Axis Health and Safety Policy 2020

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Axis Europe Health and Safety Policy

Axis Europe Plc Health & Safety Policy

Original date of publication October 2013

Uncontrolled when printed

Produced by Axis Europe Plc. Health and Safety Department Axis Europe Plc Page 1 of 98

Axis Europe Health and Safety Policy



Introduction to Axis Europe Plc


Scope and objectives of the occupational health and safety management system


Revision schedule table


Health &, safety and welfare policy statement


Structure charts


Responsibilities for occupational health, safety and welfare


Chief Executive

Divisional Directors

Director for Health, Safety and Welfare

Managerial Personnel

Supervisory Personnel

Head of Health and Safety

Health and Safety Managers/Advisors

Company office based employees

Company trade staff



Arrangements for occupational health, safety and welfare •

Abrasive wheels

Accident, illness and near miss reporting & investigation

Alcohol and drug misuse


Auditing of the occupational health and safety system

Bullying and violence & aggression

Control of hazardous substances

Control of contractors

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Consultation with workers

Construction design and management

Display screen equipment

Dealing with enforcement bodies

Driving at work

Disclosure barring and services checks (previously CRB checks)

Electricity in the workplace

Fatigue Management

Fire safety management & Emergency compliance

First aid at work

Foreign/migrant workers

Hazard identification and risk management process



Ladders and steps

Lone Workers

Manual handling

Mobile towers

Method statements

Mobile elevated work platforms

Noise at work

New and expectant mothers

Occupational ill health

Out of hours working

Permits to work

Personal protective equipment

Protection of non-employees

Risk assessments

Safe guarding

Safe worker


Security at residents premises

Stress management


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Toolbox talks


Work equipment

Welfare provisions

Waste management

Working in restricted spaces

Young persons and work experience placements

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Axis Europe Health and Safety Policy

1. Introduction to Axis Europe Plc

Axis Europe Plc. specialise in the improvement and maintenance of Housing, Retail and Commercial properties, our disciplines are tailored to the requirements of each sector but our values remain the same. Axis has experienced continual growth since its establishment in 1986 and we believe our success is a direct result of developing relationships that are mutually beneficial. We are a values led company with eight founding principles. Anyone who comes into contact with us, at any level, will be treated according to these values. Axis Values 1. Integrity, honesty and commitment breeds integrity, honest and commitment 2. Everybody deserves respect 3. Train and develop people, their growth becomes our growth 4. Embracing diversity will broaden our horizons 5. Harmony, co-operation and openness helps build strong relationships 6. A community we contribute to will welcome and value us 7. Commitment to health and safety benefits everyone 8. Protect our environment, protect our future In line with in our H&S value, which is “Commitment to health and safety benefits everyone� we recognise the people are our most valuable asset and that our employee’s health and wellbeing is their most important asset. Therefore, this document sets out how we will seek to protect our workers and others from the hazards and significant risks associated with our activities.

2. Scope and objectives of the occupational health and safety management system

This document outlines the H&S responsibilities of all persons working with or for Axis Europe Plc. The objective of this policy document is to provide a framework for all to follow in order to manage the occupational risks flowing into, operating within and flowing out of Axis Europe. In doing this we seek to prevent occupational injuries and ill health and improve the wellbeing of our work force and others working on behalf of Axis Europe. We will also seek to comply with all legal responsibilities such as the following; Axis Europe Plc Page 5 of 98

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Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (as amended) Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended) Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 Provision and Use of work Equipment Regulations 1992 (as amended) Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended) Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 (as amended) Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992 (as amended) The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002 The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

The above is not an exhaustive list and we will also ensure that Axis Europe subscribes to other requirements including; Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP), client requirements, H&S accreditations such as Construction Health and Safety (CHAS) and BSI OHSAS 18001.


Revision schedule table

Axis Europe Plc is committed to ensuring that the document remains suitable and sufficient and reflects the range of operations we undertake.

The policy will be formally reviewed by the Head of H&S safety on an annual basis and throughout the year when necessary to ensure it’s continued suitability.

Any revisions will be brought to the attention of internal and external stakeholders affected by the revisions as appropriate to them.

Rev. No


Revision Date

Updated by


New policy document

October 2013

David Newton


Annual review

October 2014

David Newton


Annual review

October 2015

David Newton


Annual review

October 2016

David Newton


Annual review

October 2017

David Newton


Annual review

October 2018

David Newton


Review of accident policy

June 2019

David Newton

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Annual review

October 2019

David Newton

Health, safety and welfare policy statement

The Chief Executive, John Hayes is aware of his legal and moral responsibilities to safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of those working within Axis Europe Plc and those affected by Axis Europe’s undertakings. He has appointed Joe Ibrahim as the Director for Health and Safety to oversee the day to day responsibilities of management. It is the intention of Axis Europe’s senior management team to support the leadership of the Director for Health, Safety (Joe Ibrahim), in what Axis Europe Plc do with regards to safety management. Axis Europe will: Commit to comply with all legal and other requirements Commit to continual improvement in OH&S management and performance Reflect the requirements of the corporate policy statement in our procedures Ensure that all necessary precautions are taken in respect of the safe use, handling, storage and transportation of materials and substances. Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees, and others affected by our undertakings. Maintain all places of work, work equipment and transport under its control in a safe condition, free from risk to health, safety and welfare. Ensure the provision of adequate facilities for the welfare of employees, and others where necessary. Strive to prevent injury & ill health of our employees’ visitors, contractors and of any members of the general public or others who could be affected by its activities. Have access to all necessary information relating to health, safety and welfare in respect of procedures for managing health, safety and welfare related issues Have mechanisms in place to consult in good time with employees and others affected by our undertakings. Review and update the policy on an annual basis (or sooner if necessary) in respect of major changes within Axis Europe and/or changes in legislation or industry best practice and to bring any changes to the attention of the employees and others affected where necessary. Ensure that all employees (and others as appropriate) are aware of their own responsibilities in respect of health, safety and welfare, including the requirement that they co-operate with Axis Europe in its efforts to implement the requirements of this policy. Ensure that the Policy is monitored at the workplace(s). Comply with the health, safety and welfare requirements of our clients and their representatives as applicable to our operations and their legal responsibilities

Chief Executive: John Hayes

Date: October 2019

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Next review date: October 2020

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Structure chart (Planned Works) Managing Director

Divisional Director

Divisional Managers

Contracts Managers

Divisional Gas Manager

Senior Voids Manager

Senior Gas Administrator

Senior Gas Engineer

Operations Manager

Senior Supervisor

Electrical Supervisor

Office Manager

Voids Supervisors




Senior Administrator

Trade staff &

Trade staff &

Trade staff &






Gas Engineers

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Out of hours Administrators


Axis Europe Health and Safety Policy

5. Structure chart (Responsive Repairs Works)

Managing Director

Operations Director

Divisional M&E Manager

Divisional Gas Manager

Gas Supervisor

Gas Administration

Divisional Manager

Electrical Qualifying Manager

Contract Managers

Electrical Supervisor

Gas Engineer


Gas Subcontractor

Electrical Subcontractor

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Divisional Manager

Divisional Manager

Divisional Manager

Divisional Manager

Head of H&S

Commercial Director

Contract Managers

Contract Managers

Contract Managers





Quantity Surveyor





Senior Estimator


H&S Manager

Senior Quantity Surveyor

Commercial Adminstrator

Axis Europe Health and Safety Policy

5. Structure chart (Projects)

Managing Director Painting divisional manager

Heritage divisional manager

H&S manager

Contract manager

Site manager



H&S advisor

Commercial manager



Site manager

Client liaison




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Divisional commercial manager

M&E divisional manager

Commercial manager

M&E project manager

Commercial manager


M&S contract manager


Contract manger


Contract manager

Site manager

Site manager



Electrical apprentice

Projects divisional manager



City west manager

H&S Advisor

Credit suisse manager Business development manager

H&S manager


Account manager

Site manager

Business development manager


Axis Europe Health and Safety Policy

6. Responsibilities for occupational health, safety and welfare

Chief Executive (control and communication link with the directors)

The responsibilities of the Chief Executive are to: ▪

Understand the general requirements of the corporate policy and the specific responsibilities placed on him

Ensure that Directors brings the corporate policy to the attention of those employees and others under their control.

Provide an environment that promotes an interest and enthusiasm for health and safety matters, help foster an understanding that accident prevention and occupational hygiene are an integral part of business and operational efficiency,

Ensure that Directors have put in place systems to ensure all levels of management, employees and others understand the requirements placed upon them by this corporate policy document.

Ensure that mechanisms are in place so that the corporate policy is effectively administered and monitored.

Ensure that sufficient financial resources are in place so that all levels of management and employees can receive adequate and appropriate training and instruction in respect of their functions and tasks.

Ensure adequate funds and resources are made available to meet the requirements of the corporate Policy.

Ensure that mechanisms are in place for the implementation of disciplinary procedures where managers, employees or others fail to discharge their responsibilities in the context of health and safety.

Support the Directors and other managers in the execution of their responsibilities.

Ensure the appropriate insurance cover is provided and maintained for Axis Europe.

Ensure provision is made at all meetings, including board meetings, to facilitate the discussion of health and safety.

Ensure that each director of a division put in place specific policies and procedures for their operations.

Ensure that each division have competent management personnel that will be responsible to ensuring that risks assessments are carried out in respect of special groups of employees including, the young, those with disabilities, new and expectant mothers, lone and mobile workers and those who may not speak or understand English well or at all.

Meet with the Health & Safety Director, other Directors and Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety to discuss accident prevention, performance and possible improvements.

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Set a good personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy and wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment when required.

Ensure a statement on health and safety performance is included within the annual report of Axis Europe Plc.

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to the competent person


Directors (control and communication link with the managerial and supervisory staff) The responsibilities of the Directors are to: ▪

Understand the general requirements of the corporate policy and the specific responsibilities placed on them

Understand the management procedures for occupational health and safety which impact on their division’s activities.

Ensure that their managers and supervisory staff receive on-going training to allow them to discharge their health and safety responsibilities effectively and confidently

Oversee the strategic management of the health and safety issues associated with contractors and others.

Ensure that managers and supervisory staff are aware that they must report any accident or incident (no matter how trivial) to Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety

Co-operate with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety team in undertaking investigations of accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences.

Foster good working relations within the division and abide by the requirements of the Equality Act

Discipline any manager, supervisor, employee, contractor or other person who fails to discharge their safety responsibilities in a satisfactory manner.

Ensure that managers and supervisory staff implement arrangements with sub-contractors and others working on behalf of Axis Europe to avoid confusion about areas of responsibility for health, safety and welfare, including ensuring contractors and others are aware they must liaise with them regarding numbers of the workforce they have working within Axis Europe.

Ensure that managers and supervisory staff are obtaining risk assessments and safety method statements from all contractors or sub-contractors and that evidence is retained to ensure the workforce is briefed in respect of significant findings.

Ensure that managers and supervisory staff are undertaking workplace/project inspections which look at such issues as, access equipment, plant, materials and other equipment

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Undertake periodic high profile workplace inspections with managers and/or supervisory staff to gauge compliance with Axis Europe’s policy and procedures

Ensure that managers and supervisory staff are aware of the need to inform Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety of any visits made by the relevant enforcement agency and the issuing of any enforcement action (including improvement or prohibition notices).

Ensure their management team are aware of the need undertake risks assessments in respect of special groups of employees including, the young, those with disabilities, new and expectant mothers, lone and mobile workers and those who may not speak or understand English well or at all.

Ensure that the policy is effectively administered and monitored by their managers and supervisory personnel.

Ensure that disciplinary procedures are implemented where managers, supervisors, employees or others fail to discharge their responsibilities in the context of health, safety and welfare.

Support the managers and other supervisory staff in the execution of their responsibilities.

Ensure provision is made at all meetings to facilitate the discussion of health and safety matters.

Meet with the Chief Executive, Health & Safety Director and Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety to discuss accident prevention, performance and possible improvements.

Meet with their managers and other supervisory staff in Axis Europe Plc. at regular intervals to discuss accident prevention, performance and possible improvements.

Set a good personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy and their own divisional arrangements, including the wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment when required.

Foster good working relationships with other external stake holders, who have an equal interest in the management of occupational health, safety and welfare issues. ▪

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to the competent person.

Director for Health, Safety and Welfare (control and communication link with the Head of Health and Safety) The responsibilities of the Director for Health and safety are to: ▪

Understand the Policy, appreciate the allocated responsibilities and is be aware of the statutory requirements impacting upon the activities of Axis Europe.

Report to the Executive Board of Directors, on a regular basis, providing information in respect of the relevance of the corporate policy and its implementation.

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Take responsibility for ensuring the Executive Board is kept informed of relevant health and safety risk management issues within Axis Europe. ▪ Bring the corporate policy to the attention of company employees, promote an interest and enthusiasm for health and safety matters, foster an understanding that accident prevention and occupational hygiene are an integral part of business and operational efficiency, distribute pertinent information and ensure employees observe the requirements therein. ▪ Ensure all levels of management, employees and others understand the requirements placed upon them by this corporate policy. ▪ Ensure that division heads have systems in place for risks assessments to be carried out and particularly those in respect of special groups of employees including, the young, those with disabilities, new and expectant mothers, lone and mobile workers and those who may not speak or understand English well or at all. In addition, heads of division ensure that the significant findings are to be notified to all parties and the appropriate safe systems of work implemented to avoid, or control, any risks. ▪ Ensure mechanisms are in place so that company buildings are laid out and maintained to ensure the safety of employees and others, fire risk assessments are carried out with significant findings acted upon, fire fighting equipment is provided and maintained and drills organised on a regular basis. ▪ Ensure procedures are implemented to ensure: The corporate policy and divisional policies are effectively administered and monitored together with necessary alterations made to reflect any changes in legislation or company development. The effectiveness of implementation of the corporate policy is monitored against the health and safety performance of the company and wider benchmarking standards. Adequate procedures are in place to report all incidents affecting the health and safety of employees or others, and to initiate investigations to identify unsafe actions or trends and implement remedial measures necessary to prevent, where reasonably practicable, a reoccurrence. Ensure the HSE are informed of any notfiable accidents, ill health or dangerous occurrences that may occur and Liaise with external accident prevention agencies where appropriate. Disciplinary action is taken against all employees and others who fail to discharge their responsibilities in the context of health and safety. Liaison with external safety and health organisations. Pertinent and relevant information is distributed throughout the company. Fire prevention and emergency measures are drawn up and implemented.

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Axis Europe Health and Safety Policy

All levels of management and employees receive adequate and appropriate training and instruction in respect of their functions and tasks. Discussion and consultation with employees on health and safety issues and changes or revisions to arrangements are initiated where they would be beneficial to employees or others in reducing risks to their health and safety. ▪

Ensure adequate funds and resources are made available to meet the requirements of the corporate policy.

Meet with the other Directors, Chief Executive and the Head of Health & Safety to discuss accident prevention, performance and possible improvements.

Ensure the Head of Health & Safety is notified of any visits made by the HSE or EHO and the issue of any Notices of improvement, enforcement or prohibition.

Sets a good personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy and wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment.

Ensure the corporate policy is reviewed annually and is updated as necessary.

Oversee the strategic management of the health and safety issues associated with contractors and others.

Co-operate with Axis Europe’s Head of Health & Safety and his team in undertaking investigations of accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences.

Foster good working relations within the divisions and abide by the requirements of the Equality Act. Discipline any manager, supervisor, employee, contractor or other person who fails to discharge their safety responsibilities in a satisfactory manner.

Undertake periodic high profile workplace inspections with the Head of Health and Safety and health and safety committee representatives to gauge compliance with Axis Europe’s corporate policy and procedures

Ensure that managers and supervisory staff are aware of the need to inform Axis Europe’s Head of Health & Safety of any visits made by the relevant enforcement agency and the issuing of any enforcement action (including improvement or prohibition notices).

Foster good working relationships with other external stake holders, who have an equal interest in the management of occupational health, safety and welfare issues.

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to the competent person.

Managers (control and communication link with the supervisory staff) ▪

Understand the general requirements of the corporate policy and the specific responsibilities placed on them

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Understand the management procedures for occupational health and safety which impact on their division’s activities.

Ensure that their supervisory staff receive on-going training to allow them to discharge their health and safety responsibilities effectively and confidently

Oversee the day to day management of the health and safety issues associated with contractors and others.

Ensure that supervisory staff are aware that they must report any accident or incident (no matter how trivial) to Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety or his team members

Ensure that supervisory staff remember that only contractors from the corporate approved list held by Axis Europe Plc.’s Head of Health and Safety are engaged

Ensure that supervisory personnel are aware of the corporate procedures for reporting any accident or incident (no matter how trivial).

Co-operate with Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety and his team in undertaking investigations of accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences.

Foster good working relations within the various divisions and abide by the requirements of the Equality Act. Discipline any supervisor, employee, contractor or other person who fails to discharge their safety responsibilities in a satisfactory manner.

Ensure that supervisory staff implement arrangements with sub-contractors and others working on behalf of Axis Europe to avoid confusion about areas of responsibility for health, safety and welfare, including ensuring contractors and others are aware they must liaise with them regarding numbers of the workforce they have working within Axis Europe.

Ensure that supervisory personnel are obtaining risk assessments and safety method statements from all contractors or sub-contractors and that evidence is retained to ensure the workforce is briefed in respect of significant findings.

Ensure that supervisory staff are undertaking workplace/project inspections which look at such issues as, access equipment, plant, materials and other equipment

Undertake periodic high profile workplace inspections with supervisory staff and representatives of employee safety to gauge compliance with Axis Europe’s policy and procedures

Ensure that supervisory personnel are aware of the need to inform Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety of any visits made by the relevant enforcement agency and the issuing of any enforcement action (including improvement or prohibition notices).

Ensure they produce risk assessments in respect of special groups of employees including, the young, those with disabilities, new and expectant mothers, lone and mobile workers and those who may not speak or understand English well or at all.

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Ensure that the policy is effectively administered and monitored by their supervisory personnel.

Ensure that disciplinary procedures are implemented where supervisors, employees or others fail to discharge their responsibilities in the context of health, safety and welfare.

Support supervisory staff in the execution of their responsibilities.

Ensure provision is made at all meetings to facilitate the discussion of health and safety matters.

Meet with the Health & Safety Director and Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety to discuss accident prevention, performance and possible improvements.

Meet with their supervisory staff at regular intervals to discuss accident prevention, performance and possible improvements.

Set a good personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy and their own divisional arrangements, including the wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment when required.

Foster good working relationships with other external stake holders, who have an equal interest in the management of occupational health, safety and welfare issues.

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to their line manager..

Supervisory staff (control and communication link with trade staff & sub-contractors) ▪

Understand the general requirements of the corporate policy and the specific responsibilities placed on them

Ensure that employees, trade staff and sub-contractors are receiving on-going training to allow them to discharge their health and safety responsibilities effectively and confidently

Co-ordinate the day-to-day management of health and safety with employees, trade staff, contractors and others.

Ensure that employees, trade staff and sub-contractors are aware that they must report any accident or incident (no matter how trivial) to them.

Co-operate with Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety in undertaking investigations of accidents or dangerous occurrences.

Foster good working relations within the divisions and abide by the requirements of the Equality Act. Discipline any employee, trade worker, contractor or other person who fails to discharge safety responsibilities in a satisfactory manner.

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Ensure that risk assessments and safety method statements are obtained from all contractors or sub-contractors before they commence work and that evidence is retained to ensure the workforce is briefed in respect of significant findings.

Undertake workplace/project inspections which looks at issues among other things such as, access equipment, plant, material and other equipment

Undertake periodic joint workplace/project inspections with representatives of employee safety, trade staff and sub contractor supervisory personnel to gauge workplace compliance with the corporate policy, procedures and divisional policies.

Ensure Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety is notified of any visits made by the relevant enforcement agency and the issuing of any enforcement action (including improvement or prohibition notices).

Ensure that disciplinary procedures are implemented where employees, trade workers, contractors or others fail to discharge their responsibilities in the context of health and safety.

Ensure provision is made at all meetings to facilitate the discussion of health and safety.

Meet with managers in Axis Europe Plc. at regular intervals to discuss accident prevention, performance and possible improvements.

Set a good personal example by abiding by the requirements of the policy and wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment.

Ensure that work equipment used in the workplace have current certificates of inspection and testing, have been adequately maintained. Ensure users are inducted and trained, only authorised and competent persons to maintain or attempt repairs.

Ensure that all plant or equipment is provided for use with details of noise and vibration emissions to facilitate appropriate assessments.

Obtain safety data sheets and COSHH assessments from sub contractors. Ensure that they are briefed by their supervisors in respect of control measures and personal protective equipment.

Ensure trade personnel have access to adequate welfare facilities during the project work.

Ensure that provisions are in place for project specific fire precautions and emergency arrangements. Any such arrangements must link in with clients overall fire and emergency management procedures

Ensure that training or instruction required for the workforce, including site induction which must be done when an operative arrives on site for the first time, including an explanation of the project rules

Ensure that trade staff and contractors are wearing appropriate PPE based on the findings of their risk assessment and project related rules.

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Ensure that trade personnel and contractors are wearing ID cards at all times while representing the interests of Axis Europe.

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to their line manager..

Head of Health and Safety (Communication and Consultation link to Director for health, safety and welfare)

Axis Europe Plc. has appointed a Head of Health and Safety who will deputise for the Director Responsible for Health and Safety, when required. The responsibilities of the Head of Health and Safety are to: ▪

Understand the content of the corporate policy and other divisional procedural documents. Understand his allocated responsibilities and are aware of those statutory requirements impacting upon the activities of Axis Europe.

Know the requirements of the appropriate safety standards or legislation, and ensure they are adequately applied to Axis Europe’s risk management system.

Assist in the maintenance of Axis Europe’s third party accredited BS OHSAS 18001.

Co-ordinate the administration of Health, Safety and Welfare across Axis Europe and projects of the various divisions.

Advise Axis Europe on the requirements of statutory provisions and safety matters, visiting premises, auditing and reporting on implementation and performance.

Advise Axis Europe on the requirements of statutory provisions and safety matters, visiting company projects, auditing and reporting on implementation and performance.

Keep abreast of legislative changes and developments in occupational health compliance

Maintain up to date continuing professional development portfolio

Obtain relevant information through subscription to HSE bulletins, membership of IOSH, trade associations, relevant websites which are then disseminated to interested parties via emails, reports to safety committee and reports to board of directors.

Promote an interest and enthusiasm for health and safety matters throughout Axis Europe and foster an understanding that accident prevention and occupational hygiene are to be an integral part of business.

Monitor the effectiveness of implementation of the corporate policy against the health and safety performance of individual and collective divisions.

Ensure the corporate policy is reviewed annually and is updated as necessary.

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Ensure the allocation of resources for and initiate the presentation of regular training for employees.

Initiate discussion and consultation with employees on health and safety issues and to initiate changes or revisions to arrangements where they would be beneficial to employees or others in reducing risks to their health and safety.

Ensure that all contractors or others employed by Axis Europe are competent and have sufficient resources in the context of health, safety and welfare and provide copies their own policies and arrangements.

Manage Axis Europe’s approved contractor database

Ensure that adequate procedures are in place to report all incidents affecting the health and safety of employees or others, and to initiate investigations and implement any remedial measures necessary to prevent, where reasonably practicable, a reoccurrence. He will assist the Chief Executive in ensuring the HSE are informed of any notfiable accidents, ill health or dangerous occurrences that may occur and will be responsible for initiating any accident investigation that may be required.

Act as a focal point within the company on health and safety issues, advising the Director Responsible for Health and Safety on new legislation and further training requirements, and ensuring records of training are maintained.

Liaise with external health and safety consultants and the HSE where appropriate.

To receive, record and respond to enquiries from external interested parties

Set a personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy, arrangements, guidance documents and safe systems of work.

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to their line manager..

Health and Safety Managers/Advisors (Communication and Consultation link to Head of Health and Safety)

The responsibilities of the Health and Safety Managers/Advisors are to: ▪

Understand the content of the corporate policy and other divisional procedural documents. Understand their allocated responsibilities and are aware of those statutory requirements impacting upon the activities of Axis Europe.

Assist the Head of Health and Safety in discharging his duties

Know the requirements of the appropriate safety standards or legislation, and ensure they are adequately applied to Axis Europe’s risk management system.

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Assist in the maintenance of Axis Europe’s third party accredited BS OHSAS 18001.

Co-ordinate the administration of Health, Safety and Welfare across Axis Europe and projects of the various divisions.

Advise the individuals within Axis Europe on the requirements of statutory provisions and safety matters, visiting premises, auditing and reporting on implementation and performance.

Keep abreast of legislative changes and developments in occupational health compliance

Maintain up to date continuing professional development portfolio

Obtain relevant information through subscription to HSE bulletins, membership of IOSH, trade associations, relevant websites which are then disseminated to interested parties

Promote an interest and enthusiasm for health and safety matters throughout Axis Europe and foster an understanding that accident prevention and occupational hygiene are to be an integral part of business.

Monitor the effectiveness of implementation of the corporate policy against the health and safety performance of individual and collective divisions.

Ensure the corporate policy is reviewed annually and is updated as necessary.

Ensure the allocation of resources for and initiate the presentation of regular training for employees.

Initiate discussion and consultation with employees on health and safety issues and to initiate changes or revisions to arrangements where they would be beneficial to employees or others in reducing risks to their health and safety.

Ensure that all contractors or others employed by Axis Europe are competent and have sufficient resources in the context of health, safety and welfare and provide copies their own policies and arrangements.

Ensure that adequate procedures are in place to report all incidents affecting the health and safety of employees or others, and to initiate investigations and implement any remedial measures necessary to prevent, where reasonably practicable, a reoccurrence. He will assist the Chief Executive in ensuring the HSE are informed of any notfiable accidents, ill health or dangerous occurrences that may occur and will be responsible for initiating any accident investigation that may be required.

Act as a focal point within the company on health and safety issues, advising the Director Responsible for Health and Safety on new legislation and further training requirements, and ensuring records of training are maintained.

Liaise with external health and safety consultants and the HSE where appropriate.

To receive, record and respond to enquiries from external interested parties

Set a personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy, arrangements, and guidance and safe systems of work.

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Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to their line manager..

Company office based employees (Communication and Consultation link with supervisory personnel) The responsibilities of employees are to: ▪

Co-operate with managerial and supervisory personnel.

Read and understand the corporate policy statement and the specific responsibilities set out in the policy document.

Comply with the findings of risk assessments, method statements, guidance (from both Company and other sources where issued) and safe systems of work, and make full and appropriate use of all control measures (including any PPE/RPE stipulated – those visiting projects).

Ensure that you wear your ID card at all times when on company and client premises

Attend the mandatory company safety induction delivered by the relevant manager or supervisor.

Comply with the requirements set out in any briefing, training and induction to be able to work safely.

Ask for further advice or assistance before they start if they have any doubt about the work intended.

Report any activity or defect in control measures (including PPE/RPE – for those visiting projects), equipment or machinery to their line manager or supervisor, which they know or suspect is likely to endanger their own or the safety of others and request changes in procedures where they may contribute to a safer working environment.

Personnel must not attempt to repair or maintain any equipment or other machinery for which they have not been adequately trained.

Not do anything to recklessly interfere with or misuse anything, or contribute to endangering the health and safety of any persons who could be affected by their actions in connection with their works.

Ensure that all stored materials are kept in a manner that will not cause harm to persons, and are adequately secured against interference especially by others not authorised.

Ensure they are fully aware of the emergency arrangements in event of fire and other emergencies, including first aid arrangements (both specific to their work area and the wider arrangements in place by clients).

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Ensure that all access-ways, corridors, office floors, doorways etc. are kept clear and free from obstructions.

Ensure that trailing cables do not cross access-ways, floors etc.

Ensure they do not attempt to lift or move on their own articles or materials likely to cause injury due to weight, size or shape or other factors.

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to their line manager or supervisor who will ensure that it is logged in the accident book.

Notify their line manager or supervisor immediately if a relevant enforcement inspector visits the workplace.

Set a personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy, arrangements, and guidance and safe systems of work.

Company trade workers (Communication and Consultation link with supervisory personnel) The responsibilities of trade workers are to: ▪

Co-operate with managerial and supervisory personnel.

Read and understand the corporate policy statement and the specific responsibilities set out in policy documents/safety handbooks

Comply with the findings of risk assessments, method statements, guidance (from both Company and other sources where issued) and safe systems of work, and make full and appropriate use of all control measures including any PPE/RPE stipulated.

Undertake, where appropriate. dynamic risk assessments before commencing tasks

Ensure that you wear your ID card at all times when on client premises

Attend the mandatory safety induction delivered by the relevant manager or supervisor.

Attend on-going toolbox talks undertaken by supervisory personnel

Comply with the requirements set out in any briefing, training and induction to be able to work safely.

Ask for further advice or assistance before they start if they have any doubt about the work intended.

Report any activity or defect in control measures (including PPE/RPE), equipment or machinery to their line manager or supervisor, which they know or suspect is likely to endanger their own or the safety of others and request changes in procedures where they may contribute to a safer working environment.

Personnel must not attempt to repair or maintain any equipment or other machinery for which they have not been adequately trained.

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Not do anything to recklessly interfere with or misuse anything, or contribute to endangering the health and safety of any persons who could be affected by their actions in connection with their works.

Use company vehicles in a considerate way to ensure the safety of themselves and other road users

Ensure that all stored materials are kept in a manner that will not cause harm to persons, and are adequately secured against interference especially by others not authorised.

Ensure they are fully aware of the emergency arrangements in event of fire and other emergencies, including first aid arrangements (both specific to their work area and the wider arrangements in place by clients).

Ensure that all access-ways, corridors, doorways, work platforms etc. are kept clear and free from obstructions.

Ensure that trailing cables do not cross access-ways, floors etc.

Ensure they do not attempt to lift or move on their own articles or materials likely to cause injury due to weight, size or shape or other factors.

Ensure if they are involved in an accident, personal injury, or suffer occupational ill health (no matter how slight) all such incidents are reported immediately to their line manager or supervisor.

Notify their line manager or supervisor immediately if a relevant enforcement inspector visits the premises/projects.

Set a personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy, arrangements, and guidance and safe systems of work.

Sub-contractors (Communication and Consultation link with supervisory personnel)

Axis Europe Plc. may be liable for the actions of any consultants, contractors, sub-contractors or others in their employ, who adversely affect health or safety whilst working on company premises or client’s premises. To minimise the risk of this occurrence, all will be assessed for their competence (including levels of training) in respect of Health and Safety issues prior to their appointment; they must accept and follow Axis Europe Plc. procedures

All should adhere to the relevant statutory requirements applying to the work they are carrying out. They are required to: ▪

Ensure that work is adequately discussed with the relevant manager or supervisor, to identify potential hazards and risks to the health and safety of occupiers of premises, employees from any source, or members of the public, from the work being undertaken.

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Ensure that any intended worker is competent to undertake work within Axis Europe

Attend any mandatory safety induction and toolbox talks delivered by our managers or supervisors.

Comply with the requirements of the induction and project specific information.

Provide to managers or supervisors with their detailed methods of working, sequence of operations and risk assessments.

Brief their own employees or sub-contractors on workplace/site safety issues, significant risks, method statements and procedures in respect of any process carried out on client’s premises or our own buildings.

Provide suitable and adequate protective clothing to their employees e.g. Safety foot wear and headwear, and other items which may be required by divisional managers or supervisory staff.

Wear the corporate clothing provided and ID cards for identification and security purposes.

Provide suitably skilled supervision competent in Health & Safety, to ensure the work is carried out correctly and in compliance with divisional rules and procedures, and statutory requirements.

Liaise with managers or other relevant supervisors before, during and on completion of the work or process.

Ensure any portable electrical equipment to be used will run off 110-volt or less and ensure PAT Certification is provided where requested by the relevant manager or other line manager.

Ensure equipment brought into Axis Europe, is of the appropriate standard, correctly maintained, in good and safe condition and with all relevant test and inspection certificates and suitably labelled and used by competent and trained personnel.

Ensure the relevant manager or supervisor is notified of any visits made by the relevant enforcement agency and the issuing of any enforcement action (including improvement or prohibition notices).

Set a personal example by abiding by the requirements of the corporate policy and wearing appropriate protective clothing as required.

Ensure they undertake periodic site checks of their men to ensure they abide by Axis H&S policy

If contractors or others do not abide by the instructions of Directors or other line manager or supervisors or co-operates in adherence to the Health and Safety Policy of Axis Europe Plc. this will result in disciplinary action.

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7. Arrangements for occupational health, safety and welfare


Abrasive wheels Axis Europe will take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of employees who work with abrasive wheels. When properly used, abrasive wheels serve an important purpose. However, Axis Europe acknowledges that health and safety hazards may arise from the use of this equipment. It is the intention of Axis Europe to ensure that any risks are reduced to a minimum.

The Divisional Director will Axis Europe Plc Page 27 of 98

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That the resources are available to purchase all appropriate PPE including; ear defenders, protective eye wear, armoured gloves, RPE and safety shoes for directly employed trade staff That the resources are available to train directly employed trade staff in the safe use and maintenance of abrasive wheels The user of abrasive wheels will Only use abrasive wheels if they have the appropriate training Only use abrasive wheels when wearing the appropriate PPE including; ear defenders, protective eye wear, armoured gloves, RPE and safety shoes Only use abrasive wheels that conform to British standards Ensure that all guards and safety devices are in place and operating correctly Use the appropriate abrasive wheel for the task in hand Report all defects to management and not use faulty equipment Report all incidents involving abrasive wheels to supervisors or management The supervisor/manager will ensure The user has the appropriate PPE including; ear defenders, protective eye wear, armoured gloves, RPE and safety shoes The user is trained in the safe use and maintenance of the equipment A risk assessment has been carried out and that suitable controls have been identified The results of the assessment will be briefed to the user Monitor the condition of the equipment during site inspections and remove any defective equipment from site Ensure that all incidents must be reported to the H&S team and participate in any appropriate investigation The Health & Safety team will Provide guidance to all appropriate staff on Abrasive Wheels Assist in the production and review of risk assessments Monitor the condition of abrasive wheels during site inspections and remove any defective equipment from site Investigate reported accidents and develop any necessary controls Further guidance HSE website Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 L22: Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) Safe Use of Work Equipment

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Accident, illness and near miss reporting & investigation Introduction The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations, 2013 (RIDDOR) places duties upon both employers and the self-employed requiring that all serious injuries, dangerous occurrences and certain diseases resulting from work activities are reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Definitions – in the context of these arrangements The following terms mentioned within this policy and defined below are not exhaustive, further details or information may be obtained from Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager: Accident - An undesired event that results in harm to people, harm to the environment, damage to property or loss of process. The term accident will also include non-consensual acts of physical violence done to persons at work. Accident book - The book where the details of any accident are recorded. In respect of Repair and Maintenance Division operations books will be kept by Supervisory personnel or held by managers at the various regional offices Types of Reportable Accident The death of any person – all deaths to workers and non-workers, with the exception of suicides, must be reported if they arise from a work related accident, including an act of physical violence to a worker Dangerous Occurrences – Incident with the potential to cause harm. Examples are: The collapse, overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment. The complete or partial collapse (including buckling or overturning) of scaffolding more than 5m in height Explosion or fire, causing work to be stopped for more than 24 hours. Unintentional release or escape of any substance, which could cause personal injury to any person or harm to the environment. For example asbestos release, gas leaks and spillages of fuel, chemicals, paint or hydraulic fluid. Flooding that causes damage to property. Specified Injuries Fractures, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes. Amputations Any injury likely to lead to permanent loss of sight or reduction in sight Any crush injury to the head or torso causing damage to the brain or internal organs Serious burns (including scalding) which; o Covers more than 10% of the body. o Causes significant damage to the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs. Any scalping requiring hospital treatment. Any loss of consciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia Any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space which; o Leads to hypothermia o Requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours Axis Europe Plc Page 29 of 98

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Over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker Accidents must be reported where they result in an employee or self-employed person being away from work, or unable to perform their normal work duties, for more than seven consecutive days as the result of their injury. This seven day period does not include the day of the accident, but does include weekends and rest days. The report must be made within 15 days of the accident.

Non-fatal accidents to non-workers (e.g. members of the public) Accidents to members of the public or others who are not at work must be reported if they result in an injury and the person is taken directly from the scene of the accident to hospital for treatment to that injury. Examinations and diagnostic tests do not constitute ‘treatment’ in such circumstances. Occupational diseases Employers and self-employed people must report diagnoses of certain occupational diseases, where these are likely to have been caused or made worse by their work: These diseases include: carpal tunnel syndrome; severe cramp of the hand or forearm; occupational dermatitis; hand-arm vibration syndrome; occupational asthma; tendonitis or tenosynovitis of the hand or forearm; any occupational cancer; any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a biological agent

Procedures & Responsibilities

The policy of the Repair and Maintenance Division is that every accident, injury, work-related disease, dangerous occurrence or near-miss be: Reported as soon as possible to Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager and Managing Director Maintenance or other line manager responsible for the welfare of employees within the workplace involved. Accurately recorded. Treated in a manner ensuring all legal requirements are met. Reporting procedures are as follows: For most types of incident, including: accidents resulting in the death of any person accidents resulting in specified injuries to workers non-fatal accidents requiring hospital treatment to non-workers and dangerous occurrences The responsible person must notify the enforcing authority without delay; this is most easily done by reporting online. Alternatively, for fatal accidents or accidents resulting in specified injuries to workers only, you can phone 0845 300 9923. NB: A report must be received within 10 days of the incident. For accidents resulting in the over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker, you must notify the enforcing authority within 15 days of the incident, using the appropriate online form. Axis Europe Plc Page 30 of 98

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Where the injured person is a member of the public, and where the person is killed or the injury is sufficient to warrant the injured person being taken directly from the scene to hospital, the injury is reportable by the occupier of the premises to the enforcing authority. Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of the Injured Person or Co-worker are to: Make contact with a first aider The responsibilities of the Nearest Available Co-worker are to: If required call an ambulance by dialling 999 or request others to do this on their behalf. Keep other away from the scene until experienced help arrives Make contact with a first aider or request others to do this on their behalf (this can be a member of Repair and Maintenance Division’s team or those trained by the client for their purposes) The responsibilities of the First Aider under the control of Repair and Maintenance Division are to: Administer first aid in accordance with their training until the arrival of the emergency services, at which point they will assume control Assist the relevant manager/Supervisor in completing an entry in the Accident Book. Where hospital treatment is considered by the first aider to be desirable but transport to hospital by ambulance is inappropriate, accompany the injured person to hospital either in the vehicle of the first aider or a taxi hired for the purpose. Remain with the injured person for as long as is necessary and make arrangements on behalf of the Repair and Maintenance Division for the return of the injured person to the workplace, or to their home – whichever is appropriate. The responsibilities of the Supervisor/Contract Managers or other Repair and Maintenance Division manager in their absence are to: Complete an entry in the Accident Book removing it for safekeeping in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, passing it to Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Notify the client’s representative of the accident at their premises and what action was taken. Notify Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager in the event of injured person not returning to work as planned, as the incident may then become notifiable under the over 7 days rule. Complete if appropriate a Detailed Accident Report Summary, taking statements from witnesses and photographs of the scene of the incident including any plant, equipment etc. involved. Assist Axis Europe’s H&S manager (and clients representative if relevant) in any incident investigation which may take place. The responsibilities of the Divisional Director or other line managers are to: Find out from the emergency services which hospital the injured person is being taken to and contact a member of injured person’s family as soon as possible. Contact Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager as soon as possible after the event and provide basic information as requested.

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The responsibilities of the Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Notify the incident contact centre within the prescribed period given the circumstances of the event. Attend the site (if possible on the same day) complete the Detailed Accident Report Summary on that or the subsequent day, taking statements from witnesses and photographs of the scene of the incident including any plant, equipment etc., involved Submit a completed accident form F2508 to the incident centre within the prescribed period of 10 days. Co-operate with the Enforcing Authority in the event of an investigation. Report to the Director for health and safety (Joe Ibrahim) and the Divisional Director advising them of the accident and actions taken. Notify the insurers of the Repair and Maintenance Division, providing copies of information upon request. Retain copies of all incident related data (including over 3 day incidents) Inform the Sustainability Department if there is significant environmental risk. The responsibilities of ALL Employees and Package Contractors are to: Co-operate if required in any investigation by the local authority or the HSE in the presence of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager, Divisional Director and client’s representative. Procedures & Responsibilities – Near Miss on the client related activities The responsibilities of ALL Employees and Package Contractors are to: Inform the Divisional Director or other line manager who will notify Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager Examples of a “Near Miss,” are: An object (tool, material or debris) falls from height and misses a person standing below but has the potential to cause and injury or damage. A container of a harmful substance was nearly knocked over, and if it had done it would have spilled a large amount of its contents out into the local environment. Procedures – Ill Health or Reportable Disease on the client related activities The responsibilities of ALL Employees and Package Contractors who become ill or unwell at work are to: Inform the Divisional Director or other line manager who will if necessary send them (or arrange for them to be taken) home. In the case of their absence from work being more than 7 days, contact the Divisional Director or other line manager. Procedures & Responsibilities – Dangerous Occurrence on the client related activities If something happens which does not result in a reportable accident, but which clearly could have done, it may be a dangerous occurrence reportable immediately to the enforcing authority. Examples of reportable dangerous occurrences are: The collapse, overturning or failure of load-bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment. The complete or partial collapse (including buckling or overturning) of scaffolding more than 5m in height Explosion or fire, causing work to be stopped for more than 24 hours. Axis Europe Plc Page 32 of 98

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Unintentional release or escape of any substance, which could cause personal injury to any person or harm to the environment. For example asbestos release, gas leaks and spillages of fuel, chemicals, paint or hydraulic fluid. Flooding that causes damage to property. Employees and package contractors are actively encouraged to report ALL adverse occurrences, no matter how minor, where there could have been risk of injury to people or damage to property or the environment. This enables the Repair and Maintenance Division to take steps to remove or minimise the risk of a more serious outcome in the future. In the first instance any person who has knowledge of a dangerous occurrence must: Inform the Divisional Director or other line manager who will notify Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager.

Duty to Keep Records There is a duty to keep records of accidents, dangerous occurrences and specified diseases by a responsible person for a minimum period of three years. The responsible person(s) nominated by the Repair and Maintenance Division to ensure the safekeeping of completed records is: Axis Europe’s Head of Health and Safety. Alcohol and drug misuse

Introduction UK trends have demonstrated an increasing dependency upon alcohol and drugs. The senior management team are acutely aware of the need to promote and maintain a safe working environment for their employees and have, in the interest of safety in the workplace, formulated this policy to ensure an acceptable level of personal conduct whilst on Company business.

Requirements of the Regulations There is a general duty under the Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 (HSW 1974) and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW 1999) to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of employees and to carry out appropriate risk assessments.

Employees under the influence of alcohol or drugs cannot be allowed to continue working as they may put themselves and their colleague or others at risk. The following requirements set out the policy in respect of any employee, package contractor or any other person(s) in the employ of Axis Europe whose proper performance of their duties is (or may be) impaired as a result of drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements ▪

Drugs - Controlled drugs; it does not apply to those prescribed by a GP or physician.

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Company business is: ➢ Work carried out during contracted hours, whether on company premises or a client related activities. ➢ Work carried out during overtime hours. ➢ Travel to and from the place of work, whether to company premises or a client related activities. ➢ Travel to and from the place of work when driving a company vehicle, a vehicle hired by Axis Europe or a vehicle where assistance is received from Axis Europe in the purchase or running of it.

Safety critical environment includes: ➢

Work using plant, equipment or tools at company premises.

Any client related activities.

Designated limit is - That above which it is an offence to drive a motor vehicle.

Client related activities – Those owned or occupied by our clients-

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of client’s activities are to ensure they: Inform the Director for Health & Safety and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager (including the client’s representative) of any employee failing in their own responsibilities or who gives them cause for concern in the context of alcohol or drug related issues. Forbid those persons suspected of consuming alcohol or drugs from starting work. Require them to cease work immediately if they have started. Offer support in the case of those employees who recognise they have an alcohol or drug related problem (and who are willing to try and gain full control of their problem). To encourage them to seek help from their GP or specialist agency and, if possible, see them reintegrated into the workplace. In the case of employees who are found to have an alcohol or drug related issue that are unwilling to attempt to gain full control of their problem to implement, as a last resort, Axis Europe disciplinary procedure. Report anyone found in possession or dealing drugs to the Police. In the case of those employed by package contractors, specialists or others to contact the director of the said company to request their immediate removal from the premises. All such personnel removed in these circumstances will be banned from working on any Axis Europe Plc. projects with immediate effect until such time as their employer is able to confirm they Axis Europe Plc Page 34 of 98

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are in full control of any problem they may have. Companies or individuals who fail to cooperate will be considered to be in breach of their contract / agreement. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist the Director for health and safety and Organisational Director in offering support to those affected by alcohol and drug related issues, the implementation of Axis Europe disciplinary procedure and advising as necessary.

The responsibilities of All Employees and Package Contractors are to: Avoid reporting for work whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Seek assistance from Axis Europe Director, Director for Health & Safety and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager if they have an alcohol or drug related problem. Inform their line manager if a colleague or another member of the workforce shows signs of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs in order to safeguard their own health and safety, and that of their colleagues, workmates or others. Not purchase or consume alcohol or drugs while at work. Inform the (Organisational Director or other line manager) where they are prescribed drugs by their GP which have the potential to impair their proper performance e.g. anti-hay fever products whose side effects may include drowsiness.

Asbestos Introduction The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 applies to all work with asbestos, particularly to any work which disturbs or is likely to disturb materials containing asbestos. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements An ACM means: Materials containing asbestos, or presumed to contain asbestos. Others shall include: Contractors, sub-contractors, specialists or consultants Etc

Asbestos Management Survey: Management survey to manage asbestos-containing materials during the normal occupation and use of premises as defined in the Asbestos Guidance 2009.

Refurbishment/Demolition Survey: Axis Europe Plc Page 35 of 98

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The Refurbishment/Demolition Survey is done where a premises or part of it need upgrading, refurbishment or demolition.

The survey must locate and identify all ACM before any structural work begins at a stated location or on stated equipment at the premises. It will involve destructive inspection and asbestos disturbance. The area surveyed must be vacated and certified fit for re-occupation after the survey.

Procedures & Responsibilities The policy of the Company is for members of its workforce: Not to carry out work in connection with asbestos or ACMs known to be present within the proposed working areas, but to ensure clients provide copies of their management plan, registers and surveys (or commission the same prior to our works commencing) and make their own arrangements for making safe or removing such materials by licensed specialist. Not to carry out work in connection with asbestos or ACMs discovered in the proposed working area, but to report their presence to the SUPERVISORs and cease work immediately and to seek further written instructions from the client or his / her professional advisors. Not to currently carry out non-licensable asbestos removal work even though allowed by the Regulations.

In the event of the Company receiving a request or instruction from a client to carry out nonlicensable work permitted by the Regulations, the matter will be referred to the Health & Safety Director and the Safety Advisor; their duty will be to ensure that any such works are: Practicable in the context of available resources, that is availability of authorised members of the workforce. Only carried out by authorised members of the workforce who have been given the necessary information, instruction and training.

The responsibilities of the Health & Safety Director are to: Consider with the Safety Advisor the practicality of carrying out of any non-licensable asbestos removal work requested / required by any client. Ensure that all appropriate employees undergo asbestos awareness training on an annual basis The responsibilities of Supervisors are to: Ensure they consult the asbestos register of any Client, or where this is not available to prohibit any works until a Refurbishment/Demolition Survey has been conducted. Axis Europe Plc Page 36 of 98

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Commission if requested by the Client a Refurbishment/Demolition Survey and in any event ensure the proposed working areas have been certified as clear of asbestos or ACMs prior to allowing their workforce to commence work. Ensure employees are instructed and trained. Make safe any area where asbestos or suspect materials are discovered, informing the Safety Advisor and implementing emergency decontamination procedures for employees and others if required. Seek further written instructions from the client or his / her professional advisors, liaising at all times with the Safety Advisor. The responsibilities of the Safety Advisor are to: Ensure employees are instructed and trained in asbestos recognition. Ensure copies of the Client’s asbestos register or the results of the Refurbishment/Demolition Survey are provided to the appropriate Supervisor. Respond to any incident, advising the Supervisor in respect of the project specific emergency decontamination of employees and the making safe of the immediate area and its environs. To consider with the Health and Safety Director the practicality of carrying out of any nonlicensable asbestos removal work requested / required by any client. Monitoring non-licensable asbestos removal works carried out by authorised members of the workforce to ensure compliance with the Regulations. In the event of being notified of accidental release The responsibilities of ALL Employees are to: Not remove or tamper with any ACMs or attached labels where these materials are left in place within our working areas. Report any damage or obvious defects in labelled ACMs to their Supervisor. Not carry out any works without prior reference to their Supervisor Not work upon materials or in environments where asbestos or ACMs have been damaged or where they suspect asbestos to be present unless they have been authorised to do so and only then if they have received the necessary information, training and instruction. Report the presence of any suspect materials to the Supervisor if they are discovered and to cease work immediately. In the event of a suspected accidental release of asbestos o

Restrict access to the affected area


Report the event immediately to their Supervisor or other nominated person


Put on their protective mask and stay within the affected area until help arrives

Auditing of the occupational health and safety system Axis Europe Plc Page 37 of 98

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Introduction An effective safety and health programme is an essential part of efficient management. An effective audit system provides data to enable Axis Europe to evaluate the quality of its safety programme and guidance for remedial actions. Physical inspection is the crucial final link in establishing whether systems are effective and working correctly

Auditing arrangements Axis Europe occupational health and safety audit will examine current performance, adherence to requirements, disclose the strengths and weaknesses, the main areas of vulnerability or risk and, where deficiencies are identified, take practical action to improve standards and/or modify the safety policy. Immediate remedial action should be taken where appropriate.

The audit system itself will follow the standards set out in BS OHSAS 18001. We will look to see if Axis Europe’s activities meet the minimum standards set out under the system.

A formal report on the safety audit will be submitted to Axis Europe Director for a review of its findings and recommendations. The written report will identify the potential of observed conditions, the immediate remedial actions initiated and recommendations for further remedial actions. A programme of remedial actions and suggested completion targets will also be issued. Safety audits will be undertaken on an annual basis, or other interval as appropriate.

A review of overall company performance in health and safety, to include the results of the safety audit, will be undertaken at annual intervals, or other intervals as arranged. The Health and Safety manager and the Client’s senior management team will discuss safety performance over the preceding period reviewing accidents, compliance with policy, requirements for competence training and other issues relevant to improving this policy and performance.


Bullying and violence & aggression

Introduction regarding bullying Bullying is defined as ‘unwanted and unwarranted behaviour that causes humiliation, offence and distress. Complaints of bullying should be reported immediately to Axis Europe Director, line Axis Europe Plc Page 38 of 98

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manager or the Company health and safety manager. All complaints will be promptly investigated and any action to be taken recorded.

Procedures & Responsibilities All managers & Supervisors should be aware of the signs of bullying, i.e. Trade workers or office staff becoming withdrawn, changes in behaviour, taking more sick leave or a lowering of work standard / quota. Any concerns should be reported to the above to enable further investigation to take place.

Introduction regarding violence The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended) place duties upon Axis Europe to ensure the safety of employees, particularly in potentially hazardous situations where violence in the workplace could be an issue. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Violence means: Being sworn at, threatened or attacked.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of working on the client related activities are to: Request Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager carry out a risk assessment where they are informed or suspect violence will be a potential issue. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Liaise with Organisational Director or other line managers and conduct a risk assessment where so requested. Make recommendations in respect of the means of avoiding or controlling the risks. It will be the responsibility of Axis Europe Director along with his senior management team to monitor the effectiveness of the controls put in place.

Where an incident of violence and/or aggression takes place on Client related activities or in areas affected by the client’s undertakings then the client’s representative is to be informed immediately, so that they can commence their own investigation into the matter.

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Control of hazardous substances

Introduction The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) (as amended 2004) places duties upon employers, the self-employed and employees and make provision for the protection of employees who may be exposed to substances hazardous to health at work, and of other persons who may be affected by such work. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Suitable and sufficient assessment means: A systematic review of the use of a substance including its form and quantity, possible harmful effects, how it is stored, handled, used and transported, those who could be affected and for how long and the control steps which are appropriate. Control measures mean: Steps taken to reduce exposure to a substance hazardous to health (including the provision of systems of work and supervision, the cleaning of workplaces, premises, plant and equipment, the provision and use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment). Generally substances hazardous to health means: Materials or products taken into the workplace for which an indication of danger is specified for the substance. Materials or products, which have an approved occupational exposure limit/workplace exposure limit. A biological agent. Dust or by-products produced by the processes of Axis Europe. Other factors that expose individuals to health risk from human by-product or microorganisms or any other substances that may have effects on the health of those at work. Health surveillance means: An assessment of the state of health of an employee, as related to exposure to a substance hazardous to health.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers, in the context of organisation operations, are to: Inform Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager of new substances requiring assessment. Maintain copies of COSHH assessments Axis Europe Plc Page 40 of 98

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Ensure employees and package contractors are fully briefed, issued with the appropriate PPE and understand the information provided in respect of COSHH assessments. Obtain copies of all safety data information from manufacturers and suppliers when placing orders for materials. Make an inventory of substances to be used in connection with any works or processes to be carried out using the Substance Inventory Form. Assessments will be required when substances are described as an irritant, as harmful, corrosive, toxic, oxidising, poisonous or flammable etc. Axis Europe Director or other line manager should contact Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager if in any doubt. If the substances are not potentially hazardous no further action is necessary. If the substances are potentially harmful to health and they have already been assessed, then brief the personnel exposed in respect of any significant findings and control measures, making sure that they have been issued with any PPE required and understand the information provided in respect of COSHH assessments. If the substance has not been previously assessed then Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager must be notified and the substance MUST NOT be used until an assessment has been conducted. Once the assessment has been conducted then brief the personnel. Ensure copies of COSHH assessments are maintained

The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist Organisational Director or other line managers in conducting COSHH assessments issuing copies to line managers. Hazardous substances will be stored in designated containers/vehicles/lockable stores when not in use.

Control of contractors

Introduction The Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations and other legislation such as the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) requires Axis Europe to satisfy itself that businesses we engage or appoint are competent, that is they have: Sufficient knowledge of the specific tasks to be undertaken and the risks associated with the work. Sufficient experience and ability to carry out their duties in relation to the particular work we undertake. Axis Europe Plc Page 41 of 98

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The ability to recognise their limitations and take appropriate action in order to prevent harm to those carrying out project specific work, or those affected by it. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Business means: Contractors, sub-contractors, designers, consultants or specialists and individuals. CDM 2015 means: The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

Procedures & Responsibilities Axis Europe will only use sub contractor’s that have been evaluated by the Health and Safety department of Axis Europe Plc.

The evaluation process will look at a number of core factors such as: Current up to date and signed health and safety policy document Training records for company personnel including management Records of any enforcement action taken against the company Level and suitability of employers and public liability insurance Any third party accreditations held such as CHAS, Exor, Construction line Etc Any safety related awards References from other organisations Access to competent health and safety advice Records of criminal records checks on company personnel Accident incident data Financial stability Environmental policies Equal opportunity and diversity policies

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers are to ensure: Businesses employed or engaged to carry out works on behalf of Axis Europe is drawn wherever practicable from the accredited list and is able to demonstrate compliance. They inform Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager of their intent to employ or engage any businesses not on the accredited list of Axis Europe and enlist his assistance in guiding them through the company’s formal evaluation assessment procedure. Monitor the on-going compliance of sub contractor’s to our safe systems of work when engaged on our project work Axis Europe Plc Page 42 of 98

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The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist in guiding new businesses through the assessment procedure. Maintain the accredited list of businesses, updating and disseminating it on a regular basis throughout Axis Europe to those responsible for employing or engaging others.

Consultation with workers

Introduction The Operational Director and Organisational Director acknowledge the need to consult with employees in respect of matters relating to health, safety and welfare. The Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations (HSCER 1996) make provision for consulting employees not covered by trade union arrangements.

Procedures & Responsibilities Consultation will be conducted via the following means: Provision of relevant extracts of the Policy to employees upon appointment. Induction by the relevant line manager/Supervisory staff or Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Regular memos and safety updates from Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Direct contact between the senior management team and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager with employees.

In respect of project related work, the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) requires this Company (as an employer in the context of its construction activities) to ensure the workforce it employs is involved in decisions we make in controlling project activities. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements The following definitions apply: CDM 2015 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Plan Shall mean the construction phase health & safety plan

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It is the responsibility of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of the worker engagement and communication to ensure: Special arrangements are made for members of our own workforce who do not have English as their first language. This will include where required the provision of translators or interpreters and the replacement of written notices and instructions with symbols or diagrams. Contractors, sub-contractors and specialist make their own special arrangements. Pre project H&S meetings are held with subcontractors, Client’s- client representatives and designers and other stakeholders to discuss H&S requirements throughout project work Regular meetings are held throughout the duration of a project work to discuss findings from inspections and get feedback from operatives on H&S matters Members of the workforce (be they direct employees or not) without English as first language are not employed on Client’s activities without special arrangements being made and vetted / monitored by Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Method statements are briefed to the workforce, they have the opportunity to comment and they complete the appropriate briefing registers is required. The workforce is made aware of the procedures to be followed in the event of serious or imminent danger. Those arrangements made within the plan and/or method statements are implemented and effectively monitored. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Liaise; assist Organisational Director or other line managers and monitors special arrangements made for the health, safety and welfare of those members of the workforce who do not have English as their first language. Monitor the implementation of arrangements made within the Plan. Keep and administers copies of all training records. Consult with relevant external agencies to ensure that Axis Europe is complying with legislation

Construction design and management

Introduction The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) are intended to integrate health and safety by encouraging everyone involved to focus attention on planning and management throughout the process. Axis Europe Plc Page 44 of 98

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Definitions – in the context of these arrangements The following apply:

CDM 2015 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 PD The Principal Designer File The Health & Safety File HSE Health & Safety Executive

Procedures & Responsibilities - The Role of Principal Designer In the event of Axis Europe being required by our client to act as the PD, we will undertake the following duties as required: Provide suitable and sufficient advice to our clients in order to assist them with complying with their own duties under the Regulations, namely to appoint competent designers and contractors and ensure adequate arrangements are in place to manage the project(s). Notify the HSE in respect of the projects(s). Co-ordinate design work, planning and other preparations for construction where they are relevant to health and safety. Identify and collect pre-construction information and advise the client if surveys need to be commissioned to fill significant gaps. Promptly provide in a convenient form to those parties involved (including contractors and the principal contractor) to be appointed by the client, with the pre-construction information (or extracts) relevant to them. Manage the flow of health and safety information between clients, designers and contractors. Advise the client on the suitability of the initial construction phase plan and the arrangements made to ensure that adequate welfare facilities are available from the start to finish of the work. Produce or update a relevant, user friendly health and safety file for future use at the end of the construction phase.

Procedures & Responsibilities - The Role of Designer In the event of this Organisation being appointed to the role of Designer we undertake to execute the following duties as required: Axis Europe Plc Page 45 of 98

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We are competent and adequately resourced to address the health and safety issues likely to be involved in any design for which we have responsibility. We check our clients are aware of their own duties under the Regulations. We avoid foreseeable risks to those involved in the construction and future use of the structure and, so far as is reasonably practicable, eliminate hazards and reduce any risks associated with hazards that remain. We provide adequate information about any significant risks associated with the design to those that require it. We co-ordinate our work with that of others to ensure risks are adequately managed and controlled.

In the event of Organisation being appointed to the role of Designer where a project is notifiable we undertake to execute the following additional duties as required by Paragraph 139 of the latest ACOP (1st April 2007) to the Regulations, by ensuring: Our client has appointed a PD and notified the HSE. We do not start work (other than initial design) unless a PD has been appointed. We co-operate with the PD, principal contractor and with other designers or contractors as necessary for each to comply with their own duties, including the provision of information needed for the pre-construction information pack or the health and safety file.

Procedures & Responsibilities - The Role of Principal Contractor In the event of Organisation being appointed to the role of Principal Contractor, the Operational Director and Organisational Director undertake to execute the following duties as required: We satisfy ourselves that client is aware of their duties that a PD has been appointed and the HSE notified before we start work. We are competent to address the health and safety issues likely to be involved in the management of the construction phase. The construction phase is properly planned, managed and monitored, with adequately resourced, competent project management which is appropriate to the risk and activity. Every contractor employed on the project is informed of the minimum amount of time which they will be allowed for planning and preparation before they begin work. Every contractor employed on the project is provided with information about the project that they need to enable them to carry out their work safely and without risk to the health, safety and welfare of themselves and others who could be affected by the work. Requests from contractors for information will be met promptly. Safe working, co-ordination and co-operation between package contractors. Axis Europe Plc Page 46 of 98

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We prepare a suitable construction phase health and safety plan which is prepared before we start construction work, developed in discussion with (and communicated to) contractors affected by it, implemented and updated as the project progresses. Satisfy ourselves that any designers or contractors we engage are competent and adequately resourced. Suitable welfare facilities are provided for the workforce from the start of the construction phase. We take steps to prevent unauthorised access to the working area(s). We prepare and enforce appropriate project rules. We provide copies of (or access to) our construction phase plan and other information to contractors and any self-employed persons we engage in sufficient time to allow them to plan elements of the work for which they have responsibility. We liaise with the PD in respect of any design (including that of specialist contractors) carried out during the construction phase and its implications for the plan. We provide the PD promptly with information in respect of the File. All members of the workforce have been provided with a suitable health and safety induction, information and training. All members of the workforce are consulted about health and safety matters. We display the project notification in a ready accessible place for all personnel to see.

Procedures & Responsibilities - The Role of Contractor In the event of Axis Europe being appointed to the role of Contractor we undertake to execute the following duties as required: The client is aware of his / her duties. We satisfy ourselves that anyone we employ or engage is competent and adequately resourced. We plan, manage and monitor our work to ensure our workforce is safe from the start of work. We inform any contractor we employ or engage on the project is informed of the minimum amount of time they be allowed for them to plan and prepare before starting work. We provide the workforce under our control with any necessary information (including about relevant aspects of other contractors work) and a project safety induction (where it is not provided by a principal contractor) which they need to work safely, to report problem issues or to respond in an emergency. Any design work we do complies with Regulation 11.

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We comply with the requirements listed in Schedule 2 (Welfare Facilities) and Part 4 (Duties relating to health and safety on client related activities) of the Regulations that apply to our work. We co-operate with others and co-ordinate our work with anyone else working on the project. Our workforce is properly consulted on matters affecting their health and safety. We obtain specialist advice where planning high risk non routine work which is outside our usual activities or experience.

In the event of Organisation being appointed to the role of Contractor where a project is notifiable we undertake to execute the following additional duties as required: We check that a PD has been appointed and the HSE notified before we start work. We co-operate with the principal contractor, PD and others working at the premises We inform the principal contractor in respect of risks that may be created by our own work. We inform the principal contractor in respect of any contractor we employ or engage in connection with the carrying out of our own work. We comply with any reasonable directions from the principal contractor and relevant rules in the health and safety plan. We inform the principal contractor of any problems or issues we may have with the plan or risks we identify during our work which may have a significant impact upon the management of the project. We inform the principal contractor of any accidents or dangerous occurrences. We provide information for the health and safety file as requested.


Display screen equipment Introduction The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 place duties upon employers to reduce the risks from VDU work, such risks are upper limb disorders, temporary eyestrain, fatigue and stress.

Axis Europe is required to determine whether the Regulations apply to their employees (and in some cases to self-employed people), generally the Regulations will apply to employees who: Depend on the use of display screen equipment to do their work as alternative means are not readily available or appropriate. Have no discretion regarding the use or non-use of the equipment. Axis Europe Plc Page 48 of 98

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Need significant training in the use of the equipment. Normally use display screen equipment for continuous spells of an hour or more at a time. Normally uses display screen equipment more or less daily. Use display screen equipment for the fast transfer of information. Are required to employ high levels of attention and concentration. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Display screen equipment means: Any alphanumeric or graphic display screen, regardless of the display process involved. Use means: Use for or in connection with work. User means: An employee who habitually uses display screen equipment as a significant part of normal work. Operator means: A self-employed person who habitually uses display screen equipment as a significant part of normal work. Workstation means: An assembly comprising: Display screen equipment. Any optional accessories to the display screen equipment. Any disk drive, telephone, modem, printer, document holder, work chair, work desk, work surface or other item peripheral to the display screen equipment. The immediate work environment around the display screen equipment.

Procedures & Responsibilities Self-assessment questionnaires of individual workstations are competed by users via the intranet. The completed assessment is forwarded to Axis Europe Plc. health and safety department for review. If any issues are raised, then Axis Europe Plc.’s Health and Safety Manager in consultation with the employee and their line manager will agree the appropriate remedial actions and implement them accordingly.

The initial assessment will be reviewed and revised where: There is a major change to the software or hardware used. There is a major change in workstation furniture. There is a substantial increase in the time required using the display screen equipment. A substantial change in task requirements i.e. more speed or accuracy. A workstation is relocated. Axis Europe Plc Page 49 of 98

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Lighting is significantly modified.

The responsibilities of line managers in Axis Europe are to: Ensure that company employees identified as users undertake the online self-assessment questionnaire, this to include trade staff who use computers to retrieve and close off job orders as part of their work activities (and if necessary operators working on behalf of Axis Europe). The completed online DSE assessments are forwarded to Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager for his records.

Summary of Arrangements: 1. Organisational Director to ensure that managers identify personnel who are users (and if necessary operators) within Axis Europe. 2. Organisational Director to ensure organisation personnel complete the online selfassessment questionnaire produced by the health and safety department. 3. The completed questionnaires to be sent to Axis Europe Plc. Health and Health and Safety Manager for his records. 4. Any issues raised by staff to be addressed to their line manager for remedial action 5. Line managers to follow up on the issues raised with the person concerned and agree jointly the appropriate remedial actions to take 6. Any issues which require more technical input to be raised with Axis Europe’s health and Safety Manager. 7. DSE self-assessment questionnaires to be undertaken at least annually by staff or sooner if circumstances associated with them or their workstation dictate. 8. Axis Europe Director via his managerial staff to ensure that basic instruction, information and training are provided to users of workstations. 9. Axis Europe Director to make available eye and eyesight provisions for users who request it.

Dealing with enforcement bodies

Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order put in place a framework enforcement bodies for health, safety, welfare and fire compliance. Axis Europe recognise that those which represent HSE and Fire Authorities play an important part ensuring that duty holders discharge their legal responsibilities in order that the health, safety and welfare of people at work and those affected by work activities are protected. Axis Europe Plc Page 50 of 98

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Procedures & Responsibilities Axis Europe will have arrangements in place for giving and receiving information from enforcement bodies. Axis Europe Director and senior management team will be provided with instruction and information to be followed when coming into contact with representatives of government agencies.

Driving at work

Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, places duties upon Organisation to ensure the health and safety of employees (this include driving activities) and anyone else with the potential to be put at risk by our activities. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Driving means: Travel between the Axis Europe Plc. premises and client related activities, the premises of suppliers, customers, clients or disposal sites as well company related private mileage (e.g. travel to and from their place of residence). Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers, in the context of company premises and client related activities, are to ensure: Drivers are competent and capable of doing their work in a way that is safe for them and other people. Drivers are sufficiently fit and healthy to drive safely and not put themselves or others at risk. Vehicles are fit for the purpose for which they are used. Vehicles are maintained in a safe and fit condition. Safety equipment is properly fitted and maintained. Drivers have access to information which will help them reduce risks. The health and safety of drivers is not put at risk from inappropriate seating positions or driving posture. Work activities are properly scheduled and realistic. Sufficient time is allowed to complete journeys safely. Drivers are not put at risk from fatigue caused by driving excessive distances without appropriate breaks. Adequate consideration is given to adverse weather conditions and their potential to impact upon journeys and scheduling. Axis Europe Plc Page 51 of 98

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The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist Organisational Director or other line managers in conducting risk assessments.

The responsibilities of Employees and contractors are to: Comply in all respects with Axis Europe transport policy. Abide by client parking restrictions

Disclosure barring and services checks (previously CRB checks)

Introduction The primary role of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) is to help employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups including children. The DBS was established under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and merges the functions previously carried out by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers, in the context of company premises and client related activities, are to ensure: That trade and managerial personnel have undergone a criminal records check dependent on the nature of work they will be doing That personnel receive where required an enhanced financial check under the Client’s security arrangements That a record is held securely under that data protection act of those who have undergone criminal record check and/or Client’s- enhanced assessment.

Where the assessment highlights information which may be detrimental to the individual working within a particular area of Axis Europes’ activities, client related activities or wider Axis Europe Plc. business, then discussion is to be held with the Operational Director, Organisational Director, Health and safety manager and client’s representative (if necessary and appropriate) on the action to be taken.

E Axis Europe Plc Page 52 of 98

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Electricity in the workplace Introduction The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 place duties upon employers to introduce a control framework which incorporates fundamental principles of electrical safety, the two primary areas of concern to Axis Europe are work on electrical equipment and the testing and recording of portable electrical equipment. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements ACP means: Authorised Competent Person. Duty holder means: Any employer, self-employed people and employees all have duties of compliance with the Regulations so far as they relate to matters within their control. Electrical system means: A system in which all electrical equipment is, or may be, electrically connected to a common source of electrical energy, and includes the source and equipment. Electrical equipment means: Anything used, intended to be used or installed for use to generate, provide, transmit, transform, rectify or convert, conduct, distribute, control, store, measure or use electrical energy. Danger means: The risk of injury where injury in this context means death or personal injury from electric shock, burn, explosion or arcing, or from a fire or explosion initiated by electrical energy, where any such death or injury is associated with electrical equipment. Protective equipment means: Special tools, protective clothing or insulating screening equipment. Conductor means: A conductor of electrical energy. Circuit conductor means: Any conductor in a system, which is intended to carry current or be energised in normal conditions. Portable electrical appliance means: Any appliance with is hand held or can be lifted and moved any distance by one person in a safe and efficient manner e.g. electrically operated drills.

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Wherever practicable on client related activities or areas related to client’s undertakings: All electrical equipment will be 110 volt via an appropriate transformer. Battery powered tools and equipment will be used in preference to mains. Where 240v equipment is used, then it can only be used, if a RCD is fitted. PAT testing of plant and tools, together with site office equipment will be carried out periodic basis as required. In the context of both company premises and client related activities/undertakings wherever there is a need to work on electrical equipment, that equipment will be isolated from ALL sources of electric power.

Where it is impractical (THIS DOES NOT MEAN INCONVENIENT) to isolate it may be necessary to work on LIVE equipment. Where LIVE work is necessary, it may only be undertaken by an Authorised Competent Person (ACP). In essence the ACP must meet the following criteria: Have an adequate and detailed knowledge of the equipment and associated electrical circuits. Be directly supervised by another ACP who has an adequate and detailed knowledge of the equipment and associated electrical circuits. Have demonstrated a complete understanding of the dangers involved. Have been assessed as being competent (trained and certificated) to work under these circumstances.

Where called upon to attend another ACP carrying out live work, the assisting ACP will observe the following requirements: Have current knowledge of the nearest means of complete electrical isolation of the electrical equipment being worked on. Will remain in close proximity to and constantly observe the ACP. Be alert at all times, concentrating on the work in hand and available to act immediately should an emergency situation develop. Ensure that other personnel are kept out of the working area. Only the ACP working with the ACP at risk may enter the area while the ACP is at risk. The area must be cordoned off. The assisting ACP must not eat, drink, smoke, sit, read, converse with anyone else or engage in any other activity or distract the ACP so as to cause him to lose concentration. It is permissible to hold tools, instruments or drawings etc., but not to fetch and carry if it means he cannot comply with the aforementioned requirements. A permit to work system will always be operated for LIVE work. Axis Europe Plc Page 54 of 98

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LIVE work or equipment MUST NOT be left uncovered or exposed if for any reason the ACP has to leave the location. He must be trained in the recognition of the symptoms of a person experiencing electric shock and know what immediate action to take. This includes hold-on contact. He must be trained in the treatment of a person who has just received electric shock, including resuscitation.

Portable electrical equipment used by Axis Europe will be subject to formal visual inspection and periodic testing by a competent person. Checks will include the following: Condition of cables. Plug connections. Wiring connections and cable clamp. Correct fuse waiting. Earth continuity tests and insulation tests where required/advised.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers are to: Ensure equipment is PAT tested on an appropriate basis in line with the HSE guidance All new equipment carries a CE mark and complies with the current appropriate standard. All equipment that is defective is taken out of service, disabled and rendered unusable prior to repair or disposal. Keep records of all tests, including repairs and disposals. Ensure installations are tested as directed by Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist Axis Europe Director or other line managers in the fulfilment of their responsibilities where so requested. Monitor the testing regime of organisation electrical equipment and installations.


Fatigue management Introduction Fatigue is the decline in mental and/or physical performance that results from prolonged exertion, lack of quality sleep or disruption of the internal body clock. The degree to which a worker is prone Axis Europe Plc Page 55 of 98

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to fatigue is also related to workload. For example, work that requires constant attention, is machine paced, complex or monotonous will increase the risk of fatigue Axis Europe has legal duties to protect the health and safety of our employees and assess the risks from fatigue under the; -

The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974


The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999


The Working Time Regulations1998

Risk Assessment Axis H&S competent person will complete a risk assessment for each job role within Axis Europe which will be completed in consultation with the employees undertaking the role. The risk assessment will look at the following factors -

Hours of work


Periods of extended work e.g. overtime


Standby/on call duties

The risk assessment will identify suitable controls which will then be discussed with the employee and management. Once suitable and sufficient controls are agreed and signed off by senior management they are briefed to all employees. Monitoring of the controls is undertaken at regular intervals by the H&S team and management and consists of -

Face to face discussion with employees


Examination of working hours to ensure that no employee is working excessive hours

All employees are encouraged to report any issues to their line management or H&S representative and they will be then subject to a review with the employee and manager which may result in changes to working patterns

Fire safety management and Emergency compliance Introduction The Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order 2005 and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require employers and responsible persons to have in place robust provisions for the safety of staff and others in the event that an emergency situation arises that could put at risk people,

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property and the environment. Organisation will take steps to implement procedures to discharge this duty.

Fire Risk Assessment We will ensure that fire risk assessments are undertaken by our health and safety manager at our regional offices and appropriate control measures are put in place which will seek to prevent fires and undesired events taking place in the first instance and/or mitigate the effects of any event.

In respect of site based activities the fire safety considerations will be part of the wider risk assessment process linked to the work in question.

We will ensure that the significant findings are communicated to those affected. In addition the assessments will be reviewed and revised as necessary at least annually. Fire Fighting Policy We will have properly trained staff at the buildings (and site based work) to tackle a fire in its early stages, if they can do so without putting themselves at risk. Fires should only be attacked if accompanied by a second person and should only commence at the point where the building/site based occupants are in the evacuation stage. The key requirement will be to raising the alarm first at the nearest designated call point

Information to others All employees and visitors (office and site based) will be informed of procedures to be followed in cases of emergency. New employees will be informed during office/site induction. Visitors to the premises or site will be briefed on arrival.

In relation to project based work the relevant manager or Supervisor will tasked with communicating the arrangements during induction.

Induction and Fire Safety Training Induction Training - on the first day at the premises/site will cover: •

The potential fire hazards in the area where they work


The location and use of the escape routes


The location, operation and meaning of the fire warning system

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Organisation will take part in fire drills held by the responsible person at regional offices and site based work. Managers, staff and contractors will be told to bring to the attention of the relevant manager any short falls in the emergency procedures they may find.

Summary information to communicate to staff and others: Listen to any instructions given and obey them Sound the alarm using the nearest Red call point if you discover an emergency Attack fires, only if it is safe to do so and you have been trained Do not put yourself or others at risk of harm Remain calm and orderly during evacuation Any work equipment is switched off and isolated if possible before leaving the work area Leave by the nearest exit available Do not attempt to use lifts Do not attempt to get to another floor once you have entered the escape staircase Do not stop to collect personal belongings Not re-entering the building unless safe and told to do so by appointed fire marshals

First aid at work Introduction The objective of The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 is to provide a framework for first aid arrangements, which incorporates flexibility by setting objective standards to be achieved. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements ACOP means: ▪

The Accepted Code of Practice L74 First Aid at Work (3rd Edition 2013)

FAWR means: ▪

First Aid at Work

EFAW means: ▪

Emergency First Aider in the Workplace

Procedures & Responsibilities Risk assessments are carried out with a view to ensuring the following are provided: An appropriate number of suitably stocked first aid containers – these are held within the reception and refreshment points (e.g. kitchens). Axis Europe Plc Page 58 of 98

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Suitably qualified personnel – the numbers and level of qualification of office staff are under continuous review, but the policy of Axis Europe is to ensure that a minimum of two persons are trained to FAW or EFAW level with others being able to act in the capacity of appointed persons. All employees are briefed, with a lists of first aiders posted in areas under our control Trade based personnel will receive basic information and training in first aid Trade vehicles will be provided with travel first aid kits All employees and others are briefed in respect of first aid cover as part of their site induction.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises are to: Ensure a risk assessment is carried out. Ensure adequate numbers of trained company personnel are provided. Ensure adequate facilities are provided. Seek the advice of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager where required. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Carry out, where so requested, risk assessments. Advise on the adequacy of arrangements.

Foreign/migrant workers Introduction Senior management of Axis Europe recognise the value that foreign workers play in the delivery of its services. We are aware however, that with the great benefits come the potential problems related to cultural and social differences regarding risk appreciation, as well as communication barriers.

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act and The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require employers to protect so far as is reasonable the safety, health and wellbeing of employees and others affected by what we do. In addition, information, instruction and training need to be comprehensible to those receiving it.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company operations will to ensure: Axis Europe Plc Page 59 of 98

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Risk assessments and method statements consider the impact communication and understanding of safety systems of work Contractors working for Axis Europe have procedures in place for ensuring that workers who do not have good spoken and written English are managed effectively and know what is expected of them. Inductions are undertaken in such a way that workers of all languages fully understand what is required of them. Supervisors used have a very good grasp of spoken and written English and are in a position to communicate/translate the information back to others effectively.

Axis Europe Director and other senior management will keep the procedures under review to ensure they remain effective and appropriate for our operations.

G No arrangements under this section


Hazard identification and risk management process Introduction The proper identification of occupational safety and health hazards and the management of the associated risks is the foundation of good risk management. Axis Europe recognises this and will have in place a robust system for managing the risks produced by our activities.

Definitions Hazard: Source, situation or act with the potential to cause harm in terms of human injury and ill health (including business and environmental harm)

Hazard identification: Systematic process of recognising the range and characteristics of hazards associated with a particular activity or process

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The combination of the likelihood and severity of the harm from a hazard being realised

Risk assessment: The systematic process of evaluating the risk arising from a hazard, taking into account the effectiveness and adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk is acceptable

Acceptable risk: Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the company having regard to our legal obligations and the corporate occupational health and safety policy

Hazard identification process Axis Europe Director and/or other managerial staff will proactively identify hazards associated our activities ranging from physical, chemical, biological, behavioural hazards. The following are examples of each category but not exhaustive:

Physical: working at height, falling objects, use of work equipment, fire, electricity temperature etc. Chemical: vapours, dust, gases, liquids, storage, ingestion, absorption etc. Biological: viruses, bacteria, fungi, moulds, sharps, exposure to blood and other bodily fluids etc. Behavioural: violence, aggression, bullying, lack of communication etc.

When identifying hazards associated with a particular task, managers will make reference to some or all of the following sources of information: Relevant section of company policy documents (OH&S, Quality and Environmental) Existing knowledge of the work entailed Direct visit/tour of the proposed work Client specification and contract documentation Client’s- property risk registers Manufacturer’s information (e.g. material safety data sheets) Consultation with employees and contractors Consultation with Axis Europe Plc. Health and Safety department Consultation with other specialist body or individual Audit and inspection data (internal and/or 3rd party information) Accident/incident records Approved codes of practice and industry guidance Relevant website Axis Europe Plc Page 61 of 98

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Managers and Supervisors are aware that the above hazard identification process will be applied not only to routine day to day tasks but also activities that are non-routine (e.g. specific tasks such as non-scheduled maintenance work, plant & equipment start-ups/shut downs, refurbishment etc.)

Once the hazards have been identified, managers will identify those who are affected by the hazards and how it will manifest itself. Below are the people who will be considered relevant to the process:

Employees (managerial/Supervisory and frontline staff) Contractors Client’s- personnel (including security personnel) Visitors General public Particular vulnerable groups (young persons, expectant mothers, lone workers, inexperienced etc.)

Risk assessment and risk control process Managers and Supervisory staff when undertaking the formal recorded risk assessment element (which includes the hazard identification process), they will determine if any existing control measures already in place are acceptable and if not will introduce additional controls. When implementing additional controls the main requirement in the first instance will be to try and avoid/eliminate the risk before other risk reduction strategies are implemented. Therefore reference should be made to the risk hierarchy and general principles of prevention.

The risk assessment will identify the appropriate control measures using a combination of the following: Elimination Substitution. Changing work methods/patterns Reduced or limited time exposure Engineering controls (e.g. isolation, insulation and ventilation) Signage/ warnings and or administrative controls Good housekeeping Safe systems of work Training & information Personal protective equipment Axis Europe Plc Page 62 of 98

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Welfare Monitoring & supervision Review

Recording requirements Managerial and Supervisory staff will be required to keep a record of the risk assessment process, which will identify the significant findings of the process. The following information should be recorded:

Project reference and description of the work Hazards identified and those exposed to the hazards Quantified risks associated with the hazards Control measures proposed to reduce the risks to an acceptable level Name and date of the person undertaking the risk assessment Review date for the assessment Confirmation of assessment being communicated to those affected

Review process Managerial and Supervisory personnel will review the hazard identification and risk assessment process on a regular basis (no less than annually) to determine if the controls have been affective. Other circumstances such as audit/inspection findings, accidents, incidents, contractor reviews, legislation changes, introduction of new technologies will prompt further reviews.

Where the review finds weaknesses then the risk assessment will be revised accordingly and the changes communicated to those affected by the change.

Trade worker site specific risk management approach Trade personnel undertaking day to day response repairs will be required to conduct their own specific assessments before carrying out the work assigned to the job order. They will use their PDA or the template hard copy risk assessment document to formally assess the hazards and risks associated with the work to be done, including the necessary controls they will adopt. Those completing the hard copy assessment will attached the assessment to the completion of works sheet (COW) and submit it the administration team for filing.

Supervisory personnel will be expected to periodically check COW sheets and the attached risk assessments to confirm they have been completed appropriately. Where there are any discrepancies Axis Europe Plc Page 63 of 98

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in the quality/suitability of the assessment, the Supervisor will contact the trade worker concerned to discuss improvements in the process.


Inspections Introduction An effective safety programme is an essential part of efficient management. An effective proactive inspection regime will enable Axis Europe to evaluate whether trade staff and contractors are working in accordance with the agreed safe system of work and aspects of Client’s operational requirements.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of our activities are to ensure: Recorded inspections are conducted of project specific work Any findings from the inspection process are raised with those concerned and mutual agreement is reached in how best to address any remedial actions Follow up on any agreed remedial actions to ensure that areas identified have been closed out Keep records of proactive inspections for 2 years from completion of the work activity Request from package contractors evidence of their own competent person inspections The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Provide support and guidance to managers on how to conduct proactive safety inspections Periodically undertake unannounced independent inspections to ascertain the efficacy and effectiveness of health, safety and welfare arrangements of Organisation.

Inductions Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Act, along with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, require employers to provide information and instruction to staff which is comprehensible. Organisation are aware that there is key information that must be communicated to new employees and others working on behalf of our undertakings, so they are fully aware of what Axis Europe Plc Page 64 of 98

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is expected from then and us. In respect of our operations the induction process covers not only our operational activities, but also addresses the particular issues of working on Client’s- premises.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to ensure:

New employees and contractors receive the induction programme produced by Axis Europe New employees also receive the wider Axis Europe Plc. company induction Information on the completion of the induction is recorded and kept on file for future reference Copies of the induction are provided to access control for verification

J No arrangements under this section

K No arrangements under this section


Ladders and steps Introduction The Work at Height Regulations 2005 place duties upon Organisation in respect of employees and others working at height and, whilst they do not preclude the use of steps and ladders, they do make recommendations in respect of their use in the context of access equipment.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to ensure: They carry out a risk assessment and consult/ liaise with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager in the event of findings recording a Moderate or significant risk. Employees use steps and ladders only for light work and short duration work. Employees are trained and inducted in the appropriate use of steps and ladders. Ladders and steps must be EN131 or Industrial Class 1 Standard Axis Europe Plc Page 65 of 98

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The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Liaise with and assist Organisational Director or other line managers in respect of risk assessments, and the training and induction of employees where so requested.

Lone workers The Health and Safety at Work Act, along with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, require employers to provide safe systems of work for all their employees. We acknowledge that some of our employees are required to work away from the office and as such we have a duty of care to minimise so far as is reasonably practicable the issues of lone working.

We will via our managers and Supervisory staff put in place control measures which will mitigate any issues associated with lone working for example: Vehicle trackers to identify the location of company vehicles at any given moment. PDA with locating facilities to potentially locate the position of trade personnel at a given time Solo protect cards with built in technology to record voice conversations and alert others to an incident Training in lone working

The above controls and other measures put in place will be kept under review by the relevant line manager. In addition, Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager and his assistant advisors will provide on-going support and guidance to Axis Europe.


Manual handling Introduction The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended) requires assessments be made to identify those hazards present which arise from manual handling activities or other factors.

Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Manual handling means: Transporting or supporting of a load by human means and can include: Lifting Putting down Axis Europe Plc Page 66 of 98

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Pushing Pulling Carrying or moving

Procedures & Responsibilities Where possible we will try to avoid the need for personnel to undertake physical handling of loads via the use of mechanical handling equipment. Where the elimination of manual handling is not practicable, then assessment will be undertaken of the work in an attempt to minimise it. The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company activities are to: Identify those operations where a manual handling assessment is required. Make the assessment Implement and monitor control measures and a task or job specific safe system of work if required. Liaise with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager if required. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Liaise with and assist Organisational Director or other line managers in respect of assessing the risks and the implementation of control measures and safe system of work where so requested.

Mobile Access Towers Introduction Mobile access towers are an excellent means of getting to work at height they provide collective fall prevention measures.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company activities are to ensure that: They are erected, dismantled or altered by trained, competent persons. Employees or others must not interfere with access platforms unless qualified, and approved by Axis Europe Director or other line manager. No access platform will be accepted for use until a competent person approved by Axis Europe has inspected it. Provided with suitable and sufficient means of access/egress with properly constructed working platforms designed for the works to be undertaken. Axis Europe Plc Page 67 of 98

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All working platforms will be maintained in a clear and un-congested condition to ensure the safety of all persons who require access. Further information, guidance, recommendations and procedures are included within Axis Europe safe systems of work. Arrange for the production risk assessments, method statements and safe systems of work to be in place and approved before any work commences. Arrange to brief, train and induct the workforce by competent persons in respect of findings, working methods and systems so as to enable them to work safely. Arrange the monitoring of working and peripheral areas on a regular basis. Make arrangements for statutory inspections of work equipment and platforms. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist in the production of general or generic risk assessments for working at height. Assist in the production of project specific risk assessments and method statements. Visit places of work to advise on the adequacy of control measures. Arrange for the appropriate briefing, induction and training in safe systems of work. Advise in the selection of working equipment. Carry out ad hoc inspections of places of work at height to check the adequacy and implementation of control means and safe systems of work.

The responsibilities of Contractors or Sub-Contractors (or others) are to ensure their: Workforce complies with the requirements of this Policy and Arrangements. Risk assessments, method statements and safe systems of work are submitted to and approved by Axis Europe Director or other line manager before any work commences. Personnel are briefed, trained and inducted by competent persons in respect of findings, working methods and safe systems of work so as to enable them to work safely. Employees report any unsafe activity or defect to Axis Europe Director or other line manager and use any equipment supplied.

Method statements Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Act, along with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, require employers to provide safe systems of work. To demonstrate that the outcome of the risk assessment process will be actioned, Axis Europe request that method statements are produced for the relevant work activity. Axis Europe Plc Page 68 of 98

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Method statement format Axis Europe do not dictate to package contractors as to the specific content of their written safe system of work. However, we do as a minimum expect the method state to cover the following areas: 1. Management arrangements 2. Plant and equipment management 3. COSHH management 4. Any permit to work requirements 5. Clear sequence of work 6. Cross reference the risk assessment 7. Training/competence standards 8. Waste management 9. PPE requirements 10. Emergency and first aid provisions 11. Security and public protection 12. Monitoring and review standards

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company operations and client’s activities are to: Request and receive package contractor’s safety method statements prior to starting the work Review the content of the method statement against the company checklist method statement status form Determine whether the safety method statement meets the requirement of the work in question and addresses the minimum information expected by Axis Europe Accept or reject the safety method statement by informing the relevant contractor of the review findings Follow up on any rejected method statements and ensure that no work progresses until the revised documents have been accepted Evidence is provided that the method statement has been communicated to those affected by it.

Mobile elevated work platforms

Introduction Axis Europe Plc Page 69 of 98

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Axis Europe may on occasion use a range of MEWPs such as self-propelled articulated booms, scissor lifts etc. Regardless of the type selected we will ensure that through Axis Europe Director, line managers, Supervisors and external suppliers, the right MEWP is supplied based on initial survey of the proposed work area and evaluation of the work itself.

Procedures & Responsibilities The company will have arrangements in place for ensuring that MEWP are accompanied with records of thorough examination, operating manuals and evidence of pre hire safety checks. Managerial or other Supervisory staff will ensure that weekly inspections are conducted and recorded. During the periods of non-use the MEWP will be secured and isolated to prevent unauthorized access.

We will avoid where possible, having MEWP left on the premises overnight. However, where this cannot be avoided, then agreement will be sought from clients on the location where such equipment can be parked and secured out of hours.


Noise at work

Introduction The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 places duties upon Axis Europe to take action to prevent or reduce the risk to health and safety from exposure to noise at work. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements The lower exposure action values are: A daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 80dB (A – weighted). A peak sound pressure of 135dB (C – weighted). The upper exposure action values are: A daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 85dB (A – weighted). A peak sound pressure of 137dB (C – weighted). The exposure limit values are: ▪

A daily or weekly personal noise exposure of 87dB (A – weighted).

A peak sound pressure of 140dB (C – weighted).

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Procedures & Responsibilities Where employees are exposed to noise above an exposure limit value Axis Europe will identify the reason and explore means of reducing it to acceptable levels. If any employee is likely to be exposed to noise at or above an upper exposure action value Axis Europe will reduce exposure to as low a level as is reasonably practicable, giving consideration to the following: The use of other working methods which reduce exposure to noise. Choosing work equipment which emits the least possible noise when being used for the task. The design and layout of workplaces and rest facilities. The provision of suitable and sufficient information and training for employees, particularly in respect of the correct use of work equipment in order to minimise the production of noise. Reduction of noise by technical means, silencers, barriers etc. Ensuring that equipment is properly maintained and replaced where required. Limiting the duration and the intensity of exposure. Ensuring appropriate work schedules and rest periods.

Hearing protection will only be used when these methods are unable to prevent exposure to noise and will be made available upon request to any employee who is exposed to noise at or above a lower exposure action value.

Any area of any workplace where anyone is liable to be exposed to noise at or above an upper exposure action value will be designated a hearing protection zone and signed appropriately. Where a risk assessment indicates that there is a risk to the health of employees who are or liable to be exposed to noise; they will be placed under suitable health surveillance.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to: Check the need for a formal assessment and seek the advice of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Take such steps as are practicable to reduce noise (without the use of PPE) within the areas e.g. by screening-off the area(s). Arrange for the creation of noise exclusion zones and the posting of mandatory signage where applicable and practical. Ensure that all employees, including those of sub-contractors and others, are briefed on the findings of any assessment and issued with the appropriate PPE. Enforce the wearing of PPE where the assessment requires it. Axis Europe Plc Page 71 of 98

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Maintain the premises or project safety file, keeping copies of task or project specific risk assessments, method statements, briefing records and all other documents and registers up to date and available for inspection. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist Axis Europe Director or other line managers in the event of the need for an assessment and implementation of control measures or employ a specialist to do so.

New and expectant mothers Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 place duties upon Axis Europe to ensure the safety of employees; this includes new and expectant mothers.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company activities are to: Carry out a specific risk assessment and liaise with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager in respect of appropriate actions.

In the event of the assessments flagging up significant risks: Temporarily adjust the working conditions of the person and the hours of work. Offer suitable alternative work. Suspend the person from work on paid leave to protect her health and safety or that of her child. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Carry out an initial risk assessment for all employees, including those risks to females of childbearing age. Liaise with and assist Organisational Director or other line managers in respect of specific risk assessments and appropriate actions.

The responsibilities of Employees are to: Axis Europe Plc Page 72 of 98

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Notify their Organisational Director or other line manager in writing when they become pregnant. Cooperate with others in securing their health and wellbeing.


Occupational ill health

Introduction A variety of Regulations principally the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSW Regulations) and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) outline the requirements for health surveillance. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Competent person means: A Company approved occupational nurse or doctor trained in occupational medicine.

Procedures & Responsibilities The Health and Safety Manager and line managers as appropriate will risk assess those activities requiring health surveillance interventions. Where the assessment process, flags up a residual risk, appropriate procedures will be put in place to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that employees are not exposed to the potential of suffering long term ill health effects resulting from them carrying their activities on behalf of Axis Europe. Procedures will include: Employees checking themselves and reporting signs of symptoms of ill health to their Organisational Director or other line managers. Managerial, Supervisory staff or first aiders making basic checks. Examination and checks by a competent person. Results notified to Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Additional medical assistance offered / provided to employees.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to ensure: A risk assessment is carried out. The issue of health surveillance is addressed when flagged as a requirement. They carry out periodic checks on the workforce where required by a risk assessment, notifying Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager of potential health issues. Axis Europe Plc Page 73 of 98

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The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to liaise with Organisational Director or other line managers to: Assist in the risk assessment process where so requested. Ensure training in symptom recognition is provided to the workforce and Organisational Director or other line managers. Ensure appropriate health surveillance is carried out; medical records are kept and maintained in accordance with legislative requirements. Liaise with Organisational Director or other line managers, employees and competent persons in the event of notified issues. Monitor risk assessments and method statements, revisiting them and factoring in any observations or recommendations of competent persons.

Out of hours working Introduction The nature of our work requires that certain activities need to be conducted outside of normal operating hours in order to deal with emergency call outs. We are aware that out of hours working could lead to potential reduction in the normal level of cover for employees such as first aid, welfare, fire safety etc.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to: Ensure that risk assessments and method statements identify any additional controls required for out of our activities Ensure that suitable welfare provisions are available Ensure that the emergency arrangements for those working outside normal hours are adequate Ensure that first aid arrangements are still appropriate for the nature of the work being conducted and numbers on the premises Ensure that communication arrangements are in place to outline what provisions are in place to safeguard their health and wellbeing.

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Permits to work Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 place duties upon Axis Europe to ensure the safety of employees, particularly in potentially hazardous situations where a formal written system of work (PTW) may be required. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements PTW means: Permit to Work System.

Procedures & Responsibilities Axis Europe has identified the following tasks or circumstances, listed alphabetically, which may require the implementation of a PTW system; these will generally be where a risk assessment flags up the potential for a very high or high risk: Complex maintenance work, involving mechanical/electrical or chemical isolation. High voltage electrical works. Hot works. Working at height. Confined spaces.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to: Check the need for a formal PTW and seek the advice of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Draw up and implement the agreed PTW using the templates provided. Maintain the premises or project safety file, keeping copies of task or project specific risk assessments, method statements, briefing records and all other documents and registers up to date and available for inspection. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Axis Europe Plc Page 75 of 98

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Assist Axis Europe Director or other line managers in the event of the need to implement a PTW.

Personal protective equipment Introduction The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended) places duties upon both employers and the self-employed and make provision for the minimum health and safety requirements for use by employees in the workplace. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements PPE means: Personal Protective Equipment designed to be worn of held by a person at work to protect against one or more risks, and any addition or accessory designed to meet this objective.

Types of PPE can include the following: Foot protection – safety footwear Head protection - safety helmet / bump cap Hearing protection – ear plugs / muffs Respirator protection – filtering half-mask / half-mask respirator / full-face or powered respirator Eye protection – safety spectacles / glasses, safety goggles or face shields Protective clothing – overalls Hand / skin protection – gloves / gauntlets or barrier creams Fall arrest system – safety harnesses High visibility clothing – vests / jackets

Suitable means: Appropriate for the risks involved and the conditions. Takes account of ergonomic requirements and the state of the health of the people wearing it. It is capable of fitting the wearer correctly after adjustments. It is effective in preventing or adequately controlling the risk without leading to any increased risk (particularly where several types of PPE are worn/used together). Complies with national and European conformity standards.

Assessments will be carried out in respect of the following: Axis Europe Plc Page 76 of 98

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Employees on company premises and client related activities.

Appropriate accommodation means: Pegs for helmets and clothing. Carrying cases for safety spectacles. Containers for PPE carried in vehicles.

Information, instruction and training means: Know the risks the PPE will avoid or limit and the purpose, manner and use and action required by the employee to ensure the PPE remains in a fit state, working order, good repair and also in a hygienic condition.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of client’s activities are to: Make an assessment of the PPE required by general or task specific risk assessments and liaise with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager if in any doubt. Issue PPE to employees, ensure they are fully briefed and trained in its use. To stop or prevent anyone from working where PPE is not been used or used correctly. Persisted offenders will be banned, referred to Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager and Organisational Director and may be subject to disciplinary procedures. Maintain appropriate levels of replacement stocks for distribution in the event of loss or damage. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Conduct PPE assessments for tasks carried out on company premises and assist in those in respect client related activities where so requested. Make recommendations in respect of PPE requirements on company premises and client related activities where so requested.

The responsibilities of Employees are to: Use PPE, whilst undertaking work, or in a location which requires it; they will be instructed to stop work or leave the area until the equipment is obtained and worn or used. Employees of Axis Europe (and others) who persistently offend will be reported to Axis Europe’s Health Axis Europe Plc Page 77 of 98

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and Safety Manager and Organisational Director and may be subject to company disciplinary procedures. Report any loss or damage to their Organisational Director or other line managers and obtain replacements before working or continuing to work.

The responsibilities of Self-Employed persons and sub-contractors are to: Make and assessment and ensure that they equip themselves with suitable and compatible PPE where they may be exposed to any risk while at work, except where any such risk has been adequately controlled by other means which are equally or more effective. Wear PPE, whilst undertaking work, or in a location which requires it; they will be instructed to stop work or leave the area until the equipment is obtained and worn or used. Those who persistently offend may be banned from Company premises or client related activities. Ensure they provide appropriate storage for the PPE when it is not being used. Ensure they have adequate & appropriate information, instruction and training in the use of their PPE.

Protection of non-employees Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and common law duties, place a responsibility on Organisation to ensure that our activities do not put others not in their employment at risk of injury.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of client’s activities are to: Discuss the proposed work with the client representative to identify any particular issues related to their operations Ensure that risk assessments and method statements are in place that give due regard to public safety issues Ensure that robust protective measures are in place, which segregate others not associated with our work activities In relation to package contractors they have in place appropriate controls for the health, safety and wellbeing of their workforce Other protective measures are used such as physicals barriers, signs, improved lighting Etc Ensure that traffic routes around work areas are kept clear. Where floor coverings are used they are fixed down appropriately to avoid slip and trip issues Axis Europe Plc Page 78 of 98

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Q No arrangements under this section


Risk assessments Introduction Risk assessment is central to effective health and safety management, with a variety of legislation containing specific risk assessment requirements, principally The Management of H&S at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended).

Organisation will have in place risk assessments for our activities. In addition, we will expect that package contractors employing more than 4no at any one time will provide us with their risk assessments

Significance of risk or impact Organisation’s managers and Supervisory staff (and trade workers) when assessing the significance of health and safety risks shall base it on the potential severity and likelihood of occurrence.

When initially looking at the significant risks associated with hazards the assessment will be based on the uncontrolled state.

The following methodology to determine the risk and implement control measures Identify the hazards Decide who might be harmed and how Evaluate the risk (decide how likely the harm will occur) Decide on the appropriate control measures Record the significant findings on Axis risk assessment template Brief the contents of the risk assessment to the appropriate staff Monitor the implementation of the control measures to ensure that they are adhered too and are affective Review the assessment at regular intervals

Procedures & Responsibilities Axis Europe Plc Page 79 of 98

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The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company and client’s activities are to: Assess, plan for and manage those risks associated with client activities or working areas over which they have control. Ensure that employees or others have received the appropriate training and information in respect of the risks identified by the planning and management process on client related activities or working areas over which they have control. Refer any matter of unresolved or unplanned for risk to Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Prevent any work from commencing (this includes that of any other person as well as employees) until the risks have been assessed and the safety management systems and control measures are in place. Obtain the package contractors risk assessments before they commence work and ensure the contents have been communicated to those affected by the findings. Monitor trade workers to ensure that they are completing the job specific assessments on their PDA or hard copy template assessment form The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assess the impact of either permanent or temporary changes in either organisation or legislation, decide on what risk the changes pose on our business and take appropriate action to ensure the risk is minimised to an acceptable level Liaise with Organisational Director or other line managers in identifying risks associated with the work and developing the risk assessment and appropriate controls Provide (or arrange) training for managerial and Supervisory staff in the risk planning and management of work related activities. Provide (or arrange) training and information for employees or others in respect of the risks identified by the planning and management process of work related activities Monitor the risk management process and review on at least an annual basis or if there have been a significant change in the work processes, guidance or legalisation.

The responsibilities of All Employees and Package Contractors are to: Co-operate with those members of Axis Europe (Organisational Director or other line managers) with responsibility for the planning and implementation of the risk management process. Not to attempt any task for which they have not been trained or received information in respect of associated risks and control measures. Axis Europe Plc Page 80 of 98

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Where the contractor employs more than 4no they provide copies of their risk assessments to the relevant manager, coordinator or Supervisor.


Safe guarding Introduction Axis Europe PLC is committed to safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults and protecting them from abuse when they are contact with any representatives of Axis Europe PLC. We will endeavour to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe from abuse and suspicion of abuse will be responded to promptly and appropriately. We will act in the best interests of the child, young person or vulnerable adult at all times. We will proactively seek to promote the welfare and protection of all children, young people and vulnerable adults. Axis Europe PLC will ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with children, young people and vulnerable adults through using safe recruitment and selection processes.

Axis Europe PLC will take any concern made by client, employee or child/vulnerable adult seriously and sensitively. Concerns cannot be anonymous and should be made in the knowledge that, during the course of any enquiries, the agency that made the referral will be made clear.

Axis Europe PLC will not tolerate harassment of any service user, client, employee, or child/vulnerable adult who raises concerns of abuse Procedure Any concerns will be brought to the attention of Joe Ibrahim who will report the concern to a Designated Safeguarding Reporting Officer or to Essex Social care direct. Those raising the concern must be made aware that the concern will be shared with the appropriate people but will be treated in confidence. As far as possible the concern should only be discussed with the person responsible for investigating the concern

Safe working Introduction Axis Europe Plc Page 81 of 98

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Axis Europe PLC is committed to the safety and health of their employees and subcontractors. We appreciate that there are many hazards that the operative must face in their day to day working life and that at times the individual will have to use their own judgment as to how safe the task may be. If at any time the operative feels the task may be too hazardous to his health or safety then they have the right to refuse to undertake the task and ask for it to be reassessed by a member of the management team and or an H&S advisor. Axis Europe PLC will take any concern made by employees or subcontractors seriously and will not tolerate harassment of any person that raises a concern Procedure Any concerns over H&S will be brought to the attention of a Supervisor or other member of management who will respond promptly to the concern by visiting the site if possible or discussing the issue on the telephone. If there is doubt about the safety of the operation then professional advice from the H&S team will be sought to make a final decision as to the safety of completing the task

Scaffolding Introduction The company will arrange for scaffolding to be ordered and erected by reputable and competent companies. The relevant manager(s) will request that the nominated contractor surveys the site prior to erecting scaffolding in accordance with BSEN 12811 or similar standard (e.g. TG:20 from the NASC).

To ensure that scaffolds are suitable and sufficient for our proposed work we will have arrangements in place for initial before use inspections and ongoing inspections throughout the hire period. Provisions will be implemented to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that no interference, unauthorized access or damage is sustained.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company and client’s activities are to: Select scaffold companies for Axis Europe Plc. approved list. Provide as much information as possible to the nominated scaffold company so they can specify and erect the most suitable scaffold for the work and activity Obtain risk assessment and method statements from the nominated scaffold company before they commence work Obtain handover certificate from the scaffold company Axis Europe Plc Page 82 of 98

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Undertake before first use inspection and record the findings Undertake other inspections throughout the life of the project work Off hire the scaffold as soon as the work has been completed Security of resident’s premises Introduction The adherence to and implementation of effective security arrangements at residents premises is essential for employees’ safety, contractor safety and occupiers of premises. Managers and Supervisors accept their responsibility to ensure that their staff and package contractors are doing all that is reasonably practicable to protect resident’s homes.

Procedures & Responsibilities Trade staff and management personnel will be reminded that: They must ensure that access equipment is removed/secured at the close of each day’s work Key coded doors are not wedged open They must not let people into premises for which they have not been authorised to do so Any ID cards issued must be carried with you at all times and be presented where requested You only keep to designated areas where the specific work is taking place You must wear company logoed uniform at all times You report lost or stolen cards immediately to Axis Europe Director or other line manager

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises are to ensure: Employees under their control are properly briefed and inducted. Further training needs of employees are determined and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager is informed. As such, suitable security arrangements shall be put in place to monitor and control movements of staff, visitors and contractors in and around the premises. A visitor’s control system shall be implemented by the reception staff to log and control all visitors. Restricted access to areas of the building and internal departments shall be given to members of staff according to their operational requirements and responsibilities

Stress management Introduction Work related stress is defined by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them”. It is important to note Axis Europe Plc Page 83 of 98

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that whilst work related stress is not an illness it can lead to increased problems with ill health (e.g. physical or psychological effects) if it is prolonged or particularly intense. Directors and senior managers are aware of the need to tackle the causes of work related stress, identifying workplace stressors and reducing them where possible, helping employees to cope with the demands of their work and, where practicable, any personal issues they may have which may be contributing to unacceptably high levels of stress. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Work related stress means: The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them. The definition of physical effects includes the following: Heart disease. Gastrointestinal disturbances. Various minor illnesses. The definition of psychological effects includes the following: Anxiety. Depression.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to consider the following, requesting assistance and liaising with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager where required. They are, in respect of employees under their control to: Conduct risk assessments. Ensure good communication, particularly where organisational or procedural changes are made. Ensure they are fully trained to carry out their duties. Ensure they are provided with meaningful developmental opportunities. Ensure workloads are monitored to avoid them being overloaded. Ensure working hours and overtime are monitored to ensure they are not overworking. Monitor holidays to ensure they are taking their full entitlement. Attend training in good management practice and health and safety. Ensure bullying and harassment is not tolerated. Offer additional support to those experiencing stress outside work. Axis Europe Plc Page 84 of 98

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The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to liaise with Organisational Director or other line managers and where so requested assist in respect of the following: The risk assessment process. The provision of specialist advice and awareness training, either in-house or via a specialist. The support and advising of those who have been off sick through stress, together with theirs Organisational Director or other line managers and a planned return to work. Arranging workplace or specialist agency counselling where required. Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of stress reduction measures. Disseminating further information in respect of stress management as it becomes available.

The responsibilities of the Human Resources are to liaise with Organisational Director or other line managers and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager assisting in respect of the following: The provision of guidance on the stress management policy. The monitoring of effectiveness of stress management measures, including the collating of sickness absence statistics. Advising on training requirements. Providing continual support and encouraging referral to workplace or specialist agency counsellors where appropriate.

The responsibilities of Employees are to: Raise any issues of concern they made have with their Organisational Director or other line managers and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager. Accept opportunities for counselling when recommended.



Introduction The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires Axis Europe to ensure the workforce it employs is competent and provided with the appropriate training where necessary.

Procedures & Responsibilities Procedures are in place so as to ensure: Safe working procedures and induction programmes are developed. Axis Europe Plc Page 85 of 98

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No employee is employed, or transferred to another job, without having received training and induction sufficient to allow them to perform the tasks without risks to their health and safety. Training and refresher training is conducted at all levels, including management.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises are to ensure: Employees under their control are properly briefed and inducted. Further training needs of employees are determined and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager is informed. Refresher training is provided where appropriate. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Deliver Axis Europe H&S induction and role specific induction to site operatives, Supervisors and managers Liaise with Organisational Director or other line managers in the determination of training needs and provide training or make the necessary arrangements with the training providers of Axis Europe. TRAINING – PROJECTS Introduction The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) requires this Company (as an employer in the context of its construction related activities) to ensure the workforce it employs is competent and provided with the appropriate training where necessary. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements CDM 2015 means: The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Trainee means: Apprentices and others working under supervision.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director in the context of the training of managers and Supervisory personnel are to liaise with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager: In specifying the standards to be achieved, with particular emphasis on consultation and behavioural expectations. Axis Europe Plc Page 86 of 98

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In checking qualifications, setting up a reporting chain, providing management and technical support and developmental training on management issues as required. In measuring performance and monitoring the implementation of management procedures.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director in the context of the training of Operatives are to ensure they liaise with his managers and Supervisory staff where necessary and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager: In specifying tasks, authorising the use of plant and equipment etc., according their qualifications and experience. In checking qualifications, providing induction training and on-going support. In carrying out regular observations of performance against standards and site rules, encouraging best practice and using management procedures rewarding good practice but deterring bad habits.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director in the context of the trainees are to ensure he liaises with his managers and Supervisory staff where necessary and Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager:

In carrying out a risk assessment. In specifying tasks according their qualifications and experience. In specifying the use of tools, PPE and equipment. In specifying the limits of their activities and behavioural requirements. In communicating workplace rules and consulting and co-operating with the workforce. Ensure that any training given takes account of the trainees level of responsibility, ability, language, skills, literacy and risk In providing supervision commensurate with the risk assessment findings, induction training and support. In setting and monitoring training targets, performance and behaviour. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Liaise with and assists Axis Europe Director in respect of the training of managers or other Supervisory personnel. Liaise with and assists Organisational Director or other line managers in respect of the training of Operatives & Trainees. Keep and administer copies of all training records. Axis Europe Plc Page 87 of 98

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Toolbox talks Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Act, along with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, require employers to provide information and instruction to staff which is comprehensible. Organisation is aware that there is key information that must be communicated to company representatives on a regular on-going basis to reinforce safe working practices.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company operations are to:

Undertake recorded toolbox talks to trade personnel and subcontractors on a weekly basis Deliver the toolbox talk programme in line with the schedule set out by the Health and safety department of Axis Europe Plc. at the beginning of each year Information on the completion of the toolbox talks are kept on file for future reference Copies of the toolbox talks are provided to relevant personnel (such as health and safety department as requested) The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Set out the programme of toolbox talks to be delivered each year by managers and others Conduct random checks to ensure that the programme is being delivered by managers and others as set out in the programme Keep the content of the toolbox talks under review, so they reflect the requirements of the business functions and minimum industry best practice

U No arrangements under this section



Introduction The Control of Vibration Regulations 2005 outlines the legal duties of employers to control the risks to health and safety from hand-arm vibration. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Axis Europe Plc Page 88 of 98

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Daily Exposure means: The quantity of mechanical vibration to which a worker is exposed during a working day, normalised to an 8-hour reference period, which takes account of magnitude and duration of the vibration.

Exposure Action Value means: The level of daily vibration for any worker which, if reached or exceeded, requires specified action to be taken to reduce risk.

Limits for hand-arm vibration means: The daily exposure limit value is 5 m/s2 A(8). The daily exposure action value is 2.5 m/s2 A(8)

Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) means: Mechanical vibration transmitted from work processes into hands and arms. It may be caused by operating hand-held power tools such as road breakers or hand-guided equipment such as drills, or by holding materials being processed by machines such as abrasive wheels.

Mechanical Vibration means: Vibration which occurs in a piece of machinery or equipment or in a vehicle as a result of its operation.

The hazards are: Regular and frequent exposure to vibration can lead to permanent injury; this is most likely to occur when contact with vibrating tool or process is a regular part of the job. People with existing circulation problems should avoid even occasional exposure.

Injuries caused by HAVS are permanent injuries to hands and arms, including: Blood circulatory system (e.g. Vibration White Finger – VWF). Sensory nerves, muscles, bones & joints.

Symptoms of HAVS are: Loss of sense of touch and temperature. Pins and needles. Axis Europe Plc Page 89 of 98

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Loss of grip strength and manual dexterity (e.g. your ability to hand tools needing fine adjustments) Severe pain, numbness and tingling. Painful wrists. Cold or wet conditions can exacerbate the symptoms.

Those jobs most at risk in the context of the activities of Axis Europe are: Project related work. Company premises use of tools and equipment (workshop environments).

Examples of tools used by Axis Europe which could cause vibration injury are: Drills and hammer drills. Hand-held grinders, sanders and routers. Pedestal grinders.

Potential problem areas for the workforce indicating they may be at risk are: Use of hammer action equipment for more than half an hour each day. Use of rotary equipment (drills, abrasive wheels Etc) for more than two hours each day. Fingers which go white when exposed to the cold. Tingling or numbness in fingers after using vibrating equipment. Problems with muscles or joints in your hands or arms. Difficulty in picking up small objects such as screws or nails?

Health surveillance means: A programme to help ensure that harm from vibration is detected early and serious injury is avoided, including regular checks carried out on a bi-annual (6 monthly basis or other intervals specified by competent persons) by a medical practitioner appointed by Axis Europe where employees are still thought to be at risk after the assessment has been carried out and precautionary measures have been taken. Such checks may include the following: Questioning about symptoms. Completing questionnaires. Physical examination. Advice to employees.

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Axis Europe will arrange for any assessment of levels of vibration exposure to include consideration of: The magnitude, type and duration of exposure, including exposure to intermittent vibration or repeated shocks. The effects of exposure to vibration. The effects of vibration on the workplace or work equipment. Information provided by the manufacturer of work equipment. Replacing equipment with that designed to reduce exposure. Exposure beyond normal working hours. Specific working conditions e.g. low temperatures which can contribute to the problem. Information from health surveillance and published information.

Axis Europe will ensure that risk from exposure to vibration is either eliminated at source or, where this is not reasonably practicable, reduced to as low a level as is reasonably practicable by: The use of other working methods which reduce exposure to vibration. Choosing work equipment of appropriate ergonomic design, which produces the least possible vibration when being used for the task. Auxiliary equipment which reduces the risk of injuries caused by vibration. Ensuring a regular maintenance programmes for work equipment continues. Looking at the design and layout of workplaces and rest facilities. The provision of suitable and sufficient information and training for employees, particularly in respect of the correct use of work equipment in order to minimise exposure. Limiting the duration and magnitude of exposure to vibration. Ensuring that equipment is replaced where required. The provision of adequate clothing and PPE to protect the workforce from cold and damp. Ensuring appropriate work schedules and rest periods. Ensuring where a risk assessment indicates that there is a risk to the health of employees who are or liable to be exposed to noise or vibration they are placed under suitable health surveillance, including hearing tests.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client related activities are to look for alternative ways of working which do not involve the use of hand-held or hand-guided equipment, where this is not possible they will: Provide information about HAVS and the ways in which the risks can be reduced. Ensure the most appropriate equipment for the job is provided. Minimise the time spent using the equipment, by job rotation if necessary. Axis Europe Plc Page 91 of 98

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Ensure regular breaks are taken or another task is performed for periods not requiring the use of vibrating equipment. Ensure awkward tasks do not involve extra strain on hands and arms. Provide jigs, benches, stands or other aids to reduce the need to hold tools or materials or to try and use too much force. Ensure tools are regularly maintained and sharpened. Get advice from tool manufacturers or suppliers/hirers on the safe use of equipment. Specify that tool manufacturers or suppliers/hirers provide low-vibration equipment. Require tool manufacturers or suppliers/hirers to provide information in respect of vibration magnitudes. This information will either provide a maximum limit for daily exposure or will allow this limit to be calculated for inclusion within a database (administered by Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager). Get advice from trade associations, and where necessary Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager, on best practice. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist Axis Europe Director or other line managers in the carrying out of the appropriate HAV assessments. Based on assessment findings, offer appropriate advice to eliminate or mitigate HAV.


Work equipment

Introduction The Provision and Use of Work Equipment (PUWER) Regulations 1998 places duties upon employers in respect of the provision of safe work equipment and its safe use. Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Work equipment means: Any machinery, appliance, apparatus, tool or installation for use at work e.g. tool box tools, hoists, fork–lift trucks etc. The list is exhaustive.

Inspection means: Such visual or more rigorous inspection by a competent person as is appropriate for the purpose.

Thorough examination means: Axis Europe Plc Page 92 of 98

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A thorough examination by a competent person, including testing, the nature and extent of which are appropriate for the purpose described.

Use means: Any activity involving work equipment. This includes starting and stopping, programming, setting, transporting, repairing, modifying, maintaining, servicing and cleaning.

Danger zone means: Any zone in or around machinery in which a person is exposed to a risk to health and safety from contact with a dangerous part of machinery or rotating stock bar.

Premises Safety File means: The Premises Specific Safety Management including those procedures necessary for the administration of health and safety.

Project Safety File means: The Site Safety Management System, a project specific assessment of those procedures necessary for the administration of health and safety on Company or client related premises.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to: Request Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager carry out machinery and use assessments where required. Maintain the premises safety file, keeping copies of task specific risk assessments, method statements, briefing and maintenance records and all other documents and registers up to date and available for inspection. Ensure work equipment is suitable for its planned use and maintained in a safe and serviceable condition; this applies equally to hired equipment. Ensure employees are fully briefed and trained in its use, receiving refresher training where appropriate. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Arrange for a visit to be made to company premises or client related activities to carry out machinery and use assessments. Axis Europe Plc Page 93 of 98

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Advise Organisational Director or other line managers and employees and arrange for measures to be put in place to reduce any significant risks to the lowest practicable level, making application to the appropriate Director where funding is required. Arrange for further assessment and review when informed by Organisational Director or other line managers of significant changes in working practices. Arrange for further assessment and review at the request of any employee. Conduct machinery and use assessments for tasks carried out on company premises and assist in those in respect client related activities where so requested.

The responsibilities of Employees (and contractors) are to: Only operate machinery or plant where they have been trained and certified to do so; this applies particularly to the use, maintenance and changing of abrasive wheels. Stop work and report any defects in machinery, plant or procedures to their Organisational Director or other line manager as soon as they become apparent. Ensure all cutting tools e.g. chisels (for wood or metal), saws, knives, files etc. are sharp and free from chips, cracks burrs and corrosion. Striking faces for hammers, chisels and similar tools must be kept polished and clean. Tools not in use are to be stored in toolboxes or other secure locations in the work area. Screwdrivers are only to be used for the correct task, using the correct sizes at all times. They are not to be used as chisels, punches, tin openers, paint stirrers or any other act of misuse.

Welfare provisions

Introduction The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 provides a framework covering basic health, safety and welfare issues. Arrangements in respect of the client related activities of Axis Europe are made within the Project Safety Resource File and are dealt with on a project/activity specific basis elsewhere.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Axis Europe Director or other line managers in the context of company and/or client related activities are to ensure: The workplace has appropriate hygiene and welfare provision and comfortable conditions. Arrange for regular cleaning and monitoring of welfare facilities to ensure proper use. Take appropriate remedial action in respect of any notified deficiencies in facilities or arrangements. Axis Europe Plc Page 94 of 98

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The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager in the context of company premises are to: Arrange for the provision of welfare facilities to be incorporated within the overall premises assessment procedure.

The responsibilities of Employees and contractors in the context of company and/or client related activities are to: Use welfare facilities properly and ensure good hygiene practices are observed. Bring any deficiencies to notice of their Organisational Director or other line manager, who will take appropriate remedial action.

Waste management All waste material produced by Organisation shall be disposed of in line with relevant legislation and Axis Europe’s Environmental Policy. We will also adhere to the requirements of the client in relation to their activities. Good housekeeping standards shall be maintained and waste shall be disposed of regularly. Contract arrangements are in place to regularly remove and dispose of a variety of wastes including - general waste, confidential documentation, maintenance materials, project site debris, etc.

Axis Europe shall fulfill its duties under the legislation by Preventing anyone from dealing with its waste illegally Preventing the escape of waste Ensuring waste is only transferred to an authorized person Ensuring an accurate description of waste is provided when the waste is transferred, and a transfer note/consignment note is completed.

Please see the company ISO 14001 Environmental Policy document for further details.

Working in restricted spaces

Introduction While a restricted space is not necessarily a confined space, the risk associated with any limitation on freedom of movement or access and egress during work activities may require an assessment to be made and suitable safe systems of work to be implemented. Axis Europe Plc Page 95 of 98

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Definitions – in the context of these arrangements Restricted space means: Any workplace where there is a limitation on freedom of movement or access and egress during work activities may require an assessment to be made.

Procedures & Responsibilities The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to: Assess the likely hazards posed by pipe or ductwork, and possible contact with live services in the restricted working area. Assess the likelihood of the onset of cramp or claustrophobia while in a restricted location; this can make egress from the location impossible for the victim without assistance. Assess the likelihood of any difficulties which might occur in removing a casualty from the workplace, particularly if they are unconscious or otherwise incapacitated. The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to: Assist Axis Europe Director or other line manager, where so requested, with the aforementioned.

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Young persons (including work experience placements)

Introduction The Health and Safety at Work Etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 place duties upon Axis Europe in respect of the employment of young people and particularly those new to the workplace, who will find themselves in unfamiliar circumstances facing risks from the job they are doing and the working environment. Young people are particularly at risk because of their lack of awareness of existing and potential risk, their immaturity and also their inexperience. Axis Europe, when taking into employment persons, who have reached the minimum school leaving age, but have not yet reached the age of eighteen (18), will follow HSE guidance on the health and safety of young workers. Axis Europe Plc Page 96 of 98

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Definitions – in the context of these arrangements A young person is: Anyone under the age of eighteen. A child is: Anyone not over compulsory school age, he/she has not yet reached the official age at which they can leave school. Minimum School Leaving Age (MSLA) A young worker is: Someone below eighteen years of age, but above MSLA

Procedures & Responsibilities Before employing a young person, Axis Europe will make an assessment of the risks to their health and safety; the following will be considered: Their inexperience and immaturity, and particularly their lack of awareness of risks. The type of work equipment and the way it is used. The possibility of exposure to physical, biological and chemical agents. Their particular health and safety training needs.

Having carried out this assessment, Axis Europe will determine whether the young person should be prohibited from doing certain work because of the risks involved. The prohibitions raised by the risk assessment process do not apply to young persons, over school leaving age, where the work is necessary for their training, providing they are properly supervised and where the risks are reduced to the lowest practicable level.

The responsibilities of Organisational Director or other line managers in the context of company premises and client’s activities are to consider the following, requesting assistance and liaising with Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager where required: Inform Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager in good time of any young person to be employed in order that a suitable assessment may be carried out. Maintain copies of assessments holding them on the Premises Safety File or Project Safety File. Ensure the young persons, their parents, guardians, school or college tutors are fully briefed and understand the tasks to be carried out. Ensure the young person is issued with and trained in the use of PPE Ensure strict supervision of the young person is maintained for the duration of the works.

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The responsibilities of Axis Europe’s Health and Safety Manager are to liaise with Axis Europe Director or other line managers and where so requested assist in respect of the following: The production of the risk assessment and the briefing of all interested parties. Induction, training and supervision and other appropriate advice.

The responsibilities of Young Persons and work experience placements are to: Co-operate with Organisational Director or other line managers in assisting them to meet their obligations under the Regulations. Make full and proper use of all control measures (including personal protective equipment) provided. Report any defect in any of the control measures (including PPE) or concerns they may have to their Organisational Director or other line manager forthwith.

Z No arrangements under this section

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