Veez Konkani Global Illustrated Konkani Weekly e-Magazine in 2 Languages – Kannada & English. Publi

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Veez extends its condolences to the families of his brothers Joe & Rudy.

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Fr Valerian Mendonca, rector of Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur passes away

Daijiworld MediaNetworkUdupi

Udupi,Jul3: FrValerianMendonca, rector of Milagres Cathedral in Kallianpur, passed away due to a heart attack on Wednesday, July 3 evening. Hewas75.

Fr Valerian Mendonca was a native ofPilar,Shirva,bornonDecember9, 1949. He was ordained on May 7, 1976. His parents were Gabriel Mendonca and Seraphine Mendonca.

He held an MA in English and a Diploma in Communications (Radio & AV Aids), alongside a B Th from Urban University, Rome. He subsequently served as an assistant director at St Anthony's Ashram in Jeppu, assistant priest in Vamanjoor, and pursued studies in Secunderabad and at the Canara Communication Center in Mangaluru. He later served as director of the Kallianpur Milagres Cathedral and held various roles in Mangaluru, Talooru Church Administration, and at the Udupi Mother of Sorrows Church. Presently, he was serving as the main priest of the Kallianpur Milagres Cathedral.

Fr Valerian's extensive service record includes:

• 1976: Assistant Director at St Antony’s, Jeppu

• 1976-1978: Assistantparishpriestat Omzoor

• 1978-1979: Studies in Secunderabad

• 1979-1980: Secretary at Canara Communication, Padua

• 1980-1983: Assistantparish priest atKallianpur

• 1983-1985: Vice-principal at Milagres, Mangaluru

• 1985-1986: In-charge principal at Milagres, Mangaluru

• 1986-1987: Ecclesiastical administrator atTallur

• 1987-1988: Vice-principal at Milagres, Mangaluru

• 1988-1995: Lecturer at Milagres, Kallianpur

• 1995-1997: Vice-Principal at Milagres, Kallianpur

• 1997-2003: Principal at Milagres, Kallianpur

• 2003-2007: Principal atAikala

• 2008-2012: Director andprincipal at Sandesh, Mangaluru, and secretary of KRCBC

• 2012-2017: Parish priest at Barkur, chancellor of Udupi Diocese, director of Social Communication Commission, Udupi

• 2017-Present: ParishpriestatUdupi, chancellor of Udupi Diocese, director of Social Communication Commission, Udupi

• 2020 - present: Rector Milagres Cathedral, Kallianpur

FrValerian Mendonca: Alegacy of music and composition

Fr Valerian Mendonca has composed numerous songs, poems, and religious lyrics in Konkani, Kannada, English, and Hindi. He produced several audio cassettes and CDs, with his liturgical compositions gaining international recognition. Fr Valerian was also skilled in playing musical instrumentssuchastheharmonium, electric keyboard, guitar, violin, and accordion, and he trained many others inthese arts. He composed Konkani lyrics for hymns andbhajan recordings by Dr F Charles Vas, SVD, Sangeet Abhinay Academy, Mumbai.

Fr Valerian’s first cassette was a collection of Christmas carols titled “Natalachim Gitam,” released in 1980 while he served as the secretary of the Canara Communications Centre. From 1990 onwards, FrValerian Mendonca and Fr Clement Mascarenhas jointly produced cassettes and CDs in various languages.

Valerian Mendonsa was also a renowned musician, with many of his devotional songs having been widely appreciated. His passing

away has been deeply mourned by many, including Udupi

Dharmadhikari V.Gerald IsaacLobo, eminent scholar Monsignor

Ferdinand Gonsalves, Kulapathi V.

D. Roche D'Souza, and Public Relations OfficerDenisD'Sa.


• Somyak Vandan

• Moga Ulo

• JezuMhojo Rai

• Movall Mog

• Shanti Sagar

• Abba Bapa

• Happy Christmas

• Noman Moriye

• NamanZuzeVaz Bapa

• Somyachi Vodvik

• JezuBoro Govlli

• Jivithacho Unddo (12 cassettes)


Namo Parameshwara (1 cassette)


• Pyare Yesu

• YesuMera Meeth

• JaiHoPrabhu

• Prabhu KiStuti

• JeevanKiRoti (5 cassettes)

Fr Valerian Mendonca's musical contributions have enriched the spiritual lives of many, leaving a legacy in the world of religious music.

Fr Valerian Mendonca’s dedication and service to the community have leftalastingimpact.Thecommunity mourns his passing and honors his contributions.

His passing has been deeply mourned by many, including Udupi Bishop Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo, Vicar general Monsignor Ferdinand Gonsalves, chancellor Dr Roshan D'Souza,and publicrelations officer

Fr DenisD'Sa.

Mangaluru: George Fernandes Road

inaugurated with grand ceremony

• Sat,Jul06202408:18:02PM

Daijiworld Media Network –Mangaluru(VP)

Mangaluru, Jul 6: Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur, along with MLA Vedavyas Kamath and Michael Fernandes, brother of George Fernandes, inaugurated George Fernandes Roadon Saturday, July6.

TheroadfromCircuitHousetoBejai Circle is now named after the late

George Fernandes. Fr Johnson Sequeira, principal of Lourdes Central School, blessed the new road named in honour of the late George Fernandes.

Richard Moras from Konkani Lekak Sangh expressed his heartfelt
gratitude to mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur and MLA Vedavyas Kamath

for their support inmaking this day a reality. He noted that while

George Fernandes’ policies and politics were not always popular with his contemporaries, he played a crucial role in establishing Father Muller Medical College Hospital in Kankanady and St Joseph’s Engineering College in Vamanjoor. Fernandes is also celebrated for his tenure as railways minister, where he launched the Konkan Railways project through Konkan Bonds, transforming itintoa profitable and employment-generating venture along the coastal belt. As defence minister, Fernandes was instrumental inimproving the living

standards of military personnel and securingessentialtechnicalsupport.

Addressing the gathering, mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur stated, "George Fernandes was an inspiration to many. Today, we are proud to name this road after him. For me, this is the greatest accomplishment of my tenure. George Fernandes ledachallenging life, fought for people's rights, and earned respect wherever he went. Hewastheonlypoliticiantocontest elections fromjailandwin. Hiswork as defence minister during the Kargil War was commendable. Capt Brijesh Chowta has directed us to installa statue ofGeorge Fernandes atBejaiCircle, andwewilldo so.We also plan to name the Kankanady railway station after him in the future."

MP Capt Brijesh Chowta shared, "George Fernandes was an inspiration to me, and I see many similarities between us. I recall seeinghimupcloseforthefirsttime during a President's parade in New Delhiwhenhewasdefenceminister.

Although George Fernandes was born inBejai,hiskarma bhoomi was in Bihar. He always worked for

workers and students, contributing to various sectors. After submitting my nomination for the Lok Sabha elections, I paid my respects at his grave. His epitaph reads, 'Do your work in sucha way that you do not needto sayanything; your work will say it all’. I request that a statue of George Fernandes be installed at Bejai Circle, and his contributions and ideology should be taught to our children."

MLA Vedavyas Kamath remarked, "I congratulate the mayor, and today, the efforts of Richard Moras have come to fruition. It is not common to remember people after their passing, butifwedo, itisbecauseof their significant achievements. George Fernandes stood strong against numerous challenges and was dedicated to his work. He ensured connectivity to Goa and Mumbai from Mangaluru by launching the Konkan Railways. The contributions of George Fernandes should be included in textbooks to educate futuregenerations."

MLC Ivan D'Souza commented, "George Fernandes was an inspirational figure. On this occasion, I extend my heartfelt

thanks to Byrathi Suresh, Sudheer Shetty Kannur, Vedavyas Kamath, and Richard Moras. I am delighted that the MCC has taken this initiative. The road from Circuit House to Bejai Circle will be named after George Fernandes. Everyone should remember his contributions across various sectors. Despite being the defence minister, George Fernandes was a humble man who inspired millions with his simple lifestyle."

The inauguration was attended by Michael Fernandes, brother of the

late George Fernandes; MLA Mangaluru North Dr Bharath Y Shetty, deputy mayor Sunitha, corporator Varun Chowta, Bharath KumarS,GaneshKulal, Premananda Shetty, Praveen Chandra Alva, Lancelot Pinto, Shakeela Kava, Premananda Shetty, Shashidhar Hegde, former MLA Nagraj Shetty, former mayor Bhaskar Moily and Richard Moras of Konkani Lekak Sangh.

Corporator Lohith Amin welcomed thegathering.

Celebrating the Spirit of Stan Swamy

When on 5 July 2021, the fascist regime of India, killed Jesuit Fr. Stan Swamy, they succeeded only in destroying the frail body of an 84year-old Catholic Priest.Today,three yearsafterthatfatefulday,theSpirit of Stan Swamy lives on. Millions of people: the Adivasis and the Dalits, the excluded and the exploited, the marginalised and the exploited, the displaced and the denied, the poor andother vulnerable, theacademics and the writers, human rights defenders, other civil society and political leaders remember himwith fondly. The fascist regime has not

been able to destroy the Spirit of StanSwamy–theywillneverbeable to do so! His Spirit lives on forever: millions todaycelebrate itandtryto emulate his Spirit! TheSpirit of Stan Swamy willneverbekilled! Hisspirit is radiated through the five interrelated dimensions of Symbol, Servant, Shepherd, SingerandSaint!

Stan Swamy is a SYMBOL: He is a symbol ofresistance! Heisasymbol of hope! He is a symbol of a new dawn! He is a symbol that justice and truth, which will ultimately triumph, whatever the consequences ortheprice, one may temporarily have to pay! Stan Swamy is a signpost, a nonnegotiable direction forthe country today, particularly for the subalterns, those who havenowhere to go, those who live on the peripheries of society. Stan is a symbol oftherelentless struggles of ordinary people belonging to all

sections of society. He is a symbol for the ostracised and the dehumanised, that all is not lost! That there is still hope and that changeis inevitable.

Stan Swamy is a SERVANT: in the complete sense of the word! Someone wholoved toserve others and he served with love! Stan Swamy was a servant made in the image and likeness of his Master Jesus. At the Last Supper, Jesus, wentdown onhisknees towashthe feet of his disciples. It was an unimaginable gesture at that time. The mandate of Jesus to his disciples was clear: “do this in memoryofme!” ; “loveoneanother, asIhavelovedyou!”Stan lived this mandate throughout his life in the service of others. He served others withoutcountingthecost!Hedidso with humility and selflessness. He epitomised what is referred to, as ‘servant-leadership,’ today! Like Jesus, he knelt and washed the feet ofhispeople, heembraced them,he held their hands and walked the miles withthem intheir struggle for justice, liberty, equality, fraternity anddignity!

Stan Swamy is a SHEPHERD: accompanying his people to greener pastures; being in their midst: in their ‘joy and hope, grief and anguish’. Stan Swamy lived in the villages of Adivasis, ate their food, sang their songs, danced with them. He lived a simple, frugal life and his possessions were the meagre necessities. He was a compassionate pastor! A little after he assumed office, Pope Francis called on the world’s priests to stay close to the vulnerable, the marginalized and to be “shepherds livingwiththesmellofthesheep.” “ThisiswhatIamaskingyou,” he saidwithemphasis, looking upfrom his prepared text, “be shepherds with the smell of sheep.” In ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ Pope Francis issuedthesamecalltoallChristians, “Evangelisersthustakeonthe‘smell of thesheep’ andthesheep are willing to hear their voice” Stan Swamy did exactly this: and his people heard hisvoice!

Stan Swamy is a SINGER: who always had a song to sing! Stan would surely smile hearing this! A true singer, everyone knows, is much more than a song: much

more than the lyrics and the music. A singer isthe soul, is thespirit that touches, that motivates, that inspires that leads. The singer is about attitude and conviction, about one’s body language: the song is from the heart! A singer cannot be caged, can never be imprisoned. The song is immortal: thewords willneverdie. From Taloja Jail, during his incarceration, Stan Swamy wrote, “my needs are limited.TheAdivasisandtheSociety ofJesus,havetaughtmetoleada simple life… Listening to the life narrativesofthepoorprisoners is myjoyinTalojaJail…IseeGodin their pains andsmiles… Manyof suchpoorundertrialsdon’tknow what charges have been put on them,havenotseentheircharge sheet and just remain for years without any legal or other assistance.The16co-accusedhave notbeenabletomeeteachotheras wearelodgedindifferentjailsor different ‘circles’ with the same jail”;he concludes, “Butwewillstill singinchorus.Acagedbirdcanstill sing.”

StanSwamy isaSAINT: thereisno doubt aboutthat! Asaintisonewho

personifies holiness in the small simple, ordinary things of daily life. Pope Francis gave us an incisive Apostolic Exhortation in 2018, ‘GaudeteEtExsultate’(OntheCallto Holiness in Today’s World). In it he emphasises that saints are not only those who have been beatified and canonised by the Catholic Church. Pope Francis states, “your identificationwithChristandhiswill involvesacommitmenttobuildwith himthatkingdom oflove,justice anduniversalpeace.Christhimself wantstoexperiencethiswithyou,in alltheeffortsandsacrificesthatit entails,butalsoinallthejoyand enrichment it brings. You cannot grow in holiness without committingyourself,bodyandsoul, to giving your best to this endeavour”. A description that fits Stan Swamy to the T! His companions in prison Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira will testify to this! Stan Swamy was a livingsaint–theAdivasisbelieved in him! A few days after his death, in July 2021, hundreds gathered at ‘Bagaicha’ near Ranchi, the Centre he had begun for the rights of the Adivasis. During the memorial ceremony, his name was etched on

the stone that had the names of tribal leaders who gave their lives for the sake of their people! Yes, Stan Swamy isa martyr anda Saint! Manypray to himtoday!

Alpa Shah, who teaches at the London School of Economics, recently released herpath-breaking book, ‘The Incarcerations: Bhima Koregaon and the Search for Democracy in India’. She writes, “In July 2018 . Stan found himself accused of sedition by the Jharkhand government, alongside nineteenothers.Hewroteanemail to his friends on 28July2018 in defence of his new status has a national traitor . ‘FIRs have been made out. We are accused of supportingtheself-rulemovement taking place among Adivasis in Jharkhandandneighbouringstates ofcentralIndia.Pathalgadi(erection ofstoneslabs)listingthepowersof gramsabha(villagecouncils)asper

PESAAct1996anddeclaringtheir righttoself-governance. Thestate government isnotable todigest thisdeclarationandcallsit “ awar againstthestate”andallthosewho supportitasdeshdrohi(anational traitor)! In an attachment to the email,Stanlistedalltheissueshe hadraisedaboutthegovernment andrulingclasspolicyinthelightof the Indian Constitution and concluded,‘ifthismakesmea‘desh drohi’,thensobeit”!

That was and is the quintessential Stan Swamy and his indomitable spirit: Symbol, Servant, Shepherd, Singer and Saint – all rolled in one! That Spirit will never die! We are ALLcalled tocelebrate andemulate thatSpirit today!

4 July 2024

*(Fr Cedric Prakash SJ isa human rights, reconciliation andpeace activist/writer.

Dr. P. G Aquinas, Professor,

Post Graduate Department of Studies andResearch inSocial Work, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotrhi -574 110 +91 9448109870

thatcomesour way. Weblame iton ourKarma – IgetwhatIdeserve. No matter what happens in our life, we accept it because it is how it has been.

“People havea hard time letting go of theirsufferingout ofa fearof the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar” says Thich Nhat Hanh. Weasa nationhavea anathema for the unknown, have a fatalistic approach and accept everything

How can I choose to suffer? Of course,wecan’talwaysbeincontrol over everything thathappens to us. Beingstruck byproblems whether it is manmade, societies dictate, or poverty of thought and deed is a painful and heart ranching experience. The State especially whenitisawelfareStatemakeslaws for the protection of the marginalized. But its implementation at the grass root level is very much based on social forces that dictate how it reaches the recipients and how it can be implemented.

When we begin the journey of selfimprovement and methods to help people overcome their problems, we try to change habits of acceptance, meditating with perpetuators of crime, with a hope thathumanity still flowsintheveins of humanbeings. Although insome rare cases there is incremental improvement, it does not stop the acceptanceof suffering inone’slife.

It is divine human souls like Rani Maria,whohavetheconvection and courage to move against the tide. They through their lot with human beings who are purposeless, hapless, hopeless and directionless, who acceptthe situation they arein with fatalistic moorings. Itis insuch circumstances; we ask another relevant question: why people like RaniMariashouldtrytobring about a change in thelives of people who are not one among them. Why do we have sympathy on a tribe of people who want to go along with the tide and blame themselves rather thantheoppressors thattake advantage of their haplessness? Whytrytochangeasociety thathas lived over centuries especially when they arenot a partof thatsociety.

It is in this dark hour that a gleaner of hope begins and leads usallinto light. Ittries to put balm on hapless people to alleviate their sufferings. It is how the human experience is created where the acceptance of people hasitsown reward.

We live in a world of thought not reality. We live in a world which we experience reality through our own perceptions. Manyofusgothrough and see the same events but react differently. Weareverysubjective in our approach. Let me give an example suppose a young girl, say fifteen years old is raped and rapist is twenty-five years, and that rapist is your son or nephew. When this situation comes, we now look at

how to save the rapist rather than sympathize with the hapless girl or attempt to bring the perpetuators of thecrime to justice.

As a human being our discovery as thinking, loving and feeling person is to be with complete peace with oneself, have unconditional love and an overwhelming amount of understanding of your inner soul.

“The Face of the Faceless” a movie that showcases the eternal love in the hearts of humans with an open mind and a humanistic soul of pure intention, is to know that with true forgiveness receive unfathomed grace.

Evena brute islooking forlove – a love that knows no boundaries, a love that express deepest gratitude with sharing the most valuable life forces. Itis a gift given to humanity from the Devine that says, “father forgive them, they do not know what they do”. Itis this Devine love that we celebrate in hearts of Rani Maria and her family members especially her Mother and Her Sister. They have forgiven and realized the perpetuator of this

unforgivable crime against humanity and brought him out of prison and adopted him as a son and brother. Blessed humans like Rani Maria, Mother Theresa are a gifttoallhumanity,anditisthrough this divinity that we do have humanity that is still alive and kicking in a world that is merciless andruthless.

Our feelings do not come from eternal forces, it does not come from a bitter heart of revenge, nor doesitcomefromthesteelbladeof a bluchers knife it comes from our own thinking about the events we give meaning to with a forgiving heart.

God inhisown image andlikeness has created human beings with love that blooms in every person’s heart that neglect and hatred could notwither. Humanheart isasbig as the dawn itself over the wide hills.

Rani Maria and her family have amply demonstrated this as her mother kisses the hands of the convict who massacred her daughter in cold blood. God in his Devine mercy forgives us of our transgressions,

who are we then to criticize, condemn or complain.

Renowned Konkani writer, poet Panchu Bantwal passes away at 58 Daijiworld Media Network –Bantwal

Bantwal, Jul 6: Francis Saldanha, affectionately known as Panchu Bantwal, passed away on Saturday July6.Hewas58. PanchuBantwal, a prominent figure in the Konkani literary and cultural scene, was the brother of Fr J BSaldanha.

One of his most famous contributions to Konkani music is thesong ‘Kalzagaaz’, whichremains a popular choice for competitions among participants. His other notable songs, such as ‘Laraam Mujya Mogachim’ and ‘Mandela’, have enriched the Konkani music scene. PanchuBantwal penned over 200 songs, more than 30 of which have been included in various albums.

In addition to his literary achievements, Panchu Bantwal was an entrepreneur, running a successful catering business called Santhosh Caterers. Healso played a significant role in his community as a panchayat member, contributing to thedevelopment of his area.

Panchu Bantwal's legacy in the literary world includes thelaunchof the ‘Thallo Umaallo’ nite in 1988, which featured seven concerts. His 1989 drama ‘Matharyaki Horbos’ gained immense popularity. His

Panchu Bantwal was a celebrated writer, poet, emcee, and businessman from the Modankap parish. He made significant contributions to Konkani literature through his works in drama, literature, and music. He served as the former editor of the ‘Jhelo’ monthly magazine, a position he heldforsixyears,andwasknown for his dedication to promoting Konkani culture.

contributions to literature include five novels, over 350 poems, 150 shortstories, andmanyother works. PanchuBantwalstepped downfrom editing ‘Jhelo’ duetohismother’s ill health but continued to work as a sub-editor fortheVeeze-magazine.

His passing is a great loss to the Konkani literary community, and he will be remembered for his immense contributions and dedication to promoting Konkani literature andculture.

On a Track of Progress


Duringmy lastvacation, Itraveled toDelhiby trainfromKerala. Sheela and I planned to spend a few days touring Delhi,afterpicking herupat the airport. For reaching Delhi I chose to take the train to Hazrat Nizamuddin from Kochi, instead of a quick 3-hour flight.

The reason for opting this 38-hour train journey was not mere transportation. Itcost me the same. Ever since my college days in Bhopal, I nursed a dream of reliving the long train journeys we used to take to go home and back for summer or Deepavali vacations.

Thus, I boarded the Rajdhani Express, departing from Ernakulam Junction in the night for the long journey.

On the first morning, I woke up delighted to find the coupe empty. The sole other coupe mate had mysteriously disappeared. All by myself, stretched out onthe berth, I watched the awesome landscape rollbythewide, clearwindow asthe train streaked across the scenic Konkan terrain.

Wonderful, I thought, as I dug into the pages of "Orikkal" by N

Mohanan, a story of the eighties unfolding like amemoir. Itwaspure nostalgia on steroids, reading a story unfolding in thepast while on a trainjourneying through mypast.

Lunch, coffee, snacks, and more pages of "Orikkal" carried me on a journey like never before. It was a dream come true, rather Iwasliving out my dream. Old Hindi music jamming over the rickety racks of the train, green flags and yellow boards at stations we zipped by, tunnels, bridges and fields between villages and their red dirt roads all made itlike fairymoments.

The best of nature and engineering marvel left me speechless as we rolled by picturesque Udupi, Kundalpur, and Karwar towards Madgaon. The sunset was gorgeous. In the distance a bullock cart racing home raised strains of dust that reflected the orange hues of the setting sun. Soon it will be nightfall and I had limited hours to live thedream I reckoned.

moving to another coupe. Though I hesitantly agreed, despite his reason that seemed ridiculous, the nextmorning I realized thatitwasa great decision.

A family waiting to alight at Surat later that night, and someone sleeping in the upper berth above mine were in the new coupe. When we reached Surat, as the family disembarked, alady alongwith a10 or 12-year-old daughter boarded.

"Wonderful," I thought, tucking myself under the blanket before turning off the reading lights.

The next morning, with breakfast and coffee served in style, I settled down and began small talk with my new companions. The lady was heading to Darjeeling with her daughter on vacation. She was a Hindi teacher at a reputable school inSurat.

But then, walked in the Ticket Collector (TTR) with a strange request, wondering if I would mind

"My goodness," I thought, impressed by her excellent command ofEnglish.Thisisthenew India! Fifty years ago, I would never have imagined a mother and daughter vacationing alonein

North India. India haschanged.

Asthetrainspedthrough thebarren fields of Rajasthan, a sweet voice from above interrupted our conversation.


Curious, I looked upto seea young Woman in her late20salighting from theupper berth.

"Wonderful" I thought, "Glad they moved meto thiscoupe."

This is what I truly want when I visit India—toreconnectwithitsspirit,to rediscover my lost land, to meet its people.

It is these encounters on trains, at markets, with autodrivers, students, bank tellers, and vendors that help us to experience the true spirit of a country.

As a matter of fact, those we meet online, social media and all wear a mask, andaretrulynotreal. Masked behind screens, they lack this authenticity.

She stepped down and grabbed a cup of coffee from the tray the attendant had left "Mydaughter isaboutyourage.She lives back home in Chicago,” I said, eager to engage with young India. "Are youon vacationtoo?"

"Well Sir, I'm actually moving to New Delhi. Starting a new job there," she replied, eloquently explaining herwork inMumbai over the past 7 - 8 years and her excitement about her new job in Delhi.

She was born in UP, completed her collegeinChandigarhandmovedto Mumbai to start her career, where she lived all these years. She managed all these alone independently as her parents and familylived inUP.

I was spellbound, impressed by her boldness, focus, determination, and progressive outlook. A spinster, hopping across cities, building her career, making her own decisions, and embracing the freedom this country offers she embodied the young spirit of India.

Weengaged insmalltalks.Itold her about my young days I spent in Bombay, my memories of the old city, my work, the places I stayed andso on.

Then she showed me a short video on her phone, a reel, a compilation ofamazingscenesfromMumbaiset to the evergreen romantic Hindi song "BadeAchheLagteHain"from "Balika Badhu," released in 1976, about 50 years ago, the year I started college inBhopal.

"Isn'tIndia just beautiful?" I gasped.

"A friend compiled this for me as a farewell gift" Her voice fluttered a bit, a tear whelming up under her right eye.

Thesong continued.

The lyrics sounded like a farewell ode to old India!

emotions and a focus on an industrialized, demanding, commercially driven change. By noon, we reached Delhi. As the train halted, she wasted no time to command the porters with authority, "I have six huge bags." She stepped out with confidence, notsayinggoodbye. Shedid nottell her name. Neither did I want to know. Thisisthe newIndia.

Silently, I wished her well. Bold, independent, and determined these empowered women are driving India forward.

Thesesharpwomenaretheepitome ofafreeIndia,likeourHinditeacher in her late thirties going on a vacation with her daughter, all by themselves! Was this ever possible, even imaginable a few decades ago?

She represented the young India, torn between sentimental, romantic

As I waited on the platform in the scorching April sun of Delhi for my cousintopickmeup, Iremembered why the TTR had moved me to a new coupe the night before. A middle-aged ladywho hadboarded at Surat wanted a coupe to herself.

Ridiculous. A section of India remains still mired in its past, afraid to share, to travel with the rest to a future, on a trackof progress!

Whatcampdo you belong to? Are you with theprogressive,

intentional, bold, and practical camp, or do you cower with the regressive mindsets holding back a revolutionary India?

In the Name of Goa: Jai Goa

Captain Viriato Fernandes, (INC) Member of Parliament from South Goa Constituency Margao took the oath of office on 26.6.2024 in the 18th Lok Sabha and concluded the oath with the slogan JaiHind, Jai

Goa . Captain Viriato is an ex-Navy officer and Jai Hind suits him. Jai Goa is also on expected lines instead of JaiGomantak.

Captain Viriato hasbeen elected for the first time from Margao (South Goa) constituency which was the fort of Mr. Franscisco Sardinha. Mr. Sardinha was a member ofGoa

Dr. Charles Lobo

Legislative Assembly from 19771984 and was elected Member of

Parliament from the same constituency in 1998, 2007, 2009 and 2019. Mr. Viriato Hipolito de Mendonça e Fernandes is an engineer by profession and is a social activist. He has served in the Indian Navy for 26 years and participated in Operation Talwar during Kargil War. There is no wonder if one day he becomes the Defense Minister of India like George Fernandes. Good Luck Viriato.

Whatisthereasonforwriting about Mr. Viriato? The interesting thing abouttheoathtakenbyViriato ishe took the oath in Konkani Language which is in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution and a recognized language of India. Sripad Naik, another senior BJP MP from North Goa who also speaks Konkani took the oathin Sanskrit. Thatis why the oath of Viriato stands out. All Konkani speaking people will be happy to hearthis. Captain Brijesh Chowta from Mangalore took the oath in Kannada language but ended his oath with the remark Materlegla Solmelu in Tulu. We are being

Tuluver know what it means. He took the oath invoking the Daiva’s (traditional deities) of Tulunadu. He could not take his oath in Tulu language because itis notin the8th Schedule of the Constitution. Tulu speaking people are trying very hardtoincludeitinthe8th Schedule of the Constitution. Konkani speaking people of Mangalore or Karnataka) would have been in the same situation as the Tulu speaking people but for the State of Goa whichdeclared Konkani astheState language and expedited its inclusioninthe8th Schedule. Allthe Tulu speaking people including Christians who also speak Tulu should give our support to Tulu causeandhelpinitsinclusioninthe 8th Schedule. We are a part of Tulunadu and it is in our interest to get the recognition for Tulu. It cannot become a competitor to Konkani but will boost it. Different MPs have concluded the oath with different slogans and in different languages. Rahul Gandhi ended his oath with the slogan, Jai Hind,JaiSamvidhan . Hehad carried a copy of the Constitution into the

Parliament House. During the election campaign, theI.N.D.I.ABloc had emphasized that if Narendra Modi andNDA isreturned topower with 400 seats as estimated by them, they are sure to change the Constitution ofAmbedkar. Theyhad emphasized the importance of the Constitution prepared byAmbedkar and the need to preserve it and protect it. Therefore, he concluded his oath drawing attention to the Constitution and emphasizing that hisPartywould makeefforttoretain the sanctity of the Indian Constitution. He made a beginning for all who believe in the Constitution ofIndiaanditssanctity. JaiSamvidhan.

AlltheMPsfrom Karnataka took the oath in Kannada, the State Language except one Mr. Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri who took the oath in Sanskrit. He is exSpeaker of the Legislative Assembly of Karnataka and does not hide the fact that he comes from RSS background. Shripad naik, another MP from Goa also took the oath in Sanskrit instead of Konkani. Guruji inhisBunchof Thoughts hasclearly

laid down that Hindi should be our official language when the country is ready to replace it with Sanskrit. All the MPs from Karnataka, however, used the slogan, Jai Hind, JaiKarnataka.

Pappu Yadav concluded his oath with the slogan RENEET, Special Status to Bihar, Seemanchal Zindabad, Manavatavad Zindabad, Bhim Zindabad, and Samvidhan Zindabad. In other words, he summarized the agenda of Bihar. It should be noted that Maithili Mahasabha had demanded the creation of Maithili State in 1930 itself and had the backing of the Maharaja of Darbhanga. KosiSeemanchal is a sub region of Mithila Region in the Northeastern part of Bihar. Itconsists of Kosi and Purnia divisions and has seven districts in it namely Araria, Madhepura, Saharsa, Supaul, Purnea, Kishanganj and Katihar. Mithila is a cultural region and is also known as Tirhut or Mithilanchal. Maithili is the language of this place. The region includes parts of Bihar, Jharkhand and Nepal. Therefore, this slogan

acquires importance. Already Bihar has been bifurcated into Bihar and Jharkhand. It revives the demand for the creation of a new State of Seemanchal from Bihar. Be praised Bhimrao Ambedkar by saying Jai Bhim.

Another interesting slogan was made by Asaduddin Owaisi, MP from Telengana. His slogan was Jai Bhim, JaiTelengana, JaiPalestine. Jai Bhim and Jai Telengana are understandable because the first pays respect to Bheema Rao Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution and Dalit leader. The second, because he belongs to Telengana State. Like Veriato who said Jai Goa, or Karnataka MPs who said Jai Karnataka, Owaisi is not wrong when he says Jai Telengana. But when he says JaiPalestine, it becomes objectionable. Naturally it was objected to by the pro-tem Speaker. Owaisi justified his action by drawing attention to views expressed by Mahatma Gandhi on Palestine. Even if Mahatma Gandhi had expressed certain views during histime(before1948), 75yearshave gone by and the diplomatic climate

has not remained the same. Palestine issue and Ukraine has been discussed in the European Parliament. Manipur riots also figured in the European Parliament some time ago. However, raising this issue during oath taking is not at all permissible. He could have raised a question to the Minister of External Affairsand sought answers regarding India’spolicy etc.

Themostinteresting oathwastaken by Rajkumar Roat, MP from Rajasthan. He took the oath in the name of Nature. He is the founder of Bharatiya Adivasi Party (BAP). He believes that tribals are different fromHindus astheyfollow different rituals, cultures and traditions and adhere to beliefs that are separate from Hinduism. It is not liked by Hindutva forces who want to treat tribals as Hindus. BAP has emerged a popular and powerful party in the tribal dominated southern Rajasthan. Itwas formed before the December 2023 Assembly polls after a split in the six-year-old Bharatiya TribalParty.Mr.Roatisjust 32 years of age. Heisa crusader for tribal rights and demands access to

education, healthcare, environment and land. His focus is on environment-friendly measures because tribals are badly affected and dislodged due to projects such as Narmada Dam or mining. So, when he takes oath of office in the name of Samvidhan, Prakrati and Poorvaj (Constitution, Nature and Ancestors). He did not take the oath in the name of any god or

personality or object. Itneeds tobe noted.

All the MPs have the moral obligation to protect environment. Mr. Rajkumar Roat, has shown the way. July month is the month of Vana Mahotsava in Karnataka when individuals and institutions take initiative to plant trees. Let us all join with Mr. Roat and say Jai Prakrati.

Mangaluru:AKCFHRwesternzonefelicitates newlyelectedMLCIvanD'Souza

Mangaluru, Jun 29: The AllKarnataka United Christian Forum

forHumanRights(AKCFHR)western zone held a felicitation ceremony forthenewlyelectedmember ofthe Karnataka Legislative Council(MLC), Ivan D'Souza, on Saturday, June 29,

Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, bishop of the diocese of Mangalore,

expressed his joy at the occasion, stating, “I can confidently say that Ivanrepresents everyone. Therewas a need for a strong leader, and I heartily congratulate him on this occasion. During our meetings, we predicted that we would secure the MLC post, and that prediction has come true today. Ivan D'Souza has always helped people in lower segments, and onceagain, I congratulate him.”

RevHemachandra Kumar, bishop of thechurchofSouthIndia,Karnataka Southern diocese, alsoattended the ceremony. He remarked, “There is muchtosayaboutthecontributions

of MLC Ivan D'Souza to the state. I haveknown him since 2016, and he truly represents everyone. We recognize Ivan as our leader. Regardless of his position, Ivan is always joyful. He is very popular in Chamarajanagar and respects his religion. Ivan has consistently helped people who sought his assistance. We wish that Ivan will receiveaprestigious portfolio inthe future. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, Ivan supported and encouraged many people across our community.”

MLC Ivan D'Souza expressed his happiness and said, “I have been appointed as secretary of the AllIndia Congress Committee (AICC), and my primary task is to work for theCongress party intheNortheast.

One day, Kharge and Venugopal called me to Rahul Gandhi's house, and they asked me to review and secure good results in the Catholicmajority states in the Northeast. Despite never having been to the Northeast before, I accepted the responsibility. For nine months, we worked hard and campaigned in Nagaland, where 85% of the population is Catholic. For the first time in history, we visited every

single booth, and with great difficulty, wemanaged toselectand win with two candidates. The same thing happened in Manipur. I believe that with commitment, one cangrow to anylevel inpolitics.”

Hecontinued, “Initially, I wasthe president of ICYM and later contested in many elections. Althoughitischallengingtocontest elections after a loss, I believe that losing is the first step to success. I wanted to represent students' issues, so I joined as a syndicate member of Mangalore University, and westruggled a lot for students. IfIhadwished, Icouldhavebecome anMLAatavery young age. During that time, chief minister Siddaramaiah gave me a chance, and Iwas appointed aschief whip. I have successfully presented the problems of common citizens in parliament, andIwillnotgobackon my word. Politics should not be stagnant; it should be dynamic, like ocean currents. In my previous tenure, IsecuredRs7.5crore forthe people, and I need support and advice from everyone.”

Fr RupeshMadtha welcomed the gathering, andFr. J BSaldana delivered thevote ofthanks. JohnD

compered the event.

HGJoseph Mar Demetrius, bishop

of Believer's Church, Yedapadav, andothers were alsopresent.

1 newdeacons wereordained by Bishop Dominic Savio Fernandes atStPiusXCollege onSunday, June 30,2024. DeaconKarthickG.fromSt Sebastian'sChurch, Sadayapalayam, Salem Deacon Melvyn Colaco from

OurLady of Lourdes Church, Orlem, Malad West Deacon Jewlyn Fialho from Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Kalyan West Deacon Richard Fernandes from Diocese of Sindhudurg, St Francis Xavier Church, Ajgaon Deacon Ashton Pinto from Holy MagiChurch, Gorai DeaconRolwynLobo fromOurLady of Lourdes Church, Orlem, Malad West Deacon Armstrong Joseph from St. Anthony's Church, Bengaluru Deacon Pretam Haruk from Our Lady of the Sea Church, Uttan Deacon Anand Patil from St. Andrew's Church, Chowk Deacon NoelD'souza fromSt. FrancisXavier Church, KanjurMarg East Deacon Kenneth Pinto from St. Pius X Church, Mulund We congratulate the newly ordained deacons and their families. May the Lord guide them as they step closer to priesthood. Photograph Credits: St PiusX College

Record number of Indian-origin

MPs in British Parliament now

A record number of around 28 Indian-origin members of Parliament havebeenelected tothe House of Commons in the UK’s general election as results were

announced on Friday, with several Conservatives surviving an overall brutal outcome for their party. Outgoing prime minister RishiSunak leadstheTory chargeof British Indians holding on to their seats, with a decisive win in his Richmond and Northallerton constituency in Yorkshire. It would have come as small consolation for the Tory leader, who saw his party loose over 200 seats as the Labour Party’s landslide victory were counted.

"On this difficult night, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of the Richmond and Northallerton constituency for your continued support. Since I moved here a decade ago, you have made me and my family feel so at home andIlook forwardtoservingyoufor years to come," said Rishi Sunak, in a message clearly aimed at dismissing pre-election chatter around his futureasa politician.

Other prominent British Indian Tories holding on to their seats included former home secretaries, Suella Braverman and Priti Patel, as didSunak’sGoan-origin Cabinetally Claire Coutinho. Gagan Mohindra held on to his Southwest Hertfordshire seat for the Conservatives, with Shivani Raja registering a gain for the party in the keenly watched constituency of Leicester East where she was contesting against fellow Indianorigin Labour candidate Rajesh Agrawal. They had both canvassed around the topic of savingthe city’s famous Diwali lights from being switched off over council budget cuts, as did former MP Keith Vaz who was contesting as an Independent this time.

Among the big losses on the Tory side included Shailesh Vara, who narrowly lost his North West Cambridgeshire seatto Labour, and first-timer Ameet Jogia, who also lost the Tory-held Hendon seat in London toLabour.

winning Indiandiaspora candidates, starting with party veterans such as Seema Malhotra – who held on to her Feltham and Heston constituency with a comfortable margin. Goan-origin Valerie Vaz, sister of Keith Vaz, won in Walsall andBloxwich,asdidLisaNandywith a big margin inWigan.

British SikhMPsPreetKaurGill, who defeated Tory first-timer Ashvir Sangha, and Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi both won back their seats for Labour in Birmingham Edgbaston and Slough respectively. Navendu Mishra (Stockport) and Nadia Whittome (Nottingham East) were among the other Labour MPs reelected with convincing majorities.

Reflective of the overall election results tally, it was the Labour Party that saw the maximum number of

It was among the newcomers that British Indians made a big mark for the Labour Party, with Jas Athwal (Ilford South), Baggy Shanker (Derby South), Satvir Kaur (Southampton Test), Harpreet Uppal (Huddersfield), Warinder Juss (Wolverhampton West), Gurinder Josan (Smethwick), Kanishka Narayan(Vale of Glamorgan), Sonia Kumar (Dudley), Sureena Brackenbridge (Wolverhampton

North East), Kirith Entwistle (Bolton North East), Jeevun Sandher (Loughborough) and Sojan Joseph (Ashford) among those set to take their seatsinParliament nextweek.

For theLiberal Democrats, who had a good election all round gaining over 60 seats, Munira Wilson won back her Twickenham constituency. One of the seats on the Labour watch list was Islington North, where suspended former party leader Jeremy Corbyn contested as an Independent to defeat his British Indian Labour challenger PrafulNargund. Overall speculation is rife asto how things are set for India and Indians in the coming months, most seem to say itwill take even a year to see change from the new Labour Government.

First Malayali MP in UK:

Sojan Joseph, hailing from the tranquil village of Kaipuzha in

Kottayam, has scripted history by becoming Britain’s first Malayaliorigin member of parliament. He rode the anti-incumbency wave against the Conservative party, which saw Labour return to power afteragapof14years. The49-yearold won from Kent county’s Ashford. Sojan’s background in psychiatry nursing played a crucial role in shaping his political aspirations.

“I arrived in the UK as an ordinary nurse. There are numerous Malayali nurses residing in the UK, and I see this as a chance to be an advocate for them,” Sojan told a TV channel.

“This is a moment of pride not only for me but the whole country. Ever since his candidature was announced, he was confident. Now from serving asa nurse, he is setto serve as a member of the House of Commons,” pointed out Sojan’s 85year-old father C T Joseph Chamakkalayil, a farmer who struggled with his late wife Elikutty tobring uptheirthreesonsandfour daughters. Sojan is the director of NHS (National Health Service) Kent and Medway. Married to Brita, a

fellow nurse from Irinjalakuda, Thrissur, the couple has three children. He last visited Kerala in Marchto observe hismother’s first anniversary death.

for VEEZ By: Ivan


Mangaluru: MCC Bank felicitates MLC

D'Souza, Stany Alvares, Umar U H


Mangaluru, July 2: A felicitation ceremony tohonour Ivan D'Souza, the newly appointed member of Legislative Council, Karnataka Government, Stany Alvares, president of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy and Umar U H, president of Karnataka Beary Sahitya Academy, was organised by MCC Bank Ltd, on June 29 at the Party Hall of Madhuvan’s Village, Yeyyady, Mangaluru.

The ceremony began with a prayer song by thestaff of MCCBank Ltd.


Anil Lobo, chairman of MCC Bank Ltd, welcomed the dignitaries and guests. In his inaugural speech, he emphasised that MCC Bank has a greater responsibility towards the society, and he recalled the various programmes conducted by the Bank for the last six years towards thebetterment of thesociety.

He stressed upon the need to felicitate the dignitaries, as they

have greater responsibilities towards the society. He also presented his future for MCC Bank. He said the Bank has a rich history of 112 years and that he aspires the Bank to have 125 branches in Karnataka state when the bank's post centenary silver jubilee.

Former MLA of Mangaluru South constituency J R Lobo and renowned customer of MCC Bank Ltd, in his congratulatory speech, recalledhisrelations withtheguests to be honoured. He said that the felicitations to the individuals increasetheir responsibility towards the society. He wished all the very best tothem.

JeraldJudeD’Silva,vice-chairman of the Bank, introduced Umar U H, president of Karnataka Beary Sahitya Academy, to the gathering. Umar U H waswarmly felicitated by the Bank with a floral bouquet, shawl, Mysore peta, memento and fruits.

In his address, Umar U H, thanked the bank for such a noble felicitation. He emphasised that language is not only a tool for communication; but a culture and thatlanguageisforaregion; notfor

a religion. He promised to work hard towards improving better relations between various academies. He aspired to learn Konkani too.

Andrew D’Souza, director of the bank, introduced Stany Alvares, president of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy. Stany Alvares was felicitated by the Bank with a floral bouquet, shawl, Mysore peta, memento and fruits. In response, Stany Alvares expressed his gratitude to the Bank for such a warm felicitation. He said that Konkani is a rich and rare language with five scripts. Hecalled upon the gathering to encourage the younger generation to learn Konkani anditsrich culture.

Ivan D’Souza, MLC, Government of Karnataka, was introduced to the gathering bydirector, IreneRebello. Ivan D’Souza was fondly felicitated by the Bank with a floral bouquet, shawl, Mysore peta, memento and fruits.

Ivan D’Souza thanked the Bank for the felicitation. He recalled that his hard work and perseverance has paidhimrichdividends. Hesaidthat itisnotenoughtohavedreams; but should work hard to achieve them.

Service towards the society is a continuous process, headded.

David D’Souza, chairman of Board ofManagement, proposed avoteof thanks. Manoj Fernandes compered theprogramme.

Directors Anil Patrao, Elroy Kiran Crasto, J P Rodrigues, Roshan D’Souza, Freeda, Melwin Vas, Harold Monteiro, Vincent Lasrado,

Sushanth Saldanha, Alwyn Monteiro, Felix D’cruz, Sharmila Menezes, deputy general manager, Raj Menezes, members of VisionMission Committee, branch managers were present during the occasion.

The programme ended with a fellowship dinner.

The "Women of Mangalore” proudly announce the Ghee Roast Challenge 2024 – a celebration of a quintessential Mangalorean dish and your cooking skills.

*Entry to the challenge isfree!*

Wewill havea seriesof mini competitions tobring finaliststo a well-fought but delicious finale. If you think you – orsomeone you know – could be a GheeRoast Champion, download theattached form, fillit inandsend it to

Thefirst eventison July11, and slots arelimited, so hurry! NOTE : Important points Rules and guidelines General information

• Youcanchoose toparticipate in one of thefollowing three categories: Meat, Seafood or Vegetarian.

• There will befour qualifying rounds foreachcategory, anda final innovation round.

• Ateachof thequalifying rounds, 15 potential entries will beinvited to present ona firstcome firstserved basis.

• Theorganizers will allocateeach potential competitor witha date forpresentation.

• Eachcompetitor may participate onlyonce and under only one category throughout the Ghee RoastChallenge 2024.

• To beeligible to compete, the individual must follow/join TheWomenOfMangalore social media accounts.

• Competitors must filltheGoogle entry form provided intheWofM socialmedia handles OR send the same, duly filled, to theaddress: m.

• Thecompetitor must receive an intimation of invitation to compete atone of thefourqualifying events

• Thelastdate of entries for thefirst round is July8, 2024.

AtThe Qualifying Rounds

• Pleasebring your dish ready for tasting. Ensureitisatthe temperature youwant itto be judged. Theremay beno facilityfor heating.

• Eachdishwill besubject to a blind tasting by thejudges.

• Anyattempt toinfluencethe judges will be grounds for disqualification.

• Eachof thejudges hasthe discretion to callupon three competitors (based on their dishes) to askforclarifications.

• Thejudges’ decision isfinal.

• Pleasenote thatyou are responsible foreverything you bring withyou, including any consequent litter.

Qualifying For the Ghee Roast Innovation Challenge

• Two dishes ineachcategory, of eachqualifying round, will be selected to go tothe finals.

• Thefinalevent will have24 competitors intheghee roast innovation challenge.

• There will besome elements of live cooking andassembling atthe final event.

• Thethree winners of the Ghee RoastInnovation Challenge will be announced andfelicitated atthe Mangaluru Habba onOctober 6, 2024.


TheWomen of Mangalore reserves theright tochange therules of the initiative atanytime, with due intimation onitssocial media accounts.


: /e/1FAIpQLSc1RjIILtAwhArljtduoUfD_aq_Svl-pQOmvFFBuiaBBcoA/viewform?vc=0&c =0&w=1&flr=0

'HeArts Beat’ A Joyful Art Event for Seniors....

Gerentologist. Mangalore.

Onanunusualsunnymonsoon day, June 29, 2024, in Attavar, Mangalore, the Deva Kripa Senior Citizen Home was buzzing with creativity and laughter. Kare Nursing Services Mangalore, known for its dedication to senior citizenfriendly activities, organized a heartwarming art event “Art Beat." This special event was planned with deep care to bring joy, stimulate creative interests, andfosterasense of community among the elderly residents.

This was a real "HeArts Beat" featuring the talented art teacher Anvitha Rai, who guided the participants through a series of engaging art activities. The nuns from the Bethany Convent, who oversee this institution played an important role in facilitating the event, volunteering their time and offering support to ensure

everything ran smoothly. With six enthusiastic participants and three dedicated caregivers, the event was a resounding success and made a mark for timeto come Eventslike'ArtBeat'areessentialfor the well-being of senior citizens. They provide a wonderful opportunity for the elderly to stay

occupied and engaged, promoting mental stimulation and a sense of

accomplishment. These activities alsoencourage bonding among the residents, creating a close-knit community where they can share experiences and build lasting friendships. For thecaregivers, such events are a delightful break from routine, allowing them to enjoy quality time with the residents and have fun together. The atmosphere at Art Beat was filled with smiles, laughter, and beautiful artwork. Each participant left the event with a sense of pride and happiness, having created something unique and meaningful. The success of Art

Beat is a testament to the positive impact of these activities on the livesof senior citizens. ArtBeatwas more than justanartevent; itwasa celebration of creativity, community, joy and life. Kudos to Kare Nursing Services, Anvitha Rai, the Bethany sisters, and everyone involved for making it such a memorable and uplifting experience....... Those wrinkly, shakyhands, Those eyes, wide and wondering, Thatperpetual hesitation, Theinsatiable curiosity, Theconstant fatigue,

Thefleeting smiles, Themoments of engrossment, Thedesire toembrace it all.

All this and more were felt and witnessed today both by an artist and a nurse that put this small yet

meaningful event together for the senior citizens at Deva Kripa Senior Citizens Home, Attavar Mangalore. The first of its kind perhaps, with more to go and many hearts to touch through art andcare.


Bon Voyage

Be yourself is truly a tricky one, if being you is dangerous for the rest of us For those who say a child is an angel, have no clue to the reason they're here

It is why a parent is born, to mould and guide them to be good But often the world wins, to the forces outside your control

Who are we, really, did you not get a name when you were born

What's more to know, what's more to understand, you're here

Take the reigns and find your way, into the vast horizon that you see

Unless you're tethered to a pole, then getting away will be your goal

Be honest, will find you pretty much on your own, is what I've observed

Not even you can swallow that bitter pill of who you really are

So how can you expect the world to accept your point of view

Honesty is an overrated word, in a world of bloated egos

Who is God, how does that matter, whoever is behind your being here

Obviously didn't want you to know, so do your thing and get on with the show

Time is fleeting and opportunities are rife, to experience, feel and taste

You're the pawn in this board game played by forces unknown, escape if you can

Raise Your Words

Life's Journey

At dawn, a baby's first breath starts, A new life begins with beating hearts. Birth and death are certain parts, Life's in between with many paths.

Choose kindness, avoid the hate, Love yourself, it's never late. Birthday cakes mark passing years, Life's a journey through joys and fears.

In the end, death comes to all, Treasure each day, both big and small. Live fully from your first to last, Life's a treasure, hold it fast.

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