Message from Governor Elect Joni McMilan: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A: I am so glad to be your Governor for the Year 20192020 and my happiness tripled because this year we have three heads of District 1A as women.
numbers are going down and we should keep an eye on this situation and work together to build greater numbers.
Self, I VDG Marilyn McLean and II VDG Gail Anton; for the first time in the history of Mother District of Lionism, we are all women tops.
One more thing I want this year is, District Service Project to get involved all clubs so that we can have a huge service project for District 1A.
We just had our International President Gudrun Bjort Yngvadottir, a first woman Lions International President. According to statics, women are growing in clubs and worldwide. For me, there is no difference between male or female lions; we are all didicated and spirited lions who want to take lions to the higher level.
Our Global Causes are: • • • •
Diabetes Environment Childhood Cancer Vision
Other Service Programs: As all governors do, I too kept a goal during governorship to have one plus club and and plus in membership. It is quite natural that, to have more activities and to build good relationship with our communities, we need more members. Every International President’s eyes and concern is on World Membership. We, as North Americal lions, we have more responsibilityl to see the growth as we lions in North America are dwindling. As a whole, our
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Literacy Youth Programs
Our largest LCIF program is, Campaign 100. We have to reach our goals as District and individual clubs. We should request every member of our clubs to get involved and donate wholeheartedly. Once I come back from International Convention you will hear more. -DGE Joni McMillan.
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"SAVE THE DATES" Please mark your calendar for the following two important dates: ***JUNE 2, 2019 SUNDAY*** Hawaiian Luncheon and Governor Howard Swacker & F/L Karen's Visit 12:00 to 4:00 PM Four Points Sheraton O'Hare Open Bar, Combination Beef and Chicken plated meal, Soup & Salad, Hors' Oeuvres, open desserts table & Free Parking Strictly Hawaiian Attires DJ Music & Entertainment Cover Charge = $50.00 Please start inviting your friends and family members to a fun afternoon Lions festivity. Formal invitations to follow
***JULY 27, 2019 SATURDAY*** Annual Family Picnic and Installation of Officers PLACE: Harms Woods., Grove No 5 Shelter (Golf & Harms Roads) Morton Grove, IL TIME: 12:00 to 5:30 PM Fil-USA Lions Members will prepare all the delicious foods, desserts, drinks, music, dancing, exciting games and prizes FREE ADMISSIONS FOR ALL OUR INVITED GUESTS Flyer/Invitation to follow. Thank you so much. Any inquiries, you may direct them to Lion Andy Liamaga at or text message to 773-370-0222 Governor’s Newsletter 16
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