living well
FASCIA Reset your lymphatic system for a better version of yourself BY ANNA VIEIRA
ascia adhesions work as a “parking brake” in our body and we need free flow in order to keep our body healthy. The underlying secret is to work together, as no system in the body works by itself, never gets injured by itself and never heals alone. However, you can have a targeted systemic therapeutic approach that takes care for these important systems, giving you faster and longer lasting results with much less effort. It’s not just about stimulating tissues randomly, there’s an order in which you do it! This sequence influences the hydrodynamics of our body fluids. But before any aesthetician procedure, think fascia. Inflammations and cellulite treatments can benefit from a much better result when fascia is approached appropriately. Inflammation combined with bad posture and fascia adhesions in a toxic body is the perfect combination for
cellulite to thrive. Cellulite is just a big huge block of fascia adhesions and body fluid retention related to inflammation. Cellulite is part of our defense mechanism. When our liver is full of toxic debris and unable to store toxins. It gives the body a specific signal and the body begins to store toxic material far away from our organs, usually around our thighs and buttocks area. Cupping treats inflammation, breaks fascia adhesions, detoxes the body, oxygenates blood, unclogs lymphatic system and much more. Another area that can benefit is scars. Scars have neurological and emotional memory pain attached to it. When scars are treated, trauma is being released from the fascia and nervous system. Our nerves are one big system with different names and fascia is a one-piece suit. Scars block blood and lymph circulation, and you could be retaining body fluid around your scars. It is all interconnected.
Here’s a few pro tips that you should know to better understand and respect your skin: 1. It is the largest organ of the body; it matters a lot in your healing. 2. It is part of your ectoderm developmental tissue and it speaks directly to the brain and gut 3. It is a detox organ and reveals the deep health of your body especially your brain and gut 4. It is hard not to notice how interconnected all the structures are in the body – and sadly, we forget all the time 5. Just touching the skin ignites healing, connection, and bonding 6. Just touching the skin can also ignite withdrawal, threat, and pain 7. The lighter you go on the skin with touch, the more powerful results you get. It does not have to be hard to work. It is easy to go hard, it is hard to go light 8. The skin tells a lot about your organ’s health. The body reveals itself via the skin.
| AUGUST 2020