AyurMana Reviews – Need For substitute Therapies in Neurologic Disease

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AyurMana Reviews – Need For Substitute Therapies in Neurologic Disease The disease of addiction is one that has snowed under mankind for thousands of years. But while this condition is similar in many respects to other serious diseases such as cancer or heart disease, addiction affects many more feature of a person's life. This includes severe mental, physical, emotional and spiritual damage that in some case may be irreversible. Furthermore, great deals of addictions that are left unprocessed eventually prove fatal, representative the progressive and poisonous nature of this disease. Nevertheless, some people have difficulty sympathetic accurately how compulsion is a sickness and instead view it as a matter of self-control and will-power. However, the clinical and neurological nature of this condition can easily lay any such doubts to rest. Addiction is one of the few diseases that can affect any person at any time. There is significant evidence to suggest that some populace are more heritably disposed to addiction than others are, but the fact remains that any person who uses a substance regularly places themselves at significant risk of becoming addicted. This is because drug use causes the brain to release certain chemicals- primarily dopamine- that produce extremely pleasurable feelings of well-being and euphoria, among other side effects. This stimulates the reward center of the brain in such as way as to cause severe urges to replicate the "high" again and again. Decreasing stress is a critical element in repairing the brain. This may include way of life changes, meditation, and calming music. You will also find that expressing gratitude about life's blessings and earth's beauty may be a very important constituent in restore of the intelligence. Exercise, humor and appropriate amounts of sleep are also very helpful. There are some general treatments that apply to all neurologic disease. The body needs basic nutrients in the form of real food and supplements, and filtered water. If repair is going to take place, we must rid ourselves of nutrient deficient, processed foods, and fast foods. We need to avoid toxins, including nicotine and caffeine, both of which decrease blood flow to the brain.Because of pesticides. What are pesticides? They are human made, synthetic poisons that are odorless and colorless chemicals that are increasingly prevalent and almost impractical to keep away from. Our entire food supply is marinated in pesticides throughout the entire growth process and used in excess during the post harvest, processing and packaging stages. Unless you grow your own food, you are consuming toxic, odorless, colorless synthetic pesticide. Materials that are not natural cannot be metabolized by the human body - our bodies have no mechanism to deal with something that isn't real. So synthetic pesticides in our bodies are like plastics in the landfill - they don't decompose but remain and accumulate. They begin to infiltrate into the cellular level of our brains - and cause neuro disease. They are purposely geared to cause neurological injure and they do immediately that in human - hence the augment in neurological problems.At the core of almost all neurologic damage and disease is a mitochondrial liveliness breakdown cause by free fundamental injure. It is amazing to me that a single root cause leads to so many different manifestations of neurologic dysfunction

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