Research Paper: Recreation and Sports in Zero-Gravity

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Recreation and Sports in Zero-Gravity Ar Aynul Inaya* Ar Imaad Nizami** Ar Asma Hamid*** *Student, IV Sem, M. Arch, Recreation Architecture, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi **Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi *** Contractual Faculty, Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Abstract Mankind has been dreaming and aspiring to live in other extraterrestrial planets and celestial bodies for quiet a few decades now. The vision to travel in space and create new homes, cities and civilizations in space has become an inherent topic of discussion in today’s sci-fi movies, novels and even in professional discussion platforms. But is life just about eating, sleeping, working and living? We, humans have always yearned for leisure times, invented new and exciting activities, sports and contests for our recreation. So, what becomes of our sports and recreation when we move to another home ground? Can our beloved football, hockey, cricket still be a constant in the lives of our future generations? This paper aims to question and explore the answers to them. The types of sports that can be played in zero gravity, the spatial requirements and the possible transformations of the present-day stadiums, pitches and playgrounds for zero gravity. Keywords: space, zero gravity, weightless, sports, recreation, futuristic architecture.

1. Introduction

the ozone layer, melting of glaciers, pollution and contamination of air, water and soil, etc. will lead to a time where humans will be forced to live near the polar regions, which although pose a harsh climate at the present, will be the only habitable place then. But surviving is one thing and living is another.

Scientist, researchers and experts around the world are concluding everyday that life on Earth might end sooner than expected. With the ongoing climate change, disasters, urbanization, food scarcity, water scarcity, etc. the said end is not far. A study in Geographical Research Letters states that humans might survive for some 1.5 billion years only. The urbanization and its consequent effects like the forming of urban heat islands, depletion of

Space Tourism Space exploration and colonization has been making headlines for more than a few decades now. With the many international organizations like the SpaceX, looking to explore and creating new boundaries in space, a few billionaires are now spending their money on leisurely holiday in space. Travelling to the International Space Station and experiencing the few minutes of weightlessness is the up and coming activity taken up by billionaires like Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and Yusaku Maezawa, proving man’s insatiable thirst for recreation and adventure. True enough, the intriguing and ever-increasing desires of man to explore the unknown and

Fig 1. Santiago Dystopia. SRC: Mancilla, M. (2009, May 19). Post Nuclear Santiago [Illustration]. Deviant Art.


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