English Weekly Vol: 1 No: 39 September 22, 2022 Upcoming Mangalurean Politician in Australia Mira DSilva, Melbourne
Mangalurean Politician
Mira DSilva, Melbourne
Upcoming in
My name is Mira D’Silva, and I was very excited to present myself as a federal candidate for the Liberal
Party to continue serving Australia and my local community. Personally, and professionally, I have a passion for service and giving back.
I arrived from India as a migrant in 2004. My life experiences were not forged in a bastion of privilege sheltered from the real world. Enterprise and hard work have
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3BangaloreIndia.I’mtheyoungestofchildren.I’vegotamaster’s degree in human resources, and I am a dedicated mother, wife, and participant in my local community.
That quote illustrates why I stood for public office, because I have classIandnewwalksIthatsomethingtoofferthisgreatnation,hasgivenmesomuch.amanaturalbornleader.Inalloflife,Iproactivelytakeonchallengesandresponsibilitieshaveworkedmywayup.wasbornandraisedinaworkingKonkanicatholicfamilyin
shaped my life, values, and beliefs.
Professionally, I get to work with people daily. I am a people person. them.IlovelearningaboutwhatmotivatesItakegreatprideinlearning
about their family, their life, their backgrounds, their likes, and dislikes. It takes someone with empathy and compassion to connect with people from all walks of life. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence. Myhusband& IcameintoAustralia in 2004 with not more than $500 in nottoourpocket.Likeeveryothermigrantanewcountry,theinitialstartwaseasy.EverywhereIwentforwork employers asked me for ‘local experience’. But that didn’t deter thisFewsmallLiberalTherefore,ThosestandingIpaidtheIthatme.Iworkedinvariousfieldstogainlocalexperience.startedmybusinessin2006Whilststartwasnoteasy,persistenceoff.believeinentrepreneurshipandupforsmallbusiness.whohaveagotogetago.IproudlyjoinedthegreatParty.Theonlypartyforbusiness.yearslaterinwetransitionedcompanyintoaCyberSecurity
The first time I stepped on stage to delivera speechtoanaudiencewas mywhenIwassixyearsold.IstartedoffspeechbyquotingJohnF Kennedy who said, “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.
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As a Liberal we support freedom of choice, and we want every individual to be the very best they can be.
I believe strongly in the championing of economic Liberal values of meritocracy, freedom and aspiration that entitles people, families, and businesses to flourish and be in control of their own destiny.
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I am a member of the Women in AIBC (Australia India Business Council)andtheAustralianWomen in Security Network (AWSN). I actively take part and support Community events through sponsorships and donations.
Iamalsopassionateaboutensuring women’s economic security. To continue to ensure that jobs, hiring, and promotions are equal across genders. Expand high quality and affordable childcare so that women don’t need to make a choice between leaving the work force or putting their child in childcare. Increase availability of financial know how
company that catered to large Australian enterprises, banks, telecom companies, and universities. With offices not only in NewthemajorcitiesofAustralia,butalsoZealand,India,andUSA .We’ve built a brand this is reliable, flexible, and Underscalable.myleadership, the company has grown exponentially. I have grown teams across multiple geographic locations and women empowered teams. I bring all these skills as a Member of Parliament.
my chance to become an Australian Citizen. I instantly knew where my loyalties lie. Not once did I consider dual citizenship. countrytowardsgivenopportunitiesIwillalwaysbegratefulforthelife&thatAustraliahasme,andIwillalwaysworkthebestinterestsoftheanditspeople.
When it was time for us to make a home and raise a family, I knew I wantedtoraisemyfamilyrighthere in InAustralia.2006Igot
pastures. He taught me to fight for myself and guard me through it all, like a real big brother! Our parents (Dad Michael D'Silva & Mum Mary D'Silva) raised us to be grateful for what we have, to ofISchoolandtomeChristianinfluencedcommunitysacrifices,touchedSr.auntsOurethics.whengodupbringing.andpaternalcommunityachieveworkhardtowardswhatwewanttoandtobehelpfultoourandsociety.OurgrandmotherlivedwithuswasinstrumentalinourShetaughtustobefearingyetuncompromisingitcomestoourvalues&extendedfamilyofreligious&uncles-SistersofBethanyElviraD'Silva&Sr.EvaD'Silvame.Thelifetheylead,theirandtheirselflessworksignificantlyme.Inaddition,myeducationinculcatedinacommitmenttobeinghelpful,beavoicetopeopleifourjobspositionsenableustodoso.andUniEducationamluckytohavestudiedinsomethebesteducationalinstitutions
My work enables me to amplify the voice of the migrant community, to be the platform & connect with young families & young people who’ve made Australia home.
Politics or not, I am personally committed to helping the most vulnerable people of our society, the elderly/senior citizens by empowering them with small but significant improvements in the requisite skills to take mitigating actions against cyberattacks whenever possible.
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Parents, siblings, and extended
born in Bangalore. Dad worked for BEL, so we enjoyed the benefits of the health services from BEL hospital. I am the youngest of 3 siblings. My sister, Meena D'Silva, the older one, is why I went on stage and gave speeches or participated in competitions! She'd write them, help me by heart my speeches and support me through it all. My brother Manoj D'Silva the one between us two girls (blessed among women :P), was always by my side when I took on unknown
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in Bangalore. Stella Maris High School until year ten and Mount Carmel College from Year 11 until bachelor’s in science graduation. During my learning years, I was known for taking on responsibility, participating in inter school / college competitions or projects, taking on leadership roles, championing the causes of women/girls and being a good, kind friend to everyone. I’ve also completed a Masters in HR from Symbiosis Pune. I am certified AustraliaWhyacareercoachandresumewriterandcertifiedimageconsultant.Iconsiderrunningfrom
Advertisement:thetherunmewiththatcalledGod,personafreedom,importancenaturephilosophicalcriticalofadoptedIlovemyIndianupbringingandtheAustralianlife.MyvisiongovernmentisgroundedintheologicalandideasabouttheofGodandreality,theofjustice,thevalueoftheroleofthefamily,andrichunderstandingofthehumanascreatedintheimageofmadeforflourishing,andtoaneternaldestiny.IseetheLiberalParty'svaluesalignmyown,soitmadesensefortousemyintellect&timetoforpublicofficeandworkforcommunityIcomefromandlocalareaIlivein.WeareB2B business and therefore don’t advertise on media.
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20: The Konkani Natak Sabha (KNS) here celebrated its 79th annual day at Don Bosco Hall with a Thanksgiving Holy Mass on September 19. Dr Rocky D'Cunha, OFM Cap was the chief JosephOFMCapcelebrant,FrFrancisFernandesOFMandFrFrederickFernandes,Capwerethecocelebrants.Pintotooktheresponsibility of conducting the choir and Gladys Rosario the liturgy. After the holy mass, there was a get together program of all the members. In a short stage program,
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Mangaluru: Sabha celebrates Hall
its 79th annual day at Don Bosco
Konkani Natak
25 Veez Illustrated Weekly vice president of KNS Liston oftheforArrangersSanthoshD'Souzawelcomedallthemembers.SequeiraofSanthoshKankanadywastheguesttheoccasion.AllthemembersofSabhacelebratedthebirthdayKNSpresidentFrRockyD'Cunha
26 Veez Illustrated Weekly born on September 20 by cuttinga
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Vicepresident ListonD'Souza, inhis addresstothegathering, said, "KNS is stepping into its 80th year. The managing committee has a plan of conducting at least one program in a month throughout the year." He requested all the members to
After that, an entertainment program with different games was organised by Jossy Theodore, JoachimPinto and Prem Lobo.
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A perfect wooden stage platform is available with tri-stage structure,where three scenes can be performed simultaneously and also Lighting and mike boys' canopy to protect the audience from their movements. The sudden appearance of scenes can be made possible with the underneath green room link jacks and shawls for world’s best effects of drama.
at present has 14 local units with about 272 members on the rolls from the General Body of the Sabha. Its administration is looked after by a Managing Committee, and the day to day affairs are conducted by an Executive Committee consisting of the president (a Capuchin Priest), the vice-president, the general secretary, the assistant secretary, the treasurer. As the constitution of KNS is framed on the principle of selflessness and brotherhood, neither a member nor the president can draw any emoluments from the Sabha, as their services are purely
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theApostolateoftheStageandhas for its object, the promotion of the mother tongue Konkani, and the advancement of cultural, social, and moral upliftment of society in general. "Natak Dwarin Dharmik Sadhan '' meaning service through stage is the cherished motto of the TheSabha.KNS
Thehonorary.KNShasawell equippeddrama cityBalmatta65oBoscohallofitsownuseknownastheDonHall,accommodatingnearlypeople,whichissituatedonRoadintheheartofthe.Thishallandtheadjoining
commercial building were built in the early 1950s. In Mangaluru, for performance by any artiste, the first choice is Don Basco Hall which is managed by the Konkani Natak Sabha
Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) in May 1974 and calling upon its approximately 1.7 million employees to strike, which brought India to a halt for twenty days. This and many such stories fromGeorge’slifeandthecauseshe so passionately believed in will come to light in this book. Commenting on his experience
"TheLifeandTimesof GeorgeFernandes"
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Dr.Rahul and produced this leadingwhowindowRahulorator,socialistfirebrandFerphenomenalforinterviewinformatively,ispresentedadeeperunderstandingofthe700-pagebook."TheLifeandTimesofGeorgenandes"isthestoryofthetradeunionleader,politician,andincredibletoldlikeneverbefore.Dr.Ramagundamopensatothelifestoryoftheman,waspopularlyknownfortheAll-India
Interview with Author - Dr. Prof. RahulRamagundam
The account on the maiden release of the book "The Life and Times of George Fernandes" authored by Dr Rahul Ramagundam, the first comprehensive biography of George Fernandes was recently published in VEEZ Weekly. A gladly featured exclusive article. Here, an exclusive interview by Dr Mona Mendonca, Assistant professor (Dept of History), St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore who has interacted with the author
historian’s greed in
writing this book, Dr Rahul Ramagundam says, "For twelve long years, I have lived in George’s mind, explored his soul, and interrogated his choices, journeyed with him through his highs and lows. Just as he did in pursuit ofhis politics, I have staked many things, familyand friendships,jobandjoys, in writing this biography. I have spent weeks sifting through papers in padlocked archives, brushing off mounds of dust left by families of collectiontimeoftermites.Ihavepeeredatmicrofilmsnewspapersondim-litscreensof-wornmachines.Hisprivateofmorethanahundred papers a kind of me. The delirious tedium of making a story out of those disparate papers strangely never tired me out". The book is currently available for preorder on all major e-commerce
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surreal to walk wordless and alone whichexciting3.easilytriedbiography.awareimplyingmotionedpointingwarplane.stridingzippedpicturebeforedusk.withhiminthedarkeningshadowofOneday,hetookmebyhandawallsuspendedlifesizeofhiminablueonepieceupjersey,helmeton,themetalstairsofaHewassmiling,whileittomeandproudlyhisgazeonhimself,itwashim.HewaswellofmyintendedworkonhisItwasnotthatheneverspeaking,buthegottiredbyhiseffort.DrMona:Whatwasmostforyouduringthisprocesstookyoualmost12years?
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**Prof Rahul : In 2009, when I met him several times, he had for all purposes retired from politics and was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. We didn't talk, but we slowly began to bond well in non verbal ways. He would look into my eyes and keep gazing at me. His memory was eroding, and its effect on his body was visible. Mostly monosyllabic,hedidn’teverspeaka single coherent sentence to me in those meetings. But his eyes brightened up every time he saw me coming. Occasionally, he held my hand tightly and walked up and down the long open air verandah in the back of 3 Krishna Menon MargbungalowinNewDelhi.It was
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**Prof Rahul : The making of a story out of tidbits of information and independencemakingpapers.containingaStill,excitement,uncertainty,threwpaperopinionsscatteredacrosshisprivatecollections,whichattimesmeintothedeepseaofwasachallengeandbothatthesametime.itwasmostexcitingexhuminghistoryfromtermiteinfestedfilesbristlingyellowish,brittleButsatisfactionwasaboutahistoryofpostIndiafrombelow:for
example, I am giving much more space to the Socialist Party, a party in opposition to the Congress. I have worked to chronicle the municipal workers' movement, the railway strike, etc which has given historyprocessdocumentsbutofIndiantraining**ProfIfbiography?academicianbackground4.arememuchsatisfactionastheseissuesnotgiventheirduesinhistory.DrMona:HowdoesyourasahistorianandhelpyouinwritingaDidyourprocessdiffer?so,how?Rahul:Immensely!Myasahistorianofmodernhistorygavemenotjusttoolsresearchandaneyeforsourcesallowedmetoevaluatemyhistoriographically.Mywasnottochronicleapartyorapartisantale,butto build a people’s history, an honest appraisal of a man’s life livedfor his people. A journalist sometimes does racy work, which reads well, but isn’t entirely fair to the subject, as the context is not built. A historian’s work is not just building anarrativewithboundaries defined
**Prof Rahul : There was no template, andnopriorbiography of George existed. Nor was there any complete history of the Socialist Party. Moreover, most post independence history is a regime narrative. I was writing a biography of a person who for most of his political career was in the Opposition. That had been unfairly not dealt with at all. The requirements of research are endless. A feeling of inadequacy constantly assails you. Have all dimensions been taken care of? Have the characters fleshed out or do they remain disjointed perilous skeletons? The biggest challenge was to build a narrative out of correspondence, tidbits of scattered facts, information, and opinions. This is the first study of a political life that goes into the
5. Dr. Mona : What was the most challengingphaseforyouwhileyou were working on this project?
by available sources, but also making comparative evaluation and contextual vetting.
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microscopic details of a life lived. The whole process is such as to recreate a new George! sootherbiographychallenge,**Profrebellious,personchallenge7.inalsorelevantcanSometimes,complementingthe**ProfGeorge?afunction6.Dr.Mona:Howdoesphotographyinyourwork?WhyisitsuchvitalsymboltodiscussMrRahul:Photographshelpinprogressofthestorybythetext.evocativephotographsmakethereadersseekthetextaswell.Photographshelpinbuildingalivelycontextwhichthestoryisbeingretold.Dr.Mona:Howmuchofawasittowriteaboutawhowasattimespowerful,andcontroversialtoo?Rahul:MorethanadoingGeorge'swasanincentiveasnosubjectcouldintroducemetomanyuntoucheddimensionsof this country’s post independence history. But in another way, it was a challenge as well. Politicians leave a wide ranging legacy, which is
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: Undoubtedly, the toreality,muchjobsubjectwasaninspiringtale.Buttheofahistorianistocreateasaspossibleanobjectivewithoutbecomingpartisanthesubject.Ihavetriedto
: There are lots of real life characters in this book, for lifewhenever.fightingpolitician.unionist.publicmagnificentcentralrole**ProftheanyKabir,instance,Lohiya,NiteshKumar,LailaJayaJetleyetc,doyouviewparticularcharacterascentraltostory?Rahul:None!Theyallhadatoplay,butnoneofthemwastohislife.Georgehadalifeandmomentousengagements.HewasatradeHewasasocialistHewasattheforefrontofagainstinjustice,wherever,So,peoplecameintohisasmentors,colleagues,loyal
: Were you getting very much attached to Mr George Fernandes when you were writing or rather how easy or difficult it was to be objective in portraying Mr **ProfGeorge?Rahul
friends, and comrades, but as he was open to changing the course midway, no one particular set of people can claim to have played a central role. But Placid D’Mello, the dockworkers’ leader and Ram Manohar Lohia, the Socialist leader, left an imprint on him that was deeper and indelible. Madhu Limaye played an important role as a friend, guide, and comrade in many of his political battles. He became a mentor of Nitish Kumar and helped in the rise of his later day contender Sharad Yadav. He was a favourite among all his prime 9.ministers.Dr.Mona
contested and debated. They undergo a constant churning of loyalistsand contenders,critics,and allies.Abiographer’s jobistotalk,if possible, to all these people, and make sense of their oral memories, which might be coloured by their personal experiences.Howmuchof those personal narratives could become part of your retelling is a constant mentaldebate.Thatiswhy I have depended on documentary 8.sources.Dr.Mona
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The reading public’s
response to my biography of George has been humbling. When I started to write this biography, I only had a one-point agenda: to makeGeorgereadbythe peopleof this country. His story is unparalleled and inspiring. Here isa BMangaloremanwhorosefromthebacklandsofandthestreetsofombaytoreachwherehebecame people’sleaderinafar offBiharand took up cudgels against injustice across India, nay the world. He is a hero India is seeking. I am only fulfilling that need.
understand his choices, his options, and his compulsions, in an always changing context during those fifty years he was active in Indian public life. I loved him, admired his courage, andsawinhim amanwho could be a hero to his hero-starved 10.people.Dr.Mona
By Interviewer: Dr Mona Mendonca,
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: What are your plans for the future?
**Prof Rahul : I am going back to revisit my work on Gandhi’s Khadi movement. Gandhi’s Khadi movement is again an indomitable storyofoneman’sdeterminationto set the development debate on a universal scale. It was a non state movement to provide succour to the poorest and idle segment of Indian population and economic security to the political cadre. The state was hostile to it. Most of his
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All of us treasure things in our life, some of us treasure our books, other toys, some would prefer to treasure their accessories, there are various things we all want to keep with us and never ever part from it. Well, there is a lot of difference clothesSomewhichwantfewtowithasbetweenkeepingsomethingwithusamemoryandkeepingthingsusbecausewearetoogreedygiveitaway.Ihavecomeacrosspeopleinmyfamilywhodonottopartawayfromtheirtoysismorethan20yearsold.donotwanttopartwiththeireventhough they don’t fit, andchildhoodanyone,needBeingmyselfevengaveMyThesometreasuretheirsmallsizeshoes.listgoeson.momalwayscomplainedthatIawaythingsliberallywithoutseeingwhetherIhaveitforornot,especiallyclothes.theonlychildtherewasnoformetoshareanythingwithbutthisincidentfrommychangedmecompletelytothisdayIfindgivingaway
very Mostbeautiful.ofthegirls love dressing, they treasure their clothes and would never like to part from it. In my didb2uniquethelikealsomostreceiveddressamongalwaysflowers.whiteoneWhentheofwithkeepworstandyoungerdaysItoolovedmyclothesgivingittoanyonewasthepunishmentforme.Iwoulditsafeandneverevershareitanyone.Ialwayshadthebestclothes,andIwasveryhappywithcollectionIhad.Iwasaround8years,Ihadbeautifulskirt.ItwasabeautifulpleatedskirtwithprettypinkEvenfrommyearlydaysIkeptallmythingsneat,butthedressesthisparticularalwaystoppedthelist.Ihadalotofappreciationfromofthemandafewofthemhadaskedmeiftheycouldgetonethat.IwasveryhappyasIwasownerofsuchabeautifulanddress.IworeitformorethanyearsbutasIgrewtall,theskirtecametooshortforme.ThoughInotwearit,Ihadsafelykeptit
onmyshelfandhad nointentionof giving it away.
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After about 6 months as usual one Sunday when I had gone to attend the Sunday mass, before entering hadevenherfewthisdresses,thatappreciatedIIlookeddressgirlsshowlittlehappinessdress.happytodidskirt.thisnearwhomethechurchmymomhurriedlycalledandpointedmetowardsagirlwasstandingalittlefartherthegate,IwassurprisedtoseelittlegirlwearingmysamewhiteIdidnotknowhowtoreactInotknowwhetherIwashappyseemydressorwhetherIwasthatsomeonehadwornmyTherewasastrangeinmewhenIsawthatgirlwearingmydress,shewasingitproudlytotheotherlittlearoundher.Icouldseethatthewasstillbeautiful;infact,itperfectonher.realizedthatdaythejoyofgiving.wouldhavenevertreasuredorthatdressasmuchasgirl,simplybecauseIhadmanybutforthatgirlprobablywasjusttheoneamongherverydresses.ThejoyIfeltinseeingwearadressIhadneverfeltwhenIwaswearingit.Finally,Ilearnttogiveaway,notonlyto
40 Veez Illustrated Weekly give but to give it with a joyful and happy heart. Most of us may not want to share our things with the lesser privileged thinking that they would not wetoNeverthingsyoutheimportanceofunderstanditsvalue,butasamatterfacttheywouldunderstanditsmoresinceitisallthatyhaveandtrustmethejoythatfeelseeingthemtreasuretheyoujustlovedisboundless.missanopportunitytogiveothersbecausewhenweshare,reallydocare. Sonal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lobo
during my birth. In all we are five siblings of our beautiful parents, followedwithbadmintonforVasaithenecessaryearlyorganictowardshareTodayit'shavingMangalorearetheandIamthefourthamongthem.BygraceofGod,weallfiveofusdoingwell.Ihaveneverseensincemybirth,ofcourseawishtoseeMangaloreifmydestiny.ItakethisopportunitytohowmyjourneybegangrowingMypreciousbotanicalgarden.Iamanbirdtowakeup,completemychoresandgowalkinginrecreationalplacecreatedbyVirarMunicipalauthoritiesus.AftermybriskwalkingIplayandthenreturnhomeagoodamountofenergywithnaturalvitaminD3 from nature’s resource called “Sunlight”.
MyPreciousOrganic BotanicalGarden
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This is Diana Mendonca, 53 years daughter of Mr. Marian Manvel Mendonca and late Miss. Celine Marian Mendonca. I am born and brought inVasai West andaproper Mangalorean Christian by birth. My Godparents are late Mr. Stanly’s D’mello and Mrs. Daisy D’mello resident of Mazgaon Mumbai
19 virus. I
herbs my thought clicked to growing other saplings from my kitchen waste of fruits and vegetables. Thanks to android mobile phones, I began collecting all waste from my kitchen workinginternetwithWevegetablesowtouseasmanurealongwithsoilandseedsfromvarietiesofsandfruitsdaily.allwereusingandroidphonesWiFiordataprovidingservicesforeducation,jobfromhomeetc.andthe
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Our supernatural God provided us such a beautiful nature with plenty of oxygen, vitamin D3 natural plants, animals etc. us but we never valued provisions of God. We entire world get busy from early morning completing our responsibilities of different types every day. All of a since19suddenin2020thespreadofcovid-viruscameintoexistenceandMarch2020itwasdeclareda “Lockdown” all over the world and people were filled with fear and shocking state as this pandemic took lives of countless number of people. The number of deaths increased rapidly as fire and health departments began lacking Oxygen cylinders. There my journey began as due to the lockdown all public gathering places were closed to stop spreading the contagious
to grow herbs in my allotted place of my residence following society norms.
Covid began As began only
Today these small saplings are growing tall and wide providing organic cantaloupes, green chilies, curry leaves etc. My coconut tree is bittertomatoleafsurvivedcountcountoftoplantsto9.59feetinheight,Mangetreesalmostfeettoacountofthree,Papayaacountof7plants,chickootoacountof10,limeplantsacountof20,Jackfruittoacount17,internationaldatespalmtoaof5,nationaldatespalmtoaof27,oneCashewplantfrom4planted,Onecarryplant,Onegreenchillyplant,3plants,3carrotplants,5-6gourdsplant,4redrose
house diverting my precious time and energy for some creative nature, with the help of google and YouTube I kept surfing whenever I was free from my responsibilities, took keen interest and cultivated whatever possible in my balcony.
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world became digital with social networking, so we remain safe and secure in our own residences. I began making use of this technology and kept searching on “Google” and “YouTube" how I can grow my own living requirements providing me plenty of oxygen followed with sunlight keeping whatevergrowingSoandpandemicdaytoamountspossibleandzone.mymyselfbusyaswellashappymakingownprovisionsinmycomfortPurchasingthesegroceriesperishablethingswasnotinspiteofspendinghugetosaveourlives.Myurgegrowthesesaplingsincreasedbyday.Movingoutinthewasarisktomyownlifethatishowmypassionbegan.,IdecidedifIcanatleaststartmynecessarysaplingspossiblelivinginmy
moving ahead in life. Every person on this earth faces challenges, but those who accept even challenges as their gift keep moving ahead in life. I live alone, but I never feel lonely because I keep myself busy, motivated, inspired with multiple activities with the grace of God and powers of “Holy Spirit” given to us at the time of “Baptism”.
day into the lord’s hand and never doubt for anything the lord takes care of you in the best possible manner, as we are the apple of his eye. The lord has carved us on the palms of his hands before we were born in our mother’s womb. I have been clinging to Bible verses and learnt never of to stop but keep
44 Veez Illustrated Weekly plants, One shoe flowers (hibiscus) plant , 7 8 Aloe vera plants, 4 openingEverylandhasabundantlydiscernment,supernaturaleveryaredragontamarindplants,4litcheesaplings,9fruitsaplingsetc.allthesebeinggrowninmybalcony.AsdayIpraytoGodfordivinewisdomandGodhasblessedmeinallareasofmylifeandfulfilledmebringingtobeaflowingwithmilkandhoney.morningIthankGodformyeyesandsubmitmy
I wake up bright and energetic taking care of myself and my precious Organic botanical garden. unconditionaltheseEverymorningwhenIwater,nurtureplantswithamazingGodsloveandcarefeel
happy and satisfied to my heart's growthneedthosetheincreasingnohappinesstheyplantshoursuntilscheduletimeonesaplingsexistingasdidn'tSomecare,botanicalissues;witherednewbornsamethem,asorcontent.WheneverIfeellonely,sad,depressedIspeaktotheseplantsdotheykeepmehappy.Itouchnurture,andcareforthemtheasamothernurtureherchild.ManyplantswhenIwaslowwithhealthcanubelievemypreciousorganicplantsmissedmyconcern,love,andnurturing.delicatewitheredawaybutIdiscardthembutusedthemmanureforthosethatwereandkeptgrowingnewtoovercomethewithereda.ThedayIamnotabletodevotetotheseplantsduetohecticIfeelmissingandlost,thenextdayIdevotedoublenurturingthemastheselittletooarelikekidstomeandasbearfruitsandflowersmyismultipliedwhichhasmeasures.Mypassionisdaybydaytoincreasenumberofsaplings.Afewofgrowntallspeaktometheytogotothesoil,astheirishampered,butIamnot canownergodcaremastersgivenandifforgettoownfewpreciousatyetfindingasuitableplaceasIneedleastsomebenefitsfromthesebotanicalorganictrees.Arefusedtoshowthemtotheirpremisesandgavesuggestionsgrowsomeinpublicplacesandaboutit.Iwouldappreciateitsomeoneunderstoodmyfeelingsdoestheneedful.YetIhavenotupbutinsearchforgoodwhowillnurtureandtakeandsharewithme.IamsurewillprovidemesightandgoodwhowilldotheneedfulandIgiverisetonewsaplingformy
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happiness on this earth yeah, but happiness has to be created no matter what kind of storms we face in life, to me I experienced every storm like a mild soothing breeze and accepted every challenge with
future generations. To me “Humanity comes first” and later everything else. It’s not necessary for everyone to like or digest me and my nature, yeah but there are few who get along with me very well. No person can purchase
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give me immense pleasure, joy, happiness and keep me motivated and inspired always. I am looking forward to cultivating my passion for my profession... Yet on my way but only with God's will be done in it and not my ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------will.
proper act, so I don't troublemyself nor Thisothers.ismy
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beautiful journey and hidden truth of “My Precious Organic Botanical Garden”. I love and care for all saplings and plants from the core of my heart, as they
Journey of Honorable Harold D’Souzafromno onetothebiggest hero of anti-human trafficking world is very inspiring for everyone who is struggling and wants to achieve something great in life.
Before a young, simple, and common man became the international inspirational role model across the world Harold D’Souza went through a lot of challenges, obstacles, trauma, slavery as well as death threats which would break anyone into Collaborativepieces. to End Human Trafficking honored activist Harold D’Souza on September 15th, 2022, on their 15th Anniversary Celebration atCleveland, Ohio.
Kirsti Mouncey, President and CEO, Collaborative to End Human Traffickingshared;‘Ourmissionisto lead, empower, and connect our community to eradicate human trafficking. A world without human trafficking, one community at a yourtime.Whatagreatnight!!!Asalwayssupportmeanssomuch Harold!’.
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CollaborativetoEndHumanTrafficking IndianAmerican
Jo Walker member of Survivor Advisory Council shared her feelings; ‘When working for God you will be a forerunner! You won’t always get payment or accolades from man for your pioneering. But God always pays and gives bonuses you never expect and rewards. My new friend Harold D’Souza shared his journey and lived experiences of he,hiswifeandchildrenbeinglabor
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Eyes Open International (EOI), Regional Director-India spoke to the press; ‘On behalf of EOI-India family, I heartily wish Collaborative to End Human Trafficking on the completion of 15 successful years and going strong. We in India are CollaborativewecollaborativetraffickingcananytrulyattachedtoitsmissionthatnotindividualoroneorganizationchangethescenarioofhumanwhereinitwilltakeanaturetoenditandarealwaysinsupportoftoEndHuman Trafficking. God Bless them!’.
World famous survivor advocate
Harold D’Souza is on the Survivor AdvisoryCouncilofCollaborativeto End Human Trafficking.
trafficked, homeless, and starving. To getting out and going to The White House in Washington D.C. appointed to the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking by President Barack Obama and President Donald J. Trump. Getting the best twoHumanregulationspaidbeinghotels,accommodations,limousines,5-starandthebestcuisine.ButnotonsalarynotactuallybeingforthehardworkofputtinginplaceforSurvivorsofTrafficking.Haroldservedtermsfaithfullyandenjoyed working to bring ‘CHANGE’ paving
doing Gods work it’s really not about us at all, we are paving the way for those coming after us, making it easier for them to thrive where we once struggled’.
Harold D’Souza once quoted that “Suicide or silence is not an option, choice, or solution. Turn obstacles into opportunities”. Due to his
50 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Farewell Programme to Dr Adelaide Saldanha
passion and determination toward hisfreedom, Haroldwas able to rise aboveall thestigma, rejections, and achieved great success.
Harold D’Souza a native of Bajpe, Mangalore, is the Co-Founder of Eyes Open International a nonprofit organization head office in TheAmerica.lessonweallhavetolearnfrom the life of Harold D’Souza is to achieve huge success in life we learnshouldnotdwellonourpast,alwaysfromitandneverrunfromit.
prayer song. Mrs Shanthi welcomed the from the Department of Mathematics appreciatedthelovingservicegiven pastbyDrAdelaidetothecollegeforthethirtysevenyears.
with her group invoked God's blessings on her through a
51 Veez Illustrated Weekly
St Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru organized a farewell programme on 13 September 2022 for Dr Adelaide Saldanha on attaining superannuation.
Ms Lavita
Sr Dr Venissa A.C., the Principal appreciated the quality of service given by Dr Adelaide and her beautiful life which touched the lives of her students.
Sr Dr Lydia A.C. appreciated her for Agnesian.studentsbeingamodelandinspirationtoherandforbeingatrue
Sr Dr Lydia Fernandes A.C. the Joint
Secretary of St Agnes Institutions felicitated her on behalf of the management along with Sr Dr M. Venissa A.C. the Principal, SrCarmel Rita A.C., the Administrator and Mrs Ujwala the PTA vice - president.
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Dr Adelaide shared with the audience her life lived at St Agnes and thanked all the people who haveplayedanimportantroleinthe
successful career she had at St Agnes College. Mr Elson compered the programme. for
VasaiKonkaniWelfare Association New Managing Committees
theyear2022-25 Sitting right to left.... Richard Lewis (Member) Henry (President)ReginaldPinto(Treasurer)SanthmayerAlbertD'Costa(Secretary) John D'Souza (Honourary President & Cordinator) Edward Gomes (Vice president) Standing left to right Noel Alvares (Member) Lawrence Mendonca (Member)
54 Veez Illustrated Weekly Francis Lewis ( Member) Jacintha Ambrose ( Joint Secretary)Wilfred Furtardo ( Member) Hilda D'Souza ( Vice president Ladies)Gregory Monis ( Member) Leo Monteiro ( Joint treasurer) With warm regards Yahoo Mail on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Android Hindi Diwas 14-09-2022
Hindi Diwas was celebrated in Milagres Central School, Mangaluru on 14th of September 2022 Principal Rev.Fr.Joseph Udaya Fernandes,Faculty members and all the students of the school where present for the celebration.
The celebration began with evoking blessings the
prayer song “Hum ko man ki shakti dena” Bhavish9.sungbythestudentsofgrade8andofgrade6deliveredthe speech on topic “Hindi kyu hai
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chickenthickmasalarecipe Ingredients : 1) 1 kg fresh chicken cut into small pieces (can use chicken thighs which I used in this recipe)
Oliver Rayon Braggs of grade 9 hosted the program.
rashtr ki bhaasha” followed by the
group song by the students of Primary and higher primary section high school students entertained the audience with the beautiful dance for the song “Hindi bhaashaa rashtr ki Principalbhaashadistributed the Prizes for Diwas.conductedWinnersofthevariouscompetitionsonaccountofHindiTheprogramconcludedwith the principal’s message. Karthik of grade 9 proposed the vote of thanks.
55 Veez Illustrated Weekly
56 Veez Illustrated Weekly 2) 2 big onions sliced lengthwise 3) 2 medium tomatoes peel off skin and finely chop 4) 1 tsp coriander powder 5) 2 tsp red chilli powder (adjust as per spicy) 6) 1/2 tsp cumin powder 7) 1 tsp garam masala powder 8) 1/2 tsp turmeric powder 9) bunch of coriander leaves for 12)11)10)garnishing1staranise3-4cloves2tbspoil 13) salt as per taste Method: * clean chicken, wash nicely and keep aside to drain water *completelytakeadeep kadai and heat oil * once oil is hot fry onions till golden brown * add chicken, stir well and fry for 5 mins on high flame until chicken turns golden * add ginger garlic paste, stir well and cook till 2 mins on medium *flameMeantime take a saucepan and
* add 1 cup of hot water as per thickness of gravy, stir well and cook for 10 mins on medium flame or until chicken cooked well
fry for a while on low flame all spice powder (item no. 4 to 8 until raw smell goes and aroma comes not to burn)
flame until tomatoes becomes soft and mushy
* add chopped tomatoes, stir well and cook for 5 mins on medium
* switch off flame and garnish with coriander
* serve hot with chapatis or pulao or fried rice
* add that roasted powder, star anise, cloves into chicken and stir salt and mix well
57 Veez Illustrated Weekly
-Jessy DSouzaCOORGIPORK COORGIPORK One of my favourite, prepared with home�� made fresh roasted aromatic spices. Lip smacking, Loved by all, Coorgi Pork Masala.��. INGREDIENTS: ��️For 500 grms | 1/2 kg Pork
58 Veez Illustrated Weekly ●Use 2.5 tbsp home prepared or OriginalmasalapowderfromCoorg as required. Make coarsepasteof: 2 green chilli 1/2 1/2"onionpiece ginger 4 garlic cloves Few coriander leaves METHOD: ▪︎Marinate pork with above coarse paste, pinch of salt & turmeric powder. Keep aside for 30 mins to 1 hour. ▪︎Take kadai and fry marinated pork piecesonhighflamefewmins, then keeponlowuntilitsfat seperates.{if required,extrafatcanbediscarded}. ▪︎Add 1 big onion cubes, 1/2" chopped ginger, 6 8 garlic cloves, 1/2tspturmeric, 1tspchillipowder, coorgi pork masala powder as
If required only sprinkle little water in between intervals while cooking, as its more of dry dish. Use Kachampuli {Kerala tamarind} or normal, aged tamarind paste. Stirr very well untill all masala coat for meat pieces.
required and few curry leaves. Salt as per taste. All mix. Cover & cook with its fat without adding water.
Home prepared Coorgi pork INGREDIENTSmasalaPowder: : DRYROAST: 4 tbsp coriander seeds 2 tbsp pepper corns 1 tbsp mustard seeds 2 tbsp cumin seeds 1/2 tbsp fennel seeds 61"2itsFewfenugreekseedsjustapinch{asbitter}3bayleafcinnamonstick8cloves
59 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Adjustallspices,powderandchilli�� as per your taste and spice control. To get fine paste from tamarind, soak in little hot water few
mins. Squeeze well until you get fine, smooth paste. Pass it thru strainer. Discard unwanted, hard particles.����
Once done garnish with fresh coriander leaves.
Grind in the mixi and make fine, smooth powder. Store in airtight container. mutton other
pièce de résistance on the evening of the traditional Monthi Fest on Sunday, September 11 at the Maximilian Kolbe Parish in PothraccoladeaMississaugawasthepresentationofmuchdeservedtributeandintheformofaMann and the title of “Konkani Ratn ofCanada”toGerryD’MelloBendur. Gerry, as he is popularly known, is a humble, hugely talented, multi
Spread all ingredients in the plate and cool completely.
meat as well, but specially with pork COORG:
KonkaniRatnof Canada Award onGerryD’MelloBendur
JanetD'SouzaMississauga/Canada, Sep 18: The
60 Veez Illustrated Weekly 4 6strandsormoreofcurryleaves ▪︎ aromaandDryroastallaboveuntillightbrownyourkitchenfillswithgood{dontburnthem}. ▪︎
●You can use this powder for chicken����,
�� and
61 Veez Illustrated Weekly
From translating and writing Konkani scripts for dramas to
dimensional, and generous individual who has devoted his life, time, and energy to promoting and encouraging our Konkani culture.
composing exceptional lyrics and music, cheerfully volunteering his talents for any event, coordinating religious ceremonies, working tirelessly, and investing countless hours while sacrificing family and
62 Veez Illustrated Weekly
RonaldFernandes, formerpresident of MAC presented Gerry with a memento to commemorate his numerous accomplishments and Fr Roshan D’Souza offered Gerry a basket of delicious fruit. Manohar Pais did an exceptional job of reading the Maan Pothr offering everyone in the audience a glimpse andinsight intothemeaningfuland outstanding achievements of Gerry and then presented him with a
framed copy of the Maan Pothr. In this thank you address, Gerry in his unpretentious and humble way, thanked the association his for bestowing this honor on him and andandGerryculture.Konpresencestrengtheningvowedtocontinuehisworktowardsandsolidifyingtheandinfluenceofthekanilanguage,traditions,andwasalsolaudedforpenningcomposingthefirsteveruniqueoriginalMACthemesong
dedicated to late Fr Edwin D’Souza which was released on the occa by Fr Roshan D’Souza, the spiritual director of MAC. At the helm of the release was Manohar Pais, a tremendously talented personality, who highlighted the vision and the creative efforts behind the theme song. The evocative and profound lyrics and tune were set by Gerry D’Mello Bendur, music programming, audio recording and mixing was done by Ashith Glen Pinto, harmony was done by Alwyn Noronha and the cinematography and editing was done by Aman Chandak. Using beautiful locales and settings such as Niagara Falls, CN Tower, various parks and beaches,thethemesongenveloped
personal time to assist MAC’s Cultural coordinators and being an ardent staunch advocate of MAC, Gerry is hugely respected and admired by everyone within and outside of the community. Led in a procession to the stage by MAC members and accompanied by his wife, Lucy D’Mello, Gerry was draped with a shawl as a sign of respect and admiration by Maxim D’Mello.
63 Veez Illustrated Weekly its listeners with warmth and accentuated the fundamental principles and accomplishments of MAC. Mangaluru:St AgnesCollegestudent SaujanyaJparticipatesinDC’sactivities • Daijiworld Media Network –Mangaluru(EP)Mangaluru,Sep 20: St Agnes College first B Com student SeptemberskilldeputyparticipateprovidedKannadaAtheandDevelopment,theinSaujanyaJwasadjudgedthewinnerastatelevelessaycompetitionbyDepartmentofSkillEntrepreneurshipLivelihoodheldonJuly15onWorldYouthSkillDay.winnerfromDakshinaKannada,division,Saujanyawasanopportunitytointheactivitiesofthecommissioner(DC)underinspirationonTuesday,20. Saujanya took part in the deputy commissioner’s taluk visit at Bantwal taluk tahsildar’s office on
64 Veez Illustrated Weekly
submitted by local people and providing solutions to them on the
part in the activities at the deputy commissioner’s court hall in the afternoon and observed them. The deputy commissioner felicitated Saujanya in the evening, issued a certificate to her and congratulated her.
District skill development officer S G Hemachandra, SIDAK joint director Arvind D Baleri, Bendore St Agnes Degree College principal Sr Venisa and various department officers were present.
September 20 at 11 AM. She took part in receiving the grievances
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