Ayrshire’s route to sustainability

Your Business News page 12 & 13
Sustainable Ayrshire Feature page 18 & 19
DYW Ayrshire Update page 20 - 25
Your Business News page 12 & 13
Sustainable Ayrshire Feature page 18 & 19
DYW Ayrshire Update page 20 - 25
Ayrshire Chamber wishes to acknowledge the support of the following companies as sponsors of our Platinum Partners programme.
The Chamber in Ayrshire represents businesses of all sizes and all sectors and is particularly effective in representing the voice of businesses at local, national and international level.
The Partnership aims to cement the relationship that companies have with Ayrshire Chamber, making sure they get the most out of membership and in turn contributing to the work of the Chamber, so supporting other business in Ayrshire.
Partnership members have access to a comprehensive package of benefits, while at the same time assist with the development of the Chamber movement.
If you would like to discuss the mutual benefits of becoming a Platinum Partner please contact our Membership Development Manager, ghays@ayrshire-chamber.org
I’m delighted to introduce you to the new Summer Edition of our Ayrshire Chamber’s magazine “Your Business”, particularly given the theme this issue - Sustainability and Net-Zero – a topic which is of huge interest to me and, I’m sure, many of our reading audience.
It’s hard to believe that in just the last ten years, scientific reports, IPCC updates and media coverage have brought about a shift in public attitude and belief. ONS and BEIS report that in March 2021, half (51%) of the public said they thought that climate change was either entirely (13%) or mainly (38%) caused by human activity. If we think back 10 to 15 years – even then, there was a lot of debate as to whether Climate Change was a real ‘thing’, so the shift in attitude and attention has been huge, and this shift continues.
Of course, with problems come opportunities – opportunities to make a difference by looking at emissions and energy use reductions, altering our buying and living habits plus opportunities for new emerging low-carbon or carbon capture technologies. The time for action is now and the articles contained within this issue should whet your appetite to Net Zero and other initiatives if you’re not already on that journey.
The Chamber is working on its own green-agenda and hopes to role-model sustainable behaviours and sign-post support which might be relevant to your business; so we are keen to hear what you’re up to
and, of you’d like, put you in touch with other like-minded businesses to share, help or collaborate. We’re all on this journey together and we can help and support one another through the Chamber Network!
Local company James Frew Ltd are working towards SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) compliance as part of their Sustainability Strategy. SECR is initiative which aims to help business and industry improve their energy productivity by at least 20% by 2030 and forms part of the government’s Clean Growth Strategy.
The first cohort of 4 Ayrshire Chamber members will soon be taking up their places at the fantastic #Rock Me Trading Floor within the Halo building in Kilmarnock. The building is powered by over 100 solar panels and is one of the UK’s most sustainable buildings. The businesses are delighted to have received a Gold package for 6 months at no cost.
The cohort will benefit from all the support on offer from the Halo partners including Barclays Eagle Labs, Anderson Strathern and Scotland 5G Centre, as well as all the benefits and services which come along with a Chamber Membership.
Members will have 24/7 access to the Trading Floor where they will have a dedicated desk, locker, printing provision, Superfast WiFi, access to soundproof meeting rooms and events and workshop programme. They will also have access to the onsite Halo #Rock Me Café and EV Car Charging.
Founder and Executive Chair at HALO, Dr Marie Macklin CBE, commented: “The Ayrshire Chamber has been a steadfast supporter of HALO and the wider project since our initial conceptual plans. Built on strong, historic foundations, the Ayrshire Chamber supports over 800 businesses.”
Claire Baird, Chamber CEO said, “I am really excited to be working in partnership with HALO Enterprise & Innovation Centre. The Centre is something that Ayrshire should be very proud of, and I am delighted this collaboration allows our members to access this exclusive package. Not only does the package allows members to be based in the HALO #RockMe Trading Floor but in addition gives access to the wealth of knowledge the partners bring which will ultimately support Ayrshire businesses to flourish.
We are starting to recruit for our 2nd cohort of members, if your business is interested in this opportunity please contact:
Joan McMurdo, Business Development Officerjmcmurdo@ayrshire-chamber.org
Manging Director Roddy Frew said: “We are acutely aware of the environmental impact of our work, particularly around providing whole home social housing maintenance, and we are proactively engaged in identifying, implementing, and reporting on carbon reduction initiatives which in turn, reduces waste and maximises productivity. We believe there is huge potential in embracing digital technologies to help deliver our sustainability priorities”.
The company, founded in 1911, have recently introduced gas boiler management control systems to provide customers with real-time data to assist in reducing fuel poverty by improving and enhancing understanding around monitoring energy consumption. Roddy added: “These domestic building management systems, along with behavioural energy advice provides social housing tenants with better information to make informed lifestyle choices.”
The company have recently introduced a new customer engagement platform called “Find My Engineer” designed to empower customers with communications, real-time tracking and visibility around service and repair appointments.
Operations Director Andrew Fogarty said: “We have worked closely with North Ayrshire Council’s Business Growth Team to introduce digital technologies to deliver our strategic ambition. We are confident that the significant business benefits such as increased first-time access and improved customer experiences will enable James Frew to continue to provide an efficient, effective, and sustainable service going forward”.
Commissioned by the Energy Agency, hydrological and feasibility studies at the site of two weirs in the River Ayr next to Ayrshire College indicated a hydro-power scheme on the north bank could generate approximately 320 megawatt hours (MWh) of energy in a typical year. Subsequently, Energy Agency Renewables Ltd was created to do just that.
With sustainability at the heart of this non-profit organisation, the technology considered most suitable for the ecologically sensitive site, was a 90kW Archimedes single screw turbine. With periodic replacement of wearing parts, this robust technology should last many years.
The screw itself weighs 25 tonnes, is 4m in diameter and 9m long, normally turning at 20 RPM, but can turn slower in low water flows.
Energy supply: Ofgem estimates an average UK house uses 2,900kWh of electricity per year. At regular output the turbine could supply 110 of them, or up to 250 when operating at full power.
Carbon savings: Compared to a typical gas power station emitting 490gCO2e/kWh, the 320,000kWh produced by the hydro scheme could save 156.8 tonnes CO2e per annum.
Operational since March 2022, and despite being an unusually dry year, the Energy Agency celebrated Nethermills first year of energy production by reporting it generated 321MWh of electricity. Of this, 79% was used by the college, the remaining 21% was exported to the grid.
Nethermills Hydro Scheme should continue to generate green energy for several decades. After capital costs are repaid, future surplus funds will be used for projects to reduce carbon and fuel poverty in South West Scotland.
Raising awareness and understanding of the use and benefits of renewable energy technologies, the Energy Agency is looking forward to celebrating many more anniversaries.
Fresh Ayr, the brand-new folk festival taking place in Ayr’s Rozelle Park between 11 – 13 August 2023, has announced that Ayrshire Hospice will be the official charity partner for the inaugural event.
Capital Campaign Director at Ayrshire Hospice, Hazel McIlwraith said: “We are delighted to be Fresh Ayr Folk Fest’s chosen charity for the inaugural festival at Rozelle Park this summer. Music truly has the power to uplift and unite individuals – and with more than 25 worldclass acts performing, it’s going to be an unforgettable weekend.
“Work on the hospice site has started which is hugely exciting and we’re really looking forward to watching its progress over the coming months with the aim of returning in summer 2024.
“Support from organisations like Fresh Ayr Folk Fest are vital to the continued success of this project. We are massively appreciative of Blair and his team giving the Hospice this opportunity.”
Blair Parham, Director of Fresh Ayr Folk Fest, said: “We couldn’t be happier that Ayrshire Hospice is our charity partner for the first ever Fresh Ayr. The hospice plays such an important role in the local
community and has touched so many people across the region, helping families through the toughest of times and providing much-needed support. We’re honoured to be able to support their fundraising in this way, and to help them continue the invaluable work they do in Ayrshire.
“Community is at the very heart of Fresh Ayr, so it only seemed right that we partner with a charity who does so much for people who need it most in the local area.”
Wedding Days are one of life’s biggest moments, where loved ones gather to celebrate love. Couples are finding that it is becoming increasingly important to prioritise guilt-free, sustainable wedding days, and do so by making eco-friendly choices to consciously reduce their carbon footprint on the big day.
1. Choose your location & venue wisely
Emissions are one of the top contributors to environmental damage, so consider a venue which requires the fewest plane and/or car journeys for you and your guests to travel to the wedding.
2. Reduce your guest numbers
Consider having an intimate wedding and limit your guestlist. This will reduce the number of guests who need to travel and reduce waste from food, decor and other wedding details.
3. Make your menu eco-friendly
Opt for a locally sourced, organic menu, which has been grown locally using seasonal produce. Having vegan or vegetarian options would also reduce the environmental impact of the wedding meal.
4. Reusable decor/flowers
Consider using recyclable or reusable items instead of using single-use decor. At The Creative Occasion Co we have a variety of props and decor for hire. Use potted plants, trees or flowers, or if using cut flowers, consider choosing seasonal and locally grown flowers.
By adopting any of these ecofriendly ideas, and being mindful when wedding planning, couples will show a little love to the future of the planet.
One of the joys of what Being There Media do is telling unique and inspiring stories in an engaging and informative way.
One such story Being There Media were commissioned to tell was JST’s creation of a floating pier to allow access to land locked timber. There are many forests throughout the country where the road network is too fragile and narrow to allow timber wagon access. The only solution is egress by sea and to do that you need a pier.
The cost both ecologically and financially to build a permanent pier is hugely prohibitive, so JST have produced a floating pier. Once planning consents have been approved and site infrastructure constructed, the system can physically be setup within a day with minimal impact. One shipload of timber equates to about 100 timber wagons taken off the road, so even after taking the CO2 that the ships produce into account, there are huge emission savings all contributing to a more sustainable timber supply chain.
View their video here: www.jstservicesgroup.com/ services/mobile-floating-piers/
Reach out to Being There Media: 07723 338099 or email info@beingtheremedia.com
NODA Ayrshire have started a new project to help people who are dying feel less alone.
Sandy's Toolbox is the brainchild of volunteer Helen Wilson, who created the Toolbox in memory of her beloved Dad Sandy who, like Helen, also had a strong passion for helping the community.
The Toolbox is a gift package full of handy care items which sadly, many families are now left without. Anyone is welcome to request a and you can do so by visiting No-One Dies Alone – Ayrshire’s website.
Any support businesses or local people can offer this project – from donations to volunteering - is also welcomed.
As an employer, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that perks like free doughnuts is what motivates your teams. I’ve been there, done that, and ate the Krispy Kreme’s.
But, what employees really want is growth and development opportunities, and to be seen as unique individuals. Workplace coaching is now recognised as a critical tool for developing organisational talent and driving business success, helping to improve individual performance, build leadership capabilities, and drive engagement and satisfaction among staff.
At evergrow coaching we focus on helping people and businesses grow beyond their limits to feel happier, healthier, and more effective through a combination of coaching, skills training, and wellbeing workshops.
Workplace coaching involves working with an individual or a group to develop specific skills or achieve specific goals for both themselves and the business. This can be really effective for managers, future leaders, or high performers to affect more change in the business and also to feel recognised and invested in.
Meanwhile, our training workshops focus on enhancing communication and leadership skills, covering areas such as behavioural skills development, presentation skills, communication, personal effectiveness, and establishing leadership competencies.
Finally, we also help organisations support their teams through interactive and accessible workshops in mental wellbeing, including breathwork, positive habit creation, meditation, and much more!
So, whilst I love a Biscoff Krispy Kreme as much as the next person, if you want to have a significant, positive, and lasting impact on your team (or yourself!) to help drive your business forward, drop us an email or reach out on our social channels.
We’ll also be supporting the Chamber as an official training partner, so keep your eyes peeled from August for our exclusive Chamber courses!
Contact Darren at evergrow today to learn more about how they can help your business.
NFU Mutual is the UK’s leading rural insurer and an important part of the local community, but that is only a part of who they are. With a heritage spanning over a century, they can assist you with cover, from car and home insurance to advice on your business insurance, health and safety consultancy and financial planning services.
NFU Mutual has been serving Kilmarnock and the wider Ayrshire community for many years, and they’re committed to continue this. Located on Portman Road, Kilmarnock have recently undergone a full refurbishment of their office.
The new office provides a bright modern space with dedicated meeting rooms to accommodate face to face consultations with customers and other stakeholders from within the community.
Branch managers, Robbie Wallace & Richard Murphy are looking forward to the benefits the office refurb will bring. Richard has said:
“The refurbishment allows us to continue providing our members and customers the unique face to face service we believe in, right here in the heart of Kilmarnock. We are also really excited to open the doors to the wider business community and we have plans to reach out to local business groups and host financial planning surgeries.”
NFU Mutual Kilmarnock office is open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm, and their experienced team look forward to greeting you in their new surroundings to discuss how they can help you.
For more information call 01563 524013, email Kilmarnock@ nfumutual.co.uk or visit their website at nfumutual.co.uk/ kilmarnock
Technology is the future. A phrase you'll hear from almost every business sector. Active Office have been providing solutions to hundreds of local businesses as they transition from pen and paper towards advanced technology and IT systems. Every year they see the gap between businesses who embrace this technology wave, and those who don’t, widening. Many businesses are being left behind.
The pace of technological evolution has accelerated significantly. Active Office have been a lifeline for businesses who had no other option than to fast-track change and mobilise their work environments. Specialising in IT infrastructure and managed support was a necessity in providing the essential customer support in adapting to the work from home environment, something that has not left us and is becoming a permanent approach for some organisations. VoIP telecom solutions with call flows that can be re-configured instantly became an absolute requirement and Active office have a range of packages that will save most organisations up to 50% compared to traditional telecom systems. Fully digitised and paper free document systems, something we have been hearing about for years, finally became essentials to allow secure and instant location of any document, from any location – no more security sensitive documents locked away.
With years of experience in providing cutting edge technology solutions, Active Office are more aware than anyone of the associated risk of cybercrime. It is also another area Active Office are at the forefront and are accredited partners with leading cyber security provider, ESET allowing them to ensure the latest security solutions are protecting your organisation. Additionally, Active Office provide consultation and IT services to enable business to gain Cyber Essentials Accreditation, an effective Government backed scheme that protects organisations, against a whole range of the most common cyberattacks.
On Monday 3rd April Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce revealed their refreshed membership tiers. The new bronze, silver, gold and gold+ membership tiers are built with Ayrshire business in mind, helping businesses to grow, connect and flourish.
Each tier has been re-designed to offer a range of different services, from HR advice to Legal support, promotional opportunities, mentoring support and popular Chamber events.
Along with the announcement of the refreshed tiers, Ayrshire Chamber was delighted to reveal its new logo and branding – a bright wash of purples, pinks and yellows - reflecting the vibrant businesses Ayrshire Chamber represents. Keep an eye out for our new branding across social media and beyond!
Claire Baird, Chief Executive of Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce said of the changes:
“The tier refresh allowed us the chance to highlight membership services that benefit a range of different businesses and sectors, as well as introduce a new business support - The Wellbeing Plan.
“The Ayrshire Chamber team are on hand to answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions, or would like to arrange a one-to-one, please reach out via membership@ayrshire-chamber.org”
Our friendly International Trade team are happy to help in any way we can, as well as process Certificates of Origin, EUR1’s, Arab Certificates, Egyptian Documents, Verification of Trade Documents, Import and Export Declarations, Letters of Credit and ATA Carnets.
Our International Trade Services are available to members and non-members, with a discount available to Ayrshire Chamber members. T&Cs applies.
In the first quarter of 2023, our International Trade team processed over £80.8 million of goods traveling to and from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Brazil and South Africa amongst many others.
Contact our team via ecert@ ayrshire-chamber.org or visit www.ayrshire-chamber.org international to find out more about our wide range of International Trade services.
To assist you in your international trade journey, we also run a number of regular International Trade events to provide you, your business and your staff with the invaluable information to export and import with ease. Guest expert for the sessions is James Tudor from Exporter Services.
18th July
5th September
Letters of Credit Methods of Payment
Commodity Codes
17th October
28th November
UPCOMING ONLINE INTERNATIONAL TRADE COURSES FROM AYRSHIRE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Visit www.ayrshire-chamber.org/events/international-trade to see our 2023 programme of training courses, or email jcoulter@ayrshire-chamber.org or rgauld@ayrshire-chamber.org Keep your eyes peeled for our 2024 course programme launching later in 2023.
Pref/Rules of Origin Incoterms
Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce is proud to be a member of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce Network - a large network which aims to link businesses nationally and internationally, as well as strengthen international opportunities for Scottish businesses like yours.
Through the Scottish Chambers of Commerce, we are a member of the renowned ‘International Chambers of Commerce’ which represents 40 million companies across 100 countries.
A range of outward and inward International Trade Missions are available across the globe in 2023.
OUTWARD MISSION – Trade Mission to Nova Scotia, Canada 23rd to 27th October 2023
Further Trade Missions will be announced soon. Please visit www.exporthubscotland.com to find out more about any of the above trade missions or contact our team.
Helping your business to trade internationally, with ease
Scotland’s business community has had a few challenging years. No sooner had we emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic than the cost-of-living crisis brought new difficulties.
I’ve been fortunate enough to visit many exciting and innovative businesses across Ayrshire. To succeed, I believe it’s important that business owners and entrepreneurs can not only get support from politicians if they need it but also have the chance to be heard as policy is developed.
In collaboration with the Ayrshire Chamber, I’ll be participating in some virtual forums on a range of topics, starting with the Deposit Return Scheme. These forums will be a chance for you to talk to me about the
issues that matter to your business and what, if anything, I can do to help. I want to be very clear that this isn’t about politics, it’s about hearing your views and understanding your needs, whether you agree with me politically or not.
As someone who’s started their own business as well as working in others, I’m a great believer that the most successful businesses are those that not only think about the short-term urgent issues, but also the important long-term ones. And, as a politician, I know that the best way to create good policy is by listening and talking to those who will be affected by it.
More information about the forums will be circulated by the Chamber soon.
In the meantime, you can contact me any time by e-mail at Brian.Whittle. MSP@parliament.scot
Property and garden maintenance company, Maple Maintenance Ltd, has been named the winner of this year’s Build Ayrshire programme, delivered by hub South West Scotland (hub SW).
Malcolm Duncan from Maple Maintenance Ltd, said:
“From the very first session, the Build Ayrshire programme was helpful and we were able to make changes almost immediately. The weekly sessions were a great opportunity to network with fellow Ayrshire businesses, as well as Tier 1 contractors who we will hopefully be able to build good relationships with.”
This year’s Build Ayrshire programme kicked off on 8 February with the final taking place at Ayrshire College earlier this month. To close the programme, participants were asked to present to a panel of judges and hub South West’s Tier 1 contractors on the benefits and impact of the programme on their business and how they feel they will be able grow in the future.
“Malcolm, Rachel and Carl from Maple Maintenance were able to effectively demonstrate and articulate how they benefitted from every session of the Build Ayrshire programme and explained clearly how they would apply what they had learned to their business. It’s fantastic to see how the support and insight they received will help re-shape their strategy and achieve their goal of winning more commercial contracts.”
“We have worked closely with the team at hub SW for a number of years and are hugely supportive of the Build Ayrshire programme. Not only does it offer local construction businesses valuable access to industry mentoring and advice in order to help them grow, it also helps boost the local economy.”
Any businesses who are interested in taking part in one of hub SW’s Build programmes should email Mark Houston, mhouston@hubsouthwest.co.uk
Opening in 1998, Prestwick started out by providing MRO service of Fuel Controls to our customers.
In particular, mechanically complex Can controls such as the CFM56-2/3 Main Engine Control and the RB211 Fuel Flow Governor. Over time, we added to our customer base, and grew our capabilities to include a vast range of Woodward Fuel Controls.
Now, we have expanded our capabilities out to various Actuators and Speciality Valves. Prestwick evolved from a Fuel Control to a Fuel System MRO business
In doing so, we have become a one stop shop for component maintenance in the EMEA region. With a strong growth mindset, we innovate our internal processes to ensure we provide world class service to our customers.
To prepare for the maturity of the Next Generation Narrow Body market, we have added various LEAP component capabilities to our organisation, with Geared Turbo Fan also on the horizon.
Woodward Prestwick continues to grow, going from strength to strength thanks to our highly skilled members and innovative products. For 25 years, we have innovated for a better future.
In the heart of our community, a local enterprise is causing a stir, reshaping the digital landscape and quietly revolutionising the way we work. This dynamic force is none other than our very own home-grown gem - Neat.
Since their modest beginnings in 2017, Neat has been an unstoppable force in the digital sphere, delivering over 1000 successful projects for big-name brands from the bustling metropolis of New York to the techcentric Silicon Valley. Yet, despite their global reach, they’ve kept their roots firmly planted in our local soil.
The secret to their success? A unique blend of top-tier talent, a firm grasp on the pulse of the digital world, and a commitment to providing exceptional service. But what’s perhaps even more remarkable about their journey is that most of their monumental growth and client acquisition were achieved through online promotion.
However, as the saying goes, “there’s no place like home,” and for Neat, this rings especially true. They’ve recently made a strategic decision that is as bold as it is admirable: to expand their focus and offer their services to local businesses.
“We’ve always had a strong connection with our community and felt a shift towards supporting local enterprises was a natural progression,” says Declan Maltman, the visionary behind Neat. “We’re excited about the unique challenges and opportunities this presents, and we’re keen to apply our global experience to boost our local economy.”
To facilitate this transition, Neat has moved into a vibrant new business hub right in the heart of Ayr town. This exciting move not only signifies their commitment to being a part of our local business ecosystem but also positions them to better serve their new local clientele.
In addition, the company recently welcomed three new members to their team, bringing a wealth of experience, fresh ideas, and a shared passion for local growth. This expansion not only provides job opportunities within our community but also infuses new energy into their ongoing projects.
“We’re all about evolving and adapting,” Declan explains. “Our team is excited to
bring what we’ve learned from working with international brands to our local businesses. We believe we can make a significant impact and help put our town on the digital map.”
As Neat embarks on this exciting new chapter, their story serves as a reminder of the incredible potential within our local community. It’s proof that global success can start right here at home and that even in a digital age, there’s immense value in local connections.
Here’s to Neat - our local success story and a beacon of innovative entrepreneurship right on our doorstep!
The Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) is here to support communities to engage with, participate in and benefit from the energy transition to net zero.
The new Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund from CARES will help community organisations reduce their building energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. The fund is now open and is planned to run until the end of March 2025, subject to funding availability.
Funding is available for many types of selfmanaged community buildings, including:
• village halls
• community centres
• community hubs
• sports facilities
• faith buildings
Grant funding is available for up to 80% of eligible costs, up to a maximum of £80,000. Please read the funding guidance on our website for full information.
To find out more about the fund, and apply, please visit www.localenergy.scot/funding/letsdo-net-zero-community-buildings-fund/
Scotland's deposit return scheme will now not launch until March of next year, the country's first minister has announced.
The scheme, which is aimed at increasing the number of single-use drinks bottle and cans that are recycled, was due to start in August.
Humza Yousaf announced the delay as he set out his priorities for his government over the next three years. Mr Yousaf also confirmed that proposals to restrict alcohol advertising will be sent "back to the drawing board" as part of his efforts to "reset" the government's relationship with business.
Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said:
“The business community will welcome the First Minister’s sensible move to delay the launch of the Deposit Return Scheme to March 2024. The scheme, in its current form, is not fit for purpose and not suited to bringing SMEs onboard during a cost of doing business crisis.
“The Scottish Government must now work with the business community to ensure that the scheme is redesigned to address the magnitude of concerns that firms have put forward, and to make it workable for all effected businesses.”
Further information on the Deposit Return Scheme can be found online at www.gov.scot/policies/managingwaste/deposit-return-scheme
25 businesses in East Ayrshire are set to benefit from 12 months of Net Zero support thanks to a new Net Zero Catapult programme delivered by Net Zero Nation within the Halo Enterprise & Innovation Hub and fully supported and funded by East Ayrshire Council and Scottish Enterprise.
The programme will help East Ayrshire Council and Scottish Enterprise to shape the existing and future support they offer to all businesses, social enterprises and community organisations across the region to achieve their Net Zero ambitions.
The first cohort of businesses selected for the programme are: Robert Mackie of Scotland Ltd, Annandale Design (UK) Ltd, CentreStage, A&L Mechanical Installations Ltd, Halo Enterprise & Innovation Hub and The Wee House Company.
Tam Street, Building and Sustainability Manager at HALO Kilmarnock HALO Urban Regeneration Company:
“As a participant of the first Net Zero Nation Accelerator cohort, we are keen to lead by example and strengthen our sustainability strategy by continuing to put net zero right at the heart of our business.”
Booth Welsh, a leading engineering company in North Ayrshire, actively supports Scotland's Net Zero ambitions. With a mission of "through collaboration, we engineer a better future," Booth Welsh is dedicated to making a positive impact on sustainability.
Booth Welsh has pledged to meet the UN Race to Zero initiative. As early signatories to the Net Zero Nation Accelerator programme, they have established carbon accounts, obtained carbon certification, and implemented a robust carbon reduction plan. Booth Welsh is an advocate for net zero as a business opportunity rather than a cost, inspiring other companies to follow suit. They were finalists in two Net Zero categories for the Skills Development
Scotland Apprenticeship Awards through their partnership with Fuel Change and proudly sponsored the Planet Saver Award at the Ayrshire Chamber Business Awards in 2022.
In response to the green challenges faced by businesses, Booth Welsh introduced a consultancy department that focuses on sustainability. Their Environment 4.0 services assist clients in utilising digital technology to enhance business efficiencies while driving positive environmental impacts. Booth Welsh believes that businesses no longer need to compromise profitability in their efforts to protect the environment. They have developed an energy dashboard, an early Environment 4.0 innovation. This tool empowers them to better understand and manage their energy usage, supporting their ongoing commitment to sustainability.
Booth Welsh looks forward to hosting the Digital Process Manufacturing Centre (DPMC) at their headquarters in Irvine and play a key role in its development. Established in collaboration with CPI, National Manufacturing Institute Scotland, and North Ayrshire Council, the DPMC is a national centre designed to accelerate the adoption of digital technology in companies. By becoming more aware, predictive, and productive, businesses can reduce energy costs and achieve net zero targets.
The dedication to sustainability is evident through their collaborative approach, innovative solutions, and measurable actions. In a commitment to engineering a better future, Booth Welsh is actively contributing to Scotland's sustainable transformation.
Sustainability is the theme of this edition of the Chamber magazine and it would be a missed opportunity for me to not reflect on the work DYW is doing to encourage sustainable practice across our initiatives. The crucial role that employers have in supporting young people during their education and beyond is nothing new. However DYW are well positioned to support employers to connect easily with schools and young people whether that is by promoting vacancies, arranging career events or offering work placements. The DYW team are here to support.
We fund over 120 innovative projects across Ayrshire and the majority of this funding is to leave a DYW legacy. We are always looking for new industry experts to support these projects which can also benefit the employer by working with their future pipeline of talent. There are many ways for employers to engage with young people and a great way to do this is by engaging directly through the curriculum. By linking subjects or topics to the world of work can leave a long-lasting impression. These links are more sustainable as they allow teachers to embed these discussions in their lessons by bringing real life
and often local examples to a student's learning.
Our DYW team are always keen to hear from local (and national) employers who would like to engage with our young people across Ayrshire. Even the shortest of engagements can have a huge impact on the future decisions of young people. Please get in touch with the team by emailing info@dywayrshire.com.
Gillian Longmuir, Regional Lead at Developing the Young Workforce –AyrshireThe Young Persons Guarantee is a unique opportunity for businesses to develop a planned strategic approach to engaging young people in their organisation. By offering apprenticeships, work experience placements, and trainee opportunities, businesses can benefit by taking an active role in supporting local young people in their career development. This means that employers can invest in young people, while providing them with valuable experience and training that will set them up for a successful career.
A big Summer Edition thank you to all the organisations that have pledged (or renewed!) the Young Person’s Guarantee. Since January this year we have had 2 businesses pledge and 4 businesses renew their pledge to the Young Person’s Guarantee. Between them, offering over 32 work placements, 31 Modern Apprenticeships, 15 Graduate Apprenticeships and 7 Foundation Apprenticeships – what great opportunities for young people in Ayrshire!
New YPG Employers:
• Booth Welsh
• Spirit Aerosystems
YPG Employers that have renewed their pledge:
• The Savoy Park Hotel
• The Memory Boxes Company
• Thorne Travel
• Ashleigh Construction
How can it benefit your organisation?
• Increase your business profile within the community
• Get early access to the future talent pipeline
• Develop and motivate your existing staff
• Raise awareness of your industry and organisation
• Contribute to your corporate social responsibility
• Support the curriculum to ensure it is industry relevant to prepare young people for the future workforce
Get in touch at info@ dywayrshire.com
Nelson Track Solutions is a leading specialist labour supply company in the UK rail industry delivering a whole range of labour services to Network Rail 1st tier rail companies. During the month of December 2022 they hosted their first work experience pupil from Grange Academy on a week-long placement at their HQ in Kilmarnock. The placement went so well that the pupil is now attending a flexible placement with NTS for
the remainder of the academic session.
“Regan has been doing amazing, he has shown great timekeeping, willingness to learn and conducted himself in an excellent manner at all times.
We would happily have him back in the new year if it was possible to arrange.
He has been the perfect pupil and it has been a really positive experience on both sides so thanks for giving us
We have been delighted to host our very own flexible placement this academic session. We have had Matthew from Prestwick Academy on a flexible placement with ourselves since October. Matthew has been a great addition to the team and
fitted in well during his time with us. It has been very rewarding for the team to see Matthew’s progression from starting with us to finishing his placement.
“My name is Matthew I am an S6 at Prestwick Academy. My work placement is at the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce.
The thing I enjoy the most is the environment that I work in.
The staff are very helpful and friendly. They are all so nice to me and will always make sure I know what I am doing, and that they are here to help. I also enjoy the tasks that I am given such as
“We are a local Ford car dealership based in Kilbirnie, and we rely on our local customers for service & MOT work, as well as new and used car sales. Most of our staff live locally, and some of them have worked for the dealership for most of their working lives! Given our local knowledge we are pleased to be able to support Garnock Academy, in
conjunction with the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, in offering a work experience placement to a local pupil of the Academy.
We hope that the benefits that any placement candidate will get from this are an understanding of the importance of timekeeping, taking instruction and seeing a job through to the finish. We would also
this opportunity and hopefully we can continue to give young people this opportunity.”
Chris Humes, Nelson Track Solutions
spreadsheets as I am currently studying Admin & IT at school.
So far, I have learned about what an office environment is like, which I was very curious about before I started. I have found out all the different roles that everyone has in the office, and how they all work as a team. My experience of being on this placement so far has been very fun and interesting. I have always wanted to work in an office, and to get the opportunity to get that experience before I have left school is so beneficial for me.”
Matthew, Prestwick Academy Pupil
hope that they will gain an understanding of engaging with work colleagues so that they are comfortable in seeking help or advice when they need it.”
Compton McGill, Garnock Valley Ford
Park School were delighted to launch their Skills Academy in April. This would not have been possible without the wonderful support of Walter Smith MBE & Wilson Barrie from Developing the Young Workforce & the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce who were instrumental in guiding the school on their journey. The Skills Academy will help to develop vocational, employability and life skills through structured projects, delivered within the curriculum and as part of the school timetable. The projects will help prepare pupils for the world of work either in the short term straight from school or in the medium to long term after further education. The skills academy aligns with the school's vision that, “At Park School learning is for life” ensuring that the skills developed will lead to pupils having the transferable skills for employers and ultimately enable pupils to gain employment.
The projects are delivered by either college lecturers or appropriately qualified and accredited teachers supported in a number of cases by external partners or individuals with knowledge, experience, and qualifications in the particular field of activity. The pupils develop employability and life skills including the core skills referred to as the 6C’s and have the opportunity to gain accredited qualifications recognised by various sectors giving them equality of opportunity.
Three exciting projects make up the Skills Academy:
• Grand Park Café where young people learn barista skills supported by Miko Coffee
• The Cycle Shed where young people learn about bike repairs
• Shimmer and Shine a training beauty salon
All projects are funded by DYW and supported by Ayrshire College.
Provost Jim Todd and Lord-Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran, Sheriff Iona McDonald OBE, cut a ceremonial ribbon to officially open the innovative Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Park School Skills Academy. At the special event, Head Teacher Carol-Anne Burns was also joined by Walter Smith, Business Ambassador DYW Ayrshire, Wilson Barrie, DYW Employer Engagement Officer, Gillian Longmuir DYW Regional Lead, Councillor Elaine Cowan, Spokesperson for Lifelong Learning, Education and Skills and Culture; local member Councillor James Adams, representatives from SL33 and Lorna McCandlish from Miko Coffee Scotland.
Pupils presented their journey starting with their Barista Café entitled Grand Park Café. The Café prides itself in delivering legendary home baking made on the day as well as a wonderful Barista service for the local community. The Café also has a takeaway service which caters for the campus community enabling teachers and support staff to have their pre orders ready saving them precious time.
The second project launched was the Shimmer and Shine beauty salon which will not only develop skills in nail and beauty but wider skills involving personal achievement awards, enterprise and personal development awards. The project involves working and engaging with the local community. The nail bar enables pupils the opportunity to build their soft skills essential for the world of work. Pupils will build confidence, communication skills as well as a range of transferable skills.
The third project the Cycle Shed will enable cycle repair and maintenance within the campus and again serving the local community.
The Cycle Shed and Shimmer & Shine nail bar are both supported in partnership with Ayrshire College demonstrating true partnership working with a shared vison and shared goals for our young people.
The support of DYW, Ayrshire Chamber, Ayrshire College, local businesses and the local community with our projects will build a sustainable future for our pupils, enable barriers to work to be broken down and skills for work developed. The school is delighted at the opportunity it has been given.
Mrs Carol-Anne Burns, Head Teacher at Park SchoolOur first ever careers fayre was a huge success. The support from local employers was overwhelming, with many showing an interest in attending this event annually. The stalls were brimming with information, goodies and the employers quickly developed a rapport with our children of all ages and stages. We were impressed by the children's ability to pose relevant questions to employers from the local area. This event inspired many of our pupils to consider their future options and it encouraged their ambitions.
Another focus this year has been on tackling gender stereotypes. We taught this in a number of ways including presentations from employers such as Ashleigh and GSK. All classes undertook an activity and we used this to gauge their understanding of this issue, we were pleasantly surprised to note that many of our children did not have pre-conceived ideas about specific male and female job roles in the labour market. Following lots of input in assemblies and in class many of our children can explain what a gender stereotype is, have challenged opposing views and know that there are many possibilities for them in the future.
Nicola McEvoy, Glencairn Primary TeacherCheryl Corrigan is an award winning nail technician and educator at Nails by Cheryl Corrigan. She is passionate about teaching and offers nail art workshops to local schools. Cheryl has both in person and online training academies and is celebrating 10 years in business this year.
She started her nail career at 18 as an apprentice nail technician in a busy salon in Ayr; she instantly developed a passion for nails and loved being a part of a thriving industry. An industry that was relatively new at the time. She is amazed at how the nail community has grown and loves to see the support and success it brings. Cheryl believes that building and supporting each other is the way forward.
Cheryl has recently partnered with Developing Young Workforce to inspire and encourage new talent in the nail industry. Her nail art workshops for young people are proving a success and she looks forward to more opportunities when the new school year begins. She offers one-on-one training for already qualified nail technicians, who wish to enhance their skills and abilities in certain
aspects of their nail services. Her online and in person nail courses are fully accredited by UK leading hair and beauty insurance company ABT.
“I believe there should be apprenticeships available in the beauty industry for all aspects of beauty, including nails for more young people to have in salon training like I did. The experience I had from working in a salon environment gave me the confidence I needed to build my client base and start my own business.”
“I get to do what I love every single day and if I can inspire one person to follow their dreams too then that would be truly amazing!”
Prestwick Academy hosted its Careers Fair in March in partnership with the Ayrshire Chamber. Over 25 local businesses, employers and education providers had the opportunity to engage with young people from S4, S5 and S6. Parents/carers were also invited to attend.
Young people in the senior phase had the opportunity to speak with businesses and education providers from a number of sectors including but not limited to: Engineering, Construction, Finance, the Motor Industry and Life Sciences. They learned about the career pathways and opportunities that are available to them with the intention of inspiring and motivating them to continue their education as they move through their final years at secondary school and into the workplace.
Prestwick Academy also hosted a P7 transition Careers event for its feeder schools. Children from Glenburn, Kingcase, Heathfield and Symington Primaries were split into groups to hear about employment in Engineering, Construction, the Motor Industry, Outdoor Partnerships and further Education. Not
only did the event help with the transition to secondary school but it also gave them insight into the subjects they will need to study to pursue potential careers.
Thank you to the following who came along to the event and made it a success: Voluntary Action South Ayrshire, Royal Navy, British Army, Collins Aerospace, Woodward, Ryanair, Alstom, Parks Motor Group, JP Morgan, Zurich, Linear, Scottish Fire and Rescue, Buzzworks, Outdoor Partnerships, Mary Robertson Environmental Coordinator, Glasgow Caledonian University, UWS, SDS, the Royal Aeronautical Society, Scottish Racing Academy, Ayrshire Hospice, McTaggart Construction, Alfred H Knight, Royal Conservatoire Scotland, SSP, GSK and Thriving Communities.
Lynn Smith, Prestwick Academy Teacher
On Wednesday 8th February we hosted our very first South Ayrshire Futures event in partnership with DYW Ayrshire. More than 50 local businesses, employers and education providers had the opportunity to meet with over 650 young people, parents, carers and teachers to highlight the wide range of employment and training opportunities available within South Ayrshire. Feedback has been very positive following the event and we are now looking to build upon this success to increase partnership working across our schools.
(S.D.S.) co-ordinates ‘Scottish Apprenticeship week’ annually to encourage uptake of Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships by employers and individuals. This is an opportunity for businesses to raise awareness of the apprenticeships available within their organisation and how this can unlock potential in young people.
Spirit fully supports this opportunity both as a business and from an industry perspective. Recently Spirit joined forces with other local Aerospace companies and learning partners to host an event focused on Aerospace. The objective of the event was to provide Ayrshire secondary schools the ability to attend a ‘one stop shop’ with information on all the local opportunities within Aerospace. Furthermore, it is hoped that this collaborative approach to young people’s career guidance would provide local businesses with the next generation of Aerospace engineers.
The day commenced with a brief overview of the event objective followed by the chance to visit business stands to allow pupils to learn more about the companies and understand how this might impact their option choices aligned to the school curriculum. Apprentices currently working for the company’s participating also provided detailed information on the apprenticeship hiring process. The students also enjoyed a tour of Spirit’s AeroSpace Innovation Centre.
A careers event for young people, parents and carers was hosted at Ayrshire College, Kilwinning, on Tuesday, 28 March. The partnership event organised by North Ayrshire Council, Developing the Young Workforce, Skills Development Scotland, Ayrshire College and DWP was a great success with over 600 people attending.
The event was a fantastic platform for local employers to promote their latest vacancies, College lecturers to provide information on further education, and various partners to highlight the employment support delivered
by their own organisations and Your Next Move, Working North Ayrshire – the Council’s Employability Service.
Thanks to the support from over 40 employers, attendees were able to discover the wealth of career options available on our doorstep and get helpful advice on how to take the first or next step in their career.
For more information on Your Next Move visit www.north-ayrshire. gov.uk/employability.
Mhari Burley, Senior Communications Officer
Cash for Kids are opening their Summer Grant Round on Monday 22 May 2023. Community groups in Ayrshire will have the opportunity to apply to two different grants, including The Summer Group Grant. Arnold Clark has also partnered with Cash for Kids to provide the Sir Arnold Clark Summer Fund, which offers one community group based in the West of Scotland the opportunity to apply for £5000 funding. Any group or project providing a service which makes a difference to young people living in disadvantaged areas within our community during summer 2023 is invited to apply online via the Cash for Kids website.
These grants are made possible by fundraising campaigns which raise vital funds for the most vulnerable children and families in Ayrshire. In 2022, the charity granted out over £350,000 to community groups in Ayrshire which helped to support over 14,000 children. Businesses and individuals across Ayrshire can take part in many ways, including dress up days, bucket collecting and donating a percentage of their sales to the charity. At Cash for Kids, every pound raised in Ayrshire is redistributed in
Ayrshire. If your business is interested in supporting the charity, you can contact the team at westscotland@cashforkids.org.uk
Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity that supports the 1 in 4 children and young people in Ayrshire who are affected by poverty, abuse, neglect, life-limiting illness and those who have additional needs. Their West FM branch helps community groups, other charitable organisations, schools and individual causes based in Ayrshire.
Ayrshire Chamber Platinum member, Launch Digital have recently expanded their services down south, to London, and are already working with a range of clients.
Launch is a Digital Marketing agency focused on creativity, they provide a vast amount of marketing services including branding, website design, graphic design, social media, and search marketing. Customer satisfaction is priority and the team at Launch are proud of their many long-standing clients who they continue to work closely with.
Launch have said that since Covid-19 and lockdown causing many people to be working from home, it is evident that they have
been attracting more clients from further afield, particularly down south. Launch seen this as a great opportunity for the Ayrshire business and their staff and have acquired a hub in London for liaising with their southern clients.
The agency has agreed that their roots are firmly in Ayrshire with their head office based on Wellington Square in Ayr, where the team continue to serve many loyal, long standing Ayrshire customers.
The Quarriers Noel Lunch returned for its 28th year in early December 22 at the Glasgow Marriott Hotel and raised an astonishing £75,355. The vital funds raised at this annual festive event will go towards supporting the more than 100 health and social care services that Quarriers operates.
Quarriers is a unique social care charity which aims to transform the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people across Scotland by challenging the inequality they face and supporting their physical, mental and social wellbeing. Quarriers’ services support adults and children with disabilities, young people facing homelessness, families facing poverty, unpaid carers and people affected by epilepsy.
The charity runs more than 100 services across Scotland, including here in Ayrshire in Kilmarnock, Ayr and Girvan, supporting young people facing homelessness, exclusion from mainstream schools or difficult family circumstances, offering support with education, employability, and addiction and self-harm issues. In addition, here we support adults with learning disabilities and families.
This year around 350 guests joined in the fun with Des Clarke entertaining everyone. Quarriers were delighted to see local company Mackay Corporate supporting the event again.
“The Noel Lunch is a Christmas highlight for us and our guests,” said Karen Fitzgerald, director at Mackay Corporate Insurance Brokers. “It’s a great way to kick start the festive season!”
Sponsors included Martin Plant Hire, Tunnocks, Loch Lomond Group and Arnold Clark
For more info about how you can support Quarriers locally please email: events@quarriers.org.uk
Construction of the Willie Mackie Skills Hub, set within the curtilage of Ayrshire College’s Kilwinning Campus, has moved forward considerably with completion due in Summer 2023.
While maintaining some of the existing curriculum areas in construction, for the first time in North Ayrshire, the curriculum will include Modern Apprentices. These will initially be in Carpentry & Joinery, with the intention to offer further MAs in building services areas of plumbing/electrical including renewable energy.
At pre-apprenticeship level, a shift change from traditional prescribed group awards to programmes designed with local employer input, will lead to a curriculum with increased opportunities for future employment. This links the curriculum directly to employers’ needs and builds on the success of current pre-apprenticeship courses.
This flexible approach to the curriculum will also allow the College to introduce our full-time groups to large-scale project work that will be of benefit to the local community.
Within the new building, the “Future Skills” area will achieve its title through a dynamic and diverse approach to curriculum, embracing changes in technology to meet the existing and future needs of employers in North Ayrshire and beyond. This will be particularly relevant in meeting Government initiatives in renewable energy, through upskilling of existing employees and for those transitioning from other careers routes. This area will also contain Engineering hardware to support automation and control as well as collaborative robots (Cobots) and robots.
NUALA BOYLE Head of Business GrowthThe Ayrshire Business Awards is established as the leading awards ceremony for Ayrshire business and is a highlight of the business calendar.
The Awards offer Ayrshire businesses the opportunity to promote major achievements and celebrate success.
l Active Travel at Work Award
Recognising businesses that have encouraged their staff to be more active and change their travel habits resulting in a healthier workforce.
l Apprentice of the Year Award
Open to any business in Ayrshire, irrespective of size, that has recruited, or is training, an Apprentice.
l Ayrshire's Growth Business of the Year Award (0-10 employees)
For businesses that operate with up to 10 employees, including sole traders.
l Ayrshire's Growth Business of the Year Award (11-50 employees)
For businesses that have successfully grown their organisation and now operate with 11-50 employees (or full time equivalent).
l Ayrshire's Growth Business of the Year Award (51 employees or more)
For businesses that have successfully grown their organisation and now operate with more than 51 employees (or full time equivalent).
Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce CEO, Claire Baird comments:
“It is fantastic to launch another stellar Ayrshire Business Awards, celebrating all that Ayrshire has to offer.
We are thrilled to announce 16 prestigious award categories, from that showcase the many varied and diverse organisations within Ayrshire.
“No matter how long your business has been running, or its size and sector, the Ayrshire Business Awards are for everyone.”
l Charity of the Year Award
Open to registered charities that are making a difference to people living, working or studying in the area, to the environment, or otherwise address local social needs.
l Community Champion Award
Recognising organisations that seek to enhance the social or environmental opportunities for the people who live in the local communities in which the organisation operates.
l Community Wealth Building Award
For organisations that can demonstrate a people centred approach to economic development through the development of organisational policies and practices.
l Developing Ayrshire's Young Workforce Award
Open to organisations which have developed a partnership that prepares young people for the world of work.
l Driving Sustainability
Recognition of a business which is passionate about environmental sustainability and is driving positive change for people and the planet.
l Entrep reneur of the Year Award
Recognising an outstanding individual who demonstrates incomparable vision and leadership qualities within a pioneering business.
l Going Global - International Trade Business of the Year
Open to companies that demonstrate significant international growth proving borders are not a barrier to trade.
l Start-up Business of the Year Award
Open to businesses in early stages showing entrepreneurship and innovation, with a determination to succeed.
l Tourism Award
Open to any organisation, irrespective of size, involved in the tourism, leisure, visitor attractions or hospitality sectors in Ayrshire.
l Workplace Health and Wellbeing Award
Designed for organisations who can demonstrate a commitment to improving their staff's health and wellbeing.
l Hospitality Business of the Year Award
Celebrating the diverse range of food and drink products grown, produced, manufactured and promoted in Ayrshire, as well as industry-related services.
The winners will all be announced at the Business Awards Dinner taking place at Ayr Racecourse on Friday 6th October. The Awards Dinner coincides with the end of the Ayrshire Business Week, which includes a programme of fantastic events running from 2nd to 6th October. Full BW23 programme launching soon!
To view all category criteria and apply, please visit www.bit.ly/ABA23Apply
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become a popular technology, beginning to revolutionise our lives. It’s hard to avoid ‘ChatGPT’ in conversations, the news, and buzz across social media. For businesses, AI offers significant opportunities to automate mundane, time-consuming tasks, like producing screeds of firstdrafted content. However, AI has a significant impact on the environment and poses a challenge for the world achieving Net Zero targets.
AI requires an enormous amount of energy, particularly during the training phase. Powering and cooling servers and datacentres results in an eye-watering carbon footprint.
Training a single AI model can be equivalent to the lifetime emissions of five cars, according to an OpenAI study. As well as the energy requirements needed for deep learning in AI systems, inefficient algorithms are also widely used and are not trained for sustainability, so consume more energy and resources than necessary.
Electronic waste is another issue that cannot be ignored. AI hardware quickly becomes obsolete as devices innovate, leading to the disposal of vast quantities of electronic waste. E-waste contains toxic chemicals and heavy metals that can harm the environment, leading to soil and water contamination.
Although AI's rapid improvement can be nerve-wracking to observe, it has the potential to make businesses more timeefficient. Legislation and expert scrutiny
need to catch up and meet the moment to find the right balance between harnessing AI's power and mitigating its harmful environmental impact. Companies can reduce energy consumption of their AI systems by optimising algorithms, use more energyefficient hardware, and dispose of hardware via reputable, transparent e-waste recyclers.
Recognising an outstanding natural and cultural heritage, Biosphere status signifies that this region stands alongside UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Creative Cities, Global Geoparks and more.
The area covered by Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere includes a swathe of East and South Ayrshire. As well as a geographical region it is a nonprofit organisation, with a remit to create partnerships and projects centred on sustainability. The GSA Biosphere runs a year-round programme supporting businesses and organisations on their own sustainability journeys, including the Biosphere Certification Mark, a trademarked accreditation scheme with a substantial offer in business development and marketing support.
Certification brings with it networking opportunities and the chance to connect with global destination marketing campaigns such as Scotland’s UNESCO Trail. There is no cost involved at any stage.
“We’re committed to providing a platform for sustainable enterprise, particularly the micro- and SMEs that are a key component of southwest Scotland’s economic landscape,” says Marie McNulty, the GSA Biosphere’s Business Development lead.
“Every business in every sector has their own ‘green story’ to share, and the expertise within our team – which ranges from biodiversity and land management to communications and community engagement – not only provides tangible benefits in operations but helps get the word out to customers, visitors and guests.”
Find out more about the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere at www.gsabiosphere.org.uk. For further information about the Biosphere Certification Mark scheme, contact Marie at marie@gsabiosphere.org.uk.
The founders of Green Home Systems have been shortlisted as Scotland finalists for the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of The Year 2023 awards. Brothers Peter and Steven Easton, based in Ayrshire, have been recognised for their achievements in developing an impact-driven business model that seeks to eradicate fuel poverty while decarbonising buildings.
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year is a unique global programme that recognises entrepreneurial achievement among individuals and companies that demonstrate vision, leadership and success. The prestigious award celebrates business leaders across the country who strive to better their community, have an innovative spirit and have built an impressive, impactful lasting business legacy during their careers.
Having made the shortlist of finalists, Peter and Steven will now join an esteemed
global network of more than 2,500 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year alumni.
The brothers founded Green Home Systems in 2014 as an energy efficiency specialist that operates throughout Scotland with ambition to scale UK-wide. It installs thermal insulation, smart heating systems, renewable energy technologies, and electric vehicle charge points. The impact-driven company has completed more than 16,500 energy efficiency projects, lifted more than 7,000 families out of fuel poverty, and abated more than 500,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere.
Peter and Steven will be competing against 18 other entrepreneurs in the Scotland region, where previous winners have included Lord Haughey of City Refrigeration and the founders of Ooni Pizzas and QTS. The regional winners will be announced in September and then go on to become national finalists, with the overall UK winner being announced in October.
Peter Easton said:
“We would like to thank all our customers and partners for helping us grow and develop a business of scale and value. We are delighted at the nomination, and the great recognition this brings to our dedicated staff who allow us to make such a significant impact on fuel poverty and climate change.”
Steven Easton said:
“We are very humbled to be shortlisted as finalists. There are many outstanding business operating in Scotland and we’re delighted to be recognised alongside them in this prestigious event. We wish the other finalists the best of luck, and thank EY for the opportunity to showcase what we do.”
At Ayrshires Partners in grime we are committed to playing our part by implementing sustainable practices, reducing our carbon footprint, minimising waste and conserving natural resources.
Isle of Arran Distillers are delighted to announce they have installed new electric charging units at their two Distilleries at Lochranza and Lagg on the Isle of Arran.
They have been working closely with local Ayrshire based company Connekt EV who have seamlessly installed four charging units at each Distillery. Founder Johnny Manning was delighted to be involved with helping Isle of Arran Distillers contribute to sustainable tourism on the island by installing the EV charging points. There are four 22kw fast charging units at each site, which have effectively doubled the total number of public charging facilities on the island.
Born and bred in Ayrshire, Johnny visits Arran on a regular basis and felt that this was a perfect opportunity for his company to be involved in improving island sustainability and the transport network of EV charging units.
“This is a great move forward to be supporting the charging infrastructure in Ayrshire & Arran and I am immensely proud to be part of contributing towards a more sustainable future.”*
Euan Mitchell, Managing Director of Isle of Arran Distillers, has welcomed the new installations “visitors to the island can now travel between both Distilleries and around the island in the safe knowledge that they can charge up their electric vehicles. As an EV driver myself, I am well aware of the benefits this will bring, as well as further enhancing our company’s green credentials.”
*Connekt has partnered with (more:trees) and for every Connekt EV charger installed, a tree is planted to further help businesses achieve their sustainability policies.
l When sourcing any supplies we may need we are conscious of the locality of the suppliers. We ensure that the delivery/ collection distance is kept to a minimum which helps to reduce our carbon footprint.
l We bulk buy our products to support our pledge above, reducing the amount of delivery / collections needed for products.
l Buy products which have been produced from recycled materials and/or can be recycled after use.
l We do not use disposable cloths, mop heads or certain PPE such as aprons. (These are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before the next use)
l We decant any cleaning solution we may have into plastic bottles we previously purchased, ensuring to reduce our plastic waste.
l We ensure to use microfibre mop heads and cloths, this reduces the amount of water and supplies that we use as microfibres saturate easily.
l All supplies used will be suitable for the surface intended for use, this ensures that no damage is caused, helping to maintain life expectancy of furnishings and items, reducing items that may need to be disposed of and/ or replaced.
l We always recycle any waste we may have.
Gift boxes and packaging are essential for any business who wishes to package their products in an elegant and professional manner. Packaging materials not only enhance the overall presentation of the product, but they also offer a layer of protection during transportation and storage as well we being such a powerful marketing tool to allow you to speak to your customer direct.
Kingscroft understands the importance of packaging for everyone including the environment! Whether you wish to relook at your packaging from an environmental perspectus to discussing how to present your products, we will assist you make the right decision and then manufacture it for you too. Our range of gift boxes are made in Irvine and centred on you, your products and branding. Let’s get started to wow everyone.
If you may have been looking for a way to turn heads turning your products into
a special gift that is both thoughtful and visually stunning - look no further. If you are looking for a way to reduce your carbon footprint, we will help streamline this for you too. Kingscroft team are here to work with you from the most practical streamlined packaging to the most exquisite gift boxes. Our team will work with you to design and create solutions for all eventualities - we can help bring your vision together that aligns with your company branding and marketing strategies to give you the best results.
it’s more than a box, it’s an experience!!
Chamber Member Statkraft is seeking local suppliers to join their register for the proposed Knockcronal Wind Farm, approximately 5km from Straiton in South Ayrshire.
The project, currently at a local public inquiry, if consented could power up to 48,000 homes with clean green energy. The wind farm is also expected to generate up to £6.7 million of contract spend within South Ayrshire during the development and construction phase.
Booth Welsh Managing Director, Martin Welsh, along with the senior leadership team, are delighted to announce the successful completion of their Management Buyout. This marks an exciting new chapter for the Ayrshire-born business.
As of April 2023, the full umbrella business, Booth Welsh Holdings, is now fully owned by the senior leadership team. This returns the business to its independent roots under which they successfully operated for the first twenty-five years in operation from 1989 to 2014.
Ayrshire Chamber Platinum Partners Booth Welsh, and their subsidiary iTech, will continue to develop a strong brand and culture, operating as an agile and responsive business with a 300+ workforce. Operating throughout the UK and beyond, Booth Welsh will remain headquartered at their existing premises in Irvine. This is wonderful news for the business and the community as they continue to grow their operations.
A range of goods and services are needed to build a project and many local companies would be suited to get involved. We are interested in hearing from companies that usually supply construction sites, as well as off-site services such as lodging, restaurants, catering and car hire.
More information and the variety of opportunities available can be found here or scan the QR code:
www.statkraft.co.uk/projects/ knockcronal/local-suppliers-register/
Booth Welsh offer services and solutions that align to the demands of 21st century engineering where sustainability and digital have such a key role. With a focus on collaboration and a commitment to engineering a better future, Booth Welsh is well-positioned to continue meeting the needs of their clients.
A briefing note providing further details is available on the Booth Welsh website at MBO FAQs | Booth Welsh Integrated Engineering Company UK and anyone with further questions is invited to email communications@boothwelsh.co.uk or your project contact directly.
Martin and the leadership team would like to thank all clients, partners, and the wider supply chain for their support over the last few months and look forward to a positive future together.
For any media enquiries please contact Aimee Doole, Strategy, Communications & Marketing Head at aimee. doole@boothwelsh.co.uk
Ayrshire Cancer Support has grown exponentially over the years. Originally starting as a patient transport service over 40 years ago by a group of friends, the charity is now Ayrshire’s leading cancer support charity offering a vast suite of free support options, and with a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service to their name.
In addition to the patient transport service, the charity offers counselling, complementary therapies, support groups and a bright and airy drop-in centre in Kilmarnock. The latest support service to be offered is a specialist Children and Young People Service, helping children as young as 5 years old up to the age of 25, who are affected by cancer either through their own diagnosis or the diagnosis of a family member or friend.
Ayrshire Cancer Support has exciting plans to transform their new centre in Prestwick Road, Ayr into the region’s only dedicated complete support facility for children and young people affected by cancer. The £2.4 million project is already well under way with 69% of the fundraising target achieved to date.
Supporters can help raise funds towards the extensive building and renovation work required; they can choose a name to be
As a digital agency specialising in converting visitors to customers, Speed of Light Digital knows a thing or two about being able to grab attention and generate leads and sales for your business. Here are our top 5 'actionable' tips that you can carry out on your website today!
• have a clear value proposition - tell people what you do, and why they should care. And tell them on the top of the home page.
• make sure your site is easy to navigateclear buttons and a good menu (structure) will make sure customers can find what they want.
• make sure your site is mobile friendly - people do a lot of research on-the-go, make sure your website is responsive.
• use high quality images - stock photos are fine, but avoid the cheesy smiles and fake looking people shaking hands. (Images should represent your business, services, ethos and products)
• always have a clear call to action - make them prominent, make them stand out, even make them slightly larger in size.
As you browse your own website keep thinking " Now what ?". If you can answer viewers' questions on each page they will be more inclined to carry out a call to action, this may contact you, download a brochure or buy a product
As a Chamber member, we'll review your website for free and give you an actionable plan of what you can do to improve your user journey, page content, and call to action and tell you what we would do.
etched on the window of the charity’s Hope Gallery; or they can pledge to raise or donate funds to sponsor a place within the new centre.
To support the ‘Make it Happen’ appeal and to view the available opportunities to contribute to the build visit www. home4cancer.org
Find out more about Ayrshire Cancer Support’s services here: www.ayrshirecs. org or by calling 01563 538008.
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Local company Optimum Eco Group is playing a significant role in helping businesses all over the UK meet their sustainability goals.
It is the parent company of two leading recycling businesses based in Irvine - CCL (North) Ltd and Restructa Ltd.
CCL specialises in secure data destruction and recycling of IT assets and WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) while sister company Restructa specialises in TV and monitor recycling.
Their environmentally safe and compliant recycling solutions are in demand from companies across a wide range of sectors, and together they divert thousands of tonnes of equipment from landfill.
Managing director Bruce McLean said: “WEEE is the fastest growing waste stream in the world and Optimum Eco Group is proud of the role it is playing in tackling this.
“We are leading innovators within the circular economy and place a strong emphasis on extending product lifecycles and promoting reuse, repair and innovative recycling solutions.
“Our experts process over 3.5million WEEE products every year and recycle more than 1,000 TVs on a daily basis. We are committed to
finding creative uses for all the recyclate produced – for example, we transform the glass from TV screens into a decorative, eco-friendly glass aggregate product called Glasglo and even the dust by-product is recycled.”
Optimum Eco Group is a key player in this green industry and a significant local employer, with over 90 staff and ambitious growth plans.
If you want to find out more about how Optimum Eco Group can support your business in meeting its recycling needs, visit optimumeco. co.uk or call our customer service team on 01294 278844.
Lochlea Distillery is a thriving new grain-to-glass whisky distillery nestled in the beautiful green landscape of Craigie, Kilmarnock.
This award-winning distillery has a rich Scottish heritage with strong links to Robbie Burns who worked and lived on the farm for several years. The team at Lochlea is also passionately committed to pioneering sustainable strategies to give as much back to the land as possible.
Originally a 222 acre livestock farm, Lochlea was purchased by Neil and Jen McGeoch in 2006. After a successful trial to grow barley on the farm in 2015, they transformed the land and existing buildings into a fully-operational distillery in 2018 - now run by a small, dynamic team.
Farming has remained a unique part of Lochlea; by growing its own barley, the distillery ensures that it has full traceability of the ingredients going into its whisky.
The by-product of growing barley is straw - this goes to neighbouring farmers for cattle and comes back as manure, which is then used on the barley fields prior to ploughing. After harvest, cover crops like mustard and radish are planted to improve soil structure.
Other sustainability practices in place include the installation of 29 Kilowatts of solar panels, used on site and exported to the grid. The draff (husk residue) produced at the distillery is used to feed local cattle, whilst the spent lees (residue after distillation) goes to the distillery’s environmental treatment ponds to be filtered through specialist reeds and discharged to the stream as clean water.
Neil McGeoch said: “As a brand new distillery, we have made it our purpose to ensure sustainable farming practices are an intrinsic part of everyday life at Lochlea.”
The Board of Directors is delighted to welcome the following companies as recently joined members of Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry:
Archie McKie archie@amckiebuilders.com
Alan Beattie alan.beattie@ahbsolutions.co.uk
Arran Wilson Arrisandecorltd23@outlook.com
Kenny Wilson contact@atcdespatch.com
Pamela Campbell info@ayrshiregroomingsalon.com
Jessica Turner & Kirsty McGhee partnersingrimeayrshire@gmail.com
Lindsay Cairns hello@cairnscakes.co.uk
Alison Craig alisoncraig1@btinternet.com
Chris Kennedy info@ckenergy.co.uk
Graeme Holmes Graeme@CorryIT.co.uk
Darren Horne info@dhorne-services.co.uk
Darren Green hello@evergrowcoaching.co.uk
Shaun Allison personaltraining@evolvefitness-wellbeing. co.uk
Lorna McBreen info@exceedingsafetystandards.com
FOLLOW THE FORMULA Dublin Seonad Cook seonad@followtheformula.com
Newton Stewart Marie McNulty info@gsabiopshere.org.uk
Symington Loren Dunlop info@handymanhunter.uk
Eddie Gorman info@harbourayrshire.co.uk
New Cumnock
Carol Anne McMahon CarolMc@Honeypot.org.uk
Lorraine O'Rourke & Monica Cooper lgmbacp@gmail.com
Lorraine Eivers lorraine@lorraineeiverscoaching.com
Wendy Harris admin@ makingconversationscount.com
Raymond Porter partnerships@mcrpathways.org
Nadia Onofrio info@monoevents.co.uk
Neil Barr neilbarrdecor@hotmail.co.uk
Stevi Campbell info@skinewmilns.com
Kevin Owens hello@one50.co.uk
Lee O'Donoghue contact@ottolinecommercial.com
New Addington
Kathryn Hume kathryn.hume@peoplepuzzles.co.uk
Gavin McKlatchie & Daniel Lamont ayr@prosoccer.co.uk
Jim Ferguson sales@rackit.co.uk
Paul Bryan pbryan@roxxflooring.co.uk
Karen Ross info@simply.finance
Tom Johnston tom.johnston@stafffinders.co.uk
We want to recruit more members to strengthen your business network and create more business opportunities for you. We are asking you to help by referring companies you know to us. When they join, we’ll reward you with a choice of special offers to help your business. Call the membership team on 01292 678666 or visit the referral page on our website - www.ayrshire-chamber.org/ member-benefits-services/ referral-scheme.