AUTHORITTI 80+PAGES U S D $ 0 0 0 JAKE GALLEN 5 . 0 MAY 2022 | ISSUE #53 THE MAGAZINE INDUSTRY EXPERTS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Why Bitcoin and What is It? PAGE 61 Here's How to Save Yourself from Self Sabotage PAGE 66 5 reasons your business needs a podcast to succeed! PAGE 74 The number one reason why people don’t buy coaching programs PAGE 28 How Virtual Assistants can improve your Sales Funnel PAGE 39 ADDICTED TO CRYPTO

Up until that moment, I had very little interest in NFT’s or understanding of NFT’s but he had so much conviction in his voice, I knew that he was serious. Needless to say that he has been my mentor the last 12 months and wow my eyes have been wide opened. You would think a 12 YO would be interested in gaming, but instead he spends hours upon hours listening to podcasts on everything to do with NFT’s and Crypto. That got me thinking. Is this kid on to something? So, I thought if he is spending so much time listening to podcasts, I might as well get him a coach so he can learn from an expert and start implementing. His first trade returned an $1,800 profit. His second $900. What was obvious to me was that this world was and is very intuitive to him and that made me very curious.
By Mary Henderson |
Thanks to my friend Dennis Yu, he introduced me to Jake Gallen who is my featured guest. He is young, smart and has one of biggest podcast following that is dedicated to NFT’s and Crypto. In this featured article, Jake has done a beautiful job of breaking down NFT’s, Crypto currencies and Bitcoin. I hope it opens up your curiosity to the world of digital currency and you explore it further. Enjoy this issue. It’s full of golden nuggets.
Photo by Melinda Hird
Then, I quickly got myself a coach to help fast track my knowledge because the Crypto world has a tribal language and requires a complete shift in mindset. I have learned so much not just from my coach, but from my son I have to admit, I love it. I am certain that there are a lot of people like me who want to be a part of this space, but don’t know where to start or who to trust. One thing is for sure, this world is unfortunately full of scammers. You must know where to go The best thing I could do to serve the readers of this magazine is to start a dialogue and invite people who are immersed in this space those who eat, breath and live Crypto, NFT’s and Bitcoin to help unpack the different layers of the Crypto world so you can decide if this dynamic and exciting world is for you or not 12 months ago, my 12YO Son said to me “Mum, all I want to do for the rest of my life is buy and sell NFT’s.”

CONTENTS 2 EDITOR'S NOTE 4 COVER STORY 22 GROWING, SCALING AND IMPROVING YOUR BUSINESS: JOHN KNOTTS Scaling Your Business Requires Cash 28 VIDEO MARKETING: DENNIS YU The number one reason why people don’t buy coaching programs 33 CAREER DEVELOPMENT: GINA RILEY Understanding and Positioning to Land in the Right COO Role Part 2/5: What Type of COO Are You? 39 VIRTUAL ASSISTANT: LINH PODETTI How Virtual Assistants can improve your Sales Funnel 44 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: LOUISE TAYLOR How’s your emotional bank account?l 50 MANIFESTATION: MARIA DAVIS How to bend time to increase your productivity and manifesting abilities 55 MINDFULLNESS: FALGUNI KATIRA 8 Ways Education Impacts Self Worth 61 BITCOIN: WADE GAIL Why Bitcoin and What is It? 66 NEUROSCIENCE: OMOZUA ISIRAMEN Here's How to Save Yourself from Self Sabotage 74 TOOLBOX: JAN SANTOS 5 reasons your business needs a podcast to succeed! 77 BUSINESS TOOLS 78 PODCAST OF THE WEEK 79 SUBSCRIBE TO AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE 80 TUNE IN TO THE AUTHORITTI5 0 PODCAST 81 PROMO AUTHORITTI5.0 AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 3

And during that same year of 2017, Jake co founded a ticket verification app known as Chameleon Verify Network, which was a P2P verification system that fought ticket fraud with an integrated social network and verification system; it operated for three years from summer 2017 through spring 2020 When the Las Vegas strip shut down due to the COVID pandemic in the spring of 2020, Jake quickly turned the page to his next chapter and created the Guest List Podcast, which focused on longform conversations with leaders, creators, and entrepreneurs in Las Vegas. That podcast quickly became the top six podcast in Las Vegas, receiving awards, publicity, and 40,000 downloads in its first two years. Today, Jake is pursuing his passion in the world of cryptocurrency and NFTs through multiple endeavors. Jake also co founded Nativ Research, a crypto consultation group that focuses on mainstream adoption in Las Vegas. He has sold three NFTs at Sotheby's auction house and rebranded the Guest List Podcast into the Jake Gallen Podcast, which focuses solely on crypto and NFTs
Mary Welcome to Authoritti5.0. Today, we have an amazing guest and honestly, I am so excited to have this person featured in the magazine and the podcast because we are going to talk about a very, very hot topic, which is cryptocurrency and NFT And if you've never gained the clarity around crypto or NFT, you are in for a real treat, because Jake Gallen is going to break down all the mystery around crypto and NFTs So before we get into our conversation, let me just give you a little bit of background of this awesome genius Jake is a born and raised native of Las Vegas, who found himself as a creator and a founder of multiple projects, organizations, and businesses. Upon college graduation, Jake dove immediately into the world of entrepreneurship and opened up his first business with his father called NextGen Pickers.
And that's why we have this genius on the show today. Jake, welcome to Authoritti5.0. Jake Wow, Mary Well, thank you for that incredible introduction I was just thinking about what a crazy five and a half years it's really been And in that entire time I had been involved in crypto, which was part of my background as I was trying to learn about just finance I didn't have a financial background, and the crypto rabbit goes deep and I still haven't been able to pull myself out of it And at this point, I don't think I want to I’m very excited for this conversation and to maybe help some people understand some of the complexities and the technical nuances of this new financial system that's being employed across the world. Mary You got it. Well, this issue of Authoritti5.0 is all about crypto, NFTs, and Bitcoin. I'm really grateful that I can speak to you given your background. There seems to be so much information out there, but most people can't get their head around these new digital currencies because there are lots of different aspects of where we are heading in this digital economy. And I want to break down the questions in this interview today for the listeners and the readers of Authoritti5.0 magazine. So let's start with the obvious: Can you describe what crypto, Bitcoin, and NFTS are in normal, basic layman language?

Jake Yeah, precisely So crypto is just crypto money, in the most simplistic terms When you're on the internet, especially when the internet first started, no one wanted to put their credit card information out there. And that was because they were afraid someone was going to steal their credit card information. And when it comes to credit cards and the traditional financial system, there are a lot of intermediaries that touch your money. So if I wanted to send you money, if I wanted to Venmo you money, our money would communicate through both our banks and also through Venmo and then to you So between us, it would be going through five different intermediaries Crypto changes that and creates this peer to peer monetary system where I just send you the money and nobody else touches it And then instead of having these intermediaries of banks and payment processors verify the transaction, the computer network, or what's called the miners, verify the transactions. And basically what they're doing is they're just decrypting or uncoding the message And the first six miners to uncode that message get rewarded in Bitcoin That's how it becomes this positive feedback loop. So essentially to me, it's just peer to peer money, but now it's become more of a narrative of peer to peer gold. And then there is an even deeper topic of what is value, which maybe we'll get into, because that could be a three hour conversation within itself. Mary Absolutely. I want to touch on that too, but before we get there, you discovered Bitcoin in 2016, if I'm correct You invested heavily and then you lost all of your investment in 2017 In fact, I think you said you got rugged hard These were the words that you used Then you spent three years immersed in this digital currency, and you were convinced that this would be the trajectory of your life So your story gets even more interesting because your background in trading antiques made you see that you can trade digital art in the same way, and in October, you were the first person to sell MoonCats at a traditional auction house: Sotheby’s
By the way, MoonCats is digital art, just in case people don't understand what that it means. Walk us through that life experience from 2016 to selling your first NFT at Sotheby's. What was the aha moment for you, Jake, that made you realize that this is 100% the future? Jake There are two different ways. There’s the fungible future, which is just Bitcoin Ethereum or what's called cryptocurrencies. I came across Ethereum in 2016, from the idea of smart contracts And to me, the idea of cutting out intermediaries made sense I could just have an Uber app, but instead of having that, I just paid the driver directly and having software in the intermediary completely made sense And I sat on the idea for a long, long time And then in early 2017 when Bitcoin and all these other cryptocurrencies started exploding, I came back to the idea, and I started looking even more deeply into Bitcoin. And the reason why is because Bitcoin

So I started researching all of these different books about economic policies, political ramifications, and corruption. I started realizing that this dollar system only exists because the government says it does. And when I had my antiques store in 2017, it really helped me understand the idea of value. So why would Aunt Susan come in and pay $400 for this 1970s radio? Meanwhile, one of my colleagues in high school wouldn't pay 3 cents for it. And so the idea was maybe nostalgia or just personalization, peer pressures or even force. And the reason the U.S. dollar has its value is because the America says it. And why does America have the power to say that? Because it has the strongest military in the world, and we've seen time and time again that the people who tried to go against it failed So the time that I had the antiques store really helped me understand value And yeah, in 2018, I made a very bad decision, which happens within crypto, but I'm glad that it happened then I took all of the money that I made in 2017 and put it into what was called an ICO at the time, which now is very bad because most of them are unregistered securities according to American policy And I never got that money, which was a hundred percent of the money that I had made in it. So I literally had just a few
was first, and it has an anonymous creator We don't know if it's one person, three people, boy, girl, no idea And then there were all these buzzwordd that really caught my eye: decentralization, permissionless networks, store a value like I said, I had no financial background And so I just kept diving deeper and deeper into this.
And within about a week, this was probably around April 2017, I was 100% convinced. This was the future. The idea that nobody can repossess my money, no one can take it away, I gain custody of it this had never existed before. The only time people had custody of their money historically was when they put hundred dollars bills under their mattress. And we know how that happens for a lot of people. It puts a lot of security risk on you, but if I could store it in many different ways and protect it myself, that was secure. If you looked historically, there were a lot of fiat systems or fiat like systems, government backed or monetary systems that failed and only lasted about a hundred years The American dollar is coming up on its hundred years, and its purchasing powers only decreased over that time And especially since we got off the gold standard in the seventies

So in March of 2021, there was something called the MoonCat rediscovery. And what was happening was as these were growing in attraction and attention, there were what's now called NFT archeologists. They were going through the blockchain history, looking for abandoned NFT projects. And at the time MoonCats were called the second oldest NFT. It's a 25,000 piece collection of pixelated cats that were created in 2017 and over these last four or five years, only 5,000 of 25,000 had been minted So there was this mad rush for everyone to mint out for free It was for free, just gas, to collect what's called the second oldest NFT Even now to this day, a year later, it's probably closer to 50,000 because of everything else that's been uncovered in that crazy movement, which I participate in, which led me to Sotheby's But to me, that made sense because I'd been selling antiques in and collectibles for years at the time, there were a lot of nuances to this idea of digital antiquities They were the first generative NFT, which means they were the first NFT created by an algorithm and made me really understand what digital ownership means And so over the course of that summer I was collecting a lot of MoonCats, learning as much about NFTs as I could, and Sotheby's auction house approached me. And although Sotheby's is the largest auction house in the world, I actually had no idea who it was at the time, which is the funniest part. And I was a part of what's called Sotheby's Natively Digital 1.2, which had 19 collectors across 52 lots, including some non traditional crypto natives who are now big participants like Steve Viki and Paris Hilton. Then there were a bunch of crypto natives, which are just like a string of characters and numbers that probably don't make sense to anybody else outside of the people in the community, and I ended up selling some MoonCats And that helped me jumpstart my social brand within the crypto world I had sat on the sidelines for a few years watching and observing, and I always wanted to be in crypto, but I didn't want to work for anybody else. It's truly like a creator's playground! NFTs allow those who are not interested as much in the financial component as in NFTs, which you can make a lot of money, because NFTs can represent access tokens like Gary Fee, they can represent IP, they could represent art and collectibles. They could represent land in a metaverse or a fortnite skin and all of these different things, as long as you put your head down and understand what a non fungible token really means And so my Twitter count from that time went from 2000 to around 7,000 today
MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE COVER AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 8 thousand dollars to my name at the time, and I really just put my head down and I was like, okay, I put myself in a bad situation But I do believe that this new financial system is going to be the future So I was just taking about half of what I was making at the nightclubs and across the strip and just started reinvesting. And that was a very, very dark crypto winter for two or three years. There was only one pump, which is what's in crypto over the course of two years. So a lot of people got flushed out and beginning at the top of ’20, ’21, NFTs were becoming mainstream. And I actually was not aware of NFTs. I knew about crypto kits in 2017, but never made the association that you could put assets like non fungible assets on the blockchain.


I was still doing the guest list, which was just with Vegas and that was blowing up And I thought that maybe this was the time where I should just pivot everything into crypto. I had founded Nativ Research at the time and was in active communications with the city of Las Vegas and UNLV to try to help them understand what a non fungible future for Las Vegas really means, because they're very interested in it. And with the YouTube channel and putting out new content, I'm constantly getting questions on what this actually means. And now through you, my YouTube channel, and the podcast, I can just send the info to them without having to explain it because NFTs are visually represented And I think this is why the mainstream is really attracted to it It's a predecessor called DeFi or decentralized finance, which is just the digitization of these financial instruments that exist. Most modern day or average citizens of the world don't know what an options contract is, or de levering and all these things. And you can't really put a face value on it; it's just numbers But now that you can see a picture or art, which you can analyze and process at a much quicker pace, this has opened up the floodgates to the crypto world. And obviously there's a lot money in it, and it's probably in a speculative bubble, which is another conversation, but this to me is what the future is going to behold. And we've even seen Mark Zuckerburg now pivot his entire company to meta because of the trend and how massive really is. Mary It's amazing! Honestly, I find this whole space so interesting and so expansive and it feels also like there's just never ending learning It's almost like stepping into the rabbit hole, but never getting out because the more deeper you go, the more you get to know And I love Michael Saylor’s perspective on Bitcoin because he overlays a philosophical perspective to Bitcoin And through his knowledge sharing, I learned something very valuable, that currency is not just dollars or gold. It comes in other ways. I just love that so much, Jake, because my philosophy is that humans, who have learned knowledge and skills and can convert that into wisdom, are also a form of currency But he also goes on to say that Bitcoin does not depreciate in value. And it's always with you again, which is my philosophy about human currency. You know, it's always with you; it always appreciates. It's yours. No one can steal your wisdom. And so I'm curious to know your philosophy on Bitcoin. Jake I actually share a very similar philosophy compared to Michael Saylor. Bitcoin means a lot of different things to many different people Some call it digital gold; some people want it to be digital cash, which is kind of what spawned the Bitcoin cash fork To me, it represents energy or it incentivizes energy innovation It's a proof of work model It's becoming a bit antiquated because of the amount of power that it creates, but it's prompting all of these energy companies to move and migrate off of fossil fuel dependency and move into renewable sources. Many people don't know that Bitcoin is actually more than 50% renewable.

And if Bitcoin were its own country or sovereign nation, it would be more than double the leading country in terms of renewable resources, compared to its energy consumption. But then when you think about the traditional banking system and the amount of energy that it consumes all of the computers, cash registers, and apps that run on top of it how much energy does that take compared to the Bitcoin network? I don't think it's anywhere close So yes, Bitcoin is moving to this store of value It's going to be internet’s reserve currency, if it doesn't become the world’s reserve currency. And we're already seeing this play out between some of the different ALCO protocols that are now acquiring Bitcoin and corporations, and now sovereign nations like El Salvador. And now even Russia is mentioning that it is looking into accepting Bitcoin for oil, because it’s moving off the U.S. dollar. So it's a permissionless network, it's decentralized, and nobody can take it away from you. And it can't be stopped If somebody wanted to 51% attack Bitcoin, it would take tens of billions of dollars And all of the miners would be notified And I don't think attack can happen at this point So to me it’s just energy incentivized, energy and ovation And if you look at from a philosophical approach, the next levels of human civilization for advancement, I think it's the first stage of human civilization consuming energy from its own fossil fuel resources. But if we ever want to move beyond the planet, like what Elon Musk is trying to do with renewable resources, we need to be able to increase that capacity of renewable resources and then eventually nuclear and all of these other ones. And now there's a financial incentive to do so even more because the financial incentive was to just extract as much fossil fuel as possible because investors just want to get their capital back as fast as possible. But now Bitcoin completely changes that and risking it happens literally every day. Mary That's amazing. You know, I was listening to Vijay Boyapati's audible book, The bullish case for Bitcoin, which is only a two hour listen. It's actually very quick and very interesting. He merges the linear and the creative aspects to Bitcoin I really enjoyed it If I understand it correctly, there are 21 million Bitcoin units available You don't have to purchase a full unit either according to him I'm assuming that's correct So this is how I see it, Jake I see that unit is like gold It's pretty hard to trade gold in a retail environment For example, I can't take in a nugget of gold and break an ounce off at the register. It's a bit hard to do that. So do you think that we will be able to transact in Bitcoin in the future? So if I go into say an Apple store, could I transact in Bitcoin? From my understanding, again, I could be incorrect.
There needs to be a secondary level payment system in order for that to actually become a reality. Can you please explain how you think this might come to fruition and when? Jake Yeah, precisely. So the leading payment processing or layer two network for Bitcoin is called the Lightning Network. It's been worked on now for the last six or seven years There are some tradeoffs with it, but at the end of the day, some people will want to purchase coffee with their Bitcoin And some people will literally just hold coin forever, and it just become more important to them and part of their identity than it is to use it to just buy public goods of any sort I think that'll happen at some point, though. Although I do think it's more likely that it becomes a store of value, and people will use it more so for borrowing and lending, and collateral for purchasing houses and

Bitcoin means a lot of different things to many different people. Some call it digital gold; some people want it to be digital cash, which is kind of what spawned the Bitcoin cash fork. To me, it represents energy or it incentivizes energy innovation.

large scale purchases of millions or tens of millions. But when you get down to it, it actually can be split up into eight decimal points. And so the smallest unit of denomination for Bitcoin is called one SAT or one Satoshi, which is giving a nod to Satoshi Nakamoto who created Bitcoin So there are a hundred million SATs that make up one Bitcoin just as there are a hundred cents that make up a dollar And in some places already like El Salvador things are priced in SATs, because in El Salvador, Bitcoin is classified as legal tender So there's no taxable event in America, unfortunately, and hopefully this can change in the future It's classified as properties So technically, every transaction is a taxable event, although whether the U.S. government has the ability to go after every person to make sure they're honestly claiming every purchasable event is to be determined. And I think we're in this similar frame of mind that Mark Zuckerberg had with Facebook, which was to move fast and break things. And crypto just moves so fast that nobody knows anything's broken. Then the government and all of these different regulatory bodies in any country won't even know things are broken until years later when it’s too late. We've been learning this through these different community movements, on the internet, primarily, where we saw things like game stop, that could just short squeeze companies and put and move the stock market to their will And then the government or Robin has to turn it off It's the same thing with crypto where the world’s governing bodies can put their foot down and say it isn’t going to happen But China has tried to ban Bitcoin about 20 times already, and they've still not been able to do so. It's just where the internet just empowers the individual. So I think Bitcoin is going to represent many different things in many different countries. And then whatever the internet wants to turn it into is what it’ll be. So it's going to be the reserve currency of the internet. It'll be a small unit of denomination to purchase your coffee. Or you can use it as a collateralized loan to purchase a house in the future. And I'm sure there are going to be much more utility added to it over the coming decade and beyond.

Now at first, Jake, when I became familiar with this notion around digital art, I wondered who in their right mind would buy this art. But as I also started to understand NFTs, it's not just about the art; it's not just about the pixels. It's actually much deeper than that. It's about the artist, the community, the story, the future rollout of NFTs, their technologies. There's so much behind the scenes when it comes to an NFT or lots of NFTs is when I understood that I was hooked because I love this idea of community And it really draws in like minded people who are critical thinkers These people are open minded and want the best for humanity There's a real positive overlay And so now I see it with completely different eyes Given you already have a background in dealing and selling antiques, how does a newbie start in the NFT space? I mean, how do you get on the right track to understanding NFTs? We know there are a lot of scams out there, right? So if you were to give advice to someone who really wants to learn and invest, not so much getting it right from day one, but making sure that they're on the right path, what would you tell them? Jake First, if you can understand crypto culture, you'll understand NFTs because it's heavily influenced by memes, content creators, investors, and individuals. It's not really influenced by corporations and institutions that govern the stock market and commodities So to understand crypto culture, you have to understand a little bit about the history, meaning Bitcoin If you don't understand Bitcoin, then you probably won't understand NFTs at all There, crypto is heavily tied to Twitter, which is the primary communication platform for the crypto community It's funny because I get a lot of friends asking me how should they separate and divvy up their crypto marketing strategy. And I say, if you're not marketing 80% on CRI on Twitter, then there's no point because it has not translated at all. So going on Twitter, finding big personalities to follow, and familiarizing yourself with some of the terms is primary. Number one, download Discord, which is the second primary communication platform. Twitter's kind of like this broadcast platform, so Twitter's kind of like the public discourse or like the town hall Discord is like the individual houses or the houses of the communities where there's a lot ofinfighting and a lot of the discussions hashed out between the different projects to figure out what they want to bring to the town hall and then publicize it. And that's shared through Twitter spaces and through just influencers posts. That's why I completely pivoted my podcast to crypto and NFT content, because I realized that the traditional media, the legacy media, is also being flipped on its head. And if you look at Joe Rogan no, he is not in crypto but he has 13 million active viewers. And the next leading show is Tucker Carlson’s at 3 million.
Mary I love the way you articulate yourself. You're so clear. You're just so incredible. I'm learning so much just by having this conversation with you. I want to move onto NFTs, Jake. I'm proud to say that I've already started to buy and sell NFTs, and that's all because my 12 year old son is obsessed on everything NFT, crypto, Bitcoin literally this kid listens to podcasts every single day for hours He trades with me and gives me advice It's hilarious, but it's actually really fun
So the creative economy is taking over, and this is what NFTs are intertwined with: the creator economy If you have your own podcast and your own broadcast, you can basically gather the tension of the town halls and help share that message So first understand where the information's coming from, so you don't get misdirected. YouTube does have good content, but I would be very wary of the YouTube accounts that are showing you the thousand X, because a lot of these are pay for play agendas. The how to videos on YouTube are very good, but just be very careful with the opinionated characters who govern YouTube and then understand the history. And this is where I come from. I hang out in what's called the historical LT community, because it was born from the NFT archeology And I know the term NFT actually wasn't created until 2018, but non fungible tokens have existed since 2011 So the first ever fork of Bitcoin was called Namecoin and was created in 2011, as a created decentralized domain It was a decent live domain service So instead of com, you had bit And this was actually worked on by Satoshi Nakamoto himself And then in 2014, Bitcoin began to get its own NFTs on a platform called Counterparty And there they say that the value of the art is the token itself and not the image, because a non fungible token is just a unique token that has a unique data set compared to anything else. So if you understand the difference of fungibility and non fungibility, fungible things are like the Fiat system or the dollars. If we each had hundreds of dollar bills and threw 'em on the ground, it wouldn’tt matter which hundred dollar bill we picked up because they all hold the same value. But if we had a bunch of not different non fungible tokens, or a bunch of different baseball cards and threw them on the ground, you’d have to be very particular about which one you picked up because something else might have different value So NFTs then began forming on Bitcoin Then there was the first gaming assets and the first crypto wire of rare PEPs and a lot of experimentation And when Ethereum was launched in 2015, the idea of smart contracts came out that helped form what now exists as non fungible tokens. And there's a bunch of different technical nuances that come with it, but largely the NFTs and the image(s) weren't associated with non fungible tokens as much until 2018 although the images did exist The place where images are stored is called the IPFS, which wasn't created until about 2015, and really didn't take off until the last few years So understanding the history of NFTs is very important to understanding where the future may take us. And then you start following things like what Gary Vs doing with V friends, and that a token can represent your time. The token can represent an experiential package, it could represent art and collectibles, or even metaverse land. And then for the younger listeners, the big use case, which I hear time and time again that gets a lot of parents involved is, digital skins. So like with Fortnite skins, the youth will spend hundreds or thousands of dollars of their parents' money to buy Fortnight skins We are moving into this creator and digital economy, which is what Mark Zuckerberg talks about in his hourlong presentation When he pivoted Facebook to meta, he talks about this idea is that everybody's time is becoming increasingly digital. And the digital representation that exists today is 2D, but probably by the end of the decade, most of it will be 3D. And so if you could conceptualize that, then non fungible tokens make sense, because NFTs are just digital ownership. You've never been able to prove digital ownership for the history of the internet, so photographers and meme creators would get ripped off on the internet.

Mary Very exciting You know, what I see that is obvious to me, Jake, is the old versus new I see old currency versus new currency, old art versus new art, even in other industries, such as health and the old food pyramid versus keto intermittent fasting. Then there is education, like a degree versus a coach. I can go on and on here, but based on your experience and all of the brilliant minds you have interviewed, do you think the old is well and truly dead? I mean, where do you see the future heading, at least within the next 10 years, especially blue chip corporations? Jake I think they're going to live compatibly for a little while, and then it'll probably get very aggressive. I think there will be a decentralized and a centralized counterpart to pretty much everything. We see Mark Zuckerberg again, to use the meta example, and he’s creating his own metaverse. So Mark Zuckerberg has a community, or you could save in a nation of 2.5 billion people that are on Facebook. So if he can create a digital world out of that 2 5 billion, he's going to have a very large lead But the concerns that the crypto community shares is that Mark Zuckerberg will be able to possess all of that data So now he can track your vitals and your eye movement, but what will he do with that? So the crypto world is trying to build a decentralized version to everything. We have DeFi right now, right? It's just decentralized finance. They just took a lot of the financial instruments and applications that exist in the real world, like margin trading and options, and leveraged longs and borrowing and lending. And instead of having a Charles Schwab that intermediates like in the beginning, now it's just code. It's just contracts that moderate all of that. And it's the same thing with NFTs. You have art and collectibles, and now you have the decentralized version we're moving into: a permissionless world. And the permissionless world is pushing far ahead, but to move from permissionless to decentralized is where that war begins between the governments and the institutions, and the private individuals and private companies that see that vision. So they’re like the majority of crypto, and Web 2 0 and Web 3 0 will primarily work compatibly with each other for a while And then at some point, Web 3 0 will have to take over, and it'll probably be an aggressive fight, but we’re uncertain about when that may happen It's just the game When you understand the game theoretics that are tied into the underlying mechanisms of crypto, you know that eventually there will be an end to it. But as you also know, if you've ever read The Fourth Turning, that whenever a new power comes in, there's always a very aggressive ending to the previous governing body that had the power, whether that's in the physical world or as we’ll see in the digital world. Mary I just love that! But let me come back
They would try to show they owned it with little watermarks or just little signature things in the pictures, but then somebody could just screenshot it and share it. But if you're minting that now into the blockchain, then you can prove that you were the one who did it and prove that you own it. And then you can tie royalties in it, and you can do all kinds of different things on top of it.
Web 3.0 is still more in the Web 2.0 ideas, but once you move into the Web 3.0 and you take these arts and you hang them in metaverse or virtual reality worlds, cars and everything else will be NFTs

But understand first what comes with that. I would highly recommend just like sending dollars or just single SATs back and forth to different wallets, understand the procedures, watch a lot of videos, and always start small. If you're sending large amounts of money, this is a standard practice from large investors, first you send a sample transaction So if there's somebody sending a billion dollars in Bitcoin, they'll usually send a hundred dollars first to make sure that it goes across and then they'll send the rest of the money Usually it's broken up into smaller units just in case something happens I always say, start with Bitcoin or Ethereum They're two completely different things, depending on who you ask.
Bitcoin is going to be the internet's reserve currency. And Ethereum is the leading smart contract platform that has the best culture. Yes, it does have some technical issues that are going to be solved over time. But if you understand crypto culture, you know that this is where it exists. It is CR; it is increasingly tribal. People do not want to leave these protocols.
First and foremost, in my very limited experience, you need an account with Binance, which is a crypto exchange You need a hardware wallet to keep your investments safe Is there anything else that you need? Part two of the question is if you invest say $10,000 of your own money into Bitcoin, do you just leave it for two years or five years? What's your advice? I'm curious on your thought process here.
Jake If you're in America, I highly recommend Coinbase. They're a publicly traded company. They have, very high security standards; it's never been hacked. Doesn't say that they won't be, but I think it's very unlikely and for them, you just need to hook up your bank account. They're making it very simple Coinbase is going to be the next trillion dollar company They will overtake all of the Web 2 0 Charles Schwabs and Robinhoods, and all of these will definitely be Coinbase And now with their NFT marketplace, they're tying in the social media components to it as well So with their NFT marketplace start, they’re adding friends and feeds and all of these other components because they understand that the creator economy and community are what drives this narrative. And without it, it won't be able to be pushed forward. So Coinbase is number one, and you're going to have to buy from a centralized exchange. Crypto's becoming increasingly more regulated across the world; before, there were places that you could go buy peer to peer, or over the counter, but that's becoming increasingly difficult. So I would just go on Coinbase, and if you are afraid of what's called self custody, which is creating your own wallet, I think it's safe to stay there. First, though, keep your Bitcoin a year or whatever it is on Coinbase, and then learn what a self hosted wallet is, the practices that are needed to store your own wealth Why? Because at the end of the day, if you have all of your crypto on a ledger, which looks like just like a USB, if you lose that ledger, you lose your entire net worth And some people do not want that respond responsibility or even should have the responsibility, and that's okay.
MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE COVER AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 17 back to crypto for a second. I want to ask two questions here. So the first part is if I want to invest, let's just say $10,000 as in traditional dollars in Bitcoin, there are some fundamental moving parts that you need in place.
MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE COVER AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 18 hold? Are you interested in a macro economy, or do you want to participate in the creator economy and go onto Ethereum and learn about smart contracts and DS? Mary Wow You can just keep going deeper and deeper, and it almost seems like it's a never ending journey with no outcome There's learning, there's investing, then buzz words, and then the social networks I feel that it's exciting, but also I think on the flip side there will be a lot of young people who will make a lot of money within the next 5 to 10 years. And that's the greatest opportunity that we need to get our head around. It’s why my 12 year old is just so excited by all of this. And I'm all for it. I 100% support that.
In your opinion, what do you think the value of Bitcoin will be 10 years from now? I mean, will Bitcoin even be around in 10 years? That’s another question people would be asking. Jake So there's this idea of what's called the flipping, an idea that has been around for at least five years And it's the idea that Bitcoin will never be flipped by another cryptocurrency Bitcoin's been king, and while there are a lot of arguments both ways, people think if Bitcoin ever flips, the whole crypto market will lose stability So it becomes a king of the hill style thing where if Ethereum flips Bitcoin, then why doesn't XRP flip it? Why doesn't Dogecoin flip it? Who's the real king? It's called Bitcoin maximalism. There are some people who think Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that'll survive. Everything is going to involve a hyper Bitcoin. It's going to be fully adopted. Everything else is what's called a coin. These are the kind of euphemisms that are used. I do think Ethereum will They have so many things tied to them, even if they've tokenized their lives on these chains, and they will pay more to have more security and to know that this is their devout location. Bitcoin and Ethereum, if you're in the U.S., are the only two or one of few cryptocurrencies that have actually gotten a green light from the regulatory bodies like the SEC and FDC So you know that there won't potential lawsuits A lot of investors and hedge funds and VCs stay out of investing in crypto because they haven't received regulatory clarity. That's another buzzword, but there is regulatory clarity on these two assets specifically. They're the buy and holds, in my opinion. When I first got into crypto and started investing in 2017, I told all my friends buy Bitcoin, hold it for five years, and probably they would be able to quit their job. I did that and quit my job, but unfortunately, no one else did. It is very volatile, but it's also a new asset. If you go to the history of the stock market, you’ll see it mimicked what Bitcoin is doing today There was a lot of manipulation, but that's because there weren't that many holders So you could swing the charts in different ways Now you see the Bitcoin charts actually lengthening There are these big spikes in the beginning, but it's actually like a curve. And a lot of people think once we get past a few more happenings, which is what the Bitcoin reward is, it'll be largely less volatile. Maybe it’ll mimic the stock market with a 0.1%, 0.2%, 1% move on the daily instead of having five 10% swings that you see exist. So invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum, and learn as much as you can, and try to find which domain interests you. Are you somebody who just likes to buy a probably flip Bitcoin at some point, just because of the amount of DS and users that exist on it. Bitcoin is good at doing one thing or two things; it's good at being a store of value. And it's good at being secure. And Ethereum takes a few of those tradeoffs and now they build DS, right? It's like comparing gold silver; it’s like comparing it to Apple or Microsoft Gold is more valuable, but there are way more people who use Apple and its operating systems every day So if you just look at it from that standpoint, I think there is a possibility that Ethereum will overtake Bitcoin And some of the culture that's been created around this, like Bitcoin maximalism, has turned a lot of people to these other cryptocurrencies. Outside of that, I think Ethereum is the only thing that'll ever overtake Bitcoin. And that's from a cultural standpoint and a usage standpoint. It’s kind of where the future is, but Bitcoin's price by far is over a million dollars easily. There are a lot of things that Bitcoin will be used for when you start thinking about large sovereign nations Most bonds will probably be in the form of Bitcoin Most real estate contracts and a lot of large scale funding will be in forms of Bitcoin And that's the store of value So if you see it at that point, then it's easily going to be over a million dollars I believe for Bitcoin to equate to Gold's market cap puts it already at $500,000 per Bitcoin. But when you look at it from a technological standpoint, whenever a new technology comes in and unseats the previous king, it doesn't just equal it. It literally trounces it, right? This is what Netflix did to Blockbuster. This is what Amazon did to Walmart, and it passes it in magnitude. So Michael Saylor talks about Bitcoin being like a $50 trillion asset, which is about $1 trillion. So if you say 50 X from here,

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Mary is an internationally recognised Personal Branding and Online Specialist who helps industry experts turn their knowledge, wisdom and skills into a 6 figure+ online business and become a recognised brand in their niche or industry Mary is also the founder of Lights.Cameras.Action an end to end coaching program designed to get industry experts to commercialisation in 24 weeks. She is also the founder and Editor in Chief of Authoritti5.0 Magazine. S
Jake I've actually asked this question on my podcast. The question was always, if you could choose three dead people to interview for your show, who would it be? And for me, it was Moses, Hunter S Thompson, and Nicola Tesla Moses is because I grew up Jewish, although I'm not as much religious as I believe more in philosophy, and a lot of the philosophers like Socrates and Plato always point to Moses as being the best philosopher to ever live, which is also a Nicola Tesla: I understand w created that n There are thin that he archite ones that he w for. And then Hun obviously crea that type of re just find so fas inspired so ma reporters and represent and g y create on YouTube from a lifestyle perspective started from Hunter S Thompson Mary You know what Jake? You are such an impressive human being. I'm so glad that I had this opportunity to interview you and feature you in the Authoritti5.0 magazine. I'm sure that lots of people have got questions. If somebody wants to engage you for a keynote or for your consulting services, how can they get in touch with you?
MARY: www maryhendersoncoaching com that puts it at like $2.5 million per Bitcoin. Satoshi Nakamoto actually talked about this when they created Bitcoin. They said that the ultimate fate of coin is that it's going to be a reserve currency for banks and sovereign nations, and that transacting in Bitcoin will just be a very rare occurrence Tosha wrote that, I believe in 2010, only a few months after Bitcoin was actually deployed So I think that's the ultimate case And, now we're seeing new financial tools created so a Bitcoin holder doesn't even have to sell it. You could just use it as collateral to buy something else and never have to bear that tax burden on top of it. And for Ethereum, I think it's similar. It could also be a $10 or $20 trillion asset, as long as it gets some of the technical issues or some of the mechanics like the gas fees, the transactions, the throughputs fixed. The latter two still have to be built out. There's a lot that has to happen. Bitcoin is by far, in my opinion, most ready for mainstream adoption. Ethereum is second, and outside of that, I think it's a tossup between all of the other ones Mary Amazing I think that if anyone's listening to this, they've got 40 million questions So I think the best thing to do is to subscribe to Jake's podcast, which is called the Jake Gallen Podcast. I think at the moment you've got 197 episodes on Apple iTunes. And there’s great stuff for anyone wanting to immerse themselves in this space. Now, Jake, I have one last question for you, nothing to do with crypto or NFT, but I ask this question of all my guests. If you could meet someone who is no longer living, who would it be? What would you ask or what would you want to know? @MaryHendersonCoaching @MaryHendersonCoaching

"It's okay to take a break." Daily Motivation AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINEMAY 2022 QUOTE AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 21

The Costs Whether it is people, technology, tools, equipment, facilities, vehicles, etc , there tends to always be a price tag to scale your growth When it comes to people, we often need to hire more people to deliver on the operation. Also, we might need to hire people with special skills, such as finance, human resources, technology, marketing, and sales. As a company grows, more and more they are in need of senior leaders, like c suite members. A business will typically start with inexpensive technology solutions that support specific areas of the business QuickBooks for finance, Excel for a customer relationship management (CRM) system, Asana for project tracking, etc The problem is that these solutions are not integrated to deliver to the end to end operation This forms technology silos and limits productivity As the business grows, there is a need to move to technology integration where systems talk to each other through an application programming interface (API) or by downloading and then updating batch files. Eventually, the business needs end to end interoperable solutions. Moving away from files and software stored on computers and servers to cloud based solutions, eliminating legacy systems,
Up till now, over the past four articles in my column on Growing, Scaling, and Improving Your Business, the only cost that has come with scaling your business has been time Strategic planning; creating an operating model and organizational structure that supports the model; and deploying a business operating system, are all money free scale activities
Ways to Get Money
However, scale activities almost always come with an eventual monetary cost.
AUTHORITTI5.0 and continuously upgrading your technology stack takes forethought and financial investment. Aside from being a personal and professional business coach and consultant, I own a large equestrian business in South Texas We have 2 tractors, 4 trucks, a side by side ATV, 5 trailers, multiple tractor implements, welding equipment and tools, 11 buildings, 22 pastures, and a whole host of supplies, tools, and other equipment. We started off with one tractor, a few implements, two trucks, two trailers, two horse trailers, and three buildings. As the business grows, you not only continually invest in new tools, equipment, facilities, and vehicles, but you have to continue to maintain these items. The costs grow exponentially.
Scale comes with a cost This cost, as a business owner, is something you need to plan for Otherwise, you may find yourself with a constraint that is preventing your growth, because you cannot afford to spend the needed money now!
If scale always comes with a price tag, then where and how do you get the money needed to scale your business? Considering the various ways can help you plan your monetary scale journey 1. Bootstrapping.
The first place to look for future money is to focus on Business Bootstrapping. When you start a business, bootstrapping means to use your own money (savings) to finance the startup. As a business starts to operate and grow, setting aside funds for reinvestment is a smart tactic. If your business is still a side hustle, perhaps

2. Borrowing.
5. Grants.
A lot of people think that only nonprofit organizations can get grants, but this is not true. There are many for profit businesses that can qualify for grant money. Grants require a boatload of paperwork, and you must do a lot of convincing in writing to win over grant providers However, there is a lot of grant money not issued every year and many grant awards that go to a single company because it was the only one that submitted 6. Internal Adjustment.
Personal loans can come from family and friends mostly family. These types of loans are more forgiving and often are given interest free. When your family and friends see that you have significant skin in the game, they might be willing and even interested in helping out Be careful that you do not damage your personal relationships over bad financial decisions
The low end of crowdfunding (also called crowdsourcing) is through sites like Kickstarter, GoFundMe, or Patreon. This is where people support big ideas in small amounts and typically get something small in return. The far end to the crowdfunding concept is the formal process of going public and dipping your business into the stock market as an investable asset As a public offering, people invest in your company and its success for a future return on their investment
3. Investors. With a bright idea you can attract the interest of third party lenders, like venture capitalists, angel investors, and partnerships If your ideas for growth are well thought out and solidly defined, there are many people, organizations, entities, and businesses that might be willing to provide the help you need financially. Investors are literally doing just that investing.
you can continue to set aside money from your primary business to scale the side job. This helps you define a breakpoint, where the side hustle becomes the primary job
Depending on the type of business you are in, you may be eligible for some kind of corporate or government grant support. This is not free money as you will have to do a lot of work to earn it and it will require continued work reporting on your progress.
The last type of loan is the formal one from banking or lending institution. By formal, this means you need to have a pretty solid strategy for your business, why you need this money, and how you plan to repay it. This is where your strategic plan (step one in scaling your business) comes into play. Borrowing from a lending institution is a big step and you want to be fully prepared to take that step.
There are three ways to borrow now and pay back later Credit cards, personal loans, and bank loans I always recommend you start with your own credit. Specifically, get a business credit card, do not use your own personal cards. You do not want to co mingled business and personal funds, plus a business credit card helps you keep track of business expenses.
Investors expect a return on their investment in the form of a portion of your future revenues or profit. Some investors will stake their time and effort in your company for a piece of the pie As a Fractional COO, my focus is to grow your bottom line net profit On top of my contractual fee, I typically take 1% of the profit above and beyond where it was when we started working together 4. Crowdfunding.
As a personal and professional business coach and consultant, John Knotts has been growing, scaling, and improving businesses for over 25 years. John portrays himself as a Success Incubator with his company Crosscutter Enterprises His deep thought leadership on #business and #success can be found on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and his website, www crossctr com
When you need financial support for your business, aside from business bootstrapping, you can make some internal adjustments to free up cash. You can sell off assets that have fully depreciated, you can broker off parts of your business, or even sell off some of your book of business to competitors or partners. You can shut down parts of your business that are less than profitable and realign or lay off people.
The longer a company exists, the more deadweight and baggage it accumulates. Too often, we continue with the way we have always operated even when it is not the most profitable decision It might be time to cut your losses and reinvest in something that will significantly improve the bottom line! As they always say, “Cash is King ” If you plan to scale your company to meet and deal with the complexities that growth always brings, then you will need cash! This article helps you consider what you might need as you scale and where you can get the money.

Stop Saying Tomorrow @reallygreatsite AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINEMAY 2022 QUOTE AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 27
B y D e n n i s Y u C O A C H I N G P R O G R A M S Thenumberone reasonwhy peopledon’tbuy coaching programs MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE VIDEO MARKETING AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 28

The number one reason why people aren't buying your coaching programs is because you lack authority, just as this magazine's namesake implies Authority comes in three components:
In past issues of Authoritii5.0 Magazine, we talked about how do you create long form content and repurpose it? Meaning, chop it up and re use the different pieces, so it can convert to tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn posts and blog articles. We also talked about how to amplify that via the dollar a day strategy so that you could spend a dollar a day on Facebook, Instagram, Tik TOK or other channels to make sure that your content is being seen
When you have those components in place, then people will buy from you. And we know just like Mary says, the number of touches that it takes for someone to become a client is often 30 to 40 touches. Think about how much content you need to be able to build a relationship where they interact with you 30 or 40 times.
The components of who you're with, what you're sharing and where it's being shared are critical to being able to drive conversions because those clicks and impressions that you see on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and on your website are not just pixels or bits and bytes, those are real humans.
·Across YouTube
1 There's authority from who you're with 2. From where you are sharing your 3. content and; 4. From what you are sharing. These three components are what make the difference between just a landing page that's trying to sell something versus creating a compelling experience that causes people to want to identify with you and buy. Most coaches approach social media in a haphazard way They make a website, they post on LinkedIn, they have a landing page, they spend a few dollars on ads and then they wonder why they’re not driving sales They often will blame the consultant, the person they engaged on Fiverr, or the virtual assistant that put together these different assets. It's not that these people are not competent, or they're not following a particular formula to be able to create these assets, it's that the missing ingredient is authority.
·Across podcasts Most coaches have such a thin presence on digital platforms that they could never assemble 30 touches across all the content that they have. And yet they wonder why they're not driving more clients.
·Across email.
Authority is the power of learned knowledge, wisdom and skills that is fully experienced This experience attracts an audience that are willing to invest top dollar in your wisdom, get results and the effect is they become your raving fans It’s also where you show up. For example, are you showing up on Mary Henderson's podcast? Or are you showing up on a blog that nobody's ever been to? Are you showing up in the industry's leading conference? Or are you just making tweets?


CEO of BlitzMetrics, a digital marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults We offer courses, implementation, and consulting My personal mission centers around mentorship from my experience with helping people from all walks of life grow their expertise in digital marketing, sharing his insights from managing campaigns for enterprise clients like The Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone.
I look at friends of mine that are experts, for example, Dr Kim Grimes, who was featured last month is one of the top women in the Authoritii5 0 Magazine While she's done coaching programs for a long time and has a successful track record of helping young adults discover who they are and the joy of being authentically themselves, her digital presence, hasn't kept up with her offline presence. So only until now has Dr. Kim, R Grimes been able to reveal what has already been there. I encourage you to start assembling these components. Whether you need to hire a virtual assistant for $500 a month fulltime doing this for you or maybe spending just a couple hundred dollars on Fiverr or another site to get these things done You have to got to get these pieces in place. This is the foundation of your personal brand. It is not difficult to do. As an expert, you would not be able to get to this point unless you have the experience and invested in the relationships and training for you to become visible The bottom line is if you’re not visible, you will struggle with conversions Switching to a new software program to sell courses or coaching services doesn't solve the underlying problem of missing authority. I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or you want to see examples from myself, Mary and other coaches that are monetizing online and demonstrating how wedrive engagement, please reach out and let me know.

"Anything worth having takes time. " AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINEMAY 2022 QUOTE AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 32


Readers of this article are encouraged to read the detailed description of these capabilities, case studies, question prompts, and exceptional summary graphic in the report
Effective COOs will need more than exposure to a CEO and a board of directors they need to influence the leadership team in alignment with the strategic objectives of the organization They need to bring forward awareness about operational issues, bring the know how on how strategic plans convert into organizational activities, and expertise in operational planning Setting and enforcing robust operational controls
The COO needs to continually develop strategic plans to respond to internal and external forces on the organization and the business This requires an ability to break down barriers cross functionally and to lead with exceptional communication, explaining the “why” of the change, and listening Mastery of change management
Engagement in strategic board level decisions
Part one of this series (April edition of Authoritti5.0) presents highlights from a 2006 groundbreaking article by Nathan Bennett and Stephen A. Miles in the Harvard Business Review’s article, Second in Command: The Misunderstood Role of the Chief Operating Officer This article reveals seven, incongruent COO archetypes: The executor, the other half, the change agent, the mentor, the partner, the heir apparent, and the MVP
Do you have the common core capabilities to be an effective COO?
What cutting edge leadership capabilities do top COOs consistently demonstrate? According to a 2013 EY report, Aiming for the top: a guide for aspiring COOs and their organizations, there are seven capabilities that “matter most” when it comes to the effectiveness of today’s COO
Part two of this series highlights these common capabilities
Once a person has identified their aspirational or actual COO archetype, it is important to understand and be able to communicate performance effectiveness to land the ideal job
The subsequent articles in this series will build up to ways the COO candidate becomes a standout by considering the functional and leadership skills they need to clearly communicate to decision makers What capabilities do top COOs have in common? What capabilities do COOs need to demonstrate in their portfolio of skills and experiences? Here are the highlights of the common COO capabilities according to the 2013 EY study:


What dynamics are impacting the business in the marketplace? The COO needs a depth of knowledge about the ins and outs of a specific industry and standard operational characteristics, inner workings of the business and how it is evolving, understand the customers and value proposition, and be able to communicate how trends impact value drivers to stakeholders.
Deep industry and market knowledge
Finding a multicultural management approach
With a cross functional viewpoint and client centric focus, the COO must find and drive efficiencies to ensure the organization is competitive in a dynamic marketplace. To do this effectively, they need to understand all the company’s processes so they can bring the full operational picture together. The COO strong in this competency may have expertise in multiple functional areas, lending credibility and confidence in their approach.
Reflect on your career history when you’ve broadly led an organization. What functional areas have you overseen? Do you need to close a perceived skill gap? With a broad understanding of the critical, research backed capability themes required to be an effective operations leader, it is important to consider key COO characteristics that may help a COO candidate stand out from the crowd during an interview process. Part three of this series will provide an overview of these effective COO characteristics.
Designing and implementing the organizations operational model
To reduce risk to the organization, knowledge of regulatory requirements and internal controls are critical to the COO skill toolkit.
The high performing COO brings a broad, global leadership perspective that may involve a global and mobile workforce as well as understanding of cultural differences and norms across the world Their skills would include a proven collaborative approach with sensitivities to cultural diversity
Part 2 Homework Assignment
According to the EY article, an operational model can be broken down into people, processes, and technologies The effective COO will provide practical ways of operationalizing and measuring of organizational performance
Proficiency in identifying and extracting efficiencies

@ginariley MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE CAREER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 37 List stories of experience and accomplishment (note results) under each capability category. Pull out specifics about your successes, stories of challenges, and key learnings Prepare to bring the complexities of these stories to life in interviews CONTRIBUTING WRITER'S PROFILE Gina Riley Consulting & creator of the CareerVelocity System™. She is a career transition coach who helps leaders customize their career stories to land jobs where they can leave a legacy. She is an Executive Search Consultant for Talence Group. CONTACT GINA:


It’s time to improve your sales funnel Your sales funnel is the process that your customers go through from the moment they get in touch with your business. The ultimate goal here is to funnel your customers from the top to the bottom of the funnel. This process can effectively be achieved with the help of a Sales VA completing the following tasks at each stage to assist your Sales Team: Leads, prospect and competitor research
Following your leads and prospects on Social Media and engaging with their profiles
Background research on leads Nurturing warm leads Prepare sales proposals and PDFs Assist in on boarding process Set up on boarding automations
Stage 1: Awareness: Stage 2: Discovery: Stage 3: Evaluation Stage 4: Intent Stage 5: Purchase Stage 6: Loyalty
Updating client portal
Sending out reminders and follow ups
Customer support: online chat tools, managing inboxes Manage social media inboxes Manage calls and appointment bookings
We’ve witnessed so many Outsourcing Angel clients fall into the trap of spending too much time doing time consuming tasks like sending booking reminders, follow ups and outreach emails while missing out on the things that matter most, like networking, sales strategy and building stronger relationships with leads
One of the best ways to finally manage this effectively is to outsource sales tasks to a Sales Virtual Assistant to allow your Sales Team to improve productivity and results.
This sales funnel assistance will ultimately have a ripple effect on the whole company With more leads and clients comes more revenue and more benefits for existing employees your conversion rate With extra helping hands and a solid sales funnel, you’ll notice an improvement in your lead conversion rate This is because your Sales VA won’t allow your leads to fall through the cracks due to a lack of follow up or communication In fact, they can take it a step further and connect with your leads and prospects on using
Most businesses hire a Sales Virtual Assistant (VA) to assist their Sales Team in building a more effective sales funnel. The ultimate goal here is to increase the number of leads, improve conversion rates and generate more cash flow for the business.
CRM management using software like HubSpot, SalesForce, Zoho
Contacting old leads
Lead generation for cold leads Managing and updating LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Organising special occasion gifts to build relationships
Managing after hours support


MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE VIRTUAL ASSISTANT AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 42 Collecting leads details from our email database (after they’ve downloaded a lead magnet or made an enquiry) Connecting with these leads on social media such as: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram Engaging with the leads on social media such by liking, commenting, sharing content and sending Direct Messages (when appropriate) your social media accounts and keeping them warm through engagement activities This is something that our Sales VA currently does for my Sales Manager on a daily basis and it involves: 1 2 3
While your Sales VA can take care of all those little details, soon all your Sales Manager has to do is simply show up for the sales call and close those deals! What your Sales Managers can do when you hire a Sales VA With a Sales VA to take care of the most of the day to day admin processes and nurturing, your Sales Managers are free to do the following activities to get more significant sales results: Networking Attending conferences, networking events, or joining a networking platform like Clubhouse to meet new people who could become possible sales partners or clients. Learn and apply new sales strategies Sales is an ever evolving field with new strategies, sales channels, tools, and tactics. Your Sales Manager now has more time to keep learning by reading, taking up an online course, attending webinars, or getting a mentor. Develop material
Create more value adding materials that will help you attract more leads or close more sales For example, you might want to improve your Sales Proposals or develop an eBook to assist your lead magnet strategy Train your staff Your Sales Managers now have more time to observe your reps’ sales calls and offer coaching and teaching points Doing that helps the company gain more results and retain long term employees Be open to hiring a Sales VA A sales role might seem like something you could only hire a local staff member to do, but ultimately you need to open your mind up to the possibility of having a Sales VA that can be trained to fit seamlessly into your Sales Team too It may require you to set up some processes and systems for your VA, but the end result of increased productivity and more conversions is going to be worth it all
Linh Podetti is a serial entrepreneur, currently the founder of Outsourcing Angel, a virtual assistants agency and the co founder of Dawn Media Productions, a video marketing agency. Linh is passionate in helping entrepreneurs achieve freedom by empowering them to build a business that will free up their time to be with their loved ones.

REMINDER "It’sokaytotakeabreak." agree disagree MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 43 QUOTE
How’s your emotional bank account? By Louise Taylor MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 44
The idea of a plumbline is to go deep and go high, in the fastest possible time. Let me explain… Imagine you are looking up at a wall. At the top of the wall, you’ve drawn a big number.
But… if your emotional currency is low, i.e. you are not behaving, thinking and feeling like you can the climb to the top, you’ll lose your way, get off course, fall and fall again. You may not even take the first step to your next financial goal. You’ll feel defeated, tired and frustrated. When we carry fear, doubt, uncertainty or regret our currency, our energy, our belief is low. During the last 25 years, I have seen time and again that our confidence, our emotions, have a direct impact on our income.
The Dictionary Definition of plumb line is: 1: a line (as of cord) that has at one end a weight (such as a plumb bob) and is used especially to determine verticality.
KEY#1CONVICTION: Deepconviction,arevelation,a recognition,aknowing–thisisthe powerfulforcethatmovesyouup!
Conviction is knowing you are going to do something with a full sense of congruency. Knowing it with every cell in your body. Conviction comes from a place of love, because when you feel convicted to do something you have a strong inner drive.Conviction is driven by that inner sense, your spirit.
7Keystoliftyouremotional currencyandincomein90daysor less:
Thethingis–withaplumbline–youcan’tseeitwiththenakedeye, soinordertoachievealofty financialgoal you’regoingto havetobelieveitbeforeit happens!
Ifyoudon’thavedeepalignmentand passionforsomething youdon’thave convictiontocompleteit.
I ran a coaching session recently with a group of clients to help them achieve their 90 day financial goal. As we focused on lifting their emotional currency, their subconscious beliefs and helped them to hone their focus, 85% achieved a lift in income in less than 60 days in. 4 clients were offered a new job unexpectedly! And this is how we roll baby …
One of my favourite sayings is “Follow the “Plumbline” * .
The number is the financial goal you want to achieve. Let’s say it’s a million dollars in 90 days. Then you draw a big coloured line, an arrow, all the way up the wall to the goal at the top. Next, as if you were climbing Mt Everest, you have to find a way to the top of that wall. To do this you need to have the energy, mindset and emotional capacity (currency) to get you there. You need the tools and skills to climb this wall. Like marketing, branding, sales, a good product, a good model.

Part of being intentional is to have laser focus on your goal!
Intentionisdifferenttoadream. Intentionisanexpectationofgetting thegoalnomatterwhat.
4. Single mindedly focus on one financial goal in the next 90 days. Write it down daily. In colour! Where you can see it.
3. How intentional are you every single day? What has to happen for you to stay focused and taking action every day towards your goal?
KEY#4YOURWORDIS YOURBOND. Honourandconfidence gohandinhand. Think about any promises or commitments you’ve made to others. Financial or otherwise. Did you honour your word? When you’re not in lack mentality you don’t need to do anything dodgy to get money. When people cut corners, do something illegal, copy other people’s content, or hide something in relation to money they sabotage themselves financially - because their conscience gets to them at some point.
5. Your top actions every day must be aligned with achieving your 90 day goal. Ask yourself… is this activity moving me towards that financial goal. If not. Don’t do it. The reticular activating system in your brain is designed to move you towards what you see. That’s why as a high performance tool, in goal setting - you’re encouraged to write down your goal again and again. You want your subconscious mind to be seeing that number, seeing that goal, and not getting distracted with other images, ideas or thoughts that keep you from the plumb line.
WITHLACK Made mistakes with money? Me too! When we struggled for some years, I kept condemning myself for the mistakes I made. Feeling guilty that we didn’t have enough.Condemnation is destructive. Let it go baby. Thelessyouhangontooldpain themoreyour financialriverwillflow.
When we went through tough financial times, I was in a time where I constantly needed to ask for extensions on bills... It was painful! When we began to recover financially I was in the habit of paying bills a little late. Once I began to make sure I paid my bills on time, a huge weight lifted off me. Pay your bills on time, and don’t be an ostrich about your money! Face it with confidence !
1.Pick a financial goal you want to achieve. Write it down 2.On a scale of 1 10 how committed are you to achieving the financial goal?
They say your average income will be the sum of the 5 people you hang out with most often.
Intentionally put yourself into environments, situations, and masterminds with people who are in a stronger financial position than you. Learn their language, their thought processes. Test your emotional ‘currency’ in relation to making more money here… Money Beliefs Survey Link:
Louise Taylor is a globally respected Speaker, Peak Performance Coach and Neuro strategist and Creator of Neuro flow™ system, Money Mindfit™, Sales Mindfit™ and Clarity Programs. Louise specialises in helping individuals and companies to develop a positive money mindset, emotional agility and approach leadership & business challenges with innovative commercial and people strategies.
What you speak over your money situation will come to pass. Every time you utter a word, you are rewiring your neural pathways to make that path of thinking stronger. What are you saying to yourself about money every day? Create new pathways but beginning to declare words of life over your finances.

until it’s done ItAlwaysSeems Impossible MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 49 QUOTE

Howtobend timetoincrease yourproductivity andmanifesting abilities. AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINEMAY 2022 MANIFESTATION AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 50 BY MARIA DAVIS

Your central nervous recalibrates. You come back to you and your internal forces to support you. Your adrenals stop overloading you with cortisol. Your fight, flight, or fawn response dials down so you feel more relaxed and able to achieve your goals
Can time really be your friend? There are so many narratives around time. It is a construct that can define or refine you. Let’s find out how. Collapsing or stretching time can be really fun to play with It can also be very lucrative!
Let’s face it, who doesn’t want to slow down time sometimes? Have you ever felt in a rush? Have you felt there’s not enough time to tick off everything on your “to do” list? Are people coming and the place is not ready? Are deadlines looming and you haven’t started yet? Time can be a minefield. It can create chaos and/or stress. Or alternatively, it can be stretched, and collapsed to accommodate where you are at!
This year I set my intention of having more time, creating more space, and manifesting more money from my business than I have before It’s working! This is how I did it. On the first of the month, I set up a time clock, made up of 12 one-dollar coins. I placed the coins in a clock formation. In the middle, I placed a candle, previously dressed and programmed. To program the candle I whisper sweet intentions to it. So that every time I light it, it lights my path. Reminds me of my intention. And I’m working with an ally, the Goddess of Fortuna who supports my intention too This is a ritual I shared with my clients and we are working together to time bend, so that time is our ally and supports us to achieve what we desire. Guess what? I asked my clients “Do you have more time?” “Are you finding you have more space?”
Let me share how I often say to my clients: “slow down to speed up” This affirmation feels counterintuitive to many Here’s what occurs when you take deep breaths, have a cup of tea, and take a moment on all neuro spiritual physiological levels. You have no fear and no doubt. You suddenly have space to plug into some super inner strength, intuition and for those in the know, connect to a force bigger than you. You become more focused, have more energy, and you’ve created more time for you to get things done.


They responded with a resounding “YES” Is it possible to time bend? Absolutely! As you practice the art of “time bending”, sprinkle a little magic on your clock. Set some intentions. Light your path by lighting a candle. Observe, be curious. Your life will change. Manifesting is easy when you know how to do it. Manifesting is fun when we play together. Try it! Time bending is absolutely a thing.
MARIA: Maria Davis from Maria Heals, teaching leadership and personal development. Sharing practical magic to entrepreneurs so they share their gifts with a wider audience and make more money.
The time for being a slave to time is over. A new paradigm has landed Or is it an ancient one with wisdom that has been remembered and reclaimed? These are my teachings anyway Let me know how you go! Most of all have fun whilst exploring what time can do for you too



Becoming a better communicator
Education equips you with knowledge and through it, you are able to make better life choices. Whether it is dealing with conflict or deciding on the best course of action and direction to take in life, education has a huge role to play. Thus it impacts the day to day lives of people and helps them avoid bad situations Ultimately education results in a better quality of life thus improving one ’ s self worth
People are born into different backgrounds and no one ever gets to choose. Some people are lucky to have grown up in situations that helped develop their self confidence and self worth. For others, the story is not so great, and facing extreme challenges and difficulty ends up draining their self esteem and self worth When it comes to education, there are still many people in rural locations around the world who still don’t have access to education For instance, in many parts of rural India girls do not have a chance to go to school and will often end up being married off at an early age This can have a huge negative impact on a girl’s self worth
Getting over challenges
Education gives students the chance to make presentations and argue their points in front of other students and their tutors With supportive teachers, the student learns the best way to point out their arguments This provides students with a sense of accomplishment and skills that they can take through life. As a result, their self confidence and self worth grows when they understand that they have acquired life skills. Making better life decisions
Let’s take a closer look at education and see how it impacts a person ’ s self worth.
There is no denying that studying for your exams and for higher education is no simple task However, by rising above these challenges, passing exams, and finally graduating, you learn that you have what it takes to meet life’s challenges When you finally enter the job market, challenges are just something to be overcome and you know that you have it in you to do so. This greatly improves one ’ s self esteem and self worth through a sense of accomplishment.
While tackling projects through education, you may sometimes receive negative feedback. Granted this can be counterproductive to a person ’ s self esteem and self confidence as there is the feeling of failing.
Negative feedback


Graduation After many years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, one will finally graduate achieve their diploma or your degree It is normal that a graduate gets the feeling of accomplishment and pride This is especially when one didn’t believe that they could achieve education or if they faced many odds to get here. This in itself can be a huge boost to their self confidence and self worth. As a result, one will also be motivated to approach the job market with zeal. An end to poverty
Sometimes this could even cause one to fail to try again. However, by taking the negative feedbacks from a constructive standpoint, you can perform better the next time and achieve your goals This then proves that through hard work you can achieve your accomplishments thus helping to boost your self worth
In many parts of the world including India, women are more affected by poverty than men. This is largely due to gender stereotypes A lack of education pushes women towards early marriages and pregnancies Girls and women do not get a chance to compete at the same level as men which greatly affects their self worth Proper education is the key to fighting poverty
A better educated girl and woman will go on to earn more and lead a better quality of life Her heightened self worth is likely to be passed on to her children which then improves the quality of life of the next generation.

Clients who participate in her coaching program are positioned to adapt to change and maintain their competitive edge in all the dimensions of life, including spiritual, intellectual, career, finance, love/ relationship, family, social, and health / fitness.
Speaking of society stereotypes
Education gives one a chance to be a part of something great Being able to join an organization whose activities help improve society and the world can be a huge boost to self confidence and self worth. One feels capable of doing great things. A lack of education, on the other hand, can result in low self esteem. In other words, one tends to think less of themself. A large portion of the population with such a mentality will affect the development of a country stagnating its growth
Getting an education goes far beyond improving self worth. It means that people can make better choices in their lives They can avoid diseases and they can create smaller more sustainable and healthier families Society and the country benefits as fewer people live below the poverty line and more people lead quality lives
Joining organizations
Also on the topic of girls’ education, giving girls a chance to education goes a long way to fighting gender and societal stereotypes such as women belong at home. Society is more likely to view women as capable contributors the society Women feel valued and this also raises their self esteem and self worth urging them to pursue even bigger goals
A ripple effect of improved self-worth
Falguni Katira is a professional transformation coach that helps leaders change their habits and thought patterns barring them from their path to holistic success.


Fortunately, you don’t need to buy a whole Bitcoin at once; each Bitcoin is divided into one hundred million “satoshis” or “sats,” (think cents, if that helps), so you can easily purchase a fraction of a Bitcoin for as little as $100, or even less. However, to avoid any unnecessary stress and sleep better at night, you should never invest more than you can comfortably afford to lose.
You don’t need to fully understand the history, philosophy, or underlying technology to appreciate the value of Bitcoin and get in the game; you just need to recognize that the price of food, gas, and housing keep going up, which means the value of your paycheque and dollars in the bank just keeps going down. Bitcoin helps to solve that problem by giving you a secure store of value that isn’t tied to any bank, corporation, or nation state, and it does that through “blockchain” technology, which basically creates a permanent record of every account and transaction that can’t be tampered with by anyone, ever.
These days you can easily buy, sell, borrow, invest, and even earn daily interest on your Bitcoin with a trusted and reliable phone app, or you can simply hold it like any other commodity as a small part of a balanced portfolio and long term hedge against inflation
There are no guarantees, but that history of volatility also illustrates
It has been called “digital gold” and was created in direct response to the economic chaos of 2008: a viable 21st century alternative to traditional fiat currencies (like Dollars, Yen, Pesos, Rubles, etc ) that is not controlled by the big banks or dependent on any national government, is easily transferable almost anywhere in the world, and is secure enough to be trustworthy for transactions with total strangers. Over the past decade Bitcoin has repeatedly demonstrated its resilience and usefulness, and as a result its value has skyrocketed.
Comparatively, the January 1st price of bitcoin in 2015 was $313 92 USD and January 1st 2020 approx $7 188 46
It's been called many different names: the 2008 financial crisis; the subprime mortgage crisis; in Japan it’s referred to as Lehman Shock Around the world, it devastated people’s financial portfolios and retirement savings, destabilized national economies, and created enormous stress, anxiety, and uncertainty for families, business owners, and retirees It also led to the birth of Bitcoin the world’s first secure, decentralized, digital currency and store of value
Bitcoin’s tremendous growth potential, and unlike other forms of currency Bitcoin’s total supply is capped at 21 million; that’s all that will ever exist, by design. As worldwide demand continues to increase, as it has for the past several years, this limited supply will inevitably become more valuable.
Feb 1 2022 bitcoin price $38,718.81
Feb 1 2013 bitcoin price $20.50
Yes, the day to day price of Bitcoin is quite volatile in comparison to other assets, which intimidates a lot of people, but over time it has outperformed almost everything else, for example, the average price per ounce of gold on Jan 1 2015 was approx $1,190 USD and five years later Jan 1 2020 equated $1,519 USD
Feb 1 2019 bitcoin price $3,468.25
Feb 1 2016 bitcoin price $371.25

CONTACT MICHAEL: https://www.facebook. com/wade.gail/
Are you ready to get in the game or are you still on the fence? The value and usefulness of this digital asset are well established, and the available on ramps have never been more user friendly, but I realize it’s still a lot to wrap your head around and this short article barely scratches the surface There is a ton of great content online for anyone who wants to learn more, but all the noise, hype, and scams can also make it a bit too overwhelming and intimidating for most people. I specialize in Bitcoin baby steps, helping people who are curious and motivated get oriented enough to understand how to participate (safely) and feel confident to start doing their own research. Where you go from there is up to you, whether it’s just a fun hobby that gives you a bit of extra play money or an active strategy to get ahead of the curve and systematically build generational wealth for your family. Bitcoin is part of the world we live in now, and it’s not going anywhere. El Salvador for example has adopted bitcoin as legal tender. This isn’t some utopian future scenario either; it’s an important tool people are using today from the pro athletes being paid in Bitcoin because they trust it to hold value more than regular dollars to the Ukrainian refugees fleeing war with their life savings on a USB stick, relieved they will be able to access and spend those funds wherever they end up. It’s worth understanding, and the sooner the better in my opinion because there’s always another crisis around the corner, or an opportunity if you recognize it and are prepared to act decisively.
https://www.linkedin. com/in/wade-gail90b46633/ Wade Gail is CEO/Crytpo Coach Stellar Sales and Solutions.
Previously a lifetime emergency responder/firefighter, Wade decided to pursue his passion for guiding clients through the confusion of crypto to obtain financial freedom.

Friday, May 06 You made it through yesterday. You can make it through today. Keep going! AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 65 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE MQUOTE AY 2022

While these may be obvious, other selfdefeating behaviors may not seem as apparent. Think about what habits, patterns, and mindsets have held you back repeatedly. It may be helpful to look at your behaviors as an outsider would. Here are a few common selfsabotage habits to be aware of:
Fear of failure: Many people get stuck in a comfort zone in their careers, relationships, and other areas of life. Your current situation is OK, but it's not great. There is definitely a possibility for something better, but you resist change, and While these defenses may have protected you as a child, the same behaviors can hold you back as an adult In your efforts to avoid pain, you keep yourself from doing, being, and becoming someone who’s happier in a new relationship, a new job, or any better situation because of fear. The behaviors which once protected you now cause you to neglect your dreams and goals which, in turn, limit your success and happiness.
The first step to breaking the cycle of self-sabotage is to become aware of destructive behaviors and identify the root causes. The most common forms of self-sabotaging behaviors include procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, behavioral addictions, such as shopping, sex, or gambling, unhealthy habits, such as comfort eating or binge-watching TV, and forms of self-injury, such as cutting.
Self-sabotage involves any attitude or behavior that creates ongoing problems in your daily life or interferes with your goals. Often, self-destructive habits are rooted in feelings of self-worth. You don’t feel like you deserve to be successful and are plagued with feelings of inadequacy. So, you overcompensate by setting unrealistically high goals for yourself which set you up to inevitably fail. Some people may even use selfsabotage as an unconscious way of controlling their own fate.
Self-sabotaging behaviors are often driven by anxiety, fear, avoidance, and self-doubt. It's really your subconscious brain just doing its job trying to protect you, prevent pain and heed fear learned from past experiences. Your brain sees the behaviors as selfpreservation; a way to safeguard and
Identifying Root Causes of Self-Sabotage
We all do things occasionally that may be out of line with our goals or that actually impede our progress That's normal and to be expected Self sabotage is a repeated pattern of thoughts, decisions, and behaviors creating problems that prevent you from moving forward successfully. Self sabotage can keep you stuck, unhappy, and moving away from what you desire most in life. Unfortunately, many of us do it unknowingly. People aren't always even aware that they are sabotaging themselves. However, you can become aware of self defeating patterns and change them. Why Do People Self-Sabotage?

Do you recognize any of the above behaviors as all too familiar? If so, the good news is you can change them.
Negative self talk/negative thinking: If your inner dialogue is persistently critical, you are sabotaging yourself Harsh self criticism can affect your actions and prevent you from reaching your goals It’s often an and fear of failure keeps you from even looking for anything new and pursuing it automatic, negative, and discouraging commentary running through your mind unchecked coming from your subconscious brain and the past. Listening to this negative self talk can keep you from believing that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and convince you to not even try.
Fear of loss of control: When you have a strong need to be in control, it can limit you This need can leave you burned out, stressed, and overwhelmed because you feel like you have to do everything yourself Ultimately, you are holding yourself back with this habit Perfectionism often accompanies this
Fear of success: It sounds strange, but many people are afraid of succeeding. Once you finally get what you think you want in the form of success, you may realize that it's more than you bargained for or that you're still not happy. More success also means more responsibility. That can create fear
Self-Sabotaging: 8 Tips
Poor Self-Care: Not taking care of yourself is a form of self-sabotage because it can prevent you from thriving and reaching your goals
Creating conflict: This happens frequently when you're in a situation you wanted, like a great relationship or job, and you feel uneasy like you're just waiting for disaster to strike. You may knowingly or unknowingly start conflict and begin testing the situation to bring about the impending doom. In other words, you create the situation you're afraid of to confirm your fears and get it over with.
Procrastination: Instead of tackling an important project in a manner that allows you to perform your best with less stress, you stall until the last minute Delaying action and distractions lets people think they are avoiding stress, anxiety, or otherwise emotionally uncomfortable situations, but it may be even more of these things, in the end, because of procrastination Also, what they are avoiding might actually be good and ultimately lead to growth
How to Stop
Poor self-care habits include unhealthy eating habits, lack of sleep, not exercising, or not seeking help for physical and mental health challenges It can also involve engaging in unhealthy or risky behaviors like self-medicating with alcohol or drugs, comfort eating, gambling, or risky sex.

Self sabotage isn’t a character flaw you were born with, nor does it define who you are or erase the strengths and talents you do have It is possible to replace self sabotaging habits with better behaviors that support you and encourage self advancement. You can start small and be persistent to make big changes which can help you replace self defeating habits and experience more success and happiness.
Spend time in self reflection to increase your self awareness of your own self sabotaging. Try journaling regularly to document your behaviors and thought patterns and see if you can identify where they are coming from. Pause several times throughout the day to check in with yourself. As you develop insight about yourself, you can become more intentional about where you need to make changes.
4. Make Small Changes
Here are eight tips to stop self sabotaging from the article, Self Sabotaging: Why We Do It & 8 Ways to Stop:
5. Befriend Yourself
1. Boost Your Self-Awareness
2. Look Before You Leap This old proverb holds wisdom for modern-day self-sabotagers. As you begin to notice negative behaviors, thoughts, and feelings, ask yourself whether these habits are helping you or hurting you. Often, we feel pressured to do something (or avoid doing something) out of fear, so taking a moment to decide if something will hold you back or move you forward can prevent self-sabotage
Meaningful goals help you live with intention Even more powerful, pair meaningful goals with specific actions Consider your deepest values when setting your goals. What do you want more of in your life? What creates a sense of meaning and purpose? What makes you feel energized and alive? Then, decide what small steps you can take to move you toward a goal.
Positive action certainly beats self defeating action, but remember that habits are most effectively changed in small steps. Think in terms of making incremental change. Replace one thought or behavior every day and give yourself time to make that change a habit. Here's a secret many people don't know, fear and action can’t coexist. So, start taking small steps in the direction of your goal. Talk to as many people as you can before jumping into that new role. Learn about the good, the bad, and the ugly. Make sure it’s the right fit and then take the plunge. If you feel you still need help combating those self-sabotaging behaviors, you may even consider working with a career coach or mentor to get you across the finish line.
3. Set Meaningful Goals & Pair Them With an Action Plan
The inner critic is a primary factor underlying self-sabotage; therefore, replacing automatic, self-critical thoughts with more nurturing ones is a crucial step in stopping self-sabotage. Develop a gentle, accepting attitude toward yourself by acknowledging your emotions and accepting past mistakes as part of the human experience.
character strengths that
Omozua Isiramen is a High Performance Brain & Neuro Agility Trainer and Certified Life & Executive Neuro Leadership Coach. Founder of CWO Solutions Executive Coaching with Omozua, Co Founder of the Systemic Neuroscience Consulting Group Neuro Link’s Regional Corporate Business Partner & Lead Master Trainer for NAP™ and High Achiever Emotional Intelligence™ and Co Creator of the 3 to 5 BrainSystem Code™ and Signature Impact Leadership Program. her work as a Certified High Performance Brain & Neuro Agility Trainer; Executive Intelligent Leadership and Neuroscience Coach, she uses emotional mastery and neuroscience based approaches to empower & prepare clients’ hearts & heads to take the journey from where they are to where they want to be by bravely accessing and optimizing their limitless brain potential Power Slogan: Be CEO of Brain Website: motivational behavioral behavior has can help identified, and Reflect on strengths, identifying not just things you do well but attitudes you hold dear and positive emotions you experience. When do you feel your best? Knowing your strengths and finding ways to use these strengths at least one every day can help you develop self love. Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a way of life that involves being fully present and grounded in each moment. It helps you separate the past from the present as well as thoughts from reality. This, in turn, helps you choose how to respond to a problematic situation or person.
Conclusion Self-sabotage isn’t a trait you were born with and cannot change. It is a pattern of behaviors, originating from fear and negative beliefs based on your past experiences that are preventing you from moving forward, achieving your goals, and being happy in one or more areas of your life. You can become aware of your limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviors and work on changing them, in small steps, to create a better future and life.
A therapist can gently guide you toward a deeper self-understanding. They also provide tips and strategies for facing down self-sabotaging thoughts and finding ways to boost your emotional self-care. Find a therapist you feel comfortable with, and begin the process of transforming your life. Types of therapy for self-sabotage are:
7. Practice
therapy (DBT) 6. Know & Embrace Your Strengths Everyone
them thrive once
therapy (CBT) Mindfulness-based therapies Strengths-based therapies Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) Dialectical
therapy Cognitive
MAY 2022 Behavior and


Podcasting provides a unique opportunity to dive deeper into the topics in your field, both from your company and other industry experts, as well as share compelling stories related to your business, which is an indirect way of establishing a trusting relationship with consumers for your business.
3. It’s one of few cost effective ways to engage your audience for 30 45 minutes. Podcasting can be done inexpensively. Podcasting has one of the best levels of engagement of any medium.
The average podcaster listens to 8 episodes per week and 80% of listeners finish all or most of each episode they start. That means you can get the attention of listeners for 30 45 minutes on your podcast. That’s unheard of on YouTube, blogs, and other platforms.
2. It builds brand identity through storytelling and education.
AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 75 MAY 2022 TOOLBOX 5 reasons your business needs a podcast to succeed!
1. Current and potential customers are listening to podcasts.
Podcasting is continuing to grow in popularity, meaning there is an opportunity for your business to reach those people!

@thecreativescoopjansantos @thecreativescoopjansantos AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 76 MAY 2022 TOOLBOX
Time and time again, businesses are leveraging podcasting as a way of collaborating and connecting with other industry leaders, which then allows your business to be showcased to a new audience.
Jan Santos is a Branding Coach from the Philippines. He runs The Creative Talk Podcast on Apple/ITunes and Spotify and YouTube, supporting designers and entrepreneurs to stand out and establish a market competitive edge His goal is to solidify ones branding and identity, ensuring the business to be unique and memorable by means of creating a consistent visual style, goal and focus.
4. It’s an easier alternative to video production. While video podcasts are certainly a thing, they don’t have to be. Audio based podcasts are easy alternatives to high end video projects and involve minimal setup
5 It’s a networking tool for meeting other industry leaders.
Jan Santos

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In a clear and concise manner, Boyapati presents the theory of money, the anatomy of Bitcoin, the reasons it is superior to the gold and fiat standards that came before it, and the promise that it offers to human civilization. He describes path dependence and the trajectory of a newly monetizing asset in terms the layman can understand, and he addresses the concerns that most commonly arise as newcomers struggle to comprehend the essence and significance of this first digital monetary network. I was immediately captivated by "The Bullish Case for Bitcoin" when I first read it and made it part of the recommended reading for all the officers and directors of my firm as we educated ourselves on Bitcoin and considered the logical path forward. In this book Boyapati updates and significantly expands on the ideas presented in his original article.
ASTRO File Manager & Cleaner is the all in one app to organize, move, and back up your files easily and clean up your android phone’s memory It has a user friendly interface for easy navigation and simple folder management of your internal, external, and cloud storages. ASTRO is being used by 150M+ users worldwide since 2009.

PODCASTOF THE MONTH NAME OF PODCAST: Jake Gallen Podcast Talking with like minded entrepreneurs & creators. Discussing Crypto, Entrepreneurship, Mentality, and occasionally Las Vegas. Learn more at: t/jake-gallen-podcast/id1508044547 MAY 2022 AUTHORITTI5 0 MAGAZINE PODCAST OF THE WEEK AUTHORITTI5.0 MAGAZINE | 78