NapervilleNoonLionsClubhassponsoreda childnamedSamuelat Naomi’sVillagein Africa.Thischildcoloredapicturetosaythank youtotheLionsClub.
NapervilleNoonLionsClubhassponsoreda childnamedSamuelat Naomi’sVillagein Africa.Thischildcoloredapicturetosaythank youtotheLionsClub.
It is truly a bittersweet timeofyearfor Lions. Our year is quickly coming to an end and it is time to take stock on how we did towardsreachingourgoals.Noneof us should expect perfection, but we should be able to take a hard look at how we succeeded and how we can improve. As the next group of Lions takes the reins, let’s ensure that they have targets to shoot for in the coming year. Please let your voices be heard as you see ways to improve our operations and delivery of service.
passion, enthusiasm and commitment to our dedication to service. Each new leadership group comesinwithnewideas,newplans, newwaystomoveforward.Letusall embrace this newness and remember that at the end of the day, one of our primary responsibilities as Lions is to see other Lions succeed, to see that Lions reach their full potential and to do all in our power to help them achieve excellence!
AsIlookbackatallofthewonderful Lions, I’ve had the opportunity to meetandworkwith,Iknowthatour organization looks forward to a successfulfuture.Thereisnolackof
To the council of governors that I served with, I thank you each and everyone for all that you do for our organization. I hope that in some small way, I encouraged your journey and growth. To our incoming council, have a marvelous experienceinMelbourne,andcome back ready to hit the ground running. I know that you already have great plans and I hope that
your coming year is everything that you hope it will be.
Yours in Service,
Harvey"James"MiddleCalf,83,ofOlney,Illinois,passedawayonWednesday, May 15, 2024, at Helia Healthcare of Olney.
James Middle Calf was born in Browning, Montana on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, the son of James and Margaret (Weasel Head) Middle Calf,whereheliveduntiltheageof18.
He attended the Blackfeet Indian Agency Boarding School from 1st through12th grade. He laterattended Cypress Community College for two yearsinCypress,California,someyears later after leaving the reservation.
James left college to accept a position with the Alpha Beta Restaurant Chain toworkastheirheadchefandtraining coordinator from 1978 until 1983.
James met his wife Lynda while residing in Southern California in the fall of 1982. They were married in August of 1984 in Las Vegas during their move from California to Olney, Illinois.
Jamesbegandoingremotecraftwork,makingclownsathomeforacompany in Florida. He later changed the designs and began doing work for himself evolving from making clowns to Dream Catchers after he lost his vision. His wife, Lynda, taught him how to weave the Dream Catcher’s webs.
James lost his eyesight in the summer of 1992 to eye disease. With the assistance of Illinois Department of Rehabilitation out of Mt. Vernon, Illinois and the correspondence courses through Hadley School for the Blind in Winnetka, Illinoishe learned to read Braille and how to be proficient with the use of his white cane. Living in Olney at the time, he was anxious to meet anotherblindpersonandinthesummerof1995wasputintouchwithJames Veale, and Olney Lions Club member.
James is survived by his wife, Lynda Middle Calf of Olney; son, Jason James Middle Calf; stepson, James Fowlkes of Bernie, MO; grandchildren, Ramkin MiddleCalf,DeclanMiddleCalf,CailynFowlkes,TylerFowlkes,BrynixFowlkes, and Harmyn Fowlkes; sisters, Carmen (Jeff) Huot and Linda (Bill) Coukoulis, both of CA; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents.
A visitation was held for friends and family on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Kistler-Patterson Funeral Home in Olney. A funeral service was held for James the following morning, Wednesday, May 22 at 10:00 AM, also at Kistler-Patterson Funeral Home in Olney.
Memorials can be made to Lions of Illinois Endowment Fund.
Linda Hall, 83, of Georgetown, Illinois, passed away on Friday nightMay24,2024.Lindawasborn on October 27, 1940, in Paris, Illinois, the daughter of Lester and Ruth (Stanfield) Shipley. Linda marriedtheloveofherlifeCarlHall on December 9, 1960, in Oliver, Illinois, and they enjoyed each other's company until February 4, 2023, when Carl passed away.
Linda leaves behind her three daughters, Janette (John) Nimrick (Greg) Spires, eight grandchildren and twenty-six great grandchildren.
Linda was preceded in death by her parents and Carl.
Linda was raised in Paris, Illinois, graduating from Paris High School in 1957 atjustsixteenyearsold.Lindaenjoyedmanyclubsandorganizations.Shewas a member of the Fairview Methodist Church, Georgetown Lions Club, and DaughtersoftheAmericanRevolution. ShewasalsoaGirlScoutleader,4-H leader,bandparentandneverjusttookthekidstoanythingbutwasinvolved with all their activities. Linda enjoyed crocheting, doing puzzles, camping, gardening, music, reading, crafting, and doing genealogy. Linda loved to laugh and share a good joke; she saved hundreds of jokes on her computer. Most of all it was Linda's love of family that she will be remembered for.
A visitation was held at Sunset Funeral Home 2024, Cremation Center in Georgetown, Illinois, 200 E. West St., on Wednesday May 29, 2024, from 4–7pm.ServicewasheldonThursdaymorningMay30,2024,10am.PastorMatt Filicsky Will officiate. A burial was followed at Georgetown cemetery. Please join Linda's family and sharing memories on her tribute wall at The family asks that donations be made in Linda’s name to Dist. 1-M Humanitarian Fund or Georgetown Lion’s Club.
AuroraLionsClubofficialspresent FamilyFocusAurorastafferswitha $500 check May 2. From left are Randy Brown, Lions membership chair; Gabriela Gaytan, Family Focus lead parents’ educator; ChristinaCampos, agency assistant director; and Susan Koepke,AuroraLionspresident. (Al Benson photo)
ChristinaCampos,assistantdirector, Family Focus Aurora, addresses Aurora Lions Club on May 2 at the club's bi-weekly membership meeting. From Left are Campos, Gabriela Gaytan, Family Focus lead parents educator, and Paul Buddy, Aurora Lions tail twister. (Al Benson photo)
May 4, 2024 Family Focus Aurora officials updated Aurora Lions Club members on the agency's services at the club's Thursday, May 2, biweeklymeeting.
Christina Campos, assistant director and Gabriela “Gabby" Gaytan, lead parents educator, explained how Family Focus serves Aurora area residents. Campos said the nonprofit offers innovative, community-based programs and services to help parents, grandparents and foster/adoptive parents gain confidence and competence as children's primary educators.
Since 1983, nurturing children and strengthening families has been the agency's mission. With Aurora locations at 550 Second Ave. and 1444 N. Farnsworth Ave., Campos said the agency isamong 17 that operate a welcoming center under the Illinois Welcoming Centers, a state-funded project to help immigrants and limitedEnglishproficientindividuals navigate state services.
Family Focus service areas include children and family support services, parents as teachers,healthyfamiliesandfamily
advocacy center; educational support services including youth development, parent mentoring, GED classes and immigration services.
Aurora Lions President Susan Koepke said, "Family Focus
Aurora will play a vital role in disseminating information about AuroraLionsClub'svisionscreening services and provide valuable supporttofamiliesaligningwithour shared mission of serving children and families."
Koepke added, "Gaytan performs home visits and works a lotwithnewbornto 3-year-oldkids. Parents receive visits from their home visitor to ensure their child is meeting development milestones through parent-child activities and education. Activities guide parents andchildreninsharingandlearning activities that improve gross motor, language, fine motor, social and emotional skills.
"A parent curriculum teaches maternal or paternal and child health, home safety, food security, positive parenting, and school readiness. Most home visit programs also invite the parents to engage with other parents in the
program through community eventsor support groups."
After remarks, Koepke presented Campos and Gaytan with a $500 ceremonial check.
Founded in 1922, Aurora Lions Club is celebrating its second century of community service. Open to men and women, the club meets on the first and third Thursdays at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 27 S. Edge lawn Dr. in Aurora. Prospective members are invited.
Call (630) 921-1307 for more information.
With the motto "We Serve," Lions volunteers focus on supporting causes including hearing and vision impairment, hunger, the environment, diabetes and childhood cancer. Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world. Some1.42millionmembersinmore than 48,000 clubs serve in over 200 countries and geographic areas worldwide.
Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and
humanitarianprojectsandextended service impact through the Lions Clubs International Foundation. For moreinformationaboutLionsClubs International, visit
The Beardstown Lions recognized members of the National Honor Society and the Key Club for their service in the community. HighlandLionsplantedflowersina city park.
Thank you from a young lady with diabetes. The Beardstown Lions
donated $1000 toward help her get a service dog named Toto. Governor Leroy visited the Palmyra LionsClub.
International Guest Nick Xinopoulos
Reverend Jeremy Woods, Salem UCC, Alhambra, officiated the Necrology Service.
Gov Leroy named a Foundation Fellow. Presenter is Foundation Executive Director PDG Ron Fruit.
Welcome from David Goins, MayorofAlton
Lions Renee Hooton and Jan Kreutzberg received International
Presidents Certificates of Appreciation at the District 1G Convention. The award was presented by District 1-G Governor, LeroyEngelke.
This award is in recognition of distinguished achievements in fulfillingtheservicemissionofLions Clubs.
This is the 4th highest Lions Clubs International award.
Congratulations to Lion Renee and Jan. PDG Dean Hemming receives FoundationFellow.
Traci Reichman was a presenter representingLeapsofLovebasedin Highland. Leaps of Love Provided supporttoofamiliesofchildrenwith cancer. Several Highland Lions surround her.
Gov Leroy’s Fellow District Governors. Guest speaker Jim Worden, governor of Lions International District 1-J, addresses AuroraLions
Club members during the club's May2meeting.Seatedleftandright are Susan Koepke, Aurora Lions president; and Randy Brown, membership chair. (Al Benson photo)
Jim Worden, right, Lions International District 1-J governor, presents AuroraLion Dick Schindel a membership pin during the club's May 2 meeting. (Al Benson photo)
Aurora Lion Paul Buddy, left, receives the Lions international president's pin from Jim Worden, Lions International District 1-J
governor,during the Aurora club's May 2 meeting. Buddy, a past AuroraClub president and 40-year member, serves as tail twister. (Al Benson photo)
Jim Worden, Lions International District 1-J governor, shared news and awards as guest speaker at the Aurora club's May 2 meeting. Worden, an Elmhurst Club Lion, presentedawardpinstoAuroraclub president Susan Koepke, Randy Brown, membership chair, and Dick Schindel, past president, for sponsoring new members. Aurora club tail twister Paul Buddy was recognized with the international presidents pin. Koepke received the 2022-2023 club excellence award patch and pin.Honored in absentia wereAuroraLionsHilaryAdam,Saul Olivas, Gary Ries and Anton Kirner as newest members.
In opening remarks, Worden reminded the audience that Lions
International has set a goal of 1.5 million new members by 2027. "Presently we are just under 1,400,000," he noted. According to Worden, 242 Lions from30of55Illinoisclubsattended the 2024 state convention held in April. He said Lions International conventions will be in Australia this year, Mexico City in 2025, Atlanta in 2026, Singapore in 2027, Washington, D.C. in 2028 and Minneapolis in 2029.
Founded in 1922, Aurora Noon Lions Club is celebrating its second century of community service.
Opentomenandwomeninterested in community service, the club meetsat noon on the first and third Thursdays at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 27 S. Edgelawn Drive in Aurora. Prospective members are invited.
With the motto “We Serve,” Lions volunteers focus on supporting causes including hearing and vision impairment, hunger, the environment, diabetes and childhood cancer.
Lions Clubs is the largest service club organization in the world. Approximately 1.42 million membersinmorethan48,000clubs serve in 200 countries and geographic areas worldwide.
Since 1917, Lions have strengthened local communities through hands-on service and humanitarianprojectsandextended service impact through the Lions Clubs Foundation.
For more information about Lions Clubs, visit
Coupleofphotosandinfofromone of our typical meetings.
DistrictGovernorLarryMcGuireand hisspouse,LionAnn,wereinvitedto speak at a meeting of the Benton Lions Club. During his speech, DG Larryhighlighted the significance of maintaining club membership, reporting service activities, and supporting LCIF. He also had the honor of presenting membership chevrons at the event. Club President Pat Kern received her 15year chevron, and Lion John Metzger and Lion Marty Leffler received their 20-year and 15-year chevrons, respectively. Unfortunately, Lions Dave Severin, Dennis Miller, John Oxford, and Bobbi Blondi could not attend the event, and their chevrons were left with Lion Pat for later recognition.
District Governor Larry McGuire presented the International President's Certificate of Recognition to three Lions. Sparta Lion Jim Hoskins was awarded for
achieving the most membership recruitment within District 1-CS. Chester Lion Larry Soellnner, O.D. received the award for purchasing and displaying the large Candy Day banner, for assisting in the Community Health Fair, for obtaining the Lions of Illinois Foundation's screening van, and for opening his office to allow eyeglass sorting.1stVDG-ElectRethaEurales was also recognized for her leadershiprole,assistingotherLions
Clubs in reporting service activities, and giving a presentation on the importance of service. District Governor-Elect Heather Abell was not present, but she will receive her certificate later.
The Athens Lions Club presented two Robert E Henning Memorial Scholarships and one Leo Club Member Scholarship at Athens Community High School on Senior Night May 16,2024. The 2024 recipients of a $1000 Robert E Henning Memorial Scholarship are Kaydence Richardson and Alaina Taylor. The 2024 recipient of the $500 Leo Club Member Scholarship is Riley Womble. Kaydence Richardson will be attending Lincoln Land Community College. Her major is undecided, but she is interested in Communications and Business. Alaina Taylor will be attending the
UniversityofMissouriandwillmajor in either Journalism or Strategic Communications. Riley Womble will beattendingIllinoisStateUniversity majoring in Nursing. The Lions congratulate these winners and for their service to the community. This is the 32nd year that the Athens Lions Club has provided scholarships to Athens High School seniors.
Community Service is a very important factor in selecting scholarship winners. This is a continuation of the Lions keeping with our motto of “WE SERVE” Pictured L-R Kaydence Richardson, Riley Womble, Alaina Taylor.
Our own MD1-D1A Chicago INDOUS, Lion Hina Trivedi, has been invited to be a presenter at LionsCon 2024, Exhibition Hall, in MelbourneonFriday,June21,2024, at 12:15 pm, Exhibition Hall, Federation Square Stage.
If you are attending, please come out and support Lion Hina as she represents District in MD1 1A Together we serve world ChicagoINDO-US Lions.
The City of Carbondale pays the Lions Club to paint their city's fire hydrants. It is one the club's fundraisers.
District Governor Larry McGuire presents District Governor-Elect Heather Abell-Castleberry with the International President's
Certificate of Recognition, the fourth-highest award a Lion can receive.
Bonfield Lion President Dan Lowe ishavingfungiving‘barreltrain’ride to the preschoolers at Bonfield gradeschool. Canyouguesswhois having the most fun?
The Bradley Club recently hosted Players from the River Valley Wind EnsembleperformingintheNewHorizonsBandofK3Valleyconcertrecently at Olivet Nazarene University. The band is celebrating their 25th year of
performing. Thisconcertwasafundraiserforthe Bradely Lions. --
The Braidwood Lions participated in Braidwood's leg of the 16th Annual Rt. 66 Red Carpet Corridor Festival. The Lions had their famous Lions’ brooms along with an assortment of Rt. 66 themed hats, fleece blankets and other crafts at their booth located in front of the Rt. 66 Park pavilion. Their booth was one of the 50 booths set up by various vendors for the Festival. President Beth Burns worked the tent along with many of the Braidwood Lions.
DGE Tom Drez 1-BK had a great time attending the Crest Hill Lions Club meeting.LionTom recognized members that had achieved major serviceanniversarymilestones. Lion
received their30-year Chevrons.
TheFrankfortLions welcomedtwo new members this past month:
James Sanderson & Richard Rappold. Thank you to Sponsors PDG Sue Wolf and Lion Michael Szafoni for supporting Mission 1.5
JolietNoon’s guest speaker for MaywasClaudiaLopez,Community Liaison for the newly opened VNA Medical Clinic. VNA is a low-cost Carefacilityforpatientswithlittleor no insurance. Just like their guest speaker from April, Claudia has a connection to Lions Clubs from her youth. Growing up in Guatemala, Claudia’s friend’s parents were members of the local Lions Club. Claudia would work alongside her friends in the various Lion activities.
LemontClub President John Miller, Secretary Rick Leadley, and Scholarship Chairperson Chris
Albrecht awarded five $2,000.00 scholarships at Lemont High School Senior Awards Night tonight to deserving seniors including Lemont Leo Club President Charlotte Drez.
A few members of the Lemont Club spending a Saturday morning spreading some mulch with others at the Danish Cemetery to start preparingthesiteforMemorialDay.
Membersofthe MorrisLions spent oneeveningcleaningup theMorris Lions Park. Morris Lions Doug Linn, Lori Linn, Tom Kinzler, Ralph Binion, George Roebuck, Paul Weitz, Lynn
Vermillion, Rick Martino, and Joan Kitchens came out for the clean-up.
HardworkingLemontLionsinApril pouring new concrete slabs made way in May for the newly placed benches for the WWII Memorial in Lemont.
Lion Marie Wheeler is Membership Director for the NewLenoxclub as wellasaZoneChairforDistrict1BK.
Lion Marie recognized New Lenox Lion Mike Hickey for his 45 years of serving with the club by presenting
his Chevron from International.
The New Lenox Lions Club 2024 Scholarship recipient for Lincoln Way West was Ava Peterson. Ava will be pursuing a degree in Biomedical Engineering. Lion President Steve Kuyawa had the honor of presenting Ava with the award.
TheNewLenoxLions were excited to be walking again in the 44th
Annual Loyalty Day Parade! New Lenox Lions have proudly serving their community for over 75 years!
WhilevisitingtheNewLenoxLions, DGE Tom Drez had the distinct honor and privilege of installing their club officers for 2024-2025. Congratulations to incoming Club President Lion Bob Adams and the entire Board. We wish you the best during your term!
outgoing Club President Lion Steve Kuyawa with a Melvin Jones Fellowship from his club for his excellent service as Club President. ---------------------------------------
During the visit in NewLenox, DGE Tom had the honor of presenting
DGETom Drezvisited theSheffield Lions recognizing members with major milestone service anniversaries and presented Club President Al Corwin with a District Bronze Award for reporting their activities for last year.
Chevron honors went to: Sheffield Lions John Winger (45 years), Bill Stier (40 years) and Sue BrommeWinger (10 years).
monthly ‘Free Lunch’ was hosted by theStreatorHighSchoolKeyClub during which 164 meals were served. This is a monthly cooperativeeffortwiththe Deacons ofParkChurchandlocalcommunity groups.
StreatorHardscrabbleLionDonna Mikolaczyk delivered sneaker recyclingboxestoseveralschoolsin Streator. This is always a good project at the end of a semester.
An annual service event for the Hardscrabble Lions is putting up flags for the Memorial Day
During DGE Tom’s visit to the Yorkville Lions Club, he had the chancetopresenttheclubwiththeir District ‘Silver Club’ certificate for their service and reporting activities from last year. Accepting the
The Yorkville visit also gave DGE Tom the opportunity to present Lion Harold McCraken with his 35year Chevron.
Susan Franklin shared the latest news of the Farmers Market with Danville Lions recently. The first news item was that the Market is
currently in the process of seeking non-profit status.
The Market has been a community presence since the 1980’s, having been located at various locations overtheyears. TheMarketcannow be found at the DIY Storage lot at 2721 N. Vermilion (formerly Kmart). The location is easy to find and boaststwoentrances–offTownway Road and Vermilion Street. From May 11- October 5 the Market is held every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Fees for vendors are $25 annuallytoregister,and$5foreach booth day. This affordable system has provided a way for vendors to be successful entrepreneurs, growing their crafts from small entities to larger possibilities. Another positive feature is that the vendors are close-knit and supportive of each others’ presence and efforts.
The Market has 86 registered vendors, with 53 vendors on site on Saturdays, ages ranging from 10 years-old to those in their 80’s. All vendors’ items must be locally produced by them, whether grown, bakedorhand-made. Noitemscan be purchased elsewhere to be sold at the Market. Items for purchase include fresh produce, baked goods, beef, pulled pork, chicken, eggs, to name a few. Illinois Link cards and Snap are accepted. The Link tokens can be used for food items.
During winter months the Market moves indoor to First Presbyterian Church.
Aurora Lions Club recently donated$500toMutualGroundfor the Aurora Domestic Violence Shelter’s16thAnnualWalkforHope Fundraiser to be held on June 7th. (l
to r) Club President Lion Susan Koepke, Linda Maranda, Mutual Ground Exec. Director, and Lion Jay Short, Service Chair.
Darien Lion David Smetak, ChairpersonoftheLionsCandyDay, taking care of all the Candy Day donations workers brought in.
Several members of the Lisle Lady Lions Branch Club were joined by twoLisleLionstodoaClean-upDay at Sea Lion Park in early April.
NorthAuroraLionshadfunpulling together a mealforthose staying at the Ronald McDonald House.
Congratulations to Lion Larry FullingtonandLionDebeFullington for each receiving a Melvin Jones Fellow recognition! This is the
highestform of recognitioninLions Club. These recipients of this award have gone above and beyond to serve both their club and community. They are from Malta LionsClub.
OnMay7,2024,aProclamationwasgiventoBartlettLionRoyEngstrom(front center) by the Village of Bartlett as the Winner of the 2023-2024 Illinois Governor’s Volunteer Service Award.
Here’s a new project in the District! Bartlett Lions Club put together a
Maxwell (r) dropped by the People’s Resource Center in Westmont with a donation, as well as a check from The Open Door Taproom & Bottleshop, proceeds from the Babies & Brews Diaper Drive event held earlier this year.
Bike Repair Station along a Bartlett Bike Path. The Lions saw a need for such and provided the funds to erect it. (l to r) Lions Kurt Hull, Dave Barry, Dan Palmer, Joanne Watson, andAndyWatson.Aclose-upofthe Bike Repair Station equipment provided by Bartlett Lions Club in Bartlett.
Bartlett Lions were out collecting for Tootsie Pop Day recently. Bartlett residents are always very generous. (l to r) Lions Andy Watson, Joanne Watson, and Randy Hahn.
ElginLion Bonnie Kleinmark (l) was presented with a George Lazansky Award at the District 1J Convention by District Governor Lion Jim Worden (r) and ID Lion Stephen
(ltor)SusanKoepke,LorraineScott, Arvid Meyer, and Jim Scott are among about 45 bowlers at Aurora LionsClub’s 1st “Rolling For A Cause” fundraiser at Parkside Lanes in Montgomery IL.
Welcome to Clarendon Hills Lions Club’s newest member, David Harmet! David was inducted into the club on April 8th. (l to r) Sponsor, Lion Ross Hurst, New Lion David Hamet, and Club President, Lion John Maxwell.
Island Lake Lion Geoff Zivic was presentedaGeorgeLazanskyAward at the recent District 1J Convention. (l to r) ID Lion Stephen Middlemiss, Lion Geoff Zivic, and District Governor Lion Jim Worden.
Governor-Elect Lion Jeff Cholewa’s dog, Brandy, Future Leader Dog in training, spends some of his last days with Lion Jeff restingbeforegoingbackto Leader DoginRochester,Michigan,onMay 25th.
Naperville Noon Lions Club inducted a new member into its club. (l to r) Sponsor Lion Glenn Behnke, New Lion Dave Cleveland, and Club President Tom Garvey.
Another Knit and Crochet-A-Thon,
#6, will be happening on June 8th! Per North Aurora Lions Chairperson Lion Lynn Miller, over 1,400 items have been donated since the event’s inception. Many thanks to all of the those who give their time & effort!!
SandwichresidentKristinaRossand her son Jack Ross shared with Sandwich Lions their family’s experience with Jack’s diagnosis andtreatmentofretinalblastomain 2019 at the age of four. The condition was discovered during a routine eye exam at the urging of Jack’sgrandmother.Jackunderwent chemo treatments and the eventual removal of the eye. He now has a prosthetic eye. Jack is a lively, confident, and outgoing nine-year old who is happy to talk about his experience and who quickly earned the admiration and affection of the Sandwich Lions. PDG Lion Nancy Rex presents Jack with one of her banners for telling his story about childhood cancer to the Lions Club.
At the Aurora Carillon April meeting, a program was presented by a representative from Feed My Staving Children (FMSC). At the end of their presentation, the club presented them with a check for
$150 in support of FMSC. (l to r)
Lions Barb Javaras, Mary Kay Likovich, Vanessa Liveris, Dick Riedere of FMSC, Lions Loraine Nemo, Elaine Dugan, and Donna Smith.
Sandwich Lion Ray Hendron was awarded a George Lazansky Award at the District 1J Convention. (l to r) ID Lion Stephen Middlemiss, Sandwich Lion Ray Hendron, and District Governor Lion Jim Worden.
Club fundraiser, tea at the Drake Hotel in Oakbrook.
Orland Park Lions Club participated in senior health days.