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Chapter Seven
1. Answer: b. Spermicides are not a very effective method of contraception. The other methods have better effectiveness in preventing a pregnancy. 2. Answer: c. Teaching abstinence only to teens can actually increase the pregnancy rate because it is not always combined with birth control education and teens will not comply with just abstinence. 3. Answer: c. The contraceptive sponge must remain in place for a minimum of six hours after sex in order to prevent pregnancy. 4. Answer: a. These are all problems and risks with using the contraceptive sponge, except that it does not cause blood clots. 5. Answer: a. Each of these is the same and starts at the time of fertilization, except for the gestational age, which is measured from the first day of the last menstrual period. 6. Answer: d. Because half of all women feel that sex can damage the pregnancy, the level of sex in pregnancy tends to decrease. 7. Answer: c. The first trimester ends at 12 weeks’ gestation; it is followed by the second trimester. 8. Answer: d. A primigravida is a woman who has been pregnant once or who is currently pregnant. Technically, the person could be called nulliparous if she doesn’t carry the pregnancy past 20 weeks’ gestation. 9. Answer: c. As you’ll remember, oxytocin is released after an orgasm to enhance bonding. It also increases bonding to the infant, increases contentment, and increases uterine contractions. It causes the letdown reflex but does not cause milk production. 10. Answer: d. In a selective abortion, there is the termination of some fetuses’ lives in order to reduce the total number in a multiple gestation pregnancy.