Health Monthly - July 2012

Page 1


July 2012

Care by Ailment


Delicious Hair-Nourishing Recipe Page 18 From Nutritionist Sarah Birrell



July 2012

Care by Ailment


Delicious Nourishing Recipe Page 18 From Nutritionist Sarah Birrell


On this month’s cover... 06 Health concerns

Helping you through menopause, and looking after your liver, prostate and mind.

12 How’s your memory?

A look at what affects memory loss and how to prevent it.

18 Hair care

Everything you need to look after your hair and your children’s.

40 New Lines

Hundreds of new products listed this month.


July 2012

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Health Concerns

How’s your memory? page 12

page 18

page 34

Ailment support - for all of your health concerns

Affects and preventions of memory loss

Hair care for all of the family

Nutritional supplements for our best friends

Pet Care Article page 36

New Lines

page 40

Hard to Find Items page 54

Sale Items

page 60

Sarah Birrell gives us an insight into pet health

Hundreds of new products added each month

Products you just won’t find anywhere else!

Our end of line stock must go! While stocks last...

page 6

Hair Care

Pet Care

Easy as 1, 2, 3...

1 Read, enjoy, and find your favourite products on offer this month 2 Make a note of the product information, including product numbers you wish to order and special prices 3 See the form at the back of each magazine for ordering options



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July 2012



Health Monthly Nutritionist, Sarah Birrell has studied physiology, nutritional science and eastern medicine, such as Shiatsu, for over 20 years; she has become an influential voice, and a highly respected name in these increasingly important medical fields.

Vitamin pills can increase your risk of disease!? Did you really believe that when you read it in The Daily Mail recently? Not if a) you’ve got an ounce of sense in your body and b) if you realised how old and hackneyed the information they are dragging up is. I have never felt aggrieved enough to criticise The Daily Mail reports on health or any other campaign reporting, they are a great newspaper, but this report was just crazy. They only looked at Vitamin E, Beta Carotene and Vitamin-C without mentioning all the other “modern” anti-oxidants - and cited studies from 1994, and the 1950’s. While I would agree than synthetic Vitamin E is never going to be as good as a complete tocotrienol complex (ie all the Vitamin E components together) and should not be used at high doses (natural forms of supplements are always better) and that synthetic Beta Carotene is never going to be as good for you as eating carrots, spinach, peppers etc - have they never heard of Linus Pauling who won the Nobel Prize twice? Most of what we know about Vitamin-C came from this pioneering man. There is no way that anyone can say Vitamin-C is not good for you. We cannot make it ourselves we have to ingest it - and in this stressful world most of what we get from food has been used by lunchtime. Again, it is better to take Vitamin-C in the natural form of ascorbic acid, preferably with rose hips, and yes it does work for colds and flu in very high doses. I take 2gms every night before I go to sleep on an empty stomach, not only for my immune system but to support my adrenal (stress buffer) glands. What worries me is that people reading that article think that ACE’s are the total of the anti-oxidants available today and that they are bad for you. Most people don’t eat a healthy diet anymore, even if they try, the food is devoid of the amounts of nutrients we need to cope with our stressful lives. Our junk food and alcohol consumption is at an alltime high. The motto here is: what you take out you have to put back. So a day of stress, junk food and high alcohol will need a whole bucket load of nutrients to make up that damage. So, what we should be looking at is the amazing array of new, proven, potent anti-oxidants that have come onto the market since the original ACEs. Let’s look at some of them. Resveratrol - I wrote about this in April’s issue. It is the enzyme of


July 2012

the skin of the red grape, it’s in red wine. This enzyme is proven to be effective in heart disease, diabetes, energy production, inflammation and has anti-cancer properties. One of the most exciting discoveries for all round health. Astaxanthin - is such a powerful anti-oxidant that it appears to have positive cosmetic effects both via reduction in wrinkle formation and prevention of skin damage. More details below. Co-Enzyme Q10 – this spark of life has so much research behind it that it’s practically gold standard! Selenium - helps to detoxify heavy metals through the liver, which helps when you stand in traffic everyday, it also helps to support your thyroid gland -100mcg a day Lutein and Bilberry, for the eyes yes they work, especially helpful for people with diabetes. Rhodiola - for stress, it only has 60 years of Russian research behind it! Cruciferous Vegetable Supplement – for those who hate eating their broccoli There is a lot more I could write about, but please take this message; that anti-oxidants in pure form, are wonderful for you - they help your body cope with life today. You should always eat as many coloured fruits and vegetables as you can, preferably organic, but there is no harm in supporting yourself with good anti-oxidant supplements too.

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What is astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is leaps and bounds more powerful than beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, lycopene and lutein. Astaxanthin’s free radical scavenging activity protects your cells, organs and body tissues from oxidative damage. One of the most important roles of Astaxanthin is to act as an anti-oxidant by absorbing potentially damaging free-radicals that cause skin aging. Astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier AND the blood-retinal barrier (eyes) (beta carotene and lycopene do not), which has huge implications for the health of your eyes. It is also different in that you are probably not consuming much of it, and certainly not enough to take advantage of all its benefits. It is the most commonly occurring red carotenoid in marine and aquatic animals, especially salmon, giving it its characteristic pink colour. Astaxanthin actually helps to prevent sunburn, and protects you from the damaging effects of radiation (airplanes, x-rays, CT scans, etc.) Dose 4mg a day.

Advice from Hollywood Hollywood actress and health advocate Suzanne Somers recommends taking antioxidants and supplements that can help arm the immune system to fight disease. She recommends vitamins, such as Vitamin K2, which can prevent hardening of the arteries. Antioxidants such as Resveratrol and Curcumin that combat free radicals. “You need a course of antioxidants rather than just one,” she said. “One isn’t enough because different antioxidants eat different free radicals. So antioxidants are your friends.” Read more: Suzanne Somers: Supplements That Make You Live Longer.

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Do you really know what is in your deodorant? New research examining parabens found in cancerous human breast tissue points the finger at antiperspirants and other cosmetics for increasing your risk of breast cancer. The research, was published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, looked at where breast tumours were appearing, and determined that higher concentrations of parabens were found in the upper quadrants of the breast and axillary area, where antiperspirants are applied. Parabens are chemicals that are added as preservatives to antiperspirants and many cosmetics, as well as sun cream. All parabens increase hormone activity in human breast cancer cells all over the body. 99% of breast cancer tissue samples contain parabens and the safety of parabens has NEVER been established. Incredibly, there is a complete lack of modern toxicology studies on these ingredients and one rat study from 1956 is still used as “the pivotal evaluation upon which human safety is judged!” Aluminium is another cancer-promoting ingredient in antiperspirants. They work by blocking the pores that release sweat under your arms - with the active ingredient being aluminium, not only does this block one of your body’s routes for detoxification, but it raises concerns about where these metals are going once you roll them (or spray them) on. Like parabens, aluminium salts can also mimic estrogen, and research has shown that aluminium is also absorbed and deposited into breast tissue.

July 2012


Ailments & Health Concerns

You may have noticed a change in your menstrual cycle - you may be bleeding less and having a shorted period by a day or two than normal. You will then begin to have times of sweating and intense heat that come unexpectedly and leave just as quickly. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms then you could well be on the cusp of a new phase of your life you’re experiencing menopause, the end of your menstrual cycle. Everyone has menopause horror stories they have heard over the years from thinning hair and loss of sex drive to weight gain, but relax, most of what you hear is not true and for the symptoms you do experience there are steps you can take from your own home to help prevent this happening. Dress for summer Loose fitting, light clothes can aid your body to keep its temperature down. If you layer your clothes you can shed a cardigan or jacket quickly when the heat comes and a well planned wardrobe means you can control your body heat at will. Go Natural for Night Sweats Funnily enough, you’re sometimes woken because of the cold - during your flash you have got rid of the covers and since its passed you’ve woken cold in your PJs with a damp pillow - these are called night sweats. Try keeping a fresh cotton t-shirt by your bedside to replace the damp one - you will drop back off in no time once you are warm and dry. Figure Out What Your Hot Flash Triggers Are Your triggers can come from many places, alcohol amongst other substances such as spicy foods, nicotine, fatty foods, chocolate and caffeine can all be a hot flash trigger. It’s not just substances that can trigger - some stresses can too such as, stress itself, medications and various foods, as well as climate change, can make you flash. Every woman should try and figure out what her personal triggers are and there will be a lot of trial and error until you get there, unfortunately some of these triggers are unavoidable which can be difficult. If your triggers are still not becoming obvious then try keeping a diary and record where you were, what you were doing and eating etc. Relax When You Feel the Flash You need to relax in order to cope with your flashes. As bad as they may seem, they won’t be noticeable to anyone around you, so take a few deep breaths and try to relax your self will get you through the worst of it. Losing your rag will definitely only make things worse and might just attract a little unwanted attention. Try to look at the bigger picture and keep them in perspective - many women will out grow their hot flashes in a matter of a year or maybe two. Flashes cannot hurt you and they are not dangerous its just very uncomfortable for you. 6

July 2012

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Ailments & Health Concerns



FEMA 45+

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Meno Plus is a very special multivitamin and mineral – containing all the essential vitamins and minerals needed to help you through the menopause and support good bone health.

Lamberts FEMA45+ is recommended by Maryon Stewart of the Natural Health Advisory Service (NHAS), has been formulated specially for women during and after the menopause.

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£25.48 Code: 5317

Most of you especially, women may have heard of the Black Cohosh plant. If so then you have definitely heard of the Black Cohosh benefits, for those of you who are hearing this for the first time - Black Cohosh is a plant from the Buttercup family and is mainly found in open woodlands along the eastern half of North America. For centuries Native Americans used the herb for medicinal treatments especially for issues related to female menstrual cycles. Black Cohosh was effective against problems such as hot flashes and problems with menopause. However, the benefits do not just end there, the main areas where the Black Cohosh exhibits tremendous usage are: kidney health, rheumatism, aids in delivery of child, muscle pain, sedative, coughs and colds, diuretic, headaches, PMS, inflammation, menopausal symptoms, hot flashes & post menopausal anxiety. July 2012


Ailments & Health Concerns

The beauty of Femenessence is that it works with your own body, stimulating your pituitary and adrenal glands and your nervous system to support and balance the levels of the key hormones FSH, Estrogen, LH and Progesterone… and nothing is more natural than your own hormones. When hormone production is regulated and balanced, it is easier for your body to achieve overall physiological harmony, which means fewer menopausal symptoms and most importantly an improvement in general health. Femmenessence has been rigorously tested in clinical studies over periods of 3, 4 and 8 months. In these studies, Natural Health International (NHI) investigated two key areas of health for post-menopausal women: RRP £24.99

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See our full range of menopause products

Phyto Soya is perfect for a natural menopause because it offers women a natural and appropriate answer to menopause related problems. Different international clinical studies have shown how effective the soya extract used in this range are in reducing hot flushes and night sweats, and in improving the quality of life. Clinical studies have also shown that this soya extract has no harmful effect on the breast or endometrium. RRP £20.39

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July 2012

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Ailments & Health Concerns

Harnessing the power of your brain They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change— even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways. The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory. Just as an athlete relies on sleep and a nutrition-packed diet to perform his or her best, your ability to remember increases when you nurture your brain with a good diet and other healthy habits.

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The findings from controlled clinical trials suggest that when the dietary intake of Phosphatidylserine is doubled or better still, quadrupled, by taking it as a dietary supplement, a majority of individuals derive measurable brain benefits.

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Treating your body well can enhance your ability to process and recall information. Physical exercise increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Exercise may also enhance the effects of helpful brain chemicals and protect brain cells.

July 2012


Ailments & Health Concerns

t s e B s r o t Doc WHILE STOCKS LAST

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Dr. Parris Kidd is a leading international authority on the roles of phospholipids in brain functions. It was through his own challenges with brain issues that Dr. Kidd began his exploration of nutrients for better brain health. Dr. Kidd has researched the benefits of vital lipid molecules that are necessary for memory, mood and stress. The benefits of phosphatidyl serine (PS) and glycerophosphocholine (GPC) have been well researched and are among the most important nutrients for brain health. In this show we’ll discuss these benefits. The benefits of PS and GPC range from simple memory improvements like mental clarity to significant benefits for more serious problems such as depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. They have been shown to be beneficial for children and they may work better than Ritalin for ADHD for some children.

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July 2012

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Maintained mental performance requires the optimal functioning of brain cells and the complex neuronal network. Brain cells cannot be replaced and have the highest priority in the body for micronutrients. Neurozan provides a comprehensive formula to help safeguard your dietary intake of important nutrients and natural bio-elements that assist to maintain brain function.

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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an important member of the phospholipid nutrient family. These nutrients are essential to the structure and function of cellular membranes. PS is found in particularly high amounts in cell membranes and brain tissue, which is why researchers have investigated its benefits for mental nourishment. A vital component of neurotransmitters that delivers superior brain nourishment.

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July 2012

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Another scary subject as we get older. by Sarah Birrell

There are many ways to keep the brain and memory functioning but it means being vigilant as to what you eat, take in the way of supplements, and how you deal with stress. Protein is extremely important on a daily basis to keep the brain functioning and for providing B-Vitamins. A lot of elderly people don’t eat enough nor do they bother to eat healthy food, especially when they live alone. Their brain then starts to degenerate because of lack of nutrients. Stress is extremely dangerous to the brain too, especially prolonged stress and emotional stress; particularly if extreme stress is part of your daily life, you really need to look at changing it. Try Yoga, Pilates and Meditation - they help relax the mind. Thirdly, supplements. Yes, they are important and yes, they work, but you need to know what you are taking and why. There is not one supplement that contains all that you need so you have to mix and match a bit. The most important ingredients are as follows: Phosphatidyl Serine is effective against early and advanced memory decline and is the most proven brain enhancing nutrient. GlycerolPhosphoCholine (GPC) is a natural brain enhancer with years of European research behind it. You can get these two nutrients in one supplement “Natural Brain Enhancers” I take these every day when I travel or have long meetings, they always keep my brain sharp and I’m not exhausted at the end of the day. To those two you can add Gingko Biloba – this is a herb that is renowned for reaching the parts other nutrients don’t reach i.e it stimulates peripheral circulation. So if you have cold hands and feet, or Raynauds Disease, you might find that your memory is a bit lacking too. Gingko also stimulates circulation to the nether regions! Vinpocetine - or Perriwinkle is a powerful memory enhancer and the Chinese herb, Huperzine helps with long term memory. SAMe is another brain enhancer and it also benefits the liver, the digestive system and the joints because of its sulphur content - so it’s a good one. So how to start. Pick a supplement that appeals to you and then add to it as you go, you need to be able to feel how that nutrient is affecting your brain and energy levels and then add to it as you feel necessary. Happy memories!


July 2012

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July 2012


Ailments & Health Concerns

Always a scary subject for men. It is estimated that men between the ages of 50 and 79 have a 1 in 6 probability of being diagnosed with prostate problems. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition that affects more than half of all men by age 50 with symptoms often appearing as early as age 40. It is characterised by a slow, progressive enlargement of the prostate gland which eventually causes problems with urination. So knowledge of how to start supporting your prostate now can take a lot of the worry away from the future. The use of herbs to support prostate health and proper urinary function has gained worldwide popularity, particularly in Europe, largely because of the success that has been reported in a number of clinical trials. In Germany and Austria plant-derived products are used as first-line treatment for prostate problems. Saw palmetto berry is the most widely used herb. Double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials utilising saw palmetto demonstrate marked reduction in symptoms without the side-effects associated with drugs. Drugs can take up to 6 months to a year to work compared with 30-45 days for the Saw Palmetto. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent. Vitamin E – is an antioxidant that protects cellular membranes from free radical destruction. Vitamin A – is important in the maintenance of skin tissue and is involved in testosterone metabolism. Prostatic zinc levels have been shown to correlate with Vitamin A levels. A deficiency of both Zinc and Vitamin A is associated with prostate cancer. A healthy prostate should have a higher concentration of Zinc than any other organ of the body. Men should realise that every time they have sex they lose Zinc which is another reason to be taking an all-round prostate support supplement. Pumpkin Seeds for more absorbable Zinc, Lycopene and Selenium to keep heavy metals at bay. Nettle Root acts as a hormone balancer and prevents the tubes from gravelling up! So rather than picking individual herbs to support your prostate, choose a prostate support supplement that has the majority of the above items in it. You can add extra Saw Palmetto to any formula if required. Finally don’t feel you have to have a zinc supplement by the bed!! – just make sure you take a daily prostate supplement that has zinc in it.


July 2012

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Comprehensive Prostate Formula contains potent levels of synergistic herbs, nutrients and phytochemicals that have been scientifically researched to support the health and wellness of the prostate gland.

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A unique formulation of pumpkin seed extract, saw palmetto, zinc, pygeum, lycopene, selenium and isoflavonoids from soy bean. Pumpkin seed extract may support prostate health, bladder and urinary tract health. Additionally, pumpkin seed capsules may aid in and enhance sexual potency. RRP £13.95

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Research has indicated a number of natural ingredients that are beneficial to the prostate gland. Prostate symptoms are a frequent cause of discomfort for many males. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH) (enlargment of the prostate gland) is a common problem mainly affecting men of over 50 years old.

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Prostasan contains an extract of Saw palmetto berries. It is a licensed traditional herbal remedy used to treat the urinary symptoms of BPH in men with the diagnosis of benign prostatic hypertrophy.


Size / Quantity 60 instant molded tablets Superior Source’s Prostate Helper is specially formulated to enhance prostate health. Saw Palmetto has been shown in clinical studies to have an important role in maintaining a healthy prostate. Pygeum bark, cranberry and zinc also support both prostate and urinary tract health.

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Size / Quantity 50 VCaps

Terra Nova Prostrate Support Complex can help keep the prostrate functioning properly alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise.

July 2012


Ailments & Health Concerns

A healthy live is a happy liver!

by Sarah Birrell

Your liver controls practically everything in your body – it’s real a multi tasker! • It breaks down and eliminates toxins. If your liver function isn’t working properly, toxins remain in the system, problems such as inflammation, the possibility of infections and food allergies can arise. • It breaks down and eliminates excess hormones, hormonal imbalances can occur, from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) to acne. • It balances blood sugar. When our blood sugar levels are high, just after consuming sugary foods and drinks, the liver has to store the excess as glycogen. When blood sugar levels fall, the liver releases glycogen to be broken back down into glucose. If the liver fails, the result is chronic fatigue, sugar cravings, and weight gain. • It produces bile, which helps digestion - it breaks down fat and takes away excess cholesterol. Without it, cholesterol levels rise and many digestive disorders can result, including bloating, IBS, nausea, food allergies and the inability to absorb nutrients, especially the fatsoluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Since the liver is the central clearing house of your body, detoxifying toxins, making fat from sugar, sugar from fat, and breaking down proteins, plus thousands of other critical functions, it is vitally important that you support it and try not to abuse it. One of the most dangerous things for your liver is drugs and paracetamol is up there at the top of the list. As little as 10 paracetamol can kill you - and 8 can harm you. A common cause of acute liver failure is Paracetamol overdose. While Paracetamol is the most common drug-induced cause of liver failure, there are many other drugs which are also liver toxic. If you are taking medication do check the side effects for liver toxicity. Finally alcohol, over 350,000 people in Britain are admitted to hospital for alcohol-related conditions each year. That’s a rise of 27 per cent in five years. This is not to say that a glass of good quality (Organic) red wine is not good for you – it is, it’s just the whole bottle at once that causes the problem! So support your liver with an all-round supplement that contains milk thistle because this is the one herb that protects your liver cells from damage. Use that as your bench mark and use a supplement that has all the other liver detox/support nutrients in it. These include artichoke, NAC, alpha lipoic acid, and dandelion and burdock. 16

July 2012

When we eat too much fatty food it increases an enzyme called alanine aminotransferase (ALT) – an enzyme which indicates liver damage and increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, as well as hepatitis C. To keep your liver in pristine condition you may want to consider a liver cleanse. But, don’t take the process too lightly. When cleaning your liver, the toxins stored in your liver will be dumped into your body and it’s up to your colon and kidneys to eliminate them quickly.

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July 2012


Hair Care

Most people normally shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. But with about 100,000 hairs in the scalp, this amount of hair loss shouldn’t cause noticeable thinning of the scalp hair. Hair loss can appear in many forms, depending on the problem that may be causing it. It can happen suddenly or gradually and affect just your scalp or your whole body. Some types of loss may only be temporary, while others could be permanent. Signs and symptoms of hair loss may include: Gradual thinning. By far the most common of all hair loss types, affecting both sexes at different stages of life. A man’s hair will usually start to recede from his forehead in a line that represents the letter M. A woman will usually keep her hairline at her forehead but usually experiences a widening where they part their hair. Circular or patchy baldness. A lot of people gain bald spots, which appear smooth and more often than not are only small - about an inch across (2.6 cm). Normally this type of hair loss will just affect the scalp alone but on some instances this may also occurs in the eyebrows or beard region. It has also been know to cause pain or irritation before the hair falls out. Sudden loosening of hair. Hair can sometimes loosen or fall out after an emotional or physical shock and can come out in hand fulls when you comb, wash or with a gentle tug - this kind of hair loss usually results in overall baldness and not just in patches. Full-body hair loss. Medical treatments and some kinds of conditions such as chemotherapy can cause the loss of hair from all over the body, due to the radiation. Nine times out of ten the hair grows back once the treatment is finished.

When to consult a doctor You should always consult your doctor if you notice any sudden changes. Hair loss is no different - if you do notice patchy loss or more than usual hair loss when showering or combing hair then you must seek medical advice as sudden hair loss can sometimes signal an underlying medical condition that may need treating.

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July 2012

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Hair Care



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Maxi-hair is full of ingredients which nurture suffering hair. If you find you’re losing hair as the result of an unhealthy diet with missing essential vitamins then this product will replace those vitamins and make up the difference. If you find this product doesn’t work you may be experiencing a pattern baldness that may well be hereditary or an underlying health issue - either way, consult a doctor RRP £14.25

£14.25 Code: 5318

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July 2012


Hair Care

Alot of people alternate between Nizoral and Jason prducts

1959. While the big companies mixed new chemicals to create perfumed skin creams that promised miracle results, petroleum hair gunk for that swell greaser look and a hair spray for helmeted ladies’ hairdos. A group of independent thinkers drew upon the pioneering spirit that was so much a part of their California heritage and set out on a road of rediscovery. Their’s was a path back to natural ingredients proven safer and proven to work together in naturally effective ways.

NIZORAL ANTI-DANDRUFF Size / Quantity 60ml

RRP £8.29

RRP £8.29

£7.99 £7.99 £7.99 Code: 4913 Code: 1820 Code: 1845 RRP £8.29

RRP £8.29

£7.99 £7.99 Code: 4914 Code: 1819


July 2012

£5.69 Code: 636

Nizoral Dandruff Shampoo not only treats and prevents dandruff, but also the inflammation associated with dandruff relieving scalp redness and itching. Its targeted action specifically treats the underlying cause of dandruff yet it is pleasantly gentle to your hair and odour free.

JASON thin to thick range features mild botanical surfactants that cleanse hair gently yet thoroughly and purify the scalp. The body building shampoo coats the hair with biotin, panthenol and plant proteins to add extra volume, shine and bounce to fine hair. Thin to thick extra volume conditioner also adds body to fine hair. This strengthening conditioner combines panthenol and biotin with nourishing vitamins A, C and E to smooth hair, improve manageability and help prevent fly-always and split ends, to give hair extraordinary volume, softness and lustre. RRP £8.29

RRP £6.79

DANDRUFF RELIEF Size / Quantity 335ml

If you ever had a dandruff outbreak, you know the drill: itchy, irritated scalp, flaking skin and a distinct hesitation to wear black. Treat your scalp with JASON dandruff relief shampoo. Natural scalp soothing, healing and moisturising botanicals are added to get dandruff at bay.

RRP £8.99

£8.55 Code: 4915

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Hair Care


Size / Quantity 473ml/454g

Leaves Hair with added Volume and Shine JASON Henna Shampoo creates lustrous highlights, super strength and great body naturally.



Formulated to gently cleanse the hair while repairing split ends and alleviating dry, itchy scalp, this luxuriously rich shampoo combines natural biotin.

Plant-derived Panthenols penetrate the hair shaft delivering long lasting moisture, reducing the formation of split ends and increasing volume and manageability.

Size / Quantity 500ml

RRP £6.29

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 5663

RRP £6.29

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 1824

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 5664

Size / Quantity 335ml

£6.03 Code: 5369

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 1842

£6.03 Code: 5373

See our full range of Jason products REVITALIZING VITAMIN E MOISTURIZING 84% ALOE VERA Size / Quantity 473ml, 454g Plant derived Panthenols penetrate the hair shaft delivering long lasting moisture, reducing the formation of split ends and increasing volume and manageability.

Size / Quantity 473ml, 454g

Leaves your hair silky, more manageable, with less frizz-and it’s gentle enough for daily use. Plus, it’s safe for color-treated hair.

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 5373

Size / Quantity 473ml, 454g

Helps protect hair from the harsh environment while imparting strength and vitality.

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 5369

RRP £6.29


RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 1823

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 1846

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£6.03 Code: 5370

RRP £6.29

£6.03 Code: 5374

July 2012


Hair Care

years of organic lifestyle 5 1 g n i t a r b Cele RRP £7.75

£7.44 Code: 1323 RRP £6.75

£6.61 Code: 1321

RRP £7.75

£7.44 Code: 1322

RRP £6.89

£6.66 Code: 2432

All we want for our little ones is to give them the best we can and help them grow up in the best possible way. This award winning, environmentally friendly, special range of baby and children products are great no only for your kids but for the planet too. Give your child the best start in life with pure, organic products from Green People. Their organic baby range and natural skin care for children is made without ingredients such as petrochemicals and harsh SLS.

Whatever your hair type, Green People’s effective, gentle and more importantly natural and organic hair care products work to restore your hair’s natural shine. Instead of harsh chemical ingredients that dry out your hair and leave it looking dry and lifeless, their organic hair care contains plant extracts and essential oils that fill your hair with vitality and shine. Join us in celebrating 15 years of healthy, organic lifestyles. RRP £9.95

£9.50 Code: 5502


RRP £9.95

£9.50 Code: 5503

July 2012

RRP £9.95

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RRP £10.95

£9.53 £10.43 £10.43 Code: 951 Code: 1670 Code: 1669


Clean and Soft Skin for the Whole Family, Excellent value - a little goes a long way! RRP £9.95

£8.99 Code: 1474

RRP £9.95

£9.49 Code: 1476

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

Hair Care



Get fuller, thicker hair naturally with Biotene H-24 shampoo. The formula features biotin and peptides. Biotene H-24 from Mill Creek Botanicals is a complete system of hair care specially designed to help hair look and feel thicker. RRP £9.99

This conditioner naturally makes hair feel and look thicker and fuller. This is Phase II of the Biotene H-24 System. Biotene H-24 from Mill Creek Botanicals.

Size / Quantity 250ml

Size / Quantity 250ml

RRP £9.99

£8.47 Code: 5005

£8.47 Code: 4911

See our full range of Giovanni products

Giovanni hydrat hair care shampoo is ideal for alleviating a dry, flaking scalp and stimulating scalp circulation. The natural antiseptic qualities of tea-tree, eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint help to eliminate dandruff whilst removing styling product build-up and swimmers chlorine, leaving hair shinier, fuller and more manageable a truly triple treat for your locks. • 250ml Hydrat hair care invigorating shampoo - all hair types • 250Ml Hydrat hair caret invigorating conditioner • 147Ml Maximum hold hair spritz

RRP £15.99

£15.39 Code: 6601

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July 2012


Hair Care

When washing your hair with shampoo, it acts as a cleaning agent and will strip the oils from your hair. Naturally, hair is expected to be a little oily, so when you wash with shampoo your follicles produce more oil to compensate for oil that’s been lost, resulting in greasy hair. On the flip side, not washing naturals oils away activates a kind of feedback mechanism meaning the follicles produce the correct amount of oil, meaning you won’t end up with greasy hair. Now, we are not saying don’t wash your hair, just not with shampoo or soap - just use water as the water will take away the bad bits (like dirt or dead hair etc) but the essential oils remain there to help protect your hair.

Stop using shampoo’s and conditioner’s! As we said, shampoo strips your hair of natural oils preventing a buildup of dirt but ultimately making drying ourt your hair. Your hair will eventually overcompensate resulting in greasy hair. Be patient...It usually takes six to eight weeks for your naturally balanced oils to fully restore them selves. Your hair will become greasy during this time, the worst will be weeks 3 and 4. Using hot water, rinse your hair thoroughly removing all dirt and extra oil from the hair, rinse then with cold water, making your hair shiny and smooth. Regularly brush your hair, also a scalp massage brush is perfect to combat dandruff and stimulates healthy hair. Be confident! So long as you stick to the above points, your hair won’t smell or look dirty. People will never notice a difference!


RRP £3.49

£3.11 Code: 4638


£3.56 Code: 5909

July 2012

RRP £5.99

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£3.46 Code: 5906

£4.76 Code: 5907

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Hair Care

LOVEA BIO BURKINA SHEA NOURISHING SHAMPOO Size / Quantity 200ml 100% natural

The shea tree gives birth to large oval nuts. Within these nuts, almond is a very fat. Under the traditional method, the kernels are crushed, reduced to a paste which is then dipped into a pot of boiling water. Once cooled, an oily paste is collected and kneaded to give the shea butter. RRP £4.99

£4.75 Code: 4731 RRP £5.49


£4.57 Code: 4730

Size / Quantity 200ml 100% natural

Argan oil is extracted from the Argan tree which grows in southwestern Morocco. After harvesting, the fruits of the Argan tree are dried in order to help their pulping. Using rollers, the result is a creamy paste that Moroccan women knead by mixing it with warm water. This paste was then pressed to extract a precious juices: Argan oil.

See our full range of Lovea & Palmers products RRP £4.59

£4.10 Code: 5903


A revolutionary water-resistant emulsion formula that combines Vitamin E, Olive Oil and Soy Protein to coat and protect the hair shaft, allowing hair to grow longer. Hair is protected from humidity and other harsh environmental factors.

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RRP £5.19

£4.99 Code: 500

July 2012

RRP £8.59

£7.69 Code: 3990


Hair Care

RRP £6.99

£6.15 Code: 5067


New Sublime Mousse from L’Oréal Paris - an incredible mousse sensation. Application gets easy! Non-drip mousse, no sectioning, no mirrors. Massage on, as easy to apply as a shampoo. Colour gets luscious. Natural looking and glistening. Permanent colour, blends away greys. It is the newest form of haircolor ever to touch your hair. From the first pump, you’ll feel the softness and experience how easy it is. It instantly foams up and surrounds your hair with smoothing and nourishing conditioners to give you luminous color root to tip. Directions Pour. Rotate; Don’t shake. Pump. Massage in.


July 2012

Cameron Diaz’ - ‘Radient Golden blonde’

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Hair Care


Fearne Cotton ‘Pure light blonde’

Eva Longoria ‘Pure light brown’

RRP £6.99

£6.15 Code: 4576

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£6.15 Code: 4575

r? Whether you are ur current hair colou the Are you bored of yo eir hair colour with loves to change th and ir ha ur yo just someone who to update or if you just want , the So e. pir ins changing season, nds are sure to tre lor co ir ha e es overall look, th choose? shade you should question is… what RRP £6.99

£6.15 Code: 5066

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£6.15 Code: 4574

RRP £6.99

£6.15 Code: 3749

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July 2012


Hair Care


Natural plant-based ingredients nourish and protect your hair while providing vibrant, long lasting color. • Specially formulated for people who want a healthier way to color their hair. • Free of harsh chemicals that can damage hair and leave it dull, dry and brittle. • Includes botanical extracts that revitalise hair. • Pleasant smelling -- no ammonia, no parabens, no resorcinol. • Covers gray in one application. • 29 mixable shades, so there’s a color just right for you.


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July 2012


Hair Care

Food to keep your hair on!

Ingredients: • One slice calves’ liver per person • Bag of spinach per person • 2 large sweet potatoes • Garlic bulb • Mayonnaise • Dijon mustard • Olive oil • Dried Rosemary

Directions: Cut the sweet potatoes into wedges about one fat finger thick. Put them into a baking dish, coat with olive oil and sprinkle with rosemary and the chopped garlic (amount according to taste). Cook for 30 minutes stirring occasionally. Open the mayonnaise, decant enough and stir in a dessertspoon of Dijon mustard per person. Wash the spinach and put into a saucepan to cook with some sea salt. Salt and pepper the liver – heat the olive oil in a frying pan and stir fry the liver for about 2 minutes on each side. Serve by placing the liver on top of the spinach surrounded by the sweet potato wedges and a large dollop of the mustard mayonnaise. Garnish with tomato.


July 2012

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Hair Care

Think quality and quantity Having thick or long hair, you may need two boxes of hair colour so you have the extra on hand in case you don’t have enough! Take precautions if expecting Despite the cautioning, there are expectant mothers who won’t want to give up their hair colour, use an ammonia-free formula or highlights, as highlighting doesn’t touch the scalp. Know your limits You can’t go from brunette to blonde in one step. A box colour won’t significantly lighten previously dyed hair! Do your homework Read the instructions very carefully, then read them twice and follow them faithfully. The package insert will tell you everything you need to know.

Wash your hair a day before You need the natural oils on your scalp to protect it so let your hair get a little dirty before you dye. Hydrate extra-dry hair Dry, brittle hair is more porous than healthy hair and absorbs colour more readily. A strand test is a big must so you know how long it’ll take to develop. Keep it tidy! Be as neat as possible, the tidier and more orderly you are, the less likely you are to make mistakes, and the better your results will be. Maximize new colour with the right hair care products Start by not shampooing within 24 hours of colouring; and washing immediately after will wash out some of the colour, too. Know when to think outside the box - hit the salon for inspiration!

Please visit for thousands more products - from skin care to pet care at great prices. RRP £10.99

£9.49 Code: 4028

RRP £10.99

£9.49 Code: 4025

RRP £10.99

£9.49 Code: 4024

RRP £10.99

£9.49 Code: 6694

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RRP £10.99

£9.49 Code: 4222

July 2012


Hair Care

LOREAL EXCELL 5 MINUTE MENS HAIR DYE Size / Quantity 35ml How often should I color my head hair? Most men need to color their hair about every 6 weeks, which can vary depending upon how quickly your hair grows. The best test for when to color is just to look for signs of gray returning. How often should I color my facial hair? You’ll know when you look in the mirror. When the gray roots are visible, it’s time to color again. How does the dye deliver a natural look? It targets only the gray hair for a natural look, leaving your non-gray hairs alone. The result is hair colour that looks like it’s your own, original color. Should I use male colour instead of women’s? Women’s products change the color of every hair on your head, whether it is gray or not - providing a less natural look. They also come in a variety of fashion colors, which are not appropriate for men who don’t want obvious color changes. How do I select the shade that is most natural? Always start with a lighter shade than you need to avoid an obvious color change. The most common mistake is to pick a shade that is too dark, resulting in color different from your original. Are repeat applications the same as a first-time? No, be sure to read the ‘Repeat Application’ info in your box. You will only want to apply color to your gray roots. Otherwise, the ends will get darker with each application. Do I need a special shampoo? Just use a mild shampoo, such as shampoos for colored hair. Avoid using harsh shampoos or bar soap as they can strip color and cause fading. Should I color my hair before or after a haircut? Always after, this way you avoid having your ends turn darker with a new application. Does hair dye damage my hair? No, it’s actually good for your hair. With no harsh ammonia and just five minutes of processing time, it’s gentle. Plus, they are fortified with a unique complex of Vitamin E, protein, chamomile and aloe. These vitamin-enriching conditioners protect your hair during coloring, and they make it thicker, healthier-looking and easier to control afterwards. 32

July 2012

L’Oréal Paris’ Men Expert - Excell 5 minute mens hair dye is designed to restore your natural colour, by blending away greys for up to 28 shampoos. Excell 5 mens hair dye is applied using an innovative easy-brush applicator, which allows for either targeted or all-over application. Once the hair dye has been applied, the formula takes just 5 minutes to develop, resulting in a natural-looking colour. Unlike other mens hair dye, L’Oréal Excell 5 does not contain ammonia, and does not turn brassy or coppery! With Excell 5’, you’re just a few brush strokes away from a younger-looking you! Simple, Fast, Subtle. RRP £8.16

£6.19 Code: 4288

£6.19 Code: 4290

RRP £8.16

RRP £8.16

£6.19 Code: 4289

RRP £8.16

£6.19 Code: 4291

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Hair Care


This thick, no-drip hair colour is easy to shampoo-in. It stays put. No mess. Grey is gone in 5 minutes - the time it takes to shave or shower. Just For Men hair colour won’t change your natural colour, it actually targets grey and blends in several close, but slightly different shades that match the rest of your hair. Fortified with vitamin-enriched conditioners; it’s been improved with a unique complex of Vitamin E, protein, chamomile and aloe for thicker, healthier-looking hair that’s easier to control. One application lasts up to 6 weeks. It won’t wash out, won’t fade out, no matter how often you shampoo. Lasts until the grey grows back. RRP £7.95

£7.25 Code: 2183

RRP £7.73

£7.25 Code: 3855

RRP £7.73

RRP £7.73

£7.25 Code: 883

£7.25 Code: 484

Please visit for thousands more products - from skin care to pet care at great prices.

RRP £7.73

£7.25 Code: 3857

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£7.25 Code: 3856

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RRP £7.73

£7.25 Code: 3856

£7.25 Code: 1305

July 2012


Pet Care

Ray O’Mahony - PhytoForce Is your dog itching and scratching? Do they have frequent ear infections or poor coat quality? You could be contributing to your dog’s distress without knowing it if she’s allergic to what you’re feeding her. Food allergies are a rising concern with dog owners and it seems like more and more dogs are suffering from them. If a food allergy is suspected all the components of the dog’s diet, including treats, must be looked at. Owners may also consider choosing a complete food with a single protein source and a single carbohydrate source that the dog has not been exposed to previously. This reduces the variety of proteins the dog is faced with and thus, the likelihood of a reaction. Phyto-force recommend foods containing potato as a carbohydrate source, as they feel dogs digest them better than grain-based diets. A fish and potato diet is often the best place to start, provided of course these ingredients have 34

July 2012

not formed part of the diet to date. Although many foods are now labelled as wheat-gluten-free there can be cross-reactivity with other members of the wheat family like spelt, rye and barley. Rice is another common carbohydrate source in hypoallergenic diets but it does not suit all dogs. The dog must get absolutely nothing other than the selected food for the entire period, and this includes treats and titbits. Once the condition has settled, individual foods can gradually be added back into the diet, one at a time. A few weeks should be allowed between each new addition so that if the dog begins to react, the offending item can be identified and permanently removed from the diet. Some vets advise using a sacrificial protein source for a couple of months until all clinical signs settle down, then to introduce a new protein source on which to maintain the dog. Take a look at some of our helpful products.

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Pet Care

The most important part of any herbal formula, and it may sound obvious, are the herbs. The identity and quality of the original ingredients are paramount. But even high-quality herbs will loose much of their activity if the processing or extraction is below par. Most herbal products on the market for animals, and people, consist of dried or powered ingredients with no supply chain traceability. Dried herbs and particularly powdered herbs deteriorate rapidly unless storage conditions are perfect. There is no regulation what so ever within the supplements market and only the most expensive herbs are ever validated for activity post-import. This leads to the wholesale use of poor quality, poorly preserved herbs with little intrinsic activity. That is why PhytoForce use only UK grown herbs that are processed immediately on harvest. We capture all the vital energy of each herb at its peak, locking it into our tonics for maximum health giving benefits for your companions.


RRP £19.99

£14.99 Code: 6261

Planes, trains, cars & ships…All the noises and bumps, bright lights and strangers… Help your pet relax! Travel Paws is a balanced and carefully designed formula that is calming to the nerves without the nasty side effects. Science has uncovered how your dog’s brain and nervous system respond to the correct nutrients.

Please visit for thousands more products - from skin care to pet care at great prices. RRP £29.99

£27.25 Code: 6803

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£27.25 Code: 6490

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£27.25 Code: 6492

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£27.25 Code: 6493

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£27.25 Code: 6491

July 2012


Pet Care

Words by Sarah Birrell

Let’s not forget, in the world of extra ordinary supplements for us adults, that there are vets who are formulating similar products for our four legged best friends. There is an exceptional vet called Ray O’Mahony who has put together a range of herbal products called PhytoForce. This is uniquely for dogs and consists of anti-oxidants, anti-aging ingredients to help with stiffness and joint care, anti stress formulas along with nutrients for the skin and coat. Everything you need to keep your best friend in tip top condition. These products are thoroughly researched and are natural herbal formulas. You can even get a good bugs, probiotic formula for when your pet has had a course of anti-biotics to replenish their gut flora – just like us. For all the other animals, from a guinea pig to a horse, there is a Swiss yeast formula called Anima Strath for all animals based on ‘plasmolysed yeast’. A herbal yeast food which benefits all animals. This comes in liquid form so that you can add it to their drinking water, or granules to sprinkle on their food. It helps build up the animals immune system and increases vitality and quality of their coat/feathers. Also if any of your animals have crusty eyes or problems with flies and eye irritation or debris you can use Ark Naturals Eyes So Bright which is based on the herbs Golden Seal and Echinacea, another gentle way of relieving your pet’s health


July 2012

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Pet Care

You can get a multi vitamin for your pet, a breath freshener – especially good when you are travelling together in the car in hot weather! There is also animal Glucosamine for keeping your cat and dog’s hips and joints strong and mobile. Life Extension from America make a dedicated formula for both dogs and cats, which consists of a protein mix that each species needs for their digestion and anti-aging. Both dogs and cats are carnivorous so the amino acids in the formulas make up for any lack of meat in their diet by providing the correct protein mix as well as a load of great anti-oxidants and vitamins and minerals. The wonderful Dr. Mercola from America whose formulas for us are outstanding, has formulated a Co-Enzyme Q10 supplement for pets. Co-enzyme Q10 supports the cardiovascular system, boosts the immune system, puts oxygen into the tissues and encourages healthy gums. Pets these days have a lot of problems with teeth and gums so a little bit of extra Q10 in their diet would be so helpful, add on the other things that Q10 does and you have a pretty amazing pet supplement. Finally, its holiday time, the sun should hopefully shine and you and your dog are off on holiday.

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This means long journeys in the car and probably in a boat as well. When a dog is left alone in a boat it can be very stressful for them as the noise of the engines, the unfamiliar smells, the rocking and swaying and not knowing when you will be coming back. These are the times that you need to give your dog a herbal, safe travelling supplement that will calm them, help them to sleep through the journey and be relaxed at the other end. So, there you have it – a complete new way of looking at your animals health – so much to choose from and all completely natural.

July 2012


Pet Care

JARROW PET DOPHILUS Size / Quantity 2.5oz powder

Pet Dophilus is a probiotic formulation of four species designed specifically for the intestinal health of your pet. Among the dominant intestinal flora of cats and dogs are the Lactobacillus rhamnosus and E. faecium, which comprise 80% of the probiotics in Pet Dophilus. Bifidobacterium longum and B. pseudolongum are also found in the flora of cats and dogs. Pet Dophilus is in a base of metabolin, whey protein, and vitamin C.

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£13.59 Code: 6240

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£4.78 Code: 5085


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£5.74 Code: 5082

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£16.55 Code: 6702

ANIMA STRATH HERBAL YEAST FOOD SUPPLEMENT FOR ALL ANIMALS The positive efficacy of Anima-Strath has been proved and confirmed by comprehensive scientific research carried out in Swiss university institutes and abroad.

Please visit for all your favourite products RRP £19.50

£13.99 Code: 6786

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£15.99 Code: 6326

Size / Quantity 54ml Your pet’s body requires cellular energy to properly function. Not only does energy keep your pet alive and active, it also promotes health in many ways you can’t even see. RRP £35.99

£24.99 Code: 6804 ARK NATURALS EYES SO BRIGHT Size / Quantity 118.3ml

Ark Naturals Eyes So Bright Gentle Eye Wash Cleanser removes encrustations and foreign debris.

RRP £19.99

£15.99 Code: 6802 A totally natural sunscreen for the whole family. Biodegradable and environmentally friendly suns creams are rich in organic ingredients, naturally water resistant for at least 40 minutes, safe for children of all ages, block both UVA and UVB rays, and thoroughly moisturise while they protect you from the sun. Previously sun-shy Badgers can now be sighted around the world with their noses happily pointed towards the warm, luxurious sunshine! We’ll meet you at the beach! Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

July 2012


New Lines

Looking after the most important people in our lives

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£8.35 Code: 6538 40


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New Lines

From Dolphin’s Ayo Hart

RRP £12.99

£8.99 Code: 6537

The skin is our largest organ and we need to be aware that much of what we rub on our skin ends up in our bloodstream. Babies and children have even more porous skin than adults so artificial fragrances, dyes, petrochemicals and other harsh ingredients are irritating to the body both inside and out. There continues to be a regular run of bad publicity both about some of the harsh chemicals, additives and production practices of mainstream personal care products which can potentially have harmful long term impacts on a baby’s health. Even long established recognisable brands have been irretrievably tarnished by this. Ultimately, this has re-focused parent’s attention on the long term benefits of an organic and natural lifestyle across all product categories. The lack of any strong regulatory environment is also being recognised by many consumers who are self-educating. I always recommend that parents carefully scrutinise labels. First, look for either the EcoCert, NSF and QAI seals or USDA. If you don’t see a legitimate seal on the label (not one created by the brand), the product is not high in organic content. By ensuring the product is organic, you know the raw materials are non-GMO and are grown by farmers who emphasise the use of renewable resources without having to use harmful, conventional pesticides. When looking at ingredients, parents should avoid products with any of the following: • Phthalates - Research says exposure might be linked to developmental and reproductive toxicity, particularly to male fetuses. Even if a product contains phthalates, the label might not list it as an ingredient if it is a component of a fragrance because the ingredients in a fragrance are protected under trade secret laws. That is why parents should always look for Fragrance Free products or products that are only naturally scented with essential oils and extracts. • Parabens - Limited research indicates parabens may disrupt the body’s hormone systems, and there is enough concern about methylparaben that it has been banned or deemed unsafe for use in certain cosmetics in the EU. Much of the nail polish that is available in the States would’ve been banned in Europe decades ago.

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

July 2012


New Lines • Formaldehyde – Believe it or not, is still found in many cosmetics on the market. It has only been limited in US cosmetics because of proven links to cancer and reproductive/developmental toxicity toluene. It has been banned or found unsafe in cosmetics in Japan and is restricted in cosmetics in Canada. • Propylene Glycol – Although it has determined to be “generally safe for use”, research shows that it raises your risk of cancer, carries toxins that affect reproduction and the immune system and is a known allergen and eye irritant. • 1, 4 dioxane – this ingredient does not appear on the ingredient list, but parents should avoid products with the following ingredients or partial ingredients on the label: PEG, polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene, -eth (such as sodium laureth sulfate), oxynol, ceteareth, or oleth • Oxybenzone – (found in some sunscreens) Limited research shows links to developmental toxicity and hormonal disruptions with high exposure. Of course, there is much mixed research about what specifically causes irritation and increased risk of disease. However, it is not up for debate that there continues to be a significant increase in the incidence of cancer, infertility and childhood allergies. A couple of generations ago, most of what was used to wash the body, clothes and home was made with a few simple ingredients. Most of what was consumed was grown naturally and locally. Simple is always better when it comes to what you are ingesting, and one must remember that you ingest what you put on your body. Dolphin Organics sits head & shoulders above other products. When they launched their company last year, they were committed to creating the safest, most natural fragrance free products for babies and children. They still remain true to their mission, however, with the launch of their new Simply Citrus line and our DO Naturals™ sunscreen, they have rapidly become a favorite in mum’s bag as well. “Our company started with my husband making soap with our girls. They enjoyed the time in the kitchen with their father and his undivided attention - little did they know they were also receiving lessons in maths, chemistry and physics as they mixed the different oils and ingredients. I highly recommend families try making their own product, it’s a memorable experience. Try, they have a fantastic collection of DIY recipes on their website, just click the red “Get Involved” tab and choose “Get Crafty”.”


July 2012

RRP £19.99

£13.29 Code: 6604


MINERAL SUNSCREEN Size / Quantity 91ml

• Fragrance Free • Hypoallergenic • SPF 32 • Based in certified organic aloe, not water


Size / Quantity Contains 4 items & natural sponge

• Shampoo & body wash, hair conditioner, lotion & bubble bath

RRP £16.99

£11.99 Code: 6542

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

New Lines

Parents trust Original Sprouts superior performance & worry-free ingredients. Cancer & early puberty can be linked to hormone disruption, hence no natural or synthetic hormone disrupters such as soy, yam, tea tree, lavender, parabens, titanium dioxide, formaldehyde or nano-particles are used in their formulas. In addition products are free of insect attracting honey or soda fragrances. Original Sprout uses fragrances & essential oils that are approved by The European Cosmetics Directive. By creating safe fragrances smelling good is worry-free!

See our full range of Original Sprout products at RRP £17.50


RRP £16.50

RRP £14.50

RRP £15.50

£13.20 £11.20 £11.70 Code: 4705 Code: 4704 Code: 4706

RRP £13.50

RRP £10.50

£11.72 Code: 4703

£13.95 Code: 4702

£8.60 Code: 4707

Leave in Conditioner 354ml 100% Vegan Deep Conditioner 354ml 100% Vegan Hair and Body Wash 354ml 100% Vegan Natural Curl Calmer 118ml 100% Vegan Natural Shampoo 354ml 100% Vegan Miracle Detangler 354ml 100% Vegan Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

July 2012


New Lines

Only through research and exploration can concerned parents make informed purchasing decisions. Understanding how traditional chemical UV absorbing sunscreens contribute to potentially detrimental effects physiologically and environmentally, is centerpiece to our community educational initiatives. No longer can we blindly accept traditional norms as the way things should continue. Instead, in choosing products, we need to understand the inter-connectivity between ourselves and the environment.

This may very well be the definitive sunscreen available, either natural or chemical. It is fragrance free, non comedogenic (doesn’t clog pores), hypoallergenic and free from chemical UV absorbers. the Ecō range delivers the essence of balanced natural protection from harmful UV rays and provides nutritious support for the skin. Utilising potent antioxidants (Green Tea and Grape Seed) and key anti-aging ingredients (Shea butter, Jojoba and Silicon Dioxide), Ecō delivers extensive moisturising and nourishing properties to maintain the hydration of the skin. Ecō also provides collagen support to help reduce fine line wrinkles, and repair weathered and sun damaged skin by promoting cell renewal and circulation. Ecō BABY provides the same level of UV protection as other Ecō products, the same level of water resistance, yet it goes even further in moisturising and nourishing the skin for the most gentle and sensitive members of your family. RRP £13.99

£9.97 Code: 6376


July 2012

RRP £16.99

£11.69 Code: 6377

RRP £17.49

£11.99 Code: 6375

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

RRP £7.99

£6.68 Code: 6732

RRP £7.99

£6.68 Code: 6733

RRP £7.99

£6.68 Code: 6734

RRP £7.99

£6.68 Code: 6735 8 benefits in 1: Creates a natural glow. Compliments skin-tone. SPF 30 UV protection. Hydrates all day. Blurs imperfections. Oil free, non-greasy. Looks visibly smooth. Feels fresh.

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

July 2012


New Lines

One of the best probiotic foods is livecultured yogurt, especially handmade. Look for brands made from goat milk that has been infused wit h extra forms of probit oics like lactobacillus or acidophilus.

Why choose Natural Factors?

Natural Factors has been bringing people the very best natural health solutions - vitamins, minerals, herb and plant formulas and specially formulated natural solutions for the past 5 decades. The dedicated experts at Natural Factors share your enthusiasm for natural products. They ensure that their products have been tested and proven to meet, or exceed, nutritional guidelines set out by the industry. Their research and development team consistently create efficacious, pure and potent supplements and functional foods based on the latest scientific discoveries and extensive clinical and laboratory studies. Whatever your age or health status, unique natural formulas are specifically formulated to address the needs of men, women and the needs of growing children.

RRP £25.99

£20.99 Code: 6667

MULTI PROBIOTIC Size / Quantity 60 Vegetarian Capsules

• Restores and maintains healthy intestinal balance. • Helps immune system. • Protects gut surfaces. • Controls “leaky gut”. • Helps to manage food allergies, intolerances & other reactions. • Lowers cholesterol levels. • Improves breath.

See our full range of Natural Factors products at RRP £21.33

£18.99 Code: 6670


July 2012

ZYMACTIVE Size / Quantity 90 Tablets

Zymactive is a unique enzyme complex that is more than twice as potent in protein digesting activity as the leading brand. • Aids in proper digestion • Reduces inflammation • Relieves pain for sports injuries or trauma • Support for sinusitis, asthma and bronchitis

RRP £15.26

£12.99 Code: 6668


Size / Quantity 200mg 90 Vegetarian Capsules

• Inhibits free radical. damage to the body’s cells • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. • Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. degeneration and glaucoma • Supports liver health. • Improves energy levels and mental concentration.

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960



New Lines

Biotin is actually a member of the Vitamin B family. And it’s true - biotin does assist with maintaining the health of many body parts, including keeping the hair and nails healthy. The reason why hair care companies jump on the biotin bandwagon is simple - biotin deficiencies actually cause hair loss. However, the answer to whether or not biotin products actually help hair grow faster is a little more complex. So, taking or using biotin products my help someone with a true biotin deficiency in the hair growing department, and support the natural growth of hair. Biotin is available in both oral supplement form and within hair care products that are applied topically, like shampoos and conditioners, your best bet is to take it in a vitamin form. Since biotin does contribute to overall health by helping both with metabolism and the manufacturing enzymes, it’s very helpful to take a supplement. RRP £9.37

£7.49 Code: 6665

RRP £13.04

£10.99 Code: 6669


DANDELION ROOT Size / Quantity 800mg 90 Vegetarian Capsules

• Improves liver function. • Detoxifies the liver from excess toxins and hormones. • Natural source of protein. • Increases bile production.

Empowering extraordinary health FLAXSEED OIL

Size / Quantity 1000mg 180 Softgels

• Certified organic flaxseed • Locally grown in Alberta, Canada • Excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. • Helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels • Prevents cardiovascular disease.

RRP £21.33

£18.99 Code: 6671

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40


Size / Quantity 90 Capsules

• May prevent antibiotic-induced diarrhea. • Promotes regular bowel movements. • Helps reduce cholesterol levels • Keeps a proper pH balance in the small intestine.

RRP £12.87

£10.39 Code: 6666

July 2012


New Lines

RRP £10.99

£7.43 Code: 6653

RRP £14.99

£12.99 Code: 6656

RRP £10.95

£7.99 Code: 6651

RRP £12.98

£7.65 Code: 6646

RRP £18.62

£16.99 Code: 6649

RRP £9.99

£4.99 Code: 6652

RRP £10.99

£6.99 Code: 6648

£11.99 Code: 6650

RRP £13.60

RRP £13.60

RRP £22.80

RRP £14.20

£11.33 Code: 6598

£11.33 Code: 6599

£18.99 Code: 6594

RRP £14.95

£9.29 Code: 6595

Supplements can be a little overwhelming at times, so for a more detailed description of each please visit 48

July 2012

Not everyone needs supplements, but elder adults certainly benefit from some of these supplements. Primarily, all your nutritional needs should be met through a healthy balanced diet. However, for a lot of people supplements are a very good way to gain those vital nutrients they may otherwise be lacking. So, before you go rushing out to buy supplements get some facts on what they can and can’t do for you. Firstly, supplements are not supposed to be used as a food substitute as they can’t completely replicate of all of the benefits and nutrients of your whole foods like fruit and veg. So, depending on your diet, lifestyle, and eating habits depends entirely on which you should need. If you are healthy and eat a wide variety of food such as veg, fruits, low-fat dairy, whole grains and leans fish and meat, its likely you won’t need to take supplements. If you are in any of the following situations it’s possible you may need supplements. • Pregnant Women. • Adults age 50 or older. • Don’t eat well or consume less than 1,600 calories a day. • Are a vegan or a vegetarian who eats a limited variety of foods. • Are a woman who experiences heavy bleeding during your menstrual period. • Have a medical condition that affects how your body absorbs or uses nutrients.

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

New Lines

RRP £30.99

£25.49 Code: 6662


VITAMIN CODE FAMILY Size / Quantity 120 Vegetarian Capsules

Perfect Meal is a delicious and satisfying high protein and high fibre dietary supplement, available in two great tasting natural flavors: creamy vanilla and milk chocolate. As part of a healthy diet and exercise program, Perfect Meal will help you successfully manage your weight by naturally curbing your appetite.

By providing select nutrients to support the immune system with added vitamins A, C, selenium and zinc as well as mental and physical energy with vitamin B complex, chromium and iron, Vitamin Code Family Formula provides a convenient solution for all members of the family.

Suggested Use:

Adults mix 2 scoops of Perfect Meal in 8 ounces of water and drink immediately to satisfy your appetite. If desired, take Perfect Meal about 1 hour before one or two meals a day.

RRP £42.71

£39.99 Code: 6663

RRP £42.71

£39.99 Code: 6664

Empowering extraordinary health GOATEIN


Proteins form the foundations for muscles, skin, bones, hair, teeth, blood, the brain, the heart and billions of biochemical activities in the body.

Research has confirmed tea’s extensive range of health benefits, including supporting antioxidant function, cardiovascular and cellular health, metabolism & energy levels.

Size / Quantity 440g, 13g per serving

Size / Quantity 60 Ultrazorbe Vegetarian Capsules

RRP £37.00

RRP £24.99

£34.99 Code: 6661

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

£14.49 Code: 5302

July 2012


New Lines

RRP £7.50

Bad hair day? No worries kids Mini-U has your styling needs covered, with 14 fabulous hair and skin care products you’ll be spoilt for choice. Mini-U combines natural ingredients with yummy scents to achieve products with dazzling results, for prices that won’t break the piggy bank. From shampoo to hair paste, lip balm to body wash, they’ve got it all going on! Infuse your baby with yummyness with this hydrating baby shampoo and conditioner created with natural ingredients to make washing baby fine hair painless. Their NO nasties, NO nonsense formula is sulphate free, extra gentle on eyes & scalp and quick to rinse, perfect for sensitive scalps, cradle cap and all baby hair types. Mini – U’s yummy smells are created with natural essential oils PHEW! NO artificial fragrance Ooh don’t forget this magic mix is highly concentrated so a little blob goes a long way!


July 2012

£5.75 Code: 6757

RRP £7.50

£5.75 Code: 6758

RRP £7.95

£5.89 Code: 6759

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

RRP £9.99

£7.59 Code: 6749

RRP £9.99

£7.59 Code: 6748

The benefits are abundant: its blend of six precious flower extracts and conditioning formula intensely nourish and it refines the hair surface for a smooth and silky shine… All in all, it is your shortcut to perfect-looking hair. Use one pump for short or two for long hair and apply to the mid-lengths and ends of wet locks and style as usual. For an extra hit of shine, apply a tiny droplet onto the ends. It really is that easy. Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

July 2012


New Lines

Vibrant Health. The power to heal. The energy to thrive RRP £46.95

£30.50 Code: 6724

RRP £40.75

£29.99 Code: 6725

Do you feel out of sync or sluggish? Aches and pains, skin or digestive problems? Or even struggling to shift a few extra pounds? It may well be time for a detox. It’s all about rest, nourishing and cleaning your body from the inside to the outside. You need to remove toxins and feed healthy nutrients, which renew your ability to gain optimum health and will prevent you from disease. It is generally safe to undergo a short detoxifying program or whole body cleanse. In fact detox has been proven beneficial to health through scientific studies. Please take caution if you are a new mother, or have a disease such as tuberculosis or cancer.



We often do not get enough of the trace nutrition needed to support optimum health. This concept provides the foundation of the entire nutrition supplement industry. Rainbow Vibrance, especially in combination with Green Vibrance and/or Field of Greens, is meant to assure, insure, and ensure nearly full trace nutrition.

Vibrant Cleanse is the rapidly soluble, convenient, powdered version of the lemonade diet. Its purpose is to mobilise and eliminate toxins stored in fatty tissue, liver, kidney and other organs. Vibrant Cleanse provides sufficient vitamins and minerals concentrated from the flowing early Spring sap of northern Maple trees, along with freeze dried organic lemon juice, and a dash of organic cayenne pepper.

Size / Quantity 177g 30 Servings


July 2012

Size / Quantity 360g 24 Servings

First you need to get rid of a few things: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, saturated fats and refined sugars, which are all toxins and prevent your body from healing. You will also need to reduce health and household products like shampoos, deodorants and cleansers etc (see page). Another obstruction is stress. Stress can provide an adrenaline rush to meet deadlines or win a race but too much creates toxins. Meditation is a good way to relieve stress - this resets your mental and physical reactions to your day to day stress. A detox program can help the body’s natural cleaning process by resting the organs, through fasting, and stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body.

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

New Lines

RRP £34.25

Ten tips to help you detoxify. Once finished your detox you can maintain your optimum health through a diet, supplements and a healthy lifestyle

£26.99 Code: 6728

RRP £30.55

£21.99 Code: 6726

1 Fiber is essential. Eat lots of brown rice, organic veg such as cabbage, beets, radish, broccoli, chlorella and seaweed - all are perfect for detox. 2 Protect and cleanse the liver through herbs: milk thistle, dandelion root, and plenty of green tea. 3 Vitamin C supplements help produce a compound called gluthathione that drives away toxins. 4 Try to drink 2 litres of water per day. 5 Take deeper breaths to allow better circulation through out your body. 6 Turn stress into positive thoughts and emotions. 7 Hydrotherapy is good. Take a really hot shower for 5 mins, with the water running down your back - then a cold shower for 30 secs. Follow these instructions 3 times then have a 30 min rest in bed. 8 Sweat it out in the sauna and allow your body to dispose of wastes by perspiration. 9 Dry-brush your skin or try detox foot spas/foot baths to remove toxins through your pores. 10 Exercise is the most important factor of any detox. Yoga or exercise at least 1 hour a day, even if its walking to the shops and back.

VIBRANT HEALTH GLYCEMIC VIBRANCE H Size / Quantity 180g, 90 Capsules

Nutrients in Glycemic Vibrance H have been selected for their role in supporting normal insulin uptake at the cellular level by providing a correct balance of nutrients associated with normal glucose metabolism within cells. Other ingredients inhibit the conversion of dietary carbohydrate to blood sugar at the border of the intestinal lining to help maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40


Size / Quantity 60 Tablets

A powerful immune support formula that supplies specific antibodies and recognized immune boosting dietary supplements in meaningful potencies. First Defense is the first natural product to deliver such a high level of immunoglobulins. Almost 80% of all disease-causing microbes enter the body through mucosal tissue. Immune cells located in the digestive tract walls produce immunoglobulins to help protect us against potential infections that might arise from unsavory organisms and toxins that may inadvertently arrive there with food or drink.

July 2012


Hard To Find Products

hard to find Products you just wont find elsewhere

Sleep Squares

Sleep Squares contain all natural active ingredients, including traditional herbs that help relax the body, calm the mind and allow for an easy transition into sleep; as well as vitamins and minerals that optimize sleeping patterns and maintain sleep though out the night. The synergy of Sleep Squares’ active ingredients, working together in low-level doses, is the key to its effectiveness.

But it’s Chocolate.. Slumberland Snacks Sleep Squares are a delicious, sugarfree (not a reduced calorie food) chocolate flavored dietary supplement to help you fall asleep fast, maintain sleep throughout the night, and wake up feeling rested and recharged without any grogginess or side effects.


July 2012

RRP £6.95

£5.95 Code: 6218

£5.95 Code: 6215

RRP £6.95

RRP £6.95

£5.95 Code: 6216

RRP £6.95

£5.95 Code: 6217


7 Chocolate Flavoured Pieces

Sleep Squares are an individually wrapped, delicious chocolate flavored, chewable dietary supplement to be enjoyed as a relaxing bedtime treat. Available in four tasty flavours - Original, Orange, Raspberry and Mint Chocolate.

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

Hard To Find Products

RRP £55.99

£38.99 Code: 6260

RRP £29.99

RRP £32.99

£20.49 £20.29 Code: 5276 Code: 5275


Available as 60 or 180 capsules, or 90 cinnamon flavour chewables L-tryptophan is a type of amino acid derived from plant sources. L-tryptophan is commonly used in herbal remedies as a potential means to treat ailments such as insomnia, depression, PMT, ADD, anxiety and sometimes may even be used to relieve cravings while you are trying to quit smoking.

Please visit for more information and many other products from Lidtke as well as other great brands! 5-HTP


5-HTP is known as a building block of serotonin, 5-HTP is only a stepping-stone between L-tryptophan and serotonin. It has no other function in the body but to produce serotonin.

According to studies, the primary ingredient in EndorphiGen, D-Phenylalanine (DPA should not be confused with DLPA), has the potential to raise endorphin levels.

60 capsules




Early in life, PS is manufactured by your body and found in heaviest concentration where electrical activity is highest, in your brain and nerve tissue.

Based on decades of painstaking research, GlycoTrol, has proven to have additional nutrients that play an important role in sugar metabolism.

• Exceptional source of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fatty acids, complete source of all 9 essential amino acids, dietary fiber. • Detoxification of heavy metals and other contaminants. • Closed tank cultivation removes risk of environmental contamination. • Vegetarian. No added gluten, wheat or dairy.

60 capsules

60 capsules

RRP £25.99

£19.99 Code: 5972

RRP £26.99

£19.99 Code: 5278

90 capsules

RRP £35.99

RRP £32.99

£29.99 £25.99 Code: 5973 Code: 5280

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

120 Vegetarian Caps

RRP £29.99

£25.99 Code: 5979

July 2012


Hard To Find Products

Hyland’s Muscle Therapy Gel with Arnica provides topical relief of muscle soreness, bruising and swelling due to overexertion or injury. It contains Arnica and provides natural, safe and effective pain relief, absorbs quickly and is never greasy.

alleviate symptoms such as creepy-crawly feelings or itching of the legs, or the compelling urge to move the legs, especially while lying down, sleeping, or sitting still for long periods. RRP £10.99

£9.95 Code: 6274

Hyland’s Leg Cramps is a traditional homeopathic formula for the relief of symptoms of cramps and pains in lower back and legs often made worse by damp weather.

RRP £10.99

£7.99 Code: 6281

RRP £10.99

£9.95 Code: 6279

Hylands Restful Legs natural homeopathic medication is specially formulated to help



They make nights bearable, days livable and truly make the teething years way more groovy. Easy to use, no mess, no fuss – Hyland’s Baby Teething Tablets have perfect timing, right there whenever you need them.

Whether your baby is 6 months or 3 years old, a nasty cold doesn’t care. Sniffles and coughs barge into a healthy baby’s system as fast as a sneeze and a bless you!

135 Tablets

RRP £12.99

£9.79 Code: 6271

125 Tablets

RRP £12.99

£10.45 Code: 6270


A parent’s touch is magic to a teething baby. And when that touch delivers soothing gel on irritated gums – it’s likely the pain disappears like magic.

CALMS FORTE 100 Tablets

Relieves stress & relaxes with chamomile – one of four botanicals in Calms Forté that have long been used for soothing nerves and edginess. Wake up alert & refreshed – since it contains no sedatives, you won’t have any foggy, groggy “hangover” feeling in the morning.

RRP £9.99

£7.59 Code: 6560 RRP £12.99

£8.99 Code: 6275


July 2012

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

Hard To Find Products


RRP £18.99

£14.99 Code: 6307

Natural Relief for: hay fever, allergies, sneezing, watery eyes, allergic reactions. For hay fever, best results are achieved when the medication is started 1 to 2 weeks before the onset of the allergy season and continued throughout the allergy period.

Thanks to seamless control and intensive research A.Vogel guarantee a consistently high quality in their products. At the same time they are always looking for new opportunities to enable them to expand their range for your benefit.


RRP £21.99

£12.29 Code: 6303

Echinacea is produced using extracts of freshly harvested, organically grown Echinacea purpurea herb and root, picked fresh and used within 24 hours of harvest.

Please visit for more information and many other products from A.Vogel as well as other great brands!

Dietary Supplements RRP £21.99

£12.29 Code: 6306

RRP £29.99

£16.99 Code: 6301

Homeopathy RRP £38.99

£20.25 Code: 6313

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

RRP £18.99

£14.99 Code: 6315

RRP £18.99

£14.99 Code: 6311

July 2012


Hard To Find Products

RRP £24.99

£20.77 Code: 6197

RRP £24.99

£20.77 Code: 6194


The beauty of Femenessence is that it works with your own body, stimulating your pituitary and adrenal glands and your nervous system to support and balance the levels of key hormones… and nothing is more natural than your own hormones. When hormone production is regulated and balanced, it is easier for your body to achieve overall harmony.


RRP £14.99

£10.45 Code: 6190

RRP £19.99

£16.49 Code: 6188

RRP £9.99

£6.28 Code: 6186

Herbatonin is a 100% natural source of melatonin from plants, extracted and concentrated in a naturally-occurring form. This plantmelatonin is embedded within specific plants and is bio-identical to human melatonin. Herbatonin vegetarian capsules contain only 100% pure herbal powder.

Please visit for more information and many other products from Natural Health International!

RRP £24.99

£20.77 Code: 6199


July 2012


L-tryptophan is a type of amino acid derived from plant sources. L-tryptophan, ADD, anxiety and sometimes may even be used to relieve cravings while you are trying to quit

RRP £24.99

£20.77 Code: 6192

Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

Hard To Find Products

organic teas

Served hot Swanson 100% Certified Organic teas are fragrant and stimulating. Served cold they are soothing and refreshing. They are Pure and Natural and contain no added extra ingredients.

RRP £7.99

£5.99 Code: 4678

RRP £9.99

£6.77 Code: 4679



Fragrant and flavorful, chamomile is one of the world’s best-selling and most cherished herbal teas. Perfect at the end of a busy day or any time you need a relaxing break.

Sweet and spicy ginger makes the perfect afterdinner tea. Served hot, it is fragrant and stimulating. Served cold, on the other hand, it is a soothing and refreshing beverage.

20 Teabags

20 Teabags

RRP £5.99

£4.80 Code: 4674

£7.48 Code: 4676



20 Teabags

Green tea is quickly becoming a leading beverage choice throughout the world thanks to extensive research that continues to confirm the health benefits unique to green tea.

RRP £8.99

20 Teabags

RRP £8.99

£8.99 Code: 4680

It has a mild, subtle flavor and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Red clover has been recommended by herbalists throughout the ages.

ROOIBOS TEA 20 Teabags

Rooibos is gaining increasing popularity thanks to its potential benefits and its distinct flavor, which many people enjoy as an alternative conventional black teas.

See our full range of Swanson products at Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

July 2012


sale SALE!


Final reductions on hundreds of products.

only while stocks last!

Nature’s Answer produces the finest liquid herbal extracts available. They are uniquely able to guarantee the quality of all of their liquid herbal extracts as they both manufacture and package all of the holistic remedies that they sell. Visit for more information on these products and more!

Sale Price

Sale Price




£6.78 Code: 6573

RRP £8.49

£8.99 Code: 6577

RRP £9.99

£12.25 Code: 6575

Sale Price

Sale Price

Sale Price




RRP £9.99

RRP £8.49

RRP £16.49

£9.45 Code: 5876 July 2012

£7.99 Code: 6578

Fragrance Deal PAUL SMITH MAN

Size/Quantity 50ml EDT Spray

Paul Smith Man arrived in July 2009 in black flacons with yellow and white letters. The perfume features yuzu bergamot annis; tonic patchuli and incense in a heart with a modern twist - iris violet and tonka in a finish of the composition.

RRP £15.49

£5.99 Each

Each month we work hard to secure the best offers for our readers and customers so that you can try something new at an unbeatable price.


£8.45 Each


Sale Price

Suppliers often come to us with great offers to get their new and best products into the homes of more people - because the best way for you to get to know what a product can do for you is to try it!


£9.57 Code: 6580

Sale Price

£5.00 £18.99 Code: 4426 RRP £35.00


Order online at, or please call us on 01534 885960

earth’s care SALE!


Size/Quantity 71g

Earth’s Care Pain Relieving Ointment is a powerful blend of three natural ingredients that provide soothing, penetrating relief from sore muscles, joint pain, backache and minor arthritis. Our proprietary formula features Camphor, Menthol and Wintergreen Oil that together work as an effective analgesic without petrochemicals, parabens or phthalates.



The Arnica flower, native to Europe, has a long history of use as a traditional remedy. Camphor, a versatile natural medicine for topical use, is derived from the bark of the Camphor Laurel tree and related species which are native to Southeast Asia. The Blue Gum Eucalyptus tree is originally from Australia, and the steam distilled oil from the leaves has multiple benefits.

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BIO-GLUCOSAMINE MEGA Size/Quantity 140 Tablets

Vital for healthy cartilage metabolism, supplementing with Glucosamine and Chondriotin has been shown from numerous studies to be effective not only to rehabilitate cartilage and renew synovial fluid but for treating osteoarthritis pain, and repairing damaged joints.

BIO-GARLIC TABLETS Size/Quantity 60 Tablets

Bio-Garlic is a formulation containing garlic powder dried in a special way to preserve the activity of latent chemical compounds prior to their activation within the body. recent studies have shown the effectiveness of garlic to inhibit the Herpes Virus and the Para Influenza virus.


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Pycnogenol has been demonstrated in various studies to be one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Pycnogenol stimulates production of antioxidant enzymes inside cells thus re-enforcing their own first defence line against free radicals. Look, feel and live better!

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July 2012

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£15.95 Code: 757 BIO-QUINONE Q10


Coenzyme Q10 (also known as ubiqinone) is a vitamin like substance which plays a vital role in the body’s energy supply mechanism, acting in conjunction with enzymes (hence the name coenzyme Q10) to convert sugars and fat into energy.

The Innate Immune System is the one we are born with. It is our fast acting first line of defence against infectious organisms. Start taking one Bio Glucan Tablet each day and keep your Immune System in prime condition!

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Vitamin C is essential for normal tissue growth and repair, playing a vital role in collagen formation and strengthening capillary blood vessels. Vitamin C strengthens ligaments and tendons, prevents bruising and is required for wound healing.

Bio-Selenium + Zinc is a composite food supplement. Selenium cooperates with vitamins A, B6, C and E, as well as the mineral zinc, in contributing to the body’s mechanism for neutralizing free radicals.

Size/Quantity 120 Tablets 750mg

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July 2012




The HypoWallet is robust and easy to carry making it perfect for endurance sports and exercise. This easy to identify kit is an essential tool for people who need an extra boost of sugar. Unique handy glucose kit

Contains fast acting measured dosages of carbohydrate Robust, convenient, portable packaging. Each Hypowallet contains a 10 pack of chewable Orange GlucoTabs, a 60ml shot of GlucoJuice and two 25g tubes of GlucoGel.


Maxi Slim enhances the effects of the active thermogenesis in your body, assisting the natural process of breaking up the calories you have consumed during the day. You will find that your appetite will be suppressed, your energy levels will increase and you will be satisfied with smaller portions of food.

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July 2012

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£14.50 Code: 1525 GLORIA VANDERBILT


£14.99 Code: 5892 HALLE BY HALLE BERRY

Size/Quantity 100ml Eau de Toilette

Launched by the design house of Gloria Vanderbilt in 1982, VANDERBILT PERFUME is classified as a refined, oriental, floral fragrance. This feminine scent possesses a blend of carnation, mimosa, rose, and other spicy oriental florals.

Sale Price

Size/Quantity 50ml Eau de Parfum Spray

Halle Perfume by Halle Berry, Oscar winner, actress and celebrity halle berry loves perfume and was tired of mixing other fragrances, so she created her own. This floral woody scent took two years to create with stars fig and mimosa, her favorite notes.

Sale Price



RRP £27.95

RRP £33.00



Size/Quantity 100ml Eau de Toilette Spray

This fragrance has a fresh white floral bouquet, with sparkling clementine, fresh pink muguet and soft, sensuous musk. Created in accordance to the tastes of Celine Dion herself this perfume is a must for any woman wanting to feel sensational!



Size/Quantity 75ml Eau de Toilette Spray

Everybody’s darling. Kylie Minogue launches her very first fragrance. Sensational singer, successful businesswoman, her universal appeal makes her a role model, a global icon that transcends borders and age groups.

Free magazine on orders over £20 & Free delivery on orders over £40

July 2012


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July 2012


go organic for healthy hair P H Y TO S C I E N C E PlANT PE R fOR mANCE wITHOuT COm PROm I S E Turn heads with healthy, glossy hair without the use of harsh chemical additives – just real Aloe Vera, Rosemary, Avocado and other powerful, yet gentle natural ingredients.

100% certified products




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100% 100%


10% of net profit is donated to charity







Green People products are not tested on animals and never contain: Sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate, parabens, lanolin, phthalates, propylene glycol, alcohol (ethyl alcohol, ethanol), irritating emulsifiers, synthetic fragrances, colourants, petrochemicals, urea, DEA, TEA or PEGs



The perfect combination • Coloured/blow dried hair • Helps strengthen dry and damaged hair • Renews natural oils & enhances shine



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