What Lions Can Do! Fellow Lions: In addition to serving locally, Lions and Leos support five global service areas: vision, hunger, the environment, pediatric cancer and diabetes. See why we’ve made them our priority. The Global Service Framework focuses the efforts of Lions and Leos on five service areas with the goal of tripling our humanitarian impact by serving 200 million people per year by 2021. The Global Service Framework complements all of the great ways clubs serve locally, and gives Lions and Leos new opportunities to help meet the growing challenges facing humanity. No matter how you choose to serve, Lions matter now more than ever! Diabetes contributes to more than 5 million deaths a year, making it the eighth-leading cause of death in the world. And the numbers are rising. Lions and Leos are confronting this global health emergency by raising awareness of diabetes through Strides events, expanding access to care through screening and treatment programs, and improving quality of life through diabetes camps and community recreational programs. We believe we can help prevent and control this global epidemic by uniting Lions and Leos around this cause. The health of our planet is essential to life. The environment impacts the quality of our air and water, the availability of food and medicine, the
health and beauty of our local communities, and the future of us all. Lions and Leos are meeting environmental challenges at the local and global level by planting trees, organizing recycling programs, providing clean drinking water and cleaning up communities to help preserve our environment for generations to come. We believe that a healthy planet is fundamental to the well being of all. Nearly one billion people go to bed hungry every night. That’s why Lions and Leos are hard at work addressing this global need by providing help and hope to the children, families and neighbors who need it most. Lions and Leos distribute food to schoolchildren, stock food banks, create sustainable community gardens and lead community food drives to fight hunger where they live and work. We work to sustain life and dignity for the most vulnerable among us. Children are a gift to the world, yet every two minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer and less than half of the world’s children have access to effective care. Children who survive cancer are often left with debilitating effects that can impact their physical development and ability to learn. That’s why Lions and Leos are answering the call to expand access to life-saving treatment and support the children and families who need us most. We are working to give children with cancer a second chance at life. Lions and Leos save sight. Since Helen Keller challenged Lions to become “Knights of the Blind” in 1925, we have improved eye health and eye care for hundreds of millions of people around the
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
world. Today, 80% of vision impairments are preventable or curable, so our service is more important than ever before. -Pat Duda, District 1A Governor Pduda0614@yahoo.com
The Forest Kala Sampath & Chicago Filipino American Lions Clubs Presents:
On January 14, 2018 Four Points Hotel Sheraton, O’Hare, Schiller Park
Invited Guest: Chancellor Bob Corlew, Chairman Lions Clubs International Foundation. Entrance: $35.00 per person and $300 per table for 10. For Further Information Contact: PDG Terry D’Souza – teamterry@gmail.com
Melvin Jones Birthday Party!
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
COME, JOIN THE FUN! District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
Governor Pat Duda would like for all District 1A Clubs to review the below information and if they are interested in sending someone to the FDI, there is an application included in the email below: Copy & Paste for Application:ďƒ http://www.lionsclubs.org/resources/all/pdfs/fdiatlanta.pdf?utm_source=RealMagnet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=6802%20FDI%20Atla nta%20Solicitation%20letter%20EN
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District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
Registration Form District 1- A Mid-Year Forum & Expo Saturday, January 27, 2018
Holiday Inn Chicago SW
Registration: 8:30-9:00 a.m. Program: 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
6201 Joliet Road Countryside, IL
Keynote Speakers: Eric Graf Special Agent CNN Railroad, Christine Graf Former Firefighter, Living Donor Spokesman In his session, Special Agent Eric w ill discuss Railroad safety in the Chicagoland Area and share with you some vital information regarding railroad crossing safety. Christine Graff will be discussing the Living Donor Program and her journey that brought her to this program. New this year is the 1st Annual District 1-A Expo. Meet with your Global Action Team members (GLT, GMT & GST), V.O.I.C.E.S, Foundation Trustees, District Convention Committee, Helen Keller WALK/Run, Bowling Committee and Golf Committee. All applicants that register by Monday January 22, 2018, will be entered into a drawing to win a prize. Contact IVDG Howard Swacker (swacker6@sbcglobal.net or 708-525-4107) or Lion Gail Anton (anton173@comcast.net or 708-514-4825) if you have questions.
REGISTRATION FORM Please complete one form for each person attending. Name: Club name: Phone:
Email address:
Cost is $20.00 per person includes Buffet Breakfast. Make checks payable to: District 1-A Lions. Registration due: Monday, 1/ 22/18. No onsite registration will be available. Online registration and credit card payment is available via www.signmeup.com/122779 Mail check and completed registration form to: Lion Gail Anton District 1A Governor’s e-Newsletter 17324 Highwood Drive, Monthly Orland Park, IL 60467, 708-514-4825
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter
District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, for Lions and Leos of District 1A. e-Mail Address: govaustin@gmail.com Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.