September 12, 2012
1,000 Motorcyclists Needed to Escort Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall Motorcyclists from throughout the Indiana and Kentucky area are invited to participate in escorting the AVTT-TWF Traveling Wall into Clarksville on September 12th at 6 p.m. The AVTT-TWF Traveling Wall is an 80% replica of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C. Its appearance in Clarksville is hosted by: Indiana Salute to Veterans Promoted by: Greg Alexander, Chuck Adams, Beany Smith, and Mike Ooley This is an event to honor all Americans who have served. The AVTT-TWF Traveling Wall will be open to the public in Clarksville, Indiana on Veterans Parkway from September 13-16, 2012. Traditionally, the traveling wall is led into a city by an escort of bikers. S&S Power Sports is organizing the escort. We'd like to have 1,000 motorcycles accompany the wall into Clarksville. All bikers are welcome. There is no participation fee and no registration is necessary, but we would like you to call S&S Power Sports at 812-948-1621 and list your name or total number of bikes in your group. You don't have to be a veteran to ride. The escort will meet the wall at the parking lot of S&S Power Sports, 700 Kopp Lane, Clarksville, IN at 5:00p.m. Departure will be at 6:00p.m. We'll escort the wall from Clarksville into Jeffersonville, Charlestown, Sellersburg, and New Albany then back to Clarksville about 35 miles.* The escort is loud, but it's not a time for bikers to rev their engines up. It's a solemn event. It creates what they call in Washington D.C., 'rolling thunder.' We hope people will be outside to honor those whose names are on the wall. Police and sheriff departments will accompany the escort. There will be a short ceremony at the lot as the wall comes in, and there will be a lot of activities throughout the event. Displays that accompany the AVTT-TWF traveling wall include the Vietnam Remembered Art Collection, the Cost of Freedom Exhibit including a 9-11 tribute, statistics from all wars, names of casualties between Vietnam and 9-11, and a tribute to those killed in Operation Iraqi and Enduring Freedom campaigns. Over 7,000 flags will fly in Clarksville honoring and memorializing veterans of all service branches throughout U.S. history to include first responders and home-front heroes. For more information go to: E-Mail Phone: 812-786-5617 -- Call to be a volunteer for this 24 hour/day, 4 day event. *See Proposed Parade Route on the reverse