Avalon Park Sun Orlando November 2021

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Coffee Hour with BEAT ago, Avalon Park Group donated school sites for the Avalon Park Elementary school, funded the Timber Creek high school football stadium, and built the Timber Creek Band’s marching field. A high-ranking school board officer asked me how APG could afford to do all of this. He answered himself, “Your community has all the schools, which are all “A” schools, I think your donations are well chosen investments into the community.” And I wholeheartedly agree.

Approximately 15 years ago I was making a presentation before the Orange County School Board. Everyone likes receiving compliments, but that particular evening I was humbled when the Board told me that Avalon Park Group was one of the most generous companies that OCPS had Avalon Park is ever met. not the outstandHow do you re- ing community we spond to such a have today because comment? Giving it was created by back is just part of taking. Quite the my “rule book.” contrary, it was by While it may seem giving, by many generous, it is my and every single philosophy that day. giving back to the community at large I am thankful and is not only an obli- glad that Avalon gation, but also a Park started with great investment, if giving. It was the you are willing to strong foundation for a great commuthink long-term. nity. Without those Almost 20 years gifts we would not have what we have

today, a wonderful town, where people can live, learn, work, and play. A town where people can find a strong sense of belonging and safety. Hence giving back starts early and should never end.

time to give back, sometimes it is easy just to send a check, and much harder to invest time and passion when giving back. So, in the spirit of the season, as I look to new and familiar ways to give back, I encourage you to do Sometimes peo- the same! ple believe giving is just money. I I believe, that in strongly disagree, the end you reap there are so many what you sow. ways of giving There are many back, as in time and residents who give talents. I am thank- back every day and ful that the Avalon it strengthens the Park community community in a is among the best tremendous way. I I have experienced invite you to think when it comes to about how to give giving time as vol- back, and I guaranunteers in schools, tee you it will be a at Encore Assisted great investment Living community, for you, like it was at the service clubs, for me. such as the Avalon Rotary Club and Happy ThanksgivAvalon Kiwan- ing! is Club. I admire anybody spending

GET IN TOUCH - Have an inclusion for the Avalon Park Sun? Email: info@AvalonParkSun.com - Editorial Staff: Publisher: Beat Kahli Copy Editor: Stephanie Lerret Graphic & Layout Editor: Kenzie Farrish 407.658.6565 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. #400 Orlando, FL 32828

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