HaHodesh Fall 2024 Bulletin

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H desh

Fall 2024 Av 5784 – H . eshvan 5785

From Rabbi Willis

Rabbi’s Message for Elul

Every year, around this time, I grab a pen and notebook and head outdoors. I find a peaceful place to sit and start writing. It’s when I set intentions for the new year. What are my goals? How do I want to feel each day? What needs repairing – and how can I do my part? Writing gives a sense of clarity to the thoughts that would otherwise just swirl around in my head.

A long time ago, around this time of year, Moshe grabbed a couple of stone tablets and a chisel, and set out to a very special place to write. The circumstances were a little different than my own pre-High Holiday journaling practice. In the Torah, Moshe had already received the first set of tablets, inscribed with the Ten Commandments, and smashed them upon seeing the Israelites worshiping the golden calf. In the beginning of the month of Elul, Moshe ascends Mount Sinai for a second time. He returns to receive the commandments again, to inscribe new tablets to replace the broken ones. He is up on Mount Sinai for another 40 days, returning with the new tablets on the 10 th of Tishrei – the same date on which we observe Yom Kippur.

On that day, when Moshe returns with the new tablets, the Israelites can be fully forgiven for worshiping the golden calf. Those 40 days have been spent repairing the relationship with God, parallelling the 40 days between Rosh H odesh Elul and Yom Kippur which are a time of teshuva, of repentance and repair, for us today.

(continued on page 16)

See pages 4-5 for details.

Simh . at Torah Honorees

Simhat Torah, the highlight of our Jewish calendar, is a time of great joy and celebration. On Simhat Torah evening and morning, we jubilantly mark the completion of the annual cycle of Torah readings, underscoring our love and the importance of learning. The honor of being given the final aliyah of the Torah and the first one is the highest honor we can bestow upon anyone. This year we honor Adam Samansky – Hatan Torah, and Linda Skolnik— Kallat Bereisheet. Adam and Linda have given so much to our community, and we are blessed to have them as volunteers and leaders of Temple Emunah.

They will be honored on Thursday night, October 24, when we will also celebrate our kindergartners as they receive their mini-Torah scrolls and start the next phase of their Jewish learning (more details on pages 5 and 26).

Adam and Linda will receive their special aliyot on Friday morning, October 25, followed by a festive kiddush luncheon in their honor.Please celebrate with us! Mazal tov to Adam and Linda and their families!

Rabbi David Lerner

Adam Samansky

Adam and Emily, along with their children Galete, Eli, and Yael have been members at Emunah since 2014. Adam currently serves as the chair of the Security Committee and when not manning the front door, will occasionally lend his voice to lead services. He’s also active with the Israel Committee and at times assists the board with legal matters.

(continued on page 3)

Linda Skolnik

Linda has been a member of Temple Emunah for 20 years. She and husband Ira joined when their son Jonah, now 25 years and a Law School student, started in Emunah’s Gan, and when their daughter Zara, now 20 years and a college junior, was born. Linda’s commitment to Emunah started as a Tot Shabbat Leader, then as a volunteer in the Religious School, and it grew stronger from there!

(continued on page 3)

A Newsletter for Temple Emunah members

9 Piper Road, Lexington, MA 02421-8199 www.TempleEmunah.org

Main Office: 781-861-0300 Fax: 781-861-7141

Senior Rabbi David G. Lerner

Assistant Rabbi Eliana Willis

781-861-0300, ext. 22 dlerner@templeemunah.org

781-861-0300, ext. 31 ewillis@templeemunah.org

Rabbinic Intern Deborah Anstandig danstandig@templeemunah. org

Rabbi Emeritus Bernard Eisenman

President Arleen Chase

Executive Director Raveetal Celine

Director of Me’ir Sherer

617-312-7258 president@templeemunah.org

781-861-0300, ext. 21 rceline@templeemunah.org

781-861-0300, ext. 24

Congregational Learning msherer@templeemunah.org

Director of Programming Beth Whitman

781-861-0300, ext. 28 bwhitman@templeemunah.org

Interim Preschool Laura Cohen-Gordon 781-861-0708

Director lcohengordon@templeemunah.org

Bookeeper & Richard Kelleher

781-861-0300, ext. 23

ShulCloud Manager rkelleher@templeemunah.org

Creative Media and Mktg. Andie Lyttle

781-861-0300, ext. 29

Communications Manager alyttle@templeemunah.org

Director of Educational & Tova Weinronk

781-861-0300, ext. 34

Young Family Programming tweinronk@templeemunah.org

Synagogue Educator/ Sydney Bluman

781-861-0300, ext. 32

Membership Outreach Coord. sbluman@templeemunah.org

Executive Administrator Elissa Oppenheim

781-861-0300, ext. 30 to the Rabbis eoppenheim@templeemunah.org

Synagogue Administrator Zohar Kafri-Shushan

781-861-0300, ext. 20 zkafri@templeemunah.org

Bulletin Editor Linda Silverstein lindags@comcast.net

President's Message

Temple Emunah as an Expression of Divine Love

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are soon upon us. I look forward both to the process of preparing myself, and the celebration of the High Holy Days. Step 1 for me is reviewing my actions and interactions during the year. If I have had any difficult interactions with anyone, I try to connect and make sure they are willing to forgive any inadvertent pain I may have caused. I look forward to clearing up any issues between us.

I regularly use Yoga Nidra to relax my body and mind to achieve a state of peaceful clear-headedness. Sometimes, I have a new insight that helps me resolve a problem or change my approach. I can use this same clear-headed state for Step 2: Review what I have done in the last year and ask myself if I have been living my Jewish values, i.e., every interaction with another person must be done genuinely with openness, respect, and caring; learning along the way; and daily acknowledgment of my gratitude. And I am taking time to engage in my creative outlets.

I enjoy praying with our community on the High Holidays, and the feeling of exhilaration and joy after the Shofar is blown to end Yom Kippur.

We have a strong Board this year! I will enjoy collaborating with them on my top three priorities:

• to work with the two developers: 5/7 Piper Rd, and 329/331 Concord Ave to protect Temple Emunah’s interests,

• to build community engagement, and

• to continue the work that began last year on a longterm, strategic plan for Temple Emunah.

The Community Forum will be our vehicle to ensure community input and alignment with our priorities and plans.

May each of us be inscribed for a good, healthy, and peaceful new year! Shanah Tovah!

And may we soon see the return of the hostages and a good resolution of the war for Israel that ends the war in Gaza and stops the missile/drone attacks on Israel. So much healing is needed for us all.

See page 7 for information on new staff members. We send our best wishes to Mary Melnick and Marilyn Pappo on their retirement, and we appreciate the efforts of Dawn Moore who served as temporary help this summer during the staff transition.

Lulav/Etrog Orders

If you are interested in ordering your own Lulav and Etrog set, prices are: assembled $65/unassembled $55. Orders are due Monday, Sept. 16 and pickup is Oct. 14-15.

Questions? Contact bwhitman@templeemunah.org.

To order, go to bit.ly/4fFEifM

Join us at Temple Isaiah for Selih . ot

from page 1

Adam grew up in Great Neck, NY and came to the Boston area as an undergrad at Brandeis University, where he completed the pre-med track, obtained a political science degree and – most importantly – met Emily. A graduate of Suffolk University Law School, Adam is a partner in the intellectual property section at Mintz Levin, focusing on biopharmaceutical and medical device patent and trade secret litigation in federal courts across the country. He also leads Mintz’s intellectual property practice in Israel, working for some of Israel’s largest companies including Teva Pharmaceuticals and Keter Plastics.

Prior to law school, Adam held a Master’s License and Commission in the United States Merchant Marine. He taught sailing and ran search and rescue operations on Long Island Sound and Boston Harbor. He was also a three-time member of the United States Goodwill Long Range Rifle Team, winning individual and team awards in the United States and Canadian National Matches in the early 2000s. He still holds the Massachusetts State Championship record he set in 2006.

After serving on the Religious School Committee, she took on the role of Emunah Religious School Chair. In 2013, Linda created the Hineni Connecting Team (HCT), which brings together compassionate, trained volunteers with congregants who are elderly, ill, or isolated, via in-person or telephone 1:1 visits. The HCT brings Refuah Shleymah Shabbat bags to congregants who are ill or recovering from surgery and welcome baby bags to our newest members. During COVID, Linda developed and implemented a telephone check-in project, “Temple Emunah Staying Connected.” Volunteer congregants were assigned to call each member family, starting with the most vulnerable members.

Linda has a passion for Jewish music and hopes to participate in more singing and service chanting at Emunah in the future. Professionally, Linda serves as interfaith and Jewish faith-based Staff Chaplain in the Spiritual Care Department of Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital, Boston. She also sits on the board of the Yad Chessed. Aside from music, Linda loves travel, international cooking, and walking nature trails. Linda and her family live in Concord.

Linda Skolnik
Simh . at Torah Honorees continued

Kol Nidrei Appeal

High Holy Days

The Kol Nidrei Appeal is part of our ongoing efforts to raise funds to ensure we can continue to nurture a vibrant, inclusive, and enriching Jewish community. Thanks to all who donated as sustaining members or when they renewed their memberhip. We rely on and are eternally grateful for your support in this endeavor.

If you have not already donated, please use this link: bit.ly/3yFcK9J

JF&CS Kol Nidrei Food Drive

Please donate bags and boxes of brown rice and whole wheat crackers to the Family Table kosher food drive. Donations can be left in the red donation bins at our building entrance. If you prefer to make a financial donation towards the purchase of the food, please send a check made out to Temple Emunah and indicate Family Table in the memo line. More details to follow.

See flyer on page 15.

Tashlikh at Potter Pond

Thursday, October 3

(First Day of Rosh Hashanah)

Meet at the Temple Emunah parking lot at 4:15 pm and walk together to Potter Pond or join us at the Pond at 4:45 pm for a reflective and joyful outdoor experience. During Tashlikh (casting off), we will symbolically cast off our sins from the previous year. Pets welcome. Anyone with a Shofar is encouraged to bring it.

Please note: While we typically throw bread crumbs into the water during the ceremony, this is not environmentally friendly and can harm fish and ducks. This year, please bring oats instead of bread. Thank you to our members involved in climate and environmental work for finding us this safer alternative!

Families with Children

Join our education team and clergy for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur experiences. Services are FREE and all are welcome! Service times will be the same for RH Day 1, RH Day 2, and YK.

9:30–10:15 am Tot & K-2 Family Service

10:15–10:30 am Tot & K-2 Outdoor Oneg

10:30 am–12 noon Grade 3-5 Family Service

10:30-12 noon Gr. 6-12 Teen Service

12-12:30 pm Gr. 3-12 Outdoor Oneg

Erev Yom Kippur Family Programming

5:45 pm All grades join congregation for Kol Nidrei

6:15-7:30 pm Grades 3-5 Kol Nidrei Experience

Children in grades 3-5 are invited to participate in a Kol Nidrei experience with our education team! We will reflect on the past year and welcome the holiday of Yom Kippur together. This experience will end before the main service concludes.

6:15-8 pm Grades 6-12 Teen Kol Nidrei Experience

Teens are invited to participate in minh . ah and the beginning of Kol Nidrei with the larger community. They will then be invited to a special program to reflect on themes of the holiday. Teens will have the opportunity to return to the main service for the Kol Nidrei sermon.

Yom Kippur Youth Ne’ilah Exerience 6:30 pm

As Yom Kippur draws to a close, children are invited to gather with glow sticks to conclude the holiday with Havdalah with the larger community.

Reverse Tashlich – Sunday, September 29, 12 pm

For the fourth year, Emunah’s Climate Change group will host a Reverse Tashlich, a collaborative environmental cleanup. This event reverses the customary practice of Tashlich, by removing human ‘sins’ (marine debris) from a local water site. Participation is limited, so early registration is suggested. For questions, please contact: Annette Koren - annette.koren@gmail.com Joelle Gunther - joellegunther@gmail.com

High Holy Days

Join us for Sukkot services followed by Kiddush and Lunch in the Garber Sukkah.

12:45 pm apple cider and cider donuts at Rabbi Willis’s sukkah

1:15-3 pm Ice Cream truck & Trampoline Fun at Rabbi Lerner’s sukkah

To register: bit.ly/3Aw13mk

Simh . at Torah!

Join us as we celebrate the joy of Torah with Hakafot (Dancing with the Torah Scrolls), singing, and dancing!

We will also honor our Hatan Torah and Kallat Bereisheet: Adam Samansky and Linda Skolnik

Thursday, October 24

5:30 pm Shemini Atzeret Minh . ah

5:45 pm Simh  at Torah Dinner & Celebration

6:45 pm Teen Ice Cream Social

6:45 pm Ma’ariv and Hakafot (dancing with the Torah Scrolls with the Klezamir Band)

6:45 pm Kabbalat Panim (Welcoming our Kindergarten Students)

8:30 pm Drinks, Desserts, and Dancing for Adults

Join us for Break-Fast

Saturday, October 12 following Ne’ilah Services

Free of charge but egistration required https://bit.ly/3yACZy9

Shake the Lulav Event

Sunday, October 13

Rabbi Victor Reinstein will teach children and adults and demonstrate how to make lulav ties and green milkshakes.

Super Sukkot Simh . at Beit Ha’Sho’evah

Sunday, October 20, 11 am-1 pm

This annual event will include a bouncy house, Clown, Bonfire, Pizza, and Ice Cream Truck. Don’t miss the fun!

Friday, October 25

9:15 am Simh  at Torah Services

10:15 am Hakafot and Honoring our Hatan Torah and Kallat Bereisheet

10:45 am Tot Simh  at Torah

12:30 pm Festive Kiddush Luncheon

Klezamir will enhance our Simh at Torah celebration on October 24.

Adult Education

Fall Adult Education Offerings

The new year means new opportunities for learning at Temple Emunah. Brush up on skills or try something new as you connect with Temple Emunah friends in one of our adult education offerings.

Our rabbis continue to teach on Wednesday morning at our Breakfast and Study program. Lively conversation accompanied by delicious breakfast is a great way to start the day. If morning doesn’t work, there will be many other opportunities coming up to study with our rabbis.

Fall can be hectic, and taking some time to slow down and meditate can help. Join Barbara Neustadt (barbneus7@gmail. com) and Rabbi Lerner for Meditation on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 on Zoom.

If Torah study is more up your alley, you can prepare for Shabbat with the weekly Parashah study on Tuesday afternoons. Perhaps you would enjoy the Perek Yomi group that meets regularly to read and discuss Torah (contact Larry Marin at lbmlbm@aol.com), or Talmud Study with Dr. Ely Stillman (contact Louis Stuhl at lstuhl@verizon.net).

The Bess Ezekiel Rosh H . odesh Group welcomes all to monthly, informal, participant-inspired get-togethers. Meetings are led by members of the community on a variety of topics of interest to women. Contact Amy Rosenstein (rosensteinamy@gmail.com).

Maybe you want to make 5785 the year you study Hebrew. The Ivrit LaKol program is beginning its 26 th year with a range of classes from Beginner to Advanced. Perhaps there’s a bar/bat/b’mitzvah coming up in your family. Your kids are studying Hebrew – how about you? For more information contact Nancy Lefkowitz (nancylef@gmail.com) or Sharon Kalus (sk4samk@hotmail.com).

Coming this Fall, we have two exciting learning opportunities in conjunction with our learning partners at Temple Isaiah.

Fall for the Arts:

Snapshots of Contemporary Jewish Arts & Culture

The world of Jewish arts and culture is rich, diverse, and continually evolving. Join us this fall in November-December to hear from local artists across multiple genres. They will discuss their work—what inspires and concerns them as Jewish artists and how their fields are evolving.

This short series of programs is being organized as part of the Lexington Institute for Jewish Studies (LIJS) for both Temples Isaiah and Emunah. Watch for dates with full details on speakers and topics coming soon.

The Lexington Collaborative (Temples Emunah and Isaiah) will be offering the following Hebrew College Tamid Adult Learning course this fall with Dr. Jacob Meskin: From Darkness to Light: The New History of Jewish Christian Relations.

Registration is open! Learn with us in-person this Fall at Temple Isaiah.

Registration link: https://bit.ly/3SMKvwr

Be on the lookout for more learning opportunities. We look forward to studying with you in the New Year, and as always we invite and welcome your program ideas.

L’Shanah Tovah!

Sandy Goldstein and Terri Swartz Russell Co-chairs of Adult Education adulted@templeemunah.org.

Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism: Faith

A Shalom Hartman Institute course taught by Rabbi Willis and Hebrew College Rabbinic Intern Deborah Anstandig Emunah, the name of our community, means faith or trust. What makes people choose to commit to certain faiths or beliefs? What is the role of doubt in a relationship with God? How does faith support or impede us in living an ethical life? Bringing in traditional and contemporary sources, we will explore these questions and more in this monthly discussion based seminar. More information to follow in the coming weeks.

Emunat haLev Meditation Institute

We have two weekly opportunities to meditate with our Emunah community. No meditation experience is needed!

The Tuesday morning meditation group meets on Zoom from 8:30-9:20 AM . The Zoom link can be found in the Emunah calendar or in the weekly Emunah Happenings email. The format of our meditation includes a guided meditation by Barbara Neustadt, sitting in silence, a niggun sung by Cantor Louise Treitman, and a teaching by Rabbi Lerner. There is also time for people to share their experiences.

Musaf meditation on Shabbat meets every Shabbat in person after the Rabbi’s D’var Torah. We meet in either the Pious Chapel or the Social Hall 2.

All are welcome regardless of their meditation experience! Please contact Barbara Neustadt at barbneus7@gmail.com if you would like more information or have questions.

Barbara Neustadt barbneus7@gmail.com

Meet the New Members of the Temple Emunah Team!

Rabbi Eliana Willis is Temple Emunah’s new Assistant Rabbi. She is shown below with Emunah members at a meet and greet event at Rancatore’s.

Zohar Kafri Shushan is now the Synagogue Administrator

Elissa Oppenheim

Executive Administrator to the Rabbis

Elissa is a dedicated and passionate individual with a rich academic background and diverse interests. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Environmental Studies, reflecting her love for languages and the natural world. She also earned a Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine and maintains a small private acupuncture practice in Wilmington. Prior to joining Temple Emunah, Elissa worked at Temple Emanuel in Andover. In her free time, Elissa enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, practicing yoga, and kayaking.

Currently completing her rabbinic training at Hebrew College, Deborah began rabbinical school after 11 years of teaching Jewish Studies at SAR High School at The Heschel School in New York City. Deborah has completed fellowships in teacher leadership and mentoring through the Jewish New Teacher Project, The Mandel Teacher Educator Institute, and has served as a mentor for Pardes and Ayeka. Deborah is a graduate of Stern College of Yeshiva University, the Pardes Educators’ Program, and Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Deborah served as the rabbinic intern at Congregation Kehillath Israel in Brookline, rabbinic mentor at Emerson College, and guest rabbi at B’nai Israel Synagogue in her hometown of West Bloomfield, Michigan. Deborah also completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Deborah enjoys riding her bike, swimming, speaking Hebrew, and choral music. She’s delighted that Temple Emunah is located so close to Walden Pond, her favorite local nature spot!

Richard Kelleher

Bookkeeper and ShulCloud Manager

Richard has extensive business experience in various industries including computer software, management consulting, and food services, as well as public accounting. He was the bookkeeper for one of the larger synagogues on the North Shore for 15 years. Richard received his BA in Accounting from Texas Tech University. He enjoys time spent with family, reading, music, classic movies, and walking at Morse’s Pond in his hometown of Wellesley with his wife.

Departing staff members Alisa Billings (left), Marilyn Pappo, and Mary Melnick (right) celebrated with Beth Whitman and Raveetal Celine.


Kaytana Summer 2024 Highlights

This summer at The Billy Dalwin Preschool of Temple Emunah has been a rich learning experience, filled with outdoor discovery, artistic expression, scientific exploration, engaging visitors, and much more. Our New England summer has provided a unique learning environment, with the children enjoying the great outdoors as much as possible. From the playground to the gardens, beehive, and Teva, the opportunities for activity and adventure have been abundant. The staff has not only enhanced the outdoor experience with typical items like watering cans, gardening tools, chalk, and bubbles, but also added clipboards, writing instruments, various art supplies, a water pump, and books, expanding opportunities for literacy, art, and science/engineering.

Our beehive has been particularly active, with the bees producing abundantly. Under the guidance of our mentor beekeeper, Mel Gadd, the children have been actively involved in tending to the gardens by watering, weeding, and harvesting delicious fruits and vegetables. They enjoy observing the bees, noting the growth of new honeycomb and propolis, which provides them with a hands-on learning experience.

Science with Becki has been a standout experience! We are fortunate to have her visit frequently over the summer, bringing big science concepts to our little learners meaningfully. From discussing fossils to exploring states of matter, Becki captivates the children with hands-on props and her enthusiasm.

Animal Adventures made a return visit, bringing along fascinating animals that the children could touch and hold. The children were not just thrilled, but also deeply engaged in learning about these animals and how to care for them. Holding a python or alligator was a unique experience that taught them about the care of our world and all its wonderful inhabitants.

The Action Bus provided a unique opportunity for physical activity, allowing the children to work out their big muscles in a gymnastics environment. They felt like “big kids” as they climbed into the school bus for their very own gym class.

Our Yoga instructor, Meg Vyas, continued her visits throughout the summer. The children enjoy the relaxation of yoga and have learned numerous poses. They love playing the harmonium with Meg and relaxing on their mats as she reads stories.

A special visit from Eyes On Owls, a local owl rescue, was a highlight. Marcia and Mark Wilson brought seven rescued owls and read Mark’s book “Owling,” which they generously left for the children to enjoy.

Pumpernickel Puppets returned to delight the children with his captivating one-person puppet shows, “The Lion and the Mouse” and “The Billy Goats Gruff.” Audience participation was a must and the hands-on demonstration of how various puppets and marionettes work was a magical experience for the children.

Summer is flying by, and we’re making memories to last a lifetime!

Laura Cohen-Gordon, Interim Director lcohengordon@templeemunah.org

Summer fun at BDPS


Library News – Autumn 2024

Here are some of our interesting new books — some have just been published and others are new to the Library, but were written some time ago. We have also received many donations from members and friends, and we want to thank you all for enriching our collection.


Behind Every Good Man: A Novel, by Sara Goodman Confino Candle, Feather, Wooden Spoon: New Jewish Stories, by Rabbi Zoe Klein

The Dating Contract, by Stacey Agdern Magical Meet Cute: A Novel, by Jean Meltzer

The Saturday Morning Murder: A Psychoanalytic Case, by Batya Gur Wake Me Most Wickedly, by Felicia Grossman

The Whisper Sister, by Jenny Brown


Alfred Dreyfus: The Man at the Center of the Affair, by Maurice Samuels

American Wolf: From Nazi Refugee to American Spy: A True Story, by Audrey Birnbaum

The Endless Steppe: Growing Up in Siberia, by Esther Hautzig [great story for everyone over 10]

The Holy Fire: The Teachings of Rabbi Kalman Shapira, the Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto, by Nehemiah Polen

The Jewish World of Alexander Hamilton, by Andrew Porwancher

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew, by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tishby


The Dyke and the Dybbuk: A Novel, by Ellen Galford Torah Queeries: Weekly Commentaries on the Hebrew Bible, edited by Gregg Drinkwater, Joshua Lesser et al.

The Transgender Child, Revised and Updated: A Handbook for Parents and Professionals Supporting Transgender and Nonbinary Children, by Stephanie Brill L’Shanah Tova!

Toni Stechler and Marci Hopkins (emunahlibrary@gmail.com)

Temple Emunah Library
Emunah Kids Enjoy Camp
Tova Weinronk and Sydney Bluman visit kids at Camp Ramah New England and Camp Young Judaea. See more photos on page 11.

Religious School / Youth

From the Director of Congregational Learning

This past summer, I had the good fortune to return to Israel. I participated in three different learning opportunities in Jerusalem: Shalom Hartman Institute’s Rabbinic Torah Seminar, Shalom Hartman’s Wellspring Summit for Jewish Educators, and the National Library of Israel’s Inaugural Global Educators Seminar: The Well.

Being in Israel was a true blessing.

More than ever, after the year we experienced, I needed to be there this summer. Being in Israel, I was able to release the built-up tension from the past months. Even with all that is going on in and around the country, I felt safe! I could wear my Jewish star(s) proudly without fear. I didn’t need to defend being a Zionist and lover of Israel.

At the Rabbinic Torah Seminar, I studied text with over 175 rabbis about Liberal Zionism and responding to this moment in our history. At the Wellspring Summit for Jewish Educators, I learned with some 90 Jewish educators about teaching Israel today and battling antisemitism. And at the National Library of Israel I gathered with 16 other Jewish Educators from Belgium, Germany, England, France, Sweden, Colombia, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, and the US to learn about the wealth of materials housed there and how to tap into these primary sources to educate our students.

There is so much I need to process from these professional development opportunities. In the year ahead, we will continue to face many of the challenges with which we ended last year. We will mark our first anniversary of October 7. I look forward to bringing what I’ve learned over the summer into our teaching and programming and to tackling the many challenges before us.

Mark your calendar for the opening of Religious School 5785 and Fall Youth Day, both of which will be on Sunday, September 8, and our Grade 3-12 Youth Retreat at Camp Ramah, November 22-24.

As I do every year, I enter this year excited for all the possibilities before us. I hope you do, too! Sydney Bluman, Tova Weinronk, the faculty of the Religious School and I are looking forward to a great year.

Shanah Tova u’Metukah, Me’ir Sherer

Director of Congregational Learning msherer@templeemunah.org


Temple Emunah hosts a Religious School for children and teens in grades K-12. Children in Gan (kindergarten) through Kitah Zayin (grade 7) attend our program for grades K-7. Children in Kitah H et (grade 8) through Kitah Yud Bet (grade 12) continue with us and attend YAD (Y’mei Dalet), our Wednesday night program.

Fall Religious School Calendar

Gr. K-7 classes begin Sun., Sept. 8, 9 am - noon

Gr. 3-4 Tues. sessions begin Tues., Sept. 10, 4-6 pm

Gr. 5-6 Wed. sessions begin Wed., Sept. 11, 4-6 pm

Gr. 7 classes begin Wed., Sept. 11, 6:15-8:15 pm

YAD begins Wed., Sept. 11, 6:15-8:15 pm

Sukkot event (see p. 5) Sun., Oct. 20, 11 am- 1 pm

Pizza in the Hut events see Youth Programs below Kabbalat Panim for Gan and Sun., Oct. 24, 6:45 pm New Students

NO Re ligious School Sun., Nov. 24 (Gr. 3-12 Retreat)

NO Re ligious School Wed., Nov. 27 - Sun., Dec. 1 (includes YAD) (Thanksgiving)

Fall Youth Programs (Gr. 3-12)

Program Grades Date

Fall Youth Day 3-12 Sun., Sept. 8

12:30-5:45 pm

Pizza in the Hut* 7-12 Wed., Oct. 16, 6:15 pm

Pizza in the Hut* 3-4 Tues., Oct. 22, 4-6 pm

Pizza in the Hut* 5-6 Wed., Oct. 23, 4-6 pm

* Day School students welcome

Simhat Torah Teen 6-12 Sat., Oct 24, 6:45 pm Ice Cream Social

Me’ir with educators from Europe and the US at the National Library of Israel



Sunday, September 8 (following our Gr. K-7 program)

Join us for our Annual Fall Youth Day, open to all students in grades 3-12. We will start the afternoon together with lunch at Temple Emunah. Children will be divided into three groups: grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Please send your child with a cold, dairy lunch. After lunch, we will board a bus and head to Kimball Farm. The cost is $60. For more information, please contact Me’ir Sherer, DCL, at msherer@templeemunah.org.


Saturday, October 19, Shabbat Morning Services

This past summer, some sixty Temple Emunah children and teens attended Jewish Day and Overnight Camps or traveled to Israel on an Israel teen travel program. No matter the camp or program, our third through twelfth graders returned with stories, ideas, new passions, points of connection, and an infectious energy. Join us on Camp Israel Shabbat to hear from some of our teens about their summer experiences.

At Temple Emunah, we believe in working to build strong and durable Jewish foundations with our youth. If you or your child has any interest in making the next summer a Jewish one, we are here and want to help.


Sunday, October 20, 11:00 am

Come learn about different Jewish Day and Overnight Camps in New England.

To learn more about Jewish Summer Camp and Israel Teen Travel, please contact Sydney Bluman, sbluman@templeemunah.org.


Friday, November 22 - Sunday, November 24

Join us for our third annual retreat, which will have three tracks: grades 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. It is an incredible bonding experience for our children. Last year we had 50 participants! There is nothing like spending an uninterrupted Shabbat together at camp filled with tefillah, great programs, friends, and good food.

Early bird registration, which is $275, is available through September 6. Starting September 7, the cost will be $325. To register go to: https://templeemunah.shulcloud.com/event/3rd12th-grade-retreat-57841.html. For more information, please contact Me’ir Sherer, DCL, at msherer@templeemunah.org.


More than simply “learning” about Judaism, at Temple Emunah we want our children (both Religious School and Day School) to experience Judaism for themselves at our synagogue. We, therefore, identify and promote opportunities for children to experience Jewish life. We call these opportunities Communal Jewish Experiences.

To encourage our children to participate in CJEs, we have developed an incentive based system. Each Communal Jewish Experience in which children participate gives them 1-5 credits, depending on the CJE. Kindergarten through second graders are expected to accrue 4 CJE credits during the year. Students in grades 3-7 are expected to accrue 18. By basing the requirement over the year, families can choose when to attend shul together. Between September and May, there are numerous opportunities in which children (and families) may participate.

To encourage maximum participation, students who accrue 4 or more CJE credits (K-2) or 18 or more CJE credits (3-7) by the end of the school year receive a gift card to Rancatore’s Ice Cream in Lexington Center.

For more information on CJEs and a calendar for this year, please contact Me’ir Sherer, DCL, at msherer@ templeemunah.org.

Above: Sydney Bluman and Tova Weinronk visit Emunah kids at Camp Ramah New England.
Below: Tova and Rabbi Willis visit Emunah kids at Ramah Day Camp.


Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful summer.

As I write this article, I am still awaiting our end of the summer family vacation to Truro, while I am still processing all that I’ve been through the past five months and dealing with a new issue from my surgery.

I really appreciate all the support from the Temple Emunah community, especially the many volunteers who have helped with Sisterhook events and assisted in the kitchen as I continue to recover. Although the past few months have been challenging, I have still fulfilled all my obligations to the temple, and I look forward to continued improvement. Part of my recovery is doing as much as I feel comfortable in doing. I have no restrictions, other than my body and mind telling me NO, and I hope everyone will respect this.

I have been thinking about the excitement that the New Year will bring and trying to envision what my continued role as Sisterhood President will bring this year. The Sisterhood Operating Committee (open board and voting members) met during the summer to discuss our calendar plans for 2024/2025. As the holidays are late in October, we will make our programming announcements later. We will continue with our theme of “Partnership.” Sisterhood is trying to increase its support to other groups, committees, and individuals with programming ideas. Sisterhood makes generous fiscal contributions to the Temple Emunah Operational Budget, the Religious School, and Temple Youth programs. In 2024, we made large donations to our partnering programs with “Emunah Re-connect: Mentalist show and dinner” and with Adult Ed, by sponsoring the Zach

Meyers concert (see photos below). We plan on incorporating more programming initiatives during the upcoming calendar year with financial support.

Many thanks to everyone who reached out to support Sisterhood through membership dues, Rosh Hashanah Honey, and Bimah flower sponsorship. Your generosity has enabled us to provide programming free of cost, and we hope to do the same this year too. Special thanks to Cindy Bobrow and Sheila Kojm for their support in our fundraising initiatives.

I welcome those who may not have sent their dues in this year but wish to do so to support Sisterhood and the things we do. Membership dues are $36.00 per year and can be paid either through the office or directly to Sisterhood.

Flower sponsorship can be for any occasion – holiday greetings, yahrzeit or other remembrances, birthdays, anniversaries, or new babies. Or simply to express your appreciation and well wishes. Flower sponsorship is $100. Please email Sheila Kojm at Bimahflowers@gmail.com to arrange your sponsorship

In addition to the support of my Operating Committee members, I also must note the continued support of Rabbi Lerner, Rabbi Willis and the temple administration staff, and most importantly, the tremendous support of my husband David.

I am always available to listen to your suggestions, complaints, or anything else that you have on your mind. Please contact me at janet.goldberg2@verizon.net.

I hope that this New Year brings you and your family peace and happiness always.

L’shanah Tova, Janet Goldberg, Sisterhood President janet.goldberg2@verizon.net

Over 100 people came to hear Zach Mayer and Friends play original melodies that were a mixture of Jewish songs, niggunim, and Hebrew chants. Thanks to the Sisterhood for their support of this concert!

Brotherhood / Disability Inclusion

Shalom H . averim!

We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer!

First off, I would like to thank Scott Damsky for his service as Brotherhood President over the past few years. As the new year begins, I intend to continue the great work he has started here at Temple Emunah.

This summer, the Brotherhood had a wonderful gathering in July at the Mighty Squirrel, where we enjoyed a few beers and connected with each other. A special thank you to Larry Bressler for spearheading this event once again this year. We look forward to many more gatherings throughout the year.

As we approach the new year, our Brotherhood activities will ramp up before Rosh Hashanah with Yizkor Book assembly and Sukkah building. These preparations will ensure we are ready for Yom Kippur and Sukkot. We will be meeting on Sunday mornings starting September 1 to undertake these important tasks. We welcome anyone who would like to help.

This fall, we will kick off our speaker series, once again led by Alan Silver. We are excited about the excellent lineup of speakers we have planned for this year.

Looking ahead, we are organizing multiple events around various holidays, along with our monthly board breakfasts featuring bagels, lox, and cream cheese; whiskey tastings, and more. We encourage any interested men to join us – please check the calendar on our website for dates and details.

I look forward to seeing you this fall at Emunah. Please feel free to reach out with any questions about the Brotherhood.

L’Shanah Tovah!

Ben Bloomenthal, Brotherhood President brotherhood@templeemunah.org

Cafe Emumah Starts in September

The Back Magic Coffee Cart will be coming on Sunday mornings, sponsored by the Ladle Fund. Get your mugs ready!

What is Disability Inclusion?

Disability Inclusion is the practice of including people with disabilities in everyday activities so that they have the same opportunities as their peers who do not have disabilities. Disabilities can be visible or non-visible. Some invisible disability examples are ADHD, Autism, mental illnesses, addiction, dyslexia, hearing loss, vision loss and chronic pain. A visible disability usually presents itself in a physical form that is easily noticeable based on a person’s appearance, movements or facial expressions. In some instances, they may require the assistance of devices such as a wheelchair, cane, crutches or a walker.

At Temple Emunah we strive to include members with disabilities by making the building accessible or providing accommodations. Accessibility features at temple are bathroom stalls that are larger than standard stalls with wide doors that wheelchair users can go through, a ramp up to the bimah, an elevator from the lower level up to the sanctuary, large print and Braille Siddurim, audio aids, ear plugs, reading glasses, and specially marked seats in the sanctuary for wheelchair users. Accommodations used at Temple Emunah are sensory tactile manipulatives for those with sensory processing dysfunction and quiet areas for those who need a break from the noise and activity. The Religious School provides accommodations for students with learning disabilities. Please contact Doreen Grossman with concerns or questions regarding accessibility at Temple Emunah and ideas for future programs.

Doreen Grossman

Chair of the Disability Inclusion Committee grossman20@gmail.com

Mazal tov to Rabbi Judd Levingston on receiving a 2024 Covenant Award. He is a graduate of the Temple Emunah Religious School and the son of Emunah past president Howard Levingston z”l and Eleanor Levingston z”l. Rabbi Levingston is director of Jewish studies and advisor to the Derech Eretz honor council at the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy in Bryn Mawr, PA.

Family Table

Keep on Giving and Supporting JF&CS Family Table

For those in our Temple Emunah Community who are less familiar with Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JF&CS) Family Table or for those who can benefit from a reminder about the mission of Family Table, the goal is to end hunger in the Greater Boston Jewish community while serving people who need assistance regardless of religious affiliation.

Family Table fulfills its mission by providing kosher food, creating a caring Jewish connection, and empowering people to make healthy eating a part of their daily lives.

JF&CS does this by offering:

• Nutritious groceries, including fresh produce and whole grain products

• Jewish holiday and ritual items, including challah and Shabbat candles

• Personal hygiene items such as soap, toothpaste, and shampoo

• Healthy recipes and recipe tastings using pantry foods

• Connections to programs that help families move from crisis to stability

Family Table serves more than 100 towns across Greater Boston, the North Shore, and the South Area. Currently, Family Table is helping more than 500 families each month with groceries and connections to other services.

Donate funds to Family Table on a regular basis on the Temple Emunah website so that we can purchase food for those receiving assistance through JF&CS. If you leave brown rice and whole wheat crackers (see cracker guide below) in the bins at the Temple Emunah entryway, we will see that they are delivered.

If you wish to volunteer to help pack and deliver food, please contact familytable@jfcsboston.org or 781-693-5593 for details. Young children accompanied by adults are welcome to participate in this activity. In this way, children experience hands-on tzedakah and truly come to understand that they can make a difference in people’s lives. Last year, Family Table volunteers packed more than 35,000 bags and made more than 3,300 grocery deliveries to clients who might otherwise have gone without.

The upcoming distribution dates in Waltham, MA are Sept. 8, Nov. 3, and Dec. 8.

If you have any questions about Family Table, please contact one of us. We are happy to provide you with additional information. Be sure to look for the flyer requesting donations of brown rice and whole wheat crackers on Kol Nidrei.

We appreciate your support and ongoing generosity in making Temple Emunah a major contributor to the success of the Family Table program.

Todah Rabbah, Michelle and Mark Abramson Nancy Lefkowitz, nancylef@gmail.com, 781-696-2085

Temple Emunah Coordinators of JF&CS Family Table

Ladle Fund

The Ladle Fund

Founded by Fred Ezekiel, a longtime, active member of Temple Emunah, the Ladle Fund supports innovative activities that strengthen our community through events aimed at enriching relationships.

Ladle Fund events reflect community interests and have supported Sunday morning breakfasts, Shabbat speakers, synagogue-wide holiday celebrations, Israel programming, and social events open to the entire congregation.

Ladle Fund events can be organized by our synagogue programming staff, committees, or individuals or by the Ladle Fund Committee itself.

In recent months, the Ladle Fund has devoted resources “block grant” style to the professional staff to support programs which meet the programming criteria of the fund. This coming year, along with contributions from the Bess Ezekiel Fund aimed at inter-generational programming, the Ladle Fund is helping to fund community Shabbat dinners, Holiday programming, and other events open to the whole community.

Our ongoing support of the Themed Minyanim will be maintained. We thank Bob Russman-Halperin (who has moved to Pennsylvania) for all of his years of partnership with Joelle Gunther as the co-chair of this vital program. It will take some

time to determine how to go forward but we are committed to trying to engage small groups of people with interest in a particular topic following evening minyan.

Our most exciting news is that Fred Ezekiel has made a new gift to the Ladle Fund intended to support unique, special programs over the next 3-5 years. These programs are meant to be those which are impactful but without financial support. Look for news about these specific, new, and innovative ideas coming to fruition starting in 2024/2025.

The Ladle Fund is still open to accepting applications for support from temple committees or individuals looking to bring programs to the community meeting the Ladle Fund charter. Please do ask for a Ladle Fund Request Form at ladlefund@ templeemunah.org.

Finally, if we have found favor in your eyes, I would encourage you to support our work via donation to the Ladle Fund.

To make a donation:

• Click on Donations in the Membership Log-in page of the Temple Emunah website and choose Ladle Fund.

• Contact the main office: 781-861-0300 or office@templeemunah.org

The Ezekiel Family is grateful to be able to support innovative activity at Temple Emunah and to all of you who have helped to sustain the Ladle Fund since its inception.

David Ezekiel

What you put in the pot, comes out in the ladle!

Leon Gunther and Fred Ezekiel at the Senior Breakfast.
More photos on page 24.

Rabbi's Message

(continued from page 1)

The second tablets are not an identical replacement of the first set. The first tablets, the Torah records, were given to Moshe, complete, carved by God. The second tablets are inscribed by God, but carved by Moshe. The second tablets are written in partnership between God and Moshe.

But this is not the only difference. A midrash in Exodus Rabbah teaches that while the first tablets had the Ten Commandments written on them, with the second tablets, God gives us midrash, legends, and legal interpretations. As Rabbi Jill Hammer writes in The Jewish Book of Days, “The second tablets somehow mystically contain all the future commentaries of the Jewish people. The first tablets were fixed; the second will grow as the people grow.” The second tablets are not only a collaboration of God and Moshe, but between God and all of us. The midrash reminds us that Judaism is not something static which we simply receive from on high. Rather, we are active co-creators of our Judaism.

Throughout the High Holiday liturgy, we frequently invoke the image of God writing in a book. It is the Book of Life, in which we hope to be inscribed and sealed, for a year of life

Join us for the

Installation of Rabbi Elianna Willis

as our new Assistant Rabbi

Shabbat morning, September 28

This is a momentous occasion as we welcome Rabbi Willis and her husband, Zach Mayer, into our Emunah family. We will celebrate with a special Kiddush luncheon in her honor.

and good fortune. When I picture this scene, God often feels far away, and high above me, as if on a distant mountaintop. But what if this book is not like the first set of tablets - set in stone and handed over only once it is completed? What if it is more like the second set - an invitation to collaborate with God, and an opportunity to tell our own stories?

This Elul, as we reflect on the past year, and each doing the teshuva that needs to be done, we also look ahead to the coming year. What stories do we want to tell about ourselves and our lives this year? Where do we want to grow? When challenges inevitably arise, how will we rise to meet them? What do we want our Judaism to look and feel like, and how can we make it more our own?

Whatever your preferred method of personal reflection, I encourage you to take some time for yourself to consider these questions, and your own. As I get to know the Temple Emunah community better, I’d love to hear from you, and connect about what’s alive for you now and your dreams for the coming year. May we all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life.

Jewish Roots Trip to Spain & Morocco

Oct. 28-Nov. 13, 2025

Early Bird Discount: Register by Sept. 15 and receive a $200 per person discount.

We are excited to announce that our trip to Spain and Morroco, designed for adults of all ages, is open for registration. This immersive experience of Jewish life today and in the past will take us to Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Cordoba, Grenada, and Malaga. From there, we will head to Morocco to explore the richness of Moroccan Jewish life in Marrakech and its surroundings. There is an optional pre-trip to Portugal.

Check out our trip website at https://makorjourneys.com/ journey/temple-emunah-roots/ or speak with Rabbi Lerner for more information.

Rabbi Lerner welcomes Rabbi Willis as the new Assistant Rabbi.


The following loved ones will be remembered at our worship services in the coming months:

Sep 1 / 28 Av

Ida Fader

Mother of Linda Laredo

Solomon Fox

Father of Joseph Fox

Sherwin Kaplan

Brother of Maxine Wasserman

Donald Landis

Father of David Landis

Tom MacKenzie

Father of Karen MacKenzie

Sam Shraga

Uncle of Michelle Weiner

Eve Abramsky Smith

Mother of Jerome Smith

Elizabeth Zaleznik

Aunt of Lois Bruss

Sep 2 / 29 Av

David Ezekiel

Father of Fred Ezekiel

Grandfather of David Ezekiel

Joseph Gunther

Father of Leon Gunther

Morris Kaplan

Father of Judith Somerset

Samuel Liskov

Father of Judy Zabin

Jan Felice Miller

Mother of Alison Shnidman

Aunt of Susan Shnidman

Paul V. Salter

Father of Daniel Salter

Jack Wolfe

Brother of Harry Wolfe

Scott Wollins

Brother of Jill Wollins

Son of Eleanor Wollins

Sep 3 / 30 Av

John Austin

Father of Eric Austin

Edith Borenstein

Mother of Norma Gordon

Richard (Dick) Sumner Moskow

Husband of Shirley Moskow

Father of Jeffrey Moskow

Father of Neal Moskow

Ethel Pesin

Grandmother of Jillian Pesin-Fulop

Oscar Shefsky

Father of Stephen Shefsky

Sep 4 / 1 Elul

Shelley Bernard

Sister of Madeline Teitelbaum

Aleece Garsh

Mother of Howard Garsh

Alexander Goldman

Father of Leon Goldman

Rochelle Kamhi

Sister of Abraham Morhaim

Aunt of Esther Hausman

Sister-in-law of Bonnie Orlin

Rachel Kraidman

Mother of Emma Gould

Ann Mabuchi

Mother of Scott Mabuchi

Dorothy Marcus

Mother-in-law of Judy Marcus

Grandmother of Joel Marcus

Michael Minsky

Grandfather of Craig Foster

June Rubin

Mother of Amy Rubin

Rebecca Smolker

Grandmother of Bernice Gerrig

Henry Speier

Father of Susan Garsh

Sep 5 / 2 Elul

May Botbol

Mother of Donna Jauvtis

Zelda Cohen

Wife of Benjamin Cohen,

Mother of Robert Cohen,

Mother-in-law of Deborah Cohen

Grandmother of Bailey and Alexander Cohen

Onnie Lee Cotter

Mother of Joelle Gunther

Shelton “Shelly” Ehrlich

Uncle of Cindy Bobrow

Anna Freifelder

Grandmother of Marsha Tucker

Roz Shaw Freifelder

Stepmother of Marsha Tucker

Anna Freifelder

Grandmother of Marsha Tucker

Norman Pearlstein

Grandfather of David Geller

Amy Stechler

Stepdaughter of Toni Stechler

Sep 6 / 3 Elul

Philip Bender

Uncle of Mark Abramson

Jacob Bresloff

Grandfather of Ethel Rothmel

Maxine Coblentz

Mother of Larry Coblentz

Nat C. Cohen

Father-in-law of Lillian Cohen

Anne Feinstein

Grandmother of Jane Epstein

Gerda Kraus

Mother-in-law of Shelby Kashet

Sep 7 / 4 Elul

Norm (Nissim) Asher

Father of Samuel Asher

Althea Jacobs

Mother-in-law of Ben Brosgol

Gordon Richard Karas

Son of Judith Karas

Max M. Librach

Father of Clifford Librach

Father-in-law of Miriam Librach

Betty Miller

Aunt of Hal Miller-Jacobs

Dorothy Portnay

Mother of Gary Portnay

David M. Sachs

Husband of Julie Sachs

Father of Harrison and Becca Sachs

Maurice Schwartz

Father-in-law of Mark Rosengard

Morris Segaloff

Father of Rosalind Segaloff

Louis Stuhl

Grandfather of Louis Stuhl

Pearl Turtletaub

Grandmother of Stephanie Buckler

Maxine Wasserman

Mother of David Wasserman

Mother of Terri Dignan

Sep 8 / 5 Elul

William Katz

Father of Leonard Katz

Howard Kaufman

Father of Margo Reder

Father-in-law of Rick Reder

Grandfather of Jonathan, Hillary, and Caroline Reder

Eric “Budgie” Lack

Father of Heidi Lack

Harry Richelson

Father-in-law of Irwin Alpert

Samuel Rosengard

Father of Mark Rosengard

Richard Silverman

Uncle of Skye Silverman

Paul L. Weene

Father of Ellen Weene

Husband of Marilyn Weene

Sep 9 / 6 Elul

Helen Miller

Mother of Bonnie Levy

Mother-in-law of Harry Levy

Grandmother of Aron and Lucas


Ann Rosenbaum

Mother of David Rosenbaum

Harold Rosenbaum

Father of David Rosenbaum

Frank Rothstein

Father of Ellen Rothstein

Sep 10 / 7 Elul

Albert Jacobs

Father of Francine Jacobs

Minette Klein

Mother of Michael Klein

Daniel I. Palant

Husband of Barbara Palant

Zachary Shwartz

Brother of Rachel Tye

Patricia L. Stayn

Wife of John Stayn

Sep 11 / 8 Elul

Minna Gould

Mother-in-law of Emma Gould

Sidney Klinghoffer

Uncle of Marsha Tucker

Ida Oxman

Aunt of Lois Bruss

Hester Rose

Mother of Linda Portnay

Edward Weinstein

Father of Clifford Weinstein

Father-in-law of Georgia


Sep 12 / 9 Elul

Stanley J. Brody

Father of Laurel Brody

Freida Bromberg

Mother-in-law of Carol Bromberg

Frances Feinzig

Grandmother of Benjamin Bloomenthal

Israel Smith

Father of Jerome Smith

Ada Vernick

Mother of Larry Vernick

Sep 13 / 10 Elul

Anna Zager Kaplan

Mother of Michael Kaplan

Terry Klein

Mother of Craig Klein

Allen P. Wasserman

Son of Maxine Wasserman

Anna Zaleznik

Grandmother of Lois Bruss

Sep 14 / 11 Elul

Ernest Adams

Stepfather of Steven Zolondick

Amy Edelman

Aunt of Thelma Marin

Anna Gordon

Aunt of Bob Gordon

Helen Mikkelsen Hess

Sister of Carl Mikkelsen

Pearl Hofman

Mother of Debra Hofman

Bernard Jacobson

Husband of Margaretha Jacobson

Raye Jacobsohn

Sister-in-law of Minna Halperin

Selma Kaplan

Mother of Leonard Kaplan

Jerome Myers

Father of Michael Myers

Sep 15 / 12 Elul

Baruch Ackerman

Grandfather of Alan Musnikow

Helen Bernstein

Mother of Alan Bernstein

Leah & Baruch Gershkowitz

Dina & Yaakov Grober

Grandparents of Donna Gershkowitz

Tauby Lerner

Grandmother of Rabbi David Lerner

Mother-in-law of Anne Lerner

Abraham Posnick

Father of Barbara Posnick

Frieda Solomon

Great-grandmother of Carolyn Keller

Marsha Wohl

Mother of Deborah Fischman

Sep 16 / 13 Elul

Hester Canter

Mother of Joseph Canter

Dorothy Kitover

Grandmother of Eric Gornstein

Richard B. Simches

Father of Lorri Owades

Sep 17/ 14 Elul

Dora Galani

Mother-in-law of Bobby Galani

Martin Greenberg

Father of Mark Greenberg

Ralph S. Levitt

Father of Alisa Billings

Barbara Rosenbaum

Wife of Charles Rosenbaum

Mother of Eric and Sam Rosenbaum

Sep 18/ 15 Elul

David Ben-Horin

Brother of Gideon Ben-Horin

Albert Brosgol

Father of Benjamin Brosgol

Elmer Brown

Father of Elizabeth Sumner

Bella Yael Garber-Goldberg

Daughter of Dara Tye & Joshua Goldberg

David Smith

Son of Sharon & Jerome Smith

Sidney Zabelle

Brother of Elaine Wiesen

Sep 19 / 16 Elul

Jeannette Bloom

Mother of Jacob Bloom

Robert Jauvtis

Brother of Harvey Jauvtis

Frank G. Lichtenstein

Father of Mark Lichtenstein


Harry A. Schatz

Father-in-law of Sylvia Schatz

David N. Sloane

Father of Penny Andler

Nellie Streit

Grandmother of Miriam Sadofsky

Sep 20 / 17 Elul

Helen Glaser

Mother-in-law of Eva Glaser

Yehuda Goldminz

Father of David Goldminz

David Kamowitz

Husband of Sharon Kamowitz

Arnold William Kanter

Father of Diane Becze

Henry Mintz

Father-in-law of Ruby Mintz

Jack Rund

Father of Barry Rund

Sep 21 / 18 Elul

Ada & John Abromson

Grandparents of Leslie Sherman

Jacob Boltson

Father of Barbara Mintz

Deborah J. Brosgol

Wife of Benjamin Brosgol

Mother of Daniel Brosgol

Isaac Moises Perez

Brother-in-law of Janette Lawrence

Melinda Robins

Sister of Jessica Baim

Levi Shushan

Father of Zohar Kafri-Shusan

Sep 22 / 19 Elul

Sol Belkin

Father-in-law of Charles Brecher

Moshe Israel Ettinger

Father of Gil Ettinger

David Kissel

Father of Jeremiah Kissel

Fanny Obstein

Grandmother of Michael Ablove

Milton Pomeranz

Brother of Stan Pomeranz

Miriam Schrager

Mother of Daniel Schrager

Julian Silverman

Stepfather of Maxine Rosenberg

Sarah Wagman

Grandmother of Garry Feldman

Sep 23 / 20 Elul

David Ginsburg

Father of Rona Cohen

Deborah Hermann

Mother of Katharine Hermann-Wu

Abraham Lerner

Grandfather of Rabbi David Lerner

Father-in-law of Anne Lerner

Yetta Nathanson

Grandmother of Neil Weiser

Harry Pesin

Father of Stuart Pesin

Sep 24 / 21 Elul

Benjamin Aaron

Grandfather of Steven Aaron

Isadore Aaron

Father of Steven Aaron

Louis Blotner

Father of Barbara Michelson

Henry Boreen

Father of Susan Hailman

Marilyn Gabriel

Friend of Beatrice Abrams

Leonard A. Gould

Husband of Emma Gould

Roy Hardiman

Father of Beth Hardiman

Bruce Levine

Son of Estafaye Levine

Viktor Morgenstern

Father of Paul Morgenstern

Rabbi Herbert Rosenblum

Husband of Sheila Rosenblum

Colleague of Rabbi David Lerner

Donata Salvucci

Grandmother of Denise Forbes

Mildred Turney

Grandmother of Linda Skolnik

Sarah Wollins

Grandmother of Jill Wollins

Sep 25 / 22 Elul

Freddy Abramowitz

Grandfather of Nancy Bloom

Lily Plotkin

Stepmother of Irving Plotkin

Ed Turtletaub

Grandfather of Stephanie Buckler

Ralph Warrington

Husband of Freda Warrington

Sep 26 / 23 Elul

Hyman Cooper

Father of Sheila Frankel

Frances Feldman

Mother of Mitchell Feldman

Melvin Liederman

Stepfather of Ronald Sterling

Natalie Rothberg

Mother of Susan Shnidman

Mother-in-law of Maury Goldman

Gerald Saks

Husband of Janet Saks,

Father of Rachel and Andrew Saks

Ruth S. Sklar

Sister of Gary Portnay

Betty Smith

Grandmother of Jerome Smith

Harold Israel Wiesen

Father-in-law of Elaine Wiesen

Sep 27 / 24 Elul

Robert Dangel

Brother of Stephen Dangel

Dorothy Plotkin

Mother of Irv Plotkin

Leonard Joseph Scheer

Father of Kenneth Scheer

Frances B. Schonfeld

Mother of Jonathan Schonfeld

Sep 28 / 25 Elul

Martin Bernard

Father of Maddy Teitelbaum

Harvey Fischler

Brother-in-law of Stan Pomeranz

Yetta Goott

Mother of Carole Feifke

Murray Herscott

Husband of Norma Herscott

Solomon Isky

Grandfather of Sandra Levine

Samuel Morris

Father of Marcia Robinson

Nathan Rothschild

Father of Rachel Weiskopf

Sarah Tassel

Mother-in-law of Janet Tassel

Sep 29 / 26 Elul

Iris Gilbert

Aunt of Marsha Goldman Soloway

Nathaniel Hirschtick

Father of Jon Hirschtick

Michael Jordan Ross

Friend of Rabbi David Lerner

Bert A. Taylor

Father-in-law of Gail Taylor

Sep 30 / 27 Elul

Abraham Berg

Father of Jerome Berg

Morris Cohen

Father of Harris Cohen

Anne Gold

Mother of Harriet Weinstock

Jonathan Green

Cousin of Rabbi David Lerner, Anne Lerner, Beth Levine and Marcia Kaufner

Freyda Greenberg Miller

Wife of Arnie Miller

Ben Kuznick

Grandfather of David Kuznick

Evelyn Lasky

Sister of Beatrice Abrams

Davida Newman

Sister of Gail Taylor

Harold B. Orenstein

Father of Barry Orenstein

Grandfather of Julia Mabuchi

Michael Jordan Ross

Friend of Rabbi David Lerner

Diane Rudnick

Sister of Arnold Tarmy

Maurice Super

Father of Michael Super

Oct 1 / 28 Elul

Richard W. Billings

Father-in-law of Alisa Billings

Janet Diane Feinberg

Sister of Robyn Samuels

Blanche Koffler

Aunt of Lisa Diamant

Irving M. Kritz

Father-in-law of Norman Jacobs

Oct 2 / 29 Elul

Robert Frolich

Brother of Rochelle Zohn

Frank M. Garvey

Father of Peggy Moses

Nyereh Pouradi

Grandmother of Eleanor Perlmutter

Grandmother of Bobby Shirazi

Mother-in-law of Eshagh Shirazi

Estelle Schwartz

Mother of Karen Musnikow

Jacob Weiner

Grandmother of Ann Chait

Leah Weisz

Mother of Yossi Livni

Oct 3/ 1 Tishrei

David Lincoln Epstein

Brother of Judy Marcus

Uncle of Joel Marcus

Barbara Feldman

Mother of Garry Feldman

Robin Francine Goldberg

Sister of David Goldberg

Stephanie Goldman

Niece of Marty Thrope

Rosalie Hochman

Mother of David Kuznick

Anna Shefshick Leader

Mother of Barbara Newman

Leonard Levinson

Father of Ellen Schwartz

Zara Matzner

Grandmother of Linda Skolnik

Sam Pressman

Father of Bob Pressman

John Weiss

Father of Ben Weiss

Pauline Wolf

Grandmother of Howard Reubenstein

Oct 4 / 2 Tishrei

Joe Bailey

Father of Randall Bailey

Bernard Blieden

Father of Ira Blieden

Annette Gessman

Sister of Doris Morgenstern

Benjamin Jacobson

Grandfather of Stuart Jacobson

Robert Katz

Father of Daniel Katz

Pearl Silverman

Mother of Maxine Rosenberg

Nurit Weiss

Mother of Ben Weiss

Martin Zuerndorfer

Brother-in-law of Rae Zuerndorfer

Oct 5 / 3 Tishrei

Esther Barron

Mother-in-law of Marilyn Tracey

Hasse Kopen Halley

Mother of Liza Halley

Vera Hurwitz

Aunt of Larry Woods

Charles Kimerling

Father of Lionel Kimerling

Annie Rost

Mother of Claudia Handwerker

Sarah L. Wolfe

Mother of Mitchell Wolfe

Pauline Wolpert

Aunt of Bob Russman-Halperin

Oct 6 / 4 Tishrei

Rose Cohen

Mother of Ben Cohen

Abraham L. Karp

Father of Carolyn Karp

Murray Lefkowitz

Father of Amira Aaron

Nathan Lidman

Uncle of Ed Lidman

William Matzner

Grandfather of Linda Skolnik

Oct 7 / 5 Tishrei

Felix Kraidman

Father of Emma Gould

Joseph Reubenstein

Father of Howard Reubenstein

Milton Robinson

Grandfather of David Ezekiel

Father-in-law of Fred Ezekiel

Sharon Sugarman

Mother of Leah Sugarman

Claire Yablin

Grandmother of Seth Maislin

Oct 8 / 6 Tishrei

Annie Abkowitz

Grandmother of Sue Abkowitz

Gertrude Block

Mother of Betsy Nissenbaum

Mark Goldman

Brother of Marsha

Goldman Soloway

Marshal Howard Miller

Brother of Arnie Miller

Kathleen Petersen

Grandmother of Liz Levin

Alvin Sadow

Father of Carolyn Leshin

Max Ted Zell

Father of Michael Zell

Oct 9 / 7 Tishrei

Bruce Bober

Father of Jeff Bober

Merton Brandes

Husband of Miriam Brandes

Rose Cohen

Mother of Anita Kornbliet

Isadore Greenberg

Father of Sharon Smith

Thomas Klein

Father of Michael Klein

Anna Leblang

Grandmother of Ellen Schwartz

Barbara Mikkelsen

Mother of Carl Mikkelsen

Selma Pomeranz

Wife of Stan Pomeranz

William Roskind

Father of Michael Roskind

Jacob Roth

Nephew of Ryan Asher

Margarethe Schudawa

Mother of Barbara Delfiner

Helen Weiner

Grandmother of Michelle Weiner

Nanette Weinstein

Mother of Cliff Weinstein

Mother-in-law of Georgia


Charles (Chuck) Weyland

Brother-in-law of Rita GildeaBryant

Oct 10 / 8 Tishrei

Joe Botbol

Brother of Donna Jauvtis

Julius Feierstein

Father of Harris Feierstein

Gerald Goldman

Father of Howard Goldman

Michael Kreiger

Brother of Arthur Kreiger

Roy Abraham “Skip” Rappaport

Brother-in-law of Howard Kaufman

Robert Sherer

Father of Me’ir Sherer

Oct 11/ 9 Tishrei

Esther Bernstein

Great-aunt of Myra Marshall

Nathan Brostoff

Father of Carolyn Lichtenstein

Marvin Drellich

Father of David Drellich

Edna Perlmuter

Mother of Janet Saks


Nathaniel Schreibman

Brother of Phillip Schreibman

Phyllis Seresky

Sister of Krana Rosen

Leonard Srebnick

Father of David Srebnick

Oct 12 / 10 Tishrei

Yvonne Asher

Mother of Samuel Asher

Stanley Dickholtz

Father of Myra Marshall

Richard Landau

Husband of Ann Landau

Harry Levinson

Grandfather of Ellen Schwartz

Abraham Solomon

Grandfather of Meli Solomon

Stella Wachsler

Grandmother of

Philip Wachsler

Oct 13/ 11 Tishrei

Charlotte Levine

Mother of Debi Levine

Sevy Levy

Brother-in-law of Ralph Levine

Brother-in-law of Sandra Levine

Doris Solomon

Mother of Meli Solomon

Mary Sullivan

Compannion of Alan Corman

Oct 14 / 12 Tishrei

Ethel Carpenter Aronofsky

Mother-in-law of Bob Dockser

Leon Bass

Father-in-law of Esther Bass

Stephen Foster

Husband of Gloria Foster

Carl Friedman

Father-in-law of Betty Friedman

Edward Gilman

Father of Richard Gilman

Kieve Liskov

Father of Nathan Liskov

Ina Rockman

Sister of Sandra Wiener

Gabriel Schonfeld

Father of Jonathan Schonfeld

Stanton Willins

Brother of Ed Willins

Gabriel Schonfeld

Father of Jonathan Schonfeld

Oct 15 / 13 Tishrei

Ida Goldminz

Mother of David Goldminz

Mindy Kantor Kaplan

Sister of Natalie Warshawer

Sydney Rose

Father of Linda Portnay

Oct 16 / 14 Tishrei

Ruth Berkman

Mother of Carol Cohen

Florence Dolinsky

Mother of Larry Dolinsky

Grandmother of Jeri Smoller

Harold Mintzer

Father of Linda Cohen

Melvin Paynor

Father of Michael Paynor

Oct 17 / 15 Tishrei

Greg Aaron

Nephew of Bob Frankel

Denise Aimbinder Roizin

Mother-in-law of Marie Dieringer

Buddy Baker

Brother-in-law of Howard Kaufman

Lena Brown

Grandmother of Barbara Palant

Jerry Friedman

Father of Julie Shapiro

Bella Liberman

Mother of Joanne Fray

Sally Munash

Grandmother of Carolyn Keller

Ruth Musnikow

Mother of Alan Musnikow

Evelyn Rabinovitz

Grandmother of Melissa Foster

Samuel Smith

Father of Judith Kaplan

Robert Stuhl

Father of Louis Stuhl

Jakub Susskind

Father of Sara Susskind

Oct 18 / 16 Tishrei

Ann Brill

Wife of Fred Brill

Mother of Lori Reubenstein

Alfred Glickman

Father of Bonnie Glickman

Fred Lion

Father of Rudie Lion

Joanne Schreibman

Mother of Phillip Schreibman

Helen Mandel Stahler

Mother of Bernice Marnoy

Alice Tauber

Mother of Stephen Tauber

Oct 19 / 17 Tishrei

Ahuva Dagan

Mother of Doron Dagan

Adah Jaffer

Mother of Aubrey Jaffer

Jean Kriegler

Mother of Vicki Markuse

Oct 20 / 18 Tishrei

Minnie Shefshick Blotner

Aunt of Barbara Newman

Isaac Goldberg

Father of Esther Meiselman

Ruth Haas Moos

Mother of Eveline Weyl

Eve Karen

Mother of Jeff Karen

Walter Kielar

Father of Alan Kielar

Caroline Zuerndorfer

Mother-in-law of Rae Zuerndorfer

Oct 21 / 19 Tishrei

Nancy Kaufman

Mother of Margo Reder

Philip Kravetz

Father of David Kravetz

Bella Lidman

Grandmother of Ed Lidman

Dena Shnidman

Mother of David Shnidman

Oct 22 / 20 Tishrei

Bernard Hurwitz

Father of Phyllis Goldman

Ida Lerman

Grandmother of Scott Lerman

Sherwood Marnoy

Husband of Bernice Marnoy

Harry Mason

Father of Marvin Mason

Marjorie Gardner McCauslin

Mother of Scott McCauslin

Charlotte Sole Rotenberg

Grandmother of Elliiot Lovy

Zelotta Cohen Zlotnick

Grandmother of Michelle Abramson

Oct 23 / 21 Tishrei

Sylvia Diamant

Mother-in-law of Lisa Diamant

Margaret McKavin Frank

Wife of Samuel Frank

Bertha Pearl Grodstein

Mother of Joel Grodstein

Harold Jaffer

Father of Aubrey Jaffer

Sol Rosenberg

Father of Mike Rosenberg

Ilse Rothman

Mother of Johanna Rothman

Mitchell Schram

Uncle of Karen Musnikow

Oct 24 / 22 Tishrei

Anne Goldstein

Aunt of Jane Singer

(continued on page 20)

Macy Levine

Father of Alan Levine

Lawrence Liederman

Father of Stacey Mann, Michael Liederman and Debra Liederman

Father-in-law of David Mann

Louis Pomeranz

Father of Stan Pomeranz

Andre Ranford

Uncle of Harold Masters

Jeanne Segaloff

Mother of Harvey Segaloff

Oct 25/ 23 Tishrei

Harold Blumenthal

Father of Eileen Kahan

Anna Heyman

Mother of Judith Karas

Daniel Jacobs

Father of Norman Jacobs

Bertha Jaffe

Sister of Larry Marin

Aunt of Jeremy Marin

Helen Kushner

Mother of Ann Kushner

Laurie Neustadt

Sister of Paul Neustadt

M. James Pion

Father of Dan Pion

Nathan Ribock

Father of Susan Shnidman

Father-in-law of Maury Goldman

Sanford Solomon

Uncle of Carolyn Leshin

Micheline Zenner

Mother of Sylvie Haffer

Oct 26 / 24 Tishrei

Hadassah Blocker

Aunt of Barbara Palant

Donald Cohen

Husband of Lillian Cohen

Benjamin Kaplan

Father of Marlene Karshbaum

Lila Klein

Mother of M. Jane Epstein

Claire Pfeffer

Mother of Avi Pfeffer

Nathan Savage

Grandfather of Nancy Liberman

Benjamin Zola

Brother-in-law of Judith Zola

Oct 27 / 25 Tishrei

Esther Fray

Mother of Lionel Fray

Rita Kahn

Mother of Peter Kahn

Isaac Kooperstein

Father of Beatrice Abrams

Sara A. Liberty

Grandmother of Terri Swartz


Eyal Lind

Brother of David Goldminz

Julius Mass

Father of Charlotte Kupiec

Elliott Mishara

Father of Joshua and Jonathan Mishara and Margaret Zorfas

David Lawrence Spero

Grandfather of Sharon Smith

Oct 28/ 26 Tishrei

Max Delfiner

Father-in-law of Barbara Delfiner

Peter Hermann

Brother of Katharine


Marilyn Hott

Mother of Estha Blachman

Edith Meyerson

Mother of Roni Woods

Freda E. Posnick

Mother of Barbara Posnick

Gertie Rothfeld

Aunt of Marsha Tucker

Rae Zuerndorfer

Mother of Gordon Zuerndorfer

Oct 29 / 27 Tishrei

Stanley Bleich

Husband of Caron Bleich

Father of Lauren and Steven Bleich

Robert Curhan

Father of Gary Curhan

Herbert Klein

Grandfather of

Alison Shnidman

Oct 30 / 28 Tishrei

Tillie “Lee” Liederman

Mother of Ronald Stering

Dorothy Lippman

Mother of Susan Mason

Rena Olshansky

Mother of Catharyn Gildesgame

Gertrude Silverzahn

Mother of Arthur Kress and Cheryl Lowenthal

Polly Srolovitz

Mother-in-law of Harry Wolfe

Phyllis Klein Thrope

Wife of Martin Thrope

Oct 31 / 29 Tishrei

Marvin Antonoff

Husband of Ruth Antonoff

Doris Asher

Grandmother of Ryan Asher

Donald B. Brick

Husband of Phyllis Brick

Amalia Dan

Mother of Ervin Dan

Mildred Deutsch

Mother of Stanley Deutsch


Natan Gaon

Grandfather of Asaf Gaon

Frank Garvey

Brother of Margaret Moses

David Goldberg

Father of Mark Goldberg

Bess Russman

Grandmother of Wendy Russman-Halperin

Nov 1 / 30 Tishrei

Myron Cohen

Brother of Judith Wisnia

Gertrude Dinner

Mother of Charleen Alper

Israel Jacob Michelove

Father of Leon Michelove

Gina Pearl

Grandmother of Benjamin Summers

Sidney Willins

Father Ed Willins

Nov 2 / 1 H . eshvan

Rena Coen

Sister of Nina Nidus

Leonard Fox

Brother of Joe Fox

Ellen Bernstein Godolphin

Mother of Matthew Stephenson

Lillian Mazow

Mother of Dick Mazow

Ruth Bloom Rittenburg

Mother of Janice Rossbach

Nov 3 / 2 H . eshvan

Sheri Abrams

Daughter of Beatrice Abrams

Alan M. Binder

Husband of Paulette Binder

Father of Malka Berndt

Harris Cohen

Father of Ben Cohen

Bea Herman

Grandmother of Rebecca Tepper

Cass Olderman

Father of Jerry Olderman

Carol Thrope

Wife of Marty Thrope

Mother of Kendra LiderJohnson, Charlene and Samuel Thrope, Mother-in-law of Esther Rachow, Ggrandmother of Noam and Livia Thrope

Herbert Wolfe

Brother-in-law of Susan Wolfe

Nov 4 / 3 H . eshvan

Maeir Yechiel Burstyn

Brother of Don Burstyn

Lester Cherny

Father of Miriam Boucher

Barbara Klinghoffer Peluso

Cousin of Marsha Tucker

Irving L. Selsky

Father of Leonard Selsky

Daniel Tassel

Husband of Janet Tassel

Nov 5 / 4 H . eshvan

Bernice Bass

Mother-in-law of Esther Bass

Grandmother of Esther Bass

Ruth Ettinger

Mother of Gil Ettinger

Laura Fisher

Mother of Art Fisher

Elizabeth Forbes

Grandmother of Denise Forbes

Stephen Marcus

Husband of Helen Marcus

Ervin Miller

Father of Ellen Mazow

Alice Perlman

Aunt of Steve Tavan

Nov 6 / 5 H . eshvan

Paul B. Alper

Husband of Charleen Alper

Alvin Block

Husband of Audrey Block

Sylvia Friedlander

Grandmother of Louis Stuhl

Richard R. Hopkins

Father of Tom Hopkins

Jack Markovitz

Father of Dennis Markovitz

Father-in-law of Elana Markovitz

Allen Mintz

Husband of Ruby Mintz

Seth Eric Rubenstein

Brother of Sidney Rubenstein

Rabbi Moshe Zemer

Uncle of Michael Kaplan

Nov 7 / 6 H . eshvan

Olga Forrai

Mother of Judy Dan

Ann C. Kramer

Mother of Judith Kramer

Bernard Nidus

Brother of Louis Nidus

Nov 8 / 7 H . eshvan

Abraham Abelman

Grandfather of David Abelman

Anna Abrams

Mother-in-law of Beatrice Abrams

Elizabeth Blotner

Mother of Barbara Michelson

Louis Brown

Father of Myrna Fox

Martin Shwimer

Father of Joel Shwimer

Jeanne Zeller

Grandmother of Dara & Jordan Tye

Great-grandmother of Emma Garber-Goldberg

Nov 9 / 8 H . eshvan

Goldie Ames

Aunt of Elaine Siegel

Marilyn K. Goldberg

Wife of Gershon Goldberg

Albert Ifrah

Brother of Miriam Sidman

Ruth Schoenberg

Mother of Peggy Menzin

Ann Seidel

Mother-in-law of Rita Gildea-Bryant

Esther Stup

Grandmother of Marsha Tucker

Elizabeth Wolk

Mother of Sid Wolk

Rose Levy Zeidel

Grandmother of Hannah Fried

Nov 10 / 9 Heshvan

Stanley Abkowitz

Father of Sue Abkowitz

Celia Alperin

Mother of Daniel Alperin

Howard Brown

Father of Steve Brown

Hannah Hattenbach

Mother of Esther Bass

Grandmother of Barbara Bass

Samuel Jordan

Father of Harmon Jordan

Rica Rita Levy

Grandmother of Eyal Dvir

David H. Meltzer

Father of Lis Zimmerman

Irving Silverman

Father of Stewart Silverman

Masha Skolnik

Grandmother of Ira Skolnik

Shirley Thrope

Mother of Marty Thrope

Moshe Weisz

Father of Yossi Livni

Nov 11 / 10 H . eshvan

Angela Forbes

Mother of Denise Forbes

Phyllis Kaplan

Mother of Richard Kaplan

Melvin Lewis

Husband of Pearl Lewis

Shirley Musikant

Mother of Laura


Frances Tavan

Grandmother of Steve Tavan

Nov 12 / 11 H . eshvan

Jack Asta

Father of Daniel Asta

Bess Ezekiel

Wife of Fred Ezekiel

Mother of David Ezekiel

Stanley Littman

Uncle of Stu Jacobson

Pearl Mason

Mother of Marvin Mason

Symon Mushkat

Father of Norma Gaffin

Lillian Sandberg

Mother of Ruby Mintz

Jolley-Anne Weinstock

Mother of David Weinstock

Sarah Weiser

Grandmother of Neil Weiser

Fred Ephraim Yarkoni

Father of Sharon Kalus

Nov 13 / 12 H . eshvan

Benjamin Botbol

Brother of Donna Jauvtis

Max Sadow

Grandfather of Carolyn Leshin

Marlene Zaleznick

Cousin of Lois Bruss

Nov 14 / 13 H . eshvan

Peter Forbes

Grandfather of Denise Forbes

Leonard Friedman

Husband of Betty Friedman

Gershon Hudert

Brother-in-law of Barbara Neustadt

Bernhard Moses

Father-in-law of Peggy Moses

Solomon Schwartz

Father of Myrna Olderman

Robert Stupp

Uncle of Marsha Tucker

Nov 15 / 14 H . eshvan

Ruth Fuhrman

Mother of Juliet Fuhrman Wolf

Edward Gerrig

Husband of Bernice Gerrig

Father of Beth Gerrig

Dina Girshovich

Daughter of Yury and Lyubov Girshovich

Anna Kanarek

Aunt of Sara Susskind

Marcus Krichmar

Father-in-law of Babsy Krichmar

Barbara Meltzer

Mother of Lis Zimmerman

Evelyn Saulich

Spouse of Michael Saulich

Mother of Naomi Mael

June Marselle Somers

Mother of Rhoda Feldman

Esther Taylor

Mother-in-law of Gail Taylor

Irving Wolfe

Brother-in-law of Susan Wolfe

Nov 16 / 15 H . eshvan

David Burman

Uncle of Jane Aronson

Frederic Sumner Clayton

Father of Aaron Clayton

Carla Cohen

Mother of Elaine Siegel

Saul J. Copellman

Father of Ruby Mintz

Audrey Slutsky

Mother of Rachelle Misiph

Janice Weil

Mother of Marilyn Weil-Abelman

Nov 17 / 16 H . eshvan

Oscar Berman

Father of Sylvia Perlman

Eva Brecher

Mother of Charlie Brecher

George David Cohen

Father of Elaine Siegel

Julius Elowitch

Grandfather of Leslie Sherman

Rina Gershkowitz

Mother of Dawny Gershkowitz

Minerva Jacobsohn

Grandmother of Bob


Irwin Lerner

Uncle of Rabbi David Lerner

Nettie Lubofsky

Mother-in-law of Pearl Lewis

Harriet Noble

Wife of Robert Berger

Edward Rothman

Father of Johanna Rothman

Nov 18 / 17 H . eshvan

Philip Ablove

Brother of Mike Ablove

Maurice Fray

Father of Lionel Fray

Beverly Gerson

Mother of Ben Gerson

Samuel Getman

Father of Marvin Getman

Leon Groisser

Father of Susan Lipson

Nellie Kaplan

Mother of Donald Kaplan

Sylvia Margolis

Mother of Gail Fields


Barnett Mazow

Father of Dick Mazow

Maximo Shlesinger

Grandfather of Daniel Fulop

Geza Szonyi

Husband of Lilly Szonyi

Nov 19 / 18 H . eshvan

Sarah Obstein Ablove

Mother of Mike Ablove

Abraham Bloomenthal

Grandfather of Ben Bloomenthal

Julian Greenfield

Father of Donna Upson Correia

Lucille K. Kendall

Mother of Stephanie Kendall

Martin Weiner

Father of Mark Weiner

Nov 20 / 19 H . eshvan

Esther Brown

Mother of Jeff Brown

Joan Dolinsky

Mother of Jeri Smoller

Harry Samuel Feifke

Father of Derek Feifke

Doris Greenberg

Grandmother of Julie Greenberg

Martin Kalus

Father of Joseph Kalus

Jay Katz

Father of Amy Goldminz

Sylvia Krich

Mother of Steven Krich

Louis Krieger

Father of Gloria Foster

Nov 21 / 20 H . eshvan

Thomas D. Feinberg

Father of Jane FeinbergKaplan

Doris Lichtenstein

Mother of Mark Lichtenstein

Cici Powell

Friend of Susan Mayer

Mary Spano Rawlings

Mother of Bob Frankel

Rose Sugarman

Grandmother of Stewart Leshin

Nov 22 / 21 H . eshvan

Ruth Atkins

Grandmother of Sue Abkowitz

Mary Brosgol

Mother of Ben Brosgol

Irving Goldberg

Father of Nancy Goldberg

Morris Jacobsohn

Father of Minna Halperin

Golda Moses

Mother-in-law of Peggy Moses

Nov 23 / 22 H . eshvan

Harriet Baum

Mother of Jerry Baum

Marlene Clayton

Mother of Aaron Clayton

Ira Eisenstein

Father of Davette Abkowitz

Simon Neiterman

Father-in-law of

Judith Neiterman

Morris Stup

Grandfather of Marsha Tucker

Nov 24 / 23 H . eshvan

Gertrude Bruss

Mother of Ken Bruss

Violet Gale

Mother of Ron Gale

Grandmother of Mike Gale

Miriam Greenbaum

Grandmother of Ellen Laderman

Mitchell Landman

Father of Marc Landman

Rose Rosendorn

Mother of Muriel Shapiro

Norma Segal Schein

Mother of Joseph Katz

Nov 25/ 24 H . eshvan

Lawrence Baum

Father of Jerry Baum

Ethel Bresloff

Grandmother of Ethel Rothmel

Brian Flynn

Brother of Maureen Kaplan

Marion Hill

Grandmother of Deborah Dubowsky and David Neumann

Barbara A. Hoen

Mother of Susan Blieden

Nov 26 / 25 H . eshvan

Charles Diamond

Brother of Margo Zelermyer

Eva Dockser

Mother of Robert Dockser

Leon Isaac Kuperberg

Father of Gina Kuperberg

Arthur Wolffers

Brother of Lilly Szonyi

Nov 27 / 26 H . eshvan

Evelyn Cohen

Mother of Susan Cohen

Samuel Dolinsky

Grandfather of Jeri Smoller

Anna Kroopnick

Aunt of John Stayn

Anne Lowell

Mother of Harvey Lowell

Nathan Rosenbaum

Brother of Charles Rosenbaum

Nov 28 / 27 H . eshvan

Nathan Atkins

Grandfather of Sue Abkowitz

Evelyn Darer

Mother of Rick Darer

Ethel Eizengart

Mother-in-law of Irina Zeylikman

Saul Glick

Father of Charles Glick

Lillian Gordon

Sister of Larry Marin

David Govenar

Father of Helen Zelinsky

Loyd Krueger

Father of Kim Lovy

Zeta Levine

Sister of Ralph Levine

Sister-in-law of Sandra Levine

Nov 29 / 28 H . eshvan

Rosaline Buckler

Sister of Micki Shpilner

Maurice Ginsburg

Father of Beth Levine

Nathan Ledewitz

Brother of Phyllis Blumberg

Harry Milgram

Father of Marsha Stark

Albert Schwartz

Father of Shelly Schwartz

Bessie Steer

Mother of Dorothy Seltzer

Douglas Wells

Father of Barbara Wells

Nov 30 / 29 H . eshvan

Bertha Doodlesack

Mother of Phyllis Fish

Joan Fowler

Mother of Kathie Becker

Joseph Gordon

Uncle of John Stayn

Michael Levin

Father of Sharon Levin

Father-in-law of Rabbi David Lerner

Grandfather of Ari, Matan and Talya Lerner

David O. Mintz

Husband of Barbara Mintz

Bernard Rothmel

Father of Ethel Rothmel

Ann Gross Seltzer

Grandmother of Judy Zola



The congregation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions from May 1-July 31, 2024:

Abkowitz Family Israel & Camp Scholarship

Yahrzeit of:

Ida Rosen, beloved mother

David & Krana Rosen

Adult Education

In memory of:

Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Ron Katz

Sivan Alpert Ehrlich, beloved daughter of Joel Alpert and Nancy Lefkowitz

Dick & Ellen Mazow

Yahrzeit of:

Joseph Solomon, beloved father

August Solomon, beloved grandmother

Meli Solomon


In memory of:

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum

Sid & Deanna Wolk

Arthur Neiterman, beloved husband of Judy Neiterman

Marsha Tucker

Yahrzeit of:

Bella Alpert, beloved mother

Irwin Alpert

Bereavement Fund

In appreciation of:

The Temple Emunah community

Annette Koren and the Bereavement Committee

Alison Dick & Ed Willins

In memory of:

Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Ed Kutchin

Rosaline Kaufman

Nedda Hobbs

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Arianna Strome

Yahrzeit of:

Jeffrey Wiesen, beloved husband, father and grandfather

Elaine Wiesen

Dr. and Mrs. Harry Konterwitz, parents of Elaine Shwimer and Julia Peitzer Shwimer, mother of Joel Shwimer

Joel & Elaine Shwimer

Billy Dalwin Preschool

In memory of:

Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Laurene Sperling

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana

Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Cynthia Samuelson & J. Samen


In in celebration of the wedding of Lisa Diamant and Joel Marcus

Allan & Sheryl Goldman

Building Fund

In memory of Rabbi Axelrod

Judith Kunoff

Emunah Scholarship Fund

In memory of:

Israel Kupiec, beloved husband of Charlotte Kupiec

Antonia Stechler

Helen Aronson, beloved mother of Ruth Aronson

Arleen Chase

Yahrzeit of:

Avraham Sussman, beloved father of Susan Lutwak

Ken Maser & Susan Lutwak

Family Education

Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Arleen Chase

Family Table

In celebration of:

Steve Aaron’s 75th birthday

Rosalind & Harvey Segaloff

Laura Musikant-Weiser and Neil Weiser’s new grandsons, Eitan and Noam

Myra & Jeff Marshall

Alison Dick & Ed Willins

In memory of:

Marilyn Weiner, beloved mother of Mark Weiner

Joel Alpert & Nancy Lefkowitz

Sivan Alpert Ehrlich, beloved daughter of Joel Alpert and Nancy Lefkowitz

Neil Weiser & Laura Musikant-Weiser

Arleen Chase

Ken & Lois Bruss

Harry & Bonnie Levy

Gene Achter, longtime member and beloved husband of Katherine Achter

Neil Weiser & Laura Musikant-Weiser

Katrina Fowler, beloved sister of Kathie Becker

Harry & Bonnie Levy


In appreciation/celebration of:

Rabbi Kling Perkins

Alison Dick & Ed Willins

the arrival of Samuel Asher’s grandson, Noah Asher-Feinzeig

Bob & Kathie Becker

In memory of:

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana

Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Gordon & Lorri Owades

Marsha R Cohen

Louise Citron

Stephen & Janet Lipkin

Carolyn Hadesman

Ron & Michal Margalit

Laurie Speicher

Doreen Grossman

Marcia Arnofsky

Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Physicians’ Organization at Children’s Hospital

Marsha Cohen

Thomas and Candace Hart

Margolis, Joshua

M. Canavan

Burton & Alice Cofman

Sari Anne Rapkin

Lawrence Bartlett

Janet Norden

Kimball, Robert & Kristine

Nancy Nugent

Douglas & Diana Berthiaume

Mike & Cathy Gildesgame

Bob and Jan Avallone

William & Susan Girard

Thomas & Linda DiSilva

Ellen White

Carl and Marjory Bindman

Gloria Foster

Natalie Warshawer, beloved mother of Marcy Ostrow

Edward Baker & Ellen Daley

Helen Aronson, beloved mother of Ruth Aronson

Julie Greenberg & Ron Chaney

Michael Fortgang

Alan & Leslie Sherman

Janet Clark, beloved sister and aunt

Donald & Barbara Galler

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum

Laurie Speicher

Phyllis Paladino

Marilyn Weiner, beloved mother of Mark Weiner

Charlotte Kupiec

Anna Nerenberg & Marc Bernstein

Arnold Dick, beloved father of Alison Dick

Carl Mikkelsen & Barbara Posnick

Gloria Foster

Gene Achter, longtime member and b eloved husband of Katherine Achter

Charles & Janet Hollander

Sivan Alpert Ehrlich, beloved daughter of Joel Alpert and Nancy Lefkowitz

Jonathan & Jonina Schonfeld

Yahrzeit of:

Doris Goldstein, with appreciation for Emunah’s support during our Kaddish year

Michael Buonaiuto & Sandy Goldstein

Anna Shanes, beloved grandmother of Cynthia Bobrow

Irwin Shanes

Celia Perlmutter, beloved mother of Burt Perlmutter

Burt & Bobbi Perlmutter

Ruth Winiker, beloved mother

Zvi Shpilner, beloved husband

Micki Shpilner

Gilbert Nerenberg, beloved father of Anna Nerenberg

Fred Bernstein, beloved father and grandfather of Anna Nerenberg and Marc, Lee and Jacqueline Bernstein

Roselyn Bernstein, beloved mother and grandmother of Anna Nerenberg, Marc, Lee and Jacqueline Bernstein

Anna Nerenberg & Marc Bernstein

Mildred Paynor, beloved mother of Michael Paynor

Michael & Barbara Paynor

Abraham Lippman, beloved father of Susan Mason

Marvin & Susan Mason

Carl Hollander, beloved father of Charles Hollander

Charles & Janet Hollander

Ida Weinstock, mother of Barney Weinstock

William Weinstock, beloved brother of Barney Weinstock

Barney & Harriet Weinstock

Glatzer Memorial Program Fund

In memory of Elaine Kreiger, beloved mother of Art Kreiger

Louis Stuhl & Sheila Kojm

Golda Dockser Fund

In memory of:

Arnold Dick, beloved father of Alison Dick

Helen Aronson, beloved mother of Ruth Aronson

Joel Alpert & Nancy Lefkowitz

Golda Dockser, beloved wife of Bob Dockser

Marsha Tucker

Hineni Connecting Team

In memory of Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Joe & Myrna Fox

Inclusion Committee

In appreciation of Rabbi Leora Kling Perkins for her inspiring leadership and support of our family after Helen Aronson z”l’s passing Ruth Aronson & Alan Silver

Israel Committee

In celebration of:

Lois and Kenneth Bruss’s new home

Richard Hochman & Esther RosenmanHochman

The wedding of Marc Tuchmuntz to Esther Goldenberg, daughter of Sophie and Jacques Goldenberg

The engagement of Julia Hankin and Jeremy

Scott Owades, son of Lorri & Gordon Owades

Rick & Margo Reder

In memory of:

Sivan Alpert Ehrlich, beloved daughter of Joel Alpert and Nancy Lefkowitz

Richard Hochman & Esther RosenmanHochman

Helen Aronson, beloved mother of Ruth Aronson

Alison Dick & Ed Willins

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Ken & Lois Bruss

Israel Trip Tzedakah

In memory of:

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Gideon & Ann Ben-Horin

Helen Aronson, beloved mother of Ruth Aronson

Neil Weiser & Laura Musikant-Weiser

Kiddush Fund

In appreciation/celebration of:

Janet and David Goldberg’s successful planning and execution of the aufruf kiddush with the assistance of Ed Lidman

Ken Maser & Susan Lutwak

75th birthday of Steven Aaron

Murray Kaftan

In memory of:

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum

Jonathan & Jonina Schonfeld

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Sandra Levine

Ladle Fund

In celebration of:

The engagement of Sarah Baker to Gideon Feifke, son of Carole and Derek Feifke

Ruby Mintz

Fred Ezekiel’s special birthday

Alison Dick & Ed Willins

In memory of:

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum

Phyllis Rubinovitz

Ruby Mintz

Helen Aronson, beloved mother of Ruth Aronson

Louis Stuhl & Sheila Kojm

Sivan Alpert Ehrlich, beloved daughter of Joel Alpert and Nancy Lefkowitz

Stephen Quatrano & Doreen Karoll

Yahrzeit of:

Annette Kovnat, beloved mother

Susan Ezekiel


In appreciation/honor of:

Rabbi Kling Perkins

Jerome & Sharon Smith


Edward Lidman’s special birthday

Vivian Cohen

Ken & Lois Bruss

In memory of:

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum

Ronda & Joshua Jacobson

Lillian Cohen

Jerome & Sharon Smith

Gene Achter, longtime member and beloved husband of Katherine Achter

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana

Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Jerome & Sharon Smith

Yahrzeit of:

Evelyn Librach, beloved mother-in-law

Miriam Librach

John Emmons Cotter, beloved father of Joelle Gunther

Joelle & Leon Gunther

Hyman Smith, beloved grandfather of Jerome Smith

Bessie Spero, beloved grandmother of Sharon Smith

David Abramsky, beloved grandfather of Jerome Smith

Jerome & Sharon Smith Library

In memory of:

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum

Marilyn Tracey

Judith Kliger

Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Janice Rossbach, beloved godmother of Shara Lewis

Paul Morgenstern, beloved husband of Doris Morgenstern

Marilyn Tracey


In memory of:

Lucille “Babsy” Krichmar, beloved mother of Steve and Karen Krichmar, Jeff Krichmar and Trina Norden-Krichmar

Michael Galisatus & Cindy Leung-Galisatus

Gene Achter, long-time member and beloved husband of Katherine Achter

Alison Dick & Ed Willins

Gideon & Ann Ben-Horin

Rabbi Eliana Willis Discretionary Fund

In appreciation of Rabbi Willis

Joel Marcus

Yahrzeit of:

Rabbi Martin Kessler, beloved father of Jack Kessler

Jack Kessler & Marcia Prager

Emily Pearl, beloved mother-in-law

Michael Saulich

Rabbi Lerner Discretionary Fund

In appreciation/honor of:

Rabbi David’s work on the recent aufruf of our son, Dan Maser and his fiancée, Jen Oswald

Ken Maser & Susan Lutwak

Rabbi Lerner

Barbara Delfiner

Ruth Aronson & Alan Silver

Rosalind & Harvey Segaloff

Alison Dick & Ed Willins

Joel Marcus

The morning minyon

Bonnye Pillar

Michael Ring’s Bar Mitzvah and in appreciation of Rabbis Lerner and Kling Perkins

Marc & Tmira Ring

In memory of:

Rabbi Nathan Burstyn, Marilyn Burstyn, Robert Natkin, and Annette Natkin

Don Burstyn & Lissa Natkin

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum

Eric & Julie Shapiro

Barbara Newman

Helen Aronson, beloved mother of Ruth Aronson

Marc Zimmerman

Meli Solomon

Gabriel Klein, beloved son of Susan Cohen and Michael Klein

Alan Rom

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana

Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Stewart Silverman

Stephen Quatrano & Doreen Karoll

Marilyn Weiner, beloved mother of Mark Weiner

Arnold Dick, beloved father of Alison Dick

Sandra Levine

Yahrzeit of:

Joel Moses, beloved husband of Peggy Moses and father of David and Jesse Moses

Margaret Moses

Annette Natkin, beloved mother of Lissa Natkin

Don Burstyn & Lissa Natkin

Lea Markuse, beloved mother of Jack Markuse

Jack & Vicki Markuse

Refugee Support Fund

Yahrzeit of Marian O’Connell, beloved aunt of Larry Kerstein

Larry & Kathy Kerstein

Religious School

Yahrzeit of Israel Hoberman, beloved grandfather of Miriam Brandes

Miriam Brandes


In appreciation of Annette Koren and a ll she does for our community

Ken & Lois Bruss

Refu’ah Sh’leymah to Janet Goldberg

Anna Nerenberg & Marc Bernstein

Stephen Quatrano & Doreen Karoll

Social Justice Committee

In celebration of Laura Musikant-Weiser and Neil Weiser’s new grandsons, Eitan and Noam

Steven & Susan Lipson

In memory of:

Dennis Markovitz, beloved husband of Elana

Markovitz and father of Raviv and Netana

Wendy & Jonathan Bernays

Jaymie Silverman

Phyllis Brick, beloved mother of Howard Brick, Jim Brick, and Susan Weinbaum. May the memory of Phyllis be a blessing. Wendy & Jonathan Bernays

Yahrzeit of:

Dr. Arnold Heiger, beloved husband

Edith Heiger

Steve Marcus Scholarhip Fund

In memory of:

Arnold Dick, beloved father of Alison Dick

Marilyn Weiner, beloved mother of Mark Weiner

Alan & Beth Levine

Thrope Memorial Fund

In memory of Paul Morgenstern, beloved husband of Doris Morgenstern

Martin Thrope

Yahrzeit of:

Norman Thrope, beloved father

Martin Thrope

Herbert Katz, beloved brother

Ethel Goldman, beloved aunt

Leonard Katz

Torah Fund

In memory of Gene Achter, longtime member and beloved husband of Katherine Achter

Ben Einsidler & Samantha Soloway

Wednesday Minyan Study

Yahrzeits of Phyllis, Carol & Shirley Thrope

Martin Thrope

Youth Fund

Yahrzeit of Arthur Neiterman, husband

Judith Neiterman

Around Emunah

The senior Breakfast in July was was well attended by many of our older members that we hadn’t seen in a while. David Ezekiel hosted the event and his father, Fred Ezekiel, who had not been well, recovered enough to attend and was welcomed by many attendees.

Emunah celebrates its growing community at Mayyim Hayyim.

Temple Emunah members gathered for BBQ & Barekhu last year and are looking forward to this year’s event on Sept. 6.

Youngsters enjoyed Watermelon Wednesday.

Don’t miss the Blessing of the Animals on Nov. 17!

1 28 Av

Shaharit 9 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

8 5 Elul

Shaharit 9 am

Relig. School begins

Fall Youth Day 12-5 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

15 12 Elul

Shaharit 9 am

Wisdom Project 12 noon

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

2 29 Av

Labor Day

Shaharit 9 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

3 30 Av

Rosh Hodesh

Shaharit 6:45 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

9 6 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

16 13 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

10 7 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

17 14 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

22 19 Elul

23 20 Elul

24 21 Elul

4 1 Elul

Rosh Hodesh

Shaharit 6:45 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Rosh Hodesh group 6 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

11 8 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

18 15 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

5 2 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Perek Yomi 8 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

6 3 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

7 4 Elul

Shabbat service 9:30 am

12 9 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Minhah/Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat / Ma’ariv 6:30 pm 13 10 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Men’s Torah Study 7:40 am

Kabbalat Shabbat / Ma’ariv 6:15 pm

19 16 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

20 17 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Niggun Saloon 1 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat / Ma’ariv 6:15 pm

Dahlia Schiller Bat Mitz. Niggun Saloon 9:30 am

Jr. Cong. 11 am

Tot Shabbat 11 am

Meditation 11:30 am

Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/ Havdallah 6:45 pm 14 11 Elul

Shabbat service 9:30 am

Meditation 11:30 am

Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/ Havdallah 6:30 pm

21 18 Elul

Services 8:20 am

Adam & Ashley Tsymbal BMitzvah

Meditation 11:30 am

Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/ Havdallah 6:30 pm

Shaharit 9 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

25 22 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

26 23 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

27 24 Elul

Shaharit 7 am

Kabbalat Shabbat / Ma’ariv 6:15 pm

LUSY Shabbat 6:15 pm

28 25 Elul Shabbat service 9:30 am

Welcome/Installation of Rabbi Willis

Tot Shabbat 11 am

Meditation 11:30 am

Special Kiddush 12 noon

Shabbat Minhah 1:30 pm

Selihot Learning/Dinner/ Service at T. Isaiah 6 pm

29 26 Elul

Shaharit 9 am

Sukkah Construction 10 am

Reverse Tashlich 12 noon

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

30 27 Elul

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

Mazel Tov to Our September B’nei Mitzvah!

Adam & Ashley Tsymbal, children of Jessica & Ilya Tsymbal (Sept. 21)
Dahlia Schiller, child of Rachel Schiller (Sept. 7)

6 4 Tishrei

Shaharit 9 am

Sukkah Construction

10 am

Rosh Hodesh group 10 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

13 11 Tishrei

Shaharit 9 am

Sukkah Construction

10 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

20 18 Tishrei

Hol Hamoed Sukkot

Shaharit 8:45 am

Camp Fair 11 am

Super Sukkot program

11 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

27 25 Tishrei

Shaharit 9 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

October 2024 / Elul 5784-Tishrei 5785

7 5 Tishrei

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

1 28 Elul

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm 8 6 Tishrei

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

14 12 Tishrei

Columbus Day

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

15 13 Tishrei

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

21 19 Tishrei

Hol Hamoed Sukkot

Shaharit 6:45 am

Minhah/Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

Sustainers in the Sukkah 8 pm

28 26 Tishrei

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

22 20 Tishrei

Hol Hamoed Sukkot

Shaharit 6:45 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Pizza in the Hut (gr. 3-4) 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

29 27 Tishrei

Shaharit 7 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

2 29 Elul

Erev Rosh Hashanah

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Spirituality of Shabbat Observance 7:30 am

Minhah/Rosh Hashanah/ Ma’ariv 6 pm

9 7 Tishrei

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

16 14 Tishrei

Erev Sukkot

Shaharit 7 am

Study w/Rabbis 7:30 am

Ma’ariv/Kiddush in Garber Sukkah 6 pm

Pizza in Hut 6:15 pm

23 21 Tishrei

Hoshana Rabbah

Shaharit 6:45 am

Pizza in the Hut (gr. 5-6)

Ma’ariv 6 pm

3 1 Tishrei

Rosh Hashanah I Services 8:20 am

Tot & K-2 Service 9:30 am

Gr. 3-5 Family Service 10:30 am

Teen Service 10:30 am

Tashlikh 4:45 pm

Minhah/Ma’ariv 6:15 pm

10 8 Tishrei

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

The State of Equality: Inclusion Comm. 8 pm

17 15 Tishrei

Sukkot I

Sukkot Shaharit 9:15 am

Sukkot Minhah/Ma’ariv/ mini-Kiddush in Garber Sukkah 6 pm

24 22 Tishrei

Shemini Atzeret

Shaharit, Plaque Ded. & Yizkor 9:15 am

MInhah 5:30pm

Simhat Torah Dinner & Celebration 5:45 pm continued below*

30 28 Tishrei

Shaharit 7 am Spirituality of Shabbat Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

31 29 Tishrei

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

4 2 Tishrei

Rosh Hashanah II Services 8:20 am

Tot & K-2 Service 9:30 am Gr. 3-5 Family Service 10:30 am Teen Service 10:30 am

Rosh Hashanah Minhah/ Shabbat Ma’ariv 6:15 pm 11 9 Tishrei

Erev Yom Kippur

Shaharit w/Selihot 6:55 am

Minhah/Kol Nidrei/ Ma’ariv 5:30 pm

Kol Nidrei Experience (Gr. 3-Teen) 5:45 pm 18 16 Tishrei

Sukkot II

Sukkot Shaharit 9:15 am

Sukkot Minhah/abbreviated Kabbalat Shabbat/ Ma’ariv/Kiddush in miniGarber Sukkah 5:45 pm

25 23 Tishrei

Simhat Torah Shaharit 9:15 am Tot service 10:45 am

Simhat Torah Kiddush 12:45 pm Ma’ariv 6:15 pm

5 3 Tishrei

Shaharit 9:30 am Musaf Meditation 11:30 am

Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/ Havdalah 5:45 pm 12 10 Tishrei Yom Kippur Services 9 am

Tot & K-2 Service 9:30 am Gr. 3-5 Family Service & Teen Service 10:30 am continued below*

19 17 Tishrei

Camp/Israel Shabbat Shabbat Service 9:15 am

Musaf Meditation 11:30 am Tot Shabbat 11 am

Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/ Havdalah 5:30 pm

26 24 Tishrei Shabbat Service 9:30 am Musaf Meditation 11:30 am Minhah/Learning/Ma’ariv/ Havdalah 5:15 pm

Kabbalat Panim

On Thursday, October 24, at the beginning of Erev Simhat Torah services, we will have a Kabbalat Panim –Ceremony of Welcoming. Please join us in the Sanctuary from 6:45-7:00 pm to celebrate our children embarking upon their Religious / Day School learning. Children will be invited to the area in front of the Ark to receive a small Torah and a blessing.

*Oct. 24 Simhat Torah (continued)

Kabalat Panim 6:45 pm

Teen Ice Cream Social 6:45 pm

Simhat Torah Ma’ariv & Hakafot 6:45 pm

Simhat Torah Drinks, Desserts & Dancing for Adults 8:30 pm

* Yom Kippur (continued)

Oct. 7 Martyrology 1:30 pm

Meditation 3 pm

Minhah 3:45 pm

Ne’ilah 4:45 pm

Youth Neilah 6:30 pm

Havdalah and Break-the-Fast 7 pm

3 2 Heshvan

Shaharit 9 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

10 9 Heshvan

Shaharit 9 am

BHrotherhood Keeper of the Flame 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

November 2024 / Tishrei- H

4 3 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

11 10 Heshvan

Veterans Day

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

5 4 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Rosh Hodesh 6

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

12 11 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

6 5 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

13 12 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

7 6 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Perek Yomi 8 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

14 13 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

1 30 Tishrei

Rosh Hodesh

Shaharit 6:45 am

Niggun Saloon 1 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat/ Ma’ariv 6:15 pm

8 7 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Kabbalat Shabbat/ Ma’ariv 5:30 pm

15 14 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Kabbalat Shabbat/ Ma’ariv 5:30 pm

2 1 Heshvan

Shabbat Service 9:30 am

Anna Roffman Bat Mitz.

Junior Cong. 11 am

Tot Shabbat 11 am

Meditation 11:30 am


Ma’ariv/Havdalah 5:15 pm

9 8 Heshvan

Shabbat Service 9:30

Ross Wein Bar Mitzah

Meditation 11:30 am

Minhah/Learning/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 4 pm

16 15 Heshvan

Shabbat Service 9:30 am

Samantha Zeff Bat Mitz.

Niggun Saloon 9:30 am

Tot Shabbat 11 am

Meditation 11:30 am


Ma’ariv/Havdalah 4 pm

17 16 Heshvan

Shaharit 9 am

Blessing of the Animals

12 noon

Wisdom Project 12 noon

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

24 23 Heshvan

Shaharit 9 am

LICA Interfaith Service

3 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

18 17 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

19 18 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Community Forum 7:30 pm

25 24 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

26 25 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Meditation 8:30 am

Parashat Hash. 4 pm

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

20 19 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

27 26 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Spirituality of Shabbat

Observance 7:30 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Mazel Tov to Our November B’nei Mitzvah!

21 20 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

Israeli Folk Dancing 8 pm

22 21 Heshvan

Gr. 3-12 Youth Retreat

Shaharit 7 am

Kabbalat Shabbat/ Ma’ariv 5:30 pm

28 27 Heshvan

Thanksgiving Day

Shaharit 9 am

Ma’ariv 7:30 pm

29 28 Heshvan

Shaharit 7 am

Kabbalat Shabbat/ Ma’ariv 5:30 pm

23 22 Heshvan

Gr. 3-12 Youth Retreat

Shabbat Service 9:30 am

Niggun Saloon 9:30 am

Meditation 11:30 am

Minhah/Learning/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 4 pm

30 29 Heshvan

Shabbat Service 9:30 am

Meditation 11:30 am

Minhah/Learning/ Ma’ariv/Havdalah 3:45 pm

Hold the Date: Friday, November 15 Community Shabbat Dinner

Ross Wein, child of Sheryl & Warren Wein (Nov. 9)
Anna Roffman, child of Julia Levison & Josh Roffman (Nov. 2)
Samantha Zeff, child of Debra & Joseph Zeff (Nov. 16)

Address Service Requested

Incoming Board at Installation
Niggun Saloon sings at an event honoring Rabbi Leora Kling Perkins. We wish her great success at Ohev Shalom of Bucks County, PA.

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