Building & Investment March - April 2020

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KDN: PP 7080/10/2012 (030780) ISSN: 0128 472X RM20.00 / USD10.00 MARCH-APRIL 2020


Endorsed/Supported by: CIDB | PAM | BMDAM | MGBC ARCASIA | MATRADE | ILAM

Penang Second Bridge

Conventional Fixed-Base System Seismic Isolation System

High Damping Rubber Bearing (Seismic Base Isolator) for Buildings & Bridges

Claudio Vicuna Hospital, Chile



DĂůĂLJƐŝĂΖƐ ůĂƌŐĞƐƚ ŐůĂƐƐ ƉƌŽĚƵĐĞƌ ǁŝƚŚ ŐƵĂƌĂŶƚĞĞĚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ince its establishment in 1996, Nam Heng Glass Group has a ƐƚƌŽŶŐ ƉŽƐŝƟŽŶ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ ĂƐ the largest glass producer in Malaysia, with manufacturing plants located in Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Johor Bahru, Penang and Sabah, with plans to further expand its corporate empire overseas. The company is renowned for its extensive ĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ ĂƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƵƌĂů ĂŶĚ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ŐůĂƐƐ products namely tempered glass, laminated ŐůĂƐƐ͕ ŝŶƐƵůĂƟŶŐ ŐůĂƐƐ ĂŶĚ ŇŽĂƚ ŐůĂƐƐ͘ /Ŷ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ůŽĐĂů ŵĂƌŬĞƚ͕ EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ Group’s products are also exported to Cambodia and Bangladesh. GLASS THAT BEAUTIFULLY BALANCE PERFORMANCE AND AESTHETICS Nam Heng Glass Group is an advocate and arguably a leading producer of safety glass in Malaysia. The company has obtained ĐĞƌƟĮĐĂƟŽŶƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ DĂůĂLJƐŝĂŶ /ŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂů ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ ŐĞŶĐLJ ;^/Z/DͿ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ /ŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ ĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ ŽĂƌĚ ; / DĂůĂLJƐŝĂͿ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ performance of its safety glass products, in compliance with the country’s standard ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ͘

WHY SAFETY GLASS? ^ĂĨĞƚLJ ŐůĂƐƐ ŝƐ ƐƉĞĐŝĮĐĂůůLJ ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚ ƚŽ ďĞ ůĞƐƐ ůŝŬĞůLJ ƚŽ ďƌĞĂŬ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ ŽĨ ƐĞǀĞƌĞ ǀŝďƌĂƟŽŶ Žƌ ŝŵƉĂĐƚ͕ ĂŶĚ ůĞƐƐ ƉƌŽŶĞ ƚŽ ŝŶŇŝĐƟŶŐ ŝŶũƵƌLJ ǁŚĞŶ ŝƚ ďƌĞĂŬƐ͘ ^ŝŶĐĞ ƚŚĞ early 20th century, safety glass has been ǁŝĚĞůLJ ƵƐĞĚ ŝŶ ĂƵƚŽŵŽďŝůĞƐ͕ ĂŝƌĐƌĂŌƐ ĂŶĚ high-rise buildings. EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ 'ƌŽƵƉ ĨŽƵŶĚĞƌ͕ ĂƚƵŬ Tan Lai Huan, pointed out that many ĐŽŶƐƵŵĞƌƐ͛ ƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ŝƐ ŽŌĞŶ ůŝŵŝƚĞĚ ƚŽ ĂĞƐƚŚĞƟĐƐ͖ ƚŚĞ ƵƐĞ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ĨĞĂƚƵƌĞƐ ŝƐ ĨƌĞƋƵĞŶƚůLJ ŶĞŐůĞĐƚĞĚ ĚƵĞ ƚŽ ůĂĐŬ ŽĨ ĂǁĂƌĞŶĞƐƐ ĂŶĚ ƵŶǁŝůůŝŶŐŶĞƐƐ ƚŽ bear the extra costs. For this reason, the company adheres to the concept “Quality First, Safety First” when producing a new range of products. Safety glass produced by EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ 'ƌŽƵƉ ŝƐ ƐƵďũĞĐƚĞĚ ƚŽ ŵƵůƟͲůĂLJĞƌĞĚ ƐƚƌŝĐƚ ĐŚĞĐŬƐ ŝĞ ƐĂĨĞƚLJ ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚ ƚĞƐƚƐ ƚŚĂƚ ĐŽŵƉůLJ ǁŝƚŚ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů ƐƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ ĂŶĚ ƐƉĞĐŝĮĐĂƟŽŶƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ĂƵĚŝƚ ǀĞƌŝĮĐĂƟŽŶ ďLJ ƚŚŝƌĚͲƉĂƌƚLJ ĂŐĞŶĐŝĞƐ ƚŽ ĞŶƐƵƌĞ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͘ /Ŷ ĂĚĚŝƟŽŶ ƚŽ ĂĞƐƚŚĞƟĐƐ͕ ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚ ĂŶĚ safety, Nam Heng Glass Group stays ahead ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉĞƟƟŽŶ ďLJ ŬĞĞƉŝŶŐ ƵƉͲƚŽͲĚĂƚĞ with the latest consumer trends for high ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͕ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ƐĂǀŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ ďĞĂƵƟĨƵů ŐůĂƐƐ͕ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌLJ͛Ɛ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ ĨŽƌ ŐůĂƐƐ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ ŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůƐ ǁŝƚŚ ĂĚĚĞĚ ĨƵŶĐƟŽŶƐ ƐƵĐŚ ĂƐ ŚĞĂƚ ŝŶƐƵůĂƟŽŶ͕ ƐŽƵŶĚ ŝŶƐƵůĂƟŽŶ͕ ĚĞĐŽƌĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ etc. /Ŷ ŚŽƉĞƐ ŽĨ ƉƌŽĚƵĐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ŵŽƐƚ ĂĚǀĂŶĐĞĚ ĂŶĚ ŚŝŐŚĞƐƚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ŽĨ ŐůĂƐƐ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ͕ EĂŵ ,ĞŶŐ 'ůĂƐƐ 'ƌŽƵƉ͛Ɛ manufacturing plants uses the latest glass ƉƌŽĐĞƐƐŝŶŐ ŵĂĐŚŝŶĞƐ͕ ǁŝƚŚ ĮƌƐƚͲƌĂƚĞ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ ĐĂƉĂĐŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ ƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͘ dŚĞ

ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ ĂůƐŽ ƐƚƌŝǀĞƐ ƚŽ ĐŽŶƟŶƵŽƵƐ ŝƚƐĞůĨ͕ ďLJ introducing value-added products from around the world including Low-E Glass and ^ŽůĂƌͲZĞŇĞĐƟǀĞ ŐůĂƐƐ͘

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EDITOR’SNOTE Trade wars generally do not result in winners and with investors reluctant to invest, construction activities in Malaysia may be at risk of becoming collateral damage. Concurrently, with declining oil prices and Covid-19 resulting in a pandemic, the economy looks gloomy but not insurmountable.

EDITORIAL CONSULTANTS Pete Wong Christopher Fernandez

SENIOR DESIGNER Mohamad Azhar Kasim

Any economic development will reflect more activity in the building and civil



also the global economy. At the time of printing, the virus has spread far wide

HONORARY ADVISORS Datuk Merlyn Kasimir Dato’ Dr Ken Yeang Datuk Ar Tan Pei Ing Ar Chan Seong Aun

lockdowns in place, many human lives and businesses are severely affected.

OFFICE Suite 201, Block A Mentari Business Park Jalan PJS 8/5, Bandar Sunway 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: +603 5631 9395 (Hunting line) E-mail: PRINTER WELLPRINT DESIGN ADVERTISING No 40, Jalan PBS 14/3 Taman Perindustrian Bukit Serdang 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia ENDORSED/SUPPORTED BY Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) Architects Regional Council of Asia (ARCASIA) Building Materials Distributors Association of Malaysia (BMDAM) Malaysian Green Building Confederation (MGBC) Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) Institute of Landscape Architects Malaysia (ILAM) 4 Building & Investment  |

The Malaysian and global economy is expected to have a negative growth.

However, a positive and practical government investment policy will be the driver of business growth for Malaysia in particular and across Asia in general. engineering construction. It is unfortunate that COVID-19 originated in China, potentially the world’s

largest economy with implications not just for Asia’s economic wellbeing but across the globe; the number of cases continue to rise by the minute and with

Be that as it may, we at B&I believe that business must go on as a digital

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Building & Construction Industry such as Developers, Building Professionals, Contractors, Manufacturers, Distributors etc. especially those with ongoing and new projects.

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Stay Healthy & Safe. Thank you to our Healthcare Workers.


This magazine and its contents are provided “as is” and “as available”, without warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory. The Publisher does not warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the contents and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in the contents. The content available in the magazine and its website represents the opinions and judgments of the respective information provider.

CONTENTS M A R C H - A P R I L 2 0 2 0


A round up of events and happenings within the industry


The Four Points by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown Woven City @ Shizuoka, Japan

OUTLOOK 24 26 30 34

Has Asia Pacific reached ‘peak proptech’? Fire risk assessment and management Deloitte’s 2020 commercial real estate outlook COVID-19 & its impact on Asia Pacific property markets


PRODUCTS & SERVICES 38 40 42 44 46 47 48 49 50 51

CSC Steel: realcolor® Supreme Inovar Nano Shield Moss Living handcrafted designer mirrors SIRIM QAS fire testing CS Eco Glass hard coated Low-E glass (Offline PVD) METSO NordtrackTM Consentino Top 5 Kitchen Trends 2020 Grundfos iSOLUTIONS Leica iCON rig solutions ESAB Dual Shield® Prime


IKEA @ Vienna, Austria The Museum Hotel @ Antakya, Turkey

38 47



Avon River Park Terraces + City Promenade @ Christchurch, New Zealand

REGULARS 04 62 70 72

Editor’s Note B & I Project Report Malaysia Exhibitions & Conferences Advertisers’ Index

58 Building & Investment  | 5


LRT 3 project achieves 5-star rating for sustainability The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia has awarded MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd with 5-star Sustainable INFRASTAR certification for the design phase of the Light Rail Transit Line 3 (LRT3) project, from Bandar Utama to Johan Setia. This is the first infrastructure project to receive 5-star rating for Environmental Sustainability, a strategic thrust under the Construction Industry Transformation Plan 2016-2020 (CITP). The certificate of recognition was presented by Works Minister Tuan Baru Bian, who also witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CIDB Malaysia and MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd to enhance environmental sustainability programmes and good practices in construction works. Sustainable INFRASTAR, launched in March 2019, is an objective and evidence-based evaluation system that assesses an infrastructure project on key sustainability factors such as land use, impact of equipment use, resource and waste management on construction sites. The assessment tool covers the gap in addressing environmental concerns for the construction industry and it complements other tools such as the Malaysian Carbon Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool (MyCREST) for building construction by CIDB Malaysia, and Malaysia Green Highway Index by the Malaysian Highway Authority. “By participating in the Sustainable INFRASTAR assessment, industry players can reap many benefits including reducing construction and operation costs, if they incorporate sustainability elements during the design stage,” said Datuk Ir Ahmad ‘Asri Abdul Hamid, Chief Executive of CIDB Malaysia. The Government of Malaysia through the Ministry of Works has set a target of getting 50% of the nation’s infrastructure projects to be certified under Sustainable INFRASTAR or any other sustainable infrastructure rating tool. To encourage more companies to participate in the rating programme, CIDB Malaysia will bear the assessment costs of between 6 Building & Investment  |

YB Tuan Baru Bian and Datuk Ir Ahmad ‘Asri (Chief Executive of CIDB Malaysia) touring the LRT3 construction site.

YB Tuan Baru Bian (Minister of Works) presents the certification of recognition to Patrick Hwang Chee Leong (LRT3 Project Director of MRCB George Kent Sdn Bhd), in conjunction with a working visit to the LRT3 construction site.

RM8,000 and RM30,000, based on the scale of the project. CIDB Malaysia is also conducting roadshows and seminars to promote awareness of Sustainable INFRASTAR. In 2019, five pioneer infrastructure projects were assessed under this rating tool, namely the Regional Sewage Treatment Plant in Bandar Indera

Mahkota, Kuantan, Pahang; Power Generation Plant in Sandakan, Sabah; Kahang Dam construction in Kluang; the Setiawangsa–Pantai Expressway; and the West Coast Expressway (Banting to Taiping). The Sungai Besi Ulu Kelang Elevated Expressway and DamansaraShah Alam Elevated Expressway were added to this list later.

Rekind completes Phase One of Muara Laboh PLTP Project PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind) has completed the Muara Laboh Phase One Geothermal Power Project (PLTP) located in Solok Selatan Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. This was marked by the announcement of the commercial operation of the 85 Megawatt (MW) net power plant by PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (SEML), which is a joint venture between PT Supreme Energy, ENGIE and Sumitomo Corporation. This electricity will be supplied to the Sumatra electricity network owned by PT PLN (Persero), which can be distributed to approximately 340,000 households. “As a National EPCC contractor, Rekind’s scope of work in Muara Laboh PLTP project is quite extensive because it includes the construction of the Wellpad & Road Access that is carried out simultaneously with the construction of a Geothermal Power Plant and Steam Gathering System. All of this is done independently by Rekind’s best assets. We can also complete this project in accordance with the targets set by the stakeholders. Obviously, this is a proud achievement,” said Yanuar Budinorman, President Director of Rekind. Muara Laboh PLTP is an embodiment of the power plant included in the National Strategic Project implementation programme, related to the 35,000 MW power plant acceleration project. In the West Sumatra Region itself, this PLTP is the first power plant that utilizes new and renewable energy. New and renewable energy sources come from WKP Liki Pinangawan

Muara Laboh Phase One Geothermal Power Project (PLTP) located in Solok Selatan Regency, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia.

Muara Laboh. Through mastery of technology and innovation and supported by the ability of human resources in the field of industrial design and engineering, Rekind continues to make a real contribution to the development of geothermal energy in Indonesia. In the 38 years since it was first involved in the geothermal field, Rekind succeeded in building 16 Geothermal Power Plants (PLTP) in Indonesia. Rekind, a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), is also involved in the construction of the Rantau Dedap PLTP project with a capacity of 98.4 MW (2 units) owned by PT Supreme Energy Rantau Dedap (SERD). Rekind was selected to work on the EPCC Geothermal Power Plant work package, including the Steam Gathering System, Wellpad & Road Access. The project is located in Muara Enim Regency, Lahat Regency and Kota Pagar Alam, South Sumatra.

Orangebeam ventures into Vietnam by inking MoU with local conglomerate Construction and development company, ORANGEBEAM has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Vietnam-based Hoa Binh Construction Group Joint Stock Company to establish a synergistic commercial cooperation for infrastructure development in both markets. ORANGEBEAM and Hoa Binh will work closely to study the possibility of exchanging expertise, knowledge, experience and collaborating with each other in both markets, starting with maritime and marine infrastructure construction projects in Vietnam. “Emerging markets like Vietnam and the Philippines are currently going through a construction boom. Highly technical infrastructure developments, for one, can benefit from the support of established industry players like us, where we can extend our wealth of experience and construction know-how,” said Dato’ Faris Yahaya, ORANGEBEAM Group CEO. Faris added: “Expansion into emerging markets like Vietnam is part of our efforts in ensuring the sustainability of our business and helps us stay ahead amidst the slowing construction sector. The timing is right for us, and while we look at digitising ourselves and disrupting our business, we can also make an impact beyond

Dato’ Faris Yahaya (CEO of ORANGEBEAM Group) and Mr Le Viet Hai (CEO of Hoa Binh Construction Group Joint Stock Company).

Malaysian shores.” ORANGEBEAM is one of the few companies in Malaysia with vast understanding and experience in this highly-specialised sector. It has completed more than RM14.5 billion worth of projects in total with approximately RM3 billion worth of infrastructure projects. To date, Hoa Binh Construction Group Joint Stock Company has completed over 400 projects, which include Le Meridien Saigon, Tan Son Nhat International Airport Extension Terminal and Vinhome Landmark 4-5-6. Building & Investment  | 7


Grundfos and Augury sign strategic partnership to bring intelligent, sustainable water solutions to the market Grundfos, a world-leading pump and water technology company, and Augury, a fast-growing data analytics company and leading Digital Machine Health solution provider, have signed a long-term strategic partnership to develop smart diagnostics solutions and services for Grundfos’ customers. The two companies have already been working together successfully over the past two years to test new products and service offerings across several markets and industries. Now, they are committing to the next step, offering a range of services and new business models enabled by connected equipment. “By adding an AI-driven intelligence layer on top of existing assets, we can automatically collect mechanical and operational data, providing actionable machine health insights and diagnostics to our customers and service organisation,” says Tommy Due Høy, Group VP, Global Service & Solutions, Grundfos. He believes the partnership puts down a marker for future solutions. Augury works with the world’s largest manufacturers and industrial companies to transform their operations by providing real-time diagnostics regarding the health and performance of their machines. The combination of Augury’s AI-based solutions with Grundfos’ deep applications expertise has the potential to change water delivery and services as we know them. “We have spent the last eight years working with manufacturers and utilities to ensure that people around the world can always rely on the machines that matter and have seen first-hand the impact it brings. I am thrilled to be partnering with Grundfos to bring this impact to a wider market,” says Saar

Augury and Grundfos are taking a major step toward digitizing water and utility infrastructure worldwide by signing a long-term strategic partnership.

Yoskovitz, Co-Founder and CEO of Augury. “Our applications knowledge has consistently been the key differentiator for us to provide best-in-class pumping solutions to the world. As we prepare our portfolio for the future, it is key that we leverage this knowledge base to build more intelligence, IoT, remote monitoring and advanced diagnostics into our offerings to ensure differentiation, which is one of the highest priorities for Grundfos,” said Anupam Bhargava, Group Vice President, Industry at Grundfos.

MTC appoints Acting CEO and new COO Malaysian Timber Council has appointed Mr Wong Kah Cane as its Acting Chief Executive Officer effective 13 March 2020. Mr Wong, 52, who joined the council on 1 November 2019 as Deputy CEO, will take over from Mr Richard Yu Tuan Chong upon the expiry of the latter’s contract. Graduating from Universiti Utara Malaysia with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 1992, Mr Wong started his career in transforming small and medium enterprises (SMEs) into successful enterprises with most noted contribution in Eu Yan Sang, a traditional Chinese medicine company. In addition, MTC has appointed Mr Roger Chin Chew Choy as its new Chief Operations Officer effective 1 March 2020. Prior to joining MTC, Mr Roger Chin was attached to Advance Information Marketing Berhad where he served as its Executive Director since January 2018. Mr Roger Chin, 54, a Bachelor of Law graduate from the University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, brings with him more than 25 years of experience in the financial services sector with international banks specialising in consumer, corporate and Islamic banking. His career in the banking industry started in 1993 8 Building & Investment  |

Wong Kah Cane, Acting CEO.

Roger Chin, Chief Operations Officer.

with Standard Chartered Bank. “The appointment of Mr Wong Kah Cane and Mr Roger Chin is to further strengthen the management team of MTC,” said Chairman Dato’ Low Kian Chuan. He added that with their combined fields of expertise, Mr Wong and Mr Chin will be great assets to the timber industry and MTC, a council under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities.









Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Building & Investment  | 9


From left: Datuk Ir Ahmad ‘Asri (Chief Executive of CIDB Malaysia), Dato’ Dr Syed Omar Sharifuddin (Secretary General of Ministry of Works), YB Tuan Baru Bian (Minister of Works), Dato’ Ir Dr Meor Abdul Aziz (Chairman of CIDB Malaysia) and Datuk Ir Elias (Deputy Chief Executive of CIDB Malaysia) after the launch of CONVINCE.

CIDB Malaysia launches CONVINCE, a one-stop construction information portal The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia has launched the “Construction Information for Your Convenience” or CONVINCE, a one-stop portal for all construction-related information, which is now available to all stakeholders. A key initiative under the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (CITP) 2016-2020, CONVINCE provides the latest information and updates in the form of interactive construction statistics, data request services, digital publications and searchable directories. The information made available through CONVINCE will enable organisations to make more effective policy formulation, strategic planning and

YB Tuan Baru Bian (Minister of Works) during the launch of CONVINCE. 10 Building & Investment  |

construction industry forecast. “Having access to comprehensive construction information will enable industry players and stakeholders to make information-based decisions and reduced business risks,” said Tuan Baru Bian, the Minister of Works during the launch of CONVINCE. The main objective of CONVINCE is to enhance the availability and awareness on construction information, specifically to establish a centralised online platform to manage and compile construction information, increase efficiency and reliability in extracting and analysing data, and enable easier access and availability of construction information. CONVINCE expect to register more than 3000 users by the end of 2021. Apart from the launch of CONVINCE, the Minister also announced key milestones under the CITP across all eight focus areas of the CITP, achieved at the end of 2019. “Given the ambitious targets of the CITP that were to be realised in a very short time frame, the achievements of the industry are commendable. However, transformation of the Malaysian construction industry is an on-going process. We must continue to push for systemic change in order to create a new culture in the industry, so that our industry players can be confident, globally competitive and resilient to market change,” said Tuan Baru Bian. “I call on all stakeholders to work together with the Ministry of Works, CIDB Malaysia and related agencies to embrace change to make the construction industry in Malaysia highly efficient, productive and progressive, in line with the CITP tagline, “Driving Construction Excellence Together”,” he concluded.

Kent Teo (Founder and CEO of INVADE) speaks about harnessing the creative eco-system in Malaysia at the launch with the creative community, with (L-R) Toh Shia Lynn (Founder of The Artsy Craftsy), Azfar Jamili (Founder of Far Off Records), Brian Johnson Lowe (Founder of Poptron), and James A. Tang (Sales and Partnership Lead of Pestle & Mortar Clothing).

Co-making space MOX launches largest hub to bring together local creative in Kuala Lumpur MOX, a brand under Singapore-based creative retail space activation and events management company INVADE, has launched MOX Malaysia in collaboration with Sunway Putra Mall. Riding on the success of its existing concept in Singapore, the new co-working space is now the largest of its kind in Malaysia, with the aim of bringing together and empowering the creative community through collaborative workspaces, opportunities to ideate and access to an international platform. MOX Malaysia is located at the heart of Kuala Lumpur’s central business district with its prime location in Sunway Putra Mall. With a gross floor area that spans roughly 21,000 sq ft, MOX Malaysia houses various types of co-working space, a curated multi-label retail zone known as Marketplace, a café and a plethora of specialty facilities all on one floor. This include a 2,000 sq ft auditorium and screening room, professional resource studios for photography, videography and audio recording in addition to a general workshop for experiential workshops and craft sessions. MOX Malaysia also conducts regular entrepreneurial talks and community gettogethers to build connections and inspire the exchange of new ideas across a variety of disciplines from leather to fine art.

Creative enthusiasts trying their hand at a cakesicle decorating workshop held in conjunction with the launch of MOX Malaysia.

Members will also have the opportunity to organise creative workshops at MOX Malaysia and appear in INVADE’s immensely popular retail markets including Artbox and Shilin Night Market. “With MOX’s first overseas expansion to Malaysia, we are also effectively creating a two-way channel for crosscollaboration between Singapore and Malaysia’s creative communities. Our MOX network now extends beyond these two cities to include the wider region such as Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand,” said Kent Teo, CEO of INVADE.

“Through this partnership with MOX Malaysia, we are excited to usher in the next phase of retail innovation, where businesses must create meaningful retail experiences to connect with customers in order to stay ahead,” said Kevin Tan, COO of Sunway Malls. “As such, Sunway Putra Mall is committed to building a vibrant community alongside MOX Malaysia by integrating our current tenant offerings with dynamic co-making and co-working spaces.” All three options grant members access to member rates for facilities rental and community events. Building & Investment  | 11


Mobilus to bring the first Automated Rapid Transit (ART) system into Malaysia Mobilus Sdn Bhd (Mobilus) has recently signed a Purchase Agreement with CRRC MRT Urban Traffic Co. to import the first unit of Automated Rapid Transit (ART) system for a pilot project in Iskandar Malaysia in 2020. The ART unit will be delivered to Malaysia by mid-2020 with the pilot project sets to be launched in the second half of the year. Mobilus is a 51:49 joint venture company established between Ireka Corporation Berhad and CRRC Urban Traffic (Europe) Co. Ltd. (CRRC UT, a member of CRRC Group) to pursue urban transportation business opportunities in Malaysia and the ASEAN region. CRRC Group is the world’s largest manufacturer of rolling stock and rail related products and systems. All eyes will be on the ART Pilot Project as it is intended to seek Government approval for the ART vehicle to be deemed roadworthy in Malaysia, and subsequently in other countries across South East Asia. Malaysia will be the first country outside of China to potentially adopt this technology. “The planning for the ART Pilot Project in Iskandar Malaysia has been underway, and we hope to have the project up and running by mid-2020. This will be one of the test lines for the larger Iskandar Malaysia Bus Rapid Transit (IMBRT) project, a large-scale transit project for Iskandar Malaysia covering an alignment of 51km in Phase 1,” said Monica Lai, Group Deputy Managing Director of Ireka Corporation Berhad, at the signing ceremony held at the Wujiang District of Suzhou, China in December 2019. ART is a leading edge technology developed by CRRC Group. ART allows for high passenger capacity and a lower cost of implementation and operates on clean sources of energy like electricity or hydrogen. The multi-carriage, electricpowered unit is equipped with sensors that read the dimensions of a road, enabling it to automatically navigate its own route. With a maximum speed of 70km/h, the ART could carry as many as 307 passengers at a time. This makes the 12 Building & Investment  |

ART an agile, comfortable, non-polluting and scalable urban transport system. “Beyond Iskandar Malaysia, Mobilus will pursue other projects to introduce the ART to various cities in Malaysia. With its strong adaptability and flexibility as a

transit system, we truly believe that the ART will be a game changer to the urban transportation landscape in Malaysia,” added Monica Lai, commenting on the future plans of Mobilus moving forward during the event.

Commercial Building – Swissma Doppelwelt® Standing Seam Roof

Swissma Doppelwelt® Standing Seam Roof

Swissma Snapwelt® Roofing

Building & Investment  | 13 Sin Chew Business The BrandLaureate 2015 - 2016 Excellence Awards 2016 – President’s Award – Product and Service Excellence

The BrandLaureate 2016 - 2017 – Most Sustainable Brand Award

The BrandLaureate 2017 - 2018 – Most Valuable Brand


#MYREALAGENTS, public awareness campaign was launched by Lim Boon Ping (President of MIEA), accompanied by (from left) Sheldon Fernandez (Country Manager of PropertyGuru Malaysia), Selvem Durasamy (Chairman of MAREC Summit 2020) and Lo Tze Kean (Head of Sales Management, CIMB Bank Berhad) at the MAREC Summit 2020.

MIEA launches public awareness campaign in conjunction with MAREC Summit 2020 The Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) has launched its first ever public awareness campaign called #MYREALAGENTS in conjunction with the opening of the two-day Malaysian Annual Real Estate Convention (MAREC) Summit 2020 at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. #MYREALAGENTS was developed to raise public awareness especially amongst first-time buyers and renters on the importance to choose Registered Estate Agents or Negotiators for their property needs. Lim Boon Ping, President of MIEA said, “this is the first time in MIEA’s 46-plus-year history where we proactively developed a public-facing campaign towards improving the public’s awareness and understanding on the importance of choosing Registered Estate Agents or Negotiators, and how the public protect themselves. Buying, selling or renting property is a complex process so Malaysians should let the professionals help guide them”. A website and social media channels were set up to explain and emphasise the importance of why one should engage with registered agents or negotiators and how one can protect oneself from illegal brokers. The website will also include content on the legal aspects of buying, selling or renting property and also tips, checklists and what to look for when engaging a registered estate agent or negotiator. This year marked the 34th edition of MAREC Summit, an annual national convention that has become a leading platform for real estate practitioners to come together, adopt new ideas and gain insights on how to achieve peak performance of their careers. 14 Building & Investment  |

Lim Boon Ping (President of MIEA) during his opening address.

Themed “Real Estate Practice Vision 2025: ‘Change or Die’”, MAREC Summit 2020 hosted 400 Estate Agents and Negotiators who will learn from 32 speakers on market trends, improving their soft skills and enhance professionalism as well as leveraging technology to better serve the public at large. Other topics during the convention included personal branding, inspirational stories, motivational insights, digital technology applications, understanding real estate cycles, selling skills development as well as the art of closing.

SkyWorld made affordable sky living luxury City developer SkyWorld Development Group believes affordable living can be made luxury, hence the idea of having a resort-inspired theme in SkyAwani 2 Residences despite the project being under Residence Wilayah, an affordable housing programme initiated by the government. SkyAwani 2 Residences boasts 708 units of residences and it was fully sold within six months. The development is targeted to achieve above 70% QLASSIC rating, a system and method used by CIDB Malaysia to assess and evaluate the quality of building workmanship based on the Construction Industry Standard in the country. Mr Lee Chee Seng, Chief Operating Officer of SkyWorld, said: “SkyAwani 2 is a strong evidence of SkyWorld’s ongoing endeavour in delivering a good mix of projects centered around our 3 key strengths namely – Value Creation, Integrated Sky Living experience, and Innovative concepts. We deliver value for money without compromising on quality and aesthetics. SkyAwani 2 is a remarkable achievement for our team and this is certainly not possible without strong dedication from our team and most importantly the valuable support from our purchasers”. SkyAwani 2 at Off Jalan Ipoh is seated on a 2.78-acre of leasehold land, with a total estimated GDV of over RM250 million. It boasts all the SkyWorld strengths – good potential appreciation value given its strategic location at Sentul with impressive facilities such as infinity lap pool, floating gym, multi-purpose hall completed with interior design, reflective pool, sunken Jacuzzi and many more. With a strong combination of good price, practical layout and fullfledged condominium facilities, it is no surprise that SkyAwani series has become must-owned starter homes for first time homebuyers. This development has also garnered the CSR Excellence Award by Sin Chew Business Excellence Award, Best RUMAWIP project by Ministry of Federal Territories and the Best Starter Home presented by To-date, SkyWorld has launched and sold nearly 4,400 units of residences under its Awani series, with SkyAwani 4 Residences now open for sale. With a total GDV of over RM534 million, it features 3 towers of 55 storey consisting of 1,782 units of residences. All units come with practical layout of 800 sq ft, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms at a fixed price of RM300,000. Building & Investment  | 15


34 MTIB civil servants receive Excellence Service Award 2019 A total of 34 civil servants of Malaysian Timber Industry Board received the Excellent Service Award (APC) 2019 at a special ceremony held on 25 February 2020. The award recipients were selected from various regional offices, departments and agencies under the Board. MTIB Director-General Mr Mohd Kheiruddin Mohd Rani in his speech commended the recipients for their outstanding contributions for year 2019 and encouraged them to continue to set the example of selfless service for others to emulate. Mr Mohd Kheiruddin also highlighted that the Malaysian timber industry has recorded RM22.5 billion in exports, an increase of 1.04% as compared to year 2019. The furniture sector is the largest contributor with RM9.1 billion or 40% of the total export value. At the ceremony, Mr Mohd Keiruddin also awarded certificate of appreciation to representatives of the Fibre and Biocomposite Development Centre (FIDEC) for winning the Gold Award and second place for Best Booth Award at the Malaysia Technology

Expo (MTE 2020), which was held on 20 – 22 February 2020 at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur.

Hong Kong’s construction industry to witness another year of downswing in 2020, says GlobalData Hong Kong’s construction industry is expected to suffer another year of contraction in 2020 by 3%, making it the fourth consecutive year of decline. However, the industry is forecast to start a recovery phase in 2021 due to the government’s efforts to stimulate economic growth, and public and private sector investments in commercial, residential and infrastructure construction projects, says GlobalData. The leading data and analytics company in a report revealed that the industry’s output value in real terms is expected to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.58% over the whole forecast period (2020–2024), and reach US$29 billion in 2024, measured at constant 2017 US dollar exchange rates. Dhananjay Sharma, Construction Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “To support the economic growth and increase the country’s competitiveness, the government plans to invest 16 Building & Investment  |

HKD1 trillion (US$127.6billion) in infrastructure by 2028–2029. In addition, the government’s aim to improve local energy resources is expected to support investment in energy infrastructure projects, which will in turn fuel growth in the industry.” Residential construction was the largest market in Hong Kong’s construction industry during the review period (2015– 2019), accounting for 43.2% of its total value in 2019. The market is expected to shrink marginally in relative terms over the forecast period, with residential construction accounting for 42.6% of the industry’s total value in 2024. Sharma concludes: “The total construction project pipeline in Hong Kong – as tracked by GlobalData, and including all mega projects with a value above US$25 million – stands at US$225.6 billion.”




t the heart of Kuala Lumpur is a place that never sleeps, far more colourful and bustling than its bigger and more glamorous neighbours such as KLCC and Bukit Bintang. The place is none other than Chinatown, famed among locals and tourists as a shopping and food paradise, tucked within rows of pre-war shophouses on Petaling Street. In the midst of this bustling and vibrant neighbourhood, the brand new Four Point by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown, stands tall proud – like a jewel set in the crown of the city and ready to dazzle. DEVELOPMENT COMPOSITION The neighbourhood was once known as a tapioca-producing

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PROJECT AT A GLANCE Classification: Commercial Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Approx. Project Cost: Undisclosed Approx. Commencement Date: May 2016 Approx. Completion Date: December 2019



district and populated by the Chinese community comprising small traders and coal miners. Living up to the heritage and history of Chinatown is a tall order but Four Points by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown rises to the challenge in a stratospheric way along Petaling Street. The intention is to continue putting the spotlight on Chinatown’s heritage and the intricate surrounding of the neighbourhood within the hotel design itself, both externally and internally. The most distinctive feature of the hotel is its brick façade; much effort has been made in selecting the right mix of red and burnt bricks to create the perfect rustic finish, complemented with grey-toned glass windows, which echoes the historic aspect of the neighbourhood. Horizontal bands of coping hold the Building & Investment  | 19

PROJECTS brickwork together at each level and are interspersed throughout the building height. The architect’s choice of distinctive brickwork feature for the façade design reflects the unique centuries-old tradition within the surrounding areas and yet gives a modern touch that complements the neighbourhood’s historic past. The dark facade on the east and west side of the façade highlights the vibrant colour of the brickwork even further, especially at night, with the specially-enhanced façade lighting. Random pop-up windows on the west side of the façade create an interesting quirky design feature, which also provides an extra bit of space for relaxation whilst allowing breathtaking views therefrom to the more illustrious sections of the city skyline. “Old-school” style yet trendy vent blocks within five parking floors are utilised to complement the vast expanse of the brick façade as well as to allow more natural lighting and ventilation. At the entrance of the Ground Level, guests are welcomed by brightly-lit lightbox overhead when they arrive at the hotel. On the right, a lush greenscape wall feature offers a calming sight that extends from the outside into the internal waiting area. Moving deeper into the hotel, the Chinese theme is further reflected in the large motif grille on the left followed by a curved brick wall, evoking a sense of outdoor space into the interior. The Chinoiserie concept is also showcased subtly and continuously in the patterned tiles along the walls of the lift lobby on the right. Four Points by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown comprises 318 guest rooms distributed across 20 floors that showcased a fusion of elegance, comfort and enviable style, overlooking the stellar expanse of Chinatown and the impressive, ever-changing city skyline. All rooms are minimalist in design, highlighted with an old school watercolour street scene of Petaling Street on the main wall by local Malaysian brand, Loka Made. The elegance of the Chinoiserie design is reflected seamlessly across the hotel Facilities Floors with distinctively inspired local oriental colours of green, red and grey complementing the large expanse of brick walls.


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At Level 7, the light-filled double volume lobby soared 10m high that stretches up and opens out to a generous fluid space with spectacular unobstructed views of the city skyline beyond. Adjacent to this space, to the left, housed the Manager’s Offices and partial Back of House facilities as well as Meeting Rooms featuring fully adaptable conference equipment that makes business beautiful, meetings memorable and special events spectacular. Connected to the Lounge area on the right is Jann, an impressive bar decorated with patterned coloured glass and oriental motifs including large, Chinese-theme, engraved grilles that stretched across the counters. Level 8 is designed as an outdoor dining space, where the pulse of the hotel lies on a projected balcony as part of the all-day dining restaurant, Quan's Kitchen. Here on offer is a dining experience that is both sociable and sophisticated with an expansive view of the city below and beyond taking in Menara 118, KLCC and KL Tower. With the juxtaposition of heritage and contemporary facade, the new design for Four Points by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown still adheres to principals of sustainable design and passive environmental design strategies for tropical climates. The brick facade provides a form of thermal protection by limiting the solar heat gain on the major north and south façade. The hotel is proudly accredited with Green RE Silver Certification and Energy Efficient practices include rainwater harvesting and Low-E window glazing to reduce noise and heat penetration and maintain the cool temperature inside the building. Four Points by Sheraton Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown is a testimony of how contemporary design and urban chic can segue into a unique blend while paying tribute to the history and character of the neighbourhood. The design of each space holds within itself a subtle memento of Chinatown upon which it is built, and it is up to the visitors’ attentive eye to discover it. Building & Investment  | 21



The Woven City features a sustainable design with buildings made mostly from carbon neutral wood.

Classification: Mixed development

(Source: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group)

Location: Susono, Shizuoka, Japan Approx. Project Cost: Undisclosed


Approx. Commencement Date: 2021 (Phase 1) Approx. Completion Date: To be announced


oyota Motor Corporation has unveiled plans to build a prototype ‘city of the future’ on a 175acre site at the base of mystical Mount Fuji in Japan. Building cities might not be the domain of car and vehicle manufacturers but Toyota has taken the bull by the horns and romped away with this project to create a first in the world for which the visionary leaders of the corporation must be duly complimented. DEVELOPMENT COMPOSITION Touted as a “living laboratory”, the first phase of the development on the site of a former car factory will be home to full-time residents and researchers who will be able to test and develop technologies such as autonomy, robotics, personal mobility, smart homes and artificial intelligence in a real-world environment. Woven City is being designed by Danish architecture firm Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and is scheduled to break ground in 2021. The city will be built around a network of streets that cater for transportation at three different speeds. The main street of Woven City will be used by autonomous vehicles including the Toyota e-Palette, smaller streets will be for other modes of personal transport such as bicycles, scooters and Toyota’s i-walk whilst the third type of street will cater to pedestrians only. These three types of streets will then weave together into a woven grid of 3 × 3 city blocks to help accelerate the testing of autonomy. Buildings throughout the development will be built from

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Woven City will feature a network of streets that cater for transportation at three different speeds – all weave together to form an organic grid pattern to help accelerate the testing of autonomy. (Source: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group)

Public areas include neighborhood parks and a large central park for recreation as well as a central plaza, designed to bring the community together. (Source: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group)

(Source: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group)

carbon neutral wood and combine the traditional craft of Japanese wood joinery with new robotic product methods, as a means to preserve and evolve the old traditions through new technology. “Each block is home to a mix of spaces for living and working. Below ground we find the entire infrastructure of the city including its hydrogen power storage and water filtration systems. A network for the autonomous delivery of goods also takes place underground connecting directly to the buildings above,” Bjarke Ingels, founder and creative director of BIG, said at a press conference detailing the concept. “In an age when technology – social media and online retail – is replacing and eliminating our traditional physical meeting places, making us increasingly more isolated than ever, Woven City is designed to allow technology to strengthen the public realm as a meeting place and to use connectivity to power human connectivity.” Woven City will contain research and development spaces for Toyota to develop robotic construction, 3D printing and mobility designs. There will also be housing for employees, their families, scientists and retirees. The residential buildings will contain in-house robotics and sensors connected to AI to check the residents’ health. The community will be powered by a combination of solar energy, geothermal energy and hydrogen fuel cell technology. Toyota plans to populate Woven City with its employees and their families, retired couples, retailers, visiting scientists and industry partners. The plan is to start with about 2,000 people, adding more as the project evolves. Toyota Motor Corporation, as a pioneer in linear production or assembly line production of cars having improvised greatly on Ford Motor Company of the United States technology before the American Great Depression, can take pride in their venture not only as a car and vehicle manufacturer but as an innovative company in holistic living which is also another feather in the cap to the Asian giant. Building & Investment  | 23





fter reaching a high of more than US$1 billion in disclosed funding in 2018, property technology – or proptech – start-ups in Asia Pacific saw their funding decline by 38.4% in 2019. Last year, proptech start-ups in the region raised US$625.9 million, according to research by leading professional services firm JLL and tech media firm Tech in Asia. Deal counts also fell across the board to 38 deals in 2019 compared to 50 in 2018. “We wanted to get a sense of the Asia Pacific proptech funding scene now compared to two years ago when we first commissioned Tech In Asia to produce Clicks and Mortar: The Growing Influence of Proptech. Fresh data from their sources shows that there’s been a significant decline in funding in the region,” says Jordan Kostelac, director of proptech, JLL Asia Pacific. “These figures are only indicative of VC interest and they’re less reflective of what’s truly happening in our industry. In our work with clients and fellow corporates, we are seeing that interest in proptech in Asia Pacific continues to grow, with traditional players taking a strategic, integrated approach with start-ups instead of the VC investment route,” says Mr Kostelac. “The real estate industry has been relatively late to the tech revolution, which has given major corporates and other real estate firms a greater runway to innovate and invest internally in technology. And in Asia Pacific, where corporate tech adoption is very quick due to the dynamic nature of the markets, many companies are entering partnerships while increasing trials and deployments of new 24 Building & Investment  |


technologies in their portfolio. For instance, JLL has an extensive suite of tech solutions and we set up a global Centre of Expertise for Technology, Data and Information Management two years ago to develop new solutions harnessing the latest technologies available.” BRIGHT SPOT IN PRE-SERIES A AND INDIA’S PROPTECH SCENE The infographic by Tech In Asia shows that pre-series A start-ups experienced the biggest increase in funding from US$12 million to US$26.1 million, a rise of 117.5% year-on-year. India, too, bucked the overall trend as proptech funding grew nearly 17 times from US$3.4 million in 2018 to US$56.8 million in 2019. However, India’s 2019 figure is still below that of US$91.7 million in 2017. “India will always be on investors’ radars – its tech community has produced some of the most innovative solutions in different industries. Its proptech scene has great potential as well as deep engineering expertise and this is also why JLL partnered with Invest India to launch our accelerator JLL IDEAs last year,” adds Mr Kostelac. PROPTECH, SUSTAINABILITY AND DATA Mr Kostelac projects that real estate firms will be looking to invest to tackle the tough issues of data privacy and how to use technology to achieve greater sustainability in the built environment. “We’re living in an age where data is easily collected and data privacy needs to be taken seriously. Building owners and occupiers have to ensure adequate protection and proper management of their data,” says Mr Kostelac. “Similarly, there is an increasing demand to ensure Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) metrics are met in buildings and the wider real estate industry. Well-employed proptech solutions, like platforms to track and benchmark energy consumption in buildings, have the power to deliver clear sustainability benefits on these fronts.” (Source: Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated, JLL)

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Ocado’s £45-million state-of-art robotic warehouse was completely destroyed by fire in late 2019. (Source: HFRS via


What is Fire Risk Assessment and Management? Why is this important and has it been practised over the years? To certain extent perhaps, but it may not be in the context of fire risks. OBJECTIVES OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT Architects as well as Mechanical and Electrical engineers designed new buildings according to Building Regulations, relevant Acts, Codes and Standards, and Fire regulations in compliance with legislative requirements – that is as far as the current status of the building goes. At times, the building’s occupancy has been converted into different risk groups, e.g., when upper floors of a shoplot are modified or a few shoplots combined into one entity to become budget hotels, tuition centres, entertainment outlets and etc. Converting an existing building deviates from the original design risks, which necessitates a review through fire risk assessment exercise to ensure that the fire risks can be managed through mitigation measures. This is an essential process especially when occupancy includes “sleeping risks”. In cases where there is no change in occupancy risks in the building, in-house fire risks could change over time as a result of increased fuel loads, expansion or extension of the building, or the introduction of new fire hazards beyond the effectiveness of the fire protection system that is already in place. 26 Building & Investment  |

In view of the above, fire risk assessment is vital for buildings that have been completed and occupied to ensure that fire hazards and potential fire risks can be identified and managed in reducing potential fires incidents or averting any fire disasters. Fire incidents that caused a disruption of business, or worse, resulted in loss of life, can be and should be avoided to prevent further losses such as investment, productivity or even national heritage – case in point, a massive blaze devastated major parts of Japan’s 600-year-old Shuri Castle; Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris suffered extensive damages when it caught fire last year; and Ocado’s £45-million state-of-art robotic warehouse was completely destroyed in a fire in late 2019 that affected its supply chain to Marks and Spencer; and 72 fatalities were reported in the Grenfell Tower disaster – all of which are good reminders of crucial and essential fire risks assessment exercise. The objective of fire risk assessment in protecting national or world heritage, safeguarding construction investments to ensure business continuity and sustainability is an essential part of a fire safety strategy.

Notre-Dame Cathedral suffered heavy damage from a massive fire recently. (Source:

FIRE RISKS AND FIRE HAZARDS A fire risk assessment (FRA) is carried out to determine two essential factors – fire risks and fire hazards. For fire risks, the assessor will need to establish the probability of a fire occurring, the impact and the amount of damage as a result of the fire. The probability of a fire will depend largely on the amount of combustible materials (fire hazards) present within the building or the floor or

the rooms under survey. For a fire to occur, potential ignition source has to be nearby or induced by electrical power cable short-circuiting or a naked flame (e.g. welding, etc). The percentage of a potential fire may be

referred to past statistics or based on at-site qualitative assessment. For high investment FRA, a quantitative approach is preferred over qualitative approach as the consequences are too high. For combustibility of materials, in-depth knowledge of all interior furnishings and furniture is necessary on ignitibility, heat flux generated, flash point, smoke index and toxicity. This is more so for high pile storage where even ESFR (Early Suppression Fast Response) may not be effective. Consequences define the actual impact of a potential fire incident on business continuity in direct loss, consequential loss, loss of goodwill, loss of capital investment and possible legal implication on contractual obligations. Depending on the extent of damage and critical machinery loss, the long period of refurbishing machineries and rebuilding affected premises could mean loss of market shares due to competition. The combination of these two factors will dictate the fire risks index of each compartment or building. Once the fire risks have been identified, the priority should go to

BIODATA Tay Hao-giang is the principal fire consultant of Fire Safety Engineering Sdn Bhd, with over 30 years of experience in fire safety engineering and Mr Tay Hao-Giang, FIFireE management. Tay is B. Sc. (Hons), M.Sc. Fire Safety Engineering. the Past International President, a Trustee and Board of Directors of The Institution of Fire Engineers and the current Vice President of The Institution of Fire Engineers Malaysia Branch. Tay chairs technical committees that develop series of performance-based Malaysian Standards for the fire safety and prevention industry, and part of the panel CPD lecturers for Fire and Rescue Department Malaysia, The Institution of Architects Malaysia, The Board of Architects Malaysia, The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia and the Institution of Fire Engineers Malaysia. Read more about fire safety engineering solutions at

Fire risks factor matrix. Building & Investment  | 27

OUTLOOK mitigation of fire risks on human safety. Under Fire Services Act 341, all building owners or management corporation managing the building are responsible for the life safety of the occupants within their building. It is the responsibility of the building owners to ensure fire risk assessments are conducted so as to minimise fire risks. They are also responsible to ensure all active fire protection systems are maintained at operation orders, passive fire protection design and systems kept up to date and maintained as recommended in the relevant Malaysian Codes and Standards.

BP’s (British Petroleum) Deepwater Horizon incident in 2010 is considered the largest accidental marine oil spill in the world, and the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history. (Source: AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

A fire devastated a student accommodation building at the University of Bolton in Manchester, UK. (Source: Phil Taylor via

The fire that destroyed Grenfell Tower in June 2017 was one of the UK’s worst modern disasters, with 72 fatalities. (Source:

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FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY There are several fire risk assessment models currently being practised in the market. Among them, risk factor matrix method is the popular choice as risks can be easily classified according to the result of the index derived and can be modified to suit individual corporation. The method may seem simple, but detailed tabulation of risk and hazard factors need to be clearly defined to reflect the actual risk index. More importantly, the acceptable risk line needs to be clearly drawn when formulating fire risks policies. The 6-Step Method is a more structured approach, based on the compilation of data before arriving at the degree of fire risks. Algorithmic method of risk assessment is the most complex in which it uses a flow chart to arrive at the classification of risk categories. The flow chart is set up based on individual process or hazard analysis. Whichever fire risk assessment method is selected, the competency of the fire risk assessor is the most important factor. A qualified and certified FRA shall have the knowledge as well as the experience to be able to identify and record the fire risks and fire hazards to produce a comprehensive and accurate report. BENEFITS OF FIRE RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT All businesses come with a certain degree of risks; acknowledging and managing known risks will ensure business continuity and sustainability. Allocation of resources to mitigate known fire risks will depend on the consequences of a potential fire; it is never the probability that determines the allocation of resources but rather the consequences of the impact. If the result of the impact is disastrous, although the probability is low, it will still be classified as extra high risks as a result of the consequences since fire incident can destroy or damage the goodwill of the company for good. BP’s (British Petroleum) Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is a good typical case study. Once the fire risk assessment is completed, recommended mitigation measures need to be taken into consideration to reduce risks exposure or prevention of loss. Risk management can be carried out in the forms of eliminating high risks, exercising control on medium risks, avoiding low risks, transferring risks and accepting risks in low-risk cases. FRA is not a code compliance assessment where the approach has different objectives. Code compliance assessment is to ensure fire safety requirement of occupied building does not deviate from UBBL, Code and Standards legislative fulfilment. Fire Risk Assessment examines the potential presence of fire safety risks relevant to the fire hazards introduced into the building after it is occupied. Fire risk assessors must be the ones who are specially trained, certified and equipped with necessary knowledge in order to carry out their work diligently.

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s the industry evolves and we envision the next decade, the most successful commercial real estate companies should follow the mantra: location, experience and analytics. In the current artificial intelligence (AI)/ internet of things (IoT) era, the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) industry is having an unprecedented digital technology change, where geography is no longer the only factor driving the commercial real estate economic life and value. CRE companies are urged to prioritise tenants’ and end users’ needs, given the increasing influence of technology and changing customer preferences. According to Deloitte’s 2020 Commercial Real Estate Outlook, tenant preferences are changing with experience being the top priority and that IoT and AI technologies can raise operational efficiency and lower costs. Technology and data are the next frontier. Technology is reshaping tenant and end-user experience, with IoT and mobile apps changing the front-end experience. Known as “proptech”, Malaysia is looking to harness and incorporate technology into the property sector. Deloitte’s economists raise concerns about the growing volatility of the global economy. Globally, politics are expected to weigh heavily on trade, investments, and equity markets. Despite these macroeconomic concerns, the CRE industry seems on solid footing 30 Building & Investment  |

(Source: Shinya Sawai via


to attract capital. If there is a downturn, the short- to mediumterm challenge is expected to be budgetary pressures weighing against the requirement to make technology investments. The most-needed investments would emphasise digitising the tenant experience, together with back-end operations enhancements to enable bottom-line efficiencies, and top-line growth in the longer term. DIGITISATION: THE DOOR TO PERSONALISING TENANT EXPERIENCE Tenant experience is a top priority for most CRE leaders. The on-demand economy is reshaping tenant expectations about how real estate is consumed, and technology-enabled facilities and personalised experiences are already transforming the CRE industry. Today, creating superior experiences is not just about engaging the tenant. It is also about extending services to the CRE “end user”, or the day-to-day consumer of that space: a retail shopper; a resident living in a multifamily property; an employee working in an office space; or a manufacturer using a warehouse. By increasing their investment in tenant experience-related technology, CRE organisations are responding to the growing demand for digital experiences. Many consumer-facing industries are using the IoT technology and mobile apps in different ways to enhance experience. IoT-enabled buildings and mobile apps can be game changers for CRE organisations, by digitising and personalising tenant experience. With the advancement of mobility technology, one does not need a fixed workstation to connect with co-workers. Given the increasing number of people working from home or satellite office, we expect the demand for smaller/ flexible and IoT enabled offices in Malaysia to increase significantly over the next 3 to 5 years”, shared Chia Swee How, Real Estate Tax Leader of Deloitte Malaysia.


WHAT SHOULD CRE ORGANISATIONS DO IN 2020? • Accelerate smart building proliferation In Asia Pacific, CRE executives are aiming to increase their smart building portfolios, largely due to rising urbanisation and large-scale investments in new technologies and Greenfield Developments. “Based on the recent Deloitte 2020 CRE outlook survey, tenants are willing to pay a rental premium to be housed in smart buildings”, said Jimmy Lai, Real Estate Leader of Deloitte Malaysia. In the current quiet retail and office space market in Malaysia, it has become urgent for CRE companies to reinvent their buildings with digital tenant experience to stay vital, he added. • Activate mobile experience As the global mobile app market continues to grow, how can CRE companies differentiate themselves in this crowded space? They could offer a simple, intuitive, and interactive app based on a deep understanding of tenant needs and behaviours. CRE owners and operators can use data analytics to assess tenant/end-user preferences, improve predictive capabilities, and offer unique experiences to every user. Building & Investment  | 31



tenant experience. Another reason for limited data utilisation is the evolving regulatory landscape, which may restrict a CRE organisation’s ability to create unique experiences for each tenant/end user.



• Unlock the value of data: capture, manage, and utilise Most CRE companies have not completely explored how to capture and use information to enhance decision-making, improve operating performance, and create a differentiated 32 Building & Investment  |

As data generation and usage rises in the future, data control and access will become more complex, which means that data governance is a growing area of importance for CRE leaders. To maximise the value of the existing data, CRE companies would have to develop platforms, processes, and a governance structure that enable data discovery, availability, management, and usability. With the understanding of the significance of data governance, CRE organisations are implementing efforts to use analytics to help improve business decision-making – rent, pricing, tenant preferences, and operational effectiveness. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: THE ANALYTICS BACKBONE AI technologies are evolving fast and redefining the way humans and machines interact. Although its benefits cut across various business processes, CRE organisations have yet to develop a deeper comprehension of how to use these technologies to their full advantage. AI can reshape tenant experience by increasing the ease and frequency of interactions with both tenants and end users, add more agility in core business processes, and drive operational efficiency. The technology’s predictive capabilities for any business decision can have a strong influence on profitability and returns. CRE organisations should leverage AI technologies to analyse new and complicated forms of data and automate redundant tasks. Advanced AI users can even uncover the technology’s potential to create new revenue sources. (Source: Deloitte)





he rapid economic growth of Asia Pacific has had wide-ranging consequences; supply chains have grown to exploit comparative advantages particularly land and labour costs; investment capital has become better able and more willing to cross borders in search of higher returns and the benefits of diversification; as well as intra-regional travel and tourism has hit all-time highs as more leisure time, higher incomes and substantial improvements in transport infrastructure have encouraged greater regional mobility. This higher level of integration means that a relatively small disruption can have far reaching consequences as any student of chaos theory will tell you. Disease in human populations is a very old disruptor and despite advances in medical science, a very unpredictable one. It is unfortunate that this particular virus originated and developed fastest in Asia’s largest economy with implications not just for the region’s economic wellbeing, but also the global economy. China is one of the world’s biggest importers of commodities and a powerhouse exporter of manufactures as well as being a significant destination for overseas capital and an increasingly important source of outbound investment funds. According to the IMF, China accounted for 39% of global economic expansion in 2019. At its peak in 2016, mainland investors invested US$35 billion in overseas real estate markets. 34 Building & Investment  |


The COVID-19 health emergency has become a fast evolving global event with both short and long term implications for real estate for both an accelerator and a disruptor of market trends.�


So what is the current consensus regarding the timing and geographical spread of COVID-19? We know that this novel coronavirus is very similar (80%) to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which occurred in 2003 and also originated in a Chinese wet market. SARS was mostly confined to Southern China and Hong Kong, and lasted from around November 2002 to June 2003 as the warmer summer months weakened and finally eradicated the virus. It is likely that COVID-19 will behave in a similar manner but with some important differences. As a

much more infectious disease, and given much closer levels of regional integration, it has already spread much further and much faster than its predecessor. As COVID-19 is now a threat at both a regional and global level, economic and social disruption is expected to be far more widespread. Conditions conducive to the virus vary in particular between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres where the flu season is dictated by seasonal changes in the weather. For instance, in the US, the season runs from October to May, peaking in February

and in Australia from May to October, peaking in August. In the tropics and subtropics the period is less well defined but in, for example, Hong Kong, typically lasts from December to March1. We can speculate that as the virus dies out in one hemisphere, it could just be starting in the other. The spread of the virus will also depend on the effectiveness of health protocols as well as levels of social compliance. It should be noted that in the event that the outbreak is prolonged, the chances of developing a vaccine and/or finding an effective treatment increase. What does this mean for regional real estate markets? There are two aspects to this question: one concerns the evolving uses to which real estate is put; and the other is the relative value put on those uses by investors and end users. Over recent decades, technology has been the biggest disruptor of real estate in particular the movement of activity, which previously took place in built environments to online environments where cost and convenience are enhanced. This has had the biggest implications for retailing and logistics but other asset classes have not been immune. While disrupting the Old Economy, the New Economy has made its own demands on real estate, especially for data storage, which has created its own asset class. Technology has also enabled flexible or remote working and the portability and connectivity of technology via laptops and smartphones has encouraged the emergence of shared space in the form of co-working and co-living. In many respects we expect the recent epidemic to accelerate the changes which technology has already initiated The WHO makes two vaccine formulations every year, one for the Northern and one for the Southern Hemisphere.


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as the danger of infection has forced people and businesses to function more online as a means of avoiding human contact. A great many office-based businesses will have had to downsize or close altogether; some may also have realised the longer-term benefits of remote or flexible working on their need for expensive floorspace. Expect cost saving relocations and the faster adoption of new workplace practices. Demand from tenants exposed to retail, tourism and trade will be most affected but financial services can also expect to be widely disrupted. A pandemic resulting in a severe market sell-off at a time when economies are still vulnerable and debt burdened post-GFC could result in far reaching financial sector distress not dissimilar to previous major 36 Building & Investment  |

crises. For retailers and retail landlords, the outbreak has been an unmitigated disaster and we anticipate widespread bankruptcies and a substantial rise in vacancy. Once shoppers return to bricks and mortar stores, however, we can expect a sharp rise in take-up as empty units are leased at competitive rents. Online is expected to make permanent inroads however, especially in areas such as necessity shopping and routine services such as banking. Tourism will eventually return but before it does, levels of distress in the hotel industry can also be expected to rise as the sector is reporting historically low occupancy rates; less than 10% in the worse affected areas. Widespread unemployment will also weaken demand for travel and discretionary spending, especially on luxury goods. In terms of capital markets, levels of distress will yield opportunities as volumes can be expected to recover quite quickly in the second half of the year if the outbreak ends in Spring/Summer and a pandemic is successfully contained. In the case of a full-blown global health emergency, however, travel restrictions would be commonplace while Governments with little room to lower interest rates further will resort to emergency fiscal stimulus to offset the negative impact. We would expect a downturn and a correction in real estate markets from values which in many instances are at historical highs. Just as cheap credit and abundant liquidity has inflated asset values to record levels, a decline in aggregate demand and banks willingness to lend would see them fall back. At present, however, this scenario seems unlikely. (Source: Savills Research)




CSC Steel goes big in its continuous delivery of realcolor® Supreme

t is widely believed and attested to that realcolor® Supreme provides superb performance for roofing and wall cladding in harsh environment. Perhaps a suitable showcase to study the advantages of realcolor® Supreme is in the making of Sunway Big Box Retail Park, Malaysia’s first-of-its-kind hybrid retail park located in the heart of Sunway Iskandar, Johor. An upcoming southern gem of Peninsular Malaysia and the 7th retail development under the Sunway Malls umbrella, the Sunway Big Box Retail Park comprises a mall, a hotel and an office tower housed in an open-air strip mall environment that spans across 500,000 sq ft in Net Lettable Area (NLA). A trademark feature of the retail park is the building envelope, created in geometric shapes and in vibrant hues of red, blue, yellow and orange. The building envelope is primarily composed of EP Clipfix Conceal Fix Roofing System and EP1000/35 Trapezoidal claddings with various insulation systems to comply with the project’s acoustics and thermal requirements – designed and engineered by European Profiles (M) Sdn Bhd, one of the leading solution providers of roofing and cladding systems in the country and the region. Spanning 30,000m2, the building envelope took around 18 months to complete based on steel structure handover time. It is installed piece by piece with sheets over 22m in length rollformed at the site. The chosen roofing and cladding profiles are designed to suit the demanding requirements of architects and owners who call for a complete weatherproof roofing system and long length sheets with roof pitch design as low as 1.5 degrees. The profiles have less side laps with wider pitch and higher rib heights to ensure better water shedding properties with greater rigidity. The performance of the roofing and cladding profiles is enhanced with realcolor® Supreme that contains 70% Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVdF) binder, which offers a unique combination of excellent outdoor durability, UV protection, formability and chemical resistance. Further, it offers supreme resistance to corrosion and outstanding colour retention for the building to remain beautiful all year round. A specific set of colours are chosen for the Sunway Big Box Retail Park, namely PVF RGB Red, Dawn Orange and Yellow in realcolor® Supreme as well as Fina Blue in realcolor® Primero, while Autumn Leaf in realcolor® Primero is chosen for the roofing. Since its inception in 2004, CSC Steel has played an active role in the Malaysian steel supply chain for the construction industry and strives to continuously place the highest emphasis on the quality of its steel as the company truly believes that real quality build strong brand credibility – a philosophy CSC Steel shares closely with its clients.

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INOVAR NANO SHIELD The world’s most powerful nano flooring

eing Malaysia’s no.1 brand in laminate timber flooring, Inovar takes great efforts in delivering quality yet affordable floor covering solutions that are friendly to the environment, using only materials made of sustainable and renewable fibres. Since its inception in 2001, Inovar has furnished over 500 mass development projects covering more than 12 million sq ft of floor area. Its accomplishments have been recognised in numerous industry awards, notably the prestigious BrandLaureate SMEs Best Brand Award for 11 consecutive years, from 2007 to 2018. Inspired by its past achievements, Inovar continues to introduce new innovative floor covering solutions to suit various interior floor finishes as well as catering to outdoor environment. Keeping the health of its customers in mind, Inovar has developed Nano Shield Series, the world’s most powerful nano flooring that can provide a healthier, cleaner and germfree environment for all homes, offices and other indoor spaces. NANO SHIELD FAMILY HAND WASH GEL WITH NANO TIO2 In response to the recent virus outbreak, Inovar has also introduced The Nano Shield Family Hand Wash Gel with Nano TiO2 that provides 2-in-1 protection against cross infections. The product keeps your hands clean, killing up to 99.99% of germs, with added Nano TiO2 properties that continuously kill and control the spread of germs for a lengthier period of time.


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THE GREEN FUTURE OF GERM PREVENTION The titanium dioxide (TiO2) used for Nano Shield Series is a FDA-approved and CEcertified non-toxic water-based material in compliance with Green Building Index (GBI). The Nano TiO2 particles are sized 3nm-5nm, the smallest in the world, yet it is extremely stable and does not decompose in the photocatalyst process, hence it has indefinite lifespan unlike other similar antigerm products. Photocatalyst is a green process that creates strong molecular reaction (humidity and light) on Nano TiO2 coated surfaces, resulting in negative ions to oxidize

germs instantly and reduce pollutants into naturally occurring CO2 and H2O molecules, leaving the area fresh and clean. In view of continuous disease outbreaks that cause economic and social disruptions in the region and across the globe, Inovar strives to constantly play an active role in the industry through implementation of its Corporate Social Responsibility, and by introducing latest innovations such as Nano Shield Series and Nano Shield Family Hand Wash Gel with Nano TiO2 to help prevent and reduce cross infection among the public.

INOVAR, awarded Malaysia Most Outstanding Brand 2019, is proud to be chosen brand in providing durable and eco-friendly flooring solutions for the prestigious project United Point Residence (Kepong 5) @ North Kiara by UOA Group. INOVAR CONTRACTS SDN BHD (395625-x)


Rgn No : Q939988

TEL: +603 7666 7666 20B & D, Jalan Penchala, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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HANDCRAFTED DESIGNER MIRRORS An exquisite collection by Moss Living


nterior design and home décor expert Moss Living always strives to provide one-stop solutions for its customers. Headquartered in Singapore and later expanded to Indonesia and Malaysia, Moss Living specializes in creating elegant contemporary furniture and take pride in its extensive product portfolio that have beautified homes, offices and commercial spaces since the company’s establishment in 1998. “A BEAUTIFUL HOME IS A REFLECTION OF THE HOMEOWNER’S PERSONALITY” Moss Living is a convergence of modernism and engineering; each product is a unique masterpiece made of all-natural, eco-friendly and sustainable materials and 100% handcrafted from a wide range of designs and can be customized. Further, details on the furniture and features can not only be seen but also felt as each piece is precision engineered and coated in various finishes to suit any interior in mind. Among Moss Living’s product portfolio includes handcrafted designer mirrors. Mirrors are great for many reasons – they can reflect light, open up spaces and when coupled with modern design features, they can add radiance as well as create a luxurious look and feel for the room. The handcrafted designer mirrors by Moss Living are available in various designs and created using a variety of

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Starburst Wall Mirror (dimension 100cm × 100cm × 15cm border), made using a combination of Mother of Pearl shells.

indigenous materials and fibres from the Philippines such as bamboo, coconut shells, Mother of Pearl, capiz shells, palm, abaca, coconut bark, vines, twigs and reeds. These materials are chemically treated and certified Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable for commerce. This year, Moss Living has expanded its exquisite collection of handcrafted designer mirrors with the introduction of two new products to the market – Diana Wall Mirror and Starburst Wall Mirror. DIANA WALL MIRROR Crafted in one of Moss Living’s signature designs, the Diana Wall Mirror is made using Mother of Pearl overlapping 18mm

Diana Wall Mirror (diameter 90cm), made using Mother of Pearl overlapping 18mm round shells.

round shells in smoke finish. The mirror has a diameter of 90cm, just the perfect size as the centrepiece in any room. STARBURST WALL MIRROR The Starburst Wall Mirror features a combination of Mother of Pearl shells in smoke finish and crafted in a starburst design that creates an extravagant, bejewelled impression for the mirror. This mirror has a dimension of 100cm × 100cm × 15cm border. The handcrafted designer mirrors by Moss Living can be installed either horizontally or vertically and comes complete with stainless steel hook brackets.

CRAFTED TO PERFECTION FOR URBAN HOME LIVING MOSS LIVING SDN BHD No. 7-2, Jalan BPP 5/1, Bandar Putra Permai, 43000 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. T: +6013-387 0278 (Ms Catherine Chee) | E: W:

WALL ART Maraui SQ100

FURNITURE Seven Layer Island Table

STARBURST WALL MIRROR Natural Mother of Pearl Shell Combination

FEATURE WALL TILES Natural Mix Logs Wood - Monaco Matte Varnished

FURNITURE Havana Chest

NESTING TABLES Tamarind Nesting Table Set

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New and improved testing by SIRIM QAS

xternal cladding systems used in some high-rise buildings pose a significant fire hazard as they can cause flames to spread rapidly in the event of a fire. Case in point is the infamous 2017 Grenfell Tower inferno in London, which resulted in the deaths of 79 people. Later on, after the Grenfell Tower incident local authority imposes the use of external cladding systems as requirement for Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) approval. This is because, the panel test alone is not comprehensive enough to simulate the real life situation on buildings. Following the Grenfell Tower incident, UK-based Building Research Establishment (BRE), a world leading multi-disciplinary building science centre, has proposed an improved testing method on fire safety that complies with the British Standards Institution (BSI). Previously, buildings seeking CCC accreditation are commonly inspected on the type of materials used, under the BS 476 part 6: Fire Propagation Test and BS 476 part 7: Surface Spread of Flame Test. The new and improved tests for cladding systems are BS 8414 1:2015+A1:2017 for masonry face and BS 84142:2015+A1:2017 for structural steel frame, the latest standards developed by BSI in 2015 and amended in June 2017. The new standards, which are being adopted by Malaysia, will represent a realistic fire safety risk pose by a cladding system – all of which will be reproduced in SIRIM’s test lab facilities at Rasa, Hulu Selangor. The competency of our testing services personnel is assured as all of them are trained at BRE and Royal

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Low density timber softwood - Pinus silvestris.

Holloway, University of London. The BS8414-1 and BS8414-2 tests will use low density timber softwood called Pinus silvestris as a source of fire, while a third party, a qualified inspector from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health will conduct the field inspection to check on the smoke level during the commissioning test to ensure on air pollution control. To conduct the test, when the fire is lighted, temperatures at drilled holes in the installed cladding system will be

recorded; the temperature will be taken at 2.5-metre point (Level 1) and 5-metre point (Level 2). Based on the test results, a guideline will be developed by Fire and Rescue Department and SIRIM on fire performance. To date, SIRIM QAS received clients for the cladding systems testing from various part of the world including the Middle East, Singapore and Australia. Each test will take about three weeks and they expected to complete 24 tests per annum.

Watch the Video here!

How safe is your building’s external cladding system? Don’t risk it; get it tested today.

Put Your Product to the Fire Test for External Cladding Systems. SIRIM QAS is well-equipped with advanced testing equipment and highly skilled professionals dedicated to proving your product’s high quality standards. Look no further than SIRIM QAS, contact us for a full description of our comprehensive services. SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd. (410334-X) Building 8, SIRIM Complex No.1, Persiaran Dato’ Menteri, Section 2, P.O Box 7035, 40700, Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Helping You Through

Tel: 603 5544 6400



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HARD COATED LOW-E GLASS BY OFFLINE PVD A special architectural energy-saving glass by CS Eco Glass Glass is one of the oldest materials in the building industry. It is known for its beautiful, versatility and available in many aesthetically pleasing sizes and styles – thus, offering virtually limitless design possibilities. Since the beginning of 20th century, modern architecture has been instrumental in the mass production of concrete, glass and steel structures in cities around the world. Glass and steel construction are the epitome of development in many countries, where these buildings are seen as symbols of affluence and luxury. Being the largest glass processor in Malaysia, CS Eco Glass (M) Sdn Bhd is renowned for pushing the envelope whenever they develop new solutions for various residential and commercial projects. A subsidiary of Kibing Group, CS Eco Glass specialises in producing and supplying various types of float glass and architectural energy-saving glass including Low-E coated glass. HARD COATED LOW-E GLASS BY OFFLINE PVD Low-Emissivity (or commonly known as Low-E glass) coatings are manufactured with Vacuum Sputtering technology, sprayed on fine floated glass with multi-layer of metal coating to prevent solar infrared thermal transmittance and provide ideal summer heatinsulation performance; higher visible light transmittance to ensure adequate natural light indoor; and lower heat transfer coefficient and better heat preservation in winter. CS Eco Glass manufactures various types of Low-E glass including the Hard Coating Low-E (Off-Line). Hard Coating Low-E (Off-Line) does not have a layer of Ag (Silver) like the traditional Low-E glass but instead, coated with a layer of transparent conductive Non Ag Low-E or commonly known as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO). ITO is a single-side coating where the coated surface is conductive and another surface is insulated. In this approach, there is passivation layer of silicon dioxide (SiO2) in between ITO layer and borosilicate glass surface; the passivation layer is essential to increase the quality as well as longevity of ITO coated glass plate. Further, the uniform thin layer of Indium tin oxide over a glass substrate makes it highly transparent and low surface resistance. The application of ITO on float glass substrate is carried out in a vacuumed condition by magnetron sputtering method called Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) at around 300°C. BENEFITS AND SPECTRAL PROPERTIES • Reflective at higher infrared wavelengths. • Low micro roughness. • Good uniformity of optical transmissivity. • Very high abrasion resistance and coating adhesion. APPLICATIONS ITO coated glass can be used for many applications, such as flat46 Building & Investment  |

Kibing Hard Coating Low-E by off-line PVD.

panel displays, smart windows, polymer-based electronics, thin film photovoltaic, and used as the IR reflector for low-e windowpanes in architectural. Moreover, ITO thin films for glass substrates can be helpful for glass windows to conserve energy. ITO thin film strain gauges can operate at temperatures up to 1400°C and can be used in harsh environments such as gas turbines, jet engines, and rocket engines.

Metso NordtrackTM I908S mobile impactor plant – part of the new mobile NordtrackTM crushing and screening product range for the aggregates industry.

METSO’S NORDTRACKTM MOBILE CRUSHING AND SCREENING Metso is a world leading industrial company serving the mining, aggregates, recycling, oil, gas, pulp, paper and process industries. The Finnish industrial company has recently launched the NordtrackTM crushing and screening product range for the aggregates industry specifically targeting the general contractors. The new Nordtrack offering consists of 19 products to complement Metso’s mobile crushing and screening solutions. The new Nordtrack products are ideal for general contractors, thanks to their compact size and high performance, combined with an attractive price point. Nordtracks have standard designs for off-the-shelf availability, plug-and-play features and they can utilize the extensive Metso support network, making them ideal for a variety of applications like recycling, demolition, and the processing of sand and gravel. “The sales of Metso’s Nordtrack products have taken off as expected, and our customers have appreciated the way we meet the needs of different customer segments with this new offering. Metso has sold more than 50 units to date, about half of them to North America. Currently Metso is developing the range further, and new features are still expected in 2020,” says Vesa Tuloisela, Director of Metso’s Nordtrack Product Offering in the Aggregates Business Area. The new Nordtrack offering and Metso’s iconic Lokotracks complement each other, making Metso a leader in the growing aggregates contractor segment.

COMPREHENSIVE MOBILE OFFERING The Nordtrack range features two mobile jaw crushers, the Nordtrack J90 and Nordtrack J127, and one impact crusher, the Nordtrack I908S. The Nordtrack J127 is a wide jaw crusher, with nominal feed opening of 50 × 29”, making it ideal for sand and gravel operations. The Nordtrack I908S mobile impact crusher is a compact size, light-weight recycling crusher that is easy to transport between project sites. Nordtrack crusher units come with crusher automation. Additionally, the range features six different mobile screens, ranging from heavy-duty scalper Nordtrack S2.11 with a large screening area, two deck Nordtrack S3.7 and Nordtrack S4.7 screens, 3-deck Nordtrack S3.9 and Nordtrack S4.9, to the massive Nordtrack S4.12 big heavy-duty screener. All units are equipped with powerful and fuel-efficient Volvo or CAT® engines, meeting the latest fuel restrictions, and power take off (PTO), which allows connecting multiple units together. They also feature remote tracking controllers and extra remote controller as standard or as an option for feeder operations, increasing the safety and ergonomics of the operating staff. New additions to Metso family of mobile products are the Nordtrack stacking conveyors which come with a wide-ranging offering of 10 different models with various carry-over capacities and lengths and radial movement possibilities. They are available either on tracks or wheels. Building & Investment  | 47


TOP 5 KITCHEN TRENDS FOR 2020 Cosentino gives insight on their 2020 kitchen trend predictions

The New Year is best celebrated with a refreshed outlook and what is a better place to start than the kitchen. If you are thinking of getting a kitchen renovation or just want to be inspired, here are some top trends to get you inspired to create your ideal kitchen.

Silestone® Negro Tebas.

1. BACK TO BLACK There is a new trend in town that is slowly taking away the shine from the all-white kitchen concept. Similar to Instagram’s dark mode layout, the black kitchen concept is a bold statement that does not have to mean that it is moody. It is actually is sleek, chic and sophisticated. The colour does not have to be scary; as long as there is plenty of natural light, you can surely make it work! 2. QUARTZ IS KING! Quartz surfaces or countertops require very minimal maintenance and is a piece of timeless beauty. The best part, you will get to skip the sealing and scrubbing parts as well, because it is naturally glossy and does not require polishing. Additionally, to keep your quartz countertops clean, all you will need is a gentle soap solution. To top it off, quartz countertops pair well with either dark or light-coloured cabinets, making it a perfect choice for your ideal kitchen look. 3. LET IT SINK! A high-performance model with a single bowl is perfect to contain splashes with its huge deep basin that can also accommodate large pots and pans that need a good scrub. Also, as an added bonus, this design will give your kitchen an elegant minimalistic look. 4. AN ISLAND IS ALL YOU NEED The kitchen island is the centrepiece of any kitchen! The emerging trend today is a large single level island that serves multiple functions, especially when there’s a lesser use of wall cabinets these days. The kitchen island concept has also become a solution to space challenges – it provides more surface area, storage space, in addition to being a place for family and friends to catch up over food and drinks. This trend will create a design statement as well as have a great impact on your kitchen. 5. AU NATUREL People are shifting from artificial stones to exploring more natural and raw materials like natural stones, the common reason being due to its resistance, durability and texture. Today, natural stones are not only limited to only counter tops, it goes beyond that. Many homeowners tend to love the abstract canvases painted by Mother Nature so much so that they even opt to use to quartz for walls, fabricating hood vents and also drawer fronts. What is the wow factor of natural stones you ask? No two stones are the same! 48 Building & Investment  |

Iconic White by Silestone®.

Integrity Sink by Silestone®.

Dekton Aura by Cosentino.

Silestone® Eternal Collection by Cosentino.


The intelligent approach to optimal pump system and application performance Global pump manufacturer Grundfos has inaugurated its digital lab in Singapore – the first of its kind by the industry leader in Asia Pacific – as a strategic initiative to drive greater adoption of intelligent water solutions in the region. The lab will showcase Grundfos’ range of iSOLUTIONS products, which leverage intelligent technology to deliver optimal performance, greater energy efficiency and reliability. These products are used for a wide range of applications across sectors – from water distribution and wastewater treatment by water utilities, pressure boosting and heating, ventilation and air conditioning in commercial buildings, to industrial applications such as washing, cleaning and industrial cooling. Key solutions on showcase include the Grundfos SMART Digital XL DDA and DDE dosing pumps, which enable accurate chemical dosage across numerous production processes including drinking water, wastewater treatment, and industrial processing, reducing chemical consumption by 5 – 19%. The lab also demonstrates the Grundfos Remote Management – a secure, internet-based system that intelligently monitors and manages water flows in pump installations through the interconnectivity of pumps, sensors and meters. Kim Jensen, Regional Managing Director of Grundfos Asia Pacific region, said that establishing a dedicated lab in the region is a demonstration of the company’s confidence in Asia-Pacific’s digitalisation potential, as well as recognition of Singapore as the hub for this digital transformation, thanks to its Smart Nation ambitions. Asia-Pacific is poised for digital growth – by 2021, approximately 60% of the region’s GDP will come from products and services created through digital transformationi. Through the lab, Grundfos seeks to demonstrate the value of intelligent pump solutions, with the aim of driving greater uptake among its wide customer base, which range from utilities and government agencies to property owners and major industries. Apart from product showcase, the iSOLUTIONS lab will also play the role of a training facility for Grundfos partners and employees across sales, service, and production to familiarise them with iSOLUTIONS. Previously only available in Europe, the new lab will make iSOLUTIONS training much more accessible for Grundfos employees in the region, providing them a ready avenue to develop the necessary digital skills. Kim Jensen said, “With our pumps being such an important part of critical water infrastructure across the region, it is imperative that not only are we offering the most cutting-edge and intuitive solutions with the highest levels of performance, but that our employees are also equipped with the necessary skillsets to develop and service these products.” i Microsoft (2018). Digital transformation to contribute more than US$1 trillion to Asia Pacific GDP by 2021; AI is primary catalyst for further growth.

Kim Jensen (Group Senior Vice President & Regional Managing Director, Grundfos Asia Pacific Region) and Chee Meng Tan (Regional Product Portfolio Director and Regional Business Director, Water Utility, Asia Pacific, Grundfos) officially launched the Grundfos iSOLUTIONS lab.

Grundfos’ new iSOLUTIONS lab is the first of its kind by the company in Asia-Pacific. Building & Investment  | 49


LEICA ICON RIG SOLUTIONS Leica Geosystems introduces new solutions for pile drivers and drills rigs Leica Geosystems, part of Hexagon, has announced the launch of the Leica iCON rig solutions for pile drivers and drill rigs on the one-for-all MC1 3D machine control software platform to precisely and safely guide operators to the exact position and depths needed for construction projects. Further growing its construction portfolio of easy-to-use and easy-to-integrate products, Leica Geosystems now allows rig operators to work faster, safer and more accurate on-site and share real-time data between field and office. Users can leverage the same interchangeable MCP80 panel to run the MC1 3D machine control software as an intuitive all-in-one system for drill rigs and pile drivers. “It is so easy! It gives me total freedom in my work. If I receive an offset height, I can build my drill pattern in the display, and I can do the drilling myself accurately. Every hole is drilled to specification with the right depth and angle. Everything is fast, and the as-built documentation is easy to export from the system afterwards,” explains Odd Are Frydenlund, drill rig operator at Fjellsprenger AS in Norway. SEAMLESS INTEGRATION IMPROVES CONSTRUCTION WORKFLOWS BETWEEN THE FIELD AND OFFICE The Leica iCON iRP3 for pile drivers and the Leica iCON iRD3 for drill rigs 3D machine control solution on the MC1 platform is connected to all other operations on the construction project, supporting IREDES, KOF and LandXML file formats and integrate seamlessly with the iCON portfolio. Thanks to the new configuration of the iCON rig solution, the operators can work in any GNSS-denied areas with dual total station positioning. 50 Building & Investment  |

“We can now drive an average of 25-50 piles per day depending on the length of the piles and on how soft the underground is,” says Till Leve Röscher, project manager at Arkil A/S. “The machine control solution allows us to save 5 to 10 minutes per pile.” MC1 allows users to share and visualise all project and asbuilt data directly on the panel through Leica ConX, the cloudbased collaboration platform, connecting the field and office seamlessly. With the seamless integration among the iCON portfolio, drill patterns are created in Leica iCON site.

DUAL SHIELD® PRIME ESAB’s low-hydrogen FCAW wires feature laser-welded seams to combat moisture absorption ESAB Welding & Cutting Products has launched Dual Shield® Prime, a family of seamless, low-hydrogen (H4) non-coppercoated flux cored wires that combat moisture absorption in humid environments, delivering impact toughness down to -60 degrees Celsius. Tests performed in accordance with AWS standards show an initial level of 2.17ml of diffusible hydrogen per 100g of deposited weld metal; after one week of exposure with a 90% RH at 30 degrees Celsius, Dual Shield® Prime demonstrated just 2.35ml of diffusible hydrogen. “We laser seal the seams, so there’s no chance of Dual Shield® Prime picking up moisture,” says Neil Farrow, Global Product Manager, Flux Cored Wires, ESAB. “Even after extended storage and exposure, these H4 wires retain their low hydrogen properties. Where procedures allow, Dual Shield® Prime’s low diffusible hydrogen may eliminate or reduce preheat requirements.” Dual Shield® Prime wires are especially suited for high-tensile steels and applications that require low temperature impact toughness, notably in the ship, offshore, oil/gas and processing industries. All carry ABS approval, with additional approval by product, including BV approval, for the 81Ni1 H4 grades. OPERATOR FRIENDLY Users at naval shipyards and construction engineering companies report that Dual Shield® Prime produces a very soft arc with almost spatter-free welds and easy slag removal, an important consideration in multi-pass applications. With a spray-type

transfer, operators can easily manipulate and control the weld puddle, enjoy good wetting with tie-in at the toes of the weld and achieve good penetration. NO COPPER COATING Dual Shield® Prime is a non-copper-coated wire. As a result, there are no copper flakes to contaminate wire feeders, liners, torches and contact tips with copper particles. The result is trouble free feeding, high process stability, reduced consumption of wear parts and superior welding properties. Combined with lower diffusible hydrogen, these properties add up to increased productivity, lower welding costs and higher quality welds. DUAL SHIELD® PRIME PRODUCTS ESAB offers Dual Shield® Prime in four different compositions and diameters of 1.2 to 1.6mm: • Dual Shield Prime 71 H4 - for mild steel and 490N/mm2 class high tensile steel; uses Ar/CO2. • Dual Shield Prime 71 LT H4 - for mild steel and 490N/mm2 class high tensile steel for low temperature service; uses Ar/ CO2 or 100% CO2 shielding gas. • Dual Shield Prime 81Ni1 H4 - for mild steel, 490N/mm2 class high tensile steel and 550N/mm2 class high tensile for low temperature service; uses 100% CO2 shielding gas. • Dual Shield Prime 81Ni1M H4 - designed to weld thick steel components and for impact toughness down to -60 degrees Celsius; uses Ar/CO2. Building & Investment  | 51

Concepts & Designs

IKEA @ VIENNA, AUSTRIA Swedish furniture and homeware giant reveals plans for car-free store wrapped in greenery


ore than 100 trees will adorn the gridded facade of IKEA’s citycentre Vienna Westbahnhof store, which will have no car parking spaces. Currently under construction in the Austrian capital, the car-free IKEA store is designed by local studio Querkraft Architekten to address “radically changed customer and mobility behaviours”. IKEA Vienna Westbahnhof, which will have a grid-like form enveloped by greenery, will provide on-the-day delivery services and be easily accessible by foot or public transport. “Consumer behaviour has been changing tremendously over the past years, and so has mobility behaviour. More and more customers do not even think about carrying home their furniture themselves, they have things delivered

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home. Online ordering possibilities promote this behaviour,” explained IKEA. “Around two-thirds of people living in the inner city districts of Vienna do not even have a car any more. They come by public transport, walk, ride bicycles or take a scooter. IKEA Vienna Westbahnhof serves all these changed behaviours.” IKEA Vienna Westbahnhof is being built at the end of Mariahilferstrasse, a predominant shopping street in the city where Dutch architecture firm OMA is also developing The Link department store and hotel. Once completed, it will give customers the option to either take home

products by foot or public transport, or have items delivered home on the same day. IKEA hopes it will be their greenest store, supporting the company’s sustainability ambitions and commitment “to becoming a circular business by 2030”. According to the IKEA, Querkraft Architekten’s design for the gridded structure of building is modelled on a bookshelf and will be built from steel and concrete. Its facade will be composed of a mix of terraces, open spaces and expanded rooms to cater for transparency and flexibility. The proposal also imagines three

different entrances to support customers’ different ways of shopping that range from short spontaneous visits to longer planned shopping trips. Another key reason behind the store’s grid-like structure is to also provide the building with space to grow trees on every level. IKEA hopes to incorporate at least 160 trees in this way, projecting it “will lower temperature at the building by at least minus two degrees Celsius” while also helping to purify the air for its surroundings. Inside, the first four storeys will host IKEA products. However, unconventionally a hostel with 345 beds will occupy its two upper levels alongside a publicly accessible roof garden and restaurants. A central void will run from the ground level to the roof terrace to allow visitors to easily and quickly access the spaces. IKEA hopes this will help ensure that the building becomes an “iconic meeting place in Vienna”. “IKEA Vienna Westbahnhof together with an innovative, exciting hospitality concept and rooftop shall become a true experience,” concluded the company. (Source:

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Concepts & Designs

The main body of hotel is consisted of prefabricated hotel-room units stacked on top of each other. (Source:



Prefabricated plastered laminate–clad modules forming guest rooms are stacked in a steel superstructure. (Source:

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ward-winning Turkish architect Emre Arolat has always been intrigued by architecture’s potential to “integrate, overlay, and absorb” the traces of history on a given site. The co-founder, with Gonca Pasolar, of Emre Arolat Architecture (EAA), which has countless historical-renovation and hospitality projects in its portfolio, as well as a RIBA International Prize and an Aga Khan Award for Architecture to its credit, has rarely had an opportunity to throw together past and present as dramatically as he did in the Museum Hotel in Antakya, Turkey, however. The facility suspends a boxy 199-room luxury hotel over a sprawling 370,000 sq ft archaeological-dig-turned-museum, which spans 13 civilizations and includes several dazzling Roman-era mosaics. “I was fascinated by the memories stored in that endless-looking landscape of remnants,” says the architect, whose Istanbul office (he also has outposts in London and New York) designed both the hotel

The canopy supported by these columns acts both as a marker for the archaeological park and as a platform housing program elements such as the ballroom, meeting rooms, swimming pool and fitness centre. (Source:

The hotel and museum have a canopy but no facade, allowing air to circulate throughout. (Source:

and the museum. “In this case, I had the privilege to literally make the layers visible to the beholder’s eye.”

The opposite side of the lobby lounge provides a view of another marble mosaic. (Source:

“THE REMAINS SHAPED EVERY ASPECT OF THE DESIGN.” The project began when initial excavations on the site for a Hilton hotel turned up an exquisite 2nd-century marble statuette of Eros. Instead of scrapping the project or forging ahead with construction, as many builders do in relic-laden Antakya – a modern city near the Syrian border built on top of more than two millenniums of history – local investor Necmi Asfuroglu decided to launch a more massive excavation that soon began to yield more extraordinary finds. The Building & Investment  | 55

Concepts & Designs


Restoration of the mosaic tiles in progress. (Source:

Custom wallpaper in a guest room replicates one of the site’s most important found relics, a floor mosaic that dates to the 5th century. (Source:


next year, he engaged EAA to bring together two rarely integrated functions, a museum (fittingly the Necmi Asfuroglu Archaeology Museum) and a hotel (the former financially enabled by the latter). The remains shaped every aspect of the design. Holes for 66 steel-composite columns that form the superstructure of the mod¬ular design were hand-dug wherever an open spot could be found, with the structural system redesigned each time a new mosaic popped up. Prefabricated plastered laminate modules were lifted in (one to three per guest room) and linked with open-air bridges and walkways because heavy machinery could not be used on-site. The dialogue between past and present was key conceptually, too. “There’s an objet trouvé character to it,” Arolat says. “The presence of the architectural space helps the artefacts develop a special aura, like a jewel.” (Source:

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603-5611 7838 / 016-221 2838 ETX Industries Sdn Bhd (1060166-K)

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treetscape is a term used to describe the natural and built fabric of the street, and defined as the design quality of the street and its visual effect, particularly how the paved area is laid out and treated. It includes buildings, the street surface, and also the fixtures and fittings that facilitate its use – from bus shelters and signage to planting schemes. It plays an important role in forming the visual image of sustainable cities. It is one of the important components of the public realm that helps define a country’s aesthetic quality, identity, economic activity, health, social cohesion and opportunity, not just its mobility.

Case in point is the Te Papa Ōtākaro Avon River Park (ARP) and City Promenade project in Otautahi, Christchurch, New Zealand. DESIGN CONCEPT The streetscape project enhances access to water. It brings the spirit and ecology of the river (fluid) into a dialogue with the city (grid) where the combined cycles of nature, culture and infrastructure and business come together at the Avon - Ōtākaro in Christchurch. The design of the Terrace at the river edge precinct – located at the epicentre of Christchurch’s revitalisation – transforms Oxford Terraces from an ordinary, conventional street into a 2km shared-use city promenade that replaces cars with pedestrian priority, cycling and the integration of a new tram circuit. This unique city promenade and edge condition provides the catalyst for the city to turn and face the river and the critical connecting element for the park’s sequence of public realm experiences. The refurbished heritage-listed Bridge of Remembrance and nearby Park of Remembrance are restyled to create a cohesive rivers edge destination. Herein lies a network of heritage-listed monuments and landmarks to captivate locals, visitors and tourists. THE SETTING A series of terraces built as a sculptural set of stoneclad seats and bleaches provide new opportunities for access and occupation of the river bank. The site offers a reciprocal relationship between the opposing forces of both river banks and supports Building & Investment  | 59

Landscape social occupation for various recreational opportunities from quiet contemplation to city-scale celebrations. A unique feature of the Te Papa Ōtākaro Avon River Park and City Promenade is its low-impact design strategy, which treats the run-off from the promenade before discharging it into the Avon as well as the establishment of a river corridor. All-year-round activities are possible at the promenade as it provides many delightful experiences along the length and breadth. Bespoke paving, street furniture and lighting establish a wonderful new identity for Christchurch. The paving gradient provides a transition from the city (dark) to the river (light) as well as the subtle variations that reflet the movement of the river corridor. Beach forms and other detailing are made of traditional “mōkihi” or reed river rafts used by aborigines. This place provides an opportunity for artists, writers and those in the performing arts or creative professions to indulge in their passion. Upon the re-imagined banks of the Ōtākaro, this project establishes a new, continuous, and vibrant edge, which fundamentally redefines the relationship between river and city. The Promenade provides a focal point where the flows of the river, community, and commerce come together. It reconfigures the river edge from its pre-earthquake condition as a conventional vehicle dominated streetscape to a pedestrian priority precinct with shared use for cyclists and public transport and limited/ controlled access for private cars. This is why the Te Papa Ōtākaro Avon River Park and City Promenade sets to excel and draw many visitors, both local and foreign, and offer an atmosphere and ambience to be savoured and enjoyed. It is set to be a major draw for the city of Christchurch and the nation of New Zealand for a long time to come.

60 Building & Investment  |


ETX Industries Sdn Bhd (1060166-K)

A-201, Mentari Business Park, Jalan PJS 8/5, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +(6)03-5611 7838 Mobile: +(6)016-221 2838 E-mail:

B&I PROJECT REPORT MALAYSIA SUNWAY VELOCITY TWO SDN BHD Sunway Velocity 2 @ Jalan Peel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0120-7343 CLASSIFICATION  Mixed Development STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot 20056, Jalan Peel, Seksyen 90, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.129485, 101.724381) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM2 billion APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  4Q 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2023 DEVELOPER Sunway Velocity TWO Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Sunway Berhad) The Property Gallery Lobby Level Menara Sunway Jalan Lagoon Timur Bandar Sunway 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5639 9000 / 1 300 88 0011 Fax: +603-5639 9955 Managing Director: Ms Sarena Cheah ARCHITECT Akitek Akiprima Sdn Bhd EOI-4 Subang Square-Business Park (East Wing) Jalan SS 15/4G 47500 Subang, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5633 5877  Fax: +603-5633 0769 E-mail: Architect: Ms Ng Shu Qin C & S ENGINEER JPS Consulting Engineers Sdn Bhd Unit A-11-5 Tingkat 5 Block A Jaya One, Seksyen 13 72A Jalan Universiti 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7955 2496  Fax: +603-7955 6810 E-mail: Engineer: Ms Kwok Wai Lim M & E ENGINEER Li-Zainal Sdn Bhd A-1-08 & A-2-08 Jalan SS 7/13B Aman Seri Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7877 7998 / 7 198 Fax: +603-7877 7098 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Yong Shi Bin (M) Engineer: Mr Sun (E) 62 Building & Investment  |

QUANTITY SURVEYOR AQS Services Sdn Bhd No 38A Jalan USJ 8/2A 47610 UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5633 7946  Fax: +603-5637 2677 Quantity Surveyor: Ms Michelle MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed BRIEF DESCRIPTION The proposed mixed development sits on an 8.05 acres site and located right opposite the transit-oriented integrated development, Sunway Velocity. It comprises four residential towers, two commercial towers and retail units to be developed in phases over a period of 10 years.

Phase 1 consists the construction of two 53-storey residential towers housing serviced apartment units with built-up areas ranging from 635 - 1,281 sq ft (single and dual-key units), an office block (net floor area of 25,000 sq ft) and 18 retail units at the podium area. Phase 2 will comprise the construction of two more residential towers and another commercial tower will be built in Phase 3. Sunway Velocity TWO will be a Green RE certified development that includes energy efficient and motion sensors lighting, and rainwater harvesting. The development will have various facilities such as a 2-acre central park, an infinity pool, karaoke rooms, rooftop facilities, herbs garden, a children’s playground in the form of a unique treehouse and many more.

GASING MERIDIAN SDN BHD Santuari Park Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0120-7341 CLASSIFICATION  Residential, Up-Market STAGE OF PROJECT Structural LOCATION Jalan Gasing Pinang, Bukit Gasing Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.088504, 101.667100) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM102 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  4Q 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2021 DEVELOPER Gasing Meridian Sdn Bhd Suite 7.05 7th Floor, Wisma Central 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2161 6688 Sales Manager: Mr Alvin ARCHITECT KSKA Architect B-2-9 VIVA No 378 Jalan Ipoh 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4042 8988  Fax: +603-4042 7588 E-mail : Architect: Miss Nur Izzati C & S ENGINEER GCU Consultants Sdn Bhd Unit 3F-09, IOI Business Park No.1 Persiaran Puchong Jaya Selatan Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-8070 5501  Fax: +603-8070 5503 E-mail: Managing Director: Ir EG Balakrishnan M & E ENGINEER Synergy Alliance Consultants Sdn Bhd J-2-16 Jalan PJU1A/20B Dataran Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7831 2191  Fax: +603-7832 2191 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Nazirul (E) QUANTITY SURVEYOR Perunding Kos T & K Sdn Bhd Suite E-11-05, E-11-06, Wisma Sunrise Plaza Mont Kiara, No 2 Jalan Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6203 5113  Fax: +603-6203 5112 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Ms Amanda

MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development comprises the construction and completion of 20 bungalow units on a 38-acre freehold hillside tract of land. In its entirety, Santuari Park Pantai will only have 150 - 250 bungalows, courtyard villas and low-rise apartments, complemented by a linear park. For Phase 1, it comprises seven units of

garden villas (individual-titled bungalows) with lot sizes ranging from 7,147 sq ft to 8,751 sq ft and built-up areas ranging from 8,098 sq ft to 10,000 sq ft as well as 13 units of courtyard villas (stratified bungalows) with lot sizes of 3,155 sq ft and built-up areas ranging from 5,581 sq ft to 7,950 sq ft sitting on top of a common basement parking podium. The gated and guarded luxury development also has empty 10,000sq ft plots of land for owners who are interested to build their own house within the development as well. Building & Investment  | 63

B&I PROJECT REPORT MALAYSIA MODERN AGE DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD Tiara Hills @ Taman Taynton View, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Phase 3) PROJECT REF. 0120-7348 CLASSIFICATION Residential STAGE OF PROJECT Structural LOCATION Lot 480991 - Lot 481006 (Phase 1), Lot PT 9460 - Lot PT 9511 (Phase 2), Lot PT 9608 - Lot PT 9650 (Phase 3) and Lot PT 9588 Lot PT 9607 (Phase 4), Off Jalan 23/119, Taman Taynton View, Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.091590, 101.730687) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM90 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  Q2 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  Q2 2021 DEVELOPER Modern Age Development Sdn Bhd Lot 10999, Off Jalan 23/154 Taman Taynton View 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9134 8399  Fax: +603-9134 1383 E-mail: Project Manager: Madam Gan How ARCHITECT SA Architects Sdn Bhd F-SG-18 Block F Sunway Geo Avenue Jalan Lagoon Selatan Sunway South Quay Bandar Sunway 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5650 5156  Fax: +603-5650 5157 E-mail: Director: Ar Tony Mak Chee Seng C & S ENGINEER Jurutera TSSC Lim Sdn Bhd M5-D-18 3rd Floor Jalan Pandan Indah 4/1 Pandan Indah 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4295 7380  Fax: +603-4295 3690 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Eng Chun Chiat M & E ENGINEER Juaraconsults Sdn Bhd 324-1 Jalan Midah Besar Taman Midah 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9173 8311  Fax: +603-9173 8377 Engineer: Mr Andrew Yeo 64 Building & Investment  |

QUANTITY SURVEYOR Perunding NFL Sdn Bhd Wisma PNFL, 8 Jalan Bangsar Utama 9 Bangsar Utama 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2283 3503  Fax: +603-2282 6075 E-mail: MAIN CONTRACTOR Multi-Builders Sdn Bhd Unit 11-3-4, Block B, Lobby 11 Megan Corporate Park Jalan 1/125E Taman Desa Petaling 57100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-9058 9989 Fax: 603-9058 1193 BRIEF DESCRIPTION Tiara Hills is an exclusive, low-density, gated

and guarded development is situated on a 11.9-acre freehold site and has a total GDV of RM300 million. The development will be built in four phases. Phase 1 comprises 52 three-storey superlink houses available in two layouts - three floors up or two floors up with one floor down. The land area measures 1,950 sq ft, with builtups of 3,253 - 3,725 sq ft. Phase 2 features 16 units of three-storey semi-detached houses. Each unit has a land area of 4,000 sq ft with a built-up of 6,003 sq ft. Phase 3 will comprise 43 three-storey superlink houses available in 5- and 6-bedroom layouts with built-ups of 3,956 and 4,352 sq ft respectively. The final phase (Phase 4) is currently at its planning stage and will feature 40 four-storey townhouses on a 1.5-acre parcel. It is expected to be completed in mid-2022.


Bay Suites @ Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0120-7356 CLASSIFICATION  Hotel & Serviced Apartments STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION TL 017553168, Jalan Istiadat, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 5.991859, 116.092933) APPROX. PROJECT COST  > RM100 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  4Q 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2022 DEVELOPER Remajaya Sdn Bhd Suite 6, 8th Floor Wisma Perindustrian, Jalan Istiadat, Likas 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6088-258 235 / 787  Fax: +6088-258 979 E-mail: Contract Manager: Ms Wivinia ARCHITECT A Plus U Design Sdn Bhd Suite 4, 8th Floor Wisma Perindustrian, Jalan Istiadat Likas 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6088-255 939  Fax: +6088-231 939 E-mail: Director: Ar Lo Su Yin C & S ENGINEER PY Konsep Perunding Sdn Bhd Lot 15 & 16 1st Floor, Block C Iramanis Centre, Jalan Lintas 88450 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6088-381 811 / 088 381 888 Fax: +6088-381 833 Engineer: Ir Chin Kit Yee M & E ENGINEER Petareka Perunding (Sabah) Sdn Bhd Lot No 4 2nd & 3rd Floor, Block D Bundusan Plaza, Jalan Bundusan 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel:6088-738 187  Fax: +6088-739 187 Engineer: Mr Danny Wong QUANTITY SURVEYOR Care of the developer MAIN CONTRACTOR China State Construction Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd Commercial Annexe A Jesselton Twin Tower Condominium 1st Floor Jalan Bersatu

88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: +6088-276 672 E-mail: Contact: Mr Anthony Poi BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed high-end mixed development

comprises a 35-storey residential tower as a boutique hotel with 127 units guest suites and private residence suites for AirBnB accomodation (a total of 470 units). Design lay-outs include one-bedroom suites and two-bedroom suites as well as duplex suites.

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Residences Ava @ Kiara Bay, Kepong Metropolitan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0120-7339 CLASSIFICATION  Hotel & Serviced Apartments STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot PT 26690 (Plot 5), Mukim Batu, Daerah Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.224495, 101.653107) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM660 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  4Q 2021 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2023 DEVELOPER Mega Legacy (M) Sdn Bhd (UEM-Sunrise Bhd and Melati Ehsan Group -JV) 5 Jalan Titiwangsa 53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4022 2177  Fax: +603-4024 1921 E-mail: Project Manager: Mr Leong Chee Kim ARCHITECT SA Architects Sdn Bhd F-SG-18 Block F Sunway Geo Avenue, Jalan Lagoon Selatan Sunway South Quay, Bandar Sunway 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5650 5156  Fax: +603-5650 5157 E-mail: Director: Ar Tony Mak Chee Seng C & S ENGINEER Dr YG Tan Jurutera Perunding Sdn Bhd A-5-1 Kuchai Exchange No 43 Jalan Kuchai Maju 13 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7981 0366 / 7983 6150 Fax: +603-7981 2991 / 7983 8108 E-mail: Engineer: Ms Foo Zhi Fien M & E ENGINEER Perunding PAC & Rakan Rakan 3-68B Jalan Desa 2/3, Desa Aman Puri 52100 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6276 6368  Fax: +603-6276 4369 E-mail: Engineer: Mr C C Ng (M) QUANTITY SURVEYOR Mega Legacy (M) Sdn Bhd (UEM-Sunrise Bhd and Melati Ehsan Group -JV) 5 Jalan Titiwangsa 53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4022 2177  Fax: +603-4024 1921 66 Building & Investment  |

E-mail: Project Manager: Mr Leong Chee Kim MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development comprises 2 blocks of 41-storey residential towers on top of a 10-storey podium with car parks and facilities.

The development offers a total of 870 units of serviced apartments with built-up areas ranging from 813 sq ft to 1,285 sq ft and constitutes the first phase component of the Kiara Bay integrated mixed development The Kiara Bay integrated mixed development will comprise residential units, retail mall, office spaces, hotels, healthcare centres and education hub all span across a 73-acre prime leasehold land in Kepong.

MULTIBAY DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD Mixed Development @ Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0120-7347 CLASSIFICATION  Mixed Development STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot 20034 Seksyen 67 Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.141581, 101.720180) APPROX. PROJECT COST  > RM100 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  4Q 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  4Q 2023 DEVELOPER Multibay Development Sdn Bhd Level 5 South Block Wisma Golden Eagle Realty 142A Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2603 2000  Fax: +603-2181 1781 E-mail: General Manager: Mr CK Chin ARCHITECT OBS Architect Sdn Bhd Level 1, 9 Jalan Inai, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2142 4327  Fax: +603-2110 4628 E-mail: Architect: Ms Lisa Soh C & S ENGINEER Perunding ACE Sdn Bhd 25-2 Jalan PJU 5/3 PJU 5, Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-6141 7330  Fax: +603-6141 7880 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Chrisma M & E ENGINEER East Orient Consult Sdn Bhd No D3A-3-1 D3A-3-2 Block 3A Pusat Perdagangan Dana 1 Jalan PJU 1A/46, PJU 1A 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7847 1133 E-mail: Engineer: Mr Jeff Tan (M) QUANTITY SURVEYOR DK-QS Sdn Bhd 38-2 Jalan Sierra 10/2, Bandar 16 Sierra 47120 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-8953 9998  Fax: +603-8957 9908 E-mail:

Quantity Surveyor: Ms Nah Phei Sze MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed BRIEF DESCRIPTION The proposed commercial mixed development comprises three components:- a 60-storey residential tower housing 490 units of luxury condo suites and is fully equipped with a

gym, BBQ area, infinity swimming pool and playground; a 37-storey hotel with 259 rooms, equipped with world-class facilities such as hotel sky bar, fitness centre, infinity swimming pool and a health centre; and a 28-storey tower containing office suites. The development is strategically located next to Tun Razak Exchange (TRX), and is seamlessly connected with easy access to the MRT and highways. Building & Investment  | 67

B&I PROJECT REPORT MALAYSIA SANCTUARY COVE SDN BHD GrenePark Village @ Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0120-7352 CLASSIFICATION  Mixed Development STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot-Lot 240, 900 & 1137, Jalan Sunway Semenyih, Mukim Semenyih, Daerah Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 2.962830, 101.839352) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM200 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  3Q 2019 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  3Q 2022 DEVELOPER Sanctuary Cove Sdn Bhd (A subsidiary of Paragrene Land Sdn Bhd) No 9.07 Level 9, Amcorp Tower B Amcorp Trade Centre, 18 Persiaran Barat 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +6012-270 9282 Procurement Department: Ms Sanipah ARCHITECT K.F. Sha Akitek No.9 Jalan 2 Taman Sri Ukay Off Jalan Ulu Klang 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-4260 1229  Fax: +603-4060 1129 Principal: Ar Eddy Kf Sha C & S ENGINEER Jurutera Perunding Awam YS Sdn Bhd B-09-06 Dataran 32 No 2 Jalan 19/1 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7956 2233 Fax: +603-7956 2223 E-mail: Director: Ir Yap Yee Hock M & E ENGINEER East Orient Consult Sdn Bhd No D3A-3-1 D3A-3-2 Block 3A Pusat Perdagangan Dana 1 Jalan PJU 1A/46, PJU 1A 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-7847 1133 E-mail: Engineer: Mr C K Lee QUANTITY SURVEYOR JUBC Sdn Bhd B-5-11 5th Floor Unit 11, Block B Megan Phileo Avenue II 68 Building & Investment  |

No 12 Jalan Yap Kwan Seng 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2710 2660  Fax: +603-2710 2671 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Mr Hasif MAIN CONTRACTOR Vizione Holdings Berhad Level 22 PJX-HM Shah Tower No 16A Persiaran Barat 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-8605 3355  Fax: +603-8605 3688 E-mail: Quantity Surveyor: Mr Terry BRIEF DESCRIPTION The proposed mixed development comprises two towers, 35-storey and 41-storey

respectively, housing a total of 948 units of “ready-to-move” Flexi suites and Office suites, situated on a 16.5-scre commercial freehold site. The units have built-up areas ranging from 645 - 922 sq ft containing 2-3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, fully furnished and available in various interior design themes. The development offers 5-stars facilities tea pavilions, decks, lake, cascading brook, outdoor performance & theatre space, picnic terrace, kids nature play, jogging trail, and an advance community app’s role that includes visitor management system, emergency alert & intercom voice call.

SUNWAY INTEGRATED PROPERTIES SDN BHD Sunway Serene 2 @ Kelana Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. PROJECT REF. 0120-7353 CLASSIFICATION  Hotel & Serviced Apartments STAGE OF PROJECT Sitework LOCATION Lot 5223 and Lot 5224, Jalan SS8/2, Kelana Jaya, Mukim Bandar Petaling Jaya, Daerah Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. (GPS Coordinates: 3.089976, 101.605903) APPROX. PROJECT COST  RM200 million APPROX. COMMENCEMENT DATE  1Q 2018 APPROX. COMPLETION DATE  1Q 2022 DEVELOPER Sunway Integrated Properties Sdn Bhd (Sunway Group) Menara Sunway Level 5 Jalan Lagoon Timur, Bandar Sunway 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5639 8888 / 9000 ext 9012 Fax: +603-5639 9992 Chief Operating Officer: Mr Ho Hon Sang ARCHITECT SA Architects Sdn Bhd F-SG-18 Block F Sunway Geo Avenue Jalan Lagoon Selatan Sunway South Quay, Bandar Sunway 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603-5650 5156  Fax: +603-5650 5157 E-mail: Architect: Ms Azalina C & S ENGINEER Maverick United Consulting Engineers Sdn Bhd H-1-2 Pusat Perdagangan Bukit Jalil City, Jalan Persiaran Jalil 1 57000 Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603-2732 5521 / 012-566 8011 Fax: +603-2732 5524 Engineer: Mr Ho Chee Siang M & E ENGINEER Care of the developer QUANTITY SURVEYOR Care of the developer MAIN CONTRACTOR To be appointed BRIEF DESCRIPTION Proposed development for Plot 2, Phase 2A

comprises a 49-storey residential tower that sits atop a 10-storey carpark podium and facilities. It houses 477 units of serviced apartments, designed with exclusive bungalow and semidetached floor layouts from 2 - 4 bedrooms with built-up areas ranging from 892 - 1,788 sq ft.

The residential tower is part of Sunway Serene, a 17-acre luxurious lakefront serviced apartment development projects. The masterplan featuures two residential towers containing a total of 894 units and more than 50 types of facilities. Building & Investment  | 69



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SHANGHAI SMART HOME TECHNOLOGY (SSHT) 2020 02 - 04 September 2020 http://shanghai-smart-home-technology.

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THE 2020 TOTALLY CONCRETE EXPO 16 - 18 September 2020

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