Upcoming Author and Activist Emmanuel DSouza, Canada With His Family
English Weekly Vol: 1 No: 38 September 15, 2022
dense forests, which also includes the famous Mary Hill. It also harbours Father Muller Workshop. We belonged to Derebail Parish's KavoorWard. Andforseveral years, our ward was largely sidelined by our church and other Parish wards. We had a smaller catholic population and mostly poor folk.
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Upcoming Author and Activist
Chris Emmanuel DSouza, Canada With His Family
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named ‘Mark Shera’, a maverick Constable and his guts and boldness required no introduction. He originally belonged to Madyanthar and was an avid agriculturist and brought some village ruffian flair to our ward. He gained tremendous respect from priests, church heavyweights, and Gurkars of other Wards. He was passionate about his work as a Policeman, loved his garden and farm, and took his service as a Gurkar whole heartedly. He succeeded in showcasing the goodness and capability of our members. He gathered a few youngsters like me and organized
Moreover, we had a Ward Gurkar, who was soft and timid and always bowed down to other Parish heavyweights. In the 1990s, our ward was left out of many cultural activities and some of the priests took pains to visit our ward, but often overlooked. I grew unhappy with this attitude toward our ward.
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12 Veez Illustrated Weekly priest".haven'tperformancestagemeBelgium),Peterawe.Vicarotherjustappreciatedshortimpact2009ourchurchNativityWardDay,ChristmasPrograms,andprogramstowardsthewithlegitimatepride.OneofwardChristmasactivitiesinstunnedeverybodyfortheirandquality.OurSkitsandplays(Natkule)weresoandhilariousthatnotthecrowd(butthosefromwardsaswell)andtheChurchandVicePresidentwereinTheChurchVicarthenwasFr.D'Souza(aPh.D.fromwhocamepersonallytoandsaid,"Yourperformanceonandyourteam'stotaltonightissomethingIwitnessedinmytenureasaAllowmetostatethatI
haven’t written a few short skits (natkule) in Konkani just for small programs at the Ward level. I haven’t explored Konkani writing areworkedandNationalworkedMywilling!Konkanibeyondthat.AlthoughImaywriteabookinthefuture,GoddearfatherJohnD'SouzaasheadCashieratPunjabBank,MangaloreBranchmyMotherDorothyD'SouzaatNMPT,Panambur.Bothretiredasofnow.Ihaveasister,
Blessy D'Souza, who works as a Nutritionist in Bangalore. My father is also a heavy reader and has a collection of over 500 books including a rich collection of Hindu mythology. I cultivated a steady reading habit on history and world affairs at a young age that has,Ihadanaturalinterest in Social Sciences. The 1990s were different from the schools of today. We had Fr. G. W. Vaz known for strict attitude and discipline . He never compromised with Students or teachers. His appearance in the ‘Ultra white’ robe in the morning hours left a few young boys in Butimpacted,MilagresadministrationFr.primaryschoolshiveringandinawe.Vazbroughtacultureofsolidandfocustoschool.Iwasdeeplyandithasshapedmylife.Iwasnotafanofotherteachers who took advantage of Fr. Vaz’s disciplinary measures and humiliated children for not doing (whochildrenandwell.Therewasanuncompromisingopenpartialityshowntofromrich(NRI)householdsweresparedbeatingor
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scolding) as against students from Manypoorbackgrounds.children,who had a natural ability and potential talent were never encouraged and ignored. However, nothing is permanent things have changed drastically. Today, a child cannot be touched, caned, or even screamed at. I think it’s a positive change and a more civilised approach. The 11th and Nambiar,lecturersyears.thebest12th(PUC)inMilagresarebyfartheinSouthCanara.IhadoneofbesttimesinmylifeinthosetwoIwasmentoredbynotedlikeJohnPais,AnithaLobo,andChristopherKotian, andthankthemfortheir‘Gyan’.Ifelt like Kautilya under Dronacharya in professionaleducationtookthosetwoyearsofPUC.Incollege,ICommerceandManagementinabidtostructuremycareer.Later,Ipursued my bachelor’s in business management (BBM) and Master of Commerce (M. Com in Applied Finance) from St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. Even in college, I was captivated by Peter Drucker's (Renowned Management Guru) principles and postulates of Management mainlythe 'Corporate
Social Responsibility. I did use his InsurancemovingmoveafterPermanentRegina,Vittal,NeethaCordelWedrovewell.appreciationsMynumerouscontributetheKhaima)betweenengineeri2011myfromtheAnnualAloysiuswroteonwritingpresentations.postulatesinmanyofmyCasestudyOneofmyearliestachievementswasanessayPanditJawaharlalNehruthatIforAnnualMagazineforCollegein2010/11.TheMagazinecirculatesaroundworld.Igotawarmresponsereadersforthatarticle.Afterstudies,ImovedtoDubaiinandworkedinaheavyngcompanythatswitchedJebelAliandRAK(RasAlinUAE.Duringmytenureingulf,Icontinuedtofrequentlyblogsandessaystonewspublications.ForarticlesinDaijworld,IgotmanyfromnotedpeopleasThiswasveryencouragingandmeforward.gotmarriedinMay2014atChurch,Mangalore.MywifeVeigas,whohailsfromDKworkedasaNurseinCanada,andwasaResident.Therefore,ourwedding,IdecidedtotoCanadain2015.AftertoCanada,IjoinedtheindustryandRisk
Management industry, and therefore to upgrade my educational credentials to international standards I pursued a ‘Chartered’designationinInsurance Inalongwithmywork.Canada,Ivolunteered for a few NGOs and mainly Amnesty International. I took part in their international movement called the ‘Write for Rights’ campaign in 2016 and wrote letters to over 25 newstherelistenwaswereorganizerscontestedaroundpersecutingrampagingandreluctantthecampaigns,internationalanTelevision.broadcastedhumgovernmentembassieshighlightinganrightsabuses.TheeventwasonCanadianNationalAlthoughinitially,IwasactiveparticipantinAmnestyprotestsandIhadtobereservedofpoliticalmotives.TheyweretocondemnSaudiRegimeotherIslamistgroupsthatweretheworldandminoritiesandwomentheglobe.IandafewothersagainsttheAmnestyonthisissue,butwebluntlyaskedtoquit!IquitandhappyatheartthatIchosetotomyinnerconscience.Later,wassomeinformationinthethatAmnestywasbeing
financially supported by Saudi business tycoons and other IIslamistsworldwide.havecontributedover 50 articles and essays to news websites like Daijiworld, Express Tribune, Nirmukta,, etc. over the last 10 years. I have also written articles on Nehru, the murderof GauriLankesh, the attack on Narendra Nayak, etc. BANDH SAMRAT the tales of eternal rebel George Fernandes is my debut book. Although I admired Fernandes and many people had encouraged me to write about the great man, I wasreluctant. But after his demise, I was stunned and MilagresFernandestalesMyinspirationsSardesaiShashicompelledpubliclyinstancesononcaptivatedbythecontentofarticlesdigitalmediathatwerewrittenGeorge.Tonsoffactsandthatwereneversharedwerenowout.Iwastowriteabouthim.TharoorandRajdeeparesomeofmyforwriting.bookistitled'BandhSamrat'ofeternalrebelGeorgewasrecentlylaunchedatcollege.Itisavailablein
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print on Amazon, Flipkart, clever store, and Pauline Media store Hampankatta, Mangalore. I have many writing projects in mind. And in the immediate future, I am planning to translate my debut book Bandh Samrat into Kannada. Moreover, I also plan to write on Jawaharlal Nehru, mainly to erase the clouds of conspiracies and halftruths on social media cells that have ransacked the ethos of a generation. In addition, I want to encourage more writers in Mangalore and want people to hardshiptimes,profession;Mystrengththatatandreading,monthsNiaandCanada.inAtsupportwritingandliterature.present,IworkasaRiskanalystanInsuranceGroupinRegina,MywifeNeethaisaNurseIalsohavetwokids,adaughteraged4,andasonCayden7old.ApartfromwritingandIamanavidtennisfollowerplaythegamealmosteverydayanamateurlevel.Itisonesportkeepsmyfitnessandmentalintact.wifeNeethaisaNursebyDuringthePandemicshehadtoendurealotofandemotionalstress,but
we have overcome it with a lot of effort and care. I call her and other Healthcare workers around the world ‘Crusaders’. My daughter Nia Crystal was born in June 2018 and grew up in the lockdown era. She and other children born and raised during that time missed the normal social environment. She goes to local daycare twice a week and we are getting help to look after her from a close Mangalorean family, who are also Nia’s Godparents. The surfacesandmytheThisgotAnalyst,progressionamcomesmuchwork,makeJanuaryMyphasesFamilyhashelpedusduringdifficulttotakecareofourdaughter.sonCaydenNashwasbornin2022andis8monthsold.Iacommitmenttobalancemymypassion,andmyfamilyasaspossible.Tome,Familyfirst,andrestissecondary.IsatisfiedwithmycareerinCanadaasaRiskandduringCovidtimesIthechancetoworkfromhome.benefittedmerichly,asIhadopportunitytospendtimewithdaughterandhelpedhertoreadwrite.Inallthingsthegood
my debut book ‘Bandh Samrat’ began here during the work from home schedule in late 2020andnowhasseenabright
Mangaluru, Sep 8: The District Congress Committee has
Mangaluru: Cong's Naveen D'Souza
16 Veez Illustrated Weekly Dawn. -ChrisEmmanuelDsouza
J R Lobo, Shakuntala Shetty, Ivan D'Souza, KPCC general secretary Mithun Rai, block presidents Abdul Salim, Prakash Salian, Umesh Dandakeri, Surendra Kambli and ElectedMCCCongressmembers.forfourtimes as corporation member since 2002 from Bendore, Naveen D'Souza has been AICC youth wing's national coordinator, KPCC secretary and member of MCC standing committee, tax-finance, and health committee member apart from handling various responsibilities in the party.Currently, he isservingas KPCC convenor and Mangalore VeCatholicdiocesemember.ezcongratulatesNaveen and wishes him all the best as an OppositionLeader.
17 Veez Illustrated Weekly HMPernalamongKarnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy honouraryawardees Pics:SpoorthiUllalMediaReleaseMangaluru,Sep10: The Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy honourary awards will be conferred Gadakar.KonkaniArtconferredTheBengaluru.SeptemberKumudaonHMPernal,RameshKamathandGadakarinaceremonyon18atKaashimata,KonkaniSahityaAwardwillbeonHMPernal,KonkaniAwardonRameshKamath,andFolkAwardonKumudha Higher education minister Dr C N KannadaAshwathNarayana,andministerforandCultureVSunilKumar
Konkaniwillbeconfertheawards.Sirisampada, Parichaya Pustaka, and Buykaamp Brugana Sangile Pulla Kaanyo books will be Mangalurureleasedontheoccasion.southMLA Vedavyas ManoharGopalkrishnaCanuteinformation.conductedAcademyKarnatakacashThetakeandPrakashgovernmentKamath,MLCPrathapSimhaNayak,secretaryDrNManjula,JT,VNMallikarjunaSwamyJayashreeShanbaugwillalsopartintheevent.awardeeswillreceiveRs50,000each.KonkaniSahityapresidentJagadishPaipressmeetandgavetheMemberArunGShet,JeevanPinto,NaveenNayak,BhatandregistrarKamathwerealsopresent.
He was selected as the ‘Poet of the Year’ by popular literary website in 2006. All India Radio Stations of Managaluru and Mumbai aired his programmes. He has represented Konkani poetry in the Amaravathi International’s HePoetryPrismbook.isthe founder and popularKonkanipresentlypublication.whichliteraryeditor/,isinits12thyearofnonstopHeisthefounderandpublisherofARSOmagazine,editedbypoetWilson,Kateel.He
publishing, poems, articles, and essays on poetry, in various other HKonkaniperiodicals.MPernalhaspublished over 750 poems, over 100 short stories and over 2000 essays and articles in the last 38 years. ‘Cholyank Chothrai’ (1999) ‘Kaidyachyo Kavita’ (2004) ‘Bamunanchem Cheddum’ (2006) arethepublishedanthologiesofhis andpoems.‘DevaaksodulloPado(2002)‘BeeganiBeegatha’(2016)are the published collections short stories. ‘Konkani Kavyem: Rupam ani Rupakam’ (2021) is a collection poetry.ofcriticalessaysonmodernKonkani
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About theawardees HM Pernal
Henry Mendonca, popularly known as H M Pernal writes fluently in Konkani, Kannada, English, Hindi, and Marathi languages. Initially his poems and short stories were published in Kannada periodicals like ‘Tharanga’ ‘Suddi Sangathgi’ ‘Mallige’ ‘Sankramana’ ‘Shoodra’ ‘Thaayinudi’ etc. He debuted in Konkani as a cartoonist in the periodical ‘Yuvak’ and later started
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Ramesh Kamath is a renowned face Konkaniactivitiesinthefieldofdrama,filmandsocialaswell.Heistheonlypersonfromthestatewho
Kumudha Gadakar is actively involved in Konkani folk. She has performed in 60 70 Konkani drama and 100 Konkani Yakshagana roles. She has performed in Karawara
short stories ‘Beeg Ani Bigath’. In the same year Kavita Trust, institution working for the promotion and promulgation of Konkani poetry conferred Mathias Family Kavitha award for his contribution to Konkani poetry and research work. His book ‘Konkani Kavyem : Rupam ani Rupakam’ published by Kavita Publications, publication wing of Kavita Trust founded by Poet Melvyn Rodrigues Academy.bywasadjudgedbestbookoftheyearKarnatakaKonkaniSahitya
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Post CORONA 2022 festivals have
mirage, a state of deprivation, dispossession, and disadvantage. Cause for discouragement and despair can be seen in the high incidence of suicides among young folk, cause for concern and shame; sharply increasing is the gap between rich and poor. Progress is
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MontiPhest&Onam Celebrations
22 Veez Illustrated Weekly while.runningisunderespeciallyarechallenge.welfarethisbasicchildrenholisticgroupsremainsisefficiencyhighmost.ofanobscenecontrastofhugewealthafewandunlimitedpovertyofTechnologyandgadgetsareonefficiency,butthetrueonthegroundofhumansnegative.Thereismuchthattobedone,fewsocialarecommittedtoprovidecareandsupportforevenastheymaygetjustagrantifatall,forthehelplessissettomakethecomfortandofchildrenaseriousMorepeopleofgoodwillneededtobringalittlehopetothechildrenwhoareseverepovertyandstress.IthearttouchingtoseehowthoseanOrphanageforalongGreateffortstocelebrate
Monthi Phest and Onam on September 8, 2022, for the many children in this struggling orphanagebyitsmentors calledDe Mercede Orphanage run by UFES Ursuline Franciscan Education Society at Panir, Derlakatte, Mangalore, now75yearsold.
Panir, a hilly area, is now quite forward with medical colleges and facilities. Lands have gone into commercial mode; depriving homes and a livelihood of many poor. They depend on daily wage coolie work and are very insecure. Alcoholism is a big scourge, lack of support in the family makes the children drop out of school often theirmigrantpoor,andarelost.Itiscommonthatruralmostlyagricultureandlabourareforcedtoneglectchildren,particularlygirlsare
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age. These marginalised poor children are given shelter from very needy families. Some of the children have single parents, alcoholic families, others are orphans whose relatives have no place for them. All these children need special and individual care, counseling, and security. These children attendschoolclose tothis orphanage. The Govt provision is
childrenDeashineareandandfacilities,deprivationthemselvesmanyforchildren.beingevenheartedcommonexploitationandsuchtortureistheirlot.TherearelargeandgenerouspeoplewhodedicatetheirlivesforthewellandcareofsuchsufferingTheangelsofmercycaringthesesufferingchildren,facehandicapsandoftenlivepersonallivesofandlackofbasicyetdotheirutmosttosaverehabilitatesufferingchildrensoon.Theunfortunatechildren'jewels'whowithsomesupportandconquerthefutureamidsthardanduncertainlife.MercedeOrphanagecaterstobetween6 – 12 years of
Deexpectedsincelongtime.MercedeOrphanage, started in the year 1943 is providing deprived children educational opportunity
traumatized, due to the economy , health, and ignorance. It is evident that alcoholism plays a big role in the neglect and misery of children. Ill treatment, hunger, abuse,
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with needed care and protection. There are nearly 90 children at present (Sept 2022) in this orphanage. Duetotheunfortunate pandemic more seek admissions. For the past 75 years Ursuline Franciscan Sisters maintain the Orphanage through the help of
generouspeople/donors and their ownmeager resources. Thousands allbecomeandresponsibilityeveryonedueofCooperationfeaturesgames,actcoachingtimings,integralobjectiveincarebenefactors".generosityprovidencethesedecidedsevereshelterofchildrenhavepassedthroughtheofthisinstitution.Therearefinancialconstraints,yetitistogiveadecenthomeforchildrentrustingontheofGodandtheofwellwishersandUrsulineNunstakeoftheseimpoverishedchildrenthebestwaypossible.Themainisqualityeducationanddevelopment,regularstudyprayer,balancedfood,classes,recreationalivities,outdooraswellasindoorandsucharetheregularofthisorphanage.ofparents/guardiansthechildrenisratheruncertain,tovariousfactors.Whenshrinksfromtheofprovidingsafetysecuritytothechildren,thingshell.Todeprivedchildrencouldbeprovidersbychoice!The generosityand‘goodwill’ofpeople to help these children shine with dreams and trust, to rescue them from the dust to be jewels of humanity. On September 8, 2022 -
Fr Fernandes was hospitalised several times recently for health complications. He was last hospitalised on September 8, 2022. Due tosuddenmassiveblockage of blood vessel in the lung, he breathed his last. Hailing from Pius Nagar, Udupi, Fr Fernandes was born to Mr Casimir Fernandes and Mrs Juvanna Fernandes on August KelaraiUkkinadka,HeBantwalassistantFr1978.the9,1948.HewasordainedpriestfordioceseofMangaloreonMay4,PeterFernandesservedasanparishpriestinCascia,andMadanthyarparishes.servedasparishpriestinIndubettu,Borimar,andNaraviparishes.
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the nuns, staff and residents of this orphanage put up a courageous great"MonthiHappinessandfrontwithsupportafewbenefactorsotherstocelebratetheJOY&ontheoccasionofPhest&Onam"itwillbeacheertonotetheshineinthe
ThokurParishPriestFrPeter Fernandespassesaway at74
children in the pictures here and many of our readers and well wishers can supplement the efforts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thedurableofthemanagementandbringmorehappinessandsecuritytolovableunlovedchildren.
5. 1988 1991 Parish Priest Indubettu
No Year Designation Place
1. 1978 1979 Asst. Parish Priest Casica
2. 1979 1980 Asst. Parish Priest
8. 2002 2008 2002 2003 Easte Manger
6. 1991 1998 Parish Priest Borimar
Priest In charge Eliarpaduv
He was also the priest in charge in Eliapadav and Maniyampare parishes. He served as the estate
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3. 1980 1981 Asst. Parish Priest
7. 1998 2002 Parish Priest
4. 1981 1988 Parish Priest
11. 2011 2017 In charge
12. 2017 202 Parish Priest
9. 2008 2010 Parish Priest Naravi
10. 2010 2011 Parish Priest Ukkinadka
Bishop’s house
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First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I wasnot asocialist.
The fascist nature of Hindu majoritarian “nationalists”
eventual change of heart. His powerful words about guilt and responsibilitystillresonatetoday.
Butfirst,thenews: AsiaCupcricket: Pakistanbeat Indiain thrillingSuper4finish.
Pakistanedged out India off the penultimateballofthematchbyfivewickets.KhushdilShah,withhisunbeaten14,andAsifAli,whomade16offeightballs,madesure
Thenunionist.they cameforthe Jews,and I did not speak out—because I wasnotaJew.
—MartinNiemöller. This quote is attributed to the prominent German pastor Martin Niemöller. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a “poem.” complicityspokeAfterWorldWarII,NiemölleropenlyabouthisownearlyinNazismandhis
His “poem” came true to the Indian SeptemberPakistanFournarrowlycricketerArshdeepSinghafterIndialosttheAsiaCupSuper-matchagainstarc-rivalinDubaionSunday,the4 th. Arshdeep had dropped a catch and hence was trolled by Hindutva fanatics calling him a “Khalistani”.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade
Then they came for me—and therewasnoonelefttospeakfor me.
Pakistan got over the line against India.
Ali had yet to score when he was dropped by Singh. The batter went on to score 16 valuable runs off just eight deliveries, playing a key role in Pakistan’s win.
The fascists began with Moslems first, then moved to Christians and now are targeting Sikhs. They are calling secular Hindus as “sikular”. Time will soon come when all nonHindutva “others” will be targeted. That is the nature of the “fascist” stateanditsminions. Mudartha)
Over the last eight years since Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata ofInhaveIndiamajoritarianismParty(BJP)hasbeeninpower,HinduhassweptacrossandnonHinduminoritiesbeenatthereceivingend.Junethisyear,theUSDepartmentStatenotedinitsannualreport that “attacks on members of religious minority communities, including killings, assaults, and intimidation, occurred throughout theyear.Theseincludedincidentsof ‘cow vigilantism’ against non Hindusbasedon allegationsof cow slaughter or trade in beef.”
Reprieved after Arshdeep droppedaneasycatchatshortthirdman,Asifhitasixandtwofours.
Arshdeep Singh became the latest cricketer to have hate filled tweets directed at him after India’s loss to APakistan.certain section of Indian fans launched a flurry of hate filled, racist tweets directed at their fast bowler Arshdeep Singh. Singh was blamed for India’s loss and the Sikh bowler was labelled “Khalistani”. Indianwasmatch,overs,givingWhilecalledModiThissectionisthevocalfollowersofandBJPwhohaveconsistentlydissentersasantinational.ArshdeepSinghbowledwell,awayjust27runsoffhis3.5includingthefinaloverofthehisdroppedcatchoffAsifAlithereasonhebecamethelatestcricketertobe targetedover hisreligion.
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Monthi Fest Origins History and Significance
Monthi Fest was celebrated in India asfarbackasthe 16th centuryand continues to this day. Todayit is seen as a popular and important feast among the Konkani Catholicsespecially of Kanara/
coastal Karnataka. On 25th November 1510, Portuguese armycommander Alfonso de Albuquerque (1453-1515) conquered Tiswadi from King Adil Shah ofBijapur. Soon after that he ordered a chapel to bebuilt on a hill, in honour of Mother Mary as thanksgiving for his safe escape from Kamran (an island in the Red Sea). Hedied later on 16th December 1515, and he was buried in that chapel as per his Wish. The chapel of 'Our Lady of Mount' still exists in present day Old Goa
ThereoverlookingtheMandoviRiver.wasamassconversion of Konkani Hindus to Christianity following the conquestof Tiswadi by the Portuguese. The Jesuit missionaries taught the new convertsto offer flowers to honour
By -ReemaRasquinhanee'Vaz.
Farangipetsituatedatopthehill on the northern banks of Netravati River. Monte MarianoChurch has been regarded as an ancient Catholic denomination, which includes a church, friary, seminary, FarangipetthemanyAlthoughnativesurvived15,000estimates,MayTippucaptivesSrirangapatnaheldlargehaltedMonthiandmonastery.AsadfactisthattheFestcelebrationswereforabout15yearsduetoanumberofCanaraChristiansincaptivitybyTippuSultanat17841799.ThewerethenreleasedwhenwaskilledbytheBritishon4th,1799.Asperhistoricaltherewere10,000Konkanicaptiveswhoandheadedbacktotheirlands.TippuSultandestroyedchurchesofKanara,hesparedMonteMarianoChurchatwithrespecttohisfather
Our Lady of the Mount (Monti Saibeen) before the feast on September8. ManyoftheCatholics from Goa started migrating South to Kanara from the 16th centuryonwards and continued celebrating the festival in Kanara (Kasargod to Karwar and inside up to the Western Ghats). Coastal Kanara came under the jurisdiction of Goa Archdiocese. The priests from Goa wereappointed as parish priests; Monti Fest celebrations were fostered by the Goan priests
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old hymns “Moriyek Hogolsian” and “Sakkad Sangatha Melyaan” to mother Mary. Children take great pride andenthusiasm in offering flowers every day for those 9 days before the feastexpressing love to our heavenly Mother.
The feast day itself is celebrated with greatreligious fervor and
Hyder Ali’s friendship with Fr. Joachim Miranda (a Goan priest)rector of Mote Mariano. He wouldhave been familiar with the 'festh' celebration inGoa. Thus, Monthi Fest celebrations were reborn at Monte Mariano,Farangipet, Mangalore perhaps in 1799; thanks to the initiative taken by Fr. JoachimMIranda.The Catholic church assigns a date for feasts based on the significant event of a saint’s life. As for the Nativity feast, it is celebrated on 8th of September,which is exactly nine months after the feast of the Immaculate Conception ofMary (December 8 th ). St Anna, mother of Mary, was barren until her old age.The birth of her child (Mary) occurs from her journey from barrenness to firstfruit. This could be a rationale behind why the nativity feast is also celebratedas a thanksgiving for the first harvest.
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sister. They are pillars to theirfamilies and the society. It is important that we make effortsto protect the dignity of girl children considering theheartbreaking prayersprecedingFestespeciallybewomen.infanticidetherealitiesthathavebeenprevailinginsocietywithregardstofemaleandviolenceagainstMaytheHolyInfantMaryagoodmodelforallofusandtogirlchildren.Monthicelebrationusuallystarts9daysthefeastdaywithnovenaaccompaniedwiththeage
ThisfeastdayofMotherMaryisalso dedicated to the ‘Girl Child’. Girl children are a blessing as life is towoman.procreatedintotheworldthroughaEverygirlchildisdestinedbeadaughter,amother,awife,a
ancestors’ celebrating in the olden
32 Veez Illustrated Weekly takesfeelinghymnstraditionalflowerstheesAllinthtastefullyoftraditionalgaietyinalltheChurchesthisareawhicharedecorated.September8iscelebratedasaharvestfestivalthanksgivingforthenewcrops.theCatholicsadultsandpeciallychildrengatheraroundstatueofInfantMaryandofferoverthestatuesinginghymns.Singingofthosegivesusthesamethrillingofjoyandfamiliaritythatusbacktothedaysofour
the festive Mass, the first grain coconut milk. This is called ‘novem’, generally distributed by the eldest memberofthehouse aftersayinga prayer of thanksgiving for agood harvestandseekingGod’sblessings on the family members for the year ahead. The feast day meal consists of an odd number of vegetarian Thismembersblesseddishesservedonbananaleaves.Thegrainisalsosenttofamilywhoareawayfromhome.customencouragesand
33 Veez Illustrated Weekly strengthens family bondingand ---------------------------------------mantle.generationsandMary'susofwetraditionsourdown.Mangaloreancornenotworldsignificancetogetherness.MonthiFesthasgreattothemoderndayasitbringsfamiliestogetheronlyinMangalorebutallrsoftheworldwhereKonkaniCatholicshavesettledMayweallstrivetopromoterichlegacy,history,culture,andtokeepthemalive.MayalluniteandhonourtheMotherallmankindonherbirthday.LetpraythatthroughMotherintercessionforsheprotectskeepsusandourfuturealwayssafeunderher
The Author : Reema Rasquinha nee' Vaz, was born in Mangalore and grew up in Falnir pursuing schooling at St.Mary's Girls School, graduated in Commerce from St.Agnes College, and Post Graduate studies in Psychiatric Rehabilitation at Fr.Mullers Medical College, Mangalore. She has been living in Sydney, Australia since the past 20 years, withher family of three. Accomplishedin Music, she iskeen on Mangalore history, heritage,traditions,andculture.
Bach, PoorHandmaids ofJesus Christ, USA
NothingHappens byChance:Sr.Connie
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Donaldson, Indiana Outstanding Eyesspeaker,storyteller,andPresidentofOpenInternational,Harold D’Souza shared his most intimate Thistraffickingfamilyperilousguests,(PHJCofandinspiringstorywithanaudiencePoorHandmaidsofJesusChrist)Sisters,Associates,residentandfriendsabouthisjourneywithhisyoungthroughandoutoflaborinCincinnati,Ohio.breathtakingpresentationby Harold D’Souza was hosted at Motherhouse, Maria Center, Donaldson, Indiana on September 4th,2022Sunday.
What first seemed to be a chance shame,ofinsteadofThinkingdebtusedtrickstearscampus.travledwithChicago,themeetingwhenHaroldwashostedatPHJCVolunteerHouseinEastIndiana,anewfriendshipSr.ConnieBachtookshapeandtoHaroldandhiswife,Dancy,elingtothePHJCMotherhouseThere,Haroldbroughttomanyeyesashetoldoftheandtrappingsanddecoystoforcehimandhisfamilyintobondage.hewascomingtothelandgreatopportunitiesforhisfamily,hejourneyeddownthepathdeceit,degradation,humiliation,andlossofpower.Harold,
Dancy and their two young boys were subject to unpaid ruthless hours of work, living in a one room apartment with no furnishings and, worst of all, snaps of the finger and only the use of the name, “Illegal.” Threats of arrest, handcuffing, jail time, and deportation were the means of intimidation and subordination. Without knowledge police,oftheUSculture,howtoaccessthewheretogoforhelp,orhow to flee, Harold shared that he “felt like a failure as a parent, provider, protector and person.”
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Once Harold and his family found their way out of “bondage” with obstaclesproperassistance,helearnedto“flipintoopportunities.”He now uses his voice for the voiceless theandshareshisstorytobringlighttoshadowsofhumantraffickingof
any nature. He shared that one lesson learned was that the familyAmericanscompassionatewasskinUSluretraffickersalsousedhateasawaytovictimsinsayingpeopleinthedonotlikeotherswithdifferentcolors.However,Haroldsaysheblessednotbychancebutbyandknowledgeablewhobroughthimandhisoutofbondageandsetthem
that this was not a chancehappeninginHarold’slifeor in the development of this new
free to “live the American dream.”
As Harold works to “create a world with more love, understanding, and compassion,” the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ and their partners in the work of the Spirit offer our gratitude, friendship, love, and support both now and well into the
36 Veez Illustrated Weekly
adopted in June 2021 we PHJCs proclaim our “commitment to fostering Gospel values” and to “be a catalyst for a just transformation… addressing the needs and circumstances of those who are poor and marginalized…” We stand mission,sharecombatinsolidaritywithHaroldandallwhotraffickingofpersonsasweourresourcestoadvancethecharism,andspiritof[our foundress], Saint Katharina Kasper.” We aremost gratefultoHaroldand Dancy for visiting our campus and to Harold for sharing his personal experience and insights regarding the plight of those victimized by trafficking. We pray special prayers and blessings upon the D’Souza family and upon Harold’s life work
friendship with our community. In the new PHJC Vision Statement
of helping to raise awareness around this most urgent issue and will never: Sr. Karuna Sebastian of Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ shared her experience, ‘I was so privileged to attend the talk of Mr. Harold D’Souzawhowasavictim ofhuman trafficking for years, but now is an advocate for the ones who are victims of the same, round the globe, a voice for the voiceless.
I am so proud of Harold D’Souza that he is honored in the same Ifcountrywherehewasvictimized.youoranyoneyoususpectis a victim of labor exploitation, sexual -----------------------------------------------------------------------------62632.CanadaStates,callabuse,orLGBTQharassment,please1-888-373-788intheUniteddial18339001010inandinIndiacall+9179902-------
37 Veez Illustrated Weekly ofAmericaisadreamcountryformosttheIndians,sowasforHarold D’Souza. However, that country could have become a graveyard for him, if God had not intervened in the form of good people. I was However,hephysicaltochockedtomythroatwhilelisteninghimandwasintears,oftheandpsychologicaltraumaandhisfamilywentthrough.thoughhethoughtthat
he was a failure as a parent, as a husband or as a human being, by the grace of God and kindness of arebecomeHeeveryonecandifferentpeople,heprovedthatoneneverbeafailure,becauseforonearthGodhasaplan.deignedthatHaroldwouldthevoiceforthemanywhobeingtrafficked.BeinganIndian
On the occasion of the Post Centenary Decennial celebration of the bank, Customer Meet of M.C.C. Bank Ltd, Ashoknagar Branch, was organized at St Dominic Church Silver Jubliee hall on this Saturday, The10thSeptember11.00am.Meetwaspresidedover by the Chairman of the MCC Bank, Anil Lobo.
MCCBank,Ashoknagar Branch holdsCustomermeet
The meet was inaugurated by Rev. Fr Daniel Sampath Veigas, Parish Priest of St Dominic Church, Ashoknagar,Mangaluru. SriPradep Dsouza, Secretary, Coastal Ashoknagar,PastoralVijayNoreenDevelopmentAuthority,Mangaluru,FPinto,ExemployeeofBankandSecretaryofParishCouncil,StDominicChurch,LeelaRajani,FDA,Lady
38 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Goshen Hospital, Mangaluru and Mohammed Muneer, Director, Kairangala V.S.S.S.N, Kairangala Rev.weretheguestsofhonour.FrDanielSampath Veigas, inaugurated the Customer Meet by lighting the lamp. In his inaugural speech, he congratulated the
Chairman, management, and staff of the bank for rendering selfless service to the society for the past 110 years. He appreciated the Bank for its transparency in the customer service. While he congratulated the leadership of the Chairman for bringing the customers together in large number for the customer meet, he called upon the Bank to reach out to the rural areas and to serve the customers irrespective of their caste, creed and social status. He wished all good for the future growth of the Bankandblessedthe entiregathering.
39 Veez Illustrated Weekly
PradeepD’Souza,congratulatedthe chairman for his leadership in gathering a large number of customers for the meet and wished all the best for the future plans and LeelaendeavoursRajani, expressed her satisfaction at the service of the Bank and wished all well for the Bank which is celebrating its post centenarydecennialthisyear.
Mohammed Muneer congratulated the Bank which has helped it’s customers to come up in financial happinesstCentenaryonCustomerreasonsPresidentialChairmanBank.suggestionssessactivelytheirsuggestions,sessionAsbouquet.honouredcustomershonoured.monthcelebrateOnstrategies.thisoccasionthecustomerswhotheirbirthdaysintheofSeptemberwereTheSeniorCitizenwerecongratulatedandwithshawlandflowerapartofcustomermeet,openwasheldtogettheopinionsandtosharegrievances.TheCustomerstookpartinthisinteractiveionandgavetheirvaluableforthegrowthoftheAnilLobo,inhisspeech,clarifiedtheforconductingtheMeetinallthebranchestheoccasionofthepostDecennialcelebrationofhebank.Heexpressedhisatthegrowthin
40 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Ashoknagar Branch with Deposit
MediaReleaseMangaluru,Sep12: KonkaniNatak Sabha (KNS) conducted 2nd Voviyo Verse competition at Don Bosco Hallhere on theSundaySeptember
Rocky D'Cunha OFM Cap, president of KNS welcomed the participants and audience. Fr Dr marketinglightinginauguratedInstitutionMelwynPintoSJ,directorofKonkani,StAloysiusCollege,thecompetitionbythelamp.PraveenTauro,managerofDaijiworld
41 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Media Private Ltd and Stany Bela, production director of Daijiworld Media Private Ltd were the guests D'Mello,viceforthecompetition.ListonD'Souza,presidentofKNS,Floydgeneralsecretary,Gerald
Mangaluru: Konkani Natak Sabha holds 2nd Voviyo Verse competition
Support Director Sushanth Saldanha welcomed the gathering. Branch Manager Irene j Dsouza proposed vote of thanks. Preetham Noronha, compered the programme.
Concessao, treasurer and Praveen
42 Veez Illustrated Weekly
43 Veez Illustrated Weekly presentonthedais.
44 Veez Illustrated Weekly
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46 Veez Illustrated Weekly
A ‘Vojacho Purshanv’ was enacted by the members of KNS led by Cletus Lobo as gurkar in the Sevenbeginning.teams from Angelore / Bajal, Maryashram, Fajir, Cascia, Jeppu, Manjeshwar, and Team Assisi from Merlapadavu participated in the Cletuscompetition.Lobo conducted the competition and Melwyn Almeida assisted. Valencia unit of KNS were inchargeofthecompetition.
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Results of Voviyo Verse First Place: Team Assisi, Cascia
48 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Fr Dr Melwyn Pinto SJ, Joel Pereira Bejai, and Irene Rebello Cordel officiated as judges. Floyd D'Mello introduced the judges, compered the programme and delivered the vote of thanks. KNS manager Boniface Pinto took the responsibility of computation of scores. Competition convener James D'Souza announced the Daijiworldresults.24×
Fest). This event was hosted by the Mangalorean Catholic Association of the East Coast (MCA EC).The
MerlapadavuSecondPlace: Team
Almost 300 Catholics from the United States East coast states of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Connecticut gathered together on NativNJofSaturdaySeptember10atOurLadyPeaceChurchinNorthBrunswick,tocelebratethefeastoftheityofMotherMary(Monthi
competition: -
are the media partners of the Shortcompetition.playcompetition will be held nameInterestedatDonBoscoHallonSeptember18.teamscanregistertheirsbySeptember14by6pm.
49 Veez Illustrated Weekly weather was great, people’s spirits werehighanditwasaperfect
50 Veez Illustrated Weekly settingforafeasttoremember.
The event was kicked off by MCA ECs President Shyna Quadras’ welcome and introduction followed by a traditional Konkani mass. The altar servers Shane Quadras and Stephy D’Mello along with vado Gurkars/Gurkarns led the solemn procession with colorful baby“beautifullyExecutive“damaskachisathri”,followedbytheBoardwith“kanshi”anddecoratedpalkiwithMary”,followedbythe
celebrants, Fr Robert Lasrado, Fr Ron Machado, Fr Augustine D’Souza, Fr Frederick Clement, Deacon Glen Mendonca and
51 Veez Illustrated Weekly
52 Veez Illustrated Weekly
D’Costa did a great job keeping the audiences enthralled all afternoon.
Mary’s statue. The board members andvolunteersdidan extraordinary job in ensuring every child got an opportunity to shower the flowers moment.theyandpetalsMthistochildrenchildren.beautifulcolorfulMelleam..MoriekasthechoirsangSokkoddSangathaHogolsia.ThearrayofpetalslookedinthehandsofadorableItwasadelighttowatchenjoyandstayconnectedtheirMangaloreanrootsthroughceremony.ThestatueofInfantotherMarywasshoweredwithofroses,marigoldsandliliesthatsceneremindedmanyasifwereallinMangaloreatthat
Deacon Francis DMello. Fr. Robert kept the congregation’s attention showerchildrenAfChristopherphotographykeyboardaccompaniedchoirfromtheMangalore.traditionalremindedwithanawesomeKonkanimassthatmostmembersofthemassexperiencebackinFrRobertthenblessedkernelsofrice(novem)importedMangalore.ThemelodiouswasledbyVijaiFurtadobyTashaPaisontheandtheVideoandwasdonebyMonis.tertheKonkanimassaround90linedupinaprocessiontoflowersoninfantMother
Syprian Rodrigues VP Public relations from the board gave the
The showering of flowers was followed by some mouth watering delicious vegetarian lunch of Boiled Rice, Basmati Rice, Chapathi, Dal, Tendli Channa, Long Beans, NavaratnaKurma, from Sukh Sagar, Koromb made by Anita D’Souza, and authentic mangalorean PothrademadebyMonthiD’Cunha. To top it off we had delicious Vorn clappingseatsthedance,Claytonprovidedattendees.onepracticedmembersTheceremony.byboardpresidentspeechafternoonAfterwiththenovemincorporatedinit.thesumptuouslunch,thebeganwithawelcomesaidinKonkanibyourShynaQuadras.ThememberswerethenblessedFrRoninabeautifuldiyalightingafternoonsawseveralMCA-ECofallagegroupswhohadhoursandweeksputupfabulousculturalshowforallThesoundsystemwasbyVijaiFurtadoandMonis.Thedrama,comedy,andmusicthatfollowedkeptaudienceattheedgeoftheirastheywerecheeringandallday.EmceeDinesh
AsianCommunities celebrateMass with Chicago CardinalBlaséJ.Cupich
vote of thanks to all volunteers, mass celebrants and attendees of RodriguesQuadrassuccess.hardblowingThefromsponsoredtheday.WethenhadteaandsnacksbyBobandOliviaVasBabcofoods.MCAECboarddidamindjobbyputtinginalltheirworktomakethiseventagreatTheycompriseofShyna-president,Syprianvicepresident,Reema
53 Veez Illustrated Weekly
View all the pictures of the event below:
Representatives from all Asian communities live in Chicagoland differentniceBrilliardcelebratedHolyMassattheSt.JulieChurchinTinleyPark.Itwastohearhymnsandprayersinlanguages.AftertheMass, there was a dinner served for which each group pictched in for the expenses. Food was from all different communities.
on their Facebook page or by visiting their website at www.mca for more information on the association.
D’Souza treasurer, Amberine Saldanha secretary and Victor Sequiera regional coordinator.
They also had a lot of support from Onepreviousboardmembers.canlearnmoreabout MCA EC
54 Veez Illustrated Weekly
55 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Houston Konkani Catholic Assosciation, Houston, Texas, USA celebrated Annual Monti Fest. Larry Mascarenhas sent thesepictures:
56 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Onam is the most revered and celebrated festival of Kerala. It is symbolic of King Mahabali’s annual home coming.
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To epitomize, India’s rich cultural heritage, Onam was celebrated on 03.09.2022 at Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College. "Pookalam" an intricate and bycolourfulfloralcarpetwasdisplayedthestudentsatthecollege secretary students’ council welcomed the gathering. performedThiruvathira,atraditionaldancewaswhichisoneofthemost
AsentranceandOPDpremises.apartofthecelebration Onam 3pm.heldoccasionaddteachingSadyawasservedtoallthestudents,andnonteachingstaff.TovibrancyandfestivitytotheculturalprogrammewasinthecollegeauditoriumatMsA.KDevika,General
58 Veez Illustrated Weekly
ancient dance forms in Kerala. The
59 Veez Illustrated Weekly
relevance of Onam celebration was depicted and dramatised by the students.
Administrator Rev Fr Roshan Crasta inhismessage mentioned”Onamis a celebration of unity and inculturation were everyone irrespective of cast and creed joins in celebrating this auspicious festival. Mahabali signifies triumph of good over evil and brings peace and prosperity to our lives and homes. Appreciated the student council and all the students who have toiled hard in making the Theeventagrandsuccess.studentsenthralled the audience with melodious Onapattu (Onam songs).Mr Joe Paul, cultural secretary proposed the vote of Tothanks.create a festive ambience and add cheer to the occasion games gathering.whichorganisedandtugofwarandchandamelawasinthecollegepremisesexhilaratedthespiritofthe
Mr Deron and Ms Aisiri Anand comperedtheeventeloquentlyand gracefully. Digital
60 Veez Illustrated Weekly
The Catholic Board of Education of the Diocese ofMangalore-Teachers DayCelebration
The Catholic Board of Education of the Diocese of Mangalore, a registeredSocietyismanaging 118 aidedand 135unaidedinstitutions. On the occasion of the Teachers Day, a program was organized at Shanthi Kiran, Bajjodi on 06-092022. During this program teachers retired by superannuation,
Institutions which secured 100% results and students who secured highest marks in SSLC, PUC and Degree and Post Graduation were honored. Fromamongthehonored retired teachers on behalf of Primary schools Mrs.Jacintha Lobo, on behalf of High Schools Mr Kariappa Rai and on behalf of PU and Degree Colleges Mr Mathew NM shared their experience as teachers and thanked the
61 Veez Illustrated Weekly institutions.anmanagementforhavinggiventhemopportunitytoserveinthese
One Crore was honored by the President of the program. In his speech he advised the teachers to belighttothestudents.
Monsignor Leslie Shenoy who helped the Catholic Board of Education to establish a permanent fund to distribute scholarship to deserving students under is management by donating Rupees
62 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Msgr Maxim L Noronha, the Vicar General of the Diocese of departedgatheredintoSchool,studentsMichaelTheunderthepresidentialpresidedtheMangaloreandtheVicePresidentofCatholicBoardofEducationoverthefunction.InhisaddressheappreciatedhardworkdonebytheteachersthemanagementofCBE.Secretary,CBERev.Fr.AntonySherawelcomedall,theofSt.JosephEngMedHighKulshekarledthegatheringprayerbyaprayersong.AllpaidhomagetotheCorrespondents,teachers
-SambramDigital Laying Ceremony of Snehalaya De Addiction Centre of Anniversaryof St.Mother Teresa. :
63 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Foundation Stone
Manjeshwar. The ceremony was blessed by Rev. Fr. Faustine L Lobo in the auspicious presence of Mr A K M Ashraf Hon. MLA Manjeshwar, Rev Fr. Stany Pereira, Vicar Forane, Kasaragod Deanery, Mr Ramanath LavinaDaijiworldDiocese,RonaldMLAKarnataka,Rai,Hon.FormerMinisterofGovt.ofMr.JRLoboHon.FormerMangaloreCitySouth,MrCastelinoPROMangaloreMrWalterNandalikeMD,MediaPvt.Ltd,Mrs.GeanMonteiroPresident,Grama
and students during the last academic year and a short prayer requesting God to grant them Fr.eternalrestwasledbyArunLobo,Principal, Padua College of Commerce and Management, Nanthur Fr Antony Prakash Monteiro, Principal, St Philomena College, Puttur, Anthem.programcompeeredSt.ThomasMr.LancyproposedthevoteofthanksRodrigues,Headmaster,HrPrySchool,Chelurtheprogram..TheendedwiththeNational
On 5th September organisedSnehalayaStoneof2022inmemoryof25thAnniversarySt.MotherTeresaFoundationLayingCeremonyofDeAddictionCentreisatSnehalaya
64 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Manjeshwar, Mr Joylus Dsouza, Former Chairman CDC, Govt. of Karnataka, Rev. Fr Edwin Pinto, Parish Priest, Manjeshwar, Snehalaya,Rev.Fr.SanthoshMenezesChaplain,MrMoosa,Brother
Joseph Crasta, Founder Snehalaya,
Trustees and Well Wishers of forandSnehalaya.AlltheguestexpressedtheirjoyCongratulatedBr.JosephCrastasteppingforwardtoservethe
65 Veez Illustrated Weekly
society and celebrating the 25 th MemorialAnniversaryof St. Mother Teresainarealisticway. On the occasion of teacher’s day Mrs Jayasheela and Kum. Rohini Retired Teachers were honored for their contributions to the Society. Mr.Rafiq Master compered the ceremony. Brother Joseph Crasta briefly introduced Snehalaya and welcomedthegathering.Mrs.Olivia
66 Veez Illustrated Weekly -SambramDigital
instituted on the occasion of 25th death anniversary of St Mother Theresa, by more than 125 likeminded people from different walks of life and religions in Mangaluru, will hold a mega
67 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Castelino said, “The main goal of thismovementistopromotevalues
like service, harmony, love, peace and goodwill in the society. Being inspired by St Mother Theresa who aroundspreadreligion,inworkedforthepoor,sickandneedyoursocietybeyondcasteandthemovementaimstofragranceofbrotherhoodus.Thethemeofthis
St Mother Theresa Vichara
“There will be a Sauhardha singing programme ‘Preethiya Sinchana' by theTheresadisplayNadaManiNalkooruandteam.TheofpaintingsonStMotherandspotpaintingartwillbeotherattractionsoftheevent.
movement is 'Preethi Haradali
“Essay and drawing competitions were heldat Milagreson August 20 by St Mother Theresa Vichara Vedike where 520 participants took partwhichshowstheoverwhelming response by the public,” he said.
Fr Rupesh Madtha is the clubs30TheresathecoordinatorandSunilKumarBajalisgeneralsecretaryofStMotherVicharaVedike.Morethaninstitutions,associationsandandseveralwellknown
Das. Pallavi Idoor, a well known thinker and writer will be the main speaker of the day on the topic 'Humanitarian Service in the Indian Pluralism’. The PRO of the diocese of Mangalore Fr J B Saldanha and well known social activist Muneer Katipalla will give responses to the speeches.
canStmustwithoutreligiousindividualism,modernexampleservicemercy,Thvibeseverywhere'Ellede'whichmeans'Letlovespreadwhichgivespositiveinthesociety.StMothereresaherselfwasagoldmineofkindnessandhumanitariantothesociety.Sheisagreatandinspirationtothepostsocietywhereselfishnessandpolarizationthrivescurb.TheyounggenerationlearnthevaluespracticedbyMotherTheresawherebytheybecatalystsofgenerosityand service to humanity.” “Amegaprogrammewillbeheldon September 9 at the townhall here Highbywillfrom3pmto8pm.TheprogrammebeinauguratedandaddressedtheretiredJusticeofKarnatakaCourtJusticeHNNagaMohan
68 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Bajal, Sushil Noronha, M G Hegde, Ashraf,andotherswerepresent.
The Department of Mathematics, St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore, organized a two day programme “Math Fiesta 2k22” as part of the 109th Birth Memorial Celebrations of Prof. K.A. Krishnamurthy on 5th & 6th of September2022intheCollege.
Dr Raghavendra A., Associate Professor and Principal of Poornaprajna College, Udupi, and a proudalumnuswasthe ChiefGuest and inaugurated the programme. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Principal of the College, presided over the programme. Dr Alwyn D’Sa,
69 Veez Illustrated Weekly
St AloysiusorganizedMath‘Fiesta2022’
70 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Registrar & Controller of Examination, Rev. Fr Vincent Pinto,
Praveen Martis, SJ, in his presidentialremarks, reminiscedhis college days at Poornaprajna College, Udupi and St Aloysius College, Mangalore. He said that Mathematics is the foundation for all sciences. He wished the participantsbest of luckandtoldto take part in the competitions Duringsportively.the progrmame, Dr Raghavendra A delivered a lecture on the topic “Importance of Ramanujan’s Contribution in Modern Science”. Priya Monteiro welcomed the gathering. Anisha Mathias thanks.NoronhaComperedintroducedtheguests.LarrenSerraotheprogramme.Raoulproposedthevoteof
Finance Officer, Ms Priya Monteiro, HoD of Mathematics and Staff Coordinator for the programme, Rollin Preetha Vaz, Assistant Staff Coordinator, Raoul Noronha, Student Coordinator were present Dronthedais.Raghavendra in his speech reminiscedhiscollege daysand the professors who taught him at St Aloysius College. While speaking about Dr Krishnamurthy and said that his books are even now referred throughout Karnataka. He also spoke about the importance and need of the New Education Policy. He briefed about the
71 Veez Illustrated Weekly
opportunities in Mathematics and suggested the students that they can choose Mathematics as their Rev.passion.Dr
72 Veez Illustrated Weekly MilagresCentralSchool,Mangaluru. Report of “Wellness Drive” To celebrate world physiotherapyDay,“WellnessDrive” TheaSchool,SeptembermedicaldepartmentwasorganizedbythephysiotherapyofFatherMullerCollegeMangalore,on7th2022inMilagresCentralMangaluru.TheProgramwasstartedwithprayersongsungbyourstudents.SchoolPrincipalRev.Fr.Joseph
Uday Fernandes Welcomed the speaker Dr. Shradha Shetty with a bouquet of flowers. Students from grade 3 to 7 were the attendees of watchtheProgramme.Theywerehappytoaninspiringskitputupby the students of Father Muller’s Medical College on healthy eating and right posture to carry school bags.
73 Veez Illustrated Weekly
The benefits of exercise was also emphasised.The Speaker educated the students on the importance of informativethanks.PriyaWelcomedprogramme.membersJosephproperrightneedHealthyFood,rightposture,andthetobephysicallyactive,thewaytocarryaschoolbag,balanceddietandnutrition.TheSchoolPrincipalRev.Fr.UdayaFernandesandstaffwerepresentforthisMs.VioletvasthegatheringandMs.PereiraproposedvoteofThesessionwasverytothestudents.
-SambramDigital ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------TO READ VEEZ ONLINE CLICK BELOW LINK:
74 Veez Illustrated Weekly ‘Agnathon 2k22, an interschool and intercollegiate fest was organized by St Agnes PU College on 7th September. The fest with the vibrant and colourful culture of Tulunadu as the theme was inaugurated by the chief guest Mr Bhaskar Rai Kukkuvalli, songThereachedcrescendotheprocessionHeYakshaganaArtiste,WriterandPoet.wasescortedinaceremonialtothetraditionalbeatofdrumswhichreachedaastheguestsofhonourthevenue.occasionbeganwithaprayerandawelcomedance.Inhis encouragingcommendedoccasionextendedWalterTheheadimpartingmissionariescommendedsyncreticTulunaduRaiaddresstotheaudience,MrBhaskarappreciatedthecultureofandhighlightedthenatureofthislandandtheChristianfortheirroleinholisticeducationofbothandheart.accompanyingdignitaryMrNadalike,Editor,DaijiworldwarmgreetingsontheofOnamandNativity.HethemanagementforTululanguageand
75 Veez Illustrated Weekly culture for it fosters unity among exhortedthepeopleofDakshinaKannada.Hethestudentstoexude
positivity and maintain a smile throughout life’s journey.
76 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Kannada welcomed the gathering during the inaugural session and introduced the chief guest. Riona DSouza compered the inaugural proprogrammeandBhoomikaNarayanposedthevoteofthanks.
Mr Patla Sathish Shetty, Playback Singer, Actor and Orator was the guest of honour at the Valedictory ceremony of ‘Agnathon 2k22. Mr
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Jeevan, Department of Hindi welcomed the audience and introduced the chief guest. Mr Sathish Shetty articulated his views and made the event come to life with his insights on how learning is endless and never ending. He appreciated the programme and encouraged the students by religion,opinedthemselvesfieldtoadvisedmoreremindingthemthatparticipationisimportantthanwinning.Hetheyouthtobededicatedthetaskathandandselectthewhichtheycandevotetowithpassion.HethatirrespectiveofcasteandweareallunitedasIndians PresidentofShailaja,PrincipalPrincipalAgnesDrvoteVandanvaledictorySerenaUniversitybothbaggedcategory.ChampionshipsCollegeSchoolOverallCarmelparticipatedvariousAgnathonsoapBhavageethe,entertainment,FashioncTheandwefollowIndianculture.festcomprisedseveralompetitionslikeScienceDrama,Show,Varietyphotography,Jewellerymaking,carving,quizandStarofandstudentsfromschoolsandcollegeswholeheartedly.MountCentralSchoolgarneredtheChampionshipintheHighcategory,andStAloysiusPUwontheOverallinthePUCollegeLourdesCentralSchoolRunnersUpTrophyintheHighSchoolandthePrecategory.Saldanhahostedtheoftheevent,whileRasquinharenderedtheofthanks.SrLydiaA.C,JointSecretary,GroupofInstitutions,SrNorineDsouza,ViceSrJanetSequeira,MrsMrJeevan,theconvenorsthefest,thefaculty,thePTAViceMrsAshaSanjivana,
graced the occasion. Overall, it was an exciting and exuberant event that celebrated the power of the youth. Agnathon 2k22 witnessed a
torrent of talent that lent the event asparklingandfestivehue.
On September 7th in the School Auditorium. Mrs Varija, Cluster
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-SambramDigital Holy Redeemer English Medium School, Belthangady
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Clinical Psychology, Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research, St Agnes College (Autunomous), Mangaluru observed World Suicide Prevention Day on the 10 September 2022. In view of the pressing need to raise awareness about increasing number of suicides happening, The International Association for Suicide Prevention
conducted games, welcomed the Teachers, and entertained with cultural programs. Winners were presented with prizes. Students, Sanvi proposed the vote of thanks, Nija and Rishel compered the program.
The Post Graduate Department of
Resource Person, Belthangady was the Chief guest. Fr Joseph Cardoza, School Correspondent, Fr Clifford Pinto, School Principal and Mr Boneventure Pinto, Vice- President of PTA were present. The incharge students organised the program,
World Suicide Prevention Day Celebration
posters for “Navachethana”Counselling Centre handled by the Department of Psychology and Clinical Psychology, St Agnes College in a step towards disseminating awareness about mentalhealthandhelp seeking.****
with the World HealthOrganization observes every 10 of September as World Suicide Prevention Day. The throughthemefor2022was“CreatingHopeAction”. In observation of this day, the first and second year postgraduate numbersnumbersgiventhepopulationaboutinterspersedstep.howportrayedmentalsurroundingwasMangalore.plaAgnesstudentsofClinicalPsychologyatStCollegeperformedastreetyattheCityCentreMall,Thefocusoftheplayonbreakingthestigmaseekinghelpwithhealth.ThestudentsseveralscenariosandhelpcanbesoughtateveryTheshortplaywaswithmultiplestatisticssuicideratesamongvariedinIndiaandglobally.Atendoftheplay,thepublicwerebookmarkscontainingtheofsuicidehelplineandwerealsohandedout
83 Veez Illustrated Weekly
St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru in association with a non governmental organisation “EmpowerHer”organisedatraining workshop on Wire Bag Making for the women of Sneha Sanjeevini extensiononOkkoota,MunnurGramPanchayath11September2022asanactivityofthecollege under the banner ‘Agnes Towards Community.’ This village was adopted by St Agnes College as per the guidelines of Unnath Bharath
Mr. Wilfred D’Souza, President, Munnur Gram Panchayath was the chief guest of the inaugural program. He encouraged the
Training on Wire Bag Making at Munnur
Village by St Agnes College
84 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Abhiyan of the Govt. of India. The training was held in the Samudaya Bhavana of Munnur Gram Panchayath. More than 25 local women learnt the skill of weaving wire bagsduring the workshop. The program began with invocation to God by the student volunteers and thedignitariesinaugurated itby lighting the traditional lamp.
85 Veez Illustrated Weekly
enhancement for gainful employment and added that large number of women should come forward to benefit from such training workshops.
Ms. Lavanya, Ms. Hezita, Ms. Iral Buena and Ms. Preethi were the student volunteers of the college who assisted in the workshop.
Mrs. Harina J Rao, Chairperson, DSIA, Women’s Wing, Yeyyadi, Mangalore was the resource person for the workshop. She was assisted by Mrs. Shanthi for imparting training to women.
women participants to learn new skills to be economically independent in life and wished success in this endeavour of the Texeira, the founder of the NGO ‘Empower Her’, Mr addressofSrwereOkkoota,presidentGramRavindraRajeevNaik,PDO,MunnurPanchayath,MrsVasanthi,theofSnehaSanjeeviniMunnurGramPanchayathpresentduringtheoccasion.DrMVenissaA.C.,thePrincipalthecollegeinherpresidentialemphasisedtheneedofskill
Dr Udaya Kumar B, Co ordinator of Agnes Towards Community Project of the College welcomed the gathering, introduced the guests and proposed vote of thanks.
and Rangers, Human Rights Associationand EcoWarriorsof the College participated in cleaning the Sea Rev.Coast.DrPraveen
Martis SJ, Principal of St Aloysius College along with CyrifromthetheCoastComandantNRSinghstartedcleandrivethroughFlaggedoffactivitiesat8.00am.OfficersIndianCoastGuard,Rev.Fr
86 Veez Illustrated Weekly Press Report
l D’Mello SJ. Secretary and Treasurer of Mangalore Jesuit Educational Society, Dr Chandra
St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru organized 'Clean Coast, Safe Sea – Campaign' in association with Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India, Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi, Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bengaluru and Pilikula Regional Science Centre, Mangaluru at Panambur Beach on 11-09-2022 in collaboration with the Indian Coast Guard Mangaluru. Volunteers from NCC, NSS, Centre for Social Concern, Youth Red Cross, Rowers
87 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Shekhara Shetty, Convener of the program, NCC Officers and NSS Coordiantors, Faculty members Mr Alwyn Dsouza, Mr Reji P. John, Dr Kumar K, Dr Shilpa T H and 250 student volunteers participated in the activity.
88 Veez Illustrated Weekly Prawn curry with potato and raw mango Ingredients : 1) 1 kg medium size prawns 2) 3 mediumpotatoespeel off skin and cut into medium size cubes 3) 0ne medium size raw mango wash and cut into mediumsize pieces ( don't remove skin) 4) 1 mediumsized tomatopeel off skin and finely chop 5) 2 mediumsize onions sliced 10)9)8)7)6)lengthwise2clovesgarlic1cupgratedcoconut2tbspcorianderseeds1tspcuminseeds1/2tspmustardseeds
In the same pan, shallow fry 1 onion and garlic cloves. Keep aside to cool
- Shallow fry grated coconutby adding turmeric powder and keep aside to cool
- In a mixer grinder, make a fine paste of all above roasted
Add 1 tsp oil and fry coriander seeds, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, methi seeds and kashmiri chillies. Keep aside to cool
89 Veez Illustrated Weekly 11) few methi seeds 12) 5-6 kashmiri chillies or baydgi 13)chillies1/2 tsp blackpepper corns 14) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 15) 1 sprig curry leaves 16) 2 tbsp oil +1 tsp oil 17) salt as taste Recipe: Clean and washprawns. Keep asideHeat up a fry pan
- Add tomatoes and raw mango pieces stir well and cookfor 5 mins on low flame
ingredients, coconut, onion, garlic and add required amount of water
- In a cooking kadai, heat 2 tbsp oil Add 1 onion and fry till half -goldenbrownAddcurryleaves and fry for a whileaddpotatoes
- Reduce the flame, add masala paste and sufficientwater as per thickness of curry and take a full boil on medium flame
Prawn potato mangocurry is ready to serve with steamed rice, chapatis, panpole or anything as per your choice
- add prawns stirwell and cookfor 5 mins on mediumflame, keep stirring in between add salt and 1 cup hot water stir well cover the lid and cookfor 7-8 mins on medium flame
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stir well and cook for 5 mins on mediumflame . Add lil hot water if needed
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91 Veez Illustrated Weekly -Jessy DSouza BANGUDE| MACKEREL PULIMUNCHI BANGDA| MACKEREL ORPULIMUNCHISARDINE | THARLE INGREDIENTSPULIMUNCHI: 6 8Mackerels|Bangda asSmallBigonesyoucancutinto2piecesonesyoucankeepfullorcutperyourchoice.
92 Veez Illustrated Weekly OR 10 12Sardines|Tharle FORMASALA: 5 6Byadgi|kumtiChilli 8 10Kashmirichilli {Remember1/41Tamarind1.5"61/4Pinch12tbspCorianderseedstspcuminofmustardtspTurmericGarlicclovesGingermediumsizeballOniontsporlessFenugreekseedsmoremethimakes the Pinch10currybitter}PeppercornsofAjwain 3 4Greenchilliorasrequired SEASONING: Salt12tbscoconutoilorasrequiredsprigcurryleavesaspertaste METHOD ▪︎Cut, clean Bangda, marinate with salt, limejuiceandturmeric powder keepaside. ▪︎ masala.roastedonceandRoastdryingredientsundermasalacoolmakefinepasteofandotheringredientsunder
This pulimunchi can be prepared withoutaddingCoriander&cumin.
93 Veez Illustrated Weekly ▪︎
Take smallkadaiwith oil, heat, add curry leaves, then pour this seasoning top of the pulimunchi. Done��
Spicy, tangy, thick Bangda Pulimunchi is ready. Have it with boiled rice, dosa, appam, Kailollyo, Mutli|Pundi or choice of your dosas/roti.
Transfer this paste to kadai. Add little water and salt. Keep thick consistency. Stirr & Simmer very well. Add Bangda pcs and cook on low flame. Just turn around/rotate kadai in between until bangda cooked and curry thickens to medium consistency, once done removefromgas.
Adjust all ingredients as per your choice. Increaseordecrease ����
94 Veez Illustrated Weekly ▪︎
You can soak chillies sometime in warm water for fine, smooth paste & bright masala colour. Also, you can deseedfewchilliesif you prefer lessspice.
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