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In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent and Merciful THIS WORK IS DEDICATED TO MY PARENTS
Contents S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Particulars Housing Equipment Feeding System Litter Management Preparation of Poultry House Brooding and other management How to Achieve Standard Body Weight Water management Feed management Lighting Broiler performance standard (Cobb 400Y and 430Y) Procedure of Vaccination Vaccination Schedule for Broiler Poultry Disease Diagnosis based on External Symptoms Medicine Schedule for Broilers (42 Days)
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
Page no. 2 7 10 12 13 15 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 42
Page 1
Broilers are those chickens which are reared for meat purpose. They achieve their marketable weights very early, by 5-6 weeks. Layers are those chickens which kept solely for egg production. They start lying at 20th week of their life and continue till 72nd week. Small management tips can bring big changes in overall profitability.
Housing One should first select a well-drained site that has plenty of natural air movement. Oriented on an east-west axis to reduce the effect of direct sunlight on the sidewalls during the hottest part of the day Good ventilation should be available; to achieve this width of the farm should be 25ft but in any condition do not exceed 30ft. While making shed local climate, cost effectiveness, durability & provision of comfortable environment in all the seasons should be considered. Durability of farm is very important especially in coastal areas where cyclones falls on land and plains of north India where frequent dust storms are encountered in summer season. Farm damaged in storms could wipe out your total profitability of a year in one go.
Click here to watch farm destroyed in Storm Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Figure 1 Farms made of bamboo and wood are not durable, they are very destined to be destroyed even in moderately strong winds.
Sufficient overhang to the roof is necessary to provide shade and prevent entry of direct rains into the house. This overhang should be 0.6m long. Roofing material should provide good insulation from heat and should not allow rain water to enter the house. Houses constructed underneath the shadow of trees get better cooling effect. In open houses sufficient height of the roof is to be maintained to facilitate ample air exchange and to maintain optimum
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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temperature conditions to the birds. Height in the middle of the farm should be 9 to 11ft and on sides should be 6 to 7ft.  Lighting should be fitted with a view to provide an even distribution of light throughout the house.
Figure 2 Farm should preferably be planned and orient in open areas but to provide better environment farmer can plant trees.
The farm shown in above picture is natural or open house: In Indian conditions, because of the climate we do have poultry houses with both sides open. Temperature is controlled with the help of curtains. Depending upon the season one has to operate the curtains or use heaters or brooders to increase the temperature. In summer season, we recommend fans, sprinklers, foggers where the temperature are higher. One can either use low pressure fogger nozzles or high pressure fogger nozzles for those houses located in hot and dry climate. With the help of expert one may choose the suitable fogging system. It is also suggested to have roof insulation (thatch). Where there is a water scarcity and high Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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temperature, on wind side mesh, one can use wet Gunny cloth curtain to lower down the temperature.
Correct stocking density is essential to the success of a broiler production system by ensuring adequate room for optimal performance; in warmer climates a stocking density of 30 kg/m2 is closer to ideal. India comes under warmer climate as 8 out of 12 months are warm. The partitions are provided in farms to have pens which can accommodate 600 to 700 birds.
Thumb rule: first 10 days 3chicks in 1sqft, second 10 days 2chicks in 1sqft and 3rd 10 days 1 bird per sqft and after 30 days 1 bird per 1.2sqft
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Figure 3 Double Story Poultry Farm - Farmers made these type of farms to better utilize the available land. One thing we should take care is to ensure proper ventilation because if height of ground floor is less than it would hamper ventilation. Also keep in mind that all birds (in upper and lower sheds) should be of same age.
Figure 4 Alternate Row of Feeder and Drinkers in Broiler Farm
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Equipment Providing clean, cool and fresh water with adequate flow rate is fundamental to good poultry production. Without adequate water intake, feed consumption will decline and bird performance will be compromised. Both closed and open watering systems are commonly used. From day old to first 10 days of age, a minimum of 16 - 20 chick (mini) drinkers should be provided per 1000 chicks. As the broilers grow older chick drinkers are to be replaced with Bell type drinkers at the rate of one drinker per 70 birds. These drinkers should be placed evenly throughout the house so that birds need not walk more than 8 feet to drink water. Drinkers should be checked for height on a daily basis. Height of the drinkers is such that the base is ¡n level with the bird’s back.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Bell or Cup Drinkers (Open Systems) While there is a cost advantage of installing an open drinker system, but problems associated with open drinker system is litter quality, condemnations and water hygiene are more prevalent. Water purity with open systems is difficult to maintain as birds will introduce contaminants into the reservoirs resulting in the need for daily cleaning. This is not only labor intensive but also wastes water. Bell drinkers should provide at least 0.6 cm (0.24 in.) per bird of drinking space. 1 drinker per 70 birds is required.
Nipple Systems (Closed systems) High flow nipple drinkers: They provide a drop of water and have a cup to catch any excess water. Generally 10 - 12 birds per nipple are recommended. Low flow rate nipple drinkers: Do not have cups, Generally 10 birds per nipple are recommended. Birds should not have to travel more than 8 ft. to find water. Nipples should be placed at a maximum of 35 cm (14 in.) centers.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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This is correct height of nipple. Water consumption should equal approximately 1.6-2 times that of feed by mass, but will vary depending on environmental temperature, feed quality and bird health. Feed consumption decreases by 1.23% for every increase in 1 degree in temperature above 20 °C. Water consumption increases by 6% for every increase in 1 degree in temperature between 20-32 °C.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Feeding systems Feeding systems Regardless of which type of feeding system is used, feeding space is absolutely critical. If feeder space is insufficient, growth rates will be reduced and uniformity will severely compromised. 50-70 adult birds per 33 cm (12 in.) diameter pan are recommended. Supplemental feeders (additional chick feeders) should be provided for the first 7 to 10 days in the form of paper, trays or lids. Trays should be provided at a rate of one per 100 chicks. If using paper, the feed area should be a minimum of 25% of the brooding area. 50-65 grams of feed per chick on the paper is recommended. In early 2 or 3 days paper Figure 5 Feeding tray for poultry chicks could be used but it should be avoided as it increases wastage. I recommend that trays are better alternative, when chicks arrived in farm provide feed on paper for 6 to 8 hours and then switch to trays. Very Imp. Point: It is of utmost importance that the additional feeders should not run empty as this will reduce yolk sac absorption. It means that feed should make available as soon as chicks arrived in the farm. Early feeding increases yolk utilization and reduces chances of yolk problems. Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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 Additional feeders should be refreshed (refilled) three times daily, until all the chicks are able to gain access to the main feeding system. This generally occurs at the end of the first week.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Litter Management Litter Management Rarely given sufficient emphasis, litter management is another crucial aspect of environmental management. Correct litter management is fundamental to bird health, performance and final carcass quality which subsequently impacts the profit of both growers and integrators. Racking should be done every week Avoid re use of litter If litter is seemed to be damp add lime powder to keep it dry.
Figure 6; 8000 broiler bird farm with good litter and ventilation management
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Preparation of poultry house Preparation of poultry house  Shed should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before arrival of chicks. Fumigation with Potassium permanganate and formaldehyde (1:2) can be successfully used for disinfection of poultry house.  This method produce a violent chemical reaction that generates considerable heat and releases formaldehyde gas. Recommended dosage is 20 grams of Potassium permanganate is to be added to 40 ml of Formalin. Because of the violent chemical reaction, never use more than 1.2 liters of formalin in any one container. The container should be sufficiently bigger, at least 3 times the volume of disinfectant to prevent the mixture from bubbling over. The container must be placed on concrete or metal surface and not on litter material. Potassium permanganate is to be added to formalin and not vice versa.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Click here to watch reaction between Formalin and Potassium Permanganate  Now a days fogging guns are available that would done fogging in just 1hr. X185 of venkys should be used for fogging.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Brooding and other management Golden rule of broiler farming is that – “single age birds should be present at one site” Second farm of another age at same location should be atleast 500m away. Chicks from one source should be placed in a house Houses, the surrounding areas, and all equipment must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before the arrival of the bedding material and chicks 2 days before the arrival of chicks litter should be spread evenly on floor (2-4inches layer thick) Place newspapers on the litter in brooding area Place brooder guard and maintain proper temperature before arrival of chicks. Chicks are to be placed immediately in to brooding area upon arrival. Delays in placement can contribute to the dehydration of chicks, resulting in higher chick mortality and reduced growth rate. Take sample chicks weight for record purpose. Dim house lights during chick placement to help calm the chicks and reduce stress Chick boxes should not be stacked one above the other in the brooding area and empty boxes remove from farm quickly Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Four 60-watt bulbs suspended 6 inches above the floor, & a brooder guard of 5 feet radius along with 4 drinkers and 4 trays of feeding is sufficient for 300 chicks. Management of day old broiler chicks Lights should be brought to full intensity within the brooding area once all chicks have been placed. Allow one to two hours for the chicks to get acclimatized to the new environment and then check all systems and make adjustments if necessary. Monitor the distribution of the chicks closely during the first few days. As newly arrived chicks are under transportation stress. Offer them 2 to 3% jagerry solution and add liquid vitamin supplement in jagerry solution to combat stress and improves growth. However unnecessary large amount of jaggery usually causes early diarrhea in chicks and hamper villus growth in intestine. It also helps in growth of unwanted bacteria in intestine which causes Yolksac infection and early chick mortality. After 3 hours of feeding 90% of the chicks must be eating the feed (Check the crop) Chicks should be scattered all over the place when the temperature is just right. In the beginning , feeder are kept full, however after ensuring that the birds are eating its level may be kept at 2/3 height. Feed should be added twice a day.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Figure 7 Brooding is the initial rearing stage of poultry. It is very crucial period in the life where chicks are susceptible to various environmental stresses, below chart brooding temperature is given
Chicks cannot regulate their own body temperature until they are around 12–14 days of age. Ideal body temperature must be attained by providing optimal environmental temperature. Preheating the house is vital as floor temperature at chick placement is as important as air temperature. Stabilize temperature and relative humidity for at least 24 hours prior to chick arrival. Weekly temperature chart of brooder Week I
Day 1 Day 2 Rest of the week
II III IV Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
Temperature 33 - 35°C 32 - 33°C 30 - 32°C 28 - 30°C 26 - 28°C 24 - 26°C Page 18
Three hours after placing the chicks in the brooder, when most of them having water/jagrrey solution, sprinkle pre – starter or maize grit on paper. Remember provided feed in less than 8 hours from time of hatch and water first for about 3 hours before the feed is given. On 4th day, increase brooder area and height of brooder. How to achieve standard body weight
1. Proper feed allocation
2. Water should be available all the time
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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3. Proper Temperature and Ventilation
4. Light Intensity at least 20 lux at feeder level
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Floor space requirement Days 1 – 10 days 11 – 20 days 21 – 30 days
No. of chicks / sq ft 3 2 1
For heavy birds 1.25 to 1.5 sq ft area is provided per bird. Prevent overcrowding and dusty environments. This will lead to respiratory disease. On 6th day papers can be removed & no. of feeders and drinkers should be increased & make 3 to 4 feeders/drinkers per 100 birds. On 7th day brooder guard can be removed, brooder can keep upto 3rd week in winters. In summers open house brooding could be done As birds grow ventilation becomes very important. Keep the curtain open throughout the day. Keep open in the night also if wind drafts are not so strong. Water management Provide 16-20 drinkers per 1000 birds as per ambient temperature – minimum water space requirement 1 inch up to 4 weeks, 2 inch after 4 weeks. Usually bird drinks 2-3 liter of water for each kg of feed it consumes.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Water Consumption in liters per 1000 birds at different temperatures Age (in days) 70oF/21.1oC / Temp
0-7 8-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 50-56
28 85 153 200 256 302 340 352
32 122 248 324 400 464 510 536
78 216 324 432 552 663 786 840
27 72 108 144 184 221 256 280
Feed management Feed continuously to attain early market weights Give broiler pre starter up to age of first 9 days then starter up to 25 days of age (800g to 1kg body weight) Give broiler finisher feed from 26 days of age till marketing Feeder space requirement 0 – 14 days – 1 inch per bird 15 – 42 days – 2 to 2.5 inch per bird Remember, methionine and lysine are the most limiting amino acid which limits growth in early days. To combat slow growth in early phase of broiler’s life give proper amount of these essential amino acid.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Broiler performance is calculated by using “FEED CONVERSION RATIO” or FCR which is total feed consumed in kg / total live weight gain in kg. FCR of 1.6 or less at 2Kg B.Wt is economical.
Lighting Requirements Option 1
Option 2
Formula to calculate lux for poultry farms: 1Watt CFL produces 6.45Lux luminosity in 100SqFt area
If farm area is 5000 SqFt then CFL Watt can be calculated as follows: (Farm area/100) X 6.45 = 322.5Watt Now, if we use 15W CFL then, 322.5/15 = 22CFLs are required in farm at uniform distance and 7 to 8ft height Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Broilers performance standards for VenCobb 400Y Age weeks
Av. Weight (g)
Mortality % Feed cumulative (g)
Feed conversion
1 2 3 4 5 6
195 430 860 1410 2000 2625
0.75 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.75 3.5
0.85 1.08 1.21 1.34 1.47 1.60
165 465 1040 1890 2940 4200
Broilers performance standards for VenCobb 430Y Age weeks
Av. Weight (g)
Mortality % Feed cumulative (g)
Feed conversion
1 2 3 4 5 6
195 440 870 1420 2020 2650
0.75 1.25 1.75 2.00 2.75 3.5
0.80 1.02 1.20 1.33 1.45 1.58
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
156 450 1045 1890 2930 4190
Page 24
Procedure of Vaccination Vaccination is very important aspect of broiler farming. It prevent deadly diseases outbreaks in the farms. Many farmers often ignored vaccinations due to which they suffered huge losses. Following points should be remembered while performing vaccinations. One day before immune boosting supplement like Vit E and Se (Immunet) should be given in double dose. Vaccine should be done in cool hours of the day. In summers it should be done in evening and in winters it should be done in the morning. On the day of vaccination do not add any sanitizer in water. 2 hours before vaccination drinkers should be lifted so that birds feel thirsty at the time of vaccination and drink vaccinated water within in few hours. Now take an estimate of the water in which vaccine has to be given. Add 1000 doses in 20liters of water and before adding vaccine mix 2-3g milk powder per liter of water. Mix vaccine thoroughly and give it in drinkers and not in tank. Add 2 drinkers extra per 1000 birds. If you are giving vaccine in tank than take care of dosage and try to compensate by adding extra dosage. It is better to install small sub tank in the main line of nipple pipeline. Add medicine or vaccine in that sub tank, it will ensure proper dosing and reduce wastage. After vaccination again provide immune boosting supplement.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Vaccination schedule for broilers Age(Days) 5-6 12-14 18-21 24-30 req)
Vaccine Ranikhet (F1 or B1) Gumboro intermediate LaSota always Gumboro intermediate
Route Eye drop or intranasal Drinking water Drinking water Drinking water
In case you are facing IB variant problem in your area or farm than you can use IB+ND vaccine on 5th day and then 21st day.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Clinical Signs of some diseases Poultry Disease Diagnosis based on external symptoms
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Note: All medicines should be given in drinking water Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Macvet Medicine Time-Table – 1st phase -42 Days Chart for 100 Broilers Birds Age (days)
1 Day
Broodex (4g per 100 Chicks in drinking water)
Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
2 Day
Broodex (5g per 100 Chicks in drinking water)
3 Day
Broodex (6g per 100 Chicks in drinking water)
Broodex (4g per 100 chicks) + Uroveeri (0.5ml per 100 chicks in drinking water) Broodex (5g per 100 chicks) + Uroveeri (0.75ml per 100 chicks in drinking water) Broodex (6g per 100 Chicks in drinking water)
4 Day
CiViMac (2.4g per 100Chicks in drinking Water) CiViMac (3g per 100Chicks in drinking Water) Vaccination B1 eye drop
5 Day
6 Day
7 (weight the chicks)
Saptec 3.3g per 100chicks in drinking water
8 Day
Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
9 Day
MacLiv (3.7ml per 100birds)
10 Day
MacLiv (4.8ml per 100birds) MacLiv (1ml per 8Kg B.wt)
11 Day
12 Day
Probio C (3.7g per 100birds in drinking water)
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
Macliv Power (1.2ml per 100 chicks) + Probio C (1g per 100 Chicks in drinking water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter Mactone (1.7ml per water) 100 chicks in drinking water) Mactone (2.2ml per 100 Immunet DS (2.5ml per chicks in drinking 100chicks in drinking water) water) Grofort (2.2g per 100 Immunet DS (3ml per chicks in drinking 100chicks in drinking water) water) Grofort (2.5g) + Macliv Power (2.8ml Virosafe (3.5g) per per 100 chicks) 100chicks in drinking water) Grofort (3g per Ecomac (1ml per 2liter 100chicks in drinking water) water) Grofort (3.25 per Probio C(2.6g per 100birds in drinking 100birds in drinking water) water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter UroVeeri (3.75ml per water) 100birds) Virosafe (6.7g per UroVeeri (4.1ml per 100birds in drinking 100birds in drinking water) water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter Grofort (4.68 per water) 100birds in drinking water)
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13 Day
14 Day
15 Day
16 Day
Probio C (4.1g per 100birds in drinking water) Gumboro Vaccine
CiViMac (9.8g per 100birds in drinking Water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
17 Day
Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
18 Day
Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
19 Day
Saptec (11.8g per 100birds in drinking Water) Saptec (13g per 100birds in drinking Water) Vaccination Lasota
20 Day
21 Day
22 Day
23 Day
Anticoccidial (Rancox/Supercox) 1g per liter water Virosafe (17g) + Probio C (9g) per 100birds in drinking water Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
HeatKill (6.8g per 100birds in drinking water) Grofort (5.6g per 100birds in drinking water) Ecomac (1ml per 3liter water)+Virosafe (9.8g per 100birds) HeatKill (9.1g per 100birds in drinking water) Grofort (7.5g per 100birds in drinking water) HeatKill (10g per 100birds in drinking water) Grofort (8.8g per 100birds in drinking water) Mactone (10ml per 100birds in drinking water) Immunet (14ml per 100birds in drinking water) HeatKill (15g per 100birds in drinking water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
Immunet DS (6.8ml per 100birds in drinking water) Immunet DS (7.5ml per per 100birds in drinking water) Immunet DS (8.1ml per 100birds in drinking Water) Grofort (6.8g per 100birds in drinking water) UroVeeri (7.5ml per 100birds in drinking water) Grofort (8.25g per 100birds in drinking water) Mactone (10ml per 100birds in drinking water) Immunet (13ml per 100birds in drinking water) Probio C (8.5g per 100birds)+ Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
MacLiv (13.8ml per 100birds in drinking water) 24 Day HeatKill (16g per MacLiv (14.4ml per 100birds in drinking 100birds in drinking water) water) 25 Day Ecomac (1ml per 2liter UroVeeri (13.75ml per MacLiv (15.7ml per water) 100birds in drinking 100birds in drinking water) water) If after 25 day of age (1kg body weight) there is problem of sound and mild crd occurs in flock then use virosafe (1g per 5kg body weight) in 3 hour fresh drinking water or if there is also a mortality then use CiViMac (1g per 5kg body weight) after virosafe in in 3 hour fresh drinking water. 26 Day CiViMac (23.6g per Ecomac (1ml per 2liter UroVeeri (14.7ml per 100birds in drinking water) 100birds in drinking water) water)
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27 Day
28 Day
29 Day
30 Day
31 Day
32 Day
Mactone (18.2ml per 100birds in drinking water) Mactone (20ml per 100birds in drinking water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) Virosafe (28g per 100birds in drinking water) Probio C (15g per 100birds)+ Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
HeatKill (20g per 100birds in drinking water) Probio C (14g per 100birds in drinking water) CiViMac (29.6g per 100birds in drinking water) HeatKill (20g per 100birds in drinking water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
33 Day
Grofort (16g per 100birds in drinking water) Grofort (17.5g per 100birds in drinking water) Grofort (18.5g per 100birds in drinking water) Grofort (19.7g per 100birds in drinking water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)+ Grofort (20g per 100birds in drinking water) MacLiv (20ml per 100birds in drinking water) Virosafe (30g per 100birds in drinking water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water)
UroVeeri (20ml per Ecomac (1ml per 2liter 100birds in drinking water) water) 34 Day Ecomac (1ml per 2liter Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) water) 35 Day Ecomac (1ml per 2liter Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) water) 36 Day MacLiv (22ml per Ecomac (1ml per 2liter 100birds in drinking water) water) 37 Day Heatkill (1g in liter Ecomac (1ml per 2liter Ecomac (1ml per 2liter water) water) water) 38 Day Probio C (20g per Normal Water Normal Water 100birds in drinking water) Now you can use normal fresh water, but ensure that there is not a problem of E.coli. You can continue to use Ecomac @ 1ml/2lit water 39 Day Normal Water Normal Water Normal Water 40 Day
Normal Water
Normal Water
Normal Water
41 Day
Normal Water
Normal Water
Normal Water
42 Day
Heatkill (1g in liter Normal Water Normal Water water) Heatkill should be given at the date of mobilization it will help in reducing weight loss during transport and also reduces stress.
Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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Please give medicine according to calculated dose given here do not exceed or reduce dose for best results This is schedule for broilers and in suitable management conditions of quality chicks and feed this medicine schedule keep mortality under 3% maximum. Gives FCR of 1.6 at 2.5Kg. You will get 190 to 200g on 7 th day and 1Kg on 22nd day. Once you bring this package you will not need to purchase any medicine from outside. This schedule cuts 40% costs occurred on medicine. When you will start using it, you will get in contact with us for further technical support.
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Dr. Ibne Ali (Livestock & Poultry Consultant) New Delhi
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