32 minute read
Course Questions and Answers
1. What is the purpose of the dartos and cremaster muscles?
a. To regulate testicular temperature b. To contract during ejaculation c. To protect the scrotal contents d. To propel sperm to their maturation site in the scrotum
2. What is the tough outer layer of the testis itself?
a. Parietal tunica vaginalis b. Visceral tunica vaginalis c. Seminiferous tubule d. Tunica albuginea
3. What does the term cryptorchidism mean?
a. Failure of the testes to develop in utero b. Failure of the testes to descend in utero c. Failure of separation of the scrotum into two compartments d. Development of a dilated vein or veins in the scrotum
4. What structure forms the blood-testes barrier to prevent autoantibodies to get to the developing male sperm cells?
a. Rete testes b. Tunica albuginea c. Sertoli cells d. Tunica vaginalis
5. What is a sperm stem cell called?
a. Spermatid b. Primary spermatocyte c. Spermatozoon d. Spermatogonium
6. What does the process of spermiogenesis do?
a. Take the stem cell from a diploid cell to a haploid cell. b. Change the structure of the sperm cell look more like a mature sperm. c. Participates in cell division of the sperm stem cell. d. Causes the sperm to travel to the outside of the body.
7. Which structure of the sperm cell is also referred to as a cap?
a. Acrosome b. Mitochondrion c. Centriole d. Flagellum
8. What part of the penis contains the most nerve cell endings so it is the most sensitive part?
a. Glans penis b. Shaft c. Prepuce d. Urethra
9. What part of the penis is removed during a circumcision?
a. Glans penis b. Shaft c. Prepuce d. Urethra
10. Which hormone is produced by the pituitary gland in order to stimulate the
Leydig cells’ production of testosterone?
a. Follicle stimulating hormone b. Luteinizing hormone c. Gonadotropin releasing hormone d. Inhibin
11. What part of the female external genitalia has the greatest number of nerve endings?
a. Clitoris b. Labia minora c. Vaginal introitus d. Labia majora
12. What part of the female vulva is a hair-covered fat pad?
a. Perineum b. Vaginal introitus c. Labia minora d. Mons pubis
13. What is the purpose of Lactobacillus in the vagina?
a. They can cause certain infections in the vagina b. They can prevent certain infections in the vagina c. They secrete lubricating mucus d. They make it easier for sperm to travel in the vagina
14. When does meiosis start in the female ovary in order to lead to mature egg cells?
a. In utero b. At puberty c. Every 14 days d. Every 28 days
15. What are the supporting cells in the female ovary called?
a. Theca cells b. Primary oocytes
c. Granulosa cells d. Oogonia
16. Which cells in the follicle of the ovary make estrogen within this structure?
a. Theca cells b. Primary oocytes c. Secondary oocytes d. Oogonia
17. Which type of follicle in the female ovary is called an antral follicle?
a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Tertiary follicle
18. A surge of what hormone leads to ovulation in females?
a. FSH b. GnRH c. LH d. Inhibin
19. What is the dominant hormone secreted by the corpus luteum of the female ovary?
a. Testosterone b. Progesterone c. Estrogen d. Inhibin
20.Where does fertilization mainly occur in the female body?
a. Fallopian tube b. Uterine fundus c. Uterine corpus d. Cervix
21. What uterine layer sheds each month as part of the menstrual cycle?
a. Perimetrium b. Myometrium c. Stratum basalis d. Stratum functionalis
22.What is the function of the SRY gene in utero?
a. It triggers egg cells and the ovary to develop. b. It triggers sperm cells and the testes to form. c. It causes maturation of secondary male sex characteristics. d. It makes testosterone in the male fetus.
23.What is true of the Wolffian duct and the Mullerian duct in fetuses?
a. These two ducts develop simultaneously to make the different reproductive structures. b. The Mullerian duct will be stimulated to develop in the presence of testosterone. c. The Mullerian duct gives rise to male sexual organs. d. The Wolffian duct is stimulated by testosterone and the Mullerian duct is degraded.
24.What factor least likely plays a role in when menarche occurs in girls?
a. Nutrition b. Genetics c. Height d. Psychological stress
25. What secondary sexual characteristic in puberty is basically the same in boys and girls?
a. Axillary and pubic hair growth b. Laryngeal enlargement c. Fat deposition d. Muscle development
26.What part of the brain is most responsible for emotions?
a. The brainstem b. The limbic system c. The prefrontal cortex d. The occipital lobe
27. What do the inhibitory parts of the brain do for human sexual behavior?
a. They cause the cessation of an orgasm after it occurs. b. They diminish overall libido. c. They prevent socially inappropriate urges from being expressed. d. They contribute to infertility.
28.What is not considered a difference between arousal in men compared to women?
a. Women respond better to visual stimuli compared to men. b. Women respond better to smell and pheromones compared to men. c. Women respond to the emotional context of a sexual stimulus compared to men. d. Women have certain times of increased and decreased sexual arousal.
29.What is the major medical advantage to doing a male circumcision?
a. It increases penile cleanliness. b. It decreases the risk of gonorrhea. c. It prevents cancer of the penis. d. It decreases the incidence of HIV disease.
30.What was the role of smegma in the decision to circumcise male babies?
a. It was believed that smegma was cancer-causing. b. It was believed that smegma was dirty and caused disease. c. It was believed that smegma increased the risk of masturbation. d. It was believed that smegma led to certain neurological conditions.
31. When in the woman’s menstrual cycle is libido the greatest?
a. Menses b. Follicular stage c. Around ovulation d. Luteal or secretory stage
32.Which hormone in women most commonly suppresses the ability to have an orgasm?
a. Testosterone b. Luteinizing hormone c. Estrogen d. Progesterone
33. What happens to the levels of estrogen and testosterone with menopause?
a. The estrogen will increase and the testosterone will increase. b. The estrogen will decrease and the testosterone will increase. c. The estrogen will increase and the testosterone will decrease. d. The estrogen will decrease and the testosterone will decrease.
34.Which drugs will most likely increase libido instead of decrease libido?
a. Dopaminergic drugs b. Oral contraceptives c. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors d. Opioids
35. How long does it take a woman to achieve an orgasm on average?
a. Two minutes b. Ten minutes c. Eighteen minutes d. Thirty minutes
36.What is true of using exogenous testosterone to restore libido?
a. It works equally well in men and women. b. It does not work exogenously in men or women. c. It is effective in men but less effective in women. d. It is effective in women but less effective in men.
37. Which type of erotic stimulus is least likely to generate sexual arousal?
a. Olfactory b. Visual c. Touch or Tactile d. Auditory
38.What body area is least likely to be universally arousable in humans?
a. Axilla b. Nipples c. Lips d. Vulva
39.What type of stimulus is most likely to negatively impact sexual desire in women?
a. Olfactory b. Tactile c. Auditory d. Visual
40.What sexual stimulus type is involved in BDSM?
a. Dreams b. Erotic literature c. Physical stimulation d. Role playing
41. What least likely happens to the male testes and scrotum during sexual arousal?
a. The testes increase in size. b. The scrotum becomes cooler to the touch. c. There is flushing of the scrotum. d. The scrotal skin tightens.
42.What is the phenomenon of “blue balls” related to?
a. Increased temperature of the scrotum during sexual arousal. b. Multiple orgasms in men without a refractory period. c. Testicular discomfort from arousal without ejaculation. d. Erectile dysfunction in the setting of adequate stimulation.
43.What is true of male orgasms and the refractory period?
a. The refractory period usually precedes the actual orgasm. b. One cannot have a refractory period with a dry orgasm. c. The refractory period means no orgasms are possible. d. The refractory period decreases with age.
44.What is true of vaginal orgasms?
a. They are equally as strong as clitoral orgasms. b. They explain why most women climax with vaginal penetration. c. They are associated with vaginal ejaculation. d. Most women cannot attain a purely vaginal orgasm.
45. What is the most reliable indicator of female orgasms?
a. Pelvic and perianal muscle contractions b. Increase in vaginal secretions c. Increased breath and heart rates d. Clitoral engorgement
46.What does a baby do first if faced with the loss or threatened loss of a caregiver?
a. Feels anxious b. Grieves c. Gets angry d. Goes into despair
47. Which type of attachment involves a child who wants attachment but also wants to avoid being rejected by their caregiver?
a. Secure attachment b. Anxious-ambivalent attachment c. Anxious-avoidant attachment d. Disorganized attachment
48.What adult attachment style is one where personal independence is valued and trusted?
a. Secure attachment b. Anxious-preoccupied c. Dismissive-avoidant d. Fearful-avoidant
49.What feature of physical attractiveness is not seen by both genders?
a. Low waist-to-hip ratio
b. Facial symmetry c. Clear skin d. Youthful appearance
50.What are women least attracted to in a man?
a. V-shaped torso b. Increased physical height c. Wider hips d. Broad shoulders
51. When is a woman more likely to select a classically male face as more attractive?
a. Menses b. Follicular phase c. Luteal phase d. On birth control pills
52. What is least likely to be seen as attractive about a woman’s face?
a. Small nose b. Narrow-set eyes c. Full lips d. Wide face
53. What is true of the attraction of female body weight?
a. Nearly all cultures prefer a thinner woman. b. Cultures where food is scarce still prefer a thinner woman. c. Men prefer women to be thinner than women do. d. Women believe that thinness is more important to men than it is.
54. What is not true of attractiveness differences between men and women?
a. Tall women are seen as more attractive and shorter men are attractive. b. Long legs are attractive in women, while shorter legs are attractive in men. c. Facial symmetry is valued in men but not as much in women. d. Small feet are valued in women but not in men.
55. What is not a part of Sternberg’s triangular theory on love?
a. Passion b. Attachment c. Intimacy d. Commitment
56. In Ancient Greece, what is pure love called?
a. Agape b. Eros c. Storge d. Philia
57. Whose theory of love is considered the most commonly accepted theory of love in today’s society?
a. Freud b. Rubin c. Sternberg d. Maslow
58.Which type of intimacy involves falling in love and with love itself?
a. Emotional b. Physical c. Spiritual d. Cognitive
59. What type of relationship involves couples consensually engaging in casual sex with other couples or other individuals?
a. Polyamory b. Polygamy c. Hybrid relationship d. Swinging
60.What type of intimate relationship in which a couple agrees that either member can have other sexual partners?
a. Polyamory b. Hybrid relationship c. Open relationship d. Polygamy
61. What is the process of edging about when it comes to masturbation?
a. Performing mutual masturbation b. Using anal penetration in masturbation c. Cycles of starting and then stopping masturbation d. Having multiple orgasms in masturbation
62.Where is the male G-spot generally located?
a. Prostate gland b. Glans penis c. Dorsal shaft of the penis d. Perineum
63.What sexual area, when stimulated, will most likely lead to male orgasm during masturbation?
a. Testicles b. Prostate c. Penile shaft d. Glans penis
64.When did masturbation cease to be considered a psychiatric problem?
a. 1954 b. 1942 c. 1968 d. 1982
65. Which group of people are the easiest to study with regard to sexual fantasies?
a. Children b. Gay men c. Women
d. Heterosexual men
66.What is not true of sexual fantasies?
a. They may involve things that are illegal or dangerous. b. They do not usually play a role in real life sexual behavior. c. They can be the only source of an orgasm in some people. d. They can lead to role playing during sex.
67. Oral sex involving stimulating the male penis is called what?
a. Face-sitting b. Cunnilingus c. Anilingus d. Fellatio
68.Oral sex involving sexually stimulating the female genitalia with the mouth is called what?
a. Face-sitting b. Cunnilingus c. Anilingus d. Fellatio
69.How can STDs be prevented in oral sex?
a. Oral sex is safe so it does not transmit STDs. b. Cunnilingus is safe but fellatio will not be safe. c. Using a condom or dental dam will decrease STDs. d. There is no way to reduce the incidence of STDs in oral sex.
70.What is true of pheromones and sexual activity?
a. Pheromones are not practically used in any species. b. Pheromones can be used to determine when a female is in estrus. c. Pheromones are a big part of the human sexual experience. d. Men can smell pheromones but women cannot.
71. What is the most common sexual behavior in humans?
a. Oral sex b. Anal sex c. Vaginal intercourse d. Mutual masturbation
72. The average age at first sexual intercourse among boys and girls in the US is what?
a. 13 years b. 15 years c. 17 years d. 19 years
73. What is least likely to be a reason for a male-female couple to engage in anal intercourse?
a. There is greater pleasure for the male because the anal muscles are tighter. b. It can help prevent STDs. c. It can be an alternate sexual activity in menstruation. d. It can be an activity used to prevent pregnancy.
74. What sexual practice is most linked to passing on the HIV infection?
a. Penetrative anal sex b. Vaginal intercourse c. Receptive anal intercourse d. Anilingus
75. Which activity most describes pegging?
a. Female to male anal intercourse b. Male to male anal intercourse c. Male to female anal intercourse d. Using anal beads in anal sex
76. Which hormone or neurotransmitter is believed to inhibit sexual desire?
a. Testosterone b. Serotonin
c. Dopamine d. Norepinephrine
77. What is not a criterion for hypoactive sexual desire disorder?
a. Present in at least 75 percent of sexual situations b. Present for at least six months c. Associated with low testosterone levels d. Associated with distress or interpersonal problems
78. What is the female equivalent of erectile dysfunction?
a. Sexual arousal disorder b. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder c. Anorgasmia d. Vaginismus
79. Which group of people is least likely to have anorgasmia?
a. Post-menopausal females b. Young men c. Pre-menopausal females d. Older men
80.What drug is least likely to be associated with anorgasmia?
a. Hormonal birth control pills b. Heroin c. SSRIs d. Tricyclic antidepressants
81. What is a common cause of anorgasmia in menopausal women?
a. Psychological b. Sexual repressive beliefs c. Lack of testosterone d. Lack of estrogen
82.What psychological factor is most associated with vaginismus?
a. Low sexual desire b. Prior sexual trauma c. Anger issues d. Interpersonal relationship problems
83.What is least likely to be a physical cause of secondary vaginismus?
a. Vaginal yeast infections b. Childbirth trauma c. Diabetes mellitus d. Menopause
84.Which drug will least likely be beneficial in treating vaginismus?
a. Botox b. Antidepressants c. Anxiolytics d. Testosterone
85.What does the test for nocturnal penile tumescence test for in evaluating erectile dysfunction?
a. The presence of an erection with visual erotic stimulation b. The presence of erections during sleep c. The quantitative degree of penile erection d. The blood flow to the penis from the pelvic arteries
86.A penile ultrasound can be done to look specifically for what cause of erectile dysfunction?
a. Psychological b. Neuropathy c. Atherosclerosis d. Hormonal
87. What is the least likely route of administration of alprostadil for erectile dysfunction?
a. Topical
b. Injectable c. Suppository d. Oral
88.What sporting activity is most associated with delayed ejaculation?
a. Football b. Cycling c. Jogging d. Hockey
89.What drug for delayed ejaculation can be used to treat the disorder?
a. Sildenafil b. SSRIs c. Testosterone d. There are no drugs for this
90.Which STD is considered curable rather than being just manageable with treatment?
a. Herpes b. HPV c. HIV d. Syphilis
91. What type of sexual behavior is most likely to increase the risk of getting an
a. Anilingus b. Oral sex c. Anal sex d. Vaginal sex
92.What is least likely to be a complication of chlamydia infections?
a. Blindness b. Birth defects c. Infertility
d. Ectopic pregnancies
93.What percentage of women have no symptoms when they have chlamydia?
a. 10 percent b. 30 percent c. 80 percent d. 95 percent
94.By definition, what is least likely to be infected in pelvic inflammatory disease?
a. Vulva b. Uterus c. Fallopian tubes d. Ovaries
95. What is not a major complication of gonorrhea in men?
a. Antisperm antibodies b. Meningitis c. Epididymitis d. Endocarditis
96.Which organism should be tested for after positive testing for gonorrhea because of a 50 percent coinfection rate between these organisms?
a. HIV b. Trichomonas c. Chlamydia d. Syphilis
97. What is not true of genital herpes infections?
a. It is not curable. b. It can be caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2. c. Many will be asymptomatic. d. Infection is passed through contact with sores only.
98.What is the most common STI in the United States?
a. Chlamydia b. Human papillomavirus c. Gonorrhea d. Herpes
99.What population of persons has the greatest risk of having herpes infections?
a. Sex workers b. African-Americans c. Younger females d. Younger males
100. How do most children get hepatitis B infections?
a. Medical procedures b. Vertical transmission c. Sexual abuse d. Household contacts
101. What stage of syphilis involves having a painless chancre?
a. Primary syphilis b. Secondary syphilis c. Latent syphilis d. Tertiary syphilis
102. Which STD is least likely to get transmitted through vertical transmission?
a. HIV b. Hepatitis B c. Trichomonas d. Syphilis
103. Which stage of syphilis involves having neurological symptoms?
a. Primary syphilis b. Secondary syphilis
c. Latent syphilis d. Tertiary syphilis
104. What is the most common way that syphilis is transmitted?
a. Touching infective surfaces b. Men having sex with men c. Vaginal sex d. Receiving an infected blood transfusion
105. What is least likely to be able to transmit HIV disease?
a. Saliva b. Vaginal fluids c. Semen d. Blood
106. What is not seen when a person develops trichomoniasis?
a. Burning on urination b. Prostate inflammation c. Thin watery vaginal discharge d. Shallow ulcers of the genitals
107. If you are looking for pubic louse eggs, where is the least likely place you would look?
a. Armpit b. Scalp c. Eyelashes d. Moustache
108. How long do pubic lice live without human contact of some kind?
a. 12 hours b. 2 days c. One week d. One month
109. What is not true of the HPV virus?
a. Genital warts are the most contagious b. Immunity to one type of wart does not mean immunity to other warts c. Some HPV strains are cancerous while others are not d. HPV that causes common warts can also cause genital warts
110. What is not true of the HPV vaccine?
a. It is approved for use by both girls and boys. b. It can decrease cancer risk in girls already infected with the virus. c. It works better for younger girls than older girls. d. All of the vaccines protect against the major cancer-causing viruses.
111. Which birth control techniques have a high theoretical success rate and an equally high practical success rate?
a. IUD b. Hormonal intravaginal rings c. Lactation d. Birth control pills
112. Which birth control method does not increase the risk of blood clots?
a. Hormonal intravaginal rings b. Combined oral birth control methods c. Birth control patches d. Mini-pill
113. What is not a way that hormonal birth control decreases the risk of pregnancy?
a. Alters the uterine lining b. Kills sperm cells c. Creates a hostile environment for sperm d. Inhibits ovulation
114. What is not a consistent effect of taking high dose estrogen in a birth control device or pill?
a. Nausea b. Headaches c. Cervical cancer risk d. Breast tenderness
115. What type of birth control method is the most commonly used method throughout the world?
a. Oral contraceptives b. Contraceptive sponge c. Diaphragm d. Male condom
116. How long after unprotected sex can a woman take emergency contraception?
a. 24 hours b. 48 hours c. 72 hours d. 120 hours
117. What is the outer layer of follicular cells around the oocyte called?
a. Cone of attraction b. Perivitelline membrane c. Corona radiata d. Acrosome
118. What is the zona pellucida made from?
a. Lipid bilayer b. Glycoproteins c. Follicular cells d. Peptidoglycan
119. What is least likely to be a change in sexual responsiveness in the pregnant woman?
a. Congestion of the vulva
b. Changes in color of the vulva c. Shortened resolution phase d. Uterine contractions with orgasm
120. When should sex be allowed to occur after delivery, according to most researchers and doctors?
a. 2 weeks b. 6 weeks c. 3 months d. 6 months
121. What is not a factor that limits sexual satisfaction in the first trimester of pregnancy?
a. Decreased breast tenderness b. Decreased clitoral sensitivity c. Physical factors like fatigue and nausea d. Fear over the pregnancy
122. What most affects a woman’s sexual function after having a baby?
a. Body image self-consciousness b. Stress c. Mood changes d. Decreased clitoral sensitivity
123. At what point in the pregnancy can the uterus first be felt above the pubic bone?
a. 8 weeks b. 12 weeks c. 15 weeks d. 20 weeks
124. How long is the typical pregnancy in gestational weeks?
a. 20 weeks b. 30 weeks
c. 40 weeks d. 45 weeks
125. Which vitamin is most important in the prevention of spina bifida in the developing fetus?
a. Folate b. Vitamin D c. Omega-3 fatty acids d. Iron
126. During which stage of labor is the infant delivered in a normal vaginal delivery?
a. First stage b. Second stage c. Third stage d. Fourth stage
127. What is the most common cause of a miscarriage?
a. Diabetes in the mother b. Chromosomal abnormalities c. Infection in the uterus d. Autoimmune disease
128. What is the most effective abortion technique in the early first trimester of the pregnancy?
a. Medical abortion b. Dilation and curettage c. Induction of labor d. Suction techniques
129. What happens to an XY male who does not have an active SRY gene?
a. He becomes phenotypically female. b. He becomes a transgender male. c. He is female until puberty.
d. He will have feminine brain characteristics but male genitalia.
130. What will the person with Turner syndrome look like at adult maturity?
a. Phenotypically a woman b. Phenotypically a girl c. Phenotypically a man d. Phenotypically a boy
131. What will the person with Klinefelter syndrome look like at adult maturity?
a. Phenotypically a woman b. Phenotypically a girl c. Phenotypically a man d. Phenotypically a boy
132. What appears to be more true of men compared to women when it comes to cognitive skills?
a. Increased verbal memory b. Increased visuospatial skills c. Increased ability to read facial cues d. Increased spelling ability
133. When do children first form gender stereotypes?
a. 10 months b. 21 months c. 36 months d. 48 months
134. When do children first know their own gender?
a. 6 months b. 12 months c. 18 months d. 24 months
135. When do children begin to prefer same-sex playmates?
a. 1 year b. 2 years c. 3 years d. 5 years
136. What is the difference between gender role and gender identity?
a. These are the same thing. b. Gender role is determined by social constructs, while gender identity is determined by biology. c. Gender role is determined by peers, while gender identity is determined by family. d. Gender role is a behavioral concept, while gender identity is a personal determination.
137. According to some theorists, what is the main goal of those in a masculine culture?
a. Quality of life b. Caring for others c. Individual success d. Collectivism
138. In which area are men’s rights movements least likely to feel that men are being discriminated with regard to?
a. Reproductive rights b. Jobs and employment c. Domestic violence d. Family law
139. What is not true of crime and gender roles?
a. There is more domestic violence in heterosexual couples than same-sex couples. b. Women are more involved in prostitution.
c. Men are more likely to be charged with murder. d. Women and men are equally involved in substance abuse crimes.
140. What is the major difference between transgender and transsexual?
a. There is no difference between the two. b. Transsexual people do not take hormones, while transgender people do. c. Transsexual people undergo sexual transformation, while transgender people do not necessarily do this. d. This is a political distinction but is not a medical distinction.
141. What is true of gender dysphoria?
a. It is not a real mental disorder in the DSM-5. b. It defines all people who are transgender. c. It defines people who have distress about their gender assignment. d. It does not refer to people who want to de-transition.
142. What will most be affected when a trans woman takes hormone therapy?
a. Breast growth b. Hair growth c. Genitalia d. Voice
143. What is the biological basis for the transgender phenomenon in individuals?
a. There are different hormone levels in transgender and cisgender people. b. There are different hormone receptor levels in the brains of transgender and cisgender people. c. There is a gene that determines if a person is going to be transgender or not. d. There are no clear-cut reasons yet to explain why some people are transgender and others are not.
144. A person who is attracted to masculinity is generally referred to as being what?
a. Celibate b. Androphilia c. Gynephilia d. Sapiosexuality
145. Which category of sexuality does not necessarily refer to sexual orientation?
a. Asexual b. Gynephilia c. Sapiosexual d. Gay
146. What influence is believed to be the greatest in the determination of sexual orientation?
a. Biology b. Parental upbringing c. Early childhood experiences d. Culture
147. Which aspect of sexuality is most based on the psychological concept of self?
a. Biological sex b. Sexual identity c. Gender role d. Sexual behavior
148. What does the Kinsey scale measure?
a. Degree of homosexuality and heterosexuality b. Relationship between biological sex and gender identity c. Relationship between gender identity and sexual orientation d. Degree of concordance between sexual behavior and sexual orientation
149. What is the biggest difference between the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid and the Kinsey Scale?
a. They are not very different because both measure sexual orientation. b. The Kinsey Scale focuses exclusively on behavior, which is not the case with the Klein Grid. c. The Klein Grid focuses on past, present, and ideal orientation patterns, which is not the case with the Kinsey Scale. d. The Kinsey Scale does not work for transgender people, while the Klein
Grid does work for these people.
150. According to the Sell scale of Sexual Orientation, what is not one of the three components of sexual orientation?
a. Sexual behaviors b. Sexual attraction c. Sexual identification d. Gender identity
151. What term is least used to describe a person’s sexual orientation?
a. Heterosexual b. Bisexual c. Asexual d. Homosexual
152. What is not true of parenting in a same-sex couple?
a. Children are raised in more sexually-tolerant circumstances in same-sex parenting. b. Children of same-sex couples are more likely to be gay themselves. c. Children of same-sex couples are raised in a more gender-neutral environment. d. Children of same-sex couples are equally psychologically healthy as those of opposite-sex couples.
153. What is not true of LGBT youth in today’s society?
a. There is an increased incidence of depression. b. They have a greater risk of substance abuse.
c. They are generally accepted by their peers. d. They run away from home more often.
154. What sexual behavior is most practiced among gay men or men who have sex with men?
a. Oral sex b. Frottage c. Anal sex d. Mutual masturbation
155. From where do men who participate in receptive anal sex derive an orgasm?
a. From perianal stimulation b. From mutual masturbation c. From prostate stimulation d. They rarely have an orgasm
156. What STD is least likely to be increased in incidence because of MSM behavior?
a. HIV b. Anal warts c. Syphilis d. Chlamydia
157. Among lesbian women, what most indicates the desire for sexual activity?
a. Breast or nipple stimulation b. Sexual talk c. Clitoral stimulation d. Vaginal penetration
158. What hormone would most be considered a bonding hormone released as part of sexual stimulation in lesbian women?
a. Norepinephrine b. Epinephrine
c. Oxytocin d. Thyroxine
159. What term does not fit with any of the other lesbian sexual activities?
a. Frottage b. Tribadism c. Dry humping d. Cunnilingus
160. What is considered least normal in children aged five to seven years regarding sexuality?
a. Initiating sex with adults b. Bathroom humor c. Increased need for privacy d. Masturbation
161. What has most led to the sexualization of children and to an increase in sexual knowledge in today’s children?
a. Sexual abuse increases b. Parental neglect c. Media and the internet d. Relaxed social views on sexuality
162. At what age does masturbation occur first in children?
a. Infancy b. Two to three years of age c. Four to eight years of age d. Nine to thirteen years of age
163. What most affects the increase in thoughts, fantasies, and increased sexual behaviors in adolescence?
a. Exposure to sexual imagery in the media b. Decreased parental influence c. Hormonal changes with puberty
d. Social expectations
164. What is not true of sexual activity in teens among boys and girls?
a. Boys report more sexual activity than girls b. Boys feel more pressure to have sex than girls c. Boys associate sex with positive social standing d. Boys are more likely to think about the risks of having sex
165. What is not true of loss of virginity in adolescents?
a. Girls do not feel an attachment to their virginity b. Girls expect some intimacy and attachment with the person they lose their virginity to c. Girls often see their virginity as a gift d. Girls feel less pressure to lose their virginity than boys
166. What is the most common sexual problem in sexually active adolescent males?
a. Erectile dysfunction b. Premature ejaculation c. Sexual performance anxiety d. Lack of interest in sex
167. What is the most common sexual problem in sexually active adolescent females?
a. Difficulty attaining an orgasm b. Lack of sexual interest c. Poor vaginal lubrication d. Painful sex
168. What is not true of same-sex attraction in adolescents?
a. Schools place a high emphasis on heterosexuality. b. There is more flexibility on same-sex attraction in boys than there is in girls. c. Religion can play a role in same-sex attraction and its expression
d. Adolescents with gay parents are more likely to be gay themselves.
169. What is not true of sex education of teens?
a. Sex education by parents is common in the US. b. Most schools offer some degree of sex education. c. Lack of sex education has a positive impact on abstinence. d. Most programs that emphasize abstinence are not effective.
170. What is not true of sexual desire in older individuals?
a. It drops off dramatically after sixty. b. It can be affected by medications. c. It can reaffirm their physical abilities. d. It can be affected by physical disability.
171. What do older individuals feel most impacts their sexual functioning?
a. Loss of a spouse b. Medications c. Advancing age d. Mental health issues
172. What was the effect of the idea that sex was for pleasure on the sexuality of disabled persons?
a. Sex that did not lead to orgasm was not felt to actually be sexual. b. Disabled people became just as free to have sex as non-disabled people. c. More disabled people began to procreate. d. Disabled people developed a better self-image about sex.
173. What is most true of sexuality and the disabled?
a. People with spinal cord injuries cannot have an orgasm. b. People with mental disabilities tend not to be sexual. c. Assistive devices or sex toys can be used for sex with disabilities. d. Most disabled people prefer not to have sex.
174. What is not true of people with intellectual disabilities and sexuality?
a. Historically, many were forced into sterilization. b. They are particularly prone to being victims of incest. c. They often will have sexual feelings. d. There are no programs aimed at protecting these individuals.
175. What is least likely to be a psychological outcome after being victimized by sexual aggression?
a. Depression b. Obsessive-compulsive tendencies c. Anxiety d. PTSD
176. When was sexual harassment first written about and understood by larger groups of people to be a common problem?
a. 1950s b. 1960s c. 1970s d. 1980s
177. What is not true of sexual harassment?
a. The victim often feels increased stress or physical problems after the incident or incidents. b. The victim and perpetrator must be of opposite genders but men or women can be victims. c. The victim and perpetrator both may be unaware of the legalities of the problem. d. Sexual harassment often involves the perpetrator having some authority or social advantage over the victim.
178. What is the most common type of sexual harasser in harassment situations?
a. The perpetrator who does so in public toward strangers. b. The perpetrator who wants to humiliate the victim.
c. The perpetrator who is trying to get an ego boost out of dominance over the victim. d. The perpetrator who wants to maintain a position of social or workplace power.
179. What is not true of the victim of sexual harassment who reports the crime and becomes the accuser?
a. They often feel a greater kinship to others in the workplace afterward. b. They can experience retaliation as a result of reporting the crime. c. They often feel under greater scrutiny after reporting the crime. d. Sometimes, others will also admit their own harassment issues in the same environment.
180. What would least be considered sexual assault?
a. Groping of the victim b. Vaginal or anal penetration of the victim c. Sexual torture d. Unwanted sexual comments
181. What is the least common perpetrator of child sexual abuse?
a. Parent b. Other relative c. Family acquaintance d. Stranger
182. What is the least likely reason why a child will not report sexual abuse?
a. They feel sexually aroused by the abuse. b. They have been threatened or bribed. c. They are too young to verbalize the abuse. d. The feel they are to blame for what happened.
183. What would constitute sexual assault but not necessarily rape?
a. Anal intercourse b. Fingering of the vagina
c. Groping of the genitals d. Vaginal intercourse
184. What is least likely to be a factor in determining consent on the part of the victim of rape?
a. Sexual arousal on the part of the victim b. Age of the victim c. Use of drugs or alcohol by the victim d. Intellectual capacity of the victim
185. What is not considered rape in the US under current federal law?
a. Penetration of the mouth by the penis b. Penetration of the anus by an object c. Penetration of the mouth by an object d. Penetration of the vagina by the penis
186. What is not true of marital rape?
a. It can be a larger part of domestic violence. b. It is illegal in many places but is less commonly prosecuted. c. It is a common form of sexual violence. d. A woman gives consent by marrying her husband.
187. What can least likely be detected and treated immediately after a rape has occurred?
a. Vulvar injuries b. Human bites c. Anal injuries d. STDs
188. What sign in children is most associated with having been a victim of sexual abuse?
a. Social withdrawal b. Dissociation c. Sexually acting out
d. Regressive behaviors
189. What is least likely to contribute to psychological symptoms in the child who has been sexually abused?
a. High degree of frequency of abuse b. Perpetrator is a stranger c. Intercourse is attempted or achieved d. Threats of harm were present
190. What is statistically the most common object of a fetish?
a. Clothing b. Diapers c. Leather d. Fabrics
191. What is not true of the causation of fetishes?
a. Fetishes may be due to classical conditioning during sexual development. b. Fetishes are more common in males because they involve visual stimuli. c. Fetishes may be caused by sexual trauma in childhood. d. Fetishes may be due to early childhood imprinting on certain objects or body parts.
192. What is not considered a common paraphilia?
a. Necrophilia b. Pedophilia c. Voyeurism d. Frotteurism
193. What is the sexual arousal gotten from rubbing one’s body against another nonconsenting person called?
a. Pedophilia b. Transvestitism c. Frotteurism d. Voyeurism
194. What do the drugs for paraphilias actually do?
a. Reduce male libido b. Increase serotonin c. Prolong ejaculatory latency time d. Relax the patient
195. What is least believed to be a major factor in developing a paraphilia?
a. Certain temperaments found in early childhood. b. Associating an orgasm with an unusual sexual event. c. Elevations in male hormones biologically. d. The development of distorted thinking that promotes offending behavior
196. What is the usefulness of penile plethysmography in identifying pedophilia?
a. It can help indicate actual arousal when the person denies the fantasies. b. It can help to regulate the arousal through biofeedback. c. It can identify erectile dysfunction in pedophiles. d. It does not help in identifying pedophiles.
197. What aspect of voyeurism does not necessarily mean the person has a paraphilic disorder?
a. There is a nonconsenting victim involved. b. It involves a loss of normal psychosocial functioning. c. The person has voyeuristic fantasies. d. The person is distressed by their feelings and/or behavior.
198. When does cross-dressing usually start?
a. Preschool ages b. Older childhood c. Adolescence d. Young adulthood
199. What comorbidity is least likely to be seen in cross-dressers?
a. Gender dysphoria b. Substance abuse c. PTSD d. Depression
200. What is least likely to be a factor in identifying all paraphilias as being a true paraphilic disorder?
a. Loss of healthy interpersonal functioning b. The presence of a victim c. The finding of high levels of distress d. Frequent fantasies about the behavior