High perfomance sales teams - CORPORATE

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High Performance Sales Teams



High Performance Sales Teams

Inspiring growth

Improve your sales team’s effectiveness and performance and get a high return on your investment. Augere has a broad experience running people development programs in corporations. In this program, we work with commercial teams with the goal of achieving significant business results and a long term relationship with their customers.

We provide a diagnostic tool to sales teams that helps spotting top performers in the organization. This is used as a benchmark for all other sales team members and creates a ground field to identify which areas will have to be developed to achieve a high sales performance, both for the team and for its members. Individual coaching skills will also be developed to help achieving a stable and longtime lasting relationship with their customers. This will build a powerful commercial identity addressed towards obtaining sustainable results.


• Identify your sales team's growth potential and what will be the impact that will drive to significant business results. • Create a commercial development plan that will help the team reaching business results and building long term relationships with your customers. • Know what your sales team internal and external limitations may become an obstacle to achieve your business results and identify both individual and team strengths that will support reaching your goals. • Develop leadership and coaching skills and learn how to apply them in commercial activities. • Manage a personalized development plan for each sales team member that will help increasing efficiency and results. • Boost the sense of identity as a manager or sales person and act upon it to build high quality and long term relationships as well as outstanding business results.

• Through this diagnostic stage we provide our customers with an accurate analysis of potential results improvement. • We use most effective assessment tools designed by Profiles International. Assessment tools will allow us to identify sales teams and business results growth potential. • Assessment Tools will provide what key behaviors are shown by Top Performers. This will be used as a benchmark reference or “Performance Model” versus all other team members. • Individual results growth plans will be designed and implemented for each member of the team based on the “Performance Model”



Target Audience

• Sales teams whose results show improvement potential. • Managers who want to align sales teams with their targets and need to encourage them to be trustful and determined to achieve goals. • Sales Team Managers who want to use the most advanced tools to get sales people who find their motivation in overcoming challenging goals. • Sales individuals who want to have the most effective means to achieve their goals and build a constructive and sustainable relationship with their customers.


• Augere works with the most advanced and innovative sales focused tools in the following areas: assessment, training, development, executive coaching and team coaching (Organization and Relationships Systems Coaching). • We use tools to identify what are high performance factors that drive outstanding individual scores. This will enable organizations to learn what actions have to be executed. • Coaches will escort sales executives through their individual improvement process and also while strengths are improved and weaknesses are managed related to their customer´s relationship.

How the Process Works We first check what the improvement opportunity of your sales force is. We analyze current results and growth potential. We build a “Performance Model” that shows what common behaviors for top performers are. We measure every other sales team member compared to previously identified “Performance Model”. We then issue a management report for each sales person. This report shows potential development areas and what actions can be implemented to help them improving their performance. We train managers how to obtain the maximum benefit out of these reports and will escort them during the first full year of this task. We will implement TPST (Top Performers Skills Training) to empower leaders, managers and/or sales staff regarding the implementation of the new “Performance Model”. We will also provide sales coaching and sales team coaching programs full support.

Sales executive coaching Managers will have a personalized development plan that will help them to be aware of their leadership potential. We will support managers to move their plans into actions in an effective way. We will encourage managers to obtain the maximum potential from their teams as they will learn how to use the assessment report in order to identify what development patterns will be required and how to put them into action.

Sales team coaching We will support sales team development in order to provide your company with its maximum business potential. Teams will be aligned to achieve sales goals and will build a strong relationship among the members. Powerful aligned teams will carry a strong sense of contribution to a common project that will lead them beyond individual results.

Top Performers Skills Training Training module’s contents will be adapted to customer’s requirements depending on the goals that should be achieved. Typically each module will last for a half or a full day session.

Sales career fundamentals module • How your sales career contributes to build the path towards your dreams? • How the relationship with your customers is based on your values? • How to design suitable plans to reach your goals? • What obstacles you may find in the way to achieve your goals? • What actions you will start now to reach the next level of your professional career?

Commercial relationships management module • What is pushing you or backing you away with regards to the relationship with your customers? • How powerful is to listen? • How will curiosity help you to build bridges and open the doors of new opportunities? • How can you manage conflicting situations?

• How can you sustain constructive and long lasting relationships? • How can you communicate effectively? • What actions you will start now to reach the next level of your relationship with your customers?

Sales Teams Management Modules • What are the keys to work as a team? • How to manage team relationships? • How to set and communicate goals? • How to set and execute results follow-up models? • How to set evaluation models? • How to prepare a feedback conversation? • How to provide feedback and feedforward? • How to manage conflicts? • How to design and implement team development plans? • What actions you will start now to reach the next level of your team development?

Team leadership module • What are leadership key elements? • How to articulate the vision and get team’s emotional engagement? • What is the role of the leader as a coach? • How to use coaching skills as a leader? • How to set team’s identity? • How to build the sense of belonging? • How to manage internal commitments? • How internal roles work? • How to identify and how to manage toxic behaviors within the team? • What actions you will start now to reach the next level of your leadership development?

uger Follow-up and Support

We provide group or individual support through both individual and team coaching sessions.

of an adequate use of the Benchmarking Assessment tools and the information we obtained. Stephen J. Osbaldeston President Global Lens Care Business

Return on Investment

CIBA Visión

We can provide return on investment measurements

I want to thank Profiles International Spain for the

that will help checking how the program implementation

work done at the OTC Division using the “Job Match”

impacts sales results both at individual or team levels.

methodology to collect information related to our

We start providing and initial free-of-charge improvement

Pharmaceutical and Medical Top Performing sales

opportunity assessment to our customers. The assessment

people’s strengths and development areas.

will provide:

At Novartis, we decided to use your consultancy

1- Potential growth through rising:

work to identify what were our sales top performers’

• ONE low performer sales person up to mid performer. • ALL low performers up to mid performers. • ONE mid performer sales person to high performer. • ALL mid perfomers to high performers. • ALL sales team to high performers.

features in each of our business areas and we built two Performance Models that allowed us to benchmark all sales representatives in each of our sales teams against the model. We identified what were the strengths and opportunity areas related to “being able, willing to and doing the job” and found out what where the training

2- Return on investment: How much value could be returned

and coaching actions that were needed to achieve the

to the company for every Euro invested in the program

expected development. We then used your follow-up

if just one mid performance sales person could be

sessions to monitor agreed actions effectiveness.

developed to a high performer or if the whole team

For us, it was very important that you could correlate

could become a top performance team.

the assessment with our internal “Values and Behavior”

Business Cases

and “The 7 steps to sales” programs as we could then know in much more detail what aspects we should

I want to thank Profiles International for an excellent

focus our actions on to consolidate behaviors and

job with us at the Contact Lenses Division. We have 45

achieve better sales results.

sales representatives and our revenues related to that

It was also key that our Area Managers got Individual

product line grew from US$ 80,000 / month to over

Management Reports for every sales representative

S $ 1 million monthly six months later. In the second

as it helped them in their day by day management

year we have doubled our sales in the Division.

of the team. They also got the coaching support they

We are conscious of the fact that the Profile XT

needed to achieve the high results provided by our

Benchmarking Assessment we performed helped us

top performers.

to better understand our sales people and to start

My managers have provided me a positive feedback

focusing on those areas that needed to be developed

regarding the information and recommendations that

in order to reach and overcome our goals as a result

were delivered to them and also regarding the follow-

Inspiring growth up sessions that were scheduled to discuss how to get

a half will bring us incremental value, as it will show

the best of such information.

what improvement opportunities we have and what

Project implementation in Spain was performed on a

strengths will help us to improve our performance

78 Area Managers and Sales Representatives group.

and to adapt ourselves to the new requirements of

The first diagnosis and assessment stage took 40 days

today’s demanding environment.

(running through April and May of 2010). Second stage

Lastly, I want to mention that I feel it’s quite

covered training and coaching for following 30 days

important also to move forward with the ROI (Return

(June 2010). We then scheduled 3 follow-up sessions

on Investment) calculation model that we have

in September 2010, January and March 2011.

studied and debated, in order to understand and to

Here are some of the results we achieved with this

demonstrate in detail what the real impact of our


effort investing on training in our industry is.

• Within each of our sales teams, we could get a

Tomás Gorgodian

better understanding of our sales representatives.

Director Comercial, Novartis Consumer Health

This allowed us to know what the strengths were


and what areas we should focus our attention on to improve performance. • Our managers have now precise information about how to manage each member of their team and how to obtain the best out of their potential. They now know better how to outline sales strategies based on their sales representatives’ strengths. (i.e.: allocate customers based on their skill or how close they are related to the success or performance model). • We can use now Performance Models to select new sales representatives and align their profiles to the model we identified through the assessment. This way, we can insure that external people joining the team show a better fit to our culture. This project allowed us to link those success features that sales people belonging to any of our teams should have with the compatibility of all of our sales representatives related to the Performance Model. We could also learn how to manage them better to show a higher performance and to insure us that new recruited sales staff fitted within our demands. I am convinced that repeating this job in one year and

Since 2001, we align talent and people or teams value contribution with the culture and strategy of every company. We integrate solutions through coaching, leadership and consultancy. We provide value results: we inspire growth of individuals, organizations and communities. We are a team of more than 200 professionals with broad experience and international reputation. We have a global and open vocation. Our language and methodologies are fully aligned and we build a space for participation, innovation, progress and transformation. We are guided by our solid values and balance both strategic vision and effective execution through internal and external alliances that build a true leadership culture within organizations and help achieving outstanding business results.

Inspiring growth

Spain - Barcelona

Colombia - Bogotá

Muntaner 254, 1º 2ª 08021 Barcelona

Callé 108 A Nº 23-48-404, Bogotá

Spain - Madrid

Colombia - Cali

Plaza de las Cortes 5, 5º 28014 Madrid

Avda. 5 nº21-22 Ofc. 703, Cali

France - Paris

Brasil - Sao Paulo

103 Rue de Vaugirard 75006 Paris

Rua Funchal 418, 35 andar, Vila Olímpia 04551-060, Sao Paulo

Mexico - Mexico D.F.

Netherlands - Utrecht

Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho 36 piso 10, 11000, Mexico DF

Blikkenburgerlaan, 87 3703 Zeist, Utrecht

www.augere.es augere@augere.es T HQ: 902 367 768 T Int: +34 932 404 178

Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherland, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Uruguay, U.S.A. and Venezuela.

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