March, 2013
No. 8
March, 2013
No. 8
Dear Friend, Hello from El Salvador! We pray that you are well. We sure do love you and are grateful for your love and friendship. Thanks for all you do to help us be here and know that folks are coming to Jesus through our work together. Although we try to inform everyone about what is going on here, I am frequently ask, "now, what is it that you do there?? So, in this newsletter, allow me to try and better clarify what Angelique and my days look like..
“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be
shepherds of the church of God” -Acts 20:28 “I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches” -2 Corinthians11:28
We are responsible to oversee, lead, counsel and serve our Radio and Institute Staff of 27 dedicated men and Rosita,in their respective mission and purposes. There is always something to do: • We have to service radio equipment and constantly review programming. • We have to meet with professors, buy new books for the library, and counsel with our students. • We pray, plan, and sometimes play. OUR STAFF IS GREAT! They are hard working and loyal, so they are easy to work with.
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March, 2013
No. 8
We try to oversee and coordinate the work of an association of hundreds of autonomous churches that voluntarily choose to work with us.We plan and execute a multitude of annual retreats, conferences, rallies, crusades and projects.We have quarterly regional church meetings and an annual meeting. So, I spend a considerable amount of time in meetings, planning events,and working with our staff, and a great amount of time trying to keep the pastors unified, growing and "always abounding in the work of the Lord.(1 Corinthians 15). Like it or not, sometimes you just have to be in the office.
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel�- Mark 16:15 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God... 1 Corinthians1:18-23
We are in the Mejicanos Church on Tuesdays and Wednesday nights,but we minister in different churches every weekend in the churches in our family of churches. For example, this month I preached 3 times in Mejicanos, in Chinameca, in El Terrero, in los Luna, in Montreal and a 3-day-revival in Usulutan. Preaching is the highlight of my week. I can tolerate some meetings if I have somewhere to preach later that day. Preaching in different churches gives me the opportunity to fulfill my calling and to better stay in touch with what is going on in the churches.
Bob preaching in Usulutan
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March, 2013
No. 8
Revival attendance in Usulutan
Bro Salomon Rosales and leaders from the Montreal church
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March, 2013
No. 8
"And the things you have heard me say... entrust to reliable people, qualified to teach others." 2 Timothy 2:2
I currently teach every week at both Bible Institutes. I teach SystematicTheology on Tuesdays in Mejicanos and Principles of Church Planting in Chinameca on Saturdays. These classes are such a blessing. They address two of our greatest needs: 1. To help this generation to be well grounded in sound doctrine, and 2. To show them how to take that knowledge and go out and start a new church in a town or village where no church exist. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY STUDENTS and love being in the classroom with them. I am encouraged by their committment and passion to the Lord and their hunger for His word..
Men from Chinameca studying to be church planters
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March, 2013
No. 8
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March, 2013
No. 8
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer”. -Acts 2:42
We try to visit in the homes, have lunch with, or invite to our home,dozens of pastors and their families every month. THEY ARE OUR FAMILY HERE. We need this fellowship as much as they do! Besides, Ministry is based on relationships. People best work together when they love each other. We break bread (ok, pupusas...) together, share concerns,and try to hold one another up. Angelique is such a great hostess. Everybody loves to come to our house/hotel because of her cooking and hospitality. Of course,she rides the roads with me and continues to sing in the churches as well.
Eating out with Bro Israel Arguetta and church leaders after the revival meeting
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March, 2013
No. 8
Visiting with Bro Diacono and his wife after church
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March, 2013
No. 8
So... what do we do? Really? Nothing fancy, nothing new, nothing innovative nor cutting edge...We do the same thing your pastor does there, only in a different place. I know there are some bigger,more famous,innovative ministries out there, but,as long as The Lord allows, the people follow us, and people continue to get saved,we will stay on. I hope this answers some questions. We thank you for supporting two regular folks from Mississippi GOD BLESS, BOB and Angelique
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