The Illinois Lion Lioness Leo Web Magazine
Issue 1
July, August, September, 2013
Council of Governors (Left to Right) Sitting: Gov John E. Pajkos, 1K; Gov Molly Penny, 1F; Gov Tawny R. Hall, 1H; Gov Johnny Anderson, 1G; Gov Mario Gumino, 1J; Gov Waymon Johnson, 1CS; Standing (Left to Right) Gov Dave Wheeler, 1B; Gov Steve Frankenstein, 1L; Gov Fred Peska, 1D; Council Chair Lydia Ellis, 1CN; Gov Wm. “Butch” Guennewig, 1E; Gov Morris “Mo” Ritzel, 1CN; Gov David Hansen, 1A.
WILLIAM “BILL” MCKINNEY INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR FROM MD1 - ILLINOIS William “Bill” McKinney, from Highland, Illinois, USA, was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of Lions Clubs International at the association’s 96th International Convention held in Hamburg, Germany July 5 through 9, 2013.Director McKinney is a retired general manager of Livestock Market. A member of the Marine Lions Club since 2012 and a Lion since 1973, he has held many offices within the association, including president, district governor, council chairperson and co-coordinator for Campaign SightFirst I and he served as the President of Lions of Illinois Foundation. In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including Lion of the Year, an International President’s Medal and two International President’s Certificates of Appreciation. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. Director McKinney has two children and four granddaughters.
read something in this issue and increase your general knowledge. I request State Chairpersons to send me some short articles which will benefit all of our MD1 Lions, Lionesses and Leos.
Editor’s Note: Fellow Lions, Lionesses and Leos: It gives me a great honor to be your First E-magazine editor this Lionistic year. I took this challenge on Saturday, August 24, 2013 during Council of Governors’ session as there was no one to take this position. It is a great challenge for me to perform this responsibility as I am involved in so many things in my day to day life. As I preach there is nothing impossible in human life, I take this challenge and seek your help in giving me sincere feedback on this first issue.
MEET YOUR EDITOR IPDG AUSTIN D’SOUZA, Ph.D. Austin D’Souza, from Forest Park, Illinois is an immediate past district governor from District 1A. First time he served as a governor in 2004-05 . He is working for Deltrol Fluid Products in their hydraulics department t A member of The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club since1996 and a Lion since 1978, he has held many offices in the association, including president, district governor twice, vice council chairperson twice, MD1 MERLOW chairperson and sector co-ordinator for Campaign SightFirst2. Currently he is also MD1 Alert chairperson.
I tried my best to keep this e-magazine as simple as possible without designing graphical pages with rainbow colors. I have set two styles of District news items: 1. With all District news items one banner and 2. Scattered news so that instead of just visiting your own District page and forgetting the rest, you have to glance through pages and pages to find your District or Club news. Let me know which one you like and why.
In recognition of his service to the association, he has received numerous awards including club Lion of the Year (3), District Lion of the Year, 3 International President’s Medals, 3 International President’s Leadership Medals and 6 International President’s Certificates of Appreciation. He is a 15 level Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow and Life Member of LCI. Lion Austin married to Lion Terry D’Souza, I VDG of District 1A and having 4 Children .- Anita, Anil, Atina and Angel who are all The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club Members.
I have added several articles in this issue so that you can avoid asking yourself “where’s the Beef?” and instead
My E-mail ID: Deadline to send your material: 20th of every month
Illinois Forum News Release The Lions of Illinois Forum has a great tradition in providing leadership opportunities and information to clubs and individual Lions. The stronger our leadership and knowledge, the more meaningful the service is to our communities. This year’s forum will be no exception. Lions from all over the state will gather at the Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Normal, Illinois on November 8th and 9th, 2013. Registration information is on line at the MD1 website and included in the MD1 Newsletter. District Governors and subdistrict GLT Coordinators also have registration information.
Moderators are still needed. Moderators introduce the presenters with a bio that is provided and assist with the distribution of the evaluation forms, as well as meeting and greeting participants. Vendors or Lions who wish to have a promotional display are encouraged. If you are interested in moderating or having a display, please contact: Jama Wahl MD1 GLT Coordinator 815-822-3014
Friday evening, the MD1 Players will tickle your funny bones and promote Lionism with a delightful play beginning at 7:00pm. The hospitality room will be open as well to meet and greet Lions from all around the state. Take MD1 GLT Chair Lion Jama Wahl
this opportunity to chat with other Lions about service projects and fundraisers. Who knows, you might find an idea to take back to your club! On Saturday, there will be numerous sessions shared by Lions from throughout the state. These sessions are for all Lions, seasoned or new, as well as club officers and zone chairs. Participants will have a chance to play Lions Bingo as part of an interactive activity throughout the day. Prizes will be awarded.
Don’t miss the Illinois Forum on November 8th and 9th in Normal, Illinois!!
Illinois Forum Ad Book November 2013 Don’t miss the opportunity as a Lion, Lions Club, or District to promote upcoming activities and events. Ads for the Illinois Forum Ad Book are a GREAT way to “get the word out” about service projects, fundraisers, and important info. Half Page
Clubs or individual Lions also have a chance to purchase an ad for the Illinois Forum Program Book. Half page ads are available for $30.00, with full page ads for $50.00. This is a great way to “get the word out” about service projects, fundraisers, and important information. Ads with remittance are due to the Lions of Illinois State Office by October 1, 2013, made payable to
Full Page
Lions of Illinois, Inc.
19072 State Highway 123
Attn: SST Michele Faires
Please send your ad with remittance made payable to Lions of Illinois, Inc. to: Lions of Illinois, Inc. Attn: SST Michele Faires
Petersburg, Illinois 62675
19072 State Highway 123
Ads are due to the State Office by:
Petersburg, Illinois 62675 3
October 1, 2013
District 1F Lions
Lion Mary Readings
District 1CS Lions WEST FRANKFORT LIONS CLUB reported two new members, Steve Sawalich who was sponsored by Lion Harold McGhee and Bettie Kay Ellis who was sponsored by Lion President Bob Ellis, were approved for membership, heard from Steve Sawalich from All American Hearing in West Frankfort who plans to work with the WF Lions club to supply hearing aids to the disadvantaged. A “Thank You” from PDG Larry McGuire, Trustee for meeting the goal to send 10 children to Camp Lions was read to the members. Heard from Connie Sieveking and Sheri Henry from “CROSS” or “Cancer Reach Out Support System” for cancer patients, survivors, family, caregivers and friends that are or have been affected by cancer. Three eyeglass 3
requests were approved. An email from PDG Larry McGuire was read congratulating the West
requests were approved. An email from PDG Larry McGuire was read congratulating the West Frankfort Lions Club for inducting 2 new members on 8/15/13.
Program. Further, the club heard from Lion Jerry Levelsmier. Lion Jerry, a retired optometrist, spoke about his several mission trips to help folks in Mexico, Ecuador and the Navajo Indian Reservations by giving free eye examinations and pre-owned eye glasses in order to improve their vision. Lion Jerry and other optometrists worked alongside ophthalmologists to check the vision and make recommendations for treatment. While Jerry was in practice, he was instrumental in helping to collect used eye glasses for the Carbondale Lions Club.
MARION LIONS CLUB provided three adults with eyeglasses, donated to the Marion Medical Missions and sponsored a Youth Soccer Team and a Leos Club. In July, the club celebrated its 90th anniversary. NEW ATHENS LIONS CLUB donated to the New Athens Nursing Home and provided delicois and various snacks to the Camp Lions campers at Camp Manitowa. CARBONDALE LIONS CLUB heard from Lion Charlie Rodriguez regarding his participation in bringing vintage WWII aircraft to the Southern Illinois Airport in July of this year.. Lion Charles gave particular emphasis to 'FiFi', the B-29 bomber that he has learned to fly. 'C-Rod' has three degrees from Southern Illinois University's Aviation
LENZBURG LIONS CLUB helped the Marissa Lions with their poker stand at the Marissa Coal festival. CHESTER LIONS CLUB heard from guest speakers Lion Larry McGuire, who spoke about the importance of becoming active Lions, from Chief of Police Ryan Coffey, who spoke of the growing heroin use in Chester, and from lion Chris Blechle, Randolph county Housing Administrator on housing for senior citizens. The club made donations to the Chester Swim Team and to the Popeye Statue Committee. -1CS Newsletter Editor: PDG & PDG Larry McGuire
Lion Charlie Rodriquz & Lion Jeryy Levelsmier 6
District 1D Lions-
Lion Rene A. VanDerHeyden
co-chairing this fundraiser.
The Genoa Lions were saddened to lose Lion Willard Dobbeck on August 17, 2013. Lion Dobbeck was a recipient of the Melvin Jones Award and a member of the Genoa Lions since January of 1957. He rarely missed a dinner meeting and still volunteered at the Lake Shabbona Fishing Derby on July 18, 2013 despite the 95 degree temperature. His commitment to this club will not be forgotten. A photo of him on the fishing pier wearing his oxygen tubes was taken at the annual event.
Over 20 of our 34
(Lion Paul Bafia serving a customer.) active members helped in some way, which was great to see.
(Photograph shows Lion Secretary Rene’ VanDerHeyden collecting money at Pioneer Day sans cash register.)
The Genoa Lions inducted Lions Jerry Helland and
Pioneer Day at the Kishwaukee Valley Heritage Museum was Sunday, August 25th. A train robbery re-enactment, Abe & Mary Todd Lincoln actors, and the usual butter churning, rope twisting, hair curling, and other historical stuff one day extravaganza was a big success again this year. The Genoa Lions grilled pork chops, bratwurst, and hot dogs and sold them from 11 to 3pm. Special thanks to Lion Gene Bradford for securing the free sweet corn donation and Lions Wilkinson and Merritt for
President Jeff Baker conducted the ceremony and
Mike Ross into the club on August 21, 2013.
Lion Gene Bradford, who sponsored both men, looks on in the photographs. Both gentlemen are retired and committed to making Genoa a great place to live. 7
District 1E Lions ARTHUR The club’s 35th Anniversary, held on June 15, included a mortgage burning ceremony (picture 2) for the Hospital Equipment Building. (picture 1) The head table includes Treasurer, Lion
PDG Linda Hall
Zack McLennan winner of $2400.00 scholarship
Mike Danford; President, Lion Mark Krutsinger & wife
from the Marshall Lions club MARSHALL LEOSOne project of the LEOs is to paint Anita; guest speaker, PDG Lion Ken Horn & wife Marie, and District Governor Rodney Ryan
Arthur Club provides equipment free of charge to
paw prints on streets before the games begin at the
anyone needing it.
schools. LEOs pictured here are Mary-Kate Daffin, Michaela Orman & Kyla Boyer DANVILLE: Lion Jeff McMorris receives the Lion of the Year Award and a Foundation Fellow for his service to Lions.
Georgetown Lions provide a booth every year at their local fair, showing how Lions serve communities. They collect used glasses and hearing aids, conduct their annual raffle and ask people to consider joining the club. Lions also provide personnel for the ticket gates for the week and help at other booths where needed. GEORGETOWN:
On July 18, several members of the East Central Walk for Sight committee paid a surprise visit to the Mattoon Lions Club to thank them for being the “host” club and their work to make this year’s walk a success. Chair, Lori Bennett handed out flashlights to remind everyone how the event started and letting the Mattoon Lions know how their efforts have helped light the path for future events. PDG James and PDG Lynda Middle Calf from District 1CN presented Past President, Doris McDonald and Walk Chair, Lori Bennett with “Dandy Lion” pins, a pin developed by District 1CN to honor Lions who went above and beyond what was asked of them. They also received a certificate explaining the origin of the award.
Past District Governor James Harbaugh presiding as Grand Marshall of the Tuscola 4th of July Celebration, "Sparks in the Park”. Shown here is Lion Harbaugh seated at a place of honor leading the Sparks in the Park Parade.
Lion Chuck Faw accepts club awards at the 1-E Candy Day Jamboree. 9
District 1G Lions
-Lion Jim Ringer
Joe Stranimeier (husband of Lion Robin Stranimeier) and Lion Bob Gregory were in charge of the grill for the Staunton Lions food stand at the Firemen's Homecoming in July. The Staunton Lions served up brats, pork burgers, hot dogs and corn on the cob. The food stand is an annual major fundraising event for the Staunton Lions.
Robin Stranimeier and Cindy LaRosa are presented with 5-Year pins by President Josh Thorn at a recent meeting. Robin also serves as Lions Club Secretary. Congratulations Robin and Cindy and thank you for your dedication > to our club and our community!
(left)Virden Lions: Kendall Cole, Jim Ringer, District 1G Governor Larry Lewis of Ursa, Guest Speaker Vincent Speranza, Virden Lions: Doug Slater, Dave Reischauer, Mick Bray and Jim Kirbach. District 1-G Governor Larry Lewis told the club of his experiences since becoming District Governor. Vince Speranza a member of the 101st Airborne during WW II mesmerized the club with incidents from his past. Vince Speranza, a member of the 101st Airborne during
The Palmyra Lions
held its 39th Annual Honors Banquet for Northwestern High School students on May 18. Forty-six students were honored during the awards program. Lion Don Hunt gave Alex Young his award.
Two $750 scholarships were also presented at the banquet. Pictured is Club President Alvis Frankford with scholarship recipients Randi Barrow (left) and
WW II, fascinated Lions Kendall Cole and Doug Slater with his adventures before and after the battle for Bastogne. The White Hall Lions held their 2nd Annual Quarter Auction March 17th in Roodhouse. Lions Cheryl Clark and Caleb Early helped set up the many items to be bid on by the people who attended. Lions Cheryl Clark and Caleb Early setting up.
Rachel Kerr (right). The Lions scholarships are primarily awarded on scholastic achievement and service activities) Lion Don Hunt and Alex Young Club President Alvis Frankford with scholarship recipients Randi Barrow (left) and Rachel Kerr (right).
Below a small part of the crowd in Roodhouse.
The Virden Lions 11th
hosted a dinner meeting March Hill Village. Attending were
District 1B Lions
PDG Anneta Drillingl
educated in working within groups to solve problems; everyone made a contribution. I saw how the Lions message is developed, presented and discussed for understanding! It was enjoyable yet all business with an appropriate amount of fun." He says, "As DG, I know the Dreams I’ve developed, and continue to reinforce during club visits, are attainable. I learned professionally that goals should be clear, and not impossible; ridiculous! Folks won’t embrace the impossible. They need to be explained for understanding and how they were established. My success will be measured on attaining our District goals!
1B District Governor Dave
Wheeler is clearly a man with a good sense of humor and an overwhelming desire to succeed, but who is he really?
That’s the accomplishment for me! And as I heard a fellow Lion say, “I wouldn’t ask you to do something I wouldn’t”. "
" I enjoy golf, fishing and fixing just about anything. Of course grandkid spoiling is important, but Lion Marie is in charge of that. We both enjoy spending time boating, golfing, imbibing at our place near Galesburg as much as possible," says Dave about the things that he enjoys."
DG Dave spoke briefly about the goals of District 1B. "The goals of the District can only be realized if we all understand them and apply ourselves. I don’t believe our goals, or dreams, are difficult. Just talk about them, reinforce them at all opportunities. Also, as chief administrative officer for the District, I believe it’s imperative to foster good management techniques with the appropriate amount of enthusiasm and enjoy being
Although he is a fun loving guy, he says, "Becoming District Governor is a serious decision to make; close to proposing marriage! You’re committed! I knew I could “do the job”, but wasn’t really interested. Lion DG O’Brien, at the time, had no 2VDG and was asking even after the Convention in 2011.
Governor! Our members deserve nothing less!" "Like I said earlier", expresses DG Dave, "We need to present our dreams, explain their genesis and then cultivate enthusiasm for them. I don’t have any magic pill! But when we shake our heads affirmatively, just do it!
PDG OB was invited to the New Lenox Installation Dinner/Dance and, we sat together. It then occurred to me what my sponsor had said to me when I became a Lion; when asked, you serve. And the rest is almost history. "
Perseverance is the key. Some of us forget that folks perform well when they know what their target is!"
DG Dave attended the International Convention in Germany and says the experience was awesome. "The International Convention is an event that every Lion should experience; 2017 is not far away if you don’t volunteer to help! I never grasped the extent of LCI until Hamburg. To think that 23,000 Lions represented 1.4 million from 208 countries! Impressive! Diversified! A true learning experience even for someone getting long in tooth! However, the DGE Seminars is where the diversification really presented itself. So many different points of view on how the solve a problem." He continues,"The DGE Seminars were presented with enthusiasm and participation by the class. We were re-
of the Year” award for her commitment to chair several committees including the Umbrellas for Peace at Crete Monee Middle School, St. Baldricks (childhood cancer) and the new Deer Meadows “Lions Park” at the end of the Crete Park Districts Bike Path. This year she will hold office as President of the Crete Lions Club.
Crete Lion Dan Mulderink (r.) recently presented three $1000 “Recycle Scholarships” to Jenna Sopko who will be attending Ohio University. Accepting for her is Grandpa Lion Don Sopko (l.) Jacob Jozenes will be attending Iowa State University, and Nicole Rainford will be attending Columbia College.
Lemont Lions @ 1B Convention
The Crete Lion’s Club recently awarded seven (7) $1000 scholarships to individuals to support their college educations. These awards are based on their positive life choices, self development through community service, outstanding achievement and good citizenship.
Lemont Lions march in Lemont St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Crete Lions Club Past President, John Mednansky recently presented Lion Linda Johnson with the “Lion
Lion Al Albrecht receives LIF Fellowship on Awards Nite
The Bolingbrook Lions Club will sponsor a picnic for the foster families serviced by Lutheran Family and Children Services of Illinois. The picnic will be held on Saturday, September 14, 2013 at Central Park, Bolingbrook IL from noon to 5.
Lion Tim Berner Received 2 Membership Key Award
This annual picnic provides a fun filled day for foster families in the Northern District of Illinois as well as shows our appreciation to the foster parents. The LCFS’s Northern District includes Will, DuPage, Kendall, Kankakee, Grundy, McHenry and Iroquois Counties. These families provide a safe haven to children whose natural family is in crisis. The children may be in their foster family for just a short period of time and may transition to adoption or guardianship. The Bolingbrook Leo’s Club will provide outdoor games and prizes for the children from funds collected from their various projects. Picnic style food will be prepared by the Lions as well as snow cones and popcorn served throughout the afternoon. The Bolingbrook Park district will provide a climbing wall and trackless train for the children. We invited local Lion Clubs to participate by providing a donation and/or attending the event to volunteer. If you would like to help out with a donation, the following items are needed:
Lions John Goushas, Tom Drez, Eric Fenton-State Convn.
Hot dogs and buns Hamburgers and buns Bratwurst or Chicken Breasts
If you would like to donate, please contact: 1. Geri Beutin (630) 303-3267 2. Ken Beutin (708) 975-7561
Lions Tom Malas, Tim Nelson & Tom Breier at Food Drive 14
The Sycamore Lions
Club was recognized by the Illinois Lions Clubs’ Southwest Region as the most Environmentally friendly club for the year 2012 – 2013. The club won this award for their work along a 3 mile stretch of the Great Western Bike Trail. In April, the club filled 17 30 gallon bags with debris left along the trail and route 64 just outside of Sycamore. Furthermore, the club planted 50 trees along this stretch of the trail. For this honor, the club received a certificate of appreciation and $50 to be used towards an environmental project in the upcoming year.
The SHAWNEETOWN LIONS CLUB co-hosted with the Gallatin County Historical Society a Pie and Ice Cream Social held at the Shawneetown Lions Den. Many local citizens attended and enjoyed homemade pies, homemade ice cream, watermelon slices, iced tea and lemonade. Used Eyeglasses and old keys were also collected. The Lions continue to hold their monthly Fish Fry on the first Saturday of each month. Shawneetown Lions now holds a second meeting each month.
Description of Photo – In the attached photo, Sycamore Lions Club President Chuck Christensen is accepting the award on behalf of the club.
The Chicago Central Lions (First Club of World of Lionism) Receiving thanks at John M. Smythe
Magnet School for 1st grader's school supplies. First grade teacher Jurrate' Moore, Lion Cheryl Megurdichian, IB Program Director Marcie Byrd, Principal Dr. Don Whitmore, First grade teacher Kristin Huwe, and Lion Richard Carlson. 15
Elk Grove Village Lions Zone Chair Barbara Lahtinen, Katy Dolan Baumer, Russ Stahl, Carol Wollenberg, Lenore Zumph and President Vicki Bogolin were joined by Vice Presidents Sabrina Swanson and Rich Keyworth, and Lion Gerri and her husband from the Mount Prospect Lions PDG Tom Laws, during the EGV Farmers Market. Several people stopped by and expressed an interest in Lionism and Lion Sabrina will be their host at our next Dinner Meeting in September. The Club hosted the Lions of Illinois Hearing Screening unit last week and screened 26 residents, with five showing a marked hearing loss that they were unaware of. Thanks to Lions VP Sabrina, Russ, Katy, Carol, Lenore and of course, Joe our Tech Guy for making the event a success! The Lions will welcome their newest member, Danielle Irvine during the September Dinner Meeting.
Chicago Azteca Lions Officers Installation and
The Lions Club of Arlington Heights
is proud to announce the formation and charter of the new Lions Club of Buffalo Grove. A fine group of young Lions will represent the club and has been active inthe area for the past year as our branch club. Lion Dennis Spaeth will be the new President, Vice President Harry Goldberg, Secretary Julie Schwartz, and Treasurer Barry Dempsey. This year the Lions have been taking part in many local events: a booth at the farmers market, hosting the Lions of Illinois Foundation Hearing Screening and Diabetic Retinopathy Testing unit in the Village, and have been getting involved with local charities. A formal charter presentation night is planned toward the end of the year. Invitations will be sent out to at a later date. We hope to see many Lions attend the event to show support for this new club and get it off to a flying start. -Lion Ron Niemaszyk Secretary, LCAH
6 New Members got inducted to the club
Some Vice District Governors at the Leader Dogs for the Blind, Rochester, MI
IPDG Austin D’Souza, VDG Mark Williams 1K; Maggie Williams, VDG Chris Halsey 1J; VDG Terry D’Souza 1A; VDG Ronald Stickler 1E; VDG Steve Griffin 1CS; Pat Kloepping & VDG James Kloepping 1D
Chicago Fil-USA Lions annual picnic at the park
Chicago Mayfair Lions
Club honored District 1A Governor Dave Hansen Lion of the Year Award
Chicago Lighthouse for the Blind have a new van with the help of LCIF and District 1A Lions to showcase various items to assist visually impaired.
Chicago Philippine Lions
Club inducted 2 new members and Filippino Beauties coronation.
said they were really good. Sounds like someone in the club needs to make some apple pies or applesauce!! Aurora Noon Lions: Karen Odean, director of Voices of Vision Talking Book Center (VOVTBC)) in Geneva, shows Aurora Noon Lions a Braille “Cat in the Hat” book for print-impaired readers. VOVTBC is one of four talking book & Braille libraries in Illinois. The Geneva center serves 12 counties in northern IL. Schools, nursing homes, and other facilities that serve disabled persons are eligible to receive the library services.
The Elburn Lions Club and the Elburn Leo Club purchased an eye screening device from PediaVision. With this device, screenings are performed from as young as 6 months through the teen years and it will detect nearsightedness, farsightedness, mis-alignment of pupils, and blurred vision. In many cases, the child who is born with blurred vision does not realize it until 2nd or 3rd grade. The Lions and the Leos had their 1st Eye Screening at the Elburn Lions Club’s 4th Tuesday Free Spaghetti Dinner. As you can see by the photo, a child can easily use this device. The clubs held another screening during the National Night Out that the Lions Club hosted. The Elburn Lions Club and the Elburn Leo Club work together on many projects made possible by an amazing Lion, Lion Wendi. We all share her pride.”
When Waterman Lions Club served its annual Appreciation Dinner for local senior citizens, DeKalb Eve. Lion John R. Corneille, a severely visually-impaired
In early fall of 2009, the McHenry Lions Club was awarded an apple tree for winning the District 1-J’s Green Team Environmental Project Contest. The tree was planted in McHenry Township Park on Route 31 and a plaque was placed there to honor Lion Tony Lytner, who had recently passed away. Four years later, it is loaded with apples; Lion Carol Perschke picked a couple and
attorney from DeKalb, spoke to the group about the Foundation Fighting Blindness and its breakthrough research in reversing blindness. Several Darien Lions took a “field trip” on a bus to Camp Henry Horner at Ingleside to attend the Open House last summer. It was a memorable and enjoyable event for the campers and the visitors at the Camp 18
Lions location. The Lions visited and interacted with the campers during the Open House Picnic and they
enjoyed the silent skit presented by the campers .Of course, the bus ride to & from was a fun part of the field trip. Ask a Darien Lion why your club should take a field trip to Camp Lions next summer.
Club Secretary Lion John Christensen says “It’s not often that one Lions Club from one continent sponsors a new Lions Club in another continent. This is an amazing story. Elburn Lions: For the last seven years, the ride to Camp Lions has been named the Lance Halsey Memorial Ride to Camp Lions. This year’s ride took place on June 23, 2013. Campers and Counselors at Henry Horner Camp were given water bottles and flashlights compliments of the Elburn Lions Club. The ride had 12 Lions from Elburn, Cortland, and Hinckley riding. A tour of the camp grounds at Ingleside was given to the riders while they were there.
Bartlett Lions let those in their town know that their club was doing what it could to “corral diabetes” at the 4th of July Parade. Geneva Lion Wendi Dwyer, and also Exe. Dir. of Lost Boys Rebuilding South Sudan (LBRSS), has been involved with LBRSS since 2006. Lion Wendi met these young men who are teachers in South Sudan. Most of them have a blind relative and they would like to teach people about preserving their sight, help with a sunglass & eye health education project, as well as literacy. These young men are only paid $100 a month which makes it very difficult for them to pay the required fees to become Lions, but what they lack in monetary richness, they more than make up in their vision and enthusiasm. Lion Wendi remarks “This is a very exciting opportunity for our Lions Club to make a global impact and connection. We are blessed to be part of a circle by joining this group that is rising up in the least developed and newest nation in the world. South Sudan is fragile and volatile and the example these new Lions set for their fellow citizens could have a profound impact.” 19
Westmont Lions Club gave each of the International Directors a gift, a t-shirt from one of its biggest community events, the Red, White and BB-Q, which the Westmont Lions Club hosts annually over Memorial Day Weekend. Go to the club’s Facebook page: where you
can view many photos taken that evening. (l to r) Club Pres. Lion Chris Svitak, PDG Lion Jim Addington, ID Lion Esther LaMothe from Michigan, ID Lion Dr. Steven Tremaroli from New York, ID Lion Cynthia B. Gregg from Pennsylvania, ID Lion "Bill" McKinney from IL, ID Lion John Pettis, Jr. from Massachusetts, and ID Lion Mike Molenda from Minnesota.
pieces of equipment and repaired several others. Because the club received a grant from DeKalb County
The Westmont Lions Club held its August Social Dinner at the Tap House Grill in Westmont on the patio. There were 12 Lions and 7 guests in attendance and club members were honored to have the six 1st-Year International Directors as its guests that evening: They were attending New Director Orientation at Lions Clubs International Headquarters in Oak Brook for the week. This is the first time the Westmont Lions Club has been visited by such a large group of ID’s. After club introductions and roll call, the six International Directors spoke and told those present a few things about themselves, the clubs that they are a member of and what is happening within each of their districts and multiple districts. One of the club’s newest members, Lion Dr. Gus, was inducted by ID Lion Bill McKinney during the evening. Many photos were taken, and there much laughter, fun and enjoyment was had by all.
Community Foundation, it has ordered several new pieces of playground equipment. The club will install the equipment with the assistance of the Village of Malta personnel.
McHenry Lions:District 1-J Governor Lion Mario Gumino (r) presents a pin to McHenry Lion Bob Steiner in honor of his being the club’s only Charter Member still living. Lion Bob remains active in the club and is a 47-year Lion.
Sycamore Lions Club recently donated $8,000 to the Sycamore Fire Dept. to outfit a 4th ambulance with advanced life support systems. The donation was made possible due to a bequest from Lion Jack Shrout’s estate. Lion Jack was a 55-year member of the club and left the money to be used for civic and charitable purposes in and near the City of Sycamore. (l to r) Lions Gene Listy, Jerry Schultz, and Club Pres. Lion Barb Schultz. Malta Lions worked on the playground equipment at the Malta Lions Park. They held two work nights in July at the playground. Club members removed several old 20
The new Roselle Leo Club with Advisor Lion Christine Stawnyczy and IPDG Lion Leo Snyder. The Leos are already having fun helping the Roselle Lions!!!
Zimmermann well known for his leadership qualities. He is leading GLT in District 1A and also he is the chairman of Lions Open University and Leadership Initiative Program (LIP) which trains and molds new leaders in the District. During District 1A First Cabinet Meeting held at the Scottish Home, Lion Herb was awarded Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellowship by IPDG Austin D’Souza for his dedication, hard work and service to Lionism. Chicago Maharlika Lions Installation of Officers &
This photo was in one of Darien Lions Club’s new newsletters . . . shows that the Darien Lions have a sense of humor!! But of course, that’s the way some of us like to exercise.
District 1A held their First PDG Harry Barber Memorial Golf Outing. As all Lions in MD1 know, PDG Harry loved Golf. He was the Golf Chair for District 1A and also MD1. He did visit several district in MD1 and helped them to have a successful Golf Outing. He left us for heavenly abode. (Recent news from heaven says that now he is teaching St. Peter how to play Golf.)
2 New Member
District 1A Global Leadership Team Chair Lion Herb
Chicago Philippine Lions Installation of Officers
worked out very well and was recommended highly as a means of having closer contact between Lion leaders and the clubs throughout the state.
THE GROWTH OF LIONISM IN ILLINOIS From 1 of 7 states in District 9 to District 1 with 12 sub-districts
On June 30, 1931, the number of clubs and membership was:
By: Lion Norm Geeve, PDG, District 1-A Historian, Chicago Logan Square Lions Club Illinois was originally designated as District 9 together with Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio and Wisconsin. The first District Governor of District 9 was George W. Milligan of Chicago appointed at the 2nd International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri in 1918. The old 9th District with it seven states remained in tact until after the International Convention of 1921 in Oakland, California at which the International Board acted upon the requests from many states that they be redistricted.
67 clubs, 2,490 members
44 clubs, 1321 members
26 clubs, 568 members
State totals: 137 clubs – 4,379 members. The next re-districting took place at the State convention of 1938 at Freeport with a resolution approved to form District 1-D. The District Governors elected for 1938-1939:
Early in 1922, the entire country was re-numbered. Illinois became District 1 together with Indiana, Missouri and Wisconsin. The District Convention was held in Decatur in May, 1922 with District Governor Dr. John Scott of Springfield, Illinois presiding. There long had been a demand that these 4 states should be made into 4 districts. The delegates came prepared and a resolution was unanimously adopted to create 4 districts. Illinois became District 1, Indiana District 25, Missouri District 26 and Wisconsin District 27. The Illinois delegates unanimously re-elected Dr. John W. Scott for a second term. Therefore, he became the first District Governor of District 1, State of Illinois. There were 30 lions clubs with a total membership of 1,674.
John G. Rietz, Chicago
Arthur M. Johnson, Princeston
L.E. Morris, Collinsville
Wesley J. Leinweber, Aurora
Illinois continued with 4 sub-districts until the State convention of 1940 in Jacksonville. The State now had 260 clubs and 8,924 members. The delegates adopted a resolution that “The State shall consist of 5 sub-districts with the 5th to be known as 1-E. The District Governors elected for 1940-1941:
The first re-districting within the State of Illinois took place at the State Convention of 1930 in Joliet with District Governor Walter A. Townsend of Springfield presiding. Because of the rapid growth and the large area to be covered it was decided to divide the District into 3 sections, each to have its own Governor. The District Governors elected:
Edgar M. Albert, Maywood (re-elected)
Frank G. Brummond, Joliet
Ralph F. Lesemann, East St. Louis
Dr. E.C. Turner, Savanna
Arch D. Nelson, Jerseyville.
1-A W. H. McClelland, Chicago, Woodlawn Lions Club;
The next re-districting took place at the State Convention of 1941 in Aurora. The state now had 284 clubs and 9,697 members. A resolution was adopted to form District 1-F. District Governors elected for 1941-1942:
Mark H. Whitmeyer, Peoria
Dalton E. Cole, Chicago
J. Lyon, Woodruff
Frank G. B. Rummond, Joliet
W.O. Brown, Carbondale
The state had 107 clubs and a total membership of 4,092. The policy of having 3 district governors
H.O. Holland, Roselle,
C. Harold Owens, Carey
Russe Boehm, Libertyville.
At the 1947 State Convention Springfield, the next re-districting took place. A resolution was passed that because of their size, District 1-B divided into 2 districts namely 1-B and District 1-H. The District Governors elected for 1947-1948 were:
The annual State Convention of 1942 was held at the Sherman Hotel in Chicago with the Chicago Central Lions Club acting as host. The convention committee provided a very worthwhile and interesting program. The members were honored at a special breakfast and a solemn impressive necrology ceremony was held.
Victor C. Neumann, Chicago Logan Square
Everett R. Mitchell, Morris
Lester M. Jones, Johnston City
Harvey L. Shawver, Morrison
Because of the size of their District, the delegates of 1-E felt it would be to the best interest of Lionism if they elected 2 district governors. However, they wanted to make sure that it was the proper thing to do before asking that the state constitution be changed. Therefore, with the approval of the International Board of Directors, they elected 2 district governors and set up 2 sub-districts in that area known as 1-E and 1-G. The District Governors elected for 1942-1943:
Kenneth V. Henninger, Lovington
Wilfred J. Sequin, Highland Park
Quinton A. Siemer, Teutopolis
Robert E. Rote, Rock Island
52 clubs – 3,739 members
Arthur P. Herron, Berwyn
22 Clubs – 1,021members
Irvin L. Kay, Morris
57 Clubs – 2,624 members
Morris A. Kugler, Okaville
40 Clubs – 2,088 members
J. August Swenson, Rockford
41 Clubs – 2,076 members
L.C. Rollman, Springfield
22 Clubs – 1,241 members
Russ E. Boehn, Libertyville
29 Clubs – 1,427 members
Richard C. Bell, Whitehall
20 Clubs – 1,179 members
As of July 1, 1947, the number of clubs and total members was as follows
As of July 1, 1942, the number of the clubs and total membership was as follows:
State total
283 clubs
15,395 members
53 clubs – 2,642 members
47 Clubs – 1,309 members
54 Clubs – 1,619 members
At the 1951 State Convention of 1951 held in Chicago it was decided that District 1-D, because of its size, be divided into District 1-D and District 1J. The District Governors elected for the year 19511952:
33 Clubs – 1,198 members
Arthur E. Johnson, Chicago
36 Clubs – 1,128 members
E. J. Douvia, Morris
24 Clubs – 913 members
James L. Kitchens, Belleville
23 Clubs – 679 members
John E. Earle, Dixon
State total
271 clubs
9,488 members 23
Lynn M. Filley, Decatur
Charles E. Twadell, Jr, Libertyville
agreed to divide their District into 2 sections to form District 1-CN and 1-CS.
Wilbur Flesner, LaPrairie
William K. Richardson, Galesburg
The District Governors elected for the year 19761977 were:
George J. Lazansky, Algonquin
Harold Gurevitz, Burbank
Granville E. Oltman, Crete
As of July 1, 1951 the number of clubs and total membership was as follows: 1-A
87 clubs – 5,316 members
31 Clubs – 1,653 members
57 Clubs – 2,520 members
30 Clubs – 1,419 members
52 Clubs – 2,382 members
28 Clubs – 1,639 members
36 Clubs – 1,788 members
23 Clubs – 1,204 members
28 Clubs – 1,739 members
State total
372 clubs
1-CN Charles Young, Belleville 1-CS David Hancock, Marion
19,660 Members
A. Cameron Dystrup, Lockport
James Walker, Carbondale
Oscar Hummermeier, Pearl City
Harry W. Eumont, Jr., Riverton
Paul Z. Anthony, Morton Grove
Robert Whitney, Carlinville
Donald W. Taylor, Morton
Erwin Schmidt, Elgin
James T. Fitzgerald, Danvers
The next redistricting took place in 1976 - approval was granted to form District 1-L and District 1-C
Howard A. Morrow, Champaign
Thomas Schweiss, Fox Lake
Mel Schuchardt, Alton
Joseph Hendel, Avon
Jack Norling, Sandwich
Willard Bess, Fairbury
Hoyt Coverstone, Decatur.
And thus ends our journey from the beginning to the apex of our golden years. In 1967 we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our association and saw the results of the unstinting dedication of these Lions that have gone before us. Growth beyond the dreams of all, service to millions worldwide and the future ours to make
The District Governors for the 1970-1971 Year were: W.A. Bill Woeslaw, Willow Springs
Darryl Vaupel, Davis Junction
Membership figures for 1970 and 1976 not available.
At the State Convention in 1970 the Districts agreed to form District 1-K
“Back in the early twenties we were trying to find some way to liven up Lion meetings,” Jones said. About this time, membership on the pep committees had begun to dwindle and the survivors got the idea that they should be the ones to do the fining.
A TALE OF THE “TAIL TWISTER” The tail twister, as we know the term today in Lionism has long been a part of the history and lore of the organization. There was one point in time, however, that certain Lions wanted did not like this title and wanted the person holding this office to be called a “Spizzerinkter.
“One Sunday afternoon three or four of us were discussing this matter of putting pep into meetings. One fellow who had been born on a farm said that what we needed was to do what used to be done on the farm. When a cow refused to go through the gate, someone would grab her by the tail and twist. We all laughed but one of the boys said, “Why isn’t that a good name – tail twister?” We already had decided on the name “lion tamer” for the sergeant-at-arms, so it seemed logical to confer the title of “tail twister” on the chairman of the pep committee.”
“It has been said that no lexicographer has successfully challenged the Lions’ claim to have thought or dreamed up, this term all by themselves. Thus, the best authority on its origin would seem to be the Lions Official magazine. In July, 1936, this source said:” “Some readers may be wondering about the word “Spizzerinkter” used in conjunction with “tail twister.” Spizzerinkter’s began to pop up in clubs throughout the Association some months ago. They are close relatives of tail twisters – blood brothers, in fact, and there is a definition – not be Webster – of their name.
The International Board, in a huff of offended dignity, issued an edict to the clubs against use of the low-comedy term.
“Spizzerinkter, 1. a fire-eater; a live wire; a gouger; a snapper; a cutter; a pusher; a trail blazer; a wisecracker. 2. A Lion with the qualities of dynamite, pepper, ginger; great heat, T.N.T. 3. An official in a Lions Club who is redheaded, sharp, witty, alive, awake quick sizzling; speedy, high-stepping, gatecrashing. Implies reckless partiality. 4. One who is in a great state of perpetual eruption, as a volcano.
“I remember,” Melvin Jones says, “how the issue came to a head late in 1920 in Columbus. The Board was there for ceremonies. Word came out from the room that the Board was in session before luncheon that the term “tail twister” was prohibited. The rank-and-file membership took matters into their own hands by passing a motion in favor of tail twisting. The Board agreed to reconsider the question which was batted about at Board meetings for years after that. Other names were suggested like “Spizzerinkter.” However, the consensus of the Board remained pretty much the same – that the terms “tail twister,” “cub” “lion tamer,” and “den” should be dropped from Lionism – until Ray Riley (International President 1929-1930) got up at a session and told them they were taking themselves too seriously. Besides, Riley added, he suspected the clubs were going to go right on having tail twisters whether the Board liked it or not.”
“The Spizzerinkter has also been variously described as worse than a revolution, more ‘touching” than your most shiftless relative, and about as subtle as an avalanche, and as a new name for an old-fashions affliction – tail twister.” Originally, any type of “merriment” at a meeting took the form of “pep committees” who were supposed to prod members into the spirit of the occasion. The pep committee eventually took the form of a single personality who came to be known as “tail twisters.” It was said that only Melvin Jones recalls exactly how this name came into being.
So, this is the “tale” of how the term tail twister came into being. But, to this day there are still a few clubs who use the term “Spizzerinkter” such as the Commerce Lions Clubs of Commerce, Texas. 25
-PCC Georg Toft
THOUGHTS ON THE 2013-2014 YEAR Photo of the new officers of the Chicago Mexica Lions Club at the installation on August 23rd
As Lions Clubs officially begin their 2013-2014 year of service below are some thoughts involving club officers and what can be done to make their year successful 1. Take the time to download the “Annual State of Service Report” from the LCI website and bring to your club meetings to review with your members. This will provide them with an opportunity to understand that a Lions Club may have “Local Focus – but still has Global Impact! This Annual State of Service Report provides an overview of the impact Lions are making in service to their communities. Lions from around the world worked to address some of the most pressing issues facing our global community, including disaster preparedness and relief, health and wellness, and environmental sustainability. 2. Is the club secretary entering information concerning service activities that the club has undertaken or already accomplished? This data can also include visits to other clubs or educational training sessions, eye glass collection, and the like. This information can be entered monthly or at the end of the year but all information must be in by year end in order for the club secretary to print out a Certificate of Excellence Award signed by the International President. 3. Have the club secretary provide each member with a copy of the Club Membership Report from the LCI website so that each member can review membership information to insure that it is current and up to date.
Lion Tomas Tovias being installed as President of the Mexica lions Club by PDG Steve Anton . Lion Tomas is the first “male” President of the Club
Southeast Lions members who hosted a mini-health fair at the St. Kevin Church hall in the South Deering neighborhood of South Chicago. 23 attendees were given free screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and prostrate by Advocate Trinity health staff. Jackie Rouse, Community health Promotion Manager was assisted by Nicole Miles, Community Outreach Consultant to do the testing. The photo shows from left to right:Margarita Carrillo, Armando Ramirez (seated) Nora Flores, Jackie Rouse, Nicole Miles, and Southeast Lions Andy DiSanto, Gil medina and Joe Gonzalez.
4. Have someone bring a camera to a club meeting and take photographs of each member for the club’s historical records. 5. Have all years of birth been updated for each club member? Remember if there is no year of birth on file, a club secretary cannot change or update any information on the particular member. 6. Are club membership cards being printed on line by the club for each member who has paid their dues? 7. Look towards having joint club meetings or projects to help your recognition in the community. Working together creates a commonality between members and helps to engender enthusiasm in projects. 8. Encourage attendance at upcoming educational training sessions on various subjects, such as in District 1A Lions Open University – Communication 21st Century 9. Encourage participation in web-in-bar on line training sessions as presented by LCI. Some of the upcoming sessions are found on the LCI website at:
Streator Hardscrabble Lions Club, in order to help Northlawn students that are in need of school supplies, made a donation of over $800 worth of needed supplies. Backpacks, folders, binders, pens, pencils, rulers, and paper are but a few of the items donated. Hardscrabble members Donna Mikolajczyk (left) and Mary Sullivan (right) presented Northlawn School Assistant Principal, Terry Ahearn (middle), with much appreciated supplies. The Hardscrabble Lions donates school supplies twice a year in order to make the students school experience a little easier. Anyone interested in more information about this project or donating to this project may contact any Hardscrabble Lions Club member. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Information for District Lions ALERT Chairperson
Whether you are a first time officer or a returning officer, take the time to find out what your members want or need. Get them involved and excited about being a Lion. Look to your Zone or Region Chair, and your District Officers and LCI to supply you with information you need for the running of a successful club. JUST ASK!
The district governor should appoint a Lion to the position of district Lions ALERT chairperson. This Lion should fulfill the following criteria:
-Lion Judy Toft
Willingness to organize a Lions ALERT plan in the event of a local emergency; Understanding of program parameters; Knowledge of Lions ALERT program resources; Ability to cooperate with local emergency assistance resources; Ability to mobilize a Lions ALERT team after an emergency has occurred; Understanding of Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) resources.
The responsibilities of the district Lions ALERT chairperson are:
Familiarity with Lions ALERT program resources including the Lions ALERT guide (IAD 911) and the (4) checklists:
o How to Develop a Lions ALERT Plan
o Disaster Relief Opportunities o Personal Safety Checklist
District Lions ALERT chairpersons are responsible for rewarding team members with Lions ALERT awards:
o After a Disaster Occurs
Encourage clubs in the district to work together in the event of a natural, man-made, or healthcare emergency. Remind Lions ALERT team members to comply with safety regulations. Work with the public relations chairperson to submit Lions ALERT news and photos to local media. Remind Lions to use Lions-logo signs and wear Lions-logo apparel when serving as members of a Lions ALERT team.
Ability to work with local authorities in the development of a Lions ALERT plan.
Before an Emergency Occurs District Lions ALERT chairperson responsibilities:
Your local fire department is the best place to start your Alert activity. Arrange a meeting with the Fire Chief. Organize a training session at the Fire Department or local community hall or local
Develop a district Lions ALERT plan. Share the plan with the multiple district Lions ALERT chairperson. Encourage and promote club Lions ALERT plans. Organize district training classes and seminars for club Lions ALERT chairpersons. Remind all Lions ALERT chairpersons to complete an annual review of their Lions ALERT plan.
After an Emergency Occurs
church/library. Invite lion leaders and lions. To be more effective these sessions should be held in every club’s geographical area so that there will be more participation. This program will cost you some cookies and cold drinks as many Fire Chiefs will be very happy to serve their communities through local lions.
District Lions ALERT chairperson responsibilities:
Downloadable Certificates of Appreciation are available for presentation to Lions ALERT team members. The Lions ALERT Banner Patch Award is available to any club or district that submits a Lions ALERT plan to Lions International Headquarters.
Serve as the central figure in implementing the district Lions ALERT plan. Communicate with district and multiple district leaders as well as outside agencies about the situation and the capabilities of the Lions ALERT Team. Assist clubs implementing a Lions ALERT plan.
-Lion Austin D’Souza, MD1 Alert Chairperson 28
Please call on me if I can assist you and/or your District in any way. I look forward to scheduling our 2013-2014 MD-1 GMT Seminar in your District very soon. These targeted tips should be shared at Club meetings, Club Board meetings, Zone meetings, Region meetings, District meetings, and Multiple District meetings. I encourage you to edit the files with your GMT Coordinator's name and contact information so that this tip is 'owned' by your District. Most importantly, whether you mail out postcards or send e-mails to your Club and District Leaders, "Do Something!" Get this information to the Club-level ASAP please.
Lion Buzz
Lion "Chief" Buzz Melton MD-1 GMT Coordinator 310 West Olive Street Wyoming, IL 61491-1152 (309) 695-6160 Cell (410) 404-0350
Please close the communication loop by
making sure that these tips are received and understood by your District and Club Leaders, and ultimately, by every Lion in your District.
The Stillman Lions held their summer picnic at Stillman Park. Invited guests were Boy Scout troop leaders and scholarship winners. The Lions presented the Boy Scouts with a check for $1,500. The scouts anticipate a near doubling of their membership due to young scouts moving up and the Monroe Center club shutting down. That will require them to obtain additional equipment. Their reserve fund was empty due to the economy so the support was appreciated. The scouts will also be selling bird houses to raise funds. The Lions encourage the public to support the Boy Scouts by purchasing one of their bird houses. The public can also support the Lions by attending the rides or visiting the Lions food booth in the school cafeteria at the Stillman Fall Festival .
Jocelyn Hazlip was named Stillman Valley Lion Of The Year for 2012-2013. Jocelyn has been an active participant in most of the Lions activities during the year. Congratulations to Jocelyn for the recognition of all her hard work. Lions President Marty Typer and Secretary Curt Freeberg presented the Lion of the Year award to Jocelyn Hazlip.
Lions President Marty Typer and Treasurer Norma Freeberg present Boy Scout Troop leaders Jay 30 Dispensa and Tim Hess with a donation of $1,500.
Lion Donald T. Plock District 1-D Magazine Chairman German Valley, Illinois
On Saturday Aug. 10th nine members of the Lena Lions gleaned the shoulders of Rt.20 two miles west of Lena for the 3rd time this year. After collecting the usual cans, bottles, auto parts, and other things plans were made to do one more cleanup in October. Lets all use our trash containers rather than the roadside.
Photo L to R: Lions Dave Gruendler, Lee Wenzel, Jack Rousch, Roger Russell, Jim Cox, Ron Farrington, Bill Crichton, Jerry Fox, and Lee Otte.
(Picture: Contributing to the Leader Dog Jar are SV Lions President Marty Typer, District 1st VDG Jim Kloepping, SV Lions Secretary Curt Freeberg, MC Lions President Wilbur Brass, District Governor Fred Peska, District 2nd VDG Gary Meyers, Immediate Past Council Chairman Paul Lindstrom.) The Stillman Valley Lions enjoyed their annual corn boil picnic hosted by Butch Farbo. Guests included the Monroe Center Lions and the Lions District Officers. District Governor Fred Peska brought the jar he uses to
collect donations for the Leader Dog program. So far the jar has received over $1,300 in donations for the Leader Dog program. Lena Lions Club held their annual golf outing July 17 at Wolf Hollow Golf course. Seven foursomes played 9 holes and another group played mini golf at Lions Park. Following the golf the members and guests enjoyed supper at the golf club. prizes of golf balls, packs of tee's and other prizes were awarded to winners of long drives, putting, and flags.
Durand Lions Master Firecracker and Miss Liberty for the 4th of July Celebration are Grant Johnson, son of Jeremiah and Robin Johnson and Carrigan Derus, daughter of Rich and Jennie Derus. Each received a crown and a certificate with a money prize for being chosen.
Winners of the Severed Shaft Award with a low score of 30 were Photo L to R: Lion Jim Cox Chair, Mike Thill, Troy Tiesman, Jeff Heidenreich, Tom Grindy
Durand Lions PID Russell Sarver, Sue Sarver, Terry Eberle, Dave Waller with Fran Waller and Kathy Eberle attended the Midwest Breakfast in Hamburg Germany at the Lions International Convention.
Fish Boil Chair. Lion Mike Thill presented Lena Community Center board member with a check of $ 956 profit from the Fish Boil held in May. Photo: Mike Thill & Dave Finkenbinder The Lions hearing bus was in Durand, IL on the square on Aug 15th. 37 individuals were screened with several sent with referrals to their hearing specialists. Shown in the picture is Lion Gordon Grande, a Past District Governor, Lion Ben Clay and Fran Waller of Durand.--> 31
District 1-D Governor Fred Peska and Lion Sharon Peska from the Cedarville Lions Club along with their wire haired dachshund, Mamie and Sophie joined in the Dog/People Walk-a-thon to benefit Leader Dogs for the Blind on August 24th.
Lion Dave Waller and Fran Waller are shown with the new International Director from Illinois, PG Bill McKinney.
Durand Lion Lynn Meyers and dog Alex sporting his Lions vest did the Dog Walk and then enjoyed ice cream at the social.
Brand new 1D Governor Fred Peska and First Lady Lion Sharon at the reception for new governors and new International Director. The German Valley Lions held a benefit Ice Cream Social and Dog/People Walk on Saturday August 24th for Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester Hills, MN. With the help of some workers from the Leaf River Lions and the Freeport Lions Clubs we were able to generate a profit of over $1,000 to donate to Leader Dog. With the help of some community donations and walkers pledged donations our first attempt turned into a success. Local Leader Dog Puppy Raisers and puppies answered questions in the leader Dog Display Shelter
Your Editor IPDG & PDG Austin D’Souza with newly elected International Director Bill McKinney, I VDG of 1A Terry D’Souza and newly elected Council Chairperson of MD1 PDG & PDG Lydia Ellis during International Convention in Hamburg, Germany. 32