Avalon Park Sun Orlando December 2021

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Real Estate Investing: Is Now the Right Time? the several years but at a slower rate than this year. As prices rise, homes become more expensive pushing some potential buyers out of the market making renting more attractive. Current low-interest rates drive down the mortgage payment on an investment loan. Purchasing a real estate can be a hedge against inflation as you will have locked in your loan at a Is Now The Right Time To cashflow there are plenty of low interest rate. As interest Invest In Real Estate? The online resources or contact rates rise, yours remain low for short answer is both YES me. the life of the loan. and NO because now may be the right time for you, but it 4. Are You An Experienced 7. Here’s the paradox: It’s a may not be the right for your Real Estate Investor or will more difficult time to buy, but neighbor. Let’s start with a this be your first investment? much more affordable time few questions and add some If this is your first investment, to own. Homes are selling guidance from a realtor who quickly making it nearly details below: has experience investing in impossible to buy anything 1. Do you have an investment his/her own properties will under market value. As an strategy? For most people be critical. investor, if the numbers work, investing in Real Estate a the cash flow is positive, and long-term investment, at 5. Where is your investment if the property and location property going to be located? meet your investing strategy, least 7-10 years. If this is your first investment there’s no reason not to move 2. Do you have 20-25% having it close to home forward. In fact, interest rates down payment? A typical generally works best. can only go up. investment loan will require 20% down payment with a 6. Are Homes Over-Price Click On This Link or slightly higher interest rate Today? If you’ve ready my Visit My Blog at www. article in the September issue avalonrealtygroup.com/ than a primary residence. of the Avalon Sun, statistical Blog for a more in-depth 3. Are you looking for a current prices are in line with discussion. monthly cashflow? Rental a conservative 3.5% annual income can provide this appreciation over the past You’re also welcome to call assuming income is greater 17 years. In our area of East me at 407-312-4928 to discuss than expenses. If you’re Orlando, it’s forecast that investing in Real Estate. not sure how to calculate prices will continue to rise over

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