
prestigious institute, St Aloysius, and continued his further studies in Mumbai and had an illustrious career with SCHLUMBERGER, a French Company dealing with oilfieldservices.Hebeganhiscareer with the same company and continuedfor28 yearsuntilhe took hisretirement.HebeganatBombay High and was posted in various countries with his last base in Kazakhstan. Presently he is
My name is Letitia Nathalia Dcosta, but everybody calls me Lia, born on 23rd July 2002. My parents have their roots in Mangalore, but my mother Nora D’Costa grew up and completed her formal education in Mumbai and early on had the opportunity to work with the South African Consulate, Mumbai as a Political Secretary. My father Mr. Leslie D'Costa studied in our
developingafarmatBelman,Karkal, named Costa Meadows, and is into animal husbandry and dairy. After 10 years of my birth , i was blessed with a brother Luke D'Costa who is
currently studying in 5th grade at Cambridge School, Mangalore.
My parents were married in 1998 and since my father was transferred to China from Mumbai, my mother gave up her job and joined him in his sojourn. I was born in Mumbai and moved to China. As a toddler, having lived across Southeast Asian countries during my father’s transferrable positions I learnt quite a bit. I guess it was a wonderful experience being exposed to various cultures at such a young age, in a way it did shape my personalityat averyyoungage. For myformal education,me
mother moved back to India and settled in Mangalore at Kulshekar. Both my parents are deeply connected to theirrootsandhavea strongbondwiththeirfamily.Itwas a transition period for me as I started adjusting to a different setuphere.Ataveryyoungage,my parents instilled basic values of respectingourMangaloreanculture and tradition, especially learning Konkani.Ibegan myschoolingat St Agnes but changed over to Cambridgeschool,Mangaloreinmy fifthgrade.Ihadbecometheyellow housedeputyCaptaininschooland that's when i started my journey
towards leadership. Overall, I had great experiences in both schools andearlyongotintoextracurricular activities as also took up basketball asa sport.
For junior college, I opted for St AloysiusanddecidedtotakeupArts
and after the 12th I'm currently pursuing my degree with Journalism, Psychology, andEnglish Literature as my core subjects as I was deeply interested in learning more about these fields. After my twelfth grade, I wanted to move to Mumbai or Bangalore to pursue my degree, but life had some different plansforme.
The Covid pandemic set in and unfortunatelyImetwithanaccident on August 9th, 2020. I sustained a head injury and suffered an internal bleed which almost costme my life. I had just celebrated my eighteenth birthday in July with my parents surprising me with a great party
withfamily,thisIcansaywithallthe picturesthatIhadonmyphone.But destinyhadotherplansforme,Ilost a part of my memory due to the trauma, I was immobile and barely able to walk for some time, and life was a real struggle as I dealt with PTSD. I wondered whether it was worthsurvivingorjust givingup.As I lay on the hospital bed, with my clean-shavenheadwonderingwhyI was there in the first place, as I couldn’t remember what happened to me, I felt a surge of emotions, anger and frustration being confined and wondering what had happened. The recovery phase was ajourneyofallsorts,Iventedoutall
myemotionsonmyparentsandmy younger brother who stood by me like a rock, never giving up. Family truly sticks is what i witnessed and love conquers all is what i felt. Love is a very broad term from the love you recieve from your family to being able to love oneself and that wasan integralpart ofmyrecovery. Today,mylife isatestimonyoflove and hope and above all faith and prayer that my family held on to despite all odds. My father and mother didn’t give up and pushed me to my limits to get out of that hospital bed and lead a normal life. I questioned my existence then and wondered if there is a God, but in timedidIrealizethatitwasapartof
the divine plan. Today when I look back at my life I see myself not as a survivor but as a fighter who took on everything in my stride, just like aphoenixrisingfromtheashes.Life has its way of teaching your things in different ways, it may be good or bad instances but what matters is what you make of it. I am indebted to the management and medical teamatFrMullers,wholeftnostone unturned to help me through the situation,renderingassistancewhen needed. I have deep gratitude for my institution, especially my superiors who encouraged me to bring out the best in myself. Knowing my condition, they helped me in all the ways possible to tide through those weak moments academically. Although my parents asked me to take a year sabbatical from college, post-surgery, I insistedoncontinuing,andCovidin a way proved to be a blessing as I could continue with online studies and complete my semesters. As I started leading a normal student life, I got enrolled in the Konkani and English toastmasters club, which was a boon, considering my fledgling memory post-accident. Initially, it was difficult to memorize
orretainanysortofinformationasI hadtroublewithmymemory.Butas
I interacted and participated in the various club activities, it just helped me improve daily. It is said, one can rewire yourbrainas one wantsitto, andit’ssotrueconsideringmycase. I guess it’s all in our minds, we are what we think to be. Slowly and steadily,Igotintothenormalmode of life, and in my final year, I was elected student President of our college.Itwasadefiningmomentin my life, considering that I was the
usedtotellmestoriesandincidents about the same and I used to be very amused by it and when I became President, he was beaming with pride when he got to hear about it and Indeed my backbone has been my family and I can never thank the Almighty enough for all the love and support they have givenme.
second lady President in the history of the 142-year-old institution. It wasafeatIfoundsurreal,butmyjoy knew no bounds. As tears welled down my face, I just couldn’t thank the Almighty enough for the opportunity. With great power comes great responsibility, and that’s what I was prepared for. I remember, my uncle Confred Goveas who was an ex-President of KPTCollegeMangalore.UncleCony
My college too has given me opportunities that have shaped me into the person I am today. Our motto is etched in my heart, and it will be my guiding source all through. St Aloysius has been my formative ground, apart from my
home where values for life have beenimbibedbyme.Iwouldliketo share all that I have learned and received and take it forward because I strongly believe we can onlygivewhat wehave.
My life story has just begun, and I still have a lot to achieve. When I look back, especially the last two years, it has been my learning ground and steppingstone. What seemed to be a hurdle, was a blessing in disguise. It’s hard to comprehend and accept knowing thatthe scar on myhead is lifelong, but I guess it’s the way one looks at it. For me today, it defines my personality and who I am. It has taught me the value of life and given me a strong essence of gratitude. I look at things very differently now and all i can say is live and let live because life is way too short.
-Letitia Dcosta, Cordel, MangaluruThe Vatican spearheaded a longawaited demand by local Laity, Clergyandlegalluminariesandsent the incumbent Bishop of Mysore Kannikadass A. William, on indefinite leave of absence, though many desired his summary sackinginthelightofinvestigations and proofs. Veteran Archbishop Emeritus Bernard Moras, of Mangalore origin, was named the Apostolicadministratorforthe
Antony William will be absent from the Diocese from January 8. During his absence from the Diocese, he will be taking care of his health. William was ordained Bishop on February 27, 2017,” the press note said.
The long-standing facts project that, BishopKannikadassA.William of Mysore, who has also been investigated for kidnapping, embezzlement, sodomy, and the murder of four of his priests, has been asked by the Vatican's Dicastery for Evangelization to take "a period of absence from the ministry." A letter signed by Abp. Felix Machado, secretary general of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, announced that Bernard Moras, archbishop emeritus of
Bangalore, would take over as postolic administrator of the MysoredioceseonJan.7,2023,at6 p.m.
FatherGnanaPrakash,oneofthe37 priests who petitioned Pope Francis with evidence and photographs of William's mistresses, illegitimate children, multiple bank accounts, kidnapping, assault, and embezzlement, said he was assured that"truth hadtriumphed."Yet, it is seenasminimalvague actionaftera long lapse of time and not appropriate to the crimes - there is suspicionthat higher upsfear some backlashfrom this notorious prelate.
PrakashtoldChurchMilitantthathe wished to thank the Holy Father, apostolic nuncio Leopoldo Girelli, Cdl. Oswald Gracias and the apostolic commission that investigated William "for strengthening the faith which was disturbed." A bishop should be a pastor, not a dictator acting contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ,"thepriestsaid."Thedecision to suspend William vindicates the Catholic Church's stand for truth
and justice and for the gospel that never reconciles with the powers of Hades."
decided that the Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev Kannikadass A William, takes a period of absence from the ministry. The appointment will become effective from 7th January 2023, at 6 pm.”
Fewyearsago,asmanyas37priests of the Mysore diocese had written to the Vatican authorities alleging thatBishopWilliamhadindulged in misappropriations of funds and violation of celibacy. A woman had also filed a suit against the bishop stating she was allured for sexual favors in exchange for receiving favoursand jobs.
: Archbishop Felix Machado, secretary general of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI), said in a letter: “Ina communication received from the Apostolic Nunciature,Iwishtoinformthatthe Dicastery for Evangelization has appointed His Grace Most Bernard Moras, Archbishop Emeritus of Bangalore, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Mysore for the ordinary administration and pastoral care of that local Church. TheDicasteryforEvangelizationhas
“It was unfortunate that the bishop stuck to his position for so long
despite several allegations,” said Father Faustine Lobo, the spokesperson of the Karnataka Regional Catholic Bishops’ Council. FatherLobowelcomedthe Vatican decision, although it was delayed. “In fact, Bishop William should have voluntarily gone for a leave long ago and prove his innocence,” he told Matters India.
shortened version of a leaked phone conversation between Cdl. Oswald Gracias and Bp. William in which the cardinal, who's a consultortoPopeFrancis,urgedthe Mysore prelate to take a paternity testasdirected byRome.
Paternity Test : In July 2022, Church Militant published a
In the phone call, Gracias told William that he would arrange for the DNA test to be conducted at a Catholic hospital "so we can control the media, control the doctors, control the publicity given to the wholething." Inavideostatement, Gracias responded to Church
Militant'sexposé.Hefalselyclaimed that the recently leaked phone call between him and William had been maliciously doctored. "I categorically, emphatically and totally deny this in the interest of the truth and for the good of the Church. I am communicating with you directly," the cardinal emphasized. It is noted that there are cases under POCSO being investigated in Mumbai and Pune connected with the Cardinal in his official capacity.
In the video statement, Gracias admitted that he "did have a
conversation with Bp. William in August 2020" and that "during that conversation, [Gracias] urged Bp. William that it would be advisable for him to do a paternity test." "At notimedidIsayorsuggestthatwe can control the outcome of the tests. This possibility, my dear people,never,everevencrossedmy mind," Gracias maintained.
On the same day that the cardinal releasedhisvideostatement,andin response to the cardinal's accusationof"mischievousediting," this apostolate published the uneditedrecordingofthefullphone call between Gracias and William. In a legal notice slapped on Gracias for his defamatory remarks against Church Militant, Retd Judge Saldanha wrote, "When the cardinal goes on record to use the word 'mischievously edited' he is inviting a libel action for damages which could not be less than $100 million."
Earlier this week, eminent retired high-court judge Michael F. Saldanha, who petitioned the Holy See for an investigation into William's scandals, told Church
Militant that at a New Year's Mass, William announced to his congregation that he was going on "medical leave." Saldanha, an internationallyrenownedjudgewho had filed multiple legal notices against William, said that he had traveled to Mysore to be present in the cathedral when William announced his leave.
A canon lawyer from Mysore diocese told Church Militant that the"suspension"wastechnicallynot a punitive action; the bishop was "only being asked to go on leave and leave the diocese."
Relieved of Financial Control : Sources told Church Militantthatthebishophadalready beenorderedtostopsigningchecks on behalf of the diocese as of December 2022.
A chancery insider from the archdiocese of Bombay told Church Militant that Gracias had given William a "final warning" and threatened to laicize him if he did not take the DNA test immediately. For over two years, William has stubbornly refused to complywiththe Vatican'sdirective
fora DNA test.
Pope Francis enthroned William as bishop in 2017, despite his criminal record and a history of sexual misconduct, Church Militant earlier reported. When Fr. K. A. William was being considered for the bishopric of Mysore, the hierarchy "suppressed" the fact that criminal proceedings were pending against him,SaldanharevealedinanAugust 2022 letter to Pope Francis. On Saturday, the diocesan public relations officer, Fr. Vijay Kumar, issued a press release claiming that William "will be taking care of his health"duringhisabsencefromthe diocese. "We also pray that he returns back to the diocese at the earliest," Kumar wrote. A priest from the Mysore diocese told Church Militant, "We pray he never returnsbacktothediocese.Thereis nothing wrong with his health, but everything is wrong with his soul. Onwhatbasisishedeclaringthathe is sick? What sickness is and where is he going to be treated? Nonsense!"
In March 2021, a Vatican inquiry commissionofthreebishopsvisited
Mysore and received depositions from 120 individuals. A 12-page dossier containing evidence of William's abuse of office, multiple immoral, criminal and nefarious activities, false statements, money transfers, dubious expenditures, soliciting foreign funds and receiving unaccounted money was submitted to the commission. In July 2021, the commission revisited Mysore and submitted its report to India'spapal nuncio,Abp.Leopoldo Girelli in September of that same year. The Vatican has yet to release thereport.
Blaise Gomes, spokesperson for the AOCC (Association of Concerned Catholics, Mumbai told media that they are aware of the 'Dismissal' of bishop William of Mysore but are worriedabout his many victims and children. He demanded in the light of the facts that Cardinal Gracias step down gracefully. There is reliable buzz in the media that William might flee India to Papua NewGuineatoavoidpenalactionin India.
Meanwhile, Raphael, secretary of Kannada Christara Sangha said it
was unfortunate that the glory, name, fame and spirituality of Mysore Diocese has been tarnished bythelasttwoBishopsfromthelast few years. He said the late Bishops Rene Fuega Matthias Fernandez, Michealappa and Joseph Roy had upheld the dignity of Christianity, despite little disturbances. "They accumulatedland,andpropertiesin and around Mysuru and protected them for the development of the Diocese. The deterioration began during the tenure of Bishop EmiratesThomasAntonyVazhapilly. Vazhapilly never had any concern for local Christians and Karnataka," he said in a note
Raphael said since K A William had become Bishop, public money was beingspentonluxuriesandtocover up illegal activities. He added the
Diocese funds were misused and mismanaged by some groups of priests,” It is hoped that further information on this happening will surface. However, many feel that Vatican action in the case so far is seen as weak and not sending proper signals on the heinouscrimesofthisprelateofthe Catholic Church in a similar action of Bishop Mullakkal now scot freechurch action against gross violators of the code of morals is seenas verypoorandspineless.
AbridgedfromMedia sources By:Ivan Saldanha-Shet.
Pics: Dayanand
Daijiworld Media NetworkMangaluru(SB)
Kasargod, Jan 10: Kavita Fest, a unique celebration of poetry and gathering of Konkani poetry lovers from Karnataka, Goa, Kerala and Maharashtra was held at Bela, in KeralaonSunday,January8.
Eminent Konkani author and journalist Austin D’Souza Prabhu, Stany Bela, Konkani author, and Anwesha Singbal, president, KBM
the Kavita fest by strewing rose petals. The trustees of Kavita Trust accompanied along for the inauguralceremony.
In his inaugural speech, Austin Prabhu said, “It is nice to hear that Kavita Trust is celebrating Konkani poetry on the soil of Kerala in the form of ‘Kavita Fest'. By this, we can blindly say that Kavita Trust is the true organization which is completely involved in spreading the fragrance of Konkani poetry across the country without any regional borders. Definitely, it will help to know the cultural variations prevailing within us and its richness
among the Konkani speaking community.”
Addressing the gathering Anwesha Singbal said, “I have been attending Kavita Fest regularly and I know its essence.Thesetypesofcelebrations makeitpossibleforallofustocome underoneumbrellaandsittogether like members of the same family. KavitaTrusthasactivelyparticipated in this mission and successfully attracted people towards Konkani poetry and poets. In the recent years,participatinginpoetryrelated competitions organized by Kavita Trust has become a trend. The organization itself grooms the participantsandmakesthemknown inthe Konkaniworld."
The final round of the Nelson and Lavina Rodricks - 9th Cha Fra DeCosta memorial Konkani poetry recitation competition for children andthe4thAllIndiaKonkanipoetry recitation competition for seniors washeldduringtheevent.
Aninteractivesessionwasheldwith Santhosh Perla, author from Kerala and Wilson Kateel, known poet, author and editor. William Pais and Titus Noronha, trustees, Kavita Trust, moderated the session.
highlighted issues faced by the Konkani community in Kasargod and appealed for support from Konkani institutions and organisations which are engaged in Konkani related activities. Poet Wilson Kateel narrated his social views and its reflection on his poems.
In the closing ceremony, Prashanth Naik, president, Nirakar Education Society and former president, KBM, Goa and Rathnamala Divakar, author, lyricist and former vicepresident, KBM, Kishore Gonsalves, president, Kavita Trust, and Averyl Rodrigues, secretary, Kavita Trust werepresenton thedais.
'Chiturleche Acche Din', a collection of poems written by Wilson Kateel and published by Kavita Trust was released bythe guests.
Prashanth Naik said, "We cannot restrict Konkani to a particular state or region. It has spread across coastal India and across the globe as a community. There was a time when poems were written on the basis of a literary meter (Chandbhaddh or Chandassu) and itsownregulations. Itwasa difficult job to write poems on the meter. But our poets never lagged behind.
They produced immense literature whichweconsiderrichinwordsand its narrative form. But when poetry wasfreedfromitsmeter,westarted to call it 'Chandhmukth Kavyam'. This paved the way for new ideas and the exploration of thoughts. Poets started to give importance to the subject and made it easy to understand too. In Goa, at the time of its liberation, poetry became a weapon to exhibit the richness of Konkani and its culture. The revolution of poetry started during this period. Poetry starts to reach villages andhomes.
“Today Konkani poetry is making noise in Kerala too. We are lucky to attend Kavita Fest which is being heldfar from Goa. But itreminds us that under the flagship of Konkani, we are not far, but together,” he said.
Congratulating Kavita Trust, Rathnamala Divkar said, “I appreciate the children who attend Kavita Fest to recite poems in a competitive way. I can say, all participants are the winners and champions of this event. By organizing these types of competitions, Kavita Trust is not only encouraging the children but
also putting a strong base for our future.”
During the event, poetess Indu AshokGersappewasbestowedwith the Mathias Family Poetry Award 2022. In her absence, a shawl, memento, citation, and Rs 25,000 award money were presented to Jyothi Pai, her representative. Melvyn Rodrigues read the citation.
Shweta Pai Manjeshwar read the message of Indu Gersappe which she conveyedto thegathering. Later, prizes were distributed to the winners of the poetry reciting competition.
In the children's category, Ninisha Prisha Monteiro, Mangaluru, Aayan MangaldasBhat,Goa,andAaradhya SPaiRaiturkarwonthefirst,second, and third prizes respectively, while Sana Satelkar, Goa and Nishel Pearl Monteiro, Mangaluru won the consolationprizes.
In the senior category, Ambesh Talwadkar, Goa, Preethan Renita Pereria and Neeta M Parab, Goa won the first, second, and third prizesrespectively.
Margret Crsata, Veena Violet and StavenoSheldonwere felicitated by Kavita Trust for hosting the Kavita Festwithgrandarrangements.
Kishoo Barkur, president, Kavita Trust, welcomed the dignitariesand thegathering,andbriefedaboutthe mission and activities of the trust and its various competitions during inauguralsession.AverylRodrigues, secretary, Kavita Trust spoke during the closing ceremony. Vitori Karkal proposedthe voteofthanks.
Veena Violet D’Souza, Vani Martis, Priyal Crasta and Risha Martis rendered the theme song of the event. Vitori Karkal, trustee, Kavita Trust compered theevent.
MANGALURU, JAN 26: “’Listen to Bible, Read the Bible, Study the Bible, Pray the Bible and Live the Bible.’ I am reminded of these beautiful words from a Bible Library set on Logos Ship arrived in Mangalore port around 40 years ago.Thesewordswillmakeourlives prosper,” said Rev. Dr William Barboza, a retired priest of the Diocese of Mangalore and
translator of the English New Testament into Konkani Language. He was the chief guest of the inaugural ceremony of the threeday Bible Exhibition held at St Anthony Ashram, Jeppu, Mangalore, here on Thursday, January26,2023.
Theexhibitionwasorganisedbythe Commissions for Bible, Proclamation, Social Communication andSmall Christian
Community of the Diocese of Mangalore along with St Anthony Ashram,StJosephSeminary,Cascia, Jeppu and Valencia parishes from January26to 28 evening.
Rev. Fr J B Crasta, Director of St Anthony Charitable Institutions and the convener of the exhibition, Rev. Dr Ronald Serrao, Rector of St Joseph Seminary, Jeppu, Rev. Fr
Joachim Fernandes, Director Small
Christian Community, Rev. Fr Anil
Fernandes, Director Canara
Communication Centre, Rev. Fr
Commission for proclamation, Fr
Larry Pinto, assistant director, St AnthonyAshramandSrDoreenUFS were present among the many religious sisters, youth, and residents of St Anthony Ashram Jeppu.
The inauguration ceremony began with the enthronement of the Bible, which was brought in procession from the Chapel to the exhibition hall. Rev. Dr Ronald Serrao, Rev. Dr William Barboza, and Rev. Fr J. B
Crasta honoured the Bible with incense and blessed the exhibition premises with the Holy Water. A shortprayersessionwasfollowedin
which a passage from the Bible was readandreflected.
Rev.FrLarryPinto,assistantdirector said, “The exhibition is held in commemoration 125th Anniversary of St Antony Ashram and on ‘Bible Sunday’ celebrated universally on the third Sunday of the Liturgical calendar which marked this year on January22,2023.
Rev. Fr J. B Crasta welcomed the chief guests and felicitated Rev. Dr William Barboza with a shawl and flowers for his tireless efforts in translatingthe BibleintoKonkani. Fr Rupesh said “This exhibition includes a public reading of the Sacred Scripture, biblical art, painting, video presentation, quiz, songs, skits, and dances. The Bibles and other religious articles are madeavailableforsale.ShortVideo series on the Bible, produced by Canara Communication Centre are screened continuously in the Sambhram Hall.”
MsTressy Dsouza,oneof the volunteers said, “Happy to be at theservice ofthosewhoread God’s Word, love it and live by it. Wepraythat the Bibleswillreach everyhand, heartandhome! Ihave neverseensuch anawesome
collectionof variousversions of the Bible. Extremely well organised.”
The exhibition showcased different translations of the Bible copies which included regional and local languages including Tulu Bible, Bible Commentaries, hand-written Bibles,Big-sizeBible,Bibleart, Bible paintings, iconography, Indian art, anddisplayofBiblicaltimeline,Bible verses, Bible paintings and the demonstration of important Bible events.
The organisers noted that the exhibition will be open for the public on all the three days from 9 am in the morning to 7 pm in the evening. There will be a biblical cultural programme every evening from 4.30 pm to 7 pm. The concludingceremonyofthesameis scheduled on Saturday, January 28 at6pm.
Canara Communication Centre, Mangalore
Rev. Fr J. B Crasta, Convenor –
74thRepublicDaywascelebratedin Holy Redeemer English Medium School, Belthangady.PTAVice
President Bonaventure Pinto hoisted the flag. The school choir sangpatrioticsongs.HeadmasterFr Clifford Pinto, Teachers and Students witnessed the program. StudentsAustinFernandesthanked, andShivanicomperedtheprogram.
Part l: GEMCulture(previouslydiscussed)
Part II:Indo-PortugueseLegacy
Gilbert Lawrence
Authors:Insights intoColonialGoa,PublishedbyAmazon/Kindle
Rochelle Pinto et al report that the 19th century reforms related to Education and Transportation (by rail and sea) “in essence turned the Overseas Territories (OT) into economicallyprofitableenclavesfor the British.” Jason Keith Fernandes considers the colonial culture to be a form of orientalism peculiar to Goa a mix of strains of GoaIndica,Goa-Portuguesa,andBritishIndian orientalism. Goa, however, continued to progress due to education, democratization, distant employment,travel,communication with the outside world, affluence and colonization. In addition, economic self-sufficiency, industrialization, technology, and the influence of outsiders on the residents also played a role in Goa’s economic progress. GEMs (Christians and Hindus) deserve credit for continuing to preserve their core ethos while assimilating Iberiancustomsandlifestyledevoid ofanyfeelingofcolonialpatriotism. In our view, the GEM culture is a combination of the Traditional with the Modern. It is worth noting that there are variations in GEM
traditions attire, diet, music, and language--ineachdiasporagroup, both in India and abroad. The variations are not an indication that one group is superior to another, but rather they reflect the inventiveness of the groups in finding their own niche within the environmentinwhichtheylive.
Portugal ruled Goa for 451 years and 23 days – a chapter in history which began two and a half centuries before the British owned any territory in Asia. Goans’ Iberian-style, mentality, religion, language, food, and attire are the result of colonialism and its resultant intermingling of two cultures. In addition, GEMs were influencedbythewesterneducation they received from Renaissance-era priests and nuns, who brought with them a broad spectrum of innovativeideasandoutlookonlife.
When Portuguese culture and Latin Christianity were introduced to the west coast of India, they added to the many other cultures and religions that influenced the coast over more than 5,000 years of history. As Faleiro points out in his extensive writings about waves of in-migration into Goa since
antiquity, “Every successive people that descended on Goa subjugated the older settlers” to form the currentcompositelayered society.
Prior to Lusitania’s arrival, Indians practiced subsistence farming –planting just enough crops to feed their families. To keep the cost of farming low, the poor farmers did not engage in intense farming, which involved the use of fertilizers, better seeds, improved irrigation methods, crop rotation, and allowing the land to lay fallow at regular intervals to permit soil rejuvenation. Over time, the soil deteriorated, and the yield decreased.The Konkanregiongrew rice (staple crop) but not in sufficient quantities to feed its people, which led to frequent faminesandstarvation.Droughtsor flooding compounded the crises and encouraged out-migration of thepopulation.
The European / Renaissance monks established horticultural farms, where they introduced the abovementioned farming techniques. In addition, the colonizer’s control
overtheCanararegion(Mangalore), the rice basket of the west coast, assured the Konkan people of adequate rice supplies, eliminating starvation. When the Iberian navy was not fending off the Dutch navy, they escorted rice-laden vessels from Canara to Old Goa, protecting themfrom coastalpirates. The monks introduced 50 new species of plants vegetables, spices, and fruits - from Africa and South America, including corn (maize) and potatoes. The latter crops eliminated mass starvation in GoaandotherpartsofAsiaasthese plants could thrive in poor soil conditions and the harvests were plentiful. The farming techniques were so successful that the Ikkeri and Keladi rulers specifically recruited Goan farmers to tend the fieldsinCanaraandevengavethem land grants. It is interesting to note that the monks also transported AsianplantstoAfricaandBrazil.
In addition to discussing the colonizers’ contributions, it is also important to enumerate some of their missed opportunities. For example, Goa’s valuable asset its
deep harbor at Mormugao could have turned the port into the Hong Kong or Singapore of India had Lisbon accepted Britain’s offer in 1815 to purchase Goa for half a millionpounds.Intoday’seconomic jargon, the British had the advantages of “the economies of scale” of world commerce and the thriving Industrial Revolution; and their focused colonial approach extended all the way from the throne in London to the “white sahib” in the field. Lisbon declined the offer and held on to Goa for sentimental reasons. In doing so, Lisbon retained the goose-thatwas-laying-the-golden-eggs in terms of Diasporas’ remittances of British-Indian rupees, East African florins,andlater,ofshillings.
Asingleword,PARALYSISbest describes the post-World War II governments both in Panjim and Lisbon. In fact, many would use the termtoportraytheconditionssince the beginning of the 20th century, when many development “projects” lay stagnant on the drawing board ad infinitum. Lisbon focused on Africa, Brazil, and its own internal chaos in the 19th century. In addition, Pombal, who came to
power in 1750, eliminated Goa as the administrative center for Africa in 1752 even though professional GEMs served in those colonies’ bureaucracy until the 20th century. Tensions between indigenous Goans and reinois (whites born in Portugal), descedentes or castios (whites born in the colonies), casados (whites married to natives), and mestizos, as well as rebellions led by natives and their tax collectorsparalyzedthe OT. In 1843, Lisbon expelled several religious orders, which were closely involvedinsustainingtheotherwise stagnant economy. The absence of these dedicated individuals caused turmoilinthefieldofeducationand in the economy. Lisbon’s string of royal dynasties, which began in 1139, experienced displacements, upheavals, royal assassinations, and finally ended in 1910 with the monarchy replaced by the first republic. It is understandable that GEMs did not want to hitch their wagons to Portugal’s fading star! That country was destined to discover its own shortcomings in the 20th century when it joined the EU. We will leave it to the Lusitanos to analyze how much Portugal
benefited from its dark colonial history and the effects of the internal collapse and external pressures. Yet, now as part of EU, Lusitania isseeingitsstarshine. Is Newitt, Subrahmanyam and others blaming the dilution of Old Culture due to Affluence (universally seen) onReligionorColonization?
In our view, there are great opportunities for the strengthening of lusofonia in the 21st century. For starters, we suggest that GEM diaspora groups worldwide should foster cultural exchanges and network with each other. Another step would be to encourage interactions with those who lived through the struggle for independence in 1961. These individuals are part of the last living generation with a wealth of firsthand information on Iberian colonialismintheEastandinAfrica. It would benefit present and future generations to have access to the documented recollections of those who lived during that period. Such oral discourses and printed reminisces should include input
from the then young military recruits who completed tours of duty through the East in the 1950s. Suchexchangescouldevenhelpthe participants re-live their youth. A sister-to-sisterrelationshipbetween municipalities and institutions across the Lusosphere would be a boon to those sharing in the exchange.
In addition to esoteric academic papers on Lusophilia, sports can also play an important role in fostering lusofonia. For example, Portugal’s cultural goal could be to organize a world-class competitive soccer program for all its former colonies, like the one Britain established with the game of cricket. As world powerhouses in football, Portugal and Brazil could organize soccer camps in various parts of the Lusosphere to promote the next Edson Pele or Cristiano Ronaldo. The camps can also serve to train GEMs and Indians in professional and competitive soccer. A football league across the Lusosphere would be great for the economies of the countries, individualplayers,citiesandclubsin addition to enhancing tourism and goodwill. Within lusotropicalism,
GEMs could become badminton, table-tennis, and field hockey coaches. GEMs would also be excellentEnglishandHinditeachers in the Lusosphere. Looking ahead to the future, India is expected to become the third largest world economy withinthenext decade.
For Lusitanos, the GEMs could be the entrepôt to India’s economy. And for Indians, the key to Lusosphereeconomiesandmarkets inEurope,Africa,andSouthAmerica couldlie inGoa.
-Sonal Lobo, BengaluruThey askedme, “You write?”
When andHowandWhy?
AndI said,“Yes,Iwrite.”
No,Idonotwakeup in themiddle ofthe night towrite.
Idonotsit on theseashoretowrite.
Iwrite when Iseetheraindrops fall, Iwrite when the moon looksdull andpale.
Iwrite when myempty womb cries.
Iwrite when myrestless heartsmiles.
Iwrite when Iseesomethingawful.
Iwrite when mymindjuggles thoughts innumerable.
Iwrite when Iseesomeone in tears, Iwrite when someoneis joyfulandfullofglee.
Iwrite when the social stigmashaunt me.
Iwrite when the injustice aroundchokes me.
Iwrite when Iseefamilies crumbling
Iwrite when Iseebeautifulmarriages ending.
Iwrite when mymouthfails toconvey what my heart feels. Iwrite when Iwant tosay, Iwrite when Iwant thingstochange.
Iwrite becauseIfailtosugar coat my words.
Iwrite becauseIamalittle tootoughat theedges.
Iwrite becausethe orphan kids cryingout in pain,makeme feel guilty.
Iwrite becausethe poverty andsufferingremindme ofmy responsibility.
Iwrite when Iamdisturbedbythoughts ofsomeone,Ilost longback. Iwrite when Iamtryinghardtoforgetsomeone.
Iwrite in allseasons
Iwrite irrespective ofthe occasion.
Iwrite about thedays gone by;I writeabout thememories Iwant to relive
Iwrite about mypainandsorrow,notforyour sympathy, But toigniteinyou the hidden empathy.
Iwrite nottogain stardom
Iwrite tograb your attention, Yourattentionon the thingsthat matter.
Iwritebecauseit’s God’s gift tome
Iwrite becauseit’s mytalent, even thoughyou mightfailtosee.
Iwrite toawaken what is numb,
Iwrite todarken what is bright.
Iamnotcomplicatedandnoraremy thoughts.
IWrite because,Ibelievethereis a silver liningon every darkcloud.
Iwrite becauseIknowaftereverynightthereisamorning, Andirrespective ofthe storm therecomes a calm.
Iwrite becauseItrust in theGoodGod.
Iwrite toacknowledgethesupreme powerof my Lord.
Iwrite becauseIamsimple atheart
Soaremy words
Iparty andIamseldomgloomy
Still Iwrite.
Iwrite tomake adifference
Iwrite totickle slightly someone’s heart
Iwrite tobringasmile Iwrite to make you thinkat least fora while.
Iwrite andIshall continue Iwrite. Yes,Iwrite.
Posted on October 5, 2022 by VincentAugustineD'Souza
On 28/9/2022 Government of India banned Popular Front of India (PFI) and eight of its associates for five years under Unlawful Activities (Prevention)Act. Itsassociateswere Campus Front of India (CFI), National Confederation of Human Rights Organisations (NCHRO), National Women’s Front (NWF), Rehab India Foundation (RIF), All Indian Imams Council (AIIC), Junior
Front (JF), Empower India Foundation (EIF) and Rehab Foundation,Kerala(RFK). Therewas no ban on its political associate Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI).
The ban came after raids on offices andresidencesofPFIleaders. There were many arrests. In Kerala, PFI engaged in vandalism in protest against raids. On 29/9/2022 Kerala
High Court ordered PFI to pay 5.20 crore rupeesindamages.
Some Congress and Indian Union Muslim League leaders welcomed ban on PFI. Some demanded RSS also should be banned. CPI and CPI(M) said ban is not the way to tackle the problem. AIMIM did not support theban.
PFI is accused of violent acts and murders of members of RSS, SFI, Bajrang Dal, BYJM, Hindu Munnani and PMK. It is also accused of attempt to assassinate Prime MinisterNarendraModi.
Professor T. J. Joseph whose hand wasseveredbyPFImemberssaidhe hadsoughtbanonPFIseveraltimes. Hesaid, “There is no doubt that this is a terrorist organisation that kills,
terrorises, that aims to establish an Islamic reign.”
CFI was behind hijab protests in Karnataka. Supreme Court has concluded hearings in hijab case andreservedjudgment.
Some say Students Islamic Movement of India morphed into PFIafteritsban.
Wemustwaitandseehoweffective the ban will be. RSS thrived under ban. Maoists have survived under ban. Things are not normal in Jammu and Kashmir after making it a Union Territory in August 2019. Efforts to rehabilitate Kashmiri Panditshavefailed.
As we have announced the new MCACommitteefortheyears20232024, you might be eager to know more about them. Below is a brief bio and picture of the committee membersforyourinformation:
EXECUTIVETanya lives in Clarksburg, MD. She was born in Bahrain but grew up in Mumbai and has called the DMV area home for over 20 years. She completed her BCom from the UniversityofMumbaiandearnedan MBA from the University of Maryland. She currently works as a Senior Technical Director for the Program Management Office at SAP. Her parents are from Kirem, Mangalore and live here with her andher5-year-old daughter, Hazel.
granddaughter. She has done her undergraduate studies at St. Agnes College,Mangalore, andmaster'sin history from University of Bombay. By profession, she is an AMI trained Montessori Teacher and has been teaching for over 20 years. She is a foodie with cooking as her passion and tries different cuisines. She has been actively involved in the activities of the Mangalorean Association and helped in the successofvariouseventsduringthe Presidency of her husband. She believes that the association has helped her develop many friendshipsandsheisveryhappyto be a part of the association. She is looking forward to contributing to the success of the association by helpinginvarioussocialandcultural events.
Julia lives in Fairfax, VA. She hails fromthecoastalregionofKemman, Udupi and comes from a large family of 7 children and is the fifth inthefamily.SheiswifeofVJames, the former President of the Mangalorean Association and has two daughters and a
RenitalivesinSilverSpring,MDwith her hubby Walter Biswas and daughter Tiffany. She is originally from Mumbai and has lived in Canada for a few years before moving to Maryland. She works for TAOSolutionsasaBusinessAnalyst. She has served as an MCA committee member in the past and isgladtobeapartofthecommittee again.
Brian is originally from Mangalore and spent time in Mumbai, Bangalore. Brian lives with his wife and daughter in Crofton, Maryland. He works as a Product Director for Inovalon. He has previously served asa committee member.
Anne hasbeeninvolvedwiththe
MangaloreanAssociationeversince she immigrated to the US in 2012 and has previously served as treasurer on the committee. Anne worksforPrinceWilliamCounty,VA. She and her husband Joe are from Bendur Parish where they raised their children Joanne and Daniel. Joanne is married to Angelus Fernandes in Burlington, Canada and is currently completing a bachelor’sdegreeinNursing.Daniel is an Engineer with Boeing in Seattle.
Reynel lives in Baltimore, MD with his wife Elvina Moras and two kids Eben and Evonne. His family belongs to Bendur Parish in Mangalore.HeisaLeadArchitectat T. Rowe Price and a Principal at Silonos an IT management services company. Reynel has been involved with the association for several years and continues to assist the committeeinmanyways.
with his wife Malin and two kids, Joshua and Jaden. His family belongstoAjekar,KarkalaTaluk.He grew up in Bangalore/Bengaluru before moving to the US(Michigan) to pursue his Masters. He currently works as a Lead Software Engineer at T.Rowe Price. Clement and Malin have been active members of the association since 2006. His wife Malin Mendonca was the vice presidentofMCAforthe2017-2019 term.
Clint lives in Woodstock, MD. Born inMumbai,India,happilymarriedto SonalJacinto. Theyare blessedwith a boy, Ethan Almeida who is in Middle School. He currently works for Geico, MD. Clint previously served the Association as Vice President
Clementlivesin Ellicott City,MD
Shes lives with her hubby Santhosh Sequiera and her 3 kids. She is originally from Bangalore and movedtoMarylandin2004andhas beenlivinghere eversince
-"I'm glad to be a part of the Mangaloreancommitteeforthefirst time and looking forward to workingwithmyfellowcommittee members"
responsible to the organization to uphold the goals and objectives of the Organization. The initial Advisory council has 2 Presidentschosen from the past MCA-DMV Presidents willing to represent the interests of the Association along with the last President of the association. Their termwouldbe ona rollingbasis.
Prema is originally from Mangalore, moved to USA 4 years ago after living in TorontoandOttawainCanadafor6 years.Sheismarriedwith2children. She works for Johns Hopkins UniversityinBaltimore.
The Association now has the AdvisoryCommittee/Council, thatis
"Esmie lives in Falls Church Va. She spent her formative years in Belgaum and then moved to Bangalore where she worked as an officer at the Vijaya Bank, HO. She emigratedtotheUSinthe80s.With a degree in law and an MS in Accounting, Esmie has been working in the Insurance Industry forseveralyears.Shewasassociated with the initial group that came together to form the Mangalorean
Association and proudly served as its3rdPresident.
"My experience as President strengthened my leadership and public speaking skills but above all it forged new and lasting friendships. So excited that the association has made great strides due to the smart, enthusiastic, and hardworking Mangaloreans who have generously contributed their talents and time."-"Myexperience as President strengthened my leadershipandpublicspeakingskills butaboveallitforgednewand lastingfriendships.Soexcitedthat the association has made great strides with smart, capable and enthusiastic mangaloreans who havegenerouslycontributedtheir talentsandtime".
Juliet lives in South Riding, VA with her daughter Keira (15). She was raisedinFalnir,Mangaloreandthen moved to the U.S in 2002 with her husbandLateLance Barboza.
She completed her BDS in MangaloreandMHAintheU.S.She currently works for LCPS. Keira is a Sophomore in St. Paul VI High School. Juliet has been a past president of the MCA from 20152017. She has been in the advisory committee since 2022. In her free time,Juliet loves baking,gardening, listeningtomusicandplayingboard gameswithher daughter.
"Weourselvesfeelthatwhatweare doingisjustadropintheocean.But theoceanwouldbelessbecauseof thatmissingdrop"-SaintTeresaof Calcutta.
V JAMES DANTEV James Dante is the former President of the Mangalorean Catholic Association, having served as the President of the Association from 2019 through 2022 and as the Committee member from 2017 through2019.HelivesinFairfax,VA, and hails from the coastal temple townofUdupi.HeismarriedtoJulia Dante and is blessed with 2 daughtersandagranddaughter.He has done his B.Tech in Engineering fromKREC/NITKSurathkalandMBA from University of Bombay. He has worked for a long time with large private organizations in India, Canada, and USA, before switching to US federal government consulting. Apart from regular job, he likes spending his time helping several community organizations. During his Presidency at the MangaloreanAssociation,heledhis committee to achieve several memorablefeats, manyof those for the first time in the history of the Association. He successfully steered the efforts to get the Association
registered and recognized as a Non-profit (501c3) organization to be able to carry out charitable events and receive donations. He believes in teamwork and has been successful in tapping talents from within the committee and the communitytoperform.Hesaysthat the association has helped him develop many friendships and is looking forward to guiding the future committees in their endeavorsto be successful.
Youcanalsocheckoutthebiosand picturesofthenewMCACommittee onourwebsiteat
https://www.mangaloreanassociati on.org/committee
In the next 2 weeks, we plan to complete the transition from our current committee to the new committee. On behalf of my outgoing committee, I request you all to pledge your support to the newcommitteeandhelpthemtobe successfulintheirendeavors.
Mangaluru, Jan 20: Poetica Kavigosti-13washeldonJanuary14 at St Aloysius College. Poet and writer Hemacharya’s ‘Yeklo Eksuro’
Konkani book was also released on theoccasion.
The Kkavigosti was inaugurated by the editor of Veez Konkani Emagazine, Lion Dr Austin D’Souza Prabhu, Chicago. Konkani Writer’s Association president Richard Moras was the guest of honor for
the inaugural programme. Anil
Fermai, chairman MCC Bank, Daijiworld representative Hemacharya, Alwyn Pinto, Pingara
Konkani magazine editor Reymond
D’Cunha, Naveen Kulshekar. Anil
Pernal and Machcha Milar were present.
Lion Dr Austin D’Souza Prabhu called all the poetica poets to write poems which can enrich the society andalsotofillininsightofhumanity among people. He said that poets
should discus and debate on the writingsandimprovethequalityfor societal betterment. He also said thateveryweektheVeezKonkaniEmagazine supports the poets by publishing the poems and motivates them. Veez encourages thepoetsbyitsassociationforthe kavigostis.
The kavigosti was led by Konkani writer and poetess Lavi Ganjimata and well-known Konkani writer and poet Loyd Rego. Thirty-six poets and poetesses participated in the kavigosti. C V Loretto grabbed the best poem award of Poetica
Kavigosti-13forhispoemwhichwas conveying a beautiful message that says when the college has blessed us with highways, is it required to label a road in college’s name?
Poetess Dr Flavia Castelinos
‘Chinnada Uyyale’ Kannada video song was released by Fr Dr Praveen Martis,principalStAloysiusCollege.
Hemacharya’s ‘Yeklo Eksuro’
Konkani book (translation of Kannada short story book ‘Asanga’Raghavendra Prabhu) was released by Lion Dr Austin D’Souza Prabhu.
Poetica poets group felicitated Konkani legend from Chicago, Lion Dr Austin D'Souza Prabhu who had
come on vacationand spent quality time with the poets of Mangaluru, Mumbai and Goa. All the benefactors of Poetica Kavigosti (1 to 13) were honored by giving mementos.JanetVasBangalorewas the master of ceremony for the programme. Naveen Pereira, admin
of Poetica poets’ group and the organizer of the kavigosti thanked everyone for the beautiful programme. All the poets and poetesses spoke on the recitations and also appreciated and encourage each other during the dinnerwhichfollowed.
Department of Mathematics, Mangalore University has been awardedPh.D.forhisthesistitled"A Study related to Metro domination
inGraphs"byMangaloreUniversity, Mangalagangothri.
He was successfully guided by Dr Kishori P Narayankar, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,MangaloreUniversity. He is the proud son of Late Joseph Saldanha andJulietSaldanha.
The Jury has come out with the verdict. We are happy to announce The Annual Vimala V. Pai Vishwa KonkaniKavitaKrutiPuraskarforthe year 2022. Bhitarlo Kavi (भितरलो
by Shri Valley Quadros has been selected as the Best Konkani Book of the Year (Poetry)for Smt. Vimala V. Pai Vishwa Konkani Kavita Kruti
Puraskar2022.Wecongratulate the Author Shri Valley Quadros and thank all the referees and the members of the Jury for evaluation andselection. The Awards carry a Prize money of Rs. 1.00 Lakh each along with an award memento which will be bestowed on the recipient at the Annual Vishwa Konkani Puraskar Ceremony to be held on 9th February 2022 at 10.00 a.m. at the World Konkani Centre. The awards have been sponsored by Shri T.V.MohandasPaiinthenameofhis beloved mother Smt. Vimala V. Pai, and are awarded every year since 2010.
The Catholic Diocese of Mangalore for several decades has been holding an Annual solemn Eucharistic procession on the first Sunday of each New Year. Accordingly, on Sunday, January 8, 2023,itwasorganisedasusualfrom Milagres Church to Rosario Cathedral - under the leadership of Bishop Of Mangalore Rev Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha. Thousands of lay
faithful,religiousandpriestsfromall parishesofMangaloredioceseeven from out lying areas participated with a deep sense of devotion, recitingprayers,andsinginghymns.
This year 2023 the diocese of Mangalore declared the ‘Year of Family’ at the end of the Eucharistic
processionandadorationatRosario Cathedral grounds. Prior to the procession, mass was offered by Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of MangaluruatMilagresChurch,after which the Eucharistic procession commenced. The procession led by the Bishop culminated at Rosario
Cathedral with adoration. The day was also the solemnity of the Epiphany also called Feast of the Three Kings in the universal church. Commemorating the first manifestation of Jesus Christ to the
Gentiles and the manifestation of his divinity by the adoration of the threekingsfromtheEast.
need to search God first in the holy scriptures and then in the hearts of each other.” He further said, “The wordofGodinourhandsisourstar pointing towards Jesus. The Gospel itself becomes our star which draws us unto Jesus. Our hearts will burn withthewordofGodwhenweread and reflect on it. The word of God willmakeusrealizethat Jesuswalks with us,” he added.
All the faithful participated in the procession with utmost devotion and discipline without causing any disturbance to the general public. Thetrafficwaswellregulatedbythe many volunteers deployed along theroute.
In his homily, the Bishop said, “We
RevChethanLobo,OFMCap,editor of Sevak monthly, preached a homily at the Rosario Cathedral grounds. He elaborated on the theme, “Humane Family: Hope of the Future”, and brought out some areas to bring renewal and reformationinthemodernchristian
Rev Vijay Machado, director of Mangala Jyothi animated the ceremony. The bishop thanked all
formakingthisannualprocessiona great success and blessing at the commencement of2023.
- VEEZ NewsNetwork. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A book called ‘To Live is Christ’ jointly authored by six scholars, namely Dr. Augustine Mulloor from Cochin,Dr.RichardDSouza,andDr. JohannesGorantlabothfromRome,
Dr. Rathan Almeida from Mysore , Dr. Rudolph Raj from Mangalore, andDr.GregoryDSouzaand edited by Rev. Dr. Gregory D Souza, was released by Rev. Dr. Pius D Souza, the Assistant to the Superior General of the Carmelite Order in the presence of Rev. Fr. George Santhumayor, the Provincial and Rev. Fr.CharlesSerrao,thesuperior ofSt.Joseph’sMonastery. Afterthe holy mass at seven p.m. Rev. Dr. Rudolph Raj D Souza introduced thebooktothepublicandsaid that this book shows how to reach the heightofholiness aftertheexample of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Dr. Pius Dsouza congratulated Dr. Gregory D Souza for bringing out this book. And recommended the same to the peopletoreadthe andbenefitfrom
Archdiocese of Delhi, presided over thesolemnfestal massat6.00 p.m.
In his homily, Rev Fr Richard Saldanha OCD emphasized the importance of choosing the right
14 January: The annual feast of Infant Jesus was celebrated today at Bikarnakatte Shrine with several masses and spiritual services. There were services in Konkani, English, Kannada, and Malayalam throughout the day. Rev. Dr Deepak Valerian Tauro, Auxiliary Bishopofthe
and narrow path prescribed by Jesus Christ to bring peace to the world. Kings and powerful people likeHerodareworkinghardtobring theworldto war,hatred,and
despair. But the Christ who becamea helpless child can rule the heartsofallwhobegintooffertheir own precious lives to him and take theroadlesstravelled.
Thismagnificentshrineisdedicated toInfantJesusandwasbuiltin1996, a gift from the Carmelites of Karnataka-Goa province to the diocese of Mangalore in Karnataka. However, devotion to the Infant
Jesus is said to have begun around 1950. Although every Thursday is dedicatedtoInfantJesus,andmany faithful gathers here to worship. The annual feast was celebrated on January14th and15th.
RevFrDanielVeigas OP, Episcopal
The vicar of the Diocese of Mangalore presided over a special mass for the sick at 10.30 a.m. Throughouttheday,manydevotees flockedtothesshrineseekingdivine
blessings. Rev. Fr Gorge Santumayor, Provincial of the KG Province, Rev. Fr Charles Serrao, Superior of St Joseph's Monastery, and other priests and deacons also officiatedattheeveningfestalmass. Thousands of people attended the feast's Holy Mass at 6.00 p.m., thanking Infant Jesus for blessings
Report:Carmel Kiran Media
Pics:Stany Bantwal
CelebratedPlatinumJubilee on13.01.2023
Welcome - Fr. Eric Crasta
Correspondent of the high school welcomed the guest of honour and the others. He also briefly introduced the chief guest and guest of honours. Outside the top academy performers of SSLC –Varun, Sujan Bhide, Tushara was honored. The school also honour guides Rajya puraskar performers and NCC cadet srinidhi and cultural performer Sudamshu Dongre
felicitated. The high school management also honoured the main donors of the school and Platinum Jubilee Celebration especially Mr Santosh Squira (Santosh arrangers kankanady) old student trunja managing (Director Pooja Petrochemicals Limited ) Mumbai . President of old students
by from Ramakrishna Balkrishna felicitator for the generous financial assistant. The chief guest Swami
Jitakamanadaji in his message stressed values of social living . He alsostressededucationmustimpart and breed these values in the students so that a better society is built. Secretary, Catholic Board of Education and President of the program for the Antony Shera high lightened the important contribution made by the founder of the school MSG. F.X. Fernandes and stressed the importance of the education of the youngsters. Other guest of honour was - Swami
Raghuramnandaji (Warden Swamiji
Ramakrishna Balikashrama)Mr
Sudhakar (DDPI. Administration )
Mr HR Ishwar (B.E.O Mangalore south)MrPremaNanda(Chiefwhip
Mangalore City Corporation) Smt.
Bhanumathi (Corporator 58 ward
MangaloreCityCorporation) Mr.T.R Pooja (Managing Director Pooja
Petrochemicals Limited Mumbai), Mr Santosh Squeira (M/d Santosh arranges kankanady), Mr. Ashok
Fernandes (Vice President PPP Church),Mr.Subhash(Presidentold studentassociation).Voteofthanks was delivered by Headmaster. Program ended with colourful entertainment. Whole program was compared byMrs.Rita Pinto.
St.Aloysius(autonomous)Collegekonkanidepartment hostingafelicitationprogramalongwithBookreleasing ceremonyon13thJanuaryat3pm insanidhyasabhaga.
Rev.Fr(Dr)Leo D’Souza SJ a senior priest / scientist awarded Dr. Austin D’Souza Prabhu Chicago with the title “antarashtria kala sahithya jivamana sadhak” Mr. Walter Nandalike introduced Dr. Austin
D’Souza Prabhu to the gathering. And Dr .Rose Veera D’Souza introduced Mrs. Gauri R Mallya to the gathering. Mrs. Gauri R Mallya awarded “kala sahithya sadhaki” for
rendering their untiring service to art and literature especially, in Konkani. Both the awardees expressed their great love for the institution.
On this occasion Ms. Angeline Dsouza’s “Mujhya jivithachi po’nthi” poetry bybook released. Book introduced by Dr.Alwyn D’sa Registrar of the college. Ms. Angeline expressed her heartfelt love towards her alma mater. President of the program Rev. Fr. Melwin Pinto SJ Rector and College
Principal Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis SJ delivered the presidential address onthisoccasion.
Mrs. Flora Castelino HOD of Konkani Dept welcomed the gathering and Ms. Rishal D’Souza Dept of Commerce rendered the vote of thanks. Mr. Raoul Noronha compeered the program. Sr.
Laveena And team invoke the blessings. Director Sandeep Malani Film show was followed by the program.
- ReportbyFlora Castelino
CLEVELAND, OH – The Survivor Advisory Board of the Collaborative to End Human Trafficking produces a training series about labor trafficking that has reached international audiences for the first time,withparticipantsfrom India.
Collaborative to End Human Trafficking invited activist Harold D’Souza to share the problems,
solutions, and resources to combat Labour Trafficking on Wednesday, January11th,2023.
HaroldD’SouzaandRachelSocorro, labor trafficking survivors from Ohio, conducted training that discussed how labor trafficking still prevails within Ohio and across the USA. They used their lived
experience to explore various typologies of labor trafficking, including domestic servitude and debt bondage. The training equips participants with key indicators to look for within local businesses, empower them with solutions and resources, and define challenges within the sector to serve survivors oflabortrafficking.
‘Failure to Fame’ is the story of this ordinary man doing extra-ordinary workacrosstheworld. ‘Humanity to Hollywood’ is the journey of Harold D’Souza. Today an international inspirational role model shares his lived experiences from fear to freedom.
For the first time, the training had participants from India and Nepal.
AccordingtotheU.S.Departmentof State, as reported over the past five years, human traffickers exploit domestic and foreign victims in India and traffickers exploit victims from India abroad. Internal forced labor constitutes India’s largest trafficking problem; traffickers use debt-based coercion (bonded labor) to compel men, women, and childrentoworkinagriculture,brick kilns, rice mills, embroidery and textilefactories,andstonequarries.
Kirsti Mouncey, President & CEO of the Collaborative, which brings together more than 70 organizations to prevent sex and labor trafficking in Cuyahoga County, said labor trafficking is a substantial problemworldwide –
“Forced labor has increased significantly over the last five years, with 28 million people around the world estimated to be in forced labor, according to the United Nations,” Mouncey said. “Harold’s and Rachel’s perspective from their livedexperienceisimportanttohelp raise awareness – and hopefully prevent – labor trafficking. We are thrilled to bring their important messages to India.”
True story! Imagine that you wake up in a place where you don’t know the culture, you don’t know the laws, and you don’t know the resources.Imaginethatyouthought you were going to rise to a better life for yourself and your family but found yourself on the floor with no bed. You are working 16 hours a day.Imagineyouhavenofood,and no money because someone you trusted took the small amount of money you had “to keep it safe”, and provided you a one-bedroom apartment, then threatened you with arrest and deportation if you didn’t continue working without pay. You’re working so many hours
that you can’t get home to care for yourtwosmall children.
This couldn’t happen in the United States of America, could it? Certainly, this couldn’t happen in Cincinnati, could it? True! Cruelty to Celebrity is the incredible story of The D’Souza Family.
Today, the D’Souza family is living their ‘American Dream’. Dancy and Harold D’Souza are the CoFounders of Eyes Open International (EOI) a non-profit organizationregisteredunder501 c 3 in USA focused on prevention of Human Trafficking. EOI is planning to open branches in 50 Countries. Harold says, America is the destination but countries like Mexico, Nepal, Bangladesh, India and various other countries are the source.
Bradly and Rohan D’Souza sons of Dancy and Harold are working for Tesla. Recently Dancy D’Souza was recognized and awarded for Volunteeringandgivingbacktothe community through the Do-Good Program in2022 inAmerica.
Harold D’Souza, President of Eyes Open International was awarded in Mumbai, India on November 17, 2022, for the most trusted organization on human trafficking recognized by Government of Maharashtra and specially by Honorable Chief Minister of Maharashtra,ShriEknathShinde.
Bajpe to Bollywood, Stigma to Success,andPovertytoProsperityis abreath-takingrollercoasterrideof rising from rags to riches of Harold Henry D’Souza a native of Bajpe, MangaluruinIndia.
The Collaborative to End Human Trafficking’s mission is to lead, empower, and connect our community to eradicate human trafficking. The Collaborative providesleadershipandexpertiseto empowerasystemic,communitywideresponsetohumantrafficking, through education, resources, training, and facilitating a multidisciplinary collaborative. As the backbone organization of a 60+ organizationmembershipprogram called Greater Cleveland’s Coordinated Response to Human Trafficking, the Collaborative provides strategic leadership to createsocialchange.
January 26,2023,byVincent
Some wrestlers went on protest at JantarMantaron18/1/2023. Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia led the protest. They demanded resignation of Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh as President of Wrestling Federation of India. They accused him of sexual harassment of wrestlers. They had written to Indian Olympic Association’s President P. T. Usha. Sports Minister Anurag Thakur met them. It was decided to set up a panel to probe the allegations. Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh stepped aside.
Vinesh Phogat had said “Women wrestlers have been sexually harassed at national camps by
coachesandalsotheWFIPresident. Some of the coaches appointed at national camps have been sexually harassing women wrestlers for years. The WFI President is also involved in sexual harassment.”
BrijBhushanSharanSinghisBJPMP from Kaiserganj. He had dismissed the accusations as political plot against him and was ready to be hanged if any female wrestler proved sexual harassment. Government of India did not want the protest to continue. Republic Day was nearby. India has G20 Presidency. It would be bad publicity. Narendra Modi has started campaign for 2024 Lok Sabha elections 400 daysin
On 21/1/2023 IOA appointed a committee of seven members to probe the accusations. It had Mary Kom, Dola Banerjee, Yogeshwar Dutt, Alaknanda Ashok, Sahdev
Yadav, Talish Ray and Shlok Chandra.
consulted. It is very sad that our views were not taken before the committee was formed. @narendramodi @AmitShah @ianuragthakur”.
On 23/1/2023 Sports Ministry appointed an Oversight Committee offivemembers. Ithastosubmitits report in four weeks. It had Mary Kom, Yogeshwar Dutt, Trupti Murgunde, Rajesh Rajagopalan and Radhica Sreeman. Mary Kom headed both committees.
Yogeshwar Dutt was on both committees.
It seems protesting wrestlers were unhappy at inclusion of Yogeshwar
Dutt who had supported Brij
Bhushan Sharan Singh. On 24/1/2023 Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi
Malik, BajrangPunia andSarita Mor posted identical tweets. “We were assured that before the Oversight Committeewassetup,wewouldbe
There was no official reaction from the Sports Ministry. Unofficially it informed journalists that names of Mary Kom, Rajesh Rajagopalan and Radhica Sreeman had come from Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia during discussion withAnuragThakur.Therewillbeno changeintheOversightCommittee.
On 26/1/2023
Government approved participation of 55 member Indian wrestling contingent in Zagreb Open during 1-5/2/2023. Vinesh Phogat and BajrangPuniaareinthecontingent.
Accusationshaveto beprecise with names, places, and times. Victims should come forward and narrate what happened. The accused should have a chance to defend themselves. Summary dismissal of accused without trial is wrong. If
sexual harassment is of serious nature, there should be police complaints and guilty persons
St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru commemorated the 74th Republic Day on 26 January 2023. This celebration was graced by the Chief Guest, Sr Dr Lydia A.C., Superior and Joint Secretary of St. AgnesConventandInstitutions.The
event started with the Chief Guest and the Principal of the college being escorted by the NCC cadets along with the ANO’s of NCC Army and Airwing, Lt Gayathri BK and Flg Offr. Dr Hithakshi B. The NCC Secretaryofthe College,CUO
Aparna Bharadwaj welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest unfurled
theTricolourflagandinher address said that ‘this day is an occasion for
alltorenewourpledgeandtomake andpreserveourcountryasaplace
where the mind is without fear, and everyone can keep their heads high’. She also expressed that the values upholding Justice, Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity are the core ofourconstitutionandourcountry has made a tremendous growth in every aspect of life. In order to aim forhigherdevelopmenteveryone
must be a hope-filled person, and this can be made possible through inclusive growth using our potential. The Chief Guest’s address was followed by the patriotic song
Both have lost a lot. Let’s look at Russiafirst.Shehadagrandscheme to reassemble the Soviet Union. It appears to be in tatters. Her losses of troops is approaching 20,000. She has lost billions of dollars in militaryequipment.
sung by the NCC cadetsafter which the event was concluded by expressing the words of gratitude by Cpl Sneha D’mello.
Emperor has no clothes. Putin has exposed the Russian military as weak and incompetent. Certainly not the world power everyone thought.
Thefirstlossisprestige.TheRussian militaryusedtobefeared.Itusedto be respected. No longer. The
Let’s talk about respect. Soldiersare sayingPutinorderedthewarcrimes. Thebombingofmaternityhospitals. Shelling of Children’s shelters. Executionoftheelderlyandwomen and children. Shot in the head with their hands tied behind their backs. Gangrapingwomenandsmallgirls. Whatever respect Russia may have gained since the fall of the Soviet Union has been squandered and lost byPutin.
Let’s move on to Ukraine. She has
lost her countrymen. She has seen hercountrydestroyed.Shehasseen her citizens exposed to war crimes and atrocities. But she has gained a lot.
She has gained the respect and admirationof the entireworld.
She has a proven leader Who has the respite the world and will lead herinthe rebuildingprocess.
Most of all, Ukraine has showed the world how important her freedom is. She is willing to fight. To die. To
see her home destroyed. But in the end she will have her freedom. Her children will have their freedom. And her grandchildren will have theirfreedom.
To repeat a quote of Churchill: “Nations that go down fighting rise again, but those who surrender tamelyarefinished.”
Ukraineisnotsurrenderingtamely and evenif defeated,will rise again. So,whohaslostthemostinthewar. Theanswer iseasy-Russia.
-Bent Cooper(Quora)India celebrated its 74th Republic Day on Thursday with a colourfulparadedisplayingmilitarymightandculturaldiversity.
The public holiday marks the anniversary of India officially adopting its constitution, making it asovereignrepublic.
Itshighlight isa parade whichis held in the capital city Delhi and telecastliveacrossthe country.
Everyyear,thecountryalsoinvitesa foreign dignitary as the chief guest to the parade - this year, Egypt's president Abdul Fattah al-Sisi was theguestof honour.
India, responding to the invitation of President Ramaswami Venkataraman to participate in the celebrations of January 26, 1992, Republic Day. This first visit by a Portuguese Head of State to this country is described as "a moment of reunion and reconciliation betweentwo independent,free and respectfulpeoples".
'Pedro Mascarenhas' via GoaResearch-Net
Part II:Indo-PortugueseLegacy
Authors: Insights into Colonial Goa
Mumbai (RBI), Jan.08: Maharashtra
Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari presided over the 65th Annual Day celebrations and Christmas and NewYearCelebrationsorganisedby the Kerala Christian Council in MumbaionSunday(8 Jan).
Malayalam actor, filmmaker and directorRenjiPanicker, Chairman of Kerala Christian Council Babu O.
Varghese, General Secretary Simon Varkey, Convener Binu Chandy,
Church fathers and members of the Councilwerepresent.
Speaking on the occasion the Governor Koshyari hailed the contribution of Kerala in keeping the nation united. He said Adi Sankaracharya established four peethas in different corners of the country at Badrinath, Rameshwaram, Jagannath Puri and DwarikaPuri.Thisaccordingto him
helped in achieving the integration of the nation. Congratulating film star and director Renji Panicker for making his speech in Malayalam, the Governor stressed the need to promote education in the mother tongue.
Mentioningthat theNational
EducationPolicy2020laysemphasis on education in the mother tongue attheprimarylevel,Koshyarisaidat his instance all universities in Maharashtra are conducting their Convocation Ceremonies in Marathi. Stating that he learnt Marathi since coming to Maharashtra, he appealed to the members of the Kerala community toalsotryto learnMarathi.
According to the Chairman Babu Varghese, Kerala Christian Council, thesocio,culturalandphilanthropic organisation representing all ChristiandenominationsofKeralain
Mumbaiwassetupintheyear1958. He said apart from organizing Onam and Christmas celebrations, the Council runs several humanitarianprojectsfortheneedy andthe underprivileged.
The Governor released the 65th Annual Day Souvenir andfelicitated meritorious students and senior members of the Kerala Christian Council.
-Rons Bantwal,Mumbai
As a preparation for the feast of Infant Jesus on 8.1.2022 Hore
Kanike processionwasorganised Devoteesinlarge numberstook partbringingfoodmaterialforthe
RevFrGregoryDSouzaparishpriest of Hosabettu conducted the prayer service and blessed the devotees and the material they brought and
inauguratedtheprocessionwiththe statue ofInfant Jesus Whichwasfollowedbysolemn
Eucharisticcelebration. InhismessageFrGregoryexplained the greatness of the one who gives cheerfully and blessings we receive fromGodforoursacrificesand generousheart.
Mr Rajesh D'Souza, convener of 21 commissions welcomed and compered, Mr Edward Serrao newly electedVicePresidentproposedthe voteofthanks.Eveningsnackswere providedtoallwhoparticipated. –
-SambramDigital -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
feast of Infant Jesus Shrine at Alangar wascelebratedon8thJanuary2023
Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul Dsouza, Bishop Emeritus Diocese of Mangalore being the main celebrant presided over the
Eucharistic Celebration. Fr Richard Dsouza, Associate Priest of Sacred Heart Church surathkal preached thewordof God. Inhishomilyhe
highlighted the theme " To be the proclaimers of Faith ". He emphasised on Revelation of God indifferentstagesatdifferentlevels. Theselfmanifestation ofChristcalls us for the transofirmation. Being transformed we are called to Proclaim Christ through our words and deeds. We are called to Proclaim Christ by inculcating the virtues of Faith, Hope, Love, Peace andbeinghumaneinourwordsand deeds. Very Rev. Fr Onil Dsouza
Vicar Vara of Moodubidri Deanery and priests from the varado were the concelebrants. After the
Eucharistic celebration Bishop honoured the Muddoms who contributed generously for the Celebration. Parish priest Fr Walter DSOUZA thanked all those who worked and contributed for the festal celebration. After the mass foodwasservedtoalltheDevotees. More than 2000 Devotees actively participatedintheCelebration.
FrWalterDSouzaParishPriest /Correspondent
Holy Rosary Church,Alangar
Moodbidri 574227
PhoneNo: 9844213751 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Asknotwhatyourcountrycando for you - ask what you can do for yourcountry.InspiredfromJohnF
Kenedy, As a meaningful preparation for the republic day, students along with the staff
members walked over the public roads with brooms and sacks. Students from 7th to 9th shuffled as per squad colours and tried to cover all the roads that surrounding the school. Students
collected almost 50 ex-large bags of plastic, paper etc and Mangalore corporation waste managementteamcollecteditfor disposal.
CCBI Secretariat, P. B. No. 8490, Hutchins Road 2 Cross; Bangalore-560084, Karnataka Phone: +91-9632381810, Email: ccbisecretariat@gmail.com; www.ccbi.in
Bangalore25January2023(CCBI):Inauguratingthe34thPlenaryAssemblyof the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) of the Latin Church, in Bangalore on Tuesday, 24 January 2023, His Eminence Antonio Luis Cardinal Tagle, the Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, exhorted the BishopsinIndia topromotethemessage oflove.
Cardinal Tagle encouraged the Bishops to tell the story of love in order to promote communion and participation in the Church and the society. He reminded me that it is the duty of each person to transform our society into apeaceful societythroughthemessage oflove.
His Eminence Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrão, the President of the CCBI and the Archbishop of Goa and Daman, presided over the inaugural function. He highlightedthebeautifuldiversityofIndiainhispresidentialaddress.Hesaid that “Our country is a loom holding diverse threads of religions, spiritualities, cultures,traditions,languagesandsocialstratathatblendtogethertoforma complex and beautiful tapestry. Alongside a profound spirituality, social and economic disparities deeply fragment the fabric of this nation.”
The 34th Plenary Assembly began with solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Tagle. His Eminence Filipe Neri Ferrão, the President, CCBI, His Excellency Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio to India and Nepal, His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias, His Eminence Anthony Poola, Archbishop George Antonysamy, Vice President
CCBI, Archbishop Anil Couto, Secretary General, CCBI, Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore and Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara, Deputy Secretary
GeneraloftheCCBIwerethemainconcelebrants.Morethan130Bishopsand 200priestsconcelebratedthe inaugural HolyMass.
The inaugural meeting began with the prayer to the Holy Spirit by chanting the traditional hymn ‘VeniCreatorSpiritus’. Then the dignitaries lighted the
traditional Indian lamp as a symbolic sign of the beginning of the Assembly, while the choir chanted Shanti Mantra (asatomā sadgamaya - Mantra of Peace).
Most Rev. Peter Machado welcomed the gathering. Archbishop Leopoldo Girellideliveredthebenedictorymessage.ThemessageofHisHolinessPope FranciswasreadbyArchbishopGeorgeAntonysamy.Theannualreportofthe CCBIwaspresentedbyMostRev.AnilCouto,SecretaryGeneral,CCBIandthe Archbishop of Delhi. Rev. Dr. Paul Parathazham, Director of St. John’s, provided some relevant information about the accommodation and other facilities.Rev.Dr.StephenAlathara,theDeputySecretaryGeneraloftheCCBI, proposedthevoteofthanks.Theinauguralsessionconcludedwiththeprayer ledbyHisEminenceAnthonyCardinalPoola,Archbishopof Hyderabad.
HisEminenceAntonioCardinalTaglewasfelicitatedasitwasthefirsttimehe participated at the Plenary Assembly of the CCBI. Abp. Anil Couto honoured him witha Kashmiri shawl, Abp. George Antonysamygarlandedhim with the traditional sandal wood garland, a wooden statute of St. Anthony was given to him by Abp. Leopoldo Girelli, and the painting of the Indian saints was giftedto him by Cardinal FilipeNeriFerrão.
The recently appointed Bishop-Designate Sebastião Mascarenhas, S.F.X., former Superior General of the Missionaries of St. Francis Xavier (Pilar Fathers),wasaccordeda warmwelcomeasmemberoftheConference.Pope Benedict XVI who passed away on 31 December 2022 and Bp. Alphonse Bilung,SVD,BishopEmeritusofRourkelaDioceseinOdishawhopassedaway on11November2022weregratefullyremembered.Amomentofsilencewas observedintheirmemory.
TheGuidelinesforthe BasicEcclesialCommunitieswerereleasedbyCardinal Tagle handed over its first copy to Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão. The Guideline hasbeenpreparedbythe CCBI CommissionforBasicEcclesial Communities.
The theme of the Plenary Assembly is “Telling the Story of Jesus in our Context: The Synodal Way." In the afternoon, in two sessions of the first day His Eminence Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle addressed the Bishops on the theme.
Late in the evening of the day a cultural evening was organized in honour of Cardinal Tagle. Mount Carmel, Jyoti Nivas, St. John’s Medical Collegeandthe musical groupof Dr. Maya Mascarenhas put upvariouscultural items.
The 34th Plenary Assembly will conclude on 30 January 2023 at 1pm. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India consists of 132 dioceses and 190 Bishops. The CCBI animates the Church in India through its 16 Commissions, 6 Departments and 4 Apostolates. Its main Secretariat is in Bangalore with extensions in Goa, Delhi and Pachmarhi (MP). The Conference of Catholic BishopsofIndia(CCBI),whichistheCanonicalNationalEpiscopalConference, isthe largestinAsiaandthe fourthlargestinthe world.
PhotoMatter:CardinalTagleisinauguratingthe34thPlenaryAssemblyofthe CCBI.
Pics: Alphonse Mendonsa, Pangala
Media Release
Mangaluru, Jan 27: "Japan is a successful nation today because of its transparency in business and compassioninlife.IoftenvisitJapan
for business. You will never find punctuality and discipline in any other part of the world, like Japan. I
have read the book written by FlorineRocheandIfullyendorseher views on Japan" said NRI entrepreneur and philanthropist MichaelD'Souza.
He was speaking at the World Konkani Centre after releasing the Konkani book, 'Udenuchea
Sureachea Kirnnanim Fullollem
Salok-Japan'byFlorineRoche.The book is printed under his 'Vision Konkani' program for the development of the Konkani languageandculture.
Congratulatingthewriter Florine
Roche, for her effort in writing a 120pagesbookandapplaudingthe publisher H M Pernal for adding a book to a rare category of travelogues in Konkani Literature
D’Souza said, "Publishing a book involves much effort. Books enrich our knowledge. The human race needs to learn a lesson from the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I had a similar heartwrenching experience in Nagasaki whenIvisitedthere,whichisshared bytheauthorof thisbook."
Former president of Karnataka
Konkani Sahitya Academy, Dr K
Jagadeesh Pai presided over the function.
In his presidential address, Dr Pai said, "Books are friends for life. In today's highly information technology-driven world, we can find information at our fingertips. Butwecangetinspirationonlyfrom books."
Citing the example of Swami
Vivekananda, Dr Pai said, "Swami
Vivekananda always carried two books along wherever he travelled.
Bhagavad Gita and The Imitation of Christ. These two books even saved Swami Vivekananda from temptation. The book by famous
Kannada Writer Goruru
Ramaswamy Iyengar - Americadalli
Goruru,notonlytakesustoAmerica but also enlightens us about life in America. When a student of History andJournalism,FlorineRochewrites abookonanationitbecomesmore authentic.ThebookonJapanwillbe a valuable addition to the erstwhile rare genre of travelogues in Konkani."
Seniortheatreartisteandactor,and illustrator Eddie Sequeira initiated a discussion with the writer on the
subject of Trekking and Travel as a hobbyandtravelogues.
The program was hosted by World Konkani Centre under the guidance ofCEO GurudathBantwalkar.
Publisher H M Pernal welcomed the distinguished guests and gathering and Gilbert D’Souza, vice president of the World Konkani Centre proposedavote ofthanks.
AhostofKonkaniwritersandartists, and family members of author Florine Roche were present on the occasion.
St Sebastian Church Permannur
Thokkottu celebrated the Confraternity Sunday on
15/01/2023. The ceremony startedwithanhourofAdoration conducted by Rev Fr Steevan
was taken by the faithful with all devotion and reverence to Lord Jesus who is present in the Eucharist as Rev. Fr Cyprian Pinto theParishPriestsolemnlyheldthe Blessed Sacrament and blessed the faithful on the open ground and then celebrated the Holy Eucharist as well as preached befittinghomily.Thedonorswere
honouredwith blessedcandlesas
MrArunDsouzathevicePresident of the Parish council readout the theirnamesfromthelistandMrs JyothiDsouzathesecretaryofthe Parish council read the list of the membersoftheParishCouncil.At the end the refreshment was served to the gathered community.
And Neuro Sciences, Bengaluru and Manashanthi Counselling Research And Training Centre, Mangaluru and Father Muller Medical College, Mangaluru and Suicide
Lifeline - A Unit of Susheg
Charitable Trust, Mangaluru. Mr VinayaBhatPJ,GeneralManager, Karnataka Bank Ltd was the inaugurator.TheGuestofHonour was Dr Kiran Kumar, Adit Kiran neuropsychiatric centre, Mangalore. Sr Dr M Venissa A.C.,
Mangalore, Dr Rameela Shekhar, Mental health professional Manashanthi, Mangalore, the resource person, Mrs Sunitha Vittal and the coordinator Mrs Vinatha K, Associate Professor St AgnesCollegewerethedignitaries whowerepresentonthedais.The programme was inaugurated by lightingthelamp.Theinaugurator Mr Vinaya Bhat in his address spoke about how he fought against all his insecurities and embraced them. The Guest of Honour Dr Kiran Kumar spoke about how one can deal with a person who is suicidal or has suicidal thoughts. The principal Sr Dr M Venissa A.C. spoke about how with the advent of
technology, communication has deteriorated.
Dr Rameela Shekhar and Mrs Sunitha Vittal presided over the session. In the session they emphasised on the reasons as to why people commit suicide and howwecouldhelppeoplewhoare depressed and get suicidal thoughts.Avideoonroleplay,was played followed by which ademo was demonstrated to the students. The students were motivated to be a source of help for the ones who require help. Activities were also conducted. Certificates were provided for all thestudents.DrRameelaShekhar welcomed the gathering and Mrs Vinatha K proposed the vote of thanks. Privy D’Souza of I BA comperedtheprogramme.