Veez Global Illustrated English Weekly e-Magazine. Published from Chicago, USA.

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English Weekly Vol: 1 No: 45 November 3, 2022 AProminent Multi-TalentedPerson Mr.Aloysius D'SouzaofMangalore

AProminent Multi-TalentedPerson

Mr.Aloysius D'SouzaofMangalore

Mangalorecityon the IndianWest Coast, leads the Kanara region. It is oftenknownastheRomeoftheEast duetoitsprominentCatholicethos. In this city, it is a pride to find among its treasured citizens a prominent personality residing at Bikarnakatte/Bajjodi Parish (formerly part of Bendur Parish) Mr.

Aloysius D'Souza, affectionately known as 'Luvi' is well known for service to the community. Filled withtreasuresofrichtalents awell known compere of events, a renowned actor, a resource person, an award-winning teacher and aboveallahelpfulpersonof,deeply Christian, loved by one and all. He is due for retirement soon, in the month of November 2022 from his

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fruitful school career. On this occasion it is fitting that our readers/peoplehavea glimpseof

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the life and paths Mr Aloysius D'Souza have tarvelled and his many achievements; though not fully possible to put in words, attempts are made to highlight the aspects.

Familyorigins: Luviwasborn on 25th of Nov 1962 to Mr Gabriel D'Souza and Mrs Jessy Mary D'Souza as the second child. His elder brother Mr Ronald is residing atBangalorewithhiswifeMrsPatsy who is a teacher. His father Mr Gabriel served in the Postal Department and went to his heavenly abode at the age of 78 years. His mother who looked after the family is now 85 years old and staying with her son Luvi. While rememberinginhisdailyprayershis father the thought of his mother’s hard work in bringing up the childrenmakeshimgrateful,andhe takescareof her at the oldage.

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Education and Career : After completing his education in St Sebastian Primary School ,Bendur and Milagres High School our Luvi underthe inspiration of RevStanley Pereira underwent Teachers Training course at Govt Teachers Training Institute , Bejai Mangalore on completion of which he was appointed as teacher at St Aloysius Higher Primary School Mangalore for a period of 3 months on leave vacancyandthereafterheservedfor two months at St Sebastian Higher Primary School, Adam Kudru Mangalore. During this brief period observing his talents, enthusiasm, and the way of teaching he was offered an appointment for a permanent post by SrLiziaB.S.theHeadmistess in the Rosa MysitcaSchool, Kinnikambla Gurpur after the interview was conducted by the then correspondent SrC VerginiaB.S. He was appointed to the post in Nov 1984andintheverynextmonththe State Government approved his post. MrLuvi gratefully remembers the inspiration of his Parish Priest for his teaching career and accreditation by the Bethany Sisters .

Steppingouttosuccess: Thedesire to continue the education made Luvi to join St Aloysius Evening College and after his PUC he obtained his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the same institute. His thirst to impart the best of education didn’t stop there. With a burningdesireofmovingforwardin life he requested for one year of leave from work and secured the B.Ed qualification from the Govt College of Education, Hampankatta Mangalore.Luvisaysthatduringthe courseofhisstudyinthecollegehe got the opportunity of developing his leadership talent in the college. On securing the B.Ed degree he continued to teach in Higher Primary School. During the year 1994 Rev Cyril D'Souza was the Secretary of Catholic Board of Education. Ever since he served as the Asst Parish Priest of Bendur ChurchRevCyrilD'Souzawasaware of the qualities of Luvi who was an Altar Boy during the tenure, and he appointed him on promotion at PejavarHighSchool. Luviisgrateful totheBethanySistersforgivinghim an opportunity to serve in their Institution and encouraging him duringhisbright careerof ten years

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teaching from 1984 to 1994. Luvi takes pride in saying that “I am a productofBethanySistersandRosa MysticaSchool.”

Moving forward : The burning desireoffurtherstudygotrekindled in Aloysius. While serving in Pejavar High School he obtained the Masters Degree in Economics from Mysore Open University. He served this High School from 1994 to 1997 under the inspiration and guidance of then Headmaster V. R. Sequiera to whom Aloysius is thankful. His furtherstepsled him toservein the St Joseph High School Bajpe for 3 yearsandthereafterherenderedhis service for 18 months at Christa Jyothi High School Bantwal before his transfer to St Sebastian High School Permannur where he served fora period of 5years. In the words of Aloysius “ These 5 years in that High School provided me with the golden opportunity of brightening my talents. I am grateful to the personsatthehelmofaffairsatthat timethecorrespondentRevFrPeter Serrao, Headmistress C. Lilly Pinto , and Rev Fr Clement Mascarenhas and also to the entire staff

memebrs”.Irememberthemalways with agratefulheart.

In the chair of 'Headmaster' : Rev Wilson Vitas DSouza who took charge as the Secretary of Catholic Board of Education evaluated the performance of Aloysius and offeredhimthepostofHeadmaster of Rosario High School. Aloysius recollects that on 1st April 2007 while appointing him as the Headmaster the Bishop Rt Rev Aloysius Paul D'Souza called and said “ Cathedral Parish High School is the Bishops School. Hence you have to maintain the honor and carry forward the institution to greater heights''. Aloysius who is laying down his office on superannuation says with a satisfaction “During these 15 years and 8 months , I have done justice to my job” He expresses his gratitude to all the office bearers of Catholic BoardofEducationviz.,the Bishops who were the ex officio Presidents, all the Secretaries and Staffof the officeof CBE.

Marching ahead to progress : During the early days as Headmaster, Aloysius had to face

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many problems and difficulties but due to the incessant cooperation and support of teaching and nonteaching staff, with the blessings of Holy Queen of Rosary slowlythingschanged,andsituation improved.Theresultswerepoorbut due to the inspiration of correspondent Rev Stanley Goveas all got motivated to give good service. Due to his direction, guidance, and encouragement it was possible to give a new look to the High School building. Here the efforts focused not only on getting good results but also to teach the students the importance of moral values in their life. Aloysius says he followed this principle throughout his teaching career of 38 years. A grand celebration of 150 years of the school was celebrated in the year 2008 for 3 days under the leadership of correspondent Rev StanyGoveas, Principal of Degree college Rev AlwynSerrao who associated himself in our activities and also with the cooperation of Sr Antony Mary. During this time the past students at the school were made to attend, varieties of competitionsalongwiththescience exhibition were conducted to the

students of city schools during the year. The Rosario cup football tournament which was conducted that year continued thereafter. During the past 16 years Aloysius has been successful in maintaining good rapport with the Government EducationDepartmentwhichwasso essential in the development of school and staff. By conducting variousactivitiesandcelebrationsin the school, he provided opportunities for the students to come forward and develop their skills and talents. During the later years under the guidance and cooperationofcorrespondentRevJ. B. Crasta, an education fund was established, and scholarships were distributed to the poor students. Fee waiver was made to the Kannada Medium students besides providing them with two sets of school uniform and notebooks. A free travel pass is provided to the students who come from far off places. These efforts of Aloysius helped in maintaining the required student’s strength which was very much essential for the continuation of school. The functioning of past students’ associations was revived. Aloysius acknowledges the

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continued guidance of Rev Alfred Pinto the present correspondent andisthankfultohim.

Achievementsandawards:Thepast ten years saw Aloysius serving the Mangalore H M Association as its president. He has been serving the Teachers Cooperative Society as its Director since the year 2005 and he served the Society as its president for a term of three years. For his relentless and dedicated service in the field of education, the Government Education Department in the year 2010 honored him with the District Level Best Teacher Award which he rightly deserved. Under the leadership of Aloysius andwiththetrainingbythephysical instructor MrCariappa , Rosario High School won more than 50 football tournaments and championships with media giving wide coverage to the achievements of the school. Aloysius is making a lot of efforts in activities like inter religious dialogue and creating religious harmony among all the religious groups. He is keeping constant contact with parents of students making them aware of the progress of theirwards.

The sensitivity to the unresolved problems of teacher’s community made Aloysius to represent the teachers by filing his nomination in the last election of Legislative Council as independent candidate in the teacher’s constituency which was a courageous act highly appreciated irrespective of the results which depended on eligible votersspreadingin five districts.

A Talented family : In the year 1987 Aloysius and Joyce Lobo of Mount Rosary Parish Kallianpur united in the sacrament of matrimony. God has blessed this couple with two talented sons. The eldest is Vernon, a qualified MBA in HR and Marketing is living with his wife RachelinDubaiasbothofthemare employedthere.Theyoungerson is Vaibhav who completed his Engineering studies and is employed in Bangalore. Both the sonsarehighlytalentedinelocution and drama acting and were continuously winning prizes in elocution competitions conducted by the Konkani NatakSabha and Catholic Sabha. They have acted in manyKonkanidramasandthereare instances Aloysius and sons

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together played their roles in dramas. Both sons are well known comperes of events and are in the footsteps of their illustrious father. The entire family of Aloysius is talented. His wife Joyce is a teacher andgood speaker. She haswon the prizes contentiously for three years in the elocution competition conducted by the Konkani Natak Sabha. She is a talented actress and hasdone rolesin manydramas.

Treasurehouseoftalents:Itwillnot be an exaggeration to say Aloysius who has cordial relationships with the crosssectionsof the societyis a treasure of talents. With his excellent compeering skills in Konkani and Kannada language he has won the hearts of many. His entire admirers know that when their Luvi comperes an event or program every item will be conductedsosmoothlywithprecise time management. He is a good actor. He has acted in more than 200 dramas especially in Konkani religiousplayswithavarietyofroles which won the hearts of thousands of spectators. According to ourLuvi the opportunities he got in Bendur parish helped him to succeed in

developing his talents in acting and the persons who inspired him to develop his acting skills were Mr Austin Prabhu, Mr Claude Souza andMrAdolphousCutinhapopularly knownasDollaMangalore.Aloysius is a radio artist in Akashwani Mangalore which aired his programmes and Daiji T V had telecasted his programmes. Aloysius is a gifted writer offered his services as Editor of “BendurchoTaalo” Parish Magazine of Bendur, and for the past 7 years serving as Editor of his present Parish magazine “BajjodichoKurov”. His oratory talents were discovered when he won the the first prize for three years in a row creating a hatrickin the elocution competition conducted by the Konkani NatakSabha. As a resource person he participated in many seminars and camps giving guidance to the children and the youth. He has shared his knowledge with the comperes by conducting meetings and seminars for them. Aloysius compared the felicitation program of the Episcopal Silver Jubilee of former Bishop Rt Rev Basil D'Souza which event was attended by more than 30 Bishops. He had conducted

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the WilfyNiteprograms of the legendary Konkani Singer WilfyRebimbus in India and abroad. Aloysius is humbled by the honor bestoweduponhimbythefamilyof late WilfyRebimbus for placing the responsibility of conducting the stage show in his hands. In the Lay Apostolate field at the age of 18 years itself he served as the president of the Legion of Mary of undivided Mangalore Diocese. Aloysius says he was greatly influenced by the selfless service renderedbySrMariaJyothiA.C.and late Judith Mascarenhas with whom he was associated in the social service for38years.

Gratitude to the Lord : Offering thanks to our Lord for showering blessings on him and his family Aloysius says Almighty has given him a beautiful family with parents who strived hard to provide him a good future, a loving wife, two talented sons and now a good daughter in law. With prayer as his tool, faith in God and trust in Mother Mary he has survived throughmanycrisissituationsinlife includingthedeadlyCoronadisease from whichhe recovered.

With gratefulness to Almighty for the 60 years of gift of life and 38 years of teaching career. Aloysius recollects humbly the people who came into his life the friends, correspondents teaching and non teaching staff of all the schools he served, the Bethany sisters who showed him a direction to the life, the Presidents, Secretaries, staff of CatholicBoardofEducation,staffof Govt Education Department, and thanks them profusely for their kindnessandcooperationinhis life andteachingcareer. The Best is ahead : Mr Aloysius DSouza,thishighlytalentedteacher and graceful p[ersonality always accepts the highs and lows of life with the same humbleness and equanimity and bows to the LORD. As he moves on to retirement from his teaching career soon in November, VEEZ Weekly e Magazine and all near and dear congratulate Mr Aloysius D'Souza for leading a fruitful life and wish him good health and happiness in hisretiredlife,whichexpectedlywill be equally fruitful. May Almighty bless him to serve the society with

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the treasure of his talents for many moreyearstocome.


India Post releases new Philately articles MakesMangaluruproud


India Post's Mangaluru division on Sunday October 30, 2022, at the Pandeshwar Head Postoffice ceremoniously released two special

postal covers on the 'Inventions of Khaki and Mangalore Tiles' along with a set of assorted legacy historical quality picture postcards. Indeed, it revives the ethos of the region and Karnataka on the eve of 'Rajyotsava'.

October 30, 1834, signals the arrival of the Basel Mission at Nireshwalia, old Bundar (nearthepresentfisheriesport) and this pioneer 'Basel Mission'; group arethekeycontributorsforboththe enduring items and much more the tribute is unforgettable. Basel

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English Version - translator's namewithheldonrequest.

Mission's endeavor in early British times of the 1800s brought technology, training, and jobs for locals.Theeventitselfwastastefully co ordinated and well participated which underlines the sentimental

and true value that the people attribute to such revival of old inventions which are getting a new life once again post Corona pandemic. Indeed,it isaverymuch needed forethought and

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Thewidelyknown colour'Khaki' , which is being used as uniform in various establishments and departments and armies of many countries was "first invented in

Mangaluru",in 2nd half of 19th century.. Department of Post ,KarnatakaCircleiscommemorating thisthroughreleaseofspecialcover themed " Invention of Khakhi at Mangaluru ". Popular "MANGALORE TILES", exportedto

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many countries besides being used in many states of India , have also originated in Mangalore itself insecondhalfof19thcenturywhich is explicit in the name itself. Department of Post ,Karnataka

Circle is commemorating this through release of special cover themed"Mangaluru Tiles".

Apart from this ,set of 10 Picture Postcards, on 10 Jaina Ratna bhushan (Chavundaraya, Attimabbe, Chennabairadevi, Janna,Ratnakaravarni,Shanthala,Pon na,Rani Abbakkadevi,Pampa,Ranna) who contributed significantly to JainismandtheKannadalanguage, literature and fought for the good of the land and people was also released today October 30, 2022. . This is seen as a significant recognition on the eve of "67th Kannada Rajyotsava celebration". Each one of these 'Picture Post Cards'containuniqueQRcodes;On scanning the QR code ,one can get a web link giving details of personality represented in the PicturePostcard . These along with

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manyotherinterestingitems,books and prime information will be available for customers at the revamped Philatelic centre at PandeshwarHPO.

PicturePost Cards were released by Sir S Rajendra Kumar ,Chief Postmaster General ,Karnataka Circle . Both special covers were also released by Sir S Rajendra Kumar ,Chief Postmaster General ,KarnatakaCircle. DrKumarIAS,DC Dakshina Kannada ,Rev Vijaya Harvin ,United Basel Mission, Sudana church were Chief guests for the event. Dr Peter Wilson Prabhakar spoke fittingly on historicalaspectsoftheinventionof Khaki dye and Mangalore Tiles and pointed to his gold standard book in Kannada "Bharathadalli Basel Mission' which contains the history too.ProfSPAjithPrasadregaledall present onpersonalitiesdepictedin Picture Postcards and the Jain legacy and pointed to the fact that due recognition has evaded an important chapter in the history of Karnataka. SriCharlesLoboasenior IndiaPost Official(former) whohas authored the books was present andspokeinacrispandcaptivating

informative manner. The Senior Superintendent of Postoffices, Mangalore who orchestrated the event, Sri Shriharsha N, along with officials and staff members played their role for an informative and pleasanteventthataugursprogress in the future.

Brief on "Khaki" : European master weaver John Haller, 1851 first inventedanewcolourdye'Khaki'(it is said that Khaki means 'dusty' in Kannada) from the bark of a semecarpus tree, at the Basel Mission WeavingEstablishment, in what we now see as Mission compound Balmatta. Earlier in 1844 theyhadsetuptheWeavingFactory on the land allocated by the then British Collector of Mangalore H.M.Blair. To start with, the quality was rather poor. But, textile expert Haller constantly worked on it and had set up looms too before the 'Khaki' dye became accepted. Many people found work in the 'flying shuttle looms' and 'Khaki' was in demand. British Army Commander in Chief Lord Roberts, who paid a visittoMangalorewasimpressedby the new 'Khaki' color and immediately set about introducing

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it to the British Army all over the world. Many people recall that until recent times many schools, apart from government establishments, usedkhakiuniformsandstilldo.We see even in this 21st century how popular this color is world over and howithasdevelopedinmoreluxury fabricstoo. Mangalore tiles : First introduced to India in 1860 by a German missionary. This industry has flourished in India with these red tiles, prepared from hard laterite clay, in great demand throughout the country Coastal Karnataka has been the home of these tiles since the start. They are exported to Myanmar,SriLanka,andtheFarEast and even Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Australia and many more areas. These were the only tiles recommended for government buildings in India under the British Raj. These tiles still define Mangalore's skyline and characterize its urban settingandinmanylandstoo. They are a popular form of roofing and are preferred over concrete due to their good quality. The German

missionary Plebot ( Plebst in reality) set up the first tile factory at Mangalore in 1860, after he found large deposits of clay by the banks of the Gurupura(alsoPhalguni)and Nethravathirivers.Itwascalled"The CommonWealth Trust Ltd." or locally referred to as Basel Mission tilefactory,andwasthefirstevertile factory in India, located on the banks of the Nethravathi river, near Morgan's Gate, not far from the Ullalbridge.Currentlyseennearthe 'Mangalore Club' and a huge residentialtower'Aquamarine'. Several other tile factories were established in the years that followed. The Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, a World Heritage Site is also topped with these tiles due to their excellent quality and were preferred over Bombay tiles by the structure's architect Frederick William Stevens. Post 2000 there wasadropintileuseduetocement concrete,dearthofrawmaterialand labour and rising prices. Soon, however,thegoodsideandcultural heritage of Mangalore Tiles was realised and came into its own platform nowsustainedwell.

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Terence Andrade deserved a placeinthenationalhockeyteam


Terry Andrade who now lives in California is a fine example of the caliberof formerKarachisportsmen who excelled through their lives, given their nurturing, education, and sporting prowess. Throughout histwelveyears at St. Patrick’sHigh School & College, Karachi, from 1956 to 1968, he was an outstanding student, securing first or second positions and then graduating in Electrical Engineering from the NED College/University in 1973. The school gave ample opportunities for all students to shine, and Terry was no exception. He took part enthusiastically in the

annual track & field meets, winning severalracesasatoddler,juniorand seniorathlete. In field hockey, Terry was among the best players in Karachi representing the school (1965 66), college (1967 68), university (1969 72) and provincial teams. He was also a Patrol Leader in the scouts’ troop, enjoying his camping days in the wilderness of the northern areas of Pakistan where he says, “I learntmy first lessons to lead, excel and ‘be prepared’ for all sorts of eventualitiesandopportunitiesin life.”

Hockey was his forte, as soon as he joined the NED College (now a university) he was selected to represent the team, which he later ledtowin several college/university championships. Another outstanding hockey player in the NED squad was Wilfred Castellino who was a brilliant right half back. In 1971, Terry was selected for the Karachi University Degree Colleges

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Team for the All Pakistan Inter University Hockey Championships. Provincial selectors kept a close watch on Terry’s goal scoring skills whichledhimtoplayfortheKarachi Port Trust (KPT), one of the top nationalteamsat that time. He played and scored goals for KPT against teams like PIA, Pakistan Customs,HabibBank,KarachiPolice who all had many Olympians and national players in their line up. Several of his contemporaries, such as Islahuddin Siddiqui, former Pakistan captain would agree that Terry was one of best left wingers anddeservedacallfornationalduty which regrettably eluded him. He continued to play for KPT in the national championships before leaving for the USA in 1974 for furtherstudies. Another hockey ace, Victor D’Lima was the goalkeeper for KPT and according to Terry and his teammates, “Victor was among thetopgoaliesinPakistanduring the period 1969-74 and could have walked into any national team!”


& Computer Engineering from Oregon State University and upon receiving job offers from Silicon Valley companies in California such as AMD, Intel, and National Semiconductor; he decided to join AMD in 1979. Terry worked in Product and Test Engineering for four years and later managed the Test Operations, Production & Engineering teams worldwide in Asia & Europe. He was also a Key Team Member for AMD’s 8 Generations of Microprocessor Products(the80186totheOpteron) as well as the 29000 Processor Family, ramping up the Hi Volume Production Operations Worldwide forATE Testing.

The sports enthusiast that he was, since coming to the Bay Area in California, he continued to play for the Northern California (NorCal) Field Hockey Team based at the University of California, Berkeley from 1979 onwards. They played against many Divisions 1 Teams from other countries like Canada, Mexico, Germany, England, Australia.andIndia.Hecontinuedto playhockeybeforeretiring in 1990.

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Terry Andrade, the Patrician from Karachi, retired from AMD in 2007, but took up work at a Startup Company and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) for brief stintsandthenjoinedKLATencorin 2011 to 2016 before finally retiring from the Hi-Tech field. Since retirement he has been active in Social Work with Seniors and the AmericanRedCrossinSiliconValley where he has lived for the past 42 years. Terry is married to Deanna

and has three children, Tamara, Sophia, and Marisa, and two adorable grandchildren Sadie Rose and Joel Junior. Terry is the son of Willam B. Andrade (who at 107 yearsofageistheoldestmemberof the community), the Late Zena Andrade (teacher at St. Joseph’s Convent School) and the eldest of his siblings, Clarence, Lawrence, Christopher, Jennifer, Nilofer and Zenwill.

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The trophy


I say childhood days are the best in one’s life. Irrespective of which school we studied, or how we studied every memory is cherished. Having studied in a convent school, everything was well organized for me. The school environment inculcated in me a sense of

discipline, commitment, and love forstudies.

Ineverbelievedintoppingtheclass buthadanintentiontoalwaysexcel in whatever I took up. One thing I always wanted in my school was trophies.Themaindrawbackforme was that I was not into sports; I almost hated sports and nevertried my hand at it, except for a little bit of basketball and occasional short put sessions. Being good at cultural activities I managed to bag lots of certificatesbut neveratrophy.

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I was tired of certificates and medals,andIknewverywellthatmy chances of getting one had literally cometoanendbecauseIwasinthe last phase of my school studies. When I was planning how I could get some trophies in my college days, just then I was informed that I had received the 8th rank in the Bangalore Diocese catechism Exams.Thiswasanexamconducted for catholic students all over Bangalore. I was happy about my achievement,butIwasevenhappier because I had seen my seniors who had passed these exams with rank weregivenatrophyby the school. I was extremely happy; finally, I would get a trophy. I was waiting eagerly for this day. I informed my parents and cousins. I had cleared the showcase; I had made space between all my medals and a few small cups to place my beautiful trophy. My happiness and excitement were soaring as the days passed. I was eagerly waiting for the management to announce the felicitation day. After a lot of waiting, one fine day it was announcedinthe assemblythatthe

following week there would be a function and all the winners and rank holders would be felicitated. My happiness knew no bounds. I was elated. The days that followed were difficult to pass and nights weresleepless. Finally, the day arrived, and I saw that my uniform was perfectly ironed; I was dressed for the occasion. I sat in the auditorium in the front row (we were asked to) withprideandwaitedeagerlyforall thespeechestogetover.Finally,the moment I was waiting for arrived, names were announced and each one who excelled in different fields wasgiftedabeautifultrophy.Icould not take my eyes off the trophy. It wasaglasstrophywiththenameof the school etched on it. Everyone receivedthe trophy, andat the end, they announced that the students who received the rank in catechism would be felicitated. When my name was called first, I proudly marched to the dais, but I was shaken to receive a gift wrapped in goldenpaperratherthanatrophy.I wasshockedandsad.Thiscouldnot happen,alltheyearstheyhadgiven themtrophieswhyhadtheygivena

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gift this year, I was in tears. I was disappointed. Taking the gift, I sadly walked towards my class after the ceremony, all were busy congratulating me, but I did not reciprocatethemanddecidedtogo andsitinmyplace,holdingbackthe tearsin myeyes. Just then the sister who had taught us catechism came forward and wished me and told me that there was a beautiful present inside and she told me that I would keep that present forever.

I was fuming with anger; I knew it wassomebookandI didn’t want to open it. I had planned to throw it and keep only the certificate. I was not even interested in opening it. I kept it in mybagandthe entireday I was crying without letting others notice it. I camehome and tookthe gift to throw it when my mom enquiredwhatthegiftwas.Ididnot want to open it but still, I did not want to show how desperate I was about the trophy. I reluctantly opened the gift and was taken aback to see a Holy Bible. I was in dilemmaI didnot knowwhat todo. I knew I had to respect it since we already had a Bible, so I placed it

inside. For many days I was angry. I was angry with the school, the management, and everyone for gifting me a Bible rather than a trophy.

Years passed, and I graduated and started my post graduation, I had notcompletelyforgottenthetrophy incident, but I had matured enough tounderstandthatcribbingaboutit wassilly.OnonefinedaywhenIsat quietly and pulled my drawer to remove my dairy just than my eyes fell on this bible, it was neat and clean almost untouched for 7 years. Something in me urged me to take it out. I was passing through teenage confusions, identity crises, andself-worthbattles,justthenthis Biblecaughtmyattentionandwhen I opened it, I was happy to read a paragraph congratulating me for securingtherank.After7yearsIhad readthemessage,Iwashappy.Iwas motivated.

SlowlyeverydayIbegantoreadmy Bible,itbecamemypersonalBible.I began underlining the words that touched me. It became my best friend over the years. Today almost after 15 years I still have the Bible. I read it. Whenever I am down, demotivated, frustrated, and angry.

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The gift which I once hated has become my greatest pillar of support.

Even today when I think about the incident, I realize how foolish I was to run behind something so materialistic. Afterthat, I went on to win many trophies including a Gold Medal, but nothing gives me comfort as much as the Bible does. All the medals and certificates lie behind.

Today I realized the importance of the Gift I received if then I would

have gotten a trophy it would be in the showcase with not much significance. But the Bible made a lot of difference tomylife. Most of us fume when we receive what we never wanted, but maybe we should remember God gives us what we actually need and deserve. Whatever we receive will definitely help us in the future without our knowledge.NogiftisUseless.Letus cherish the gifts we get and preservethem with prideandlove.

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48 Veez Illustrated Weekly Daijiworldfounder Walter Nandalike conferredwithNews18’s KaravaliSamudayaRathnaaward Pics:DayanandKukkaje Daijiworld Media Network –Mangaluru (ANK) Mangaluru, Oct 29: Renowned news channel News 18 Kannada held the Karavali Samudaya Rathna Award ceremony here at TMA Pai Hall on Friday October 28. Managingdirectorof Daijiworld media Walter Nandalike was
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with the Karavali Samudaya Rathna award.
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achievers from the

coastal belt was recognised by the News18Kannadaeditorialboardled by editor Nikhil Joshi.An elated Walter Nandalike said, “It has been 22 years since the existence of Daijiworld media. I have been felicitated by many organisations in India and abroad, but for the first time, a media organisation has

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as 18

felicitated another person from a media house. I thank News18 Kannada for the award. I hope this initiative will turn out to be a revolution in future.”

Meanwhile, a cultural event showcasing the culture of coastal Karnataka was also held. Minister Kota Srinivas Poojary, former MLA Ramanath Rai, actor Dr Suman Talwar, DP Sathish from News18, Nikhil S Patil from Ullas Agarbatti, Rajashekarananda swamiji from Vajradehi Math, MLA Dr Bharath Shetty, Kanthara fame actress Manasi Sudhir, director Anup Bhandary, MLAs Angara, Srinivas Murthy from Amruth Noni, MLA U T Khader, additional deputy commissioner Krishna Murthy, Dr AnishKumarfromLevista,president of Tulu Sahitya Academy Dayanand Katthalsar,actorPruthviAmbar,vice president News18 Kannada Saraswathi, CREDAI president Pushparaj Jain, Ravindra Shet from SL Shet, Sharath Kumar from Pai International and Mukund Kamath from IdealIceCreamswerepresent. Sharmitha Shetty and Navitha Jain

compered the event.


Akshara Rathna Harekala Hajabba (Cheque of Rs 51,000 presented by Ullas Agarbatthi)

Life time achievement award - N Vinaya Hegde

Jnana Rathna Dr Mohan Alva

Sahasa Rathna Gangadhar Kadekar Sahitya Rathna - Vaidehi Udyama Rathna - Vittala Hegde

Samshodhana Rathna Baabu Pangala Janapadha Rathna Bannanje Babu Amin Kambala Rathna Suresh Shetty (Cheque of Rs 51,000 presented by Ullas Agarbatthi) Kala Rathna Bhaskar Kogga Kamath

54 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Cine Rathna award


Samaja Rathna Ekagamyananda Swamiji of Ramakrishna Math

Samudaya Rathna Walter Nandalike, managing director,



Asian descendent -The

Minister Rishi Sunak


India, covered the entire globe with happiness, celebrated this year on October 24, 2022, has been a triumphant enlightening day all over; for Britain and Asian Origin/descendant RISHI SUNAK , a staunch Hindu has been appointed leader of the Conservative party and duelythe PM of Britain! The triumph and happiness is shared by Indians and more all over the world and people of goodwill everywhere. For young Rishi, 42 years old, against all odds, hasunbelievablybecomethe Prime Minister(PM)of Britain afterhigh drama and lawful calculations. In 1947, just before India became independent, the British PM of the time, the mighty Winston Chrchill,

55 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Daijiworld Media private limited YogaRathna
Deepavali - The festival of lights in

famous for his cigar too, supposedly said, " All Indian leaders will be low caliber and men of straw', Now in 2022, 75 years later, we see an Indian descendant, RishiSunakhasfavourablyassumed office as British PM.....When British ruled the sub-continent, it was common to see British enclaves bearing notices "Indians and Dogs Not Allowed", time seems to have changed much in 75 years . Such sentiments are being expressed widelybymany....

Formally Sworn-in : In the meanwhile, on October 25, 2022, Rishi Sunak's appointment as Britain’s Prime Minister has been ratified by King Charles III, the palace said. Mr Sunak, 42, became the leader of the Conservatives yesterdayafterBorisJohnson called off his comeback bid, and Penny Mordaunt didn’t get enough backing.

"Right now, our country is facing a profound economic crisis. The aftermath of COVID still lingers. [Vladimir]Putin’swarinUkrainehas destabilised energy markets and supply chains the world over," Mr Sunak told reporters after meeting KingCharles. "Wasappointedtofix mistakes": said Rishi Sunak in his first address as PM

"I want to pay tribute to my predecessor, Liz truss. She was not wrong, to want to improve growth inthiscountry.Itisanobleaim.And I admired her restlessness to create change. But some mistakes were made. Not born of ill will, or bad intentions. Quite the opposite, in fact, but mistakes, nonetheless. And I have been elected as a leader of mypartyandyourPrimeMinister,in part, to fix them. And that work begins immediately," Mr Sunak said. "This government will have

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TheAsian originleader,aconfirmed practicingHindu, istheyoungestto hold the UK’s top post in 200 years andthefirstHinduPrimeMinisterof Britain. Mr Sunak is Britain’s third Prime Minister this year, after Liz Trussleftofficejust49daysintoher term. The new premier inherited a daunting array of problems. Departing Downing Street, Ms Truss wished Sunak "every success" and said she remained "more convinced than ever" that Britain needed to be "bold"inconfrontingthechallenges it faced.

Britain’s Conservative supporting media hailed Mr Sunak’s appointment."Theforceiswithyou, Rishi," ran The Sun’s headline, in a referencetoMrSunak’sloveof"Star Wars" films. The Daily Mail called it "a new dawn for Britain". But the

57 Veez Illustrated Weekly integrity, professionalism, and accountabilityateverylevel.Trust is earned and I will earn yours. I will always be grateful to Boris Johnson for his incredible achievements as Prime Minister," Mr Sunak said. WhoIsAkshataMurty?GetToKnow The ... RishiSunak'swifeAkshataMurthy... Infosys Narayan Murthy; husband ...

left leaning Guardian highlighted MrSunak’swarningtoConservative MPs that the party must "unite or die". Ms Truss left office as the shortest serving premier in history, after a calamitous tax slashing budget sparked economic and politicalturmoil.MrSunak,afterthe stunning turnaround in political fortunes,hasvowedtoworkhardas Britain confronts decades high inflation, surging borrowing costs and imminent recession. But he also faces the uphill task of uniting a party riven with divisions and infighting. Gavin Williamson, who served as a minister in the Tory governments of both Theresa May and Mr Johnson, said the party was in the "last chance saloon" on unity. Mr Sunak has started mustering his top team before facing his first session of "Prime Minister’s Questions" in parliament soon.

TheBallrollson : Many connectionscanbecitedof this nature where Indian origin people have been in leadership positions in many parts of the world. Now, the latest link is somethingamazingtobeproudof,

considering India was ruled by the British for a long time and Indians were called 'dogs' and considered menial, good for nothing and incapable of responsible conduct and denigrated to a great extent in many cases by the whites in severalcircumstances. Most prominent of all that is always recalled in Mahatma Gandhi's illtreatment at the hands of the white skinned. Yet even though Indians have risen to great heights regaining the high renown of the very ancient past, they are not insulting or getting their back against their tormentors of the past. In recent times it is evident that Indian origin persons are rising to peak positions in the US particularly, in most fields and specially so in key government positions in most leading fields. It is also common to see Indian origin folk taking on leadingrolesin most of theforward countries like Australia, Africa, Europe and so on, and in manyotherstheyoccupytopplaces but are not brought into the limelight and remain incognito. Now, with the UK and USA no longer being able to keep

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Indian origin leaders in the backgroundtheworldorderissetto change drastically it seems. Our leading light who is set to make history and make it big is RISHI SUNAK, who is now wearing the mantleoftheloftyPrimeMinisterof Britain and occupies '10 Downing

Street. It is worth knowing a little about him andhisbackgroundand it willdefinitelyinterest readers.

A British PM with Asian-Indian roots : The time is well nigh to behold the most likely and unexpected reality that is Rishi Sunak ( born May 12, 1980) a trueblue British politician whoserved as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2020 to 2022, having previously served as Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2019 to 2020. A member of the Conservative Party, he has been Member of Parliament (MP) for Richmond (Yorks) since 2015.

Born in Southampton to Asian Hindu parents who had emigrated from East Africa, Sunak was educatedat WinchesterCollege. He subsequently studied philosophy, politics and economics at Lincoln College,Oxford,andlatergainedan MBA from Stanford University as a Fulbright Scholar. While studying at Stanford, he met his future wife Akshata Murty from a conservative Hindu Kannadiga family, the daughter of N. R. Narayana Murthy, the Indian billionaire businessman

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who founded Infosys rooted in Karnataka. Sunak and Murthy are among the richest people in Britain, with a combined fortune of £730m as of 2022. After graduating, he workedforGoldmanSachsandlater asapartneratthehedgefundfirms The Children's Investment Fund Management and Theleme Partners.

Elected to Richmond (Yorks) at the 2015 general election, he served in Theresa May's second government asParliamentaryUnder Secretaryof State for Local Government. He votedthreetimesinfavourofMay's Brexit withdrawal agreement. After May resigned, Sunak was a supporter of Boris Johnson's campaign to become Conservative leader. After Johnson was elected and appointed Prime Minister, he appointed Sunak as Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Sunak replaced Sajid Javid as Chancellor of the Exchequer after his resignation in February 2020. AsChancellor,Sunakwasprominent in the government's economic response to the economic ramifications of the government's

decision to impose a lockdown to deal with the COVID 19 pandemic in the United Kingdom. In April 2022,hebecamethefirstChancellor in British history to have been sanctioned for breaking the law while in office after being issued a fixed penalty notice for breaching COVID-19 regulations during lockdowns. He resigned as Chancelloron5July2022,citingthe economic policy differences between himself and Johnson in his resignationletter.On8July2022,he announcedhiscandidacytoreplace Johnson in the upcoming Conservative party leadership election,andafterseveralroundshe isin the lead for popularity and wellplacedasof now.

Earlylife&SoundEducation : Rishi was born to Indian parents Yashvir and Usha Sunak. He is the eldest of three siblings. His father Yashvir was born and raised in the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (present-day Kenya), while his mother Usha was born in Tanganyika (which later became part of Tanzania). His grandparents were born in Punjab Province,

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British India, and emigrated from East Africa with theirchildren to the UK in the 1960s. Yashvir was a doctor, general practitioner, and Usha was a pharmacist who ran a local pharmacy. RishiSunakattendedStroudSchool in Romsey, Hampshire, and Winchester College, a boys' independent boarding school, where he was head boy and the editor of the school paper. He waited tables at a curry house in Southampton during his summer holidays. He read philosophy, politics and economics at Lincoln College, Oxford, graduating with a first in 2001. During his time at university,hewasinterviewedalong with his parents for the BBC documentary Middle Classes: Their Rise and Sprawl, and he undertook an internship at Conservative Campaign Headquarters. In 2006, he gained an MBA from Stanford University,wherehewasaFulbright scholar.

Business&Career : Sunakwasan analyst for the investment bank Goldman Sachs between 2001 and 2004.Hethenworkedforthehedge

fund management firm The Children's Investment Fund Management, becoming a partner in September 2006. He left in November 2009 in order to join former colleagues at a new hedge fund firm, Theleme Partners, which launchedinOctober2010with$700 million under management. He was also a director of the investment firmCatamaranVentures,ownedby his father in law, Indian businessman N. R. Narayana Murthy.

Strongpoliticalprofile : Member ofParliamentSunakwasselectedas the Conservative candidate for Richmond (Yorks) in October 2014. The seat had previously been held by William Hague, a former leader of the party, Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State, who chose to stand down at the following general election. The seat is one of the safest Conservative seats in the United Kingdom and has been held by the party for over 100 years. In the same year Sunak was head of the Black andMinority Ethnic (BME) Research Unit of the centre right think tank Policy Exchange, for which he co-wrote a report on BME

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communities in the UK. He was elected as MP for the constituency at the 2015 general election with a majority of 19,550 (36.2%). During the 2015 2017 parliament election he was a member of the Environment,FoodandRuralAffairs Select Committee. Sunak supported the UK leaving the European Union at the June 2016 membershipreferendum. That year, he wrote a report for the Centre for Policy Studies (a Thatcherite think tank) supporting the establishment of free ports after Brexit, and the following year wrote a report advocating the creation of a retail bondmarketforsmallandmediumsized enterprises.

Sunak was re elected at the 2017 general election, with an increased majority of 23,108 (40.5%). He served as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Local Government between January 2018 andJuly2019.Sunakvotedforthen Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit withdrawal agreement on all three occasions and voted against a referendum on any withdrawal agreement. He supported Boris Johnson in the 2019 Conservative

Party leadership election and co wrote an article in The Times newspaper with fellow MPs Robert Jenrick, and Oliver Dowden to advocate for Johnson during the campaign in June. RishiSunak was appointed as Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on 24 July 2019,servingunderChancellorSajid Javid. He became a member of the Privy Council the next day. He was re elected in the 2019 general election with an increased majority of 27,210 (47.2%). During the election campaign, Sunak represented the Conservatives in both the BBC's and ITV's seven-way election debates. Personal life : Sunak married Akshata Murty, the daughter of the Indian billionaire N. R. Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, in August 2009. Sunak and Murty met while studying at Stanford University; they have two daughters. Ms. Murty owns a 0.91% stake in Infosys, which is valued at about $900m (£690m), as ofApril2022,makingheroneofthe wealthiest women in Britain. Infosys

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continued to operate in Russia following Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, which led to criticism of Sunak and his family, but in April Infosysannouncedit was closing its Russian office. Murty also owns shares in two of Jamie Oliver's restaurant businesses, Wendy's in India, Koro Kids and Digme Fitness. The Opposition had also targetedhim overthe non domicile tax status of Ms Murty. Ms Murty, 42, who is still an Indian citizen, has a net worth of about $1.2 billion owing to her stake in Infosys Ltd., founded by her father Narayana Murty, according to the Bloomberg BillionairesIndex. Ms. Akshatha Murty is the director of her father's investment firm, Catamaran Ventures, and also manages her own fashion label. They live at Kirby Sigston Manor in the village of Kirby Sigston, near Northallerton, North Yorkshire. They also own a house in Kensington in central London, a flat on Old Brompton Road, London, andapenthouseapartmentinSanta Monica, California. Sunak is a Hindu andhas taken his oath at the House of Commons on the

Bhagavad Gita. He is a teetotaller. He was previously governor of the East London Science School. Sunak has a Labrador called Nova. His sister Raakhi works as the Head of Humanitarian, Peacebuilding, UN Funds & Programmes at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Sunak is close friendswithTheSpectator'spolitical editor James Forsyth, whom he has known since their schooldays. SunakwasthebestmanatForsyth's wedding to the journalist Allegra Stratton,andtheyaregodparentsto each other's children. In the SundayTimesRichList2022ranking of the wealthiest people in the UK, Sunak and Murty were placed 222nd,withanestimatedcombined wealth of £730 million, making him the "first frontline politician to join the rich list". Rishi Sunak has come out well on top after several rounds of his bid for the British PM... Churchill, Atlee and Britmonarchs must be turning in theirgraves, swallowing theirwords and cigars that one of those whom theycalled 'IndianDog' is set tobe the British PM, they said the sun never sets....but it has. Hail Indians

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the world over Asians are at the Top!

Great personalities are born into a particular community, country, and society ....but, their greatness takes them to genuine greatness of high caliber, and they end up belonging to the entire humanity creations of GOD.

** Inspiring valuable statements and thoughts on Identity and origins: "Being 'Indian' is a tag defined by many variables place of birth, place of residence, food we eat, culturewepractice,beliefsweshare, heritage we acknowledge, inherited race, languages we speak and so much more. Being 'Indian' is not a single is the compound mixtureofeverythingthathascome before us added to the individual stories we create through our lives. The modern social, political, and economic world we live in has limited the occurrence of single identities that identify by only one country of birth & residence and marriage to individuals from the

same country. It has resulted in individuals enriched by the stories, migrations,marriages,andbeliefsof those of different origins. Being 'Indian' is even less defined by whom/where one 'belongs to' and so much more by the people and communities that see you, understand your differences and embrace you as family. We are all Indian, and so very much more.


"Just a brief thought that occurs to me. Indians come in different sizes and colors. But generally, an Indian on the street can be easily recognized by those who are not Indians and if Indians live in the UK, US, Australia, China or Japan a "man" in the street will easily spot an Indian and it doesn't matter to him or her what he is, what religion he practices, how rich and learned he is. An Indian is an Indian, is an IndianunlessIndiansarethoroughly mixed by marriage to non Indians for generations. Then, they may be classified by the amount of "Indian" blood they have, in the same way that the Canadian native Indians (called First Nations, Algonquins, Metis, and so forth) are recognized

64 Veez Illustrated Weekly
65 Veez Illustrated Weekly for certain rights to native lands". ... Mohan Prabhu.. Octogenarian Author Barrister & Queens Council. Canada . -IvanSaldanha-Shet Mangaluru:Day-longseminaron‘Understanding Gandhi’heldatStAloysiusCollege MediaRelease The department of Political Science of St Aloysius College Autonomous in collaboration with the Nehru Study Center, Mangalore University organized a day long national seminar on ‘Understanding Gandhi’ at St Aloysius College (Autonomous)onSaturdayOctober 29. The inaugural of the seminar was presidedoverbyFrMelwynPintoSJ,
66 Veez Illustrated Weekly rector
of St Aloysius Institutions who stressed that one must
67 Veez Illustrated Weekly understand the Mahatma both as a person and his political philosophy

unwarrantedcriticism orfanatic worshipthat holdsnomeaning. Thechiefguest,CaptGaneshKarnik, former MLC of Karnataka gave the inaugural address where he called for enlightened leadership and citizenshipwithinmodern India.

Dr Praveen Martis SJ welcomed the dignitaries while Prof Rajaram Tolpadi, director of Nehru Study Center gave an overall perspective to the national seminar. He identified three reasons to understand Gandhi the times in which the world lives in, the democracy that is in crisis within

68 Veez Illustrated Weekly insteadof merespouting

India, and therefore the need for reconstructionoftheIndiansociety. Prof Chandan Gowda delivered the keynote address on ‘Hind Swaraj: A Critique’ wherein he says that decentralization which was part of Gandhi’s philosophy would be a greatvalueinthefuture.Incontrary to the Fascist philosophy of subordinating oneself to political power, Prof Gowda argued that Gandhiinfluencedpeopletogiveup excessive life and instead proposed an ascetic model. He pointed that the society should focus on innovation not for its sake but to promotelifethat isworth living. The keynote address was followed by session II addressed by Prof K M Lokesh on ‘Gandhi and Nationalist Movement’, and by Prof Meti Mallikarjun on ‘Gandhi and the Language Question’. Prof Lokesh highlighted that the Mahatma’s greatest contribution in the nationalist movement of India was the mass mobilisation of Indians on anti colonialism through the practice of tough techniques of ahimsaornon violence. Prof Meti Mallikarjun analysed the Mahatma’s language policy that

aimed to resolve conflicts and end communal clashes, to bridge the north south India divide, to cull the disharmony existing in then India. The basic aim was to reunite India anddevelopcommunalpeacewhile ensuringbasic education. In session III on ‘Gandhi and Alternative Politics’, Dr Kiran M Gajanur emphasised that the West portrayed Gandhi as a liberator significantly to help us to come out from the institutional crisis that we facetoday.

Allthesessionsweresummarisedby the students from BA, Steven Joshua, Srushtee Manjrekar, SushrithShettyandHaleema. Prof Rajaram Tolpadi, director of Nehru Study Center and Dr Rose Veera D'Souza, dean of faculty of ArtsandHODPoliticalSciencewere the convenors of this seminar. Dr RoseVeeraD’Souzareadthetribute to Dr Norbert Lobo, former director of Administrative Block and faculty of department of Economics in the presence of his family, Anita Lobo and Anoma Lobo. Vote of thanks was given by Dr Joyce Lobo. The programme was compered by VidhulaLokesh of thirdBA.

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St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru felicitatesCAandACCAAffiliates

The Aloysians, who recently acquired the qualification of Chartered Accountant and ACCA Affiliate were recognized and honoured during the Valedictory Ceremony of Commercio 2022 by the Department of Commerce, St Aloysius College. The Programme was held in the Eric Mathias Hall on October 28, 2022, at 3.00 p.m. The programme began with a prayer songrenderedbyJoannandBlanch. Eleven Students MsJeevithaB, Ms Jessica Pinto, Mr Radley Lawson

Mendonca, Mr Rodney Pinto, and Ms Shubra Shetty were honoured for becoming Chartered AccountantsandMrJeevanJinJose, Ms Lishelle Pearl DSouza, Ms ShivaniKateel,MrVenkateshBaliga, Ms Vritika Shalwin, Ms Amelita Martiswerefelicitatedforbecoming ACCAAffiliates. TheChiefGuest on the occasion, Ms Athmika Amin, Executive Director, J. V. Springs, Mangalore, in her message to the gathering emphasized the importance of participation in

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Rev. Dr Praveen


team led by Ms Nisha (Staff

71 Veez Illustrated Weekly
activities to improve one’s soft skills.
Martis, Principalpresidedovertheprogram complimented the
A and ACCA Affiliates. He also congratulated the
coordinator)andLeanzaandAdnan (student coordinators) for the meticulous organization of

‘COMMERCIO 2022’,aninter class commerce contest. Dr Denis Fernandes,DirectorofArrupeBlock, Dr Manuel Tauro, Dean of Commerce Faculty were present on the occasion. Dr Zeena D’Souza, HoD of Commerce Professional,

welcomed the gathering. Dr Shobha, HoD of Commerce conducted the felicitation programme. On behalf of the achievers, Mr Radley Mendonca shared his journey of becoming a Chartered Accountant and Mr Venkatesh Baliga spoke how one should prepare to become ACCA Affiliate. Ms Nisha expressed the words of gratitude. The programmed was compered by Mischelle.

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St Sebastian Auditorium Inauguration

Rev Fr Cyprian Pinto, the Parish Priest of St Sebastian Church Permannur has informed the news report sayingthat, The Inauguration and blessing of thenewlyconstructed StSebastian Auditorium will be held on 01/11/2022 in the Premises of St Sebastian Church Permannur at 4.00pm.

The Renowned Physician Dr U.C.S. Bhat will inaugurate and Most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha the Bishop of Mangalore will bless the Auditorium Sri V. Sunil Kumar the honorable Minister of Kannada, Culture and Energy Department of Karnataka, Incharge Minister of D.K, Sri U.T Khadar MLA, Mangalore Constituency,DeputyLeaderofthe Opposition Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Sri D. Vedavyas Kamath,

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MLA Mangalore city south will solemnize the programme as the ChiefGuests.

Mr Sandeep Bhat, Architect, Bangalore, Rev Fr J B Saldanha the Parish Priest of St Francis Xavier Church Bejai. The religious Leaders Sri Chandrahas and Haji Rashid as well as the President of Ullal City Municipal Council, Smt Chitrakala Chandrakanth, President of Ullal City Muncipal Council, Sri Ayub Manchila, Vice President, Ullal City Muncipal Council, Sri Basil D’Souza Councillor, Ullal City Muncipal

Council, Smt Veena D’Souza, Councillor, Ullal City Muncipal Council, Rev. Sr Joseph Mary B.S. Superior, Bethel Convent, Permannur, Rev. Sr Alphonsa, Superior, Nirmala Convent, Ullal, Rev. Sr Mariette, Superior, St. Aloysian Home, Someshwar will honorthe programme.

The hall was completed in just 10 months by the hard work of Fr. Cyprian Pinto. The hall has the capacity to hold 1000 people which also includes dressing room, toilets, area for food supply, parking & otherbenefits.

All are cordially welcomed to the program by the Asst. Parish Priest Steevan Cutinha, Smt Philomena E. D’Souza,SecretaryPPC, SriMaurice Monteiro, Vice President, PPC and SriArunD’Souza,MediaCommittee.

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-SambramDigital ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------TO READ OLD/NEW VEEZ ONLINE, CLICK THE LINK BELOW:

Gandhi” Sandhiya, St. Aloysius College Autonomous Mangaluru

75 Veez Illustrated Weekly “Understanding
The Department of Political Science of St. AloysiusCollegeAutonomous in collaboration with the Nehru Study Center, Mangalore University organizedone-daynationalseminar on “Understanding Gandhi” at St. Aloysius College Autonomous Mangaluru (October 29, 2022, between9.30amand4.30pm.)The
76 Veez Illustrated Weekly inaugural
the seminar
was presided over by Rev. Fr. Melwyn
77 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Pinto SJ, the Rector of St. Aloysius Institutions who stressed that one

mustunderstandtheMahatmaboth as a person and his political philosophy instead of mere spouting unwarranted criticism or fanatic worship that holds no meaning.

TheChiefGuest,CaptainGanesh Karnik, former MLC of Karnataka gave the inaugural address where hecalledforenlightenedleadership andcitizenshipwithinmodernIndia. RevDr.PraveenMartisSJwelcomed the dignitaries while Prof. Rajaram Tolpadi, Director of Nehru Study Center gave an overall perspective to the national seminar. He identified three reasons to understand Gandhi—the times in which the world lives in, the democracy that is in crisis within India, and therefore the need for reconstructionoftheIndiansociety.

Prof. Chandan Gowda delivered the keynote address on “HindSwaraj: A Critique” wherein he says that decentralization which was part of Gandhi’s philosophy would be a greatvalueinthefuture.Incontrary to the Fascist philosophy of subordinating oneself to political power, Prof Gowda argued that Gandhiinfluencedpeopletogiveup excessive life and instead proposed an ascetic model. He pointed out that society should focus on innovation not for its sake but to promotelifethat isworth living. The keynote address was followed by session II addressed by Prof. K. M. Lokesh on “Gandhi and NationalistMovement”,andbyProf. MetiMallikarjunon“Gandhiandthe Language Question”. Prof. Lokesh highlighted that the Mahatma’s greatest contribution in the nationalist movement of India was the mass mobilisation of Indians on anti colonialism through the practice of tough techniques of ahimsa or non violence. Prof. Meti MallikarjunanalysedtheMahatma’s language policy that aimed to

78 Veez Illustrated Weekly

resolveconflictsandendcommunal clashes, to bridge the north south India divide, to cull the disharmony existing in then India. The basic aim was to reunite India and develop communal peace while ensuring basic education. In session III on “GandhiandAlternativePolitics”,Dr. Kiran M. Gajanur emphasised that the West portrayed Gandhi as a liberator significantly to help us to come out from the institutional crisisthat weface today. Allthesessionsweresummarisedby the students from BA: Steven Joshua, SrushteeManjrekar,

SushrithShettyandHaleema. Prof. Rajaram Tolpadi, Director of Nehru Study Center and Dr. Rose Veera D'Souza Dean of Faculty of ArtsandHODPoliticalSciencewere the convenors of this seminar. Dr. RoseVeeraD’Souzareadthetribute toDr.NorbertLobo,formerDirector of Adminstrative Block, and faculty of Department of Economics in the presence of his family Mrs. Anita Lobo and Ms. Anoma Lobo. A vote of thanks was given by Dr. Joyce Lobo. The program was compered byVidhulaLokesh of thirdBA.

79 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Holy Redeemer English Medium School secured many prizes in various events in Cluster Level High School Sports Meet held on 28/10/2022 at Shri

Manjunatheshwara Rathnavarma Stadium.

Srusti(10)first placein Shotput, Joshan (10) took first place in the 200m Running and High jump. Joshan, Varun, Dhanush and Shamil

secured first place in Boy's Relay. Luha(10)secondplacein400mand 800m running, Viona (10) second place in Shot, Varun (10) second placein 800m running, Dhanush(10)thirdin400mrunning, Joshan (10) third in 100m running and Shamil (10) third in 200m running.

High Boys secured the ClusterLevel School Championship and Joshan emerged Cluster Level Individual Champion. Students were trained by PE Master Sharath Pinto.

80 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Holy Redeemer English Medium School secured many prizes in various events in Cluster Level HigherPrimarySportsMeet heldon 29/10/2022 at Shri Manjunatheshwara Rathnavarma Stadium. Alston (7) and Deekshitha (8) emerged as Cluster Level Individual champions. Alston (7) first place in 600m and 400m in Running and second place in 200m Running. Alston, Sabith, Muqaddam and Shreyas secured thirdplaceinRelay.Prajnesh(8)first place in High Jump and third place

81 Veez Illustrated Weekly

in 600m Running, Karan (8) second placeinHighjumpandLevin(8)first place in 400m Running. Prajnesh, Levin, Ashish and Aveez secured first place in Relay. Deekshitha (8) first place in 200m and 400m Running and second place in 100m Running, Sinchana shetty (7) first place in Shotput and Vaishnavi (8) second place in 600m Running. Deekshitha, Vaishnavi, Sharanya, and Sanvi secured second place in Relay..

Students Nija (9th) secured second prize in Kannada Elocution and Rishel Bennis (9th) secured third prize in English Elocution. School Headmaster Rev Fr Clifford Pinto wasfelicitated. -SambramDigital

Holy Redeemer English Medium School students of Belthangady won prizes in the competitions conducted for the High School students under the event 'SHODHA 2022'aState LevelScience andArts Fest by the Excel PU College, Guruvayanakere on October 29th.

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MCC Bank, Surathkal Branch holds


On the occasion of the Post Centenary Decennial celebration of the bank, Customer Meet of M.C.C. Bank Ltd, Surathkal Branch, was organized at Sacred Heart Church Conference Hall at Surathkal on Sunday 30th October 2022 at 10.00 a. m.

theChairmanoftheMCCBank,Anil Lobo. ThemeetingstartedwiththePrayer. The meet was inaugurated by Very Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peris, Vicar Forane&ParishPriest,SacredHeart Church, Surathkal. George Ligoury Dsouza, Konkani Writer, and ManagerM.R.P.L, wasthe Chief

83 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Themeetingwaspresided overby
84 Veez Illustrated Weekly
85 Veez Illustrated Weekly guest. Aboobakkar
86 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Surathkal, M. Sadashiva Shetty, Prop. Shri Durga
87 Veez Illustrated Weekly Corporation werethe guestsof honor.
88 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Very Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peris, inaugurated the customer meet by

lighting the lamp. In his inaugural speech he emphasized the need for conducting the customer meet every year so that the Bank will progress with the cooperation and support of the customers. He said that the large number of customers attending the customer meet is an

indication of the trust reposed by them in the Bank. Profit is essential fortheBankandthereshouldbean interplay of profit, liquidity, and security for the progress of the Bank. In the present competitive scenario, the customer plays a very important role in any organization in the service sector. He said we should remember the important factor SRC i.e., Service with smile, Responsiveness to the customers’requirements and Customization in Business to suit the needsof the customers.Hesaid thatcriticism shouldnotdiscourage us but it should be taken in our stride and move forward with determination to achieve the goal. He congratulated the Bank for completing 110 years of service to society and conveyed his best wishes for all the future endeavors of the bank.

Chairman Anil Lobo, in his Presidential speech expressed his happiness for being part of the customer meet as the same is conducted like a family function by

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bringingtogethertheManagement, staff and customers. The Bank has conducted the Customer Meets at all the branches on the occasion of the post Centenary Decennial celebration of the bank in order understand the concerns and expectations of the customers, obtain their feedback, and make sincere efforts to redress their grievances. All the customer meetings were a great success due to the tremendous response from the customers whose participation wasmorethan ourexpectations.

Herequestedthecustomerstoavail themselvesofthebenefitsofhigher rate of interest and other banking services at low cost compared to other banks. He sought the cooperation and support of the customers for the development of the business which will help in generation of employment. He also requested them for word of mouth publicityofthe bank’sproductsand its services so that the bank will growandachieveitsgoalofserving the common man. He asked the

customers to avail themselves of credit facilities like education loans andJewelloansofferedbythebank at verylowinterest. He said that the total deposits of Surathkal branch which was Rs.17 Crore in the year 2018 has crossed Rs.30 crores in 2022 and advances 11 crore in the year 2018 has crossed to 20 crores and attributed this progress to the customers and the staff members of Surathkal Branch. The bank’s health is reflected in its financial statements. Bank has earned unprecedented profit of Rs. 8.27 crore and a net NPA of 1.60 % during the last FY. The customer base of Surathkal Branch has crossed 6000. He expressed gratitude to the customers who have supported the branch even though there is no parking space available for parking theirvehicles.

Heexpressedhishappinessthatthe vision and the goal set by the new Board, i.e., offering personalized service to the customers has been

90 Veez Illustrated Weekly

achieved due to the cooperation of the customers and the sincere effortsof the staff.

HeinvitedthecustomerstothePost Centenary Decennial Celebration scheduled in November 2022. In order to help the poorest of the poor and as part of fulfilling its social responsibilities, the Bank has decided to provide financial assistancetothemformeetingtheir Medical and Housing expenses, Education, and marriage expenses of their children. He requested the customerstoavailthemselvesofthe benefits of a higher rate of interest i.e.,7.60 % p.a. from the newly introduced deposit scheme "Post CentenaryDecennialFD Scheme.

George Ligoury Dsouza, in his speechsaidthatMCCBank,without restricting itself to a particular community, has been rendering its service to all the communities. He appreciated the excellent relationship the Bank has with its customers and said that the customers feel very comfortable

when theyvisit the Bank. MCC Bank offers all the financial services offered by the nationalized banks. He reminded the customers about their responsibilities towards the Bank and sought their cooperation and support for the progress of the Bank. Aboobakkar Krishnapura narrated the gathering his good experience in dealing with the Bank and appreciated the excellent doorstep customer service offered by the branch. He said the progress of MCC bank is directly linked to the progress of the common people in the area and wished for the progress andsuccessof the Bank.

While addressing the gathering M Sadashiva Shetty said that all over the country, the Christian institutions are known for their disciplinedservicetothesociety.He saidheisasatisfiedcustomerofthe Bank, which is known for its customer friendly approach. He said that Dakshina Kannada and Udupi Districts are known as cradle

91 Veez Illustrated Weekly

of the banking industry where severalbanksimportant bankshave taken their birth. The foundations for the banks were laid by the farmers and hence the bank should help them in the form of financial assistanceintheirhoursofneed.He congratulated the Branch Manager and the staff members for their excellent customerservice.

Thecustomerswhocelebratedtheir birthdays in the month of October were honored. The Senior Citizen customers were congratulated and honored with shawl and flower bouquet. Children of the customers who excelled in their academic and professionalstudieswerefelicitated. Leslie Pais (Ex Manager) and Wilma Pais,(Ex staff) of Surathkal Branch whoretiredfrom the servicesof the Bank were also honored for their selflessservice. As part of the customer meet, an open session was held to facilitate thecustomerstocomeupwiththeir suggestions, feedback and to share their grievances. The Customers

actively took part in this interactive session and gave their valuable suggestions for the growth of the Bank. Vice Chairman Jerald Jude Dsilva, Directors Herold Monteiro, Roshan Dsouza, Andrew D'Souza, J P Rodrigues, David D'Souza, Marcel MathewD'Souza,ElroyKiranCrasto, Irene Rebello, Felix Dcruz, Sushanth Saldanha, Alwyn Prashanth Monteiro, Sharmila Menezes, Dy General Manager Raj F. Menezes werealsopresent.

General Manager Sunil Menezes explained the importance of the Customer meet. Surathkal Branch Support Director Joseph M. Anil Patrao welcomed the gathering. Branch Manager Sunitha Dsouza proposed the vote of thanks. Viola Ferel Pinto, Bajpe compered the programme.

Employees of Surathkal Branch Jennifer R. Fernandes, Lavina Lewis, Shainy Veebha Dsouza, Anil Cabral wasactivelyassociatedin organizingthe meeting.

92 Veez Illustrated Weekly

St Agnes College celebrates Halloween

The Halloween themed programme "Halloween Fiesta" was held on 29October2022atStAgnesCollege (Autonomous), Mangaluru.

The MC Suzaina welcomed the gathering. The programme was inaugurated by Sr Dr M. Venissa A.C., the Principal, along with Adeline Renjal, the Student President, by lighting the candle on the pumpkin.

The programme began with a spooktacular performance by the studentcouncilmemberswhichwas followedbythe Principal'saddress.

Tokeepupwiththespookyspirit of the day three competitions were organized by the student council,

93 Veez Illustrated Weekly
94 Veez Illustrated Weekly face painting, pumpkin carving and flashmob. Students with their

variety of costumes made it a successfuldress-upday.

The faculty members were present at the occasion. The programme

was conducted under the guidance of MrsMalavikaShetty,Headof the Department of Computer Applications and Student Council in charge.


The 25th annual college magazine of Father Muller Homoeopathic Medical College ‘PIONEER 2022’ with the theme “Our Planet our Health” was released by commemorating the 112nd death

anniversary of the founder Rev Fr AugustusMullerSJon31st October 2022 in the College Auditorium. Dr Rohan S. Monis, Chief Administrative Officer, Kanachur Hospital& ResearchCentrewasthe

95 Veez Illustrated Weekly
96 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Chief Guest and Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director, Father
97 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Muller Charitable Institutions presided over the programme. The

programme commenced with a prayersong.

Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran, Principal welcomedthegatheringwithanote on the legacy of Father Muller and thezealthathasinspiredustoserve the suffering humanity and introduced the Chief Guests. The programme was inaugurated by lightingthe lampbythe dignitaries.

The Chief Guest Dr Rohan S. Monis in his address mentioned about the growth of the Institute far and wide and also praised the works of the

managementwhichdeservedtothe marvellous growth of the Institute each day and each year by requesting a applaud from the gathering,.

Rev. Fr Roshan Crasta, Administrator, FMHMC&H in his message, congratulated the editor andtheeditorialboardforselecting the WHO theme for the magazine. He also mentioned the works of Fr Muller which kept growing to see the motto of “Heal and comfort” in servingsociety.

On this occasion the faculty members, student researchers and Women throw ball team were felicitated for their achievements. Followed by this prize was distributed for the winners of the competitionsheldinviewofPioneer 2022.

Rev. Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, Director, FMCI in his presidential noteexpressedhisjoyforcompiling this literary publication which sees improvement and innovations year

98 Veez Illustrated Weekly

by year. He said it also serves to reclaim the memories and refresh those cherishable moments in the future. He stressed the leadership qualities which help in progress for self andthe organisation.

Dr Ameer C T, Staff Chief Editor, Pioneer 2022 was present on the dais.


Ms Gaganalakshmi, Student Editor, Pioneer 2022, proposed the vote of thanks. Ms Oshin Dsouza and Ms Anagha K. comperedtheprogram. Theprogrammeconcludedwiththe Institution Anthem.

St Agnes PU College celebrates Library Week

St Agnes PU College celebrated library week to commemorate the contributionsof librariesand library workers.Theweek longeventswere organized to motivate students to read as well as develop interest in reading books, which has been on the decline duringpandemic. Asapartofthecelebrations,various

competitionslikeBookTrailer, Book face Challenge, drop a Book and be a lucky winner, Bookmark Contest, BookReview,Readeroftheyearand Best Caption Contest were held to the staffandstudents. While addressing the students after inaugurating a book exhibition, St AgnesPUCollegeprincipalSr

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Norine DSouzaA.C congratulated the stafffororganizingsuch an

event and said that the objective of the library week is to highlight the essential role a library plays in transforming lives and

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strengtheningcommunities. Givingdetailsabout the Library

Week,StAgnesPUCollegeLibrarian Dr Tressie Menezes said that the library week promotes the idea that librariesareplacestogetconnected to technology by using broadband, computers,andotherresources,she said that libraries also offer opportunities to connect with media, programmes, ideas, and classes- in addition tobooks.

StAgnesPUCollegelibraryisoneof the best libraries in the city, which has been divided into three major sections such as reading room, circulation section and photocopy section. Lending library facilities are provided to the needy students in which they can borrow books for a whole year along with the weekly lending. The library also has old question papers and bound volumes of old magazines and journals which provide mental food for teachers and students. To develop reading habits among students, compulsory library hours aremarkedin the timetable.


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The Catholic Church every year celebrates the Feast of All Saints on 1st of November and on 2nd November commemorates the memory of all departed persons. Both thesedatesareveryimportant for my siblings and me. On 1st November 2004 my mother passed awayduetoamassivecardiacarrest at the age of 74. On 2nd November her body was interred. Though 18 yearsarecompletedtodaysinceher physical departure, she is still alive in meandin mymemory. When I became a Jesuit priest, she sharedwithmeherdesirewhenshe wasayouth.Shewantedtobecome anunlikesixofherfirstcousins.But she could not, because her father toldher“Youhavestudieduptothe third form of the British system. NowIneedyoutotakecareofyour younger siblings and to help me in our fields.” Due to this, her inner desirewasnotfulfilled. Hencewhen she got married, from the first day of her marriage, she and my father prayedeverydaythatatleastoneof their children will be called by God to become a priest or nun. When I

became a priest my parents were extremely glad and told me that Godansweredtheirprayers. IfIamapriesttoday,thecreditgoes to my parents. I had no intention of becoming a priest. I wanted to be a teacher. Their prayers changed my destiny with a double blessing, namely I became a priest and teacher. They were holy and simple people. They loved God and loved people irrespectiveof their creedand class. When my mother died many ordinary illiterate Hindu men and women came to pay their respects toherandincludingmenshedtears while touching her feet!!! In those days in my village, Hindu women never went to see a dead person from a close distance. They were frightened to see a dead body. Akkaiya, a Hindu lady who worked as a casual worker for my parents, requested that the saree which my mother wore when she died to be given to her as a gift, which we readilyagreed.Suchwastheimpact of my mother with her neighbours. All our neighbours were illiterate or

103 Veez Illustrated Weekly

in the

intercede for

I carryon hermission of

her death



104 Veez Illustrated Weekly semi literate Hindus, and my motherwastheirtrue friend. Everyday I pray to my mother while she is
company of saints, to
3L students and their needyfamilies.Inmyownlittleway,
servingthe 3L. On
anniversary today,
dedication. Pratap Naik,SJ 1stNovember2022 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------PorkSorpotelrecipe - Mangalorestyle. Preparation : 2kgporkwith fatand1/4kgliver, wash well and marinate for 30 mins by adding little salt, little turmeric powder, 2tbsp vinegar, piece of cinnamon stick, 3 cloves, 2 cardamom, 3bayleaves. Mixallingredientswellandkeepit for boiling about 10 to 15 mins on medium lowflame.

If the marinade dries, add little water.

Switchoffflameandkeepasidefor cooling.

When still warm, seperate fat, meat pcsfrom thebonesandliver. Finely chop all of them seperately intoverysmallpcsandkeepthemin different bowls

- Then heat one big kadai on a medium flame.

Once hot, add fat pcs and keep frying till crispy and leave all it's fat (oil)forabout 10minson low flame

Remove fried fat pcs and keep asidein abowl

-Inthesameoiladdmeatpcs,when fried well (approx 10 mins on low flame) remove and keep aside in a bowl

Addbones, fryforsometime then remove and add in the same meat bowl.

Lastly, addliverpcsandfry well

After frying each one of them seperately, all can be put in one big bowlorvesselandmix well

Into the same left over oil, if not enough add some more oil and fry thinly sliced onions (8 nos) until fried well, when fried well remove andkeepaside

Inthesameoiladdfinelychopped garlic(2pods)andfryforsometime andremove

Add 2" ginger finely chopped, fry forawhileandremove

Add finely chopped green chillies (5to6nos), fryawhileand remove.

- Add all the fried ingredients into the fried pork, fat and liver mixture andmix wellandkeepaside

Dry roast the below mentioned wholemasalas.

* 3tbspcorianderseeds,

* 2tspcumin seeds,

* 1 tsp poppy seeds (only if available),

* 1tsppeppercorns, * handful of kashmiri chillies (10 to 12),

* 7to8baydgi chillies, * half tspmethiseeds, * 3cloves,

* 1piececinnamon stickand

* 1piecestaranise

Once friedwellkeepasidetocool

Once cooled down, completely grindintofinepowder,andadditto the porkmeat mixture.

Mix everything nicely with your hands.

Add 1 tsp of sugar (optional) and leftover meat boiled water (initially) intothis.

105 Veez Illustrated Weekly

cook for at least 25 to 30 mins on

flame till meat is fully

cooking add salt (as per

feel masala


less then




ready to

106 Veez Illustrated Weekly Add 1 tsp garam masala, 1 tsp tamarindpulp, 1tbspvinegarand 3 pcs bay leaves and mix well and keepit on amedium flametocook - Keepstirringoccasionallyand
cooked. While
taste) If you
you can add2tbspbafat masala. Add a
just tokeepit wet not watery. Delicious pork sorpotel is
serve with soft
pav or anythingasperyourchoice Happycookingandenjoyeating TO READ OLD/NEW VEEZ ONLINE, CLICK THE LINK BELOW:
107 Veez Illustrated Weekly IVYGOURDWITHCASHEWNUTS|TENDLIMMOY Thisisone of myfavouritedish whichismostlyservedroce & weddingfunctions. Alsoprepared on smallfamilyfunctions& feast time. Even wecan addblackchanna for this samedish oronlytendlichanna sukka{cut tendliasdisc|round shape}toogoesvery well& very delicious. INGREDIENTS:
108 Veez Illustrated Weekly 1/2kgTendliwashed, cleaned& cut. 2tbspdry normalcashewnuts.or asrequired. 1 2tspbafat powder 1tspkashmirichillior paprika powder Pinch of turmeric powder 1choppedonion 4 5crushedgarlic 1tsptamarindpaste 1tbspcoconut oil 1/4tspmustatdseeds 1/4tspuraddal Pinch of cumin Fewcurryleaves Pinch of hing 2tbspgratedcoconut {optional} Salt totaste Pinch of jaggerytotaste{optional} METHOD: ▪︎Marinatetendliwith 1 2tspbafat powder, 1tspkashmirichilli powder, turmeric, tamarindpaste andlittlesalt. Keepaside.
109 Veez Illustrated Weekly ▪︎Takekadai, addcoconut oil, once hot addmustardseeds, jeera, curry leaves, crushedgarlic, hingand uraddalfry. Add1choppedonion sautetillgolden brown. ▪︎Addmarinatedtendli,mix well, sprinklesomewater, addcashew, mix andcloselid. Cookon slow flame. In between open andstir, if required just sprinklefew drops of water, checkon salt. ▪︎Once cookedaddgratedcoconut (optional)andmix well. Remove
110 Veez Illustrated Weekly from gas. Youryummymasaledar, tendlimoyesukkaready . Serveassidedish with main meal. NOTE: ●Youcanpreparethissamedish with green chilliinsteadbafat powder ●Noneedadditionalwaterfor tendli, asit releasesitsown moisturewhilecooking. Just sprinklesomeif required ●Adjustallingredientsasperyour taste
111 Veez Illustrated Weekly
112 Veez Illustrated Weekly TO READ OLD/NEW VEEZ ONLINE, CLICK THE LINK BELOW: TO READ OLD/NEW VEEZ ONLINE CLICK THE LINK BELOW: eagerly looking forward The event will happen on Saturday, dressed male and female

• Professional DJ Music to take you down to roaring 20s

• Santa time and Game time

• Sumptuous food to satisfy your palate

• Once again, Beer and wine on the house

• And Specially designed Mementos as the token of appreciation from our committee to you

Also please wait to hear about the exciting Raffle prizes very soon. It is your chance to win attractive prizes during the event. The details of the event and the registration are in the attached flyer and the registration form.

We would also like to be very open and transparent with you regarding the event pricing. While we have somehow managed to keep the prices under check in the past years, things have changed a lot over time. I am sure that you are aware of the rapid rise in prices of commodities and goods during the last 3 years and the prices have gone up exponentially by at least

35% for everything. In spite of this, we have managed to keep very reasonable prices for this year’ Christmas event for all ages. You will also be glad to learn that once again this year, the prices are inclusive of beer and wine. It is because we want you to enjoy and have a good time with friends and families this Christmas. I am sure that you would appreciate this and register early and also invite your friends and families to celebrate Christmas with us.

Please note that the ‘Early Bird’ prices are there only for a limited time for limited number of registrations and hence may not last till November 12, 2022 if we reach the desired numbers early. The payments can be made easily and instantly using the free Zelle app. Come and join us and let us celebrate Christmas in the Great Gatsby style this year.

Thank you

V James Dante


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