Avalon Park Orlando Sun-February Edition

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5 Simple, Yet Elegant Valentine’s Day Desserts You Can Make in Your Apartment

Valentine’s Day can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. You don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen making complicated desserts to impress your loved one – or anyone else, for that matter! If you have the desire and a few simple ingredients, you can make these elegant Valentine’s Day desserts in no time at all – and they will be sure to wow whoever you choose to share them with!

rosemary if desired. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container for 2-3 days in room temperature (to retain color) or for 1 week in refrigerator. Not only are they delicious, but also healthy because you know exactly what ingredients were used!

5) Dark Chocolate Raspberry Truffles 1 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup dark chocolate until dissolved; then add chocolate chips (I prefer chips 3/4 cup raspberry to cream mixture along dark chocolate), dip your 1) Chocolate Ganache preserves candy molds with 1/2 teaspoon vanilla strawberries in it, and Chocolate ganache is a (optional) Directions: Melt extract and stir until fully let them set in a plate simple dessert that is chocolate and preserves incorporated. Pour into or serving dish at room made with cream and together over a double 6-8 small ramekins or temperature for about 3 chocolate (think of it as a dessert dishes and chill hours (or you can put them boiler (or microwave). Mix cross between fudge and well until smooth. Add for at least 3 hours before in the fridge and eat them frosting). It’s delicious, heavy cream and vanilla serving. Top each panna quicker). Enjoy! versatile and easy to extract; mix thoroughly cotta with a thin slice of make – simply melt until well combined. Use a strawberries and chocolate 4) Peanut Butter Hearts chocolate with heavy curls if desired. If you want All you need is a box of red piping bag to carefully fill cream in a double boiler or something more decadent: velvet cake mix and some your molds with chocolate microwave until smooth. mixture or use your hands top your panna cotta with unsalted peanuts to whip Since it can be served cold whipped cream, chocolate up these simple peanut to form them into balls if or at room temperature, it you don’t have any molds chips and cinnamon. butter hearts. Break apart makes for an ideal no-bake Refrigerate an additional on hand for more rustic a package of red velvet dessert that can be served truffles. Refrigerate for two hour before serving—or cake mix and stir it with on its own or dolloped even better make ahead of two cups of creamy peanut hours or until firm. Serve over cakes. immediately or store in an time and save it for later! butter until completely airtight container in the combined (you can make 2) Strawberry Panna Cotta 3) Chocolate Strawberries refrigerator for up to five as many or as few as you Whip 1 1/2 cups of heavy days. Enjoy! 1 Cup of Chocolate Chips + like at once). Roll into cream with 3 tablespoons 1 Package of Strawberries little balls, sprinkle with sugar and 1/2 cup For more information on = The Perfect Date Night sea salt and then place strawberry puree in a large Treat. Here’s a great leasing at The Flats, contact on a tray. Place in fridge bowl until peaks form. In a dessert for couples that our leasing office at (407) for 10 minutes before separate bowl, stir together takes less than 10 minutes 273-4337. transferring to serving 2 tablespoons gelatin and to make and is sure to dish or individual plates/ 2 tablespoons cold water be devoured! Melt your bowls. Garnish with fresh

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