English Weekly Vol: 1 No: 35 August 25, 2022 Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award Winner Diana Alli DSouza, Ontario
Diana Alli DSouza, Ontario
Diana Alli has held many distinguished positions at the Faculty of Medicine and University of Toronto for the past 38 years as: Senior Officer,
25 Canadian Immigrant
Service Medicinefoundedprograms.innationally.Officer,Learning,CommunityPartnershipandStudentLife,CoordinatorandBusinessAdmissionsOfficer,AwardsOfficerandUofTDiversityrepresentativeShehasleftherindeliblemarkthroughhertirelesscontributionsenhancingthestudentexperienceinnumerousFacultyofMedicineApassionatetrailblazeronSocialResponsibility,Dianahasandcofoundedover21outreachprogramsintheFacultyof
Top Award Winner
Diana Alli Dsouza with her grandchildren.
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Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund (Canada), Build our Wealth, Change Your Future (Learning Partnership Canada), Woodgreen Community Service, and University task forces
serving underrepresented and marginalized populations in the Greater Toronto community, from mentoring and tutoring to assistance for the homeless and isolated seniors. Diana's vision of making her difference led her to spearhead global scale benefit concerts through the University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP) and Medical Society including Earthtones and Rhythms and Dance raising tens of thousands of dollars for destitute children around the world. Through Books with Wings and UofTsGotTalents Benefit Concert, medical textbooks have filled librariesin war-torn anddeveloping countries such as Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Ethiopia, and
of T’s Centre for Health Promotion individual award for her passion, dedication and long years of communitywellneedsmental,commitmentinservingthephysical,emotionalandspiritualofstudentsoncampusasasthelargerTorontoforthepast30years; and the 2001 UofT Chancellor’s Award for outstanding contributions by an administrative staff member, and co-recipient of the Faculty of Medicine’s Aikins esteemed teaching award. For her concern for the welfare of students and her dedication to student life evident in her contributions as a member of the Governing Council, Diana received UofT’s most prestigious Arbor Alumni Award. During her six years on the council, she served on several committees including the University Affairs Board, elections committee, and executive board.Diana has also been recognized locally by many
TheMedal.Canadian medical students established The Clinician Investigator Trainee Association of Canada (CITAC) "Diana Alli Community Service Award" available to MD PhD students nationwide, will be given to a student demonstrating outstanding community service, in recognition of the "national and global impact" she has had over the course of her distinguishedcareer. University of Toronto’s undergraduate medical students MedSoc also established the Diana Alli Award in recognition of the enormous contributions she has made to student life for medical students and to the broader community through initiatives including the Summer Mentorship Program, Earthtones, andUniversity of Toronto International Health Programs. The award will be presented annually to the graduating medical student who demonstrates a commitment to enhancing student life and communityoutreach throughout all four years of undergraduate medical education. Diana retired after serving the University of Toronto for almost four decades. Her continued interest in altruism and social responsibility has led her to inspire youth and engage our elderly, globally, through “Access Empowerment Council”.
BySHAGORIKA EASWAR Diana Alli D’Souza wanted to be a doctor, but life had other plans for Fromher. a well to do Mangalorean Catholic family in Bombay (now Mumbai), she was sent to England to do her O and A Levels but the passing of her father and brother in tragic accidents six months apart had her set her dreams aside to begin working to support her mother andyoungersister.
community organizations and nationally by AAMC Northeast Group on Student Affairs for student advocacy. She is the recipient of the prestigious the Order of Ontario, and the 2012 Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee
Diana Alli D’Souza. founder, Access Empowerment Council.
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“Giving them role models opened up a whole new world of possibilities.” Imagine, a student-run health clinic in downtown Toronto co-founded by her offer’s healthcare to the homeless with no ID, no OHIP, and at Shenocost.also started an outreach programforisolatedseniorcitizens.
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began with seven students has seen over 1200 graduate and move into rewarding careers. One is an ophthalmologist.
“Sometimes, we forget to take care
themselveslearnedmentoringaconnectedenjoyedwhereversenior,timeIofourelderly.Theycanbesolonely.usedtosendtwostudentsatatospendsometimewithamatchingtheirhobbiespossible.Studentswhooperaanddanceweretoaseniorwhohadbeenperformingartiste.Sheendedupthestudents.Andtheythatthosewhogiveofalsoreceivesomuchin return.”
She spearheaded global scale benefit concerts through the University of Toronto International Health Program (UTIHP) and Medical Society, raising tens of
AlliD’Souza servedat the Facultyof Medicine, University of Toronto, for several decades as Senior Officer, Service Learning, Community Partnership and Student Life; Coordinator and Business Officer; Admissions Officer; Awards Officer and UofT diversity representative Shenationally.founded and co founded twenty plus outreach programs in the Faculty of Medicine to serve under-represented and marginalized populations in the
She ended up healing in ways she couldn’t have found in textbooks. She has also nurtured generations of future physicians.
TheseGTA. include a summer mentor ship program in the health sciences
forBlackandIndigenousyouth that offers opportunities to shadow health professionals from their own Thecommunities.programthat
Another, who was told he should consider carpentry, is completing his residence in urology, and an Indigenous student was accepted into the residency program in plastic surgery. “These students didn’t see themselves reflected in the medical professions,” says Alli D’Souza.
“My work from a young age has been all about accessibility and opening doors, about empowering those who are marginalized and vulnerable,”she says. It has taken her to a village in the Himalayas, where she works with underprivileged children. She helped found Suriya Charitable Society with full funding in one of the poorest slums.
And through Books with Wings and UofT’s GotTalent Benefit Concert, she helped send medical textbooks to libraries in war torn and developing countries like Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Ethiopia as well as the Indigenous Southwestern Library. They also, famously, shipped an ambulance filledwith books to Ethiopia.
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“Manyofuswhohavebeenthrough the initial struggle, can help and encourage others. Show them ways to access the ample resources that are out there, help them build new lives filled with hope.”
thousands of dollars for destitute children aroundthe world.
At Jeevandhara (a Catholic ashram) she supports two kids from Jharkhand (who live at the ashram) and has tutored them every morning in all their subjects
Diana Alli OurD’Souza.youth, our elderly. There’s no separation between them andus.
“There was not one suicide, since” says Alli D’Souza, who helped build a model for positive student experiences, incorporating a humanitarian approach towards physical and mental wellness. This included taking her students shopping for groceries and fresh produce and showing them how to eat healthyfora fewdollarsa day.
Shehashelpedstudents whorefer to her fondly as den mother or doctor mom in her personal pregnanttocapacity,too,oncehandingthekeyshercondotoastudentwhowasandfindingithardto commute to classes. On retiring, she channelled her passion for social responsibility to find the not for profit Access Empowerment Council. Inspiring our youth, engaging our elderly globally, the tagline saysit all.
When the number of student suicidesrose in the late 80sshewas called upon to start the Office of Student Affairs to help students in crisis.
Alli D’Souza spends six months of the year in the Himalayan village. Unable to go due to COVID, she remains in regular touch and updatedon herstudents’lives. She came to Canada in 1974. Racial tensions and a lack of personal safety had her and her then husband seeking the safety of Canada. “Myex husbandwasa jeweller, and we were victims of frequent robberies. After a break in at our home when I was expecting our youngest baby, I knew we couldn’t landedimmigration,herestaythereanylonger.Hehadfamilyandweappliedforwereaccepted,andinCanadawith$50 – that’s
In her work in Canada, she had removedtheword“failure”fromher vocabulary and replaced it with “children with potential”, she says, and when she shared her thoughts with the people at Khushi, they asked if she would like to teach there. “I told them to send all the ‘dunces’ to me,” says Alli D’Souza. “One was dyslexic. Another, who had ADHD, was soon solving complex math equations. I taught the kids to play SheScrabble!”was“promoted” to teaching high school kids preparing for university entrance exams and also local youth working as labourers and waiters who saw learning English as a way out of the cycle of Onepoverty.passeda
pharmacycourse. A young boy whose father used to carry fifty pound bags of potatoes
16 Veez Illustrated Weekly including Hindi. They could barely speak English when she began working with them but came first afterlessonswith AlliD’Souza. She intended to get involved as a donor at first at Khushi Charitable Society but while there witnessed the way differently abled children were being treated. They were harshly disciplined, and other kids bulliedthem, callingthem dunces.
Hesaidhedidn’tknow.Wewenton tobecome friends.” She was working as a temp when she got job offers from RBC and UofT. The bank offered investment opportunities and the university, free tuition for her kids. She chose tosecure herkids’education.
–onmyownsteam–and I’m compelled to give back thousandfold. I’m always thinking, what else can I do to help someone?”
gave me two months’ rent and said not to worry about returning it, they’d call it overtime. People waterfrontownhome.withhelpedwithclothesforthechildren,thingsweneededfortheNow,bythegraceofGod,Iaplaceofmyownonthe
“I spoke good English, I’d been in Englandandthen in Guyana,I knew about different cultures. These struggles didn’t deter me, I was resilient. When I was called the P waswhatUrdu).callingwordbysomeone,Ithankedhimformeclean(pakmeanspureinIaskedhimwhyhehadusedheknewtobeaslurandhedumbfoundedbythequestion.
“It was an abusive relationship, and I ran away,” she says, quietly. “The medical school was so good to me, theyhelpedmerebuildmylife.They
“My mother instilled in us values of equity and equality before they were fashionable words,”she says.
Neither a burst water pipe at her condo nor inclement weather can keep her from volunteering at Paroisse du Sacré Cœur (Sacred Heart Church) where the homeless gather for a meal through the Ripples of Kindness initiative. She fills containers with pea soup or srcubs pots, pitching in where Herneeded.parents were her role models, bringing in homeless children to feedthem in theirBombayhome.
Things were finally turning around on the financial front, but her marriage wasfallingapart.
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Alli D’Souza has three children and nine grandchildren. They are very thealsoproudofherachievementsbuthavebecomesomewhatimmunetorecognitionshereceives.
what we were allowedto come with those days!” Those days were difficult in other ways, too. Looking for a job in winter, with three young children, Alli D’Souza met with rejection experience.manytimesforherlackofCanadian
Welcome learning from each other, she tells newcomers to Canada. Don’t be isolated in your own culture andfaith. “My grandchildren are Hindu, Ismaili and Catholic. They are being raisedascompassionateadultswith a moralcompass.” hope.Shealsotellsnewcomersnottolose
“We may meet callous people, but we have it in us to rise above You will get into university. You will find a mentor. You willfinda job.” haveShealsohasthistosaytothosewhobeenherelonger.
“Manyofuswhohavebeenthrough the initial struggle, can help and encourage others. If you meet someone who is worrying about if they’llbeabletomakeit,showthem ways to access the ample resources that are out there, help them build newlivesfilledwith hope.”
• Grant’s is proud to present this aseriesaboutpeoplewhoaremakingdifferenceinthecommunity.RepresentedbyPMACanada.
“They say, ‘Oh, mum got anther award!’” she says, with a laugh. “Ironically, my ex husband is the one telling everyone about my awards!”
She wasa BoardGoverninggovernor(memberoftheCouncil,thehighestofDirectorsatUofT)and received the U of T’s Centre for HealthPromotion award. alsoAnOrderofOntariorecipient,sheisthecorecipientoftheFaculty of Medicine’s Aikins esteemed excellingforawardsOverteachingaward.theyearsshereceivedovertengivenbymedicalstudentsrole-modelling,compassionandthestud ents’ experience. But perhaps the most unique honour is the establishment of awards in her name. Medical students established the Clinician Investigator Trainee Association of Canada (CITAC) Diana Alli Community Service Award available to MD PhD students nationwide, in recognition of the national and global impact she has had. University of Toronto’s undergraduate medical students also established the Diana Alli Award in recognition of the enormouscontributionsshe has made to student life. These are in perpetuity and Alli D’Souza presents them each year in frontofanaudiencecomprisingthe who’swhoofthemedicalfraternity.
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19 Veez Illustrated Weekly THE SHAME OF A NATION: THE TRAGEDY OFBILKISBANO! *Fr.Cedric PrakashSJ India completed 75 years of independence on 15 August 2022! That ‘special day’ however, was one fraternity!sacred:Indians,RasoolindeedpostoftheblackestdaysinthehistoryofindependentIndia.ItwasaterribledayforBilkisYakubandformillionsofotherwhocherishallthatisjustice,liberty,equalityandOnthatday,asBilkis Bano (asshe isreferredto) watched the news in her home in Devgadh governmentsubhadduringanimprisonmentwhopossiblehearing.couldcrashingBaria,Gujarat,herentireworldcamedowninmoments.ShenotbelievewhatshewasItwasworsethantheworstnightmare:theelevenmenhadbeensentencedtolifeforgangrapingherdmurderingherfamilymembersthe2002Gujaratcarnage,beenreleasedfromtheGodhrajail.Apparently,theGujarathadsetupapanel
20 Veez Illustrated Weekly which approved the application of the murderers and rapists, for remission of the sentence. That very day, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, waxed eloquent from the ramparts of the Red Fort saying,“Ihaveonerequestforevery India!vitallife?towardsIndian.CanwechangethementalityourwomenineverydayPrideofNariShaktiwillplayaroleinfulfillingthedreamsofRespectforwomenisan important pillar for India’s growth. We need to support our Nari Shakti!” With what was unfolding in the life of BilkisBano andher family with his usual empty rhetoric, the PMwasonlyfoolinghimselfandhis ‘bhakts’ who really no not have the themBano,comeyearsThethemselves!thecapacityandobjectivity,leavealoneintelligence,tothinkforhorrendoustragedyoftwentyago,wouldnaturallyhavealiveonceagainforBilkisinamostunimaginableanner.FollowingtheburningofS6compartmentandtragic
death of 59 persons (mainly ‘kar sevaks’)on27February2002,allhell broke loose, the next day, in several parts of Gujarat. Sensing trouble, a group of seventeen persons fled their native village of Radhikpur in Dahod district. The group comprised Bilkis, her three year old daughter Saleha, her mother and setwereandpeoplewerethere.theyanotherfourteenothers.TheytookrefugeinvillageChhaparvadhopingwouldbesafeandsecureOn3March,however,theyattackedbyabout2030armedwithsickles,swords,sticks.Amongtheattackerstheelevenaccusedmen,justfree.Bilkis,hermother,andthree
Bilkis has relived the horror of that tragedy which engulfed her life. several times over, as she unwaveringly narrates the brutality, she was subject too. In great pain shesays,“Allthe4menofmyfamily were killed brutally. The women were stripped naked and raped by threwmy3manymen.Theycaughtmetop.Myyearolddaughter,Saleha,wasinarms.Theysnatchedherandherintotheairwithalltheir
other women were raped and brutally assaulted. Of the seventeen Muslims, eight were found dead(beheaded!), six were missing. OnlyBilkis,aman,andathree year old child survived the attack. Bilkis was unconscious for at least three hours; after she regained consciousness, she borrowed clothes from an Adivasi woman made her way to the Limkheda police station to register a complaint. The Head Constable there, according to the CBI later, “suppressed material facts and wrote a distorted and truncated version of Bilkis’complaint”.
might. My heart broke as her little head shattered on the rocks. Four men caught me by the arms and legs and many others entered me one by one. When satisfying their lust, they kicked me and beat my
somemyFourdeadheadwitharod.AssumingthatIwastheythrewmeintothebushes.orfivehourslaterIregainedconsciousness.Isearchedforragstocovermybodybut couldn’t find any. I spent a day and a half on a hilltop without food or water. I longed for death. Finally, I managed to find a tribal colony.
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22 Veez Illustrated Weekly shame, they would not have done bodiesreportswaskilledoftheGovernment,intimidation.andjourneyandtheforupheinousbringingandshehelphardlythickstoodwashomeYakubup;Anythistome.HowcanIforgivethem?"lessermortalwouldhavegivennotsoBilkisBano!HerhusbandRasool(whowasawayfromwhentheviolencebrokeout)afortunatesurvivor.HehasbyhiswifeBilkis,throughandthin.AtfirstBilkiscouldopenhermouth.Withtheofsomeconcernedcitizens,slowlyregainedherconfidencerealisedthatsheiskeyintheperpetratorsofthiscrime,tobook.Shepluckedcourageandbeganthestrugglejustice.Shealwaysknewwhomurderersandtherapistswereshebravelyidentifiedthem.Thewasfraughtwithobstacleshostilities,threatsandTheGujaratwithNarendraModiathelm,obviouslywassupportivethecriminalswhorapedherandherfamilymembers.TheFIRmanipulated;themedicalandpostmortemoftheomittedsignificantdetails; evidence was destroyed as all the dead were buried by the police themselves; the bodies of the men were found decapacitated from the Verma,theRightsofup:Bilkisclosed!falsehoodheardaccused;blatantlydisappeared.ofheadtoavoidrecognition;thebodyherthreeyearoldtoddlerTheprosecutionsidedandunjustlywiththethelowercourtwhichhercaseupheldalltheandthelies.ThecasewasBanohowever,didnotgiveshewasrelentlessinthepursuitjustice.TheNationalHumanCommission(NHRC)understewardshipofJusticeJ.S.receivedherpetitionin2003
stated,“Itisveryapparentthatwhat should not have happened has happened and the state has to give compensation.” But then Independence Day 2022 unfolded: and it is back to square one for Bilkis, her kith and kin, for the many victim survivors of the Gujarat Carnage, for human rights defenders and others who have given up so much for these victim survivors (like Teesta Setalvad, R. B. Sreekumar and Sanjiv Bhatt are
appeal from the CBI, the Mumbai High Court upheld the sentencing and found the doctors and police guilty. One of the judges, Judge Salvi termed Bilkis’ “courageous deposition as the turning point in the case.” In 2019, the Supreme Court awarded compensation of Rs 50 lakh to Bilkis the first such order in a case related to the 2002 riots. It was also the highest ever compensation paid to a rape victim
inquiryandconducteditsownindependentandsupportedhercase.On behest of the NHRC, India’s then, top-most lawyer then Harish Salve represented Bilkis in her appeal to the Supreme Court. In 2004, the case was reopened and referred to the CBI. Twelve of the twenty accused, were arrested in 2004 and the trial began in Ahmedabad. However, after Bilkis expressed grave apprehensions that witnesses could be harmed and the evidence collected by the CBI tampered with, the Supreme Court transferred the case to Mumbai. Bilkis was the only direct witness. She was constantly under threat. For her own safety, she had to move from one place to another (she does so even today!).
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So, Modi’s talk about ‘nari shakti’ is not only hollow but sheer humbug! If he was serious about such a crucial matter, he would have ordered the State Government to put the eleven back behind bars immediately!WilltheCBI,theNHRC
24 Veez Illustrated Weekly today languishing in jail) and for many millions of others. On the other hand, the rapists and the murderers, were felicitated by the ‘hindutva’ brigade with ladoos and garlands and treated like ‘heroes’ when they were released. Interestingly, the moment their remission order was received, they were out of prison. Theyall seem to have had enjoyed their ‘sentence’: fatted, well dressed and groomed as the photos show! Most prisoners in India are certainly not as privileged as these henchmen of hindutva. Meanwhile, the lynchpins and many of the accused of the Gujarat Carnage, continue destroying the country with impunity, having cloaked themselveswith immunity. The nation and the world at large, hadfactareaghastandevenoutragedatthethattheelevencriminalshavetheirsentenceremitted.For suchaghastlycrime,this‘remission’ supportwithouttakenimpossiblegiven.beforenecessarilystipulatesCriminalthatluminairesunacceptablejustifyisjustnotgiven!Officialdomtriestothisact:withflimsyandreasons.ToplegalarealsooftheopinionSection435intheCodeofProcedure(CrPC)clearlythattheStatemustconsulttheCentreanyremissionofsentenceisItwouldhavebeenforGujaratStatetohavesuchaunilateraldecisionthetotalapprovalandoftheCentralGovernment.
25 Veez Illustrated Weekly under Arun Mishra or for that mattersscreamingSmrititheirfromtheredeathconsistentlyTheBilkismatterHarishSalve,takeastandfortoday?BJPandtheirilkhavebeenadvocatingthepenaltyforrapists!Ironically,isnotawhimperofprotestanyofthemparticularlyfromwomenparliamentarianslikeIrani,whogohighdecibelandscreechingonother – particularly on those theanremissionunanimouslycommitteethethe(Sumanbenwastoissues,whichareofnoconsequencethepeopleofIndia!CKRaulji,oneofthetwoBJPMLAsChauhanfromKalolwasotherone)whowaspartof11-memberjailadvisoryofthedistrictthatrecommendedfortheelevenconvicts.Ininterviewtoanewsportal,hehadtermitytostatethatthe criminals “could have been framed intentionally”. What he added has shocked the soul of the nation. “I don’t know whether they committed the crime or not. But their conduct was good; the activity of the family was very good. They are Brahmins. Their sanskar (values) were verygood”! In a public statement on 17 August Bilkissays,“TwodaysagoonAugust 15, 2022 the trauma of the past 20 years washed over me again. When I heard that the 11 convicted men who devastated my family and my life, and took from me my 3 year
safe”. People from all walks of life, have bonded together to condemn the ignominy heaped on Bilkis and on her family; most regard this ‘remission’ as an affront to the dignity of Indian women. The voice of all is loud and clear: this act is a blatant travesty of justice. Legal experts are unequivocal about their stand on this particular remission.
26 Veez Illustrated Weekly without fear and in peace. Please ensurethatmyfamilyandIarekept
Retired Justice U.D. Salvi, who had sentenced the eleven men to life imprisonment said that “the one who suffers knows it better.”
Leading print media have had editorials and op eds taking a strong stand against this remission. Interestingly, even some of the ‘godified’ electronic media have groupsorganisedpublicoverbeentheirevennamedtheRSSandtheVHPinreportage.Therehavealsophysicalpublicprotestsallthecountry.InAhmedabad,aproteston19August,bysomecivilsocietyofwomen,wasnotgranted
permission by the police. When a group of activists defied the police and still protested, they were immediately detained but then released! A nation wide protest has now been planned on Saturday,27 August Powerful2022! statements of condemnation have come in from eminent citizens, intellectuals, politicians, activists, platforms, movements and others.
The People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) state, “As concerned citizens of the country we demand that this remissiongovernortheentireplaceTheforgovernmentensuredBilkisrevokedofinjusticebeundone1.Theremissionthese11convictsbeimmediately2.Protectionmeasuresforandherfamilybeimmediately3.TheCentralandStatebeheldaccountablesucharbitraryabuseofpower4.GovernmentofGujaratshouldinthepublicdomaintheprocess,theproceedingsofcommitteeleadingtothefinallygivingassenttotheofsentences.
Leadingintellectual PratapBhanu
concludeshismust readpeacewith, “so the answer to Bilkis Bano’s question — “Is this how justice ends?” maybeadisquietingone. impunitywindspossible.toofHerperseverancegotherameasurejusticeandallowedustoclingontheillusionthatjusticewasstillButasitturnsout,astheofcommunalisationandonceagaingrow,those
slivers of justice will once again be blown away. This is not how justice ends, since perhaps real justice had neverstarted”. Seventy-five years ago, our committed freedom fighters with their many sacrifices, gave India her freedom! Bilkis Bano, today, with her relentless fight for justice and the sufferingwhich she isstill going through, has come to symbolise India’s latest struggle for freedom. The choice then is, before the people of India: to urgently reclaim the democratic values, the pluralisticfabricofournationandto ensurethat‘realjustice’startstoday or to succumb to the whims and fancies of the fascists allowing for rapists and murderers to rule our 20nation!August 2022 *(Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is a human right, justice, reconciliation & peace activist/writer. Contact: cedricprakash@gmail.com )
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Mehta in an incisive op ed ‘Is this how justice ends?’: Bilkis Bano’s question should haunt the Indian republic’ (Indian Express, 19 August 2022)writes, “the Bilkis Bano case was so horrific that even hearing about it produces a deep cognitive and imaginative loss, and an emotional disorientation. The crime was so graphic, the facts topregnantofstillcorroboratedsomanytimes.Butwerecoilatthethoughtofthekindbrutalitythatinvolvedrapeofawoman,smashingachilddeath,massacringawholefamily, all by your neighbours. “Mehta
TO READ VEEZONLINECLICK BELOW LINK: https://issuu.com/austinprabhu/docs
subtitle andofdowns.toitsorigin,istendstosuggest.Thestoryofcoffeehighlyresearchedintermsofitsspread,entryintoIndiaandsystematiccultivation,responsethemarket,anditsupsandItcoverstheentireuniverseCoffeeArabica,CoffeeRobustacontemporarymarketvariants andbrands.The“MagadiAcres”isa
28 Veez Illustrated Weekly 'MagadiAcres' Treasure Between the PagesofaBook - Dr.LancyLoboS.J.IndianSocial Institute,Delhi This book Magadi Acres: the story PartlyReadomania.ofcoffee.ByMaxwellPereira,(Delhi:2022.PriceRS.450).autobiographical,Maxwell
Pereira weavesmore than one story and that of coffee as the coffee estate situated in Sakleshpur in the Western Ghats in the state of Karnataka, which Maxwell’s father bought, developed, and eventually sold when his children got dispersed all over the world. Eventually hoping that at least one of hisson’s- Maxwell would succeed him but instead he joined thepoliceforceandrosetobecome a “supercop”. Maxwellhaswritten
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school he studied. In time he was persuaded to join Government service in Mangalore and later bought the “Magadi Acres” coffee estate and shifted his family there.
very successful books, like: “The Other Side of Policing” and “Tandoor Murder” and in due course of time an autobiography is expectedto see the light of day. Maxwell’s father came from a pious Catholic Christian family from thereafterwentfromaMangalore,whichinthosedayshadhighfertilityrate.Hebrokeloosehispeasantbackgroundandtothecitytogeteducatedandbecameateacherinthe
Interestingly, the book weaves together several stories of one’s faith, one’s education, one’s household, family, one’s village, caste, class, flora, fauna, ecology and so on. The book is an ethnographer’s delight full of empirical details of the afore
the above activities thereby providing knowledge to the reader on handling these economic Thepursuits.main character in this book is none other than the author himself.
The author’s early life in the Jesuit Boarding School in St. Aloysius, parents’ figure in the narratives his adulation and reverence for his father (Ligor) and mother (Estelle) has been depicted prominently.
careerattitudesthatThroughhisnarrativesitisapparenthisownfirmandtactfulthathecarriedintopolicewereundoubtedlyshapedin the “Magadi Acres”. The gallantry
30 Veez Illustrated Weekly mentionedthemes. The meticulous authoragricultural,hunting,evolutionaryfindsMoreover,plantson.plantingclearingprovidesmanageonewhichfruits,samealstheindigenousThaikulo,thegoodwhichandKonkanihappensnostalgiaandreconstructionofthedifferenttimesspacesarousesfeelingsoftothisreviewerwhoalsotobefromMangalore.Thetermsfortheflora,faunatechnologyinusethosedaysarenowforgotten,providearchivalmaterial,forinstance,chapteronKonge,Karanno,Gannereetc.Theknowledgesystemoftimeswhichnowisvanishingisoveryrefreshingtorecall.Theistrueoftheuseofrootsandmedicinalitemsandremediesareabundantlymentioned.Ifwishestobuy,cultivate,andacoffeeestate,thisbookcomprehensivedetails:theforest,culturing,saplings,pruning,andsoThelocalandbotanicalnamesofareplentifullymentioned.inacoffeeestateoneallkindsofeconomiesintheladder:foodgathering,fishing,pastoral,andcommercial.Thegivessystematicattentionto
31 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Ksaver and Koragappa who add local, underground flavour as they are engaged in illicit activities leading to murder. There is also a narrative of how the local girls had liaisons with single or lonely British (Gora) coffee planters, like Manju forexample.Thisisahighly readable book and once begun, difficult to put down. The language is simple, lucid, and delightful. Those interested in ecology, indigenous knowledge systems, and ethnography would find a treasure trove within its pages. For those who were born in Mangalore and left for other destinations, Maxwell’s stories will revive memories and nostalgia. Though this book encompasses fictionalised as well as autobiographical material, one eagerly awaits his imminent
autobiography which will certainly be
A deep day of JOY ‘Konkani Manyata Divas’ or "Konkani Recognition Day" to celebrate the inclusion of Konkani as an official language in the Eighth Schedule of Indian Constitution, on August 20,1992. OnthisdatetodayAugust 20, 2022, Konkani speakers in many places world over appropriately marked it's30th anniversary. Amid mixed sentiments Konkani is a unique dialect, popular with its speakers world over, now introduced for study in schools and collegesin Kanara/Mangalore,severalhubareas.Goa and Konkian/Mumbai on the west coast of the Indian peninsula are particularlyknowncenters currently for this great musical dialect called Konkani. But, it is even more widespread in several forms among many communities and countless settlers on all the continents use it in unaccounted forms to communicate among themselves. In fact it is said that the diaspora (here meaning all who do not know anddiasporauseattachedknowKonkannibutstillloveitandwanttomore)hasbecomedeeplyandsentimentaloveritsandlearningit.Thissameisthirstingtoreadaboutitthecultureofitsspeakersin
Konknni Manyata Divas -DaytoReflect.
32 Veez Illustrated Weekly
33 Veez Illustrated Weekly their adoptive language, be it English, Portuguese, or any major language. Literature especially in English in this ancient language has garnered fair interest as most thatlanguages.easternstructures,Protolanguage,anyoungerpeoplearenotfamiliarwithIndianscript.KonkaniisasouthernIndoAryanandretainselementsof-DravidianlanguageaswellassimilaritiestoandWesternIndoAryanItisacomplexlanguagetravelswithitsdisplaced speakers; just as Goa’s coastal location opened it up to attack and trade, linguistic exodus is endemic. In 1882 Mangalore, Rev Angelus F X Maffei, an Italian Jesuit and scholar of Konkani, described it as “far more perfect than many European languages” yet “altogether uncultivated,” which is possibly how all colonizers feel. Rev Maffei faulted a section of those who spoke Konkani for not incorporating as many Portuguese Rewords. v Maffei’s confidence in the superiority of adopting European words into Konkani, was at odds with adoptingvocabulary. relatives.beforeyearsmemberMangalorecallLearnedGoviGSBsbyisGomantaki,names:haspriorKonkanispeakers.justItisknownthatancientKonkaniwasreferredtoasPrakritbyitsReferencetothenameisnotfoundinliteraturetothe13thcentury.KonkanibeenknownbyavarietyofCanarim,Concanim,Bramana,andGoani.ItcalledAmchiBhas(ourlanguage)nativespeakers,AmchiGelebyinDakshinaKannada,andorGoenchiBhasbyothers.MarathispeakerstendtoitGomantaki.Inanancientvillageoutsideofaladyfromoverseas,aofthediaspora,afewago,learnedherfirstsentencemeetingherdistantKonkaniisasplittongue;
you can even tell the religion of the speaker by the articulation and intonation. Five scripts are popular in writing : Roman, Kannada, Malayalam, Perso-Arabic, and Devanagari.General view is, If it borrows words from European languages, it is “corrupted”; if it borrows words from Sanskrit, it is Brahmanized; if it uses Kannada or Malayalam, it is Dravidized. It is a language undergoing constant stress and reinvention. Recent observations indicate that Kannada script use is gradually morphing Konkani and has a vague tendency to be amalgamated with Kannada. Konakni writers constantly bicker about tradition and uprightness with a 'holier than thou' approach and subtly discourage other language users as outsiders, which could prove detrimental to development in the long term.
34 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Konkani has nearly 13 million plus speakersand growingnumbers.
ManyKonkani loverssufferedmuch in the fight to get 'manyata/recognition' achieved in 1992, they were GSBs using Devanagari script and Konkani Christians who were using Roman and Kannada script for Konkani.
Roman and Kannada script users
35 Veez Illustrated Weekly The act of speaking it is revolutionary, rejuvenating endorsement of ethnic identity and roots, even with the diaspora. Lot needsto be done foritto comeout powersintothesunandgaintheduesfromthatbe.Nowwith75years of Indian Independence behind us, while progressing and developing BHAAS',ourtargettothecenturyin2047,lettherebeatorationalisethevitalityofMotherTongue'KONKANImayitlivelong?!
36 Veez Illustrated Weekly
37 Veez Illustrated Weekly
second is the publication by New YorkTimes(NYT)onitsfrontpagea
Here are the excepts: Pradeep Paswan used to skip school for weeks, sometimes months. His
Capital Report Card (Philip
Ever since our Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke of “revdis debateculture”andsetinmotionanationalon“freebiestocatchvotes”, I began a study of the finances of Delhi NCT which the Aam Admi Party (AAP) has been ruling since
The Mudartha)
feature article on Delhi’s Education Reforms titled “Clean Toilets, Inspired Teachers: How India’s CapitalIs FixingItsSchools” . I reproduce parts of the NYT article published on 16th August 2022 and reproduced by Khaleej Times of UAE. The sub title of the article is “The Aam Aadmi Party, which rose to power in New Delhi, is overhauling an education system that serves as a lifeline for millions of families looking to break the cycle of poverty” .
“ThefirststrongthingthatDelhihas signaled is that our children are worth it, our schools are worth it and our teachers are worth it,” said Padma Sarangapani, a professor of education at the Tata Institute of Social Sciencesin Mumbai.
In India, where millions of families instruction,buildings,hadoflooktoeducationtobreakthecyclepoverty,publicschoolshavelongareputationfordecrepitmismanagement,pooreventaintedlunches.
Paswan’s school, in a working class Delhi neighborhood, was known as “the red school,” for the regular brawls on campus and the color of itsuniforms.Today,itis a highly sought after school, a beneficiary of the broader transformation of Delhi’s education system. Last year, 100% of students in the school who took the standardized examinations for
formational agenda. It’s the highest amongall statesof India, as illustratedin the graphicsshown here.
classrooms with tin ceilings were baking hot in the summer. The bathroomswere filthy. Now, he gets dressed by 7 a.m., in blue shirt and trousers, eager to go to school, in a new building where the toilets are clean. “I come to school because I know that I can become something,” said Pradeep, 20, who is in the 12th grade and dreamsofbecomingatopofficerin India’selite bureaucracy.
38 Veez Illustrated Weekly
39 Veez Illustrated Weekly The transformation of Delhi’s records,rundownquestiontime,chiefvisitsschoolsstartedin2015withsurprisebyManishSisodiaandhisadviseroneducationattheAtishi.Thetwowouldschoolofficials,pointingtoclassrooms,misleadingandleakytaps. “You would enter a school and you could smell the toilets from 50 meters away,” said Atishi. “The messagewasthatifthegovernment can’t even clean schools, howisthe government seriousabout education?” The government enlisted private companies to clean hundreds of schools. It hired retired defense personnelas“estatemanagers”who oversaw repairs. The estate attendschools250,000ImpressedasThetomanagersfreedupschoolprincipalsfocusonacademicwork.resultswerethereforalltoseeshowninthereportcardin2021.bytheexcellence,studentsleftprivateinthelastfiveyearstogovernmentschools.
40 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Officials also tried to address a andIngovernmentairingofficialsofmanagementgovernmentparents.betweenfundamentalproblem:alackoftruststudents,teachers,andIn2016,theDelhisetupschoolcommittees,groupsparents,teachersandlocalthatprovidedaplatformforconcernsandholdingtheaccountable.monthlymeetings,schoolheadsteachersdiscussed achievements and problems, and sought consent for new purchases or repairs. The government allowed the committees to hire teachers on an interim basis during the long process to fill the posts
Other state governments, including TelanganaandTamilNadu,arenow pushingtoadopt“theDelhimodel.”
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41 Veez Illustrated Weekly to government officials. In the summer of 2016, the government held training sessions with over 25,000 teachers. In addition to the usual subject matter training, it selected teachers from within the public school system to offer trainingon the basicsof teaching. A year later, the government sent one teacher from almost every tostudentsAsideSingapore.Nationaltheatschoolinthecityforfurthertrainingworldclassinstitutions,includingUniversityofCambridgeandtheInstituteofEducationinfromregularsubjects,thelearngardeningandhowbehappyandmindful,partofan effort to promote “humane values” and de emphasize rote learning through its“happinessclasses”.
The work on education has helped generate solid political wins for the party, which in March gained control of a second state in India, Punjab. The party is taking its approach countrywide, campaigning on an education and basic services platform in state elections later this year in Gujarat andHimachal Pradesh.
BJP and its central leadership are scared by the alternate narrative of AAP which could emerge as a theoppositionmightmoritsnationalagendain2024challenginghegemony.Astimepassesby,eandmorecentralagenciesbeunleashedontheleadership,especiallyAAP.
42 Veez Illustrated Weekly Pre-Independence Memories of Mangalore MohanBy Prabhu, Ottawa, Canada [a Canadian retired lawyer and citizen of Mangalorean origin] (To(Continued)beContinued) Mukka is a sea-side village where perhapsattendwithtobeach.alsowhichfarmlandsiheKankanadyhospitalownedafewandotherpropertiesithadleasedtotenants.ItownedabungalowbytheAstheshenai,myfatherhadvisitMukkaonceortwiceayearagangofskilledlabourerstototheneedsoftenants,andtoinspect.Ononeofthese trips, he took my brother and me, coastPavanjePavanjedelicious.tenantbucketssand.befsand,andAtseaeveningcookedacaughtOnstayingIintousandafterhisworkwasover,hetooktoPavanje,about3milesfurther,spendaweekwhilehewasbacktownandpickedusuplater.remembertheMukkatripandtwonightsinthebungalow.thefirsteveningthelabourersarabbitwhichhadburrowedpitinthesand.Oneofthetenantsitforus.ThefollowingaftersunsettheycaughtcrabswiththelightoftsuDethi.hightidethecrabscameashoreastheycrawledfastonthetheyhadtobecaughtquicklyoretheydisappearedintheThecrabsweresweptintobyhandandtakentotheforcooking.MeatwasandThelar:isasmallvillageupthefromMangalore,justafew
of another of my mother’s aunt, PiuPietas(Piu)Picardo.maushiandher husband Paul owned a large farm property where stacked)flat,processandtheygrewsugarcane,coconuttrees,cultivatedpaddy.IwatchedtheofmakinggoD(jaggery,roundformwhicharethenandushengoD(jaggeryin cubes) in Piu maushi’s yard and tasted some of it. Back home in town it was a courtesy to give a thirsty labourer working for us to give goD to boost energy along with Cockfightwater.is one of the favourite sports in rural areas. Achu Picardo, mymother’scousin in whose house we were spending that week in Pavanje, took us in his canoe to his uncle Foku Shet’s farm in Thelar, a small village on the opposite bank, to watch a cockfight. Uncle Shet, who had a large farm property, occasionally brought together his neighbours who trained cockerels for that fight. Wagers are placed. In this sport, a small, curved knife is
43 Veez Illustrated Weekly miles from the Mukka beach and longtoMyriver.locatedonthebanksoftheNandiniThelarisontheoppositebank.fathertookmybrotherandmethisvillagetospendaweekinthesummerholidays,inthehouse
44 Veez Illustrated Weekly Square. It was great fun to watch. Everyone was mesmerized at their skill of picking up rupee coins Kolata:whichnearbyhouse,clothestheyfollowingatpointtongues.inthrownonthestreetsbyon-lookers,asomersaultpositionwiththeirOurhousewasthelastontheirroute.IhavewalkedleastoncewiththepeopleittoMarnamikattawherechangedbacktoregularabout2milesfromoureachway.MyakailivedandIendedupinherhouse,wasanattractionforme.Thiswasafavouritepost harvest ritual. Although I haven’t aheldKambalatillcelebratingeachtofacingdryandwhenouranwatchedtherealdance,wewatchedimitationfromthefarcornerofhouseinPumpwellCompound,farmworkersingrassskirtsdevilishmasksassembledinthefieldsandformedtwolines,oneandopposingtheotherandthebeatofdrumschargingatotherandendedbythecontestwithtoddylatenight.:Thispopularfolksportisinthewintermonths,inwhichpairofsturdyyokedbuffaloes
Bhandary’s paddy fields next to our house, in slushy, muddy waters to preparefortheplantingseason was a close enough spectacle. Epilogue : These are just a snapshot of Mangalore’s unique society and culture that I was a part of in my early days. Over the last hundred years the World has changed dramatically, and Mangalore has changednotlaggedfarbehind.Allofushavewithit.Iamnotthesame
donned in colourful jhul on their ploughingevengenerallynearestwaswatchedplodusingstandsbehindtogetsWagersintheirbackandsilverandbrasscrownsonhead,raceagainstanotherpairaslushy,muddypaddyfield.areplaced,andthewinneraprize.Theyokehasattacheditawoodenplank,whichgoesthebuffaloesandtherideronit,drivingtheanimals,awhipwhennecessarytothemtospeedup.Ihavenottheauthenticrace,whichtoofarfromourhouse,theonebeinginKadri.Itisadaylongrace,somestartatdusk,butthebyoxeninUggappa
45 Veez Illustrated Weekly person I was three quarters of a century ago, or half a century ago, orevenquartercenturyagoforthat matter. But I still have the “son of the soil” outlook in me and NLh;domino;Dsound,toareofKonkanidecimalwhichTransliterationthroughout:(KonkanicertainKonkanicanEnd12follow.findmydeliberatelymemoirsalthoughIhavefrequentlylacedthewithanecdotes,Ihaveavoidedtouchingonautobiography.Ihopeyouwilltheminteresting.EndnotesNotes[MostofthefollowingbefoundinmyTeachYourselfbook]RulestopronounceKonkaniconsonantswordsareinitalicsUsingtheInternational(ITRANS)methoddispenseswithdiacritics(apointbelowcertainletters),thepronunciationD,L,NandTwhentheycapitalizedinKonkaniwords,arebepronouncedwithahardasfollows:asindavid;smalld,asinLnoequivalent,nearestissmalll,asinlance.noequivalentsound,nearestis Nh; small n, as n in none; n at the akaietc.attachedwhichantothumbTFrenchendofawordhasanasalsoundlikelastn.-astintomato;smallt,astinTranslationKonkaniwordsEnglishKonkaniEnglishadaLo-implementwithawoodenseattoascythe(koito,seeinfra)istocutMeat,fishveggies,readyforcookingafterwashing. aunt (father’ssister). akrut a sweet made of walnut. aliyasantana - inheritance by man’s sister’ssons. amas ambaDéNewMoon.-small,deep-fried balls of batter (from horse grams);, an apamappetizer.-adosa like poLe (infra). ashTami a Hindu feast honouring the goddessDurga. aTi beeDibamoNbaLTipaste.deepmaterial.,thanbairasafortnightofheavyraininJuly.bathtowel,muchthickerastrainingclothbutofsamebajjéanappetizeroffriedonioncoatedwithlentilpostelmidwives.aKonkaibrahmin.handrolledlocallymade
stick attached to a cup (no metal Feniused)- alcohol distilled from cashew fruit; an international brandname.
46 Veez Illustrated Weekly
tobacco filledleaf, forsmoking. bhaN a large copper pot in which water is heated and kept at room temperature forbath. biDa a small edible leaf filled with betelnut, chopped betelnut, coconut etc. , and closed with a
Foka Pint FrancisPinto.
Foku SheT - FrancisD’Souza Shet. gobLo - a mug or tumbler, for goD,drinkingwater.ushengoD goD is a round, flat, about ¼” thick jaggery; ushen goD cube shapedgoD. guDDa Tulu word, called guDo in Konkani;, a hillock. guDsul a hut, shack. guLio part of kuswar(infra) small crunchy balls of rice paste, marble size gurguletdeepfried.anearthen filter with a spout to store water and keep it cool, andpour into a gobLo (op.cit.) to drink when needed.
haLDi13 turmeric plant; also called jangalsaffron.. two ferryboats joined together and a wooden platform placedon topto carry passengers, vehicles, etc. Jhul a thick, decoratedcarpet juTka a countrycabwith venetian
47 Veez Illustrated Weekly windows and seats at the back, enteredfrom rear, drawn bya miserable little pony. kaDai - a cauldron or metal wash basin for small pots, glassware, dishes, etc. syllableweddingservedkolosmallsplitkoitosmallkirgideepflourkiDiovagkheLfruitkatsositsgrinderfixedkantnédosakailatocrepe,kail-aroundshallowironpantofrydosaetc.ametallifterforcrepe,etc.assoonastheyarefried.scraper,asmallinstrumenttoawoodenseatonwhichthetoscrapecoconut.soroalcoholfromcashew(calledFeniinGoa,op.cit.).dance(also,game);seealso(infra).-partofkuswar(infra)grampasteshapedlikeseashellsandfried.bazuskirtblouse,wornbygirls.ascythesharpenoughtoacoconutwithonestroke;akoitoiscalledakoiti.plantainleafonwhichfoodistoguestsatafeastorparty[Ifthefirstisstressed,kolobecomesa koLsofox]. copper pot to draw water from koragawell.-korgar fem. korgarlen, in Konkani, a scheduled caste person; a basket weaver. kori kashpu - This is a Tulu word for chicken biryani or chicken tikka/curry, etc. women(femalesmaharwhitelungilorrykoLsolowerattachedlaToaway.againandswirlofWhereshapedwokuTTifedkuLTakhaT-soupfromhorsegram,tocattle.danDoagamewithasmallodenstick(danDo)andaspindlewoodpiece(kuTTi)aplayerstrikestheleftedgethekuTTitomakeitspringandintheairwhileitisintheairstrikesitsoitcanlandalongdistanceapulley,orasmallwheeltoabeamaboveawelltoropesandhoist(op.cit.).alsocalledtrucks.aloincloth,usuallycoloured;lungiarealsocalledmunDu.ascheduledcasteworkerarecalledmahari;youngarecalled
48 Veez Illustrated Weekly
pateka part of kuswar (op.cit.)
maibhasmaDDulen).mother tongue. Manglurgars - inhabitants of matyechiMangaloreboshi earthen plate maushi(boshi). -
penD - copra cake after oil is poLéextracted.athickroundricedosaabout 6”dia. friedon a shallowpan. ponati - earthen lamp using oil and a wick to
aunt (mother’s sister or father’ssister in law). miTai sweet, asin mitailaddoos. muTlin - a steam boiled rice cake like sanna (op.cit.) but a bit thicker. nanderkai a large Malabar (or Caribbean) plantain, eaten after nivriosteamingordeepfrying.partofkuswar(op.cit.), rice flour paste filled with crushed coconutjaggeryandand sealed with the same paste, deepfriedin oil. novo Cristao new christian novro(convert).bride groom. panpoD leaf (pan) filled with a piece of betelnut and a little whitener)[see biDa) chewed and spit out on the roadside like dogsdo. panpoLé rice crepe, thin and eatenfoldedintoquartersafterfryingandasisorwithsyrup.
banana chips, thin, flat andround. payasam - a sweet dessert. Semisolid or liquid served after a meal (see also vorn, infra).
tsuDeti a small bundle of dry leavestiedlike a broom andignited to light updark areas, used like a torch outdoors only in large open areas, like a tsunobeach. - limestone, also called chunam and whitewash, to coat vaginterior/exteriorwalls.tiger [vagaso = tiger’s (singular); vaganso= tigers’(plural); The tiger dance (vaganso kheL) is better known in Mangalore as pili (orhuli) vesha vakil a country lawyer or solicitor; another spellingisvokil. ves mask; better known in Tulu as vesha. [vesisalso spelt asyes⇢] vokal - bride at a wedding; often a wifeiscalledsoforyearslater when vornenquiring.asweet dessert similar to payasam (op.cit.); also calledkhir vovyo series of short monotone chants recited at ros (op. cit.). vokal/novroAddressedtoto be (op.cit.). -End
an inch in diameter. shenai clerk/supervisor;sheneyam; shenDishener. - a tuft of hair curled and knotted, visible on a shaved head. shenDo isthe word for women’s long hair tied into a sheviosball. part of kuswar (op.cit.)
49 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Dear woman, select a person in whose arms you want to crash beforehand. So that you don't have to knock on multiple doors when the need arises.
Dear woman, don’t fuss about the inch of your heels.
Dear woman, forget about the hourglassfigure. You neverknowwhen curveswould be in fashion again.
-Sonal Lobo
Dearwithin.woman, learn to say no without guilt. Like you always say yes to others without thinking.
Dearwoman, learn to crywithout hidingyourtears, Tearsneednot be a sign of despair, but a cleanse of what's not needed
50 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Dear woman, buy yourself an attire in No,black.not to cover your flaws but show to the world you’re bolder than Dearanycolourwoman,take efforts to put together a little sugarandspice. May your signature dish be the highlight of everymeal.
Dearwoman,don’talwayssuffocate yourself with an underwired push upbra. Remember those sagging breasts fed the most precious gift of your life. Dear woman, strip yourself naked and learn to look at yourself in the mirrorwithout feelingshy. Never forget that every part of you was beautifully knit together by the One above. Dear woman, don’t forget to carry with you some pepperspray. It's not just for robbers and rapists, but also for those who judge you without reason.
Eventuallyyour confident stride is what makesyou look taller.
51 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Dearwoman,letyourhairloose,cut it short or paint it with colours
Dear woman, you don’t need permission to laugh aloud, At least once everyday, laugh your heart out until tearspour out of
relationshipthat failsto see your Rememberworth. that your little sacrifices will be cherishedelsewhere.
Dearwoman, have somethingto do of yourown. Not just to be independent but to have a source that you can depend upon when you feel clueless. Dearwoman, learn to bake a cake.
Dear woman, don’t shy away from wearingdarkredlipstick. Remember it gets better when you finallydecide to get bolder. Dear woman, throw away the obsession of perfect skin. Those blemishes and tan make you the real you.
Dearwoman,startandendyourday with the almighty. It's towards Him that we all are headed. -Sonal Lobo
52 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Deareyes.woman, stop worrying about greyhairor wrinkles, Remember wine gets better and strongerasit getsolder.
Dear woman, allow your man to spoil you with gifts and dinner Afteroccasionally.allhe'sgot you!
Dearwoman,pursueahobby–sing, dance orwrite, Remember you’re never too old to followyour dreams. Dear woman, learn to accept compliments from strangers without Sometimeshesitations,itgives hope, that a known allyfailsto bring.
Dear woman, go on a diet if you want to, But don’t forget to indulge yourself once in a while.
Dear woman, make plenty of Somefriends,who can make you laugh and somewhowillsmilebecauseofyou. Dear woman, be kind towards the old, your dearonesand your foes, Remember your children are watchingyou andtheywill follow you.
53 Veez Illustrated Weekly
lovesone’scity,whileitmattersnotifoneone’sneighbour.Onemay evendespisehisneighbour. Itislike a man who calls himself a romantic because he announces his desire to marry his bride, but not because of any love towards his bride, but because of hislove forthe altarand the wedding ceremony and all the
A view on Patriotism
-By KeithCarvalho.Mangaluru.
Reflecting on the completion of 75 years of Independence in India on August 15, 2022, it inspiresme that of the many virtues a citizen must possess in order for a state to truly prosper, one, to me, seems most important. The virtue I am referring to is 'patriotism'. Patriotism is a virtuejustlikethegreatandancient virtues of courage, honesty and humility. However, patriotism, unlike courage, honesty and theseIthumility,isacombinationofvirtues.isacombinationandblendofvirtuescourage,honestyand humility. Interestingly, it is patriotism that is most talked about in today’s political discourses, especially by those who call themselves “patriots”.Thepatriotsproclaimthat it istheywho are trulytheheirsand heroes of India because of the fact that they are patriotic. They claim that they are patriotic because they love their country. They make fine and eloquent declarations of their love for the motherland, but we never hear a word about their love for her poor children/people. Patriotism to them means to love
54 Veez Illustrated Weekly attention and importance bestowed! In reality he may even hate his bride. Most would say the meaning of romance is lost upon the man. Such a marriage will only cause suffering for both the man and his bride. So too it is with the Topatriots.thepatriot, it ismore patriotic to re-name a road ridden with potholes rather than to fill up those potholes. They knock down the houses of the unpatriotic and use the bricks to build their grand patriotic monuments. The patriots chant their slogans and sing their anthems at the top of their voices but hear not a word of the cries of the poor and the suffering. In their true,theycountryaretalkofpatriotism,frequentallusionsmadetoacertaingloryourhadinthepast.Whilewhatsayofthisgloriouspastmaybeitislikelisteningtotheravings of a dying old man. The old man reminisces his own life’s tales of youth and adventure and romance and courage with a definite and exciting passion. But the reality is that he is now old and soon dying and so looks backwards. He does looktalkspatriots.andnottalkoffuturedreamsandhopesaspirations.AndsoitiswiththeTheyhaveabandonedallofidealsandprogressandonlytothepastasifdeathwere
knockingat theirdoor. The patriots say that they are patriotic because they do not criticize the state or its rulers, for surely those who criticize the state must hate the state. It is like saying a mother who disciplines her child, must surely hate her child! But a mother who disciplines her child, does so not because she hates but exactly because she loves her child. It is those who do not care for the child’s development that do not chastise it when it goes astray. And so it is with the patriots. Ancient
About the young author - Keith Carvalho.: BorninBahrainin1999, one of triplets Kenneth, Keith and Kevin parents are Arthur Carvalho andFeliciana Carvalho. After finishing schooling, the brothers returned to Mangalore for higher education. Keith, earned a B.Com from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. Currently, is pursuing
55 Veez Illustrated Weekly
leaves are green but one whose leaves are saffron! A real patriot isn’t one who loves his country, but one who iswillingto hate it (andbe hated by it) because he loves its people. It is the Hindu man who saved his Muslim neighbour from a mob who is a patriot. It is the Muslim undertaker who buries the unclaimed bodies of COVID-19 victims who is a patriot. It is the Christian missionary who opens a school and a hospital who is a patriot. For these acts are acts of love. And love is another (perhaps the greatest) virtue in that complex virtue of patriotism. It is the likes of Fr. Stan Swamy, Sudha Bharadwaj and Umar Khalid who are true patriots. For what does love for one’scountrymeanifnotloveforits people? E N D
56 Veez Illustrated Weekly the Chartered Accountancy Certification and in the final year of articleshiptraining. The tripletstake active part in social and church activities. Playing the guitar, athletics and reading; interest in publicspeakinghehasraisedtoasts andgiven speeches. An eligible and promisingtrio.
Four nations (India, Pakistan, Dominion of Ceylon, and Union of Burma) that gained independence in 1947 and Bharat.newlyofMuslimsalongovernightdestabilizingstillneverPartition1947.rulerswiththeSeventy1948fiveyearshavepassedsinceIndiansubcontinenttriumphedindependencefromtheBritishandtheempireonAugust15,TheghostofthecruelofIndiaandPakistanhasceasedhauntingmanyandamacabrememory.Thepartitionunnervinglydividedtheformercolonyreligiouslines;sendingtothenewlyformednationPakistan,andHindusandSikhstoindependentIndiaorItisestimatedthat15
Thecause.partition resulted in an estimated 1 million dead and uprooted 9 million Muslims and 5 million Hindus and Sikhs. What was witnessed and experienced had an unending impact profoundly staining all. The freedom, joy and ofcourageweresubstitutedbyasensemelancholy,
Independence Years Journey
million people were uprooted and between 700,000 and almost 2 million died in the horrendous exodus. The scars of this holocaust is never ending tensions between India and Pakistan arises from the cruel way of the birth of these two countries. The basic differences unless resolved can never bring about a closure and peace among the peoples of this distressing
& Partition - 75
57 Veez Illustrated Weekly
58 Veez Illustrated Weekly insecurity, hopelessness. Thie holocaust of August 1947 had it's responsibilityruled.wasrushedwastoofLouistransfer1947MinisterveryadministrationsystemgiveofofThemurderyearspeacefullythatdeeprootsinreligion.ItisforgottenHindusandMuslimshadlivedinIndiaforover1000andneverengagedinhatred,andexpulsionofanykind.unchartedandunheardhaphazardprocessandcontroltransferofpowerhadfailedtosometimetoworkoutaandaneffectiveinEastPunjab.Inastrangelittleknownact,PrimeClementAttlee,inFebruaryannouncedtheBritishwouldpowerbyJune1948.LordMountbatten,thelastviceroyBritishIndia,advancedthatdateAugust1947andco-ordinationabsent.TheBritishrulerstowithdraw,andallsecurityabandonedandcrimeThecowardlyactofabandonedbythe awaywasNonoabadlyalongandLorries,bodiesdismemberedasTheifIndiabyBritish,thiswascatalyzedasdesiredtheNationalCongressPartyofthataquickexit,wasthemain,notamajorcauseforthedisaster.horrorwitnessedbymanyevenofnoware:humancorpses,anddecapitatedstrewnalongtheroutes,cars,bullockcartssavagelybloodiedpeoplealltheroadsthatweredamagedandthescenewasworsethanbombedwararena.Therewerebordermarkings,nocrossing.oneevenknewwheretheborderdrawn.Arefugewasfarfarandwithnoconvenienceatall,
59 Veez Illustrated Weekly
like a war camp.
Villages were seen all over in flames, the reality was all were real refugees, a one room shack and tin roof kitchen, sandstorms and dust ravaged everything. We drank from opendirtypondslikeanimals, did our chores by the light of kerosene lanterns and wore coarse gray clothing. Life was bad, hard, hot and dusty summers, freezing desert cold in the winter. Older folks never complained, they worked with their bare hands, carried the bricks and mixed clay to sustain the shelter. They dug the fields to plow and plant and grow Partitionfood. was a superfluous negligent and highly controversial torture inflicted mindlessly, and still theremainsacauseofmuchtensiononIndiansubcontinenteven today. It isrememberedthatmany British leaders including the British Viceroy, Mountbatten, were uncertain and doubted the hurry over the partition of India. Lord
60 Veez Illustrated Weekly independence even before a defined boundary between them was in existence, opening a wide gap for misadventure still ororder;completeblamed.faileddeadly.planned,populationratherandonpartition,waspartition.thelossleditOnunresolved.thegroundofthatpointintime,hasbeenallegedthatBritishhastetoincreasedcruelties,sufferings,oflifeandmanydifficultiesforcommonpeopleduringtheBecauseindependencedeclaredwellbeforetheactualresponsibilitywasthrustthenewgovernmentsofIndiaPakistantokeeppublicorderprematurely.ThelargemovementswerenotandtheresultwasBoththenascentstatesmiserablyandarenottobeTherewastotalchaosandbreakdownoflawandmanydiedinriots,massacres,justfromthehardshipsand hazards of their flight to safety. Whatensuedwasoneof thelargest population movements in recorded muchmanyLawtwelveahistory.Atthelowestestimates,halfmillionpeopleperishedandmillionbecamehomeless.andorderhadbrokendowntimesbeforepartition,withbloodshedonbothsides.A
"We are seeing a rise of political polarization left v. right, religious v. non religious, or one religion v. another in many places around the world," said Bhalla. "A lot of the rhetoric we are hearing now is similar to the kind of rhetoric in the
Historians concur that in 1947 Mountbatten was left with no option but to cut and run. Elements in England consider the partition of India to be the moment that the British Empire ceased to be a world power, following the dictum: "The loss of India would mean that Britain dropped straight away to a third-rate power."
61 Veez Illustrated Weekly massive civil war was looming by the time Mountbatten became Viceroy. After the Second World War, Britain had limited resources, perhaps insufficient to the task. Another viewpoint is that while Mountbatten may have been too hasty, he had no real options left and achieved the best he could under difficult circumstances.
Partition also holds important lessons beyond India and Pakistan.
Inspiring story of how an Indian origin human trafficking victim is nowchangingthe world. Thisordinaryman doingextra ordinarywork acrossthe globe, today is India’s pride and World’s crusader Harold Henry D’Souza, nowresidingin the UnitedStatesof America.
Compiled: IvanSaldanha Shet.
Persons recognizes Indian American in USA
62 Veez Illustrated Weekly amongroots,mentality,India,brieflytocitizentokeepinmindintherunupIndia'scenturyin2047.Theseare:"GoalofdevelopedRemovingtracesofcolonialTakingprideinIndianUnityandsenseofdutycitizens." JAIHIND.
SAFECHR UN World Day Against Trafficking in
The United Nations has designated July 30 as WorldDay Against Human Trafficking. Dr. Kalyani Gopal shared; ‘Human Trafficking is a 150 Billion dollar industry involving all walks of andlifeandallsocialgroupslevels.Inourclinics in NWI we identify at least two to three victimseach month. SAFECHR is an Accredited NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UnitedNationssince 2021. The fact of the matter is, if you depend on the outer world to take care of your happiness you will lose confidence in yourself and in the process begin to lose that connection that you should have with your inner world, which will become weaker. Your being happy beginsontheinside,notsomuchin what is going on around you. By thechangingfromwithin,youwillbeginprocessofproducingbetter fruit.
Dr. Kalyani
Harold Henry D’Souza to speak at SAFECHR NWI (North West Indiana) United Nations World Day Against Human Trafficking in Persons on July 25, 2022. Harold D’Souza spoke at the conference, Survivors are poor theNationalstartersbutstrongfinishers.ForeignlabortraffickingvictimsinUnitedStatesofAmericaare
FounderGopal, and President of (CoalitionSAFECHR for Human Rights) invited motivationalrenownedworldspeaker
nick named “ILLEGAL”. Immigrant victims of labor trafficking are undocumented not illegal. It is my dream to start a “Male Shelter Home” in America. This project is in progress with Dr. Kalyani Gopal.
63 Veez Illustrated Weekly
64 Veez Illustrated Weekly Once you become weak on the inside, you will eventually start to think that you are deficient in your abilities. To change your belief on your outlook, you have to change your belief on the inside. Harold D’Souza spoke to the press; My foundation is based on four principles, value, character, education, and faith. My loving father at an early age taught me, ‘Harold people should respect you, not yourdesignation’. If you or anyone you suspect is a victim of Labor Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, or LGBTQ+ Harassment please dial 1 888 373 7888 the National Human Trafficking Hotline in GameUSA. changer Harold Henry D’Souza is on the Advisory Council Ambassador for Ohio Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Commission, Survivor Advisory Council with Collaborative to End Human Trafficking and on numerousBoardof Directorsacross the LifeWorld.hascome full circle for Harold Henry D’Souza. From being a near slave in Lady Liberty’s land, to now being an aspiration to the whole world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The independence day celebration commenced by imploring the blessingsof the Almightythrough a melodious invocation by Ms Santa Maria and team. Dr E S J Prabhu
65 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Independence Day Celebration at Father MullerHomoeopathicMedicalCollege
The 76th Independence Day was celebrated at the Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College premises on 15.08.2022. This year our nation celebrates “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotav” commemorating the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence with theme of “Nation First, AlwaysFirst”.
Kiran, Principal, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest Rev. John Vas, Chaplain, Father Muller
66 Veez Illustrated Weekly GuestMissHospital.HomoeopathicMedicalCollegeandMadhuriinvitedtheChieftohoistthenationalflag.Flag
hoisting ceremony was followed by the address of Chief Guest, Rev. Fr John Vas. In his message, conveyed that India chose to bring freedom not through gun and sword but
67 Veez Illustrated Weekly through Ahimsa. Indian’s convey message to the world that we work
68 Veez Illustrated Weekly through love and sacrifice that has been inculcated in us through our freedom fighters. He emphasized that Swasth Bharath can only be
69 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Sampann Bharath where health of every individual is given prime importance and every citizen receives his due respect in the form of our freedom fighters and take pledge to contribute our might to
70 Veez Illustrated Weekly
uplift our nation. Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital and Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Division in his Presidential address acclaimed ‘Azadi ka Amrith Mahotsav’ is a celebration in our hearts and minds that we belong to one beautiful nation. We the health care professionalsare theinstrumentsto bring about the wonderful Mahothsav in people’s lives. We have been given the wonderful opportunity to heal the sick and impart comfort and joy to the suffering. MsSwathiManojandteamsangthe national song Vandemataram that filled everyone with the emotion of patriotism. Ms Stephy Varghese compered the event and Ms A K Devika, General Secretary Students Council proposedthe vote of thanks. Dr Vilma Dsouza, Vice Principal & Staff Advisor, Students Council, Dr Srinath Rao, former Principal, Dr Jolly D’Mello Cultural Coordinator and faculty members were present on the occasion. House wise patriotic singing competition was held in the college auditorium. Team Allen won 1st Drprize&TeamHeringwon2ndprize.SrinathRaoandFrJohnVas
71 Veez Illustrated Weekly
judgedthe competition. MsDarshana comperedthe patriotic singingcompetition. -SambramDigital Independence day celebration atStLawrenceschool
August 15, amrita Mahotsav of India's Independence was celebrated at St Lawrence English Medium and kannada medium School grandly. The chief guest of the program Doctor Satish kalimar received the guard of honour and hoisted the Tri colour flag. Thereafter students of both the school exhibited a beautiful and colourful March fast manifesting unity in diversity and paid homage
72 Veez Illustrated Weekly tothenation.DrKalimaraddressing to the students and gathering said
73 Veez Illustrated Weekly this day recalls us the heroic and sacrificial deeds of our freedom fighters. They had a dream and
74 Veez Illustrated Weekly vision for this country. Some of them have been actualised and many more yet to be actualised. Therefore let's love our country it's heritage and culture and serve Rev.selflessly.father AndrewLeoD'Souza the correspondent and the president of the program also wished everyone in hispresidential address. Students sang the patriotic songs and also entertained the gathering by their dance. Prizes were distributed to all the winners of the various compititions held on the occasion of Amrit mahotsava.
Rev father Lancy Dsouza the council,DsilvatheMISJassistantparish,Rev.FrMelwinfromBondel,MrReginalddsouzavicepresidentMrStephenthesecretaryofparishBrotherStephen,PTAvoice
Presidents and secretary of parish councils of both the school and secretaryofPTAMrsParveen,RevFr Peter Gonsalves the HM of English Medium school, Mrs Helen H.M.of kannada medium school were present on the stage. The staff and the students involved activelyin thishistorical event. -SambramDigital
75th Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and respect at Holy Redeemer Church Premises, Belthangady. The program began at 8:oo a.m. in the HolyRedeemerChurchgroundwith large crowd of students, parents, staff, members of School Management Committee, members of PTAcommittee andParishioners. Rev. FrFredrick Brags Directorof Rev. FrFredrick Brags - Directorof
Celebrationof75thIndependenceDayat HolyRedeemerEducationalInstitution
75 Veez Illustrated Weekly
76 Veez Illustrated Weekly Dayalbagh Ashram was the Chief Guest, V. Rev. Fr Joseph Cardoza CorrespondentandtheParishPriest
77 Veez Illustrated Weekly
of Holy Redeemer Church, Rev. Fr Clifford Pinto, Principal Holy Redeemer English Medium School, Mrs Renni Vas, Headmistress of Church Higher Primary school, Mrs Pauline Rego Secretary of Parish Pastoral Council and Mr Vincent D’souza, Co ordinator of Pastoral Commissions were present on the
IndependenceTowelcomedschoolchoirgroup.Theguestswerebyofferingthebouquetscommemorate75thdaytheChiefGuest Rev. Fr Fredric Brags unfurled the tricolour flag and delivered his inspiring message. The Correspondent V. Rev. Fr Joseph Cardoza deliveredhismessage.
On the occasion of Indian Platinum Independence Day Catholic Sabha Milagres unit organised Flag hoisting ceremony at Milagres Church ground.
Indeed, it was a day of joy, a day to love and respect our country and make it a betterplace for Indiansto live and experience the freedom, peace andunityin diversity. -SambramDigital Independence Day Celebration atMilagresChurch
The Band performed excellent drill and at the end sweets were distributed. Prathiksha welcomed the gathering and Bhakti delivered wellvoteofthanks.TheprogrammewascompeeredbyViyonaRego.
78 Veez Illustrated Weekly Dias. Prayer Song was sung by the
79 Veez Illustrated Weekly President Sri John Monteiro welcomedthe dignitaries, guests Theandgathering.chiefguest Mrs Rita Pinto was introducedbyMrsLona Pinto.
MrsRita Pintoan active parishioner who also celebratedher 75th Birthday hoisted the Tricolour flag. The people gathered proudly gave respect to the NationalFlag.
parishGuestofhonourRevFrIvanDsouza,priestMilagreschurch deliveredameaningfulmessage.He said we are celebrating Indian Independence yet there are so manyissueswhich don't allowusto feel absolute freedom. As we observe har ghar tirang it should not be just a slogan but must motivate us to build humanity and to respect every individual irrespective of religion, caste and creed. Mrs Rita Pinto expressed her gratefulness for honouring her and appreciated catholic sabha for organisingtheceremony.Shecalled
80 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Parishceremony.Vice President, Secretary, Ward Gurkars, Council members and about four hundred parishionerswere present.
MANGALORE,AUGUST17:Oneof the senior priests of the diocese of Mangalore,Rev.FrNorbertD’Souza passed away due to severe cardiac arrest while travelling to his hometown on Wednesday noon on August 17, 2022.
Parish priests Rev Fr Uday Fernandes, Rev Fr Michael Santumayorgracedthe ceremony. Milagres college NCC students assistedin the flaghoisting
PresidentRitaRevworld.peaceontolivewithharmonyandprayforinournationandtheentireFrIvanDsouzahonouredMrsPintowithashawlwhileSriJohnMonteiro presentedthe memento. The church choir group presented the melodiouspatriotic songs.
81 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Mrs Philomena Ferrao convenor Laity commission Milagres proposedthe vote of thanks. On behalf of the Church sweets were distributed. Mrs Diana D'souza compered the program. -SambramDigital --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Senior priest Fr Norbert D'Souza (96) dies of
Cardiac arrest
FrNorbertD'Souzahailing fromMai de Deus Church, Puttur was born to Basil Liguory D’Souza and Piedade Catherine Paid on August 02, 1926. He was ordained priest for the
82 Veez Illustrated Weekly diocese of Mangalore in April 06, 1954. He was 96 when he breathed Frhislast.Norbert D'Souza leaves behind his loving brother priest Rev. Fr CliffordD'Souza who isalso a priest of the Diocese of Mangalore. Fr Norbert D’Souza, a priest of the diocese of Mangalore, served as an assistant parish priest at Belman, Pezar, Kinnigoli, Rosario Cathedral and Mogarnad. He served as Parish PriestinNirkan,Bajpe,Pernal,Pezar, Angelore andUjire. FrNorbert retiredfrom active electMayprayerWeInstitutes,Seniorministryin2002andwasresidingatPriests'Home,StAnthonyJeppu,Mangalore.raiseourheartsandmindsinforthereposeofhissoul.theLordcounthimamonghisandgranthimeternalrest. HisFuneral MassandBurial ServicewasheldonThursday 18.08.2022at3.30p.m. inSt VincentFerrerChurch,Valencia. Year Designation Place 1954 Asst. Parish Priest Belman 1957 Asst. Parish Priest Pezar 1959 Asst. Parish Priest Kinnigoli 1963 Asst. Parish Priest Cathedral 1964 Mogarnad 1965 Parish Priest Nirkan 1973 Parish Priest Bajpe 1974 Parish Priest Pernal 1982 Parish Priest/ Vicar Forne Pezar 1990 Parish Priest Angelore 1997 Parish Priest Uijire 2002 Retired Senior Priests’ Home StAntony’sInstitute,Jeppu
FKCA MediaReleaseBangalore:The
Silvian Noronha Chairmanof Federation of atKonkanCatholicAssociation(FKCA),its25thAnnualGeneralBody Meeting, held at Konkan Samudhai Bhavan, Bengaluru on Sunday, August 7, 2022, re elected Silvian Noronha as its Chairman. Silvian who is now the chairman for the fourthconsecutiveyearwillleadthe FKCA into its Silver Jubilee Celebrationsthisyear.
83 Veez Illustrated Weekly
84 Veez Illustrated Weekly The other members elected as the office bearersfor2022 2023: Vice Chairman 1: Robert Cutinha Vice Chairman 2: Hilma Roach General Secretary: Antony Gonsalves Joint Secretary1: VinodPrem Lobo Joint Secretary2: Nigel Fernandes. Treasurer: Noel Sequeria CulturalSecretary: Anitha Gomes LegalAdvisor: AnilAlbert D’Souza Spiritual Director: Rev. Fr. Francis Assisi ImmediateAlmeidaPast Chairman: Anand EdwardD’Souza The FKCA, was established as the apex body of all Konkani Catholic Associations to espouse the cause of the Konkani Catholics and fight
85 Veez Illustrated Weekly forsafeguardingtheinterestsofthe community, language and culture, and to represent the Konkani community at political and Government levels. It has grown to be a highly respected organization with as many as 33 Associations, including several from abroad affiliatedto it. The 25th AGM event commenced with the Holy Mass in Konkani celebrated by Rev Fr. Francis Assisi Almeida–thenewSpiritualDirector of FKCA. During the official deliberations of the AGM, Silvian Noronha, welcomed the gathering. He expressed his gratitude to the past chairpersons, office bearers of member associations, auditors, council members for their support during the year. A special word of appreciation was extended to Fr Faustine Lobo for his immense contribution to FKCA in various
spiritualwaysoverthepastsevenyearsasitsdirector. The minutes of the previous year’s AGM and the annual report were read out by the General Secretary Antony Gonsalves. The audited accounts for the year 2021 22 were placed before the members by TreasurerNoel Sequeira.
86 Veez Illustrated Weekly
The AGM concluded with a vote of thanks by GeneralSecretary Antony Gonsalves. He thanked Rev Fr Francis Assisi Almeida for celebrating the Holy Eucharist and officiating as Election Returning Officer;KonkanWelfareTrust(KWT)
Chairman Sylvester D’Souza for offering the venue to conduct the AGM; choir group of KCA Mathikere; Crystal Caterers for the lunch; Koncab Association for their mass and hall arrangements. He
On the occasion Charles Gomes former Chairman of FKCA was felicitated for his immense contribution towards the Christian community, Konkani language, FKCA and other member associations. The awardee was introduced to the gathering by Anand Edward D’Souza. Addressing the gathering, Charles Gomes expressedhisgratitudetoFKCA. He recalledthe initialdaysof FKCA and how it has grown from its humble beginningstoavibrantorganisation positively impacting the society in variousways. He highlighted how the association grew over the years into a worldwide network. He made a passionate appeal for everyone to work together to build the Federation even further. The chairman thanked the gathering and dissolved the 202122 Committee and welcomed the election officer Rev Fr Francis Assisi Almeida to conduct the election procedures. Rev Fr Francis Assisi Almeida read out the names of the nominations received. Since there was only one nomination for each unopposed.post,theofficebearerswereelected
87 Veez Illustrated Weekly also thanked all the members present for their support and participation. Fellowship lunch Tofollowed.markthe Silver Jubilee year of FKCA, the Federation donated Rs 50,000 to a poor family from the Konkani community for the construction of a house. The amount was handover to the family duringthe AGM. The new committee will focus on advocacy and several social welfare initiatives for the community along with its25th year ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------celebration.---
88 Veez Illustrated Weekly
89 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Victor Fernandes OFM Cap, who succeeded Fr Denis is the new spiritual director of SMMC Dubai.
Jeevan Vas has been elected as the new coordinator of SMMC succeeding Diany D’Souza whose term hadcometo an end.
Saldanha OFM Cap, themadeoutgoingspiritualdirectorofSMMCthisannouncementduringKonkanimassinJune2022.Fr
Dubai:SMMC-Dubai announces new coreteamfor2022-2024
16: St Mary’s Mangalorean Community, SMMC, a renowned Mangalorean Konkani organization of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Dubai, announced its new office bearers for the year 2022Fr2024.Denis
SMMC, a novel organization was initiated in 2013 to cater the spiritual requirements of vast Mangalorean Konkani Community
Dubaiforthe year2022 24 are:
of St Mary’s Church Dubai. SMMC has successfully hosted many indoorlikespiritualaswellasculturalprogramsLentenretreat,Konkanidrama,sportsday,ninedays
Mangalorean Community of St Mary’sDubaiParish.
Novena and Monti Fest, various competitions, cultural events and medical and educational support to the needypeople in Dubai.
90 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Asaninitialsignificanteventforthis year, SMMC’s Core team has planned a grand celebration of 9 days novena for the popular Mangalorean feast of Mother Mary
The SMMC’s new Core team with new spiritual director Fr Victor is intending to continue with the ongoing events and also planning to organize many more innovative andprojectstoelevatespiritualfortituderendersocialbenefitstothe
Fr Denis thanked the previous committee for their selfless service in building up the Konkani Community especially during the pandemic by reaching out to needy Konkani community members and Thelaborcamps.newoffice bearers of SMMC
91 Veez Illustrated Weekly ‘Monti Fest’ from August 31 to September 8 with Konkani mass, novena and flower veneration to Balok Mori ‘Bambino’. To mark this event, competitions like Konkani singing of Marian Hymns as well as Konkani elocution for the children of various age categories of HighvenerationbrassFriday,MontitoMangaloreancommunitybelongingDubaiparishhavebeenarranged.FestwillbecelebratedonSeptember9at8PMwithbandprocession,flowertoMotherMary,feastMassandthereafterNovem DetailsJevann.of the competitions are as below: Singing:KonkaniMarian Hymns Category1: 5 yearsto 8 years Category2: 9 yearsto 12 years Category3: 13 yearsto 16 years Elocution: Category 1: 5 years to 8 yearsMonti Fest Aacharann (Contestants can use Monti fest related props to Categoryenact)2:9yearsto12years Mori Aadarsh Avoiponnak Saks Category 3: 13 years to 16 years MoriecheShegun VirtuesofMother LastMarydate of registration: August 27 Competitions will be held via Zoom online on 4th September 2022, timings of the competition will be announced later. The parents have been asked to encourage their children to take part in this competition to exhibit their talents in theirnative language. For registration and more details or to get updates on the activities and Emailwww.smmcdubai.orgwebsite:eventsofSMMC,refertotheofficialid:smmcdubai@yahoo.com
Portraits of 5 Konkani stalwarts
Makers of Indian Constitution unveiled Shri Maroor Shashidhar Pai, President of KCCI, unveiled the portraits of the stalwarts who contributedtotheframingofIndian
92 Veez Illustrated Weekly Facebook: m/StMarysSMMCDUBAI/https://www.facebook.co Instagram: =mmcdubai?igshid=YmMyMTA2MYhttps://instagram.com/s
Portraits of 5 Konkani stalwarts –MakersofIndianConstitutionunveiled
Constitution at the World Konkani Hall of Fame. On the occasion of Amrith Mahotsav of India’s Independence, the World Konkani Centre commemorated contribution of 5 Konkani Stalwarts
Rev. Fr. Anil D’Mello, Director, Fatima Retreat Centre released the
93 Veez Illustrated Weekly to the framing of India’s
Constitution. Portraits of the Constitutional Advisor to the Drafting Committee, Sir Benegal Narsing Rau and the members of Constituent Assembly of India, Ullal SrinivasaMallya,BenegalShivaRau,
Rev. Fr. Jerome D’Souza and Hundi Hari Vishnu Kamath were added to the WorldKonkani Hall of Fame.
Booklet on the 5 stalwarts. Shri Ashwin Cherkal, SVC Bank, garlanded the portrait of Shri Benegal Narsing Rau, Dr. Padmavathi Shenoy, the granddaughter of Ullal Srinivasa Mallya garlandedthe portrait of the Architect of Modern Dakshina Kannada, Smt. Usha Kamath, a relative of Mallya paid floral
94 Veez Illustrated Weekly
95 Veez Illustrated Weekly Shenoy, garlanded the portrait of BenegalShiva Rao. theMovementDr.writtenAlanguagewillgrowonlywhenitisandread..Dr.K.MohanPaiKasturiMohanPai,theKonkaniLeaderandTrusteeofWorldKonkaniCentrecalled upon the Konkani people to learn how to write Konkani and also read the literature produced in Konkani to contribute to the growth of the mother tongue. Though Konkani people are only 25 Lakhs the WorldPai,ChiefIndianinclusionlanguageyearsManyataywaslanguagethisThespeakerslanguagesConstitutiothlanguagehasbeenincludedinthe8scheduleoftheIndiannincomparisonwiththewithlargenumberofsuchasHindiandBengali.Konkanipeopleshouldutiliseopportunityandpreservethetothenextgeneration.HedeliveringalectureonKonkaniDivascelebratingthe30ofrecognitionofKonkaniasaNationalLanguagebyin8thscheduleoftheConstitution.GuestShriMaroorShashidharcongratulatedtheeffortsoftheKonkaniCentreinpreserving
ShriGilbert D’Souza, Vice President, Shri B. R. Bhat, Treasurer, Trustees Shri William D’Souza, Smt. Shakuntala R. Kini, Past Vice President Shri Allen C. A. Pereira were present on the occasion. Dr. praisingVyshnaviN.KinisangAbhimanGeetthemotherKonkani.
Shri Nandagopal Shenoy, President of the World Konkani Centre, welcomed the Guests. He also congratulated the students who secured high percentile scores in thetheMensaIQTestconductedunderManikya – The Gifted Education Programme of the World Konkani MensaCentre.International certificates were distributed to the students
Programme conducted an orientation session for the students and parents. Shri Giridhar Kamath, secretary of World Konkani Centre congratulated the students and sought cooperation from the parents in nurturing the children.
96 Veez Illustrated Weekly
the Konkani Language and empowering the Konkani Communities. Rev. Fr. Anil D’Mello spoke about the contribution of Fr. Jerome D’Souza to framing of the Indian Constitution and the Educational field.
TO READ VEEZ ONLINE CLICK BELOW LINK: https://issuu.com/austinprabhu/docs
Shri Gurudath Bantwalkar, CEO, the World Konkani Centre, introduced the Gifted Education Programme spread across 12 nurturing workshops conducted at the World Konkani Centre for the children
UppinangadiIn1998KishorewasthepresidentofJuniorChamberandI was the president of Mangalore Junior Chamber. We had a very goodinteraction aftera longtime.
Former President of Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy Sri Roy Castelino didthe honouring. Sri Mahesh Nayakof Kallachu Prakashana and others were present.
Sri Kishore Fernandes a Konkani activist was honoured on the occassion of the 30th Konkani Manyatay Divas at his residence by Kallachu Prakashana.
97 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Attended Konkani Manyatay Divas organised by Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academyheldtodayat Daivazna Kalyana Mantap, Mangalore. Had an opportunity to meet the President of the Academy Dr. Jagadish Pai who welcomed me with a rose. Also met the membersof the Academy Sri Arun G. Shet , Sri. Gopalkrishna Bhat andSri Kenute. Sri Vasanth Rao, President of Konkani Bhasha Mandal Karnataka
98 Veez Illustrated Weekly and Smt. Juliet Fernandes accompaniedme.
99 Veez Illustrated Weekly ---------------------------------------Counter.Smt.wasgroupsCulturalwasKeynoteaddressbySri.H.M.Pernalveryinformative.presentationbyvariousrepresentedmainlybyyouthveryglamorous.MaryD'silvawasattheBook
It is indeed a very joyous week for academicyearsallastheentirenationcelebrates75ofindependence.Everyinstitutionispaintedin thecoloursofjoyandsoisNazareth School, Balmatta, Mangalore. The school celebrated the patriotic fervourthrough a specialassembly basedonthetheme ‘AzadiKaAmrit Mahotsav’. All Nazarene gathered to celebrate the relentless efforts made by the people of our nation. The celebration took place on the Nazareth ground as every member of the fraternity found their heart filled with joy and a feeling of immense pride. The guests were welcomed with a guard of honour
'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav'
100 Veez Illustrated Weekly 75 years of Free India
The honourable guests for the programme were Rev Fr. Rocky D’Cunha, Superior of St. Ann’s Friary, Kodialbail, Mangalore and Rev Sr. Marceline D’Souza, the principal of Nazareth School, the Management Sisters with school academic coordinator Mrs.Precilla Veigas.
101 Veez Illustrated Weekly by the school band headed by Rithvika Kottari of grade X.
The programme began with a soulstirring prayer to the accompaniment of Staff and students of grade 10th, which was followed by a welcome address by Khushi M of VIII A. “Tears always cometooureyestoseeournational flag waving high”. We paid our salutationtoourMotherBharathby unfolding our tricolour flag. The flag was hoisted by honourable Chief guestRev Fr. Rocky D’Cunha, with the other escorted dignitaries. National Anthem was sung by all the participants. The pledge was delivered by Sampreeth R followed by the captured March Past as part of a ceremonial occasion. The studentsofNazarethexhibitedtheir unitybyperforminga massdrill.
Izan Arshad Abdulla VI B, Thansi IX A, Sarah Asgar IX B shared their views on the significance of the day inthreelanguages i.e;English, Kannada and Hindi respectively,enkindling the spirit of,“Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which theygrow”. A patriotic dance coupled with music, choreographed by the Mr. Sandeep Acharya, captured the interest of the viewers. “Lucky people get opportunities; brave people create opportunities, and the winners are those who convert problems into opportunities”. Ms. Reshma N, the programme coordinator read out the prize list of winners of various competitions organised on the occasion of Platinum Jubilee of Indian Independenceand the prizes were given awaybyour honourable chief Chiefguest.Guest addressed the gathering by sharing that God is in the form of parents and teachers. He exhibited attitude that changes its altitude. He instructed the students to learn from them and from others experience. He reminded the students to be good and insisted them to help others andnottoharmothers. Headvised
102 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Francis Thomas grade V B delivered the Vote of thanks. It was a day of joy, a day of love. We should respect our country and make it a betterplace for Indiansto live and experience the freedom, peace andunityin diversity. The theme of this year’s Independence Day being ‘Nation first, always first’ was felt throughouttheprogram.Thewhole gathering was given a feeling of cherishing the ones who made our independence possible. The program ended with everyone appreciating and celebrating true sense of freedom. The programme was compered by Class X students Leon Dosuza, Abdul Rahman Izhan andDevika Shaji. -SambramDigital FatherMullerHomoeopathic Medical College hosted TournamentCollegiateRGUHSMYSOREZONEInterFootball202223
the students to follow certain do’s and don’ts’ in their life. With high spirits and exuberance, he said the valuesofMahatmaGandhi’sahimsa and his words, “True freedom will come when every tears from eye is wiped away, we have sufficient for everyone’s need but not for our greed”. Thus he inspired the students to inculcate the spirit of Mastersharing.Ethan
RGUHS Mysore Zone Inter Collegiate Football Tournament 2022-23 was hosted by Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Deralakatte from 17th to 19th August 2022. The Inauguration of the same was held at 11.30 a.m. on 17th August 2022
103 Veez Illustrated Weekly
104 Veez Illustrated Weekly at FatherMullerStadium, Rev.Deralakatte.FrRichard A. Coelho, Director FatherMullerCharitableInstitutions wasthe Chief Guest. Dr HafisSherief, SportsCo
105 Veez Illustrated Weekly ordinator, FMHMC welcomed the DrthemencouragedChiefgatheringandintroducedtheGuest.GuestinhisInauguralAddresstheplayersandwishedallsuccess.DeerajFernandes,Memberof
Sports committee thanked everyone on behalf of the Institution. The formal Inaugural function was concluded with the National Anthem. This was followed by introduction of teams and symbolic Inauguration of the tournament by ‘Kickoff’. Rev.FrRoshanCrasta,Administrator
Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Dr Vilma Meera D’Souza, Principal Incharge, Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College, Mr
Total of 48 teams from various colleges under RGUHS will be participating in the tournament.
Chennakeshava M.G., Physical Education Instructor, FMHMC, programme.presentFacultymembersandstudentswerefortheinaugural
-SambramDigital -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------St Mother Theresa Vichara Vedike Mangaluru organised competitions inthecity St Mother Theresa Vichara Vedike Mangaluru ontheoccasionof25th death anniversary of Mother Theresa had organised Essay and Drawing competitions to the schools,colleges and the general public in and around Mangaluru on Saturday20 August 2022. The competitions were held in the Milagres PU College campus in Mangalore, where more than 500 enthusiastic participants from 78
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107 Veez Illustrated Weekly schools and colleges n public took part in the competitions and made the event successful.
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The competitions were held from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm. Each of the
109 Veez Illustrated Weekly competition had 3 categories. The participants were served breakfast and necessary material for
110 Veez Illustrated Weekly Stcompetition.Therewasnoentryfee.TheresaVicharaVedikeisa
platform of like minded people those wish to share and inculcate service mind that of Mother Theresa. There are more than 100 members from all walks of life. Mr
111 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Roy Castelino is the president, Rev Rupesh Madtha is the Coordinator and Mr Sunil Kumar Bajal is the GeneralSecretaryat present. Sushil Noronha, Sumathi Hegde, Flavy Dsouza, Dolphy Dsouza, Asumptha Dsouza, Yogish Jeppinamogaru, Dr Krishappa Konchadi, Revanth Kadri, Stany Crastha, Althaf Thumbey, Shahid, Shanthi Dias, Florine Dsouza, Diana Dsouza, Flavy Crasta, Shalini helped to conduct thisevent smoothly. The 25 th Death Anniversarywill be commemorated on 9 th September 2022 at Town Hall from 3.30 pm onwardswithvarietyofprogramsin
112 Veez Illustrated Weekly the presence of thousands of people. The public iswelcome for thismega event. -SambramDigital 76ThIndependenceDayCelebrationat St AloysiusCollegeMangalore St Aloysius College, (Autonomous), Mangaluru , celebrated the 76th IndependenceDayinasolemnway. The programme was held near the chiefofSenofentranceoftheadministrativeblockthecollege.ioradvocateandproudalumnustheCollegeP.RanjanRaowastheguest.At8.45amgrandmarch pastofall3wingsof NCCcadetsto respect the tricolour began. Flag hoisting was done by the chief guest sri P.Ranjan Rao at 9am .Duringthe flaghoistingchief guest Dept.Gonsalves,AssociateandcollegewasaccompaniedbyPrincipaloftheRev.DrPraveenMartisSJ,GuestofhonourDrRichardprofessorfromofchemistry.
Chief guest P.Ranjan Rao in his Independence Day message conveyed his concern about extremities happening in society just for religious reasons.He strongly suggested to keep harmony in society by respecting each other.Opinions may differ, but it must be settled through dialogue and not through the path of himsa.
Secondlyhe gave a strongmessage to love our mother India. We need to respect the sanatana culture and heritage of our soil, he added. He expressed his best wishes to all on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.
Guest of honour Dr Richard Gonsalves through his remarks stillmentioned,Indiaisprogressing.Butlongwaytogo.Henarratedthe tremendous growth of India in all sectorssince1947.Hestronglygave
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Registrar Dr Alwyn D’Sa through his speech beautifully narrated the truepatrioticfeelingbehindsigning and preserving a new 100ft cloth capsule which was sponsored by Mr. Terrence D’souza, proprietor of A.RD’Souzagroupofclothindustry, Mangalore.He mentioned similar organisedyesterdayindependencejubileestaffPrincipal,teachingofclothcapsulesignedbyallmembersthemanagement,FrRector,andnonteachingandstudentsduringgoldencelebrationofIndianwasopenedinaspecialprogrammetomarkAzadiKaAmrit
Mahotsav celebration.To continue the tradition the new cloth capsule will be kept in college museum for next 25 years and will be opened during centenary celebration of India’sindependence during2047.
114 Veez Illustrated his message explaining the need to theworktogethertocontributemoretonation.
Father Principal Rev. Dr Praveen MartisSJ throughhismessage gave a call to respect our country , its culture, heritage, and the freedom fighters .We always need to follow the good tradition set up by our forefathers in all walks of our life and to contribute something to the nation foritsgrowth. Mr Vijoy Ashwin Cardoza, student council president welcomed the gathering.Ms.MahimaD’Souzaand Mr. Shreyas compered the programme. Ms.Leona Alison D’Souza, cultural secretary of student council proposed the vote ofthanks. Attheendstudentssung patriotic songs.Finally sweets were distributed to all. Nodal officer of the college for Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav programmes Dr Ishwara Bhat and convener of the programme Dr Anup Denzil veigas were present.
Our Lady of Assumption Church, Hiriyur CelebrateditsAnnualFeast
August 20, 2022, Our Lady of Assumption Church Hiriyur Chitradurga district Diocese of Shimoga Karnataka celebrated its annual feast on 18th August 2022.
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Roman Pinto, Parish Priest of St. Francis Xavier's Church, Kable and Bro. William D'Souza musician of Yesusparsha team. On 15th August at 6pm Rev. Fr
DumingDias,Directorof"Sannidhi", Centre for Pastoral Renewal, Diocese of Shimoga and Rev. Fr Robert D'Mello, Parish Priest of St. Sebastian Church, Soraba, Shimoga hoisted the flag of Our Lady of
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Assumption and officially started the three days novena. Fr Duming Dias celebrated the Holy Eucharist andFrRobertD'Mello preachedthe homily on "Mother Mary is the Channel of Hope"(bharvasheya taayi merimaate). Rev. Fr Franklin D'SouzaParishPriest,Rev.FrNelson D'Souza AssistantParish Priest, Mrs. Rani Victoria Parish Council Secretary and Mrs. Maria Olivera
118 Veez Illustrated Weekly Parish Finance Council Secretary honoured both silver jubilarian priests; Rev. Fr Duming Dias and
119 Veez Illustrated Weekly Rev. FrRobert D'Mello on behalfof the Parish. On 16th August at 6pm Rev. Fr Edward David, Parish Priest of Our Ladyof Lourdes, Tumkur celebrated
120 Veez Illustrated Weekly the Holy Eucharist and preached a homily on "Mother Mary is the Channel of Patience". (Sahaneya taayi merimaate). On 17th August at 6pm Mary Road ChariotwastakentothankOurLady of Assumption by the Assumption celebratedFamilyClarenceParish.ICYMyouthasitwastraditionoftheThenat7:30pmRev.FrDias,ParishPriestofHolyChurch,ChitradurgatheHolyEucharistand
preachedahomilyon"MotherMary is the Channel of Self Confidence ". (Aatmavishwasada Tayi Meri OnMaate).18th at 9:30am Parishioners received the Most Rev. Dr. Francis Serrao Sj Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga at Hospital Circle and welcomed him with a small procession together with the band. At 10am Bishop Francis Serrao Sj concelebrated the festal Holy Eucharist with 18priests. Among them Rev. Fr K. A. George Dean of HolyFamily Deanery, Rev. FrStany
Chariot of Our Lady of Assumption. Procession began at 7pm hundreds faithful and other people witnessed mega event of procession. It took almost twoandhalf hours. After the procession Parish Priest Fr Franklin D'Souza led the thanksgiving adoration and benediction. From last two years
D'Souza Dean of Mount Carmel Deanery and Rev. Fr Anthony Peter Dean of Little Flower Deanery were present. A big number of faithful and religious witnessed the thanksgiving Holy Eucharist. In his homily Bishop spoke on "Mother Mary is Mother of our families". (Kutumbagala taayi merimaate). He invited faithful to take her as their role model. Rev. FrNelson D'Souza ledthe choir. At the end Parish Priest Fr Franklin D'Souza thanked everyone. Honoured the donors with candle and for every SCC unit blessed candleswere distributed. Eveningat 6pm there wasa chariot
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Francis Almeida, Regional Secretary for Education were the guests. Holy Family Deanery Rev. Fr K.A. George and Rev. Fr Alphonse Lobo were Sebastian,thepresent.Rev.FrRichardPaisblessedthreechariotsnamely,ofSt.St.Anthonyandmain
Ballary.of(KRSC)constitutedDiocesanServiceCommunion(DSC)ofDioceseof KRSC Coordinator Bro. Cherian Rampuram, KRSC Secretary Bro. Thomas Chinnappa, National Service of Communion (NSC) memberBro. Mahime Raj andKRSC
D'Souza were the part of the constitution team. Program began on August 19th Friday at 5:30pm leaders from all around Diocese of Ballary gathered at Ballary Arogya Mathe Shrine, Ballary. Spiritual Director Rev. Fr Cyril Lasrado welcomed the KRSC members as well as participants.
August 21, 2022: Karnataka Regional Service of Communion
Spiritual DirectorRev.FrFranklin
122 Veez Illustrated Weekly due to COVID - 19 Parish couldn't celebrate the feast. This year Parish celebrated it with very meaningful aswell as in a grandmanner. -SambramDigital Diocese of Ballary gets new Team of DiocesanServiceofCommunion
123 Veez Illustrated Weekly Shrine Rector Rev. Fr Jose Prakash waspresent.
124 Veez Illustrated Weekly At 6pm Rev. Msgr O. Vincent, Vicar General offered inaugural Holy ThenEucharist.there wasrosaryandself onOnintroduction.August20thSaturdaythreetalksLifeintheSpirit(LSS),also
Mr. Manuvel Abhishek - Ex officio (KRSC), Sacred Heart Church, Fort, EpiscopalBellary.
Advisor: Most Rev. Dr HenryD'Souza,BishopofDioceseof Bellary
Mrs. Mary Rajendra - Sacred Heart Church, Fort, Bellary
CCR,Servant leadership and importance of prayer groups in the Parish and Deanery led by Bro. 6pmandCherianRampuramBro.MahimeRajBro.ThomasChinnappa.AtRev.FrSunilDirectorof
Communication Diocese of Bellary celebrated Holy Eucharist. Then adoration was led by Bro. Mahime OnRaj.August 21st Most Rev. Dr Henry D'Souza, Bishop of Diocese of Ballary celebrated Holy Eucharist at 7am. After the breakfast Bro. Mahime explained the CHARIS and its Statues. Then there was workshop led by Bro. Thomas Chinnappa. Election process started at 12pm in the presence of KRSC Spiritual Director Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza. Bro. Thomas Chinnappa led the election. There were eighteen members consented to take upthe leadership. FrFrFranklinD'Souza,FrJosePrakash,CyrilLasrado,NSCmemberBro.
Mr. Varaprasad - St. Anthony's Shrine, Bandihatti, Bellary
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Mr. Arogyappa - Christ the King Church, Contonment, Bellary
DSC Team of Diocese of Ballary for the year2022 2025 Mr. Subhash : Cordinator - St. Anthony'sCathedral, Bellary
Mahime Raj and Bro. Thomas Chinnappa were the part of
Mr. Ravi Kumar : Secretary Holy Mrs.FamilyChurch,SindanurAnnammaSt. Anthony's Cathedral, Bellary
Mrs. Shantha - Christ the King Church, Contonment, Bellary
Spiritual Director Rev. Fr Cyril Lasrado thanked everyone who helped to conduct the ever first constitution of Diocese of Bellary.
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KonkaniDaycelebrationsand MusicalNight atValenciaChurch
Parishioners of Valencia celebrated the 'Konkani Manyata Divas' at the Golden Jubilee Hall on Sunday withAugust21,2022.TheprogrambeganaprayerledbyJessicaand Group. At 6.10pm the cultural program began where parishioners performedSkit, dance, andsongs. The chief guestforthe function was Jacquline Fernandesparishioner
Spiritual Director: Rev. Fr Cyril Lasrado, Bellary At 2:45pm KRSC Spiritual Director Rev. Fr Franklin D'Souza led the Oath taking ceremony together withRev.FrCyrilLasradoandRev.Fr Jose Prakash. Then the anointing session was led by Fr Franklin D'Souza.Allthethreepriestsprayed for all the participants by laying of the hands. On behalf of KRSC Bro. Thomas Chinnappa thanked Bishop of Diocese of Bellary and Spiritual Director and all the participants. He congratulated the new team on behalf of the KRSC. He specially thanked KRSC member Mr. Manuel Abhishek for his committment in organising the program together with the SpiritualDirector.
Report PhotosbyKRSCbyManuvel Abhishek
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andWinner of Soad4. Parish priest Fr Roque Dsa in his presidential speech thanked the parishioners for coming forward and for participating in the program, wished everyone good luck. Gurkar’s of all the 22 wards of the parish were presented with a bouquet of flowers for their service Convenorrendered. of 21 commission
137 Veez Illustrated Weekly Steevan Rodrigues welcomed the gathering. Secretary Rita Menezes Pereira.programproposedthevoteofthanks.FormalwascomperedbyJanetCulturalprogramwas compered by ace compere Ronald RodriguesandVinisha . Resident Priest Fr Paul led a prayer before meals. The program ended (Thankthewithadinnerwhichwaspreparedbywardmembers.youValenciaParishonersfor celebratingKonkaniManyataDivas. Editor) NewsbyGordon DAlmeida PicsbyStanly Bantwal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------TO READ VEEZ ONLINE CLICK BELOW LINK: https://issuu.com/austinprabhu/docs Send your writings, news, etc., to: veezkonkani@gmail.com
138 Veez Illustrated Weekly M JESSYDSOUZA VEGETABLE UTTAPAM | CHAWAL SABZI ROTI | RICE, OATS & MIXED VEGETABLE ROTI Yummy, healthy, tasty, super soft & filling breakfast. Can be served with varietyof chutneys, korma orsukka. Nice to have as tea time snack 1INGREDIENTS:.CupKaje|Boiledrice oranyother 3 tbsp whole oats { ground into 311/211powder}boiledpotatotspenocupcurdchoppedonion4finechoppedgreen chilli Oil111/2ChilliPinchPinch1/21/21SugarSalt31/411"gingergratedfinechoppedtomatobunchcorianderleavessprigcurryleavestotasteasrequired{optional}tspchilliflakestspchaatmasalatspcuminofcaromseedsofhingpowderasrequired{optional}gratedcarrottbspchoppedbeansorcapsicumtbsppalakleavesorcabbageorghee
139 Veez Illustrated Weekly METHOD: ▪︎ Wash & soak rice overnight or 3 4 hours. Grind into fine paste with littlewater. Addboiledpotato,oats powder to the same batter & grind, prepare smooth paste. ▪︎Fine chop all veggies and mix with the batter. Add salt, sugar, chilli flakes, chat masala, curd & whisk batter very well. Keep thick consistency. ▪︎Addeno andmix battertill its smooth & foamy. ▪︎Take pan, heat and add laddle full of batter & spread like uttapam. Once you see holes appear on top, sprinkle some oil or ghee in the sidesof roti. ▪︎Flip roti and fry other side until done. Serve hot uttapam with your favourite chutney. Enjoy. NOTE: ▪︎Include any veggies as per your choice. Adjust all ingredients as per your taste. Increase|decrease or skip.
140 Veez Illustrated Weekly ▪︎I have usedKaje { ration rice} rice but you can use anyvarietyof rice ---------------------------------------asavailable.
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144 Veez Illustrated Weekly ZYD12EC86N77XXY3C_0406351/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_i_H2Fhttps://www.amazon.in/dp/1636 Click this link to order online.
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