Avalon Park Sun Orlando July 2021 Edition

Page 15

AMLY Sustainability & Circulor Partner on Tracing Materials in Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain AMLY Sustainability & Circulor to collaborate on implementing full traceability of critical components and materials for customers in the Electric Vehicle (EV) lithium-ion battery supply chain in the US and Latin America.


ty and sustainability. These will directly address the requirements of the new administration for the 2030 Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Target that includes reducing carbon pollution from the transportation sector, addressing carbon pollution from industrial processes, securing AMLY Sustainability is proud to announce domestic production of safer low carbon its collaboration with Circulor to imple- products and investing in innovation. ment its full traceability and dynamic CO2 tracking solution for customers across the Ana Leal, AMLY Sustainability’s FoundUnited States and Latin America for lith- er added: “This collaboration between ium-ion battery and Electric Vehicle (EV) AMLY and Circulor will allow us to offer supply chain and for semiconductors and a technology driven dynamic solution to critical materials of electrical and electron- support critical industries like electrical ic equipment. and electronics and EV in tracing materials and carbon, for a transparent low impact AMLY will be implementing Ciculor’s production. In addition, AMLY commits software solution for its upcoming projects to provide other consulting solutions that with American manufacturers to meet their can improve the products and processes sustainability and circularity objectives for for a true reduction of the carbon footprint material traceability and CO2 transparen- and overall environmental and social imcy. Circulor’s solution is a successful prov- pacts. It is another industry-leading move en approach for traceability during actual by AMLY that sets the way forward for production. Both companies will also work improving the sustainability of products, together to prepare and enable AMLY and processes and the supply chain.” its manufacturing and supply chain partners for full traceability of Carbon from “We are excited to be working with partthe start of production. AMLY and Circu- ners like AMLY to expand our support to lor will also advise on best practices and customers in the US and Latin America with strategies for addressing issues identified complex and global supply chains. The reduring the traceability as a means to sup- newed focus on reducing greenhouse gas port the reduction of carbon. and responsible sourcing of critical minerals and materials requires increasing Electrical and electronics critical materials transparency and collaboration throughand components and electric vehicle bat- out the supply chain to enable change at teries are key technologies for the US and scale that is required.”, says Veera Johntracing materials and carbon across the son, Co-Founder of Circulor. supply chain is a necessary step to meet internal demand and transition to climate neutrality, and to a more circular economy. Through this collaboration, AMLY and Circulor are setting new benchmarks for electrical and electronics and EV battery material transparency, traceabili-

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