District 1A Governor's Monthly e-Newsletter "NewZ" for the Month of April 2023.

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APRIL 2023


It has been a very busy month. On March 12, I attended the Rivergrove Corned Beef Dinner. I had a great time celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with fellow lions. On March 14, I visited the Lansing and Calumet City Lions for a Governor’s Night. It’s always enjoyable going to visit clubs and learning all the great things they do.

On March 23, 24 & 25 Lion Bonnie and I were at the best convention in the State of Illinois our very own District 1A. What a great time we had!! We enjoyed PID Jennifer Ware and her husband Jeff. PID Jennifer gave a very inspiring speech. All of the Lions had such an awesome time getting to know PID Jenny. Lion Bonnie and I enjoyed visiting all of the hospitality rooms. The kindness and friendship everyone has shown us is incredible. I would like to congratulate all of the newly elected officials I know you will do an outstanding job leading our district. The district is up 90 on membership. This is due to all of your hard work and dedication. Thank you!!

If your club has not had a Governors visit yet please contact me I would enjoy visiting your club.

Yours in Lionism, Governor Tony Zartler Together we can.

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Global Membership Approach

We continue our year a plus in membership. We added 233 new members to clubs, while losing 143 members from clubs. We added 22 by transferring or reinstating members, we also lost 21 to deaths. We sit at a plus 90 for April 1st . March was a good month for membership. Adding 15, while only dropping 4. As of April 1st, we have 19 clubs with a plus in membership with 20 sitting at a minus.

Membership Development &Club Rebuilding:

We have started some community outreach to leaders in the Garfield Ridge, Archer Heights and Clearing communities of Chicago. If you have any family or friends in that area that you think would make good Lions please send their contact information to: jointhelionstoday@gmail.com. We have some interest, we need to get them together so we can organize. If you have any prospects in this area, please let us know. We would like to finish this club in Governor Tony’s year. But as always, we will follow any leads that might

2 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter GMA /GMTCoordinator:PIDDan O’Reilly

help us develop an area. Don’t hesitate to pass on any information you might have about starting a club.

Member Satisfaction:

We should all be working together on membership satisfaction! Members join your club to work together and make a difference in your service area. If they don’t feel welcome, don’t feel their opinion matters, they don’t see any services performed, then your not fulfilling your part of the oath.

Together we can strengthen our clubs. Stronger clubs provide more service. Clubs growing and providing more service, Strengthens our District and Lions International. TogetherWeCan!

NewMembers in CHICAGO HEIGHTS Lions Club: 1






NewMembers in CHICAGO RIDGE Lions Club:1



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NewMembers in PALOS Lions Club: 1


NewMembers in STICKNEYFORESTVIEW Lions Club: 1


NewMembers in WILLOW SPRINGS Lions Club:2



NewMembers in WILLOWSPRINGS LIONESS Lions Club: 1


TOTALNEW MEMBERS INTHE MONTHOF January 2023:15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Deaths this month: CHICAGO HEIGHTS Lions Club:1


Deaths this month:CHICAGO UPTOWN Lions Club:1



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Lions of Illinois, Inc. State Secretary/Treasurer Position Applicants Needed

The 2022-2023 MD-1 Council of Governors is now accepting applications for a Secretary/ Treasurer (SST) for the Lions of Illinois, Inc. This is an Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper position for the MD-1 Council of Governors who are members of Lions Club International. The position is a part time position for approximately 24- 32 hours/ week. The actual work schedule will be established by the successful applicant and the Council of Governors. The State Office is located at 828 South 2nd Street, Suite 101, in Springfield, IL 62704. The position will occasionally require work on evenings, weekends (estimated to be between 4 and 6 times a year), and some overnight stays. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

If interested, you are encouraged to apply regardless of what area of the state you live in, although you must be able to report to the State Office location in Springfield, Illinois for work during established office hours.

Please submit your resume and references via email to the Council Chair Gail Anton at anton173@comcast.net no later than 04/07/2023.

The following are the key responsibilities of the position. A complete job description will be provided to all applicants of interest. This is not a complete list of all job duties.

• Attend Council, Committee, and Special meetings and provide agendas, take minutes, coordinate materials, rooms, and supplies as needed.

• Meeting Planning and negotiating agreements to secure hotel rooms, meeting space, IT needs and meals for Council Meetings, State Forums, State Convention and Leadership seminars.

• Attend Conventions and Forums as needed and coordinate materials, rooms, and supplies.

• Answer phone calls, emails, and other forms of communication in a timely manner

• Accounts Payable functions – process all reimbursements to MD-1 Lions per Rules of Audit.

• Account Receivable functions: Strong skillset with QuickBooks, Microsoft Office programs, and setting up and maintaining a tickler file.

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• Experience in Fund accounting a plus.

• Prepare financial statements, budgets, balance accounts and reconcile bank statements. Prepare dues statements semiannually to all clubs in the MD-1 IL.

• Point person for annual audit.

• Deposit receipts regularly

• Strong attention to detail

• Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to function well under deadlines and stressful situations.

• Punctual and able to work in a group setting or alone with little guidance with motivation to find answers and solves problems as they arise.

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22 District 1A Monthly e-Newsletter ItwasafullhouseeventonFebruary 17, 2023 at Sheraton Suites Elk

Grove Hotel for the Educational PresentationofMarlouColinaofthe MarlouColinaAestheticsaboutSkin

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Health and
Learn the

ChicagoNursesforDiabetesLions Club.

Itwasanupcloseandpersonalkind of educational presentation about Skin Health and Hair Seminar: Learn the Science of Anti-Aging on March 10, 2023 at Sheraton Suites Elk Grove Hotel. This was also an opportunity for us to recruit new club members and raise funds for our club.

Anothersuccessfuleventwith3new members who signed up, the interactive Q&A’s, and the money raised for a cause. Good job to the CNFDLC team lead by the President Lea Agaton and Marlou Colina

Aesthetics lead by the CEO Marlou Colina!

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Science Behind Anti-aging with the

Club President Lion Lea Agaton and Club Secretary Lion Dean Baron attended this Leadership Training called BuildAVisionWorkshopwith District1A1stViceDistrictGovernor

LionThomasElsey,PIDDanO’Rilley, Zone Chair Maryann O’Rilley, Zone Chair Carole Burke-Hallberg and other Lions Clubs on February 18, 2023attheWestchesterVillageHall Community Room.

The Chicago Nurses for Diabetes

Lions Cub had an educational dinner presentation sponsored by Vifor Pharma on February 22, 2023

After all the presentations, we had

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our monthly hybrid meeting. Despite the cold weather we managed to have a successful event.at the Gibsons Bar & Steakhouse in Oakbrook, IL. Dr. Linda Freeman did an insightful presentation of the Overview of CKD and Hyperkalemia.

Vivien Joy Lamadrid, BSN RN (CNFDLC member / Certified Health and Life Coach) discussed about Self-Care Journey.

Kiyoko Czech (Senior Development Manager of the American Cancer Society, Inc. in Chicago) discussed about the relay for life program for the Gold Together team for childhood cancer.

President Lion Lea Agaton introduced and presented the CNFDLC as a way of encouraging the guests to join and be a member of the club. Two new members: Haidee Polgar and Ruth Fernandez who are both Nurse Practitioners wereinducted. Twonurses:Melinda Svastisalee (CNFDLC member) and Lea Gina Padolina (newly recruited nurse) won the prize for our free raffle. Three nurses signed up as CNFDLC members: Gina Nikolic,

Shirley Maguigad, and Lea Gina Padolina.

The Oregon Lions made a $1,000 donation to Serenity Hospice and Home during their meeting at the VFW in Oregon on February 23rd.

James and Karen Brown and Lion

Gloria Fallon explained the upcoming Serenity Art Dash which is to take place on April 5th. The money donated by the Oregon Lions is earmarked for a sponsorship for this event.

Lion Chris Martin auctioned off two tickets for the Art Dash and raised $125 that was also donated to Serenity Hospice and Home.

Nancy Tracy, RN, from Serenity Hospice explained the services provided by the hospice. Their goal is to provide spiritual, physical, and emotional support to the patient and their family members during

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the loved one’s last journey. Hospiceaffirmsthebeliefthatevery momentoflifeisprecious,andeach patient should be provided care with dignity and love.

Photo: Lions President Joe Kryszak, Nancy Tracy RN, James Brown and Karen .

Thanks to a generous donation by booksellers Barnes and Noble, Oregon Lions For Literacy Committee were able to donate several new books to students attending the Family Night at the Oregon Elementary School on February 27th.

Photo: The Lions in attendance for this event were: Lion Grant Afflerbaugh, Lion Gloria Fallon, Committee Chairperson Lion Joe Kryszak, Lion Carol Ohrn and Lion

On Saturday March 4th the Polo Lions Club had their 38th Annual Toy Show at the Polo Community High School. In the first picture is Lions members Cynthia Reynolds

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Jean Hof.

and Jeff Short taking money at the front desk as people came into the show.Intheotherpicturesaresome of the dealers and some people walking through and looking, and doing some buying from the

dealers. There was about 360 people that paid to go through. It was a successful day.

On March 7th at the Polo Lions Club meeting the first place winner was presented a check. The 50/50 raffle drawing took place at the March4thPoloLionsClubtoyshow. Inthepicture isRyanShetler,whois in charge of the raffle, Tom Suits, Kassidy Kenney who won first place and president of the club Winton Bocker. The second place winner was Kristen Mejorado, the third place winner was Randy Mitchell. The second place and the third place winners were not present.

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District 1A Convention Pictures:

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Committee Members,

Onceagainyou continuetoamaze me with your continued committed efforts. Each and every year that goes by, I find that the convention continues to ask for more of all of us. None of you has ever said no to anewchallenge.Youcontinuetobe the best that you can be and that makes the District 1-A Convention the best that Illinois offers. You may think that you are just a small part, a small cog in the gear, but that small cog, drives the gear, the convention, that makes for an enjoyable weekend for our Lions and guests.

You are the best that I could ever ask for.

Thank you,

Executive committee, and all members.

Thank you.

1A –

First and foremost, I want to thank everyone that attended the convention. Seeing all of you out and smiling while enjoying the entireweekend’sfestivitieswassuch a great sight to see.

I want to thank you all for your support for my candidacy for 2nd Vice District Governor. All the hugs, handshakes, words of advice and encouragement certainly made such a great weekend even greater and very rewarding.

Great convention under the leadership of PCC Steve Anton,

Thank you to all the delegates for registering to vote and voting for not only myself but the future leadership for our district and foundation.Youcame,yousaw,and

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you let your votes be heard.

Thank you to Governor Lion Tony Zartler and his cabinet for an amazing year of leadership and assistance to us all.


Steve Anton and team for an outstanding convention.

Lions, I look forward to my year as your 2nd Vice District Governor. My promise to you is that I will learn everything I can, be vigilant, dedicated and engaged in helping ourclubs,zones, region, anddistrict move forward for success along with 1st Vice District Governor Elect

Lion Brenda Stevens and Governor

Elect Lion Tom Elsey.

Love and Hugs to all, Region Chair and 2nd VDG Elect

Lion Richard A. Moy

Cell: (708) 504-9070

Email: moyrick@me.com

I am really overwhelmed to see the support from my fellow Lions of District 1-A. Because of your support, we now proceed to the next step in the process, the endorsement from the delegates at the MD-1 Convention. Thank you for your confidence in me being your next International Director from MD-1. I will be needing your support once again at the State Convention in May 2023. The election date is Sunday, May 21st, at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield. I would appreciate your clubs sending their delegates to vote for my endorsement as the MD-1 candidate for International Director.

I give you my assurance that I will represent our District and Multiple DistrictthesamewayasIhavedone forthelast30yearsasaLionLeader, working tirelessly to promote Lions and our efforts to help others in need.

DearLions ofDistrict1A:

Yours in Lionism, Lion Dr. Austin D’Souza

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Here are the Grand Raffle Ticket Winners. Congratulations.

1st Prize Ticket #109 6th Prize Ticket # 252

2nd Prize Ticket # 277 7th Prize Ticket # 14

3rd Prize Ticket # 279 8th Prize Ticket # 276

4th Prize Ticket # 50 9th Prize Ticket # 1

5th Prize Ticket # 126 10th Prize Ticket #255 --

Yours in Service

Lion Dawn Grogan

District 1-A Cabinet Secretary

Lions Clubs International

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