Veez Global Illustrated English Weekly e-Magazine. Published from Chicago, USA.

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English Weekly Vol: 1 No: 46 November 10, 2022
CheerfulDonor among Mangaloreans MichaelD’SouzafromPuttur (nowinAbu Dhabi)

CheerfulDonor amongMangaloreans

MichaelD’SouzafromPuttur (nowinAbu Dhabi)


Christians in India mostly believe in prayer, retreats and are known for their active role inside a church compound, hence they are called, ‘thepeopleinsideacompound’and veryfewfollowabenevolentdictum prescribedintheHolyscriptures,

theHolyBible. The Chapter Leviticus27:30says,“A titheofeverythingfromtheland, whethergrainfromthesoilorfruit fromthetrees,belongstotheLord. itisholytotheLord.

Inotherwords,theLordhascreated theearthandeverythinginitforHis glory and our enjoyment. As we receive the good things that come from His hand, we should always remember to give back to Him a portionofwhatHehassograciously giventous.

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Infact, wehaveobservedmanyrich andthemighty, powerful, andthe
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wealthy, whether entrepreneurs or thefilm starsfollowingthisdictum
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religiously, but when it comes to Mangalore a small city on the West Coast of South India, if we talk about philanthropy one name that is in wilderness is of Michael D’Souza of Puttur (now settled in thedistantAbuDhabi) t only he donates for every cause out of his free will, whether for organising a Konkani program or publishingabookorCDorbuilding a house of God or a technical institution or setting up funds for a educational fund. However, he is in the limelight but under only one condition that his name should not bedisclosed.Thishappenedmanya times in the past. He believes in the words of Matthew 6:3 - “when yougive to the needy, do not letyourleft handknowwhat yourright handis doing,” In that context, I know how much I had to convince Michael, my friend toallowmetowriteanarticleabout hisphilanthropy. I explainedtohim, that I am writing about his philanthropic act not to glorify him buttosendoutamessagetoothers that each rich and the mighty person living on this earth has a duty to perform for our society is

small yet vulnerable and needs supportfrompeoplelikehim.There are orphans out there, those who struggle for basic needs food, clothing, and shelter above their headorminimum educationandso on. There are many needs and very few means. It is only when the opulent share a part of their wealth with the needy, this society becomes ‘a place worth living.’ Perhaps my words struck a chord in hisheart,andheagreedtoallowme to write an article in a popular magazinerunbytheCatholicSabha of the Mangalore and Udupi diocese.

Indeed, the Christian Catholic society has many humanitarian causes, and one Michael D’Souza is not enough to fulfil their aspirations. We need more and more people to come forward to share their fortune with the less privilegedandthatistheessenceof a ‘good Samaritan’ for which Christianity is known across the world.

Coming back to Michael, I have heard him saying during my occasions, “God has granted me more than I deserve and its for me to share mine with the people in

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need.” Is it the only one person has been blessed with more than what hehas deserved.

Michael D’Souza willingly donated IndianRupees25croretoEDUCARE

FUND started and managed by CODP (Canara Organisation for development and peace) under the auspices of the diocese of Mangalore. Further he has donated Rs 10 crore more for a Self Help Fund again managed by the CODP and supervised by a committee comprising of financial and socio cultural personalities. For example, while the funds of EDUCARE are efficiently supervised by Stephen D’Souza, an erstwhile banker nominated by Michael himself to investigatetheactivities(suchasthe distribution of scholarships, details of beneficiaries and how the loan thus given is paid back by the beneficiariesoncetheygetajob.)As

I said, Stephen is a qualified banker who has worked with international banksintheMiddleEast.Also,there are others from different fields who meet regularly to discuss the modalities. Let’s read what Rochelle Lobo(nee D’Souza)daughterofMichaelhasto sayaboutherfather.Speakingatan

event hosted by Kanara Entrepreneurs Limited (KEL), a businessmen’sforuminDubaisome years ago, she said, “My father Michael D’Souza moved to Abu Dhabitoexperiencelifeinaforeign country. I was studying then, and I wanted to be in the catering business. However, I never thought of pursuing catering or hospitality management. I did my business management from the Universityof Wollongong, Dubai.

Once I completed my studies, I startedworkingasaSalesExecutive in my dad’s real estate business. Dad was very particular that I start like anybody else so that I learn from thegrassrootlevel.

Until recently Rochelle was the generalmanagerofHASHospitality which managed hotel apartments under the brand name Dunes and Ivory Grand in Dubai. She is a third generation entrepreneur after her father Michael D’Souza and grandfather who started the ‘Souza’ business in Puttur. Currently she has migrated to the United States with her husband Pradeep to managethe familyhotel, Ramada.

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Further Rochelle says, “Whenever a major decision needs to be taken, emotions run high withthoughts of whetheritwillsucceedandwhowill be responsible if it fails, but at the end of the day we know that dad withhisexperienceistheretoguide us – he knows what is good for us and our business. He enters in and says–justmoveon,forgetwhathas happened and attend to the next task. We are blessed to have such understanding and guidance all the time.”

InitialyearsofMichaelD’Souzain Puttur

Michael D’Souza was born on July 12, 1952, in Puttur, Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka state. He was the eighth among 13 siblings,thechildrenofLateAntony and Mary D’Souza. His father Antony D’Souza himself was a businessman who ventured into a household appliances business in Puttur. The family being business oriented was also religious and socially conscious. Soon they ventured out into ‘Souza Metal Mart’ in which all household items such as wooden, Iron Steel, and Aluminum kitchen accessories were sold. All the siblings received the

basiceducationbutmoreimportant the respect and love for each other. Thelivingsiblingsare,mostofthem are into business currently and are inclosecontactwitheachother. Michael completed his initial education from St Philomena’s and moved to the Mangalore city to expand his business. He set up ‘Souza Electronics’ and other ventures.HemarriedFlaviawhohas provedtobehisstrongsupportand lifeline. She is a strong pillar of his life who supports him in all his business and philanthropic decisions. They have three children, Rochelle, Nisha, and Adrian (fondly called as ‘Manu’). Adrian a boy of specialskillsisatrainedpainterwho has many handmade paintings to his credit. Both Michael and Flavia devoted their time in bringing up theirchildrenintruevaluesoflife.

Messagefromthe Bishop

The Bishop of Mangalore, Most Reverend Peter Paul D’Souza writes abouthim MrMichaelD'Souzaisa greatphilanthropistandagenerous donor. He has given a generous help to the institutions and individuals in a big way. He doesn't merely give but inspires the beneficiaries to go forward to

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develop the facilities further by thinking and feeling with them. Rarelywefindsuchadonorwhohas the interest of the community and desires to see that everyone grows. So many students could go for higherstudiesthankstohisaltruistic activities through ‘Educare’ program. Many poor people could venture into self-employment because of his support. Many people found a ready supporter to havearoofovertheirhead. May the Lord bless him, his family, andtheCharityTrust.

Message from a friend and acquaintance

Dayan D’Souza, Michael’s close friend and a founding member of daiji dubai a premier forum of Konkani writers in the U.A.E. spoke fondly about him and how Michael was instrumental in helping start a forum in an English dominated Christiansociety.Hesaid– “Michael is such a donor who doesn’t look behind when it comes to charity, whetherforasimplecause,aschool or a college building, a church, or a convent, for education or any such sociallyrelevantcause,heisthefirst onetojump.

Further Dayan says – “I have seen three types of businessmen in the MiddleEast.One,thosewhodonate whiletheyareingoodstead,second thosewhoarecaught upwithperils ofbusinessyetdonateaccordingto their might, but Michael is the third category who in spite of problems and perils in personal and professional life think about the vulnerable, thelessprivileged. Herecalledthedayswhentwoofus met him in the year 2001 to seek sponsorship for daiji dubai anniversary and Michael without mincing words brought out his cheque book and wrote a cheque foranamountweneverexpectedof him. Ever since he has become a lifetime supporter of daiji dubai. In his inimitable style he had told us, “My full support, full support, to those who packed off English language from Konkani events and brought in our mother language to its rightful place.”

Dayan further said that the large heart of Michael in providing financialaidto‘Educare’ofwhichhe is a governing council member himselfisagreat helptothosewho strive to provide higher education to their children due to limited

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resources.Hehopedthatthisarticle in the media would motivate other businessmen worldwide to understand the humanitarian cause and take Michael’s example.

A Cheerfuldonor

Michal D’Souza has contributed extensively, to all the causes and institutions, across churches and orphanages, to start Civil Service Academy at St Aloysius College so that we prepare our youth for civil and government department jobs, Alma mater Philomena’s, a hall on the occasion of its silver jubilee, Divya Chetan Chapel, ‘Ave Maria’ resident priests’ home, and so on. Hehasfinancedto150KvRoof-top Solar projects initiated by St Aloysius Beeri campus, projects of StAgnesCollege, thelistisendless.


Kenneth Zuzarthe, a Mumbai based multi lingual singer who takes part in mostly Goan musical programs (thiatr), says, once he visited Dubai foramusicalprogram.Thesponsors were in search of financial support, and someone suggested to meet Michael D’Souza. Kenny neither knew Michael nor how to go about yet he visited his office on Bank

Street. Looking at Kenny, Michael wassoexcitedandafterknowinghis need,tookouthischequebookand wrote for a cheque of UAE Dhs five thousand. “I was expecting 500 dirhamsandhesurprisedmewith a benevolent act”, says Kenny. As the above program did not take place, Kenny went back with the moneyalongwithhissistertothank Michael who equally praised their human act. He said, “anyone else in your place would have simply left without any indication, and I would not have even come to know about it.”

InCorinthians9:6-7wereadabouta Cheerful Giver. It is said God likes a willful donor and blesses him with more wealth as he knows that whatever given by him comes back tohim.

Whoeversowssparinglywillalso reapsparingly,andwhoeversows generously will also reap generously.Eachmanshouldgive whathehasdecidedinhisheartto give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerfulgiver” . Ends/

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-Hemacharya --------------------------------------

RecognitionforLate GeorgeFernandes

An illustrious son of the soil of coastal Kanara, who with unmatched integrity, transparency and grit, contributed to the well being and renown of India and Mangalore and it's people, as

Defence minister and in many high capacities admired by greats like ShriVajpaeeandsoon. Hisservices and achievements need no listing here and are impossible too. His greatest gift to the region and people of India is the Konkan Railway that now sustains in immeasurableways. Afterhisdeath in 2019 and after his ashes were brought and interred at Bijey Mangalore where his roots are for eternity, several plans and claims thatAirport,RailwayStations,Roads andso onmustbearhisnamewere loudly preached and heared. Todate,with2022AD's endinsight, nothing has materialised and little heard from all the stalwarts that extolled 'George the Giant Killer's' greatness. 'Values are more importantthanvaluables'. Thereleaseofhiscaptivating

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Biography by Shri Rahul Ramagundam recently in Mangalore and other centres, has beenaneyeopenerandcatalystfor the citizens of India and especially to those who identify with him. There is now one more potential recognition that can materialize for this great son of the Nation with ease and with far reaching impact. That is to immediately initiate and within a short time have release, a Postal Stamp and Special Cover. India Post HQ New Delhi can surely bring this to reality as soon as possible. Without doubt the postal department is a very knowledgeable, understanding, and

fair organisation with officers of high integrity and a suitable response and outcome can be hopedfor.

It may augur well for the many prominent politicians, community leaders and dignitaries who have highlighted the good of George Fernandes immediately should come out with due support, draw theattentionof authorities, andsee thatthissmallsimpletributenamely ofthereleaseofa PostalStampand Special Cover, which can generate extensive ramifications soon becomes a reality, as in the case of manyleaders.


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The Tree of Life!

to abolish the death penalty! Bahrain is ruled by a Sunni monarchy which has been accused of discriminating against the country's Shiite majority. The words of Pope Francis are certainly music to the Bahraini Shiite dissidents, who are harassed and detained, subject to torture and sham trials; someofthemhavebeenstrippedof their citizenship or sentenced to deathfortheirpoliticalactivities.


indeed! On that day, Pope Francis began a four days historic visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain, where he was given an exceptionally warm welcome! From the time he arrived in Bahrain, he set the tone of his entire visit, by asking the Government of Bahrain to guarantee human rights to all and

Pope Francis however, kept his best for the pathbreaking address he delivered to a gathering of the Bahraini Royalty, Government authorities, the Diplomatic Corps, religious and civil authorities, and other eminent citizens. Using the time tested symbol of Bahrain’s ‘tree of life’ as a metaphor, Pope

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-*Fr. Cedric PrakashSJ

Francis struck a chord with the august audience. He said, “here, where the waters of the sea surroundthesandsofthedesert, and imposing skyscrapers rise besidetraditionalOrientalmarkets, very different realities come together: ancient and modern converge; tradition and progress mix; and above all, people from various backgrounds create a distinctivemosaic of life. In preparing for my visit, I learned aboutoneoutstanding“emblemof vitality”inthiscountry,whichisthe “TreeofLife”(ShajaratalHayat).I would like to take it as my inspiration for sharing a few thoughtswithyou.Thetreeitselfis amajesticacaciathathassurvived forcenturiesinadesertareawith very little rainfall. It seems impossiblethatatreeofthisagehas been able to live and flourish in these conditions. According to manypeople,thesecretistobe foundinitsroots,whichextendfor dozens of meters beneath the ground,drawingfromsubterranean depositsofwater. Hewentontofocusontheneedfor and importance of ‘rootedness’

saying, “Roots,then.TheKingdom of Bahrain is committed to remembering and cherishing its past, whichtells of an extremely ancientland,towhichthousandsof yearsagopeoplescame,drawnby its beauty, due especially to the abundantspringsoffreshwaterthat gaveitthereputationofbeinga paradise.Theancientkingdomof Dilmunwasthuscalled“thelandof theliving”.Asweascendfromthose vastroots whichspreadovermore than4,500yearsofuninterrupted human presence we see how Bahrain’sgeographicalposition,the talentsandcommercialabilitiesof itspeople,togetherwithhistorical events, have enabled it to take shapeasacrossroadsofmutual enrichmentbetweenpeoples.One thingstandsoutinthehistoryof thisland:ithasalwaysbeenaplace of encounter between different peoples”.

Pope Francis then lauded the composite, multi ethnic, multi religiousfabricofBahrainwhichhas overcome the risk of isolation. He added for good measure and very emphatically, “Letusthinkinstead oftheTreeofLife,yoursymbol,and

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totheparcheddesertsofhuman coexistenceletusbringthewaterof fraternity. May we never allow opportunities for encounter betweencivilizations,religions,and culturestoevaporate,ortheroots of our humanity to become desiccatedandlifeless!Letuswork together!Letusworkintheservice of togetherness and hope! I am here,inthislandoftheTreeofLife, asasowerofpeace,toexperience thesedaysofencounterandtotake partinaForumofdialoguebetween East and West for the sake of peacefulhumancoexistence.Ithank even now my travelling companions, especially the representatives of the religions. Thesedaysmarkapreciousstagein thejourneyoffriendshipthathas intensified in recent years with variousIslamicreligiousleaders,a fraternaljourneythat,beneaththe gaze of heaven, seeks to foster peaceonearth.”For him then, one has to embark on that fraternal journeyforsustainablepeace! Onecannothelpbutdrawaparallel withanother‘treeoflife’!Inthevery heart of the city of Ahmedabad stands the Sidi Saiyed Mosque

named after its builder. The most exquisite craftsmanship in stone carving can be seen in this mosque which was built around 1572. The distinguishing features of this mosque are the ten intricately carved stone windows(jalis), apparently done by a master stone craftsmanfromAbyssinia.The20thcentury Indologist and art historian Vincent Arthur Smith described thesejalisasthe“mostartisticstone latticeworktobefoundanywhere intheworld.”One of the windows depictsthe‘treeoflife’withdelicate intertwining of the branches of a tree. For years, this motif was the symbol of Ahmedabad and in fact, of Gujarat. It symbolized and representedallthatIndiameantand stood for: diverse cultures, faiths, languages, traditions, peoples; everything which indeed constituted a great civilization. The idea and the reality of India: very

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different but deeplyunited. Aunity in diversity. A unique tapestry, inter woven with multi colour hues astheraysofthesunandthemoon pierce the gaps of the window. A delightful experience: a marvel, simply magnificent and without parallel!

Yet on the other hand, some years ago, when the Hindu right wing Government took controls of the reins of power in Gujarat, one of their first decisions was to ensure that this replica of the stone trellis was no longer used as a symbol of Gujarat and of Ahmedabad. They quickly replaced it with the replica of a temple. In one stroke, that move underlined the tectonic shift in the mindset and attitude of the regime that controlled Gujarat: exclusive not inclusive; myopic not visionary; petty not large hearted! Gujarat gave tothe world Mahatma Gandhi and his twin doctrine of ahimsaandsatyagraha– was being throttled beyond recognition. The pluralistic fabric, the diversity and the communal harmony which characterised Gujarat, has slowly and systematically given way to bitter division, hatred, and violence.

Religion used as a tool to manipulate people for petty politicalgains. Theintricacyand the beautyofthe‘treeoflife’ was being poisonedat itsveryroots

In another recent move that belongs to a realm of tragic irony, the prestigious Indian Institute of Management (IIM A) on 3 November, officially announced a change of its more than sixty years old logo! The original logo had the

famed ‘Tree of Life’ on it. The new logo has tree, which is ‘okay’; the word ‘Ahmedabad’ has been dropped whereas the Sanskrit text ‘Vidya viniyogadvikasa ‘(development through the distribution or application of knowledge) has been retained! Some months ago, when the changed version of the logo was unveiled, it sparked off a controversy with 45 faculty members signing a letter tothe top officials of the institute saying they

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were not consulted about the new designbeforeitwasapproved.Over 1,000 IIM A alumni, at that time, also started a petition to retain the 60 year old logo that is inspired by the“TreeofLife”.Onecertainlydoes not need to be a rocket scientist or forthatmatteramanagementguru, to understand why the IIM-A top brass, has calmly succumbed to the political rhetoric currently holding sway in the country and distanced itself from anything seemingly of theminoritycommunity!Shame!

Pope Francis has given a roadmap, not only to those who listened to him in Bahrain, but to every human on this earth! He strongly said, “let usreturntotheTreeofLife.Inthe courseoftime,itsmanybranchesof varying size have produced abundant foliage, thus increasing thetree’sheightandbreadth.Inthis country, it was the contribution madebysomanyindividualsfrom different peoples that enabled a remarkableincreaseinproductivity. This was made possible by immigration. The Kingdom of Bahrainvauntsoneofthehighest levelsofimmigrationintheworld: about half of the resident

populationareforeigners,working in an evident way for the developmentofacountryinwhich, despite leaving their native countriesbehind,theyfeelathome. At the same time, we must acknowledge that in our world unemploymentlevelsremainalltoo high,andmuchlabourisin fact dehumanizing.Thisdoesnotonly entailagraveriskofsocialinstability butconstitutesathreattohuman dignity. For labour is not only necessaryforearningalivelihood:it isaright,indispensableforintegral selfdevelopmentandtheshaping ofatrulyhumanesociety”.

There can be no life on earth if the culture of death continues to grip humanity. Pope Francis did not mince words as he calls for an end towarandtothebuildingofpeace! “Second, the Tree of Life, whose roots that, deep in the subsoil, furnishvitalwatertothetrunk,and fromthetrunktothebranchesand thentheleavesthatgiveoxygento creatures,makesmethinkofour human vocation, the vocation of eachmanandwomanonearth,to make life flourish. Yet today we increasinglywitnesslethalactions

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andthreats.Ithinkespeciallyofthe monstrousandsenselessrealityof war, which everywhere sows destructionandcrusheshope.War brings out the worst in man: selfishness, violence, and dishonesty. For war, every war, bringsinitswakethedeathoftruth. Letusrejectthelogicofweapons and change course, diverting enormousmilitaryexpendituresto investmentsincombatinghunger and the lack of healthcare and education. Igrievedeeplyforall these situations of conflict. Surveying the Arab Peninsula, whosecountriesIgreetwithsincere respect, my thoughts turn in a particular and heartfelt way to Yemen,tornbyaforgottenwarthat, likeeverywar,issuesnotinvictory but only in bitter defeat for everyone.Iespeciallykeepinmy prayersthecivilians,thechildren, theelderlyandthesick.AndIbeg: Lettherebeanendtotheclashof weapons!Lettherebeanendtothe clashofweapons!Lettherebean endtotheclashofweapons!Letus be committed, everywhere and concretely,tobuildingpeace!”

The‘TreeofLife’isthen,muchmore than an emblem or logo; it is a metaphor and a direction: a way of proceeding! It is a journey: of rootedness to the depths and of branching out, to embrace all those who need to be embraced! It is life in all its fulness – in short, it is ‘synodality’ which needs to be lived today!


*(Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is a human right, reconciliation & peace activist/writer. Contact:

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'Mujhe Voili...' drama team holds 'Thanksgiving'.

The Konkani Sanskrutik Sangh, Mumbai,stagedaplayatDonBosco Hall Mangalore, 'Mujhe Voili Kaals Nivar' , which not only was a very popular drama that attractedahugeaudience,andtheir feedback too has been sensational. Theplaywasaformulathatbrought

back sentiments of old times and also points to a revival of old style playsinKonkani.

The entire drama troupe under the baton of writer Joseph D'Souza, based in Mumbai, organised a get togethertocelebratesuccess ofthe Mangalore show, at director William Machado's

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residenceto render gratitude to God for the Blessings showered on oneandallandappreciate thegood
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work. Senior dramatist and Comedy King Sri
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Francis Fernandes, Casia, presided over the gathering as chief

guest. After athanksgiving prayer, recited by Elias Pais, one of the actors of the drama, the function got underway with actor andM C, George Sequiera in the lead, which was a memorable event tobidadieutotheaffair. The Director in his in speech said that the Mangalore drama show will b remembered by every member of the team in time to come, he also thanked each and every and supporters for their exemplaryparticipation and cooperation; he also praised all actors for performing their role

perfectly, also he thanked Sri Joseph D'Souza for taking such a bold step to take the drama to 'Mai Gaaon' Mangalore and achieve success. Writer Joseph D'Souza in his brief speech thanked all actors and associates for helping him to make his dream come trueto stage one of his drama in Mangalore, the place of his birth, he also recalled his memories having conducted dramas in Milagres High School ground Ma ngaloreinthe 1970s.

Francis Fernandes ,Casia in his musingssaidthathewasfullyaware how difficult it is to stage a drama in Mangalore, to go Mangalore with the full team and arrangingso manythingssmalland big, Joseph has done it successfully. Francis Baab said though he was holidaying in Canada during the drama, he got good news on the success of the full length play /drama; he was surprised to also know the show was house full and the audience was enthusiastic, captivatedandsatisfiedtilltheend.

Joseph D'Souza also honoured all actors and associates by giving them various gifts and

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thanked them for supporting his enterprise. He expressed appreciation for Charles D'Cunhna who could not attend the function, for composing attractive, meaningful and catchy musicand songs for this drama, his third one. At the function all present expressed their feelings and experience of this

Mangalore trip, some of them never visited Mangalore though they hail from the region and their impressions were super. This memorable function ended with thanksgiving prayers and a delicious dinner appreciatedby all. DevBoremKorum.

Twobooksreleasedby IndiaPostMangaluru

OnOctober30, 2022,theIndiaPost Department of Posts, released two specialcoversandasetof10quality

picture postcards, at Pandeshwar MangaluruHPO; the honour was enhanced personally by Shri. S Rajendra Kumar IPoS, Chief Postmaster General Karnataka, he hails from Mangalore. In addition, to markthe 75th jubilee of Indian Independence (1947 2022) a special bonanza of two books were also released by him. Very significantlythese two booksareauthoredbyanillustrious son of the soil retired Member (Operations) of the Postal Services Board, New Delhi, Dr.Charles

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Lobo, rooted in Mangalore, was present on the dais. It is worth taking a glance at these two books to be read by everyone, even though reading may be taking a back seat, the books will be encouraging. The two books researched in depth and written by Dr.Charles Lobo and released were (1). India Post @ 75 . (2). A Short History of Bejai Post Office - Both filled with information, official narrations, and anecdotes, normally not easy to access by journalists. Indeed,thesebookswill contribute in a very big way for the ordinary person to gain extraordinaryinsightintothelegacy

and history of the India Post organisation and operations, which by itself has a culture and ethos from the earliest Government organisations of British India which have largely intertwined with other later government establishments and systemseven of Modern India. It may be recalled that The Post & Telegraph (P&T) have been the cornerstone of Government organisations since the times of the British Raj thougheven in times of

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ancient India a 'Dak' system existed. What is noteworthy and unknown perhaps is that this pioneer organisation of the Indian Post Offices, had a very high population of people from South Kanara which was an integral part of the 'Madras Presidency' in British India. AsthefirstPrimeMinisterof Indiarightly observed, thatthePost Office has affected every individual in one way or another in the last 75 years. Both books will be made available in main Philatelic centres alloverIndia.

The Author - Dr. Charles Lobo : Before we take a look at the two

books, let us get familiar with the erudite Author who is a person of very simple and at the same time very unique caliber of intellect, simplicity, and unseen qualities, having retired from Postal Operations in the Postal Services Board, New Delhi the Apex of the PostalServicesofmodernIndia. Dr. CharlesLobowasbornandbrought up in Bejai, Mangaluru. His education as was seen in those times was at the renowned local St.Aloysius College and got his postgraduate degree from Mangalore Uni in Political Science. After having the special experience of being a lecturer for 4 years he passed the Civil Services exam and joined the 'Indian Postal Service IPoS' in 1988. His eventful tenure took him to Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, namely the whole of South India . He was Chief Postmaster general of Karnataka 2017 2020. On promotion as Member, Postal ServicesBoard he joined the Postal Directorate and served as member Operations till September 2021 prior to his retirement. He was awarded Ph.D by Karnataka University, Dharwad

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in 2015 for his thesis on Governance. He has a deep knowledgeand interest in communicating Postal History and Philatelyand hehaswrittenarange ofarticlesandshortstoriesandalso inhismothertongueKonkani.

A brieflookatthe twoBooks: (1). India Post@ 75 : This book was originally released on India's 75th Independence dayAugust 15, 2022, contains 120 pages of information and pictures which will interest many all over India and outsiderstoo and costs Rs.500/=.Thebackboneofthebook is made up of , The Past , The

Present (Milestones The Women, The Children, The common man ...and goes on with Post Office; Towards 2047, the coverage of the book is vast. The "Foreword" By Secretary (Retired), Deptt of Posts, GovtofIndia, ShriANNanda,gives agoodprofileofthebook,itsvalue and background to immediately capture readers. He says, " Chronicling India Post the largest postal system in the world is daunting. The difficulty goes up manifold if the objective is to make it concise, with vital material. India Post@75isasuccessfulattemptin that direction. I congratulate Dr. Lobo on that". It is only in the last 75yearsthatthemodernisationand wide reach and reliability of the Postal system here has rapidly developed. In the last decade or so, extreme competition, decline in importance of written

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communication with e commerce dominating has been a very troubling phase. However, it seems that the richness of its past inputs , and the future outcomes are the catalystsas highlighted by the author Dr. Charles Lobo. The book interestingly explores the path the Postal services have taken so far, whereitispoisedandwhereitisset togo. Atthecrossroads itisforthe Indian public whose chariot it has been to see it through. The Post OfficeinIndiahastheunimaginable andthehistoryisasastonishingand most celebrated. The importanceof the systems that are undisputedly indispensable, as an erudite personalityoncesaid"Rail,Mailand Jail must not stop; they make the system run". The author as is said has guided the readers through various vernacular literature and poetry on the vitality of the postal services in urban and rural scenarios. In the captivating "Preface" Author Dr.Charles Lobo, points to the historicity and practicality of the Indian Postal services since 1774 when the East India Company was flourishing this points to the contents of the 120 pages so beautifully arranged

and a must read for all, old and not so old. There are many many facets known and unknown in this serviceandonecancatchaglimpse of a lot from this briefbook, particularly 1947 to 2022.Thepurposeofthisbookvery nicely covers the study and development of the India Post and Telegraphsinthelast75yearstaken from officialsources of the archives of the department in various forms, it will thus provide simple answers to some lofty issues. One needs to rememberthat this is the only service for long that kept individuals, families, communities, andnationsincontactingoodtimes and bad- war and peace. Without doubt it will not onlygive satisfaction to the interested readers but also enable a deep admiration and value for the book, Moving wings for the future.

(2). A Short History of Bijai Post Office: The book of 90 packedpages is printed and published by the Chief Postmaster General (CPMG) , Karnataka circle andmodestlypricedatRs.100/=. At the end of the 'Foreword' by S

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Rajendra Kumar CPMG says, " After reading this book I am convinced thatthePostOfficeisalivingentity, and thePostOfficein Indiatouches the lives of the people around it in multiple ways. In this context, what Dr.Charles Lobo has attempted is a biography of a post office in all its facets. He has dug deep and taken out the diamondsfor all to admire. It will surely inspire the biographies of manymorepostoffices".Thepostal department in India and Mangalore has been in existence for over 150

years, in pre independence timesand later too they are a part and parcel of ordinary lives here. It will be a great boon if more post offices are written about in detail, and they will be very readable too. The author Dr.Charles Lobo in his Preface states that the Bijey Post office that has served people here formorethan100yearshasalotto tell. I livedinthevicinityofthispost office as far as I recall. Just before the opening of the new building, I feltitsstorywouldbeagreatgiftto all around and so this book came about. The main source is most authentic from the Inspection Reports over the years, that have been carefully filed and have been used as the source . Author has extended appreciation for all the supporthereceivedfromofficialsto produce this book. For young folks who need to know the Government establishment /office methodology it is a fitting start. The photographs areveryimpressive. Ihavealwayshadadeepadmiration for the postal services from a very young age, my maternal great grandfather retired as one of the first localPost Masters at

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Pandeshwar HO around 1930, several of my elders were in early times in the Postal services. Onewasverypopularasatelegraph inspector in Mangalore and wore Khaki shorts even after his retirement, names are not desired. The early post office was within what is the St.Ann's convent now. My mother frequentlynarrated how she and her cousins in the late 1920s, used to go to the primary classes of St.Ann's convent from her grandfather's post office home in Bolar /Pandeshwar. They all stayed with theirgrandfatherwho was the Postmaster, during school times, in a sprawling old bungalow, the Post Office cum residence, next to the present RTO office, which is now a small hospital, before they moved totheSt.AgnesHighSchool. I recall vividly in mid1950s when a grand Uncle was the Postmaster in theKadri Postoffice which had 3 floors precariously (now an Indian Oil Petrol station has come up on thespot); anauntofminewhowas wellknownforherhandycraftwork, made a mini scale model of the KadriPostofficeforanexhibition it was so realistic it had

everythingcopied in miniature, even the postal bags received on the outer verandah and even a postal clerk in the act of placing seals on the letters for despatch/delivery.

I used to post letters in the post boxesregularlyformymotherinmy early years. Once I did some mischief by writingmy own messages outside of the Inland letter and when my Grandmotherreceived it at Kodialbail, Mangalore 575 003, she had to pay a fine and my crime came to the fore. When I served in the 'Shipping & Transport Deptt' in many remote places (including Lakshadweep) in my early career (1968 78), the local postmasters were invariably good friends, and I can recall many. I maintained a similar contact after my return to live in Mangalore. I did a detailed history article in 2009, in the last decade I have written a few articles onPostOffices.ThesenewPhilatelic andbookreleasesfascinate me,and theywillfascinateyouand many moretoo. "Abookinhandisworth twoonthedevice".

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Mangaluru, Nov 1: The Aam

Aadmi Party of Dakshina Kannada on Tuesday, November 1 organised a Padyatra from Pumpwell to Balmatta. Later, Michial D'Souza along with other dignitaries inaugurated the party office at SouzaArcade.

Addressing party workers at Don Bosco Hall, well wisher of the party Michael D'Souza said, "Aam Aadmi

34 Veez Illustrated Weekly
35 Veez Illustrated Weekly
36 Veez Illustrated Weekly Partyistheonlypartywhichis non
37 Veez Illustrated Weekly corrupt. You can find corrupt politiciansinallotherpartiesbutno corrupt politicians in the Aam
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Aadmi Party. The purpose of the party is only service to the public. If

people come forward and give power to the Aam Aadmi Party, we can improve the present political system.Thereisnodiscriminationin the party. We should eradicate corrupt politics for the betterment of future generations. If we work hard honestly, it will lead us in the right direction. In the coming days,

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Aam Aadmi Party will form a government. It should be a movement for the good of future generationsandabetterIndia."

Statepresident ofAamAadmiParty Prithvi Reddy, said, "When we held a meeting a few months ago in the city,therewereveryfewpeople.But todaywehavegotagoodresponse for the padayatra, and several people are ready to accept the party. We should take an oath that we will make the system injustice andcorruption free."

He also added that every child shouldgeteducation.

"We are not here to do politics, but weareheretochangethepolitics.If the party comes to power we will work for the people with zero percent commission,"headded. He also said that the administration ofAamAadmiPartyhadhelpedthe people save money for various causes. Stating that the Aam Aadmi Party had given qualitative education to children in Delhi, he tookadigat BJP leaderAmitShah. "Due to corruption, the development works done are of substandard quality. This will affect the general public. Aam Aadmi

Party will not fight with money and muscle power but with people's power,"hesaid.

He also called upon the party workers to give time for the party.

He also stated that the party will come to power in Gujarat and the party will grow in Karnataka and give justice to the people of the state.

Narayana Prabhu, a resident near the Central Market explained the plight and how he was facing a water problem. Though the corporator was informed there was no proper response. Later, the Aam Aadmi Party worker helped him to solvetheproblem., hesaid District president of Aam Aadmi Party Santhosh Kamath said, "We should work with commitment and conviction towards building the party. Through the padayatra we have shown our strength. In the upcoming elections, we will make anefforttowinat leasttwo seatsin thedistrict."

He also added that in upcoming dayshewilltourtheentiredistrictto bring the party to power. He also called upon party workers to spend littletimeonbuildingtheparty. Purshotham welcomed. Party's

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national committee member Ashok Edamale, state joint secretary VivekanandaSalins, VijayaVittal


AAP Women's wing leader Bennet NavitaMorasthanked.

Retired Teacher, Rajyosthava awardee

WilliamDsahas passedawaypeacefully.

William D’Sa, well known as Wulli mam or as Wulli master from Moodubelle is no more. He breathed his last breath on Nov 4th eveningat4pmathisresidencedue to cardiac arrest. He was born on 02-03-1938. He was the son of late Kaithano D’sa and late Remidia D’sa. He is survived by wife Rita D’sa,

children Mark, Sunil and Prema, daughterinlawsReemaandSunita, son in law Vijay and grand children Neil, Sonia, Olivia, Sherwin, Steesha andNicholas.

Willie Master, himself an

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orthopedically challenged person, was a teacher in Church Aided Higher Primary School at Moodubelle for 34 years and Lourdes Higher Primary School in Kanajar for six years till his


On the occasion of the observation of the World Day of Disabled Persons on 3rd December 2009, William D’Sa was honoured by the Government of Karnataka’s Department of Welfare of Disabled andSeniorCitizensbyconferringon him the Rajya Prashasthi-2009 for his contribution in inspiring and educating the physically challenged student, Malini Bhandary of Kanajar and physically impaired Uddhaya Hansa and many more. Willie Masterisoneofthe26personsand 6 institutions that were given this award in a function inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Karnatka, B.S. Yeddyurappa

Recognizingtheservicerenderedby Willie Master to the betterment of the disabled students, the governmentofKarnatakahonoured him with a shawl, garland, fruit basket, citation, and a trophy. Willie Master acknowledging the honour conferred on him says that it was due to the exposure that he got about his work in the and the Daijiworld Weekly that his contribution came to the notice of the Department of

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Welfare of Disabled and Senior Citizens of the Government of Karnatakawhichconsideredhimfor the honour of the Rajya Prashasthi 2009.


encouraging and selfless man and friend to all. He shared his interests in music, sports, and the Church with all he loved. As an inaugural member of the Moodubelle Lions Club, he exemplified what it means tobealeaderinthecommunity.

Sharjah: Over 3000 Mangalureans take part in Konkan Yuva Dubai’s ‘Khel Mhel’


Sharjah,Nov2: KonkanYuvaDubai organized Khel Mhel 2022 on October 30 atWanderer’s Club,


A magnificent event created a history in GCC where over 3000 Mangalureans gathered, planting a

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golden feather on the crown of UAE’s most popular youth
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associationKonkanYuvaDubai. communitygrowsstronger.”

Addressingthegathering, FrVictor Fernandes, spiritual director said in his presidential note, “Youths are the backbone of the community. The efforts of bringing the people together by organising such events withutmostenthusiasm makesthe

Fr Dennis Saldanha, assitant parish priest Sharjah, Jeevan Vas, coordinator of SMMC and Ronald D’Souza, coordinator SMMKC, Lavina Fernandes, senior manager Airfreight operations, Globelink Weststar shipping LLC, Joseph Mathias, managing director, Merit Freight systems co LLC, James Mendonca, managing director, Reliable Engineering and Fabrication LLC, Wilfred Mathias, managing director, Premier Advertising Material Trading LLC, John Lancy D’Souza, managing director, Leyton Shipping LLC, Ronald Martis, managing director, Blue Royal Group of Companies, Anil Menezes general manager, Al Nakheel Clearance, Johnson Lobo general manager, Alia Insurance, past presidents Ullas Fernandes, Mamatha D’Souza, Godwin Castelino, Joel Saldanha, Blasius D’Souza, Josna Martis, Lee Almeida

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and Vivian Fernandes were the dignitaries of the event. Konkan Yuva president Viyon Robin Veigas welcomed the gathering, Anisha Almeida rendered the vote of thanks, and sports secretary Johnson D’Souza administered the oathtotheplayers.

The event started with a grand inaugural ceremony. The competition started with a march past following by tug of war, moonwalk, coconut smash, lagori, slow cycle race and so on. There weere other attractions as well where people went down the memory lane to their childhood when they saw a stall filled with Mangalureandelicaciesliketambde gule,golisodaetc. The event also included Mini Khel Mhel for kids which was an add on to Konkan Yuva. The enthusiasm and participation energy of the childrenwassimplymarvellous.

As the tag line of the event said ‘Revenchya uskyar mathiyeche Khel’,thisdaymadejusticetoit.The day was filled with a lot ofentertainment like DJ, Konkan Tara brass band, Baila, flash mob, raffle draw, housie housie, auction etc.Fromchildrentotheyoungsters and from youngsters to the senior citizens, all had the vibe of ‘Amche Kodyal’ in the land of UAE.

The overall championship was bagged by Loretto Friends. The first runners up trophy were won by MattikatteUnited,andMeritFrieght team took home the 2nd runners up. Konkan Tara team was awarded withfairplayaward. The programme was compered by Ivy D’Souza and Anil Pinto. All Konkan Yuva Dubai executive members and members were present.

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-Sonal Lobo, Bengaluru

They asked me,“Youwrite?” I said,“Yes, Iwrite.”

When and HowandWhy? And Isaid,“Yes,I write.” No,Idonotwakeupinthemiddleof the nightto write. I donotsitontheseashoretowrite. Yet, Iwrite

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I writewhen Isee theraindropsfall, I writewhen themoonlooksdull andpale. I writewhen myempty wombcries. I writewhen myrestless heartsmiles. I writewhen Iseesomethingawful.

I writewhen mymind jugglesthoughtsinnumerable.

I writewhen Iseesomeone intears,

I write whensomeoneisjoyful andfullofglee.

I writewhen thesocialstigmashaunt me.

I writewhen theinjusticearound chokes me.

I writewhen Iseefamiliescrumbling

I writewhen Iseebeautiful marriages ending.

I writewhen mymouthfailsto convey whatmyheartfeels.

I writewhen Iwant tosay,

I writewhen Iwant thingstochange.

I writebecause Ifailtosugar coat my words.

I writebecause Iamalittletootoughatthe edges.

I writebecause theorphan kidscryingout inpain,make mefeelguilty.

I write because the poverty and suffering remind me of my responsibility.

I writewhen Iamdisturbedbythoughtsofsomeone, Ilost longback.

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I write when Iamtrying hard toforgetsomeone.

I writeinallseasons

I writeirrespective ofthe occasion.

I write about the days gone by; I write about the memories I want to relive

I writeaboutmypainandsorrow, notforyoursympathy,

Buttoigniteinyouthe hiddenempathy.

I writenottogainstardom

I writetograbyour attention,

Yourattention onthe thingsthat matter.

I writebecause it’sGod’sgifttome

I writebecause it’s mytalent, even thoughyoumightfailtosee.

I writetoawaken whatisnumb,

I writetodarkenwhat isbright.

Yes.I write

I amnotcomplicated andnorare my thoughts.

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I Writebecause, Ibelievethereis asilverliningon everydarkcloud.

I writebecause Iknowafter every nightthereisamorning,

And irrespectiveof thestormthere comesa calm.

I writebecause Itrust intheGoodGod.

I writetoacknowledge thesupreme power ofmy Lord.

I writebecauseI amsimpleatheart

Soaremy words Yes.I write I partyandI amseldomgloomy

Still, Iwrite.

I writeto makeadifference

I writeto tickleslightlysomeone’s heart

I writetobringasmile

I writeto makeyou thinkat least fora while.

I writeandIshallcontinue

I write.Yes, Iwrite.

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Saints for Today: Martin de Porres and Rupert Mayer

3 November, theChurch celebrated the memory of two outstanding men, both worthy of emulation: MartindePorresandRupertMayer! Centuries and continents separated them: Martin was born in 1579 in Lima, Peru, South America, whereas Rupert was born in Stuttgart, Germany, Europe. Martin was Dominican and black; Rupert was Jesuit and white. Both died while in their sixties: their deteriorating health which led to their fairly untimely deaths, was clearly due to theirhighdegreeofcommitmentto

suffering humanity! Martin gave his life for the poor and the marginalised, the excluded and the exploited, the sub alterns and the ‘scum’ of the society of his times. Rupert accompanied the youth, ministered to the migrants and the unemployed; above all, he took a visibleandvocalstandagainstHitler and the Nazi regime! They both shared the same vision: a more humane, just, free, equitable, dignified, andfraternalsociety!

Martin de Porres was the illegitimate son of a Panamanian mother(afreedslave)andaSpanish father (apparently a nobleman).

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- *Fr.Cedric PrakashSJ

Having inherited the dark colour of his mother (who was possibly a black African or native American descent)- he, his mother and younger sister were abandoned by his father. His childhood therefore wasinstarkpoverty. Afterspending two years in primary school, Martin was placed with a barber/surgeon wherehewouldlearntocuthairand the medical arts. Martin, who spent longhoursinprayer, foundthatthe onlyintoreligiouslifehelongedfor, was to ask the Dominicans of Holy RosaryPrioryin Lima, toaccepthim as a volunteer who performed the mostmenialtasksinthemonastery. Rupertontheotherhand, wasborn intoawell-to-dofamilyofStuttgart, Germany. He joined the Society of Jesus as a Diocesan Priest in 1900. TheSpiritualExercisesofSt.Ignatius Loyola influenced him greatly. After much prayer and discernment, he wrote,“nowIknowmypurpose,and the next step is to translate my conviction into action and to put all possible effort into educating myself for my calling.”

Martin became a Dominican lay brother, at the age of 24, in 1603; and ten years later, after he had been presented with the religious habit of a lay brother, Martin was assigned to the infirmary where he would remain in charge until his death. He became known for encompassingthevirtuesneededto care for the sick carefully and patiently, even in the most difficult situations. Some of his own community members called him horriblenamesandmockedhimfor beingillegitimateandadescendant of slaves. Martin, however, was praised by others for his unconditional care of all people, regardless of race or wealth. He took care of all, but particularly of theAfricanslaves.Martindidn'tcare if the person was diseased or dirty, he would welcome them into his ownhome.

Rupert was a Jesuit ‘par excellence’, deeply embedded in the Jesuit way of proceeding and totally committed to the responsibilities entrusted to him. He suffered a

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greatdeal;buthenevercomplained aboutthepainhewentthrough. He wasabrilliantspeaker anda prolific writer, wedded to the pursuit of justice and truth; he used both the pulpit (and public fora too) and the pen, to speak truth to power. He minced no words when it came to showthathehadthecourageofhis convictions.Hefearednoone–only God!

Martin de Porres was very devoted to the Blessed Eucharist. His life reflected his great love for God and all of God's gifts. He also founded an orphanage for abandoned childrenandslavesandisknownfor raising dowry for young girls in short amounts of time. For the youth of Lima, he established a school.Martinisoftenreferredtoas the ‘Saint of (with) the broom’. He often challenged his brothers on their racist prejudices. In one story, Martin came upon a group of Indians sweeping the floor under the watchful eye of one of the Dominicanbrothers.Whentoldthat they were cleaning to repay a meal

they had received, Martin pointed out that the brother had fed some white people the previous day without forcingthem toclean. After Martin’s firm but gentle challenge, the brother took up the broom himself. Martin frequently insisted on performing such hard and menial tasks as caring for the Order’shorsesintheevenings,even when informed that servants were availableforthesechores.Hewould argue that the servants were tired from their day’s work while he, Martin, haddoneverylittle.

Fr Rupert Mayer was an extraordinarily generous priest who through his limitless work and love forpeople was ableto findChristin each person. Mayer’s warmth, understanding and unconditional self giving led each person he met to experience the love of Christ. He receivedhisstrengthfrom theLord. He was a perfect example of ‘taking up your cross’, never slowing down, never hesitating to do the will of God. Long before the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’

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Mayer was passionate about the rights of all, particularly when the Nazi regime denied the ordinary people freedom of speech and freedom of religion/belief. In 1923, heacceptedaninvitationtoaddress a fledgling group of national socialists on the theme ‘Can a Catholic be a national socialist?’ He accepted the invitation as a challenge totally prepared to go into a den of lions. Those who invited him felt that they had an unsuspecting ‘victim’ to be mauled, so when he stood up to address them, the huge crowd gave him tremendousapplause.Mayerbegan “I am afraid, gentlemen that your applausehascomealittletoosoon. My answer to your question can only be a negative one: NO! A Catholic cannot be a Nazi!” The early ‘applause’ of the crowd immediately turned to boos but Rupert Mayer had made his point! He was convinced that a disciple of Jesus could not subscribe to the Nazi ideology and had to stand up to every form of hate,

discrimination, andviolence.

Martin de Porres was beatified by Pope Gregory XVI on October 29, 1837 and canonized by Pope John XXIII on May 6, 1962. In his homily during the canonization, Pope John XXIII said, “Martin loved men because he honestly looked on them as God’s children and as his own brothers and sisters. Such was hishumilitythathelovedthemeven more than himself and considered them to be better and more righteous than he was. He did not blame others for their shortcomings. Certain that he deserved more severe punishment for his sins than others did, he wouldoverlooktheirworstoffences. He was tireless in his efforts to reform the criminal, and he would sit up with the sick to bring them comfort. For the poor he would provide food, clothing, and medicine.Hedidallhecouldtocare for poor farmhands, blacks and mulattoes who were looked down upon as slaves, the dregs of society in their time. Common people

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responded by calling him ‘Martin the charitable’.”

Rupert Mayer who was beatified by Pope (now Saint) John Paul II on 3 May 1987, was a strong, blunt, and vocal critic of the Nazi regime. The Nazis did not take his criticism lightly and he was imprisoned from 1937 till 1945, either in a concentration camp or in exile outside Munich. The solitary confinementdidnotbreakhisspirit. It was an occasion to deepen his spirituality. Thisisevidentinaletter which he wrote to his mother “In theselastweeksinsolitudeIbelieve

I have come into far closer contact with God Almighty in my own self and in the same measure I have become more detached and withdrawn from earthly things. So, I feel not the least worry or anxiety about my future. I place all that in God’s good hands. In myself I am completely content and at peace.” Though Mayer suffered greatly at thehandsoftheNaziregime,hedid not compromise. For him, soft pedalling the brutality of the Nazis

or even in engaging with them with diplomatic niceties was abhorrent to anyone who believed and lived the Gospel of Jesus. His resolute courage also earned him the admiration of his detractors; so much so that they were afraid to allow him to die a martyr’s death in a concentration camp and sent him to live in exile in a monastery at the fag endofhislife.

The realities which confronted the ordinary people of South America and Europe during the times of MartindePorresandRupertMayer, are blatantly prevalent in India today! Vast sections of India’s population, particularly the minorities, the Adivasis, the Dalits and other vulnerable communities, are at themercy of a fascist regime.

Freedom ofspeechandFreedomof religion are being throttled! Those who take a stand have false cases foisted on them; they are hounded and harassed, sent to prison, and even killed. The economy is in a shamble; poverty and unemployment are on the rise;

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migrantsareat themercyofothers; a corrupt few amass huge wealth. Lies and false promises are dished out today, in exactly the same manner, as done earlier by the European colonialists and the Nazi regime. In a world, torn asunder with hate and violence, discrimination and divisiveness, exclusion and exploitation, class and caste, rites, and rituals, we need the likes of St MartindePorres,thepatronSaintof Social Justice and Blessed Rupert Mayer, the Apostle of Munich and certainly the patron of dissenters and resisters, writers and speakers. BothMartinandRupertwererooted in the person and message of Jesus and were not afraid to take on the racism and fascism of their times. They believed in and lived the gospelwithout compromise!

The unwavering courage and whole heartedcommitmentofboth these great men, is radiated in the prayerwhichMayerwrotein1941

“Lord, asyouwill, solet it beforme; And as you will, so will I walk that road. Helpmeonlytoknowyourwill!

Lord whenever you will, then is the time; And whenever you will, then I amready, todayandalways. Lord, whatever you will, I accept, and whatever you will, is gain for me.

Enough,thatI belongtoyou. Lord, because you will it, it is good; And because you will it, I have courage, ”My heart rests safely in your hands!”

It is certainly God’s hand, that both Martin de Porres and Rupert Mayer are celebrated by the Church, on 3 Novembereveryyear. Wearecalled toemulatethemtoday letusdoso!


*(Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is a human right, reconciliation & peace activist/writer. Contact:

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CavelchiSundaritiatr’s Posterswerereleased

level and Tiatr culture though it’s a Goan heritage but, started in Mumbai because, Goankars were migratedtoMumbaifordailybread. St.Aloysius Autonomus College

Principal Rev.Dr.Praveen Martis SJ and Director of AIMIT Rev.Dr.Melvyn Pinto SJ, Mrs.Flora Castelino HOD of Konkani Dept were on the stage. Dr.Alwyn D’sa Registrar Welcomed the gathering and student organizing committee secretary Sr.Laveena Dsouza rendered the vote of thanks. Ms.Diya Mascarenhas compeered theprogramme.

On 4th November Cavelchi Sundari tiatr’s Posters were released for the awareness of general public by Mr.RoyCastelinoPROofMangalore Diocese & Mr.Micheal Gracias Director of Cavelchi Sundari. And Mr.Gracias explained the importance of Tiatr in the academic

Cavelchi Sundari is a musical Tiatr stage at St Aloysius College, Mangalore on 25th November at 3pm onwardsinLCRIauditorium.

130 year old tiatr (Konkani language play) titled Cavelchi Sundari (The Belle of Cavel) created history after it was staged in Cavel,

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the tiny south Mumbai area that is thebackdropoftheplay.

150th birth anniversary of its playwriterJoãoAgostinho,

endearingly known as Pai Tiatrist (father of Konkani theatre) written thistiatrfirstbutcouldnotplaydue tosomereasons!!! Tiatrisatypeofmusicaltheatre

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popularinthestateofGoa.Cavelchi SundariwasPaiTiatrist’sdebutplay, then called teatro in Portuguese, and later tiatr in keeping with Konkani phonetics. He, along with Goan emigrant Lucasinho Ribeiro, who had staged the first ever tiatr titled Italian Bhurgo in 1892, hoped that the Goan diaspora in Bombay

would find their form of theatre to beasophisticatedalternativetothe subpar forms of Konkani theatre that existed then. This meant zagor, in which actors were usually inebriated, mouthed profanities, and slipped in sexual innuendoes, neighbourhoodgossipabout extra marital affairs, quarrels in between

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dialogues; and khell travelling streetplaysthatwereequallycrude.

Pai Tiatrist wanted his scripts to educate the masses, rid of societal evils and stereotypes. According to the book titled, When the Curtains Rise—Understanding Goa's Vibrant Konkani Theatre, by Andre Rafael Fernandes, Pai Tiarist “was aware of

theneedtohavehisplaysrootedin his own people and culture… he set out to explore the social problems and situations of Goa and Goans from the very beginning of his own efforts as a playwright when he composed The Belle of Cavel in 1893.” His first tiatr thus, became the exemplar for generations of Konkani tiatrists (playwrights, usually the director, writer, and actor rolled in one) thereafter to scripttiatrsthatwouldholdamirror to society, chronicling the good, bad, andugly.

Take the case of Cavelchi Sundari, a talescriptedin1890sBombayunder the British Raj. In it, two educated Catholic girls from the Goan diasporawanttoditchthearranged marriage route and marry for love. Onegirlleavesasuitorwithastable job for a wandering seafarer. The other takes a lover from a lower class and continues the affair in a garden till her father discovers a love letter. Their fathers seek police intervention to separate the lovers, but the law sides with the girl. There’s a reference to the September 21, 1890, firing in Margao, Goa, which killed 23

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Indianswhowereprotestingagainst municipalpollsriggedinfavourofa Portuguesecandidate. Uncanny how the socio political issues chronicled in the 130 year old tiatr still find resonance today. Be it tradition v/s modernity, women’s emancipation or even castepolitics,over90percenttiatrs are social dramas, “since tiatrs have beenusedasaveryeffectivemeans of social reform,” notes Rafael in his book. Till the Goa Liberation of 1961, it was impossible to stage political tiatrs that mocked the colonisers. “Nowtiatristscriticisethepoliticians sitting in the front row, and the politicians are left with no option but to laugh it off,” observes Rafael.

Dr Shamin Pereira, a PhD in Library ScienceandisAssistantProfessorin the Library and Information Science department at Goa University is presenting a paper on “ impact of Tiatrcultureonthesociety”On25th November at 3pm in St.Aloysius College LCRI auditorium. She

debuted in Cavelchi Sundari, playing the friend who helps the protagonistcarryonherclandestine affair.

MichealGraciashasconductedover 150 tiatr workshops for youth in mainly remote parts of Goa. His SMNgroupofyoungactorswonthe prestigious Mando of the Year award at the 54th Mando festival this year, along with 13 TAG Group Bawards.

Gracias’ tiatrs are helmed on family, social themes with a political edge. HisNachchonaKumpasar(IWillNot Dance to Your Tune)—borrowing from veteran crooner Lorna Cordeira’s song Nachom-ia Kumpasa dwells on tactics politiciansemploytofooltheyouth. Sintidan Pai Ghal Go Bai (Walk Cautiously Baby) was a reaction to the Nirbhaya rape case inDelhi and the rape of a 12 year old girl at a school in Vasco, Goa. “I aim to ‘conscientise’ people. Discussing these happenings in taverns does notmakeyouaresponsiblecitizen.”

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Synod on Synodality

Synod on Synodality is said to take place in Rome in October 2023. Discussions are going on about 53 questions in parishes for preparation for Synod. It seems to me the outcome is predetermined, anddiscussionsareacharadetosay there was demand from faithful. It happened in the case of Amoris Laetitia and Traditionis Custodes. Francis wants to turn the Church insideout andupsidedown. Anyway, here are my suggestions fordiscussion duringSynod.

Many things need to be restored, some with modifications. They are thefollowing:

Eucharistic fast should be from midnight without food, liquid including water, and medicine. Communion should be received kneeling. Churches should have communion rails. The tabernacle shouldbeinthecentre. Thereshouldbenoconcelebration.

After Gospel reading those who are not members of the Church should beaskedtoleave. All Fridays of the year and WednesdaysofLentshouldbedays ofabstinence.

Ember Days and Rogation Days should be restored. Rogation Days shouldbeonMonday,Tuesday,and Wednesday after Ascension. Or Easter Season can be 46 days and thenextthreedayscanbeRogation Dayswithfastandabstinence.

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Ember Days should be first Wednesday of March and Friday and Saturday that follow it, second Wednesday of June and Friday and Saturday that follow it, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday that follow Holy Cross Day and St. Lucy’s Day. When Ash Wednesday comes on first Wednesday of March it should replace Ember Day. When a Rogation Day comes on the second Wednesday of June or on an Ember DayitshouldreplaceEmberDay.

Ember Days and 40 days of Lent shouldbedays offasting.

It should be black vestments for Lent, funeral and requiem masses, EmberDaysandRogationDays,and AllSoulsDay.

Octaves and Vigils suppressed by Pius XII and others should be restored. – Restoration in Church –ಕೊಂಕಣ್ (

Sequences suppressed by Pius V shouldberestored.

Orders of porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte, and subdiaconate should berestored.

Amice,maniple,andsuchvestments shouldberestored.

Tenebrae,galeroand50feetmagna capashouldberestored.

Easter house blessing by clerics shouldberestored.

Support for death penalty for murder and other high crimes should be restored. John Paul II deviated in 1995. Francis deviated further.

Christmas Season should be of 40 days. SundaymassshouldbeonSundays, notSaturdayevenings.

Feasts should be as per day and date, notshiftedtoSunday. TimeafterPentecostshouldbe

66 Veez Illustrated Weekly

restored as Pentecost Season beginningwithPentecostSunday.

Pre-1969 dress for bishops and cardinals should be restored. Pope should wear tiara and use sedia gestatoria.

Marriage banns should be read at theendofallSundaymasses. Cremationshouldbebanned. Burial at seamaybepermitted. I proposesomechanges.

Tridentine rite hierarchy should be setup. Use of previous breviaries, lectionaries, missals, pontifical and sacramentaries should be permitted.

There should be no retirement age for clerics. Seniormost priest in a diocese should become bishop. Seniormost bishop in a province should become archbishop. There should be no metropolitans.

Seniormost archbishop in a region should become cardinal. Seniormostcardinalshouldbecome pope. Married men who were permanent deaconsforthreeyearsbeordained priests. Penalties should be anathema, interdict, suspension, and excommunication. Grounds for excommunication –Excommunication ಕೊಂಕಣ್ (

Dialogue with non Christians shouldend. Ecumenism with non Catholic Christiansshouldend.

The Julian calendar should not be usedtopleaseOrthodox. Canons 284 and 669 regarding ecclesiastical dress and religious habitsshouldbeenforced.

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Church sanctity should be maintained. Church is not a place for clapping, cutting cake, dancing, singing Happy Birthday and acting. Thereshouldbenoclappingduring mass in church or outside. Church shouldnotbeusedasdormitoryfor immigrants and refugees and for heathen worship which is an abominationandsacrilege.

Nuns should be trained in judo, karate, and such arts of selfdefence. It is better if they are taught castration so that if anyone

triestorapea nunisunable torape anyfemale. Christian Era, BC, AD, Happy Christmasshouldbedefended.

Christianity does not have caste system. BishopsinIndiashouldnot demand reservations for Dalit Christians. They should fight against SC/ST/OBC/EBC/EWS/Women’s reservations. Inculturation should end. InIndiait isHinduisation.

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Celebrating 50 Glorious Years

IhavejustreturnedfromSamphran, Thailand, after attending the FABC General Conference which took place from 12 to 30 October 2022, at Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Centre of the Archdiocese of Bangkok, Thailand. It wasorganised to mark the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC) in 1970 and should have been held in 2020 but due to Covid 19 pandemic it was postponed to the present dates. 29 countries from Asia participated. Among the 226 participants were 20 Cardinals, 120 ArchbishopsandBishops,40Priests, 10Sistersand36 LayFaithful. There wereFraternalDelegatesfromother FederationsofBishopsConferences,

like Europe, Latin America, United States, etc. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Pro Prefect of the Dicastery of Evangelization came from the Vatican as the Delegate of Pope Francis during the last couple of days and addressed the Assembly and celebrated the Concluding Mass in the Assumption Cathedral ofBangkokArchdiocese.

Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Training Centre is situated in a lush green and sprawling campus of around 100 acres which also has several other institutions, like the Parish Church, School, Auditoriums, Seminary, Clergy Home for Retired Priests, Cemetery, etc. It is in Samphran, Nakhonpathom, about

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GroupPhotoofalltheParticipantsat GeneralConference

two hour drive from the Bangkok Airport.

The arrangements for our stay, transport, food, general hospitality, liturgy,meetings,inputsbyresource persons, plenary and small group discussions,sight seeing,inaword, everything was just excellent. No doubt there was meticulous planning by the FABC Organizing Committee and the Local Organizing Committee and a host of volunteers and support staff to implement perfectly what was planned.

The main theme for the General Conference was Journeying Together as Peoples of Asia…. “And they went a different way.” (Mt. 2: 12). In keeping with the spirit of Synodality, the purpose of the Conference was to make ourselves aware of the need for the Peoples of Asia as a Church to

journey or walk together; to move forward in the next 50 years with renewed enthusiasm, zeal and ardour to continue the mission of evangelization, to be true missionarydisciples,andtodiscover togetherastheGeneralBodyofthe Bishops representing their respective conferences, new pathwaysforourmission.

The Inaugural Mass on 12th October, presided over by the President of FABC, His Eminence

Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar, was solemn; the Inaugural Function and the Cultural Programme that followed the Mass were superb and splendid. Students from about 11 differentschoolsparticipatedinthis splendid show. The Minister of Culture from the Royal Thai Government also addressed us on this occasion wishing the

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Bishop Gerry Mathias of Lucknow during the Conference at one Holy MassCelebration Conferenceallsuccessandassuring all support from the Thai Government.

The first three days of the Conference were devoted to Country reports. There were beautiful reports presented by all participating countries through videos, power point and commentaries, showing the map of the country, its location in Asia, glimpse of its culture, presence of Christianity, some statistics,

challenges the country and Church faceandhowtheyrespondtothese challenges. We learned quite a lot about each other’s country and realized that some have much greater challenges and are going through greater hardships than what we face and undergo in our owncountry.

Next week was devoted to inputs from various resource persons on topics which were already chosen andgiventothem.Ihappenedtobe theopeningbatsmanwiththetopic: “A Post Pandemic Church and the Body of Christ”. In fact, two of us dealt with this topic. Fr. Tinh Nguyen, SJ from Vietnam and myself. I dealt with the challenges and opportunities the Pandemic provided and suggested some Pastoral Pathways for a PostPandemic Church in Asia. Fr. Tinh dealt with the theology of the Body of Christ in the light of the pandemic.

Each day there were several inputs on various topics related to our life and ministry as the Church in Asia. Manytopicswererelatedtosomeof the important Documents of the Church. To mention some of

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them: The Climate Crisis; Youth: A Voice for the Church; The Role of Women for the Church in Asia; Migration, Labour and Human

Trafficking; Fratelli Tutti : A Call to Human Fraternity; Revitalizing the Life of the Church: Worship, Formation and Digital Ministry; The Family: The Foundation for the Church in Asia; Amoris Laetitia:A Call to Love; Dialogue, Peace and Reconciliation: A Pathway for Asia; Geopolitical and Social Shifts Impacting Asia; Church in Asia Proclaiming the Gospel; A Synodal Church for the Life of Asia; Leadership and Governance: New Pathways for the Church in Asia; Bearing witness to the Gospel and theReignofGodinAsia;Reflections onPredicate Evangelium; etc.All these and many other topics were presented by resource persons with great competence and clarity. Most were present physically to deal with thetopic.Somediditonline. Some time was given after each input for silent prayer and then some for questions and clarifications. There were plenary discussions as well as small group discussions. Groups were changed every 4 or 5 days so that we could interact with more delegates and get to know them. Coffee/Tea break, LunchandDinnertimewere

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other occasions for us to meet and interact with other delegates. Overall, it was a very enriching experience.

Cardinal Charles Bo, President of FABC, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Convener of General Conference, and Cardinal Francis Xavier Kriengsak, the Local Ordinary presided over the daily sessions in turnalongwithamoderator(usually President of a National Bishops Conference)whowaschangedeach day. The main celebrants for the Liturgy were a Cardinal or ArchbishopfromdifferentCountries eachday.

Mr.LeslieD’Souza,ChairmanofPre PearlTraining Development from Mumbai, engaged us for two days on Envisaging New Pathways: Theory U: The Christocentric Way. Afterhisinputsweweredividedinto 15 groups and each group discussedadifferenttopicandtried tofindouthowwecouldrenewand revitalize the Church in Asia and what could be the new Pastoral Pathways to make this happen. The topics were all relevant which were presented earlier on, and the discussions were very useful and enriching. It is hoped the fruits of these discussions will be synthesized by the Drafting

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Committeeandwillformpartofthe FinalDocumentwhichwillbeknown astheBangkokDocument.

Many new pathways have been suggested. But in my humble opinion the need of the hour in a multi religious, multi cultural, pluralistic society of Asia, with growing fundamentalism, extremism, intolerance and violence, the Church in Asia should be an agent of peace and harmony. Wemustbuildbridgesandmediate reconciliation.Weneedtostandfor justice and human rights and be a voiceforthevoiceless.

But above all what we need to implementallthenewpathwaysisa newardourandrenewedzeal.Ifthis ardour is missing, no matter how beautifulthepathwaysare, theywill remaninthedocumentandwillnot be implemented. But if we all are

renewedinourardourandzealthen we will not only be eager to implementthepathwaysbutalsobe motivatedtoinventordiscovernew ones. SoletusprayfortheChurchinAsia, that is, for all of us so that we may be filled with new ardour and zeal and be leaven in the society and be ever ready to go a different way, adopt new pathways to establish the Reign of God in the vast Continent ofAsia.

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+BishopGeraldJohn Mathias BishopofLucknow

Deepavali Sambhrama: “Need Respect, not toleranceto walkinthelight”:


MANGALORE, OCT 24: “At the background of inter religious dialogue, the ability to live in the midst of others with their individualities, diversities, and differencesinaspiritofrespect,love and trust is much needed today to bring about solidarity, unity and harmony. We do not tolerate each

other. We have to respect each other. Respect is much greater and larger than tolerance. The celebration of Deepavali calls us to be respectful towards others creating a space for everyone,” said Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, the Bishop of Mangalore in his inauguralmessageatthe‘Deepavali Sambhrama’- a festival of light, organised by St Mother Theresa

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Vichara Vedike, Mangalore at Sandesha Kalakendra, Mangalore

ontheeveningofMonday,October 24, 2022.

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Bishop Peter further said, “We become the true light of the world
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when we recognise all people around as our brothers and sisters
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and show that we belong to one family. Instead of questioning who

ishe/sheorthey,weshouldbeable to answer S/He is ours, they are ours, our family, our relatives, our friends. This culture of ‘We’ will make our Deepavali celebration, a true and meaningful one.”

"The art of living of those people whowalkinthelightistosupersede the works of darkness, the superiority of culture and religion and grow with a sense of belongingness to others, solidarity, peacefulandharmoniouslivingand helping the humanity” bishop Peter added.

The bishop also noted that each personinherentlypossessesarayof

light from God which inclines us to walk in the light of God and contribute to the common good of the people. “When we love others withconfidence,itshineslikealight. Overcoming constricted mind over other religions will make our light shine in the darkness” Bishop Peter said.

Speaking on the importance of the feast of light Dr P. Subrahmanya Yadapadithaya, Vice Chancellor of Mangalore University said, “The culture of sharing, belongingness, theopennessofthemindandheart towards other religions and love and solidarity in upholding humanityisatthecoreofDeepavali celebration.”

Mohammad Arif, chief correspondent of Vijaya Karnataka daily said, “The power of light gets magnified when we celebrate the feast of light with people of other religions.” He said that jealousy, anger, and poverty are symbols of darkness. Whereas love and mutual cooperation are the symbols of light.

Smt Manjula Nayak, President, Samarashya Mangaluru addressing the gathering said, “The tradition andcultureofcelebratingthefeasts

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To mark this special occasion, St Mother Theresa Vichara Vedike, Mangalore, a Candlelight (goodudeepa) competition was organised. Winners were awarded prizes. This programme was organised jointlyinassociationwithSwaranjali MusicSchool YekkurandLionsClub ofMangaloreBejai;SaregamaTrust. Rev. Fr Sudeep Paul, MSFS, Director Sandesha,MrStanyLobo,President, CatholicSabhaMangalore,MrStnay Alveres, Mr Viajay Alfred, trustee of

Saregam Trust, Mr Thomas Prasad, Secretary,LionsClub,Bejai,KAshraf Ex mayor, MCC were present amongothers.

Mr Roy Castelino, President of the Vedike delivered the welcome address, Ms Flavy D’Souza, Vice President of the Vedike proposed the vote of thanks and Sunil Kumar Bajal,SecretaryofVedikecompered theprogramme. The formal programme was followed by cultural events from Swaranjali Music School Yekkur, Fr Walter Albuquerque Memorial Choir, Mangaluru and Kala SaraswathiNatyalaya.

Inauguration of Bethany Educational Society® Platinum Jubilee by Mangalore Province

25.10.2022 the celebration of Platinum Jubilee inauguration of BethanyEducationalSociety® (BES) was organised at Rosa Mystica campus. The Inaugural Mass was held at the Convent chapel officiated by Rev Fr Wilfred Prakash

Dsouza, the Director of St Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor. It was concelebrated by Rev Fr Rudolph Ravi D’sa the Parish Priest of Our Lady of Pompei Church, Gurpur and Rev Fr Sibi, the Director ofSnehaSadan, Kinnikambla. Inhis

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all religions by all people shall continue to create peace and harmonious society.”
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homily Fr Wilfred highlighted the achievements of Bethany Educational Society towards the education of children, specially the girlchildandthepoor. It was followed by a formal stage programme at Bethany School Hall. Rev Sr Cicilia Mendonca, the Corporate Manger was the President of the programme. In her presidential address she applauded the undaunted courage of Founder and the pioneers striving to impart quality education to the people in the rural areas. Though the education was imparted at the very inception of the Congregation, but BESwasregisteredintheyear1948. ‘Transformative education for fullness of Life towards Human fraternity’ was the theme of the PlatinumJubileeyear.DrShreepathi the alumnus of Rosa Mystica

School, Mr Ahmad Bava the alumnus of St Raymond’s institutions, Mr Yashvanth Shetty, President of Gurpur Gram Panchayat and Rev Fr Sibi were the chief guests for the programme. In his speech Dr Shreepathi expressed his reminiscences of student life at Schoolandthankedtheteachersfor playing a prominent role to shape his personality. Mr Ahmad Bava the journalist at Daijiworld expressed his gratitude towards the teachers for encouraging him in his studies, which made him pursue his higher studiesandthecareer.

The milestones of BES history were depicted with dance drama performedbyStRaymond’scampus Institutions. It was choreographed by Mr Balakrishna the teacher at Little Flower School, Darbe, Puttur. The students from Sacred Heart High School echoed the Jubilee chorus composed by Sr Jessy Rita. The students at Bethany School, Rosa Mystica implored God’s blessings on the day’s programme. Students from Rosa Mystica PU College welcomed the gathering

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through welcome dance and Sr Shubha the Province coordinator of Education expressed words of welcome to the President and chief guests. Mrs Leena Lilly Pinto the teacher from Rosa Mystica Hr Pry School and Mrs Veena Bennis of

Rosa Mystica DElEd compeered the day’s programme

SrAnnaMariaBS Bethany Provincialate, Vamanjoor

Oneoftheseniorpriestsofthediocese ofMangalore,Rev.FrGregory WilliamVas(81)passedaway onWednesdaynoononOctober26,2022,

at Fr Muller Hospital, Kankanady, Mangalore. Fr Gregory William Vas hailing from Agrar/Farla was born to Joseph Vas and P.VasonMay25,1941.Hewas ordained priest for the diocese of Mangalore on December 3, 1966. He was 81 when he breathed his last.

FrGregoryWilliamVasservedasan assistant parish priest at Milagres Mangalore. He served as Parish Priest at Puttur, Kulshekar and Paldance. He served as Headmaster at Milagres Mangalore. He also

88 Veez Illustrated Weekly
89 Veez Illustrated Weekly served as a Teacher at Milagres –Kallianpur. After Spending 2 years asSociousatMilagres,hemovedto
His Funeral Mass and Burial Service was held on Friday 28.10.2022 at 3.30 p.m. in St Vincent Ferrer
Valencia. No YearDesignation Place 01 1967 1971 Asst. ParishPriest Milagres Mangalore 02 1971 1974 Teacher Milagres Kallianpur 03 1974 1985 Headmaster Milagres Mangalore 04 1985 1986 ParishPriest Puttur 05 1999 2006 ParishPriest Kulshekar 06 2006 2016 ParishPriest Paldane 08 2016-2018 Socius Milagres 09 2018- Retired StZuzeVas



The Carmel Hill of Infant Jesus Shrine, Carmel Hill saw a great multitude joining for 3 days of retreat led by well known charismaticpreacherBrPrakashand

Team from Bandra, Mumbai. TheCharismaticretreatwasheldfor 3 days from 24th to 26th October from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm in the premises of Infant Jesus Shrine,

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Carmel Hill, Bikarnakatte, Mangalore. The retreat included
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morningprayers, Rosary, Praiseand worship, spiritualtalks, Holy
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Eucharist, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr Rovel D Souza, Director of the Infant Jesus Shrine, along with Fr Noel Mascharenhas, Redemptorist priest from Mumbai Diocese and Fr Melwyn Noronha, Parish Priest of Pakshikere led the faithful into prayerandnourishedwiththe Eucharist. Br Prakash D Souza empowered the faithful with the word of God and led the adoration forall3days. Everydaylunchwasservedtoallthe participants. There were more than

13thousandfaithfulsgatheredfrom far and near to participate in this retreat. Ballok Jezu Kuttom, Carmel Soldiers and other volunteers worked tirelessly to make this retreatasuccessfulone.

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CelebrationofParishFeast –


On 26 October 2022, the Holy Rosary Church, Alangar celebrated itsannualfeast.RevFrOnilD'Souza, the Parish Priest of Moodubidri Church and the Vicar Forene of Moodubidri Varado presided over the Eucharistic Celebration. Around

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25 priests, joined the Concelebration.

This celebration helped to reflect the theme *ಸೊಂಗಾತ್ಪಣ್ ಬಳ್ವೊಂತ್ ಕರ್ಯಾ, ಎಕವಟಿತ್ ಸಮುದಾಯ್ ಭೊಂದಾಾ*

A large number of parishioners and the devotees of Mother Mary, participatedintheCelebration

Finally, the Parish Priest, Rev Fr Walter D'Souza thanked all the donors, well wishers, and the parishioners, who cooperated to organisetheannualfeast


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puraskaar at Holy RosaryChurch Alangar 7 achievers in the field of sports singing and studies at State level and 28 toppers who secured distinction in SSSLC, PUC, DEGREE
For the Walter D'Souza the Paris



100 Veez Illustrated Weekly
commissions and
PPP werepresent
education commission organisedthisprogram.
priest Mr Rajesh D'Souza the
Mrs Mable Lobo
secretory of
the felicitators
Vinod DSA welcomed the gathering, Mr Glanish Martis and Miss Ashwini DSouza expressed their gratitude on behalf of
RohanofClass10ofHolyRedeemer EnglishMediumSchoolwinssecond prize in the Taluk Level Science Model Making Competition on October 31st organised by the Government of Karnataka, School Education and Literacy Department and Block Education Office, Belthangady for the High School Students of Belthangady Taluk at theChurchHigherPrimarySchoolin Belthangady. Karnataka Rajyotsava day celebrations at St Agnes PUCollege: Karnataka Rajyotsava or Kannada day, also known as Karnataka formationdayorKarnatakaday, is
Eric Lobo compeered the program. RohanBbagssecondprize
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celebratedonthe1stofNovember everyyear. Thiswas thedayin1956 when all the Kannada language speakingregions ofSouthIndia

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were merged to form the state of Karnataka.

A meaningful programme was organised to commemorate

Kannada Rajyotsava on the 1st of November. The programme began with a prayer song after which the gloryandgrandeurofKarnataka

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andKannadawasdepictedthrough dancedramaandpresentations.

Poet, writer, and former director of Akashvani Dr. Vasanth KumarPerla expressed that the preservation, research, and development of culture is impossible without studying the language code of the

nation.Languageiscrucial,asitnot only functions as a communication device, but also contains irreplaceable cultural heritage, knowledge, and traditions. The survival of language means the survivalofwayof life.


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patrioticsongsbystaffandstudents were organised on the 28th of October. CollegeprincipalSr.NorineDSouza, Vice Principal Sr. Janet Sequeira, PTA Vice President Mrs Asha Sanjeevana, Programme Coordinator Mrs Shailaja, staff and students were present for the program. The programme was compered by Soujanya and Nisha. Anvitha welcomed the gathering and Bhoomika proposed the vote of thanks. SambramDigital
The celebration of 67th Karnataka Rajyotsavawasheldon1.11.2022in Milagres CentralSchool, Mangaluru withgreatenthusiasm.Thestudents of higher primary and high school hosted this programme. The chief

guest of the programme was the

Principal of the school Fr. Joseph Uday Fernandes. Addressing the gathering he talked about the variety of Kannada dialects present around us. Our language is the one thing that keeps us all united. We

should always strive to use and promote this language everywhere. The main highlight of the programmewasagroupsong sung melodiously by the students. MC Darshan executed the programme, Bhavish welcomed the gathering, Oliver Rayan Braggs spoke about the importance of the day, Nitish Kumar expressed gratitude and the programme was concluded by singingNadaGeetebythestudents. The teaching, non-teaching staff, and students were present for the programme.


Nihal Tauro's Konkani song 'Hanv Tuzo MogKortam'released Daijiworld Media NetworkMangaluru


Dubai, Nov 7: Nihal Tauro's Konkani song 'Hanv Tuzo Mog Kortam'featuringHeraPintoand BrainSequeirawasreleasedon


The song was released on Clerida CreationsYouTubechannel. Apart from playing the lead in the song, Hera Pinto has directed the song along with DJ Mervin. The song is produced by Clement and ReenaLoboAustralia.Theexecutive producerisJaneIdaStephanyPinto, Muscat.

'Hanv Tuzo Mog Kortam'is captured by Prajwal Suvarna, lyrics are penned by Clarence Pinto Kaikamba, and music composed by JaisonSequeira. Theproduction headisLlyodDenzil.

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Mangaluru:Trailer,audio of RSBKonkani movie

Mangaluru, Nov 5: The trailer and audio release programme of grand RSB Konkani movie ‘Baayo Amchen Chedun’, produced by Kamath Creations was held at Bharath CinemasofManipalinthepresence of artistes and eminent personalities.

MLA of Udupi Raghupati Bhat inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. Trailer was released in the name of late Puneeth Rajkumar. Kannada, Tulu cine actor Pruthvi Ambar released the audio and conveyed his good wishestothemovieteam.

The guests were felicitated. Dr Jagadish Pai of Konkani Sahitya Academy, Gokuldas Nayak, Ashok Nayak Hirgan, president of Dakshina Kannada working journalists’ association Srinivas Nayak Indaje, Srikant Nayak, Naveen Nayak, Ravindra Prabhu, Kadari, Mohini N Nayak and Usha

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‘BaayoAmchenChedun’ released Daijiworld Media Network –Mangaluru (MS)

Nayak were present. Premier show of the movie will be heldatBharathCinemasManipalon November13.Thecastofthemovie includes Ila Vittal, Vignesh, Sahana, Shivajirao, Jadav, Vijaya Nayak, Shyamala Kashyap, Revathi, Asha Nayak, Saujanya Nayak, Kusuma

Mangaluru: St Agnes College organises 'Cooking without Fire' competition


Mangaluru, Nov 9: The Post Graduate department of Commerce, Centre for Post Graduate Studies and Research, St Agnes College (Autonomous),

Kamath and Shivananda Nayak. Rahul Vashist has done the editing, while Sunaad Gautam has handled thecinematographyandmusic. The movie is produced by Ranjadakatte Nagendra Kamath and directed by RamanandaNayakJodurasthe.

Mangaluru organised 'Cooking without Fire' competition on November7. Students from the various departments from the Centre for PostGraduateStudiesandResearch participatedinthecompetition. The event gave a platform to the students to demonstrate their culinary knowledge and skills and

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exhibiting their dish before the judges where it was evaluated on aesthetics, innovation, variety, and palatability.

Nine team participated in the competition. Participants infused lots of creativity and served delicious eatables to enhance the taste buds. Eatables included Corn Chat,Chick PeaSalad,SproutSalad,

Dry Fruits Laddu, Mini Sandwich, Oreo Cake and many more. Geethanjali Prabhu, assistant professor, department of English andAmeethaKHOD,departmentof Zoology, St Agnes College (Autonomous) were the judges for theevent.

Banerjee and Dalia Dsouza presented small token of gratitude to the judges. Faculty members from other departments and students were also happy and had the opportunity to taste the food and gave good reviews to the participants. Melishaproposeda voteofthanks.

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Mangaluru:StAgnes College(Autunomous) organizesalumni reunion


Mangaluru, Nov 1: The 'Agnesian Day At Home' held on October 30 was a resounding success. This event is held every year to reconnect with the Alumni and celebrate the success and achievementsthroughout theyear. The event was held at St Agnes College (Autunomous), Mangaluru and was attended by the Agnesian

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Alumni, their friends and family and the theme were Green. The event started with the solemn Mass at 9 am celebrated by Fr Melwyn Pinto, after which breakfast was served to all the attendees. The event was anchored by the Alumni Vidya Shenoy, whowithhercreativeideas and her rendition style kept the audienceengrossed. The programme started with an invocation song in Hindi sung by Asha, Patra, Jyothi and Edith and their melodious tones touched the hearts of the audience. Sr Dr M Venissa AC., the president of the alumni and the principal of the college, welcomed all the alumni, their friends, and families for respondingtotheinvitationandfor being present for the event inspite of their busy schedule. She spoke about the selfless involvement of the Alumni through the year in social activities and continuously working towards its vision for a better tomorrow. Vivid, the secretary,readashortreportonthe activitiesdonebytheAlumni.

Agnesian Alumnae Association presentedtheLifetimeAchievement Award 2022 to Dr Anandi Martis. Founded by past college president

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Marjorie Texeira, ten years ago, the Agnesian Lifetime achievement award 2022 was given to distinguished Alumna Dr Anandi at a well attended gathering of Alumnae at St Agnes College, Mangaluru. The citation was read by Marjorie Texeira, concluded, "We place on record Dr Anandi Martis’s commitment, leadership, and devotion to the cause of education: her dedication to pursuit of Creativity in Education, a field of endeavour close to the heart of the Alma Mater, St Agnes College; and her erudition and experience painstakinglyacquiredandselflessly employed by her in her call of duty and service.”

Dr Martis is a renowned Educationist of National and International recognition. She worked as a professor of Education for nearly 24 years at Postgraduate and undergraduate levels of St Ann’s College of Education and established the post Graduate Centre at St Ann’s College of education Pala, Kottayam. As professor and head of the department for nearly 12 years she has both major and minor research

projectstohercreditandpresented research papers at national and international conferences.Sr Dr Lydia Fernandes AC, joint secretary of St Agnes institutions honoured her with a shawl, the principal Sr Dr Venissa AC the president of the association, and Geanette the vice president felicitatedher. Dr Martis in her reply thanked the association for the honour, shared with the audience her college experiences of 1961 to 1965, explained her career pursuit after hermarriageandherhardworkand dedication, facilitated her in her achievements. She gratefully acknowledged her family, her colleagues and students for the supportrenderedthroughoutofthe career.

Sr Dr Lydia Fernandes, joint secretary and manager of St Agnes Institutionsaddressedthegathering with her experiences and her associationwithDrAnandiMartis. The scintillating Senorita dance by the Alumni, choreographed by a current student committee member, Prakrathi, was well received and garnered a huge applause from the audience.

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The Indo Western dance which was so well performed by a Mother and Daughter Duo, Ramona and Anora Mathiasenthralledtheaudience. Our Alumni Dr Adeline and Merlyn Fernandes had a short skit in

proposed the vote of thanks. She thanked the president and the entireexecutivealumniteamwhose hardworkanddedicationmadethe event successful. The programme endedwithLunch,andeveryoneleft withasatisfyingsmileontheirlips.

Konkaniwhichleftthecrowdrolling with laughter. Not forgetting our current students swayed their body to the beats of English songs keeping in line with the Halloween theme. TheMC heldwonderful gamestobringtheAlumnitogether and prizes were given to the best performers with their Theme 'Save theEnvironment'. A housie game was conducted at the end of the programme and the vice president Geanette Dsouza

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ESTD. 1921


Lifetime Achievement Award 2022

DearDr.AnandiMartis, WethemembersoftheAgnesianAlumnaeAssociationtakeimmense prideinconferringonyouthetitle“AgnesianLifetimeAchiever”. DrAnandiMartisisa distinguishedalumnaofStAgnes College, having completedhercollegeeducationwithin theseportalsin1965. Armedwitha BachelorofScienceDegree, shewent ontoaugment hereducationwitha Master’s Degree in Education from the Mysore University. Inanswertoher truecalling, shecontinuedherstudiesin “TeacherEducation” andpursueda PhDDegreeinEducation in “NurturingCreativity” . DrAnandiMartishasanillustrious teachingcareerof35years, having servedasProfessorof Educationat thepostgraduateandundergraduate levels at St. Ann’s College of Education, Mangalore, andasProfessor and HeadoftheDepartmentofPostGraduateStudiesinEducationat St. ThomasTrainingCollege,Pala, Kottayam, India. Inrecognitionofherworkin “CreativityandEducation” shewasawardedthe1999EcksteinScholarship bytheCreativeEducationFoundation, Buffalo, USA andwasinvitedto participateinthe45thCreativeProblem-SolvingInstituteProgramme, at

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Buffalo, USA.

Shehasworkedon majorprojects of theUniversityGrantsCommission (UGC), theGovernment ofIndia, theGovernment ofKarnataka, andvarious NGOs, intheareasofValueEducation, PeaceEducation, Environment Education, InstructionalStrategiesandCreativity inEducation. In2009, she wasselectedbytheMinistryofHumanResourceDevelopment, Government ofIndia, tostudyandcomment onthedraftof theNationalPolicyof Education.

Shehasarichexperienceofpresentingpapersandmoderatingsessionsat nationalandinternationalconferencesinThailand, theUnitedStates, Italy, Israel, Turkey, Rome, Singapore, andMalaysia.

Shehasretiredfrom activeservicein2015but continuestoserveasa resourcepersonforseminarsand conferencesandasaconsultant for EducationalResearch. Sheisinvolvedwiththeprojectsofasocialenterprise called “Gift of Time”, workingontheissuesfacedbythecommunityat large andseniorcitizens.

DrMartisstandsout from therest ofusasshehaslivedthroughawar, beingthewifeofawarhero—lateCommanderGeorgeMartis, IndianNavy. CommanderMartisistheonlycitizenofMangaloreCorporationwhowas honouredbythePresident ofIndia withthegallantryawardofVirChakra forhisbravery inthe1971warwithPakistanandlaterwithtwoNavymedals forhisvalor. In2021, DrAnandiMartiswas felicitated as “Next of Kin” of CommanderMartisat aceremonyhonouringmartyrsandveteransofthe 1971Indo Pakwar. DrMartisalsopridesherselfasthe dotingmotherofthreedaughtersand grandmotherofsixgrandchildren.

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WeplaceonrecordDrAnandhi Martis’s commitment, service, leadership, anddevotiontothecauseof education; herdedicationtothepursuitof “Creativity in Education”, afieldofendeavourclosetotheheartofherAlma Mater, StAgnesCollege; andhereruditionandexperiencepainstakingly acquiredandselflesslyemployed byherinhercallof dutyandservice. Weconcludewithwordsfrom theBookofProverbswhichapplyreadilyto thelifeandworkofDrAnandiMartis “Trainupachildinthewayhe shouldgo, evenwhenheisold, hewillnotdepartfrom it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Date: 30 10 2022

President& Members of Place: Mangalore AgnesianAlumnaeAssociation MangaloreChapter

Rajyothsava on Nov 2nd in a granduer. Deacon Preetham Rego was the Chief guest and School Headmaster presided the event. Student members of Kannada Club organised the function with versatile cultural programs

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*Kannada Rajyothsava Celebration at Holy RedeemerSchool* Holy Redeemer English Medium Schoolcelebratedthe67thKannada

thankedandPratheekshaandAlfiya compered the program. Teachers Mrs Pallavi, Mrs Prathijna and Miss Raveenaweretheevent incharge. ---------------------------------------

St Aloysius organised National Level Seminar ‘Posa Vosar’

depicting the heritage and culture of Karnataka. Students Sahana welcomed the gathering, Prajnesh

The Department of Kannada, St Aloysius College (Autonomous),

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Mangalore, organized one day National Level Seminar ‘Posa Vosar’ and Competitions for PU students of DK District on 3rd November 2022 in L F Rasquinha Hall of the College.
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Padmashree Amai Mahalinga Naika was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the newly introduced Elective subject Kannada Major and Rev. Moscheni Creative


Padre, founder of Senior Environmental Activist and Senior Journalist,Rev.FrMelwinJPinto,SJ, Rector of St Aloysius Institutions

presided over the programme. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Principal, Dr AlwynD’Sa,RegistrarandController of Examinations, Rev. Fr Vincent Pinto, SJ, Finance Officer, Mrs Lalitha, wife of Amai Mahalinga Naika, Mrs Divyaprabha Gowda, Former President of Social Welfare Council, Karnataka State and President, Kamadhenu Charitable Trust, Sullia, Dr Charles Furtado, Dr Denis Fernandes, Dr Loveena Lobo, Dr Richard Gonsalves, Directors of various blocks, Dr Mahalinga Bhat, HoD of Kannada, Dr Sudha Kumari, Convenor of the Programme were present onthedais.

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Padmashree Amai Mahalinga Naika shared the unrelenting efforts he put in digging tunnels to find water bodiesfortheuseofagriculture.He dug nearly 16 tunnels and succeeded in finding water bodies inmorethan10tunnels.Headvised students to pursue agriculture as a passion along with their studies. He suggested planting some fruitbearing plants which will help animalsandbirdstofindtheirfood. Healsoemphasizedtheimportance of water and urged the students to savewaterforfuturegenerations.

Rev. Fr Melwin J Pinto in his presidential remarks thanked the organisers for conducting such a meaningful programme and for upscaling the subject Kannada by offering it as a major subject along withcreativecommunication.

Rev. Dr Praveen Martis congratulated the department for making Kannada Major a special course and organizing a wonderful programme.

Mrs Divyaprabha Gowda in her speechsharedthecultureandartof Tulunadu and congratulated the organisers for adopting the same during the programme. She briefed ontheservicegiventothestudents

regarding the competitive Exams through Kamadhenu Charitable Trust, Sullia. She also narrated the importance of water and requested the students to conserve water for thenextgeneration.

During the programme, Padmashree Amai Mahalinga Naika was honoured for his unstinted effort in digging several tunnels to create water bodies. Dr Vishwanatha Badikana, Assistant Professor of Kannada for writing and publishing 4 books related to Arebhashe including the Dictionary ofArebhashe.

Shri Padre was the resource person for the session and spoke on rainwaterharvesting. RJ Abhishek from Radio Sarang compeered the programme meticulously. Dr Mahalinga Bhat welcomed the gathering and introduced the guests in a unique way. Dr Sudha Kumari proposed a voteofthanks.

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'RashtriyaEktaDiwas' (NationalUnityday)was observed

To commemorate the 146th birth anniversaryoftheIronManofIndia, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, 'Rashtriya EktaDiwas'(NationalUnityday)was observedinMilagrescentralschool, Mangaluru.The assembly was held for classes I to X in the school ground. The assembly commenced with prayer, prayer song and intentions where the students interceded for the unity, solidarity, andfraternityamongallthenations

and people of the world. The principal Fr Joseph Udaya FernanadesadministeredtheEkta

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pledgetothegathering. Ameaningfulthought 'Unitedwe

standdividedwefall'waspresented byKeshavaNaik(PhysicalEducation Teacher) which explained the significanceoftheday.Theprincipal

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Fr Joseph Udaya Fernanades in his message spoke about the achievements of Sardar Patel and urged the students to follow in his footsteps.

As a part of the celebration, the studentstookanactivepartinUnity

Faculty Development Workshop on Molecular Techniques

Run.Theteachersintheirrespective classes briefed the students about the importance of the day and nationalintegration.

The programme ended by singing theNationalAnthem.

The inauguration of the 2-day Faculty Development Workshop on “Molecular Techniques" which was jointly organised by the Departments of Biological Sciences

(UG) and PG Biotechnology in association with Karnataka Science and Technology Academy was held on 4th November 2022 in Sanidhya HalloftheCollege.

Dr T S Keshava Prasad, Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for Systems Biology and Molecular Medicine, Yenepoya Research

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University, Mangalore, inaugurated the programme and delivered the keynote address. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Principal, presided over the programme. Dr Hemachandra, HOD of Zoology, Mr Harsha Paul, Dean of Biological Sciences and Mr Sreejesh P.C., Convenor of the programmewereonthedais.

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Centre, Yenepoya Deemed-to-be

DrTSKeshavaPrasadinhiskeynote addressspokeontheimportanceof soft skills and technical skills for employment in the field of science. He emphasized on Attitude, Knowledge, Skill(ASK)andNational Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF),Govt.ofIndiawhichenables persons to acquire desired competency levels. He guided the faculty members to impart more soft skills and technical skills rather than theoretical skills. He also said that the faculty members should strive to be experts in their fields and make a meaningful contribution to society. He suggested that participants should think how to create or find opportunities rather than not havingone.

Rev. Dr Praveen Martis in his presidential remarks said that the faculty members are fortunate to get relevant information and knowledge from the speaker on how to acquire soft skills. He congratulated the departments for organisingsuch aprogramme.

During the workshop participants will get hands on training in PCR, Agarose and Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, Gel Doc, and

Nanodrop. The hands on training workshop will help the Degree and PUC teaching faculties to enhance their laboratory skills in the field of molecularbiology.

Ms Akshitha, Department of Zoologycomperedtheprogramme. Mr Harsha Paul welcomed the gathering. Dr Shreelalitha Suvarna, HoD of Postgraduate Studies ad Research in Biotechnology introduced the chief guest. Dr Hemachandra Amin proposed the voteofthanks.


The Department of English, St Agnes College (Autonomus), Manglauru organized a guest talk on Careers in English as part of the Student Enrichment Programme for the English Major students of I, II and III year degree on 4 November 2022. The resource person was Ms Zaibunnisa Abdul Razak, an alumna

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of the college who is now an Assistant Professor of English at University College, Mangalore. The speaker began by recollecting her experience at St Agnes College as a student of English Major and congratulated the students on choosing the subject as their core

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paper for study. Then she enlightened/addressed the students on the various career opportunities that are available for

the innumerable

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English Major graduates and postgraduates. The students were acquainted with

career options starting from the traditional ones in the field of education and corporate to the trending nonconventional careers like Storyteller, Lexicographer, BookTuber etc. Ms Kaamilah Jinan and Ms Ayfuna, the highest scorers of I and II degree English Major were felicitated by the Speaker. English Major students of II and III year put up a small programme representing the different ages in English Literature from Chaucer to Postmodern era where the various genre and forms of literature were enacted through opera, poetry, drama, ball room dance and songs. The entire programme was compeered by Ms Chaaya of III BA. A total of 85 students were the beneficiaries of this Student EnrichmentProgramme.

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*Catechism Teachers Day


The celebration began with the Adoration of the blessed sacrament at 7am praying for all catechism teachers

Thenat7.30parishpriestcelebrated theHolyMassthankingandpraying for this year's 20 dedicated catechism teachers SoonaftertheMassintheminihall, in the presence of the Parish

pastoral Parishad members all the teachers were felicitated with a shawl, garland, memento, and a smallgift

Sr Mable Pasanna HMR and her team conductedasmallprayer

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Mrs Mable Lobo, secretary of PPP welcomed the gathering, Mr Rajesh D'Souza parish convener of commissions spoke words of felicitation and highlighted their

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roleandimportanceintheparishin formingthechildreninfaith

Parishpriestexpressedhisgratitude recognising their sacrifice to carry out thisnobletask Mrs Agnes Dsouza proposed the vote of thanks and Mrs Gracy All PPP MEMBERS AND19CATECHISM

PRESENT SUMPTUOUS BREAKFAST WAS PROVIDED TO ALL GATHERED Bible and catechism commission organisedthisprogram.


Konkani music Yodeling King MelwynJohnsonPeriswasawarded the18theditionofKølakarPurøskar presented by the Carvalho

Household of Kundapura, Udupi District and Mandd Sobhann, Mangaluru.Hewashonouredwitha traditional turban, shawl, flower garland, fruits' basket, memento, citation, and 50,000/ rupees at the award ceremony which was held at Kalangann on the 6th of November 2022. Philanthropist Nelson Rodricks,Dubaiwasthechiefguest

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and honoured Melwyn Peris with theaward.

Melwyn, who started singing at the ageof6,wrotelyricstosongsatthe ageof16.Inthenameof'PerisNite', he has been entertaining people through Konkani Nite style musical evenings. He has earned the title of Yodeling King from the people of Konkani due to his yodeling

technique. So far hehas staged 109 Nite shows organized by various organizations including his own production house ‘Søngit Ghør. He has the credit of sharing the stage with most of the Konkani singers, seniors, and juniors. In 2018 more than Rs.45 lakhs was collected through his ‘Sentimental Nite’ for

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the treatment of poor cancer patients. He also responded to the needs of society through many othermusicalnites.

He has composed over 700 songs and over 300 devotional songs. These devotional songs have imprimatur by the Diocese and are being used by devotees all over the world in their religious activities. He has been the member of Angelore churchchoirformorethan41years and choir master since30 years. His video songs are also popular in the Tulu language. He has published five books of his songs, 'Mødhur Pødam'in3volumesand‘Suvallo’in 2volumes.

He has produced 30 audio CDs, 21 devotional audio CDs and 1 video CD. Other 50 video songs are available to watch on his YouTube channel. Melwyn, who has also madehismarkinthefieldofacting, acted in several plays and won the best actor award twice in the inter church drama competition. And acted in the lead role in the short film “Konn To AmčhêMødhlo?”

He has won several awards for his singing from the prestigious Konkani Natak Sabha’s inter parish singing competitions. Sandesha Kala Award (1994), Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy Award (2000) Mandd Sobhann Global

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KonkaniMusicAwards BestSinger Award(2012)amongothers.

Konknni linguist Dr Pratap Naik SJ, his siblings in the name of their Carvalho Household of Kundapura established the Kølakar Purøskar in 2005 in association with Mandd Sobhann to honour Konknni artists ofKarnatakaorigin. In his introductory address Pratap Naik, therepresentativeofCarvalho Household announced that from thisyearonwardstheamountofthe award has been doubled, namely rupees 50,000/ . He appealed to other families to install similar awards for Konknni artists to boost their talents. His sister, brother-inlaw, and niece were present on the dais with Eric Ozario, Louis Pinto, Kishore Fernandes, and Irene RebellotheofficebearersofMandd Sobhann.ArunrajRodrigueswasthe compere.

LatertheseniorKonknnilyricistand musician Apolinaris D’Souza initiated the 251st Monthly programme“MhøynyalliMančhi”by tolling the bell, which is the unique custom of Mandd Sobhann. This was followed by a musical programme titled 'Git Gõyčhyê Asmitayêčhem' by Ramanand Raikar's Swarashree, Goa troupe. Kingsley Nazareth was in charge of the light and sound arrangements. The members of Mandd Sobhann organized the entire programme with their creative style of taking careofeveryminutedetail.



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138 Veez Illustrated Weekly Chicken Roce (Coconut Milk) curry Ingredients: 1) 1kg fresh chicken, cut into medium pieces 2) 1cupthickcoconut milk 3) 2cupsthincoconut milk 4) 2tbsp gratedcoconut 5) 2 medium onions chopped lengthwise 6) 2pcs garlic 7) 5kashmirichillies �� 2tbspcorianderseeds 9) 1tspcuminseeds 10)1tspmustardseeds 11)1tsppeppercorn 12)2cloves 13)1/2 inchcinnamonstick 14)1/2tspturmericpowder 15)1tbsptamarindpulp 16)1sprig curryleaves 17)saltaspertaste 18)2tbspoil Recipe: Wash chicken nicely and keep asidetodrainwater Heatupapanadd1tspoilandfry

red chillies, coriander seeds, cumin seeds,mustardseeds,peppercorns, cloves, and cinnamon stick for 2 minsonmedium flame

In the same pan slightly fry one onionandgarlic

In the same pan, fry for a while 2 tbsp grated coconut with 1/2 tsp turmericpowder

- In a mixer grinder, make a fine paste of all roasted ingredients, friedonions,andcoconutbyadding thincoconutjuice

Inakadai, heat2tbspoil

Add one onion and fry till golden brown. -Addcurryleavesandfryforawhile

- Add chicken and fry for 5 mins on high flame till chicken turns golden color

Add tamarind pulp and salt and stirwell

Reduce the flame to medium, coverthelid,addsomethincoconut milk, andcookchickenuntildone.

Once chicken is almost cooked, add potato pieces and mix well and cookforfewminutes

Add masala paste and mix well. Add thin juice if left or hot water as per the consistency of curry and cookuntilfullboilonmediumflame

Oncecurryisfullyboiled,addthick juice and reduce the flame flame to very low and cook for another 5 minsoruntilcurryisboiledagain.

In a saucepan, heat 1 tbsp pure ghee

Add 1 small onion chopped lengthwiseandcurryleaves. -Frytillcrispy andaddtothecurry Chicken roce curry is ready to serve with rice rotti (bakre), panpole and Appamasperyourchoice

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140 Veez Illustrated Weekly RIDGE GOURD PEEL CHUTNEY | GOSALE INGREDIENTS: Removepeelfrom ridgegourd Aroound1 2cups A: 1tbspcoconut oil 3 4garliccloves 2greenchillioras required 1/2cupcoconut 1tspchannadal
141 Veez Illustrated Weekly 1.5tspuraddal Smallballoftamarind Salttotaste Fewcurryleaves TEMPER B: Fewcurryleaves 1tspcoconut oilorasrequired Mustardseeds Uraddal Redgunduchilli METHOD ▪︎ Take washed ridge gourd peel. Removemoistureandkeepaside. ▪︎ Take 1 tsp oil in pan, add garlic cloves, dals, curry leaves and fry. Nowaddridge gourdpeel, pinchof saltandsauteuntilsoft.

Grind roasted ingredients, tamarind and coconut into fine pastewithminimum water. Transfer tobowl.


Adjust all ingredients as per your taste and spice control. Increase or decreasegreenchilli.

Temperwith Bingredients.Done.

Enjoy this yummy chutney with your favourite dosas, idlies or as sidedishformainmeal.

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My dear members and friends,

As we come to the end of the year, everyone is eagerly looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year in a grand manner. Hence we are bringing you the new theme, 'The Great GatsbY' for this year and take you down the memory lane of roaring 20s. As the theme suggests, this is clearly the time for show-off and be flattered as in the 20s.

The event will happen on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at Preet Palace Banquet Hall in Centreville, VA. Please check out the following highlights of this year’s Christmas event –

• Award for best dressed male and female

• Professional DJ Music to take you down to roaring 20s

• Santa time and Game time

• Sumptuous food to satisfy your palate

• Once again, Beer and wine on the house

• And Specially designed Mementos as the token of

appreciation from our committee to you

Also please wait to hear about the exciting Raffle prizes very soon. It is your chance to win attractive prizes during the event. The details of the event and the registration are in the attached flyer and the registration form.

We would also like to be very open and transparent with you regarding the event pricing. While we have somehow managed to keep the prices under check in the past years, things have changed a lot over time. I am sure that you are aware of the rapid rise in prices of commodities and goods during the last 3 years and the prices have gone up exponentially by at least 35% for everything. In spite of this, we have managed to keep very reasonable prices for this year’ Christmas event for all ages. You will also be glad to learn that once again this year, the prices are inclusive of beer and wine. It is because we want you to enjoy and have a good time with friends and families this Christmas. I am sure that you would appreciate this and register early and also invite your friends and families to celebrate Christmas with us.

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Please note that the ‘Early Bird’ prices are there only for a limited time for limited number of registrations and hence may not last till November 12, 2022 if we reach the desired numbers early. The payments can be made easily and instantly using the free Zelle app. Come and join us and let us celebrate Christmas in the Great Gatsby style this year.

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Thank you V James Dante President Please join our Facebook Group and stay updated eandcmdva/ Please visit our Website at
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