Audubon Center of the North Woods
Srping/Summer 2018
News from the North Woods
Volume 44, Issue 1
Experience Your Environment
Program and Campus Growth by Bryan Wood, Executive Director
Thanks to funding from the MN Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on MN’s Resources (LCCMR), we were able to translate our K-12 school forms into Spanish, Hmong and Somali to better connect with MN’s increasingly diverse student populations. To help students who can’t afford winter gear, we purchased winter hats, snow pants, boots, mittens, and scarves that we lend out to students in need. In addition, we have considerable scholarship funds to offer to schools not currently attending a residential environmental learning center. By addressing language, physical comfort and financial barriers, we are helping connect more K-12 MN youth to the outdoors for incredible residential experiences. Last fall I wrote about the remarkable generosity of Roger and Ruby Trapp, who donated their 107 acres of farmland to ACNW, which in time we plan to build into our own farm that will educate and feed our program participants. This
spring our campus continues to grow. It is with great joy I announce that with funding secured from the Conservation Partners Legacy (CPL) Grant Program, we have purchased 140 forested acres adjacent to ACNW that will remain forever protected.
It has been quite a 12-month stretch for the Audubon Center of the North Woods (ACNW). Through increased marketing, scholarship funding and great energy from our staff, last school year we grew our K-12 education programs by 20%. This year our K-12 growth continues and we are poised to have our highest student numbers in nine years.
The white area is ACNW original property; green areas are the new property additions
The CPL Grant Program is funded out of the landmark Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment (Legacy Amendment) to the MN Constitution. That 2008 amendment was passed to: protect drinking water sources; to protect, enhance, and restore wetlands, prairies, forests, and fish/ game/wildlife habitat; to preserve arts and cultural heritage; to
support parks and trails; and to protect, enhance, and restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater. We acquired the 140 acres through two separate purchases. Located on our eastern boundary, we have added 80 acres of hardwoods that were lovingly owned and cared for by the Formanek family for over 50 years. The opportunity arose when the family was looking to sell the land and excited about the prospect of ACNW purchasing it, with the understanding that it would help in our education efforts and remain wild. The Formaneks generously sold the 80 acres to ACNW for under the appraised value. At the same time, Ronald Oswald was selling his 60 acres of red pines and hardwoods along our southern boundary, and graciously agreed to sell his property to ACNW at a price lower than other offers he received, and below the appraised value. We look forward to being stewards of these beautiful additions to our now 780+ acre campus, connecting children and adults to them through environmental education and outdoor recreation for decades to come. -- continued on page 2 --
In This Issue Program/Campus Growth ....... 1
EE for Everyone ........................ 5
Great News! ............................. 2
Upcoming Events .................... 6
Thank You ................................ 3
CS Authorizer Update .............. 7
Wildlife Barn Transitions ......... 4
Wish List .................................. 5