News from the North Woods - Fall/Winter 2018

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Audubon Center of the North Woods

Fall/Winter 2018 Volume 44, Issue 2

News from the North Woods Experience Your Environment

Looking Back, Looking Ahead by Bryan Wood, Executive Director

May 28th, 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of when the Schwyzer family farm was bequeathed, in donor Marguerite Schwyzer’s words, “to be used as a bird sanctuary, a game refuge, nature camp or other similar use.â€? A little over a year later on June 10, 1969, Northwoods Audubon Center was incorporated under and in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota 1RQSURĂ€W &RUSRUDWLRQ $FW DQG ZLWK the purpose of the corporation to be “environmental education, conservation and biological researchâ€?.

Naturalist intern training then

To think that Ms. Schwyzer’s gift would go on to connect over 300,000 individuals to the environment from all over Minnesota, the U.S. and the world through life-changing educational programs is remarkable, and something we hope would make her proud. It is through her amazing initial gift, along with the dedicated, passionate efforts and support of countless individuals over the years, that we are what we are today – RQH RI WKH ÀQHVW HQYLURQPHQWDO OHDUQLQJ centers in the nation.

Development (DEED), this will also Throughout 2019, we will be celebrating provide broadband internet to all 50 years as an organization, and what a 50 Grindstone Lake area residents. This years it has been! Over the next 14 months, watch for Facebook posts, e-blasts and autumn will also mark the installation special events that of a new high KLJKOLJKW RXU Ă€UVW ropes course, as we retire 50 years. Mark your calendars for our our 20 year old 50th Anniversary course that has Celebration Weekend seen tens of thousands of June 14-16, 2019! excited and at 2019 will be a year times nervous for us to look back children and on where we have adults traverse come and what we’ve it and come accomplished over Naturalist intern training now the past 50 years, as off exhilarated well as look ahead to exciting opportunities and empowered. And this fall will also on the horizon. It also will be a year where PDUN WKH Ă€UVW $PHUL&RUSV 1&&& ZH UHĂ HFW ZLWK JUDWLWXGH RQ WKH VXSSRUW ZH work crew we’ve ever had, who over six have received and continue to receive from weeks will provide us with much needed individuals like you that allows us to make support on a number of buildings and our positive impact. grounds tasks. 7KDW SRVLWLYH LPSDFW ZDV H[HPSOLĂ€HG WKLV summer through our continued growth in summer camps, which have increased from 28 campers total in 2015 to 118 this summer! Looking ahead, there are several reasons to be excited with one being that we will soon be receiving high-speed broadband internet to our entire campus! This addition will greatly improve our VWDII¡V ZRUN HIĂ€FLHQF\ DQG DELOLWLHV DV well as provide better experiences for our participants and visitors. Working with local provider SCI Broadband to obtain the Border-toBorder Broadband Development grant through Minnesota’s Department of Economic Employment and

With much to look back on and much to look forward to, we hope you share our excitement in the incredible impact ACNW has made and will continue to make on the environment for generations. Thank you for being part of our success, we couldn’t do it without you.

In This Issue Looking Back, Looking Ahead ..1

New Faces at ACNW ..................5

Annual Fund Contributions ......2

Upcoming Events ......................6

Donor Spotlight ........................3

CS Authorizer Update ...............7

Lending a Helping Hand ...........4

Wish List ...................................7

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