Veez Global Illustrated English Weekly e-Magazine. Published from Chicago, USA.

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English Weekly Vol: 1 No: 47 November 17, 2022



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LeksaLightingTechnologiesPvtltd., With Make in India approach creating a company and brand in just4 years’time amidst Covidfrom nothing to a reputed company and a trusted Brand in specialised lighting. It is an inspiring life story of a boy whoborninanhonestgodfearing
SylvanDSouza,Moodbidre Introduction Mr
Ronald Silvan D’Souza Founder and Executive Director of

very poor family, where parents struggling to feed their children through a daily waged Cooley / construction job from a village in Madanthyarin1980’s.Hatsofftohis parentswhostruggledhardtobring upthefamily.RonaldFacingthelife boldly, by doing cement construction and all types of part time work during his childhood to gather some money for paying his

school fees for studies. Faced all hardships and humiliations of poverty boldly, a boy who lived in a hut with a oil lamp never dreamt of creating a specialised lighting company of his own all along.

Today Ronald D Souza has become a light to more than 200 families directly by giving them a job in reputedorganisationLeksaLighting Technologies Pvt ltd from a small

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place called Moodbidre near Mangalore in Karnataka. Also createdabusinessopportunity

throughhisvendorsforhundredsof people.

AnIndianlightingcompanythathas imbibed Japanese culture and

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productionsystemtoitscore,Leksa lightingwasbornin2018,underthe leadership of Mr. Ronald Silvan D Souza. It started small with two to three people working out from a

small room then to a rented space of just 10,000 sq. ft. Today, it is a team of more than 200 enthusiastic andpassionateindividualschurning out with a good turnover and consistent high growth. The products truly embody the Make in India philosophy right from Research & Development, conceptualizing, getting raw materials, planning, designing, manufacturing to distribution and installation, they produce over 400 specialisedlightingproductsintheir ownfactory.

Awardedtheprestigioustitlesofthe ‘Fastest growing Indian company excellence award’ by the International Achievers Council in Dubai in 2018 and ‘Excellence in Manufacturing and Customer satisfaction’ during Global Business Meet in Thailand in 2019, LEKSA

Lightingwasalsonominatedasone of the ‘Best 5000 MSMEs’ in 2019. Received most prestigious award under ATMA NIRBAR BHARAT from theCentralGovtasa“Trustedbrand in specialised light Manufacturing”

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Above all Mr. Ronald, was selected and awarded as “High Flyers 50 Global Indians” for his success story with outstanding achievement in Mumbai

Tell us About Leksa Lighting?

“Well, honestly, I never imagined starting my own company, but situations forced me to think differently. I felt ready to take up a newchallengeinlifeandthemarket was eagerly looking for a professional & flexible Indian manufacturer in this segment – one that was reliable and provided competitive pricing without any compromise on product quality. There was no scarcity for professionalism, effective planning & capability from myside. I saw the potential, things worked out in our favour, and that’s how Leksa Lighting was born. Our reach proliferated across the Indian market within the first year and in every industry where specialised & knowledge based lighting was

needed. Webecamethefirstchoice for TV channels, Architects, Consultants, theatres, and studios. We grew from a tiny, rented space to a self owned over 60,000 sq. ft. state of the art international standardfacility showing significant growth year on year. Even the pandemic failed to slow us down due to our positive approach and systematicplanning.MyTeamismy strength & I am a team player who is relentlessly working to empower the youths from villages. I feel happy when they succeed in life, andIhelpthemtodoso.Customers haveshownimmensefaithinusand ourproductsandthatiswhatkeeps us going. We also became the pioneers in green technology by introducing a complete LED Lighting solution for fiction shooting in India, today over 28 Fiction shows running fully with Leksa lights”

Whois RonaldSilvan D’Souza?

A Simple young man who dared to dream big! After his basic

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education, after working for small companies for 2 years, he got an opportunitytoworkwiththelargest car manufacturing company in the world Toyota for over a Decade. Though he joined at a junior position,heworkedhiswayupashe hadtoshoulderfamilyandfinancial responsibilities and in a span of 10 11 years, with his sheer dedication and sincerity, he was one of the fastest promoted employees out of 4600 people with excellent problem solving ability. He mastered the skill of material planning and then worked in production planning for Asia Oceania for Toyota’s major plants. Owing his close association with Japanese people and watching them very closely, their work culture, he embraced lot of their strategic thinking ways, work styles, simple work yielding great results and business ethics. And soon, everyone automatically assumed that he had become complacent and going forward, would retire from Toyota. But much to everyone’s surprise, he joined a

small Indian lighting company that wasn’tdoingwellandupforsale.he played a major role in turning it aroundinlessthan6yearsbydoing all round improvements in all departments. In the year 2010, LED ProfessionallightinginIndiawasan initiative first introduced under his leadership. In short, this was his journey before Leksa Lighting journeybegan. His professionalism, involvement and sincere work ethics proved to be his biggest asset. In his line of work, he believes that ‘If no one is doing it, I must do it!’. That’s where his mind, set to take challenges to be different. Now Ronald has a dream of making Leksa Lighting a most admired company locally and globally from this village. For starting the company, investment was a great challenge, how can a employee from poor back ground can have such reserves. That is where the good faith on the capability & sincerity of Mr. Ronald, earned 3 good partners to support him financially in the initial stage

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alongwithexcellentteamwhotrust himtothecore.


Covid Pandemic hit everyone very hardthat too those who are related to the entertainment industry in a big way. On top of it Leksa Lighting was just a 2-year baby and a startup company purely dependant of entertainment industry. Leksa lighting was just about to stabilise and covid was a massive blow. Of course, Leksa Lighting had its struggles, but it did have a silver lining for them to some extent. Being a problem solving captain, Leksa lighting focused and used lot of time and money doing R&D and preparing themselves for the upcomingboomintheindustry.Mr. Ronald was sure that the possibilities would be endless once the world opened. But most importantly, he made sure that his team was taken care of. There was zero attrition rate, and no salary deductionswere made.

On the contrary, bonuses were awarded, and increments paid. As the saying goes, when teams stick together,greatthingshappen.They managed to introduce new products, appointed new vendors across the country and made around 600 installations all over Indiainjust4yearsalongwith2000 supply orders. The emotion of solidarity towards Make In India campaign also worked in their favour along with consistent, never giveuppositive attitudetoworkon thestrengthsagainstallodds.

Biggest Achievements

The most memorable and exciting thingthathappenedinthepastfew years is that even when the company had just few lakhs billing, one of the customers trusted us with a massive project worth crore. Moments like these make you realize that you must be doing something right and boosts the confidence.

Today70%of IndianTVchannels,

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many reputed organizations and conglomerates are using Leksa Lightingsolutionsandproducts. Be it best Central Govt and State Govt organisations, Development corporations, high end corporates and institutions pan India using Leksa Lighting solutions and services–TV9,NDTV,TVToday,Zee TV, Reliance group, Jio, TV18, Adani group, Infosys, PWDs, CPWDs, ISRO and many more. Leksa Lighting successfully completed reputed projects like Hockey World Cup 2018, which included the entire architectural lighting, design, manufacturing,andinstallation.The recent project in Maharashtra Atal BihariVajpayeeGarden afirstofits kind and a biggest lighting garden projectthatincludedtheinstallation of approximately 2500 LED pixel lights and many other types. An Architectural marvel in Dharampur Jain Mandir was beautified with magnificentLEKSALEDRGBlighting hasgarneredhugeappreciationand won the hearts of pilgrims from all over the world. Other projects include the Puri Jagannath temple,

SGS Ashram, Mahatma Gandhi InternationalConventioninNigeria, Trader TV in Canada, MTV in Srilanka, RSET Cochin, US consulate and many others in India and abroad.Duringthepandemic,when the project flow got a little steady, Leksa shifted its focus on UV lights that kill viruses. But overall, every month,Leksalightingcompletedon average,fourtofiveauditoriumand stage lighting projects. Being an Indiancompany,Leksahasexported over 20 countries & executed projects systematically. Today in the work of Mumbai City beautification, over 25 locationsare beautified with specialised lighting byLeksaLighting.


Ronald has understood that no matter what, customers are looking for quality, reliability, sustainability and flexible service. The competition with Chinese products is indeed an ongoing threat. But Leksa has earned the loyalty of Indian consumers by doing

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intelligent segmentation of their quality product line. They have also started factory tours for interested customers because, nothing instils faith in their minds more than seeing things for themselves and believingit – theset-up,production process, the people behind them, etc. That has had a positive impact on our brand image along with a dedicated wonderful Team which workswithonegoal.

Success means: To me, being a TeamplayerSuccessisalwaysabout “making positivedifferenceinother people’s lives and seeing them happy”. Successtomeis“1%inspirationand 99%perspirationgoingfrom failure to failure without losing enthusiasm”. Ronalddoeseverythingwithaclear purposeandclarityofthought,Even Name LEKSA is coined with a purpose: Lighting Excellence & Knowledge Shared Adequately = LEKSA. First 2 words for business

and next 3 words for fulfilling social responsibility.

SummeryfromRonald: -

There are two beautiful Japanese words–MonozukuriandHitozukuri. Monozukuri essentially means making of products, and Hitozukuri means making of people. The culture that I am trying to build in my company is Monozukuri throughHitozukuri wemakegood people who make good products. Leksa Lighting is here to stay for longtobringchangeintheindustry in a professional manner by becoming leader in specialised lighting.

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Postage Stamp Gallery @ Aloyseum

AloysiusCollege Mangaluru


Postage Stamp Gallery recently hascomeinto itsown at the Aloyseum, the famous Museum of StAloysius College, Mangalore known since 1880. The Aloyseum established in 1913 is one of the oldest museums in Mangalore. The officialMirajkarMuseumorSrimanti Bai Museum of Bejai came into existence in 1955. Initially the Aloyseum had a collection of around 2000 different types of

minerals,herbarium, Roman coins etc. donated by an Italian Jesuit Priest named Rev Chiapi. Laterantiques and ancient utensils wereaddeddepictingthevillagelife ofMangalore.Thebonesofawhale found on the shores of Mangalore which were earlier displayed in thescience block of the college (now PUC Block) have now become a part of the Museum. The latest addition is the Stamp Gallery. OpenedonMay 12,2022,thestamp Gallery has a collection of more than 50,000 stamps, mainly the collection of late Rev. Gabriel

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theMuseum.Forwantof spaceonly 3000 stamps of different countries are displayed country-wise in alphabeticalorder. Many countries in the display were lost during the Second World War. The author had the honour of inaugurating this gallery. Rev. Leo D'Souza who was instrumentalforthedisplayofthese stampsinformedthatallthestamps will be exhibited by rotation as the space is limited. The purpose ofthisarticleistothrowlightonthe Postagestampsofthetwodistricts.

Oldest Stamp of Mangalore : The first and oldest postage stamp belonging to Dakshina Kannada is of Benegal Narsimha Rao issued in 1988. Benegal brothers have made a great name. B. N. Rao was born February 26, 1887 and died on 30 November 1953. He was a student at Canara High School, Mangalore. He passed the Indian Civil Service examination in1909. B. N. Rao was an advisor to the Constituent Assembly of India and also thearchitect of the Constitution of Burma adopted in 1947. He was a Judge of the International Court of Justice at Hague at the time of his death.

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Ferruccio,a Jesuit Brother. After his death the collection was gifted to

Benegal Rama Rao, his brother was RBI Governor and Benegal Shiva Rao was a member of the Constituent Assembly and elected representativefromSouthKanarain the first Lok Sabha. The 60Ps denomination stamp was issued on February 26, 1988.

B. N. Rao Pandita Ramabai

Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay Pandita

Ramabai : Pandita Ramabai

SaraswatiwasbornatGangamulain Karkala on April 23, 1858 and died on April5, 1922. Pandita and Saraswati are the two titles given to her by theScholars of Calcutta

University in recognition of her scholarly achievements. Shebecame a Sanskrit scholar by the age of 23. In the days when women's education was not encouraged and Sanskrit learning was not at all allowed for women, her fathermarried a widow and startedteachingSanskrittohiswife. LaterhermothercontinuedSanskrit teaching to Ramabai. She has the distinction of translating the entire bible toMarathi language with the help of original works in Hebrew and Greek. She also workedfor orphans and widows through her Ashram.GovernmentofIndiaissued the postage stamp in her honour in 1989 on the occasion of the centenary of Sharada Sadan startedby her in Pune. Some Scholarships and medals should be instituted for girl students in her honour by Mangalore University to spread awareness about her work andinspire girls.

Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay : The third person to get the honour of a postage stamp was Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay. She was born in Mangalore in 1903. Her father, Anataiah Dhareshwar, was

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theCollector in Mangalore. She became a child widow at the age of 14.Latershemarried Harendranath Chattopadhyay, the brother of Sarojini Naidu and that is how she becamea Chattopadhyay. She took an active role in the freedom struggle. She also passionately worked for the revival of handicrafts and cottage industries. Her contribution to the setting up of the National SchoolofDramaandSangeetNatak Academy is also well known. She was given the Magsaysay award in 1966, Padma Bhushan in 1955 andPadma Vibhushan in 1987.

When the Government of India released the Postage stampon October 29,1991, the twin stamps showed the couple on horse (embroidery work)and a puppet. Her picture is seen only on the First day cover and not on the stamp.

The other Postage stamps of South Kanara (Dakshina Kannada and Udupi) are as follows: 1997 Fr. Jerome D'Souza S. J. Mulki (Mangalore); 1999 Dr. T. M A. Pai Manipal, Udupi; 2001 St. Aloysius College Chapel Paintings Mangalore;2003 Shivarama KaranthaKota,Udupi;2008Joachim and Violet Alva Shirva, Udupi; 2011 Chitrapur Math Shirali (Bhatkal); 2016 Guru Dutt Shivashankar Padukone (Bollywood) Bangalore(Padukone); 2017 Kavi Muddana Nandalike (Karkal); Rev Fr. Jerome D'Souza was a member of the Constituent Assembly. He was born in Moolkyon August 6, 1897. On four occasions he was a member of the delegation to UNOs general assembly session

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representing India. He was a great educationist. Joachim Alva was the Member of Parliament and Violet Alva was the Dy. Chairperson of theRajya Sabha. Bothof them were freedom fighters in Bombay. Mr. Joachim Alvabelonged to Shirva. Dr. T. M. A. Pai is the founder of Kasturba Medical College, Manipaland the Syndicate Bank, now nonexistent. He was born in Kallianpur on 30 April 30, 1898. Dr. ShivaramaKaranthaisaJnanaPeeta Awardee for Literature. Guru Dutt is a great film actor and director in

Bollywood and belonged to Padukone. The last postage stamp was issued in2017 on Kavi Muddana. He was from Nandalike. St. Aloysius College Chapel paintingsarehundredyearsoldand are world famous. Those who visit the Chapel generally also visit theAloyseum.

Kambala Dance, Sudan : During the inauguration of the Stamp Gallery at Aloyseum, the Dakshina KannadaPhilatelic and Numismatic Association (DAKAPANA) decided to donate an exhibit containing all the postage stamps of Dakshina Kannada and Udupi Districts as given above. Thiswillbea valuable addition to the Aloyseum. Recently the author came across a stamp of Sudan titled Kambala Dance. This stamp was issued on 5 October 5, 1990. It is a spiritual dance of Kadugil in the Nuba mountains ofSudan. It is associated with the maturityandadolescenceofaNuba boy. Young men who have reached the age of 12 14 are summoned to attend the dance. During the dance the boys make sounds like bulls showing their bullish strength. The Kambala dancertraditionally

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wears buffalo horns which are tied to his head using a long white turban. This man in the stamp resemblesthebhootadaKolaartists of Dakshina Kannada. This gives scope for a joint issue of stamps between India and Sudan. There are many great personalities in South Kanara. Late George Fernandes, the architect of Konkan Railway who expired on January 29, 2019 is yet to find a place on Indian Postage Stamps even after three years. Tyagi Karnad Sadashiva Rao, U. Srinivas Mallya, the architect of Modern Mangalore, Yakshagana art, Kambala sport, etc., are yet to find a place on Postage Stamps. Kambala in Dakshina Kannada is a sport unlike the Kambala Dance of Sudan. The elected representatives of the people should make effortstorecommendthesethemes for the issue of Postage Stamps so

that Mangalore and Dakshina Kannada get their due in Indian Philately.

Dr. Charles Lobo (R) with then Goa ChiefMinisterin2017. About the Author: Dr. Charles Lobo, was born and brought up in Bejai, Mangaluru. His education was at the renowned local St.Aloysius College, he got his postgraduate degree from Mangalore Uni inPolitical Science. He passed the Civil Services exam andjoinedthe'IndianPostalService IPoS' in 1988. His eventful tenure took him to Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, namely the whole of South India and more . He was Chief Postmaster General of Karnataka in 2017 2020. On promotion as Member, Postal ServicesBoard he joined the Postal

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Directorateand served as member Operations till September 2021 prior to his retirement. Retired as Member,Postal Operations, Postal Services Board, New Delhi the Apex of the Postal Services of modern India. He was awarded Ph.D by Karnataka University, Dharwad in

2015 for his thesis on Governance. He has a deep knowledge and interest in communicating Postal History and Philatelyand hehaswrittenarange of articles. Also, short stories in his mothertongueKonkani. EDITOR.

Challenges on ‘World Day of the Poor’!

On 17 October 2022, the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative(OPHI)andUnitedNations Development Programme (UNDP), released its annual Global Multidimensional Poverty Index(GMPI) report ‘Unpacking deprivation bundles to reduce multidimensional poverty’ . The GMPI 2022compares acute

multidimensional poverty for 111 countries in developing regions. These countries are home to 6.1 billionpeople,three quartersofthe world'spopulation.Ofthesepeople, 1.2 billion (19.1%) are identified by the 2022 GMPI as multidimensionallypoor.

The report, for the first time, dedicatedaspecialsectionfocusing on the 15 year trend of poverty in India.Therevelationisthatoverthe past 15 years, the number of poor people has declined by 415 million! However, India still has the highest numberofpoorpeople(almost229

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- *Fr.Cedric PrakashSJ

million) in the world. Besides, India hosts the highest number of poor children. 97 million children (21.8% of Indian children) are poor in the country. Children (under the age of 18) account for 50 percent of poor peopleinIndia.Thismeansthatone in every three children, lives in poverty. About 94 million people (8.1 percent) above the age of 60 are poor. The 2019 2021 data revealed that around 16.4 per cent of the Indian population is poor; of these,4.2 % live in extreme poverty since their deprivation score is above 50%. About 18.7% of the population is vulnerable and could be pushed into extreme poverty. Of these, two-thirds fall into the category where one person is at leastdeprivedof nutrition.

not a compliment for the country, when in the 'Human Development Report 2021-22- Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World', by the UNDP, India is ranked132 among 191 countries and territories on the 2021 Human Development Index (HDI). India’s ranking in Global Hunger Index2022,also released in October, is now a pathetic 107out of121countries!

All this is not good news for India, which is headed by a regime which has mainstreamed corruption; helped their crony capitalist friends amass scandalous proportions of wealth at the cost of the poor; defocused from the plight of the poor by denigrating minorities and has cloaked itself with immunity by victimising all those who stand up for truth and justice. It is certainly

It is this context, the reality which gripsIndiaandsomuchoftheworld today, that the Catholic Church observeson13November2022,the sixth ‘World Day of the Poor’ . Pope Francis in his powerful message for the day on the theme “ForyoursakesChristbecamepoor” (cf. 2 Cor 8:9), challenges not only Catholics but the entire world, to respond to the cries of the poor by addressing endemic issues and the structuralcausesofpoverty!Hesets

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the tone of his message in his opening para, “Jesus Christ… for your sakes became poor” (cf.2 Cor8:9). With these words, the Apostle Paul addresses the first ChristiansofCorinthtoencourage theireffortstoshowsolidaritywith theirbrothersandsistersinneed. TheWorldDayofthePoorcomes this year as a healthy challenge, helpingustoreflectonourstyleof life and on the many forms of povertyallaroundus.”

Pope Francis addresses the global scenarioincludingthecurrentwarin Ukraine. He strongly says, “herethe situationisevenmorecomplexdue to the direct intervention of a “superpower”aimedatimposingits ownwillinviolationoftheprinciple of the selfdetermination of peoples.Tragicscenariosarebeing reenactedandoncemorereciprocal extortionatedemandsmadebya fewpotentatesarestiflingthevoice of a humanity that cries out for peace ” . Further adding, whatgreat poverty is produced by the senselessnessofwar!Whereverwe look, we can see how violence strikes those who are defenseless and vulnerable. We think of the

deportation of thousands of persons,aboveallyoungboysand girls,tosevertheirrootsandimpose onthemanotheridentity…Millions of women, children and elderly peoplearebeingforcedtobrave thedangerofbombsjusttofind safety by seeking refuge as displacedpersonsinneighbouring countries.Howmanyothersremain inthewarzones,livingeachday withfearandthelackoffood,water, medicalcareandaboveallhuman affections? In these situations, reasonisdarkenedandthosewho feel its effects are the countless ordinarypeoplewhoendupbeing addedtothealreadygreatnumbers of those in need. How can we respond adequately to this situation,andtobringreliefand peacetoallthesepeopleinthegrip ofuncertaintyandinstability?

Pope Francis deals with critical issues which make the poor, poorer and the rich, richer. “Weknowthat theissueisnotmoneyitself,for moneyispartofourdailylifeas individualsandourrelationshipsin society.Rather,whatweneedto consideristhevaluethatweputon money: it cannot become our

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absoluteandchiefpurposeinlife. Attachmenttomoneypreventsus from seeing everyday life with realism; it clouds our gaze and blinds usto the needs ofothers. Nothingworsecouldhappentoa Christianandtoacommunitythan tobedazzledbytheidolofwealth, whichendsupchainingus to an ephemeralandbankruptvisionof life” . It is not surprising that according to the ‘World Inequality Report 2021, The top 1 per cent of Indians now own 33% of the country's wealth compared to 31.7percentpreviously.Thetop 10 per cent own 64.6 per cent of the country's wealth, up from 63.9 per cent. The share of the bottom 50per centnow stands at 5.9 per cent, down from 6 per centearlier. India stands out as a poor and one ofthemostunequalcountriesinthe world with a smalland very affluent elite. This is scandalous, a disgrace andtotallyunacceptable!

Pope Francis then hits out at the traditional ‘charity’ , ‘benefactor’ top-down approach, which has been a very comfortable way of proceedingfor manyChristiansand others. He calls it the “welfare mentality” . He insists on a rights based approach saying, “no one mustsaythattheycannotbeclose to the poor because their own lifestyledemandsmoreattentionto other areas. This is an excuse commonly heard in academic, business,orprofessional,andeven ecclesial circles… None of us can thinkweareexemptfromconcern forthepoorandforsocialjustice” (EvangeliiGaudium,201).Thereis an urgent need to find new solutionsthatcangobeyondthe approach of those social policies conceivedas“apolicyforthepoor, but neverwiththe poor and neverofthepoor,muchlesspartof a project that brings people together”(FratelliTutti,169).”

Pope Francis will certainly not endear himself to many of the rich and other vested interests when he says, “The poverty that kills is squalor,thedaughterofinjustice, exploitation, violence, and the

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unjustdistributionofresources.Itis ahopelessandimplacablepoverty, imposedbythethrowawayculture that offers neither prospects nor avenuesofescape.Itisasqualor that not only reduces people to extremematerialpoverty,butalso corrodes the spiritual dimension , which, albeit often overlooked, is nonetheless still there and still important.Whentheonlylawisthe bottomlineofprofitattheendof theday,nothingholdsusbackfrom seeingotherssimplyasobjectsto be exploited; other people are merelyameanstoanend.Thereno longerexistsuchthingsasajust salaryorjustworkinghours, and newformsofslaveryemergeand entrap persons who lack alternativesandareforcedtoaccept thistoxicinjusticesimplytoekeout aliving.

ReadingPopeFrancismessageinits entirety certainly provides much

food for thought, for prayer and reflection, for internalisation and action.Inhisfinalpara,PopeFrancis provides all authentic disciples of Jesus with an unequivocal direction “Maythis2022WorldDay of the Poorbeforusamomentofgrace . Mayitenableustomakeapersonal and communal examination of conscience and to ask ourselves whetherthepovertyofJesusChrist isourfaithfulcompanioninlife” .

WillweintheChurch(otherstoo!) hierarchy, clergy, religious and laity, have the prophetic courage to take the challenges of Pope Francis seriously and ensure concrete implementation in the here and now? 13 November 2022 (*Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is a human rights, reconciliation, and peace activist/writer.)

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GEM Sailors (Goan, EastIndian, Mangalorean)

The attached is an account of GEM sailors, one ofthefirst groups to leave Konkan and Kanara region and challenge the high seas (Indian and Atlantic Oceans) perhaps for the first time in history.We hope you enjoy reading this aspect of colonial history. To knowourhistoryistorecognize our culture. There is a lot of ‘food for thought.’ Please forward the article to your relatives,friends,peers,Indian and Lusitanian chat sites. Sharing history is sharing our culturalheritage;andthework is for us, by us. Thank you for allowing us to share this with you.Hope this essay provides

the readers with a framework of their historical journey. Doing the homework will prepare one forShashi Tharoor’s words of wisdom: “If you do not know where you have been, how do you know where you seek to go? History belongs in the past, but understanding it is the duty of thepresent.”

Philomena and Gilbert Lawrence,

Authors: Insights into Colonial Goa,

Published by Amazon in paperback and e-book.

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The 330-page book provides details about the “story behind the story” of certain major events relating to Portugal's Eastern Empire. The bibliography comprises the titlesof86booksandpublished papers examined, studied, and referenced, which makes the book a useful tool for those interested in Lusitania's colonialhistory.

PublishedbyAmazon/Kindle -------------------------

A chapter focused on the diaspora would not be complete without a special shout out to the unsung heroes of the group the sailors, affectionately called shippies (tarvottis). After Goa became the Overseas Territory (OT) of the Lusitanian Empire, the sailors representedthefirsttroupetoleave Goahopingtosupporttheirfamilies by seeking employment aboard ships headed for the high seas IndianOceanandAtlanticOcean.

Tiny Portugal was historically a seafaring country, but with

colonization many non sailings job opportunities were also available. Additionally, the few thousand men sentontheannualCarreiradaIndia tomanthe48fortalezasinIndiaand manyinSEAsia(builtbetween1505 and 1593), probably had a depopulating effect at home as a result of the migration and drop in marriages and birthrates in Portugal. Half of those sailing died on the voyage to Asia as well as after they arrived at their destinationduetowarsandtropical diseases. Linschoten reported that of the 1,500 soldiers who annually departed for the OT, barely 100 returned homes. Based on the medicalrecordsfromGoa’shospital in the 1600s, about 500 men were dying every year from syphilis and otherSTDs. After successfully completing three ormoreyearsofdutyintheeast,the fortunate survivors -- including “men of the cloth” (religiosos) -werediscouragedfromreturningto Portugal. Prospective returnees required a lot of bureaucratic paperwork to be completed, including the governor’s approval and the ticket which cost the

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equivalent of a sizeable “nest egg.” Even a writer like Luis de Camoes could not afford the return ticket in 1560. He split his voyage into two parts, and the second leg from Mozambique was paid for by his friends. While the outgoing ticket was cheap and often even free, depending on the job, the return ticket’s cost and availability were dependentonthecargocontentsof the ship and availability of travel space (even for a hammock). The combination of frustrating factors dissuaded any prospective candidatesfrom returning. Inthe16th century,manysailorslost theirlivesen routeto Goa.Tomake up for the diminished staff, Goan men were recruited to work on the ships bound for the return voyage to Lisbon. The Indo Portuguese mariners (aka Luso Indian) were referred to as Lascarim . A century later, the English East India Company (EIC) followed the Iberian’s example and began hiring GEMs, (Goan, East Indian, Mangalorean) then known as Lascars , to work on English vessels. It wasn’t too long before all European ships were manned by GEM sailors. At a time when the

wooden crafts could hardly be considered “seaworthy,” shipwrecks that occurred in the Indian or Atlantic Oceans resulted in many casualties. The incidence of disastersroseexponentiallywiththe increase in shipping activity and during international conflicts. During a raging gale storm, the waves appeared like solid, greyblackwallsofwaterandwereastall as a three storied building. From time to time, the whole deck would disappear underwater. The noise wasindescribable amixtureofthe thunderoftheseaandtheshrieking of the wind ripping through the sails. When the sailors were in dangerofbeingwashedoverboard, all they could do was to hang on tightlytotheropes.

GEM recruits had given up mundanejobsintheirancestralland and opted for the perceived freedom the open sea provided. They were young, free-spirited, burning with enthusiasm and eager to explore a world they had never seen. They believed that travel was good for their souls. Like sailors worldwide, GEM Lascars were attracted by the mystical qualities

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and romanticism of the ocean. Perhaps it was the solitude or the tranquility of the wide-open sea. In a lascar’s eyes, the vessel on which he was assigned to sail was beautiful,especiallyafteritreceived anewcoatofpaint.Itwasverylikely that every family within a few miles of the coast had at least one member or near relative at sea. When these mariners returned home on leave, the topics of conversation around the kitchen table undoubtedly focused on adventures on the ocean, storms at sea, foreign ports, and anecdotes aboutshipmates.Thelureofthesea held an irresistible source of excitement for their teenage listeners.

The initial GEM recruits were hired to serve as deckhands and cooks. Some letters to family members related the sailors’ first experiences as they struggled up the gangplank with their belongings. They were usually young and agile enough to climb the high rigging systems, learning the ropes included greasing the wire braces. It wasn’t long before the clean flannel uniforms were covered with grease,

as were the deckhands’ bodies. The major portion of the day’s work on board was drudgery -- painting, washing down the paint, scrubbing thedecksuntiltheywerespotless,in keeping with the expression “ship shape.” A carpenter’s skills, for example,werealwaysindemandfor repairworkonwoodenships.After workhourswerespentcuttingeach other’s hair, competing at board games, or playing their favorite musical instruments to accompany the vocalists among them. The creative sailors used their special talents to design and produce miniature ship models. The few pleasures the deckhands enjoyed centeredaroundheartymeals.

After travelling across the oceans for long periods of time, some got so attuned to the rhythm of the ships’routineandtheeccentriccrew onboard,theyhadnodesiretogive up the sea permanently. They enjoyed what one writer described as“thefreedom ofthesky join the sea in the distant horizon, the night sky ablaze with a myriad of glittering stars and the salt tang of the ocean.” Most put on a happy face,butthestressandlonelinessof

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being the breadwinner away from the hearth and loved ones was evident. Understandably, some made plans to shift gears and earn a living on shore. They reinvented themselvesbydevelopingskillsthat thejobmarketdemanded.

When the sea was calm, and the route to the next port-of-call was uneventful,theshipmatesenjoyeda unique camaraderie that stemmed from shared hardships and valiant attempts to survive. Wordlessly, they understood each member’s keenness to unearth the ocean’s secrets and taste its wild and restlessbeauty.Itwasasif seawater flowed in their veins, and the romance of the sea held its own special charm for them. While they stood on deck, the sailors could marvel at the scenic panorama that stretchedasfarastheeyecouldsee. At dusk, they watched the big orange sun as it dipped over the horizon.Ontheflipside,theendless serenity of the calm sea concealed the strain and loneliness that can push the seafarers to the limits of physical, emotional, and mental endurance, and, on occasion, even

death. In those days before refrigeration, the drinking water often got putrid, and the biscuits got hard and tasteless midway through the voyage. These unsanitary conditions caused dehydration and malnutrition in manyofthesailors.

Vacationsbetweenjobsweremainly spent relaxing in the family’s hammock. Many basked in the adulation of their compatriots and wallowed in the fame that seemed to accompany men who wore the crisp white uniform and braided cap. The Lascars enthralled their families with “sailor yarns” of postcard-perfect capitals and other romantic sojourns worldwide. They had pluck and determination and were changed men when their tour ofdutyended.Forsailors,theseais in their blood and promises fulfilment of their motto: “I want to getmyselftowhereverIwanttogo, and the navy will help me achieve that.” A study from Goa, report sailors account for 7% of the diaspora.


27 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Epic Mangaluru Kota

Brahmin Wedding

Splendorof Tradition&Culture

'Weddings' now are a mega lavish event, orchestrated luxuriously by event management mantras normally. The unique traditional Wedding of "Shringar & Jonathan" that took place in Mangalore on November 4, 2022, forenoon is an extramemorableonewhichisbeing admired in many pockets of the

world and has turned out to be uniqueasallthefamilypitchedinto conduct. It was graced by a good number of folks from many countriesoftheworldandservesto take the splendor of a Mangaluru wedding to new heights. This weddingwasplannedandexecuted by the family mainly with culture as the theme, with a lot of effort and minute attention to details by the bride’s mother and group. 'Marriages are made in heaven' we

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often hear; the making of the "Shringar & Jonathan" marriage is surely a cause of destiny and one which brought great joy and excitementtothefamilyandfriends circleatlarge,a heavenlygift.

This unique couple have been in deep love since they met at Nottingham University in the UK where both were doing masters studies and later reconnected in Canada where Shringar was pursuingaPhDinMicrobiologyand

researchandJonathanwasintheUS pursuing American history after International and Dutch history degrees in the UK. He had his parents go ahead and his mother toldhim,“Ifyoureallyareconvinced aboutsomething,goafterit...."

Bride Shringar Rao: Hails from a traditional, practically aristocratic Mangaluru literary Kannada family; her parents and ancestors are well known here, in Mumbai and a lot more places. Her parents are Girish

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& Shobha Rao (Married in 1994) both corporate mentors, trainers, and authors. Theyare an exemplary couple who have returned to their roots in Mangaluru and are dedicated, motivated individuals to promote the ethos of the region at any given time. Seasoned Kota Brahmins, Girish Rao grew up in Mangaluru, his father Venkat Rao did business in Bahrainandon his return, home was invited to be the right hand man of Capt.Kiren Alvares (Extra Master Mariner) of Cochin Shipping Co in Mangaluru. His mother Sunanda Rao, an expert in Kannada culinary arts, was motivated to give vegetarian

cooking classesto young women in theearly1990sasamission.People still swear by her recipe book and her specialty 'Besan holige’ was served at the wedding lunch on November 4, which was also her 102nd Birthday.

Bride's mother Shobha Rao ...Lawyer, corporate trainer, and writer from the illustrious "Kanemar Clan". One good word to describe her roles in her own terms is "Smilemaker”, the brand she has adopted and flourishesin. HerparentsareJanaki and Vasudev Kanemar who are well known authors in the Kannada literary circles. Shobha’s grandfather Kanemar Venkappaiah

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was a visionary who pioneered the setting up of Udupi style hotels in Mumbai, a century plus ago. Their 100plus year old paternal ancestral abode ‘Kanemar Compound' in Car Street in a holy part of the city features as one of the heritage homes where her only sibling, a brother lives with his family now. TheirparentsKanemarVasudevRao &Janakilivedhereintheirlastdays after returning from Bombay/Mumbai, after an event filled life, their sunset years were a

legend in grace. Father Vasudev had earned an MA and LL. B in Mumbai.Inhispursuitofacademics and business apart from managing his vast properties he became a renowned Kannada writer too. His Kanadaworksaremanyandarticles in periodicals many more. He was often felicitated by many institutions for his literary contributions specially in Mumbai andKanara.


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a hot journalist for the 'Bombay Times' newspaper with her own column called “Ordinary People ''. Her first book wasreleased in 2011, called "From Ordinary to Extraordinary” which was dedicated to her parents. Shobha's second book “Journey of a Corporate Mentor" became an international bestselleronAmazonin2020 and youcanderiveknowledgefromthis book about the exclusive paths husband Girish Rao used. Shobha jiwasfelicitatedasMasterTrainerof

Trainers during Dr. Abdul Kalam's visionary 'Lead India Youth Movement' in Hyderabad. The 'Smilemaker theory' that Shobha highlights in her soft skills training workshops is all about Choice accepting the positive and negative sides; it has empowered thousands ofyouthfulstudentstogetpractical employable skills, to change from casual to responsible attitude and to get immense self confidence during the "job hunting" stages. Shobha ji regularly does

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international workshops too in places like London, Toronto, and Dubai and more. She is a lawyer by qualification from the prestigious Government Law College in Mumbai. Shobha's online “Yoga with Smiles" Service ‘Yoga with Smiles’ online sessions by Shobha with various experts giving physical and mental health tips asa service to all is a runaway success, Girish and Shobha are popular for social action. Their co produced masterpieces to make the jewels of the family consist of daughter Shringar (and now married to

Jonathan) a 'Scientist’ doing amazing research work on AIDS viruscureandotherhealthconcerns in the Netherlands. , son Siddharth an architect who has a Masters from Australia and enjoys his own practice called "Studio Syd" in Bangalore. Siddharth is married to Nisha, a Ph. D in clinical psychology andexploringthebestwaystobeof servicetohumanity.

Bridegroom Jonathan Verwey: The son of Gerlof & Monica Verwey

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originally the family is rooted in Amsterdam in the Netherlands and from a known line of noble Dutch Academicians,hisgreatgrandfather Albert Verwey (1865 1937) Dutch poet and writer belonging to the exclusive Dutch "Movement of Eighty". As a translator, staffer, and literary historian he played an important role in the literary life of TheNetherlandsinthelate19thand early 20th centuries, he began to write poetry early in life. In 1880 he translated poems by Samuel

Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, and Wordsworth.,wasawriterandartist with a Poem on the Beurs van Berlage,theAmsterdamcommodity exchange etched on a famous Dutch clock tower and his picture oneofeightattheWritersMuseum, (uncanny resemblance to Grandson Jonathan)andaRoadnamed'Albert Verwey Road' is in the Netherlands,

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a nature blessed picturesque country in Europe. Jonathan is a dyed in the wool historian who pursuesandanalyzesmanyfacetsof

World Academics, his current assignment isat Museum Bronbeek at Arnhem. His only sibling, a sister Elizabeth,waspartofthefamily

wedding here with her friend Pym and folk from the Netherlands.

Jonathan's parents Gerlof Verway and Monica Meijsingare professors of philosophy and live in Nijmegen.

The Verweys have always closely identified with books and publishing and are serious academicians and are generous contributors to the arts in Europe

with noble blood of literature in theirveinsfordecades.

Bride's Mother Shobha Rao highlights: Previoustothewedding afterthecolourfulNaandiPoojaand gana homa, the prewedding multicultural observance, wearing her mother's 61 year old revived wedding saree, and generously sharing her thoughts Smt. Shobha

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Rao, (wife of Sri. Grish Rao) Smile Maker, Trainer, Author/Writer, Traveller, Contributor and a person to whom tradition, culture and finesse was paramount said, "The planning, thought, research and effort to make this Mangaluru wedding of my daughter Shringar with Jonathan Verwey all the way from the Netherlands a unique merging of the east and west (Indian & Dutch) and cheer a cross section of family, relatives and friends old and new, colleagues from many parts of the world, has been a delightful effort which you will remember for all times with deep pleasure of the sacred culture of Hindu wedding rituals and celebrations.TheVerweysareDutch of noble descent mostly 'Academicians' by education, occupation,andinvolvement. The wedding has been delayed and reshaped by the Corona pandemic over the last two years. In the middle of the pandemic the first official wedding was a civil one in the Netherlands, the second in May

2022, was in a Dutch Castle as per Verwey family traditions. And now the third which was planned to be earlier got displaced due to Covid restrictions as is well understood is the final epic Kannada Hindu Mangaluru wedding highlight. This part of the wedding here needs great understanding, and it is to be of real significance and value for all itstands; needstoberecognisedas something sacred and a very deep part of the acceptance of blessings. This close family is tuned to integration of the Indian (Hindu) andWesternworlds inall itsbeauty and values. Honouring, the complete sacredness of Marriage and sharing life for a lifetime and continuinginEternity. ShobhaRao is a prolific writer and trainer in her characteristic methodical manner she highlighted some of the background and family details for a better and closer look into this internationalunionofminds,hearts, and spirits for a lifetime, merging two distinct cultures and traditions as one common human blessing fromtheGODSforthefutureandto

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bondall that come into the families inthefuture.

TheWeddingMeaningasperIndian Traditions and Shastra Practices:

The known rich Indian multi culture with deep-rooted heritage and tradition is profoundly admirable and sacred. And a more profound form in the world of Indian weddings is the Hindu Kannada wedding and of 'Kota Brahmins' in Southand CoastalKarnataka.These weddings though simple in nature have their own in-built solemnity, glamour and rituals seen as state of the art in keeping with the 'Shastras'. Theyareindurationa2 3 day event, which is often shorter than some Indian traditional weddings. Withmesmerisingdecor bathed in fresh flowers and outfits, Kannadiga weddings are heavenly andvisionary. Sharingsimilarrituals with the neighbouring states, Kannada weddings also have some individual traditions that are solely followed by certain communities. However, the foundation of Kannadiga weddings is on the age

old traditional values and ethnicity. The Kannada weddings do not traditionally celebrate Haldi and Mehndi as a pre wedding celebration. However, the millennials have chosen to incorporate these in their wedding too.

Once the horoscopes are matched(whichmighthavebecome a mere formality with time) the celebrations begin in full swing. Before the wedding takes place in full fervour, there are certain significant pre wedding traditions that are celebrated in a Kannadiga wedding, where Nandi Pooja remembering ancestors wearing yellow and green Sarees with original gold and sarees from Grandmother Janaki Kanemars wedding,washeld.TheMehendifor Shringar and Jonathan took place earlieratthePilikulaGolfClub.

The general format that progressed for Shringar & Jonathan's wedding: November 4, dawned peaceful and festive, calm, auspicious and bright, warm,andhumidtheatmosphereat the superb venue "River Roost

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Gurpura not far from the "Mangaluru International Airport". Many of the younger outstation guests stayed over since the previous day at this picturesque venue,borderingthePilikulanature sanctuary. As the time for the start approached just after 10 AM there was a constant quiet bustle felt, the Muhurtham was set at 11.20 AM. Both the Bride's and Groom's parties were full of excitement. Tracking through the rituals which extended till a little past 12 noon and followed by a sumptuous sit downtraditionallunchatthevenue, whichwasagourmetwonder,some of the recipes were authenticfamily secrets which found expression on thisgreatoccasion. Theorderofthe Marriage rituals conducted by a bevy of learned and well versed pundits with live carnatic ensenble of sax, mridangam and harmonium lent a solemn sacred blessed atmosphere, the rituals were as follows:

** Antharpata and Varmala: “The bride Shringar arrived being escorted by her parents, uncle, brother, relatives, and friends. The groom Jonathan awaits her behind a white cloth screen called the 'Antarpatha'.Atthemostauspicious moment, the cloth will be dropped and the bride and groom exchange garlands and choose each other as life partners. This was followed by **Kanyadana: Bride Shringar's parents Shobha and Girish poured sacred water on their daughter’s palms, cupped below by the groom Jonathan’s palms along with his parents’ Monica & Gerlof's palms. This shows that the bride now joins thegroom’sfamily.Thefamilygotra (lineage) of the daughter changes and the five elements of nature become visible witnesses of the invisible Deities of this marriage. The bride celebrates life together with the groom by saying 'Dharmecha Arthecha Kamecha Nathicharami', a Sanskrit phrase that means “I promise to stay with myspouseforreasonspertainingto

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mywork,myfinances,mydesiresor spirituality”.

** Maha Sankalpa: Sringar & Jonathan then promised to practice the spiritual goals of a balanced life whichisDharma(followingthelaws of Righteousness), Artha (experiencing materialistic and other life dimensions) and Kama (perpetuating humanity with virtuous children). The couple promise to live their married life withinthedictatesofgoodconduct.

** Panigrahan: Both palms of the groom and bride are ensconced. The groom's shawl and the bride's saree knotted together to indicate an eternal life together. ** Laaja Homa: The Bride’s brother Siddharth pours puffed rice called 'aralu’ into the palms of the couple whichisofferedtotheholyfirewith ghee. The assistance of the brother in pouring the rice is symbolic of a good relationship and loving bond betweenthetwofamilies.The'aralu' signifies good character, ghee represents friendship, and offering to fire signifies sacrifice. The couple willwalkfourtimestogetheraround

the sacred fire and say in Sanskrit

“Let our hearts and minds, words and deeds be one forever”.

**Sapthapadi: Sevensteps, seven is an auspicious number in several beliefs. The couple Shringar & Jonathanholdhandsandtakeseven steps with seven vows, symbolizing the beginning of their new journey together. The seven promises to each other are chanted as mantras by the priests, with Agnideva the LordofFireasawitnesstothem. The seven wedding promises that bothsolemnlyoffereachother are:

1. Om Ishe Ekapadi Bhava

With the promise to nourish each other,toprovideforthehousehold, stay in good health and carry out responsibilities to each other, I takethisfirststepwithyou

2. Om Oorje dvipadi Bhava

With the promise to grow together in mental and spiritual strength, I takethissecondstepwithyou

3. Om Rayasposhaya Tripadi Bhava

With the promise to increase and protect our prosperity

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by righteous and proper means, I takethisthirdstepwithyou

4. Om Maayabhavaaya Chatushpadi Bhava – With the promise to acquire knowledge, happiness and harmony by mutual love, respect, and trust, I take this fourthstep withyou

5. Om Prajaabhyaha panchapadi Bhava - With the promise to care for our future children, I take this fifth step with you

6. Om Rutubhyaha shatpadi Bhava - With the promise to be together in all responsibilities and seasons, I take this sixth step with you

7. Om sakhesaptapadiBhava

With the promise of everlasting love, friendship, and true companionship, I take this seventh stepwithyou Next is ** Arundhathi, Dhruva nakshatra Darshana: The newlywedstaketheblessingsofthe Sun and two stars, which are the Pole star called Dhruva and the AlcorstarcalledArundhathi.Dhruva

symbolises uncompromised focus on their quest of ideals, while Arundhati symbolises a chaste, loyal, and steadfast partner. The couple brings the same qualities into their lives. Mangalya Dharane: The 'Mangalsutra' is the holy mark of married women in India, which has two golden pendants called 'thalis' encircled with black beads which is an auspicious symbol of GoddessMahalaxmi,thegoddessof wealth, the consort of Vishnu. Blessedbyalltheelderspresent,the groom Jonathan tied the mangalsutra around his bride Shringar's neck, praying that they live together in eternal happiness. This marks the completion of the religious wedding process making them officially husband and wife according to Hindu customs. ** Chape Madhuve: A celebratory game between ladies from the girls andboys’sidetoretrieveagoldring hidden inside a rolled up mat. Whichever side retrieves the ring will be the more dominant one in the marriage. And lo no one guessed it was the groom's side

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here that finally won! Aarathi.The concluding ceremony with an Aarathi, to bless the couple and

their parents. Now that is the completeandbeautifulmeaningful

rituals of a Kannadiga wedding and their cultural significance as followedhereinthisweddingtoo.

Later in the evening the focus shifted nearer home, to the 'Mangalore Club' with the guests from various places, a multi religious gathering Hindus,

Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Budists and all relaxed to celebrate more formally. Waving Indian and Dutch flagsthenewcouplewaswelcomed amid a decor of Red, White, and Blue. The Raos & The Verweys are legends to be the authors of the internationalmannerofweddings!

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To conclude, Call it ...Vivah, Lagn, Madhuve, Madme, Mangala, Kalyana, Kazar, Shadi, Wedding, Marriage.... all denote the sacred joining of hearts, minds, and spirits.... And the undefined standard is Joy, Happiness, Celebrations, Feasting, Solemn Ritualsandsoonandmore.Evenin this era of changed values and shifting paradigms, the general outlook of marriage is ever a mega lovely occasion. Mixed marriages.... that seem to find infinite combinations between religion, region, language, culture, profession, and nationality and lots the Wedding of Shringar & Jonathan highlighted it is all the same,amarriagemadeinheavenby Supreme Forces. The couples now embarkingon matrimonyaresurely more blessed in the diversity, flexibility, understanding and deeper bonding due to the

enhanced educated knowledge of each other more intimately. In the modern shrunken world context when a diverse mix of people bond knowingly and opt for marriage as theirchoice,nationalandevenmore international as we behold here; it seems to bring solace and healing to humans. God blesses marriages infinitely. Indian mythology and folklorearefullofmatchmakinglike "Swayamvara"whereallmeanswere employed to select life partners. Family relations and close bonding is priceless, and weddings contributetowardsthisendnotonly foralifetimebuteternally.

42 Veez Illustrated Weekly
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------TO READ OLD/NEW VEEZ ONLINE, CLICK THE LINK BELOW:
- Compiled: Ivan Saldanha-Shet.

The Letter

Dear Bridegroom, tobe

This is asmalllettertoyou Hopeit’s notoffending Trust me Iamnotpretending. You saidyou arenotcompletely preparedforthis Well let metellyou Iamalsonotpreparedfor this So,shall webothpreparetogetherfor our journey ahead? Well,Iamnotvery demanding But Ikeep expecting MyExpectations aresmall

Ifyou try you can fulfil themall. Iamyet learning Imaynotbeperfect Iguess so,aren’t you? So, if in futureIstumble

43 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Iwant u toholdmy handsandtakeme up.

Ifeel workingis myright

Solater pleasedon’t makeme fight Ipromisetotakecareofthe family

Andgive them best ofall

Idon’t cooklike your mom

But Icooklike my mom So, giveme timemycookingwillbecomeperfect andfine. Iearn Iagree But Ilikeit when sometimes u step forwardto paythebills BecauseI feel then that’s myman.

We don’t sharemanyinterests

Well, wearenotsimilartoo

But we can try torespect andaccept each others’ dissimilaritiesand enjoyit too


Ilikechocolates andflowers. Iappreciate quiet candlelight dinners

44 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Ifu cook,then u wouldbemyultimate winner.

Icry sometimes Ilaughloudly Iamnotdoingittoimpress Well sometimes it’s thewayIexpress.

ILovemy parents

Iwishyou lovethemtoo. That wouldbethefirst best quality Iwouldlook forin you. Ihavelots offriends Ialsoliketotakeabreakandgoaround Iwouldnotstop you Sopleasedon’tstop metoo. Iambelieving in speakingthe truth Ibelievesodoyou? Let there benosecrets betweenus Rememberwe will beoneandnolongertwo. Isometimes like tobepampered Iliketobetreatedlikequeen

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Iexpect it from you simplybecauseyou aremyking.

Ibelievefaithful men aregentlemen

You aremy man

Ibelievein forgive andforget But doesn’t mean you cantakeme forgranted

Ilovetheunexpectedphone calls

Ilovethesimple textmessages Ilikethe little note Itwouldmake me feel fine Ilikeit when Iget advice

But Ican’tstandwhen Iamforced Sopleaseunderstandme andsometimes give me the freedom totake my own decisions.

Iamnotthejealous kinds

Sopleasedon’tturn meintoone

Ibelieveu wouldmakeotherwomen jealous ofmeandnottheother wayround.

Imightsharemyopinions withyou

46 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Iwouldbehappyifu couldmotivate

But your demotivation wouldnotput me down

Ilikeit when peoplecallmepretty

Imightnothavetheperfect curves orfigure

But i amconfident that Iambeautiful enough

Iexpect tobehugged when Ifeel cold

Sometimes Ido alsogetbugged

Ilikewordsofappreciation Ilikeconsolation


Iwouldn’t mindif wecouldsometimes stareat the nightsky

Ilikeit when you sharewith me

Ilikeit moreifyou couldopenly talktome.

Treat me notjust likeyour wife

But your companion too

Iwishtobeyour best friendforever

Nomatterwhat life bringsahead

You willfindme byyourside

Yoursoon tobeBride.

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ThetimeIhavebeguntowrite,it'sbeenmywishanddeepestdesiretowrite forthelittleones.Finally,mywishhascometrue.Presentingtoyouthecover pageofmyupcomingchildrensbook"SevenStones". Thankingthealmightyandextendingmygratitude.DostaytunedasIupdate onthereleasedateofthebook.


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49 Veez Illustrated Weekly
November14,2022,sawthesigning of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), between the Mangaluru City Police and Department of Posts (Mangaluru Division). This will serve to make it simple for within jurisdiction challansoftrafficoffencesdelivered totrafficoffenders,topaythesame at their nearest post office (except Branch offices) in cash or electronic
InkMoU toeasetrafficfinecollection

transfer. This will rope in 1702 Post

come back to Mangalore Police stations and/or Karnataka One centers.

Offices in Karnataka, that includes 126 post offices in DK and 62 post offices in Udupi, effective from today.

The challans generated only by AutomatedCCTVsintheMangaluru area will be covered to start with, later Smart City CCTVs too will be connected. The payment can be affected in any of the Karnataka Post Offices (except small Branch offices).Thiswillprovetobeaboon for traffic fine collection; it is seen that though many who want to pay off their dues, find it difficult to

Vehicles of all registrations use the roads in Mangaluru and surroundings, daily the Automated surveillancesystem(CCTVs)inplace generates at least 200 challans (apartfromspotfinesetc)whichare routed through the Post Offices for delivery to the address of the registered vehicle users, sometimes from out stations. The conveyance of challan delivery is one among many new facilities introduced by India Posts in its initiative contributing to greater service to the public. This service is to be improved with better facilities and reach is to be worked out soon which will have many convenient and accessible features, said the Senior Superintendent of Posts MangaluruSri.Sriharsha.IpoS.

Elaborating enthusiastically the City Police Commissioner Sri. N. Shashikumar IPS said that he was indeed glad that this facility for the

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travelling public has been put in place which will help all concerned and will go a long way to improve traffic discipline, regulation and enforcement,nowandinthefuture. Automation is the future of enforcement Governance and the post office being a catalyst is a welcome development and a great boon to the law-abiding public as wellasauthorities. A joint meet organised by the two departments inked the MoU at the Mangaluru City Police Commissioners office in the presence of officers of both departments Sri.Anshu Kumar Srivastava IPS, Dy Commissioner of Police (L&O), Smt.Geetha Kulkarni Asst Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Sri. Shrinath N B Assistant Supdt of Post Offices Mangaluru and press persons. City

Commissioner of Police Shri Shashikumar IPSandSeniorSupddt of Posts, Mangaluru Shri Sri Harsha IPoS were the signatories. The agreement has been in abeyance since long due to Corona and the Department of Posts here has pursued it to success. A suitable placard to be displayed was also unwrapped.The feeor convenience charges really are very nominal and may be waived off later. Public has been asked to get to know this facility by contacting your post officeswhenneeded.

It was also announced that the Rs.100/= Postal fee fixed for delivery of Birth and Death Certificatestotheaddressee's doorstepisnowreducedtoRs.80/= - VEEZ News NetWork.

51 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Alumni Reunion - Agnesian Day At Home

TheAgnesian DayAtHomeheldon 30 October 2022 was a resounding success.Thiseventisheldeveryyear to reconnect with the Alumni and celebrate the success and achievementsthroughout theyear. The event was held at St Agnes College (Autunomous), Mangaluru and was attended by the Agnesian Alumni, theirfriendsandfamilyand thethemewereGreen. The event started with the solemn Mass at 9 am celebrated by Fr.

The event was anchored by the Alumni “Vidya Shenoy”, who with her creative ideas and her rendition stylekepttheaudienceengrossed. The programme started with an invocation song in Hindi sung by Asha, Patra, Jyothi and Edith and their melodious tones touched the heartsoftheaudience.


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Melwyn Pinto, after which breakfast wasservedtoalltheattendees.

the College, welcomed all the Alumni,theirfriendsandfamiliesfor respondingtotheinvitationandfor being present for the event inspite of their busy schedule. She spoke about the selfless involvement of the Alumni through the year in social activities and continuously working towards its vision for a better tomorrow. Ms. Vivid, the Secretary, reada shortreportofthe activitiesdonebytheAlumni.

Agnesian Alumnae Association presentedtheLifetimeAchievement Award 2022 to Dr Mrs. Anandi

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of the Alumni and the Principal of


Founded by past college

President Mrs Marjorie Texeira, ten years ago, the Agnesian Lifetime achievement award 2022 was given todistinguishedAlumna DrAnandi at a well attended gathering of Alumnae at St Agnes College, Mangaluru. The citation was read by Mrs. Marjorie Texeira, concluded ‘’We place on record Dr. Anandi Martis’s commitment, leadership, and devotion to the cause of education: her dedication to pursuit of Creativity in Education, a field of endeavour close to the heart of the Alma Mater, St. Agnes College; and her erudition and experience painstakinglyacquiredandselflessly employed by her in her call of duty and service.”

Dr. Martis is a renowned Educationist of National and International recognition. She worked as a Professor of Education for nearly 24 years at Postgraduate and undergraduate levels of St. Ann’s College of Education and established the post Graduate

Centre at St. Ann’s College of education Pala, Kottayam. As professor and head of the Department for nearly 12 years she has both major and minor research projectstohercreditandpresented research papers at national and international conferences.Sr Dr LydiaFernandesA.C.,JointSecretary of St. Agnes institutions honoured her with a shawl, the principal Rev. Sr Dr Venissa A.C. the President of the Association, and Mrs. Geanette thevicePresidentfelicitatedher.

Dr. Martis in her reply thanked the association for the honour, shared with the audience her college experiences of 1961 to 1965, explained her career pursuit after hermarriageandherhardworkand dedication, facilitated her in her achievements. She gratefully acknowledged her family, her colleagues and students for the support rendered throughout the career.

Sr Dr Lydia Fernandes, Joint Secretary and Manager of St Agnes Institutionsaddressedthegathering

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with her experiences and her associationwithDrAnandiMartis.

The scintillating Senorita dance by the Alumni, choreographed by a current Student Committee member, Prakrathi, was well received and garnered huge applausefromtheaudience. The Indo Western dance which was so well performed by a Mother and Daughter Duo, Ramona and Anora Mathiasenthralledtheaudience. Our Alumni Dr. Adeline and Merlyn Fernandes had a short skit in Konkaniwhichleftthecrowdrolling withlaughter.

Not forgetting our current students swayed their body to the beats of

English songs keeping in line with theHalloweenTheme.

The MC held wonderful games to bring the Alumni together and prizes were given to the best performers with their Theme “Save the Environment”.

A housie game was conducted at the end of the programme and the VicePresidentMs.GeanetteDsouza proposed the vote of thanks. She thanked the President and the entire Executive Alumni Team whose hard work and dedication madetheeventsuccessful.

The programme ended with Lunch, and everyone left with a satisfying smileontheirlips

Judicial Dynasties

There are many dynasties in India. Politics, business, film, and many other dynasties are well known and talked about. Not much is known andtalkedaboutjudicialdynasties.


55 Veez Illustrated Weekly

DhananjayaChandrachudistheson of Yeshwant Chandrachud who was CJI from 22/2/1978 to 11/7/1985. Former CJI Uday Lalit is son of Umesh Lalit who was Justice of Bombay High Court and advocate of Supreme Court. Justice K. M. Joseph’s father JusticeK. K.Mathew was Justice of Supreme Court from 4/10/1971 to 3/1/1976. Justice Santosh Hegde’s (8/1/1999 15/6/2005) father Sadananda Hegde was Justice of Supreme Courtfrom17/7/1967to30/4/1973. CJI Madhukar Kania (13/12/1991) was son of CJI Hiralal Kania (26/1/1950 – 6/11/1951). Justice B. V. Nagarathna is the daughter of former CJI E. S. Venkataramaiah (19/6/1989 17/12/1989).

InIndiajudgeshaveassumedpower to appoint judges by creating collegiumsystem.Theystruckdown the 99th Amendment which established the National Judicial Appointments Commission. This needstochange. JudgesofSupremeCourtshouldbe

appointed by President after approvalbyLok Sabha.

Judges of a High Court should be appointed by the Governor or Lieutenant Governor after approval bytheLegislativeAssembly.

Seniormost Justice should become Chief Justice. Seniority is to be decidedbydateofbirthanddateof taking oath. Order of taking oath shouldnotberelevant. Thereshouldbe anAmendmentfor that.

Further, the Amendment should state that Courts shall not function outside working hours on working days and no case should be taken upduringnight. Thereshouldbeno public interest litigation or curative petition. Theseareinventionsofthe Supreme Court. Benches of SupremeCourtandHighCourtshall be odd numbered. Articles 127, 128, 132 139A, 142, 222, 224, 224A shouldberepealed.

56 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Reconstitutionofthe DioceseofBelthangadyDSC

Belthangady: November 6, 2022: TheReconstitutionoftheDioceseof Belthangady Diocesan Service of Communion was done on the 30th of October during the Reconstitution seminar held at Jnananilaya, the pastoral center of the Diocese of Belthangady, on 28,29&30thOctober. The seminar was held in auspicious presence of His Lordship Dr

Lawrence Mukkuzhy, Bishop of Belthangady and the Episcopal Advisor to the KRSC, who led the three days with his inspiring orientation and encouragement. The program was also preached by Rev.FrJoseoftheDioceseof Aluva, andthePraiseandWorship wasled byBro.Jose.

Bro. Cherian Ramapuram

57 Veez Illustrated Weekly
58 Veez Illustrated Weekly coordinator of KRSC spoke about the Call of God, the Road of Moses andledtheelectionprocess. After prayer and Discernment, the following team was elected for the DioceseofBelthangadyDSCforthe periodof3yearsfrom30thOctober 2022to29thOctober2025. 1)AntonyVPofNavoor 2) Joseph T V of Ichalampady (Secretary) 3) Jose Pauline of Arala (Coordinator) 4)ShinyThomas ofKankanady 5)JosephNPofBajagoli 6)PushpiJohnsonofKankanady 7)JoseThomasofBattial. Were selected as the new office BearersoftheDSC. The Discerning Team was Bishop Lawrence Mukkuzhy, Rev Fr Lawrence, Spiritual Director of the DSC, Bro. Cherian Ramapuram coordinator of KRSC and Thomas Chinnappa,secretaryofKRSC. -SambramDigital --------------------------------------

The Reconstitution of the DSC oftheDioceseof Mangalore

Mangalore, November 6, 2022: The Reconstitution of the Diocesan Service of Communion of the Diocese of Mangalore was held on 5th November during the Reconstitution seminar which was held in the Premisesof the Bishop's House, Mangalore on 4 & 5th November.

HisLordshipMostRev.DrPeterPaul Saldanha offeredthe HolyEucharist on 4th November and encouraged all the members present for the reconstitution.

The seminar was led in observance of Bro. Savio Mascarenhas from Goa. Bro. Savio spoke on the importance of Prayer Groups,

59 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Statutes of CHARIS, and the Character of Jesus. Bro. Cherian Ramapuram, the coordinator of KRSC, spoke on the topic of importanceofUnityamongLeaders intheRenewal.

Bro.ThomasChinnappa,the secretary of KRSC spoke on the Topic, Call of God, the Rod of Moses.

The Praise and Worship was led by Bro. Christopher and Bro. Kevan. Rev. Fr Melwyn, the spiritual Director of the DSC, witnessed the seminar.

Bro. Cherian and Bro. Savio led the processofelectionandBalloting.

After Prayer and discernment, the following leaders were elected as

60 Veez Illustrated Weekly

office Bearers of the DSC of Mangalore fortheperiodof 3 years from 5th November 2022 to 4th November2025.

Mr. Dolphy Lobo, Mrs. Mercy Menezes.

Ms. Shanthi, Mr. Christopher Rodriguez (Secretary), Mr. Kevan D'Souza (Coordinator), Mr. Alwyn. Ms.JanetCorderio.

Eucharist and led the new team in Oath taking ceremony and blessed them. Bro. Cherian Ramapuram coordinator of KRSC thanked His Lordship Most Rev. Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore and the entire team on behalfofKRSC.

The discerning team was Rev Fr. Melwyn, Bro. Savio Mascarenhas, Bro. Cherian Ramapuram and Bro. EliasCoelho. Rev.FrMelwyncelebratedtheHoly

Br Kevan D'Souza, the coordinator of Mangalore DSC offered the vote ofthanks. Thenewteamhadaformalmeeting with the delegates of NSC and KRSC.



LiteraryWeekaimsatinfusinginthe children across the classes, an appreciation,understandingand

love for literature. The Milagres Central School observed Literary Week2022withmuchaplombinits

61 Veez Illustrated Weekly


62 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Competitions play a significant role

in shaping and motivating children to perform to the best of their capabilities and learn varied skills that aid their all round development. Action song, Handwriting, Poem recitation, storytelling using props, ‘Design a book cover’, ‘Travel brochure’ making competition, were some of thecompetitionsbeingheld.Onthe Final dayoftheLiterature week,the schoolgatheredforthegrandfinale oftheEnglishLiteraryweek. The students of grade 1 sang the nursery rhymes. Members of the Literary club portrayed an expression of peace and harmony through a dance performance. Students took part in the ‘Cultural Parade’ as some of the students dressed themselves depicting Literature authors, characters from novels and storieswhich left the studentsmesmerized. The week long literature carnival thus came to a successful end. A veritable celebration of literature, the Literary Week at School was indeedaweekwellspent.


63 Veez Illustrated Weekly

FormationofeverfirstDiocesanServiceof CommunionintheDioceseofShimoga

Shivamogga 7, 2022: Diocese of Shimoga Constituted its first DiocesanService ofCommunion on November6thatPastoralcenterfor renewal 'Sannidhi' at Shivamogga. ProgramwasorganisedbyDiocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal office fortwodays.

On November 5th; the day began with Rosary. At10am Fr Franklin D'Souza, Spiritual Director of

Chaismatic Renewal of Diocese of Shimoga, led the Praise and Worship. After the tea break Fr Franklin D'Souza gave the keynote address. He explained need of formationofDSC.

At 12pm Bro. Joy Anthony former Coordinator of National Service of Communion (NSC) spoke on

64 Veez Illustrated Weekly
65 Veez Illustrated Weekly "CatholicCharismaticRenewalisthe giftoftheHolySpirittotheChurch". Afterthelunchat1:45pmFrFranklin D'SouzaledthePraiseandWorship. ThenBro.JoyAnthonyspokeonthe importance of "Life in the Spirit Seminar"(LSS) At 3:30pm Fr Franklin D'Souza celebrated Holy Eucharist. In his
66 Veez Illustrated Weekly
67 Veez Illustrated Weekly "ImportanceofSacraments". AftertheTeaBreakat5pmBro.Joy Anthonyspokeon"formationof PrayerGroupsintheParish". At6pmBro.JoyAnthonyspokeon "IntercessionandProphetic


followedbyWorkshoponProphetic Intercession.

After the dinner at 8.45pm Blessed, Sacrament was exposed for the Adoration.

On November 6th at 6am Blessed Sacrament was exposed, and Fr Franklin D'Souza led the intercessors Rosary and prayed for the Success of the formation of the DSC.

At 6.30am Fr Franklin D'Souza prepared participants for the confessions.FrDumingDias,FrPius D'Souza and Fr Franklin D'Souza helped participants in the confessional. Then Fr Franklin D'Souza and Fr Pius D'Souza together with Bro. Mahime Raj & Bro. Thomas Chinnappa ked the anointingsession.

Communion (KRSC) led the Praise and Worship. Then at 9am Bro. Mahime Raj representative of Karnatakain National Service of Communion (NSC) and observer for the DSC election by NSC spoke on "Charis StatutesandCallofGod".

Ar10:30amBro.ThomasChinnappa spokeon"ElectionProcess".

After the tea break at 10:45pm self Introduction was initiated by Bro. Thomas Chinnappa. Then the participants wrote Seven names as inspired by the Holy Spirit on the givenballots.

Bro. Mahime Raj, Bro. Thomas ChinnappaFrFranklinD'Souzawere inthe DiscerningTeam. Meanwhile participants prayed in front of the BlessedSacrament. Following leaders were selected by discernment for the year 2022 to 2025.Namely.

After the breakfast at 8:30am Bro. Thomas Chinnappa Secretary of Karnataka Regional Service of

Mr.DavidRajasCoordinator, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Shivamogga.

68 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Ms. Elveera Fernandes as Secretary, St.Jude'sChurch,Anandapura.

Mr. John Lobo, St. Joseph's Church, Sagar.

Mr. Francis Lopis, Montis Mary Church,Talaguppa.

Mr. Wilson, Immaculate Conception Church,NewTownBhadravati.

Mr. Francis D'Mello, Sacred Heart Cathedral,Shivamogga. Ms.MaryLouis,St.Joseph'sChurch, Sagar. At12pmMostRev.DrFrancisSerrao SJ Bishop of Diocese of Shimoga offeredHolyEucharisttogetherwith Fr Franklin D'Souza and thanked Almighty God for formation of DSC in the Diocese. In his homily he spoke in "Resurrection of Jesus and how we have yo be faithful to him". He also appreciated the prayer warriors who are gifted by the Holy Spirit, and he said that Diocese needs to build strong intercessory prayer Groups. We need to witness Mission and mandate of Jesus throughsincereprayerlifeandwith adeepfaithlikehisdisciples. AftertheprofessionoffaithBishop

ledtheappointmentofNewDSCas well as Oath taking ceremony. Then he prayed over them by laying the handsontheleaders.

At the end of the Holy Eucharist KRSC Secretary Bro. Thomas Chinnappa thanked Diocese of Shimoga for the Constitution of DSC. Mr. David Raj thanked Jesus and sought help of prayer of all to lead the DSC. Spiritual Director of Renewal Movement of the Diocese of Shimoga Fr Franklin D'Souza thanked God, Bishop as well as all resource team and the participants. He specially thanked Fr Duming Dias,DirectorofSannidhi&theStaff of Sannidhi for rendering their services for the successful completionofDSCformation.

Therewerethirtyparticifromallover the Diocese. It is unanimously accepted by participants that from 2023 January every fourth Saturday NightVigilwillbeorganisedtopray fortheintentionsoftheDioceseof ShimogaatSannidhi.


69 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Career guidance session for the academicyear2022-23

Career guidance session for the academic year 2022 23 batch of outgoing students of grade 10, CBSE as well as State Board students, was held at the PUC hall, Milagres Institution, Mangalore on 5th November,2022. The motive was to make the students aware of the various career opportunities available at their disposal. Lions

Centennial club, Mangalore conducted theprogrammewiththe Prof. Ronald Pinto as the resource person.

The programme began with the invoking of God’s blessings by the studentsofMilagresCentralschool.

Lions Centennial club members namely, Ln. Ashok Pinto, Vice President, Ln. Avil Rodrigues. The

70 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Treasurer, Ln. Vincent Pereira, the P.R.O of the club, Mr. Stany Barreto Headmaster of State Board school, graced the occasion. Rev. Fr. Uday Joseph Fernandes, Principal Milagres central school welcomed thegathering.

Prof. Ronal Pinto gave a brief introduction about the various opportunities available after completion of grade 10, i.e., arts, commerce, and science fields. He suggested varied ways to opt the career in one’s life, depending on the capabilities and potential. He

71 Veez Illustrated Weekly

talked about how to focus on the chosen career and what are the efforts to be put in to make that dream true. He explained by giving examples of various successful people,andastohowtheyachieved the status despite the lack of facilitiesandfinancial support. The students cleared their doubts by asking various questions regarding the confusions, they usually face while deciding their career.

Prof.RonaldPintoalsoapprisedthe studentswithvariouscareeroptions other than doctor or Engineer. He highlighted on the polytechnic, Hebich, tailoring, AC mechanic, nursing courses which would fetch goodincome,afterayearortwoof

experience. He motivated the students to be confident and communicative in life. Besides hard work, time management and focus on the line opted are important aspectstobetakencareof.

All the students were highly motivated and got to know about various opportunities on completion of grade 10. It was a very informative day for the students.Ms.AjithaLobo,teacherof State board Milagres school, introduced the speaker of the day. Ms. Kritika, student of grade 10, Milagres Central School, delivered the vote of thanks. The programme was taken through by Ms. Violet Pereira Vas, teacher at the Milagres CentralSchool. -SambramDigital

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to givehislifeasaransomformany."



Pastoral Parishad, Jeppu parish people, today honoured 50 of its present and former members for their selfless service to St Joseph Church, during the 8:00 am mass.

72 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Parishad) –JeppuParish
73 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Maxim D'Souza, expressed their gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed immensely to the mission of buildingtheKingdomofGod,inthe Local Church, by their dedication. Each of the member was presented with a memento as sign of gratitude. May the path lit by these torch bearers enlighten many more tofollowthispathofService!



Prima pursued her doctorate under the guidance of Dr Rajendra Holla, professor and head, department of pharmacology, K S Hegde Medical Academy.

She is the proud daughter of Stany (LIC) D'Souza and Patritia D'Souza of Permannur and wife of Santhosh DeepakD'SouzaofMudipu.

74 Veez Illustrated Weekly
ThemaincelebrantFrRonaldSerrao along with the parish priest Fr
75 Veez Illustrated Weekly
IntercollegiateEasternSinging Competition –2022held at SAC TheMusicAssociationofStAloysius College (Autonomous), Mangalore organizedanIntercollegiateEastern Singing Competition 2022 on 5th November 2022 in L.F. Rasquinha HallofLCRIBlock.Prof.LawrenceJ
A continuous learner, Prima is a teacherparexcellence,anorganiser, a music lover, and a renowned singer of St Joseph Vaz Church, Mudipu choir unit.
76 Veez Illustrated Weekly

Physics, St Aloysius College (Autonomous) was the Chief Guest. Rev. Dr Praveen Martis, SJ, Principal of the College presided over the programme. Dr Florin Shalomith Soans, Co ordinator of Music Association, Ms Amritha O, Staff in charge, Dr Charles V. Furtado, Director of Admin Block, Mr Kethan Castelino, and Mr Reuban Mendonca, the student coordinators were present on the dais.

AsaPhysicsteacher,Prof.Lawrence Pinto in his speech mentioned the differencebetweenunitsandsound andbotharecreatedtobringabout the language. He explained the difference between language and music. He said that music brings happiness in humanity and a good heartvibrates for the sake of music. He guided the students to grow in

77 Veez Illustrated Weekly
M Pinto, Associate Professor of

the direction of the way the heart directs.

There 23 colleges took part in the competition. Vivekananda College of Arts and Science, Puttur won the IPlacewithacashofRs11111,Alvas CollegeMoodbidiriwontheIIPlace with a cash of Rs 9999 and Govinda Dasa College, Suratkal won the III

Place with Rs 7777 which followed by 3 consolation prizes - Rs 5555 each for 1st and 2nd consolation prizes and Rs 2222 as 3rd consolationprize.

Dr Florin welcomed the gathering. Adiraj and Manasi compered the programme.RachaelPaulproposed thevoteofthanks.


Children’sDay - ADaywiththeBibleGames –Bible


The children of St Joseph’s Church, Jeppu had a great time on 11thNovember 2022, when they all got together to celebrate The Children’s Day. A programme for the children of age group


78 Veez Illustrated Weekly

years was organized in a creative andinnovativeway.Thecelebration beganat8.30aminthemorning.All the children of the Parish participated enthusiastically in the Bible Games An innovative and experimentalapproachtoteachThe

Bible to children through activities andgames.

The activities included the Bible Housie Housie (an innovation by Fr Maxim D’Souza), Bible Quiz and many other Biblical games. It was a wonderful experience to watch the children participate actively in the Bible Games conducted by Br. Lohith Ajay Mascarenhas, Br. Gladwin Fernandes, and Mr Robin Vas, very effectively. There were 35 biblical games which were created for this purpose. The delicious food cooked by the Catechism Teachers and the wholehearted support by the parishioners made this Children’sDayamemorableonefor the children. The purpose of this get together was not only to celebrate Children’s Day but also to make children more familiarise with The Bible and inculcate biblical values in them in a creative and effectiveway.Thedayendedwellat 5pm. The whole programme was organisedbytheParishPriest,along withthecatechismteachersandthe ParishPastoralmembers.

79 Veez Illustrated Weekly
80 Veez Illustrated Weekly FirstStateLevelInternational Karate Championship -2022 Holy Redeemer School, Belthangadywinsmanyprizesinthe FirstStateLevelInternationalKarate Championship 2022 organised by Yomoto Shotokan Karate Association Trust (R), Manglore on November 12, held at Sparsha Kala Mandir,BCRoad,Bantwalinthe


Sumith Serrao of Class 8 secured secondplaceinKumite.

Kushi of Class 7 secured second place in Kata and second place in Kumite.

Manvi of Class 6 secured first place inKumiteandfirstplace inKata. Aan Maria of Class 6 secured third place in Kumite and first place in Kata. Bhuvi of Class 6 secured third place inKata.

Shamanth of Class 6 secured first placeinKumiteandsecondplacein Kata.

Anju Maria of Class 5 secured first placeinKumiteandsecondplacein Kata.

Ayan of Class 5 secured third place inKumiteandfirstplaceinKata. Sonal of Class 5 secured third place inKata.

Pragathi of Class 4 secured first place in Kumite and third place in Kata.

Prajwal of Class 4 secured third placeinKata.

ManvikofClass4securedfirstplace inKumiteandsecondplaceinKata.

VihaanofClass3securedthirdplace inKata.

The students were well trained by KarateTrainerMrAshokAcharya.

81 Veez Illustrated Weekly




Mangaluru, Nov 13: On the

occasion of World Diabetes Day, ‘Mullerun’ – Run for a Reason, a marathon was organized by Father

Muller Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital (FMHMC&H), a unit of Father Muller Charitable Institutions in association with Father Muller Homoeopathic

82 Veez Illustrated Weekly
83 Veez Illustrated Weekly Pharmaceutical Division and NSS UNIToftheCollege,onSunday
84 Veez Illustrated Weekly
November13. The marathon was inaugurated by
85 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Geetha Kulakarni, assistant commissioner of Police (Traffic),
86 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Mangaluru and Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho, director, Father Muller
87 Veez Illustrated Weekly
CharitableInstitutionspresided overtheprogramme.

address encouraged the participants to follow four tips i.e. walk, eat healthy, think healthy and runforareason,tobehealthyinlife. President of the programme Fr Richard Aloysius Coelho appreciated the team for the initiative taken in organizing this event where diabetes is the main cause of concern inthe presentera. By this, the chief guest flagged off the 15 km run at 6.30 am. Fr Ajith Menezes, administrator, Father Muller Medical College flagged off to the 5 km run at 7.15 am.

Anil Kumar clocked43 mins 28 secs to top in the men’s category of 15 km and Chaitra Devadiga clocked 58 mins 30 secs in the female category. In 5 km, male category Govindraj and in female category DhanushaShettywonthe 1stplace.

Aspecialattractionofthemarathon was the participation from Sulaatha Kamath, aged 71 years and Vittal Shettigar, aged 64 years who participated in the 15 km run and alsotheyoungestfirstfinisherofthe marathon Swayam who bagged specialprizes.

88 Veez Illustrated Weekly
The chief guest in her inaugural

Thereweretotalof500peoplefrom Dakshina Kannada, North Karnataka, Udupi and Kasargod participatedinthemarathon. The winners have been awarded with cash prizes, health check up vouchersandgifthampersworthRs 1 lac. All the finishers were acknowledged with a medal and certificatefortheirparticipation.

Fr Roshan Crasta – administrator, FMHMC&H & FMHPD, Dr E S J Prabhu Kiran – principal, FMHMC, Dr Girish Navada U K MS, FMHMCH, Dr Deepa Rebello, DMS FMHMCH, Dr Sooraj K V, programme coordinator, Dr Deeraj Fernandes, NSS coordinator, Dr Anusha G, media coordinator, and Chennakeshava, Physical education instructor,FMHMCwerepresent.

89 Veez Illustrated Weekly
90 Veez Illustrated Weekly (DelyseNoronha marriedand settled inMumbai. Shegraduatedand workedinCalcuttabeforesettlingdowninMumbaiaftermarriage. Sheispassionateaboutfoodand hercookingisinspiredfrom visitsto different parts of India and meeting family and friends from various communities.) #FRIED_EGGPLANT_IN_BUTTERM ILK #AUBERGINE_IN_BUTTERMILK FRIED EGGPLANT IN BUTTERMILK INGREDIENTS: 1. Eggplant- 300 gm medium bottle eggplant (bharta) sliced round 2.Haldi quartertsp 3.Redchillipowder 1.5tsp 4.Jeerapowder quarter tsp 5.Methipowder pinch 6.Hing pinch 7.Limejuice -1tsp 8.Gingergarlicpaste -1.5tsp

1. Mix red chilli, haldi, jeera, methi powder, hing, ginger garlic paste, besan, rice flour, lime juice and salt.

Make smooth paste and apply on slices, marinateforanhour

2. Fry eggplant slices in a little oil inbatches.Keepitasideandcool.

3. Mix onions, green chilli, ginger, curry pata with salt. Rest it for 5 minutes.

4. Add curds mix well add water enough forbuttermilkconsistency.

5. Add cooled fried eggplant slices to this mixture 10 minutes before serving.

91 Veez Illustrated Weekly 9.Salt 10.Besan-2tsp 11.Riceflour-1 tsp 12.Onion
chilli 1chopped
fewleaves cutfine METHOD:

SpecialChicken Sukka

92 Veez Illustrated Weekly
Ingredients: 1) 1 kg fresh chicken cut into small pieces 2)1cupgratedcocunut 3)1bigonionfinelychopped 4)6kashmirichilies 5)1tspblackpeppercorns 6)1tspcuminseeds 7)1tspmustardseeds 1tbspcorianderseeds 9)6cloves 10)3pcsbayleaf 11)
12)2tbspoil 13)1/2tspturmericpowder
Any mangalorean worth his salt wouldsaythathewouldloveadish withtheabundanceofcoconutinit. This dish is exactly that. Although if you want a quick fix, you can use Bafat masala powders, but trust us, the real deal is when you roast the individual spices and powder them tomakethemasala. Enjoytherecipe anddon'tforget to likeand/orcomment.Havefun!
1 tbsp tamarind water (as per taste)
Recipe: Washchickenanddrainthewater. Keepaside - Dry roast items 4 to 9 and make a finepowderinamixergrinder.Keep aside. Fry coconut with turmeric powder foraminuteandkeepaside. Takeakadaiandaddoil. Onceoilishot, addonionandfry tillgoldenbrown
93 Veez Illustrated Weekly Add chicken and fry for 5 minutes on high flame till water evaporates. Reducetheflame Add tamarind water, bay leaves and salt. Stir well and let it cook for 5minutesonmediumflame Add the ground masala powder andstirwell Add 1 cup hot water and cook for 8minutesonlowflame Add fried coconut and mix well. Cookfor3minutesonlowflame. Delicious Chicken Sukka is ready to servewithpanpole(neerdosa) TO READ OLD/NEW VEEZ ONLINE CLICK THE LINK BELOW:
94 Veez Illustrated Weekly URAD DAL AMBADE | BISCUIT AMBADE Biskut | Biscuit Ambade | Urad Dal Ambade Traditional Mangalore Special Soft, spongy, tasty, chatpata, Shapeless Crispy Biskut Ambade with Mint Corianderleaveschutney��. INGREDIENTS: 1cupuraddal 2greenchilli Salttotaste Pinchofcumin Pieceofchoppedginger Pinchofhing Fewcurryleaves Choppedcoconut{optional,Ihvnot used} 1tspsooji|semolina{optional}
95 Veez Illustrated Weekly 1tspriceflourorasrequired Oiltofry METHOD: ▪︎
Wash&soakdalovernightor3 4 hours
Grind into fine paste adding green chilli and salt with minimum water. Orwithoutaddedgreenchilli.
Transfer batter to bowl, add sooji, rice flour, hing, curry leaves, cumin, ginger,coconutpieces.
Mix batter and beat very well by hand or whisk until smooth, fluffy texture.{thisisimportantstep}.
Take kadai with oil, once hot drop a lemon size ball of batter into hot oil.{Ambade size will double while frying}. Fryuntilgolden&crisp.
Take it out and spread on kitchen papertoweltoabsorbexcessoil.
Serve hot & crispy ambade with coconut chutney or any chutney of yourchoice&cupofmasalachai.


¤TheseambadesimilartoUradvada ‘onlywithoutshape.��.

¤ Can also add chopped green chillies with batter, instead of grinding . { While kids at home its bettertogrind��}.

¤Take cup of water, drop one mini ball of batter in, if its floats immediatly your batter is Perfect andreadytomakesoftIn,crispout, ambade.��

96 Veez Illustrated Weekly
================================================ TO READ OLD/NEW VEEZ ONLINE, CLICK THE LINK BELOW:
97 Veez Illustrated Weekly
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My dear members and friends,

As we come to the end of the year, everyone is eagerly looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year in a grand manner. Hence we are bringing you the new theme, 'The Great GatsbY' for this year and take you down the memory lane of roaring 20s. As the theme suggests, this is clearly the time for show-off and be flattered as in the 20s.

The event will happen on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at Preet Palace Banquet Hall in Centreville, VA.

Please check out the following highlights of this year’s Christmas event

• Award for best dressed male and female

• Professional DJ Music to take you down to roaring 20s

• Santa time and Game time

101 Veez Illustrated Weekly

• Sumptuous food to satisfy your palate

• Once again, Beer and wine on the house

• And Specially designed Mementos as the token of appreciation from our committee to you

Also please wait to hear about the exciting Raffle prizes very soon. It is your chance to win attractive prizes during the event.

The details of the event and the registration are in the attached flyer and the registration form.

We would also like to be very open and transparent with you regarding the event pricing. While we have somehow managed to keep the prices under check in the past years, things have changed a lot over time. I am sure that you are aware of the rapid rise in prices of commodities and goods during the last 3 years and the prices have gone up exponentially by at least 35% for everything. In spite of this, we have managed to keep very reasonable prices for this year’

Christmas event for all ages. You will also be glad to learn that once again this year, the prices are inclusive of beer and wine. It is because we want you to enjoy and have a good time with friends and families this Christmas. I am sure that you would appreciate this and register early and also invite your friends and families to celebrate Christmas with us.

Please note that the ‘Early Bird’ prices are there only for a limited time for limited number of registrations and hence may not last till November 12, 2022 if we reach the desired numbers early. The payments can be made easily and instantly using the free Zelle app.

Come and join us and let us celebrate Christmas in the Great Gatsby style this year.

Thank you V James Dante President

Please join our Facebook Group and stay updated eandcmdva/ Please visit our Website at

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