks, offices and even on public buses. People are hearing the gospel and coming to Christ!

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August, 2013

No. 11

26 folks got saved on August 11th on the Mejicanos church

This photo was taken last sunday in the city of Mejicanos where the church continues to grow

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August, 2013

No. 11

2. We are seeing a new wave of men surrendering to full-time ministry and have a record number of men (almost 200) studying at the Bible Institutes.

Brother Samuel Arguetta and his family. Samuel is the pastor from Nueva Granada

3. There are more new churches beginning, more construction going on ,and more passion to win the nation than we have seen in 20 years.

A youth activity held during the recent revival in Nueva Granada

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August, 2013

No. 11

The youth from Chinameca led in a weekend of evangelism at the church in Nueva Granada. Here they are presenting a drama at the night services

4. Our ministries and Institute graduates are now in more areas of the country than ever. They are in 10 of the 14 states.

WE SERVE A GREAT AND MIGHTY GOD! Unto Him be glory! Dear friend: be encouraged today. The Lord is using you here in El Salvador. Be blessed knowing that you are a vital part of this harvest taking place. We love and appreciate you so very much. Thanks for allowing Him, to use you, to bless us and the people of El Salvador.

Bob and Angelique

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