Veez Global Illustrated English Weekly e-Magazine. Published from Chicago, USA.

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English Weekly Vol: 1 No: 36 September 1, 2022 A Girl With Special Talents Sonal Lobo Bengaluru

A Girl With Special Talents

Sonal Lobo Bengaluru

Sonal’ bornaccountBothmomMyfamily,whoMangalore,Lobo,lovingIDAlmeidasparentsGodwin&Prescilla,SonalandherhubbySantoshChristopherwasbornon26thJuly1989toaandsimplecoupleGodwinhailingfromDarebailandPrecillaRodrigues,belongedtotheRodriguesPuttur.dadwasamachinist,andmywasaNursebyprofession.wereresidinginBangaloreonoftheirJobs.ThoughIwasinMangalore,onarainyday.MyupbringingwasentirelyinBangalore.Mychildhoodwasbeautiful,thoughfinanciallydadandmomwerestrugglingtomakeendsmeet.TheyensuredthatIwasputinagoodschoolandallmyneedswerefulfilled.IstudiedincarmelconventschoolBangalore,thereafterIcontinuemyBachelorsand

Master’s in commerce from Christ university Bangalore. I completed the PG

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8 Veez Illustrated Weekly program with first rank and a gold PGDHRM.Imedalasthebestoutgoingstudent.alsopursuedmyMBAand

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Being very naughty, I have heard people say I used to talk a lot. I was very inclined towards dancing, also ventured out and learned dance for a couple of years, but eventually working,Sincefourslowlyrealizeditwasnotmycupofteaandsettledfordancingbehindwalls.bothmyparentswereIhadlearntmostofthe

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housework in the beginning. By the time I was 8, I could manage to make Dosa, chapatti, tea, and a few momotheritemstoputinmytiffin,whenhadthenightshift.Iwas

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growing up to become an independent girl, not only at home but also in my school. At this time, around the age of 10, I slowly developed an inclination toward Iwritingandmusicusedtoalways scribble a few trophy.andschoolselectedhappinessWhteacherpoemoffspring.ownschoolIndiaWhenthatwordsonapaperandlatertearitsonoonecouldgettoreadit.Iwasaround12,theTimesofusedtoconductclassesforchildrenandbringouttheirnewspapereditioncalledTimesIwrotemyfirststoryandandsubmittedthemtomytohanditovertoTimes.enthiswaspublishedmyknewnobounds.IwasasayoungwriterfrommyandsenttotheTimesofficewasawardedacertificateand

From publishedhappinesswhenbegan,theremyjourneyofwritingmorethanwritingIlovedIwaspublished.Thetoseemynamewasbeyondexplanation. Itwasn’teasy,Iwassmallandhardly any editors accepted my writings. To top it all dad and mom had no


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and God indeed blessed me with a


writing I developed a flair for music and started taking lessons in Keyboard, which continued for a Igood6years.started participating in competitions and did win several certificates. In college, I was interested to pursue writing professionally but due to uncertainty about my future career prospects, I decided to pursue,I continued to write and started contributing to various other magazines and books. I


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laws’ place to stay independently that’s when I started my writing journey once Iagain.metthe publisher of a company, for the prospects of publishing a textbook and that’s when he gave metheideaofpublishingmypoetry collection. That’s how in the year 2015 I published my first poetry book“ ThoughtsSublime”andafter a gap of two years, I published my second book “ Whistling words”. The journey of publishing was very hard,thoughthefirstbookwasself publishing it wasn’t very difficult, the second book was traditional publishing, and I spent a lot of time posting proposals to various publishing houses only to get Finally,rejectedrepeatedly.Iwasaccepted by a publishing house and got it published. Currently, I am working on two books and hoping to finish andpublish them.

andreadfirsthappinesstheypoemparents.supporteasy,,havethesameenthusiasmandintheireyeswhentheysawmegetpublished.Theyeveryline,congratulateme,encourageme.Mostofthe times when I have felt it’s not worth writing, hardly anyone reads it. That’swhenIremembermyparents, and their faith in me pushes me to continue to pursue my writing. Another great supporter is my husband, though he does not read everything, he has never stopped me from taking any decisions to support mypassion for writing. I was always careful in my writing, but after a certain point I realized few people always commented on my writing, some felt it was too simple, and others felt I related it a lot to my personal events which were not necessary, but with the

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my husband and parents I switched my career and started as a Human


16 Veez Illustrated Weekly today,couldhadKonkaniandtheforJayanagarkeyboardfeelentirely,thoughIlearntkeyboardfornearlysixyears,itwasnotmypassionplayingmusicmakesmegood.Fornearly5yearsIplayedforKonkaniassociationBangalore.IwasplayingMontifeastcelebrationandallotherKonkanimasses.Itwasfunlotstolearnplayingforthesamudai.Aftermarriage,ItoshiftbaseandeventuallynotcontinuetoplaybutevenIplaykeyboardinthehouse. It’s a hobby that helps me dealwith stress and something I love to exclusively do for myself, without any restrictions or force from Professionallyanyone. I started as a lecturer for degree students. I was not very sure the line of Job I had to take. While at college, my friends and faculties appreciated me for my


17 Veez Illustrated Weekly looking forward to making it big. I have named the business DE ismythatPeoplemyluckyoutwellawards.hascricketcricketisaHeextremelyBangalore.Devopsperson.almedaMyotherofmalyalamflavours.andIGRATIAmeaningbyGodsGrace.havevariedinterests.IlovetocookexpieremenetwithdifferentIalsoenjoywatchingcinemaandamgreatfantheirs.Ilovetotravelandexploreplaces.hubbySanthoshChristopherDisanextremelytalentedHecurrentlyworksasanManagerforInformaticaHeisfunlovingandaccommodating.gelswithpeopleeasilyandheisshowstealerwhereverhegoes.Heextremelypassionateaboutandplayscricketforvariousclubsandassociations.HewonseveralaccoladesandAlongwithcricket,hesingsandlovestoact.YoucancheckhisreelsonInstagram.Iamveryandprivilegedtohavehimasspouse.oftencriticizemeandsayIdonotsticktosomething,andinterestskeepchanging,whichnotentirelytrue.Ihavestuckon to my writing for more than two decades and am doing it with the same amount of enthusiasm and andinterest.Ialsobelieveintakingrisksexploringvariousother interests. I Don’t believe in being dormant anddoingthesamestuff. -Sonal Lobo, --------------------------------------Bengaluru

SonalLobo,Bengaluru Don’taskherwhyshelaughssooftennow, She is just trying to show you that she is coping perfectly,andalliswell. Don’t ask her why she still reads the label before eatinganything Sheissousedtobeingcarefulthatsheoftenforgets it’snolongerrequirednow. Don’taskherwhyshestaresquietlyatthenightsky She is an old school and believes that her little one hasbecomeatinystarnow. Don’t ask her why she cries when she sees tiny kids playingaround.


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She will end up remembering her little one whom sheneverevengottoholdinherarms.

Don’t ask her why she suddenly wakes up in middle ofthenight She just fears that her sleeping position would have affected the little one forgetting it would no longer matternow. Don’t ask her why she always places her hands on Shewombisjusttryingtofeelherlittleonewhomshelost long Don’tbackaskherwhy sheisn’tpickingyourcall

She just does not want to explain why, how and Don’twhat?askherwhyshetalkssomuchaboutthosefew stretchmarksonherstomach Those are the only physical evidence left behind to showthatsheheldthelittleoneinside. Don’taskherwhyshecriesbitterlysooften,


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Because that little one was her first love and would remaininherheartforever. Don’taskherwhyshespendshourstogetherpraying Shenowhasnowrealizednoonecanfilltheemptinessin herheartexceptthealmighty. Don’taskhertostartafreshimmediately She needs time because it was not just her womb whichwasscrappedbutherhearttoo. Don’taskherhowitfeelslosingsomething

Because her little one just slipped away from her wombandstillsheisunawareofthereason. Don’taskhertotakeiteasyandforgetit.

Because now she knows only then would she meet herlittleoneinheavenandholdittight.

Because she has lost the most precious jewel of her Don’tlife.askherifsheisafraidtodie,

Whoever wrote, it is wonderfully written.

I never understood one thing that what do these film actors or actresses do that they get 50 crores politics.thefascinatedoftakemuchall,developmentWhatcrorefilrupeesofficersdoctors,or100croresforeachfilm?Inacountrywheretopscientists,engineers,professors,etc.get10lakhto20lakhperyear,inthatcountryamactorearns10croreto100rupeesperyear.doeshedoafterall?Whatistheircontributionintheofthecountry?Afterwhatdoeshedothatheearnssoinjustoneyearthatitmight100yearsforthetopscientistthecountry!Today,thethreeareaswhichhavethenewgenerationofcountryarecinema,cricket,andTheearningandprestigeofthe people belonging to these three fieldsis beyondall limits. These three areas are the ideals of cricketersusedhburningthisbehindpolitics.hooliganismBollywood,theismodernyouth,whiletheircredibilitycurrentlyunderquestion.Soitisuselessforthecountryandsociety.Drugsandprostitutioninmatchfixingincricket,andcorruptioninMoneyisthemainreasonallthisanditiswewhobringmoneytothem.Wearedoingourownharmbyourownmoney.Thisistheeightofstupidity.Till7080yearsback,famousactorstogetnormalsalary.Till30-40yearsago,theearningsofwerealsonotspecial.Till30-40yearsago,therewasnot

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22 Veez Illustrated Weekly somuch loot in politics. Slowly they started robbing us and wekept robbingourselveshappily.

whatanswer,politics."guysministers,India,Presidentstatus.themliftoursoCricketersmadeTillcountry.futuretheseBygettingcaughtintheclutchesofmafia,wearedestroyingtheofourchildrenandour50yearsback,movieswerenotsovulgarandsloppy.andpoliticianswerenotarrogant.TodayhehasbecomeGod(?).NowthereisaneedtothemfromtheheadandslamsothattheycanknowtheirOnce,whenthethenVietnameseHoChiMinhcametoinameetingwithIndianheasked"Whatdoyoudo?"Thesepeoplesaid"WedoHecouldnotunderstandthissoheaskedagain"Imean,isyourprofession?"Thesepeoplesaid-"Politicsisour profession."HoChiMinh got a little annoyed and said "Maybe you people do not understand my meaning. I do politicstoo, but byprofession , Iam a farmer and I do farming. Farming

get afewthousanddollars."

I firmly believe that in a country where the ideals of young students are not scientists, researchers, educationists, but actors, politicians


Mauzo is an icon of Composite Culture of Goa –

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Dr. M. Prabhakar Joshi Damodar Mauzo bridges complexities and simplicity of literature in Konkani for the benefit commonof reader and connoisseur equally. He is an icon of the heCompositeCultureofGoaandlivesandpracticestheethos of his writings. He has maintained PrabhakarinKonkaniidentityanddistinctivenesshisliteratureSaidDr.M.Joshi,eminentthinker and Yakshagana Scholar, after unveiling the Portrait of Jnanapith Awardee and celebrated Konkani novelist Damodar Mauzo at World Konkani Hall of Fame of World Konkani Centre, Mangaluru in a ceremony held on 23rd August Present2022. on the occasion, Damodar Mauzo, expressed his humility in acceptingthishonour.

The country in which the dominance of unnecessary and irrelevant sector continues to grow, that country will be weakening day by day. The number of corrupt and anti nationals will continue to increase in the country. Honest people will be marginalized, and nationalists will be forced to lead a difficult life. We need to create an environment to groom and promote talented, belligerent,honest,conscientious,socialworker,patriotcitizens.

World Konkani Centre is like a second home to me, it is true embodiment of Basti Vaman Shenoy, as I always saw both are none the same. He said in his speech. Mrs. Mauzo was also present on theoccasion. President of World Konkani Centre, Nandagopal Shenoy, welcomed the guests and the gathering. Konkani Poet and Trustee of World Konkani Centre, Melvyn Rodrigues hosted the event, Secretary Giridhar Kamath deliveredvoteofthanks.

Shakuntala R. Kini, CEO Gurudath bantwalkar, Dr. B. Devadas Pai, Director (Research), Philanthropist James Mendonca, President of Kavita Trust Kishoo Barkur, Konkani writers H. M. Pernal, Titus Noronha, Kudpi Rajanikanth Shenoy, and others were present on the occasion.

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GilbertD’Souza,VicePresident,B.R. Bhat, Treasurer and Trustees of WorldKonkaniCentreRameshNaik,

The Catholic Church in India celebrates the Day of the Girl Child on the Feast of the Nativity of the BlessedVirginMary. TheNativityof the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebratedon the8th ofSeptember everyyear. TheDayoftheGirlChild is celebrated either on 8th September itself or for greater participation of the faithful on a September.GirlyearSundaycloseto8thSeptember.ThiswewillcelebratetheDayoftheChildonSunday,11th

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Empowerment of the Girl Child is the need of the hour. This need is more urgent in India. In India girls and women in general are considered and treated as second class citizens. There is a clear anti girl, and male preference mind-set in the Indian psyche. The anti-girl mentality is so strong that the discrimination against the girl child begins already in the womb. The family, especially the mother in law does not want the girl child. Through sex determination tests

DayoftheGirl Child

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once the family comes to know that the woman carries a girl child that foetus is aborted. There are approximately 15 to 16 million abortions taking place every year in India, most of them are selective abortions of girl children. That is a conservative estimate and amounts to about 10% of world’s Theabortions.girlisnot wantedassheisseen as a burden to the family, for at the time of her wedding, girl’s parents must payahugedowrytotheboy’s family. So, the girls are either killed in the womb or neglected to die in infancy. The national sex ratio as a result is about 900 girls to 1000 studies.schoolhavingexperiencetoleratedtheatfortuneOnlysomegirlsfemalepartsHaryana,boysandinsomeStateslikePunjab,Chandigarh,Rajasthan,ofU.P.,TamilNaduetc,wherefoeticideisrampant,itis800to1000boysorevenless,indistrictsbelow700.afewgirlshavethegoodofbeingwelcomedwithjoytheirbirthandwellacceptedinfamily.ManygirlsarejustaftertheyarebornandcleardiscriminationnoopportunitytogotoornoopportunityforhigherSheismadetodoall household chores while the boy

India is the world’s most dangerous country for women due to high risk of sexual violence and being forced into slave labour. It was a report made after a thorough study and survey by 550 experts on women’s issues. The widespread practice of female foeticide, infanticide, discrimination of girl children, sexual harassment of girls and women, domestic violence, human trafficking, rapes, and murders which are reported every day in our newspapers and T.V. channels only corroborate this report. There is a crime committed against women (including girl children) every two seconds somewhere or the other in India. At least four rapes are whereInincommittedimaginegirlsunreportedreportedeveryhour.Manymoregoandunrecorded.Manysimplygomissing!So,youcanthevolumeofatrocitiesagainstgirlsandwomenourcountry.thewellknownBilkisBanocase,the11convictssentenced

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with life imprisonment for gang rape and murders were remitted by the Gujarat Government on 15th August 2022 and were welcomed with garlands and sweets. That represents the typical mindset of the Indian society. Will Bilkis Bano and thousands of victims of rape andmurderget anyjustice?


† GeraldJohnMathias Bishop of --------------------------------------Lucknow


The girl child, therefore, needs all our respect, protection, affirmation, encouragement, and empowerment. OurDiocesanSocial Work Societies are trying to do

May Mary Our Blessed Mother, whosebirthdaywecelebrate on 8th September inspire us and pray for


There was a small reception to the

Excellency of New Delhi Very Rev. Dr. Anil Couto visits Chicago

28 Veez Illustrated Weekly His

29 Veez Illustrated Weekly Archbishop of New Delhi Very Rev. ArchbishopDr. AnilCouto

30 Veez Illustrated Weekly Dr. Anil Couto at St. Mary’ s Parish

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School Hall in Buffalow Grove. Few members from India Catholic Association of America, Mangalorean Konkan Christian Association, USA and Kerala Latin

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of George Fernandes" By Dr.Rahul Ramagundam, for which thousands of admirers have been waiting for 12 years has finally resurrected a much loved Indian, hailing from an illustrious Konkani Catholic Family of Bijai, Mangalore. The book was released by bishop of Mangalore

33 Veez Illustrated Weekly RE LEASED

Maiden Biography of George Fernandes

Author Dr.Rahul Ramagundam

-IvanSaldanha-Shet. For the special Information of esteemed VEEZ readers, maiden release of an important 700-page autobiography at the historically well known St. Aloysius College Mangaluru on August 26, 2022, is indeed a red letter day. The autobiography "The Life and Times

diocese Dr. Peter Paul Saldanha in SanidhyaHall atSt Aloysiuscollege, Dr. Rahul Ramagundam, the author of the book, Michael Fernandes, trade unionist and brother of George Fernandes and Fr Melwyn Joseph Pinto SJ, rector St Aloysius collegeweretheguestsofhonour.

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It was a welcome scene to note Dr Rahul Ramagundam, Micheal Fernandes, and Collin D'Silva were felicitated on the occasion. Fr Melwin Joseph Pinto presented the review of the book. Rev Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Principal of Aloysius facadeAloysiusassistantwereofwelcomed.Dr.AlwynD'Sa,RegistrartheAloysiuscollege,andotherspresent.DrMonaMendonca,professorofHistory,StCollegewasthedynamicoftheorganisers.

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The book has received tags as comprehensive, evocative, and fascinating, this first definitive biography of George Fernandes is an unputdownable tour de force. Dr. Rahul Ramagundam is a historian and a professor at Jamia Millia Islamia University, who has a PhD in modern Indian history from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His earlier works include a study of khadi as a political metaphor and histories of Adivasi land rights movements as well as Dr.thepoliticsofinclusion.PeterPaulSaldanha, Bishop of Mangalore speaking after releasing thenarratedBishopcreatemoveallalldelay,Kodialgaar.seemanywentinthethebookrecalledhisfirstglimpseofadoredGeorge,asaschoolboyKinnigoliandallthestudentstothelocalbusstandwheregatheredintheforenoontoGeorgeandthattooaArrivingaftersomeGeorgevehementlyexhortedtheyoungtoengageinmakingbackwardareasandpeopletoforward,becourageousandchangeinthecountry.Thewentontosay,GeorgeSir,abouthispersonallifeandpoliticaldevelopmentstaking place in the country; How he joined thesocialist partyat ayoungage of


George, went on to state how the media portrayed George as a non believer, Michael said that George spent anything on himself per se. The many anecdotes/memories shared were at premium. The question and answer session and interaction was an awesome part of thepost releaseaction. India’s George Fernandes (19302019) : A dedicated admired firebrand trade union leader, socialist politician, and incredibly forthehisthepowerfulorator,labelledas"GeorgegiantKiller",fromayoungagegreatestenemywasinjusticetodowntrodden.PopularlyknownleadingtheAllIndia


Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) in May 1974 and calling upon its

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ridden Alzheimer’s patient, his fights were always persistent and single handed. George could call Bombay to be shut down and rose from its streets to become India’s Defence Minister. He will remain oneofthemost admiredstatesmen"TheLifeandTimesofFernandes"chroniclestheofGeorge,whorosefromtheofBombaytostridetheofpower.Allhislifehehadhome/house,property,moneydidnotacquireany.Hishabitsneedswerefrugal,andheonhisownresourcesthatlethimdown.Heneverusedmoneyforhimselfandwasapersonservingthehaveattheirownlevel.Inthisbiography,ProfRahulopensawindowto

approximately 1.7 million employees to strike, which brought


George’s political evolution and traces the course of the Socialist Party in India from its inception in 1930s to its dissolution into the process,JanataPartyinthelate1970s.Inthethisbookexploresthetrail of India’s opposition parties. Since the time he left his coastal town of Mangalore and came to Bombay (now, Mumbai), more than seven decades ago, George Fernandes' was a life lived with passion, but more importantly, of struggle as a "Voice of the voiceless" against all

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38 Veez Illustrated Weekly odds. From those early years of fighting for the rights of dock and

handed. The Militant Trade Union Leader. The Dauntless Political Rebel. The Passionate Socialist Dreamer. A book not to be missed by the 21st century worldwide Indian and readers of VEEZ and specially Mangalore and Konkani

The Acts of God?Or of arrogance of menandwomen?

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(PhilipMudartha) When the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its update on the World Economic Outlook in October 2020, the comparison between India, Bangladesh per gotcapitaGrossNationalProduct(GDP)muchattention.On1 st Nov I wrote an exclusive for www.bellevision.comandIquoteits of running the country and managingitsnationaleconomy” .

India’seconomywasspiralingdown for over two years before the announcement of national lockdown in the wake of Covid 19 pandemic on 23rd March 2020. The corona pandemic was termed as an “ActofGod”bythefinanceminister. She implied that the economic

openinglines:“TherecentIMFpress togovernmentEgoscountriesreleaseonGDPnumbersofmembershockedmanyIndians.werehurt,especiallyofoursupporters,accordingwhomModiisdoingagoodjob

Sonar Bangla and the latest worries



The demonetization destroyed

We became poorer than Bangladesh! Our national Covid 19 economic gloom turned into despair when benewsthatourpercapitaGDPwouldlowerthaninneighboring Bangladesh, from this year. “It’s shocking that India, which had a lead of 25% five years ago, is now trailing,” tweeted Kaushik Basu, a economyEverformerWorldBankchiefeconomist.sinceitbeganopeninguptheinthe1990s,ournational dream has been to emulate China’s rapid expansion. After three decades of persevering with that campaign, slipping behind Bangladesh hurts our global image. What’s worse, the severe economic outspreadlockdownIndiaimposedtostoptheofthediseaseissettowipe10.3%ofrealoutput,according to the IMF. That’s nearly 2.5 times the estimated global loss.

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Bangladesh’s per capita GDP was merely half of India’s in 2007. It was

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Let’s us look at the three attached charts. In GDP growth rates and absoluteGDP, Indiahasbeen doing relatively fine compared to Bangladesh most of the years. Then, since 2017 onwards,asChart1 shows, India’s growth sharplydeceleratedratewhile Bangladesh’s has become even Ofaster.verthe same 15 year period, India’s population grew faster (around 21%) than Bangladesh’s population (just under 18%). The combined effect of these two factors canbeseen in how the per capita GDP gap had 19considerablyclosedevenbeforeCovidhit(Chart3).

roughly 70% of India’s in 2014 and this gap closed rapidly in the last few years. Chart 3 shows the per capita GDP of Bangladesh overtook responsegrowthtworelativeTisbreedaretothatpopulationthevsthatofIndiain2020;India$1876.56Bangladesh$1887.97becausethirdvariable,theoverallofIndiagrewfasterthanofBangladesh.(ArealitycheckBJPleaderslikeAmitShahwhofondoftellingliesthatMuslimslikerats;afterall,BangladeshaMuslimmajoritycountry!)hemostimmediatefactorwastheimpactofCovid19ontheeconomiesin2020.TheGDPofIndiacrashed23.9%intoM

odi’s no notice lockdown. India's GDP shrank 7.3% in FY2020 21. This was the worst WinperformanceoftheIndianeconomyanyyearsinceindependence. hile India’s GDP reduced by 10%, Bangladesh’sgrewby4%duringthe pandemic crisis. Which means, betterBangladeshmanagedthepandemicthanIndia.

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TroubleintheSonar Bangla: As stated above, Bangladesh was celebrated for beating India in per Thecapitaincome.UNhaddecided to graduate it from the least developing country category to the developing country Bangladeshgroupingby2026.seems to have lost that momentum as Dhaka is now billionseekingBankalsodeepeningbailoutbeseechingtheIMFfora$4.5billionpackagetotideoveritseconomiccrisis.IthasknockedthedoorsoftheWorldandAsianDevelopmentBankimmediatereliefof$1fromeach.

So, what went wrong? Bangladesh’s $ 416 billion economy is heavily

AfewKeyPerformanceIndicators (KPI): Beyond the economics, a big reason for Bangladesh’s progressively faster growth rate is that, especially over the past two decades, it improved on several social and political metrics such as health, sanitation, financial inclusion, and women’s political representation. Please note the 10%)intheattachedKPIchart.Ofspecialnoteiswomeninthelaborforce:36.4%Bangladesh(+11.7%)vs20.3%(-inIndia.

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Bangladesh’s foreign exchange reserves stood at $39.45 billion on August 24 in contrast to $48 billion a year earlier which is adequate for seven months’ worth of imports. Its Current Account Deficit (CAD) stands at 4. 2% of GDP and is


China’s long-term goal is to establish its authority over Chittagong Port, in its strategy to encircle India. Trusting China is like inviting the wolf to guard its sheep stock!

dependent on its readymade garment industry which survives on exports mostly to Europe, the US and Latin American countries. It has been supporting the country’s growth for years, but things changed dramatically following the Ukraine war pushing the prices of everything up. On the other hand, biggestthedemandalsodwindledasretailersinUSandEuropeanmarkets,the customers of Bangladesh’s garment products, started holding or cancelling orders due to disruptions and uncertainties in supply.reliesimpactedscheduledgovernmentprices,InintheirowneconomiesduetothewarUkraine.responsetothesoaringenergytheSheikhHasinaledisforcedtointroduceoutagesthatdirectlythetextilesindustrywhichonanuninterruptedpower

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Central and State Governments, the Judiciary and all those who can decide on such matters, todosoexpeditiously; We further demand that complete securityandprotection beprovided to Bilkis and her family without any Finally,delay; we urge all the citizens of inIndiatocomeoutvisiblyandvocallysupportofBilkisandtoensure

ThanksagainsthumanlosshasaonesThebrutalitywhichsheandherdearweresubjectedtotwentyyearsgoandtheimmensesufferingshegonethroughbecauseoftheofherlovedones-defiessensibilities.Itwasacrimehumanity!toBilkis ’ indomitable

InSolidarity withBilkisBano We, the members of the Forum of Religious for Justice and Peace (FORUM), wish to express our wholehearted solidarity with Bilkis Bano andherfamily;


courage and her relentless struggle for justice, eleven of the perpetrators of this were awarded lifeimprisonment someyearsago. In a totally unthinkable and unacceptable deed, these eleven criminals (all gang-rapists and murderers) were set free by the Gujarat Government through anact of remission, on 15 August 2022, India’s Independence Day, the day on which Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke passionately on ‘naari shakti’ and the need for respecting Wewomen.,the FORUM, unequivocally condemn this biased, unjustified We,andunwarrantedrelease;joininthenational and international outrage and demand that all of them are sent back to prison immediately and Weunconditionally;calluponthe

46 Veez Illustrated Weekly that our country and the future of ourchildren, isnot in thehandsof rapistsandmurderers 22 August 2022 SdfortheFORUM (CoreCommittee Members) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.No Name Mobile No E mail Id Remarks 1. Dorothy Fernades PBVM 94310156209334794265 National Convener 2. Antony Thekiniyath 98334 70038 National Executive Secretary 3. Anand IMS 91294771609598604926 National Treasurer UP &Utterakhand Convener 4. Cedric Prakash SJ 9824034536 Core Committee member 5. Jacob Peenikaparambil CMI 09826136577, Core Committee member 6. Julie George SSpS 92233387399421038059, Core Committee member 7. Jessin Jose SJC 94491982729538795834 Core Committee member 8. Sujita SND 77660138689431979389 Core Committee member 9. Varghese Thecknath SG 9000206845 Core Committee member 10. Leena SCN 9631808557, Core Committee member

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VEEZ readers in Mumbai and many parts of the world will have just experienced the NAVROZ, the Parsi New Year. Many will have known Parsi friends and neighbours, spread in and around the world for hugebusiness,haveknownculturedcordialallChristiansTheitisasmallbutdynamiccommunity.bondbetweentheParsis'andandforthatmatterwithcommunitiesisknowntobeveryandfriendly.Theseveryandpleasantpeoplearesettlersinthisregionandcontributedimmenselytolife,andindustry.TATAisoneproofofthegiantcontribution to India for long. Navroz was marked on August 16, 2022, derivedfromtwowords‘Nav’ and ‘Roz’ which translates to ‘New Day’ in English. The festival is mostly celebrated in Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa as most of the Parsi population resides in these regions. On thisday, Parsisprepare their traditional Parsi cuisine and meet and greet their loved ones. They sing, dance, and celebrate the new year with great enthusiasm after visiting their Fire Temple and prayers.


NAVROZ TheParsiNew Year.

rituals. Their ancestors migrated to India from Sassanid Iran following its conquest by Arab Muslims. They are the first of two such groups to have done so, with the other being Indian Iranis, who migrated to the subcontinent many centuries later following the rise to power of the Qajar dynasty in 18th-century Iran.


According to a Zoroastrian epic, Qissa i Sanjan, Parsis continued to migrate from Iran (also known as Persia) to Gujarat, where they were given refuge to escape religious persecution. At the time of the Muslim conquest of Persia, the dominantreligionoftheregion was Zoroastrianism, an Iranian religion that also served as the official state religion of theSassanidEmpire. The word Parsi is derived from the Persian language, and literally translates to Persian (Modern Standard Persian i.e. 'Pārsi'), effectively identifying the Parsi people as pre Islamic Zoroastrian ethnic Persians in India. Farsi, a modern word that is used locally in Persian-speaking regions as an endonym for the Persian language. This script was used to write Konkani too, now not so popular

49 Veez Illustrated Weekly

The Parsi community of India observes the new year using the Zoroastrian calendar. In India the Parsi New Year is celebrated around mid August . Tradition of Navroz in Northern India dates to the Mughal Empire; the festival was celebrated for 19 days with pomp andgaiety. However, it furthergoes back to the Parsi Zoroastrian community in Western India, who conquestfrommigratedtotheIndiansubcontinentPersiaduringtheMuslimofPersiaof636 –651CE.In the Princely State of Hyderabad, Nowruz (Nauroz) was one of the four holidays where the Nizam would hold a public Darbar, along

The long presence of the Parsis in India distinguishes them from the much more recently arrived and smaller Zoroastrian Indian thedescendantscommunityofIranis,whoaremostlyofIranianswhofledrepressionoftheQajardynasty and the general socio political tumult of late 19th and early 20th century Iran. Their contribution to India is phenomenal and well documented. - Compiled : IvanSaldanha-Shet.

50 Veez Illustrated Weekly

51 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Pointingfingers,has so manymorepointing backs atyou So,use thathand to sitand planawayto beatthe odds

The author Ms.MollyM Pinto: concernedSociallypersonalityof Mangaluru. WithaGod givenpoeticlicenseand workingonseveral

Thatbroughtouthis creativityto expressyourpaininart

Gather them up into apile andturnitinto art

Nothinggoodcomes inweepingor whining

52 Veez Illustrated Weekly

The situationiswhatitis,now how tomake itright

Use yourtears andmixsomecolour andpaintitbrightwith artistinhistoryhas hadapainfulpath


Beingrightis harder thanbeingwrong


So,know thatlife is workingto bringoutthe bestinyou

Whenlife treats youwithnegativityandpain

Paint ColoursBright


Excuses was the creationofaweak andlazyman

To overcome this situationthat'sgettingoutof hand

Butit's the basis of asolidfoundationto weather anystorm So,make yourchoice andmake itrightnow

53 Veez Illustrated Weekly humaneactivities -She is clearon love forcountry, nature, and animals. Herpoemswithaccompanyingpictureswhichshedoes herselfreflects adepthof purpose and -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------service. InspiringjourneyofBradlyD’Souza volunteering14years atWestern& SouthernOpen2022inUSA What does volunteering mean to you? Is volunteering just showing appreciation to the people close to your heart? Or does it also go to people you don’t know? Volunteering exceeds the people we know, and it can go a long way in changing the world we live in today.

54 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Bradly D’Souza, born in Bombay, native of Mangalore, and raised in the United States of America has flipped the script of his life by volunteering as a ball person at Western & Southern Open for 14 Haroldconsecutiveyears.D ’Souza spoke to the press; “Bradly D’Souza was not born with any spoon, be it plastic, steel, silver,

This is exactly what Bradly D’Souza keeps in mind when they do what they do. Doing things alone can only go so far, but together, they believe that they can make a Thedifference.2022Western&SouthernOpen was a men’s and women’s tennis tournament played on outdoor courts from August 15 21, 2022, as part of the US Open Series. It was a Masters 1000 tournament on the 2022 ATP Tour and WTA 1000 tournament on the2022WTATour.

high,success.hungerofnavigatedbillionaireorgold.Today,Bradlyisaself-madebyheart.Bradlyhashiscareerwithobstaclesstruggles,stigma,pain,andwithasmiletotheskiesofAgeisjustanumber.Aimachievehigher,andaspire happiness”. The2022tournamentwasthe121st men’seditionandthe94thwomen’s edition of the Cincinnati Masters and took place at the Linder Family Tennis Center in Mason, Ohio, a UnitednorthernsuburbofCincinnati,intheStates.


IfOpen,21,titleandCarolineGarciawonthebiggestofhercareeronSunday,August2022atWestern&SoutherninCincinnati,Ohio.welookatthelifeofBradly D’Souza, each phase of his life is inspiring and full of challenges.

Bradly D’Souza has definitely exemplified the epitome of what community members are challengedtododuringtheyear. In men’s singles, Borna Coric won the title at Cincinnati Masters 2022

55 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Bradly in his young life has been recognized with numerous awards in the United States from being nominated as the National Scholar, Global Scholar, youngest Board of Directors with Prevent Blindness, traveled over 30 countries and is a passionate employee of Tesla for Optimism,morethan8years.positive attitude and hard work is the key to success of Bradly D’Souza. Bradly D’Souza is the son of Dancy andHaroldD’SouzaCo Foundersof Eyes Open International an international non-profit humanemeducation,organizationfocusedonprevention,protection,andpowermentofvictimsfromtrafficking.

56 Veez Illustrated Weekly AnilJohnSequeira,Borimar electedas thePresidentofICYMMangalore Diocesefortheyear2022-23 Jul 25 : ICYM Central Council Annual General Body Meeting and ICYM Executive Committee Elections of Mangalore Diocese for the year 2022 23 were held on Sunday, 24th July 24, 2022, at

57 Veez Illustrated Weekly Rosario Cathedral. The AGM commenced with a prayer service

Mangalore Diocese, Jaison Lawrence Crasta welcomed the guests and the gathering. The Diocesan executive committee introduced themselves.

led by the ICYM Executive Thecommitteemembers.PresidentofICYM

58 Veez Illustrated Weekly

59 Veez Illustrated Weekly Blairil Vishma D’Cunha, the Diocesan General Secretary presented the report of the past Annual General Body Meeting. The financial statement of the year 2021 22waspresentedbyAnilJohn

60 Veez Illustrated Weekly Sequeira. Rev Fr Ashwin Lohit Cardoza,

61 Veez Illustrated Weekly Director addressed the gathering.

Msgr Maxim Noronha , Vicar

62 Veez Illustrated Weekly

General, Mangalore Diocese addressed the gathering and said that the ICYM is a platform for the youth to grow in leadership skills, personal formation. ICYM also organises various programmes and activities for the overall

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Lobo, Procurator of Mangalore Diocese, who briefly explained the rules and regulations pertaining to the election process. He along with the Election committee members conducted the election, which went on without ahiccup. The much awaited election with huge expectations, provided nail biting results which were announced by the Diocesan Chief Election Commissioner Fr. Vijay



development of the youth and for the benefit of the society. He congratulated and wished the DEXCO and council members of 2021 2022 for their tremendous


64 Veez Illustrated Weekly guests and the gathering. The dignitaries on the dais inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. Blairil Vishma D’Cunha read out the Annual report of the year 2021 ICYM2022.started a new initiative this year to help cancer patients and to mark this, the logo of Beautiful Lengths was unveiled by Fr Alfred Pinto and Mr Wilson Kateel. This was the initiative taken up by ICYM Mangalore Diocese in collaboration with other associations and institutions. Under this drive as of Jaisonmember.experienceothers.activitiesbespeechchieftheICYMmementoyouthhekeynoteRev.hairnow,250donorshavedonatedtheirtowardscancerpatients.FrAlfredPintogavetheaddressandinhisspeechemphasisedonbuildingtheandsocietytoday.Awasofferedtoformermemberswhoenteredintosacramentofmatrimony.TheguestMrWilsonKateelinhissaidthattheyouthneedtoactivelyinvolvedinthesocietalandbearolemodeltoHealsosharedhisofbeinganICYMLawrenceCrasta,expressed his heartfelt gratitude and the support rendered to him during his tenure as the president. The ICYM Council members were presented with the certificate of appreciation for their selfless service by Mr Wilson Kateel. A memento was handed over to Fr Alfred Pinto and Mr Wilson Kateel as a token of love Theandgratitude.Diocesan executive committee members were honoured with a certificate of appreciation for their dedication, commitment, and gratuitous work by the Director of ICYM Mangalore Diocese. The Director, in his speech, congratulated all the ICYM DEXCO and Council members of 2021 22 and addressed the youth with his words of encouragement and Revmotivation.FrAlfred Pinto, Mr Wilson Kateel, Rev Fr Ashwin Cardoza, Jaison Lawrence Crasta, Blairil Vishma D’Cunha, and the executive council were present on the dais. The old council officially handed

65 Veez Illustrated Weekly by Blairil Vishma D’Cunha. Jackson Eric, former President of ICYM compered the programme. A total of 450 youth was present for the programme. The programme concludedwith ICYMAnthem. The New ICYM Central Council Executive Committee for the year 2022 23isasfollows: President : Anil John Sequeira, Borimar General Secretary : Nishal Preemal Dsouza, Fajir Vice President : Winston Joel Sequeira, Hospet Lady Vice President : Delitia Asumptha Pereira, Urwa Joint Secretary : Alrick Livian Dsilva, Bondel Treasurer : Frayal Gladson, Kadaba Auditor : Melston Noronha, Paldane RegionalVicePresident : Terrence Levy Crasta, Gurpur Regional Representative Female: Viola Reshma Lewis FIMCAP Asia Secretary: Cleeta Dsouza, Surathkal Immediate Past President : Jaison Lawrence Crasta, Mogarnad nominatedNominatedDropRepresentative,RelationsThemembersforthepostsofPublicOfficer,AmchoYuvakRedRepresentativeandmemberwillbesoon. TO READ VEEZ ONLINE CLICK BELOW

66 Veez Illustrated Weekly ICYM Moodbidri in association with KMC Hospital Mangalore organised Blood Donation Camp 30 Aug 202211:46:53:am Aug 30 : The Indian Catholic Youth Movement Moodbidri Unit in association with KMC Hospital, Mangalore organised a Blood DonationCampon August 28, 2022

67 Veez Illustrated Weekly at Holy Rosary High School, Moodbidri in loving memory of the late Greshion Rodrigues. The programme commenced with an inaugural program which was presided over by the parish priest and Director V.Rev.Fr. Onil D'Souza. The Parish Council Secretary Mr.Ronald Serrao, Co ordinator of 21 Commissions Mrs Sylvia Mascarenhas, Dr. Akshaya, late Greshan’s Parents Mr. Leo Rodrigues and Mrs. Veronica Rodrigues, ICYM Mangalore Diocese Red Drop Coordinator Brendon Cutinho, Unit President CoordinatorVijoyAshwinCardozaandRedDropReubenSerraowere

68 Veez Illustrated Weekly present on thedais. Theprogrammebeganwith a prayer song led by Carol Rebello and then dignitaries on the dais inaugurated the event with lighting the lamp. ICYM President Vijoy Cardoza welcomed the gathering. An Obituary to Late Greshion Rodrigues was offered by Clarita Fernandes. V.Rev. Fr. Onil Dsouza shared his thoughts about blood donation and Dr. Akshaya spoke about the importance and pre requisite for donating blood. The vote of thanks was given by ICYM Red Drop Representative Reuben Serrao. The Inaugural Function was ApproximatelycomperedbyIshalRebello.100members were registered for donating blood, but only 83 members were eligible to donate blood. As a token of gratitude, the hospital staff handed over Memento to ICYM Moodbidri and congratulated them for organizing this event and moreencouragedthemtoorganizemanyinfuture. TO READ VEEZ ONLINE CLICK BELOW

Chair in Christianity organizes a lecture on the topic “The person of Christ and the people of God: Pastoral challenges”

69 Veez Illustrated Weekly

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Chair in Christianity, Mangalore University and St Joseph’s Seminary Jeppu, Mangalore jointly organized a lecture on the topic, “The person

, Rev. Fr Ivan D’Souza, Head of the Chair in Christianity, Seminary Professors, sisters and students were present for the lecture. The lecture which was organized turned out to be very fruitful.Sambram Digital ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cluster Level Prathiba Karanji Competition was held on 23rd August at Holy Redeemer English Medium School, Belthangady, in BelthangadyEducationandcollaborationwithSchoolEducationLiteracyDepartment,BlockDepartment,andClusterResource Centre, Belthangady. The program was inaugurated by the School Correspondent Rev. Fr.



Cluster LevelPrathibaKaranjiCompetition

71 Veez Illustrated Weekly of Christ and the people of God: Pastoral challenges” on August 23, 2022,atStJoseph’sSeminaryJeppu, Mangalore. Rev. Fr Joswin D’Souza, moderator of the session extended a warm welcome to all the guests and


72 Veez Illustrated Weekly competitions. Valedictory and prize distribution ceremony was organized later. The Chief guest Mr Virupaksha, Block Education Officer appreciated the success of the program. The School Headmaster Rev. Fr. Clifford Pinto congratulated BonaventureParentsViceHeadmistressPersonPersonBelthangadyBelthangadySchooltheandthankedallwhocontributedforevent.TreasurerofPrimaryTeachers'AssociationofTalukMr.Lokesh,ClusterResourceMrs.Varija,BlockResourceMr.Mohan,ChurchSchoolMrs.RennyVasandPresidentofSchoolTeachersAssociationMr.Pintowerepresent.SambramDigita

SAC celebrated Konakni Manyata Divas

“Konkanilanguageisveryrich.From mother's lap to brainstorming, thinkingandrespondingin Konkani is still unforgettable," Mr. Walter Nandalike, director of Daijiworld, freely shared his impressions as the chief guest at the Konkani Recognition Day(KonkaniManyata Divas)celebrations. Konkani Recognition Day was celebrated by the Konkani

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Department of St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore. Rev. Fr Melwin Joseph Pinto, S.J., Rector of St Aloysius Institutions; Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, S.J., the Principal of the College along with the Chief Guest Mr Walter Nandalike, Founder and Director of Daijiworld Media Ltd. inaugurated the KonkaniprogrammebyplayingtheGumat.Associationpresidents, Flora Castellino, Severine Pinto, Richal, Divya Jyothi and student secretaries Joel Crasta and Steven Almeidawereon thedais. Caral Lobo, Secretary of Konkani Sangha compered the programme. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Braggs.wasvoteandJoelCrastawelcomedthegatheringStevenAlmeidarenderedtheofthanks.TheculturalprogramsuccessfullymanagedbyVilisha

Aloysius Institutions presided over the programme. Rev Dr Praveen Martis SJ, Principal; Dr Alwyn D’Sa, Registrar of the College; Anup Denzil Veiags, Director, Student Council; Ms Binni Chan, Assistant Director, Student Council and StudentCouncilleaderswereonthe dais.

The Investiture Ceremony of the Students’ Council 2022 23 of St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru was held on 25 August 2022 in the L F Rasquinha Hall of LCRI Block. The chief guest for the occasion was Mr Jeevan Saldanha, Eminent Alumnus and Proprietor, Spectrum Industries, Mangaluru and Former President, KCCI. Rev. Fr MelwinJosephPintoSJ,RectorofSt

Aloysius College Students Council

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St 2022-23 Investiture Ceremony held

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Mr Jeevan Saldanha in his address stressed on the importance of

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Leadership. He said that, academics are important, but there are other facets of life too are important. He furthersaid,“Youhavetimeonyour hands, use it wisely. It is the best time of your life which you will always reminisce your college days and your friendships. As a businessman, I am obliged to motivate you to be aLeader and an EntrepreneuroraBusinessLeaderin future”. He also said that, “Technology has levelled the playing field in this fast changing world. We have Ola’s, Zomato,

launched every day. A startup entrepreneur needs to learn how to evaluate opportunities and influence emerging technology.” Addressing the students, Rev Dr Praveen Martis, SJ said, “You are all called to be the leaders of St Aloysius College, so celebrate your qualityproud.institution,6000leadership.Youarerepresentingthe-plusstudentsofthiswhichshouldmakeyouLeadershipisthespecialthatyouhaveinyourselves.

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A great leader should have the qualities like self awareness, ingenuity, love and heroism. Develop these qualities to prove yourselvesas good leaders.” FrMelwinPintoSJinhisPresidential remarks said, “Leadership is not a position, it is a passion. Be proudof where you come from, and develop the power of empowerment. The characteristics of Jesuit education insist on pursuit of excellence; respect for the world; critical thinking and effective communication; special concern for thepoor; andcaringfor hope.Bring out ideals in your own way. You should know about three things to be a successful leader i.e., logical thinking, criticalthinkingandlateral thinking.”Hewishedbestofluckfor the students in their future Revendeavours.Fr. Praveen Martis SJ administered the oath to the President LetitiaNathaliaDCosta, III B.A.; Vice President, Justin Mathias, III BCA; Secretary, Aden Nathaniel Vassou, II BCA; Joint Secretary, Blanche Rodrigues, II B.Com.; Cultural Secretary, Yashaswini Bhat, II BBA, Sports Secretary, Jenson DSouza, III BBA; Principal’s Nominee, Viola Reshma Lewis, III B.Com. and Vineeth, II B.Sc. and all the Class Representatives and Association Secretaries.

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On this occasion, the Students Council Directory was released by BinnitheChiefGuest.Chan,assistant director of the Students’ Council meticulously compered the programme. Anup Denzil Veigas welcomed the gathering. Letitia Nathalia DCosta, President of Student Council renderedthevoteofthanks.

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82 Veez Illustrated Weekly CATHOLIC SABHA Milagres, Mangalore in association with the Blood Bank, District Government Wenlock Hospital organised *BLOODDONATIONCAMP*onSunday,28thAugust2022atthe Milagres Church Campus. ChurchSaldanha,theThebloodcampwasinauguratedbyGuestofHonourMrMarkparishionerofMilagresaswellasanactivesenior memberofCatholicSabhaformany years. The program was presided over by Mr John Monteiro, President, Catholic Sabha, Milagres who welcomed the dignitaries and requestedit'swhichtogathering.Hesaidthattheyaregladhostthisblooddonationcampisneedofthehourandthattheirtinyefforttosavelivesandtosupportthegood cause. He felicitated the office bearers and members of Catholic

83 Veez Illustrated Weekly Sabha, Doctors, Nurses, blood bank team from WenlockHospital, blood donors and all those who have

Sharath addressed the importance of blood donation. He stressed on recenttheneedforbloodinthehospitalintimesandthatWenlock Hospitalprovidesbloodto BPLcard holderswithout anycharges. He added that " Donating blood is an act of Solidarity". All do not get the chance to donate blood. It's a blessing too. Donating blood is saving life. "It's a noble service wrappedwith humanity." volunteeringtoinHefurthersaidthatthereisnoharmdonatingbloodifoneiseligibledoso.Heappealedtopeoplefortodonateblood.

84 Veez Illustrated Weekly workedforthesuccessoftheblood donation camp. Dr. Sharath Kumar Rao J, Senior theWenlockTransfusionImmunohematologyConsultantandHODDepartmentofandBloodDistrictGovernmentHospital,Mangalorewaschiefguestfortheoccasion.Dr


blood donation camp. Mrs Anita Fernandes who was the first to register her name gave the start for RevbloodCamp.FrKenneth Crasta, Sr Rekha Noronha and Sr Carmela from Bethany Convent Attavar, Lavina Monteiro, Secretary, RACHANA Catholic Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mr Deepak D'Souza, Treasurer Catholic Sabha Episcopal City Varado, members of Snehalaya Trust, Manjeshwar, members of ICYM and Milagres Church Friends Cricket team, Sacrestian Walter Nazareth, College students, Ward Gurkars, Representatives, Parishioners and people from surrounding areas of Milagres from various religious backgrounds participated in the blood donation

85 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Thecampwhichmarkedtrueunity.areaCorporator,&leader of opposition party Mangalore City Corporation Advocate Mr A C Vinayraj also attended the blood

Rev Fr Ivan Dsouza, Asst Parish Priest, Milagres Church graced the occasion and conveyed his good Abwishesandblessings.out75donorsparticipatedinthe

He congratulated and thanked Catholic Sabha Milagres Church for MrsDonationtakingtheinitiativeofhostingBloodCamp.HildaRodrigues,Secretaryof Milagres Parish Council, Mrs Diana D'souza, Secretary Catholic Sabha, Mr Deepak D'Souza, Treasurer, Catholic Sabha Episcopal City Varado were also the dignitaries on the dais and well supported the Mrsprogramme.AnitaPinto, from blood bank, Wenlock Hospital as well as Parishioner, Milagres Church was felicitatedformotivatingtohostthe blood camp.The services of Mr Ronald Dsouza, Treasurer, Catholic Sabha who had taken care of blood camp arrangements were recognised.

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andother services. Convenor of the Blood Camp Mr

Milagres Sambram Digital

Keeping in mind the impact of cancer in women, specially of hair loss, ‘Abhaya’ Women’s Forum ofSt Agnes PU College in collaboration with ‘Fly High’ charitable Trust and Prewinkle Ladies Beauty Parlour organized hair donation drive on Saturday August 27, 2022 in the collegeauditorium.

‘Showyourcare, DonateyourHair’

Ms Sheryl Iona graced this occasion as the chief guest. The event host was Ms Rhea Madan. The guests were welcomed by Mr Joel Fernandes, Faculty of Physics Dept. The speaker of the day Mrs Sheryl Iona highlighted the importance of hair donation and how the donated hair goes to make wigs for cancer patients and helps to enhance their self esteem and bring smiles to theirfacesandgivesthemhope.Ms


AjithDias,LonaMrsandPrayersongbyMrsAveenaD'souzagroup.CiciliaD'souza,FlorineD'souza,Pinto,MollyD'souza,ShantiRitaPinto,HubertPintoandMonteiroassistedin registration

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Anvitha Shetty, a student and a cancer survivor, shared her donatedAsexperienceofbattlingcancer.manyas16girlsandwomen12inchesoftheirhair.

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89 Veez Illustrated Weekly initiativeyyearWhiletheyoungestdonorwasan8oldgirl,theeldestwas43ears.Peopleappreciatedthisofbringingsmilesonthe Thefacesofcancerpatients.voteofthankswasrenderedbyMsYashitha.Theprogrammewas

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witnessed by Sr Norine DSouza, the Principal, Abhaya coordinator Dr Tressie Menezes, the staff and studentsofthecollege.SambramDigital

“Grandparents make the world a little softer,alittlekinderandalittlewarmer.”

There is nothing more wonderful than the love and guidance a grandparent can give to his/her grandchild. In order to honour and

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focus attention on the importance ofgrandparentsinshapingourlives, St Agnes PU College celebrated Elders Day on 29th August 2022. The grandparents of the students wereinvitedtotheprogramme.The memorable day began by seeking God’s blessings through a prayer

dance. Mrs Jyothi from the department of Humanities welcomedthegathering.

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93 Veez Illustrated Weekly Lobo, Ex. MLA, Mangalore South Constituency graced the occasion as the chief guest whose message conveyed the love and warmth shared between grand parents and their grandchildren. Entertainment programme was put up by the students, games were conducted in which elders participated enthusiastically. This was followed by the felicitation of grandparents thesuccessoftheeventwasevident through their joyful smiles. Shifali compered the programme andKeerthanaproposedthevoteof thanks. The programme was witnessedbySrNorineDsouza, The Principal, Sr Janet Dsouza, Vice Principal, ‘Abhaya’ coordinator Dr Tressy Menezes, the staff and studentsofthecollege.

94 Veez Illustrated Weekly Delicious CrabSukka Recipebelow �� Ingredients: 1) 2 kg crabs 2) 1 big onion + 1 mediun onion 3)thinlysliced2tbsptamarind pulp ( adjust as 4)pertaste)78clovesbig sizegarliccrushed 5)2inch gingercrushed 6)3tbspcoriander seeds 7)1tspcumin seeds 8)1tspmustardseeds 9) few methi seeds

95 Veez Illustrated Weekly 17)116)15)14)13)12)chillies11)10)1tspblackpeppercorns1012baydgichilliesorkashmiri2cupsgratedcoconut3/4tsptermericpowder4cloves1inchcinnamonstick2bayleavesspringcurryleaves 13) 2 tbsp oil + 1 tsp oil *Method:Cleanand wash nicely Crabs and keepaside * heat apanandadd1tspoil * Roast all ingredients (items 6 to *11)andkeepasidetocoolInthesamepanroast grated coconut andkeepaside * Shallowfryonebigonion * Make a fine paste of roasted ingredients, shallow fried onion, 2 tbsp roasted coconut, cloves, turmeric powder and cinnamon stickbyadding sufficient water * Take a cooking kadai and heat 2 tbsp oil * Once oil is hot fry one medium onion tilltranslucent * Add curry leaves and bay leaves fry*andfryfor1minuteAddcrushedgarlicandgingerandfor5minsonlowflame * Add 1/4 portion of masala paste, tamarindpulp,saltand2cupsofhot

96 Veez Illustrated Weekly *waterandtakeaboilAddcleanedcrabsmix well, cover the lid and cook on medium flame till10mins * Add more hot water if curry *becomesthickAddremaining masala paste and mix well cook*in*AddsufficientwateruntilcrabsdipthecurryandtakeafullboilAddgratedcoconut,mixwelland5moreminsonmediumflame or until gravy becomes thick * Switch off flame and serve as side dish with riceanddal, orcanhave with ThankspanpoleandchapatisnRegards -Benny Lobo TO READ VEEZ ONLINE CLICK BELOW

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