June 2009
No. 55
NEWS FROM ISRAEL (that your media does not report) www.wizo.org/newsletter
“Seize this Chance for Peace?” Last month’s meeting between the President Barak Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was subjected to the media’s intense scrutiny. Certainly here in Israel journalists and commentators were vying to offer their interpretation of the first meeting between our respective elected leaders. On June 12th the people of Iran will be going to the polls to elect their President. Although some 475 have registered as candidates it would appear that four are serious contenders with the sitting incumbent projected to win. Ahmadinajad, Holocaust denier, who has utilized every opportunity and international forum to state that Israel should be eliminated, is favored to win this election. Whilst these threats resonate with Israel and its population, they do not appear to have registered deeply with the leadership of the free world. How else can we explain President Obama’s statement that a dialogue with Iran that would continue until the end of 2009? As we go to press China is negotiating with Teheran to build 20 nuclear power stations over the next decade. Exiled Iranian writer Amir Taheri states “With no international control over what happens to the spent fuel generated by those stations, Iran could end up with enough material to make hundreds of bombs.” Time is not on our side! President Obama linked peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians with the Iranian threat. “Seize this chance for peace” he told Netanyahu. Whilst we in Israel do not do everything “right” it is difficult to comprehend how we can reach a peaceful solution with the Palestinians when they have two separate leaderships. Egypt has tried (without success) to bring together the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist – a clause to this effect exists within its charter - whilst the Palestinians continue to talk about the right of return for the Palestinian refugees – a demographic means of destroying the one Jewish state. Both continue to preach hatred towards Israel through their education systems, the media and the Mosques. Israel left Gaza in August 2005 and shortly after Hamas took control. Palestinian surveys suggest that if elections were held tomorrow in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) Hamas would win. The people of Israel long for peace. In 1947 we accepted the United Nations’ partition plan which was rejected by the Arabs. In 2000 Prime Minister Barak, President Clinton and Arafat were in serious negotiations – again the Palestinians rejected peace and instead started four and a half years of suicide bomb attacks against the citizens of Israel. Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon are the surrogates of Iran. Iran supplies these terrorist organizations with the means to attack our men, women and children. Israelis take Ahmadinajad’s threats very seriously. We do not believe that the world can wait until the end of the year to see if the Iranian leadership is prepared to engage in a meaningful dialogue with President Obama. Israel’s leaders are prepared to continue peace negotiations with the Palestinians but recognize that peace will not be possible until the free world acknowledges that the Iranian threat is the priority. Brenda Katten