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Chapter Eight
1. Answer: b. Each of these is an effect of testosterone on the brain, except that it doesn’t decrease lateralization of the brain. In fact, it increases lateralization of the brain. 2. Answer: d. The SRY gene is only found on the Y chromosome. It allows for the production of testosterone so that male gonads can be made in utero. 3. Answer: d. The major cognitive/behavioral issue seen in boys who have
Klinefelter syndrome is poor language skills. 4. Answer: a. The person with Klinefelter syndrome has an XXY genotype, which makes them male but with a lack of aggression commonly seen in males. 5. Answer: b. Children are the most rigid about their sexual and gender stereotypes at about five to six years of age and then they become more flexible in their expectations of the gender differences. 6. Answer: a. Prior to five years of age, in the preschool years, there are some children who are “gender enforcers” that exhibit more sexism than other children and dictate the behavior of other children. 7. Answer: a. In most Pentecostal faiths, women are allowed leadership positions, which is generally not allowed or tolerated as well in other cultures. 8. Answer: d. Women are more indirect in expressing their sexual desires but, when it comes to sexual refusal, they are more direct and clearer about this. 9. Answer: d. Intersex is when a person has ambiguous genitalia at birth. They will have a specific genotype indicating one sex but will have genital characteristics of both sexes. 10. Answer: b. A transvestite or cross-dresser is a person who chooses to dress in clothing of the opposite gender. It is generally not a fetish and most of these individuals are heterosexual. It is not the same thing as transgender.