I would also like to thank each and every IFMSA Egypt member that has made this journey a memorable one. You have provided tools for us to grow, opportunities for us to learn, and a welcoming safe enviroment for us to break from med school’s stress and productively enjoy the short period we spend in life as ‘youth’.
PRESIDENT STATEMENT it makes my heart heavy that our term is reaching an end. I will use this as an opportunity to thank my Team of Officals, Local Team, and Active Members for their persistent efforts during the term. I will forever be proud of your achievements and growth, as well as the way you guys represented AUSSS throughout it’s 50th year of creating legacies.
Last but definitely not least, I would like to thank IFMSA Egypt Team of Officials for bearing with us this year. Your guidance and support throughout the term made the whole difference, and we wish each and everyone of you a fruitful future full of success. I hereby share with you the major highlights of our term, brought to you buy our dedicated members that invested their time, energy, creativity, innovation, and resouces to make this year a one of a kind.
The memories we created, the strong friendships we built, the deep talks we had, the trips we went on, the inside jokes we have, and the struggles we have been through will always hold a very special place in my heart. My time serving as your president maybe coming to an end, but my time serving as your friend and a person you can count on will hopefully last much longer.
On behalf of my beloved team, Mostafa Wassim AUSSS President 2021/2022
Dearest AUSSS and IFMSA Egypt Family,
·International SWGs and Participation: Radwa Tourky, TACSE manual SWG Coordinator. Merehan Fouda, SCORA Strategy 2022-2025 SWG. Asmaa Derar, World Refugees Day SWG. Mohamed Hossam, IPAS SWG. Mohamed Hossam, IPAS Camp Facilitator IPAS Camp attendees: Sama Nada, Chahd Emad, Maya. CSE Fest Facilitators: Sandy Hani, Merehan Fouda. Samira Yasser, AMR Summit Participant. Sara Galal, Environmental Sustainability SWG. ·Pre-EMR Participants: Mostafa Wassim, PRET. Radwa Tourky, GHA Merehan Fouda, V2V. ·EMR Participants: Radwa Tourky Merehan Fouda ·Pre MM Accepted Trainers: Radwa Tourky, GHA Trainer. ·Pre MM Accepted Participants: Sandy Hany, TSRHRT. Mireille Nasief, PHLT. ·MM Attendees: Radwa Tourky. Sameera Yasser. INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATION 21/22:
·Pre AM 22: Mostafa Wassim, TNET. Sohaila Khokha, TMET. ·Pre APRM Participants: Mostafa Wassim, TMET. ·SRTs Participants: MoroCamp 4.0: Mostafa Wassim, GHA. 6th Cleopatrain: Ziad Walid, ITDM. Omar Mamdouh, ITDM. Hanien Alaa, TSRHRT. Sandy Hani, TSRHRT. Omar Mowafi, AtoP Samah Idris, AtoP. Sarah Galal, AtoP. Alyaa Ashraf, TNT. Heba Ismail, PRET. Pre-WC XII: Radwa Tourky, SMART Trainer. Mohamed Mousa, TNT. Nour Raslan, TMET. Habiba Elmasry, IPET. Shahenda Tarek, IPET. Alyaa Ashraf, SMART. Sara Galal, SMART. Rodaina abdelwahab, HRMP. Obayda Abdullah, HRMP. Samira Yasser, PHLT.
Our recruitment campaign was composed of 3 parts: 1. Online campaign 2. Physical campaign 3. Orientation session Our physical campaign was held on campus from the 14th till the 18th of November where a booth was set with our banners and our members introduced students to AUSSS and distributed flyers with QR codes for the recruitment forms and our social media accounts. RECRUITMENT CAMPAIGN REPORT
Parallel to the physical campaign was the online campaign with the theme being AUSSS’ 50th year. It ran from the 14th to the 21st of November with a total of nine posts. The reach of the posts were: Post 1: 500 Post 2: 295 Post 3: 295 Post 4: 242 Post 5: 262 Post 6: 270 Post 7: 235 Post 8: 235 Post 9: 254 Finally, the orientation was on the 23rd of November, held at 302 labs co working space, attended by 130 medical students from Ain Shams. The day went on as demonstrated by the agenda which was sent to the members prior to the orientation day:
The orientation was huge success; you can take a sneak peek through the following photographs:
For fifty years now AUSSS has been an active LC with great achievements when it comes to exchanges. Ain Shams as a university is known for its diverse community, and that's why we embrace exchanges so much. As it doesn't only enrich this diversity, but also help shape the future doctors we aspire to be. Knowing and truly believing that IF MSA exchange is a really crucial experience that affects the character building, personalities and medical skills of students later on in life makes us work relentlessly to offer the best possible experience for our outgoing and incoming students. Unfortunately, we weren't the luckiest generation as the COVID situation put all our activities on hold for more than one year. However, with our determination and the guidance of our beloved national officers and IFMSA Egypt, we will soon regain our full capacity and resume offering life changing experiences to med students all over the world.
Our online campaign was held on our social platforms (Facebook page and event, and Instagram page) from the 1 6th of November till the 26th of November. Facebook Event Link: https://fb.me/e/4gAuyryLU Facebook Event Insights: Our facebook event reached 5793 people, and had 110 responses. We posted around 2-3 posts everyday throughout the campaign, which were composed of; photos, GIFS, Videos, and testimonials of previous outgoing students. OUTGOING CAMPAIGN A. ONLINE CAMPAIGN
Instagram Posts Insight: 13 videos/reels were posted on our Instagram page and the had a total of 3940 views (1 views for each of the 13 videos respectively). We also had other posts that received a good amount of interaction.
B. PHYSICAL CAMPAIGN: A physical campaign was held on campus from the 13th of November till the 18th of November. The exchange team also held a booth on our orientation day which was attended by around 100 students. The materials used for the physical campaign were 3 banners, flyers with QR code link to our form, flags of different countries, pictures of previous outgoings, and sachets with countries' names and flags that our previous outgoings wore during the physical campaign while telling other students about their experiences The physical campaign attracted a lot of students that were really impressed and excited to go an exchange. We also had our amazing NORE Mr. Ali Assal paying us a visit on campus and on our orientation day.
OInstagram Page Link: https://instagram.com/ausss ainshams?utm medium=copy link
Made sure that each outgoing got their CA, provided them with advice regarding the visa process and followed up with them till they got their visas, made sure they sent the CC, answered any questions they had and gave them some tips and tricks for their exchanges and made sure they travelled and that everything is settled in their hosting LC and that their contract is fulfilled.
Eight students successfully went on their exchanges in the months of June (1) and August (7). Students travelled to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, France, Serbia, Ecuador, Poland, Mexico, and Spain.
Students travelling in September either got the visas or waiting for it or don’t need it and preparing to travel.
-Regularly updated the LCs concern sheet, writing down problems with each contract together with its AF number and a color code indicating the level of attention needed for each contract.
The form to attend the exchange exam was filled by 586 students, out of which 144 attended the exchange exam and interviews.
Communicated with the NEO Out & NORE about the issues facing each individual contract, be it a late CA, a cancelled contract, a postponed contract, an unfulfilled contract, a substitution we want to make, or even an unfulfilled contract in the hosting NMO.
-Visa processing took a lot of time in some embassies (3 Students) One student applied for a visa before the exchange period (August) by 2 months and till this moment didn’t get an answer.
Two students didn’t travel after sending their CCs.
-Getting a visa appointment was very challenging in many embassies. Some students couldn’t find any and didn’t travel due to this reason (3 students).
-The NEO-Out stopped answering any texts or emails for more than 40 days which crippled the communication with other NMOs. This period was critical as many students travelling in summer (August & September) started facing issues with their contracts (late CAs, cancellations, returned AFs, substitutions) and I couldn’t resolve most of them or know where we stand on each one of them Some contracts can and will most probably be wasted because of this particular problem.
One contract didn’t get the CA. The student is travelling in September and already got the visa but not the CA and the NEO is not responding so we don’t know where exactly the issue is.
--One contract was cancelled from the hosting NMO after the CA has been received due to a hospital administrative problem, for which I requested a postponement till next season but still didn’t get an answer.
Two contracts were delayed till next season.
One conditioned contract’s AF was returned due to lack of capacity.
Two contracts didn’t get the CAs due to lack of capacity and we were asked to change the months.
-Write down a Visa sheet with each country’s visa requirements, how to apply, visa processing times, any specific requirements, and experiences from previous years. It would be one of the most helpful documents for new outgoings.
-Try to decrease the number of cancellations that take place before the exchange period by one or two months in order to have enough time to postpone the contract or make a substitution because otherwise, the contract will be wasted. Students cancelling before the exchange with a short time with no justifiable cause should be banned from getting any contracts in the following years.
Visa issues should be discussed as early as PDT1 so that students have enough time to know their particular visa processes, know when to book an appointment, and know how much waiting time is expected.
Make sure every issue is rapidly and well communicated with the national team to have time to reach a solution.
Our Exchange exam was held on Saturday the 27th of November, and interviews were conducted on the 28th and the 29th. A total of 144 attended the exams, and were interviewed by our LEO/LORE-OUT Mr Ahmed Gamal, LEO/LORE-IN Mr Mohamed Moussa, Ex LEO/LORE Ms Rana Osama, and Sec Gen Ms Radwa Tourky. Each Interviewer had a scoring sheet with them to ensure fairness of the selection process. The selection were finalized by the 1st of December. EXCHANGE EXAM, INTERVIEWS, AND OUTGOINGS SELECTION:
Finally, although the outgoing process was really intense and took a tremendous effort from us to complete, we’re glad we were able to pull through, and we wish all the best for our outgoings. We would also like to thank our NEO OUT Mr Ahmed Yamani and our NORE Mr Ali Assal for their continuous help, cooperation, and guidance.
All units were sold, composing a total of 59 AFS (39 SCOPE and 20 SCORE) that were submitted to the NEO OUT and NORE respectively. A drive was also prepared with the documents of all outgoings and submitted before the deadline. : PDT A successful PDT 1 was prepared by our LEO Out Mr Ahmed Gamal on Sunday the 5th of December, and all the outgoing students attended it. We are also planning on preparing a PDT 2 before our first outgoing travels, were we will include a lot of important pre departure advice, together with some educational activities.
SCOPE & SCORE in In the month of December 2021, we expected 6 incoming students and 6 arrived. 4 SCOPE and 2 SCORE. The 4 SCOPE incomings were Beatriz Mascarenhas, Yuriria Monreal, Vendetta Di Taranto, and Sabrina Paludo. The 2 SCORE incomings were Prerna Shinghania and Iran Rendon. DECEMBER 2021 UAT For the December incomings we held an Upon-Arrival Training right after the Pre Departure Training for the outgoings on Sunday the 5th of December from 10 P M to 12 A M The UAT included information about our culture, hospital regulations/rules, dorms regulations/rules, and how to get around Cairo safely. As well as, information about our academic and social programs. UAT document link : Upon Arrival Training
the girls
the 13th :
Adham Sherif, Ahmed Hasan, and on
On the 13th and 14th of December, our Research Support Division Director, Adham Sherif, and his General Assistant Ahmed Hasan gave the 2 SCORE students multiple research sessions over 2 days that included basics of research; as well as, how to write a protocol. They also assigned the 2 girls an assignment for writing a protocol to impress their tutors. Protocol Document Links: Iran Protocol.pdf Prerna Protocol.pdf SCORE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES
Adham and the girls on the 14th :
On the 20th of December, Dr. Fatma, a plastic surgeon at Ain Shams Specialized Hospital, volunteered to give the SCOPE girls a session on different surgical stitches. SCOPE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY: Dr. Fatma and the girls : A few of the stitches they learned:
For their Social programs, the girls went on a trip to Dahab for the first weekend of December, a trip to Siwa and Alexandria for their second weekend, a trip to Luxor and Aswan for their third weekend, and finally they chose to enjoy the last weekend in Cairo.
In the month of January 2022, we expected 6 incoming students and 4 have arrived. 2 SCOPE and 2 SCORE. The 2 SCOPE girls are Gabriela Batista and Yoselin Daysi. The 2 SCORE girls are Fernanda Malheiros and Ana Beatriz Gurgel. JANUARY 2022 UAT For the January incomings we held an Upon Arrival Training on Wednesday the 5th of January from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. The UAT also included information about our culture, hospital regulations/rules, dorms regulations/rules, and how to get around Cairo safely. As well as, information about our academic and social programs. UAT document link : Upon Arrival Training
ACADEMIC PROGRAM ACADEMIC PROGRAM On the 22nd of January, Radwa Tourky, AUSSS Secretary General and National PSDD, gave both the SCORE and SCOPE incoming students a session on global health and advocacy. Links for the documents: Global Health.pptx Advocacy 101.pptx
SOCIAL PROGRAM So far for their social program, the incomings have traveled to Luxor and Aswan, Siwa, Marsa Alam for the National Weekend, Alexandria, and Dahab. LUXOR AND ASWAN
In the month of February, we hosted three incoming students. 2 SCOPE and 1 SCORE. The SCORE student was Dalia Pimentel, and the 2 SCOPE students were Etila Dellai and Dulce Carolina.
The SCOPE students had a delightful experience with Dr Amier Rashad in the general surgery department of Ain Shams Specialized Hospital. The SCORE student, Dalia Pimentel, also enjoyed her research program.
SOCIAL PROGRAM For the social program, the incoming students traveled to Luxor and Aswan, Alexandria, Dahab, and Siwa.
JUNE 2022 On June 5th, 2022. We won the second place for the Exchange Poster Fair.
In the month of July 2022, we expected 8 incoming students and 8 arrived. 4 SCOPE and 4 SCORE. The 4 SCOPE students are Bara’ Aboudeh, Esha Kadam, Eleni Sifnaiou, and Ewelina Flegiel. The 4 SCORE girls are Denisa Carmen, Michaela Fabryova, Michaela Nemesova, and Dorina. JULY 2022 UAT The UAT was held online on the 28th of June before the arrival for the students to prepare them for the month ahead. UAT link: Upon Arrival Training
The SCORE students attended their research program in the histology department of Ain Shams University.
The SCOPE students attended General Surgery in departments 2 and 4 in Ain Shams University Specialized Hospital with the tutors Dr. Kerolos Adel and Dr. Basma Ayman.
For their social program, the incomings have traveled to Luxor and Aswan, Siwa, Alexandria, and Dahab. SOCIAL PROGRAM
The UAT was held physically on August 5th. It was given by Mohamed Mousa the LEO/LORE-In, Heba Ismail a contact person, and Marwa Elhamy a contact person. UAT link:Upon Arrival Training In the month of August 2022, we expected 8 incoming students and 8 arrived. 5 SCOPE and 3 SCORE. The 5 SCOPE students are Danuta Borowska, Milada Magulova, Gabriela Azevedo, Marie Tumova, and Agnese Urban. The 3 SCORE girls are Anika Jacobi, Diana Andreea Ilie, and Bensu Demir. AUGUST 2022 UAT
The SCOPE students attended General Surgery in departments 3 and 4 in Ain Shams University Specialized Hospital with the tutors Dr. Kerolos Adel, Dr. Pavly, and Dr. Ibrahim Essam.
The SCORE students attended their research program in the histology department of Ain Shams University.
For their social program, the incomings have traveled to Luxor and Aswan, Siwa, Alexandria, and Dahab. SOCIAL PROGRAM
SCORA 1. MOVEMBER ONLINE CAMPAIGN: Date : 24/11/2021 to 26/11/2021 Total outreach: 1844 Activity members: Aya Eldeeb, Sandy Hani, Chady Wassim and Mohamed Hossam. Participating in national Movember online competition. CAMPAIGNS
Date : 30/11/2021 to 13/12/2021 Total outreach: 8541 Activity members: Aya Eldeeb, Asmaa Dirar, Sandy Hani, Shahenda Tarek, Hanein Alaa, Habiba Elmasry, and Mariam Abdaldaym. Short story portraying GBV gyp 2. 16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM ONLINE CAMPAIGN:
Date : 2/12/2021 Number of participants: 40 In collaboration with BMSA 3. HIV/AIDS STIGMA AND DISCRIMINATION WEBINAR 4. HIV X COVID VACCINE ONLINE CAMPAIGN Date : 13/12/2021 to17/12/2021 Total outreach: 72571 Participating and wining third place in the WAD national video competition.
Date : ·19/1/2022 to 24/1/2022 In collaboration with ASSA-Alexandria and KMSA 5. FAMILY PLANNING ONLINE CAMPAIGN 6. THE TWO SYSTEMS Total outreach: 14266 Date : 24/2/2022 , physical session on : the sexual response systems, arousal non concordance, vaginismus, and erectile dysfunction. Number of participants: 14 In collaboration with NGUMA
Date : ·19/1/2022 to 24/1/2022 In collaboration with ASSA-Alexandria and KMSA Total outreach: 14266 Date :·25/2/2022 online webinar in collaboration with ASSA-Alexandria and KMSA 7. FAMILY PLANNING ONLINE CAMPAIGN 8. IWD ONLINE CAMPAIGN Number of participants: 32
Date : 27/3/2022 to 31/3/2022 Total outreach: 15468 Dates :·18/3/2022 child exploitation awareness day video. ·26/3/2022 3 posts for adolescent’s health week. ·27/3/2022 physical workshop in collaboration with Safe Egypt on boundaries and wellbeing of children 9.CHILDRENANDADOLESCENTS’HEALTHCAMPAIGN 10. SRHR AND WOMEN HISTORY CAMPAIGN Number of Attendees in safe Egypt workshop : 30
Date : ·27/4/2022 to 1/5/2022 Total outreach: 7526 used in campaigns in collaboration with ASSA Alexandria and KMSA Kafr el Sheikh. 11. FAMILY PLANNING FLYER 12. FAMILY PLANNING FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS 101 ONLINE CAMPAIGN In collaboration with SCOME
Date : ·27/4/2022 to 1/5/2022 Total outreach: 7526 In collaboration with KMSA Kafr el sheikh, KMSA Kena, BMSA, and NMSA. 13. ETHICS OF BEING A DOCTOR ONLINE WEBINAR 14. FGM ONLINE CAMPAIGN Date : 20/5/2022 In collaboration with SCOME Number of participants: 40
Date : ·20/6/2022 to 22/6/2022 Total outreach:1538 Date : ·11/6/2022 Total outreach: 1979 15. BRIDGING GAPS IN EDUCATION: MEDICALIZATION OF VIRGINITY TESTING 16. BODY AUTONOMY ONLINE CAMPAIGN
NATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS 1. Movember SCORA-SCOPH Workshop 23rd and 24th November 2021. • 1 participant: Aya Eldeeb 2. IFMSA-Egypt x Jordan x Iraq 16 Days of Activism Open Space 26/11/2021 • 3 participants: Sandy Hani, Asmaa Dirar, and Hanien Alaa. 3. IFMSA-Egypt GBV movie discussion x Medfest 8/12/2021 • 1 participant: Mariam Dirar 4. Ambassadors for Dialogue GBV workshop 1/12/2021 • 6 participants: Hanein Alaa, Habiba Elmasry, Mohamed Hossam, Salma Abdelrahman, Amr Hesham, and Rawan Samy. 5. WAD conference 11/12/2021 • 1 participant in the video competition: wining third place HIV x Covid-19 video: Sandy Hani. • 2 participants in the art gallery: Aya Eldeeb and Adham sherif. 6. Reproductive health toolkit national SWG • 1 participant: Sandy Hani. 7. International Days SWG • 1 participant: Aya Maamoun 8. Winter Camp XII SCORA sessions • 3 participants: Habiba Elmasry, Chahd Emad, and Zeina Tantawy.
9. Winter Camp XII SCORA sessions team • 1 participant: Sandy Hani. 10. Love Matters virtual Social Media and Community Management training • 2 participants: Sandy Hani and Shahenda Tarek 11. IFMSA-EGYPT delegation Love matters IWD conference • 1 participant: Sandy Hani. 12. IWD Voices to break the bias GBV online open space • 1 participant: Chahd Emad. 13. CSE camp by Love Matters • 2 participants: Sandy Hani and Merehan Fouda. 14. Strategic Planning online workshop • 1 participant: Sandy Hani. 15. Anti-FGM project manual SWG • 1 participant as co-coordinator: Sandy Hani. 16. SCORA manual SWG • 1 participant as co-coordinator: Mohamed Hossam. 17. Family Planning project manual SWG • 1 participant: Chahd Emadeldine. 18. FGM Summit workshop: • 1 participant: Sarah Barakat 19. FGM Summit OC: • OC head: Sandy Hani • Agenda coordinator: Shahenda Tarek
20. FGM summit participants • More than 20 AUSSS member attended the summit. 21. SCORA camp with Love Matters: • SRHR and advocacy: Youssef Aboelyazeed • Advanced CSE camp: Omar Mamdouh 22. IFMSA-Egypt AWG on Family Planning and Development: • Chahd Emad 23. WAC workshop facilitator: • Mohamed Hossam
INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS 1. EMR SCORA sessions: • 1 participant: Merehan Fouda 2. Pre-EMR SCORA training: • 1 participant: Merehan Fouda 3. MM SCORA sessions team: • Radwa Tourky 4. IPAS SWG: • 1 participant: Mohamed Hossam. 5. IPAS camp: • Faclitator: Mohamed Hossam. • 3 participants: Samaa, Chahd, Maya. 6. CSE fest: • 2 facilitators: Sandy Hani and Merehan Fouda. 7. IPET Pre-winter camp XII • 2 participants: Shahenda Tarek and Habiba Tarek 8. SRT Cleopatrain TSRHRT participants: • Sandy Hani and Haneni Alaa 9. SCORA exchange participants: • Lebanon: Salma Abdelrahman • Romania: Samaa Nada 10. CSE workshop LeMSIC Lebanon: • 2 participants: Mohamed Hossam and Salma Abdelrahman
NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1. Ambassadors for Dialogue GBV workshop 1/12/2021: hosting the event locally. • Venue: 302 labs • Number of participants: 22
SCOPH 1.WORLD ANTIMICROBIAL AWARENESS WEEK Total out reach :516 people reached, 8 reactions, 0 comments, 3 shares. -33 clicks ONLINE CAMPAIGNS Activity members: Omar Elmowafi, Adham Mohanna National Antimicrobial Awareness Campaign 2. NCDS WEBINAR Np of attendees :25 in collaboration with KMSA Kafr Elsheikh Graduation session for Mennatullah Gamal (NCDs trainer)
3. HIVXCOVID VACCINE ONLINE CAMPAIGN Total out reach :516 people reached, 8 reactions, 0 comments, 3 shares. -33 clicks In Collaboration with LORA Sandy Hani Participating and wining third place in the WAD national video competition.
5. WORLD CANCER DAY Number of posts and their reach: one, 12.6k reach, 369 likes, 20 comments 6. WORLD KIDNEY DAY Date : ·February 4 Number of posts and their reach: two, 13 3k reach, 449 likes, 29 comments Date : ·March 10, 11
7. WORLD EPILEPSY DAY Number of posts and their reach: : three, 6.2k reach, 311 likes, 19 comments ﻞﻜﻟاﻊﻤﺠﺗﻚﺗﺮﻔﺳﻲﻠﺧ .8 Date : ·March 26 Number of posts and their reach: two, 13.3k reach, 449 likes, 29 comments Date : ·March 10, 11
9. WORLD EPILEPSY DAY Number of posts and their reach: : three, 5 2k reach, 192 likes, 12 comments 10. WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY Date :May 17, 18 Number of posts and their reach: three, 3.9k reach, 218 likes, 12 comments Date : June 1
11. STIGMA AGAINST MENTAL HEALTH A series of posts including videos showing the youth’s thoughts on mental health, ideas for and against the stigma against mental health issues In collaboration with Kaizen Number of posts and their reach: : eight, 378 likes, 17 comments
12. INTERNATIONAL ALBINISM AWARENESS DAY Number of posts and their reach: : three, 2.2k reach, 204 likes, 13 comments 10. WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY Date : June 13 Number of posts and their reach: three, 4.8k reach, 327 likes, 26 comments Date : June 23 – June 26
12. INTERNATIONAL ALBINISM AWARENESS DAY Number of posts and their reach: :three, 2.8k reach 211 likes, 15 comments Date : August 4 August 7 Total outreach of online capaigns: 53.2k reach, 2407 likes, 158 comments
Online campaign: 2641 people reached 28 reaction, 1 comment, 3 shares 145 photo view, 296 clicks
The workshop was conducted by Sameera Yasser and Roaa Megahed. We followed up with a 3 day campaign on campus to raise awareness.
1.MENTAL HEALTH WORKSHOP PHYSICAL CAMPAIGNS Topics covered: -Definition and determinants of mental health Stress and stress management techniques Burn out Anxiety disorders -Taking care of your self 13 people attended the workshop We hosted a physical event in the University on the 14th and 15th of November and managed to reach an average of 100 students per day.
3. RAMADAN ACTIVITY We gathered packs of dates, water, and a health tip, and then distributed them so people can break their fast. 28 members participated. Number of posts and their reach: 300 2. ORIENTATION SESSION AT LGA 38 applications were received from which we chose 11 members of the local team. Held an orientation session for new members
4. STIGMA AGAINST MENTAL HEALTH We spoke to Ain Shams Medical students in a booth over 3 days about the stigma against mental illness and mental health issues. This campaign was in collaboration with Kaizen. 500 flyers were distributed. Number of posts and their reach: 150 students per day
5.NO TOBACCO DAY Conducted on May 31 to celebrate No Tobacco Day (along with an online campaign) on university campus. 13 Members participated. Number of posts and their reach: 150 200
A BGH Workshop workshop conducted on 20/4/2022 at Ebdaa Capital Coworking Space in Dokki in collaboration with NGUMA New Giza. The workshop resulted in capacitating Alyaa Ashraf, new BGH coordinator, and NGUMA LPO Mostafa Ismail Number of posts and their reach: 150 200
A physical workshop conducted on 26/3/2022 at Ebdaa Capital Co-working Space in collaboration with OSSS-October on grief and normal sadness, and how to deal with them. The workshop was facilitated by our Local Mental Health Coordinator, Chady Wassim, and OSSS Local Mental Health Coordinator, Oussama Darwish. No. of attendees :25
A conference held on 17/5/2022 in collaboration with Kaizen in the Heart Academy Building (on campus) 3 key speakers gave talks: Dr Rania Hussein Younis, Head of PR at Hospice Egypt; Dr. Mahmoud Elhabiby, a Professor of Psychiatry at Ain Shams University; and Dr. Mahmoud Shafik, a Psychiatry trainee.
1.SADNESS AND GRIEF No. of attendees : 50
NATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS 1.Winter Camp: Omar Elmowafi (sessions team), Sara Galal, Alyaa Ashraf, Gamal Anbar, Sameera Yasser, Mohamed Refaat 2.PHLT Pre-Winter Camp Workshop: Sameera Yasser 3.National Cancer Webinar: Aya Ayman, Roaa Mogahed 4.World Kidney Day Celebration Physical Campaign: Sameera Yasser 5.WHA Simulation: Heba Ismail, Hanein Tarek, Rodaina Abdelrahman 6.World Immunization Week SWG: Sara Galal 7.National World Immunization Week Webinar: Ahmed Nashed, Sara Galal 8.1st IFMSA-Egypt Congress in Alexandria: Roaa Megahed, Sameera Yasser, Sara Galal, Alyaa Ashraf, Mohamed Refaat, Mariam Taha
9.National SCOPH Strategy Consultation OSD: Omar Elmowafi, Roaa Mogahed, Sameera Yasser 10.IFMSA-Egypt SCOPH Strategy Drafting SWG: Roaa Megahed, Sameera Yasser 11.Second Leader Competency Module: Roaa Megahed, Sara Galal 12.Psychological First Aid Workshop (IOM): Mohamed Refaat, Sameera Yasser 13.National SCOPH Strategy Consultation OSD: Samah Idrees, Omar Elmowafi, Mohamed Refaat, Omar Mamdouh, Aya Ayman, Alyaa Ashraf, Roaa Megahed 14.Climate Change and Health AWG: Omar Elmowafi, Alyaa Ashraf
INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS 1.Online PHLT trainer: Sameera Yasser 2.International SCOPH strategy consultation: Sameera Yasser, Roaa Megahed and Omar Elmowafi 3. Panel Discussion on climate-friendly meetings: Sara Galal and Alyaa Ashraf 4.Sustainable meetings SWG: Sara Galal 5.Advocacy to Policy and Climate Change Workshop SRT: Omar Elmowafi, Sara Galal, Samah Idrees 6. En-ROADS Climate Ambassadorship Camp: Roaa Megahed, Alyaa Ashraf, Sara Galal
-2/12: Facebook and instagram post about FGM and child marriages 7/12: Facebook and instagram post about spousal/domestic violence -9/12: Facebook and Instagram post about spousal/domestic violence
12/12: Facebook and instagram post about Femicide 13/12: Facebook and instagram post about how to seek help.
SCORP 1.16 DAYS OF ACTIVISM Number of posts and their reach: 7 posts , 8541 views ONLINE CAMPAIGNS A story about a girl who faces Dates : 30/11: Facebook and Instagram post as an introduction to the campaign and the relation of GBV to Goal #5 in SDGs
30/11: Facebook and instagram post about violence during pregnancy
2. PATIENTS AND DOCTORS RIGHTS ONLINE CAMPAIGN Number of posts and their reach: 6 posts , Accounts reached: 5282 Shares: 293 , Likes: 552 Post1: Relevancy of medical ethics to Doctors patient Relationship Post 2 : Rights of patients and rights of doctors Post 3[Reel]: Asking people if they knew if doctors can say no to a patient Post 4: When can a doctor legally say no in Egypt? Post 5: Violence against Doctors Post 6; Sexual Harassment in a workplace [hospital] setting and how to deal with it. Dates :8/6/2022 to 10/6/2022
3. HEALTH EQUITY ONLINE CAMPAIGN Number of posts and their reach: 2 posts , Accounts reached: 1459 4 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF EDUCATION X TSSA TANTA Number of posts and their reach: 1 posts , Accounts reached: 678 5. WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY Number of posts and their reach: 1 reel , 4215 views
1.ORIENTATION SESSION WORKSHOPS & ONLINE SESSIONS Dates : 23/11/2021 venue : 302Labs CoWorking place description: Introduction to SCORP’s national project and focus areas.
2. HEALTH EQUITY ONLINE CAMPAIGN 3. SCORP CAMPX MTISSS [SLAVEY DIDN'T END; IT EVOLVED CAMP] Number of participants : 20 A collaboration between AUSSS AinShams/ SCMSA-Suez Canal/ DMASA- Azhar Damietta/ OSSS O6U Platform: ZOOM description: A Discussion based session on human rights violations around the world. The trainers will be introducing different Dates : 23/11/2021 real life scenarios that show clear violations of human rights, then we will take inputs from the participants and reflect on them. After the discussion on human rights violations there will be a mini session on human rights 101, mainly on the universal declaration of human rights.
Trainer: Salma Hassan Dates : 23/11/2021
Trainers: Asmaa Dirar, Rodaina Abdalwahab, Obayda abdallah, Salma 3 sessions: 1st session : Intersectionality and vulnerable groups 2nd session : Name it what you want, the crime is still the same. 3rd session : Bindage in close proximity.
4.ART AND IDENTITY SESSION DURING LGA 5. EBM A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD? [SCORP X SCOME DEBATE ONLINE SESSION] Number of participants : 17 Trainer: Asmaa Dirar, Rodaina AbdAlwahab Dates : 18/3/2022 venue :Day out villa Elobour ILOS: Understanding Identity and how are we influenced by external elements The connection between identity and medicine The connection between identity and advocacy and how understanding identity makes us better advocates -Importance of self reflection from time to time and how to use art to explore our identity. Number of participants : 12 Platform: ZOOM description: The session consisted of 3 parts. The first parts was introducing what EBM is, the 2nd part was about Health equity and the right to health, then lastly a debate about whether EBM is inclusive to all patients. Dates : 29/3/2021 Trainer: Rodaina Abdalwahab and Nour Raslan
6. ART AND IDENTITY SESSION DURING LGA 7. DISABILITY EQUALITY WORKSHOP [External collaboration x Omnya Elyamani] [postponed due to clashing with exams] Number of participants : 20 Platform: Google teams ILOS: To differentiate between the terms Stereotypes, Stigma and discrimination - Vulnerable groups and how medical students considered a vulnerable group in regards to mental health. - Difference between social stigma, self stigma and institutional stigma Difference between psychologist and psychiatrist. - How stigma affects patients care and our roles as future healthcare workers on how to overcome stigma Dates : 8/5/2022 Trainer: Asmaa Dirar, Omar Elmowafi Dates : 11/6/2022 venue : Ebdaa3 Capital Coworking Space
INTERNAL A local SCORP drive was established, and all the resources for all the activities were added to it. A handover checklist was created -A local SCORP trainers pool was created -A stakeholders analysis for potential partners in Cairo was done with the help of the VPE. -A template for Activities reporting is being created. -Tracking sheets for members’ participation
MEMBERS PARTICIPATIONS 1.[Vaccination 2-day workshop] IOM Workshop Alexandria Muayad Abdallah 2.IFMSA EGYPT MOVIE Discussion x Medfest Maryam Dirar 3.Ambassadors for dialogue Workshop Cairo Hanein Alaa ,Amr Hisham ,Shahenda Tarek, Habiba Elmasry ,Mohammed Hossam, Rawan Samy Alhady, Salma 4.IFMSA EGYPT x IFMSA JO x IFMSA IRAQ Open Space participants Habiba Elmasry, Hanein Alaa, Asmaa Dirar, Sandy Hani 5.Human Rights based approach online Sessions participants Hanien , Asmaa Dirar 6.WHA simulation [SCORP] Rodaina AbdAlwahab 7.Pre-Winter Camp Obayda Abdallah, Rodaina Abdalwahab 8.Winter Camp Obayda Abdallah 9.SCORP SP evaluation SWG Asmaa Dirar
10.IFMSA-Egypt’s SCORP 22/25 SP Drafting SWG Asmaa Dirar 11.SCORP Newsletter SWG Asmaa Dirar [Coordinator] 12.SCORP Resources SWG member Rodaina Abdalwahab 13.World Refugees day SWG [international] Asmaa Dirar, Cleopatrain-ITDM, Omar Mamdouh, Ziad Walid 14.[migrants health and human trafficking] IOM workshop Alexandria Raed Radwan, Diaa, Mirelle 15.3rd NGA [SCORP related sessions] Asmaa Dirar, Mayar ELsherif, Emry Atwa, Rodaina AbdAlwahab , Noor Raslam, Obayda Abdullah, Amr Hisham 16.[Migrants health and human trafficking] IOM workshop Cairo Asmaa Dirar, Rodaina Abdalwahab
NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION Number of participants : 20 members Coordinators: Asmaa Dirar, Sandy Hani venue :302 Labs HOSTING AMBASSADORS FOR DIALOGUE WORKSHOP CAIRO
SCOME 1, SKILLED MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS ONLINE CAMPAIGN total reach: 2037 ONLINE CAMPAIGNS Dates : 23/ - 26/2/202 g bad news 2/3/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook on Doctor patient relationship.
2. EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE ONLINE CAMPAIGN total reach: 2200 Dates : 22/3 on the basics and principles of EBM - 22/3/2022 reel on Instagram and Facebook about the misconceptions about EBM 3. EBM: A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD ONLI WEBINAR WITH SCORP Dates :29/3/2022 No. of participants : 20
4. WORLD EPILEPSY DAY ONLINE CAMPAIGN CONJOINT WITH SCOPH total reach: 3763 Dates : 26/3/2022 reel on Instagram and Facebook explaining epilepsy. 26/3/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook facts about epilepsy. 26/3/2022 reel on Instagram and Facebook on first aid of seizures. 5. to D y. 2 2 m and Faceboo
6. FAMILY PLANNING ONLINE CAMPAIGN WITH SCORA total reach: 7117 Dates : 27/4/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about family planning for medical students 28/4/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about the role of doctors in family planning 29/4/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about different contraceptive methods 30/4/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about social pressure towards woman and doctors role to eliminate it 1/5/2022 reel on Instagram and Facebook on initiatives taken towards family planning 7. COMPREHENSIVE SEXUAL EDUCATION IN MEDICAL CURRICULUM ONLINE CAMPAIGN total reach: 903 Dates : 8/5/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about CSE in medical curriculum
8. MEDICAL ETHICS ONLINE CAMPAIGN total reach: 2326 Dates :22/5/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook people sharing stories about unethical medical practices 23/5/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook on the pillars of medical ethics 24/5/2022 reel on Instagram and Facebook demonstrating unethical medical practice and how to avoid it 9. ETHICS OF BEING A DOCTOR: A LOOK BEHIND THE SCENES OF LABOR ONLINE WEBINAR WITH SCORA Dates :30/5/2022 No. of participants : 30
10.BRIDGING GAPS IN MEDICAL EDUCATION ONLINE CAMPAIGN total reach: 2388 Dates :11/6/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about the medicalization of virginity testing 12/6/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about mental health in medical curriculum 13/6/2022 post on Instagram and Facebook about the lack of diversity in medical curriculums
NATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS 1.TMET Pre winter camp XII 1 participant: Nour Raslan 2.SCOME session winter camp XII 1 participant: Omar Mamdouh 3.Accreditation and quality assurance national online campaign 1 participant: Dana Osman 4.Innovation in medical education national competition 3 rd place winner. 5.Medical congress 1 participant: Nour Raslan 6.Psychological first aid for health care workers workshop 1 participant: Nour Raslan 7.From body to soul national online campaign 1 participant: Omar Mamdouh 8.IPE national online campaign 1 participant: Nour Raslan 9.National strategic plan online workshop 1 participant: Omar Mamdouh
INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATIONS 1.TMET Pre winter camp XII 1 participant: Nour Raslan 2.SRT Cleopatrian ITDM 1 participant: Omar Mamdouh
PnSD tnumber of participants : 32 PUBLICATIONS WORKSHOP April ,2022
CBSD ONLINE CAMPAIGNS THE BOSS BABY ج ئراﻮﻃﺔﻟﺎﺣجئراﻮﻃﺔﻟﺎﺣ in preparation Name of workshop: 1 Handover 2-Needs assessment 3 Meeting facilitations 4 Advanced leadership 5-Proposal writing
PHYSICAL CAMPAIGNS WOMEN‘S MARCH Number of of people reached by the campaign: 30 Name of workshop: 1 Time management 2 Personal files 3-Burnout & Motivation 4 Emotional Intelligence 5-Personal development & Innovation 1&2 were online 3:5 were Physical Number of attendees of workshop: Online=15 Physical=30
* Virtual national team meeting 16/11/2021 *League of workshops-PMSA 4/12/2021 *League of workshops-TAT *Virtual national team weekend 12/12/2021S *Workshops that I facilitated as a trainer : 1-KMSA-Kafr Elsheikh" physical" 21,22/12/2021 (Communication skills – Personal files – Innovation ) 2-MMSA-Must" online" 27/12/2021 (Team building – Leadership skills ) 3- AUSS-Ain shams " online" 28/12/2021 (Personal files) 4- TSSA-Tanta " online" 30/12/2021 (Presentation & Communication skills) 5- NMSA-Nahda" online" 5/1/2021 (Team building – Leadership skills ) 6- PMSA-Portsaid " online" 10/12022 (Innovation-Time management) 7- MSSS-Minya " online" 14/1/2022 (Innovation) NATIONAL REPRESENTATION