Digital Magazine
AP&AlZATI A commercial ally facing overregulation and high business tax charge DIGITAL DOWNLOAD
p. 2
Letter from the President
p. 4
Opinion Leader p.10 Ankur Prakash
The Auge of artificial intelligence
p.26 Mario Borghino Innovate or die
p.34 Porter Erisman
The world of Alibaba
p.46 Juana Ramírez Passion for life
p.54 Mauricio De FontRéaulx
Inspiration for a change in the Mexican west
p.68 Miguel Monroy Díaz A new coyote in town
p.74 Rebecca de Alba A life with purpose
p.18 Roger Viera
Transforming towards a Smart Mexico
“The empathy for my gender leads me to display a message in the canvas, by painting women I am reveling experiences and emotions, both in a direct and indirect way.” Irene García.
p. 6
Industry and Manufacture
The business plan of the Mexican exporting industries.
AP&ALZATI. A commercial ally facing overregulation and high business tax charge.
LII Annual Assembly of the Members of American Chamber Mexico.
Guadalajara: trust for investors and entrepreneurs.
Education and Culture
WIPRO. Digitalizing Mexico and Latin America.
FIL 2017. The art of getting an entire continent to read.
Innovation, Technology and Design
MOETTI. The strength of cutting-edge design.
Infrastructure and Development p.36
Cryptocurrency and digital investments.
Rosa Celina Ruiz Velasco Franco. AMPI Guadalajara.
Grupo Paradiso. Legacy of real estate transcendence.
Irene García. Unexpected, realist, greatness, and freedom.
René Mey. A mission of peace.
Best Ground. Health, legislation, and alternatives.
Charros de Jalisco and their commitment to the society of Jalisco.
UNITAE. Innovating programs of high specialty transplants.
People in Auge.
Jacob Flores. The need of expressing what can’t be said with words.
The side b of Checa.
editorial board
María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza president grupo auge
Simón Cruz. The man behind the artist.
Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán. A story worth telling.
Alejandro de León Jiménez general director
Raúl Padilla López president of fundación universidad de guadalajara a. c.
Juan Rafael Mejorada Flores business leader
Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlán. Maintaining the tradition through Mexican women.
Dr. Héctor Enrique Salgado Rodríguez general director of superior of higher education of jalisco
José García Macías general director corporativo macías dueñas
Tourism and Gastronomy
Patricia Flores Ozuna journalist
TecnoTanques. IPromoting the Mexican industry.
Services and Trade
Health and Lifestyle
Intrapreneurs. The new force of entrepreneurship.
México. Smart tourist destination.
Coaching as an alternative of change.
p. 7
Letter from the Editor
María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza President grupo auge
Alejandro de León Jiménez General director
of the digital force
David Carrillo
Editorial director
By: María Eugenia Jiménez Zaragoza, President Grupo Auge.
Lylyana Avilés
Image and design coordinator
David Carrillo WRITING
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo Graphic Design
his year, 2017, was defined by endless transformations that resulted in a change of mindset in entrepreneurs because, in the core process of digitalization, the country had to open the doors to a renewal of methodologies and business plans that were profitable for many years, but as the millennial generation and the fourth industrial revolution marked a greater influence in the market, were left behind, putting in risk the permanence of these enterprises.
Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo
Editorial design, copy editing and layout
David Carrillo, Lylyana Avilés Style correction
Rick Alaniz, Hernán Morales Espinosa, Max Sepúlveda, Luis Brock
Lylyana Avilés
Photography retouching
One of the objectives of Auge is to foster opportunities that favor the economic development of the country, for this reason, we have made connections and collaborations with leaders that set trends within their sectors, to have a better business environment in our country. We proudly present this edition, which offers change premises to join efforts in the positive transformation of the entrepreneurs’ careers.
Arturo Cervantes, Lylyana Avilés, David Carrillo
Digital platform and social networks
Erika Karina García Padilla Translator
Isabel Trigo Ramírez
National and international companies have realized that borders are not obstacles for the commercialization of products, but on the contrary, they are doors to new markets that offer endless opportunities.
Ricardo de León Jiménez Comptroller
Óscar Jiménez Zaragoza Administrator
One month before the end of the year, and being this the last edition of 2017, political and commercial relations among nations continue to be uncertain, but the labor and productive force of Mexico is starting to bounce back and to consolidate as an agent of intern change that will diminish any foreign threat. I wouldn’t like to end these lines without wishing you, the reader, happy holidays. I truly wish that you can take advantage of the daily opportunities, but mainly, that each effort that you make, contributes to the creation of a better reality and a better future for the next generations.
Editor’s Choice We are a mix of emotion,
The power of words is great
recreation, nature and
Words destroy or build. For
fun, art, learning,
information: a synergy
between the arts and the economy of ideas.
p.54 p. 8
and extremely influential.
this reason, we must think what we say.
Lorena Acosta Banda General assistant
Día del empresario coparmex 2017 Jalisco Is On Talent Woman
Information and approach to exhibitors Auge de México es una publicación de Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. con reserva al uso exclusivo del título Jalisco: Auge de México, bajo el no. 03201203131255450001 con fecha 13 de septiembre de 2013, expedido por la Dirección General de Derechos de Autor. Certificado de licitud del título y contenido en trámite. Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial bajo ninguna forma o sentido, electrónica o mecánica, fotográfica o magnetofónica, sin permiso escrito de la editorial. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. no se responsabiliza por errores u omisiones cometidas involuntariamente en la información contenida dentro de este volumen. © D. R. Fomento y Auge Empresarial S. A. de C. V. Av. Novelistas 5137, Col. Jardines Vallarta, 45027, Zapopan, Jalisco +52 (33) 3673 2001 / +52 (33) 3944 4006 Auge de México - Digital Magazine Hecho en México
p. 9
Opinion Leader
industry / manufacture
Ankur Prakash VP New Growth & Emerging Markets wipro
The Auge of artificial intelligence. Collaboration above rivalry.
he fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, process automation, and heuristics are rapidly developing and growing. Although we don’t know exactly in which way they will touch our lives, these trends will redesign society and business forever, and potentially, even human nature.
p. 10
Opinion Leader
The inevitable debate is the way in which they will substitute the human effort. The correct approach is considering how they can be handled in a practical way, both in individual and entrepreneurial level to increase the value of our activities and what we offer to our clients or actionists. Since the costs of proceedings continue to reduce, it is most likely that the most repetitive and exhausting tasks will give in to robots fed with AI, therefore, preparing for the future is an urgent need. Nonetheless, this is only the first step of a really long staircase. Some of the more interesting apps of AI will be available for companies and organizations created to solve some of the most significant problems of society, such as global sustainability, access to services of health and education and the basic rights that are out of reach for many people in the world of development. Although AI will be incorporated into every entrepreneurial process and system, even in the areas of human resources, humans will always be necessary to make decisions and consider the emotional aspects of any decision. In fact, in a world saturated by AI, these unique features of the human race will be of great significance. Instead of considering decision making as a competitive process between human beings and robots, AI could be seen as a support to the leaders of a company, which will allow them to think more clearly and make better decisions.
Artificial intelligence, in addition to reducing costs and finding new forms of efficiency, can also completely change the nature of the services that we create.�
p. 11
Industry / Manufacture
The business plan of mexican exporting companies In the uncertain atmosphere that surrounds the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Mexican exporting companies have seen their interests get affected, but they have also look to other growing markets such as Europe or Asia.
p. 12
Industry / Manufacture
oremost, these companies must keep in mind a numerous amount of legal and trade aspect to be able to consolidate their strategy and transfer the life average of the sector, which is estimated in five years.
The digital environment has become the watershed of the exporting sector. It is so big that the companies that still have not made the conversion are been affected by the innovating progress of their rivals. The key to capitalizing an exporting project is a strategy based on technology, but mainly in a concise business plan. According to legal experts of the field, having a specialized consulting in the goal market is essential to carry out processes, logistics, customs duties and features of the products that different international governments require to import or export merchandise. In addition, the correct understanding of the foreign country will contribute to the establishment of the bran in a foreign
environment. Above all, in this aspect, you must consider the lifestyle and regional belonging of the potential users to avoid the feeling of intrusion or displacement of local products like it happened with the Chinese products in the Mexican market. The National Association of Importers and Exporters of Mexico (anierm by its Spanish acronym) strongly recommends that exporting companies keep in mind five aspects in their business plans: budget, technology, measurement of market risks, financing and strategic alliances. On the other hand, promÊxico advice is to consider exportation as a business that requires a long-term commitment since the most important benefits will be reflected in time and with the growth of international sales. In conclusion, having a specialized consulting in the target market, the adequate technologic adaptation and a comprehensive understanding of the consumer’s culture are key points to design a business plan that will result in the consolidation of any exporting company.
p. 13
Industry / Manufacture
Guadalajara: trust for investors and entrepreneurs
“La Perla TapatĂaâ€? has become the hub of technology companies that promote foreign investment in the region that has been named the Mexican Silicon Valley by analysts. This projection has been the result of joint efforts by private companies, public organization, and schools. Currently, Guadalajara establishes as one of the most viable zones for investment and business growth thanks to its excellent performance in safety matters. Guadalajara is the second largest city in the country thanks to its social, cultural and industrial development. The sectors with the biggest growth are electronics, software, food processing, pharmaceutics, and automotive industries among others. According to the consulting firm United Healthcare Global Risk, Guadalajara is in the top 10 of safe places for entrepreneurs in Mexico. Our city is on the same level as cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Madrid, Paris, and Rome, just to mention a few. In a scale of 1 to 5, where the last one represents a high level of insecurity, Guadalajara had the average of the medium level (3) due to the low index of threats related to criminal activities that might affect the business activity in the region.
p. 14
Industry / Manufacture
The threat and criminal levels of Guadalajara are below the average of most cities in Latin America. This means that criminal acts exist but are occasionally detected, without actually representing a constant threat to industries. The firm’s conclusion is that Guadalajara is an excellent place for business consolidation due to the high level that the city has, nonetheless, appropriate precautions should be taken. Moreover, Puerto Vallarta also stands out for its low average on insecurity, being a benchmark of commercial activity in the Mexican Pacific.
p. 15
National Pride
WIPRO Digitalizing Mexico and Latin America
p. 16
igitalization isn’t the future; it is the present. To Wipro, innovation’s goal is to design real solution to specific problems and detect valuable opportunities for their clients’ businesses. The company considers that digitalization is a thing of the past, for this reason Mexico must cope with this conversion and promote changes that lead our country towards the technological progress of industries.
Auge de México Industry and Manufacture
Mexico is in the top three of digitalization countries in Latin America, along with Brazil and Chile. Together, they represent the launching pad in the sector of digitalization, although Brazil has had greater progress. Digitalization in Mexico has clear objectives that will achieve a significant progress for 2020. The country has two great advantages: talent and a market with million opportunities for the digital sector. As a company oriented to technology and innovation, Wipro has three digitalization pillars that sustain each project: Strategy. Even though companies might already have a product or service of great impact to society, without a defined strategy, the won’t be able to reach a relevance in the market. For this reason, it is vital to define the objectives that want to be reached through digitalization.
the strategy in the digital era. These two elements must be closely linked in order to reach the third pillar. Execution. Applied to digital media, the goal of this pillar is to have a correct relationship with users. The last step is the one that will define the success or failure of the company’s digital transition. To Wipro, the digital capacity of a government or company doesn’t lie in its infrastructure, but in its innovation. In the past, technology took approximately 5 years to transform, but now, this period was shortened to just a few months. The goal of the digital solutions that Wipro’s catalog offers is to offer a constant importance to companies, for the correct implementation in the digital ecosystem of the present and future.
Design. In addition to strategy, a personalized design towards the issue will allow a correct implementation of
Wipro Limited
Wipro Limited
Wipro Limited
Transforming towards a Smart Mexico
p. 18
Auge de MĂŠxico Special article
p. 19
The general director of Pounce Consulting has transformed the market of technology with a 100% Mexican disruptive vision that has been the launching pad for projects of smart and sustainable urbanization. In its first year, Pounce only had 2 employees and a capital of $80,000 pesos. By 2016, there were more than 600 employees and a capital that surpassed a 10-digit amount. They are still betting for the Mexican talent with the development of production plants and a new corporate building located in the exclusive zone of Providencia in Guadalajara. During our talk with Roger Viera, we learned about the vision that has positioned him as one of the most influential leaders in the technological ecosystem of the world.
What is your vision in Pounce? Our goal is to design high-technology products with a level of artificial intelligence that has no precedents. Currently, we are at the forefront with highly competitive products in the world through solar energy and urban lighting luminaire projects that allow a comprehensive development of smart cities.
What was the beginning of your urban technological solutions? We covered hundreds of kilometers, visiting diverse municipalities of the country, big and small, with the intention of understanding the problems that cities have in matters of lighting and energy. Currently, we are focused on two lines on the subject of smart cities: street lighting lumina 2 and sunna, and the generation of solar energy. Tell us about the photovoltaic central project. In 2018 we will invest in two solar parks, one of 10MW in Cajeme, Ciudad Obregรณn and another one of 30MV in Ciudad Juarez, with a
p. 20
Auge de México Special article
“Madness is the force that drives us to create
technology to solve social problems. We are called crazy because we want and work for a
better Mexico.”
total investment of 50 mmd, to provide energy to houses using our own meters’ technology. With the global measurement system, connectivity with cfe (Federal Electricity Commission) and the collection system, Pounce is a company with the complete cycle in power generation. We have the capacity to enter directly into the energy market going from savings in the use of sustainable energies to direct consumers in each house. This way, in Pounce we continue to invest in the development of sustainable products in energetic matters at affordable prices and with the best technologies developed by Mexican talent.
What is the most representative project regarding urban solutions? We have a new generation of street lighting. These lamps are designed for smart cities because apart from providing illumination, they are connected online; this means that they communicate with each other and transport information. Together with the technology of Big Data, a network with these lighting can offer solutions on mobility and transportation. Even more, they have the capacity to provide internet to communities. This feature could solve communication problems in villages or towns that are far from the main cities. Since the lamps are autonomous, they don’t need wiring and their maintenance is practically null
because they have features that make them resistant to outdoors. With this product, we are competing directly with the global market, mainly in the Asian market. The difference is that we offer a greater durability with the highest certification in the area. But, the relevant thing is that it is 100% Mexican technology. How does the company include the Mexican talent in these technology solutions? Mexican talent is the core of Pounce. We strongly believe in the skills and performance of Mexicans, for this reason,
p. 21
p. 22
Auge de México Special article
“Mexican talent is the core of Pounce. We strongly believe in the skills and performance of Mexicans.”
we are commited to offering professional opportunities to our people. We are the only company that connects software, hardware, design, manufacture, financing, and logistics in the same place; all of which is developed by Mexican hands and minds. What is your vision regarding Mexico and its global competitiveness? We have everything to be a first world country. As Mexicans, what we need is to don’t give up, design affordable technology and prove that there is talent in us. Cities will change and organically, they will have smart qualities. Mexico will have cities with their own webpage, with alert and panic systems through mobile apps. This concept is coming and can’t stop, won’t be stopped.
p. 23
Opinion Leader
Innovation / Technology / Design
Mario Borghino General Director Borghino Consultores
Innovate or die
talk a lot with entrepreneurs, I have been working in business consulting for over thirty years. But for the past fifteen years, I have worked mainly in what I call “the rescue of business”. Some of my clients tell me: “You look like the doctor of companies”. This is because my clients are business men or women that have problems with sales, few utilities, the market has collapsed or the competition is taking their clients.
p. 26
Opinion Leader
In 2005, new issues arose to business men and women; for the first time, they began to feel that there were more competitors each day, with an infinity of products to meet the same need. The solution was that the market, technology, and financial strategies created a new environment to meet the needs of the consumers; empowering them in the decision of purchase where the product goes to the second position. Companies that live with the phrase: “this business created more utilities before than today”, are the companies that live with ancient business models that don’t really work in the present. Disruptive innovation Creation of values is more important than the product. Disruption is the only alternative that established entrepreneurs and business people have to succeed in a market that has an excessive offer and to create an added value that can make a difference from their rivals. Entrepreneurs know too many about their companies that it is this same knowledge that doesn’t allow them to reinvent their business and confines to a limited and primitive business transaction. To innovate in the market, entrepreneurs must work so their consumers can positively answer the following questions: 1.The product stands out from the others? 2.The purchase of the product creates a unique experience?
Entrepreneurs that add technology to their products or business models will succeed.”
3.Is the brand different than the others? Finally, the entrepreneur should be able to answer the following: what are you not doing, that if you did, you will drive the consumer crazy?
Special coverage thanks to Jalisco Is On. p. 27
Innovation / Technology / Design
z: Fr-ee
How technology in transportation will transform the economy in the centralwestern zone in mexico p. 28
Innovation / Technology / Design
Photograph by: Hyperloop one
Photograph by: Hyperloop one
Photograph by: Fr-ee
Photograph by: Hyperloop one
With a series of great scale benefits, Mexloop will be the first transportation method of its kind in Latin America with an impact in trade, tourism and industry of one of the more profitable areas in terms of economic development. from Mexico City to Guadalajara in only 38 minutes. For decades, humanity has dreamt with futurist transportation systems. More than 100 years since the last significant development in transport, the growth of the global economy requires a faster, cheaper, safer and efficient method for freight and passenger transport. Hyperloop One is the company creator of a new mode of private transportation that consists in the propulsion of capsules through low-pressure tubes. The vehicle will move through magnetic levitation and will gradually accelerate with electric propulsion until it reaches a speed of 1080 km per hour. This year, the company launched Hyperloop One Global Challenged with the goal of bringing together feasible proposals between cities and regions throughout the world. More than 2,600 teams registered to the challenge, and the second stage had 35 of the strongest proposals, to end with 10 finalists. Architect Fernando Romero, who worked in the design of the new International Airport of Mexico City, is the responsible of Mexloop, the
only selected project of Latin America, which joins the winning teams from the United States, United Kingdom, India, and Canada. According to the words of Romero, founder of the global architecture and industrial design firm fr-ee, this is the moment of Mexico. This kind of projects will spark off opportunities for the cultural, commercial and quality progress of national infrastructure. The planned route will connect Guadalajara with Mexico City through QuerĂŠtaro-LeĂłn. This multi-region expects a growth of 60 million people for 2050. The project will have a positive alteration to the economy of the area by generating an exchange of talent and wealth in the connected cities, where citizens will be able to find jobs in any of these cities without a significant change in their lifestyles. On the other hand, business owners will be able to make business without being limited by distance, but, mainly, the different levels of government will be able to connect the region and keep developing coordinated infrastructure plans for the benefit of the Mexican economy. The only thing left right now is to keep waiting for the American company to perfect this technology. It is estimated that operations will begin by the year 2021. Regarding Mexloop, the next step is to make a feasibility study, a business model, technical solutions and a certification process.
p. 29
National Pride
Moetti The strength of cutting-edge design
p. 30
ne year away from their 30th anniversary, Moetti is a benchmark of the design and fabrication of trendy office furniture. Under the leadership of Paty Roca, the company has reached an exponential growth from commercialization to production.
Auge de México Innovation, Technology and Design
The company’s history goes back to 1988, since then, its business plan has been transforming to adjust to market needs, always being in the cutting-edge and distinguishing from the rivals thanks to its unique design concept. Office furniture, in spite of being cataloged as a commodity, is part of professional life since the labor force spends more than 8 hours in the office. Therefore, the design of these must go beyond aspects like ergonomics or commodity of the chair or the functionality of the desk, and positively transform the environment to allow the development and productivity of the Mexican entrepreneurs. Furniture transforms what the company wishes to show, therefore, they are an extension of the executive image that the company can use for its benefit or position in the market or sector. Moetti’s attention to details transmits quality, durability, service, and competitiveness in each of their designs, which are 100% Mexican, a feature that places them on the same level than foreign brands. To continue on the forefront and to adapt to the new generation trends, Moetti has developed design lines addressed to connectivity, collaboration and flexibility, which combines the product’s ergonomics to the necessary digital technologies in the executive ecosystem. Overall, this means that they can be easily adapted to the needs of the executive, and his or her technologic tools. This is equally applied to the education and manufacture atmospheres; sectors that Moetti has approached to and that recognized as business lines with great influence for the brand, and for the environment of industrial design on office furniture.
01 800 849 1069
Opinion Leader
Infrastructure / Development
Porter Erisman Former vice-president and co-founder of Alibaba Guru of global e-commerce
The world of Alibaba
A p. 34
libaba, where will the next Facebook, Amazon, or Google come from? I strongly believe that it can come from any city, including Guadalajara. In my own experience, I saw an English teacher create a global company without having any experience in the sector.
Opinion Leader
Jack Ma, creator and executive president of Alibaba created an empire of e-commerce without having economic resources, nor business or governmental connections, but he had passion and an idea. To understand the process of innovation of e-commerce, we must take notes of what is really happening in China. In my last visit, I wanted to buy a cup of coffee and I realized that they didn’t take cash, only electronic systems through smartphones (Alibaba, being one of those). Moreover, during Singles Day (China’s equivalent day to Black Friday or Cyber Monday), the Chinese company sold 1,510 million dollars in the first three minutes and a cumulative of 25 billion dollars during the 24 hours of the event. This trend will soon arrive in Mexico and it depends on entrepreneurs to take advantage of the market to achieve a significant progress in the economy. China’s challenge was the same that the one Mexico is facing now; the lack of infrastructure. In the company’s beginning, Jack Ma gathered the investors and convinced them to work together with this problem, which will later become a profitable business with e-commerce. Its main premise was: “We can see American companies and learn from them, but it is never good to copy them. The best thing to do is ignore them and focus on our clients.” The same thing happens with Mexico. It is very attractive to see the neighbor country and take its business models and apply them in national sectors. But the goal must always be to look at your own consumer and create something that really fits with the national market and culture.
It is very attractive to see the neighbor country and take its business models and apply them in the national sectors. But the goal must always be to see your own consumer and create something that really fits with the national market and culture.”
Special coverage thanks to Jalisco Is On. p. 35
Infrastructure / Development
p. 36
Infrastructure / Development
Numbers are really encouraging. It is estimated that an investment made in 2010 of $10,000 dollars would have a current value of 36 million dollars, and a bitcoin investment in the first trimester of the year would have doubled the amount in just 80 days. However, everything that goes up, must come down.
According to BitLicense, cryptocurrency is any kind of digital asset, created or obtained through mathematical calculation with an internet-based system used as a medium of exchange or a form of digitally stored value.
When the user acquires a crypto coin, the possession is certified and it can be deposited in a digital account.
One of the main financial and cultural changes of this currency is that it is decentralized, this means that there isn’t a regulatory body in between (i.e. banking institutions).
Even though it might seem like everything is under control, let’s not forget the fact that this kind of transactions are not completely regulated, and although countries like The United States, Spain and Japan are already using digital coins, there is still a long way to go to massively introduce them in the global market.
Counterfeit or fraud is almost null due to the high codification level derived from computational problems made by “miners” who solve and create these codes.
On the other hand, cryptocurrency has been highly volatile. In a brief analysis, bitcoin (the most popular currency in the sector) has gone from $31 USD to $2 USD, then $1,200 until reaching $4,000.
Currently, this encryption method has a computational power greater than the 500 most powerful supercomputers combined. To hack it, a similar power is needed but it would be very expensive and wouldn’t be worth the risk.
In conclusion, the main strength (and risk, ironically) of cryptocurrency is the independence and transparency that it represents, since the grant a tool to business people to decentralized from financial institutions and endorse their ideas with their own currency.
The transaction register is called “blockchain”, and it can be accessed through a consulting network that avoids using the same coin twice.
p. 37
Infrastructure / Development
With a wide and concise career, during her management as the maximum leader of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (ampi by its Spanish acronym), Rosa Celina Ruiz Velasco Franco directed each of her efforts to constitute a strong and influent association in constant growth under fourth specific pillars:
Rosa Celina Ruiz Velasco Franco President ampi Guadalajara 2016-2017 Vice-president National ampi on Legal Matters
p. 38
Infrastructure / Development
administration of 2016-2017, relationships with allies and agreements were made to strengthen the sector in cooperation with the main universities of the region and with institutions such as National Asociation of Company Lawyers (anade) and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (by their Spanish acronym).
premium restoration of the website, the company achieved a positive progress in image, functionality, but mainly, in the trade of goods by digital medium. In addition of compiling relevant content of the medium and direct linking with public authorities and proceedings of the sector, which guarantees the legal processes.
correct strategy based in transparency and linkage gave, as a result, a significant growth in the number of new members. The reliable accounting of resources and its free access to the parts involved gained the trust in the new members. The 2016 xxv Annual Property Forum had 740 attendees, while this year’s edition surpassed the expectations by gathering 1200 attendees.
These relationships were made with the purpose of having a direct access to information and providing real estate professionals with tools for the correct commercialization of their properties. Last but not least, the city halls of Guadalajara’s Metropolitan Area were also part of this.
“We are experiencing changes in urban infrastructure in Guadalajara’s Metropolitan Area. The partial plans of our city indicate us that we will work on new market niches, therefore, we, as experts in the property market, must be prepared to guide our clients on the potential of their property. It is important to be advised by the specialists, the real estate professionals. We all want a good life quality and betting to achieve it is the big challenge of every citizen.”
All these actions were made for a common goal, have an effective urban development of the city and contribute actively a better life quality. Currently, Rosa Celina performs as National Counselor in Legal Matters in AMPI in the country. With a career of 37 years in Guadalajara and 60 years in national level, ampi reaffirms its commitment and mission of training and upgrading the real estate professional within an ethics code and always following institutional statutes.
With diverse courses from introduction, intermedium and advanced levels, this area became a pillar for the growth of professionalization of the sector. The impart and academic disclosure was also present through specialized courses in property law, marketing, digital media and social network, and interior design, among others. The current offices of ampi Guadalajara are equipped with cutting-edge technology for the development of academic, business and networking activities that benefit members and business partners.
p. 39
National Pride
Grupo Paradiso Real estate legacy
aty Chávez, continuing with the legacy of her father, Roberto Chávez Gracían, has the main leadership of a group that has characterized by its permanence, consolidation and continuous innovation in the real estate sector.
Along with a great team, Patricia Roxanna Chávez Gracián has accomplished throughout her professional career a significant amount of awards for her great real estate projects, which have established Grupo Paradiso as a benchmark in the sector.
p. 40
Auge de MĂŠxico Infrastructure and Development
The group’s structured vision distinguishes by its flexibility and dynamism by adapting to the needs of the market and offering quality edifications.
made, the group transforms the space that covers all the needs of their clients, but mainly, they improve the image and urban aspect of that environment.
embellishment and trendiness of one of the main areas of Guadalajara, which has one of the most representative malls of Latin America; Plaza del Sol.
Each project has ethical and legal features that transform an idea into a practical reality for the citizen. Through the analysis of the urban environment, and depending on the best development that can be
One of their most recent projects is Torre Meya, located in one of the most popular areas of the city. The goal of this project is to promote the executive commercial growth of the area and contribute to the
Grupo Paradiso, as a leader company in Jalisco, offers a variety of services that in addition to commercialization, also works with renovations, maintenance, rehabilitation and property rentals.
(+52) (33) 3826 1922
National Pride
TecnoTanques Promoting Mexican industries
T p. 42
he combination of technology with a material of first quality gave TecnoTanques a disruptive entrance to the market, establishing in the mind of consumers and standing out by its optimal and efficient business plan.
Auge de MĂŠxico Infrastructure and Development
Polyethylene Tanks
100% VIRGIN HIGH DENSITY Density up to 1.90kg/dm3 in its reinforced version
TecnoTanques is a proud Mexican company that incorporates quality products and services by offering storage solutions for liquids through a diversity of industrial tanks with cutting-edge features that allow their use with water, alcohol, fertilizers, phosphoric acids, molasses, and chloride, among other substances. The business plan of the company has two main features: innovation in service and the quality of the product. The use of digital marketing in customer service granted it a wide acceptance and positive answer from their clients. The company distinguishes from the rivals thanks to the promptness of the company’s product supply and the total deliver coverage in the country.
On the other hand, the quality of its product leads the company to super levels of competitiveness. Its tanks have higher capacity and resistance, they are made of virgin high-density polyethylene, with a reinforcement to support dense and corrosive substances. Its universal design makes the transportation, load, and unload of the liquids easier. Up to 60% savings in costs and deliveries are 4% faster in comparison to other materials. TecnoTanques is versatility in storage solutions since they have variety regarding capacity and types of tanks, such as vertical and horizontal tanks and cisterns to bury that go from 5,000 to 40,000 liters of specialized storage.
Tecnotanques Tanques Industriales
To continue the innovation in the sector, TecnoTanques is working on a project of the Internet of Things (IoT) to offer digital solutions through a filling measurement system for each tank through digital monitoring with smartphones. TecnoTanques is a company with greatscale projects that is actively looking to foster growth opportunities for the Mexican economy through its influence in the food, chemical, agroindustry, mining, construction, sanitation and water purification industries.
01800 6815700 33 1706 3046
Opinion Leader
Services / Trade
Juana Ramírez Founder and General Director of Sohin
Passion for life
To change the world, my friend Sancho, is not madness nor utopia. It’s justice.” The true reality and passion for life are wanting to transform the world. How do we begin to change it? First, we must want it and think that it can be achieved.
There are two ways to do it: the first is education. It is the most powerful weapon to make the world a better place. Therefore, companies are the perfect arsenal, since, in addition to being productive, they actively participate in the economic development and creation of jobs.
p. 46
Opinion Leader
When business leaders assume their social responsibility, they begin to see training as an improvement to the environment because it is a tool to have a greater production and helps to develop better citizens, parents, children, and partners. In this context, I decided to create Sohin, a company with nearly 9 years in Mexico, committed to accompany and transform the assistance model of patients with catastrophic chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and chronical kidney failure, among other diseases that affect not only the person that has it, but also their families, their economy and the public and private health systems. Sohin believes in Mexico, in the willingness to demonstrate what we are made of. Each Mexican must practice three fundaments to accomplish a positive transformation in their surroundings and in the country: education. I must emphasize that we must understand that we don’t know everything and that we must seek for a way to satisfy the need of trying to understand that there might be better ways of doing what we are doing, to go into new subjects, and increase productivity. The second fundament is a direct follow-up of the first one, productivity. To reach this, we must answer the following questions at the end of the day: did I have a productive day? Did I do what I expected? You have to plan the next day depending on your answers and make a plan. The last one is very clear, concise and defiant: zero tolerance for corruption. Mexico showed me that dreams are possible to reach. Mexico is a prosperous and beautiful country, filled with opportunities to undertake. My advice for you is to get out and visit a hospital, analyze transportation or the education system and visualize and know your possible market; this way, ideas will come for you to develop them.
When business leaders assume their social responsibility, they begin to see the training as an improvement to the environment.�
Special coverage thanks to Talent Woman. p. 47
Services / Trade
Within the country’s economic boom of the last few years, entrepreneurs have had a leading role in the rising movement of ideas and innovation. Nonetheless, there is another force, not so trendy, that undertakes under the endorsement of established companies: the intrapreneurs.
p. 48
Services / Trade
he intrapreneur is the combination of employee and entrepreneur. It is a person that seeks change and constant innovation, a person that identifies growth opportunities and decide to act to fulfill that reality. The main difference from entrepreneurs is that they make their new strategy with the blessing of the company they work for. This is not a new concept, in fact, it is linked to the creation of Post-it in the 70’s, with Art Fry, a former employee of the company 3AM. However, what is the advantage for the company and for the internal entrepreneur? Companies might have blockages and stop innovating, and sometimes employees detect the opportunity areas that the main directors find hard to detect for different reasons, mainly for the lack of communication or hierarchical approach. By having a system for the transmission of innovating ideas, managers can value them and make decisions to improve them. This way, together they can create a new product, approach market niches or optimize products. The main asset to intrapreneurs lies in two slopes: undertaking a new project directed by him or her (which promotes his or her personal growth and leadership) without taking external risks, such as investment, starting from nothing, among others. The other slope is for his or her personal career. By developing new projects, the person acquires experience that is hard to reach by following his or her own path as an employee. Moreover, if the idea is powerful and helps the company to consolidate itself, the person usually gets a promotion or might even be part of the actions of the company. Intrapeneurs definitely represent a new economic force that distributes in a win-win, both for the business leaders and for the internal entrepreneur.
p. 49
National Pride
AP&ALZATI A commercial ally facing over-regulation and high business tax charge
ne of the features of the Mexican business environment is the over-regulation and high tax charge that cause “an invisible and impossible barrier” for small and medium companies to start a considerable growth.
It is estimated that pyme’s are the cause of more than 90% of economic unities and job creation. Unlike big companies and transnationals, they don’t have a specialized department on the current legal and fiscal over-regulation due to the nature of their size.
p. 50
Auge de MĂŠxico Services and Trade
The federal government has a list of 2,800 proceedings with 127 regulations and more than 298 dispositions, in addition to the state and municipal requirements. In Foro idc, the following was questioned: does the legal over-regulation grants certainty or does it inhibits commercial mobility? It is vital for the Mexican entrepreneur, regardless of the company’s size, to have specialized allies in legal, fiscal and labor matters. Professionals in the area that are in
constantly updating in order to guarantee the enforcement of commercial obligations, but also to design legal strategies to lighten the tax burden that is currently regulated in the country. ap&alzati has experts in every area
that involves growth and protection of the business heritage of Mexico. The professionals that work in the firm have over 5 years of experience in public service and executive positions in The Secretariat
of Finance and Public Credit and in the Tax Administration Service (shcp and sat by their Spanish acronyms). ap&alzati knows every alternative that tax
dispositions offer, moreover the team is in constant training to choose the best option that adapts to each of their clients through effective strategies and actions.
(+52) (33) 3611 1261 (+52) (33) 3611 1262
National Pride
lii annual assembly of the members of american chamber mexico guadalajara chapter
Each year, amcham recognizes the work made by entrepreneur leaders that address their efforts to strengthen the business relationship of Mexico-United States. In this edition, Francisco Wilson Loaiza was named the new President of the Board, by the current president, the engineer Fernando NiĂąo de GuzmĂĄn.
p. 52
Auge de México Services and Trade
During the LII Annual Assembly of Members, American Chamber granted the award to the Distinguished Members of the year in the following categories: - American Company: Ingredion - Mexican Company: Laboratorios Sophia - Service Company: Lainco “Adolf Horn” Award to Innovation: IOS OFFICES - Sustainable Company (Large): jabil - Sustainable Company (pyme): Soporte Industrial
The attendees to the gala were members of the industry, partners of American Chamber and representatives of the American Consulate in Guadalajara. The current president mentioned that enterprises along with the government have been working on subjects in pro of competitiveness and construction of a business environment that creates the best community to face challenges and take advantage of opportunities. This year, the renewal of the North American Free Trade Agreement (nafta) had a constant relevance. Niño de Guzmán emphasized that the relationship with the United States goes beyond political junctures since there is a commercial exchange equivalent to 1,450 mmd each day, with a border of 2000 km and 6 million American jobs that depend on the trade with Mexico. moreover, nearly 80% of the national exportations go directly to our northern neighbor. With this reality, amcham works to accomplish a revision of the nafta that promotes and increases competitiveness in the region with proposals on strategic matters like international cooperation, energy, commercial facilitation, transparency, intellectual property, financial inclusion, tourism, and security, as well as environmental and labor, in addition to rules of origin. In his speech, Fernando Niño de Guzmán concluded that the commercial relationship Mexico-United States is built in a concept of society: “We don’t just make business with each other, we make business with the rest of the world.”
Amcham GDL
(+52) (33) 3634 6606
Opinion Leader
Education / Culture
Mauricio De Font-Réaulx Director of Centro Cultural Universitario
Inspiration for a change in the west of Mexico: Conjunto de Artes Escénicas
entro Cultural Universitario of the University of Guadalajara is now in its 5th stage, with the opening of Conjunto de Artes Escénicas (CAE by its Spanish acronym). A space that triggers your curiosity and that inspires culture, an inclusive place that improves the quality of life in a stimulating urban district. Our vision is to build up a sense of community, identity, belonging and pride. We are a mix of emotions, fun, art, learning, recreation, nature and information: a synergy between arts and the economy of ideas.
p. 54
Opinion Leader
The excitement arrived in 2007 with the opening of Auditorio Telmex, then in 2010 Plaza del Bicentenario y Ágora Jenkins began its operations; in 2012 the memories of Jalisco were placed in the Public Library of the state of Jalisco Juan José Arreola; since 2016, applied sciences have its own place in Centro de Instrumentación Transdiciplinaria y de Servicios. Finally, the protagonist Conjunto de Artes Escénicas, came to life this year, on October 21, 2017; being part of the 5 iconic edifications in Mexico. Moreover, the Museum of Environmental Sciences is currently in the last stage of its edification with a progress of 60%, the 6 stage of this development. It will count with the collaboration of the community in the Hall of Contemporary art in the stage 7, where trade, housing, hotels, and offices will be incorporated to give this Cultural District a permanent life. The building of 52,000 square meters is consolidated with this complex; a place with the best acoustics and lighting in the world, similar to the Lincoln Center in New York, the Kennedy Center in Washington and the National Theatre in London.
cae has five theatre stages: Plácido Domingo hall for opera and dance, with a capacity of 1800 spectators; Sala 2 for 900 people, focused on theater and music concerts; Sala 3 for 400 people; and Sala 4 for 220 spectators. The last ones are for experimental theater, new lines of dramaturgy and exploration of contemporary trends. Finally, a Café-Concert for 160 dinners, in addition to the rehearsal halls. cae also has a movie theater with 5 halls, with a premier hall with a capacity of 383 people, three halls for 154 users and another one for 88 attendees.
A catalyst of ideas, a place for recreation and a platform of exchange, Centro Cultural Universitario is the place for you...
p. 55
Education / Culture
The art of getting an entire continent to read
FIL 2017 The International Book Fair in Guadalajara is the biggest and most important publishing gathering of the Spanish-speaking editorials in the world. In its last edition, Madrid printed a particular aspect by the presence of writers, pavilion and its cultural fest, which renews every aspect ever lived in the Fair.
p. 56
Education / Culture
The presence that stood out was Emmanuel Carrère, FIL Literature Award in Romance Languages, Paul Auster; Alberto Manguel, who won Premio Fomentor de las Letras; Muriel Barbery; Iranian writer Azar Nafisi; Fernando del Paso; Elena Poniatowska and Sergio Ramírez, among others.
Photograph: ©Foto/Natalia Fregoso.
FIL was founded 31 years ago by the University of Guadalajara. It distinguishes for the reading activities that take place in Expo Guadalajara, but it also fills the city with music, arts, cinema, and theater of the country or region of the Guest of Honor.
Photograph: ©FIL /Gonzalo Garcia
FIL has become the quintessential place of the Spanish speaking readers, in addition to being a solid benchmark in the international exchange by naming each year a region or country as Guest of Honor. By the time the magazine was printed, numbers were still not determined, but it is estimated that attendees surpass the amount of 800,000, more than 2,000 editorial houses and the participation of over 50 countries. Although the Fair’s objective is a quantitative growth, but rather a qualitative one, the last edition had representatives from 41 different languages. Madrid stood out with a pavilion designed by the renowned Spaniard Alberto Campo Baeza.
Photograph: ©FIL/Nabil Quintero
Photograph: ©FIL/Nabil Quintero
p. 57
Education / Culture
Irene García unexpected, realistic, greatness and freedom
p. 58
The artist’s most sacred possession is her talent. With paintings dedicated to her own gender, Irene García tells us the vision of her next collections and future plans.
Education / Culture
Why did you choose to pursue art? Art is in my heart and
soul. It wasn’t a decision that I had to take in a certain time of my life, on the contrary, it is something that lies in me, I only practiced it.
If you can be honest to us, we would like to know what
you feel when you paint, and mainly, how do handle feelings to be able to capture them in your work.
When I paint, I go into a parallel world, an alternate reality. I am very analytical of what I feel and of situations in general. I make a symbiosis between my emotions and feeling in order to capture them in the
Photographs by: Francisco F Anaya C
canvas. My goal to reach transcendence is to have an influence in the awakening of women and strengthen their awareness.
How did you come to the concept of painting women? Empathy for my gender
takes me to projecting a message in the canvas, by painting women I am reveling experiences and emotions that I lived directly and indirectly. These are situations that are important and necessary to transmit to society.
What drives you to paint them? Motivation comes from the
intention of giving a message to women, so
they can discover their potential and develop their inner greatness. Although some of my paintings reflect fullness and liberation, some others talk about the intermediate process to reach it: veils or blindfolded faces to represent the women that has not yet discovered herself.
Are you the woman in the paintings? It is me because my
essence stays there because I recognize and want to be the woman that I am. My intention is not to make a self-portrait, however in a poetic way, you could say that they are selfportraits since I am trying to be objective in order to recognize all those processes that I have gone through in a neutral way, to take them and transmit them to other women, with
the only intention of influencing in the growth and self-acknowledge of themselves.
Have you ever tried to paint men? Of course. I admire the human
figure, regardless of the gender. In the future, I plan to begin a collection of paintings with men, reflecting their role in the current society.
Tell us about your future plans. I will love to improve the technique and have a hyperrealistic collection of the male and female form, with the only intention of triggering a dialogue about the balance of both genders, involving in a noticeable way the knowledge of Jalisco.
p. 59
Education / Culture
J acob Flores T ’
he need of expressing what can t be said with words Against every odd, the artist from Jalisco always knew that art was his path. With a long career, Jaco Flores talked to us about his passion, influences, and paintings.
Where did your passion for art come from? It began/started when I was a little boy, even though my dad wasn’t a painter, one time he painted a mural in our house. I was fascinated by the way he mixed the colors. It was a strange feeling that I still have every time I paint. Who are your biggest influences? Whether it is for their paintworks or stages in which they lived, I admire Joaquín Sorolla, Vermeer, Rembrandt and, Vincent Van Gogh, among others. How do you define success? From my point of view, success is the balance between every single thing. Being able to do what you love the most and afford a life with it. What would you change in the Mexican minds so the people can be more sensitive towards art and culture? I will start by transforming schools so children can have more culture and art programs. What is your opinion on your first piece of art? Even though it lacks technical matters, it fills me with a feeling of nostalgia. Tell us about the project that you can’t wait to realize? I have different projects. I know it is only a matter of time for me to make them, but the one that makes me feel unsettle Is a painting and sculpture exhibition in great formats. What was the situation or opportunity that led you to be a professional artist? The need to express what I can’t say with words. What is the message that you share in each piece? Being able to reflect and create awareness in our surrounding. How would you describe your art? Eclectic. p. 60
Education / Culture
Education / Culture
The B-side of Checa Mexican plastic artist
“I try to live without worries. Without doing things by force but doing them because I want to.” “Success is being happy with what you have.” “Mexico is a country with many potentials but with a little hope in itself.” “Mexico is a possibility.” “I am looking forward to exhibiting my paintings in Europe, specifically in London because I lived there for 6 months. It was an experience that changed my perspective on life.” “I would love to see and travel the world along with my wife for a long time.” “The ease of the traces of Francis Bacon and Lucian Freud inspire me.” “My art is relevant to Mexicans because I am looking to create awareness.” “My passion for art comes from my innate need to scratch on things.” “The best decision I’ve ever made in life is marrying with María Méndez.” “My greatest fear is to stop painting.” p. 62
Education / Culture
SIMÓN CRUZ THE MAN BEHIND THE ARTIST One of the rising and most renowned plastic artists in the Mexican cultural atmosphere shared his vision, connected to his essence as the man behind the painting, the human being that, in addition of art, collects shoes and unique experiences in daily life.
How does Simón Cruz define himself? I am creative, a person that is always exploring and working with different kinds of manifestations. A lover of life, landscapes, and women. Simón Cruz is an experience. What is creativity? Transform emotions. Build and build again through life experiences. What does being happy means to you? You can feel full within the chaos. It all depends on your attitude and mind.
What is your greatest achievement in life? Being able to do what I do and see my reflection through art and culture. What is your worst mistake? There are no mistakes, only life learnings. What has been your biggest challenge? Working with myself every day. It is a hard experience but it has allowed me to be more authentic; more human. Do you admire someone as an artist? My admiration goes directly towards the contemplation of art.
What does success mean to you? Being alive What inspires you? Love. Every day I live fully in love. What are the first and last art pieces that you acquired? The first one was many years ago, a photograph of Gabriel de Alba, and I pay it in installments. The last one was a piece of José Fors. “I am thankful for being Mexican, filled with ideologies and freedom.”
p. 63
National Pride
Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán A story worth telling
We can’t talk about the Mexican culture without speaking about the legacy of tequila, the warmth of its people and the vast traditions, but mainly, we can’t talk about Mexico without talking about Mariachi. With M for Mexico, Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán is a synonym of talent, commitment, and vocation, qualities that have led them to conquer each corner of the country and exporting their music to other countries.
p. 64
Auge de México Education and Culture
Over 50 years after its foundation in 1965 by José “Pepe” Martínez and his brother Fernando Martínez, Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán is one of the favorites of the national and international audiences. Throughout their career, they have participated in countless events and places, among which the following stand out: - Viña del Mar Festival in Chile - Guelaguetza Festival in Oaxaca - Concerts with Filarmonic Orchestras in several cities of Mexico and other countries - Mariachi festivals in Chicago, New York, Miami, Texas, Hollywood Bowl, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. - Performances in Ecuador, Guatemala, Chile, Korea, China, Germany, Spain, and The United States, among others. - Play along with artists like Vicente Fernández, Filippa Giordano, Alejandro Sanz, Lila Downs, and Ely Guerra, among others. Over time, Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán has sought for quality by interpreting Mexican and international music with respect and passion, taking their music to different places, showing the world the diversity of traditions and culture of Mexico. Thanks to their sensitive preparation and continuous commitment, the legacy created by Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán, they have earned the recognition and admiration of the audience, granting them the honor of being “The Best Mariachi of Jalisco.”
Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán
+52 (33) 3644 7912
National Pride
Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlรกn Maintaining the tradition through Mexican women A proposal to represent traditions and culture through Mexican women arises to continue with the legacy. Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlรกn was born on May 1, 2006, in Guadalajara, promptly managing to position within the taste a preference of the audience.
p. 66
Auge de México Education and Culture
The beauty and talent of Mexican women stand out in a cheerful and proudly way by transmitting traditions and customs of Mexico, spreading them through the music. The son, the official representative of mariachi, has become the core part of their musical repertoire by describing and telling histories about our people. With their talent and passion, the members are committed to the diffusion and preservation of this music style within the traditional Mexican music. Throughout their career, they have had the honor of sharing the stage with Joan Sebastian, Vicente Fernández, Dina Buendía, and Azucena la de Jalisco, among others. They have also made a crossover with contemporary genres by playing along with Río Roma, J. Balvin, Playa Limbo, Troker, and many more. “Lo bonito de Jalisco” and “Ay mi Jalisco” are original songs that represent their love for the ground, that, along with the son, saw them grow. To them, each performance is an opportunity to pay tribute to every woman that proudly represent the strength and warmth of our country.
Mariachi Femenil Nuevo Tecalitlán
+52 (33) 3644 7912
Opinion Leader
Tourism / Gastronomy
Miguel Monroy DĂaz General Director Santo Coyote
A new coyote in town
S p. 68
anto Coyote successfully opened its new venue in Guadalajara’s west, in Real center, with an estimated investment of 2 million USD, 250 direct employees, 3 km of sound and network wiring, 1500 light bulbs and 1500 candles.
Opinion Leader
The dinners excitement was immediate, and we instantly noticed the people’s reaction towards the style of Santo Coyote, a unique combination of culinary and plastic art. Every space of this new installation has an intervention of Mexican artists who, with their pictorial techniques, captured the traditions, roots, and origins of the legend of Santo Coyote, in addition of the culinary artists that day after day delight our palates with their creations and dishes. The inauguration and operation of one of the most representative restaurants of Guadalajara is the perfect opportunity to offer a unique experience to each guest. Our influence spreads beyond this, since it is a business model that strengthen the tourist and gastronomic sectors of the region and joins efforts to achieve an economic development that is product of capitalization, job creation and successful business bonding that result in the growth of an area that has registered an exponential growth in the last three years. Santo Coyote Real Center gathers the best of the vision and legacy of my father, Gerardo Monroy Solórzano, as well as the innovation and ideas of his children. The opening of this new venue is only in its first stage, with a capacity of 400 people. But everything is ready for the next 2 stages, which will have a result of three levels, equipped with the best technology in gastronomic matters; the ground floor with the restaurant’s signature garden, a terrace for social events and a basement area that will bring back Santo Cachorro. Overall, in Santo Coyote Real Center, we are hoping to cover a demand of 1200 diners for 2018 through the excellent service that distinguishes us, and of course, our presence through galleries, forums, events, and exhibitions in Jalisco.
Santo Coyote Real Center gathers the best of the vision and legacy of its founder, Gerardo Monroy Solórzano, as well as the innovation and ideas of his children.”
p. 69
Turismo Tourism // GastronomĂa Gastronomy
Mexico: smart tourist destination
In the theme table of the Summit of forefront Global Tourism, several subjects were discussed, emphasizing the innovation towards smart destinations in Mexico. The goal is that in the near future, technology can rule every aspect of the industries.
p. 70
Tourism / Gastronomy
In the last few years, all throughout the world, tourism has a position as one of the most dynamic sectors because of its capacity of attracting investors, creating job and stimulating the economic development of nations. In Mexico, according to data from INEGI, during the first trimester of 2017, the Quarterly Indicator of Tourism Gross Domestic Product (ITPIBT by its Spanish acronym) grew 3.3% regarding last year’s same period; this means that the sector is growing in bigger rates than the rest of the economy. This sector represents 8.7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as well as 77.2% of exportation of services according to data from the Ministry of Tourism, by the second quarter of 2017, the working population in the sector reached the number of 4,030,762 jobs, an historic number in the series 2006-2017, which represents 8.5% of employment. Meanwhile, regarding the growth of tourism activity in the world, there is great progress in technologic innovation and qualitative changes in consumer preferences, including tourists. These transformations open the door to new opportunities but also poses serious risks for the sector. Towards the year 2040, it is expected that the tourist activity will significantly change as we currently know it thanks to the appearance of new technologies, social network, and forms of communication. In this context, innovation in the management of tourist destination through the incorporation of new technologies for the sustainability and rivalry will be the crucial factor for tourist development in the future.
Information: SecretarĂa de Turismo (sectur) p. 71
Opinion Leader
Health / Lifestyle
Rebecca de Alba Reporter and television host
A life with purpose
had the opportunity to live without too many hurries, to grow with people that taught me value beyond my family. The changes in my life have shaken me. Through the years I have learned that observing is one of the rewarding things in life, not only looking but deeply watching.
p. 74
Opinion Leader
Intuition always takes you to unsuspicious places. Intuition doesn’t make mistakes; the analysis of thing takes you to an analytical situation of reality. Thanks to it, I have rejected many “opportunities” and offers that might have given me good economic resources, connections or would have made my life easier, but they had no values. Through the decades, I believe that I am still the same girl that like to observe, learn and embark on adventures, but now, I do it more freely, thinking on the consequences of whatever I decide or do. Words are really powerful and have too many influences. As human beings, from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, we never stop talking. Word destroys or builds. For this reason, we must think about our words. This is directly related to values. To me, the most important values are the following: respect, not judging, sharing, helping, and supporting others, anything that might improve their situation. Throughout my life, I have learned to be a person that always brings support to others. We can always practice generosity. This is why I decided to establish Fundación Rebecca de Alba for people with cancer, which has recently celebrated its first 10 years. The foundation began supporting children with cancer, and then young people, and women with different types of cancer, and now, we are also helping elderly people. We never say no to a patient, no matter their diagnosis, age or social status. When you say “one more day”, you should really think on “a day less”. This is not negative thought, but a reality. This way, we can live more in the present than what we are currently experiencing. For the next 31 days, you should do something that you really like to do and that is within your reach. You will find out that there is a rewarding transformation that will help you grow.
Intuition always takes you to unsuspicious places. Intuition doesn’t make mistakes; the analysis of thing takes you to an analytical situation of reality.”
Special coverage thanks to Talent Woman p. 75
Health / Lifestyle
COACHING AS AN ALTERNATIVE OF CHANGE Coaching can transform the “business culture” from the administration areas to the board or the head direction. Business coaching has become a strategic need to companies committed to producing unprecedented results. “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein. To solve it, one must step out of the frame in order to see things from a new perspective
p. 76
Health / Lifestyle
Ma. Teresa Gómez Maldonado International Certification in Coaching with pnl (Neuro-linguistic programming) Trainee and Masters in Neuro-linguistic Programming Certified course in Focus by d.e.i. Desarrollo estratégico Integral & Quantum Leap, Inc. (John Grinder co-creator of pnl)
The coach is just an enabler that participates as a bridge that allows the entrepreneur to reach his or her goals with the help of the inner strengths through the definition of a path to follow with concrete and reachable actions. The vast majority of people want to make changes in the others without knowing that they have to start with themselves. When the individual is aware of this, he or she can work on the impoverishing beliefs (fear of leaving the comfort zone, lack of balance between personal and professional life). In other words, the person will be able to make changes with the goal of developing the potential in a methodical, structural and efficient way.
The coaching process is a discipline with tools and techniques for a constant improvement and the achievement of goals focused on the human team of a company or organization. It is a direct action on the people that are the true authors, responsible of business rivalry. In the present, there are more and more companies that add to the creation a culture of change, being aware that working with human resources is the key to have motivated team works that are emotionally controlled and that have leadership skills.
As Goethe said: “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.’ “A learning organization is an organization that is continually expanding its capacity to create its future.” Peter Senge
The entire work of coaching is done with extreme confidentiality and professionalism. p. 77
Health / Lifestyle
On November 8, the humanist RenĂŠ Mey visited Guadalajara once more to share his message of peace and to offer personalized assistance through a meditation workshop.
p. 78
Health / Lifestyle
To Mey, the need of peace in humanity is a preponderant issue in each person. This means that peace is not only necessary in wars among armies and governments, but peace irradiates personally and individually. In his conference, the message of peace was very clear: people must reach a balance between the different parts of daily life, in spiritual, physical, mental and emotional aspects. When there is a breakup in one of them, the others immediately start to fail. Each person must fulfill their life mission and help the others. Love is an intrinsic part of peace and it is also a synonym of a spiritual maturity. This feature of the human being, feeling, giving a receiving love, has as a result, a spiral of positive energy that results in health and peace and to live in a continuous state of internal peace. In his workshop, René Mey shared meditation techniques to reach the “internal me” and reach a state of full knowledge about oneself, which is key in the development and flow of emotions that we need to get off our system. This won’t be the last time that the French humanist visits our city since, in addition of his philanthropic work, René Mey’s team is also working on the second movie, which will transmit his philosophy and vision of life to more people in the world.
p. 79
National Pride
Best Ground: Health, legislation, and alternatives
p. 82
est Ground has always been proud of developing healthy products for the global food industry. In each of their specialized products, you can see the commitment of the entire team. Moreover, their philosophy of being the best on the planet is clear by having certifications in fair trade.
Auge de MĂŠxico Health and Lifestyle
The last few years, the food industry has worked along with a legislation of taxes on sweetened beverages and food, which has had a strong impact on the market and its behavior. The reduction of sugar stopped being a trend to become a rule. The legislation started as a means to stop the increase of diabetes and obesity in the population, and due to the change of perspective of people to have a healthier life, little by little, it transformed into preventive health laws. Best Ground knows the challenges of the industry, this is why they are looking to create sustainable products that are beneficial to health, maintaining its signature of fair and sustainable trade. They are one of the voices in the international exportation of healthy and organic Mexican products derived from diverse products such as agave, sweet potato, Jamaica, tapioca, honey bee and coconut. Since their collaboration with protected reserves, in Best Ground, they are committed to being innovative and to develop products that benefit both the food industry and the people.
+52 (33) 3648 9901
National Pride
Charros de Jalisco And their commitment to Jalisco’s society
C p. 86
harros de Jalisco is not just a team; it is an organization formed by warriors that go beyond their passion for the sport. Their goal is to make more and be better, not only in baseball but in every scope that they can reach.
Auge de México Health and Lifestyle
Thanks to the altruistic work of Northgate Market, the team has the Academy of Wixárica children, located in the community of San Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán, comprised of 50 children with full scholarships. Rehabilitation of three parks in the adjoining areas to the stadium, in the communities of Maestros, Tepeyac and Paraísos. They provide free medical services during baseball season, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, such as mammograms, prostate antigens, and vaccination modules. Throughout the season, the team supports different organizations such as Red Cross, oni (by its Spanish acronym) and Juntos por un Caminar, donating part of the game’s incomes.
Charros is strongly committed Jalisco’s society, not only during baseball season – when the team is active- but also throughout the year because the team is always working along with society. The following activities are proof of this work: The celebration with the neighbor children of the stadium and the children of the Baseball Academy.
The team members, along with the team’s pets, also visit the region’s hospitals like General de Occidente (Zoquipan) and Hospital Civil de Guadalajara and bring gifts. These are only a few of the actions that the organization makes with the goal of contributing to a better quality of life of the society.
A celebration of Mother’s day with the support of code Jalisco, and the general committee of Colonia Tepeyac. The stadium was the venue for the conade Baseball Academy 2017. The team has the Baseball Academy Charros de Jalisco for children ages 6 to 14, with approximately 200 students and scholarships of 25% for children of the neighboring areas. Creation of the Academy for children of DIF Jalisco, with full scholarships, providing everything needed for their training.
Charros de Jalisco Béisbol
+52 (33) 3656 2902
National Pride
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The Unity of High Specialty Transplants (unitae by its Spanish acronym) in addition of performing multi-organic transplants (pancreas, kidney and liver), has also implemented innovative programs focused on transplants for sensitized patients through transfusions, multiple pregnancies or previous transplants, patients incompatible regarding blood type and in patients with viral diseases such as hepatitis b and c and hiv.
Auge de México Health and Lifestyle
These transplant alternatives of high specialty are complemented with medical procedures aimed to prepare the receptor’s defense system to receive a transplant, whether it is through the supply of medicine or applying therapies with the latest medical equipment, such as PrismaFlex system. This is all carried out in their facilities with cuttingedge technology. On the other hand, the program developed by unitae offers the possibility of making an exchange of donors, best known as “crossed transplant”, an option that allows the transplant in patients that already have a donor but for some reason, are not compatible with them. The crossed donation is made in a reciprocal way between the receptor-donor couple involved. The program identifies possible couples for the exchange and after a series of requirements and an exhaustive evaluation of the transplant protocol, the surgery is simultaneously carried out, in the two receptors that exchanged donors. unitae is comprised of a medical group
of diagnosis and highly trained transplant surgeons, with over 1500 successful transplants. They have created an infrastructure that has allowed them to add the development of specialized surgical techniques, implementation of innovating programs, exhaustive evaluations of immune risks, as well as the use of the latest medical equipment. The center is one of the best medical centers in Mexico because they also provide alternatives to patients whose possibilities have been reduced due to their own medical conditions; they help patients to recover their lifestyle and life expectancy.
The Unity of High Specialty Transplants offers its services in Jalisco, where they have stood out along with the Medical Center of Kidney Diseases (cemer by its Spanish acronym) for being the medical team that has performed more kidney transplants in the private area for two consecutive years.
@CEMERJalisco @TrasplanteRenal
+52 (33) 1522 0000 +52 (33) 1655 8014
01 800 99 01 046
Day of the entrepreneur coparmex
Why do you do what you do? This question was the premise for the last edition of the day of the entrepreneur coparmex, which was the gathering point for new ideas, stories that have transcended and dreams that are just starting. The attendees learned that there are no limits for ideas, they only need a reset.
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LII Annual Assembly of AmCham partners
AmCham Guadalajara’s chapter welcomes its new president, Francisco Wilson Loaiza, who received the position from the current president, Fernando Niño de Guzmán. The gathering had the assistance of Roberto López Lara, General Ministry of Government who went in the representation of the Governor. The Ministry congratulated American Chamber Guadalajara for its 52 years and for its fundamental participation in the business environment of the region.
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Talent Woman
The objective of this event is to empower and inspire the attendees to be part of the most influential movement of women in technology, science, and business. Gaby Natale, Rebecca de Alba, Bety Camiade and Flor Lรณpez were the most outstanding speakers.
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Fashion Art Show
Fashion with a cause. The third edition of The Fashion Art Show was carried out by MG Mendoza to contribute to the cause, for the benefit of DIF and the victims of the September earthquakes. Renowned brands like Tous, Bloomday, Ti Modella, Dione, among others were present in the runway, in addition to artist like Karla de Lara and Simรณn Cruz.
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