Read IFA

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CRM upgrade underpins business success

Company Nam e

“Our CRM upgrade has delivered excellent value. Everything hangs on the information it records and shares – from marketing leads and conversions, sales pipeline and customer service. ” - James Knights, Customer Service Manager, Read IFA

Read IFA

Industry Finance


Business Challenges

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Cumbersome CRM system slowing down the sales team’s performance Hours spent recording information across a variety of systems to compensate for the CRM’s inflexibility Limited insight for sales management or marketing

Business Benefits •

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Best value solution by upgrading instead of replacing the old CRM Record more information in less time Information held in one location, giving fast access and better service Personalised screens mean each team starts working sooner each day New tracking and analysis of advertising performance, enable better media buying and lower cost per response Correspondence templates are globally updated ensuring total compliance

Com pany back ground Read IFA is a specialist division of AWD Group, one of the largest Independent Financial Advisors (IFAs) in the country. With nearly 20 years experience, Read IFA is one of the longest established specialists providing advice in the pension unlocking market. Sister companies specialise in home finance, professional finance, reward consultancy and wealth management. Their success is based on delivering financial solutions that match the specific needs of each client, and being independent they owe allegiance to no-one else. As an IFA, they impartially advise the best course of action and funding alternatives available. Regulated by the FSA, Read IFA has to demonstrate rigorous compliance with legislation and hold a detailed record of every service transaction.

Lim ited CRM support As Read IFA had grown, they experienced the limitations of their old CRM system. “It was no longer flexible enough to support our sales and marketing.” explained James Knights, Customer Service Manager. “As an independent broker, it is critical that our records are fully compliant. We were using a mix of systems to keep and link our records, which wasted time. We needed our CRM to be sharper in what it produced.”

A com prehensive wish list for sales and marketing A wish list of features that the different sales and marketing teams wanted was compiled. It ranged from the desire to understand what advertising was working to having personalised opening screens that presented different, key information specifically for each team.

A pragm atic solution with dramatic results The checklist was discussed with avrion and the old system reviewed. After consideration, avrion proposed an upgrade of the existing system. The upgrade would deliver the features the users wanted, offer a high degree of familiarity and avoid the expense of a wholesale replacement. The transition to the new version of the CRM was remarkably uneventful, whereas the effect, from seemingly the same product, was dramatic. “The upgraded system has a better structure and is so much easier to use” enthused James, “it has delivered excellent value for money. Everything hangs on the information it records and shares – from marketing leads and conversions to sales pipeline, customer service and compliance.”

The one system now precisely supports each sales team’s agenda – the opening screen is adapted to each team’s priorities, creating a much faster start to each work day. The greatest benefit from the new system is the step change in analysis and measurement. One example is the superior understanding of advertising performance. The data extracted from the CRM system is used to evaluate each media’s performance in lead generation. “The detailed cost per response and ultimately conversion to sale has helped enormously” explained James “we know how well our TV buying performs compared to teletext, web etc and this has helped us improve both our media buying and the average cost per response.”

Company Nam e Read IFA

Industry Finance

The new insights provided by the CRM upgrade also apply to the sales team. Whichever stage they are responsible for within the sales process, the tracking means the management team know how each individual is performing, and can identify what training or support they need. The better data storage has helped Read IFA improve its customer service by presenting easily accessible contact histories and selected correspondence. “We scan in specific client correspondence, so that everyone has a clear awareness of their needs” added James.


Business Challenges

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Cumbersome CRM system slowing down the sales team’s performance Hours spent recording information across a variety of systems to compensate for the CRM’s inflexibility Limited insight for sales management or marketing

Business Benefits •

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Best value solution by upgrading instead of replacing the old CRM Record more information in less time Information held in one location, giving fast access and better service Personalised screens mean each team starts working sooner each day New tracking and analysis of advertising performance, enable better media buying and lower cost per response Correspondence templates are globally updated ensuring total compliance

W hy avrion? With avrion, you will attain a prospect and customer management system that can make your business more efficient. We support you in line with your business needs, so that you gain a robust, cost-effective solution.

The contrast between the old and our upgraded version is amazing. We are faster, better informed and able to deliver excellent levels of customer service.” - James Knights, Customer Service Manager, Read IFA

We are clear about how we work as team, with our suppliers and with you, our clients. We only recommend CRM applications that we have evaluated and approve of. Assisted by our avrion client care process, our teams deliver the right results across a wide variety of industries and organisations. Our avrion client care process has been designed so that the work is as simple and painless as possible for you ensuring our responses are perfectly aligned to the complexity of your needs, making certain that nothing is overlooked and that every CRM solution is a success. Please visit our web site ( to understand more about how we work, and why we are consistently recognised as a leader in our industry.

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