Avalon Park Sun Orlando September 2021

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Coffee Hour with BEAT

For me Encore, Avalon Park’s assisted living and memory care community is one of the most important institutions in our town. At times I have even called Encore the “Town Hall” of Avalon Park. When planning Encore more than a decade ago, we visited many assisted living communities. While we learned a lot, I found that one thing seemed to be missing, that was at the forefront of Encore’s design: community involvement. Even the most expensive assisted living communities cannot compare if they lack the integral component of being part of a community and that community being actively involved. It has always been my vision to constantly evaluate and improve the services and care we provide at Encore. With that in mind, shortly after we opened Encore in 2015, we invited a top executive of a well-known senior care company to visit and give us his opinion on our building, care and programming. I was pleased when he announced that he was impressed with the management, care, food, layout of the rooms, etc. But then he said one thing that still sticks with me to this day, “I am not sure if you can succeed with Encore at this location, it is surrounded by young families.” He continued, “When our company plans new facilities, we look for an older demographic and you do not have that.” As a long-time entrepreneur I am used to fixing problems, and anything I could change, but of course not the location of Encore. And with full conviction, I did not want to. I continued to believe that

the location of Encore was a strength family member who needs assistance and not a weakness as indicated by to live a full life, they have options just a few blocks away! We have daughthe industry-leader. ters and sons who live in Avalon Park When it came to the design of the En- and have loved ones at Encore and core building it was important to our visit them every day. Grandkids who entire team to include a space where go to school in Avalon are just a stroll people could gather. After all, when away from there great grandfather. you gather you begin to feel like you By and large most Encore residents belong, and that is where the founda- have strong ties to Avalon Park, eition for a healthy community begins. ther having lived themselves in the That space was named, Carnegie Hall, community or by moving to Encore and from the onset it was designed to to live closer to loved ones. That was serve as a meeting room and event the vision, and it was fulfilled. space where families, neighbors and friends could meet and interact. And I believe that one of the most importwhile this was a costly component ant elements in a healthy town is that to the building and very unique to a it is open to all ages. Currently, the senior living community, we felt it oldest resident at Encore is 104 years imperative that this feature should old and just last week, our youngest not be “value engineered” out of the resident was born in Avalon Park, building. Value is measure more than which means that the span of life just financially. We know that to pro- in our community is more than 100 vide a high value to our residents and years! I continue to believe assisted the community at large, this space living communities, like Encore, are a would be important and could serve great place for individuals who need as a heart of the community. I believe care. However, like anything in Avathat we were right, and I still think of lon, care is not exclusive to those conEncore as the “Town Hall” of Avalon sidered as seniors. Park. As I mentioned before we are always Everyday community organizations looking at ways to improve our care such as the American Legion, Jet Set- and programming and even as I write ters, Rotary Club of Avalon Park, Boy this, we are working on initiatives to Scouts, and public-school groups, just provide a broader spectrum of care to to name a few, use Carnegie Hall as an even wider population of all ages, meeting and event space. By doing so who need daily care as a part of a they not only meet our residents, but community. I firmly believe that like they interact and form relationships. Avalon Park at large, Encore will as It is such a joy to see young and old well become a complete community meeting and sharing life experience. for people of all ages who need assisEven when our building had visita- tance. tion restrictions for health and safety throughout the COVID pandemic, Stay Tuned! these organizations still found a way through technology and other creative means to interact with the residents.


I always wondered why one would not want to have their mom or grandfather close to them. With today’s urban sprawl, families are often hours apart from each other, but this is not the case in Avalon Park. Families have options for all ages to live a full and abundant life in the same community, all while being close to each other. You can live with your family and if a

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Editorial Staff: Publisher: Beat Kahli Copy Editor: Stephanie Lerret Graphic & Layout Editor: Kenzie Farrish

AvalonParkSun.com 3801 Avalon Park Blvd. East Ste. 400 Orlando, FL 32828 407-658-6565

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