District 1A Convention – a Fun-filled Event!
Lions & Leos of District 1A
This is the final call for our District 1A Convention – one of the best and finest in the US. We will have fun and celebrate our growth in our District.
We had our new club to celebrate our membership growth in our district and soon there will be another willcelebrate theirCharter
Nite. Membership wise we are growing and giving 100% support toourMission1.5challenge. Ialso gave a challenge to all the clubs in our district to support our Foundation by naming Melvin JonesFellows,whowillbehonored during our convention banquet on Saturday night. Hurry up and join the challenge. This will give your
club the necessary points to receive Club Excellence Award at the end of the lionistic year. Also, manyclubsfromourdistrictadded new members this year so far. It is encouragingnewsasagovernorof your district.
I can’t wat to see our international guest for convention – ID Marrie Cunning from Arizona. With all your support, I want to show her what we do in our district and how to have fun doing it.
This year’s convention theme is, “The Magic of Disney in District 1A”. A theme we never had. There will be various Disney characters running around from one hospitality room to another with lots of fun to watch and enjoy.
Register early. All ‘meals deal’ is super so as the hotel room rates! This hotel was renovated last year with more attractions. Stay a couple of nights and help with the convention.
Saturday morning there will be a Lions of Illinois Foundation meeting. I you have any Foundation Fellows to be named,
this is the time to recognize and honor club members. After this meeting, we will celebrate club anniversaries. Newclubsand5,10, 15, 20, 25, etc., anniversary clubs.
This year there will be a First Gentleman’s speech during the generalluncheon. Comeandlisten to Lion Mike what he wants to say.
After the luncheon we will have a theme baskets auction. Do not forget to bring your credit card to thisluncheonandjustchargeforit. There will be a Catholic Mass at 4:00 p.m. All Catholics are invited to attend this Mass and celebrate. AftertheMass,wewillenjoyawine reception. WineisdonatedbyPCC & PDG McMillans. When you see them, thank them for their generosity. After this, the greatest fun starts at the “Governor’s Banquet!”
A super presentation of the Fashion Show which will mesmerize you all. After dinner, there will be a Melvin Jones presentation, special awards, and International President’s awards given by our guest ID Marrie
How can you miss all these fun items? Once again, I am asking you: Register for the convention and bring your friends and family
Fabulous February has concluded, and it surely was a busy month.
I know it seems as if I am discussing with you some form of training,I’veattendedeverymonth and let me assure you that February was no different. These training events are all part of my path to being the very best Governor(Support)thatIcanbein this coming year for you all. Taking in a wealth of knowledge from various trainers/leaders from around our MD (Multiple District) along with fresh ideas to bring back to our district has been a true pleasure and I can’t wait to share that which I’ve learned back to the clubsandleadershipinourdistrict.
Now onto the FUN stuff! On February 16th, we welcomed a brand-new club to our Lions Family! Please join me in
members, even though they are notlions. Conventionisopentoall as long they pay registration and meal prices.
welcoming the Chicago Asian American Lions Club into our pride! The Charter night was filled with fellowship, dancing, a special Valentines Presentation and celebration of some very inspired Lions that have already hit the ground running with their service projects. Congratulations and welcome to THUNDER DOME! (Also known as a world of FUN)
My trips were capped off by attending the 81st Annual District Bowling Outing at Lisle Lanes. It was great to see all the teams enjoying themselves in fellowship and competing for the best game title. Thank You to District Bowling Chair Leilanni and committee for putting on a great event for Lions and guests!
AswerollintothemonthofMarch, it’s the official countdown to our District Convention at the Westin in Itasca. I want to encourage you all to register early and take
advantage of that discount. I know I can echo Governor Brendas’ sentiment in wanting to spend a MAGICAL weekend with you all thatI’mcertainwillbefilledwithso much FUN. As I’ve mentioned in the past, the district convention was always a great place for me to get to know other Lions in our district and outside of our district andshareideas.AsI’vehadvarious roles in my club and the district, I’ve absolutely loved meeting others in my same position and sharing challenges along with best practices. There is a ton of value in thoseconversationsalonesoifyou spendthedayortheweekendwith
us at the convention, I encourage you to get to know your extended family in Lionism.
As always, continue to have FUN and if you have any events coming up that you would like me to attend, please reach out to me as soon as you know those dates. I always plug in events into my calendar on a first come first serve basis. I will always try to attend as many as I can in one day.
See you soon!
Yours in FUN,
March 1,2025
We are top growth in MD-1 and 4th in CA-1. Our growth comes from twenty-nine clubswhomade the efforttostrengthenyour clubs by adding members and two new chartered clubs.
The easiest way to gain members is to have your club visible and provide service to those in need. Visibility will help your prospective member make an easy choice in accepting your invitation to join your club.
Governor Brenda is asking that each club do their best in adding members to your club this year. She would be honored to be sending in your applications for the club excellence award at the end of your successful year.
One of the items needed is a plus two in membership. We have nineteen clubs right now that have that item checked off. They just need to keep their members satisfied. A happy Lion never leaves a club… Learn more about the Club Excellence Award from your Region and Zone Chairs.
Here are a few tips that will help you get started in defining member satisfaction in your club:
• Ask your members! Members feel involved when you ask for their opinions. Ask your members: Why is the club here? Do our activities demonstrate this? If a non-Lion looked at one year of our events, what would they think is essential to our club? o You can use the Member Questionnaire at the back of this guide to facilitate this conversation and modify it to fit your needs.
• Assess why your members have left in the past. While there are some common themes worldwide, it will help if you contact former members to learn why they left. Along with the New Member Questionnaire in this guide, there is a Former Member Questionnaire that you can modify to fit your needs. o Consider devoting time during a club meeting or holding a special meeting to discuss member satisfaction.
• Carefully consider whether your club’s stated objectives, goals and missionstatementreflectwhatyourcurrentmemberswantyourclubtobe.
Ifyouwouldlikesomeonefromourteamtocomeouttoyourclubandtalk on any of these subjects, please reach out and we can arrange a program for you.
Congratulations to the Chicago Diverse Intergenerational Lions Club, District 1-A’s newest chartered club. Watch the Charter Party announcement.
As always, please contact our team if you have a group or area that you believe would continue to move the District forward in positive membership growth and more service to the areas underserved.
March 1,2025
GovernorBrendareceiveda goal fromLCIFof $54,045.00.This is basedon membership at the beginning of the year. We are sitting at just over $32,565, which is 60.00% of our goal. Let’s give a little bit more to LCIF to help our Governor reach her assigned goal. If each club donates $300 before the end of the year, we’ll make it.
LCIF helps our clubs do greater service. Support your Foundation and your Foundation will be there when you need help with a project. You might need an Emergency Disaster Grant, a Standard Grant, or a grant related to our Global Causes.
Ifyouare planningonpresenting a MelvinJonesat the Convention, please bringme the itemsneeded to present at the Saturday Governor’s Banquet, between Friday Night and Saturday Afternoon, don’t bring them to the banquetandexpectustochangetheprogram.Pleasegetthemtomeprior to the evening.
Contact PID Dan for your pin today…
It is with extreme heartfelt sympathy that Ilet you knowthat Lioness/Lion CarolSmigielski, wife ofPDGMikeSmigielski,passed away.Shewas surroundedbyher family anddiedpeacefully.
Lion Carolhadbeen active in theWillowSpringsLioness Club since 12/1/1985 andwhen theclub transitionedtotheWillow Springs Lioness Lions Club on 12/4/2020,Lion Carolwas a charter member. She was active in her club andwas alwaystherehelpingand supportingtheLions.Shewas especiallysupportive toher husband, Lion Mike duringhis yearasGovernorandafterwards.
PleaserememberLioness/Lion CarolandPDG Mikein your thoughts andprayers duringthis most difficult time. May her soul R.I.P.
Lion BrendaBlock District1A Cabinet Secretary Lions International
at LCI in Oak Brook. Hosts Region
Chair Maryanne O’Reilly, Zone
Chair Richard Castillo, and Zone
Chair Lavetta Beauzile welcomed
District Governor Brenda Steven and Lions from Stickney-Forest View Lions Club, Bellwood Lions
Club, and Westchester Lions Club for an informative evening with a presentation on Camp Quality Illinois by Mary Lockton and Lion Tom Lockton.
Charter Nite of the newest Club in District 1A: TheAsianAmerican Lions Club.
Filipino -American Lions Club, UNP High School Class 1970 Alumni Association
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing ceremony @ San JulianSurBrgyHallonFeb5, 2025, with City Environment and Natural
Resources Officer Mr. Teddy Boy Corpuz
This is not Ordinary Event. The ChicagoFilipinoAmericanLions ClubhostedasuccessfulDancefor Love event, with proceeds supporting Diabetes Awareness Activities. It was a fun and memorable night! Lions Clubs International.
The Chicago Filipino American Lions Club held its monthly meeting at Culver's Restaurant, on 2/15/25 achieving another productive turnout.
Hurricane Helene is currently impacting the southeastern coastline of the United States, particularly affecting Florida. Many homes have been damaged and numerous families are displaced. In the face of this humanitarian crisis, we, as Lions, are prepared to step in and help. Your generous donation to LCIF enables us to continue our vital work in these challenging times. Please consider donating to our Disaster Relief Fund: bit.ly/3XFfxrP #LCIFLions
When the Desplaines River flooded our community, the Village of Forest View back in 2013. LCIF was there for us,