Digital Magazine
Innovation in Mexican exportations DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
THE POWER OF MADE IN MEXICO: THE STRENGHT OF INTERNAL ECONOMY AND ITS EXPORTING NATURE innovation and its influence level in the development of industries
Letter from the President
p. 2
Letter from the Editor
María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza
President grupo auge
Alejandro de León Jiménez General director
David Carrillo
Editorial director
of the Mexican identity
Lylyana Avilés
Image and design coordinator
By: María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza, President Grupo Auge
Susana Valdes Saldaña administrative director
Alejandra Sánchez
David Carrillo, Job Aaron Viramontes WRITING
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo, Nelson León Graphic Design
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo
Editorial design, copy editing and layout
David Carrillo, Lylyana Avilés Style correction
Rick Alaniz, Juan Carlos Ortega
roudly Mexicans, we are part of a country that gives the best of itself, fighting to reach excellence from where we stand. How would I describe Mexicans? They are strong, determined, fierce, and, mainly, hardworking. Each page of this magazine represent the best of our country; leaders that make Mexico a paradise inhabited by entrepreneurs, creators and visionaries that won’t give in to uncertainty or foreign pressure. Through art, education, tourism, design, economy, among other sectors, we want to represent the excellent work that is made day by day in our country, with articles and features that promote the value of what is Made in Mexico.
Lylyana Avilés Photo editiing
Nelson León, Arturo Cervantes Galván, Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Digital platform and social networks
Erika Karina García Padilla Translator
Isabel Trigo Ramírez
I thank you, Mexican, who are reading these words, for being part of the Auge de México. I don’t get tired of saying Mexico, Mexico, Mexico… because now, more than ever, we must show how much we are worth as MEXICANS THAT LEAVE A PRINT.
Ricardo de León Jiménez Comptroller
Óscar Jiménez Zaragoza Administrator
Lorena Acosta Banda General assistant
Mtro. Arturo Martín Pérez Díaz, Patricia Flores Ozuna, Aram Alejandro Mena Collaborators
Editor’s Choice To support women in
Edition number 32 of
necessary to cover all
actors, directors and
an effective way, it is
the social sectors, since
aid is addressed to every woman.
FICG gathered producers, different experts of the
international film industry.
auge de México es una publicación de Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. con reserva al uso exclusivo del título Jalisco: Auge de México, bajo el no. 03201203131255450001 con fecha 13 de septiembre de 2013, expedido por la Dirección General de Derechos de Autor. Certificado de licitud del título y contenido en trámite. Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial bajo ninguna forma o sentido, electrónica o mecánica, fotográfica o magnetofónica, sin permiso escrito de la editorial. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. no se responsabiliza por errores u omisiones cometidas involuntariamente en la información contenida dentro de este volumen. © D. R. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. Av. Novelistas 5137, Col. Jardines Vallarta, 45027, Zapopan, Jalisco +52 (33) 3673 2001 / +52 (33) 3944 4006 Auge de México - Digital Magazine Hecho en México
p.54 p. 3
Opinion leaders p.14 Mónica Flores Barragán
Economic and commercial opening
p.20 Marcos Jiménez
Innovation in the identity of a city
p.32 Bernardo Baranda Urban development in accordance with mobility
p.42 Marcela Celorio Mexican women in United States
p.46 Alfonso Hernández Social participation in the anticorruption policy
p.60 León Herce
The Auge of online travelling
p.76 Luis Sánchez
The Mexican identity in international dance
p.7 Carlos Slim
Mexicans that leave a print
Three of the most important artists of the West of Mexico share with us their conceptual vision with three artworks that encompass different subjects, but, at the same time, join in a unanimous voice in the search of a change in Mexico.
p. 4
industry and manufacture
services and trade
health and lifestyle
education and culture
Made in Mexico.
Jalisco conquering Europe.
innovation, technology and design p.22
Bone conduction.
bestground. Innovation in
Mexican exportations.
ap&alzati. Creative industries in Mexico.
takasami. Empowering Mexican women.
infrastructure and development p.34
The impact of infrastructure in productivity.
Guadalajara’s International Airport.
gp logistics. Infrastructure in logistic
The benefits of internationalizing your company.
A Mexican’s dream of becoming an astronaut.
Artistic brilliance in Jalisco.
FICG 32.
Vertical gardens. The solution to urban pollution.
natura biofoods. Innovation in
healthy food.
René Mey. Peace and energy for the youth.
Tía Trini. Líderes en apiterapia.
People in Auge.
instituto tepeyac. Innovation in
private education.
editorial board
María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza
tourism and gastronomy
president grupo auge
general director
Alejandro de León Jiménez
The best cities to live in Mexico and the world.
Puebla-Cholula. Center of cultural tourism in Mexico.
The best restaurants of Guadalajara.
Raúl Padilla López presidente of fundación universidad de guadalajara a. c.
Juan Rafael Mejorada Flores general coordinator of business competitivity, minister of economic development of jalisco
Dr. Héctor Enrique Salgado Rodríguez general director of superior of higher education of jalisco
José García Macías general director corporativo macías dueñas
Les Dames d’Escoffier. Acknowledge of the Mexican gastronomy.
of construction.
grupo paradiso. Contributing to the Auge
Patricia Flores Ozuna journalist
talento. Talent in the international cuisine.
p. 5
Auge de México Special article
VOLVER A MÉXICO Mexicans that leave a print.
In Grupo Auge, we believe in Mexico. The fundamental purpose of each page of our magazine is to display the great potential that our nation has. For this reason, we have had the initiative of creating a revolutionary movement where the national identity prevails: volver a méxico. Faced to the global circumstances that are around the economic-political-cultural environment, it is time to raise our voices, but mainly, to improve actions that create a positive change in each of us. Let’s not pretend to change the country behind a screen, with a tweet or rejection comments towards the authorities, on the contrary, let’s make a change in each action that we take, let’s make an effort and give the best of us and remove out of our heads the idea of stepping over someone. It is necessary to show the Mexican blood that runs through our veins and exercise the force that we have inherited from our national heroes. Along with the talent of the multidisciplinary artist Alvaro Cuevas and with the goal of inspiring strength to all those who, honor our country with their talent and work, we honor five talented Mexicans. Their determination, commitment and energy are the spearhead to show that each of us can step out and make a global change that demonstrate the bond and passion that we all have for our country. We know that there are many valuable patriots, and each of them deserves recognition. Therefore, we have included each one of them in the name of this issue of Auge de México: MEXICANS THAT LEAVE A PRINT.
p. 7
Richer than Donald Trump, Carlos Slim has demonstrated that there is no one that interferes with his business agenda. His activities detach a vast number of jobs and development for the country, which position him as one of the most influent persons in Mexico and the world. Where most people see a risk, he sees opportunities. Where most people give up, he gains strength.
CARLOS SLIM The giant of business
p. 8
With 77 years old, Slim knows his strengths well, and in spite of rejecting the national interest of running for the Mexican presidency, without campaigning, he stands firm in the business area, to continue improving the national economy. “Above all, the role of Mexican entrepreneurs, whether small or big, must be to support the national interest.�
Auge de México Special article
Telling stories and making history with his cinematographic productions, “el negro” is the first Mexican and the third film maker to win the Oscar award for best director two times in a row. Altogether, he has been awarded four times with the most wanted award in the international film industry.
ALEJANDRO GONZÁLEZ IÑÁRRITU The conqueror of the oscar
Alejandro has not let any opportunity of showing his love for Mexico go. His commitment to the fight for the Mexican immigrants’ rights in the United States has allowed him to represent our compatriots in the world’s most important events. “I pray that we can find and build the government that we deserve.”
p. 9
The singer and songwriter from the High Oaxacan Mixteca exhume Mexicanism everywhere she steps on. Characterized by the attire that wraps up her talent and devotion for Mexico, Lila Downs has been awarded with the Grammy awards, but mainly, by the applauses of her audience, which appreciate her expression and feeling for our land.
The legendary voice from oaxaca
p. 10
More than a vocal artist, Lila is a weaver. She knits musical forms that join the traditional Mexican and native music of Mesoamerica, reinterpreting sound roots with genres like blues, jazz, cumbia, rock and rap. Her voice can be heard in Spanish or English, but also in languages of the Mixtec, Zapotec, Mayan and Nahuatl cultures. “I demonstrate the root of my indigenous, Mixtec and Mexican mother. In these times, where we must show the strength and the cultural wealth that we all have.�
Auge de México Special article
The role performed by Mario Molina in the world is invaluable, since he managed to create a massive level of awareness in the environmental problems. His influence and contribution to climate change is such that, in 1995 he was granted the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his leader role in the identification of the harmful effects of chlorofluorocarbon in the ozone layer. Dr. Molina continues his work in the chemistry of air pollution in the lower atmosphere, and he is also involved in interdisciplinary works to face the problem of the degradation of air quality in big cities.
MARIO MOLINA The mexican nobel
“I hope that the Nobel encourages the scientific research in Mexico and demonstrates that Mexican scientists are capable of actively participating in the international community, and that we are capable of being acknowledged with the acquisition of this award.” p. 11
Member of unesco International Dance Council, Elisa Carrillo is the prima ballerina of the Berlin State Ballet. Her passion and technique has leaded her to obtain the degree of Ballet Professor, granted by the Ministry of Culture of The Federal Republic of Germany.
The first mexican ballerina
p. 12
Ballerina since age 6, her career has leaded her to perform in the best scenarios of the country and the world. Currently, she directs her own foundation, which promotes the art of dancing, in addition of being ambassador of the Mexican culture. Elisa is the delicacy and beauty of ballet embodied in a woman. Her main achievement: being Mexican. “When I go out to the stage, Mexico is the one that dances.�
Auge de MĂŠxico Special article
p. 13
Opinion Leader
industry / manufacture
Mรณnica Flores Barragรกn President American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico President Manpower Group in Latin America
Economic and commercial opening between Mexico, United States and Canada
n a context where bilateral relationship between Mexico and United States are submerged in a complex situation after the American elections, it is important that Mexican leaders develop a responsible sense of action, with a vision that involves the collective interests of the Mexican society in the best possible way.
p. 14
Opinion Leader
American Chamber celebrates 100 years of being in Mexico. The support and growth that have been carried out is a combination of actions developed by a team that endorses each and every project. The priority is to contribute in the development of public policies that benefit the business environment for Mexicans inside and outside the country. At the time that competitiveness, safety in the perform of the companies and safeguard of the Mexican interests in the world strengthen. Even in the current environment of uncertainty, it is presumed that the quantity of foreign investments in Mexico will be kept in the framework of the changes that will be made to the North American Free Trade Agreement (nafta). In addition, American companies are expected to maintain and increase their investment rhythm in our country. Regarding nafta, renegotiations must be done with the participation of the three members and not just Mexico and The U.S. The long term plan is not to erase or give in to protectionist proposals, but negotiate and restructure action plans, so every part can be benefited, with the goal and maintaining a good commercial relationship among the parts involved. American Chamber groups 1,450 companies, which represent nearly 70% of the Foreign Direct Investment (fdi) in Mexico, and almost 30% of jobs. Trade is defined from a prosperous and free perspective, this means, it is not based in nationalist policies that go against the interests of the citizens of other countries. We live in a globalized world, where commercial barriers vanish more and more; it is impossible not to evolve along with the economic and commercial opening.
We live in a globalized world, where commercial barriers vanish more and more; it is impossible not to evolve along with the economic and commercial opening.�
p. 15
Industry / Manufacture
Certainty in the Mexican quality
With the goal of displaying the Mexican presence in the world and increasing competitiveness of national products, the campaign Made in Mexico was launched again, looking to create responsibility regarding the increase of quality standards with its identification mark. The initiative is a collaboration project between the public and private sectors.
ccording to official reports, the mark Hecho en MĂŠxico (Made in Mexico) seeks to create trust for consumers of products inside and outside our country. It also forces producers to guarantee their quality norms under a strict certification system. For this, the Ministry of Economy, in collaboration with the industry and certification organisms, will work in a legal framework that regulates the use of the mark, as well as the certification and verification. The federal government will seek to create enabling routes to undertake, reducing paperwork and creating a new legal framework so the entities that belong to the public sector will be forced to issue a new regulation.
p. 16
Industry / Manufacture
The context in which this initiative is launched again is that, Mexican production has had a significant peak in the last years, and an economic model, based in the opening, rivalry and productive integration has been formed. Thereupon, the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto said: “In only three decades, we went from being an economy exporting basically only raw material and oil, to being an economy that exports products of high manufacture. Thanks to it, our country competes in the same level as the best countries, and in the most demanding fields of the world.” As an example of the national quality, the production of flat screen televisions and refrigerators has established our country as the number one exporter in the world, in addition of the exportation of light vehicles, which locate Mexico in the 4th place in the world. The potential of Mexico is not just limited to the creation of specific products; each day, the enterprises become more diverse, and quality controls are stricter, forcing the products to standardize their quality, achieving a high index of competitiveness in our country.
p. 17
Industry / Manufacture
INTERNATIONAL TOUR OF THE MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The trust in Jalisco ratified in the tour through Europe of the director of the Ministry of Economic Development (sedeco by its Spanish acronym). Five European firms confirmed their investments of more than 165 million dollars, which will have a positive impact in the creation of quality jobs for the inhabitants of Jalisco.
p. 18
Industry / Manufacture
As part of the commercial mission, José Palacios Jiménez attended the event “Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue” of the Association vdma (Mechanical Engineering Association), to present the opportunities that Jalisco represents in this sector. vdma represents around 3,200 companies, which makes it the greatest association of Europe’s manufacture sector, mainly in the industry of capital goods. Altogether, employees of these companies around the world make up more than 1 million workers. This year, the association, founded in 1892, celebrates its 125 anniversary, and it’s recognized as a platform that gives contact to its companies, which are affiliated with diverse networks, where issues like technological and interdisciplinary problems can be addressed.
As part of the reunion with the director of sedeco Jalisco, investors expressed their interest in diverse key points to define the expansion of German companies in the state, such as energy and the environment, markets, social and economic policies, as well as the availability of trained professionals. Palacios Jiménez visited France, where in the last day; he had a meeting with the members of medef, a non-profit organization that gathers French companies of different sizes and from different sectors. It has more than 6,700 affiliated companies with operations throughout the world and 81 business councils, directed by 47 ceo’s of international French firms. Moreover, he visited the facilities of the French company Decathlon, of clothes and sport material, which is distinguished by its high design and innovation. Jalisco continues in its path to become the capital of innovation and to establish as the Mexican Silicon Valley.
p. 19
Opinion Leader
Innovation / Technology / Design
Marcos JimĂŠnez
Creative director of the Light Festival Guadalajara gdluz ceo Alteacorp
Innovation and technology in the identity of a city
ith an approximate reach in digital media of 27 million impacts, the city of Guadalajara presented one of the more relevant light festivals in Latin America. Pride and sense of belonging of TapatĂos broke the record of attendance, which exceeded more than 460,000 people.
p. 20
Opinion Leader
gdluz was born as an initiative in Alteacorp of promoting the city with a light festival that combined technology and Mexican roots in a visual show that promoted creative industries and the identity of Tapatíos.
The project was formed as an effort along with multidisciplinary institutes, represented by the Government of Guadalajara, private initiative and Alteacorp. The special reason was the framework of the celebrations of the 475 anniversary of the capital of Jalisco. As a result, nearly half million people attended to this artistic visual representation, which used as canvas, the most representative buildings of Guadalajara’s historic center. The achieved goal of the festival was to make a social movement in the city. Not only did the audience watch, but got involved in the show by enjoying the interactive activities with technology and the answer in social networks exceeded the highest expectations by achieving a high level of diffusion. Initially, the expected attendance was of 150,000 people, however, this number increased to 300,000; ending up with 460,000 attendees. gdluz is a benchmark of identity and mark of the city, not only because of the obtained attendance and impact, but also for the talent and mind work behind each activity. From the beginning, the festival was expected to be a platform of the talent completely from Jalisco, demonstrating the capacity and quality of creative industries and digital artists from the region.
In future editions, gdluz will spread throughout the Metropolitan Area with simultaneous activities in Chapultepec and the municipalities of Zapopan, Tlaquepaque, Tonalá and Tlajomulco, making it the biggest and most important light festival in Latin America. It is an honor to be part of a project that adds up to the identity of Guadalajara as the capital of innovation. A naming that continues to strengthen and that we hope that can be structured as a breeding ground of opportunities for the young Mexican entrepreneurs that are committed to the industries of videogames, multimedia, audiovisual and digital entertainment.
gdluz is a benchmark of identity and mark of the city,
not only for the obtained attendance and impact, but also for the talent and mind work behind each activity. From the beginning, the festival was expected to be a platform of the talent of Jalisco.”
p. 21
Innovation / Technology / Design
BONE CONDUCTION Technology to innovate the audio industry In a reality that is merely digital, the human being has gone from a mechanical stage, to an existence where words such as cloud, network, connection and social have spread its meaning to adapt to an environment that 30 years ago seemed something like fiction.
ince the end of the decade of 2000, the technology of bone conduction has permeated more and more in the massive culture, developing in different industries to attain a higher reach in the market and to improve the life quality of users through hearing devices. The most used device of this kind of technology is headphones. Its traditional function is to receive an electric signal that is issued from a source, and from it, it creates audible waves. On the other hand, headphones of bone conduction turn electric stimulus in a vibration that is transmitted through bones to the inner ear. Usually, the bones used in these kinds of devices are temporal, zygomatic, maxilla,
p. 22
and sometimes the occipital (basically the zone that comprises the jaw, cheekbones and the bottom of back part of the skull). This indicates that the sound waves go through the outer and middle ear to directly stimulate the inner ear. Therefore, there is no need of introducing objects to the ear that only block exterior sound, allowing us to be more aware of our environment. Classic composer, Beethoven, was one of the pioneers of this kind of technology since he had a hearing impairment; he used vibrations issued by his piano to keep composing. Currently, different industries use the bone conduction to innovate in their products and processes.
Innovation / Technology / Design
Photography by: Aftershokz
Musical industry. Focused in its technical aspect, this industry, without a doubt, benefits the most by introducing specialized headphones to the market for the recording and transmission of sound. Sports. A great variety of sport headphones has been developed along with the music sector, which allows the athlete to enjoy its favorite soundtrack, at the same time that they are aware of its environment. It is ideal for runners and bicycle riders, among others. Communications. One of the greatest advantages of these devices is that only the user will be able to list the sound stimulus, which allows a greater grade of security and confidentially in the use of strategic, military and entrepreneur communications. This will also allow for a greater grade of comfort in global conferences, since they will be able to be translated in real time, without missing any detail of the original talk.
Diving. Combined with ultrasound, the bone conduction allows for a wireless communication under the water. Assistance and accessibility. There are records that prove that these kind of headphones make it easier and improve the life quality of people with hearing, visual or talk impairments, if they are used correctly with devices of assistance, cell phones, tablets and other similar devices. Noise pollution. By allowing an individual experience, bone conduction could be the answer to fight and diminish pollution caused by the excessive noise.
Benefits of bone conduction: - Improve communication in scenarios with high noise and concurrence, such as conferences, exhibitions and concerts. - Diminish ear infections. - Safety and trust since it doesn’t block environmental sounds. - Reduction of noise pollution.
p. 23
National Pride
Bestground Innovation in mexican exportations
p. 24
urrently, the exchange between countries represents the base of global economy and trade. Faced to protectionist policies and practices, an innovating vision is needed. A vision that tears down frontiers and builds bridges in benefit of a comprehensive development for each city in the world.
Auge de MĂŠxico Innovation, Technology and Design
In Mexico, there are companies that have spread their exportation reach to countries in the Middle East, which has provided them with unique opportunities of growth and consolidation in the inner and outer market. Bestground, pioneer company in the exportation to Arab Emirates, offers high quality and innovation services from agave, in the production of healthy food with nutritional value. Bestground corporative represents one of the most important networks in the food industry in Mexico, with a participation of 58% in the market of agave syrup. Founded in 2007, its products are exported to more than 18 countries in the world. The diversification of its business plan offer a wide variety of ingredients for the food industrial sector, such as: soft and energizing beverages, protein bars, dressings, ice cream, pastry, beer, food for babies, among others. Bioagaves, Biomieles and Tierra blanca are the commercial brands of Bestground. Their daily production capacity is 120 tons of agave syrup, 12 tons of liquid inulin and 7 tons of powdered inulin. Even though the commercial exchange with the Middle East continues to grow, there is no doubt of the great potential that it has, thanks to the Arab market that is composed of nearly 400 million inhabitants. This way, Bestground offers solutions for the retail market with the production of organic agave syrup, organic agave inulin, tequila, agave sugar, dehydrated fruit, prebiotic syrup, bee honey and chia. Thanks to its exporting character, Bestground makes a corporative that promotes the growth and Auge of the Mexican companies in the world.
+52 (33) 3648 9901
National Pride
AP & Alzati Creative industries in Mexico
echnology opens the doors to entrepreneurs and business people to reduce costs and risks, maximize their profit, and improve their corporate management among other benefits that allow them to reach the greatest commercial success. ap & alzati encourages its clients and partners in the development and implementation of projects and businesses, from the development of an idea and risk evaluation, to its implementation and launching.
p. 26
Auge de MĂŠxico Innovation, Technology and Design
ap & alzati believes and takes care of
the quality of its relationships with other companies, searching the prevention and protection of its wealth, with the purpose of protecting the product or service of any company that starts a business. According to the words of the Presidency of our country, Mexico is immersing in a transformation process that can’t and must not be stopped. The democratic consolidation of the country is opening a stage of modernity in different areas of our economic, politic and social life. Mexico is now cradle of innovating entrepreneurs. AP & ALZATI is helping on encouraging and fostering the new talents, so they can dare to burst in the creative aspect, boosting the country’s commercial potential and also our economy and society. Its specialized services in consultancy and the protection of intellectual property and copyrights promote the creative industries as a breeding ground of opportunities and progress, since transformation of knowledge and development generates more development and trust to make incursions in international markets. Moreover, it receives a greater foreign investment that will allow the economic development of our country.
(+52) (33) 3611 1261 (+52) (33) 3611 1262
National Company
Takasami Empowering Mexican women
ith over 38 years of career in the world of fashion, Takasamia not onnly exports the beauty of Mexican colors and shapes, but also, its designs create an alignment between modern and traditional. Its edge and innovating collections implement the craft of Mexican hands and the use of exclusive fabrics.
p. 28
Auge de MĂŠxico Innovation, Technology and Design
The hard work of Takasami comes from creativity and imagination in order to cross borders and impel the Mexican talent to promote our culture, folklore and roots. The work of its artisans allows them to be recognized all over the world. Thanks to the values of Takasami, MarĂa Rosario Mendoza, founder and main designer, will be awarded with the acknowledgment from the organization Women Together, an organization of the Social and Economic Council of United Nations, in a ceremony and gala that will be held in the headquarters of United Nations in New York on April 25. This award is granted to men and women that have stood out by their work in the active promotion of ethic, philosophical, moral, scientific and cultural values, to leave a legacy that is rich in knowledge. It also looks for the empowerment of women by acknowledging and supporting the projects of potential talents. Women Together grants the award to MarĂa Rosario Mendoza for her work in the integration of the Mexican culture and roots, for the spread of art and culture from the area of fashion, for her creative and inclusive vision, and for the maintenance of the intangible heritage of Mexico. This award has been previously granted to celebrities like Shakira, Antonio Banderas, Iris Apfel and companies like Toyota, La Caixa and Santander Universities.
(+52) (33) 3810 4191 (+52) (33) 3811 8476
p. 30
p. 31
Opinion Leader
Infraestructura / Desarrollo
Bernardo Baranda Sepúlveda Director of the Institute of Policies for Transportation and Development (itdp) for Latin America
Urban development in accordance with mobility
ne of the most important subjects in the urban development of any city is mobility. Mobility is a concept that tends to focus in the use of cars, when on the contrary; it should prioritize the pedestrian and public transportation. As addressed in the conference “Sustainable urban mobility: an energetic and environment challenge” of the XVIII International Symposium of Civil Engineering of iteso, the planned urban development in function of massive transportation is a key policy in sustainable mobility.
p. 32
Opinion Leader
Urban development generates life quality. The European cities like London and Barcelona are benchmarks of an adequate metropolitan structure, since their inhabitants consider them as excellent places to live, due to its planning goes in hand to a sustainable mobility with legal initiatives to discourage the use of vehicles, and have facilities in public transportation such as the use of the same card for metro and buses. Comparing the location of the ancient continent with one of the most modern cities in America, -Barcelona and Atlanta, respectively- the conclusion is that, although both have a similar population, they are completely opposite in matters of mobility. In the American city, transportation depends in great magnitude of cars because their housing developments are more extended. On the other hand, Barcelona is more compact, then, distances are shorter; this is why people tend to prefer to walk or use the bike. Like the previous example, we must take into account the importance of avoiding the raising of housing developments that are far from the urban centers. Time is a valuable resource and we shouldn’t spend our time in transportation. A good city is one where the pedestrian becomes a priority for the urban infrastructure policies. The main goal must be to seek that the structure axis of a community is public transportation, instead of seeking for bigger spaces, when there aren’t. The best cities aren’t those that have only one public transportation system, but those that have several comprehensive systems.
To manage a sustainable mobility, it is necessary to avoid the creation of policies that favor the use of cars, and to give priority to the pedestrian and massive public transportation.”
p. 33
Infrastructure / Development
THE IMPACT OF INFRASTRUCTURE IN PRODUCTIVITY Empiric evidence in the regions of Mexico and other countries confirms that, in a great quantity, the development of strategic infrastructure is closely related to the economic growth and welfare. The Mexican Chamber of the Building Industry (cmic by its Spanish acronym), has presented the National Program of Sustainable Infrastructure 2030 in order to promote a sustained and sustainable growth, from a comprehensive diagnostic about the Mexican infrastructure, to have a better social and regional equity.
p. 34
Infrastructure / Development
Airports, railroads, highways, hydraulic and energetic works contribute to the reduction of production costs by reducing prices of strategic inputs, as well as the transfer of merchandise and people. Therefore, it is concluded that infrastructure positively impacts in the productivity of companies and workers, raising profitability of investments. Regions become more competitive and attractive for the private investments, they create more and new jobs, increase incomes and improve social welfare. In previous administrations, one of the key elements for the development of regions was precisely the investment in infrastructure for the creation of logistic and connectivity skills. According to data from researches of the cmic, the Gross Domestic Product (gdp) of the states of the region of BajĂo, and the northern border had a cumulative growth of 47%, between 1980 and 2013, in contrast to a cumulative growth of 7% of the gdp of the South states of Mexico. This significant difference is explained, among other factors, by the high level of development that the infrastructure of the center and the north of the country register, faced to the severe backwardness of the south. In the same way, it is necessary for our country to have a State policy to impel the investment projects in physical infrastructure that, in addition or prioritizing those project that present the greatest social and economical profitability, consider the impact in competitiveness and focus in strategic regions and sectors. The Four Asian Tigers (South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan) invested high percentages of their gdp in physical infrastructure, which, along with other factors, allowed them to achieve average annual growth rates above the 7% for several decades. In Mexico, the levels of investment in infrastructure are significantly lower to those that the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (oecd) register. However, thanks to this kind of projects, we can strengthen competitiveness and productivity of the country, due to the creation of a plural and inclusive proposal to turn the findings, positions and approaches in viable proposals of public policies.
p. 35
National Pride
INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT OF GUADALAJARA Innovation in air communication
p. 36
uadalajara is the second most important city in the country and one of the touristic and economic centers with greater development in the last years. This development, combined with the increase in the attraction of foreign investment and the growing innovation in the technological area, has made possible for Jalisco to concentrate a significant network of commercial and business exchange in the areas of the center and west of Mexico.
Auge de México Infrastructure and Development
The International Airport of Guadalajara is the third in the country with the biggest number of passengers, behind the airports of Mexico City and Cancun.
Until now, Guadalajara’s Airport has received investments for 3,504 million pesos.
This exchange wouldn’t be possible without the adequate infrastructure that can make trade, touristic and business interactions easier. This is why the International Airport of Guadalajara –Miguel Hidalgo y Costillais considered the second airport with more air charges and the third with greatest attendance, just behind the airports from Mexico City and Cancun. Since the beginning of this decade, the International Airport of Guadalajara has increased the number of destinations, going from 45 to 60, and the number of passengers in a 63.9%, from 7 million to 11.4 million. The airport has two pavement runways, 49 platform positions for the parking of aircrafts and one terminal that is joined by a connecting bridge, and which assist both, national and international flights. With over 50 years of in the city, it has been in constant innovation.
Aeropuertos GAP
Currently, it carries out projects of renovation, expansion and investment, which will improve most of its areas; increasing its quality and displaying it as a world class airport. This investment is distributed in three stages that seek the modernization of the terminal building in its national hall, and the expansion from Gate 17. In addition to the expansion of the system of inspection of check-in luggage, the baggage claim conveyors and erpe (Area for the revision of passengers and hand luggage), as well as the hall that connects the new Waiting Hall, denominated “Gate A”, which substitutes the Terminal 2. Moreover, a rearrangement is currently being made in the exterior roads of the airport, with the construction of a covered sidewalk, which duplicates the pick up and drop off zone. With the investment of 700 million pesos, Guadalajara’s International Airport steps forward to the increasing demand of the next years.
+52 (33) 3880 1100
National Pride
GP LOGISTICS Infrastructure and edge technology in logistic solutions
ith the goal of providing world quality logistic solutions, GP Logistics establishes its national leadership and its international positioning thanks to innovation and sustainability of each of its services. Throughout its 30 years career, GP Logistics has entered the international market thanks to its infrastructure and edge technology, which is applied to every one of its processes with a professionalization and commitment of great quality.
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Auge de MĂŠxico Infrastructure and Development
Its expertise has leaded it to specialize in the industries of products of consumption, food and beverages, personal care and home care, general merchandisers, agribusiness, as well as the chemical, textile and restaurant industries. The company is in the process of obtaining the certification iso 9001-2015 and it is part of sedex, platform of Responsible Sourcing, which is an organization that makes improvements in the responsible and ethical commercial practice of supply chains in the world. GP Logistics has 16 facilities in the country, with 26 horizontal distribution centers and 6 in house business unities, in addition of its representation office in Houston, Texas.
Among its most important services are: - Storage for delicate operations or multi accounts, both in a controlled climate, whether frozen or hot. - Distribution network with the widest coverage and network in the country. - Inversed logistics, thanks to the number and strategic location of its warehouses. - Last mile service. Through cross dock operations, GP Logistics provide its clients with the opportunity of send and receive their products on time. - Support to its logistic operation in modality 4PL. - Services like relabeling, reconditioned, set offers and management of material to the sales point within the same facilities where stock in managed.
(+52) (33) 3283 4800
National Pride
Grupo Paradiso Contributing to the Auge of the construction industry
ith over 37 years of experience, Grupo Paradiso is a company committed to the Auge of the construction industry with real estate projects and developments that create effective spaces, responsible with their environment and that contribute to the improvement of the life quality of Mexicans.
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Auge de México Infrastructure and Development
For a city as Guadalajara, its size, structure and demand, it is necessary for it to have an infrastructure system that facilitates and fosters comfort and a good life quality for its inhabitants. To the outside, a good infrastructure means a good visibility, an adequate perception of modernity and a good handling of resources, guided to the improvement of the environment. Inmobiliaria Gracián and Inmobiliaria Meya created Grupo Paradiso. Founded in 1980 by Roberto Chávez Gracián, it is a company that is born from the need of management and administration in the real estate area. Its projects are completely addressed to request, based in the analysis of the market, which is becoming more competitive. Maintenance, rehabilitation and the leasing of properties are part of the variety of services that the company offers. Grupo Paradiso is responsible of intervention projects in venues of Guadalajara, such as Mercado de Abastos, Edificio Torre Meya and Plaza del Carmen in the center of the city. The company has received the acknowledgement from governmental institutions for the work done in the preservation and maintenance of some of the most important historical and architectural in the city. For Patricia Roxana Chávez Gracián, current president of Grupo Paradiso, the success of its projects influences in the creation of a familiar, relaxed environment of team work, that makes the most out of each of its members. In her words: “Being a transparent, honest and whole person, allows me to innovate and create new real estate alternatives, create jobs to build a better future, more responsible and friendly, that leaves a mark in this great city.” Grupo Paradiso contributes to the construction sector as a company in Auge.
(+52) (33) 3826 1922
Opinion Leader
Services / Trade
Marcela Celorio General Consul of Mexico in San Diego
Photography by: Mike Kirsch
Mexican women in The United States
ne of the main functions in my role as General Consul of Mexico in San Diego is to promote the relationship of Mexico and United States, with the goal of contributing to the development of communities in both sides of the border. In my role of cross-border consul, I have opened a dialogue with economic, political and social leaders that impel the region, with the goal of reaching a good understanding in the bilateral agenda, oriented to the developing of a secure, competitive and sustainable border that improves the quality of life of its inhabitants.
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Opinion Leader
One of the pillars of my diplomatic job is to support women. Each activity planned in my agenda joins the effort of Mexico in our empowerment, like the incorporation to international campaigns of the un, such as “He For She”. Also, in the consular area, with the establishment of the windows for comprehensive assistance, health, financial consultancy and education for women, as well as campaigns against domestic violence. Within the Consulate, 8 out of 10 departments have a woman as leader, and in the profile of our personnel, we are balanced: 50% men and 50% women. To support Mexican women in an effective way, it is necessary to cover all the different social sectors, since aid is addressed to women in every kind of context and situation, regardless of their migratory status: entrepreneurs, teachers, housewives, scientists, artists, or anyone. The General Consulate of Mexico in San Diego is inclusive; it meets the need of the Mexican community. In this sense, it celebrates the success of a great company that opens a new area, but it also defends the rights of a domestic worker that has been exploited in her work by her situation on undocumented immigrant. We help and celebrate to and with everyone in the same way. It is important to remember that one of the greatest virtues of Mexican women is resilience, no matter how hard the situation might be, we, women, always overcome difficulties; we are survivors, not victims. Another relevant matter in San Diego is people with two nationalities. This condition is a reality that is part of the daily life of the cross-border families that move from one side of “the line” to the other, to study, work, and receive medical assistance or just visit. From the Consulate, we give them information and the necessary advice about the importance of exercising their rights, but also of fulfilling their obligations in both countries. The economic and social contribution of migrants is so big that their voice must be heard.
also makes references for emotional and psychological assistance. In addition of the specialized legal help that we provide for the defense of the immigrants, we carry out individual evaluations, because we need to keep in mind that each case is different, therefore, their resolution too. Our team is always monitoring the law, watching out that it is being fairly applied, this means, and that it fulfills s the respect for human rights, regardless of the migratory status, since, everyone has rights, and we will be there to assist them, protect them and defend them.
One of the greatest virtues of Mexican women is resilience, no matter how hard the situation might be, we, women, always overcome difficulties; we are survivors, not victims.
In order to do the actions of assistance and protection, the Consulate and the entire Mexican consular network in the world has trained professionals, as well as the adequate resources, depending on what is needed in the case. In the current difficult era we live in, the health window
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Services / Trade
THE BENEFITS OF BECOMING AN INTERNATIONAL COMPANY To strengthen the integration of nations to the global economy and to actively improve productivity, the entrepreneur must look to the world to have a commercial or productive partner in other countries in order to establish the company’s products and services in the world market, which is bigger and more competitive than the local market.
“One of the most outstanding aspects when internationalizing the Mexican companies is the access to markets with greater potential, at the same time that the cost structure optimizes and the company becomes less vulnerable to the regional crisis.”
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According to official information from ProMéxico about the steps to internationalize a company, the decision implies the direct participation of companies in the global environment to conquer new markets or the preservation of exportation markets. The entrepreneur will have access to new technologies and will expand the company’s economy with a possible cost reduction.
part of the increase in exportations, as well as contributing to a good image of the country.
This new mentality will help the country to create opportunities where there are, mainly, obstacles and barriers. In addition, the Mexican company will obtain multiple benefits, such as the utilization of internationalization as a tool for competitiveness, and will also be an active
The process of internationalization through organizations like ProMéxico begins with the detection a Mexican company that has the possibility of expanding its activities to the world, and the viability of its project is analyzed.
“One of the most outstanding aspects when internationalizing the Mexican companies is the access to markets with greater potential, at the same time that the cost structure optimizes and the company becomes less vulnerable to the regional crisis.”
Services / Trade
From this moment, the formal contact begins to start with the negotiations with local counterparties for the establishment of the company in that country, whether it is physical facilities like a store, distribution center, strategic alliance, production plan, or any other medium that certifies the presence of the Mexican company in the world. When the Mexican company and its subsidiary abroad confirm that the expectation interest for the sales of the project have been established, the services and support of ProMĂŠxico will focus on looking for information that allows an expansion and a duplicate of the internationalization business model to other markets or in a different region. This way, Mexican companies will dabble in international trade and will strengthen their position in the main world markets through their participation in global chains of value. In summary, by growing abroad, the Mexican company will create a greater value; it will have presence in new markets, reduce taxes and costs, encourage its competitiveness and strengthen its business and expansion plans.
p. 45
Opinion Leader
Education / Culture
Alfonso Hernández Director of the Department of Sociopolitical and Law Studies ITESO. Member of the Committee of Citizen Participation of the National Anticorruption System.
Social participation in anticorruption policy
he subject of corruption involves multiple dimensions, reason why it is a subject with a high level of complexity. However, the role of the civil society will determine the success or failure of the initiatives that are being implemented to fight the so called “cancer of the Mexican society”.
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Opinion Leader
Being a member of the National Anticorruption System of Citizen Participation (cpc), along with Jacqueline Peschard, Mariclaire Acosta, José Octavio López y Luis Manuel Péres de Acha, the challenges to face come from different backgrounds and are guided to the creation of alliances with the civil society, schools and the different levels of the government. At the beginning of this year, Transparency International (ti) informed that the legislative reforms couldn’t stop the fall of Mexico in the Perception of Corruption Index, going down 28 positions in the ranking, establishing in the 123 place out of 176 analyzed countries.
The second strategy is educational and cultural, with which we can raise awareness of the significance of having an ethical behavior in social relationships. This tactic has shown great results, since the youngest generations have much more repair of the citizen in environmental care, something that didn’t exist 30 years ago. We can be optimistic if we start working in the awareness from the educational scope. Mexican society is sick of corruption and might be hoping for results in a short time, but we must take steady steps, build solid grounds, and establish networks within the government and society to make them our allies.
These measures are obtained through surveys made to specific groups like entrepreneurs, members of the society and opinion leaders, putting into evidence that the perfection of corruption is a subject of public relevance. To face the problem from the root, it is necessary to bring the concept to reality in order to know the components of corruption and measure them in different fields, such as cultural, commercial, institutional, among others, that don’t obey only to perception. The most used definition of corruption is “the abuse of public power for the private benefit”. Nonetheless, this description is very limited since it only considers the ethic level of a person’s behavior. This means that there is no level of moral consciousness in the person that acts in a corruptive way. There are two strategies to point out the corruptive acts of people in order to raise awareness and achieve changes. The first is institutional and has to do with incentives, positive and negative (fines or incentives). If there are clear sanctions, capable people with an ethic behavior that chase after corruption, the example of not making these kinds of acts will get into the public employees minds.
The role of the civil society will determine the success or failure of the initiatives that are being implemented to fight corruption.”
p. 47
Education / Culture
A Mexican’s dream of becoming an astronaut
he Mexican youth has managed to stand out in the last few years in research subjects like robotics, physics and airspace enginery. This is the case of Yair PiĂąa, who is only 20 years old and has managed to reach the most important lines of institutions like nasa.
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Education / Culture
Yair is a student in the Physics in the National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM, and he designed a method to measure cosmic radiation in space journeys. His project addresses the development of materials with thermoluminescence. Yair’s special interest has focused in the measurement of radiation. When he was in high school, he designed a radiation detector and afterwards, he worked in the Institute of Nuclear Sciences of unam for the researcher Epifanio Cruz Zaragoza, with whom he had the opportunity of developing several different systems to detect radiation. With this project, nasa became interested in him. His research has stand out by being part of international academic projects, among which are the project Orion from nasa and Project Pilot Manager of the University of Samara in Russia, who seeks to develop a satellite component to measure the amount of ions that formed the atmosphere. At the same time, he was already working in his first scientific article, studying space dissymmetry. Yair Piña has not only become the youngest researcher in nasa, but he will also be part of an important project that is looking for the exploration in Mars. In a conference for unam, the young Mexican explained that a protocol of radiation emission will be made for the future journeys to Mars, and also, the conditions of the red planet will be
simulated in the most similar possible way; the recollected data will be applied to future missions of exploration in Mars. This mission will last 2 weeks and will be located in the desert of Utah, previously working an entire week in the preparation of the study and one week after to analyze the obtained information. Yair was informed of the project through a letter sent by nasa, in which he will be part of the first Latin American crew180 (Team latam i) of the station “Mars Desert Research Station (mdrs)”. Yair has become a role model for his vast participation in an international level in the space field, in addition of being part of the Mexican pride and of the inspiration that will make that thousands of young people get involved in the study of sciences to achieve important goals.
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Educación Education//Cultura Culture
Artistic brilliance in Jalisco
radle of creative geniuses, Jalisco is a quintessential artistic platform of Mexico. In Auge, we are passionate about promoting an industry that since memorable times has expanded its influence level to social, cultural, political, and mostly, economic grounds. Three of the most important artists of the West of Mexico share with us their conceptual vision with three artworks that encompass different subjects, but, at the same time, join in a unanimous voice in the search of a change in Mexico.
Leaving a print in each and every one of his works, the collection “GRITO DE GUERRA” is part of the conscious collective of the Mexican, who is ready to stop protesting and take an attitude of change in the current panorama of the country. Animals are the main stars of each painting, which, in addition of screaming, actively fight the social and corruptive injustices, making a special emphasis in the phrase: “Mexicanos al grito de guerra” from the national anthem. With its distinctive technique, “huellismo”, the author traces the combat expression of gorillas, lions, coyote, sharks, baboons, elks and bears, among others, who represent the leader citizen with strength and passion to achieve the development of Mexico.
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Tittle: Furia de advertencia Author: Alvaro Cuevas Technique: Mixed Measures: 1.5*2m Collection: grito de guerra
Education / Culture
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Education Education//Culture Culture
CHECA We live in an era where we have taught that making mistakes is wrong and that we must follow what is already established, however, we have been asked to innovate. But, how are we going to allow ourselves to innovate if we don’t have the cultural authorization of learning? This is why in the work EX#1, the artist dared to play as a child, he dared to EXperiment and mainly, he dared to make mistakes.
Tittle: EX#1 Author: Checa Technique: Oil on canvas Measures: 160*1.5m Year: 2017
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Education / Culture
ALEJANDRO LOCCOCO Arenque is the name that the author gives to the sense of the great masses in big cities. When everything seems to be a chaos inside a rhythmic and steady pace. Contain and at the same time, expand inside a color. The canvas is completely filled like pretending to express abundance and a constant continuity. The author mentions that it was in one of those painting that, out of the sudden; he had a rough time finishing it because looking to give an expression to a few traces of fishes isn’t that easy. Nonetheless, after several weeks of progress, the result was not only interesting for the author, but also for collectors.
Tittle: Arenque Author: Alejandro Loccoco Technique: Acrylic on canvas Measures: 1.68*1.30m
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Education / Culture
GUADALAJARA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL – FICG Promotion and dissemination of the Hispanic cinema
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he Guadalajara Film Festival is, without a doubt, a massive event that gathers producers, actors, directors, and different experts of the international film industry. New and established talents gather in a celebration that promotes, spreads and supports the Hispanic cinema.
Education / Culture
The 32nd edition of FICG was celebrated this year with Germany as guest of honor. For eight days, the agenda was filled with an infinite variety that offered satisfaction and interest to every kind of filmmaker. The festival is not only for the creation of an intercultural space in which multiple artists gather to exchange ideas and manage different networks for their projects, but in a macro level, it also represents a significant focal point of culture and art in which Guadalajara is shown in an international level, and it also creates a deep vision of the cultural potential and the talent of Jalisco. There were different sections, aimed for the offering of jobs and projects of a more specified subject, among which were: International Panorama, Galas, musical film, social-environmental film, film for children, Europe new trends and culinary film, as well as a special section for the guest country, and another for the exhibitions about lgbtti subjects “Premio Maguey”. There is also a section called: Talents Guadalajara, for the development, management and financing for projects of talented young people that are looking for a greater professionalization with their participation in workshops, master classes, conferences and reunions with important personalities within every field of the film industry. This area is looking to support and evolve the Hispanic talent. Regarding the competition within the festival, there are different awards and acknowledgements that are granted by important movie celebrities. Students, professionals and celebrities with a long career make up the juries of each area of the festival.
This year winners’ were: PREMIO MEZCAL Best Mexican film: La libertad del diablo. Dir. Everardo González Best director: Sofía Gómez Córdova for Los años azules Best cinematographer: María Secco for La libertad del diablo Best actor: José Manuel Poncelis and Eligio Meléndez for Sueño en otro Idioma Best actress: Paloma Domínguez for Los años azules Audience award: Ayúdame a pasar la noche. Dir. José Ramón Chávez Delgado IBEROAMERCIAN FICTION FILM Best picture: Santa y Andrés. Dir. Carlos Lechuga Jury special award: Carpinteros. Dir. José María Cabral Best director: Joel Calero for La última tarde Best opera prima: Las dos Irenes. Dir. Fabio Meira Best actress: Lola Amores for Santa y Andrés Best actor: Jean Jean for Carpinteros Best fotograph: Las dos Irenes. Dir. Fabio Meira Best script: Santa y Andrés. Dir. Carlos Lechuga IBEROAMERICAN DOCUMENTARY Best documentary: La libertad del diablo. Dir. Everardo González Jury special award: El pacto de Adriana. Dir. Lissette Orozco IBEROAMERICAN SHORT FILM Best short film: Aya. Dir. Francesca Canepa Sarmiento Rigo Mora Award to the best Mexican animated short film: Cerulia. Dir. Sofía Carrillo Special mention: Lucha. Dir. Eddie Rubio; Berta vive. Dir. Katia Lara Pineda PREMIO MAGUEY Premio maguey: Corpo Elétrico. Dir. Marcelo Caetano Premio especial del jurado: Santa y Andrés. Dir. Carlos Lechuga Mejor actuación: Jella Haase for Looping
p. 55
National Company
Instituto Tepeyac Innovation in private education
hirty five years after its foundation, Instituto Tepeyac is one of the most important groups, with the greatest prestige of private schooling in the country. One of their main premises is to train young people capable of competing with anyone in any place of the world.
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Auge de MĂŠxico Education y Culture
Instituto Tepeyac characterizes for its innovation in the educational model, vanguard and technology are, more than just tools, part of their daily life. In the last 10 years, it has been a synonym of evolution and growth, by opening different campuses in the country, such as Guadalajara, Santa Anita, Xcaret, Puerto Vallarta, Coacalco, and this year it will open Campus Capital Norte in Zapopan, in addition of renewing and expanding Campus CuautitlĂĄn in 2016. Classrooms with high technology, internet, computer labs, and fully-equipped workshops for art, theater, dance, plastic arts and music are part of the great infrastructure for students and their families. Sport education and high rivalry are promoted in the courts of soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis and in the semi-olympic pools that can be found in every campus. The school has annual gathering between campuses such as the academic encounter in campus CuautitlĂĄn; sport encounter in the campuses of Guadalajara and Santa Anita, with the participation of more than 8,000 students from different private schools of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara; or the arts encounter that is held in Campus Xcaret, with over 600 students from other campuses of Tepeyac.
The academic level is a label that distinguishes Instituto Tepeyac, which, in addition of being bilingual and having the Cambridge certification, demands that every graduate master the English language. Students have French as a third language, and, as an added value, the school has a special agreement with Alianza Francesa, institution with facilities inside campus Coacalco. Instituto Tepeyac is an institution committed to Mexico; it creates more than 1,000 direct jobs and has a humanist philosophy that compromises each and every one of their employees to bring wellbeing to your family. In conclusion, it is an institute committed to the training of leaders to have a better country in the short, medium and long term, with a significant growth in the last years, and with great expansion plans in the near future. More than 7,000 students and their families are part of this great institution, which completely fulfills its goal of educating Minds with Life Attitude.
(+52) (33) 3629 5014
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p. 59
Opinion Leader
Tourism / Gastronomy
Leรณn Herce Vice-president of Amadeus for Latin America and the Caribbean
Evolve, expand or expire: the Auge of online travelling
echnology of information continues to evolve in ways that will have unexpected effects in the touristic industry of online travelling. The change is happening with a high speed that new business models are erasing the boundaries of the channels of the distribution of journeys.
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Opinion Leader
Even though the concrete progression of the evolution of online travelling is not strictly defined, what must those that work in travel industry to prepare for the different scenarios that are currently being developed?
Crossed fertilization is to see meta search sites lean over to the meta stock, while online travelling agencies increase incomes through the increase of advertising for clients, who, can now look, book and pay in the same place.
Examining the rising tide of mega retailers of online travelling and the impact that this train has for online travel agencies (ota), we can infer that the travel brands that will succeed will be those that take the difficulties of the business model of goalsearch, taking the most out of the correct combination of market strategy, technology, user experience, stock and budget.
As vice-president of Amadeus for Latin America and The Caribbean, I asked our team of executives to have a special focus on helping otas to achieve this kind of business model development. We pay close attention to online trends in our region, and we are working to move forward in terms of technology and association.
Websites like Trivago, Kayak, Mobissimo and Vayama have been benefitted from the search of meta data, which is considered a gold mine in booking enquiry because they work as a commission of the providers of reservations or references to passengers. As price fixing becomes more uniform, the winners in the distribution of journeys will be the sites of meta searching with the greatest stock of personalized results. “Indeed, customization is becoming very important, thus, we must be able of delivering the most relevant search results to the user, whether the search is made in a desktop computer, through a mobile phone, traditional clicks, text or voice.” OTA’s that have been substantially dependant of the commercialization of search engines combine online advertising with the monetization of search traffic.
Indeed, customization is becoming very important, thus, we must be able of delivering the most relevant search results to the user, whether the search is made in a desktop computer, through a mobile phone, traditional clicks, text or voice.”
p. 61
Tourism / Gastronomy
THE BEST CITIES TO LIVE IN MEXICO AND THE WORLD Monterrey and Mexico City are the best places to live in Mexico. Their style and life quality give their inhabitants a platform for development and growth that are a benchmark for other cities in the country. The international consultancy company, Mercer, has published a list of the best and worst cities to live with the purpose of analyzing and studying the different factors that make up the environment of cities. Its process includes strategic surveys that measure the quality in infrastructure of public service and transportation, quality of the schools, political and social environment, economic development, entertainment, housing, consumption goods, and, lastly, quality in health and environment.
Both, for Mexico City and Monterrey, the business panorama have made them renowned cities regarding the investment panorama. This attractive is transferred to the social and political environment and influences in the addressing of resources to improve the conditions of the quality of life of their citizens. Monterrey is in the place 110, being the best valued city in Mexico, followed by Mexico City, in the position 128. In the same list, the Latin American city with the highest position was San Juan, Puerto, in the position 75; then Montevideo, Buenos Aires and Santiago. The worst cities were La Habana and Caracas with the place 185 and 189 respectively. In the international panorama, the city of Vienna in Austria was, for the eight time, the city with the best quality of life in the world. In second and third place are Zurich in Switzerland and Auckland
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in New Zealand. The list of the top 10 best cities to live are Munich, Vancouver, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Geneva, Copenhagen, and tied in the 10 place are Basel in Switzerland, and Sydney in Australia. If we turn around to the bottom of the list, which are the cities with the worst life quality, we find that Africa has several cities in countries like Congo, Guinea, Chad or Sudan; the other countries in the world are Haiti, Iraq, Syria and Yemen. The pattern that can be analyzed with this information is that European cities, mainly the Nordic cities, still maintain a high level of life quality. In addition, the countries with greater representation in the most privileged positions are Germany, Canada, Australia and Switzerland.
Tourism / Gastronomy
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Tourism / Gastronomy
Puebla de Zaragoza and Cholula represent and important axis of the culture and tourism of Mexico because they reflect the international image of the region, since Cholula is a Magical Town, and the city of Puebla is considered world’s heritage by unesco.
holula is a place filled with history and culture because since its beginning, in the pre-hispanic era, it was a great metropolis, and it is now considered the oldest living city in Mesoamerica. Its ancient history goes back to the 5th century before Christ. Puebla, also known as Puebla de los Ă ngeles, was a novo-hispanic city that kept growing for hundreds of years. Surrounded by three volcanoes, and established between the ancient city of Tenochtitlan and Veracruz, this city is the breeding of culture, gastronomy and history. Tourism in both regions has been, without a doubt, an important resource hoarder because both, in Cholula and Puebla, the biggest attraction are historical sites such as temples, monasteries, or in the case of the Magical Town, its pyramids.
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Tourism / Gastronomy
Thus, such an important region must have a great infrastructure, one that makes the connection and touristic transit between both places easier and efficient. On January 23, the president of Mexico, Enrique Peùa Nieto, opened the Touristic Train PueblaCholula, which, along with the Regional Museum of Cholula, joined the efforts that, as nation, have been carried out for the benefit of the future generations. The project has two terminals, Puebla and Cholula, and three stations. It is part of a mobility circuit that includes two lines of the Red Urbana de Transporte Articulado RUTA, of 34 kilometers. The touristic train joins the Rail Museum in the center of the state’s capital with the pyramid of Cholula. It covers four municipalities and has a length of 17.2 kilometers. 53 roads and 6 historic sites were rehabilitated for the project. About its characteristics and mechanism, the train has two electric motor diesel cars, it is equipped with a modern signaling system and traffic control, with automatic protection; its capacity is of 284 passengers, and it will travel 17 kilometers in an average time of 40 minutes. Regarding the investment for the project, the amount was of 113 million pesos, a historic figure in the region that represents an important source of employment, since it created nearly 70,000 jobs; before, during and after the building of the train.
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Tourism / Gastronomy
THE BEST RESTAURANTS OF GUADALAJARA Traditional and international cuisine in the most exclusive places of the West Perla TapatĂa, as Jalisco is called, is known among many things for being an important center of the demonstration of the gastronomic culture. Many of the most significant Mexican dishes were originated in our state, dishes with a big cultural value that provides a wide variety of flavors, odors and colors for the locals and visitors. Moreover, the presence of international cuisine covers the palates with delight, tradition and vanguard of the most prestigious and important restaurants of our country.
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Tourism / Gastronomy
Argentinean food restaurant with specialty in fine steaks. The stay in this restaurant is filled with the beauty of design, causing its diners a pleasant coordinate experience, assisted by the kindness of its personnel.
Awarded with the award Tenedor de oro in 2014 as the best restaurant of fusion cuisine, it has been recognized by the Academy of Hospitality Sciences with the award five diamond star awards for 7 consecutive years, from 2007 to 2014.
A wide variety of grilled steaks, cooked with wood of quality usda Prime and Sterling Silver. A wide variety of wines and specialties like salmon, roasted octopus, grilled steak, and meat, salmon and tuna pies.
Niños Héroes 2860-A Jardines del Bosque, Guadalajara. 3122 6565 / 3122 9958
Plaza Andares Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan 3611 1975
Av. Real Acueducto 210 Conjunto Real Acueducto, Zapopan 3611 2807
Specialized in aged steaks of steers of Black Angus race, quality PRIME, the restaurant deals with several types of aging, maturing the steaks up to 20 days in wet and other 20 days to dry. The diner will enjoy each bite accompanied by its international selection of wines.
vincent by Vango is a concept of restaurant-bar with a vintage decoration between New York and London, with an exquisite and delicate author cuisine. Simple, good taste and adequate for the Mexican palate, the chef has created an innovating cuisine concept with the purpose of meeting your palate.
A place where odors, flavors and colors mix to create the re-encounter with the ancient Mexican cuisine, where exquisite pre-Hispanic flavors and the heat of our land can be taste.
Av. México 2929 Vallarta Norte, Guadalajara 3615 9999
Plaza Andares Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan Tel. 36111207/08
Lerdo de Tejada 2379 Col. Arcos, Guadalajara 3616 6978 / 3616 8472 / 3343 2266 / 3343 2267
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Tourism / Gastronomy
Edge cuisine of chef Daren Walsh. The base: textures, esthetics, technique and product. And exotic collocation of the dish, a special imagination and creativity in every detail. The atmosphere creates a curiosity for experimenting each and every one of the art works that are served to your table, the menu has every kind of flavors, from sea food to steaks, vegetables and desserts that will amaze the sight of the visitor.
Cuisine with flavor, technique and passion. A collective that goes beyond dedication, excellence and innovation. It is a combination of different elements, unique and unequalled, establishing the perfect atmosphere to create and experiment with all senses. In this place you will be able to enjoy exquisite patés, cheeses, hams and terrines, followed by a great variety of steaks and pastas.
The vanguard structure and design of this restaurant will intrigue anyone that crosses the doors. This place invites you to sit with acquaintances or strangers, to enjoy and admire every corner of the place. The dynamics of the place is innovative and invites you to share and join in an atmosphere where you can taste steaks, salads and surprise suggestions from the chef.
San Gabriel 3030 Jardines del Bosque, Guadalajara 3647 6423
José Guadalupe Zuno 2061 Col. Americana, Guadalajara 2001 0724 / 2001 0725
Efraín González Luna 2061 Colonia Lafayette, Guadalajara 3615 7915 / 3615 3591
Favorite destination for seafood lovers, it has seafood prepared in high quality dishes, accompanied with a cold beer. It also has a menu of hamburgues, saldas and steaks that will make the entire family enjoy of this tasty and fresh option.
Distributed in the areas of dinning and bar, it has a great service and the traditional Mexican decoration in a colonial hacienda, that invites you to have an extraordinary experience between each bite and sip.
Punto Sao Paulo Providencia, Guadalajara 3817 0452
Punto Sao Paulo Providencia, Guadalajara 1814 5512 / 1814 5513
Plaza Andares Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan 3817 5172
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Tourism / Gastronomy
With presence in 9 states of México, it characterizes for its steer steaks of 420 kilos. It has been recognized by expert diners for offering the best flank steak. Combined with an first world infrastructure, this is the ideal place to share with the family or have a business dinner.
With branches in Guadalajara, Aguascalientes and San Luis Potosí, El Almacén del Bife offers an experience from Italy and Argentina that mixes the flavors of the old continent with the best steaks to the authentic Argentinean style.
Plaza Andares Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan 3611 0888
Plaza Andares Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan 3611 2668 / 3611 2669
La Gourmetería López Mateos Sur 1710, PB Local 02 El Palomar, Guadalajara 3612 2123
Punto Sao Paulo Providencia, Guadalajara 3817 4842
Restaurant with specialty in Italian dishes that offers a genuine space to enjoy and share a good meal, good music and an incomparable service. It has 3 branches within the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, and one more in Tijuana. Among its specialties stand out Pizzas baked in the oven, salads of special combinations, pastas and for the most demanding palates, a good steak.
Asian food of the highest quality with traditional and innovative Chinese dishes, which are cooked in wok pots to high temperature. This chain has a great international prestige and thanks to its excellent service, it is worth to stop and taste the different flavors of the East.
Synonym of quality, excellent atmosphere and good taste, Corazón de Alcachofa satisfies its diners with a good service and products of the highest quality. Its concept allows it to be the perfect host for a business meeting, celebrate an important date or enjoy with family and friends.
López Cotilla Av. Lopez Cotilla 1835 Col. Americana, Guadalajara 3616 8277 / 3616 0412
Galerías Guadalajara Av. Rafael Sanzio 150 Local IS3-3 Colonia La Estancia, Zapopan 3627 7686 / 3627 7687
Avenida México 2946-1 Colonia Terranova 3641 2676 / 3642 0008
Plaza Andares Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan 3611 2884 / 3611 2864
Plaza Andares Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan 3611 3294 / 3611 3295
Chapalita Av. De las Rosas 741-A Chapalita, Zapopan 3121 3556
Calle Sao Paulo 2367 Col Providencia 3817 2515
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Tourism / Gastronomy
Les Dames d’Escoffier is composed by more than 2,200 members and has 34 bases in states of Canada, United States, Mexico and United Kingdom. This time, they celebrated the first educational event, which was held in Guadalajara, with gastronomic trips to Tlaquepaque and Tequila. Sixty ladies expert on the culinary art attended the event, held by María Gómez Laurens, immediate president of the organization.
Les Dames d’Escoffier is composed by more than 2,200 members and has 34 operation bases in different states of Canada, United States, Mexico and United Kingdom. This time, they celebrated the first educational event, which was held in Guadalajara, with gastronomic trips to Tlaquepaque and Tequila. Sixty expert ladies in the culinary art attended the event held by María Gómez Laurens, immediate president of the organization. As main host, Araceli Ramos, Director of Promotion and Public Relations of Mundo Cuervo, delighted the attendants for four exquisite days filled of all sort of dishes, whether traditional or modern, tequila, mariachi, dance and an environment that favored
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the interest and interaction with the Mexican culture. It was a gastronomic tour filled with the flavors, colors and odors, that, the west region of Mexico has to offer. The first day of activities concluded with a dinner in the emblematic restaurant Santo Coyote with Mexican dances and music. They enjoyed molcajetes of arrachera with nopales, guacamole with totopos, combined with margaritas and a dessert bar of over 3 meters, and several levels with trays of an impressive variety of sweets. In the second day, the attendees enjoyed the music of Chorus Xalisarte, event organized by the mayor of the municipality,
Tourism / Gastronomy
María Elena Limón, in Jardín Hildalgo in Tlaquepaque. The gallery of Sergio Bustamante opened its doors for the guests, so they could watch and acquire pieces from the famous artist. The tour had the presence of characters wearing typical Mexican garments and dancing folkloric dances that sounded in the memories of more than one participant. The dinner, combined with a string quartet and mariachi, created the perfect magic, which will be captured in each and every heart of the ladies. Lula Bistro was the restaurant in charge of the vibration of senses of the ladies during the festivities of the third day, offering a 7 course dinner, with different dishes, like octopus, shrimp, chiles en nogada and lamb, among others. On the last day, the ladies made a trip to Tequila, visiting the oldest tequila factory, La Riojeña. This was, without a doubt, a historic, cultural and gastronomical approach to the quintessential Mexican beverage. The Flavors of Mexico tour, the name given to the visit, had the presence of Carol Brock, founder of Les Dames d’Escoffier. Her work started in New York, and, until now, Mexico has managed to find a special place in her career thanks to the strong sense of unity that our nation has. “This event is very helpful to us, it fills us with experience and stimulates our creativity, for when we come back to our homes, and we bring innovative ideas with us.”
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National Company
TALENTO The talent of international cuisine
nternational cuisine with an Asian flavor, a new and different experience created to delight the taste of clients. Talento is a magical place where you can enjoy a wide range of flavors, odors and textures. Its culinary experience includes a variety of dishes, such as a perfect steak cooked in its charcoal grill, a tasty hamburger, a thai curry or a delicious Pekin duck, professionally deboned in your table.
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Auge de MĂŠxico Tourism and Gastronomy
Its staff, distinguished by its warm and professional service, will be your guide when choosing the perfect beverage of its wide wine cellar or its exquisite menu of cocktails and martinis. Moreover, as part of its comprehensive service, Talento has vegetarian and vegan dishes that delight the most sophisticated palates. Recently, Talento inaugurated a new concept for breakfast, with a proposal of delicatessen with sweet, salt, meat and cheese paninis, nutella sandwiches; juice and coffee, among other delicious temptations. For Talento, what truly matters in the satisfaction of its clients, family and loved ones, this is why Talento is always seeking for their comfort and well-being. These elements can be found in their wide terraces, where events take place, such as breakfast for groups of over 25 people, lunch, dinners or more intimate reunions in the private hall, equipped with the highest technology.
Talento Guadalajara Centro Comercial Andares 3611 1975 Talento Chihuahua Av. de la juventud 2910-1 Hacienda Santa Fe, edificio Esfera 430 1326
Committed to the culture and development of the city, it has joined forces with a renowned art gallery, where the talent of great artists, mostly TapatĂos is displayed. For its quality, innovation and service, Talento has been granted different national and international award, which recognizes the effort of its team to spoil its clients with passion and joy.
Opinion Leader
Health / Lifestyle
Luis Sรกnchez The Mexican dancer in Lord of the Dance
The Mexican identity in international dance
uring my participation in the national tour of Lord of The Dance: Dangerous Games, I had the great task of showing my Latin identity, at the time that I represented the most important dance of Ireland. As Mexicans outside our country, we must give the best of ourselves on behalf of Mexico by maintaining our roots and sharing our culture in every opportunity.
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Opinion Leader
Because dancing is a form of expression, the identity of the dancer becomes an important element. Each step, spin and movement allows you to show part of your peculiarity and cultural influence, which is captured in each centimeter of the stage. The cultural background of the folkloric Irish dance is immense. It has a load of traditions and history that flourishes in a specific context and shape the stage expression, which is recognized all over the world because of the shows of Riverdance and Lord of the Dance.
When I was 18 years old, I moved to Ireland with only one goal: make the Irish dance my own. In every competition that I participated and every company to which I belonged to, questioned me and asked me: why and how is a Mexican a benchmark of the Irish dance?, my answer was clear and never changed: “Every quality that I learned in my country were put into effect in my training, shaping my own identity”. The current situation of our country gives us an excellent opportunity of showing that we, Mexicans, can do whatever we set our mind in.
Thanks to my inclusion in the dance group in the recent Mexican tour of Lord of the Dance, I had the opportunity to perform in the best scenarios, theaters and auditoriums of the country, along with one of the best dancers in the world. During my role, I had to go down an introspective path in which I immersed myself in the cradle of the Irish culture in order to understand their traditions, history, expression, music and rhythms to make them my own and to achieve a new identity that could place me at the same level of Irish dancers, without losing my Mexican roots. Thus, I dare to urge and encourage young entrepreneurs that work very hard to achieve their goals, to inspire them to continue with their goal. There was a lot of interest from the media during the performances to know the story behind my participation in the Irish show, for which I had to make a lot of emphasis in my nationality and brake down ideas such as the false stereotypes that foreigners have from Latin America. Moreover, as Mexican entrepreneurs, regardless our area of expertise, we must be proud of our identity and show the talent and value of our work.
As Mexican entrepreneurs, regardless of our area of expertise, we must be proud of our identity and show the talent and value of our work.”
p. 77
Health / Lifestyle
Modernization has brought along a great legacy for people, a significant expansion in the technological specter that allows us to perceive reality in more sensorial form. Progress has made our surroundings deteriorate, causing environmental problems derived from pollution. However, there is an alternative to this surrounding, an ecological and esthetic solution for the urban image of countries like China, Italy and Mexico.
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Health / Lifestyle
here are many cities in the vanguard of the creation of public spaces, design and construction of more eco-friendly buildings. That is to say, ecology and architecture join together in a comprehensive way to provide an improvement in the quality of the surroundings to the citizen, compensating for the consequences of urban pollution. The environment sends us signs and causes emotions in us; this is why if we live inside a healthy place, our life quality will increase in every aspect. China is one of the cities with highest pollution levels, this is why, in the past years, authorities have searched to counteract the effects of this issue through the creation of green spaces with a new concept called “vertical forest”, which seeks for the transformation of the aspect and structure of the Nanjing towers. The project will have two towers that will be covered with 1,100 tress of different species, and 2,500 bushes, in addition of hanging plants in the shape of a waterfall, with the goal of covering the 6,000 meters of the towers. Milan was the pioneer in using this kind of concept in a construction, finished in 2014. The project also had two towers that hosted 480 big trees and 300 small ones, 1,100 perennials and 5,000 bushes.
The goal of vertical forests is to substitute common construction materials with those that offer changing polychrome in the leaves of their walls, this means, to change the technological and mechanical approach for an eco-friendly and sustainable approach. In Mexico City exists the project “Vía Verde”, an intervention to the structure of the second floor of the main road, periférico, to give it a more ecological and friendly aspect, that also provides a more optimal air quality to the area. This project intends to intervene 500 columns of the sphere of periférico and turn them into vertical gardens for the end of this year. An investment of 360 million pesos is expected, out of which 180 million will be obtained from private companies. The project plans to expand until 2018 and include 500 more columns, to have a total of 1,000 modified columns. Each column implements a system that is made out of pet bottles that create a mesh that holds the green walls. The purpose of this project, in addition of embellishing the city, is to create an environmental awareness in the citizens, in order to carry out this kind of novelty projects in the houses, and try to make some specific areas green, such as walls or door and window frames.
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National Pride
Natura BioFoods Innovation in healthy food
ith 100% Mexican products, Natura BioFoods contributes to the reinforcement of national economy by innovating its production line with new processes and products that reflect the value of Made in Mexico, with an exporting vision to Europe, Asia and United States.
p. 80
Auge de MĂŠxico Health and Lifestyle
Natura BioFoods continues its consolidation as one of the most important Latin American companies in the production and retail positioning of process foods with high nutritional value. In national territory, its products are available in self-service stores like 7eleven, Comercial Mexicana, Fresko, City Market and City Club, among others. In addition of nutritional ingredients and products for different self-service brands, Natura BioFoods produces, packs and exports agave syrup, dehydrated nopal, agave inulin, bee honey, fruit jam and coconut oil, among others. The value of the national linkage of the company is one the priorities of its general director, Julio C. Carelli DĂaz, by working with almost 100% of Mexican raw material and providers. Continuing with the goal of offering food that benefit the health of its consumers, Natura
BioFoods has expanded its commercial reach by working along with the company NBF Distributions, entering a market of over 550 stores in The United States. Its business plan is distinguished by its dynamism and technological approach, capable of adapting to the style trends of a healthy lifestyle in the world, at the same time that it accomplishes an engagement with its consumer through digital media and social networks.
Premium agave syrup
Organic coconut oil
Organic bee honey
Natura BioFoods updates its production line with new process and products that reflect the value of Made in Mexico.
Standard agave syrup
Fruit jam with agave syrup, agave inulin and chia
Powdered dehydrated nopal
Agave inulin
+52 (33) 3365 6560
Health / Lifestyle
RenĂŠ Mey
PEACE AND ENERGY FOR THE YOUTH Internationally known for sharing a message of peace, healing and hope, the French humanist shared with us an exclusive chat about his vision towards youth, his connection to the spiritual world and the help to others.
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Health / Lifestyle
or René Mey, youth is now in a stagnation and reliance state, which contrasts to the life style of previous generations. This is because of the technological environment in which they were born; this environment has brought them consequences due to the lack of education of interpersonal relationships, since success is reached when the connection with people that are part of the environment in which we live is amplified; this is a very different concept than that of which we currently live in. “The greatest problem that we have is that we don’t receive the education of sharing with others, which must be taught within the family and endorsed by school.” The workshops and conferences by René Mey have a 10% attendance of young people, which is a sign of the interest of new generations to learn more about life and to get away from the materialist message that reigns in advertisements. The youth is looking for an understanding beyond of what they have, they are looking to know their spiritual roots and to understand the reason of existence. “The excessive technological exposition that multiplies each year has made us conscious of the advantages of comfort, and build up a type of intelligence in us that looks for necessities, activating our inner thoughts in order to transcend and find happiness. But transcendence is learned from the humanitarian sense. We must not be forced to help; we help because that makes us happy. The evolution of the human being allows a greater understanding about the others; it develops empathetic human beings that seek knowledge to trigger consciousness, which will make a way for energy. This energy talks about love, since we are a path of spiritual evolution that forms loving people that enjoy of each and every detail that life gives us.” The quality of life is slowly being lost; we must not live life so quickly. This is why young people are stressed; they don’t stop and reflect, watch or think. Life is made up of thousands of millions of details, and if we pay close attention to them, we will become more affectionate. In order to really know a person, we must look at the details of his or her life work.”
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National Company
TÍA TRINI Leader in apitherapy
early forty years ago, when the word propolis wasn’t known in Mexico, Juan Eusebio Plascencia and Trinidad Terrazas started an adventure that became a successful family company committed to the elaboration of quintessential products from the hive: Tía Trini.
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Auge de MĂŠxico Health and Lifestyle
The only goal of TĂa Trini was to consume pure and virgin honey. A simple syrup produced with the best honey, extract of expectorant herbs, propolis and mint, triggered a company that proudly transcends to its second generation. There were many obstacles that had to be tear down, such as devaluation, political crisis, droughts and the lack of economic support in which the agribusiness was unsteady; however, their constant and disciplinary work kept them in the market. Founded with all the strength of a strong passion and the illusion of making a family company transcend for many generations, Juan Bernardo Plascencia Terrazas now assumes the lead of the company, with an approach of innovation and service. The legacy and responsibility of a job started by his parents now lies in him. Beekeeping in Mexico has a great vein of health and economy. With their products, bees grant food and medicine in a natural and pure form that is reachable to everyone. Honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, wax and even honey bee venom are making a revolution in the world, which is rediscovering the noble therapy that, for centuries, has healed without harming humanity. In spite of the fast growing of humanity and the technological achievements in every branch of industry, every day is more difficult to eat healthy and without a harm. Apitherapy will be the natural alternative that recovers health and energy thanks to work of the hardworking and entrepreneur insect in the world, the bee.
(+52) (33) 3686 1953
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National Award Yiacatecutli 2017
Araceli Ramos, Director of Promotion and Public Relations of Mundo Cuervo, was awarded with the price Yiacatecutli by The American Chamber of Mexico, in recognition of her prominent work as leader of the Tourism Committee.
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100° General Assembly of Partners of American Chamber of Mexico
Celebrating 100 years in Mexico, with over 1,450 active members in the binational economy, American Chamber received business leaders and diplomats, such as Mónica Flores Barragán, President of AmCham Mexico; José Antonio Meade, Secretary of Treasury and Public Credit; Roberta S. Jacobaon, Ambassador of The United States in Mexico, among others.
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AMARTE Inclusive art
The emblematic restaurant Santo Coyote started an initiative involving 25 patients from crit Occidente and 25 artists from Jalisco. Bringing together the effort of disabled children and the geniality of plastic artist, the children made their art piece, which later had a contribution of the artists, resulting in the auction of the pieces with 100% of their value donated to Centro de Rehabilitaciรณn e Inclusiรณn Infantil Teletรณn.
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International Film Festival in Guadalajara FICG
Fotografías cortesía por: © FICG
Each year, Jalisco’s film industry carried out the prestigious International Film Festival in Guadalajaraficg-, displaying, supporting and recognizing the best of audiovisual work made by Hispano-American talent. With Germany as the guest of honor, the festival gathered several public figures and movie stars from the international film industry.
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Les Dames d’Escoffier Flavors of Mexico tour
For the first time in Mexico, Les Dames d’Escoffier, the forerunner world association of philanthropic actions and education, which upraises the culinary and touristic culture, made a tour through the Mexican gastronomy in the municipalities of Guadalajara, Tlaquepaque and Tequila in Jalisco.
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Alejandro Loccoco: México Migrante Art auction
With its collection México Migrante, the plastic artist Alejandro L’occoco made an auction in benefit of the associations of the Sistema dif Jalisco and the Association of Children with Cancer, accompanied of business and opinion leaders.
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Madame&Mademoiselle Inauguration
With special guests and experts in trends, Mayte Aceves opened her exclusive boutique of French fashion in the rooftop of one of the most representative restaurants in the famous colonia Providencia in Guadalajara.
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