Weekly Bulletin & Lectionary Insert Service

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Weekly Bulletin & Lectionary Insert Service

CHOOSE YOUR LECTIONARY INSERT Lectionary Inserts support Evangelical Lutheran Worship content. The prayer of the day and the psalm texts, tones, and refrains are all taken from Evangelical Lutheran Worship— the commended worship resource for the ELCA and the ELCIC.

Today’s Readings

5½" x 8½", 2 pages $2.25 per 50 and $3.90 per 100 • Evangelical Lutheran Worship Prayer of the Day • First Reading • Psalm, with psalm tone • Second Reading

• Gospel • Next Sunday’s Readings • Use with regular or large size bulletins

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the Day Prayer of

ing First Read

bringshalishah, la a B m o lisha,] e fr fr uit s to [E a rley A ma n c a m t rs fi e th om fb ing food fr od : twenty loaves o Elisha G . f k o c n sa a is m in h the rs of grain le and let them a e sh e fr d an e p e op ive it to th nt sa id, “How c a n I sa id, “G va r se 43 h is eat.” But

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ne 5:10 -18; to 4 1 lm a s P



rk s A ll your wo | you, O Lor d, e is ra | p s shall ithful one and your fa u. yo shall bless of the glor y ll te ll a 11 T hey sh do m | of you r k in g er, | of you r pow k a e sp d n a ple 12 that a ll peo r | of you r powe may k now glorious splendor and the dom. | of you r k ing ing a n everla st is m o 13 You r k in gd s k ingdom ; ion endu re you r dom|in t a ll ages. ou th rough , L , You ord in a ll you r word s, l fu h it s. fa a re | ll you r work

ho fall all | those w s ld o h p u 14 T he L ord those and lift s up ed dow n. | a re bow who on | you, a ll wa it up 15 T he eye s of ir food O Lord, e them the a nd you g iv n. | in due sea so nd | ide your ha 16 You open w re the desi and satisf| y v ing thin| g. li ys of ever y a ll you r wa in s u o te h g 17 You a re ri r work s. in | a ll you a nd lov ing all who | call upon yo r to fu 18 You a re nea | n you fa it h call up - o o h w ll a to

CHOOSE YOUR LECTIONARY INSERT Lectionary Inserts support Evangelical Lutheran Worship content. The prayer of the day and the psalm texts, tones, and refrains are all taken from Evangelical Lutheran Worship— the commended worship resource for the ELCA and the ELCIC.


11" x 8½", 4 pages $3.25 per 50 and $4.90 per 100 • Introduction to the Day • Evangelical Lutheran Worship Prayer of the Day • First Reading, with introduction • Psalm, with psalm refrain • Second Reading, with introduction

o fear th a ed t heir t they will h y f o o d c h i l d r en . people a nd su r wh t reng t h o care. e , lonely, n t hose re r us, O G jected, od.

• Gospel, with introduction • Prayers of Intercession • Preparing for Next Week, daily Bible readings • Use with regular or large size bulletins

Celebra te

Sunday Today is , J uly 2 th 9 th S u n 6, 2015 which foc e first of five Su day af t u s o n Je s ndays wit e r u lo h P s a e g a v ospel r ntecost es and s brea g reg at io n in it s nearly en two fish. W hat d of life. Today Je eadings from Joh w o n es and c s o supplies ugh to meet all th e have, what we us feeds thousan 6, the first four d or our sk e b Open o mmuo s of peop n r in e e g to J d s we il ur in the lit le with fiv f tlest and ls that finally ma see around us. B esus’ table seems en we se eyes e lik ke ut where all le e only the hung ast to transform s the difference : it it is not the adeq e it is not o d. u r y are sa tisfied. this world into th is the power of Je acy of our sus work e world G Prayer ing od desire of the D s, a world a y b e o ff e Graciou re d . s ing for y God, you have p o and gro Son to b ur word and a h laced w ithin th und e e u he bread through the tr ue bread nger for your t heart s of all yo th ur child r uth. Gr Jesus Ch of heave of fullne , ren an rist, our n Sav ior a and share this t that we may k a long, O G od s s n nd Lord b . First Re . A men. read w ith all th ow your ading e world, Today’s r e G od, w Elisha, th ading is part of e a e we pr ay 2 Kings there is n successor to Elija larger section of , 4:42- 44 ot enoug h. Here th 2 e s u s ou K ings that h food to even mor r e p r o d p e h sc et g e to satis fy the ne o around, Elisha gives food to a hu ribes the miracles ed . n of trusts Go A ma n d, who p g r y crowd. Thoug c a me f r r h o vides eno o br i ng i n g fo o d m B a a l - s h a l i s h ugh and f r om t h to [Elish a h, t h e i loave s o a,] the man of f i r st f r u it s h s before a hu n e G d f g r a in in b a rle y a nd f r od: t went y a n repeated, “Giv red people ? ” S e e it to t he his sack. Elisha sh ea r s of L d let t hem eat it to t he peop o Bach, , for t hu ord, ‘Th le sa id, “G p e o p le 43 s ey i a But his cians) ser vant nd let t hem e ve left .’” 4 4He shall eat and h say s t he a said, “H zarus ow can I t .” ate, and h set it before t h ave some ad em set the rsday Second word of some left, acco , t hey R e a rding to t h d e ing 3 -10. Lord. We

CUSTOMIZE YOUR WEEKLY BULLETINS Augsburg Fortress Weekly Bulletins are a great way to welcome your guests and members, and to provide them with an inspiring invitation to worship. They are available in a variety of sizes and formats, so you can choose bulletins that best fit your congregation. Customize to fit your needs by choosing from the following options:

Regular 11" x 8½" • Blank back page or • With NRSV scripture readings or • With devotional message based on the gospel reading

Large 14" x 8½" • Blank back page or • With NRSV scripture readings or • With devotional message based on the gospel reading

Tri-panel 14" x 8½" • With NRSV scripture readings and devotional message based on the gospel reading

Tracks Based on the Revised Common Lectionary, tracks indicate which Lesser Festival Sundays you choose to observe.

• Track 1: Lesser Festivals

In 2016 (Year C), Lesser Festivals replace only two Sundays: Reformation Sunday and All Saints Sunday. Please note: In 2016, Tracks 1 and 2 are identical.

• Track 2: Modified Lesser Festivals

Lesser Festivals replace two Sundays each year: Reformation Sunday and All Saints Sunday.

• Track 3: No Lesser Festivals

Full Revised Common Lectionary year with no Lesser Festivals.

Weekly Bulletin Pricing Size

Price per 50

Price per 100

Regular (11" x 8½") Large (14" x 8½")

$3.85 $4.95

$5.70 $6.90

Tri-panel (14" x 8½")



Call Augsburg Fortress Sales & Service at 800.328.4648 and order today!

Augsburg Fortress Weekly Bulletin & Lectionary Insert Service

Welcome to God’s House

Augsburg Fortress Weekly Bulletins and Lectionary Inserts welcome God’s people to worship through colorful, vibrant images and scripture readings that follow the Revised Common Lectionary.

Enrich Worship Designed to support the spiritual formation of worshipers, the weekly devotional message interprets the gospel in a style that is easy to understand and to apply to daily living.

Value Augsburg Fortress Weekly Bulletins and Lectionary Inserts are a great value. Combine them with our other worship planning tools in preparation of your Sunday worship folders. Visit augsburgfortress.org for information.

Special Day Options Any of the following special days can be added as a part of your standing order.

December 24/25, 2015 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD

February 10, 2016 ASH WEDNESDAY

March 24, 2016 MAUNDY THURSDAY

March 25, 2016 GOOD FRIDAY


Quarter One Starts: November 29, 2015 Ends: February 28, 2016

Special day.

Changes are due by: September 1, 2015

November 29, 2015 ADVENT 1

December 6, 2015 ADVENT 2

December 13, 2015 ADVENT 3

December 20, 2015 ADVENT 4

January 3, 2016 CHRISTMAS 2

January 10, 2016 BAPTISM OF OUR LORD

January 17, 2016 EPIPHANY 2

January 24, 2016 EPIPHANY 3

February 10, 2016 ASH WEDNESDAY

February 14, 2016 LENT 1

February 21, 2016 LENT 2

February 28, 2016 LENT 3

December 24/25, 2015 NATIVITY OF OUR LORD

January 31, 2016 EPIPHANY 4

December 27, 2015 CHRISTMAS 1

February 7, 2016 TRANSFIGURATION

Quarter Two Starts: March 6, 2016 Ends: May 29, 2016

Special day.

Changes are due by: December 1, 2015

March 6, 2016 LENT 4

March 13, 2016 LENT 5


March 24, 2016 MAUNDY THURSDAY

March 25, 2016 GOOD FRIDAY

March 27, 2016 EASTER DAY

April 3, 2016 EASTER 2

April 10, 2016 EASTER 3

April 17, 2016 EASTER 4

April 24, 2016 EASTER 5

May 1, 2016 EASTER 6

May 8, 2016 EASTER 7


May 22, 2016 HOLY TRINITY

May 29, 2016 LECTIONARY 9

Quarter Three Starts: June 5, 2016 Ends: August 28, 2016

Changes are due by: March 1, 2016

June 5, 2016 LECTIONARY 10

June 12, 2016 LECTIONARY 11

June 19, 2016 LECTIONARY 12

June 26, 2016 LECTIONARY 13

July 3, 2016 LECTIONARY 14

July 10, 2016 LECTIONARY 15

July 17, 2016 LECTIONARY 16

July 24, 2016 LECTIONARY 17

July 31, 2016 LECTIONARY 18

August 7, 2016 LECTIONARY 19

August 14, 2016 LECTIONARY 20

August 21, 2016 LECTIONARY 21

August 28, 2016 LECTIONARY 22

Quarter Four

Multiple options for the same day.

Starts: September 4, 2016 Ends: November 20, 2016

Changes are due by: June 1, 2016

September 4, 2016 LECTIONARY 23

September 11, 2016 LECTIONARY 24

September 18, 2016 LECTIONARY 25

September 25, 2016 LECTIONARY 26

October 2, 2016 LECTIONARY 27

October 9, 2016 LECTIONARY 28

October 16, 2016 LECTIONARY 29

October 23, 2016 LECTIONARY 30


October 30, 2016 LECTIONARY 31

November 6, 2016 ALL SAINTS SUNDAY

November 6, 2016 LECTIONARY 32

November 13, 2016 LECTIONARY 33

November 20, 2016 CHRIST THE KING

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